* * http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen * * Originaly modified by Mark Peters * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ class bocalendar { var $public_functions = Array( 'read_entry' => True, 'delete_entry' => True, 'delete_calendar' => True, 'change_owner' => True, 'update' => True, 'check_set_default_prefs' => True, 'store_to_cache' => True, 'export_event' => True, 'send_alarm' => True, 'reinstate' => True ); var $soap_functions = Array( 'read_entry' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'int' ), 'out' => Array( 'SOAPStruct' ) ), 'delete_entry' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'int' ), 'out' => Array( 'int' ) ), 'delete_calendar' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'int' ), 'out' => Array( 'int' ) ), 'change_owner' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'array' ), 'out' => Array( 'int' ) ), 'update' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'array', 'array', 'array', 'array', 'array' ), 'out' => Array( 'array' ) ), 'store_to_cache' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'struct' ), 'out' => Array( 'SOAPStruct' ) ), 'store_to_cache' => Array( 'in' => Array( 'array' ), 'out' => Array( 'string' ) ), 'categories' => array( 'in' => array('bool'), 'out' => array('array') ), ); var $debug = False; // var $debug = True; var $so; var $so1; var $ex_participants; var $cached_events; var $repeating_events; var $day; var $month; var $year; var $prefs; var $wdays; var $owner; var $holiday_color; var $printer_friendly = False; var $repetido; var $cached_holidays; var $g_owner = 0; var $filter; var $cat_id; var $users_timeformat; var $modified; var $deleted; var $added; var $is_group = False; var $soap = False; var $use_session = False; var $today; var $debug_string; var $sortby; var $num_months; var $xmlrpc = False; // not called via xmlrpc var $async = false; var $alreadyNotifieds; var $alreadyExtNotifieds = array(); var $extAdded; var $extDeleted; function bocalendar($session=0) { if(!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime = createobject('phpgwapi.date_time'); } $this->cat = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories'); $this->grants = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_grants('calendar'); @reset($this->grants); if(DEBUG_APP) { if(floor(phpversion()) >= 4) { $this->debug_string = ''; ob_start(); } foreach($this->grants as $grantor => $rights) { print_debug('Grantor',$grantor); print_debug('Rights',$rights); } } print_debug('Read use_session',$session); if($session) { $this->read_sessiondata(); $this->use_session = True; } print_debug('BO Filter',$this->filter); print_debug('Owner',$this->owner); if ($GLOBALS['argv']) { $this->async = true; $this->load_lang(); } $this->prefs['calendar'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['calendar']; $this->check_set_default_prefs(); $owner = get_var('owner',array('GET','POST'),$GLOBALS['owner']); preg_match('/menuaction=([a-zA-Z.]+)/',$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'],$regs); $from = $regs[1]; if ((substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],-8) == 'home.php' && substr($this->prefs['calendar']['defaultcalendar'],0,7) == 'planner' || $_GET['menuaction'] == 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' && $from != 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' && !$this->save_owner) && (int)$this->prefs['calendar']['planner_start_with_group'] > 0) { // entering planner for the first time ==> saving owner in save_owner, setting owner to default // $this->save_owner = $this->owner; $owner = 'g_'.$this->prefs['calendar']['planner_start_with_group']; } elseif ($_GET['menuaction'] != 'calendar.uicalendar.planner' && $this->save_owner) { // leaving planner with an unchanged user/owner ==> setting owner back to save_owner // $owner = (int)(isset($_GET['owner']) ? $_GET['owner'] : $this->save_owner); unset($this->save_owner); } elseif (!empty($owner) && $owner != $this->owner && $from == 'calendar.uicalendar.planner') { // user/owner changed within planner ==> forgetting save_owner // unset($this->save_owner); } if(isset($owner) && $owner!='' && substr($owner,0,2) == 'g_') { $this->set_owner_to_group(substr($owner,2)); } elseif(isset($owner) && $owner!='') { $this->owner = (int)$owner; } elseif(!@isset($this->owner) || !@$this->owner) { $this->owner = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; } elseif(isset($this->owner) && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($this->owner) == 'g') { $this->set_owner_to_group((int)$this->owner); } $this->prefs['common'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']; if ($this->prefs['common']['timeformat'] == '12') { $this->users_timeformat = 'h:ia'; } else { $this->users_timeformat = 'H:i'; } $this->holiday_color = (substr($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['bg07'],0,1)=='#'?'':'#').$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['bg07']; $friendly = (isset($_GET['friendly'])?$_GET['friendly']:''); $friendly = ($friendly=='' && isset($_POST['friendly'])?$_POST['friendly']:$friendly); $this->printer_friendly = ((int)$friendly == 1?True:False); if(isset($_POST['filter'])) { $this->filter = $_POST['filter']; } if(isset($_POST['sortby'])) { $this->sortby = $_POST['sortby']; } if(isset($_POST['cat_id'])) { $this->cat_id = $_POST['cat_id']; } if(!isset($this->filter)) { $this->filter = ' '.$this->prefs['calendar']['defaultfilter'].' '; } if(!isset($this->sortby)) { $this->sortby = $this->prefs['calendar']['defaultcalendar'] == 'planner_user' ? 'user' : 'category'; } if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($this->owner)=='g') { $this->filter = ' all '; } $this->so = CreateObject('calendar.socalendar', Array( 'owner' => $this->owner, 'filter' => $this->filter, 'category' => $this->cat_id, 'g_owner' => $this->g_owner ) ); $this->rpt_day = array( // need to be after creation of socalendar MCAL_M_SUNDAY => 'Sunday', MCAL_M_MONDAY => 'Monday', MCAL_M_TUESDAY => 'Tuesday', MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY => 'Wednesday', MCAL_M_THURSDAY => 'Thursday', MCAL_M_FRIDAY => 'Friday', MCAL_M_SATURDAY => 'Saturday' ); if($this->bo->prefs['calendar']['weekdaystarts'] != 'Sunday') { $mcals = array_keys($this->rpt_day); $days = array_values($this->rpt_day); $this->rpt_day = array(); list($n) = $found = array_keys($days,$this->prefs['calendar']['weekdaystarts']); for ($i = 0; $i < 7; ++$i,++$n) { $this->rpt_day[$mcals[$n % 7]] = $days[$n % 7]; } } $this->rpt_type = Array( MCAL_RECUR_NONE => 'None', MCAL_RECUR_DAILY => 'Daily', MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY => 'Weekly', MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY => 'Monthly (by day)', MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY => 'Monthly (by date)', MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY => 'Yearly' ); $localtime = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->users_localtime; $date = (isset($GLOBALS['date'])?$GLOBALS['date']:''); $date = (isset($_GET['date'])?$_GET['date']:$date); $date = ($date=='' && isset($_POST['date'])?$_POST['date']:$date); $year = (isset($_GET['year'])?$_GET['year']:''); $year = ($year=='' && isset($_POST['year'])?$_POST['year']:$year); $month = (isset($_GET['month'])?$_GET['month']:''); $month = ($month=='' && isset($_POST['month'])?$_POST['month']:$month); $day = (isset($_GET['day'])?$_GET['day']:''); $day = ($day=='' && isset($_POST['day'])?$_POST['day']:''); $num_months = (isset($_GET['num_months'])?$_GET['num_months']:''); $num_months = ($num_months=='' && isset($_POST['num_months'])?$_POST['num_months']:$num_months); if(isset($date) && $date!='') { $this->year = (int)(substr($date,0,4)); $this->month = (int)(substr($date,4,2)); $this->day = (int)(substr($date,6,2)); } else { if(isset($year) && $year!='') { $this->year = $year; } else { $this->year = date('Y',$localtime); } if(isset($month) && $month!='') { $this->month = $month; } else { $this->month = date('m',$localtime); } if(isset($day) && $day!='') { $this->day = $day; } else { $this->day = date('d',$localtime); } } if(isset($num_months) && $num_months!='') { $this->num_months = $num_months; } elseif($this->num_months == 0) { $this->num_months = 1; } $this->today = date('Ymd',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->users_localtime); if(DEBUG_APP) { print_debug('BO Filter','('.$this->filter.')'); print_debug('Owner',$this->owner); print_debug('Today',$this->today); if(floor(phpversion()) >= 4) { $this->debug_string .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } $this->xmlrpc = is_object($GLOBALS['server']) && $GLOBALS['server']->last_method; $this->wdays = Array(MCAL_M_SUNDAY,MCAL_M_MONDAY,MCAL_M_TUESDAY,MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY, MCAL_M_THURSDAY,MCAL_M_FRIDAY,MCAL_M_SATURDAY); } function load_lang() { if(!$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['calendar']['langAlarm']) { $array_keys = array(); $fn = '../../calendar/setup/phpgw_alarm_'.$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang'].'.lang'; echo $fn; if (file_exists($fn)){ $fp = fopen($fn,'r'); while ($data = fgets($fp,16000)) { list($message_id,$app_name,$null,$content) = explode("\t",substr($data,0,-1)); $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['calendar']['langAlarm'][$message_id] = $content; } fclose($fp); } } } function list_methods($_type='xmlrpc') { /* This handles introspection or discovery by the logged in client, in which case the input might be an array. The server always calls this function to fill the server dispatch map using a string. */ if (is_array($_type)) { $_type = $_type['type']; } switch($_type) { case 'xmlrpc': $xml_functions = array( 'list_methods' => array( 'function' => 'list_methods', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcString)), 'docstring' => lang('Read this list of methods.') ), 'read' => array( 'function' => 'read_entry', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcInt)), 'docstring' => lang('Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.') ), 'read_entry' => array( // deprecated, use read 'function' => 'read_entry', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcInt)), 'docstring' => lang('Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.') ), 'write' => array( 'function' => 'update', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Add or update a single entry by passing the fields.') ), 'add_entry' => array( // deprecated, use write 'function' => 'update', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Add a single entry by passing the fields.') ), 'update_entry' => array( // deprecated, use write 'function' => 'update', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Update a single entry by passing the fields.') ), 'delete' => array( 'function' => 'delete_entry', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcInt,xmlrpcInt)), 'docstring' => lang('Delete a single entry by passing the id.') ), 'delete_entry' => array( // deprecated, use delete 'function' => 'delete_entry', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcInt,xmlrpcInt)), 'docstring' => lang('Delete a single entry by passing the id.') ), 'delete_calendar' => array( 'function' => 'delete_calendar', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcInt,xmlrpcInt)), 'docstring' => lang('Delete an entire users calendar.') ), 'change_owner' => array( 'function' => 'change_owner', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcInt,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Change all events for $params[\'old_owner\'] to $params[\'new_owner\'].') ), 'search' => array( 'function' => 'store_to_cache', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Read a list of entries.') ), 'store_to_cache' => array( // deprecated, use search 'function' => 'store_to_cache', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Read a list of entries.') ), 'export_event' => array( 'function' => 'export_event', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcString,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('Export a list of entries in iCal format.') ), 'categories' => array( 'function' => 'categories', 'signature' => array(array(xmlrpcStruct,xmlrpcStruct)), 'docstring' => lang('List all categories.') ), ); return $xml_functions; break; case 'soap': return $this->soap_functions; break; default: return array(); break; } } function set_owner_to_group($owner) { print_debug('calendar::bocalendar::set_owner_to_group:owner',$owner); $this->owner = (int)$owner; $this->is_group = True; $this->g_owner = Array(); $members = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->member($owner); if (is_array($members)) { foreach($members as $user) { // use only members which gave the user a read-grant if ($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READ,0,$user['account_id'])) { $this->g_owner[] = $user['account_id']; } } } //echo "

".function_backtrace().": set_owner_to_group($owner) = ".print_r($this->g_owner,True)."

\n"; } function member_of_group($owner=0) { $owner = ($owner==0?$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']:$owner); $group_owners = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership(); while($group_owners && list($index,$group_info) = each($group_owners)) { if($this->owner == $group_info['account_id']) { return True; } } return False; } function save_sessiondata($data='') { if ($this->use_session) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = array( 'filter' => $this->filter, 'cat_id' => $this->cat_id, 'owner' => $this->owner, 'save_owner' => $this->save_owner, 'year' => $this->year, 'month' => $this->month, 'day' => $this->day, 'date' => $this->date, 'sortby' => $this->sortby, 'num_months' => $this->num_months, 'return_to' => $this->return_to ); } if($this->debug) { if(floor(phpversion()) >= 4) { ob_start(); } echo ''."\n"; if(floor(phpversion()) >= 4) { $this->debug_string .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); } } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','calendar',$data); } } function read_sessiondata() { $data = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('session_data','calendar'); print_debug('Read',_debug_array($data,False)); $this->filter = $data['filter']; $this->cat_id = $data['cat_id']; $this->sortby = $data['sortby']; $this->owner = (int)$data['owner']; $this->save_owner = (int)$data['save_owner']; $this->year = (int)$data['year']; $this->month = (int)$data['month']; $this->day = (int)$data['day']; $this->num_months = (int)$data['num_months']; $this->return_to = $data['return_to']; } function read_entry($id,$ignore_acl=False) { if (is_array($id) && count($id) == 1) { list(,$id) = each($id); } if($ignore_acl || $this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READ,$id)) { $event = $this->so->read_entry($id); if(!isset($event['participants'][$this->owner]) && $this->user_is_a_member($event,$this->owner)) { $this->so->add_attribute('participants','U',(int)$this->owner); $this->so->add_entry($event); $event = $this->get_cached_event(); } return $this->xmlrpc ? $this->xmlrpc_prepare($event) : $event; } if ($this->xmlrpc) { $GLOBALS['server']->xmlrpc_error($GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_access'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_access']); } return False; } function delete_single($param) { if($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_DELETE,(int)$param['id'])) { $temp_event = $this->get_cached_event(); $event = $this->read_entry((int)$param['id']); // if($this->owner == $event['owner']) // { $exception_time = mktime($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],0,$param['month'],$param['day'],$param['year']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $event['recur_exception'][] = (int)$exception_time; $this->so->cal->event = $event; // print_debug('exception time',$event['recur_exception'][count($event['recur_exception']) -1]); // print_debug('count event exceptions',count($event['recur_exception'])); $this->so->add_entry($event,true,$event['owner']); $cd = 16; $this->so->cal->event = $temp_event; unset($temp_event); } else { $cd = 60; } // } return $cd; } function delete_entry($id) { if (is_array($id) && count($id) == 1) { list(,$id) = each($id); } if($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_DELETE,$id)) { $this->so->delete_entry($id); if ($this->xmlrpc) { $this->so->expunge($id); } return $this->xmlrpc ? True : 16; } if ($this->xmlrpc) { $GLOBALS['server']->xmlrpc_error($GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_access'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_access']); } return 60; } function reinstate($params='') { if($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT,$params['cal_id']) && isset($params['reinstate_index'])) { $event = $this->so->read_entry($params['cal_id']); @reset($params['reinstate_index']); print_debug('Count of reinstate_index',count($params['reinstate_index'])); if(count($params['reinstate_index']) > 1) { while(list($key,$value) = each($params['reinstate_index'])) { print_debug('reinstate_index ['.$key.']',(int)$value); print_debug('exception time',$event['recur_exception'][(int)$value]); unset($event['recur_exception'][(int)$value]); print_debug('count event exceptions',count($event['recur_exception'])); } } else { print_debug('reinstate_index[0]',(int)$params['reinstate_index'][0]); print_debug('exception time',$event['recur_exception'][(int)$params['reinstate_index'][0]]); unset($event['recur_exception'][(int)$params['reinstate_index'][0]]); print_debug('count event exceptions',count($event['recur_exception'])); } $this->so->cal->event = $event; $this->so->add_entry($event); return 42; } else { return 43; } } function delete_calendar($owner) { if($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['apps']['admin']) { $this->so->delete_calendar($owner); } } function change_owner($params='') { if($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['calendar_type'] == 'sql') { if(is_array($params)) { $this->so->change_owner($params['old_owner'],$params['new_owner']); } } } function expunge() { reset($this->so->cal->deleted_events); while(list($i,$event_id) = each($this->so->cal->deleted_events)) { $event = $this->so->read_entry($event_id); if(!$this->ex_participants) $this->ex_participants = html_entity_decode($event['ex_participants']); if($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_DELETE,$event)) { $this->send_update(MSG_DELETED,$event['participants'],$event,false,$event['owner']); } else { unset($this->so->cal->deleted_events[$i]); } } $this->so->expunge(); } function search_keywords($keywords) { $type = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($this->owner); if($type == 'g') { $members = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_ids_for_location($this->owner, 1, 'phpgw_group'); } else { $members = array_keys($this->grants); if (!in_array($this->owner,$members)) { $members[] = $this->owner; } } foreach($members as $n => $uid) { if (!($this->grants[$uid] & PHPGW_ACL_READ)) { unset($members[$n]); } } return $this->so->list_events_keyword($keywords,$members); } function getNextDow($start){ if ($start == 6) { return 0; } else { return $start + 1; } } // TODO: Levar em consideração no cálculo das ocorrências o parâmetro // $event['recur_interval'] function expand_repetition($event){ $return = Array(); $event['recur_enddate']['hour'] = 24; $enddate = $this->maketime($event['recur_enddate']); $owner = $event['owner']; $participants = $event['participants']; switch($event['recur_type']) { case MCAL_RECUR_DAILY: // add 1 day = 86400 sec $starttime = $this->maketime($event['start']); $endtime = $this->maketime($event['end']); $offset = 86400; for (; $starttime <= $enddate; $starttime = $starttime+$offset, $endtime = $endtime+$offset) { $new_event = Array(); $new_event['owner'] = $owner; $new_event['participants'] = $participants; $new_event['start'] = $starttime; $new_event['end'] = $endtime; $return[] = $new_event; } break; case MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY: $setDow = (int)date('w',$this->maketime($event['start'])); $dowOffsets = Array(); $firstDow; $firstDowOffset = 0; // Initializing do $mask = $this->wdays[$setDow]; $firstDayMismatch = False; if (((int)$event['recur_data'] & $mask) == 0){ $firstDayMismatch = True; } $dow = $setDow; for ($nextDow = $setDow; array_sum($dowOffsets) < 7;) { $nextDow = $this->getNextDow($nextDow); $mask = $this->wdays[$nextDow]; if (((int)$event['recur_data'] & $mask) != 0) { if ($firstDayMismatch and $firstDowOffset == 0) { if ($dow < $nextDow) { $firstDowOffset = $nextDow - $dow; } else if ($dow > $nextDow) { $firstDowOffset = (7 - $dow) + $nextDow; } } else { if ($dow < $nextDow) { $dowOffsets[] = $nextDow - $dow; } else if ($dow > $nextDow) { $dowOffsets[] = (7 - $dow) + $nextDow; } else { $dowOffsets[] = 7; } } $dow = $nextDow; if (!isset($firstDow)) { $firstDow = $dow; } } // $nextDow = $this->getNextDow($nextDow); // $mask = $this->wdays[$nextDow]; } if ($firstDayMismatch) { if ($dow < $firstDow) { $dowOffsets[] = $firstDow - $dow; } else if ($dow > $firstDow) { $dowOffsets[] = (7 - $dow) + $firstDow; } } // Gera os eventos $starttime = $this->maketime($event['start']); $endtime = $this->maketime($event['end']); $offset = 86400; $new_event = Array(); $new_event['owner'] = $owner; $new_event['participants'] = $participants; $new_event['start'] = $starttime; $new_event['end'] = $endtime; $return[] = $new_event; if ($firstDayMismatch && $firstDowOffset != 0) { $multi = $firstDowOffset; $new_event = Array(); $new_event['owner'] = $owner; $new_event['participants'] = $participants; $new_event['start'] = $starttime += $offset*$multi; $new_event['end'] = $endtime += $offset*$multi; $return[] = $new_event; } for ($i = 0, $multi = $dowOffsets[$i], $starttime += $offset*$multi, $endtime += $offset*$multi; $starttime <= $enddate; $i++, $i = ($i < count($dowOffsets))?$i:0, $multi = $dowOffsets[$i], $starttime += $offset*$multi, $endtime += $offset*$multi) { //error_log('loop infinito?'); $new_event = Array(); $new_event['owner'] = $owner; $new_event['participants'] = $participants; $new_event['start'] = $starttime; // + $offset*$multi; $new_event['end'] = $endtime; // + $offset*$multi; $return[] = $new_event; } break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY: // Not working!!! break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY: case MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY: for ($key = ($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY)?'year':'month', $starttime = $event['start'], $endtime = $event['end']; $this->maketime($starttime) <= $enddate; $starttime['year'] = ($key == 'month' && $starttime['month'] == 12)?$starttime['year']+1:$starttime['year'], $endtime['year'] = ($key == 'month' && $endtime['month'] == 12)?$endtime['year']+1:$endtime['year'], $starttime[$key] = ($key == 'year')?$starttime[$key]+1:($key == 'month' && $starttime[$key] < 12)?$starttime[$key]+1:1, $endtime[$key] = ($key == 'year')?$endtime[$key]+1:($key == 'month' && $endtime[$key] < 12)?$endtime[$key]+1:1) { $new_event = Array(); $new_event['owner'] = $owner; $new_event['participants'] = $participants; $new_event['start'] = $this->maketime($starttime); $new_event['end'] = $this->maketime($endtime); $return[] = $new_event; } break; // default: // return Array(); } return $return; } function update($params='') { $prefix = ( $params['from_mobile'] ? "mobile.ui_mobile" : "calendar.ui" ) . "calendar"; $ui_return = "$prefix.edit"; $ui_index = "$prefix.index"; if(!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime = createobject('phpgwapi.date_time'); } $l_cal = (@isset($params['cal']) && $params['cal']?$params['cal']:$_POST['cal']); $l_participants = (@$params['participants']?$params['participants']:$_POST['participants']); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/class.ex_participants.inc.php'); $this->ex_participants = new exParticipants(); $this->ex_participants->setParticipantsByString(@$params['ex_participants']?$params['ex_participants']:$_POST['ex_participants']); if(@$params['h_exParticipants']?$params['h_exParticipants']:$_POST['h_exParticipants']) $this->ex_participants->updateAttribBySerializable(@$params['h_exParticipants']?$params['h_exParticipants']:$_POST['h_exParticipants']); $l_categories = (@$params['categories']?$params['categories']:$_POST['categories']); $l_start = (@isset($params['start']) && $params['start']?$params['start']:$_POST['start']); $l_end = (@isset($params['end']) && $params['end']?$params['end']:$_POST['end']); $l_recur_enddate = (@isset($params['recur_enddate']) && $params['recur_enddate']?$params['recur_enddate']:$_POST['recur_enddate']); $send_to_ui = True; //if ((!is_array($l_start) || !is_array($l_end)) && !isset($_GET['readsess'])) // xmlrpc call if ($this->xmlrpc) // xmlrpc call { $send_to_ui = False; $l_cal = $params; // no extra array foreach(array('start','end','recur_enddate') as $name) { $var = 'l_'.$name; $$var = $GLOBALS['server']->iso86012date($params[$name]); unset($l_cal[$name]); } if (!is_array($l_participants) || !count($l_participants)) { $l_participants = array($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'].'A'); } else { $l_participants = array(); foreach($params['participants'] as $user => $data) { $l_participants[] = $user.$data['status']; } } if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->categories = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories'); } $l_categories = $GLOBALS['server']->xmlrpc2cats($params['category']); unset($l_cal['category']); // using access={public|private} in all modules via xmlrpc $l_cal['public'] = $params['access'] != 'private'; unset($l_cal['access']); /* $fp = fopen('/tmp/xmlrpc.log','a+'); ob_start(); echo "\nbocalendar::update("; print_r($params); echo ")\n"; //echo "\nl_start="; print_r($l_start); //echo "\nl_end="; print_r($l_end); fwrite($fp,ob_get_contents()); ob_end_clean(); fclose($fp); */ } print_debug('ID',$l_cal['id']); // don't wrap to the next day for no time if ($l_end['hour'] == 24 && $l_end['min'] == 0) { $l_end['hour'] = 23; $l_end['min'] = 59; } if(isset($_GET['readsess'])) { $event = $this->restore_from_appsession(); $event['title'] = stripslashes($event['title']); $event['description'] = stripslashes($event['description']); $event['ex_participants'] = stripslashes($event['ex_participants']); $datetime_check = $this->validate_update($event); if($datetime_check) { ExecMethod($ui_return, Array( 'cd' => $datetime_check, 'readsess' => 1 ) ); if(!$params['from_mobile']) $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(True); else return; } //$overlapping_events = False; } else { if((!$l_cal['id'] && !$this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_ADD)) || ($l_cal['id'] && !$this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT,$l_cal['id']))) { if ($this->xmlrpc) { $GLOBALS['server']->xmlrpc_error($GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['no_access'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['no_access']); } if (!$send_to_ui) { return array(($l_cal['id']?1:2) => 'permission denied'); } ExecMethod($ui_index); if(!$params['from_mobile']) $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(); else return; } print_debug('Prior to fix_update_time()'); $this->fix_update_time($l_start); $this->fix_update_time($l_end); if(!isset($l_cal['ex_participants'])) { $l_cal['ex_participants'] = $this->ex_participants->getParticipantsSerializable(); } if(!isset($l_categories)) { $l_categories = 0; } $is_public = ($l_cal['type'] != 'private' && $l_cal['type'] != 'privateHiddenFields'); $this->so->event_init(); if($l_cal['uid']) $this->add_attribute('uid',$l_cal['uid']); else $this->add_attribute('uid',time().'@Expresso'); $this->add_attribute('type',$l_cal['type']); if($l_cal['ex_participants']) { $this->add_attribute('ex_participants',$l_cal['ex_participants']); } if(count($l_categories) >= 2) { $this->so->set_category(implode(',',$l_categories)); } else { $this->so->set_category(strval($l_categories[0])); } $this->so->set_title($l_cal['title']); $this->so->set_description($l_cal['description']); $this->so->set_ex_participants($l_cal['ex_participants']); $this->so->set_start($l_start['year'],$l_start['month'],$l_start['mday'],$l_start['hour'],$l_start['min'],0); $this->so->set_end($l_end['year'],$l_end['month'],$l_end['mday'],$l_end['hour'],$l_end['min'],0); $this->so->set_class($is_public); $this->so->add_attribute('reference',(@isset($l_cal['reference']) && $l_cal['reference']?$l_cal['reference']:0)); $this->so->add_attribute('location',(@isset($l_cal['location']) && $l_cal['location']?$l_cal['location']:'')); if($l_cal['id']) { $this->so->add_attribute('id',$l_cal['id']); } if($l_cal['rpt_use_end'] != 'y') { $l_recur_enddate['year'] = 0; $l_recur_enddate['month'] = 0; $l_recur_enddate['mday'] = 0; } elseif (isset($l_recur_enddate['str'])) { $l_recur_enddate = $this->jscal->input2date($l_recur_enddate['str'],False,'mday'); } switch((int)$l_cal['recur_type']) { case MCAL_RECUR_NONE: $this->so->set_recur_none(); $this->repetido = (int)$l_cal['recur_type']; // recebe o tipo de repeticao; break; case MCAL_RECUR_DAILY: $this->so->set_recur_daily((int)$l_recur_enddate['year'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['month'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['mday'],(int)$l_cal['recur_interval']); $this->repetido = (int)$l_cal['recur_type']; // recebe o tipo de repeticao; $tmp_init = explode("/",$_POST['start']['str']); // recebe a data inicial da repeticao; $init_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_init[1]),$tmp_init[0],$tmp_init[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora + minuto em UNIX timestamp; if($l_cal['rpt_use_end'] == 'y') // verifica se foi indicada data final da repeticao, se sim: { $tmp_end = explode("/",$_POST['recur_enddate']['str']); // recebe data final da repeticao; $end_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_end[1]),$tmp_end[0],$tmp_end[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora e minuto de inicio da repeticao em UNIX timestamp; }else { // se nao existe data final da repeticao (agendamento infinito): $end_rept = 0; // variavel recebe zero e nao sera adicionado nenhum alarme para o agendamento; } break; case MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY: $this->repetido = (int)$l_cal['recur_type']; // recebe o tipo de repeticao; $tmp_init = explode("/",$_POST['start']['str']); // recebe a data inicial da repeticao; $init_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_init[1]),$tmp_init[0],$tmp_init[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora + minuto em UNIX timestamp; if($l_cal['rpt_use_end'] == 'y') // verifica se foi indicada data final da repeticao, se sim: { $tmp_end = explode("/",$_POST['recur_enddate']['str']); // recebe data final da repeticao; $end_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_end[1]),$tmp_end[0],$tmp_end[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora e minuto de inicio da repeticao em UNIX timestamp; }else { // se nao existe data final da repeticao (agendamento infinito): $end_rept = 0; // variavel recebe zero e nao sera adicionado nenhum alarme para o agendamento; } foreach(array('rpt_sun','rpt_mon','rpt_tue','rpt_wed','rpt_thu','rpt_fri','rpt_sat') as $rpt_day) { $l_cal['recur_data'] += (int)$l_cal[$rpt_day]; } if (is_array($l_cal['rpt_day'])) { foreach ($l_cal['rpt_day'] as $mask) { $l_cal['recur_data'] |= (int)$mask; $rpt_wdays = $l_cal['recur_data']; // recebe os dias da semana (somatorio) para repetir o alarme; } } $this->so->set_recur_weekly((int)$l_recur_enddate['year'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['month'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['mday'],(int)$l_cal['recur_interval'],$l_cal['recur_data']); break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY: $this->so->set_recur_monthly_mday((int)$l_recur_enddate['year'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['month'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['mday'],(int)$l_cal['recur_interval']); $this->repetido = (int)$l_cal['recur_type']; // recebe o tipo de repeticao; $tmp_init = explode("/",$_POST['start']['str']); // recebe a data inicial da repeticao; $init_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_init[1]),$tmp_init[0],$tmp_init[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora + minuto em UNIX timestamp; if($l_cal['rpt_use_end'] == 'y') // verifica se foi indicada data final da repeticao, se sim: { $tmp_end = explode("/",$_POST['recur_enddate']['str']); // recebe data final da repeticao; $end_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_end[1]),$tmp_end[0],$tmp_end[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora e minuto de inicio da repeticao em UNIX timestamp; }else { // se nao existe data final da repeticao (agendamento infinito): $end_rept = 0; // variavel recebe zero e nao sera adicionado nenhum alarme para o agendamento; } break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY: $this->so->set_recur_monthly_wday((int)$l_recur_enddate['year'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['month'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['mday'],(int)$l_cal['recur_interval']); break; case MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY: $this->so->set_recur_yearly((int)$l_recur_enddate['year'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['month'],(int)$l_recur_enddate['mday'],(int)$l_cal['recur_interval']); $this->repetido = (int)$l_cal['recur_type']; // recebe o tipo de repeticao; $tmp_init = explode("/",$_POST['start']['str']); // recebe a data inicial da repeticao; $init_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_init[1]),$tmp_init[0],$tmp_init[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora + minuto em UNIX timestamp; if($l_cal['rpt_use_end'] == 'y') // verifica se foi indicada data final da repeticao, se sim: { $tmp_end = explode("/",$_POST['recur_enddate']['str']); // recebe data final da repeticao; $end_rept = mktime($_POST['start']['hour'],$_POST['start']['min'],0,intval($tmp_end[1]),$tmp_end[0],$tmp_end[2]); // transforma a data inicial + hora e minuto de inicio da repeticao em UNIX timestamp; }else { // se nao existe data final da repeticao (agendamento infinito): $end_rept = 0; // variavel recebe zero e nao sera adicionado nenhum alarme para o agendamento; } break; } if($l_participants) { $parts = $l_participants; $minparts = min($l_participants); $part = Array(); for($i=0;$i 0) { $accept_type = 'U'; } $acct_type = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type((int)$parts[$i]); if($acct_type == 'u' || $acct_type == 's') { $part[(int)$parts[$i]] = $accept_type; } elseif($acct_type == 'g') { $part[(int)$parts[$i]] = $accept_type; $groups[] = $parts[$i]; /* This pulls ALL users of a group and makes them as participants to the event */ /* I would like to turn this back into a group thing. */ $acct = CreateObject('phpgwapi.accounts',(int)$parts[$i]); $members = $acct->member((int)$parts[$i]); unset($acct); if($members == False) { continue; } while($member = each($members)) { $part[$member[1]['account_id']] = $accept_type; } } } } else { $part = False; } if($part) { @reset($part); while(list($key,$accept_type) = each($part)) { $this->so->add_attribute('participants',$accept_type,(int)$key); } } if($groups) { @reset($groups); $this->so->add_attribute('groups',(int)$group_id); } $event = $this->get_cached_event(); if(!is_int($minparts)) { $minparts = $this->owner; } if(!@isset($event['participants'][$l_cal['owner']])) { $this->so->add_attribute('owner',$minparts); } else { $this->so->add_attribute('owner',$l_cal['owner']); } $this->so->add_attribute('priority',$l_cal['priority']); foreach($l_cal as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] == '#') // Custom field { $this->so->add_attribute($name,stripslashes($value)); } } if (isset($_POST['preserved']) && is_array($preserved = unserialize(stripslashes($_POST['preserved'])))) { foreach($preserved as $name => $value) { switch($name) { case 'owner': $this->so->add_attribute('participants',$value,$l_cal['owner']); break; default: $this->so->add_attribute($name,str_replace(array('&','"','<','>'),array('&','"','<','>'),$value)); } } } $event = $this->get_cached_event(); if ($l_cal['alarmdays'] > 0 || $l_cal['alarmhours'] > 0 ||$l_cal['alarmminutes'] > 0) { $offset = ($l_cal['alarmdays'] * 24 * 3600) + ($l_cal['alarmhours'] * 3600) + ($l_cal['alarmminutes'] * 60); $time = $this->maketime($event['start']) - $offset; $event['alarm'][] = Array( 'time' => $time, 'offset' => $offset, 'owner' => $this->owner, 'enabled' => 1, 'repeat' => $this->repetido, // para repetir alarme; 'init_rept' => $init_rept, // inicio repeticao; 'end_rept' => $end_rept, // fim repeticao; 'rpt_wdays' => $rpt_wdays // dias repeticao da semana; ); } $this->store_to_appsession($event); $datetime_check = $this->validate_update($event); print_debug('bo->validated_update() returnval',$datetime_check); if($datetime_check) { if (!$send_to_ui) { return array($datetime_check => 'invalid input data'); } ExecMethod($ui_return, Array( 'cd' => $datetime_check, 'readsess' => 1 ) ); if(!$params['from_mobile']) $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(True); else return; } $overlapping_events = $this->event_overlap( $event, $send_to_ui, $prefix ); if( $overlapping_events ) return( $overlapping_events ); } $event['ex_participants'] = $this->ex_participants->getParticipantsSerializable(); if($event['owner'] != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']) $userSend = $event['owner']; else $userSend = false; if(!$event['id']) { /** Whenever a recurrent event is edit in a way that a new * exception is created, an exception must be added to * the old event. This is necessary to keep consistency * with synchornization solutions in accordancy to * the iCalendar RFC. */ $old_event = $this->so->read_entry($_POST['cal']['reference']); $date = $_POST['cal']['date']; $year = substr($date,0,4); $month = substr($date,4,2); $day = substr($date,6,2); $exception_time = mktime($old_event['start']['hour'],$old_event['start']['min'],0,$month,$day,$year) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $old_event['recur_exception'][] = (int)$exception_time; $this->so->add_entry($old_event,false); $this->so->add_entry($event,false); print_debug('New Event ID',$event['id']); $send_type = MSG_ADDED; } else { print_debug('Updating Event ID',$event['id']); $new_event = $event; $old_event = $this->read_entry($event['id']); // if old event has alarm and the start-time changed => update them //echo "

checking ".count($old_event['alarm'])." alarms of event #$event[id] start moved from ".print_r($old_event['start'],True)." to ".print_r($event['start'],True)."

\n"; if ($old_event['alarm'] && $this->maketime($old_event['start']) != $this->maketime($event['start'])) { $this->so->delete_alarms($old_event['id']); foreach($old_event['alarm'] as $id => $alarm) { $alarm['time'] = $this->maketime($event['start']) - $alarm['offset']; $event['alarm'][] = $alarm; } //echo "updated alarms
\n"; } $this->so->cal->event = $event; $this->so->add_entry($event,false); $this->prepare_recipients($new_event,$old_event,$userSend); $send_type = MSG_MODIFIED; } //Retira da lista usuarios ja notificados $to_notify = $event['participants']; foreach ($this->alreadyNotifieds as $key => $value) if(array_key_exists($value,$to_notify)) unset ($to_notify[$value]); //------------------------------------------------// if(count($to_notify) > 0 && $userSend !== -2) $this->send_update( $send_type,$to_notify,'',$this->get_cached_event(),$userSend); $date = sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$event['start']['year'],$event['start']['month'],$event['start']['mday']); if($send_to_ui) { $this->read_sessiondata(); if ($this->return_to) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/index.php','menuaction='.$this->return_to); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(); } Execmethod($ui_index); } else { return (int)$event['id']; } return True; } function event_overlap( $event, $send_to_ui = false, $prefix = "calendar.uicalendar" ,$user = false) { $event_ids = array(); if($event['id']) { $event_ids[] = $event['id']; } if($event['reference']) { $event_ids[] = $event['reference']; } if (isset($this->repetido) and $this->repetido > 0) { $events = $this->expand_repetition($event); $overlapping_events = False; foreach($events as $evt){ $overlap = $this->overlap( $evt['start'], $evt['end'], $evt['participants'], $evt['owner'], $event_ids); if ($overlap) { if (!$overlapping_events) { $overlapping_events = Array(); } array_push($overlapping_events, $overlap); } } } else { $overlapping_events = $this->overlap( $this->maketime($event['start']), $this->maketime($event['end']), $event['participants'], $event['owner'], $event_ids ); } if($overlapping_events) { $this->store_to_appsession( $event ); if($send_to_ui) { unset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['noheader']); unset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['nonavbar']); ExecMethod("$prefix.overlap", Array( 'o_events' => $overlapping_events, 'this_event' => $event, 'this_account' => $user ) ); if( $prefix === "calendar.uicalendar" ) $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->phpgw_exit(True); } return( $overlapping_events ); } return( false ); } /* Private functions */ function read_holidays($year=0) { if(!$year) { $year = $this->year; } $holiday = CreateObject('calendar.boholiday'); $holiday->prepare_read_holidays($year,$this->owner); $this->cached_holidays = $holiday->read_holiday(); unset($holiday); } function user_is_a_member($event,$user) { @reset($event['participants']); $uim = False; $security_equals = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($user); while(!$uim && $event['participants'] && $security_equals && list($participant,$status) = each($event['participants'])) { if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($participant) == 'g') { @reset($security_equals); while(list($key,$group_info) = each($security_equals)) { if($group_info['account_id'] == $participant) { return True; $uim = True; } } } } return $uim; } function maketime($time) { return mktime(intval($time['hour']),intval($time['min']),intval($time['sec']),intval($time['month']),intval($time['mday']),intval($time['year'])); } /*! @function time2array @abstract returns a date-array suitable for the start- or endtime of an event from a timestamp @syntax time2array($time,$alarm=0) @param $time the timestamp for the values of the array @param $alarm (optional) alarm field of the array, defaults to 0 @author ralfbecker */ function time2array($time,$alarm = 0) { return array( 'year' => (int)(date('Y',$time)), 'month' => (int)(date('m',$time)), 'mday' => (int)(date('d',$time)), 'hour' => (int)(date('H',$time)), 'min' => (int)(date('i',$time)), 'sec' => (int)(date('s',$time)), 'alarm' => (int)($alarm) ); } /*! @function set_recur_date @abstract set the start- and enddates of a recuring event for a recur-date @syntax set_recur_date(&$event,$date) @param $event the event which fields to set (has to be the original event for start-/end-times) @param $date the recuring date in form 'Ymd', eg. 20030226 @author ralfbecker */ function set_recur_date(&$event,$date) { $org_start = $this->maketime($event['start']); $org_end = $this->maketime($event['end']); $start = mktime($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],0,substr($date,4,2),substr($date,6,2),substr($date,0,4)); $end = $org_end + $start - $org_start; $event['start'] = $this->time2array($start); $event['end'] = $this->time2array($end); } function fix_update_time(&$time_param) { if (isset($time_param['str'])) { if (!is_object($this->jscal)) { $this->jscal = CreateObject('phpgwapi.jscalendar'); } $time_param += $this->jscal->input2date($time_param['str'],False,'mday'); unset($time_param['str']); } if ($this->prefs['common']['timeformat'] == '12') { if ($time_param['ampm'] == 'pm') { if ($time_param['hour'] <> 12) { $time_param['hour'] += 12; } } elseif ($time_param['ampm'] == 'am') { if ($time_param['hour'] == 12) { $time_param['hour'] -= 12; } } if($time_param['hour'] > 24) { $time_param['hour'] -= 12; } } } function validate_update($event) { $error = 0; // do a little form verifying if (!count($event['participants'])) { $error = 43; } elseif ($event['title'] == '') { $error = 40; } elseif (($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->time_valid($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],0) == False) || ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->time_valid($event['end']['hour'],$event['end']['min'],0) == False)) { $error = 41; } elseif (($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->date_valid($event['start']['year'],$event['start']['month'],$event['start']['mday']) == False) || ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->date_valid($event['end']['year'],$event['end']['month'],$event['end']['mday']) == False) || ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->date_compare($event['start']['year'],$event['start']['month'],$event['start']['mday'],$event['end']['year'],$event['end']['month'],$event['end']['mday']) == 1)) { $error = 42; } elseif ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->date_compare($event['start']['year'],$event['start']['month'],$event['start']['mday'],$event['end']['year'],$event['end']['month'],$event['end']['mday']) == 0) { if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->time_compare($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],0,$event['end']['hour'],$event['end']['min'],0) == 1) { $error = 42; } } return $error; } /*! @function participants_not_rejected($participants,$event) @abstract checks if any of the $particpants participates in $event and has not rejected it */ function participants_not_rejected($participants,$event) { //echo "participants_not_rejected()
participants =
"; print_r($participants); echo "

"; print_r($event['participants']); echo "
\n"; foreach($participants as $uid => $status) { //echo "testing event[participants][uid=$uid] = '".$event['participants'][$uid]."'
\n"; if (isset($event['participants'][$uid]) && $event['participants'][$uid] != 'R' && $status != 'R') { return True; // found not rejected participant in event } } return False; } function overlap($starttime,$endtime,$participants,$owner=0,$id=0,$restore_cache=False) { // $retval = Array(); // $ok = False; /* This needs some attention.. by commenting this chunk of code it will fix bug #444265 */ if($restore_cache) { $temp_cache_events = $this->cached_events; } // $temp_start = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime,'Ymd'); // $temp_start_time = (int)($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime,'Hi'); // $temp_end = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime,'Ymd'); // $temp_end_time = (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime,'Hi'); $temp_start = (int)(date('Ymd',$starttime)); $temp_start_time = (int)(date('Hi',$starttime)); $temp_end = (int)(date('Ymd',$endtime)); $temp_end_time = (int)(date('Hi',$endtime)); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } $users = Array(); if(count($participants)) { while(list($user,$status) = each($participants)) { $users[] = $user; } } else { $users[] = $this->owner; } $possible_conflicts = $this->store_to_cache( Array( 'smonth' => substr(strval($temp_start),4,2), 'sday' => substr(strval($temp_start),6,2), 'syear' => substr(strval($temp_start),0,4), 'emonth' => substr(strval($temp_end),4,2), 'eday' => substr(strval($temp_end),6,2), 'eyear' => substr(strval($temp_end),0,4), 'owner' => $users ) ); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } if($possible_conflicts[$temp_start] || $possible_conflicts[$temp_end]) { if($temp_start == $temp_end) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } @reset($possible_conflicts[$temp_start]); while(list($key,$event) = each($possible_conflicts[$temp_start])) { $found = False; if($id) { @reset($id); while(list($key,$event_id) = each($id)) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } if($event['id'] == $event_id) { $found = True; } } } if($this->debug) { echo ''."
\n"; } if(!$found) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } } } } } else { $retval = False; } if($restore_cache) { $this->cached_events = $temp_cache_events; } return $retval; } /*! @function check_perms( ) @syntax check_perms($needed,$event=0,$other=0) @abstract Checks if the current user has the necessary ACL rights @author ralfbecker @discussion The check is performed on an event or general on the cal of an other user @param $needed necessary ACL right: PHPGW_ACL_{READ|EDIT|DELETE} @param $event event as array or the event-id or 0 for general check @param $other uid to check (if event==0) or 0 to check against $this->owner @note Participating in an event is considered as haveing read-access on that event, \ even if you have no general read-grant from that user. */ function check_perms($needed,$event=0,$other=0) { $event_in = $event; if (is_int($event) && $event == 0) { $owner = $other > 0 ? $other : $this->owner; } else { if (!is_array($event)) { $event = $this->so->read_entry((int) $event); } if (!is_array($event)) { if ($this->xmlrpc) { $GLOBALS['server']->xmlrpc_error($GLOBALS['xmlrpcerr']['not_exist'],$GLOBALS['xmlrpcstr']['not_exist']); } return False; } $owner = $event['owner']; $private = $event['public'] == False || $event['public'] == 0; } $user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; $grants = $this->grants[$owner]; if (is_array($event) && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_READ) { // Check if the $user is one of the participants or has a read-grant from one of them // foreach($event['participants'] as $uid => $accept) { if ($this->grants[$uid] & PHPGW_ACL_READ || $uid == $user) { $grants |= PHPGW_ACL_READ; // if the $user is one of the participants read-grant private (restricted) too. if($uid == $user || ($this->grants[$uid] & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE)) { $grants |= PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE; } //break; } } } if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($owner) == 'g' && $needed == PHPGW_ACL_ADD) { $access = False; // a group can't be the owner of an event } else { $access = $user == $owner || $grants & $needed && (!$private || $grants & PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE); } //echo "

".function_backtrace()." check_perms($needed,$event_id,$other) for user $user and needed_acl $needed: event='$event[title]': owner=$owner, private=$private, grants=$grants ==> access=$access

\n"; return $access; } function display_status($user_status) { if(@$this->prefs['calendar']['display_status'] && $user_status) { $user_status = substr($this->get_long_status($user_status),0,1); return ' ('.$user_status.')'; } else { return ''; } } function get_long_status($status_short) { switch ($status_short) { case 'A': $status = lang('Accepted'); break; case 'R': $status = lang('Rejected'); break; case 'T': $status = lang('Tentative'); break; case 'U': $status = lang('No Response'); break; } return $status; } function is_private($event,$owner) { if($owner == 0) { $owner = $this->owner; } if ($owner == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] || ($event['public']==1) || ($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_PRIVATE,$event) && $event['public']==0) || $event['owner'] == $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']) { return False; } elseif($event['public'] == 0) { return True; } elseif($event['public'] == 2) { $is_private = True; $groups = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($owner); while (list($key,$group) = each($groups)) { if (strpos(' '.implode(',',$event['groups']).' ',$group['account_id'])) { return False; } } } else { return False; } return $is_private; } function get_short_field($event,$is_private=True,$field='') { if($is_private && $event['type'] == 'E') { return lang('Restrict'); } else if($is_private && $event['type'] == 'P') { return lang('private'); } // cut off too long titles elseif(strlen($event[$field]) > 19 && !$this->printer_friendly && $field=="title") // elseif(strlen($event[$field]) > 19 && $this->printer_friendly) { // we dont use currently 160304 // return substr($event[$field], 0 , 19) . ' ...'; return $event[$field]; } else { return $event[$field]; } } function long_date($first,$last=0) { if (!is_array($first)) { $first = $this->time2array($raw = $first); $first['raw'] = $raw; $first['day'] = $first['mday']; } if ($last && !is_array($last)) { $last = $this->time2array($raw = $last); $last['raw'] = $raw; $last['day'] = $last['mday']; } $datefmt = $this->prefs['common']['dateformat']; $month_before_day = strtolower($datefmt[0]) == 'm' || strtolower($datefmt[2]) == 'm' && $datefmt[4] == 'd'; for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i += 2) { switch($datefmt[$i]) { case 'd': $range .= $first['day'] . ($datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : ''); if ($first['month'] != $last['month'] || $first['year'] != $last['year']) { if (!$month_before_day) { $range .= ' '.lang(strftime('%B',$first['raw'])); } if ($first['year'] != $last['year'] && $datefmt[0] != 'Y') { $range .= ($datefmt[0] != 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') . $first['year']; } if (!$last) { return $range; } $range .= ' - '; if ($first['year'] != $last['year'] && $datefmt[0] == 'Y') { $range .= $last['year'] . ', '; } if ($month_before_day) { $range .= lang(strftime('%B',$last['raw'])); } } else { $range .= ' - '; } $range .= ' ' . $last['day'] . ($datefmt[1] == '.' ? '.' : ''); break; case 'm': case 'M': $range .= ' '.lang(strftime('%B',$month_before_day ? $first['raw'] : $last['raw'])) . ' '; break; case 'Y': $range .= ($datefmt[0] == 'm' ? ', ' : ' ') . ($datefmt[0] == 'Y' ? $first['year'].($datefmt[2] == 'd' ? ', ' : ' ') : $last['year'].' '); break; } } return $range; } function get_week_label() { $first = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtdate($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->get_weekday_start($this->year, $this->month, $this->day)); $last = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->gmtdate($first['raw'] + 518400); return ($this->long_date($first,$last)); } function normalizeminutes(&$minutes) { $hour = 0; $min = (int)$minutes; if($min >= 60) { $hour += $min / 60; $min %= 60; } settype($minutes,'integer'); $minutes = $min; return $hour; } function splittime($time,$follow_24_rule=True) { $temp = array('hour','minute','second','ampm'); $time = strrev($time); $second = (int)(strrev(substr($time,0,2))); $minute = (int)(strrev(substr($time,2,2))); $hour = (int)(strrev(substr($time,4))); $hour += $this->normalizeminutes($minute); $temp['second'] = $second; $temp['minute'] = $minute; $temp['hour'] = $hour; $temp['ampm'] = ' '; if($follow_24_rule == True) { if ($this->prefs['common']['timeformat'] == '24') { return $temp; } $temp['ampm'] = 'am'; if ((int)$temp['hour'] > 12) { $temp['hour'] = (int)((int)$temp['hour'] - 12); $temp['ampm'] = 'pm'; } elseif ((int)$temp['hour'] == 12) { $temp['ampm'] = 'pm'; } } return $temp; } function get_exception_array($exception_str='') { $exception = Array(); if(strpos(' '.$exception_str,',')) { $exceptions = explode(',',$exception_str); for($exception_count=0;$exception_countsplittime($fixed_time); $str = $time['hour'].':'.((int)$time['minute']<=9?'0':'').$time['minute']; if ($this->prefs['common']['timeformat'] == '12') { $str .= ' ' . $time['ampm']; } return $str; } function sort_event($event,$date) { $inserted = False; if(isset($event['recur_exception'])) { $event_time = mktime($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],0,(int)(substr($date,4,2)),(int)(substr($date,6,2)),(int)(substr($date,0,4))) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; while($inserted == False && list($key,$exception_time) = each($event['recur_exception'])) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } if($exception_time == $event_time) { $inserted = True; } } } if($this->cached_events[$date] && $inserted == False) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $year = substr($date,0,4); $month = substr($date,4,2); $day = substr($date,6,2); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } for($i=0;$icached_events[$date]);$i++) { if($this->cached_events[$date][$i]['id'] == $event['id'] || $this->cached_events[$date][$i]['reference'] == $event['id']) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $inserted = True; break; } /* This puts all spanning events across multiple days up at the top. */ if($this->cached_events[$date][$i]['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { if($this->cached_events[$date][$i]['start']['mday'] != $day && $this->cached_events[$date][$i]['end']['mday'] >= $day) { continue; } } if(date('Hi',mktime($event['start']['hour'],$event['start']['min'],$event['start']['sec'],$month,$day,$year)) < date('Hi',mktime($this->cached_events[$date][$i]['start']['hour'],$this->cached_events[$date][$i]['start']['min'],$this->cached_events[$date][$i]['start']['sec'],$month,$day,$year))) { for($j=count($this->cached_events[$date]);$j>=$i;$j--) { $this->cached_events[$date][$j] = $this->cached_events[$date][$j-1]; } if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $inserted = True; $this->cached_events[$date][$i] = $event; break; } } } if(!$inserted) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $this->cached_events[$date][] = $event; } } function check_repeating_events($datetime) { @reset($this->repeating_events); $search_date_full = date('Ymd',$datetime); $search_date_year = date('Y',$datetime); $search_date_month = date('m',$datetime); $search_date_day = date('d',$datetime); $search_date_dow = date('w',$datetime); $search_beg_day = mktime(0,0,0,$search_date_month,$search_date_day,$search_date_year); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $repeated = $this->repeating_events; $r_events = count($repeated); for ($i=0;$i<$r_events;$i++) { $rep_events = $this->repeating_events[$i]; $id = $rep_events['id']; $event_beg_day = mktime(0,0,0,$rep_events['start']['month'],$rep_events['start']['mday'],$rep_events['start']['year']); if($rep_events['recur_enddate']['month'] != 0 && $rep_events['recur_enddate']['mday'] != 0 && $rep_events['recur_enddate']['year'] != 0) { $event_recur_time = $this->maketime($rep_events['recur_enddate']); } else { $event_recur_time = mktime(0,0,0,1,1,2030); } $end_recur_date = date('Ymd',$event_recur_time); $full_event_date = date('Ymd',$event_beg_day); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } // only repeat after the beginning, and if there is an rpt_end before the end date if (($search_date_full > $end_recur_date) || ($search_date_full < $full_event_date)) { continue; } if ($search_date_full == $full_event_date) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); continue; } else { $freq = $rep_events['recur_interval']; $freq = $freq ? $freq : 1; $type = $rep_events['recur_type']; switch($type) { case MCAL_RECUR_DAILY: if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } if ($freq == 1 && $rep_events['recur_enddate']['month'] != 0 && $rep_events['recur_enddate']['mday'] != 0 && $rep_events['recur_enddate']['year'] != 0 && $search_date_full <= $end_recur_date) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } elseif (floor(($search_beg_day - $event_beg_day)/86400) % ($freq ? $freq : 1)) { continue; } else { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } break; case MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY: if ((floor($search_beg_day / 604800) - floor($event_beg_day / 604800)) % $freq) { continue; } $check = 0; switch($search_date_dow) { case 0: $check = MCAL_M_SUNDAY; break; case 1: $check = MCAL_M_MONDAY; break; case 2: $check = MCAL_M_TUESDAY; break; case 3: $check = MCAL_M_WEDNESDAY; break; case 4: $check = MCAL_M_THURSDAY; break; case 5: $check = MCAL_M_FRIDAY; break; case 6: $check = MCAL_M_SATURDAY; break; } if ($rep_events['recur_data'] & $check) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_WDAY: if ((($search_date_year - $rep_events['start']['year']) * 12 + $search_date_month - $rep_events['start']['month']) % $freq) { continue; } if (($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->day_of_week($rep_events['start']['year'],$rep_events['start']['month'],$rep_events['start']['mday']) == $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->day_of_week($search_date_year,$search_date_month,$search_date_day)) && (ceil($rep_events['start']['mday']/7) == ceil($search_date_day/7))) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } break; case MCAL_RECUR_MONTHLY_MDAY: if ((($search_date_year - $rep_events['start']['year']) * 12 + $search_date_month - $rep_events['start']['month']) % ($freq ? $freq : 1)) { continue; } if ($search_date_day == $rep_events['start']['mday']) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } break; case MCAL_RECUR_YEARLY: if (($search_date_year - $rep_events['start']['year']) % ($freq ? $freq : 1)) { continue; } if (date('dm',$datetime) == date('dm',$event_beg_day)) { $this->sort_event($rep_events,$search_date_full); } break; } } } // end for loop } // end function function store_to_cache($params) { if(!is_array($params)) { return False; } if (isset($params['start']) && ($datearr = $GLOBALS['server']->iso86012date($params['start']))) { $syear = $datearr['year']; $smonth = $datearr['month']; $sday = $datearr['mday']; $this->xmlrpc = True; } else { $syear = $params['syear']; $smonth = $params['smonth']; $sday = $params['sday']; } if (isset($params['end']) && ($datearr = $GLOBALS['server']->iso86012date($params['end']))) { $eyear = $datearr['year']; $emonth = $datearr['month']; $eday = $datearr['mday']; $this->xmlrpc = True; } else { $eyear = (isset($params['eyear'])?$params['eyear']:0); $emonth = (isset($params['emonth'])?$params['emonth']:0); $eday = (isset($params['eday'])?$params['eday']:0); } if (!isset($params['owner']) && @$this->xmlrpc) { $owner_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['user_id']; } else { $owner_id = (isset($params['owner'])?$params['owner']:0); if($owner_id==0 && $this->is_group) { unset($owner_id); $owner_id = $this->g_owner; if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } } } if(!$eyear && !$emonth && !$eday) { $edate = mktime(23,59,59,$smonth + 1,$sday + 1,$syear); $eyear = date('Y',$edate); $emonth = date('m',$edate); $eday = date('d',$edate); } else { if(!$eyear) { $eyear = $syear; } //Tratamento do valor final (mes) da pesquisa de eventos feita em $this->so->list_events. //Se $emonth nao tem valor, recebe o valor de $smonth (que recebe $params['smonth']) e soma 1. //O valor $params['emonth'] indica o mes final para a pesquisa de eventos, e passou a ser //informado na a impressao de eventos mensais. Mudancas feitas em class.uicalendar.inc.php, //function display_month_print(); if(!$emonth) { $emonth = $smonth + 1; if($emonth > 12) { $emonth = 1; $eyear++; } } if(!$eday) { $eday = $sday + 1; } $edate = mktime(23,59,59,$emonth,$eday,$eyear); } //echo "

bocalendar::store_to_cache(".print_r($params,True).") syear=$syear, smonth=$smonth, sday=$sday, eyear=$eyear, emonth=$emonth, eday=$eday, xmlrpc='$param[xmlrpc]'

\n"; if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } //A variavel $month_print recebe o parametro 'saux' com o mes de inicio da pesquisa de eventos por //$this->so->list_events. O valor do mes final da pesquisa e tratado no codigo acima; //$month_ini = $params['saux']; if($owner_id) { $cached_event_ids = $this->so->list_events($syear,$smonth,$sday,$eyear,$emonth,$eday,$owner_id); $cached_event_ids_repeating = $this->so->list_repeated_events($syear,$smonth,$sday,$eyear,$emonth,$eday,$owner_id); } else { $cached_event_ids = $this->so->list_events($syear,$smonth,$sday,$eyear,$emonth,$eday); $cached_event_ids_repeating = $this->so->list_repeated_events($syear,$smonth,$sday,$eyear,$emonth,$eday); } $c_cached_ids = count($cached_event_ids); $c_cached_ids_repeating = count($cached_event_ids_repeating); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; echo ''."\n"; } $this->cached_events = Array(); if($c_cached_ids == 0 && $c_cached_ids_repeating == 0) { return; } $cache_start = (int)(sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",$syear,$smonth,$sday)); $cached_event=$this->get_cached_event(); if($c_cached_ids) { for($i=0;$i<$c_cached_ids;$i++) { $event = $this->so->read_entry($cached_event_ids[$i]); if ($event['recur_type']) { continue; // fetch recuring events only in 2. loop } $startdate = (int)(date('Ymd',$this->maketime($event['start']))); $enddate = (int)(date('Ymd',$this->maketime($event['end']))); $this->cached_events[$startdate][] = $event; if($startdate != $enddate) { $start['year'] = (int)(substr($startdate,0,4)); $start['month'] = (int)(substr($startdate,4,2)); $start['mday'] = (int)(substr($startdate,6,2)); for($j=$startdate,$k=0;$j<=$enddate;$k++,$j=(int)(date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$start['month'],$start['mday'] + $k,$start['year'])))) { $c_evt_day = count($this->cached_events[$j]) - 1; if($c_evt_day < 0) { $c_evt_day = 0; } if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } if($this->cached_events[$j][$c_evt_day]['id'] != $event['id']) { if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } $this->cached_events[$j][] = $event; } if ($j >= $cache_start && (@$params['no_doubles'] || @$this->xmlrpc)) { break; // add event only once on it's startdate } } } } } $this->repeating_events = Array(); if($c_cached_ids_repeating) { for($i=0;$i<$c_cached_ids_repeating;$i++) { $this->repeating_events[$i] = $this->so->read_entry($cached_event_ids_repeating[$i]); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } } for($date=mktime(0,0,0,$smonth,$sday,$syear);$date<=$edate;$date += 86400) { if($this->debug) { $search_date = date('Ymd',$date); echo ''."\n"; } $this->check_repeating_events($date); if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; for($i=0;$icached_events[$search_date]);$i++) { echo ''."\n"; } } } } $retval = Array(); for($j=date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$smonth,$sday,$syear)),$k=0;$j<=date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$emonth,$eday,$eyear));$k++,$j=date('Ymd',mktime(0,0,0,$smonth,$sday + $k,$syear))) { if(is_array($this->cached_events[$j])) { if ($this->xmlrpc) { foreach($this->cached_events[$j] as $event) { $retval[] = $this->xmlrpc_prepare($event); } } else { $retval[$j] = $this->cached_events[$j]; } } } //echo "store_to_cache(".print_r($params,True).")=
\n"; $this->so->cal->event = $cached_event; return $retval; } function xmlrpc_prepare(&$event) { $event['rights'] = $this->grants[$event['owner']]; foreach(array('start','end','modtime','recur_enddate') as $name) { if (isset($event[$name])) { $event[$name] = $GLOBALS['server']->date2iso8601($event[$name]); } } if (is_array($event['recur_exception'])) { foreach($event['recur_exception'] as $key => $timestamp) { $event['recur_exception'][$key] = $GLOBALS['server']->date2iso8601($timestamp); } } static $user_cache = array(); if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->perferences)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->perferences = CreateObject('phpgwapi.preferences'); } foreach($event['participants'] as $user_id => $status) { if (!isset($user_cache[$user_id])) { $user_cache[$user_id] = array( 'name' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($user_id), 'email' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->perferences->email_address($user_id) ); } $event['participants'][$user_id] = $user_cache[$user_id] + array( 'status' => $status, ); } if (is_array($event['alarm'])) { foreach($event['alarm'] as $id => $alarm) { $event['alarm'][$id]['time'] = $GLOBALS['server']->date2iso8601($alarm['time']); if ($alarm['owner'] != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']) { unset($event['alarm'][$id]); } } } $event['category'] = $GLOBALS['server']->cats2xmlrpc(explode(',',$event['category'])); // using access={public|privat} in all modules via xmlrpc $event['access'] = $event['public'] ? 'public' : 'privat'; unset($event['public']); return $event; } /* Begin Appsession Data */ function store_to_appsession($event) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('entry','calendar',$event); } function restore_from_appsession() { $this->event_init(); $event = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('entry','calendar'); $this->so->cal->event = $event; return $event; } /* End Appsession Data */ /* Begin of SO functions */ function get_cached_event() { return $this->so->get_cached_event(); } function add_attribute($var,$value,$index='**(**') { $this->so->add_attribute($var,$value,$index); } function event_init() { $this->so->event_init(); } function set_start($year,$month,$day=0,$hour=0,$min=0,$sec=0) { $this->so->set_start($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec); } function set_end($year,$month,$day=0,$hour=0,$min=0,$sec=0) { $this->so->set_end($year,$month,$day,$hour,$min,$sec); } function set_title($title='') { $this->so->set_title($title); } function set_description($description='') { $this->so->set_description($description); } function set_ex_participants($ex_participants='') { $this->so->set_ex_participants($ex_participants); } function set_class($class) { $this->so->set_class($class); } function set_category($category='') { $this->so->set_category($category); } function set_alarm($alarm) { $this->so->set_alarm($alarm); } function set_recur_none() { $this->so->set_recur_none(); } function set_recur_daily($year,$month,$day,$interval) { $this->so->set_recur_daily($year,$month,$day,$interval); } function set_recur_weekly($year,$month,$day,$interval,$weekdays) { $this->so->set_recur_weekly($year,$month,$day,$interval,$weekdays); } function set_recur_monthly_mday($year,$month,$day,$interval) { $this->so->set_recur_monthly_mday($year,$month,$day,$interval); } function set_recur_monthly_wday($year,$month,$day,$interval) { $this->so->set_recur_monthly_wday($year,$month,$day,$interval); } function set_recur_yearly($year,$month,$day,$interval) { $this->so->set_recur_yearly($year,$month,$day,$interval); } /* End of SO functions */ function prepare_matrix($interval,$increment,$part,$fulldate) { for($h=0;$h<24;$h++) { for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $index = (($h * 10000) + (($m * $increment) * 100)); $time_slice[$index]['marker'] = ' '; $time_slice[$index]['description'] = ''; } } foreach($this->cached_events[$fulldate] as $event) { if ($event['participants'][$part] == 'R') { continue; // dont show rejected invitations, as they are free time } $eventstart = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->localdates($this->maketime($event['start']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset); $eventend = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->localdates($this->maketime($event['end']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset); $start = ($eventstart['hour'] * 10000) + ($eventstart['minute'] * 100); $starttemp = $this->splittime("$start",False); $subminute = 0; for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $minutes = $increment * $m; if((int)$starttemp['minute'] > $minutes && (int)$starttemp['minute'] < ($minutes + $increment)) { $subminute = ($starttemp['minute'] - $minutes) * 100; } } $start -= $subminute; $end = ($eventend['hour'] * 10000) + ($eventend['minute'] * 100); $endtemp = $this->splittime("$end",False); $addminute = 0; for($m=0;$m<$interval;$m++) { $minutes = ($increment * $m); if($endtemp['minute'] < ($minutes + $increment) && $endtemp['minute'] > $minutes) { $addminute = ($minutes + $increment - $endtemp['minute']) * 100; } } $end += $addminute; $starttemp = $this->splittime("$start",False); $endtemp = $this->splittime("$end",False); for($h=$starttemp['hour'];$h<=$endtemp['hour'];$h++) { $startminute = 0; $endminute = $interval; $hour = $h * 10000; if($h == (int)$starttemp['hour']) { $startminute = ($starttemp['minute'] / $increment); } if($h == (int)$endtemp['hour']) { $endminute = ($endtemp['minute'] / $increment); } $private = $this->is_private($event,$part); $time_display = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($eventstart['raw'],$this->users_timeformat).'-'.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($eventend['raw'],$this->users_timeformat); $time_description = '('.$time_display.') '.$this->get_short_field($event,$private,'title').$this->display_status($event['participants'][$part]); for($m=$startminute;$m<$endminute;$m++) { $index = ($hour + (($m * $increment) * 100)); $time_slice[$index]['marker'] = '-'; $time_slice[$index]['description'] = $time_description; $time_slice[$index]['id'] = $event['id']; } } } return $time_slice; } /*! @function set_status @abstract set the participant response $status for event $cal_id and notifies the owner of the event */ function set_status($cal_id,$status,$user = false) { $status2msg = array( REJECTED => MSG_REJECTED, TENTATIVE => MSG_TENTATIVE, ACCEPTED => MSG_ACCEPTED ); if (!isset($status2msg[$status])) { return False; } $event = $this->so->read_entry($cal_id); if($user) $account_id = $user; else $account_id = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; if(($status2msg[$status] == "5" && $event['participants'][$account_id] == "A") || ($status2msg[$status] == "3" && $event['participants'][$account_id] == "R")) { return True; } $this->so->set_status($cal_id,$status,$account_id); $event = $this->so->read_entry($cal_id); $this->send_update($status2msg[$status],$event['participants'],$event,false,$account_id); $sts = array_values( $event['participants'] ); //verifica se todos os participantes rejeitaram o evento while( $sts[0] && $sts[0] === 'R' ) array_pop( $sts ); if( empty( $sts ) ) { $this->so->delete_entry( $cal_id ); $this->so->expunge(); } } /*! @function update_requested @abstract checks if $userid has requested (in $part_prefs) updates for $msg_type @syntax update_requested($userid,$part_prefs,$msg_type,$old_event,$new_event) @param $userid numerical user-id @param $part_prefs preferces of the user $userid @param $msg_type type of the notification: MSG_ADDED, MSG_MODIFIED, MSG_ACCEPTED, ... @param $old_event Event before the change @param $new_event Event after the change @returns 0 = no update requested, > 0 update requested */ function update_requested($userid,$part_prefs,$msg_type,$old_event,$new_event) { if ($msg_type == MSG_ALARM) { return True; // always True for now } $want_update = 0; // the following switch fall-through all cases, as each included the following too // $msg_is_response = $msg_type == MSG_REJECTED || $msg_type == MSG_ACCEPTED || $msg_type == MSG_TENTATIVE; switch($ru = $part_prefs['calendar']['receive_updates']) { case 'responses': if ($msg_is_response) { ++$want_update; } case 'modifications': if ($msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED) { ++$want_update; } case 'time_change_4h': case 'time_change': $diff = max(abs($this->maketime($old_event['start'])-$this->maketime($new_event['start'])), abs($this->maketime($old_event['end'])-$this->maketime($new_event['end']))); $check = $ru == 'time_change_4h' ? 4 * 60 * 60 - 1 : 0; if ($msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED && $diff > $check) { ++$want_update; } case 'add_cancel': if ($old_event['owner'] == $userid && $msg_is_response || $msg_type == MSG_DELETED || $msg_type == MSG_ADDED) { ++$want_update; } break; case 'no': break; } //echo "

bocalendar::update_requested(user=$userid,pref=".$part_prefs['calendar']['receive_updates'] .",msg_type=$msg_type,".($old_event?$old_event['title']:'False').",".($old_event?$old_event['title']:'False').") = $want_update

\n"; return $want_update > 0; } function create_vcard($event_arrays , $metodo = 'PUBLISH', $externo = false,$importAccount = false) { if(!$importAccount) $importAccount['mail'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['email']; if(!is_array($event_arrays)) return null; $tmpattach="BEGIN:VCALENDAR\r\n" ."PRODID:-//Expresso Livre//Calendar//EN\r\n" ."VERSION:2.0\r\n" ."CALSCALE:GREGORIAN\r\n" ."METHOD:".$metodo."\r\n"; //$offset = ((int)substr(date('O',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->users_localtime), 0, 3)); $offset = (($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset)/60)/60; foreach ($event_arrays as $event_array) { $sy = $event_array['start']['year']; $sm = $event_array['start']['month']; $sd = $event_array['start']['mday']; $sh = $event_array['start']['hour'] -= $offset; $sn = $event_array['start']['min']; $dtstart = sprintf("%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d00Z", $sy, $sm, $sd, $sh, $sn); $ey = $event_array['end']['year']; $em = $event_array['end']['month']; $ed = $event_array['end']['mday']; $eh = $event_array['end']['hour'] -= $offset; $en = $event_array['end']['min']; $dtend = sprintf("%04d%02d%02dT%02d%02d00Z", $ey, $em, $ed, $eh, $en); // Necessário espaços após quebra-de-linha, na descrição, caso contrário // ocorrerá erro ao importar o agendamento no Outlook (erro lunar). $description = str_replace("\n","\n ",$event_array['description']); $tmpattach.="BEGIN:VEVENT\r\n"; if(isset($event_array['organizer']) && $event_array['owner'] != -2) { $ldap = $this->getLdap(); $justthese = array("mail","cn"); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l)(phpgwAccountType=s)(phpgwAccountType=i))(uidNumber=".$event_array['owner']."))"; $search = ldap_search($ldap, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search); $organizer = 'ORGANIZER;CN='.$entry[0]['cn'][0].':mailto:'.$entry[0]['mail'][0]."\r\n"; } else{ $email = explode('<', $event_array['organizer']); $email2 = explode('>', $email[1]); $organizer = 'ORGANIZER;CN='.rtrim($email[0]).':mailto:'.$email2[0]."\r\n"; } if(!$externo) { $tmpattach.= "DTSTART:".$dtstart."\r\n" ."DTEND:".$dtend."\r\n" ."LAST-MODIFIED:".gmdate("Ymd\THis\Z")."\r\n" //Hora no formato UTC .$organizer ."UID:".$event_array['uid']."\r\n" .$this->mb_wordwrap($this->getvCalendarParticipants($event_array['participants'],$event_array['id']),74,"\r\n ") .$this->mb_wordwrap($this->getvCalendarExternalParticipants($event_array['id']),74,"\r\n ") ."DESCRIPTION:".$description."\r\n" ."SUMMARY:".$event_array['title']."\r\n" ."LOCATION:".$event_array['location']."\r\n" ."END:VEVENT\r\n"; } else { $tmpattach.= "DTSTART:".$dtstart."\r\n" ."DTEND:".$dtend."\r\n" ."DTSTAMP:".gmdate("Ymd\THis\Z")."\r\n" //Hora no formato UTC .$organizer .$this->mb_wordwrap("UID:".$event_array['uid']."\r\n",74,"\r\n "); switch ($metodo) { case 'PUBLISH': $tmpattach.= $this->mb_wordwrap($this->getvCalendarParticipants($event_array['participants'],$event_array['id']),74,"\r\n ") .$this->mb_wordwrap($this->getvCalendarExternalParticipants($event_array['id']),74,"\r\n ") .$this->mb_wordwrap("DESCRIPTION:".$description."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") .$this->mb_wordwrap("SUMMARY:".$event_array['title']."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") .$this->mb_wordwrap("LOCATION:".$event_array['location']."\r\n",74,"\r\n "); break; case 'REPLY': $tmpattach.= $this->mb_wordwrap("ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=ACCEPTED;X-NUM-GUESTS=0:mailto:".$importAccount['mail']."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") .'DESCRIPTION:\n'."\r\n" .$this->mb_wordwrap("LAST-MODIFIED:".gmdate("Ymd\THis\Z")."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") //Hora no formato UTC .$this->mb_wordwrap("LOCATION:".$event_array['location']."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") ."SEQUENCE:0\r\n" ."STATUS:CONFIRMED\r\n" .$this->mb_wordwrap("SUMMARY:".$event_array['title']."\r\n",74,"\r\n ") ."TRANSP:OPAQUE\r\n"; break; default: $tmpattach.= "DESCRIPTION:".$description."\r\n" ."SUMMARY:".$event_array['title']."\r\n" ."LOCATION:".$event_array['location']."\r\n"; break; } $tmpattach.= "END:VEVENT\r\n"; } } $tmpattach.="END:VCALENDAR\r\n\r\n\r\n"; return $tmpattach; } function mb_wordwrap($str, $width=74, $break="\r\n") { // Return short or empty strings untouched if(empty($str) || mb_strlen($str, 'ISSO-8859-1') <= $width) return $str; $br_width = mb_strlen($break, 'ISSO-8859-1'); $str_width = mb_strlen($str, 'ISSO-8859-1'); $return = ''; $last_space = false; for($i=0, $count=0; $i < $str_width; $i++, $count++) { // If we're at a break if (mb_substr($str, $i, $br_width, 'ISSO-8859-1') == $break) { $count = 0; $return .= mb_substr($str, $i, $br_width, 'ISSO-8859-1'); $i += $br_width - 1; continue; } // Keep a track of the most recent possible break point if(mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'ISSO-8859-1') == " ") { $last_space = $i; } // It's time to wrap if ($count > $width) { // There are no spaces to break on! Going to truncate :( if(!$last_space) { $return .= $break; $count = 0; } else { // Work out how far back the last space was $drop = $i - $last_space; // Cutting zero chars results in an empty string, so don't do that if($drop > 0) { $return = mb_substr($return, 0, -$drop); } // Add a break $return .= $break; // Update pointers $i = $last_space + ($br_width - 1); $last_space = false; $count = 0; } } // Add character from the input string to the output $return .= mb_substr($str, $i, 1, 'ISSO-8859-1'); } return $return; } function getvCalendarParticipants($pExtParticipants,$pCalId) { $participants = explode(',', $pExtParticipants); $return = ''; foreach ($participants as $participant) { $array = explode('"', $participant); $mail = str_replace('<','', str_replace('>','',$array['2'])); if($mail && $array['1']) $return .= 'ATTENDEE;CN='.$array['1'].';RSVP=TRUE:mailto:'.$mail."\r\n"; } $db = $this->getDb(); $db->query('SELECT cal_login FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = '.$pCalId); $parts = array(); while($db->next_record()) array_push($parts, $db->row()); $ldap = $this->getLdap(); foreach ($parts as $part) { $justthese = array('mail','cn'); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l))(uidNumber=".$part['cal_login']."))"; $search = ldap_search($ldap, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search); $return .= 'ATTENDEE;CN='.$entry[0]['cn'][0].';RSVP=TRUE:mailto:'.$entry[0]['mail'][0]."\r\n"; } return $return; } function getCalendarParticipantsArray($pCalId) { $db = $this->getDb(); $db->query('SELECT cal_login FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = '.$pCalId); $parts = array(); while($db->next_record()) array_push($parts, $db->row()); $ldap = $this->getLdap(); foreach ($parts as $part) { $justthese = array('mail','cn'); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l))(uidNumber=".$part['cal_login']."))"; $search = ldap_search($ldap, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search); $return [$entry[0]['mail'][0]] = array( 'CN'=> $entry[0]['cn'][0],'RSVP'=> 'TRUE' ,'ROLE' => 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'); } return $return; } function getvCalendarExternalParticipants($pCalId) { $db = $this->getDb(); $sql = "SELECT ex_participants FROM phpgw_cal WHERE cal_id = '$pCalId'"; $db->query($sql); $parts = array(); while($db->next_record()) array_push($parts, $db->row()); $participants = explode(',', $parts[0]['ex_participants']); $return = ''; $participants = unserialize(base64_decode($parts[0]['ex_participants'])); foreach ($participants as $participant) { $part = array(); if(preg_match("(\"[^\"]*\"[ ]*<[^>]*@[^>]*>)", $participant['mail'])) { $cn = null; $mail = null; preg_match ("(\"([^\"]*)\")", $participant['mail'], $cn); preg_match ('(<([^>]*@[^>]*)>)', $participant['mail'], $mail); if($mail[1]) $part['mail'] = $mail[1]; if($cn[1]) $part['cn'] = $cn[1]; } else if(preg_match("(<[^>]*@[^>]*>)", $participant['mail'])) { $mail = null; preg_match ('(<([^>]*@[^>]*)>)', $participant['mail'], $mail); if($mail[1]) $part['mail'] = $mail[1]; } else if(preg_match("([^ ]*@[^ ]*)", $participant['mail'])) { $mail = null; preg_match ('([^ ]*@[^ ]*)', $participant['mail'], $mail); if($mail[0]) $part['mail'] = $mail[0]; } if(count($part) > 0) { if($part['cn']) $return .= 'ATTENDEE;CN='.$part['cn'].';RSVP=TRUE:mailto:'.$part['mail']."\r\n"; else $return .= 'ATTENDEE;RSVP=TRUE:mailto:'.$part['mail']."\r\n"; } } return $return; } function getDb() { include_once('../phpgwapi/inc/class.db.inc.php'); // Conecta ao banco de dados if (is_array($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server'])) $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server'] = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']; else $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']; $db = new db(); $db->Halt_On_Error = 'no'; $db->connect( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_name'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_host'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_port'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_user'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_pass'], $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['server']['db_type'] ); // Fim Conecta Banco de dados return $db; } function getLdap() { require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../header.inc.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/../../phpgwapi/inc/class.common.inc.php'); $common = new common(); if ( (!empty($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_host'])) && (!empty($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_root_dn'])) && (!empty($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_root_pw'])) ) { $ldap = $common->ldapConnect($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_host'], $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_root_dn'], $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_master_root_pw']); } else { $ldap = $common->ldapConnect(); } return $ldap; } function getvCalendarOrganizer($pOrganizer) { $organizer = array(); if(preg_match("(\"[^\"]*\"[ ]*<[^>]*@[^>]*>)", $pOrganizer)) { $cn = null; $mail = null; preg_match ("(\"([^\"]*)\")", $pOrganizer, $cn); preg_match ('(<([^>]*@[^>]*)>)', $pOrganizer, $mail); if($mail[1]) $organizer['mail'] = $mail[1]; if($cn[1]) $organizer['cn'] = $cn[1]; } else if(preg_match("(<[^>]*@[^>]*>)", $pOrganizer)) { $mail = null; preg_match ('(<([^>]*@[^>]*)>)', $pOrganizer, $mail); if($mail[1]) $organizer['mail'] = $mail[1]; } else if(preg_match("([^ ]*@[^ ]*)", $pOrganizer)) { $mail = null; preg_match ('([^ ]*@[^ ]*)', $pOrganizer, $mail); if($mail[0]) $organizer['mail'] = $mail[0]; } if($organizer['cn']) $return = 'ORGANIZER;CN="'.$organizer['cn'].'":MAILTO:'.$organizer['mail']."\r\n"; else $return = 'ORGANIZER;MAILTO:'.$organizer['mail']."\r\n"; return $return; } /*! @function send_update @abstract sends update-messages to certain participants of an event @syntax send_update($msg_type,$to_notify,$old_event,$new_event=False) @param $msg_type type of the notification: MSG_ADDED, MSG_MODIFIED, MSG_ACCEPTED, ... @param $to_notify array with numerical user-ids as keys (!) (value is not used) @param $old_event Event before the change @param $new_event Event after the change */ function send_update($msg_type,$to_notify,$old_event,$new_event = False, $user = False) { if (!is_array($to_notify)) $to_notify = array(); $owner = $old_event ? $old_event['owner'] : $new_event['owner']; if($owner === -2) $to_notify[-2] = 'A'; $version = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['calendar']['version']; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->create_email_preferences(); /* * Caso o evento seja de uma conta compartilha busca obusca o cn e o email da conta */ if($user) { $ldap = $this->getLdap(); $justthese = array("mail","cn"); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l)(phpgwAccountType=s)(phpgwAccountType=i))(uidNumber=".$user."))"; $search = ldap_search($ldap, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search); $sMail = $entry[0]['mail'][0]; $sCN = $entry[0]['cn'][0]; $sUN = $user; } else { $sMail = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['email']; $sCN = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname']; $sUN = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// $temp_tz_offset = $this->prefs['common']['tz_offset']; $temp_timeformat = $this->prefs['common']['timeformat']; $temp_dateformat = $this->prefs['common']['dateformat']; $tz_offset = ((60 * 60) * (int)$temp_tz_offset); if($old_event != False) { $t_old_start_time = $this->maketime($old_event['start']); if($t_old_start_time < (time() - 86400)) return False; } $temp_user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']; if (!$user) $user = $this->owner; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->create_email_preferences($user); $this->prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']; $event = $msg_type == MSG_ADDED || $msg_type == MSG_MODIFIED ? $new_event : $old_event; if($old_event != False) { $old_starttime = $t_old_start_time - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; } $starttime = $this->maketime($event['start']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $endtime = $this->maketime($event['end']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; switch($msg_type) { case MSG_DELETED: $action = lang('Canceled'); $msg = 'Canceled'; $msgtype = '"calendar";'; $method = 'cancel'; $typesend = 1; break; case MSG_MODIFIED: $action = lang('Modified'); $msg = 'Modified'; $msgtype = '"calendar"; Version="'.$version.'"; Id="'.$new_event['id'].'"'; $method = 'request'; $typesend = 2; break; case MSG_ADDED: $action = lang('Added'); $msg = 'Added'; $msgtype = '"calendar"; Version="'.$version.'"; Id="'.$new_event['id'].'"'; $method = 'request'; $typesend = 3; break; case MSG_REJECTED: $action = lang('Rejected'); $msg = 'Response'; $msgtype = '"calendar";'; $method = 'reply'; $typesend = 4; break; case MSG_TENTATIVE: $action = lang('Tentative'); $msg = 'Response'; $msgtype = '"calendar";'; $method = 'reply'; $typesend = 5; break; case MSG_ACCEPTED: $action = lang('Accepted'); $msg = 'Response'; $msgtype = '"calendar";'; $method = 'reply'; $typesend = 6; break; case MSG_ALARM: $action = lang('Alarm'); $msg = 'Alarm'; $msgtype = '"calendar";'; $method = 'publish'; // duno if thats right $typesend = 7; break; default: $method = 'publish'; $typesend = 8; } $notify_msg = $this->prefs['calendar']['notify'.$msg]; if (empty($notify_msg)) $notify_msg = $this->prefs['calendar']['notifyAdded']; // use a default $details = array( // event-details for the notify-msg 'id' => $msg_type == MSG_ADDED ? $new_event['id'] : $old_event['id'], 'action' => $action, ); $event_arr = $this->event2array($event); foreach($event_arr as $key => $val) { $details[$key] = $val['data']; } $details['participants'] = implode("\n",$details['participants']); $details['link'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].'/index.php?menuaction=calendar.uicalendar.view&cal_id='.$event['id']; // if url is only a path, try guessing the rest ;-) if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'][0] == '/') { $details['link'] = ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['enforce_ssl'] ? 'https://' : 'http://'). ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['hostname'] ? $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['hostname'] : 'localhost'). $details['link']; } //Seta o email usando phpmailer define('PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT','../'); define('PHPGW_API_INC','../phpgwapi/inc'); include_once(PHPGW_API_INC.'/class.phpmailer.inc.php'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $boemailadmin = CreateObject('emailadmin.bo'); $emailadmin_profile = $boemailadmin->getProfileList(); $emailadmin = $boemailadmin->getProfile($emailadmin_profile[0]['profileID']); $mail->Host = $emailadmin['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $emailadmin['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $sMail; $mail->FromName = $sCN; $mail->IsHTML(true); //Inicializa vari?vel de retorno. $returncode=true; // Aqui e enviado o email foreach($to_notify as $userid => $statusid) { $mail->ClearAttachments(); $userid = (int)$userid; if ($statusid == 'R' || $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($userid) == 'g' || ($sUN == $userid && $msg_type != MSG_ALARM)) continue; // dont notify rejected participants or to == send if($userid != $sUN || $msg_type == MSG_ALARM) { print_debug('Msg Type',$msg_type); print_debug('UserID',$userid); $preferences = CreateObject('phpgwapi.preferences',$userid); $part_prefs = $preferences->read_repository(); if (!$this->update_requested($userid,$part_prefs,$msg_type,$old_event,$new_event)) { continue; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_account_name($userid,$lid,$details['to-firstname'],$details['to-lastname']); $details['to-fullname'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->display_fullname('',$details['to-firstname'],$details['to-lastname']); $to = $preferences->email_address($userid); if( $userid === -2 ) { $to = htmlspecialchars_decode( $event['organizer'] ); } if (empty($to) || $to[0] == '@' || $to[0] == '$') // we have no valid email-address { //echo "

bocalendar::send_update: Empty email adress for user '".$details['to-fullname']."' ==> ignored !!!

\n"; continue; } print_debug('Email being sent to',$to); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'] = $part_prefs['common']['tz_offset']; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] = $part_prefs['common']['timeformat']; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'] = $part_prefs['common']['dateformat']; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset = ((60 * 60) * (int)$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset']); if($old_starttime) { $details['olddate'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($old_starttime); } $details['startdate'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime); $details['enddate'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime); list($subject,$body1) = preg_split('/\n/',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->parse_notify($notify_msg,$details),2); switch($part_prefs['calendar']['update_format']) { case 'extended': //$body .= "\n\n".lang('Event Details follow').":\n"; $body = ''; $body .= "
".lang('Event Details follow')." :: "; foreach($event_arr as $key => $val) { // titulo if($key =='title') { $var1 = $val['field']; $vardata1 = $details[$key]; } //descricao if($key =='description') { $var2 = $val['field']; $vardata2 = $details[$key]; } //dt inicio if($key =='startdate') { switch(trim($part_prefs['common']['dateformat'])) { case ($part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "m/d/Y" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "m-d-Y" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "m.d.Y"): $var3 = $val['field']; $vardata3 = $details[$key]; $newmounth3 = substr($vardata3,0,2); $newday3 = substr($vardata3,3,2); $newyear3 = substr($vardata3,6,4); $newall3 =$newyear3.$newmounth3.$newday3; break; case ($part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y/d/m" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y-d-m" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y.d.m"): $var3 = $val['field']; $vardata3 = $details[$key]; $newyear3 = substr($vardata3,0,4); $newday3 = substr($vardata3,5,2); $newmounth3 = substr($vardata3,8,2); $newall3 =$newyear3.$newmounth3.$newday3; break; case ($part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y/m/d" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y-m-d" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "Y.m.d"): $var3 = $val['field']; $vardata3 = $details[$key]; $newyear3 = substr($vardata3,0,4); $newmounth3 = substr($vardata3,5,2); $newday3 = substr($vardata3,8,2); $newall3 =$newyear3.$newmounth3.$newday3; break; case ($part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "d/m/Y" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "d-m-Y" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "d.m.Y" || $part_prefs['common']['dateformat'] === "d-M-Y"): $var3 = $val['field']; $vardata3 = $details[$key]; $newday3 = substr($vardata3,0,2); $newmounth3 = substr($vardata3,3,2); $newyear3 = substr($vardata3,6,4); $newall3 =$newyear3.$newmounth3.$newday3; break; } } //dt final if($key =='enddate') { $var4 = $val['field']; $vardata4 = $details[$key]; } //localizacao if($key =='location') { $var8 = $val['field']; $vardata8 = $details[$key]; } //participantes if($key =='participants') { $var5 = $val['field']; foreach($val['data'] as $NewKey => $NewVal) { //Research inside of ldap ( Pesquisa dentro do ldap ) $newvalue = $this->so->search_uidNumber($to); foreach($newvalue as $tmp) { $tmpmail = $tmp['mail'][0]; $tmpuid = $tmp['uidnumber'][0]; if( trim($tmpmail) == trim($to) & trim($tmpuid) == trim($NewKey)) { if($typesend == 3) { $lang1 = lang("To See Commitment"); $varbuttom = "
"; $lang2 = lang("To accept"); $varbuttom1 =""; $lang6 = lang("Tentative"); $varbuttom5 =""; $lang3 = lang("To reject"); $varbuttom2 =""; $lang4 = lang("Alarm"); $varbuttom3 = "
"; $lang5 = lang("Suggest new hour"); $varbuttom4 = "
"; } else { $varbuttom = ""; $varbuttom1 = ""; $varbuttom2 = ""; $varbuttom3 = ""; $varbuttom4 = ""; $varbuttom5 = ""; } } // It only mounts variavel with the name of the participants of the list ( Monta a variavel somente com o nome dos participantes da lista) if($typesend == 3) { list($tmpvardata5,$tmp2vardata5) = explode("(",$NewVal); $vardata5 = $tmpvardata5."
"; } else { $vardata5 = $NewVal."
"; } } $vardata6 .= $vardata5; unset($vardata5); } } } //To mount the message as text/html (Para montar a mensagem como text/html - /phpgwapi/inc/class.send.inc.php ) $content_type = "text/html"; //It mounts the body of the message (Monta o corpo da mensagem) // A constante PHPGW_APP_TPL nao existe para envio de alarmes (cront, asyncservice). if(!PHPGW_APP_TPL) define ("PHPGW_APP_TPL",PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . "/calendar/templates/".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['template_set'].""); $body = CreateObject('phpgwapi.Template',PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT . "/calendar/templates/".$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['template_set'].""); $body->set_file(Array('calendar' => 'body_email.tpl')); $body->set_block('calendar','list'); $var = Array( 'script' => $script, 'subject' => $body1, 'var1' => $var1, 'vardata1' => $vardata1, 'var2' => $var2, 'vardata2' => $vardata2, 'var3' => $var3, 'vardata3' => $vardata3, 'var4' => $var4, 'vardata4' => $vardata4, 'var5' => $var5, 'vardata6' => $vardata6, 'var8' => $var8, 'vardata8' => $vardata8, 'varbuttom' => $varbuttom, 'varbuttom1' => $varbuttom1, 'varbuttom2' => $varbuttom2, 'varbuttom3' => $varbuttom3, 'varbuttom4' => $varbuttom4, 'varbuttom5' => $varbuttom5 ); $body->set_var($var); $tmpbody = $body->fp('out','list'); break; case 'ical': $content_type = "calendar; method=$method; name=calendar.ics"; /* if ($body != '') { $boundary = '----Message-Boundary'; $body .= "\n\n\n$boundary\nContent-type: text/$content_type\n". "Content-Disposition: inline\nContent-transfer-encoding: 7BIT\n\n"; $content_type = ''; } */ $body = ExecMethod('calendar.boicalendar.export',array( 'l_event_id' => $event['id'], 'method' => $method, 'chunk_split' => False )); break; } $mail->AddAddress($to); $mail->Body = $tmpbody; $mail->From = $sMail; $mail->FromName = $sCN; $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->SenderName = $mail->FromName; $mail->Subject = $subject; unset($vardata5); unset($vardata6); // Envia aviso ao participante. if(!$mail->Send()) { $returncode = false; $errorInfo['participants'] = $mail->ErrorInfo; } $mail->ClearAddresses(); } } if(!is_object($this->ex_participants)) { include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/class.ex_participants.inc.php'); $objexP = new exParticipants(); $objexP->setParticipantsBySerializable($this->ex_participants); } else $objexP = $this->ex_participants; if($msg_type === MSG_ADDED && count($this->extAdded) > 0) $extMails = $this->extAdded; else if($msg_type === MSG_DELETED && count($this->extDeleted) > 0) $extMails = $this->extDeleted; else $extMails = array_diff($objexP->getParticipantsMailsArray(), $this->alreadyExtNotifieds); if(count($extMails) > 0){ $mail->ClearAllRecipients(); $to = array(); if(!$subject) { $details['startdate'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime); $details['enddate'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime); list($subject,$body1) = preg_split('/\n/',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->parse_notify($notify_msg,$details),2); } foreach($extMails as $index => $ex_participant){ $ex_participant = trim($ex_participant); $ex_participant = preg_replace('#"(.*)" <(.*)\@(.*)\.(.*)>#','\\2@\\3.\\4',$ex_participant); if($ex_participant) $to[] = $ex_participant; } foreach($to as $i => $to_array) $mail->AddAddress($to_array); $_body = explode("
",$tmpbody); $tmpbody = $_body[0] ? $_body[0] : $subject ; $tmpbody.= "
".lang("external participants").":: ".htmlentities($objexP->getParticipantsMailsString()); $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Summary").": ".$this->so->cal->event[description]."
"; $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Start time").": ".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime)."
".lang("End date").": ".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime)."
"; $tmpbody.= "

" .lang("This message was sent by server. You must send a message to sender to confirm this event")."
" .lang("This is an external event. Even if it added to your expresso its can be changed any time at all")."

"; if ($GLOBALS['bocalendar']->so->cal->event[start][month] > 10) $event_month=$GLOBALS['bocalendar']->so->cal->event[start][month]; else $event_month="0".$GLOBALS['bocalendar']->so->cal->event[start][month]; //attach extern vcalendar/icalendar (ics) // define('context','$GLOBALS.bocalendar.so.cal.event'); $evt = $GLOBALS['bocalendar']->so->cal->event; /* * Cria Arqvuio ICS */ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/../../API/class.servicelocator.php'; $icalService = ServiceLocator::getService('ical'); if($msg_type == MSG_DELETED) { $icalService->createICal(strtoupper($method)); $icalService->addEvent( $old_event['start']['year'].'-'.$old_event['start']['month'].'-'.$old_event['start']['mday'].' '.$old_event['start']['hour'].':'.$old_event['start']['min'].':00', $old_event['end']['year'].'-'.$old_event['end']['month'].'-'.$old_event['end']['mday'].' '.$old_event['end']['hour'].':'.$old_event['end']['min'].':00', array($sMail => array('CN'=> $sCN)), $old_event['title'], $old_event['description'], $old_event['location'], false, false, false, $old_event['uid'] ); } else { $attendee = array(); foreach($to as $value) $attendee[$value] = array('RSVP' => 'TRUE','ROLE' => 'REQ-PARTICIPANT'); $attendee = array_merge($attendee,$this->getCalendarParticipantsArray($evt['id'])); $icalService->createICal(strtoupper($method)); $icalService->addEvent( $evt['start']['year'].'-'.$evt['start']['month'].'-'.$evt['start']['mday'].' '.$evt['start']['hour'].':'.$evt['start']['min'].':00', $evt['end']['year'].'-'.$evt['end']['month'].'-'.$evt['end']['mday'].' '.$evt['end']['hour'].':'.$evt['end']['min'].':00', array($sMail => array('CN'=> $sCN)), $evt['title'], $evt['description'], $evt['location'], $attendee, false, false, $evt['uid'] ); } $tmpattach = $icalService->getICal(); //-------------------------------------------------// if($tmpattach){ $tempdir = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['temp_dir'] . SEP; srand((double)microtime()*1000000); $random_number = rand(100000000,999999999); $newfilename = md5(time() . getenv("REMOTE_ADDR") . $random_number ); $filename = $tempdir . $newfilename; $attach_fd = fopen($filename,"w+"); fwrite($attach_fd,$tmpattach); $mail->AddAttachment($filename, "extern.ics", "base64", "text/plain"); // "application/octet-stream" fclose($attach_fd); } $mail->From = $sMail; $mail->FromName = $sCN; $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->SenderName = $mail->FromName; $mail->Subject = lang("External event from Expresso"); $mail->Body = $tmpbody; if(!$mail->Send()) { $returncode=false; $errorInfo['ex_participants'] = $mail->ErrorInfo; } else { $returncode=true; } } if((is_int($this->user) && $this->user != $temp_user['account_id']) || (is_string($this->user) && $this->user != $temp_user['account_lid'])) { $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user'] = $temp_user; } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['tz_offset'] = $temp_tz_offset; $GLBOALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset = ((60 * 60) * $temp_tz_offset); $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['timeformat'] = $temp_timeformat; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['common']['dateformat'] = $temp_dateformat; // Notifica por email o criador do compromisso, com as poss?veis falhas. if($errorInfo) { $tmpbody = "".lang("The following commitment had problems for DELIVERING the NOTIFICATION messages.").".
"; $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Summary").": ".$this->so->cal->event[title]."
"; $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Start time").": ".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime)."
".lang("End date").": ".$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($endtime)."
"; $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Failed to delivery")."
"; $failed = false; if(strstr($errorInfo['participants'],"recipients_failed")){ $failed = explode("recipients_failed",$errorInfo['participants']); $tmpbody.= lang("to").": ".$failed[1]; } if(strstr($errorInfo['ex_participants'],"recipients_failed")){ $failed = explode("recipients_failed",$errorInfo['ex_participants']); $tmpbody.= lang("to").": ".$failed[1]; } if(!$failed) { $tmpbody.= lang("Description").":
"; $tmpbody.= $errorInfo['participants']; $tmpbody.= "
".$errorInfo['ex_participants']; } $tmpbody.= "
".lang("Subject").": ".$subject; // Reinicializa o objeto, devido ao erro anterior na entrega. $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $emailadmin['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $emailadmin['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $sMail; $mail->FromName = $sCN; $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->SenderName = $mail->FromName; $mail->IsHTML(True); $mail->Subject = lang("calendar event")." - ".lang("email notification"); $mail->Body = $tmpbody; $mail->AddAddress($sMail); if(!$mail->Send()) $returncode = false; else $returncode = true; } return $returncode; } /** * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL * @author Prognus Software Livre (http://www.prognus.com.br) */ function send_suggestion_external_owner($cal_id, $uid, $to, $time_suggest, $array_data_inicio, $array_data_final, $title, $description, $location, $ex_participants,$user = false) { if($cal_id) $event = $this->so->read_entry($cal_id); else { $event = $this->restore_from_appsession(); $this->so->add_entry( $event , false); } $this->so->cal->set_status($event['id'],$user,2); if($user && $user != $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']) { $ldap = $this->getLdap(); $justthese = array("mail","cn"); $filter="(&(|(phpgwAccountType=u)(phpgwAccountType=l)(phpgwAccountType=s)(phpgwAccountType=i))(uidNumber=".$user."))"; $search = ldap_search($ldap, $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['ldap_context'], $filter, $justthese); $entry = ldap_get_entries($ldap, $search); $ownerMail = $entry[0]['mail'][0]; $ownerCN = $entry[0]['cn'][0]; } else { $ownerMail = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['email']; $ownerCN = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname']; } require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../API/class.servicelocator.php'; $icalService = ServiceLocator::getService('ical'); $dia_inicio = $array_data_inicio[0]; $mes_inicio = $array_data_inicio[1]; $ano_inicio = $array_data_inicio[2]; $hora_inicio = $time_suggest['hora_inicio']; $minuto_inicio = $time_suggest['minuto_inicio']; $dia_final = $array_data_final[0]; $mes_final = $array_data_final[1]; $ano_final = $array_data_final[2]; $hora_final = $time_suggest['hora_final']; $minuto_final = $time_suggest['minuto_final']; $dtStart = $array_data_inicio[2] . '/' . $array_data_inicio[1] . '/' . $array_data_inicio[0] . ' ' . $time_suggest['hora_inicio'] . ':' . $time_suggest['minuto_inicio'] . ':00'; $dtEnd = $array_data_final[2] . '/' . $array_data_final[1] . '/' . $array_data_final[0] . ' ' . $time_suggest['hora_final'] . ':' . $time_suggest['minuto_final'] . ':00'; $icalService->createICal('REPLY'); $other = array( 'X-MICROSOFT-CDO-IMPORTANCE' => '1', 'X-EXPRESSO-SUGGESTION-HOUR' => '1', 'CLASS' => 'PUBLIC', 'PRIORITY' => '5', 'SEQIENCE' => '0', 'TRANSP' => 'OPAQUE'); /* Corpo do email */ $tmpbody2 = lang("The sender suggested a new hours for the appointment"); $tmpbody2.= "
" . lang("Title") . ": $title"; $tmpbody2.= "
" . lang("Details") . ":

" . lang("Start") . " " . $dia_inicio . "/" . $mes_inicio . "/" . $ano_inicio . " - " . $hora_inicio . ":" . $minuto_inicio; $tmpbody2.= "
" . lang("End") . " " . $dia_final . "/" . $mes_final . "/" . $ano_final . " - " . $hora_final . ":" . $minuto_final . "

"; $tmpbody = lang("The sender suggested a new hours for the appointment"); $tmpbody.= " \r\n " . lang("Title") . ": $title"; $tmpbody.= " \r\n " . lang("Suggestion") . ": \r\n \r\n " . lang("Start") . " " . $dia_inicio . "/" . $mes_inicio . "/" . $ano_inicio . " - " . $hora_inicio . ":" . $minuto_inicio; $tmpbody.= " \r\n " . lang("End") . " " . $dia_final . "/" . $mes_final . "/" . $ano_final . " - " . $hora_final . ":" . $minuto_final . ""; $icalService->addEvent($dtStart, $dtEnd, $to, $title, utf8_encode($tmpbody), $location, array($ownerMail => array('CN' => $ownerCN, 'PARTSTAT' => 'TENTATIVE')), $other, false, $uid ); $tmpattach = $icalService->getICal(); $mailService = ServiceLocator::getService('mail'); $mailService->addStringAttachment($tmpattach, 'suggestion.ics', 'application/ics'); $mailService->addStringAttachment($tmpattach, 'vcalendar.ics', 'text/calendar; charset=utf-8; method=REPLY;', '7bit', 'inline'); $mailService->sendMail($to, $ownerMail, $title, $tmpbody2); return $event['id']; } function send_alarm($alarm) { //echo "

bocalendar::send_alarm("; print_r($alarm); echo ")

\n"; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $this->owner = $alarm['owner']; if (!$alarm['enabled'] || !$alarm['owner'] || !$alarm['cal_id'] || !($event = $this->so->read_entry($alarm['cal_id']))) { return False; // event not found } if ($alarm['all']) { $to_notify = $event['participants']; } elseif ($this->check_perms(PHPGW_ACL_READ,$event)) // checks agains $this->owner set to $alarm[owner] { $to_notify[$alarm['owner']] = 'A'; } else { return False; // no rights } return $this->send_update(MSG_ALARM,$to_notify,$event,False,$alarm['owner']); } function get_alarms($event_id) { return $this->so->get_alarm($event_id); } function alarm_today($event,$today,$starttime) { $found = False; @reset($event['alarm']); $starttime_hi = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime,'Hi'); $t_appt['month'] =$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($today,'m'); $t_appt['mday'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($today,'d'); $t_appt['year'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($today,'Y'); $t_appt['hour'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime,'H'); $t_appt['min'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($starttime,'i'); $t_appt['sec'] = 0; $t_time = $this->maketime($t_appt) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $y_time = $t_time - 86400; $tt_time = $t_time + 86399; print_debug('T_TIME',$t_time.' : '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($t_time)); print_debug('Y_TIME',$y_time.' : '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($y_time)); print_debug('TT_TIME',$tt_time.' : '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($tt_time)); while(list($key,$alarm) = each($event['alarm'])) { if($alarm['enabled']) { print_debug('TIME',$alarm['time'].' : '.$GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($alarm['time']).' ('.$event['id'].')'); if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) /* Recurring Event */ { print_debug('Recurring Event'); if($alarm['time'] > $y_time && $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($alarm['time'],'Hi') < $starttime_hi && $alarm['time'] < $t_time) { $found = True; } } elseif($alarm['time'] > $y_time && $alarm['time'] < $t_time) { $found = True; } } } print_debug('Found',$found); return $found; } function prepare_recipients(&$new_event,$old_event,$userSend) { //Verifica se ouve alguem deletado foreach($old_event['participants'] as $key => $value) if(!array_key_exists($key, $new_event['participants'])) { $this->deleted[$key] = $value; $this->alreadyNotifieds[] = $key; //Adiciona a variavel de ja notificados para não serem notificados 2 vezes; } //Verifica se ouve alguem adicionado foreach($new_event['participants'] as $key => $value) if(!array_key_exists($key, $old_event['participants'])) { $this->added[$key] = $value; $this->alreadyNotifieds[] = $key; //Adiciona a variavel de ja notificados para não serem notificados 2 vezes; } //Verifica se ouve alguem modificado foreach($new_event['participants'] as $key => $value) { if(array_key_exists($key, $old_event['participants'])) { if($old_event['participants'][$key] != $value) { $this->modified[$key] = $value; $this->alreadyNotifieds[] = $key; //Adiciona a variavel de ja notificados para não serem notificados 2 vezes; } } } //Verificando alterações em usuarios externos include_once(dirname(__FILE__).'/class.ex_participants.inc.php'); $extOld = new exParticipants(); $extNew = new exParticipants(); $extOld->setParticipantsBySerializable($old_event['ex_participants']); $extNew->setParticipantsBySerializable($new_event['ex_participants']); $oldArray = $extOld->getParticipantsMailsArray(); $newArray = $extNew->getParticipantsMailsArray(); //Verifica se ouve alguem deletado $this->extDeleted = array_diff($oldArray, $newArray); //Verifica se ouve alguem adicionado $this->extAdded = array_diff($newArray, $oldArray); $this->alreadyExtNotifieds = array_merge($this->alreadyExtNotifieds, $this->extDeleted); $this->alreadyExtNotifieds = array_merge($this->alreadyExtNotifieds, $this->extAdded); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------// if(count($this->added) > 0 || count($this->extAdded)) $this->send_update(MSG_ADDED,$this->added,'',$new_event,$userSend); if(count($this->modified) > 0) $this->send_update(MSG_MODIFIED,$this->modified,$old_event,$new_event,$userSend); if(count($this->deleted) > 0 || count($this->extDeleted)) $this->send_update(MSG_DELETED,$this->deleted,$old_event,false,$userSend); } function remove_doubles_in_cache($firstday,$lastday) { $already_moved = Array(); for($v=$firstday;$v<=$lastday;$v++) { if (!$this->cached_events[$v]) { continue; } $cached = $this->cached_events[$v]; $this->cached_events[$v] = array(); while (list($g,$event) = each($cached)) { $end = date('Ymd',$this->maketime($event['end'])); print_debug('EVENT',_debug_array($event,False)); print_debug('start',$start); print_debug('v',$v); if (!isset($already_moved[$event['id']]) || $event['recur_type'] && $v > $end) { $this->cached_events[$v][] = $event; $already_moved[$event['id']] = 1; print_debug('Event moved'); } } } } function get_dirty_entries($lastmod=-1) { $events = false; $event_ids = $this->so->cal->list_dirty_events($lastmod); if(is_array($event_ids)) { foreach($event_ids as $key => $id) { $events[$id] = $this->so->cal->fetch_event($id); } } unset($event_ids); $rep_event_ids = $this->so->cal->list_dirty_events($lastmod,$true); if(is_array($rep_event_ids)) { foreach($rep_event_ids as $key => $id) { $events[$id] = $this->so->cal->fetch_event($id); } } unset($rep_event_ids); return $events; } function _debug_array($data) { echo '
UI:'; _debug_array($data); } /*! @function rejected_no_show @abstract checks if event is rejected from user and he's not the owner and dont want rejected @param $event to check @returns True if event should not be shown */ function rejected_no_show($event) { $ret = !$this->prefs['calendar']['show_rejected'] && $event['owner'] != $this->owner && $event['participants'][$this->owner] == 'R'; //echo "

rejected_no_show($event[title])='$ret': user=$this->owner, event-owner=$event[owner], status='".$event['participants'][$this->owner]."', show_rejected='".$this->prefs['calendar']['show_rejected']."'

\n"; return $ret; } /* This is called only by list_cals(). It was moved here to remove fatal error in php5 beta4 */ function list_cals_add($id,&$users,&$groups) { $name = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($id); if (($type = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->get_type($id)) == 'g') { $arr = &$groups; } else { $arr = &$users; } $arr[$name] = Array( 'grantor' => $id, 'value' => ($type == 'g' ? 'g_' : '') . $id, 'name' => $name ); } /*! @function list_cals @abstract generate list of user- / group-calendars for the selectbox in the header @returns alphabeticaly sorted array with groups first and then users */ function list_cals() { $users = $groups = array(); foreach($this->grants as $id => $rights) { $this->list_cals_add($id,$users,$groups); } //by JakJr, melhora de performance na abertura da agenda /*if ($memberships = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'])) { foreach($memberships as $group_info) { $this->list_cals_add($group_info['account_id'],$users,$groups); if ($account_perms = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->get_ids_for_location($group_info['account_id'],PHPGW_ACL_READ,'calendar')) { foreach($account_perms as $id) { $this->list_cals_add($id,$users,$groups); } } } }*/ uksort($users,'strnatcasecmp'); uksort($groups,'strnatcasecmp'); return $users + $groups; // users first and then groups, both alphabeticaly } function translate($key,$vars=false, $not_found='*' ) { if ($this->async) return $GLOBALS['phpgw']->translation->translate_async($key, $vars); return lang($key, $vars); } /*! @function event2array @abstract create array with name, translated name and readable content of each attributes of an event @syntax event2array($event,$sep='
') @param $event event to use @returns array of attributes with fieldname as key and array with the 'field'=translated name \ 'data' = readable content (for participants this is an array !) */ function event2array($event) { $var['title'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Title'), 'data' => $event['title'] ); // Some browser add a \n when its entered in the database. Not a big deal // this will be printed even though its not needed. $var['description'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Description'), 'data' => $event['description'] ); $var['ex_participants'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('External Participants'), 'data' => $event['ex_participants'] ); $cats = Array(); $this->cat->categories($this->bo->owner,'calendar'); if(strpos($event['category'],',')) { $cats = explode(',',$event['category']); } else { $cats[] = $event['category']; } foreach($cats as $cat_id) { list($cat) = $this->cat->return_single($cat_id); $cat_string[] = $cat['name']; } $var['category'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Category'), 'data' => implode(', ',$cat_string) ); $var['location'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Location'), 'data' => $event['location'] ); $var['startdate'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Start Date/Time'), 'data' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($this->maketime($event['start']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset), ); $var['enddate'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('End Date/Time'), 'data' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($this->maketime($event['end']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset) ); $pri = Array( 1 => lang('Low'), 2 => lang('Normal'), 3 => lang('High') ); $var['priority'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Priority'), 'data' => $pri[$event['priority']] ); $owner = $event['owner']; $owner_name = ( $owner === -2 )? $event['organizer'] : $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name( $owner ); $var['owner'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Created By'), 'data' => $owner_name ); $var['updated'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Updated'), 'data' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($this->maketime($event['modtime']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset) ); if($event['public']){ $type = lang('Public'); }else if (!$event['public'] && $event['type'] == 'E'){ $type = lang('Restrict'); }else{ $type = lang('Private'); } $var['access'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Access'), 'data' => $type ); if(@isset($event['groups'][0])) { $cal_grps = ''; for($i=0;$iaccounts->exists($event['groups'][$i])) { $cal_grps .= ($i>0?'
':'').$GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($event['groups'][$i]); } } $var['groups'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Groups'), 'data' => $cal_grps ); } $participants = array(); foreach($event['participants'] as $user => $short_status) { if($GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->exists($user)) { $participants[$user] = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->grab_owner_name($user).' ('.$this->get_long_status($short_status).')'; } } $var['participants'] = Array( 'field' => $this->translate('Participants'), 'data' => $participants ); // Repeated Events if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $str = lang($this->rpt_type[$event['recur_type']]); $str_extra = array(); if ($event['recur_enddate']['mday'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['month'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['year'] != 0) { $recur_end = $this->maketime($event['recur_enddate']); if($recur_end != 0) { $recur_end -= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $str_extra[] = lang('ends').': '.lang($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->show_date($recur_end,'l')).', '.$this->long_date($recur_end).' '; } } // only weekly uses the recur-data (days) !!! if($event['recur_type'] == MCAL_RECUR_WEEKLY) { $repeat_days = array(); foreach ($this->rpt_day as $mcal_mask => $dayname) { if ($event['recur_data'] & $mcal_mask) { $repeat_days[] = lang($dayname); } } if(count($repeat_days)) { $str_extra[] = lang('days repeated').': '.implode(', ',$repeat_days); } } if($event['recur_interval'] != 0) { $str_extra[] = lang('Interval').': '.$event['recur_interval']; } if(count($str_extra)) { $str .= ' ('.implode(', ',$str_extra).')'; } $var['recure_type'] = Array( 'field' => lang('Repetition'), 'data' => $str, ); } if (!isset($this->fields)) { $this->custom_fields = CreateObject('calendar.bocustom_fields'); $this->fields = &$this->custom_fields->fields; $this->stock_fields = &$this->custom_fields->stock_fields; } foreach($this->fields as $field => $data) { if (!$data['disabled']) { if (isset($var[$field])) { $sorted[$field] = $var[$field]; } elseif (!isset($this->stock_fields[$field]) && strlen($event[$field])) // Custom field { $lang = lang($name = substr($field,1)); $sorted[$field] = array( 'field' => $lang == $name.'*' ? $name : $lang, 'data' => $event[$field] ); } } unset($var[$field]); } foreach($var as $name => $v) { $sorted[$name] = $v; } return $sorted; } /*! @function check_set_default_prefs @abstract sets the default prefs, if they are not already set (on a per pref. basis) @note It sets a flag in the app-session-data to be called only once per session */ function check_set_default_prefs() { if (($set = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('default_prefs_set','calendar'))) { return; } $GLOBALS['phpgw']->session->appsession('default_prefs_set','calendar','set'); $default_prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->default['calendar']; $subject = $this->translate('Calendar Event') . ' - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$'."\n"; $defaults = array( 'defaultcalendar' => 'week', 'mainscreen_showevents' => '0', 'summary' => 'no', 'receive_updates' => 'no', 'update_format' => 'extended', // leave it to extended for now, as iCal kills the message-body 'notifyAdded' => $subject . $this->translate ('You have a meeting scheduled for %1',array('$$startdate$$')), 'notifyCanceled' => $subject . $this->translate ('Your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled',array('$$startdate$$')), 'notifyModified' => $subject . $this->translate ('Your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2',array('$$olddate$$','$$startdate$$')), 'notifyResponse' => $subject . $this->translate ('On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4', array('$$date$$','$$fullname$$','$$action$$','$$startdate$$')), 'notifyAlarm' => $this->translate('Alarm for %1 at %2 in %3',array('$$title$$','$$startdate$$','$$location$$')) . "\n" . $this->translate('Here is your requested alarm.'), 'show_rejected' => '0', 'hide_event_conflict' => '0', 'display_status' => '1', 'weekdaystarts' => 'Monday', 'workdaystarts' => '9', 'workdayends' => '17', 'interval' => '30', 'defaultlength' => '60', 'planner_start_with_group' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->name2id('Default'), 'planner_intervals_per_day'=> '4', 'defaultfilter' => 'all', 'default_private' => '0', 'display_minicals'=> '1', 'print_black_white'=>'0' ); foreach($defaults as $var => $default) { if (!isset($default_prefs[$var]) || $default_prefs[$var] == '') { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->add('calendar',$var,$default,'default'); $need_save = True; } } if ($need_save) { $prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->save_repository(False,'default'); $this->prefs['calendar'] = $prefs['calendar']; } if ($this->prefs['calendar']['send_updates'] && !isset($this->prefs['calendar']['receive_updates'])) { $this->prefs['calendar']['receive_updates'] = $this->prefs['calendar']['send_updates']; $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->add('calendar','receive_updates',$this->prefs['calendar']['send_updates']); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->delete('calendar','send_updates'); $prefs = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->save_repository(); } } // return array with all infolog categories (for xmlrpc) function categories($complete = False) { return $GLOBALS['server']->categories($complete); } } ?>