getPlugin('parallelexecution'); // Add a delay param to better show the effect, as an example Solr install with // only a dozen documents is too fast for good testing // This param only works with the correct Solr plugin, // see // If you don't have to plugin the example still works, just without the delay. $customizer = $client->getPlugin('customizerequest'); $customizer->createCustomization(array( 'key' => 'delay', 'type' => 'param', 'name' => 'delay', 'value' => '500', 'persistent' => true )); // create two queries to execute in an array. Keys are important for fetching the results later! $queryInstock = $client->createSelect()->setQuery('inStock:true'); $queryLowprice = $client->createSelect()->setQuery('price:[1 TO 300]'); // first execute the queries the normal way and time it $start = microtime(true); $client->execute($queryInstock); $client->execute($queryLowprice); echo 'Execution time for normal "serial" execution of two queries: ' . round(microtime(true)-$start, 3); echo '