/** * @version: 1.0 Alpha-1 * @author: Coolite Inc. http://www.coolite.com/ * @date: 2008-04-13 * @copyright: Copyright (c) 2006-2008, Coolite Inc. (http://www.coolite.com/). All rights reserved. * @license: Licensed under The MIT License. See license.txt and http://www.datejs.com/license/. * @website: http://www.datejs.com/ */ (function () { var $D = Date, $P = $D.prototype, $C = $D.CultureInfo, p = function (s, l) { if (!l) { l = 2; } return ("000" + s).slice(l * -1); }; /** * Resets the time of this Date object to 12:00 AM (00:00), which is the start of the day. * @param {Boolean} .clone() this date instance before clearing Time * @return {Date} this */ $P.clearTime = function () { this.setHours(0); this.setMinutes(0); this.setSeconds(0); this.setMilliseconds(0); return this; }; /** * Resets the time of this Date object to the current time ('now'). * @return {Date} this */ $P.setTimeToNow = function () { var n = new Date(); this.setHours(n.getHours()); this.setMinutes(n.getMinutes()); this.setSeconds(n.getSeconds()); this.setMilliseconds(n.getMilliseconds()); return this; }; /** * Gets a date that is set to the current date. The time is set to the start of the day (00:00 or 12:00 AM). * @return {Date} The current date. */ $D.today = function () { return new Date().clearTime(); }; /** * Compares the first date to the second date and returns an number indication of their relative values. * @param {Date} First Date object to compare [Required]. * @param {Date} Second Date object to compare to [Required]. * @return {Number} -1 = date1 is lessthan date2. 0 = values are equal. 1 = date1 is greaterthan date2. */ $D.compare = function (date1, date2) { if (isNaN(date1) || isNaN(date2)) { throw new Error(date1 + " - " + date2); } else if (date1 instanceof Date && date2 instanceof Date) { return (date1 < date2) ? -1 : (date1 > date2) ? 1 : 0; } else { throw new TypeError(date1 + " - " + date2); } }; /** * Compares the first Date object to the second Date object and returns true if they are equal. * @param {Date} First Date object to compare [Required] * @param {Date} Second Date object to compare to [Required] * @return {Boolean} true if dates are equal. false if they are not equal. */ $D.equals = function (date1, date2) { return (date1.compareTo(date2) === 0); }; /** * Gets the day number (0-6) if given a CultureInfo specific string which is a valid dayName, abbreviatedDayName or shortestDayName (two char). * @param {String} The name of the day (eg. "Monday, "Mon", "tuesday", "tue", "We", "we"). * @return {Number} The day number */ $D.getDayNumberFromName = function (name) { var n = $C.dayNames, m = $C.abbreviatedDayNames, o = $C.shortestDayNames, s = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].toLowerCase() == s || m[i].toLowerCase() == s || o[i].toLowerCase() == s) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Gets the month number (0-11) if given a Culture Info specific string which is a valid monthName or abbreviatedMonthName. * @param {String} The name of the month (eg. "February, "Feb", "october", "oct"). * @return {Number} The day number */ $D.getMonthNumberFromName = function (name) { var n = $C.monthNames, m = $C.abbreviatedMonthNames, s = name.toLowerCase(); for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { if (n[i].toLowerCase() == s || m[i].toLowerCase() == s) { return i; } } return -1; }; /** * Determines if the current date instance is within a LeapYear. * @param {Number} The year. * @return {Boolean} true if date is within a LeapYear, otherwise false. */ $D.isLeapYear = function (year) { return ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0); }; /** * Gets the number of days in the month, given a year and month value. Automatically corrects for LeapYear. * @param {Number} The year. * @param {Number} The month (0-11). * @return {Number} The number of days in the month. */ $D.getDaysInMonth = function (year, month) { return [31, ($D.isLeapYear(year) ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month]; }; $D.getTimezoneAbbreviation = function (offset) { var z = $C.timezones, p; for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) { if (z[i].offset === offset) { return z[i].name; } } return null; }; $D.getTimezoneOffset = function (name) { var z = $C.timezones, p; for (var i = 0; i < z.length; i++) { if (z[i].name === name.toUpperCase()) { return z[i].offset; } } return null; }; /** * Returns a new Date object that is an exact date and time copy of the original instance. * @return {Date} A new Date instance */ $P.clone = function () { return new Date(this.getTime()); }; /** * Compares this instance to a Date object and returns an number indication of their relative values. * @param {Date} Date object to compare [Required] * @return {Number} -1 = this is lessthan date. 0 = values are equal. 1 = this is greaterthan date. */ $P.compareTo = function (date) { return Date.compare(this, date); }; /** * Compares this instance to another Date object and returns true if they are equal. * @param {Date} Date object to compare. If no date to compare, new Date() [now] is used. * @return {Boolean} true if dates are equal. false if they are not equal. */ $P.equals = function (date) { return Date.equals(this, date || new Date()); }; /** * Determines if this instance is between a range of two dates or equal to either the start or end dates. * @param {Date} Start of range [Required] * @param {Date} End of range [Required] * @return {Boolean} true is this is between or equal to the start and end dates, else false */ $P.between = function (start, end) { return this.getTime() >= start.getTime() && this.getTime() <= end.getTime(); }; /** * Determines if this date occurs after the date to compare to. * @param {Date} Date object to compare. If no date to compare, new Date() ("now") is used. * @return {Boolean} true if this date instance is greater than the date to compare to (or "now"), otherwise false. */ $P.isAfter = function (date) { return this.compareTo(date || new Date()) === 1; }; /** * Determines if this date occurs before the date to compare to. * @param {Date} Date object to compare. If no date to compare, new Date() ("now") is used. * @return {Boolean} true if this date instance is less than the date to compare to (or "now"). */ $P.isBefore = function (date) { return (this.compareTo(date || new Date()) === -1); }; /** * Determines if the current Date instance occurs today. * @return {Boolean} true if this date instance is 'today', otherwise false. */ /** * Determines if the current Date instance occurs on the same Date as the supplied 'date'. * If no 'date' to compare to is provided, the current Date instance is compared to 'today'. * @param {date} Date object to compare. If no date to compare, the current Date ("now") is used. * @return {Boolean} true if this Date instance occurs on the same Day as the supplied 'date'. */ $P.isToday = $P.isSameDay = function (date) { return this.clone().clearTime().equals((date || new Date()).clone().clearTime()); }; /** * Adds the specified number of milliseconds to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of milliseconds to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addMilliseconds = function (value) { this.setMilliseconds(this.getMilliseconds() + value * 1); return this; }; /** * Adds the specified number of seconds to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of seconds to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addSeconds = function (value) { return this.addMilliseconds(value * 1000); }; /** * Adds the specified number of seconds to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of seconds to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addMinutes = function (value) { return this.addMilliseconds(value * 60000); /* 60*1000 */ }; /** * Adds the specified number of hours to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of hours to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addHours = function (value) { return this.addMilliseconds(value * 3600000); /* 60*60*1000 */ }; /** * Adds the specified number of days to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of days to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addDays = function (value) { this.setDate(this.getDate() + value * 1); return this; }; /** * Adds the specified number of weeks to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of weeks to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addWeeks = function (value) { return this.addDays(value * 7); }; /** * Adds the specified number of months to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of months to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addMonths = function (value) { var n = this.getDate(); this.setDate(1); this.setMonth(this.getMonth() + value * 1); this.setDate(Math.min(n, $D.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth()))); return this; }; /** * Adds the specified number of years to this instance. * @param {Number} The number of years to add. The number can be positive or negative [Required] * @return {Date} this */ $P.addYears = function (value) { return this.addMonths(value * 12); }; /** * Adds (or subtracts) to the value of the years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds of the date instance using given configuration object. Positive and Negative values allowed. * Example
Date.today().add( { days: 1, months: 1 } )
new Date().add( { years: -1 } )
* @param {Object} Configuration object containing attributes (months, days, etc.)
* @return {Date} this
$P.add = function (config) {
if (typeof config == "number") {
this._orient = config;
return this;
var x = config;
if (x.milliseconds) {
if (x.seconds) {
if (x.minutes) {
if (x.hours) {
if (x.weeks) {
if (x.months) {
if (x.years) {
if (x.days) {
return this;
var $y, $m, $d;
* Get the week number. Week one (1) is the week which contains the first Thursday of the year. Monday is considered the first day of the week.
* This algorithm is a JavaScript port of the work presented by Claus Tøndering at http://www.tondering.dk/claus/cal/node8.html#SECTION00880000000000000000
* .getWeek() Algorithm Copyright (c) 2008 Claus Tondering.
* The .getWeek() function does NOT convert the date to UTC. The local datetime is used. Please use .getISOWeek() to get the week of the UTC converted date.
* @return {Number} 1 to 53
$P.getWeek = function () {
var a, b, c, d, e, f, g, n, s, w;
$y = (!$y) ? this.getFullYear() : $y;
$m = (!$m) ? this.getMonth() + 1 : $m;
$d = (!$d) ? this.getDate() : $d;
if ($m <= 2) {
a = $y - 1;
b = (a / 4 | 0) - (a / 100 | 0) + (a / 400 | 0);
c = ((a - 1) / 4 | 0) - ((a - 1) / 100 | 0) + ((a - 1) / 400 | 0);
s = b - c;
e = 0;
f = $d - 1 + (31 * ($m - 1));
} else {
a = $y;
b = (a / 4 | 0) - (a / 100 | 0) + (a / 400 | 0);
c = ((a - 1) / 4 | 0) - ((a - 1) / 100 | 0) + ((a - 1) / 400 | 0);
s = b - c;
e = s + 1;
f = $d + ((153 * ($m - 3) + 2) / 5) + 58 + s;
g = (a + b) % 7;
d = (f + g - e) % 7;
n = (f + 3 - d) | 0;
if (n < 0) {
w = 53 - ((g - s) / 5 | 0);
} else if (n > 364 + s) {
w = 1;
} else {
w = (n / 7 | 0) + 1;
$y = $m = $d = null;
return w;
* Get the ISO 8601 week number. Week one ("01") is the week which contains the first Thursday of the year. Monday is considered the first day of the week.
* The .getISOWeek() function does convert the date to it's UTC value. Please use .getWeek() to get the week of the local date.
* @return {String} "01" to "53"
$P.getISOWeek = function () {
$y = this.getUTCFullYear();
$m = this.getUTCMonth() + 1;
$d = this.getUTCDate();
return p(this.getWeek());
* Moves the date to Monday of the week set. Week one (1) is the week which contains the first Thursday of the year.
* @param {Number} A Number (1 to 53) that represents the week of the year.
* @return {Date} this
$P.setWeek = function (n) {
return this.moveToDayOfWeek(1).addWeeks(n - this.getWeek());
// private
var validate = function (n, min, max, name) {
if (typeof n == "undefined") {
return false;
} else if (typeof n != "number") {
throw new TypeError(n + " is not a Number.");
} else if (n < min || n > max) {
throw new RangeError(n + " is not a valid value for " + name + ".");
return true;
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for milliseconds [0-999].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateMillisecond = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 999, "millisecond");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for seconds [0-59].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateSecond = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 59, "second");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for minutes [0-59].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateMinute = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 59, "minute");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for hours [0-23].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateHour = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 23, "hour");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for the days in a month [0-MaxDaysInMonth].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateDay = function (value, year, month) {
return validate(value, 1, $D.getDaysInMonth(year, month), "day");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for months [0-11].
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateMonth = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 11, "month");
* Validates the number is within an acceptable range for years.
* @param {Number} The number to check if within range.
* @return {Boolean} true if within range, otherwise false.
$D.validateYear = function (value) {
return validate(value, 0, 9999, "year");
* Set the value of year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millisecond of date instance using given configuration object.
* Example
Date.today().set( { day: 20, month: 1 } )
new Date().set( { millisecond: 0 } )
* @param {Object} Configuration object containing attributes (month, day, etc.)
* @return {Date} this
$P.set = function (config) {
if ($D.validateMillisecond(config.millisecond)) {
this.addMilliseconds(config.millisecond - this.getMilliseconds());
if ($D.validateSecond(config.second)) {
this.addSeconds(config.second - this.getSeconds());
if ($D.validateMinute(config.minute)) {
this.addMinutes(config.minute - this.getMinutes());
if ($D.validateHour(config.hour)) {
this.addHours(config.hour - this.getHours());
if ($D.validateMonth(config.month)) {
this.addMonths(config.month - this.getMonth());
if ($D.validateYear(config.year)) {
this.addYears(config.year - this.getFullYear());
/* day has to go last because you can't validate the day without first knowing the month */
if ($D.validateDay(config.day, this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth())) {
this.addDays(config.day - this.getDate());
if (config.timezone) {
if (config.timezoneOffset) {
if (config.week && validate(config.week, 0, 53, "week")) {
return this;
* Moves the date to the first day of the month.
* @return {Date} this
$P.moveToFirstDayOfMonth = function () {
return this.set({ day: 1 });
* Moves the date to the last day of the month.
* @return {Date} this
$P.moveToLastDayOfMonth = function () {
return this.set({ day: $D.getDaysInMonth(this.getFullYear(), this.getMonth())});
* Moves the date to the next n'th occurrence of the dayOfWeek starting from the beginning of the month. The number (-1) is a magic number and will return the last occurrence of the dayOfWeek in the month.
* @param {Number} The dayOfWeek to move to
* @param {Number} The n'th occurrence to move to. Use (-1) to return the last occurrence in the month
* @return {Date} this
$P.moveToNthOccurrence = function (dayOfWeek, occurrence) {
var shift = 0;
if (occurrence > 0) {
shift = occurrence - 1;
else if (occurrence === -1) {
if (this.getDay() !== dayOfWeek) {
this.moveToDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek, -1);
return this;
return this.moveToFirstDayOfMonth().addDays(-1).moveToDayOfWeek(dayOfWeek, +1).addWeeks(shift);
* Move to the next or last dayOfWeek based on the orient value.
* @param {Number} The dayOfWeek to move to
* @param {Number} Forward (+1) or Back (-1). Defaults to +1. [Optional]
* @return {Date} this
$P.moveToDayOfWeek = function (dayOfWeek, orient) {
var diff = (dayOfWeek - this.getDay() + 7 * (orient || +1)) % 7;
return this.addDays((diff === 0) ? diff += 7 * (orient || +1) : diff);
* Move to the next or last month based on the orient value.
* @param {Number} The month to move to. 0 = January, 11 = December
* @param {Number} Forward (+1) or Back (-1). Defaults to +1. [Optional]
* @return {Date} this
$P.moveToMonth = function (month, orient) {
var diff = (month - this.getMonth() + 12 * (orient || +1)) % 12;
return this.addMonths((diff === 0) ? diff += 12 * (orient || +1) : diff);
* Get the Ordinal day (numeric day number) of the year, adjusted for leap year.
* @return {Number} 1 through 365 (366 in leap years)
$P.getOrdinalNumber = function () {
return Math.ceil((this.clone().clearTime() - new Date(this.getFullYear(), 0, 1)) / 86400000) + 1;
* Get the time zone abbreviation of the current date.
* @return {String} The abbreviated time zone name (e.g. "EST")
$P.getTimezone = function () {
return $D.getTimezoneAbbreviation(this.getUTCOffset());
$P.setTimezoneOffset = function (offset) {
var here = this.getTimezoneOffset(), there = Number(offset) * -6 / 10;
return this.addMinutes(there - here);
$P.setTimezone = function (offset) {
return this.setTimezoneOffset($D.getTimezoneOffset(offset));
* Indicates whether Daylight Saving Time is observed in the current time zone.
* @return {Boolean} true|false
$P.hasDaylightSavingTime = function () {
return (Date.today().set({month: 0, day: 1}).getTimezoneOffset() !== Date.today().set({month: 6, day: 1}).getTimezoneOffset());
* Indicates whether this Date instance is within the Daylight Saving Time range for the current time zone.
* @return {Boolean} true|false
$P.isDaylightSavingTime = function () {
return Date.today().set({month: 0, day: 1}).getTimezoneOffset() != this.getTimezoneOffset();
* Get the offset from UTC of the current date.
* @return {String} The 4-character offset string prefixed with + or - (e.g. "-0500")
$P.getUTCOffset = function () {
var n = this.getTimezoneOffset() * -10 / 6, r;
if (n < 0) {
r = (n - 10000).toString();
return r.charAt(0) + r.substr(2);
} else {
r = (n + 10000).toString();
return "+" + r.substr(1);
* Returns the number of milliseconds between this date and date.
* @param {Date} Defaults to now
* @return {Number} The diff in milliseconds
$P.getElapsed = function (date) {
return (date || new Date()) - this;
if (!$P.toISOString) {
* Converts the current date instance into a string with an ISO 8601 format. The date is converted to it's UTC value.
* @return {String} ISO 8601 string of date
$P.toISOString = function () {
// From http://www.json.org/json.js. Public Domain.
function f(n) {
return n < 10 ? '0' + n : n;
return '"' + this.getUTCFullYear() + '-' +
f(this.getUTCMonth() + 1) + '-' +
f(this.getUTCDate()) + 'T' +
f(this.getUTCHours()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCMinutes()) + ':' +
f(this.getUTCSeconds()) + 'Z"';
// private
$P._toString = $P.toString;
* Converts the value of the current Date object to its equivalent string representation.
* Format Specifiers
CUSTOM DATE AND TIME FORMAT STRINGS Format Description Example ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- s The seconds of the minute between 0-59. "0" to "59" ss The seconds of the minute with leading zero if required. "00" to "59" m The minute of the hour between 0-59. "0" or "59" mm The minute of the hour with leading zero if required. "00" or "59" h The hour of the day between 1-12. "1" to "12" hh The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "01" to "12" H The hour of the day between 0-23. "0" to "23" HH The hour of the day with leading zero if required. "00" to "23" d The day of the month between 1 and 31. "1" to "31" dd The day of the month with leading zero if required. "01" to "31" ddd Abbreviated day name. $C.abbreviatedDayNames. "Mon" to "Sun" dddd The full day name. $C.dayNames. "Monday" to "Sunday" M The month of the year between 1-12. "1" to "12" MM The month of the year with leading zero if required. "01" to "12" MMM Abbreviated month name. $C.abbreviatedMonthNames. "Jan" to "Dec" MMMM The full month name. $C.monthNames. "January" to "December" yy The year as a two-digit number. "99" or "08" yyyy The full four digit year. "1999" or "2008" t Displays the first character of the A.M./P.M. designator. "A" or "P" $C.amDesignator or $C.pmDesignator tt Displays the A.M./P.M. designator. "AM" or "PM" $C.amDesignator or $C.pmDesignator S The ordinal suffix ("st, "nd", "rd" or "th") of the current day. "st, "nd", "rd" or "th" || *Format* || *Description* || *Example* || || d || The CultureInfo shortDate Format Pattern || "M/d/yyyy" || || D || The CultureInfo longDate Format Pattern || "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" || || F || The CultureInfo fullDateTime Format Pattern || "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt" || || m || The CultureInfo monthDay Format Pattern || "MMMM dd" || || r || The CultureInfo rfc1123 Format Pattern || "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT" || || s || The CultureInfo sortableDateTime Format Pattern || "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" || || t || The CultureInfo shortTime Format Pattern || "h:mm tt" || || T || The CultureInfo longTime Format Pattern || "h:mm:ss tt" || || u || The CultureInfo universalSortableDateTime Format Pattern || "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ" || || y || The CultureInfo yearMonth Format Pattern || "MMMM, yyyy" || STANDARD DATE AND TIME FORMAT STRINGS Format Description Example ("en-US") ------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- d The CultureInfo shortDate Format Pattern "M/d/yyyy" D The CultureInfo longDate Format Pattern "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy" F The CultureInfo fullDateTime Format Pattern "dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss tt" m The CultureInfo monthDay Format Pattern "MMMM dd" r The CultureInfo rfc1123 Format Pattern "ddd, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss GMT" s The CultureInfo sortableDateTime Format Pattern "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ss" t The CultureInfo shortTime Format Pattern "h:mm tt" T The CultureInfo longTime Format Pattern "h:mm:ss tt" u The CultureInfo universalSortableDateTime Format Pattern "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ" y The CultureInfo yearMonth Format Pattern "MMMM, yyyy"* @param {String} A format string consisting of one or more format spcifiers [Optional]. * @return {String} A string representation of the current Date object. */ $P.toString = function (format) { var x = this; // Standard Date and Time Format Strings. Formats pulled from CultureInfo file and // may vary by culture. if (format && format.length == 1) { var c = $C.formatPatterns; x.t = x.toString; switch (format) { case "d": return x.t(c.shortDate); case "D": return x.t(c.longDate); case "F": return x.t(c.fullDateTime); case "m": return x.t(c.monthDay); case "r": return x.t(c.rfc1123); case "s": return x.t(c.sortableDateTime); case "t": return x.t(c.shortTime); case "T": return x.t(c.longTime); case "u": return x.t(c.universalSortableDateTime); case "y": return x.t(c.yearMonth); } } var ord = function (n) { switch (n * 1) { case 1: case 21: case 31: return "st"; case 2: case 22: return "nd"; case 3: case 23: return "rd"; default: return "th"; } }; return format ? format.replace(/(\\)?(dd?d?d?|MM?M?M?|yy?y?y?|hh?|HH?|mm?|ss?|tt?|S)/g, function (m) { if (m.charAt(0) === "\\") { return m.replace("\\", ""); } x.h = x.getHours; switch (m) { case "hh": return p(x.h() < 13 ? (x.h() === 0 ? 12 : x.h()) : (x.h() - 12)); case "h": return x.h() < 13 ? (x.h() === 0 ? 12 : x.h()) : (x.h() - 12); case "HH": return p(x.h()); case "H": return x.h(); case "mm": return p(x.getMinutes()); case "m": return x.getMinutes(); case "ss": return p(x.getSeconds()); case "s": return x.getSeconds(); case "yyyy": return p(x.getFullYear(), 4); case "yy": return p(x.getFullYear()); case "dddd": return $C.dayNames[x.getDay()]; case "ddd": return $C.abbreviatedDayNames[x.getDay()]; case "dd": return p(x.getDate()); case "d": return x.getDate(); case "MMMM": return $C.monthNames[x.getMonth()]; case "MMM": return $C.abbreviatedMonthNames[x.getMonth()]; case "MM": return p((x.getMonth() + 1)); case "M": return x.getMonth() + 1; case "t": return x.h() < 12 ? $C.amDesignator.substring(0, 1) : $C.pmDesignator.substring(0, 1); case "tt": return x.h() < 12 ? $C.amDesignator : $C.pmDesignator; case "S": return ord(x.getDate()); default: return m; } } ) : this._toString(); }; }());