params) parent::post($request); if( $this->isLoggedIn() ) { $date_start = $this->getParam('dateStart'); $date_end = $this->getParam('dateEnd'); // check the dates parameters formats (ex: 31/12/2012 23:59:59, but the time is optional) $regex_date = '/^(0[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01])\/(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/([12][0-9]{3})( ([01][0-9]|2[0-3])(:[0-5][0-9]){2})?$/'; if(!preg_match($regex_date, $date_start)) Errors::runException("CALENDAR_INVALID_START_DATE"); if(!preg_match($regex_date, $date_end)) Errors::runException("CALENDAR_INVALID_END_DATE"); // get the start timestamp UNIX from the parameter $start_arr = explode(' ', $date_start); $start_date_arr = explode('/', $start_arr[0]); // get the end timestamp UNIX from the parameter $end_arr = explode(' ', $date_end); $end_date_arr = explode('/', $end_arr[0]); $return = array(); $start_year = (int)$start_date_arr[2]; $end_year = (int)$end_date_arr[2]; for( $j = $start_year; $j <= $end_year; $j++ ) { $start_month = (int)$start_date_arr[1]; $end_month = (int)$end_date_arr[1]; if ($start_year != $end_year) { if ($j == $start_year) { $end_month = 12; } else { $start_month = 1; } } for( $i = $start_month; $i <= $end_month; $i++ ) { if( (int)$i < 10 ) $result = $this->getEvents("0".$i,$j); else $result = $this->getEvents($i,$j); if( count($result) > 0 ) { $return[] = $result; } } } if( count($return) > 0 ) { $i = 0; for( $j = 0 ; $j < count( $return); $j++) { foreach( $return[$j] as $key => $event ) { foreach ($event as $value) { $events[$i]['eventID'] = "".$value['id']; $events[$i]['eventDate'] = "".$key; $events[$i]['eventName'] = mb_convert_encoding("".$value['title'],"UTF8","ISO_8859-1"); $events[$i]['eventDescription'] = mb_convert_encoding("".$value['description'], "UTF8","ISO_8859-1"); $events[$i]['eventLocation'] = mb_convert_encoding("".$value['location'], "UTF8","ISO_8859-1"); $events[$i]['eventParticipants']= $value['participants']; $starttime = $this->makeTime($value['start']); $endtime = $this->makeTime($value['end']); $actualdate = mktime(0,0,0,substr($key,4,2),substr($key, 6 ),substr($key,0,4)); $rawdate_offset = $actualdate - $this->getTimezoneOffset(); $nextday = mktime(0,0,0,substr($key,4,2),substr($key, 6 )+1,substr($key,0,4)) - $this->getTimezoneOffset(); if( $starttime <= $rawdate_offset && $endtime >= $nextday - 60 ) { $events[$i]['eventStartDate'] = substr($key, 6 )."/".substr($key,4,2)."/".substr($key,0,4)." 00:00"; $events[$i]['eventEndDate'] = substr($key, 6 )."/".substr($key,4,2)."/".substr($key,0,4)." 23:59"; $events[$i]['eventAllDay'] = "1"; } else { if( $value['start']['mday'] === $value['end']['mday'] ) { $hour_start = (((int)$value['start']['hour'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['start']['hour'] : $value['start']['hour']).":".(((int)$value['start']['min'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['start']['min'] : $value['start']['min'] ); $hour_end = (((int)$value['end']['hour'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['end']['hour'] : $value['end']['hour']).":".(((int)$value['end']['min'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['end']['min'] : $value['end']['min'] ); } else { if( $events[$i-1] && $events[$i-1]['eventAllDay'] == "1" ) { $hour_start = "00:00"; $hour_end = (((int)$value['end']['hour'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['end']['hour'] : $value['end']['hour']).":".(((int)$value['end']['min'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['end']['min'] : $value['end']['min'] ); } else { $hour_start = (((int)$value['start']['hour'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['start']['hour'] : $value['start']['hour']).":".(((int)$value['start']['min'] < 10 ) ? "0".$value['start']['min'] : $value['start']['min'] ); $hour_end = "23:59"; } } $events[$i]['eventStartDate'] = substr($key, 6 )."/".substr($key,4,2)."/".substr($key,0,4)." ".$hour_start; $events[$i]['eventEndDate'] = substr($key, 6 )."/".substr($key,4,2)."/".substr($key,0,4)." ".$hour_end; $events[$i]['eventAllDay'] = "0"; } $events[$i++]['eventExParticipants'] = $value['ex_participants']; } } } $this->setResult(array('events' => $events)); } else { $this->setResult(array('events' => array())); } } //to Send Response (JSON RPC format) return $this->getResponse(); } }