True, 'get_info_msg' => True, 'get_info_msgs' => True, 'get_folders_list' => True, 'import_msgs' => True, 'msgs_to_archive' => True ); var $ldap; var $mbox; var $email_server; var $cert; var $preferences; var $has_cid; var $imap_options = ''; var $functions; var $foldersLimit; var $imap_sentfolder; function load_session_vars(){ $this->foldersLimit = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['max_folders_to_show']; //Limit of folders (mailboxes) user can see $this->email_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']; $this->cert = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['certificado']; $this->server_files_dir = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['files_dir']; $this->username = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['userid']; $this->password = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['passwd']; $this->account_id = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['account_id']; $this->email = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['email']; $this->fullname = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['fullname']; $this->lang = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['preferences']['common']['lang']; $this->session_ip = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['session_ip']; $this->shared_mailboxes = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['shared_mailboxes']; $this->command_for_ham = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['server']['expressomail']['expressoMail_command_for_ham']; $this->command_for_spam = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['server']['expressomail']['expressoMail_command_for_spam']; $this->enable_log_messages = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['server']['expressomail']['expressoMail_enable_log_messages']; $this->preferences = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']; $this->session_id = $_SESSION[ 'phpgw_session' ][ 'session_id' ]; } function imap_functions (){ session_write_close(); $this->load_session_vars(); $this->functions = new functions(); $this->imap_sentfolder = $this->email_server['imapDefaultSentFolder'] ? $this->email_server['imapDefaultSentFolder'] : str_replace("*","", $this->functions->getLang("Sent")); $this->has_cid = false; if ($this->email_server['imapTLSEncryption'] == 'yes') { $this->imap_options = '/tls/novalidate-cert'; } else { $this->imap_options = '/notls/novalidate-cert'; } } // BEGIN of functions. function open_mbox($folder = False) { if (is_resource($this->mbox)) return $this->mbox; $folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO_8859-1"); $this->mbox = @imap_open("{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$folder, $this->username, $this->password) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error())))); return $this->mbox; } function parse_error($error){ // This error is returned from Imap. if(strstr($error,'Connection refused')) { return str_replace("%1", $this->functions->getLang("Mail"), $this->functions->getLang("Connection failed with %1 Server. Try later.")); } // This error is returned from Postfix. elseif(strstr($error,'message file too big')) { return str_replace("%1",$this->preferences['max_attachment_size'],$this->functions->getLang('The size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1B).')); } elseif(strstr($error,'virus')) { return str_replace("%1", $this->functions->getLang("Mail"), $this->functions->getLang("Your message was rejected by antivirus. Perhaps your attachment has been infected.")); } // This condition verifies if SESSION is expired. elseif(!count( $this->email_server )) return "nosession"; return $error; } function get_range_msgs2($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $msg_range_begin = $params['msg_range_begin']; $msg_range_end = $params['msg_range_end']; $sort_box_type = $params['sort_box_type']; $sort_box_reverse = $params['sort_box_reverse']; $search_box_type = $params['search_box_type'] != "ALL" && $params['search_box_type'] != "" ? $params['search_box_type'] : false; $sort_array_msg = $this-> get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$msg_range_end); $return = array(); $i = 0; $status = imap_status($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$folder, SA_MESSAGES + SA_UNSEEN); if(is_array($sort_array_msg)){ foreach($sort_array_msg as $msg_number => $value) { $temp = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); $temp['msg_sample'] = $this->get_msg_sample($msg_number); if(!$temp) { return false; } $return[$i] = $temp; $i++; } } $return['num_msgs'] = $status->messages; $return['num_unseen'] = $status->unseen; return $return; } function get_info_head_msg($msg_number) { $head_array = array(); include_once(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); /*Como eu preciso do atributo Importance para saber se o email é * importante ou não, uso abaixo a função imap_fetchheader e busco * o atributo importance nela. Isso faz com que eu acesse o cabeçalho * duas vezes e de duas formas diferentes, mas em contrapartida, eu * não preciso reimplementar o método utilizando o fetchheader. * Como as mensagens são renderizadas em um número pequeno por vez, * não parece ter perda considerável de performance. */ $tempHeader = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)); $flag = preg_match('/importance *: *(.*)\r/i', $tempHeader, $importance); // Reimplemenatado código para identificação dos e-mails assinados e cifrados // no método getMessageType(). Mário César Kolling $head_array['ContentType'] = $this->getMessageType($msg_number, $tempHeader); $head_array['Importance'] = $flag==0?"Normal":$importance[1]; $header = $this->get_header($msg_number); if (!is_object($header)) return false; $head_array['Recent'] = $header->Recent; $head_array['Unseen'] = $header->Unseen; if($header->Answered =='A' && $header->Draft == 'X'){ $head_array['Forwarded'] = 'F'; } else { $head_array['Answered'] = $header->Answered; $head_array['Draft'] = $header->Draft; } $head_array['Deleted'] = $header->Deleted; $head_array['Flagged'] = $header->Flagged; $head_array['msg_number'] = $msg_number; $head_array['udate'] = $header->udate; $from = $header->from; $head_array['from'] = array(); $head_array['from']['name'] = ( isset( $from[0]->personal ) ) ? $this->decode_string($from[0]->personal) : NULL; $head_array['from']['email'] = $this->decode_string($from[0]->mailbox) . "@" . $from[0]->host; if(!$head_array['from']['name']) $head_array['from']['name'] = $head_array['from']['email']; $to = $header->to; $head_array['to'] = array(); $tmp = ( isset( $to[0]->personal ) ) ? imap_mime_header_decode($to[0]->personal) : NULL; $head_array['to']['name'] = ( isset( $tmp[0]->text ) ) ? $this->decode_string($this->decode_string($tmp[0]->text)) : NULL; $head_array['to']['email'] = ( isset( $to[0]->mailbox ) ) ? ( $this->decode_string($to[0]->mailbox) . "@" . ( ( isset( $to[0]->host ) ) ? $to[0]->host : '' ) ) : NULL; if(!$head_array['to']['name']) $head_array['to']['name'] = $head_array['to']['email']; $head_array['subject'] = ( isset( $header->fetchsubject ) ) ? $this->decode_string($header->fetchsubject) : ''; $head_array['Size'] = $header->Size; $head_array['attachment'] = array(); $head_array['attachment'] = $imap_attachment->get_attachment_headerinfo($this->mbox, $msg_number); if($head_array['ContentType'] =='normal') return $head_array; include_once(""); $msg = &new message_components($this->mbox); $msg->fetch_structure($msg_number); if(!$this->has_cid) { $head_array['signature'] = $this->get_signature($msg,$msg_number,$this->mbox); } return $head_array; } function decode_string($string) { if ((strpos(strtolower($string), '=?iso-8859-1') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($string), '=?windows-1252') !== false)) { $return = ''; $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($string); foreach ($tmp as $tmp1) $return .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($tmp1->text); return $return; } else if (strpos(strtolower($string), '=?utf-8') !== false) { $elements = imap_mime_header_decode($string); for($i = 0;$i < count($elements);$i++) { $charset = strtolower($elements[$i]->charset); $text = $elements[$i]->text; if(!strcasecmp($charset, "utf-8") || !strcasecmp($charset, "utf-7")) { $decoded .= $this->functions->utf8_to_ncr($text); } else { if( strcasecmp($charset,"default") ) $decoded .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode(iconv($charset, "iso-8859-1", $text)); else $decoded .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($text); } } return $decoded; } else return $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($string); } /** * Função que importa arquivos .eml exportados pelo expresso para a caixa do usuário. Testado apenas * com .emls gerados pelo expresso, e o arquivo pode ser um zip contendo vários emls ou um .eml. */ function import_msgs($params) { if(!$this->mbox) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox(); if( preg_match('/local_/',$params["folder"]) ) { // PLEASE, BE CAREFULL!!! YOU SHOULD USE EMAIL CONFIGURATION VALUES (EMAILADMIN MODULE) $tmp_box = mb_convert_encoding('INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->email_server['imapDefaultTrashFolder'].$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'tmpMoveToLocal', "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8"); if ( ! imap_createmailbox( $this -> mbox,"{".$this -> imap_server."}$tmp_box" ) ) return $this->functions->getLang( 'Import to Local : fail...' ); imap_reopen($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$tmp_box); $params["folder"] = $tmp_box; } $errors = array(); $invalid_format = false; $filename = $params['FILES'][0]['name']; $params["folder"] = mb_convert_encoding($params["folder"], "UTF7-IMAP","ISO_8859-1"); $quota = imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $params["folder"]); if((($quota['limit'] - $quota['usage'])*1024) <= $params['FILES'][0]['size']){ return array( 'error' => $this->functions->getLang("fail in import:"). " ".$this->functions->getLang("Over quota")); } if(substr($filename,strlen($filename)-4)==".zip") { $zip = zip_open($params['FILES'][0]['tmp_name']); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { $email = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); $status = @imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $email ); if(!$status) array_push($errors,zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } } zip_close($zip); } if ( isset( $tmp_box ) && ! sizeof( $errors ) ) { $mc = imap_check($this->mbox); $result = imap_fetch_overview( $this -> mbox, "1:{$mc -> Nmsgs}", 0 ); $ids = array( ); foreach ($result as $overview) $ids[ ] = $overview -> uid; return implode( ',', $ids ); } } else if(substr($filename,strlen($filename)-4)==".eml") { $email = implode("",file($params['FILES'][0]['tmp_name'])); $status = @imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $email ); if(!$status){ array_push($errors,zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } } else { if ( isset( $tmp_box ) ) imap_deletemailbox( $this->mbox,"{".$this -> imap_server."}$tmp_box" ); return array("error" => $this->functions->getLang("wrong file format")); $invalid_format = true; } if(!$invalid_format) { if(count($errors)>0) { $message = $this->functions->getLang("fail in import:")."\n"; foreach($errors as $arquivo) { $message.=$arquivo."\n"; } return array("error" => $message); } else return $this->functions->getLang("The import was executed successfully."); } } /* Remove os anexos de uma mensagem. A estratégia para isso é criar uma mensagem nova sem os anexos, mantendo apenas a primeira parte do e-mail, que é o texto, sem anexos. O método considera que o email é multpart. */ function remove_attachments($params) { include_once(""); if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($params["folder"]); $return["status"] = true; $header = ""; $headertemp = imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"])); $msg = &new message_components($this->mbox); $msg->fetch_structure($params["msg_num"]);/* O fetchbody tava trazendo o email com problemas na acentuação. Então uso essa classe para verificar a codificação e o charset, para que o método decodeBody do expresso possa trazer tudo certinho*/ $flags = $headertemp->Unseen == 'U' ? '' : '\Seen'; $flags .= $headertemp->Flagged == 'F' ? ' \Flagged' : ''; $flags .= $headertemp->Answered == 'A' ? ' \Answered' : ''; $flags .= $headertemp->Draft == 'D' ? ' \ Draft' : ''; $internal_date = preg_replace("/([0-9]{2}) (\w+) ([0-9]{4})/","$1-$2-$3", substr($headertemp->date,4)); $headertemp = explode("\n",imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"]))); foreach($headertemp as $head) { $head1 = explode(":",$head); if(strtoupper($head1[0]) == "CONTENT-TYPE"){ $head = str_replace("multipart/mixed","text/html",$head); $head = str_replace("multipart/related","text/html",$head); $header .= $head."\n"; break; } else $header .= $head."\n"; } $header .= "X-Expresso-Modified: ".date("F j, Y, g:i a"). "\r\n"; if (strnatcmp(phpversion(),'5.3.2') >= 0) $status = imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $header. "\r\n". str_replace("\n","\r\n",$this->decodeBody( imap_fetchbody($this->mbox,imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"]),"1"), $msg->encoding[$params["msg_num"]][0], $msg->charset[$params["msg_num"]][0] ) ), $flags, $internal_date ); else $status = imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $header. "\r\n". str_replace("\n","\r\n",$this->decodeBody( imap_fetchbody($this->mbox,imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"]),"1"), $msg->encoding[$params["msg_num"]][0], $msg->charset[$params["msg_num"]][0] ) ), $flags ); if(!$status) { $return["status"] = false; $return["msg"] = "error appending mail on delete attachments"; } else { $status = imap_status($this->mbox, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort']."}".$params['folder'], SA_UIDNEXT); $return['msg_no'] = $status->uidnext - 1; imap_delete($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"])); imap_expunge($this->mbox); } return $return; } function msgs_to_archive($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $all_ids = $this-> get_msgs($folder, 'SORTARRIVAL', false, 0,-1,-1); $messages_not_to_copy = explode(",",$params['mails']); $ids = array(); $cont = 0; foreach($all_ids as $each_id=>$value) { if(!in_array($each_id,$messages_not_to_copy)) { array_push($ids,$each_id); $cont++; } if($cont>=100) break; } if (empty($ids)) return array(); $params = array("folder"=>$folder,"msgs_number"=>implode(",",$ids)); return $this->get_info_msgs($params); } /** * * @return * @param $params Object */ function get_info_msgs($params) { include_once(""); $return = array(); $new_params = array(); $attach_params = array(); $new_params["msg_folder"]=$params["folder"]; $attach_params["folder"] = $params["folder"]; $msgs = explode(",",$params["msgs_number"]); $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $unseen_msgs = array(); foreach($msgs as $msg_number) { $new_params["msg_number"] = $msg_number; //ini_set("display_errors","1"); $msg_info = $this->get_info_msg($new_params); $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($params['folder']); //Não sei porque, mas se não abrir de novo a caixa dá erro. $msg_info['header'] = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); $attach_params["num_msg"] = $msg_number; $msg_info['array_attach'] = $exporteml->get_attachments_in_array($attach_params); $msg_info['url_export_file'] = $exporteml->export_to_archive($msg_number,$params["folder"]); imap_close($this->mbox); $this->mbox=false; array_push($return,$msg_info); if($msg_info['Unseen'] == "U" || $msg_info['Recent'] == "N"){ array_push($unseen_msgs,$msg_number); } } if($unseen_msgs){ $msgs_list = implode(",",$unseen_msgs); $array_msgs = array('folder' => $new_params["msg_folder"], "msgs_to_set" => $msgs_list, "flag" => "unseen"); $this->set_messages_flag($array_msgs); } return $return; } function get_info_msg($params) { $return = array(); $msg_number = $params['msg_number']; if(@preg_match('(.+)(_[a-zA-Z0-9]+)',$msg_number,$matches)) { //Verifies if it comes from a tab diferent of the main one. $msg_number = $matches[1]; $plus_id = $matches[2]; } else { $plus_id = ''; } $msg_folder = urldecode($params['msg_folder']); if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($msg_folder); $header = $this->get_header($msg_number); if (!$header) { $return['status_get_msg_info'] = "false"; return $return; } $header_ = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID); $return_get_body = $this->get_body_msg($msg_number, $msg_folder); $body = $return_get_body['body']; //Remoção de tags para correção de erro no firefox $body = mb_eregi_replace("","",$body); $body = mb_eregi_replace("","",$body); if($return_get_body['body']=='isCripted'){ $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $return['source']=$exporteml->export_msg_data($msg_number,$msg_folder); $return['body'] = ""; $return['attachments'] = ""; $return['thumbs'] = ""; $return['signature'] = ""; //return $return; }else{ $return['body'] = $body; $return['attachments'] = $return_get_body['attachments']; $return['thumbs'] = $return_get_body['thumbs']; $return['signature'] = $return_get_body['signature']; } $pattern = '/^[ \t]*Disposition-Notification-To:[ ]*?/sm'; if (preg_match($pattern, $header_, $fields)) { if(preg_match('/[[:alnum:]\._\-]+@[[:alnum:]_\-\.]+/',$fields[0], $matches)){ $return['DispositionNotificationTo'] = "<".$matches[0].">"; } } $return['msg_number'] = $msg_number.$plus_id; $return['msg_folder'] = $msg_folder; if (date("d/m/Y") == $date_msg) //no dia { $return['fulldate'] = gmdate("d/m/Y H:i",$header->udate); $return['smalldate'] = gmdate("H:i",$header->udate); $timestamp_now = strtotime("now"); $timestamp_msg_time = $header->udate; // $timestamp_now is GMT and $timestamp_msg_time is MailDate TZ. // The variable $timestamp_diff is calculated without MailDate TZ. $pdate = date_parse($header->MailDate); $timestamp_diff = $timestamp_now - $timestamp_msg_time + ($pdate['zone']*(-60)); if (gmdate("H",$timestamp_diff) > 0) { $return['fulldate'] .= " (" . gmdate("H:i", $timestamp_diff) . ' ' . $this->functions->getLang('hours ago') . ')'; } else { if (gmdate("i",$timestamp_diff) == 0){ $return['fulldate'] .= ' ('. $this->functions->getLang('now').')'; } elseif (gmdate("i",$timestamp_diff) == 1){ $return['fulldate'] .= ' (1 '. $this->functions->getLang('minute ago').')'; } else{ $return['fulldate'] .= " (" . gmdate("i",$timestamp_diff) .' '. $this->functions->getLang('minutes ago') . ')'; } } } else{ $return['fulldate'] = gmdate("d/m/Y H:i",$header->udate); $return['smalldate'] = gmdate("d/m/Y",$header->udate); } $from = $header->from; $return['from'] = array(); $return['from']['name'] = $this->decode_string($from[0]->personal); $return['from']['email'] = $this->decode_string($from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $from[0]->host); if ($return['from']['name']) { if (substr($return['from']['name'], 0, 1) == '"') $return['from']['full'] = $return['from']['name'] . ' ' . '<' . $return['from']['email'] . '>'; else $return['from']['full'] = '"' . $return['from']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return['from']['email'] . '>'; } else $return['from']['full'] = $return['from']['email']; // Sender attribute $sender = $header->sender; $return['sender'] = array(); $return['sender']['name'] = $this->decode_string($sender[0]->personal); $return['sender']['email'] = $this->decode_string($sender[0]->mailbox . "@" . $sender[0]->host); if ($return['sender']['name']) { if (substr($return['sender']['name'], 0, 1) == '"') $return['sender']['full'] = $return['sender']['name'] . ' ' . '<' . $return['sender']['email'] . '>'; else $return['sender']['full'] = '"' . $return['sender']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return['sender']['email'] . '>'; } else $return['sender']['full'] = $return['sender']['email']; if($return['from']['full'] == $return['sender']['full']) $return['sender'] = null; $to = $header->to; $return['toaddress2'] = ""; if (!empty($to)) { foreach ($to as $tmp) { if (!empty($tmp->personal)) { $personal_tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($tmp->personal); $return['toaddress2'] .= '"' . $personal_tmp[0]->text . '"'; $return['toaddress2'] .= " "; $return['toaddress2'] .= "<"; if ($tmp->host != 'unspecified-domain') $return['toaddress2'] .= $tmp->mailbox . "@" . $tmp->host; else $return['toaddress2'] .= $tmp->mailbox; $return['toaddress2'] .= ">"; $return['toaddress2'] .= ", "; } else { if ($tmp->host != 'unspecified-domain') $return['toaddress2'] .= $tmp->mailbox . "@" . $tmp->host; else $return['toaddress2'] .= $tmp->mailbox; $return['toaddress2'] .= ", "; } } $return['toaddress2'] = $this->del_last_two_caracters($return['toaddress2']); } else { $return['toaddress2'] = "<Empty>"; } $cc = $header->cc; $return['cc'] = ""; if (!empty($cc)) { foreach ($cc as $tmp_cc) { if (!empty($tmp_cc->personal)) { $personal_tmp_cc = imap_mime_header_decode($tmp_cc->personal); $return['cc'] .= '"' . $personal_tmp_cc[0]->text . '"'; $return['cc'] .= " "; $return['cc'] .= "<"; $return['cc'] .= $tmp_cc->mailbox . "@" . $tmp_cc->host; $return['cc'] .= ">"; $return['cc'] .= ", "; } else { $return['cc'] .= $tmp_cc->mailbox . "@" . $tmp_cc->host; $return['cc'] .= ", "; } } $return['cc'] = $this->del_last_two_caracters($return['cc']); } else { $return['cc'] = ""; } ## # @AUTHOR Rodrigo Souza dos Santos # @DATE 2008/09/12 # @BRIEF Adding the BCC field. ## $bcc = $header->bcc; $return['bcc'] = ""; if (!empty($bcc)) { foreach ($bcc as $tmp_bcc) { if (!empty($tmp_bcc->personal)) { $personal_tmp_bcc = imap_mime_header_decode($tmp_bcc->personal); $return['bcc'] .= '"' . $personal_tmp_bcc[0]->text . '"'; $return['bcc'] .= " "; $return['bcc'] .= "<"; $return['bcc'] .= $tmp_bcc->mailbox . "@" . $tmp_bcc->host; $return['bcc'] .= ">"; $return['bcc'] .= ", "; } else { $return['bcc'] .= $tmp_bcc->mailbox . "@" . $tmp_bcc->host; $return['bcc'] .= ", "; } } $return['bcc'] = $this->del_last_two_caracters($return['bcc']); } else { $return['bcc'] = ""; } $reply_to = $header->reply_to; $return['reply_to'] = ""; if (is_object($reply_to[0])) { if ($return['from']['email'] != ($reply_to[0]->mailbox."@".$reply_to[0]->host)) { if (!empty($reply_to[0]->personal)) { $personal_reply_to = imap_mime_header_decode($tmp_reply_to->personal); if(!empty($personal_reply_to[0]->text)) { $return['reply_to'] .= '"' . $personal_reply_to[0]->text . '"'; $return['reply_to'] .= " "; $return['reply_to'] .= "<"; $return['reply_to'] .= $reply_to[0]->mailbox . "@" . $reply_to[0]->host; $return['reply_to'] .= ">"; } else { $return['reply_to'] .= $reply_to[0]->mailbox . "@" . $reply_to[0]->host; } } else { $return['reply_to'] .= $reply_to[0]->mailbox . "@" . $reply_to[0]->host; } } } $return['reply_to'] = $this->decode_string($return['reply_to']); $return['subject'] = $this->decode_string($header->fetchsubject); return $return; } function get_msg_sample($msg_number) { $return = ""; if( (!isset($this->preferences['preview_msg_subject']) || ($this->preferences['preview_msg_subject'] != "1")) && (!isset($this->preferences['preview_msg_tip'] ) || ($this->preferences['preview_msg_tip'] != "1")) ) { $return['body'] = ""; return $return; } include_once(""); $msg = &new message_components($this->mbox); $msg->fetch_structure($msg_number); if(!$msg->structure[$msg_number]->parts) { $content = ''; if (strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "plain" || strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "html") { $content = $this->decodeBody(imap_body($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID|FT_PEEK), $msg->encoding[$msg_number][0], $msg->charset[$msg_number][0]); } } else { foreach($msg->pid[$msg_number] as $values => $msg_part) { $file_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$msg_number][$values]); if($file_type == "text/plain" || $file_type == "text/html") { $content = $this->decodeBody(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID|FT_PEEK), $msg->encoding[$msg_number][$values], $msg->charset[$msg_number][$values]); break; } } } $content = $this->replace_special_characters($content); $tags_replace = array("
"); $content = str_replace($tags_replace," ", $content); $content = strip_tags($content); $content = str_replace(array("{","}"," "), " ", $content); $content = trim($content); $content = substr($content,0,300); $content != "" ? $return['body'] = " - " . $content: $return['body'] = ""; return $return; } function get_body_msg($msg_number, $msg_folder) { include_once(""); $msg = &new message_components($this->mbox); $msg->fetch_structure($msg_number); $return = array(); $return['attachments'] = $this-> download_attachment($msg,$msg_number); if(!$this->has_cid) { $return['thumbs'] = $this->get_thumbs($msg,$msg_number,urlencode($msg_folder)); $return['signature'] = $this->get_signature($msg,$msg_number,$msg_folder); } if(!$msg->structure[$msg_number]->parts) //Simple message, only 1 piece { if(strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == 'x-pkcs7-mime'){ $return['body']='isCripted'; return $return; } $attachment = array(); //No attachments if(strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == 'x-pkcs7-mime'){ $return['body']='isCripted'; return $return; } $content = ''; // If simple message is subtype 'html' or 'plain', then get content body. if(strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "html" || strtolower( $msg -> structure[ $msg_number ] -> subtype ) == 'plain'){ $content = $this->decodeBody( imap_body( $this -> mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID ), $msg -> encoding[ $msg_number ][ 0 ], $msg -> charset[ $msg_number ][ 0 ] ); if ( strtolower( $msg -> structure[ $msg_number ] -> subtype ) == 'plain' ) { $content = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( ' #$<$# ', ' #$>$# ' ), $content ); $content = htmlentities( $content ); $content = $this -> replace_links( $content ); $content = str_replace( array( ' #$<$# ', ' #$>$# ' ), array( '<', '>' ), $content ); $content = '
' . $content . '
'; $return[ 'body' ] = $content; return $return; } } } else { //Complicated message, multiple parts $html_body = ''; $content = ''; $has_multipart = true; $this->has_cid = false; if (strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "related") $this->has_cid = true; if (strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "alternative") { $show_only_html = false; foreach($msg->pid[$msg_number] as $values => $msg_part) { $file_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$msg_number][$values]); if($file_type == "text/html") $show_only_html = true; } } else $show_only_html = false; foreach($msg->pid[$msg_number] as $values => $msg_part) { $file_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$msg_number][$values]); if($file_type == "message/rfc822" || $file_type == "multipart/alternative") { // Show only 'text/html' part, when message/rfc822 or multipart/alternative format contains 'text/plain' alternative part. if(array_key_exists($values+1, $msg->file_type[$msg_number]) && strtolower($msg->file_type[$msg_number][$values+1]) == 'text/plain' && array_key_exists($values+2, $msg->file_type[$msg_number]) && strtolower($msg->file_type[$msg_number][$values+2]) == 'text/html') { $has_multipart = false; } } if(($file_type == "text/plain" || $file_type == "text/html") && $file_type != 'attachment') { if($file_type == "text/plain" && !$show_only_html && $has_multipart) { // if TXT file size > 100kb, then it will not expand. if(!($file_type == "text/plain" && $msg->fsize[$msg_number][$values] > 102400)) { $content .= htmlentities($this->decodeBody(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID), $msg->encoding[$msg_number][$values], $msg->charset[$msg_number][$values])); $content = '
' . $content . '
'; } } // if HTML attachment file size > 300kb, then it will not expand. else if($file_type == "text/html" && $msg->fsize[$msg_number][$values] < 307200) { $content .= $this->decodeBody(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID), $msg->encoding[$msg_number][$values], $msg->charset[$msg_number][$values]); $show_only_html = true; } } else if($file_type == "message/delivery-status" || $file_type == "message/feedback-report"){ $content .= "
"; $content .= $this->decodeBody(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID), $msg->encoding[$msg_number][$values], $msg->charset[$msg_number][$values]); $content = '
' . $content . '
'; } else if($file_type == "message/rfc822" || $file_type == "text/rfc822-headers"){ include_once(""); $att = new imap_attachment(); $attachments = $att -> get_attachment_info($this->mbox,$msg_number); if($attachments['number_attachments'] > 0) { foreach($attachments ['attachment'] as $index => $attachment) { if ( in_array( strtolower( $attachment[ 'type' ] ), array( 'delivery-status', 'rfc822', 'rfc822-headers', 'plain' ) ) ) { $obj = imap_rfc822_parse_headers( imap_fetchbody( $this -> mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID ), $msg -> encoding[ $msg_number ][ $values ] ); $content .= '
'; $content .= '
'; $content .= ''; $content .= ''; $content .= ''; $content .= ''; if ( $obj->cc ) $content .= ''; $content .= '
' . $this->functions->getLang("Subject") . ':' .$this->decode_string($obj->subject) . '
' . $this -> functions -> getLang( 'From' ) . ':' . $this -> replace_links( $this -> decode_string( $obj -> from[ 0 ] -> mailbox . '@' . $obj -> from[ 0 ] -> host) ) . '
' . $this->functions->getLang("Date") . ':' . $obj->date . '
' . $this -> functions -> getLang( 'TO' ) . ':' . $this -> replace_links( $this -> decode_string( $obj -> to[ 0 ] -> mailbox . '@' . $obj -> to[ 0 ] -> host ) ) . '
' . $this -> functions -> getLang( 'CC' ) . ':' . $this -> replace_links( $this -> decode_string( $obj -> cc[ 0 ] -> mailbox . '@' . $obj -> cc[ 0 ] -> host ) ) . '

'; $id = ( ( strtolower( $attachment[ 'type' ] ) == 'delivery-status' ) ? false : true ); if ( strtolower( $msg->structure[$msg_number]->parts[1]->parts[0]->subtype ) == 'plain' ) { $id = !$id; if ( $msg->structure[$msg_number]->parts[1]->parts[0]->encoding == 4 ) $msg->encoding[ $msg_number ][ $values ] = 'quoted-printable'; } $body = $this->decodeBody( imap_fetchbody( $this->mbox, $msg_number, ( $attachment['part_in_msg'] + ( ( int ) $id ) ) . ".1", FT_UID ), $msg->encoding[ $msg_number ][ $values ], $msg->charset[ $msg_number ][ $values ] ); if ( strtolower( $msg->structure[$msg_number]->parts[1]->parts[0]->subtype ) == 'plain' ) { $body = str_replace( array( '<', '>' ), array( ' #$<$# ', ' #$>$# ' ), $body ); $body = htmlentities( $body ); $body = $this -> replace_links( $body ); $body = str_replace( array( ' #$<$# ', ' #$>$# ' ), array( '<', '>' ), $body ); $body = '
' . $body . '
'; } $content .= $body; break; } } } } } if($file_type == "text/plain" && ($show_only_html && $msg_part == 1) || (!$show_only_html && $msg_part == 3)){ if(strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "mixed" && $msg_part == 1) $content .= nl2br(imap_base64(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID))); else if(!strtolower($msg->structure[$msg_number]->subtype) == "mixed") $content .= nl2br(imap_fetchbody($this->mbox, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID)); } } // Force message with flag Seen (imap_fetchbody not works correctly) $params = array('folder' => $msg_folder, "msgs_to_set" => $msg_number, "flag" => "seen"); $this->set_messages_flag($params); $content = $this->process_embedded_images($msg,$msg_number,$content, $msg_folder); $content = $this->replace_special_characters($content); $return['body'] = $content; return $return; } function htmlfilter($body) { require_once(''); $tag_list = Array( false, 'blink', 'object', 'meta', 'html', 'link', 'frame', 'iframe', 'layer', 'ilayer', 'plaintext' ); /** * A very exclusive set: */ // $tag_list = Array(true, "b", "a", "i", "img", "strong", "em", "p"); $rm_tags_with_content = Array( 'script', 'style', 'applet', 'embed', 'head', 'frameset', 'xml', 'xmp' ); $self_closing_tags = Array( 'img', 'br', 'hr', 'input' ); $force_tag_closing = true; $rm_attnames = Array( '/.*/' => Array( '/target/i', //'/^on.*/i', -> onClick, dos compromissos da agenda. '/^dynsrc/i', '/^datasrc/i', '/^data.*/i', '/^lowsrc/i' ) ); /** * Yeah-yeah, so this looks horrible. Check out for * some idea of what's going on here. :) */ $bad_attvals = Array( '/.*/' => Array( '/.*/' => Array( Array( '/^([\'\"])\s*\S+\s*script\s*:*(.*)([\'\"])/si', //'/^([\'\"])\s*https*\s*:(.*)([\'\"])/si', -> doclinks notes '/^([\'\"])\s*mocha\s*:*(.*)([\'\"])/si', '/^([\'\"])\s*about\s*:(.*)([\'\"])/si' ), Array( '\\1oddjob:\\2\\1', //'\\1uucp:\\2\\1', -> doclinks notes '\\1amaretto:\\2\\1', '\\1round:\\2\\1' ) ), '/^style/i' => Array( Array( '/expression/i', '/behaviou*r/i', '/binding/i', '/include-source/i', '/url\s*\(\s*([\'\"]*)\s*https*:.*([\'\"]*)\s*\)/si', '/url\s*\(\s*([\'\"]*)\s*\S+\s*script:.*([\'\"]*)\s*\)/si' ), Array( 'idiocy', 'idiocy', 'idiocy', 'idiocy', 'url(\\1\\1)', 'url(\\1\\1)' ) ) ) ); $add_attr_to_tag = Array( '/^a$/i' => Array('target' => '"_new"') ); $trusted_body = sanitize($body, $tag_list, $rm_tags_with_content, $self_closing_tags, $force_tag_closing, $rm_attnames, $bad_attvals, $add_attr_to_tag ); return $trusted_body; } function decodeBody($body, $encoding, $charset=null) { /** * replace e-mail by anchor. */ // HTML Filter //$body = preg_replace("#(^|[\n ])([a-z0-9&\-_.]+?)@([\w\-]+\.([\w\-\.]+\.)*[\w]+)#i", "\\1\\2@\\3", $body); //$body = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $body); if ($encoding == 'quoted-printable') { /* for($i=0;$i<256;$i++) { $c1=dechex($i); if(strlen($c1)==1){$c1="0".$c1;} $c1="=".$c1; $myqprinta[]=$c1; $myqprintb[]=chr($i); } */ $body = str_replace($myqprinta,$myqprintb,($body)); $body = quoted_printable_decode($body); while (ereg("=\n", $body)) { $body = ereg_replace ("=\n", '', $body); } } else if ($encoding == 'base64') { $body = base64_decode($body); } // All other encodings are returned raw. if (strtolower($charset) == "utf-8") return utf8_decode($body); else return $body; } function process_embedded_images($msg, $msgno, $body, $msg_folder) { if (count($msg->inline_id[$msgno]) > 0) { foreach ($msg->inline_id[$msgno] as $index => $cid) { $cid = eregi_replace("<", "", $cid); $cid = eregi_replace(">", "", $cid); $msg_part = $msg->pid[$msgno][$index]; //$body = eregi_replace("alt=\"\"", "", $body); $body = eregi_replace("
", "", $body); $body = str_replace("src=\"cid:".$cid."\"", " src=\"./inc/show_embedded_attach.php?msg_folder=$msg_folder&msg_num=$msgno&msg_part=$msg_part\" ", $body); $body = str_replace("src='cid:".$cid."'", " src=\"./inc/show_embedded_attach.php?msg_folder=$msg_folder&msg_num=$msgno&msg_part=$msg_part\" ", $body); $body = str_replace("src=cid:".$cid, " src=\"./inc/show_embedded_attach.php?msg_folder=$msg_folder&msg_num=$msgno&msg_part=$msg_part\" ", $body); } } return $body; } function replace_special_characters($body) { // Suspected TAGS! /*$tag_list = Array( 'blink','object','meta', 'html','link','frame', 'iframe','layer','ilayer', 'plaintext','script','style','img', 'applet','embed','head', 'frameset','xml','xmp'); */ // Layout problem: Change html elements // with absolute position to relate position, CASE INSENSITIVE. $body = @mb_eregi_replace("POSITION: ABSOLUTE;","",$body); $tag_list = Array('head','blink','object','frame', 'iframe','layer','ilayer','plaintext','script', 'applet','embed','frameset','xml','xmp','style'); $blocked_tags = array(); foreach($tag_list as $index => $tag) { $new_body = @mb_eregi_replace("<$tag", "", $new_body); } // Malicious Code Remove $dirtyCodePattern = "/(<([\w]+[\w0-9]*)(.*)on(mouse(move|over|down|up)|load|blur|change|error|click|dblclick|focus|key(down|up|press)|select)([\n\ ]*)=([\n\ ]*)[\"'][^>\"']*[\"']([^>]*)>)(.*)(<\/\\2>)?/misU"; preg_match_all($dirtyCodePattern,$body,$rest,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); foreach($rest[0] as $i => $val) if (!(preg_match("/javascript:window\.open\(\"([^'\"]*)\/index\.php\?menuaction=calendar\.uicalendar\.set_action\&cal_id=([^;'\"]+);?['\"]/i",$rest[1][$i]) && strtoupper($rest[4][$i]) == "CLICK" )) //Calendar events $body = str_replace($rest[1][$i],"<".$rest[2][$i].$rest[3][$i].$rest[7][$i].">",$body); return "".$this-> replace_links($body); } function replace_links( $body ) { // Domains and IPs addresses found in the text and which is not a link yet should be replaced by one. // See more informations in $octets = array( 'first' => '(2[0-3][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]?)', 'middle' => '(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|1?[0-9]{1,2})', 'last' => '(25[0-4]|2[0-4][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|[1-9][0-9]?)' ); $ip = "\b{$octets[ 'first' ]}\.({$octets[ 'middle' ]}\.){2}{$octets[ 'last' ]}\b"; $top_level_domains = '(\.(ac|ad|ae|aero|af|ag|ai|al|am|an|ao|aq|ar|as|asia|at|au|aw|ax|az|' . 'ba|bb|bd|be|bf|bg|bh|bi|biz|bj|bl|bm|bn|bo|br|bs|bt|bv|bw|by|bz|' . 'ca|cat|cc|cd|cf|cg|ch|ci|ck|cl|cm|cn|co|com|coop|cr|cu|cv|cx|cy|cz|' . 'de|dj|dk|dm|do|dz|ec|edu|ee|eg|eh|er|es|et|eu|fi|fj|fk|fm|fo|fr|' . 'ga|gb|gd|ge|gf|gg|gh|gi|gl|gm|gn|gov|gp|gq|gr|gs|gt|gu|gw|gy|' . 'hk|hm|hn|hr|ht|hu|id|ie|il|im|in|info|int|io|iq|ir|is|it|je|jm|jo|jobs|jp|' . 'ke|kg|kh|ki|km|kn|kp|kr|kw|ky|kz|la|lb|lc|li|lk|lr|ls|lt|lu|lv|ly|' . 'ma|mc|md|me|mf|mg|mh|mil|mk|ml|mm|mn|mo|mobi|mp|mq|mr|ms|mt|mu|museum|' . 'mv|mw|mx|my|mz|na|name|nc|ne|net|nf|ng|ni|nl|no|np|nr|nu|nz|om|org|' . 'pa|pe|pf|pg|ph|pk|pl|pm|pn|pro|ps|pt|pw|py|qa|re|ro|rs|ru|rw|' . 'sa|sb|sc|sd|se|sg|sh|si|sj|sk|sl|sm|sn|so|sr|st|su|sv|sy|sz|' . 'tc|td|tel|tf|tg|th|tj|tk|tl|tm|tn|to|tp|tr|travel|tt|tv|tw|tz|' . 'ua|ug|uk|um|us|uy|uz|va|vc|ve|vg|vi|vn|vu|wf|ws|ye|yt|yu|za|zm|zw))+\b'; $path = '(?>\/[\w\d\/\.\'\(\)\-\+~?!&#@$%|:;,*=_]+)?'; $port = '(?>:\d{2,5})?'; $domain = '(?>[\w\d_\-]+)'; $subdomain = "(?>{$domain}\.)*"; $protocol = '(?>(http|ftp)(s)?:\/\/)?'; $url = "(?>{$protocol}((?>{$subdomain}{$domain}{$top_level_domains}|{$ip}){$port}{$path}))"; $pattern = "/(<\w[^>]+|[\/\"'@=])?{$url}/"; ini_set( 'pcre.backtrack_limit', 300000 ); /* // PHP 5.3 $replace = function( $matches ) { if ( $matches[ 1 ] ) return $matches[ 0 ]; $url = ( $matches[ 2 ] ) ? $matches[ 2 ] : 'http'; $url .= "{$matches[ 3 ]}://{$matches[ 4 ]}"; return "{$matches[ 4 ]}"; }; $body = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, $replace, $body ); */ // PHP 5.2.x - Remover assim que possível $body = preg_replace_callback( $pattern, create_function( '$matches', 'if ( $matches[ 1 ] ) return $matches[ 0 ];' . '$url = ( $matches[ 2 ] ) ? $matches[ 2 ] : "http";' . '$url .= "{$matches[ 3 ]}://{$matches[ 4 ]}";' . 'return "{$matches[ 4 ]}";' ), $body ); ini_set( 'pcre.backtrack_limit', 100000 ); // E-mail address in the text should create a new e-mail on ExpressoMail $pattern = '/( |<|<|>)([A-Za-z0-9\.~?\/_=#\-]*@[A-Za-z0-9\.~?\/_=#\-]*)( |>|>|<)/im'; $replacement = '$1$2$3'; $body = preg_replace( $pattern, $replacement, $body ); return $body; } function get_signature($msg, $msg_number, $msg_folder) { include_once(dirname( __FILE__ ) ."/../../security/classes/CertificadoB.php"); include_once(""); foreach ($msg->file_type[$msg_number] as $index => $file_type) { $sign = array(); $file_type = strtolower($file_type); if(strtolower($msg->encoding[$msg_number][$index]) == 'base64') { if ($file_type == 'application/x-pkcs7-signature' || $file_type == 'application/pkcs7-signature') { if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($msg_folder); $header = @imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number), 80, 255); $imap_msg = @imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID); $imap_msg .= @imap_body($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID); $certificado = new certificadoB(); $validade = $certificado->verificar($imap_msg); if ($certificado->apresentado) { $from = $header->from; foreach ($from as $id => $object) { $fromname = $object->personal; $fromaddress = $object->mailbox . "@" . $object->host; } $sign_alert = ''; foreach ($certificado->erros_ssl as $item) { $check_error_msg = $this->functions->getLang($item); /* * Desabilite o teste abaixo para mostrar todas as mensagem * de erro. */ //if (!strpos($check_error_msg,'*',strlen($check_error_msg-1))) //{ $sign[] = "" . $check_error_msg . " "; //} } if (count($certificado->erros_ssl) < 1) { $check_msg = $this->functions->getLang('Message untouched') . " "; if(strtoupper($fromaddress) != strtoupper($certificado->dados['EMAIL'])) { $check_msg .= $this->functions->getLang('and') . " "; $check_msg .= $this->functions->getLang('authentic'); } $sign[] = "".$check_msg.""; } if(strtoupper($fromaddress) != strtoupper($certificado->dados['EMAIL'])) { $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('message') . " " . $this->functions->getLang('with signer different from sender') . " "; } $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Message signed by: ') . "" . $certificado->dados['NOME']; $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Certificate email: ') . "" . $certificado->dados['EMAIL']; $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Mail from: ') . "" . $fromaddress; $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Certificate Authority: ') . "" . $certificado->dados['EMISSOR']; $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Validity of certificate: ') . "" . gmdate('r',openssl_to_timestamp($certificado->dados['FIM_VALIDADE'])); $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Message date: ') . "" . $header->Date; $cert = openssl_x509_parse($certificado->cert_assinante); /* $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $X = substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,0,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,2,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,4,4); $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; //$sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $H = data_hora($cert[validFrom]); $X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4); $sign[] = ''; $H = data_hora($cert[validTo]); $X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4); $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = ''; $sign[] = '
Expedido para:
Nome Comum (CN) ' . $cert[subject]['CN'] . '
Data de nascimento ' . $certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] . '
CPF ' . $certificado->dados['CPF'] . '
Documento identidade ' . $certificado->dados['RG'] . '
Empresa (O) ' . $cert[subject]['O'] . '
Unidade Organizacional (OU) ' . $cert[subject]['OU'][0] . '
Numero de serie ' . $cert['serialNumber'] . '
Expedido por:
Nome Comum (CN) ' . $cert[issuer]['CN'] . '
Empresa (O) ' . $cert[issuer]['O'] . '
Unidade Organizacional (OU) ' . $cert[issuer]['OU'][0] . '
Expedido em ' . $X . '
Valido ate ' . $X . '
'; */ $sign_alert .= 'Expedido para:\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Nome Comum (CN) ' . $cert[subject]['CN'] . '\n'; $X = substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,0,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,2,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,4,4); $sign_alert .= 'Data de nascimento ' . $X . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'CPF ' . $certificado->dados['CPF'] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Documento identidade ' . $certificado->dados['RG'] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Empresa (O) ' . $cert[subject]['O'] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Unidade Organizacional (OU) ' . $cert[subject]['OU'][0] . '\n'; //$sign_alert[] = 'Numero de serie ' . $cert['serialNumber'] . ''; $sign_alert .= '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Expedido por:\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Nome Comum (CN) ' . $cert[issuer]['CN'] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Empresa (O) ' . $cert[issuer]['O'] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Unidade Organizacional (OU) ' . $cert[issuer]['OU'][0] . '\n'; $sign_alert .= '\n'; $sign_alert .= 'Validade:\n'; $H = data_hora($cert[validFrom]); $X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4); $sign_alert .= 'Expedido em ' . $X . '\n'; $H = data_hora($cert[validTo]); $X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4); $sign_alert .= 'Valido ate ' . $X . '\n'; $sign[] = "".$this->functions->getLang("More")."..."; $this->db = new db_functions(); // TODO: testar se existe um certificado no banco e verificar qual � o mais atual. if(!$certificado->dados['EXPIRADO'] && !$certificado->dados['REVOGADO'] && count($certificado->erros_ssl) < 1) $this->db->insert_certificate(strtolower($certificado->dados['EMAIL']), $certificado->cert_assinante, $certificado->dados['SERIALNUMBER'], $certificado->dados['AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER']); } else { $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Invalid signature') . ""; foreach($certificado->erros_ssl as $item) $sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang($item) . ""; } } } } return $sign; } function get_thumbs($msg, $msg_number, $msg_folder) { $thumbs_array = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($msg->file_type[$msg_number] as $index => $file_type) { $file_type = strtolower($file_type); if(strtolower($msg->encoding[$msg_number][$index]) == 'base64') { if (($file_type == 'image/jpeg') || ($file_type == 'image/pjpeg') || ($file_type == 'image/gif') || ($file_type == 'image/png')) { $id = $msg_folder.";;".$msg_number.";;".$i.";;".$msg->pid[$msg_number][$index].";;".$msg->encoding[$msg_number][$index]; $img = "pid[$msg_number][$index].">"; $href = "pid[$msg_number][$index]."','mywindow','width=700,height=600,scrollbars=yes');\">". $img .""; $thumbs_array[] = $href; } $i++; } } return $thumbs_array; } /*function delete_msg($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $msgs_to_delete = explode(",",$params['msgs_to_delete']); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); foreach ($msgs_to_delete as $msg_number){ imap_delete($mbox_stream, $msg_number, FT_UID); } imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE); return $params['msgs_to_delete']; }*/ // Novo function delete_msgs($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO-8859-1"); $msgs_number = explode(",",$params['msgs_number']); $border_ID = $params['border_ID']; $return = array(); if ($params['get_previous_msg']){ $return['previous_msg'] = $this->get_info_previous_msg($params); // Fix problem in unserialize function JS. $return['previous_msg']['body'] = str_replace(array('{','}'), array('{','}'), $return['previous_msg']['body']); } //$mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $mbox_stream = @imap_open("{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$folder, $this->username, $this->password) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error())))); foreach ($msgs_number as $msg_number) { if (imap_delete($mbox_stream, $msg_number, FT_UID)); $return['msgs_number'][] = $msg_number; } $return['folder'] = $folder; $return['border_ID'] = $border_ID; if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE); return $return; } function refresh($params) { include_once(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); $folder = $params['folder']; $msg_range_begin = $params['msg_range_begin']; $msg_range_end = $params['msg_range_end']; $msgs_existent = $params['msgs_existent']; $sort_box_type = $params['sort_box_type']; $sort_box_reverse = $params['sort_box_reverse']; $msgs_in_the_server = array(); $search_box_type = $params['search_box_type'] != "ALL" && $params['search_box_type'] != "" ? $params['search_box_type'] : false; $msgs_in_the_server = $this->get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$msg_range_end); $msgs_in_the_server = array_keys($msgs_in_the_server); if(!count($msgs_in_the_server)) return array(); $num_msgs = (count($msgs_in_the_server) - imap_num_recent($this->mbox)); $msgs_in_the_client = explode(",", $msgs_existent); $msg_to_insert = array_diff($msgs_in_the_server, $msgs_in_the_client); $msg_to_delete = array_diff($msgs_in_the_client, $msgs_in_the_server); $msgs_to_exec = array(); if ((count($msg_to_insert)) && ($msgs_existent)) { foreach($msg_to_insert as $index => $msg_number) { if ($msgs_in_the_server[$index+1]) { //$msgs_to_exec[$msg_number] = 'Inserir mensage numero ' . $msg_number . ' antes da ' . $msgs_in_the_server[$index+1]; $msgs_to_exec[$msg_number] = 'box.insertBefore(new_msg, Element("'.$msgs_in_the_server[$index+1].'"));'; } else { //$msgs_to_exec[$msg_number] = 'Inserir mensage numero ' . $msg_number . ' no final (append)'; $msgs_to_exec[$msg_number] = 'box.appendChild(new_msg);'; } } ksort($msgs_to_exec); } elseif(!$msgs_existent) { foreach($msgs_in_the_server as $index => $msg_number) { $msgs_to_exec[$msg_number] = 'box.appendChild(new_msg);'; } } $return = array(); $i = 0; foreach($msgs_to_exec as $msg_number => $command) { /*A função imap_headerinfo não traz o cabeçalho completo, e sim alguns * atributos do cabeçalho. Como eu preciso do atributo Importance * para saber se o email é importante ou não, uso abaixo a função * imap_fetchheader e busco o atributo importance nela para passar * para as funções ajax. Isso faz com que eu acesse o cabeçalho * duas vezes e de duas formas diferentes, mas em contrapartida, eu * não preciso reimplementar o método utilizando o fetchheader. * Como na atualização são poucas as mensagens que devem ser renderizadas, * a perda em performance é insignificante. */ $tempHeader = @imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)); $flag = preg_match('/importance *: *(.*)\r/i', $tempHeader, $importance); $return[$i]['Importance'] = $flag==0?"Normal":$importance[1]; $msg_sample = $this->get_msg_sample($msg_number); $return[$i]['msg_sample'] = $msg_sample; $header = $this->get_header($msg_number); if (!is_object($header)) continue; $return[$i]['msg_number'] = $msg_number; $return[$i]['command'] = $command; $return[$i]['msg_folder'] = $folder; // Atribui o tipo (normal, signature ou cipher) ao campo Content-Type $return[$i]['ContentType'] = $this->getMessageType($msg_number, $tempHeader); $return[$i]['Recent'] = $header->Recent; $return[$i]['Unseen'] = $header->Unseen; $return[$i]['Answered'] = $header->Answered; $return[$i]['Deleted'] = $header->Deleted; $return[$i]['Draft'] = $header->Draft; $return[$i]['Flagged'] = $header->Flagged; $return[$i]['udate'] = $header->udate; $from = $header->from; $return[$i]['from'] = array(); $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($from[0]->personal); $return[$i]['from']['name'] = $tmp[0]->text; $return[$i]['from']['email'] = $from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $from[0]->host; //$return[$i]['from']['full'] ='"' . $return[$i]['from']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return[$i]['from']['email'] . '>'; if(!$return[$i]['from']['name']) $return[$i]['from']['name'] = $return[$i]['from']['email']; /*$toaddress = imap_mime_header_decode($header->toaddress); $return[$i]['toaddress'] = ''; foreach ($toaddress as $tmp) $return[$i]['toaddress'] .= $tmp->text;*/ $to = $header->to; $return[$i]['to'] = array(); $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($to[0]->personal); $return[$i]['to']['name'] = $tmp[0]->text; $return[$i]['to']['email'] = $to[0]->mailbox . "@" . $to[0]->host; $return[$i]['to']['full'] ='"' . $return[$i]['to']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return[$i]['to']['email'] . '>'; $return[$i]['subject'] = $this->decode_string($header->fetchsubject); $return[$i]['Size'] = $header->Size; $return[$i]['reply_toaddress'] = $header->reply_toaddress; $return[$i]['attachment'] = array(); $return[$i]['attachment'] = $imap_attachment->get_attachment_headerinfo($this->mbox, $msg_number); $i++; } $return['new_msgs'] = imap_num_recent($this->mbox); $return['msgs_to_delete'] = $msg_to_delete; if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox)) imap_close($this->mbox); return $return; } /** * Método que faz a verificação do Content-Type do e-mail e verifica se é um e-mail normal, * assinado ou cifrado. * @author Mário César Kolling * @param $headers Uma String contendo os Headers do e-mail retornados pela função imap_imap_fetchheader * @param $msg_number O número da mesagem * @return Retorna o tipo da mensagem (normal, signature, cipher). */ function getMessageType($msg_number, $headers = false){ $contentType = "normal"; if (!$headers){ $headers = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)); } //$header2 = imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)); if (preg_match("/Content-Type:.*pkcs7-signature/i", $headers) == 1){ $contentType = "signature"; } else if (preg_match("/Content-Type:.*x-pkcs7-mime/i", $headers) == 1){ $contentType = "cipher"; } return $contentType; } /** * Metodo que retorna todas as pastas do usuario logado. * @param $params array opcional para repassar os argumentos ao metodo. * Se usar $params['noSharedFolders'] = true, ira retornar todas as pastas do usuário logado, * excluindo as compartilhadas para ele. * @return Retorna um array contendo as seguintes informacoes de cada pasta: folder_unseen, * folder_id, folder_name, folder_parent e folder_hasChildren. */ function get_folders_list($params = null) { $inbox = 'INBOX'; $trash = $inbox . $this->email_server['imapDelimiter ']. $this->email_server['imapDefaultTrashFolder;']; $drafts = $inbox . $this->email_server['imapDelimiter ']. $this->email_server['imapDefaultDraftsFolder']; $spam = $inbox . $this->email_server['imapDelimiter ']. $this->email_server['imapDefaultSpamFolder']; $sent = $inbox . $this->email_server['imapDelimiter ']. $this->email_server['imapDefaultSentFolder']; $uid2cn = $this->preferences['uid2cn']; if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox(); if($params && $params['onload'] && $this->cert){ $this->delete_mailbox(array("del_past" => "INBOX/decifradas")); } $serverString = "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}"; $folders_list = imap_getmailboxes($this->mbox, $serverString, ($params && $params['noSharedFolders']) ? "INBOX/*" : "*"); $folders_list = array_slice($folders_list,0,$this->foldersLimit); $tmp = array(); $resultMine = array(); $resultDefault = array(); if (is_array($folders_list)) { reset($folders_list); $this->ldap = new ldap_functions(); $i = 0; while (list($key, $val) = each($folders_list)) { $status = imap_status($this->mbox, $val->name, SA_UNSEEN); //$tmp_folder_id = explode("}", imap_utf7_decode($val->name)); $tmp_folder_id = explode("}", mb_convert_encoding($val->name, "ISO_8859-1", "UTF7-IMAP" )); if($tmp_folder_id[1]=='INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'decifradas') { //error_log('passou', 3,'/tmp/imap_get_list.log'); //imap_deletemailbox($this->mbox, imap_utf7_encode("{".$this->email_server['imapServer']."}".'INBOX/decifradas')); continue; } $result[$i]['folder_unseen'] = $status->unseen; $folder_id = $tmp_folder_id[1]; $result[$i]['folder_id'] = $folder_id; $tmp_folder_parent = explode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $folder_id); $result[$i]['folder_name'] = array_pop($tmp_folder_parent); $result[$i]['folder_name'] = $result[$i]['folder_name'] == 'INBOX' ? 'Inbox' : $result[$i]['folder_name']; if ($uid2cn && substr($folder_id,0,4) == 'user') { //$this->ldap = new ldap_functions(); if ($cn = $this->ldap->uid2cn($result[$i]['folder_name'])) { $result[$i]['folder_name'] = $cn; } } $tmp_folder_parent = implode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $tmp_folder_parent); $result[$i]['folder_parent'] = $tmp_folder_parent == 'INBOX' ? '' : $tmp_folder_parent; if (($val->attributes == 32) && ($result[$i]['folder_name'] != 'Inbox')) $result[$i]['folder_hasChildren'] = 1; else $result[$i]['folder_hasChildren'] = 0; switch ($tmp_folder_id[1]) { case $inbox: case $sent: case $drafts: case $spam: case $trash: $resultDefault[]=$result[$i]; default: $resultMine[]=$result[$i]; } $i++; } } // Sorting resultMine foreach ($resultMine as $folder_info) { $array_tmp[] = $folder_info['folder_id']; } natcasesort($array_tmp); foreach ($array_tmp as $key => $folder_id) { $result2[] = $resultMine[$key]; } $resultDefault2=$resultDefault; // Sorting resultDefault foreach ($resultDefault as $key => $folder_id) { switch ($resultDefault[$key]['folder_id']) { case $inbox: $resultDefault2[0] = $resultDefault[$key]; break; case $sent: $resultDefault2[1] = $resultDefault[$key]; break; case $drafts: $resultDefault2[2] = $resultDefault[$key]; break; case $spam: $resultDefault2[3] = $resultDefault[$key]; break; case $trash: $resultDefault2[4] = $resultDefault[$key]; break; } } // Merge default folders and mines $result2 = array_merge($resultDefault2, $result2); $current_folder = "INBOX"; if($params && $params['folder']) $current_folder = $params['folder']; return array_merge($result2, $this->get_quota(array('folder_id' => $current_folder))); } function create_mailbox($arr) { $namebox = $arr['newp']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $imap_server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; $namebox = mb_convert_encoding($namebox, "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8"); $result = "Ok"; if(!imap_createmailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}$namebox")) { $result = implode("
\n", imap_errors()); } if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $result; } function create_extra_mailbox($arr) { $nameboxs = explode(";",$arr['nw_folders']); $result = ""; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $imap_server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; foreach($nameboxs as $key=>$tmp){ if($tmp != ""){ if(!imap_createmailbox($mbox_stream,imap_utf7_encode("{".$imap_server."}$tmp"))){ $result = implode("
\n", imap_errors()); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $result; } } } if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return true; } function delete_mailbox($arr) { $namebox = $arr['del_past']; $imap_server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; $mbox_stream = $this->mbox ? $this->mbox : $this->open_mbox(); //$del_folder = imap_deletemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$namebox"); $result = "Ok"; $namebox = mb_convert_encoding($namebox, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8"); if(!imap_deletemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}$namebox")) { $result = implode("
\n", imap_errors()); } /* if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); */ return $result; } function ren_mailbox($arr) { $namebox = $arr['current']; $new_box = $arr['rename']; $imap_server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); //$ren_folder = imap_renamemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$namebox","{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$new_box"); $result = "Ok"; $namebox = mb_convert_encoding($namebox, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8"); $new_box = mb_convert_encoding($new_box, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8"); if(!$this->folder_exists($new_box)) { if(!imap_renamemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}$namebox","{".$imap_server."}$new_box")) { $result = imap_errors(); } } else{ $result = "Mailbox already exists"; } if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $result; } function get_num_msgs($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) { $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder); if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) return imap_last_error(); } $num_msgs = imap_num_msg($this->mbox); if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox)) imap_close($this->mbox); return $num_msgs; } function folder_exists($folder){ $mbox = $this->open_mbox(); $serverString = "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}"; $list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox,$serverString, $folder); $return = is_array($list); imap_close($mbox); return $return; } function send_mail($params) { include_once("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); $mail->email_server = $this->email_server; $mail->username = $this->username; $mail->password = $this->password; $mail->session_id = $this->session_id; // Set lang for PHPMailer using user prefs. list($prefix,$userlang) = explode('-',$this->lang); $mail->SetLanguage($userlang,dirname( __FILE__ )."/../setup/"); include_once(""); $db = new db_functions(); $fromaddress = $params['input_from'] ? explode(';',$params['input_from']) : ""; ## # @AUTHOR Rodrigo Souza dos Santos # @DATE 2008/09/17 # @BRIEF Checks if the user has permission to send an email with the email address used. ## if ( is_array($fromaddress) && ($fromaddress[1] != $this->email) ) { $deny = true; foreach( $this->shared_mailboxes as $key => $val ) if ( array_key_exists('mail', $val) && $val['mail'][0] == $fromaddress[1] ) $deny = false and end($this->shared_mailboxes); if ( $deny ) return "The server denied your request to send a mail, you cannot use this mail address."; } $toaddress = implode(',',$db->getAddrs(explode(',',$params['input_to']))); $ccaddress = implode(',',$db->getAddrs(explode(',',$params['input_cc']))); $ccoaddress = implode(',',$db->getAddrs(explode(',',$params['input_cco']))); $subject = $params['input_subject']; $msg_uid = $params['msg_id']; $return_receipt = $params['input_return_receipt']; $is_important = $params['input_important_message']; $encrypt = $params['input_return_cripto']; $signed = $params['input_return_digital']; if($params['smime']) { $body = $params['smime']; $mail->SMIME = true; // A MSG assinada deve ser testada neste ponto. // Testar o certificado e a integridade da msg.... include_once(dirname( __FILE__ )."/../../security/classes/CertificadoB.php"); $erros_acumulados = ''; $certificado = new certificadoB(); $validade = $certificado->verificar($body); if(!$validade) { foreach($certificado->erros_ssl as $linha_erro) { $erros_acumulados .= $linha_erro; } } else { // Testa o CERTIFICADO: se o CPF he o do usuario logado, se pode assinar msgs e se nao esta expirado... if ($certificado->apresentado) { if($certificado->dados['EXPIRADO']) $erros_acumulados .='Certificado expirado.'; if($certificado->dados['CPF'] != $this->username) $erros_acumulados .=' CPF no certificado diferente do logado no expresso.'; if(!($certificado->dados['KEYUSAGE']['digitalSignature'] && $certificado->dados['EXTKEYUSAGE']['emailProtection'])) $erros_acumulados .=' Certificado nao permite assinar mensagens.'; } else { $$erros_acumulados .= 'Nao foi possivel usar o certificado para assinar a msg'; } } if(!$erros_acumulados =='') { return $erros_acumulados; } } else { $body = $params['body']; } //echo ""; $attachments = $params['FILES']; $forwarding_attachments = $params['forwarding_attachments']; $local_attachments = $params['local_attachments']; //Test if must be saved in shared folder and change if necessary if( $fromaddress[2] == 'y' ){ //build shared folder path $newfolder = "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$fromaddress[3].$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->imap_sentfolder; if( $this->folder_exists($newfolder) ) $folder = $newfolder; else $folder = $params['folder']; } else { $folder = $params['folder']; } $folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO_8859-1"); $folder_name = $params['folder_name']; // Fix problem with cyrus delimiter changes. // Dots in names: enabled/disabled. $folder = @eregi_replace("INBOX/", "INBOX".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $folder); $folder = @eregi_replace("INBOX.", "INBOX".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $folder); // End Fix. if ($folder != 'null'){ $mail->SaveMessageInFolder = $folder; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $mail->SMTPDebug = false; if($signed && !$params['smime']) { $mail->Mailer = "smime"; $mail->SignedBody = true; } else $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $this->email_server['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $this->email_server['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $this->email; $mail->FromName = $this->fullname; if($fromaddress){ $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->SenderName = $mail->FromName; $mail->FromName = $fromaddress[0]; $mail->From = $fromaddress[1]; } $this->add_recipients("to", $toaddress, &$mail); $this->add_recipients("cc", $ccaddress, &$mail); $this->add_recipients("cco", $ccoaddress, &$mail); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->IsHTML($params['type'] != 'textplain'); $mail->Body = $body; if (($encrypt && $signed && $params['smime']) || ($encrypt && !$signed)) // a msg deve ser enviada cifrada... { $email = $this->add_recipients_cert($toaddress . ',' . $ccaddress. ',' .$ccoaddress); $email = explode(",",$email); // Deve ser testado se foram obtidos os certificados de todos os destinatarios. // Deve ser verificado um numero limite de destinatarios. // Deve ser verificado se os certificados sao validos. // Se uma das verificacoes falhar, nao enviar o e-mail e avisar o usuario. // O array $mail->Certs_crypt soh deve ser preenchido se os certificados passarem nas verificacoes. $numero_maximo = $this->preferences['num_max_certs_to_cipher']; // Este valor dever ser configurado pelo administrador do site .... $erros_acumulados = ""; $aux_mails = array(); $mail_list = array(); if(count($email) > $numero_maximo) { $erros_acumulados .= "Excedido o numero maximo (" . $numero_maximo . ") de destinatarios para uma msg cifrada...." . chr(0x0A); return $erros_acumulados; } // adiciona o email do remetente. eh para cifrar a msg para ele tambem. Assim vai poder visualizar a msg na pasta enviados.. $email[] = $this->email; foreach($email as $item) { $certificate = $db->get_certificate(strtolower($item)); if(!$certificate) { $erros_acumulados .= "Chamada com parametro invalido. e-Mail nao pode ser vazio." . chr(0x0A); return $erros_acumulados; } if (array_key_exists("dberr1", $certificate)) { $erros_acumulados .= "Ocorreu um erro quando pesquisava certificados dos destinatarios para cifrar a msg." . chr(0x0A); return $erros_acumulados; } if (array_key_exists("dberr2", $certificate)) { $erros_acumulados .= $item . ' : Nao pode cifrar a msg. Certificado nao localizado.' . chr(0x0A); //continue; } /* Retirado este teste para evitar mensagem de erro duplicada. if (!array_key_exists("certs", $certificate)) { $erros_acumulados .= $item . ' : Nao pode cifrar a msg. Certificado nao localizado.' . chr(0x0A); continue; } */ include_once("../security/classes/CertificadoB.php"); foreach ($certificate['certs'] as $registro) { $c1 = new certificadoB(); $c1->certificado($registro['chave_publica']); if ($c1->apresentado) { $c2 = new Verifica_Certificado($c1->dados,$registro['chave_publica']); if (!$c1->dados['EXPIRADO'] && !$c2->revogado && $c2->status) { $aux_mails[] = $registro['chave_publica']; $mail_list[] = strtolower($item); } else { if ($c1->dados['EXPIRADO'] || $c2->revogado) { $db->update_certificate($c1->dados['SERIALNUMBER'],$c1->dados['EMAIL'],$c1->dados['AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER'], $c1->dados['EXPIRADO'],$c2->revogado); } $erros_acumulados .= $item . ': ' . $c2->msgerro . chr(0x0A); foreach($c2->erros_ssl as $linha) { $erros_acumulados .= $linha . chr(0x0A); } $erros_acumulados .= 'Emissor: ' . $c1->dados['EMISSOR'] . chr(0x0A); $erros_acumulados .= $c1->dados['CRLDISTRIBUTIONPOINTS'] . chr(0x0A); } } else { $erros_acumulados .= $item . ' : Nao pode cifrar a msg. Certificado invalido.' . chr(0x0A); } } if(!(in_array(strtolower($item),$mail_list)) && !empty($erros_acumulados)) { return $erros_acumulados; } } $mail->Certs_crypt = $aux_mails; } $this->buildEmbeddedImages($mail,$msg_uid,$forwarding_attachments); // Build Uploading Attachments!!! if ((count($attachments)) && ($params['is_local_forward']!="1")) //Caso seja forward normal... { $total_uploaded_size = 0; $upload_max_filesize = str_replace("M","",$this->preferences['max_attachment_size']) * 1024 * 1024; foreach ($attachments as $attach) { $mail->AddAttachment($attach['tmp_name'], $attach['name'], "base64", $this->get_file_type($attach['name'])); // optional name $total_uploaded_size = $total_uploaded_size + $attach['size']; } if( $total_uploaded_size > $upload_max_filesize) return $this->parse_error("message file too big"); } else if(($params['is_local_forward']=="1") && (count($local_attachments))) { //Caso seja forward de mensagens locais $total_uploaded_size = 0; $upload_max_filesize = str_replace("M","",ini_get('upload_max_filesize')) * 1024 * 1024; foreach($local_attachments as $local_attachment) { $file_description = unserialize(rawurldecode($local_attachment)); $tmp = array_values($file_description); foreach($file_description as $i => $descriptor){ $tmp[$i] = eregi_replace('\'*\'','',$descriptor); } $mail->AddAttachment($_FILES[$tmp[1]]['tmp_name'], $tmp[2], "base64", $this->get_file_type($tmp[2])); // optional name $total_uploaded_size = $total_uploaded_size + $_FILES[$tmp[1]]['size']; } if( $total_uploaded_size > $upload_max_filesize) return 'false'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Build Forwarding Attachments!!! if (count($forwarding_attachments) > 0) { // Bug fixed for array_search function $name_cid_files = array(); if(count($name_cid_files) > 0) { $name_cid_files[count($name_cid_files)] = $name_cid_files[0]; $name_cid_files[0] = null; } foreach($forwarding_attachments as $forwarding_attachment) { $file_description = unserialize(rawurldecode($forwarding_attachment)); $tmp = array_values($file_description); foreach($file_description as $i => $descriptor){ $tmp[$i] = eregi_replace('\'*\'','',$descriptor); } $file_description = $tmp; $fileContent = $this->get_forwarding_attachment($file_description[0], $file_description[1], $file_description[3],$file_description[4]); $fileName = $file_description[2]; if(!array_search(trim($fileName),$name_cid_files)) { $mail->AddStringAttachment($fileContent, $fileName, $file_description[4], $this->get_file_type($file_description[2])); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Important message if($is_important) $mail->isImportant(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Disposition-Notification-To if ($return_receipt) $mail->ConfirmReadingTo = $this->email; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $sent = $mail->Send(); if(!$sent) { return $this->parse_error($mail->ErrorInfo); } else { if ($signed && !$params['smime']) { return $sent; } if($this->enable_log_messages == "True") { $userid = $this->username; $userip = $this->session_ip; $now = date("d/m/y H:i:s"); $addrs = $toaddress.$ccaddress.$ccoaddress; $sent = trim($sent); error_log("$now - $userip - $sent [$subject] - $userid => $addrs\r\n", 3, "/home/expressolivre/mail_senders.log"); } if($this->preferences['number_of_contacts'] && $this->preferences['use_dynamic_contacts']) { $contacts = new dynamic_contacts(); $new_contacts = $contacts->add_dynamic_contacts($toaddress.",".$ccaddress.",".$ccoaddress); return array("success" => true, "new_contacts" => $new_contacts); } return array("success" => true); } } function buildEmbeddedImages(&$mail,$msg_uid,&$forwarding_attachments) { // Build CID for embedded Images!!! $pattern = '/src="([^"]*?show_embedded_attach.php\?msg_folder=(.+)?&(amp;)?msg_num=(.+)?&(amp;)?msg_part=(.+)?)"/isU'; $cid_imgs = ''; preg_match_all($pattern,$mail->Body,$cid_imgs,PREG_PATTERN_ORDER); $cid_array = array(); foreach($cid_imgs[6] as $j => $val){ if ( !array_key_exists($cid_imgs[4][$j].$val, $cid_array) ) { $cid_array[$cid_imgs[4][$j].$val] = base_convert(microtime(), 10, 36); } $cid = $cid_array[$cid_imgs[4][$j].$val]; $mail->Body = str_replace($cid_imgs[1][$j], "cid:".$cid, $mail->Body); if ($msg_uid != $cid_imgs[4][$j]) // The image is not in the same mail? { $fileContent = $this->get_forwarding_attachment($cid_imgs[2][$j], $cid_imgs[4][$j], $cid_imgs[6][$j], 'base64'); //prototype: get_forwarding_attachment ( folder, msg number, part, encoding) $fileName = "image_".($j).".jpg"; $fileCode = "base64"; $fileType = "image/jpg"; $file_attached[0] = $cid_imgs[2][$j]; $file_attached[1] = $cid_imgs[4][$j]; $file_attached[2] = $fileName; $file_attached[3] = $cid_imgs[6][$j]; $file_attached[4] = 'base64'; $file_attached[5] = strlen($fileContent); //Size of file $return_forward[] = $file_attached; $attachment_ = unserialize(rawurldecode($forwarding_attachments[$cid_imgs[6][$j]-2])); if ($file_attached[3] == $attachment_[3]) unset($forwarding_attachments[$cid_imgs[6][$j]-2]); } else { $attach_img = $forwarding_attachments[$cid_imgs[6][$j]-2]; $file_description = unserialize(rawurldecode($attach_img)); if (is_array($file_description)) foreach($file_description as $i => $descriptor){ $file_description[$i] = eregi_replace('\'*\'','',$descriptor); } $fileContent = $this->get_forwarding_attachment($file_description[0], $msg_uid, $file_description[3], 'base64'); $fileName = $file_description[2]; $fileCode = $file_description[4]; $fileType = $this->get_file_type($file_description[2]); unset($forwarding_attachments[$cid_imgs[6][$j]-2]); if (!empty($file_description)) { $file_description[5] = strlen($fileContent); //Size of file $return_forward[] = $file_description; } } $tempDir = ini_get("session.save_path"); $file = "cidimage_".$this->session_id.$cid_imgs[6][$j].".dat"; $f = fopen($tempDir.'/'.$file,"w"); fputs($f,$fileContent); fclose($f); if ($fileContent) $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($tempDir.'/'.$file, $cid, $fileName, $fileCode, $fileType); //else // return "Error loading image attachment content"; } return $return_forward; } function add_recipients_cert($full_address) { $result = ""; $parse_address = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($full_address, ""); foreach ($parse_address as $val) { //echo ""; if ($val->mailbox == "INVALID_ADDRESS") continue; if ($val->mailbox == "UNEXPECTED_DATA_AFTER_ADDRESS") continue; if (empty($val->personal)) $result .= $val->mailbox."@".$val->host . ","; else $result .= $val->mailbox."@".$val->host . ","; } return substr($result,0,-1); } function add_recipients($recipient_type, $full_address, $mail) { $parse_address = imap_rfc822_parse_adrlist($full_address, ""); foreach ($parse_address as $val) { //echo ""; if ($val->mailbox == "INVALID_ADDRESS") continue; if (empty($val->personal)) { switch($recipient_type) { case "to": $mail->AddAddress($val->mailbox."@".$val->host); break; case "cc": $mail->AddCC($val->mailbox."@".$val->host); break; case "cco": $mail->AddBCC($val->mailbox."@".$val->host); break; } } else { switch($recipient_type) { case "to": $mail->AddAddress($val->mailbox."@".$val->host, $val->personal); break; case "cc": $mail->AddCC($val->mailbox."@".$val->host, $val->personal); break; case "cco": $mail->AddBCC($val->mailbox."@".$val->host, $val->personal); break; } } } return true; } function get_forwarding_attachment($msg_folder, $msg_number, $msg_part, $encoding) { $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(utf8_decode(urldecode($msg_folder))); $fileContent = imap_fetchbody($mbox_stream, $msg_number, $msg_part, FT_UID); if($encoding == 'base64') # The function imap_base64 adds a new line # at ASCII text, with CRLF line terminators. # So is being exchanged for base64_decode. # #$fileContent = imap_base64($fileContent); $fileContent = base64_decode($fileContent); else if($encoding == 'quoted-printable') $fileContent = quoted_printable_decode($fileContent); return $fileContent; } function del_last_caracter($string) { $string = substr($string,0,(strlen($string) - 1)); return $string; } function del_last_two_caracters($string) { $string = substr($string,0,(strlen($string) - 2)); return $string; } function messages_sort($sort_box_type, $sort_box_reverse, $search_box_type, $offsetBegin, $offsetEnd) { if ($sort_box_type != "SORTFROM" && $search_box_type!= "FLAGGED"){ $imapsort = imap_sort($this->mbox,constant($sort_box_type),$sort_box_reverse,SE_UID,$search_box_type); foreach($imapsort as $iuid) $sort[$iuid] = ""; if ($offsetBegin == -1 && $offsetEnd ==-1 ) $slice_array = false; else $slice_array = true; } else { $sort = array(); if ($offsetBegin > $offsetEnd) {$temp=$offsetEnd; $offsetEnd=$offsetBegin; $offsetBegin=$temp;} $num_msgs = imap_num_msg($this->mbox); if ($offsetEnd > $num_msgs) {$offsetEnd = $num_msgs;} $slice_array = true; for ($i=$num_msgs; $i>0; $i--) { if ($sort_box_type == "SORTARRIVAL" && $sort_box_reverse && count($sort) >= $offsetEnd) break; $iuid = @imap_uid($this->mbox,$i); $header = $this->get_header($iuid); // List UNSEEN messages. if($search_box_type == "UNSEEN" && (!trim($header->Recent) && !trim($header->Unseen))){ continue; } // List SEEN messages. elseif($search_box_type == "SEEN" && (trim($header->Recent) || trim($header->Unseen))){ continue; } // List ANSWERED messages. elseif($search_box_type == "ANSWERED" && !trim($header->Answered)){ continue; } // List FLAGGED messages. elseif($search_box_type == "FLAGGED" && !trim($header->Flagged)){ continue; } if($sort_box_type=='SORTFROM') { if (($header->from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $header->from[0]->host) == $this->email) $from = $header->to; else $from = $header->from; $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($from[0]->personal); if ($tmp[0]->text != "") $sort[$iuid] = $tmp[0]->text; else $sort[$iuid] = $from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $from[0]->host; } else if($sort_box_type=='SORTSUBJECT') { $sort[$iuid] = $header->subject; } else if($sort_box_type=='SORTSIZE') { $sort[$iuid] = $header->Size; } else { $sort[$iuid] = $header->udate; } } natcasesort($sort); if ($sort_box_reverse) $sort = array_reverse($sort,true); } if(!is_array($sort)) $sort = array(); if ($slice_array) $sort = array_slice($sort,$offsetBegin-1,$offsetEnd-($offsetBegin-1),true); return $sort; } function move_search_messages($params){ $params['selected_messages'] = urldecode($params['selected_messages']); $params['new_folder'] = urldecode($params['new_folder']); $params['new_folder_name'] = urldecode($params['new_folder_name']); $sel_msgs = explode(",", $params['selected_messages']); @reset($sel_msgs); $sorted_msgs = array(); foreach($sel_msgs as $idx => $sel_msg) { $sel_msg = explode(";", $sel_msg); if(array_key_exists($sel_msg[0], $sorted_msgs)){ $sorted_msgs[$sel_msg[0]] .= ",".$sel_msg[1]; } else { $sorted_msgs[$sel_msg[0]] = $sel_msg[1]; } } @ksort($sorted_msgs); $last_return = false; foreach($sorted_msgs as $folder => $msgs_number) { $params['msgs_number'] = $msgs_number; $params['folder'] = $folder; if($params['new_folder'] && $folder != $params['new_folder']){ $last_return = $this -> move_messages($params); } elseif(!$params['new_folder'] || $params['delete'] ){ $last_return = $this -> delete_msgs($params); $last_return['deleted'] = true; } } return $last_return; } function move_messages($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $newmailbox = ($params['new_folder']); $newmailbox = mb_convert_encoding($newmailbox, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO_8859-1"); $new_folder_name = $params['new_folder_name']; $msgs_number = $params['msgs_number']; $return = array('msgs_number' => $msgs_number, 'folder' => $folder, 'new_folder_name' => $new_folder_name, 'border_ID' => $params['border_ID'], 'status' => true); //Status foi adicionado para validar as permissoes ACL $error_log_file=$this->server_files_dir."/expressoMail.log"; if($this->enable_log_messages == "True" && strpos($msgs_number,',') != False) error_log(date("D M j G:i:s T Y").": expressoMail, move_messages: " .$this->username." ".$folder."=>".$new_folder_name. " ".$msgs_number."\n", 3, $error_log_file); //Este bloco tem a finalidade de averiguar as permissoes para pastas compartilhadas if (substr($folder,0,4) == 'user'){ $acl = $this->getacltouser($folder); /* * l - lookup (mailbox is visible to LIST/LSUB commands) * r - read (SELECT the mailbox, perform CHECK, FETCH, PARTIAL, SEARCH, COPY from mailbox) * s - keep seen/unseen information across sessions (STORE SEEN flag) * w - write (STORE flags other than SEEN and DELETED) * i - insert (perform APPEND, COPY into mailbox) * p - post (send mail to submission address for mailbox, not enforced by IMAP4 itself) * c - create (CREATE new sub-mailboxes in any implementation-defined hierarchy) * d - delete (STORE DELETED flag, perform EXPUNGE) * a - administer (perform SETACL) */ if (strpos($acl, "d") === false){ $return['status'] = false; return $return; } } //Este bloco tem a finalidade de transformar o CPF das pastas compartilhadas em common name if ($this->preferences['uid2cn']){ if (substr($new_folder_name,0,4) == 'user'){ $this->ldap = new ldap_functions(); $tmp_folder_name = explode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $new_folder_name); $return['new_folder_name'] = array_pop($tmp_folder_name); if( $cn = $this->ldap->uid2cn($return['new_folder_name'])) { $return['new_folder_name'] = $cn; } } } // Caso estejamos no box principal, nao eh necessario pegar a informacao da mensagem anterior. if (($params['get_previous_msg']) && ($params['border_ID'] != 'null') && ($params['border_ID'] != '')) { $return['previous_msg'] = $this->get_info_previous_msg($params); // Fix problem in unserialize function JS. $return['previous_msg']['body'] = str_replace(array('{','}'), array('{','}'), $return['previous_msg']['body']); } $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); if(imap_mail_move($mbox_stream, $msgs_number, $newmailbox, CP_UID)) { imap_expunge($mbox_stream); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $return; }else { if(strstr(imap_last_error(),'Over quota')) { $accountID = $this->email_server['imapAdminUsername']; $pass = $this->email_server['imapAdminPW']; $userID = $this->username; $server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; $mbox = @imap_open("{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}INBOX", $accountID, $pass) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error())))); if(!$mbox) return imap_last_error(); $quota = imap_get_quotaroot($mbox_stream, "INBOX"); if(! imap_set_quota($mbox, "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$userID, 2.1 * $quota['usage'])) { if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); if($mbox) imap_close($mbox); return "move_messages(): Error setting quota for MOVE or DELETE!! ". "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$userID." line ".__LINE__."\n"; } if(imap_mail_move($mbox_stream, $msgs_number, $newmailbox, CP_UID)) { imap_expunge($mbox_stream); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); // return to original quota limit. if(!imap_set_quota($mbox, "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$userID, $quota['limit'])) { if($mbox) imap_close($mbox); return "move_messages(): Error setting quota for MOVE or DELETE!! line ".__LINE__."\n"; } return $return; } else { if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); if(!imap_set_quota($mbox, "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$userID, $quota['limit'])) { if($mbox) imap_close($mbox); return "move_messages(): Error setting quota for MOVE or DELETE!! line ".__LINE__."\n"; } return imap_last_error(); } } else { if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return "move_messages() line ".__LINE__.": ". imap_last_error()." folder:".$newmailbox; } } } function save_msg($params) { include_once("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); // Set lang for PHPMailer using user prefs. list($prefix,$userlang) = explode('-',$this->lang); $mail->SetLanguage($userlang,dirname( __FILE__ )."/../setup/"); include_once(""); $toaddress = $params['input_to']; $ccaddress = $params['input_cc']; $ccoaddress = $params['input_cco']; $subject = $params['input_subject']; $msg_uid = $params['msg_id']; $body = $params['body']; $body = str_replace("%nbsp;"," ",$params['body']); $body = preg_replace("/\n/"," ",$body); $body = preg_replace("/\r/","",$body); $forwarding_attachments = $params['forwarding_attachments']; $attachments = $params['FILES']; $return_files = $params['FILES']; $folder = $params['folder']; $folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO_8859-1"); // Fix problem with cyrus delimiter changes. // Dots in names: enabled/disabled. $folder = @eregi_replace("INBOX/", "INBOX".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $folder); $folder = @eregi_replace("INBOX.", "INBOX".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'], $folder); // End Fix. if(strtoupper($folder) == 'INBOX/DRAFTS') { $mail->SaveMessageAsDraft = $folder; } $mail->SaveMessageInFolder = $folder; $mail->SMTPDebug = false; $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $this->email_server['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $this->email_server['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $this->email; $mail->FromName = $this->fullname; $mail->Sender = $mail->From; $mail->SenderName = $mail->FromName; $mail->FromName = $this->fullname; $mail->From = $this->email; $session_id = $this->session_id; $max_resolution = $this->preferences['image_size']; $this->add_recipients("to", $toaddress, &$mail); $this->add_recipients("cc", $ccaddress, &$mail); $this->add_recipients("cco", $ccoaddress, &$mail); $mail->Subject = $subject; $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = $body; $return_forward = $this->buildEmbeddedImages($mail,$msg_uid,$forwarding_attachments); // Build Forwarding Attachments!!! if (count($forwarding_attachments) > 0) { foreach($forwarding_attachments as $forwarding_attachment) { $file_description = unserialize(rawurldecode($forwarding_attachment)); $tmp = array_values($file_description); foreach($file_description as $i => $descriptor){ $tmp[$i] = eregi_replace('\'*\'','',$descriptor); } $file_description = $tmp; $fileContent = $this->get_forwarding_attachment($file_description[0], $file_description[1], $file_description[3],$file_description[4]); $fileName = $file_description[2]; $file_description[5] = strlen($fileContent); //Size of file $return_forward[] = $file_description; $mail->AddStringAttachment($fileContent, $fileName, $file_description[4], $this->get_file_type($file_description[2])); } } if ((count($return_forward) > 0) && (count($return_files) > 0)) $return_files = array_merge_recursive($return_forward,$return_files); else if (count($return_files) < 1) $return_files = $return_forward; // Build Uploading Attachments!!! $sizeof_attachments = count($attachments); if ($sizeof_attachments) foreach ($attachments as $numb => $attach){ if ($numb == ($sizeof_attachments-1) && $params['insertImg'] == 'true'){ // Auto-resize image list($width, $height,$image_type) = getimagesize($attach['tmp_name']); switch ($image_type) { // Do not corrupt animated gif //case 1: $image_big = imagecreatefromgif($attach['tmp_name']);break; case 2: $image_big = imagecreatefromjpeg($attach['tmp_name']); break; case 3: $image_big = imagecreatefrompng($attach['tmp_name']); break; case 6: require_once("gd_functions.php"); $image_big = imagecreatefrombmp($attach['tmp_name']); break; default: $mail->AddAttachment($attach['tmp_name'], $attach['name'], "base64", $this->get_file_type($attach['name'])); break; } header('Content-type: image/jpeg'); $max_resolution = ($max_resolution==""?'65536':$max_resolution); if ($width < $max_resolution && $height < $max_resolution){ $new_width = $width; $new_height = $height; } else if ($width > $max_resolution){ $new_width = $max_resolution; $new_height = $height*($new_width/$width); } else { $new_height = $max_resolution; $new_width = $width*($new_height/$height); } $image_new = imagecreatetruecolor($new_width, $new_height); imagecopyresampled($image_new, $image_big, 0, 0, 0, 0, $new_width, $new_height, $width, $height); $tmpDir = ini_get("session.save_path"); $_file = "/cidimage_".$session_id.".dat"; imagejpeg($image_new,$tmpDir.$_file, 85); $mail->AddAttachment($tmpDir.$_file, $attach['name'], "base64", $this->get_file_type($tmpDir.$_file)); } else $mail->AddAttachment($attach['tmp_name'], $attach['name'], "base64", $this->get_file_type($attach['name'])); // optional name } if(!empty($mail->AltBody)) $mail->ContentType = "multipart/alternative"; $mail->error_count = 0; // reset errors $mail->SetMessageType(); $header = $mail->CreateHeader(); $body = $mail->CreateBody(); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $new_header = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $header); $new_body = str_replace("\n", "\r\n", $body); $return['append'] = imap_append($mbox_stream, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort']."}".$folder, $new_header . $new_body, "\\Seen \\Draft"); $status = imap_status($mbox_stream, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort']."}".$folder, SA_UIDNEXT); $return['msg_no'] = $status->uidnext - 1; $return['folder_id'] = $folder; if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); if (is_array($return_files)) foreach ($return_files as $index => $_attachment) { if (array_key_exists("name",$_attachment)){ unset($return_files[$index]); $return_files[$index] = $_attachment['name']."_SIZE_".$return_files[$index][1] = $_attachment['size']; } else { unset($return_files[$index]); $return_files[$index] = $_attachment[2]."_SIZE_". $return_files[$index][1] = $_attachment[5]; } } $return['files'] = serialize($return_files); $return["subject"] = $subject; if (!$return['append']) $return['append'] = imap_last_error(); return $return; } function set_messages_flag($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $msgs_to_set = $params['msgs_to_set']; $flag = $params['flag']; $return = array(); $return["msgs_to_set"] = $msgs_to_set; $return["flag"] = $flag; if(!$this->mbox && !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder); if ($flag == "unseen") $return["status"] = imap_clearflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Seen", ST_UID); elseif ($flag == "seen") $return["status"] = imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Seen", ST_UID); elseif ($flag == "answered"){ $return["status"] = imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Answered", ST_UID); imap_clearflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Draft", ST_UID); } elseif ($flag == "forwarded") $return["status"] = imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Answered \\Draft", ST_UID); elseif ($flag == "flagged") $return["status"] = imap_setflag_full($this->mbox, $msgs_to_set, "\\Flagged", ST_UID); elseif ($flag == "unflagged") { $flag_importance = false; $msgs_number = explode(",",$msgs_to_set); $unflagged_msgs = ""; foreach($msgs_number as $msg_number) { preg_match('/importance *: *(.*)\r/i', imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)) ,$importance); if(strtolower($importance[1])=="high" && $this->preferences['use_important_flag']) { $flag_importance=true; } else { $unflagged_msgs.=$msg_number.","; } } if($unflagged_msgs!="") { imap_clearflag_full($this->mbox,substr($unflagged_msgs,0,strlen($unflagged_msgs)-1), "\\Flagged", ST_UID); $return["msgs_unflageds"] = substr($unflagged_msgs,0,strlen($unflagged_msgs)-1); } else { $return["msgs_unflageds"] = false; } if($flag_importance && $this->preferences['use_important_flag']) { $return["status"] = false; $return["msg"] = $this->functions->getLang("At least one of selected message cant be marked as normal"); } else { $return["status"] = true; } } if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox)) imap_close($this->mbox); return $return; } function get_file_type($file_name) { $file_name = strtolower($file_name); $strFileType = strrev(substr(strrev($file_name),0,4)); if ($strFileType == ".asf") return "video/x-ms-asf"; if ($strFileType == ".avi") return "video/avi"; if ($strFileType == ".doc") return "application/msword"; if ($strFileType == ".zip") return "application/zip"; if ($strFileType == ".xls") return "application/"; if ($strFileType == ".gif") return "image/gif"; if ($strFileType == ".jpg" || $strFileType == "jpeg") return "image/jpeg"; if ($strFileType == ".png") return "image/png"; if ($strFileType == ".wav") return "audio/wav"; if ($strFileType == ".mp3") return "audio/mpeg3"; if ($strFileType == ".mpg" || $strFileType == "mpeg") return "video/mpeg"; if ($strFileType == ".rtf") return "application/rtf"; if ($strFileType == ".htm" || $strFileType == "html") return "text/html"; if ($strFileType == ".xml") return "text/xml"; if ($strFileType == ".xsl") return "text/xsl"; if ($strFileType == ".css") return "text/css"; if ($strFileType == ".php") return "text/php"; if ($strFileType == ".asp") return "text/asp"; if ($strFileType == ".pdf") return "application/pdf"; if ($strFileType == ".txt") return "text/plain"; if ($strFileType == ".wmv") return "video/x-ms-wmv"; if ($strFileType == ".sxc") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc"; if ($strFileType == ".stc") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.calc.template"; if ($strFileType == ".sxd") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw"; if ($strFileType == ".std") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.draw.template"; if ($strFileType == ".sxi") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress"; if ($strFileType == ".sti") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.impress.template"; if ($strFileType == ".sxm") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.math"; if ($strFileType == ".sxw") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer"; if ($strFileType == ".sxq") return "application/"; if ($strFileType == ".stw") return "application/vnd.sun.xml.writer.template"; return "application/octet-stream"; } function htmlspecialchars_encode($str) { return str_replace( array('&', '"','\'','<','>','{','}'), array('&','"',''','<','>','{','}'), $str); } function htmlspecialchars_decode($str) { return str_replace( array('&','"',''','<','>','{','}'), array('&', '"','\'','<','>','{','}'), $str); } function get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$offsetBegin = 0,$offsetEnd = 0) { if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder); return $this->messages_sort($sort_box_type,$sort_box_reverse, $search_box_type,$offsetBegin,$offsetEnd); } function get_info_next_msg($params) { $msg_number = $params['msg_number']; $folder = $params['msg_folder']; $sort_box_type = $params['sort_box_type']; $sort_box_reverse = $params['sort_box_reverse']; $reuse_border = $params['reuse_border']; $search_box_type = $params['search_box_type'] != "ALL" && $params['search_box_type'] != "" ? $params['search_box_type'] : false; $sort_array_msg = $this -> get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse); $success = false; if (is_array($sort_array_msg)) { foreach ($sort_array_msg as $i => $value){ if ($value == $msg_number) { $success = true; break; } } } if (! $success || $i >= sizeof($sort_array_msg)-1) { $params['status'] = 'false'; $params['delete_border'] = $reuse_border; return $params; } $params = array(); $params['msg_number'] = $sort_array_msg[($i+1)]; $params['msg_folder'] = $folder; $return = $this->get_info_msg($params); $return["reuse_border"] = $reuse_border; return $return; } function get_info_previous_msg($params) { $msg_number = $params['msgs_number']; $folder = $params['folder']; $sort_box_type = $params['sort_box_type']; $sort_box_reverse = $params['sort_box_reverse']; $reuse_border = $params['reuse_border']; $search_box_type = $params['search_box_type'] != "ALL" && $params['search_box_type'] != "" ? $params['search_box_type'] : false; $sort_array_msg = $this -> get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse); $success = false; if (is_array($sort_array_msg)) { foreach ($sort_array_msg as $i => $value){ if ($value == $msg_number) { $success = true; break; } } } if (! $success || $i == 0) { $params['status'] = 'false'; $params['delete_border'] = $reuse_border; return $params; } $params = array(); $params['msg_number'] = $sort_array_msg[($i-1)]; $params['msg_folder'] = $folder; $return = $this->get_info_msg($params); $return["reuse_border"] = $reuse_border; return $return; } // This function updates the values: quota, paging and new messages menu. function get_menu_values($params){ $return_array = array(); $return_array = $this->get_quota($params); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($params['folder']); $return_array['num_msgs'] = imap_num_msg($mbox_stream); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $return_array; } function get_quota($params){ // folder_id = user/{uid} for shared folders if(substr($params['folder_id'],0,5) != 'INBOX' && preg_match('/user\\'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'/i', $params['folder_id'])){ $array_folder = explode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'],$params['folder_id']); $folder_id = "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$array_folder[1]; } // folder_id = INBOX for inbox folders else $folder_id = "INBOX"; if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox(); $quota = imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $folder_id); if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox)) imap_close($this->mbox); if (!$quota){ return array( 'quota_percent' => 0, 'quota_used' => 0, 'quota_limit' => 0 ); } if(count($quota) && $quota['limit']) { $quota_limit = $quota['limit']; $quota_used = $quota['usage']; if($quota_used >= $quota_limit) { $quotaPercent = 100; } else { $quotaPercent = ($quota_used / $quota_limit)*100; $quotaPercent = (($quotaPercent)* 100 + .5 )* .01; } return array( 'quota_percent' => floor($quotaPercent), 'quota_used' => $quota_used, 'quota_limit' => $quota_limit ); } else return array(); } function send_notification($params){ require_once("class.phpmailer.php"); $mail = new PHPMailer(); // Set lang for PHPMailer using user prefs. list($prefix,$userlang) = explode('-',$this->lang); $mail->SetLanguage($userlang,dirname( __FILE__ )."/../setup/"); $toaddress = $params['notificationto']; $subject = 'Confirmação de leitura: ' . $params['subject']; $body = 'Sua mensagem: ' . $params['subject'] . '
'; $body .= 'foi lida por: ' . $this->fullname . ' <' . $this->email . '> em ' . date("d/m/Y H:i"); $mail->SMTPDebug = false; $mail->IsSMTP(); $mail->Host = $this->email_server['smtpServer']; $mail->Port = $this->email_server['smtpPort']; $mail->From = $this->email; $mail->FromName = $this->fullname; $mail->AddAddress($toaddress); $mail->Subject = $this->htmlspecialchars_decode($subject); $mail->IsHTML(true); $mail->Body = $body; if(!$mail->Send()){ return $mail->ErrorInfo; } else return true; } function empty_folder($params) { $folder = 'INBOX' . $this->email_server['imapDelimiter ']. $this->email_server[$params['clean_folder']]; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $return = imap_delete($mbox_stream,'1:*'); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE); return $return; } function search($params) { include(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); $criteria = $params['criteria']; $return = array(); $folders = $this->get_folders_list(); $j = 0; foreach($folders as $folder) { $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $messages = imap_search($mbox_stream, $criteria, SE_UID); if ($messages == '') continue; $i = 0; $return[$j] = array(); $return[$j]['folder_name'] = $folder['name']; foreach($messages as $msg_number) { $header = $this->get_header($msg_number); if (!is_object($header)) return false; $return[$j][$i]['msg_folder'] = $folder['name']; $return[$j][$i]['msg_number'] = $msg_number; $return[$j][$i]['Recent'] = $header->Recent; $return[$j][$i]['Unseen'] = $header->Unseen; $return[$j][$i]['Answered'] = $header->Answered; $return[$j][$i]['Deleted'] = $header->Deleted; $return[$j][$i]['Draft'] = $header->Draft; $return[$j][$i]['Flagged'] = $header->Flagged; $date_msg = gmdate("d/m/Y",$header->udate); if (gmdate("d/m/Y") == $date_msg) $return[$j][$i]['udate'] = gmdate("H:i",$header->udate); else $return[$j][$i]['udate'] = $date_msg; $fromaddress = imap_mime_header_decode($header->fromaddress); $return[$j][$i]['fromaddress'] = ''; foreach ($fromaddress as $tmp) $return[$j][$i]['fromaddress'] .= $this->replace_maior_menor($tmp->text); $from = $header->from; $return[$j][$i]['from'] = array(); $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($from[0]->personal); $return[$j][$i]['from']['name'] = $tmp[0]->text; $return[$j][$i]['from']['email'] = $from[0]->mailbox . "@" . $from[0]->host; $return[$j][$i]['from']['full'] ='"' . $return[$j][$i]['from']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return[$j][$i]['from']['email'] . '>'; $to = $header->to; $return[$j][$i]['to'] = array(); $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($to[0]->personal); $return[$j][$i]['to']['name'] = $tmp[0]->text; $return[$j][$i]['to']['email'] = $to[0]->mailbox . "@" . $to[0]->host; $return[$j][$i]['to']['full'] ='"' . $return[$i]['to']['name'] . '" ' . '<' . $return[$i]['to']['email'] . '>'; $subject = imap_mime_header_decode($header->fetchsubject); $return[$j][$i]['subject'] = ''; foreach ($subject as $tmp) $return[$j][$i]['subject'] .= $tmp->text; $return[$j][$i]['Size'] = $header->Size; $return[$j][$i]['reply_toaddress'] = $header->reply_toaddress; $return[$j][$i]['attachment'] = array(); $return[$j][$i]['attachment'] = $imap_attachment->get_attachment_headerinfo($mbox_stream, $msg_number); $i++; } $j++; if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); } return $return; } function mobile_search($params) { include(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); $criterias = array ("TO","SUBJECT","FROM","CC"); $return = array(); $folders = $this->get_folders_list(); $num_msgs = 0; foreach($folders as $id =>$folder) { if(strpos($folder['folder_id'],'user')===false && is_array($folder)) { foreach($criterias as $criteria_fixed) { $_filter = $criteria_fixed . ' "'.$params['filter'].'"'; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder['folder_name']); $messages = imap_search($mbox_stream, $_filter, SE_UID); if ($messages == ''){ if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); continue; } foreach($messages as $msg_number) { $temp = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); if(!$temp) return false; $return[$num_msgs] = $temp; $num_msgs++; } $return['num_msgs'] = $num_msgs; if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); } } } return $return; } function delete_and_show_previous_message($params) { $return = $this->get_info_previous_msg($params); $params_tmp1 = array(); $params_tmp1['msgs_to_delete'] = $params['msg_number']; $params_tmp1['folder'] = $params['msg_folder']; $return_tmp1 = $this->delete_msg($params_tmp1); $return['msg_number_deleted'] = $return_tmp1; return $return; } function automatic_trash_cleanness($params) { $before_date = date("m/d/Y", strtotime("-".$params['before_date']." day")); $criteria = 'BEFORE "'.$before_date.'"'; $trash_folder = $this->email_server['imapDefaultTrashFolder']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox('INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$trash_folder); $messages = imap_search($mbox_stream, $criteria, SE_UID); if (is_array($messages)){ foreach ($messages as $msg_number){ imap_delete($mbox_stream, $msg_number, FT_UID); } } if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE); return $messages; } // Fix the search problem with special characters!!!! function remove_accents($string) { return strtr($string, "?Ó??ó?Ý?úÁÀÃÂÄÇÉÈÊËÍÌ?ÎÏÑÕÔÓÒÖÚÙ?ÛÜ?áàãâäçéèêëíì?îïñóòõôöúù?ûüýÿ", "SOZsozYYuAAAAACEEEEIIIIINOOOOOUUUUUsaaaaaceeeeiiiiinooooouuuuuyy"); } function make_search_date($date){ $months = array( 1 => 'jan', 2 => 'feb', 3 => 'mar', 4 => 'apr', 5 => 'may', 6 => 'jun', 7 => 'jul', 8 => 'aug', 9 => 'sep', 10 => 'oct', 11 => 'nov', 12 => 'dec' ); //TODO: Adaptar a data de acordo com o locale do sistema. list($day,$month,$year) = explode("/", $date); $search_date = $day."-".$months[intval($month)]."-".$year; return $search_date; } function search_msg($params = ''){ $mbox_stream = ""; if(strpos($params['condition'],"#")===false) { //local messages $search=false; } else { $search = explode(",",$params['condition']); } if($search){ $search_criteria = ''; $search_result_number = $this->preferences['search_result_number']; foreach($search as $tmp) { $tmp1 = explode("##",$tmp); $sum = 0; $name_box = $tmp1[0]; unset($filter); foreach($tmp1 as $index => $criteria) { if ($index != 0 && strlen($criteria) != 0) { $filter_array = explode("<=>",rawurldecode($criteria)); $filter .= " ".$filter_array[0]; if (strlen($filter_array[1]) != 0){ if (trim($filter_array[0]) != 'BEFORE' && trim($filter_array[0]) != 'SINCE' && trim($filter_array[0]) != 'ON') { $filter .= '"'.$filter_array[1].'"'; } else { $filter .= '"'.$this->make_search_date($filter_array[1]).'"'; } } } } $name_box = mb_convert_encoding(utf8_decode($name_box), "UTF7-IMAP", "ISO_8859-1" ); $filter = $this->remove_accents($filter); //Este bloco tem a finalidade de transformar o login (quando numerico) das pastas compartilhadas em common name if ($this->preferences['uid2cn'] && substr($name_box,0,4) == 'user') { $folder_name = explode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'],$name_box); $this->ldap = new ldap_functions(); if ($cn = $this->ldap->uid2cn($folder_name[1])) { $folder_name[1] = $cn; } $folder_name = implode($this->email_server['imapDelimiter'],$folder_name); } else { $folder_name = mb_convert_encoding(utf8_decode($name_box), "UTF7-IMAP", "ISO_8859-1" ); } if(!is_resource($mbox_stream)) { $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($name_box); } else { imap_reopen($mbox_stream, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}".$name_box); } if (preg_match("/^.?\bALL\b/", $filter)) { // Quick Search, note: this ALL isn't the same ALL from imap_search $all_criterias = array ("TO","SUBJECT","FROM","CC"); foreach($all_criterias as $criteria_fixed) { $_filter = $criteria_fixed . substr($filter,4); $search_criteria = imap_search($mbox_stream, $_filter, SE_UID); if($search_criteria) //&& count($search_criteria) < 50) { foreach($search_criteria as $new_search) { if ($search_result_number != '65536' && $sum == $search_result_number) { return $retorno['sum'] = $sum; } $elem = $this->get_msg_detail($new_search,$name_box,$mbox_stream); $elem['boxname'] = mb_convert_encoding( $name_box, "ISO_8859-1", "UTF7-IMAP" ); $elem['uid'] = $new_search; $retorno[] = $elem; $sum ++; } } } } else { $search_criteria = imap_search($mbox_stream, $filter, SE_UID); if( is_array( $search_criteria) ) { foreach($search_criteria as $new_search) { if ($search_result_number != '65536' && $sum == $search_result_number) { return $retorno['sum'] = $sum; } $elem = $this->get_msg_detail($new_search,$name_box,$mbox_stream); $elem['boxname'] = mb_convert_encoding( $name_box, "ISO_8859-1", "UTF7-IMAP" ); $elem['uid'] = $new_search; $retorno[] = $elem; $sum++; } } } } } if($mbox_stream) { imap_close($mbox_stream); } if ($retorno) { return $retorno; } else { return 'none'; } } function get_msg_detail($uid_msg,$name_box, $mbox_stream ) { $header = $this->get_header($uid_msg); require_once(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); $attachments = $imap_attachment->get_attachment_headerinfo($mbox_stream, $uid_msg); $attachments = $attachments['number_attachments'] > 0?"T".$attachments['number_attachments']:""; $flag = $header->Unseen .$header->Recent .$header->Flagged .$header->Draft .$header->Answered .$header->Deleted .$attachments; $subject = $this->decode_string($header->fetchsubject); $from = $header->from[0]->mailbox; if($header->from[0]->personal != "") $from = $header->from[0]->personal; $ret_msg['from'] = $this->decode_string($from); $ret_msg['subject'] = $subject; $ret_msg['udate'] = $header ->udate; $ret_msg['size'] = $header->Size; $ret_msg['flag'] = $flag; return $ret_msg; } function ob_array($the_object) { $the_array=array(); if(!is_scalar($the_object)) { foreach($the_object as $id => $object) { if(is_scalar($object)) { $the_array[$id]=$object; } else { $the_array[$id]=$this->ob_array($object); } } return $the_array; } else { return $the_object; } } function getacl() { $this->ldap = new ldap_functions(); $return = array(); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $mbox_acl = imap_getacl($mbox_stream, 'INBOX'); $i = 0; foreach ($mbox_acl as $user => $acl) { if ($user != $this->username) { $return[$i]['uid'] = $user; $return[$i]['cn'] = $this->ldap->uid2cn($user); } $i++; } return $return; } function setacl($params) { $old_users = $this->getacl(); if (!count($old_users)) $old_users = array(); $tmp_array = array(); foreach ($old_users as $index => $user_info) { $tmp_array[$index] = $user_info['uid']; } $old_users = $tmp_array; $users = unserialize($params['users']); if (!count($users)) $users = array(); //$add_share = array_diff($users, $old_users); $remove_share = array_diff($old_users, $users); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $serverString = "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}"; $mailboxes_list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox_stream, $serverString, "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->username."*"); /*if (count($add_share)) { foreach ($add_share as $index=>$uid) { if (is_array($mailboxes_list)) { foreach ($mailboxes_list as $key => $val) { $folder = str_replace($serverString, "", imap_utf7_decode($val->name)); imap_setacl ($mbox_stream, $folder, "$uid", "lrswipcda"); } } } }*/ if (count($remove_share)) { foreach ($remove_share as $index=>$uid) { if (is_array($mailboxes_list)) { foreach ($mailboxes_list as $key => $val) { $folder = str_replace($serverString, "", imap_utf7_decode($val->name)); imap_setacl ($mbox_stream, $folder, "$uid", ""); } } } } return true; } function getaclfromuser($params) { $useracl = $params['user']; $return = array(); $return[$useracl] = 'false'; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $mbox_acl = imap_getacl($mbox_stream, 'INBOX'); foreach ($mbox_acl as $user => $acl) { if (($user != $this->username) && ($user == $useracl)) { $return[$user] = $acl; } } return $return; } function getacltouser($user) { $return = array(); $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); //Alterado, antes era 'imap_getacl($mbox_stream, 'user'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$user); //Afim de tratar as pastas compartilhadas, verificandos as permissoes de operacao sobre as mesmas //No caso de se tratar da caixa do proprio usuario logado, utiliza a sintaxe abaixo if(substr($user,0,4) != 'user') $mbox_acl = imap_getacl($mbox_stream, 'user'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$user); else $mbox_acl = imap_getacl($mbox_stream, $user); return $mbox_acl[$this->username]; } function setaclfromuser($params) { $user = $params['user']; $acl = $params['acl']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox(); $serverString = "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort'].$this->imap_options."}"; $mailboxes_list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox_stream, $serverString, "user".$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->username."*"); if (is_array($mailboxes_list)) { foreach ($mailboxes_list as $key => $val) { $folder = str_replace($serverString, "", imap_utf7_encode($val->name)); $folder = str_replace("&-", "&", $folder); if (!imap_setacl ($mbox_stream, $folder, $user, $acl)) { $return = imap_last_error(); } } } if (isset($return)) return $return; else return true; } function download_attachment($msg,$msgno) { $array_parts_attachments = array(); $array_parts_attachments['names'] = ''; include_once(""); $imap_attachment = new imap_attachment(); if (count($msg->fname[$msgno]) > 0) { $i = 0; foreach ($msg->fname[$msgno] as $index=>$fname) { $array_parts_attachments[$i]['pid'] = $msg->pid[$msgno][$index]; $array_parts_attachments[$i]['name'] = $imap_attachment->flat_mime_decode($this->decode_string($fname)); $array_parts_attachments[$i]['name'] = $array_parts_attachments[$i]['name'] ? $array_parts_attachments[$i]['name'] : "attachment.bin"; $array_parts_attachments[$i]['encoding'] = $msg->encoding[$msgno][$index]; $array_parts_attachments['names'] .= $array_parts_attachments[$i]['name'] . ', '; $array_parts_attachments[$i]['fsize'] = $msg->fsize[$msgno][$index]; $i++; } } $array_parts_attachments['names'] = substr($array_parts_attachments['names'],0,(strlen($array_parts_attachments['names']) - 2)); return $array_parts_attachments; } function spam($params) { $is_spam = $params['spam']; $folder = $params['folder']; $mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder); $msgs_number = explode(',',$params['msgs_number']); foreach($msgs_number as $msg_number) { $imap_msg_number = imap_msgno($mbox_stream, $msg_number); $header = imap_fetchheader($mbox_stream, $imap_msg_number); $body = imap_body($mbox_stream, $imap_msg_number); $msg = $header . $body; $email = $this->email; $username = $this->username; strtok($email, '@'); $domain = strtok('@'); //Encontrar a assinatura do dspam no cabecalho $v = explode("\r\n", $header); foreach ($v as $linha){ if (eregi("^Message-ID", $linha)) { $args = explode(" ", $linha); $msg_id = "'$args[1]'"; } elseif (eregi("^X-DSPAM-Signature", $linha)) { $args = explode(" ",$linha); $signature = $args[1]; } } // Seleciona qual comando a ser executado switch($is_spam){ case 'true': $cmd = $this->command_for_spam; break; case 'false': $cmd = $this->command_for_ham; break; } $tags = array('##EMAIL##', '##USERNAME##', '##DOMAIN##', '##SIGNATURE##', '##MSGID##'); $cmd = str_replace($tags, array($email, $username, $domain, $signature, $msg_id), $cmd); system($cmd); } imap_close($mbox_stream); return false; } function get_header($msg_number){ $header = @imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number), 80, 255); if (!is_object($header)) return false; // Prepare udate from mailDate (DateTime arrived with TZ) for fixing summertime problem. $header->udate_original = $header->udate; $pdate = date_parse($header->MailDate); $header->udate += $pdate['zone']*(-60); if($header->Flagged != "F" && $this->preferences['use_important_flag']) { $flag = preg_match('/importance *: *(.*)\r/i', imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number)) ,$importance); $header->Flagged = $flag==0?false:strtolower($importance[1])=="high"?"F":false; } return $header; } //Por Bruno Costa( - Insere emails no imap a partir do fonte do mesmo. Se o argumento timestamp for passado ele utiliza do script python ///expressoMail1_2/ para inserir uma msg com o horário correto pois isso não é porssível com a função imap_append do php. function insert_email($source,$folder,$timestamp){ $username = $this->username; $password = $this->password; $imap_server = $this->email_server['imapServer']; $imap_port = $this->email_server['imapPort']; $imap_options = '/notls/novalidate-cert'; $mbox_stream = imap_open("{".$imap_server.":".$imap_port.$imap_options."}".$folder, $username, $password); if(imap_last_error()) { imap_createmailbox($mbox_stream,imap_utf7_encode("{".$imap_server."}".$folder)); } if($timestamp){ $tempDir = ini_get("session.save_path"); $file = $tempDir."imap_".$this->session_id; $f = fopen($file,"w"); fputs($f,base64_encode($source)); fclose($f); $command = "python ".$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']."/expressoMail1_2/ ".escapeshellarg($imap_server)." ".escapeshellarg($imap_port)." ".escapeshellarg($username)." ".escapeshellarg($password)." ".escapeshellarg($timestamp)." ".escapeshellarg($folder)." ".escapeshellarg($file); $return['command']=exec(escapeshellcmd($command)); }else{ $return['append'] = imap_append($mbox_stream, "{".$imap_server.":".$imap_port."}".$folder, $source, "\\Seen"); } $status = imap_status($mbox_stream, "{".$this->email_server['imapServer'].":".$this->email_server['imapPort']."}".$folder, SA_UIDNEXT); $return['msg_no'] = $status->uidnext - 1; $return['error'] = imap_last_error(); if($mbox_stream) imap_close($mbox_stream); return $return; } function show_decript($params){ $source = $params['source']; //error_log("source: $source\nversao: " . PHP_VERSION, 3, '/tmp/teste.log'); $source = str_replace(" ", "+", $source,$i); if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.2.0', '>=')){ if(!$source = base64_decode($source,true)) return "error ".$source."Espaços ".$i; } else { if(!$source = base64_decode($source)) return "error ".$source."Espaços ".$i; } $insert = $this->insert_email($source,'INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'decifradas'); $get['msg_number'] = $insert['msg_no']; $get['msg_folder'] = 'INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'decifradas'; $return = $this->get_info_msg($get); $get['msg_number'] = $params['ID']; $get['msg_folder'] = $params['folder']; $tmp = $this->get_info_msg($get); if(!$tmp['status_get_msg_info']) { $return['msg_day']=$tmp['msg_day']; $return['msg_hour']=$tmp['msg_hour']; $return['fulldate']=$tmp['fulldate']; $return['smalldate']=$tmp['smalldate']; } else { $return['msg_day']=''; $return['msg_hour']=''; $return['fulldate']=''; $return['smalldate']=''; } $return['msg_no'] =$insert['msg_no']; $return['error'] = $insert['error']; $return['folder'] = $params['folder']; return $return; } //Por Bruno Costa( - Trata fontes de emails enviados via POST para o servidor por um xmlhttprequest, as partes codificados com //Base64 os "+" são substituidos por " " no envio e essa função arruma esse efeito. function treat_base64_from_post($source){ $offset = 0; do { if($inicio = strpos($source, 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64', $offset)) { $inicio = strpos($source, "\n\r", $inicio); $fim = strpos($source, '--', $inicio); if(!$fim) $fim = strpos($source,"\n\r", $inicio); $length = $fim-$inicio; $parte = substr( $source,$inicio,$length-1); $parte = str_replace(" ", "+", $parte); $source = substr_replace($source, $parte, $inicio, $length-1); } if($offset > $inicio) $offset=FALSE; else $offset = $inicio; } while($offset); return $source; } //Por Bruno Costa( - Recebe os fontes dos emails a serem desarquivados, separa e envia cada um para função insert_mail. function unarchive_mail($params) { $dest_folder = $params['folder']; $sources = explode("#@#@#@",$params['source']); $timestamps = explode("#@#@#@",$params['timestamp']); foreach($sources as $index=>$src) { if($src!=""){ $source = $this->treat_base64_from_post($src); $insert = $this->insert_email($source,$dest_folder,$timestamps[$index]); } } return $insert; } function download_all_local_attachments($params) { $source = $params['source']; $source = $this->treat_base64_from_post($source); $insert = $this->insert_email($source,'INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'decifradas'); $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $params['num_msg']=$insert['msg_no']; $params['folder']='INBOX'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'decifradas'; return $exporteml->download_all_attachments($params); } function get_quota_folders(){ // Additional Imap Class for not-implemented functions into PHP-IMAP extension. include_once(""); $imapfp = new imapfp(); if(!$imapfp->open($this->email_server['imapServer'],$this->email_server['imapPort'])) return $imapfp->get_error(); if (!$imapfp->login( $this->username,$this->password )) return $imapfp->get_error(); $response_array = $imapfp->get_mailboxes_size(); if ($imapfp->error) return $imapfp->get_error(); $data = array(); $quota_root = $this->get_quota(array('folder_id' => "INBOX")); $data["quota_root"] = $quota_root; foreach ($response_array as $idx=>$line) { $line2 = str_replace('"', "", $line); $line2 = str_replace(" /vendor/cmu/cyrus-imapd/size (value.shared ",";",str_replace("* ANNOTATION ","",$line2)); list($folder,$size) = explode(";",$line2); $size = str_replace(")","",$size); $quotaPercent = (($size / 1048576) / $data["quota_root"]["quota_limit"])*100; if ($size < 1048576 && $size > 1024) $quota_used = round($size / 1024, 0).' Kb'; else if($size > 1024) $quota_used = round($size / (1024*1024), 1).' Mb'; else $quota_used = $size." b"; $folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "ISO_8859-1", "UTF7-IMAP"); if(!preg_match('/user\\'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->username.'\\'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'/i',$folder)){ $folder = $this->functions->getLang("Inbox"); } else $folder = preg_replace('/user\\'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].$this->username.'\\'.$this->email_server['imapDelimiter'].'/i','', $folder); $data[$folder] = array("quota_percent" => sprintf("%.1f",round($quotaPercent,1)), "quota_used" => $quota_used); } $imapfp->close(); return $data; } } ?>