# Configuracoes para o Expresso myorigin = DOMAIN myhostname = DOMAIN biff = no append_at_myorigin = no append_dot_mydomain = no # A lista de dominios que esta maquina considera seu destino final. mydestination = $myhostname, localhost.$mydomain, DOMAIN recipient_delimiter = + smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP Expresso Livre - (GNU/Linux) mynetworks = inet_interfaces = all disable_dns_lookups = no # Faz a entrega dos e-mails para o cyrus transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport #mailbox_transport = lmtp:unix:/var/lib/imap/socket/lmtp #smtpd_use_tls = no alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases virtual_alias_maps = ldap:aliases, ldap:mailboxes, ldap:grupos, ldap:listas, ldap:cxinstitucionais, ldap:cxcompartilhadas # Para facilitar a configuracao ldaphost = ldapbase = LDAP_DN #Caixas Postais mailboxes_server_host = $ldaphost # host do servidor LDAP. mailboxes_version = 3 # versao do ldap mailboxes_timeout = 10 # tempo em segundo para gerar um timeout na consulta mailboxes_chase_referral = 0 # seguir referral? (false = 0 = nao) mailboxes_search_base = $ldapbase #Base do servidor LDAP. mailboxes_query_filter = (&(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))(objectClass=posixAccount)(phpgwAccountType=u)(accountStatus=active)) # A pesquisa que sera feita. SerĂ¡ retornado o UID e o MailForwardingAddress (result_attribute) da Entrada # correspondente ao query_filter. %s eh oq vem do postfix. mailboxes_bind = no mailboxes_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios # utilizar anonymous. mailboxes_result_attribute = uid, mailForwardingAddress # o LDAP retornarĂ¡ estes atributos. #Aliases aliases_server_host = $ldaphost aliases_version = 3 aliases_timeout = 10 aliases_chase_referral = 0 aliases_search_base = $ldapbase aliases_query_filter = (&(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))(objectClass=posixAccount)(phpgwAccountType=u)(deliveryMode=forwardOnly)(accountStatus=active)) aliases_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios aliases_result_attribute = mailForwardingAddress #Listas listas_server_host = $ldaphost listas_version = 3 listas_timeout = 10 listas_chase_referral = 0 listas_search_base = $ldapbase listas_query_filter = (&(mail=%s)(phpgwAccountType=l)(objectClass=posixAccount)(deliveryMode=forwardOnly)(accountStatus=active)) listas_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios listas_result_attribute = mailForwardingAddress #Grupos grupos_server_host = $ldaphost grupos_version = 3 grupos_timeout = 10 grupos_chase_referral = 0 grupos_search_base = $ldapbase grupos_query_filter = (&(mail=%u)(objectClass=posixGroup)(phpgwAccountType=g)) grupos_bind = no grupos_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios grupos_result_attribute = memberUid #Contas institucionais cxinstitucionais_server_host = $ldaphost cxinstitucionais_version = 3 cxinstitucionais_timeout = 10 cxinstitucionais_chase_referral = 0 cxinstitucionais_search_base = $ldapbase cxinstitucionais_query_filter = (&(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))(objectClass=phpgwAccount)(phpgwAccountType=i)(accountStatus=active)) cxinstitucionais_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios cxinstitucionais_result_attribute = mailForwardingAddress #Contas compartilhadas cxcompartilhadas_server_host = $ldaphost cxcompartilhadas_version = 3 cxcompartilhadas_timeout = 10 cxcompartilhadas_chase_referral = 0 cxcompartilhadas_search_base = $ldapbase cxcompartilhadas_query_filter = (&(|(mail=%s)(mailAlternateAddress=%s))(objectClass=phpgwAccount)(phpgwAccountType=s)(accountStatus=active)) cxcompartilhadas_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios cxcompartilhadas_result_attribute = uid, mailForwardingAddress # SCL ## cra_maillists (check_recipient_access_maillists) cra_maillists_server_host = $ldaphost cra_maillists_version = 3 cra_maillists_timeout = 10 cra_maillists_chase_referral = 0 cra_maillists_search_base = $ldapbase cra_maillists_query_filter = (&(mail=%s)(phpgwAccountType=l)(accountRestrictive=mailListRestriction)) cra_maillists_result_attribute = accountRestrictive cra_maillists_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios cra_maillists_bind = no # SCL ## csa_maillists (check_sender_access_maillists) csa_maillists_server_host = $ldaphost csa_maillists_version = 3 csa_maillists_timeout = 10 csa_maillists_chase_referral = 0 csa_maillists_search_base = $ldapbase csa_maillists_query_filter = (|(&(mailSenderAddress=%s)(phpgwAccountType=l))(&(participantCanSendMail=TRUE)(mailForwardingAddress=%s))) csa_maillists_result_attribute = accountDeliveryMessage csa_maillists_domain = hash:/etc/postfix/expresso-dominios ##################################################################### # CONTROLE DE FALHA DE ENTREGA. unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 450 # O tempo entre as tentativas de entrega da fila. # The time between deferred queue scans by the queue manager. queue_run_delay = 480s # The maximal time a bounce message is queued before it is considered undeliverable. bounce_queue_lifetime = 5400s #2400 # O tempo maximo que uma mensagem fica na fila de adiadas, antes de voltar ao sender. # How long a message stays in the queue before it is sent back as undeliverable. maximal_queue_lifetime = 5400s #2400 # O tempo maxima entre tentativas de entregar uma mensagem adiada (deferida) # The maximal time between attempts to deliver a deferred message. maximal_backoff_time = 480s # O tempo minimo entre tentativas de entregar uma mensagem adiada (deferida) # The minimal time between attempts to deliver a deferred message. minimal_backoff_time = 240s # Tamanho maximo para envio (20Mb) message_size_limit = 20971520 # Controle de restricoes smtpd_recipient_restrictions = # Restringe acesso, a remententes nao autorizados, as listas do Expresso check_recipient_access ldap:cra_maillists, # o IP do remetente esta na lista de permitidos permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, # Fecha o relay do servidor reject_unauth_destination, # o endereco do destinatario existe ou e alcancavel reject_unverified_recipient, permit #SCL - Sender Control List - Restricoes para envio nas listas smtpd_restriction_classes = mailListRestriction mailListRestriction = check_sender_access ldap:csa_maillists, reject # LOCAL PATHNAME INFORMATION # # The queue_directory specifies the location of the Postfix queue. # This is also the root directory of Postfix daemons that run chrooted. # See the files in examples/chroot-setup for setting up Postfix chroot # environments on different UNIX systems. # queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix # The command_directory parameter specifies the location of all # postXXX commands. # command_directory = /usr/sbin # The daemon_directory parameter specifies the location of all Postfix # daemon programs (i.e. programs listed in the master.cf file). This # directory must be owned by root. # daemon_directory = /usr/libexec/postfix # QUEUE AND PROCESS OWNERSHIP # # The mail_owner parameter specifies the owner of the Postfix queue # and of most Postfix daemon processes. Specify the name of a user # account THAT DOES NOT SHARE ITS USER OR GROUP ID WITH OTHER ACCOUNTS # AND THAT OWNS NO OTHER FILES OR PROCESSES ON THE SYSTEM. In # particular, don't specify nobody or daemon. PLEASE USE A DEDICATED # USER. # mail_owner = postfix # The default_privs parameter specifies the default rights used by # the local delivery agent for delivery to external file or command. # These rights are used in the absence of a recipient user context. # DO NOT SPECIFY A PRIVILEGED USER OR THE POSTFIX OWNER. # #default_privs = nobody # INSTALL-TIME CONFIGURATION INFORMATION # # The following parameters are used when installing a new Postfix version. # # sendmail_path: The full pathname of the Postfix sendmail command. # This is the Sendmail-compatible mail posting interface. # sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix # newaliases_path: The full pathname of the Postfix newaliases command. # This is the Sendmail-compatible command to build alias databases. # newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix # mailq_path: The full pathname of the Postfix mailq command. This # is the Sendmail-compatible mail queue listing command. # mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix # setgid_group: The group for mail submission and queue management # commands. This must be a group name with a numerical group ID that # is not shared with other accounts, not even with the Postfix account. # setgid_group = postdrop # html_directory: The location of the Postfix HTML documentation. # html_directory = no # manpage_directory: The location of the Postfix on-line manual pages. # manpage_directory = /usr/share/man