db = new db(); $this->db->Halt_On_Error = 'no'; $this->db->connect( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_name'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_host'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_port'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_user'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_pass'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['db_type'] ); $this -> user_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_id']; } function search_contacts($search_for) { $result = array(); $query = 'select' . ' C.id_connection,' . ' A.id_contact,' . ' A.names_ordered,' . ' A.alias,' . ' A.birthdate,' . ' A.sex,' . ' A.pgp_key,' . ' A.notes,' . ' A.web_page,' . ' A.corporate_name,' . ' A.job_title,' . ' A.department,' . ' C.connection_name,' . ' C.connection_value,' . ' B.id_typeof_contact_connection,' . ' phpgw_cc_contact_addrs.id_typeof_contact_address,' . ' phpgw_cc_addresses.address1,' . ' phpgw_cc_addresses.address2,' . ' phpgw_cc_addresses.complement,' . ' phpgw_cc_addresses.postal_code,' . ' phpgw_cc_city.city_name,' . ' phpgw_cc_state.state_name,' . ' phpgw_cc_addresses.id_country' ; $query .= ' from' . ' phpgw_cc_contact A' . ' inner join phpgw_cc_contact_conns B on ( A.id_contact = B.id_contact )' . ' inner join phpgw_cc_connections C on ( B.id_connection = C.id_connection )' . ' left join phpgw_cc_contact_addrs on ( A.id_contact = phpgw_cc_contact_addrs.id_contact )' . ' left join phpgw_cc_addresses on ( phpgw_cc_contact_addrs.id_address = phpgw_cc_addresses.id_address )' . ' left join phpgw_cc_city on ( phpgw_cc_addresses.id_city = phpgw_cc_city.id_city )' . ' left join phpgw_cc_state on ( phpgw_cc_addresses.id_state = phpgw_cc_state.id_state)' ; $query .= ' where ' . 'A.id_owner=' . $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_id'] . ' and lower(translate(names_ordered, \'áàâãäéèêëíìïóòôõöúùûüÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜçÇñÑ\',\'aaaaaeeeeiiiooooouuuuAAAAAEEEEIIIOOOOOUUUUcCnN\'))' . ' LIKE lower(translate(\'%' . $search_for . '%\', \'áàâãäéèêëíìïóòôõöúùûüÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜçÇñÑ\',\'aaaaaeeeeiiiooooouuuuAAAAAEEEEIIIOOOOOUUUUcCnN\'))'; //Se não existir parametro na busca, limita os usuarios no resultado da pesquisa. if(!$search_for){ $query .= 'LIMIT 11'; } if (!$this->db->query($query)) return null; while($this->db->next_record()) $result[] = $this->db->row(); $all_contacts = array(); foreach( $result as $i => $object ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $object[ 'id_contact' ], $all_contacts ) ) $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ] = array( 'connection_value' => '', 'telephonenumber' => '', 'mobile' => '', 'cn' => '', 'id_contact' => '', 'id_connection' => '', 'alias' => '', 'birthdate' => '', 'sex' => '', 'pgp_key' => '', 'notes' => '', 'web_page' => '', 'corporate_name' => '', 'job_title' => '', 'department' => '', 'mail' => '', 'aternative-mail' => '', 'business-phone' => '', 'business-address' => '', 'business-complement' => '', 'business-postal_code' => '', 'business-city_name' => '', 'business-state_name' => '', 'business-id_country' => '', 'business-fax' => '', 'business-pager' => '', 'business-mobile' => '', 'business-address-2' => '', 'home-phone' => '', 'home-address' => '', 'home-complement' => '', 'home-postal_code' => '', 'home-city_name' => '', 'home-state_name' => '', 'home-fax' => '', 'home-pager' => '', 'home-address-2' => '' ); switch( $object[ 'id_typeof_contact_connection' ] ) { case 1 : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'connection_value' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; switch ( strtolower( $object[ 'connection_name' ] ) ) { case 'alternativo' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'alternative-mail' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'principal' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'mail' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; } break; case 2 : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'telephonenumber' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; switch ( strtolower( $object[ 'connection_name' ] ) ) { case 'casa' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-phone' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'celular' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'mobile' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'trabalho' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-phone' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'fax' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-fax' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'pager' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-pager' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'celular corporativo' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-mobile' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'pager corporativo' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-pager' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; case 'fax corporativo' : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-fax' ] = $object[ 'connection_value' ]; break; } break; } $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'cn' ] = utf8_encode($object[ 'names_ordered' ]); $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'id_contact' ] = $object[ 'id_contact' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'id_connection' ] = $object[ 'id_connection' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'alias' ] = $object[ 'alias' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'birthdate' ] = $object[ 'birthdate' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'sex' ] = $object[ 'sex' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'pgp_key' ] = $object[ 'pgp_key' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'notes' ] = $object[ 'notes' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'web_page' ] = $object[ 'web_page' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'corporate_name' ]= $object[ 'corporate_name' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'job_title' ] = $object[ 'job_title' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'department' ] = $object[ 'department' ]; switch( $object[ 'id_typeof_contact_address' ] ) { case 1 : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-address' ] = $object[ 'address1' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-address-2' ] = $object[ 'address2' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-complement' ] = $object[ 'complement' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-postal_code' ] = $object[ 'postal_code' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-city_name' ] = $object[ 'city_name' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-state_name' ] = $object[ 'state_name' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'business-id_country' ] = $object[ 'id_country' ]; break; case 2 : $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-address' ] = $object[ 'address1' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-address-2' ] = $object[ 'address2' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-complement' ] = $object[ 'complement' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-postal_code' ] = $object[ 'postal_code' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-city_name' ] = $object[ 'city_name' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-state_name' ] = $object[ 'state_name' ]; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'id_contact' ] ][ 'home-id_country' ] = $object[ 'id_country' ]; break; } } return array_values($all_contacts); } function search_groups($search_for) { $result = array(); $query = 'select' . ' G.oid,' . ' G.title,' . ' G.short_name'; $query .= ' from' . ' phpgw_cc_groups G'; $query .= ' where ' . ' G.owner=' . $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_id'] . ' and lower(translate(G.title, \'áàâãäéèêëíìïóòôõöúùûüÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜçÇñÑ\',\'aaaaaeeeeiiiooooouuuuAAAAAEEEEIIIOOOOOUUUUcCnN\'))' . ' LIKE lower(translate(\'%' . $search_for . '%\', \'áàâãäéèêëíìïóòôõöúùûüÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜçÇñÑ\',\'aaaaaeeeeiiiooooouuuuAAAAAEEEEIIIOOOOOUUUUcCnN\'))'; if (!$this->db->query($query)) return null; while($this->db->next_record()) $result[] = $this->db->row(); $all_contacts = array(); foreach( $result as $i => $object ) { if ( ! array_key_exists( $object[ 'oid' ], $all_contacts ) ) $all_contacts[ $object[ 'oid' ] ] = array( 'title' => '', 'short_name' => '', ); $all_contacts[ $object[ 'oid' ] ]['title'] = $object['title']; $all_contacts[ $object[ 'oid' ] ]['short_name'] = $object['short_name']; } return array_values($all_contacts); } } ServiceLocator::register( 'db', new DBService() ); ?>