DAO =& $env['dao'] ; $this->workflow =& $env['workflow']; $this->instance =& $env['instance']; $this->activity =& $env['activity']; $this->request =& $env['request'] ; $this->factory =& $env['factory'] ; $this->natural =& $env['natural'] ; if ( $autoAssign ) { $this->getRequest(); } } /* begin methods declaration */ /** * Returns layer's attributes along with their values * * @return array result vector * @access public */ function getAttributes() { /* gets associative vector with name and declaration values of attributes */ $attributes = get_class_vars(get_class($this)); /* result vector */ $result = array(); /* iterates over attributes list */ foreach ($attributes as $attribute => $value) { /* parses only process-level attributes, whose names start with a _ signal */ if (ereg('^_{1}', $attribute)) { $result[$attribute] = $this->{$attribute}; } } /* return result vector */ return $result; } /** * Returns the user supplied attributes that are also an attribute of the model class * @param mixed $fields Use an array of attributes names to use only those in the array. Use null (default value) to select all the attributes. Also, it's possible to use a string to specify only one attribute. * @return mixed The filtered array or false in case of errors. * @access public */ function filterUserSuppliedAttributes($fields) { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); if (is_null($fields)) { $fields = $attributes; } else { if (is_string($fields)) $fields = array($fields); if (!is_array($fields)) return false; $fields = array_flip(array_intersect(array_keys($attributes), $fields)); } return $fields; } /** * Creates module API class instance * * @param string $obj Class name * @return mixed * @deprecated * @access public */ function &getInstance($obj) { wf_warn_deprecated_method('Factory', 'getInstance'); return(wf_create_object(strtolower($obj))); } /** * Maps request vars to layer attributes * @param mixed $fields Use an array of attributes names to use only those in the array. Use null (default value) to select all the attributes. Also, it's possible to use a string to specify only one attribute. * @return bool true in case of success of false otherwise. * @access public */ function getRequest($fields = null, $from = null) { if (($fields = $this->filterUserSuppliedAttributes($fields)) === false) return false; /* define the origin of the variables */ $request = is_null($from) ? $this->request : $from; foreach ($request as $key => $value) if (array_key_exists($key, $fields)) @$this->{$key} = $value; return true; } /** * Stores value to be shown on view layer * * @param string $var Template var name * @param string $value Template var value * @return void * @access public */ function addViewVar($var, $value) { @$this->viewData[$var] = $value; } /** * Retrieves view layer vars * * @param string $var Template var name * @return mixed * @access public */ function getViewVar($var) { if ( array_key_exists($var , $this->viewData) ) { return ( $this->viewData[$var] ); } } /** * Catches module properties * * @param string $property Property name * @return mixed property value * @access public */ function getWfProperty($property) { return( $this->workflow[$property] ); } /** * Sets module properties * * @param string $property property name * @param string $value value * @return void * @access public */ function setWfProperty($property , $value) { if ( array_key_exists($property , $this->workflow) ) { $this->workflow[$property] = $value; } } /** * Assign an identifier to the instance * * @param string $param Indentifier to instance * @return void * @access public */ function setNameInstance($param) { $this->instance->setName($param); } /** * Serializes an array * * @param array $input Array var to be serialized * @access public * @return object ArrayObject * @since PHP 5 * @throws Exception */ function toObject($input = array()) { if (is_array($input)) { return new ArrayObject($input); } return false; } /** * Unserializes an array * * @param object $input ArrayObject to be unserialized * @since PHP 5 * @return array * @access public */ function fromObject(ArrayObject $input) { return iterator_to_array($input->getIterator()); } /** * Give useful runtime information about classes and objects * * @param mixed $target Target class name or class instance * @return object Object with runtime information as properties * @access public * @since PHP 5 */ function inspect($target = null) { if (!is_null($target)) { switch(gettype($target)) { case 'string': return new ReflectionClass($target); break; case 'object': return new ReflectionObject($target); break; default: return false; break; } } return false; } /** * Builds SQL commands * * @param string $commandText SQL command * @return void * @access public */ function commandBuilder($commandText) { $this->commandText .= $commandText; } /** * Finalizes an activity life cycle * * @return void * @access public */ function commitInstance() { $this->instance->complete(); } /** * Updates module data with layer attributes * @param mixed $fields Use an array of attributes names to use only those in the array. Use null (default value) to select all the attributes. Also, it's possible to use a string to specify only one attribute. * @return bool true in case of success of false otherwise. * @access public */ function updateInstance($fields = null) { $attributes = $this->getAttributes(); if (($fields = $this->filterUserSuppliedAttributes($fields)) === false) return false; $fields = array_keys($fields); foreach ($fields as $fieldName) $this->instance->set($fieldName, $attributes[$fieldName]); return true; } /** * Updates layer attributes with module data * @param mixed $fields Use an array of attributes names to use only those in the array. Use null (default value) to select all the attributes. Also, it's possible to use a string to specify only one attribute. * @return bool true in case of success of false otherwise. * @access public */ function updateAttributes($fields = null) { if (($fields = $this->filterUserSuppliedAttributes($fields)) === false) return false; $fields = array_keys($fields); foreach ($fields as $fieldName) if ($this->instance->exists($fieldName)) $this->{$fieldName} = $this->instance->get($fieldName); /* now fills the current object with the values retrieved from the instance */ return true; } /** * Sends a file for download. This method halts the execution of php by using the 'exit' "function". * * @param string $filename The filename * @param string $data The file's data * @param string $mime The mime type of the file. If not used, a mime type that forces the download will be used. * @return bool false in case of error. In case of success, the script is interrupted to avoid incorrect behavior of php * @access public */ function sendFile($filename, $data, $mime = null) { /* check if everything is ok */ if (empty($filename)) return false; /* check if the user supplied a mime type */ if (is_null($mime)) $mime = 'application/force-download'; /* use the download mode */ $this->setWfProperty('downloadMode', true); /* send the file */ header('Pragma: public'); header('Cache-Control: cache, must-revalidate'); header('Content-Type: ' . $mime); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="' . $filename . '"'); header('Pragma: no-cache'); header('Expires: 0'); header('Content-length: ' . strlen($data)); echo $data; /* ends PHP execution to avoid incorret behavior */ exit(); } /** * Provides constructor access to its subclasses for processes startup settings * * @param array $env MVC settings * @param boolean $autoAssign Automatically fills layers attributes with request data * @return object * @access public */ function super(&$env, $autoAssign = false) { BaseModel::BaseModel(&$env, $autoAssign); } /* end methods declaration */ } ?>