'filemanager', 'nonavbar' => true, 'noheader' => true ); } require_once '../../header.inc.php'; $bo = CreateObject('filemanager.bofilemanager'); $c = CreateObject('phpgwapi.config','filemanager'); $c->read_repository(); $current_config = $c->config_data; $upload_max_size = $current_config['filemanager_Max_file_size']; $path = $_POST['path']; $notifUser = $_POST['notifTo']; $show_upload_boxes = count($_FILES['upload_file']['name']); $filesUpload = $_FILES['upload_file']; function create_summaryImage($file) { list($width, $height,$image_type) = getimagesize($file); switch($image_type) { case 1: $image_big = imagecreatefromgif($file); break; case 2: $image_big = imagecreatefromjpeg($file); break; case 3: $image_big = imagecreatefrompng($file); break; default: return false; } $max_resolution = 48; if ($width > $height) { $new_width = $max_resolution; $new_height = $height*($new_width/$width); } else { $new_height = $max_resolution; $new_width = $width*($new_height/$height); } $image_new = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($image_new, $image_big, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); ob_start(); imagepng($image_new); $content = ob_get_clean(); return $content; } /* Its much faster test all files only one time */ if(strlen($current_config['filemanager_antivirus_command']) > 0) { $command = "nice -n19 ".$current_config['filemanager_antivirus_command']; for($i = 0; $i != $show_upload_boxes; $i++) { $command .= " ".$_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i]; } $return = 0; exec("bash -c ".escapeshellcmd(escapeshellarg($command)),$output,$return); if ($return == 1) { $_SESSION['response'] = serialize(array(0 => lang('Error:').lang('One of the files sent was considered infected'))); return; } } if($path != '/') { for($i = 0; $i != $show_upload_boxes; $i++) { if($badchar = $bo->bad_chars($_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], True, True)) { $return[] = lang('Error:').lang('File names cannot contain "%1"', $badchar); continue; } # Check to see if the file exists in the database, and get its info at the same time $ls_array = $bo->vfs->ls(array( 'string'=> $path . '/' . $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE), 'checksubdirs' => False, 'nofiles' => True )); $fileinfo = $ls_array[0]; if($fileinfo['name']) { if($fileinfo['mime_type'] == 'Directory') { $return[] = lang('Error:').lang('Cannot replace %1 because it is a directory', $fileinfo['name']); continue; } } if ($_FILES['upload_file']['size'][$i] > ($upload_max_size*1024*1024)) { $return[] = lang('The size of %1 has exceded the limit: %2', $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], $upload_max_size); continue; } elseif($_FILES['upload_file']['size'][$i] > 0) { if($fileinfo['name'] && $fileinfo['deleteable'] != 'N') { $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i] = date('Ymd-H:i')."-".$_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i]; $tmp_arr=array( 'from' => $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i], 'to' => $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL, RELATIVE_ALL) ); $bo->vfs->cp($tmp_arr); $tmp_arr=array( 'string'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL), 'attributes' => array( 'owner_id' => $bo->userinfo['username'], 'modifiedby_id' => $bo->userinfo['username'], 'size' => $_FILES['upload_file']['size'][$i], 'mime_type' => $_FILES['upload_file']['type'][$i], 'deleteable' => 'Y', 'comment' => stripslashes($_POST['upload_comment'][$i]) ) ); $bo->vfs->set_attributes($tmp_arr); $return[] = lang("There is a file %1, that was not replaced",$_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i]); } else { if ($bo->vfs->cp(array( 'from'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i], 'to'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_NONE|VFS_REAL, RELATIVE_ALL) ))) { $bo->vfs->set_attributes(array( 'string'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL), 'attributes'=> array( 'mime_type' => $_FILES['upload_file']['type'][$i], 'comment' => stripslashes($_POST['upload_comment'][$i]) ) )); } else{ $return[] = lang('Error:').lang('It was not possible to send your file'); } } } elseif($_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i]) { $bo->vfs->touch(array( 'string'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL) )); $bo->vfs->set_attributes(array( 'string'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL), 'attributes'=> array( 'mime_type' => $_FILES['upload_file']['type'][$i], 'comment' => stripslashes($_POST['upload_comment'][$i]) ) )); } if (!(strpos(strtoupper($_FILES['upload_file']['type'][$i]),'IMAGE') === FALSE)) { $content = create_summaryImage($_FILES['upload_file']['tmp_name'][$i]); if ($content){ $bo->vfs->set_summary(array( 'string'=> $_FILES['upload_file']['name'][$i], 'relatives' => array(RELATIVE_ALL), 'summary'=> $content )); } } } } if( count($notifUser) > 0 ) { define('PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT','../../'); define('PHPGW_API_INC','../../phpgwapi/inc'); include_once(PHPGW_API_INC.'/class.phpmailer.inc.php'); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->IsSMTP(); $boemailadmin = CreateObject('emailadmin.bo'); $emailadmin_profile = $boemailadmin->getProfileList(); $emailadmin = $boemailadmin->getProfile($emailadmin_profile[0]['profileID']); $mail->Host = $emailadmin['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $emailadmin['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->preferences->values['email']; $mail->FromName = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname']; $mail->IsHTML(true); foreach( $notifUser as $userMail ) { $mail->AddAddress($userMail); $mail->Subject = lang("Filemanager notification"); $body = "
"; $body .= lang("The user %1 sent the following files", "" . $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['fullname'] . "") . "

"; foreach( $filesUpload['name'] as $key => $name ) $body .= "
- " . $name ." ( " . $filesUpload['type'][$key] . " )
"; $body .= "
".lang("To view the files %1", "".lang("Click here")."")."
"; $body .= "
"; $mail->Body = $body; if( !$mail->Send() ) { $return[] = $mail->ErrorInfo; } } unset( $filesUpload ); } $_SESSION['response'] = ( count($return) > 0 ) ? serialize($return) : serialize( array( 0 => 'Ok' ) ); ?>