Classe Clean XML To Array * @link Classe Clean XML To Array * @author Johnny Brochard Classe Array 2 XML * @link Classe Array 2 XML * @version 1.0 * @license GPL * @package Workflow */ class XmlUtils extends Utils { /** * Xml parser container * @var resource parser * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $parser; /** * Parse result * @var array pOut * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $pOut = array(); /** * Contains the overlap tag temporarily * @var array track * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $track = array(); /** * Current tag level * @var string tmpLevel * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $tmpLevel; /** * Attribut of current tag * @var array tmpAttrLevel * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $tmpAttrLevel = array(); /** * Write result * @var string wOut * @access private * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ var $wOut = ''; /** * XML Array * @var array * @access private * @see XmlUtils::toXML */ var $XMLArray; /** * DOM document instance * @var DomDocument * @access private * @see XmlUtils::toXML */ var $doc; /** * Gets vector from XML * * @access public * @param string $src Source * @param string $typeof Source type : NULL, FILE, CURL * @param string $encoding Encoding type * @return array */ function fromXML ( $src, $typeof = 'FILE', $encoding = 'UTF-8' ) { // ini; // (re)set array; $this->pOut = array(); $this->parser = xml_parser_create(); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0); xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $encoding); xml_set_object($this->parser, $this); xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, '_startHandler', '_endHandler'); xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parser, '_contentHandler'); // format source; if($typeof == NULL) { $data = $src; } elseif($typeof == 'FILE') { $fop = fopen($src, 'r'); $data = fread($fop, filesize($src)); fclose($fop); } elseif($typeof == 'CURL') { $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $src); curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $data = curl_exec($curl); curl_close($curl); } else { $this->raiseError('O analisador XML precisa de informações', __FILE__, __LINE__); } // parse $data; $parse = xml_parse($this->parser, $data); if(!$parse) { $this->raiseError ( 'XML Error : ' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parser)) . ' at line ' . xml_get_current_line_number($this->parser) , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ); } // destroy parser; xml_parser_free($this->parser); // unset extra vars; unset($data, $this->track, $this->tmpLevel, $this->tmpAttrLevel); // remove global tag and return the result; return $this->pOut[0][key($this->pOut[0])]; } /** * Converts vectors to XML * * @param array $input Vector, associative or not, to be parsed into XML * @param string $rootName Root tag's label * @access public * @return string */ function toXML($input, $rootName="") { if (is_array($input) && count($input) != 0){ $this->XMLArray = $input; } else { $this->raiseError('O argumento a ser convertido deve ser um array com pelo menos 1 elemento', __FILE__, __LINE__); } global $debug; $this->doc = domxml_new_doc("1.0"); $arr = array(); if (count($this->XMLArray) > 1) { if ($rootName != "") { $root = $this->doc->create_element($rootName); } else { $root = $this->doc->create_element("root"); $rootName = "root"; } $arr = $this->XMLArray; } else { $key = key($this->XMLArray); $val = $this->XMLArray[$key]; if (!is_int($key)) { $root = $this->doc->create_element($key); $rootName = $key; } else { if ($rootName != "") { $root = $this->doc->create_element($rootName); } else { $root = $this->doc->create_element("root"); $rootName = "root"; } } $arr = $this->XMLArray[$key]; } $root = $this->doc->append_child($root); $this->_addArray($arr, $root, $rootName); return($this->doc->dump_mem(true)); } /** * Manages the open tag, and these attributs by callback * The purpose is to create a pointer : {{int ptr}} * If the pointer exists, we have a multi-tag situation * Tag name is stocked like : '' * Attributs is stocked like : '-ATTR' * Returns TRUE but built $this->pOut * * @access private * @param resource $parser Parser resource * @param string $tag Tag name * @param array $attr Attribut * @return bool * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ function _startHandler ( $parser, $tag, $attr ) { static $attrLevel = -1; static $fnstAttr = TRUE; $attrLevel++; // built $this->track; $this->track[] = $tag; // place pointer to the end; end($this->track); // temp level; $this->tmpLevel = key($this->track); // built $this->pOut; if(!isset($this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag])) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag] = '{{'.key($this->track).'}}'; $attrLevel = 0; $this->tmpAttrLevel = array(); } // built attributs; if(!empty($attr)) { $this->tmpAttrLevel[] = $attrLevel; end($this->tmpAttrLevel); // it's the first attribut; if(!isset($this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag.'-ATTR'])) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag.'-ATTR'] = $attr; } else { // or it's not the first; // so it's the second; if($fnstAttr === TRUE) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag.'-ATTR'] = array( prev($this->tmpAttrLevel) => $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag.'-ATTR'], next($this->tmpAttrLevel) => $attr ); $fnstAttr = FALSE; } else { // or one other; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$tag.'-ATTR'][current($this->tmpAttrLevel)] = $attr; } } } return TRUE; } /** * Detects the pointer, or the multi-tag by callback * If we have a pointer, the method replaces this pointer by the content * Else we have a multi-tag, the method add a element to this array * This method returns TRUE but built $this->pOut * * @access private * @param resource $parser Parser resource * @param string $contentHandler Tag content * @return bool * @see XmlUtils::fromXML */ function _contentHandler ( $parser, $contentHandler ) { // remove all spaces; if(!preg_match('#^[[:space:]]*$#', $contentHandler)) { // $contentHandler is a string; if(is_string($this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)])) { // then $contentHandler is a pointer : {{int ptr}} case 1; if(preg_match('#{{([0-9]+)}}#', $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)])) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)] = $contentHandler; } else { // or then $contentHandler is a multi-tag content case 2; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)] = array( 0 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)], 1 => $contentHandler ); } } else { // or $contentHandler is an array; // then $contentHandler is the multi-tag array case 1; if(isset($this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)][0])) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)][] = $contentHandler; } else { // or then $contentHandler is a node-tag case 2; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)] = array( 0 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)], 1 => $contentHandler ); } } } return TRUE; } /** * Detects the last pointer by callback * Move the last tags block up * And reset some temp variables * This method returns TRUE but built $this->pOut * @param resource $parser Parser resource * @param string $tag Tag name * @return bool * @see XmlUtils::fromXML * @access public */ function _endHandler ( $parser, $tag ) { // if level--; if(key($this->track) == $this->tmpLevel-1) { // search up tag; // use array_keys if an empty tag exists (taking the last tag); // if it's a normal framaset; $keyBack = array_keys($this->pOut[key($this->track)], '{{'.key($this->track).'}}'); $count = count($keyBack); if($count != 0) { $keyBack = $keyBack{$count-1}; // move this level up; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][$keyBack] = $this->pOut[key($this->track)+1]; } else { // if we have a multi-tag framaset ($count == 0); // if place is set; if(isset($this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)][0])) { // if it's a string, we built an array; if(is_string($this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)])) { $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)] = array( 0 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)], 1 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)+1] ); } else { // else add an index into the array; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)][] = $this->pOut[key($this->track)+1]; } } else { // else set the place; $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)] = array( 0 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)][current($this->track)], 1 => $this->pOut[key($this->track)+1] ); } } // kick $this->pOut level out; array_pop($this->pOut); end($this->pOut); } // re-temp level; $this->tmpLevel = key($this->track); // kick $this->track level out; array_pop($this->track); end($this->track); return TRUE; } /** * Recursively converts nested arrays to nested XML tags * * @param array $arr * @param object &$n DomNode instance * @param string $name * @see XmlUtils::toXML * @access public * @return void */ function _addArray($arr, &$n, $name="") { foreach ($arr as $key => $val) { if (is_int($key)) { if (strlen($name)>1) { $newKey = substr($name, 0, strlen($name)-1); } else { $newKey="item"; } } else { $newKey = $key; } $node = $this->doc->create_element($newKey); if (is_array($val)) { $this->_addArray($arr[$key], $node, $key); } else { $nodeText = $this->doc->create_text_node($val); $node->append_child($nodeText); } $n->append_child($node); } } } ?>