'; //Removed. Accept alll HTML tags.
// Set the max number of suggestions to return at a time.
define('MAX_SUGGESTIONS', 50);
// Set whether to use a personal dictionary.
$usePersonalDict = false;
//Set whether users are allowed to update the personal dictionary.
$editablePersonalDict = false;
// If using a personal dictionary, set the path to it. Default is in the
// personal_dictionary subdirectory of the location of spell_checker.php.
$path_to_personal_dictionary = dirname(__FILE__) . "/personal_dictionary/personal_dictionary.txt";
//If pspell doesn't exist, then include the pspell wrapper for aspell.
// Set the path to aspell if you need to use it.
require_once ("pspell_comp.php");
// Create and configure a link to the pspell module.
//$pspell_config = pspell_config_create("en");
pspell_config_mode($pspell_config, PSPELL_FAST);
// Allows the use of a custom dictionary (Thanks to Dylan Thurston for this addition).
pspell_config_personal($pspell_config, $path_to_personal_dictionary);
//$pspell_link = pspell_new_config($pspell_config);
require_once("cpaint/cpaint2.inc.php"); //AJAX library file
$cp = new cpaint();
* showSuggestions($word, $id)
* The showSuggestions function creates the list of up to 10
* suggestions to return for the given misspelled word.
* $word - The misspelled word that was clicked on
* $id - The id of the span containing the misspelled word.
function showSuggestions($word, $id, $language)
global $editablePersonalDict; //bool to set editability of personal dictionary
//global $pspell_link; //the global link to the pspell module
$pspell_link = pspell_new($language);
global $cp; //the CPAINT object
$retVal = "";
$suggestions = pspell_suggest($pspell_link, $word); //an array of all the suggestions that psepll returns for $word.
$orig = metaphone($word);
$final = array();
foreach($suggestions as $suggestion){
if(metaphone($suggestion) == $orig){
array_unshift($final, $suggestion);
} else {
array_push($final, $suggestion);
$suggestions = $final;
// If the number of suggestions returned by pspell is less than the maximum
// number, just use the number of suggestions returned.
$numSuggestions = count($suggestions);
$tmpNum = min($numSuggestions, MAX_SUGGESTIONS);
if($numSuggestions > 0)
//this creates the table of suggestions.
//in the onclick event it has a call to the replaceWord javascript function which does the actual replacing on the page
foreach($suggestions as $suggestion)
$retVal .= "" . utf8_encode($suggestion) . "
$retVal .= "Add To Dictionary
//Ignore the suggestion - Added by Nathalie
$retVal .= " Ignorar
$retVal .= "Sem sugestão";
$retVal .= " Ignorar
$cp->set_data($retVal); //the return value - a string containing the table of suggestions.
} // end showSuggestions
* spellCheck($string)
* The spellCheck function takes the string of text entered
* in the text box and spell checks it. It splits the text
* on anything inside of < > in order to prevent html from being
* spell checked. Then any text is split on spaces so that only
* one word is spell checked at a time. This creates a multidimensional
* array. The array is flattened. The array is looped through
* ignoring the html lines and spell checking the others. If a word
* is misspelled, code is wrapped around it to highlight it and to
* make it clickable to show the user the suggestions for that
* misspelled word.
* $string - The string of text from the text box that is to be
* spell checked.
function spellCheck($string, $varName, $language, $browser)
//replace href for href# to block the redirection - Nathalie
$string = str_replace("href=\"", "href=\"#", $string);
$string = str_replace("href='", "href='#", $string);
$string = utf8_decode($string);
//global $pspell_link; //the global link to the pspell module
$pspell_link = pspell_new($language);
global $cp; //the CPAINT object
$retVal = "";
$string = stripslashes_custom($string); //we only need to strip slashes if magic quotes are on
$string = remove_word_junk($string);
//make all the returns in the text look the same
$string = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", "\n", $string);
//splits the string on any html tags, preserving the tags and putting them in the $words array
$words = preg_split('/(<[^<>]*>)/', $string, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$numResults = count($words); //the number of elements in the array.
$misspelledCount = 0;
/* There is a problem with innerHTML of IE browsers - It removes the spaces.
* If there are two misspelled words side by side, it makes then together (no space
* between then). This will be checked using this variable.
* */
$difference = 0;
//this loop looks through the words array and splits any lines of text that aren't html tags on space, preserving the spaces.
for($i=0; $i<$numResults; $i++){
// Words alternate between real words and html tags, starting with words.
if(($i & 1) == 0) // Even-numbered entries are word sets.
$words[$i] = preg_split('/(\s+|\ )/', $words[$i], -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); //then split it on the spaces
// Now go through each word and link up the misspelled ones.
$numWords = count($words[$i]);
for($j=0; $j<$numWords; $j++)
// $word = utf8_decode($words[$i][$j]);
$word = $words[$i][$j];
$reg_expr = utf8_decode('A-ZáàâãäéèêëíìïîóòôõöúùûüýÿçñÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÎÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜÝÇÑ');
// $reg_expr = 'A-ZáàâãäéèêëíìïîóòôõöúùûüýÿçñÁÀÂÃÄÉÈÊËÍÌÏÎÓÒÔÕÖÚÙÛÜÝÇÑ';
preg_match("/[$reg_expr]*/i", $word , $tmp); //get the word that is in the array slot $i
$tmpWord = $tmp[0]; //should only have one element in the array anyway, so it's just assign it to $tmpWord
// $words[$i][$j] = utf8_decode($words[$i][$j]);
//And we replace the word in the array with the span that highlights it and gives it an onClick parameter to show the suggestions.
if(!pspell_check($pspell_link, $tmpWord)) // Adicionar Nathalie
$onClick = "onclick=\"setCurrentObject(" . $varName . "); showSuggestions('" . addslashes($tmpWord) . "', '" . $varName . "_" . $misspelledCount . "_" . addslashes($tmpWord) . "'); return false;\"";
$difference = $misspelledCount + 1;
if (($difference - $misspelledCount) == 1 and $browser == "ie") //if IE, adds a html space before Span tag
$words[$i][$j] = str_replace($tmpWord, "" . stripslashes($tmpWord) . "", $words[$i][$j]);
$words[$i][$j] = str_replace($tmpWord, "" . stripslashes($tmpWord) . "", $words[$i][$j]);
$words[$i][$j] = str_replace("\n", "
", $words[$i][$j]); //replace any breaks with
's, for html display
}//end for $j
}//end if
else //otherwise, we wrap all the html tags in comments to make them not displayed
$words[$i] = str_replace("<", "", $words[$i]);
}//end for $i
$words = flattenArray($words); //flatten the array to be one dimensional.
$numResults = count($words); //the number of elements in the array after it's been flattened.
$string = ""; //return string
//if there were no misspellings, start the string with a 0.
if($misspelledCount == 0)
$string = "0";
else //else, there were misspellings, start the string with a 1.
$string = "1";
// Concatenate all the words/tags/etc. back into a string and append it to the result.
$string .= implode('', $words);
$string = preg_replace("//i", ">", $string);
//$cp->set_data(utf8_encode($string)); //return value - string containing all the markup for the misspelled words.
// echo $string;
} // end spellCheck
* addWord($str)
* This function adds a word to the custom dictionary
* @param $str The word to be added
function addWord($str)
global $editablePersonalDict;
//global $pspell_link; //the global link to the pspell module
$pspell_link = pspell_new("pt_BR");
global $cp; //the CPAINT object
$retVal = "";
pspell_add_to_personal($pspell_link, $str);
if($editablePersonalDict && pspell_save_wordlist($pspell_link))
$retVal = "Save successful!";
$retVal = "Save Failed!";
} // end addWord
* flattenArray($array)
* The flattenArray function is a recursive function that takes a
* multidimensional array and flattens it to be a one-dimensional
* array. The one-dimensional flattened array is returned.
* $array - The array to be flattened.
function flattenArray($array)
$flatArray = array();
foreach($array as $subElement)
$flatArray = array_merge($flatArray, flattenArray($subElement));
$flatArray[] = $subElement;
return $flatArray;
} // end flattenArray
* stripslashes_custom($string)
* This is a custom stripslashes function that only strips
* the slashes if magic quotes are on. This is written for
* compatibility with other servers in the event someone doesn't
* have magic quotes on.
* $string - The string that might need the slashes stripped.
function stripslashes_custom($string)
return stripslashes($string);
return $string;
} // end stripslashes_custom
* addslashes_custom($string)
* This is a custom addslashes function that only adds
* the slashes if magic quotes are off. This is written for
* compatibility with other servers in the event someone doesn't
* have magic quotes on.
* $string - The string that might need the slashes added.
function addslashes_custom($string)
return addslashes($string);
return $string;
} // end addslashes_custom
* remove_word_junk($t)
* This function strips out all the crap that Word tries to
* add to it's text in the even someone pastes in code from
* Word.
* $t - The text to be cleaned
function remove_word_junk($t)
foreach($a as $k=>$v){
return $t;
} // end remove_word_junk
* switchText($string)
* This function prepares the text to be sent back to the text
* box from the div. The comments are removed and breaks are
* converted back into \n's. All the html tags that the user
* might have entered that aren't on the approved list:
- are stripped out.
* The user-entered returns have already been replaced with
* $u2026 so that they can be preserved. I replace all the
* \n's that might have been added by the browser (Firefox does
* this in trying to pretty up the HTML) with " " so that
* everything will look the way it did when the user typed it
* in the box the first time.
* $string - The string of html from the div that will be sent
* back to the text box.
function switchText($string)
$string = utf8_decode($string);
global $allowed_html;
global $cp; //the CPAINT object
$string = remove_word_junk($string);
$string = preg_replace("//", "", $string);
$string = preg_replace("/\r?\n/", " ", $string);
$string = stripslashes_custom($string); //we only need to strip slashes if magic quotes are on
//$string = strip_tags($string, $allowed_html); //Removed. Accept all HTML tags.
$string = preg_replace('{</?span.*?>}i', '', $string);
//$string = html_entity_decode($string);
$cp->set_data($string); //the return value
} // end switchText