true, 'load' => true, 'save' => true, 'getAdminActivityOptions' => true, 'decode_fields_in_final_array' => true, ); /** * @var object $mail the phpmailer object used at runtime to send email * @access public */ var $mail = null; /** * @var object $bo_emailadmin object the emailadmin bo object to retriev egroupware mail configuration * @access public */ var $bo_emailadmin = null; /** * @var integer $profileID profile ID * @access public */ var $profileID; // some maybe usefull egroupware or engine objects. Vars usefull to create only the first time // to avoid multiple SQL queries /** * @var object $role_manager Role manager * @access public */ var $role_manager; /** * @var object $account The account * @access public */ var $account; /** * @var string $process_name The process name * @access public */ var $process_name = ''; /** * @var string $process_version The process version * @access public */ var $process_version = ''; /** * @var integer $process_id The process id * @access public */ var $process_id = ''; /** * @var object $activity_id The activity id * @access public */ var $activity_id = ''; /** * @var integer $instance_id The instance id * @access public */ var $instance_id = ''; /** * @var array $final_array array containing part or this->fields recomputed to handle real email address and real values * @access public */ var $final_array = Array(); /** * @var boolean $debugmode can be usefull to test mails building without sending them * @access public */ var $debugmode = false; /** * Contructor * @access public * @return object */ function bo_agent_mail_smtp() { parent::bo_agent(); $this->so_agent = Factory::getInstance('so_agent_mail_smtp'); $this->bo_emailadmin = Factory::getInstance('bo'); //the showProcessConfigurationFields is not done here, quite harder to build $this->ProcessConfigurationFieldsdefault = array( 'mail_smtp_profile' => false, 'mail_smtp_signature' => lang('Mail automatically sent by Mail SMTP Agent for eGroupware\'s Workflow'), 'mail_smtp_local_link_prefix' => '', 'mail_smtp_debug' => false, ); $this->title = lang('Mail Smtp Agent'); $this->description = lang('This agent gives the activity the possibility to send an SMTP message (mail)'); $this->help = lang('Use EmailAdmin to create mail profiles', $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php',array('menuaction' => 'emailadmin.ui.listProfiles'))); $this->help .= "
\n".lang('Mails can be sent at the begining or at the end of the activity, For interactive activities only it can be sent after completion.'); $this->help .= "
\n".lang('Be carefull with interactive activity, end and start of theses activities are multiple.'); $this->help .= "
\n".lang('You can use special values with this mail agent:'); $this->help .= "\n"; $this->fields = array( 'wf_to' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('To:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_cc' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('Cc:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_bcc' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('Bcc:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_from' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('From:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_replyto' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('ReplyTo:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_subject' => array( 'type' => 'text', 'label' => lang('Subject:'), 'size' => 255, 'value' => '', ), 'wf_message' => array( 'type' => 'textarea', 'label' => lang('Message:'), 'value' => '', ), 'wf_send_mode' => array( 'type' => 'select', 'label' => lang('When to send the Message:'), 'value' => '', 'values'=> array( _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_COMP => lang('send after interactive activity is completed'), /*_SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_POST => lang("send when wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] is posted"),*/ _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_AUTO_PRE => lang("send when the activity is starting"), _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_AUTO_POS => lang("send when the activity is ending"), ), ), ); } /** * Factory: Load the agent values stored somewhere in the agent object and retain the agent id * @param int $agent_id is the agent id * @param bool $really_load boolean, true by default, if false the data wont be loaded from database and * the only thing done by this function is storing the agent_id (usefull if you know you wont need actual data) * @return bool false if the agent cannot be loaded, true else * @access public */ function load($agent_id, $really_load=true) { //read values from the so_object if ($really_load) { $values =& $this->so_agent->read($agent_id); foreach($values as $key => $value) { //load only known fields if (isset($this->fields[$key])) { $this->fields[$key]['value'] = $value; //echo "
DEBUG loading value $value for $key"; } } } //store the id $this->agent_id = $agent_id; } /** * Save the agent * @return bool false if the agent cannot be saved, true else * @access public */ function save() { //make a simplified version of $this->fields with just values $simplefields = Array(); foreach ($this->fields as $field => $arrayfield) { $simplefields[$field] = $arrayfield['value']; } return $this->so_agent->save($this->agent_id, $simplefields); } /** * Lists activity level options avaible for the agent * @return array an associative array which can be empty * @access public */ function getAdminActivityOptions () { return $this->fields; } /** * This function tell the engine which process level options have to be set * for the agent. Theses options will be initialized for all processes by the engine * and can be different for each process. * @return array an array which can be empty * @access public */ function listProcessConfigurationFields() { $profile_list = $this->bo_emailadmin->getProfileList(); foreach($profile_list as $profile) { $my_profile_list[$profile['profileID']] = $profile['description']; } $this->showProcessConfigurationFields = array( 'Mail SMTP Agent' => 'title', 'mail_smtp_profile' => $my_profile_list, 'mail_smtp_signature' => 'text', 'mail_smtp_local_link_prefix' => 'text', 'mail_smtp_debug' => 'yesno', ); return $this->showProcessConfigurationFields; } /** * Return the SMTP config values stored by the emailadmin egw application * @return array an associative array containing the'emailConfigValid' token at true if it was ok, and at false else * @access public */ function getSMTPConfiguration() { $data =Array(); $this->profileID = $this->conf['mail_smtp_profile']; $data['emailConfigValid'] = true; //code inspired by felamimail bo_preferences $profileData = $this->bo_emailadmin->getProfile($this->profileID); if(!is_array($profileData)) { $data['emailConfigValid'] = false; return $data; } elseif ($this->profileID != $profileData['profileID']) { $this->profileID = $profileData['profileID']; } // set values to the global values $data['defaultDomain'] = $profileData['defaultDomain']; $data['smtpServerAddress'] = $profileData['smtpServer']; $data['smtpPort'] = $profileData['smtpPort']; $data['smtpAuth'] = $profileData['smtpAuth']; $data['smtpType'] = $profileData['smtpType']; $useremail = $this->bo_emailadmin->getAccountEmailAddress(Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'userid'), $this->profileID); $data['emailAddress'] = $useremail[0]['address']; return $data; } /** * Initialize objects we will need for the mailing and retrieve the conf * @return void * @access public */ function init() { $this->mail = Factory::getInstance('phpmailer'); //set the $this->conf $this->getProcessConfigurationFields($this->activity->getProcessId()); if ($this->conf['mail_smtp_debug']) $this->debugmode = true; } /** * Says that we send email on POSTed forms * @return bool true if the conf says that we send email on POSTed forms, else false. * @access public */ function sendOnPosted() { return ($this->fields['wf_send_mode']['value']== _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_POST); } /** * If this activity is defined as an activity sending the email when starting we'll send it now * WARNING : on interactive queries the user code is parsed several times and this function is called * each time you reach the begining of the code, this means at least the first time when you show the form * and every time you loop on the form + the last time when you complete the code (if the user did not cancel). * @return bool true if everything was ok, false if something went wrong * @access public */ function send_start() { if ($this->fields['wf_send_mode']['value']== _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_AUTO_PRE) { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Sending at the start of the activity'; if (!($this->prepare_mail())) return false; return $this->send(); } else { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Not sending at the start of the activity'; return true; } } /** * If this activity is defined as an activity sending the email when finishing the code we'll send it now * WARNING : on interactive queries the user code is parsed several times and this function is called * each time you reach the end of the code without completing, this means at least the first time * and every time you loop on the form. * @return bool true if everything was ok, false if something went wrong * @access public */ function send_end() { if ($this->fields['wf_send_mode']['value']== _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_AUTO_POS) { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Sending at the end of the activity'; if (!($this->prepare_mail())) return false; return $this->send(); } else { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Not sending at the end of the activity'; return true; } } /** * If this activity is defined as an activity sending the email when the user post a command for it we'll send it now * @return bool true if everything was ok, false if something went wrong * @access public */ function send_post() { if ($this->fields['wf_send_mode']['value']== _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_POST) { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Sending at POST in the activity'; if (!($this->prepare_mail())) return false; return $this->send(); } else { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Not sending at POST in the activity'; return true; } } /** * If this activity is defined as an activity sending the email when completing we'll send it now * @return bool true if everything was ok, false if something went wrong * @access public */ function send_completed() { if ($this->fields['wf_send_mode']['value']== _SMTP_MAIL_AGENT_SND_COMP) { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Sending when completing activity'; if (!($this->prepare_mail())) return false; return $this->send(); } else { if ($this->debugmode) $this->error[] = 'Not Sending when completing activity'; return true; } } /** * Buid the email fields * @return boolean true ok false error * @access public */ function prepare_mail() { $userLang = Settings::get('expresso', 'preferences', 'lang'); $langFile = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/phpgwapi/setup/phpmailer.lang-$userLang.php"; if(file_exists($langFile)) { $this->mail->SetLanguage($userLang, PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/phpgwapi/setup/"); } else { $this->mail->SetLanguage("en", PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/phpgwapi/setup/"); } $this->mail->PluginDir = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT."/phpgwapi/inc/"; $this->mail->IsSMTP(); //SMTP Conf $smtpconf =& $this->getSMTPConfiguration(); if (!($smtpconf['emailConfigValid'])) { $this->error[] = lang('The SMTP configuration cannot be loaded by the mail_smtp workflow agent'); return false; } $this->mail->Host = $smtpconf['smtpServerAddress']; $this->mail->Port = $smtpconf['smtpPort']; //SMTP Auth? if ($smtpconf['smtpAuth']) { $this->mail->SMTPAuth = true; $this->mail->Username = Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'userid'); $this->mail->Password = Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'passwd'); } $this->mail->Encoding = '8bit'; //TODO: handle Charset //$this->mail->CharSet = $this->displayCharset; $this->mail->AddCustomHeader("X-Mailer: Egroupware Workflow"); $this->mail->WordWrap = 76; //we need HTMl for handling nicely links $this->mail->IsHTML(true); //compute $this->final_fields if not done already if (!( $this->decode_fields_in_final_fields($smtpconf['defaultDomain']) )) { $this->error[] = lang('We were not able to build the message'); return false; } $process = Factory::getInstance('workflow_process'); $process->getProcess($this->process_id); $this->process_name = $process->getName(); $this->process_version = $process->getVersion(); unset ($process); $this->mail->From = $this->mail->EncodeHeader($this->final_fields['wf_from']); //$this->mail->FromName = $this->activity->getName(); $this->mail->FromName = $this->process_name; $this->mail->Subject = $this->mail->EncodeHeader($this->final_fields['wf_subject']); $this->mail->Body = str_replace("\n",'
',html_entity_decode($this->final_fields['wf_message'])); // if you need compatibility to older email clients (e.g. mutt), uncomment the line below //$this->mail->AltBody = $this->final_fields['wf_message']; $this->mail->ClearAllRecipients(); foreach ($this->final_fields['wf_to'] as $email) { if (!(empty($email))) $this->mail->AddAddress($email); } foreach ($this->final_fields['wf_cc'] as $email) { if (!(empty($email))) $this->mail->AddCC($email); } foreach ($this->final_fields['wf_bcc'] as $email) { if (!(empty($email))) $this->mail->AddBCC($email); } $email = $this->final_fields['wf_replyto']; if (!(empty($email))) $this->mail->AddReplyTo($email); return true; } /** * This function is used to decode admin instructions about the final value or the activity fields. * * i.e.: decoding %user% in for example * If you call this function twice the final result will NOT be recalculated. except with the $force * parameter. This is done so that you can call this function sooner than the engine and add or remove * emails from final fields. The engine will not recompute automatically theses fields if you done it already. * @param string $defaultDomain is the default mail Domain, used with empty domains * @param bool $force is falmse by default, if true the final are recalculated even if they are already there * @return bool true/false and set the $this->final_fields array containing the fields with the 'real' final value and for * the wf_to, wf_bcc and wf_cc fields you'll have arrays with email values. * @access public */ function decode_fields_in_final_fields($defaultDomain, $force=false) { if ($force || (!(isset($this->final_fields['calculated']))) ) { $res = Array(); $result = Array(); $address_array = Array(); $email_list = Array(); foreach ($this->fields as $key => $value) { $res[$key] =& $this->replace_tokens($value['value']); //for all adresse fields we make an email array to detect repetitions if (($key=='wf_to') || ($key=='wf_cc') || ($key=='wf_bcc')) { //_debug_array($res[$key]);//DEBUG //clean ',,' or ', ,' or starting or ending by ',' $res[$key] = $this->cleanup_adress_string($res[$key]); //_debug_array($res[$key]);//DEBUG //warning, need to handle < and > as valid chars for emails $address_array = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist(str_replace('>','>',str_replace('<','<',$res[$key])),''); //_debug_array($address_array);//DEBUG if (is_array($address_array) && (!(empty($address_array)))) { foreach ($address_array as $val) { //we retain this email is used in To or Bcc or Cc //and we affect this email only the first time //first detect errors if ($val->host == '.SYNTAX-ERROR.') { $this->error[] = lang("at least one email address cannot be validated."); if ($this->debugmode) { $this->error[] = $res[$key]; } return false; } //detect empty domains if (empty($val->host)) { $val->host = $defaultDomain; } //build email adress $his_email = $val->mailbox.'@'. $val->host; if (!isset($email_list[$his_email])) { $email_list[$his_email] = $key; $result[$key][]= $his_email; } } } else { $result[$key] = Array(); } } elseif ( ($key=='wf_from') || ($key=='wf_replyto')) { //warning, need to handle < and > as valid chars for emails $result[$key] = str_replace('>','>',str_replace('<','<',$res[$key])); } else { $result[$key] = $res[$key]; } } $this->final_fields =& $result; $this->final_fields['calculated']=true; } return true; } /** * This function will clean ',,' or ', ,' or starting or ending by ',' in the email address string list. * @param string $address_string is the string we should clean * @return string the cleaned up string * @access public */ function cleanup_adress_string($address_string) { //in PHP5 we could ve been using the count parameter to stop recursivity $new = str_replace(array(', ,' , ',,'),array(',', ','),trim(trim($address_string),',')); if ($new == $address_string) { //it did nothing, lets stop recursivity return $new; } { //we made sime changes, lets verify the new string is syntaxically correct, recursivity return $this->cleanup_adress_string($new); } } /** * This function is used to find and replace tokens in the fields * @param string $string is the string to analyse * @return string the modified string * @access public */ function replace_tokens(&$string) { //first we need to escape the \% before the analysis $string = str_replace('\%','&workflowpourcent;',$string); $matches = Array(); preg_match_all("/%([^%]+)%/",$string, $matches); $final = $string; if ($this->activity_id =='') $this->activity_id = $this->activity->getActivityId(); if ($this->instance_id =='') $this->instance_id = $this->instance->getInstanceId(); if ($this->process_id =='') $this->process_id = $this->activity->getProcessId(); foreach($matches[1] as $key => $value) { //$value is our %token% switch($value) { case 'signature': $matches[1][$key] = $this->conf['mail_smtp_signature']; break; case 'instance_name' : $matches[1][$key] = $this->instance->getName(); break; case 'activity_name' : $matches[1][$key] = $this->activity->getName(); break; case 'process_name' : if ($this->process_name=='') { $process = Factory::getInstance('workflow_process'); $process->getProcess($this->process_id); $this->process_name = $process->getName(); $this->process_version = $process->getVersion(); unset ($process); } $matches[1][$key] = $this->process_name; break; case 'process_version' : if ($this->process_version=='') { $process = Factory::getInstance('workflow_process'); $process->getProcess($this->process_id); $this->process_name = $process->getName(); $this->process_version = $process->getVersion(); unset ($process); } $matches[1][$key] = $this->process_version; break; case 'process_id' : $matches[1][$key] = $this->process_id; break; case 'instance_id' : $matches[1][$key] = $this->instance_id; break; case 'activity_id' : $matches[1][$key] = $this->activity_id; break; case 'user' : //the current instance/activity user which is in fact running //this class actually $matches[1][$key] = Settings::get('expresso', 'user', 'email'); break; case 'owner' : //the owner of the instance if (!is_object($this->account)) { $this->account = Factory::getInstance('accounts'); } $ask_user = $this->instance->getOwner(); $matches[1][$key] = $this->account->id2name($ask_user, 'account_email'); break; case 'roles' : //all users having at least one role on this activity if (!is_object($this->role_manager)) { $this->role_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_rolemanager'); } if (!is_object($this->account)) { $this->account = Factory::getInstance('accounts'); } $my_subset = array('wf_activity_name' => $this->activity->getName()); $listing =& $this->role_manager->list_mapped_users($this->instance->getProcessId(),true, $my_subset); $matches[1][$key] = ''; foreach ($listing as $user_id => $user_name) { $user_email = $this->account->id2name($user_id); if ($matches[1][$key] == '') { $matches[1][$key] = $this->account->id2name($user_id, 'account_email'); } else { $matches[1][$key] .= ', '.$this->account->id2name($user_id, 'account_email'); } } break; default: //Now we need to handle role_foo or property_bar or user_foobar $matches2 = Array(); //echo "
2nd analysis on ".$value; preg_match_all("/([^_]+)([_])([A-z0-9\|:\/\.\?\=\'\&\; ]*)/",$value, $matches2); $first_part = $matches2[1][0]; $second_part = $matches2[3][0]; switch ($first_part) { case 'user' : //we retrieve the asked user email if (!is_object($this->account)) { $this->account = Factory::getInstance('accounts'); } $ask_user = $this->account->name2id($second_part); $matches[1][$key] = $this->account->id2name($ask_user, 'account_email'); break; case 'property' : //we take the content of the given property on the instance $matches[1][$key] = $this->instance->get($second_part); break; case 'role' : //all user mapped to this role if (!is_object($this->role_manager)) { $this->role_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_rolemanager'); } if (!is_object($this->account)) { $this->account = Factory::getInstance('accounts'); } $my_subset = array('wf_role_name' => $second_part); $listing =& $this->role_manager->list_mapped_users($this->instance->getProcessId(),true, $my_subset); $matches[1][$key] = ''; foreach ($listing as $user_id => $user_name) { $user_email = $this->account->id2name($user_id); if ($matches[1][$key] == '') { $matches[1][$key] = $this->account->id2name($user_id, 'account_email'); } else { $matches[1][$key] .= ', '.$this->account->id2name($user_id, 'account_email'); } } break; case 'link' : //we want a link //the HTML characters are escaped, so we need this function //and we now some usefull links: //$second_part should be in this form link adress|text $matches3 = Array(); //echo "
3rd analysis on ".$second_part; preg_match_all("/([^\|]+)([\|])([A-z0-9 \'\&\;]*)/",$second_part, $matches3); $link_part = $matches3[1][0]; $text_part = $matches3[3][0]; //need something in the text if (empty($text_part)) $text_part=$link_part; //and something in the link switch ($link_part) { default: //now it can be an external or local link if (substr($link_part,0,7)=='http://') {//external link $my_link = $link_part; } else {//local link $my_link = $this->conf['mail_smtp_local_link_prefix'].$GLOBALS['phpgw']->link($link_part); } } $matches[1][$key] = ''.$text_part.''; break; default: $matches[1][$key] = ''; } } $final = str_replace($matches[0][$key],$matches[1][$key],$final); } //now get back the % escaped before the analysis $final = str_replace('&workflowpourcent;','%',$final); return $final; } /** * This function is used to send mail * @return bool true ok false error * @access public */ function Send() { //$this->mail->SMTPDebug = 10; if (!($this->debugmode)) { if(!$this->mail->Send()) { if ($this->mail->ErrorInfo != $this->mail->Lang("data_not_accepted")) { $this->error[] = $this->mail->ErrorInfo; return false; } } } else { //_debug_array($this->mail); $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: '.lang('if not in debug mail_smtp agent would have sent this email:'); $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: Host:'.$this->mail->Host; $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: Port:'.$this->mail->Port; $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: From:'.htmlentities($this->mail->From); $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: FromName:'.htmlentities($this->mail->FromName); $msg = 'DEBUG mode: ReplyTo:'; foreach ($this->mail->ReplyTo as $address) { $msg .= htmlentities($address[0]); } $this->error[] = $msg; $msg = 'DEBUG mode: To:'; foreach ($this->mail->to as $address) { $msg .= htmlentities($address[0]); } $this->error[] = $msg; $msg = 'DEBUG mode: Cc:'; foreach ($this->mail->cc as $address) { $msg .= htmlentities($address[0]); } $this->error[] = $msg; $msg = 'DEBUG mode: Bcc:'; foreach ($this->mail->bcc as $address) { $msg .= ' '.htmlentities($address[0]); } $this->error[] = $msg; $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: Subject:'.htmlentities($this->mail->Subject); //$this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: AltBody:'.htmlentities($this->mail->AltBody); $this->error[] = 'DEBUG mode: Body (hmtl):'.$this->mail->Body; } return true; } } ?>