'show_graph' => true
* @var object $process_manager Process manager
* @access public
var $process_manager;
* @var object $activity_manager
* @access public
var $activity_manager;
* @var object $role_manager
* @access public
var $role_manager;
* @var $where2
* @access public
var $where2;
* @var object $sort_mode2
* @access public
var $sort_mode2;
* @var array $agents agents handling
* @access public
var $agents=Array();
* @var object $workflow_acl
* @access public
var $workflow_acl;
* @var object $fs object for reading process folder
* @access public
var $fs;
* @var array $invalidFiles invalid files list
* @access public
var $invalidFiles = array();
* Constructor da classe ui_adminactivities
* @access public
* @return void
function ui_adminactivities()
$this->workflow_acl = Factory::getInstance('workflow_acl');
$denyAccess = true;
if ($this->workflow_acl->checkWorkflowAdmin($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']))
/* the user is an Expresso/Workflow admin */
$denyAccess = false;
if ($GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('admin_workflow', 1, 'workflow'))
/* check if the user can admin the informed process */
if ($this->wf_p_id != 0)
$denyAccess = !$this->workflow_acl->check_process_access($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'], $this->wf_p_id);
$denyAccess = false;
/* allow regular users to see the process graph */
if ($_GET['menuaction'] == "workflow.ui_adminactivities.show_graph")
$denyAccess = false;
if ($denyAccess)
echo parse_navbar();
echo lang('access not permitted');
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message('F-Abort, Unauthorized access to workflow.ui_adminprocesses');
$this->process_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_processmanager');
$this->activity_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_activitymanager');
$this->role_manager = Factory::getInstance('workflow_rolemanager');
$this->fs = &Factory::newInstance('FsUtils'); /* gets instance */
* Build the form for Activities Administration
* @return void
* @access public
function form()
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['workflow']['title'] . ' - ' . lang('Admin Process Activities');
echo parse_navbar();
$this->t->set_file('admin_activities', 'admin_activities.tpl');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_select_type', 'select_type');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_activity_roles', 'activity_roles');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_process_roles', 'process_roles');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_activity_agents', 'activity_agents');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_default_roles', 'default_roles');
$this->t->set_block('admin_activities', 'block_select_agents', 'select_agents');
$proc_info =& $this->process_manager->get_process($this->wf_p_id);
$activity_id = (int)get_var('activity_id', 'any', 0);
$name = get_var('name', 'any', '');
// TODO: not all variables below are still required. clean up
$description = get_var('description', 'any', '');
$type = get_var('type', 'any', '');
$is_interactive = get_var('is_interactive', 'any', '');
$is_autorouted = get_var('is_autorouted', 'any', '');
$default_user = get_var('default_user', 'any', '');
$useagent = get_var('useagent', 'POST', '');
$where = get_var('where', array('GET', 'POST'), '');
$this->where2 = get_var('where2', 'any', '');
$find = get_var('find', 'any', '');
$find2 = get_var('find2', 'any', '');
$this->sort_mode2 = get_var('sort_mode2', 'any', '');
$filter_trans_from = get_var('filter_trans_from', 'any', '');
$this->order = get_var('order', 'GET', 'wf_flow_num');
$this->sort = get_var('sort', 'GET', 'asc');
$this->sort_mode = $this->order . '__'. $this->sort;
$menu_path = get_var('menu_path', 'any', '');
$activity_role_ro = get_var('activity_role_ro','POST', Array());
$activity_role_delete = get_var('activity_role_delete','POST', Array());
$remove_roles = get_var('remove_roles', 'POST', false);
$rolename = get_var('rolename', 'POST', '');
$roledescription = get_var('roledescription', 'POST', '');
$userole = get_var('userole', 'POST', '');
$userole_ro = get_var('userole_ro', 'POST', 'off');
$newrole_ro = get_var('newrole_ro', 'POST', 'off');
if (!$this->wf_p_id) die(lang('No process indicated'));
// ************************************* START OF OPERATIONS COMMANDED BY THIS SAME FORM ******************
// do we need to check validity? do it only if necessary, high load on database
$checkvalidity = false;
// add role to process roles
if( !(empty($rolename)) )
$rolename = trim($rolename);
if( strlen($rolename) > 0 )
//second parameter for read-only mode
$newrole_id = $this->add_process_role($rolename, $roledescription);
if ($newrole_id)
$this->message[] = lang('Role added to process');
if ($activity_id)
$this->activity_manager->add_activity_role($activity_id, $newrole_id, ($newrole_ro=='on'));
$this->message[] = lang('Role added to activity');
$checkvalidity = true;
$this->message[] = lang('Invalid role name');
// remove activity role
if (!!($remove_roles) && $activity_id)
foreach ($activity_role_delete as $role_id => $checked_on)
$this->activity_manager->remove_activity_role($activity_id, $role_id);
$this->message[] = lang('Activity role #%1 removed', $role_id);
$this->message[] = $this->activity_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG);
$checkvalidity = true;
// remove activity agent
if (isset($_GET['remove_agent']) && $activity_id)
$this->activity_manager->remove_activity_agent($activity_id, $_GET['remove_agent'],true);
$this->message[] = lang('Activity agent removed');
$this->message[] = $this->activity_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG);
// TODO: activityname need to be valid. Add a validity checking function?
// save activity
if (isset($_POST['save_act']))
$activity_id = $this->save_activity($activity_id, $name, $description, $type, $default_user, $is_interactive, $is_autorouted, $userole, $userole_ro, $useagent, $rolename, $menu_path);
if( $activity_id )
if ($newrole_id)
$this->activity_manager->add_activity_role($activity_id, $newrole_id, ($newrole_ro=='on'));
$this->message[] = lang('Role added to activity');
$this->message[] = lang('Activity saved');
//no checkvalidity, this is done already in ActivityManager
// delete activity
if (isset($_POST['delete_act']))
if( isset($_POST['activities']) )
if ($this->delete_activities(array_keys($_POST['activities']))) $this->message[] = lang('Deletion successful');
$checkvalidity = true;
// add transitions
if (isset($_POST['add_trans']))
$this->message[] = $this->add_transition($_POST['wf_act_from_id'], $_POST['wf_act_to_id']);
$checkvalidity = true;
// delete transitions
if (isset($_POST['delete_tran']))
$checkvalidity = true;
// ************************************* END OF OPERATIONS COMMANDED BY THIS SAME FORM ******************
$expandTable = isset($_POST['new_activity']);
// retrieve activity info and its roles and agents
if (!$activity_id || isset($_POST['new_activity']))
$activity_info = array(
'wf_name' => '',
'wf_description' => '',
'wf_activity_id' => 0,
'wf_is_interactive' => true,
'wf_is_autorouted' => false,
'wf_default_user' => '*',
'wf_type' => 'activity',
'wf_menu_path' => ''
$activity_roles = array();
$activity_agents = array();
$expandTable = true;
$activity_info =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity($activity_id);
$activity_roles =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_roles($activity_id);
$activity_agents =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_agents($activity_id);
//for all agents we create ui_agent object to handle admin agents displays
//this array can be already done by the save_activity function, in this case
// we will just actualize most of the records
foreach ($activity_agents as $agent)
if (empty($this->agents[$agent['wf_agent_type']]))
$ui_agent =& createObject('workflow.ui_agent_'.$agent['wf_agent_type']);
$this->agents[$agent['wf_agent_type']] = $ui_agent;
// fill type filter select box
$activity_types = array('start', 'end', 'activity', 'switch', 'split', 'join', 'standalone', 'view');
$filter_type = get_var('filter_type', 'any', '');
$this->show_select_filter_type($activity_types, $filter_type);
$filter_interactive = get_var('filter_interactive', 'any', '');
$activity_interactive = array('y' => lang('Interactive'), 'n'=>lang('Automatic'));
$this->show_select_filter_interactive($activity_interactive, $filter_interactive);
$filter_autoroute = get_var('filter_autoroute', 'any', '');
$activity_autoroute = array('y' => lang('Auto Routed'), 'n'=>lang('Manual'));
$this->show_select_filter_autoroute($activity_autoroute, $filter_autoroute);
$where = '';
$wheres = array();
if( !($filter_type == '') )
$wheres[] = "wf_type = '" .$filter_type. "'";
if( !($filter_interactive == '') )
$wheres[] = "wf_is_interactive = '" .$filter_interactive. "'";
if( !($filter_autoroute == '') )
$wheres[] = "wf_is_autorouted = '" .$filter_autoroute. "'";
if( count($wheres) > 0 )
$where = implode(' and ', $wheres);
if (empty($process_activities)) $process_activities =& $this->activity_manager->list_activities($this->wf_p_id, 0, -1, $this->sort_mode, $find, $where);
$all_transition_activities_from =& $this->activity_manager->get_transition_activities($this->wf_p_id, 'end');
$all_transition_activities_to =& $this->activity_manager->get_transition_activities($this->wf_p_id, 'start');
if ($activity_id) $this->search_transitions_act($process_activities, $activity_id);
$process_roles =& $this->role_manager->list_roles($this->wf_p_id, 0, -1, 'wf_name__asc', '');
$agents_list =& $this->process_manager->get_agents();
$all_process_transitions =& $this->activity_manager->get_process_transitions($this->wf_p_id);
$process_transitions =& $this->activity_manager->get_process_transitions($this->wf_p_id, $filter_trans_from);
$process_activities_with_transitions =& $this->activity_manager->get_process_activities_with_transitions($this->wf_p_id);
// update activities
if (isset($_POST['update_act']))
if( is_array($process_activities['data']) && count($process_activities['data']) > 0 )
$this->update_activities($process_activities, array_keys($_POST['activity_inter']), array_keys($_POST['activity_route']));
$this->message[] = lang('Activities updated');
// activate process
if (isset($_GET['activate_proc']))
$proc_info['wf_is_active'] = 'y';
// deactivate process
if (isset($_GET['deactivate_proc']))
$proc_info['wf_is_active'] = 'n';
/* warning, heavy database load! */
/* check process validity and show errors if necessary */
if ($checkvalidity) $proc_info['wf_is_valid'] = $this->show_errors($this->activity_manager, $error_str);
// fill proc_bar
$this->t->set_var('proc_bar', $this->fill_proc_bar($proc_info));
//collect some messages from used objects
$this->message[] = $this->activity_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG);
$this->message[] = $this->process_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG);
$this->message[] = $this->role_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG);
$templateServer = &Factory::getInstance('TemplateServer');
// fill the general variables of the template
'message' => implode('
', array_filter($this->message)),
'errors' => $error_str,
'form_details_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminactivities.form'),
'form_list_transitions_action' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminactivities.form'),
'p_id' => $this->wf_p_id,
'where' => $where,
'where2' => $this->where2,
'sort_mode' => $this->sort_mode,
'sort_mode2' => $this->sort_mode2,
'find' => $find,
'find2' => $find2,
'expandTable' => ($expandTable ? 'true' : 'false'),
'activity_id' => $activity_info['wf_activity_id'],
'new_act_href' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php', 'menuaction=workflow.ui_adminactivities.form'),
'name' => $activity_info['wf_name'],
'description' => $activity_info['wf_description'],
'checked_interactive' => ($activity_info['wf_is_interactive'])? 'checked="checked"' : '',
'checked_autorouted' => ($activity_info['wf_is_autorouted'])? 'checked="checked"' : '',
'menu_path' => $activity_info['wf_menu_path'],
'img_transition_auto' => '',
'img_interactive' => '
'img_transition' => '
'img_transition_add' => '
'img_transition_delete' => '
'add_trans_from' => $this->build_select_transition('add_tran_from[]', $all_transition_activities_from['data'], true, false, 'from'),
'add_trans_to' => $this->build_select_transition('add_tran_to[]', $all_transition_activities_to['data'], true, false, 'to'),
'add_a_trans_from' => $this->build_select_transition('wf_act_from_id', $all_transition_activities_from['data'], false, false),
'add_a_trans_to' => $this->build_select_transition('wf_act_to_id', $all_transition_activities_to['data'], false, false)
if( $filter_trans_from ) {
$this->t->set_var('filter_trans_from', $this->build_select_transition_filtered('filter_trans_from', $process_activities_with_transitions['data'], false, true, $filter_trans_from));
$this->t->set_var('filter_trans_from_value', $filter_trans_from);
else {
$this->t->set_var('filter_trans_from', $this->build_select_transition_filtered('filter_trans_from', $process_activities_with_transitions['data'], false, true, false));
$this->t->set_var('filter_trans_from_value', '');
// show process activities table
foreach ($activity_types as $type)
'type_value' => $type,
'type_selected' => ($activity_info['wf_type'] == $type)? 'selected="selected"' : '',
'type_name' => $type
$this->t->parse('select_type', 'block_select_type', true);
// fill activity roles
if (!$activity_roles)
$this->t->set_var('activity_roles', '
";print_r($process_activities_data);echo ""; $select_str = "\n"; return $select_str; } /** * Build select box with all transitions activities filtered * @param string $var_name * @param array $process_activities_data array of process data * @param boolean $multiple * @param boolean $show_all show all list * @param boolean $from_or_to * @access public * @return string html code with select box */ function build_select_transition_filtered($var_name, $process_activities_data, $multiple=false, $show_all=true, $from=false) { $select_str = "\n"; return $select_str; } /** * Save the edited activity. * * @param int $activity_id * @param string $name * @param string $description * @param string $type * @param string $default_user * @param bool $is_interative * @param bool $is_autorouted * @return mixed Return the activity_id or false in case of error, $this->message is set in case of error * @access public */ function save_activity($activity_id, $name, $description, $type, $default_user, $is_interactive, $is_autorouted, $userole, $userole_ro, $useagent, $rolename, $menu_path) { $is_interactive = ($is_interactive == 'on') ? 'y' : 'n'; $is_autorouted = ($is_autorouted == 'on') ? 'y' : 'n'; $vars = array( 'wf_name' => $name, 'wf_description' => $description, 'wf_activity_id' => $activity_id, 'wf_is_interactive' => $is_interactive, 'wf_is_autorouted' => $is_autorouted, 'wf_default_user' => $default_user, 'wf_type' => $type, 'wf_menu_path' => $menu_path ); if( strlen($name) > 0 ) { if ($this->activity_manager->activity_name_exists($this->wf_p_id, $name, $activity_id)) { $this->message[] = ($name . ': '. lang('activity name already exists')); return false; } } else { $this->message[] = lang('Enter an activity name'); return false; } $activity_id = $this->activity_manager->replace_activity($this->wf_p_id, $activity_id, $vars); // assign role to activity if ($userole) { $this->activity_manager->add_activity_role($activity_id, $userole, ($userole_ro=='on')); } // assign agent to activity if ($useagent) { $this->activity_manager->add_activity_agent($activity_id, $useagent); } //save agent configuration datas if any if (isset($_POST['wf_agent'])) { $agents_conf =& $_POST['wf_agent']; //retrieve agents list $activity_agents =& $this->activity_manager->get_activity_agents($activity_id); //for all agents we create ui_agent object to handle admin agents displays and savings foreach ($activity_agents as $agent) { //create an empty temp ui_agent object $ui_agent =& createObject('workflow.ui_agent_'.$agent['wf_agent_type']); //build this object BUT without loading actual data //because we will save next values soon $ui_agent->load($agent['wf_agent_id'],false); //store it in an array $this->agents[$agent['wf_agent_type']] = $ui_agent; //delete the temp object unset($ui_agent); } // now we save the data obtained from the form in theses agents foreach ($agents_conf as $typeagent => $confarray) { $this->agents[$typeagent]->save($confarray); } } // add activity transitions if (isset($_POST['add_tran_from'])) { foreach ($_POST['add_tran_from'] as $act_from) { $this->activity_manager->add_transition($this->wf_p_id, $act_from, $activity_id); } } if (isset($_POST['add_tran_to'])) { foreach ($_POST['add_tran_to'] as $act_to) { $this->activity_manager->add_transition($this->wf_p_id, $activity_id, $act_to); } } $this->activity_manager->validate_process_activities($this->wf_p_id); return $activity_id; } /** * Delete selected activities * @param array $activities_ids * @return bool true always * @access public */ function delete_activities($activities_ids) { foreach ($activities_ids as $act_id) { $this->activity_manager->remove_activity($this->wf_p_id, $act_id); } return true; } function delete_transitions($transitions) { if( is_array($transitions) && count($transitions) > 0 ) { foreach (array_keys($transitions) as $transition) { $parts = explode('_', $transition); $this->activity_manager->remove_transition($parts[0], $parts[1]); } $this->message[] = lang('Transitions removed successfully'); } else { $this->message[] = lang('Select a transition to remove'); } } /** * Add a transition activity * @param int $from from activity * @param int $to next activity * @return string Error or success message * @access public */ function add_transition($from, $to) { if ($this->activity_manager->add_transition($this->wf_p_id, $from, $to)) { $this->activity_manager->validate_process_activities($this->wf_p_id); return lang('New transition added'); } $error_msg = $this->activity_manager->get_error(false, _DEBUG); return lang("Couldn't add transition"). '; '. $error_msg[0]; } /** * Show actual process graph * @access public */ function show_graph() { $proc_info = $this->process_manager->get_process($this->wf_p_id); $image_name = $proc_info['wf_normalized_name'] . SEP . 'graph' . SEP . $proc_info['wf_normalized_name'] . '.png'; $image = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $image_name; if (Factory::getInstance('BrowserInfo')->isOpera()) $maximumDimension = 1000000; else $maximumDimension = 2500; $dims = getimagesize($image); list($originalWidth, $originalHeight) = $dims; /* the image must be resized */ if (max($originalWidth, $originalHeight) > $maximumDimension) { /* define the new width and height */ $newWidth = $newHeight = $maximumDimension; if ($originalWidth > $originalHeight) $newHeight = $maximumDimension * ($originalHeight / $originalWidth); else $newWidth = $maximumDimension * ($originalWidth / $originalHeight); /* create the new image and send to the browser */ $smallerImage = imagecreatetruecolor($newWidth, $newHeight); imagecopyresampled($smallerImage, imagecreatefrompng($image), 0, 0, 0, 0, $newWidth, $newHeight, $originalWidth, $originalHeight); header('content-disposition: inline; filename=' . $image_name); header('content-type: ' . $dims['mime']); imagepng($smallerImage); } else { header('content-disposition: inline; filename=' . $image_name); header('content-type: ' . $dims['mime']); header('content-length: ' . filesize($image)); readfile($image); } } /** * Dislays the activity agents config rows * @return void * @access public */ function display_agents_rows() { if (empty($this->agents)) { $this->t->set_var(array('agents_config_rows' => '')); } else { $this->t->set_file('admin_agents', 'admin_agents.tpl'); foreach ($this->agents as $ui_agent) { //this is parsing the agent's admin template in the given template var $ui_agent->showAdminActivityOptions('each_agent_rows'); } $this->translate_template('admin_agents'); $this->t->parse('agents_config_rows', 'admin_agents'); } } } ?>