-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
-- Name: plpgsql; Type: PROCEDURAL LANGUAGE; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
-- Name: share_catalog_delete(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION share_catalog_delete() RETURNS trigger
AS $$ begin if old.acl_appname = 'contactcenter' and old.acl_location <> 'run' then delete from phpgw_cc_contact_rels where id_contact=old.acl_location::bigint and id_related=old.acl_account and id_typeof_contact_relation=1; end if; return new; end;$$
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
ALTER FUNCTION public.share_catalog_delete() OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: share_catalog_insert(); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE FUNCTION share_catalog_insert() RETURNS trigger
AS $$ begin if new.acl_appname = 'contactcenter' and new.acl_location <> 'run' then insert into phpgw_cc_contact_rels (id_contact,id_related,id_typeof_contact_relation) values (new.acl_location::integer,new.acl_account,1); end if; return new; end;$$
LANGUAGE plpgsql;
ALTER FUNCTION public.share_catalog_insert() OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_activities; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_activities
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_activities OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_activities; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_activities', 1, false);
SET default_tablespace = '';
SET default_with_oids = true;
-- Name: egw_wf_activities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_activities (
wf_activity_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_activities'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_name character varying(80),
wf_normalized_name character varying(80),
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_type character varying(25),
wf_is_autorouted character(1),
wf_flow_num integer,
wf_is_interactive character(1),
wf_last_modif integer,
wf_description text,
wf_default_user character varying(200) DEFAULT '*'::character varying,
wf_menu_path character varying(200)
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_activities OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_activity_agents; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_activity_agents (
wf_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_agent_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_agent_type character varying(15) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_activity_agents OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_activity_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_activity_roles (
wf_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_role_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_readonly integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_activity_roles OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_admin_access; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_admin_access (
admin_access_id integer NOT NULL,
tipo character(3) NOT NULL,
numvalue smallint NOT NULL,
nivel integer DEFAULT 0
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_admin_access OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp (
wf_agent_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_to character varying(255) DEFAULT '%roles%'::character varying NOT NULL,
wf_cc character varying(255),
wf_bcc character varying(255),
wf_from character varying(255) DEFAULT '%user%'::character varying,
wf_replyto character varying(255) DEFAULT '%user%'::character varying,
wf_subject character varying(255),
wf_message text,
wf_send_mode integer DEFAULT 0
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_external_application; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_external_application
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_external_application OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_external_application; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_external_application', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_external_application; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_external_application (
external_application_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_external_application'::regclass) NOT NULL,
name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
description text,
image character varying(100),
address character varying(120) NOT NULL,
authentication bit(1),
post text,
intranet_only bit(1)
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_external_application OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_instance_activities; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_instance_activities (
wf_instance_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_started integer NOT NULL,
wf_ended integer,
wf_user character varying(200),
wf_status character varying(25)
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_instance_activities OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_instances; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_instances
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_instances OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_instances; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_instances', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_instances; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_instances (
wf_instance_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_instances'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_started integer,
wf_owner character varying(200),
wf_next_activity bytea,
wf_next_user text,
wf_ended integer,
wf_status character varying(25),
wf_priority integer DEFAULT 0,
wf_properties bytea,
wf_name character varying(120),
wf_category integer
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_instances OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_interinstance_relations; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_interinstance_relations (
wf_parent_instance_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_parent_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_child_instance_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_parent_lock smallint
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_interinstance_relations OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_job_logs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_job_logs (
job_id integer NOT NULL,
date_time timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
result bytea,
status integer
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_job_logs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_jobs; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_jobs
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_jobs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_jobs; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_jobs', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_jobs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_jobs (
job_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_jobs'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_process_id integer NOT NULL,
name character varying(100) NOT NULL,
description text,
time_start timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
interval_value integer,
interval_unity integer,
date_type integer,
week_days integer DEFAULT 0,
month_offset integer DEFAULT 0,
active boolean
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_jobs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_process_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_process_config (
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_config_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
wf_config_value text,
wf_config_value_int integer
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_process_config OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_processes; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_processes
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_processes OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_processes; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_processes', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_processes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_processes (
wf_p_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_processes'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_name character varying(80),
wf_is_valid character(1),
wf_is_active character(1),
wf_version character varying(12),
wf_description text,
wf_last_modif integer,
wf_normalized_name character varying(80)
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_processes OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_roles; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_roles
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_roles OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_roles; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_roles', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_roles (
wf_role_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_roles'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_last_modif integer,
wf_name character varying(80),
wf_description text
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_roles OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_transitions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_transitions (
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_act_from_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_act_to_id integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_transitions OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: egw_wf_user_cache; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_user_cache (
uidnumber integer NOT NULL,
uid character varying(30),
cn character varying(100),
givenname character varying(30),
sn character varying(70),
mail character varying(80),
accountstatus character varying(80),
dn character varying(150),
employeenumber integer,
cpf character varying(15),
telephonenumber character varying(50),
last_update timestamp without time zone DEFAULT now()
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_user_cache OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_user_roles; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_user_roles
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_user_roles OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_user_roles; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_user_roles', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_roles; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_user_roles (
wf_role_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_user_roles'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_p_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_user character varying(200) NOT NULL,
wf_account_type character(1) DEFAULT 'u'::bpchar NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_user_roles OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_workitems; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_egw_wf_workitems
ALTER TABLE public.seq_egw_wf_workitems OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_egw_wf_workitems; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_egw_wf_workitems', 1, false);
-- Name: egw_wf_workitems; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE egw_wf_workitems (
wf_item_id integer DEFAULT nextval('seq_egw_wf_workitems'::regclass) NOT NULL,
wf_instance_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_order_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_properties bytea,
wf_activity_id integer NOT NULL,
wf_started integer,
wf_ended integer,
wf_user character varying(200),
wf_note text,
wf_action text
ALTER TABLE public.egw_wf_workitems OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_access_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_access_log (
sessionid character(32) NOT NULL,
loginid character varying(30) NOT NULL,
ip character varying(30) NOT NULL,
li integer NOT NULL,
lo integer DEFAULT 0,
account_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
browser character varying(200)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_access_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_accounts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_accounts (
account_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_accounts'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
account_lid character varying(25) NOT NULL,
account_pwd character varying(100) NOT NULL,
account_firstname character varying(50),
account_lastname character varying(50),
account_lastlogin integer,
account_lastloginfrom character varying(255),
account_lastpwd_change integer,
account_status character(1) DEFAULT 'A'::bpchar NOT NULL,
account_expires integer,
account_type character(1),
person_id integer,
account_primary_group integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
account_email character varying(100)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_accounts OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_acl; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_acl (
acl_appname character varying(50) NOT NULL,
acl_location character varying(255) NOT NULL,
acl_account integer NOT NULL,
acl_rights integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_acl OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_addressbook (
id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_addressbook'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
lid character varying(32),
tid character(1),
owner bigint,
access character varying(7),
cat_id character varying(32),
fn character varying(64),
n_family character varying(64),
n_given character varying(64),
n_middle character varying(64),
n_prefix character varying(64),
n_suffix character varying(64),
sound character varying(64),
bday character varying(32),
note text,
tz character varying(8),
geo character varying(32),
url character varying(128),
pubkey text,
org_name character varying(64),
org_unit character varying(64),
title character varying(64),
adr_one_street character varying(64),
adr_one_locality character varying(64),
adr_one_region character varying(64),
adr_one_postalcode character varying(64),
adr_one_countryname character varying(64),
adr_one_type character varying(32),
label text,
adr_two_street character varying(64),
adr_two_locality character varying(64),
adr_two_region character varying(64),
adr_two_postalcode character varying(64),
adr_two_countryname character varying(64),
adr_two_type character varying(32),
tel_work character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_home character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_voice character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_fax character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_msg character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_cell character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_pager character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_bbs character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_modem character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_car character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_isdn character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_video character varying(40) DEFAULT '+1 (000) 000-0000'::character varying NOT NULL,
tel_prefer character varying(32),
email character varying(64),
email_type character varying(32) DEFAULT 'INTERNET'::character varying,
email_home character varying(64),
email_home_type character varying(32) DEFAULT 'INTERNET'::character varying,
last_mod bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_addressbook OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook_extra; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_addressbook_extra (
contact_id integer NOT NULL,
contact_owner bigint,
contact_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
contact_value text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_addressbook_extra OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_app_sessions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_app_sessions (
sessionid character varying(128) NOT NULL,
loginid integer NOT NULL,
app character varying(25) NOT NULL,
location character varying(128) NOT NULL,
content text,
session_dla integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_app_sessions OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_applications; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_applications (
app_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_applications'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
app_name character varying(25) NOT NULL,
app_enabled integer NOT NULL,
app_order integer NOT NULL,
app_tables text NOT NULL,
app_version character varying(20) DEFAULT 0.0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_applications OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_async; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_async (
id character varying(255) NOT NULL,
next integer NOT NULL,
times character varying(255) NOT NULL,
method character varying(80) NOT NULL,
data text NOT NULL,
account_id integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_async OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cal; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cal (
cal_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_cal'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
uid character varying(255) NOT NULL,
owner bigint NOT NULL,
category character varying(30),
groups character varying(255),
datetime bigint,
mdatetime bigint,
edatetime bigint,
priority bigint DEFAULT 2 NOT NULL,
cal_type character varying(10),
is_public bigint DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
title character varying(80) DEFAULT 1 NOT NULL,
description text,
location character varying(255),
reference bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
ex_participants text,
last_status character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
last_update bigint DEFAULT (date_part('epoch'::text, ('now'::text)::timestamp(3) with time zone) * (1000)::double precision)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cal OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cal_extra; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cal_extra (
cal_id integer NOT NULL,
cal_extra_name character varying(40) NOT NULL,
cal_extra_value character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cal_extra OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cal_holidays; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cal_holidays (
hol_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_cal_holidays'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
locale character(2) NOT NULL,
name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
mday bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
month_num bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
occurence bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
dow bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
observance_rule bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cal_holidays OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cal_repeats; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cal_repeats (
cal_id bigint NOT NULL,
recur_type bigint NOT NULL,
recur_use_end bigint DEFAULT 0,
recur_enddate bigint,
recur_interval bigint DEFAULT 1,
recur_data bigint DEFAULT 1,
recur_exception character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cal_repeats OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cal_user; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cal_user (
cal_id bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cal_login bigint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cal_status character(1) DEFAULT 'A'::bpchar,
cal_type character varying(1) DEFAULT 'u'::character varying NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cal_user OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_categories; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_categories (
cat_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_categories'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
cat_main integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cat_parent integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cat_level smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cat_owner integer DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL,
cat_access character varying(7),
cat_appname character varying(50) NOT NULL,
cat_name character varying(150) NOT NULL,
cat_description character varying(255) NOT NULL,
cat_data text,
last_mod bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_categories OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_addresses; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_addresses (
id_address bigint NOT NULL,
id_city bigint,
id_state bigint,
id_country character(2) NOT NULL,
address1 character varying(60),
address2 character varying(60),
complement character varying(30),
address_other character varying(60),
postal_code character varying(15),
po_box character varying(30),
address_is_default boolean
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_addresses OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_city; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_city (
id_city bigint NOT NULL,
id_state bigint,
id_country character(2) NOT NULL,
city_timezone smallint,
city_geo_location character varying(40),
city_name character varying(60)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_city OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_company (
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
id_company_owner bigint NOT NULL,
company_name character varying(30),
company_notes text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_company OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_addrs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_company_addrs (
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
id_address bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_company_address integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_company_addrs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_conns; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_company_conns (
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
id_connection bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_company_connection integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_company_conns OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_legals; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_company_legals (
id_company_legal bigint NOT NULL,
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_company_legal integer NOT NULL,
legal_info_name character varying(30),
legal_info_value character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_company_legals OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_rels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_company_rels (
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
id_related bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_company_relation integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_company_rels OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_connections; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_connections (
id_connection bigint NOT NULL,
connection_name character varying(50),
connection_value character varying(100),
connection_is_default boolean
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_connections OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact (
id_contact bigint NOT NULL,
id_owner bigint NOT NULL,
id_status integer,
photo bytea,
alias character varying(30),
id_prefix integer,
given_names character varying(100),
family_names character varying(100),
names_ordered character varying(100),
id_suffix integer,
birthdate date,
sex character(1),
pgp_key text,
notes text,
is_global boolean,
last_status character(1) DEFAULT 'N'::bpchar,
last_update bigint DEFAULT (date_part('epoch'::text, ('now'::text)::timestamp(3) with time zone) * (1000)::double precision),
category character varying(20)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_addrs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact_addrs (
id_contact bigint NOT NULL,
id_address bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_contact_address integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact_addrs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_company; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact_company (
id_contact bigint NOT NULL,
id_company bigint NOT NULL,
title character varying(30),
department character varying(30),
default_contact boolean,
default_company boolean
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact_company OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_conns; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact_conns (
id_contact bigint NOT NULL,
id_connection bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_contact_connection integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact_conns OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_grps; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact_grps (
id_group bigint NOT NULL,
id_connection bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact_grps OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_rels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_contact_rels (
id_contact bigint NOT NULL,
id_related bigint NOT NULL,
id_typeof_contact_relation integer
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_contact_rels OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_groups; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_groups (
id_group integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_cc_groups'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
title character varying(50),
owner bigint NOT NULL,
short_name text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_groups OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_prefixes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_prefixes (
id_prefix smallint NOT NULL,
prefix character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_prefixes OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_state; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_state (
id_state bigint NOT NULL,
id_country character(2) NOT NULL,
state_name character varying(30),
state_symbol character varying(10)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_state OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_status; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_status (
id_status smallint NOT NULL,
status_name character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_status OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_suffixes; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_suffixes (
id_suffix smallint NOT NULL,
suffix character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_suffixes OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs (
id_typeof_company_address integer NOT NULL,
company_address_type_name character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns (
id_typeof_company_connection integer NOT NULL,
company_connection_type_name character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals (
id_typeof_company_legal integer NOT NULL,
legal_type_name character varying(60)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels (
id_typeof_company_relation integer NOT NULL,
company_relation_type_name character varying(30),
company_relation_is_subordinated boolean
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs (
id_typeof_contact_address integer NOT NULL,
contact_address_type_name character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns (
id_typeof_contact_connection integer NOT NULL,
contact_connection_type_name character varying(30)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels (
id_typeof_contact_relation integer NOT NULL,
contact_relation_type_name character varying(30),
contact_relation_is_subordinated boolean
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_certificados; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_certificados (
email character varying(60) NOT NULL,
chave_publica text,
expirado boolean DEFAULT false,
revogado boolean DEFAULT false,
serialnumber bigint NOT NULL,
authoritykeyidentifier text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_certificados OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_config; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_config (
config_app character varying(50) NOT NULL,
config_name character varying(255) NOT NULL,
config_value text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_config OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_emailadmin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_emailadmin (
profileid integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_emailadmin'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
smtpserver character varying(80),
smtptype integer,
smtpport integer,
smtpdelimiter character varying(1),
smtpauth character varying(3),
smtpldapserver character varying(80),
smtpldapbasedn character varying(200),
smtpldapadmindn character varying(200),
smtpldapadminpw character varying(30),
smtpldapusedefault character varying(3),
imapserver character varying(80),
imaptype integer,
imapport integer,
imapdelimiter character varying(1),
imaplogintype character varying(20),
imaptlsauthentication character varying(3),
imaptlsencryption character varying(3),
imapenablecyrusadmin character varying(3),
imapadminusername character varying(40),
imapadminpw character varying(40),
imapenablesieve character varying(3),
imapsieveserver character varying(80),
imapsieveport integer,
description character varying(200),
defaultdomain character varying(100),
organisationname character varying(100),
userdefinedaccounts character varying(3),
imapoldcclient character varying(3),
imapdefaulttrashfolder character varying(20),
imapdefaultsentfolder character varying(20),
imapdefaultdraftsfolder character varying(20),
imapdefaultspamfolder character varying(20)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_emailadmin OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressoadmin (
manager_lid character varying(50) NOT NULL,
context character varying(255) NOT NULL,
acl bigint NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressoadmin OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_apps; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressoadmin_apps (
manager_lid character varying(50) NOT NULL,
context character varying(255) NOT NULL,
app character varying(100) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressoadmin_apps OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressoadmin_log (
date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
manager character varying(50) NOT NULL,
action character varying(255) NOT NULL,
userinfo character varying(255) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressoadmin_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords (
uid character varying(100) NOT NULL,
password character varying(255) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_samba; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressoadmin_samba (
samba_domain_name character varying(50) NOT NULL,
samba_domain_sid character varying(100)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressoadmin_samba OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_expressomail_contacts; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_expressomail_contacts (
id_owner bigint NOT NULL,
data text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_expressomail_contacts OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_history_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_history_log (
history_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_history_log'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
history_record_id integer NOT NULL,
history_appname character varying(64) NOT NULL,
history_owner integer NOT NULL,
history_status character(2) NOT NULL,
history_new_value text NOT NULL,
history_timestamp timestamp without time zone DEFAULT '2006-07-04 11:09:06.047568'::timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
history_old_value text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_history_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_hooks; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_hooks (
hook_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_hooks'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
hook_appname character varying(255),
hook_location character varying(255),
hook_filename character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_hooks OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_interserv; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_interserv (
server_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_interserv'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
server_name character varying(64),
server_host character varying(255),
server_url character varying(255),
trust_level integer,
trust_rel integer,
username character varying(64),
password character varying(255),
admin_name character varying(255),
admin_email character varying(255),
server_mode character varying(16) DEFAULT 'xmlrpc'::character varying NOT NULL,
server_security character varying(16)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_interserv OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_lang; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_lang (
lang character varying(5) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
app_name character varying(100) DEFAULT 'common'::character varying NOT NULL,
message_id character varying(255) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
content text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_lang OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_languages; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_languages (
lang_id character varying(5) NOT NULL,
lang_name character varying(50) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_languages OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_log; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_log (
log_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_log'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
log_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
log_user integer NOT NULL,
log_app character varying(50) NOT NULL,
log_severity character(1) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_log_msg; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_log_msg (
log_msg_log_id integer NOT NULL,
log_msg_seq_no integer NOT NULL,
log_msg_date timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
log_msg_tx_fid character varying(4),
log_msg_tx_id character varying(4),
log_msg_severity character(1) NOT NULL,
log_msg_code character varying(30) NOT NULL,
log_msg_msg text NOT NULL,
log_msg_parms text NOT NULL,
log_msg_file character varying(255) NOT NULL,
log_msg_line integer NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_log_msg OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_news; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_news (
news_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_news'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
news_date integer,
news_subject character varying(255),
news_submittedby character varying(255),
news_content bytea,
news_begin integer,
news_end integer,
news_cat integer,
news_teaser character varying(255),
is_html smallint DEFAULT 0 NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_news OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_news_export; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_news_export (
cat_id integer NOT NULL,
export_type smallint,
export_itemsyntax smallint,
export_title character varying(255),
export_link character varying(255),
export_description text,
export_img_title character varying(255),
export_img_url character varying(255),
export_img_link character varying(255)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_news_export OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_nextid; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_nextid (
id integer,
appname character varying(25) NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_nextid OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_preferences; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_preferences (
preference_owner integer NOT NULL,
preference_app character varying(25) NOT NULL,
preference_value text NOT NULL
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_preferences OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_sessions; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_sessions (
session_id character varying(128) NOT NULL,
session_lid character varying(128),
session_ip character varying(32),
session_logintime integer,
session_dla integer,
session_action character varying(255),
session_flags character(2)
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_sessions OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: phpgw_vfs; Type: TABLE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE TABLE phpgw_vfs (
file_id integer DEFAULT nextval(('seq_phpgw_vfs'::text)::regclass) NOT NULL,
owner_id integer NOT NULL,
createdby_id integer,
modifiedby_id integer,
created date DEFAULT '1970-01-01'::date NOT NULL,
modified date,
size integer,
mime_type character varying(64),
deleteable character(1) DEFAULT 'Y'::bpchar,
comment character varying(255),
app character varying(25),
directory character varying(255),
name character varying(128) NOT NULL,
link_directory character varying(255),
link_name character varying(128),
version character varying(30) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
content text
ALTER TABLE public.phpgw_vfs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_accounts; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_accounts
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_accounts OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_accounts; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_accounts', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_addressbook; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_addressbook
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_addressbook OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_addressbook; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_addressbook', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_applications; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_applications
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_applications OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_applications; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_applications', 18, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cal; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_cal
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_cal OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cal; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_cal', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cal_holidays; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_cal_holidays
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_cal_holidays OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cal_holidays; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_cal_holidays', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_categories; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_categories
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_categories OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_categories; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_categories', 1, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cc_groups; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_cc_groups
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_cc_groups OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_cc_groups; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_cc_groups', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_emailadmin; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_emailadmin
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_emailadmin OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_emailadmin; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_emailadmin', 1, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_history_log; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_history_log
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_history_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_history_log; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_history_log', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_hooks; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_hooks
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_hooks OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_hooks; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_hooks', 307, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_interserv; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_interserv
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_interserv OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_interserv; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_interserv', 1, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_log; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_log
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_log OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_log; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_log', 7, true);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_news; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_news
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_news OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_news; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_news', 1, false);
-- Name: seq_phpgw_vfs; Type: SEQUENCE; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE SEQUENCE seq_phpgw_vfs
ALTER TABLE public.seq_phpgw_vfs OWNER TO postgres;
-- Name: seq_phpgw_vfs; Type: SEQUENCE SET; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
SELECT pg_catalog.setval('seq_phpgw_vfs', 2, true);
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_activities; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_activities (wf_activity_id, wf_name, wf_normalized_name, wf_p_id, wf_type, wf_is_autorouted, wf_flow_num, wf_is_interactive, wf_last_modif, wf_description, wf_default_user, wf_menu_path) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_activity_agents; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_activity_agents (wf_activity_id, wf_agent_id, wf_agent_type) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_activity_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_activity_roles (wf_activity_id, wf_role_id, wf_readonly) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_admin_access; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_admin_access (admin_access_id, tipo, numvalue, nivel) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp (wf_agent_id, wf_to, wf_cc, wf_bcc, wf_from, wf_replyto, wf_subject, wf_message, wf_send_mode) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_external_application; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_external_application (external_application_id, name, description, image, address, authentication, post, intranet_only) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_instance_activities; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_instance_activities (wf_instance_id, wf_activity_id, wf_started, wf_ended, wf_user, wf_status) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_instances; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_instances (wf_instance_id, wf_p_id, wf_started, wf_owner, wf_next_activity, wf_next_user, wf_ended, wf_status, wf_priority, wf_properties, wf_name, wf_category) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_interinstance_relations; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_interinstance_relations (wf_parent_instance_id, wf_parent_activity_id, wf_child_instance_id, wf_parent_lock) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_job_logs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_job_logs (job_id, date_time, result, status) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_jobs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_jobs (job_id, wf_process_id, name, description, time_start, interval_value, interval_unity, date_type, week_days, month_offset, active) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_process_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_process_config (wf_p_id, wf_config_name, wf_config_value, wf_config_value_int) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_processes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_processes (wf_p_id, wf_name, wf_is_valid, wf_is_active, wf_version, wf_description, wf_last_modif, wf_normalized_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_roles (wf_role_id, wf_p_id, wf_last_modif, wf_name, wf_description) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_transitions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_transitions (wf_p_id, wf_act_from_id, wf_act_to_id) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_user_cache; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_user_cache (uidnumber, uid, cn, givenname, sn, mail, accountstatus, dn, employeenumber, cpf, telephonenumber, last_update) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_user_roles; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_user_roles (wf_role_id, wf_p_id, wf_user, wf_account_type) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: egw_wf_workitems; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY egw_wf_workitems (wf_item_id, wf_instance_id, wf_order_id, wf_properties, wf_activity_id, wf_started, wf_ended, wf_user, wf_note, wf_action) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_access_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_access_log (sessionid, loginid, ip, li, lo, account_id, browser) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_accounts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_accounts (account_id, account_lid, account_pwd, account_firstname, account_lastname, account_lastlogin, account_lastloginfrom, account_lastpwd_change, account_status, account_expires, account_type, person_id, account_primary_group, account_email) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_acl; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_acl (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account, acl_rights) FROM stdin;
emailadmin run 1002 1
admin run 1002 1
calendar run 1002 1
news_admin run 1002 1
contactcenter run 1002 1
expressoAdmin1_2 run 1002 1
preferences run 1002 1
phpgw_group 1002 1003 1
expressoadmin run 1003 1
addressbook run 1001 1
calendar run 1001 1
infolog run 1001 1
email run 1001 1
preferences run 1001 1
manual run 1001 1
preferences changepassword 1003 1
phpgw_group 1001 1003 1
emailadmin run 1003 1
admin run 1003 1
calendar run 1003 1
help run 1003 1
news_admin run 1003 1
contactcenter run 1003 1
expressoAdmin1_2 run 1003 1
expressoMail1_2 run 1003 1
preferences run 1003 1
workflow run 1003 1
jabberit_messenger run 1003 1
mobile run 1003 1
news_admin L2 1001 1
news_admin L2 1002 3
news_admin L1 1001 1
news_admin L1 1002 3
help run 1001 1
news_admin run 1001 1
contactcenter run 1001 1
jabberit_messenger run 1001 1
expressoMail1_2 run 1001 1
mobile run 1001 1
workflow run 1001 1
-- Data for Name: phpgw_addressbook; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_addressbook (id, lid, tid, owner, access, cat_id, fn, n_family, n_given, n_middle, n_prefix, n_suffix, sound, bday, note, tz, geo, url, pubkey, org_name, org_unit, title, adr_one_street, adr_one_locality, adr_one_region, adr_one_postalcode, adr_one_countryname, adr_one_type, label, adr_two_street, adr_two_locality, adr_two_region, adr_two_postalcode, adr_two_countryname, adr_two_type, tel_work, tel_home, tel_voice, tel_fax, tel_msg, tel_cell, tel_pager, tel_bbs, tel_modem, tel_car, tel_isdn, tel_video, tel_prefer, email, email_type, email_home, email_home_type, last_mod) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_addressbook_extra; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_addressbook_extra (contact_id, contact_owner, contact_name, contact_value) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_app_sessions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_app_sessions (sessionid, loginid, app, location, content, session_dla) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_applications; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_applications (app_id, app_name, app_enabled, app_order, app_tables, app_version) FROM stdin;
1 phpgwapi 3 1 phpgw_config,phpgw_applications,phpgw_acl,phpgw_accounts,phpgw_preferences,phpgw_sessions,phpgw_app_sessions,phpgw_access_log,phpgw_hooks,phpgw_languages,phpgw_lang,phpgw_nextid,phpgw_categories,phpgw_log,phpgw_log_msg,phpgw_vfs,phpgw_history_log,phpgw_async 2.0.000
2 admin 1 1 2.0.000
3 preferences 2 1 2.0.000
4 calendar 1 3 phpgw_cal,phpgw_cal_holidays,phpgw_cal_repeats,phpgw_cal_user,phpgw_cal_extra 2.0.000
5 contactcenter 1 4 phpgw_cc_status,phpgw_cc_prefixes,phpgw_cc_suffixes,phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels,phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs,phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns,phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels,phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs,phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns,phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals,phpgw_cc_state,phpgw_cc_city,phpgw_cc_addresses,phpgw_cc_connections,phpgw_cc_company,phpgw_cc_company_rels,phpgw_cc_company_addrs,phpgw_cc_company_conns,phpgw_cc_company_legals,phpgw_cc_contact,phpgw_cc_contact_rels,phpgw_cc_contact_addrs,phpgw_cc_contact_conns,phpgw_cc_contact_company,phpgw_cc_contact_grps,phpgw_cc_groups 2.0.000
10 emailadmin 2 10 phpgw_emailadmin 2.0.000
7 expressoAdmin1_2 1 1 phpgw_expressoadmin,phpgw_expressoadmin_apps,phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords,phpgw_expressoadmin_log,phpgw_expressoadmin_samba 2.0.000
13 expressoMail1_2 1 2 phpgw_expressomail_contacts,phpgw_certificados 2.0.000
11 help 2 5 2.0.000
17 jabberit_messenger 1 9 2.0.000
18 mobile 2 4 2.0.000
18 mobile 2 4 2.0.000
9 news_admin 1 16 phpgw_news,phpgw_news_export 2.0.000
15 workflow 1 10 egw_wf_activities,egw_wf_activity_roles,egw_wf_instance_activities,egw_wf_instances,egw_wf_processes,egw_wf_roles,egw_wf_transitions,egw_wf_user_roles,egw_wf_workitems,egw_wf_process_config,egw_wf_activity_agents,egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp,egw_wf_interinstance_relations,egw_wf_external_application,egw_wf_admin_access,egw_wf_user_cache,egw_wf_jobs,egw_wf_job_logs 2.0.000
-- Data for Name: phpgw_async; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_async (id, next, times, method, data, account_id) FROM stdin;
##last-check-run## 0 a:0:{} none a:3:{s:6:"run_by";s:7:"crontab";s:5:"start";i:1224703444;s:3:"end";i:1224703444;} 0
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cal; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cal (cal_id, uid, owner, category, groups, datetime, mdatetime, edatetime, priority, cal_type, is_public, title, description, location, reference, ex_participants, last_status, last_update) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cal_extra; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cal_extra (cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cal_holidays; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cal_holidays (hol_id, locale, name, mday, month_num, occurence, dow, observance_rule) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cal_repeats; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cal_repeats (cal_id, recur_type, recur_use_end, recur_enddate, recur_interval, recur_data, recur_exception) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cal_user; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cal_user (cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_categories; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_categories (cat_id, cat_main, cat_parent, cat_level, cat_owner, cat_access, cat_appname, cat_name, cat_description, cat_data, last_mod) FROM stdin;
1 1 0 0 -1 public news_admin Todos Todos a:2:{s:5:"color";s:0:"";s:4:"icon";s:10:"aanone.gif";} 1237567409
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_addresses; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_addresses (id_address, id_city, id_state, id_country, address1, address2, complement, address_other, postal_code, po_box, address_is_default) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_city; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_city (id_city, id_state, id_country, city_timezone, city_geo_location, city_name) FROM stdin;
1 1 BR \N \N Curitiba
2 2 BR \N \N Salvador
6 3 BR \N \N Brasília
9 1 BR \N \N Paranaguá
15 1 BR \N \N Maringá
16 1 BR \N \N Londrina
20 1 BR \N \N Toledo
22 1 BR \N \N Pinhais
23 1 BR \N \N Colombo
25 1 BR \N \N Sengés
27 4 BR \N \N São Paulo
28 1 BR \N \N Paranavaí
32 12 BR \N \N Florianópolis
33 1 BR \N \N Castro
34 1 BR \N \N Campo Mourão
37 14 BR \N \N Dourados
38 4 BR \N \N Jacupiranga
39 1 BR \N \N Foz do Iguaçu
40 15 BR \N \N Porto Velho
42 1 BR \N \N Medianeira
44 4 BR \N \N Botucatu
45 12 BR \N \N Joinville
46 1 BR \N \N Pato Branco
48 1 BR \N \N Almirante Tamandaré
50 18 BR \N \N Vitória
51 19 BR \N \N Fortaleza
26 10 BR \N \N Porto Alegre
14 6 BR \N \N Rio de Janeiro
24 1 BR \N \N Apucarana
13 1 BR \N \N Cascavel
36 12 BR \N \N São José
49 1 BR \N \N Dois Vizinhos
54 1 BR \N \N Ponta Grossa
55 1 BR \N \N Candói
56 1 BR \N \N Guarapuava
57 1 BR \N \N São Miguel do Iguaçu
58 1 BR \N \N Francisco Beltrão
60 1 BR \N \N Goioerê
62 1 BR \N \N Laranjeiras do Sul
63 1 BR \N \N Loanda
64 1 BR \N \N Palotina
65 1 BR \N \N Palmeira
66 1 BR \N \N Pérola
68 1 BR \N \N Umuarama
69 1 BR \N \N Jandaia do Sul
70 1 BR \N \N Mandaguari
71 1 BR \N \N Telêmaco Borba
73 1 BR \N \N Ivaiporã
74 1 BR \N \N Wenceslau Braz
75 1 BR \N \N Altônia
77 1 BR \N \N Ortigueira
78 1 BR \N \N Arapoti
79 1 BR \N \N Santa Helena
11 4 BR \N \N Itu
61 1 BR \N \N Ibaiti
43 1 BR \N \N Cianorte
52 \N PY \N \N Assumção
53 \N PY \N \N Ciudad del Este
7 3 BR \N \N Taguatinga Sul
17 7 PT \N \N Vila Nova de Gaia
18 8 ES \N \N Alcalá la Real
21 9 IT \N \N Torino
35 13 AO \N \N Luanda
41 16 DE \N \N Nürtingen
67 1 BR \N \N Santo Antonio da Platina
76 20 BR \N \N Manaus
10 1 BR \N \N Cornelio Procopio
12 1 BR \N \N Rolandia
29 11 BR \N \N Goiania
30 1 BR \N \N Brasilia
59 1 BR \N \N Guaraniacu
10020 1 BR \N \N 4º Centenário
10021 1 BR \N \N Abapã
10022 1 BR \N \N Abatiá
10023 1 BR \N \N Acampamento das Minas
10024 1 BR \N \N Adhemar de Barros
10025 1 BR \N \N Adrianópolis
10026 1 BR \N \N Agostinho
10027 1 BR \N \N Agudos do Sul
10028 1 BR \N \N Alecrim
10029 1 BR \N \N Alexandra
10030 1 BR \N \N Altamira do Paraná
10031 1 BR \N \N Altaneira
10032 1 BR \N \N Alto Alegre
10033 1 BR \N \N Alto Alegre do Iguaçu
10034 1 BR \N \N Alto Amparo
10035 1 BR \N \N Alto Paraná
10036 1 BR \N \N Alto Paraíso
10037 1 BR \N \N Alto Pará
10038 1 BR \N \N Alto Piquiri
10039 1 BR \N \N Alto Porã
10040 1 BR \N \N Alto Sabiá
10041 1 BR \N \N Alto Santa Fé
10042 1 BR \N \N Alto São João
10043 1 BR \N \N Alto do Amparo
10044 1 BR \N \N Alvorada do Iguaçu
10045 1 BR \N \N Alvorada do Sul
10046 1 BR \N \N Amaporã
10047 1 BR \N \N Amorinha
10048 1 BR \N \N Ampére
10049 1 BR \N \N Anahy
10050 1 BR \N \N Andirá
10051 1 BR \N \N Andorinhas
10052 1 BR \N \N Angai
10053 1 BR \N \N Antas
10054 1 BR \N \N Antonina
10055 1 BR \N \N Antônio Brandão de Oliveira
10056 1 BR \N \N Antônio Olinto
10057 1 BR \N \N Anunciação
10058 1 BR \N \N Aparecida do Oeste
10059 1 BR \N \N Apiaba
10060 1 BR \N \N Aquidaban
10061 1 BR \N \N Aranha
10062 1 BR \N \N Arapongas
10063 1 BR \N \N Arapuan
10064 1 BR \N \N Arapuã
10065 1 BR \N \N Ararapira
10066 1 BR \N \N Araruna
10067 1 BR \N \N Araucária
10068 1 BR \N \N Areia Branca dos Assis
10069 1 BR \N \N Areias
10070 1 BR \N \N Aricanduva
10071 1 BR \N \N Ariranha do Ivaí
10072 1 BR \N \N Aroeira
10073 1 BR \N \N Arquimedes
10074 1 BR \N \N Assaí
10075 1 BR \N \N Assis Chateaubriand
10076 1 BR \N \N Astorga
10077 1 BR \N \N Atalaia
10078 1 BR \N \N Aurora do Iguaçu
10079 1 BR \N \N Açungui
10080 1 BR \N \N Bairro Cachoeira
10081 1 BR \N \N Bairro Limoeiro
10082 1 BR \N \N Bairro do Felisberto
10083 1 BR \N \N Balsa Nova
10084 1 BR \N \N Bananas
10085 1 BR \N \N Bandeirantes
10086 1 BR \N \N Bandeirantes d'Oeste
10087 1 BR \N \N Banhado
10088 1 BR \N \N Barbosa Ferraz
10089 1 BR \N \N Barra Bonita
10090 1 BR \N \N Barra Grande
10091 1 BR \N \N Barra Santa Salete
10092 1 BR \N \N Barra do Jacaré
10093 1 BR \N \N Barracão
10094 1 BR \N \N Barras
10095 1 BR \N \N Barreiro
10096 1 BR \N \N Barreiro das Frutas
10097 1 BR \N \N Barreiros
10098 1 BR \N \N Barrinha
10099 1 BR \N \N Barro Preto
10100 1 BR \N \N Barão de Lucena
10101 1 BR \N \N Bateias
10102 1 BR \N \N Baulândia
10103 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista
10104 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Caroba
10105 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Ivaí
10106 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Paraíso
10107 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Piquiri
10108 1 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Tapiracui
10109 1 BR \N \N Bentópolis
10110 1 BR \N \N Bernardelli
10111 1 BR \N \N Betaras
10112 1 BR \N \N Biscaia
10113 1 BR \N \N Bituruna
10114 1 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
10115 1 BR \N \N Boa Esperança do Iguaçu
10116 1 BR \N \N Boa Ventura de São Roque
10117 1 BR \N \N Boa Vista
10118 1 BR \N \N Boa Vista da Aparecida
10119 1 BR \N \N Bocaina
10120 1 BR \N \N Bocaiúva do Sul
10121 1 BR \N \N Bom Jardim do Sul
10122 1 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Sul
10123 1 BR \N \N Bom Progresso
10124 1 BR \N \N Bom Retiro
10125 1 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso
10126 1 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso do Sul
10127 1 BR \N \N Borda do Campo
10128 1 BR \N \N Borman
10129 1 BR \N \N Borrazópolis
10130 1 BR \N \N Botuquara
10131 1 BR \N \N Bourbonia
10132 1 BR \N \N Braganey
10133 1 BR \N \N Bragantina
10134 1 BR \N \N Brasilândia do Sul
10135 1 BR \N \N Bugre
10136 1 BR \N \N Bulcão
10137 1 BR \N \N Cabrito
10138 1 BR \N \N Cacatu
10139 1 BR \N \N Cachoeira
10140 1 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Cima
10141 1 BR \N \N Cachoeira de São José
10142 1 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Espírito Santo
10143 1 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
10144 1 BR \N \N Cadeadinho
10145 1 BR \N \N Caetano Mendes
10146 1 BR \N \N Cafeara
10147 1 BR \N \N Cafeeiros
10148 1 BR \N \N Cafelândia
10149 1 BR \N \N Cafezal do Sul
10150 1 BR \N \N Caitá
10151 1 BR \N \N Caiva
10152 1 BR \N \N Califórnia
10153 1 BR \N \N Calógeras
10154 1 BR \N \N Cambará
10155 1 BR \N \N Cambiju
10156 1 BR \N \N Cambira
10157 1 BR \N \N Cambé
10158 1 BR \N \N Campestrinho
10159 1 BR \N \N Campina
10160 1 BR \N \N Campina Grande do Sul
10161 1 BR \N \N Campina da Lagoa
10162 1 BR \N \N Campina do Miranguava
10163 1 BR \N \N Campina do Simão
10164 1 BR \N \N Campina dos Furtados
10165 1 BR \N \N Campinas
10166 1 BR \N \N Campo Bonito
10167 1 BR \N \N Campo Largo
10168 1 BR \N \N Campo Largo da Roseira
10169 1 BR \N \N Campo Magro
10170 1 BR \N \N Campo do Bugre
10171 1 BR \N \N Campo do Meio
10172 1 BR \N \N Campo do Tenente
10173 1 BR \N \N Candeia
10174 1 BR \N \N Canela
10175 1 BR \N \N Cantagalo
10176 1 BR \N \N Canzianópolis
10177 1 BR \N \N Capanema
10178 1 BR \N \N Capitão Leônidas Marques
10179 1 BR \N \N Capivara
10180 1 BR \N \N Capoeirinha
10181 1 BR \N \N Capão Alto
10182 1 BR \N \N Capão Bonito
10183 1 BR \N \N Capão Grande
10184 1 BR \N \N Capão Rico
10185 1 BR \N \N Capão da Lagoa
10186 1 BR \N \N Cara Pintado
10187 1 BR \N \N Carajá
10188 1 BR \N \N Carambeí
10189 1 BR \N \N Caramuru
10190 1 BR \N \N Caratuva
10191 1 BR \N \N Carazinho
10192 1 BR \N \N Carbonera
10193 1 BR \N \N Carlópolis
10194 1 BR \N \N Cará-Cará
10195 1 BR \N \N Casa Nova
10196 1 BR \N \N Cascatinha
10197 1 BR \N \N Catanduvas
10198 1 BR \N \N Catanduvas do Sul
10199 1 BR \N \N Catarinenses
10200 1 BR \N \N Caxambu
10201 1 BR \N \N Centenário
10202 1 BR \N \N Centenário do Sul
10203 1 BR \N \N Central Lupion
10204 1 BR \N \N Centralito
10205 1 BR \N \N Centro Novo
10206 1 BR \N \N Cerne
10207 1 BR \N \N Cerrado Grande
10208 1 BR \N \N Cerro Azul
10209 1 BR \N \N Cerro Velho
10210 1 BR \N \N Chopinzinho
10211 1 BR \N \N Cidade Gaúcha
10212 1 BR \N \N Cintra Pimentel
10213 1 BR \N \N Clevelândia
10214 1 BR \N \N Coitinho
10215 1 BR \N \N Colorado
10216 1 BR \N \N Colônia Acioli
10217 1 BR \N \N Colônia Castelhanos
10218 1 BR \N \N Colônia Castrolânda
10219 1 BR \N \N Colônia Centenário
10220 1 BR \N \N Colônia Cristina
10221 1 BR \N \N Colônia Dom Carlos
10222 1 BR \N \N Colônia Esperança
10223 1 BR \N \N Colônia General Carneiro
10224 1 BR \N \N Colônia Iapó
10225 1 BR \N \N Colônia Melissa
10226 1 BR \N \N Colônia Murici
10227 1 BR \N \N Colônia Padre Paulo
10228 1 BR \N \N Colônia Pereira
10229 1 BR \N \N Colônia Santos Andrade
10230 1 BR \N \N Colônia Sapucaí
10231 1 BR \N \N Colônia Saúde
10232 1 BR \N \N Colônia São José
10233 1 BR \N \N Colônia Tapera
10234 1 BR \N \N Comur
10235 1 BR \N \N Conceição
10236 1 BR \N \N Conchas Velhas
10237 1 BR \N \N Conciolândia
10238 1 BR \N \N Congonhas
10239 1 BR \N \N Congonhinhas
10240 1 BR \N \N Conselheiro Mairinck
10241 1 BR \N \N Conselheiro Zacarias
10242 1 BR \N \N Contenda
10243 1 BR \N \N Copacabana do Norte
10244 1 BR \N \N Corbélia
10245 1 BR \N \N Cornélio Procópio
10246 1 BR \N \N Coronel Domingos Soares
10247 1 BR \N \N Coronel Firmino Martins
10248 1 BR \N \N Coronel Vivida
10249 1 BR \N \N Correia de Freitas
10250 1 BR \N \N Corumbataí do Sul
10251 1 BR \N \N Corvo
10252 1 BR \N \N Costeira
10253 1 BR \N \N Covó
10254 1 BR \N \N Coxilha Rica
10255 1 BR \N \N Cristo Rei
10256 1 BR \N \N Cruz Machado
10257 1 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Iguaçu
10258 1 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Norte
10259 1 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Oeste
10260 1 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Sul
10261 1 BR \N \N Cruzmaltina
10262 1 BR \N \N Cunhaporanga
10263 1 BR \N \N Curiúva
10264 1 BR \N \N Curucaca
10265 1 BR \N \N Cândido de Abreu
10266 1 BR \N \N Céu Azul
10267 1 BR \N \N Deputado José Afonso
10268 1 BR \N \N Despique
10269 1 BR \N \N Dez de Maio
10270 1 BR \N \N Diamante d'Oeste
10271 1 BR \N \N Diamante do Norte
10272 1 BR \N \N Diamante do Sul
10273 1 BR \N \N Doce Grande
10274 1 BR \N \N Dois Irmãos
10275 1 BR \N \N Dois Marcos
10276 1 BR \N \N Dom Rodrigo
10277 1 BR \N \N Dorizon
10278 1 BR \N \N Douradina
10279 1 BR \N \N Doutor Antônio Paranhos
10280 1 BR \N \N Doutor Camargo
10281 1 BR \N \N Doutor Ernesto
10282 1 BR \N \N Doutor Oliveira Castro
10283 1 BR \N \N Doutor Ulysses
10284 1 BR \N \N Eduardo Xavier da Silva
10285 1 BR \N \N Emboguaçu
10286 1 BR \N \N Emboque
10287 1 BR \N \N Encantado d'Oeste
10288 1 BR \N \N Encruzilhada
10289 1 BR \N \N Engenheiro Beltrão
10290 1 BR \N \N Entre Rios
10291 1 BR \N \N Entre Rios do Oeste
10292 1 BR \N \N Enéas Marques
10293 1 BR \N \N Esperança Nova
10294 1 BR \N \N Esperança do Norte
10295 1 BR \N \N Espigão Alto do Iguaçu
10296 1 BR \N \N Espírito Santo
10297 1 BR \N \N Estação General Lúcio
10298 1 BR \N \N Estação Roça Nova
10299 1 BR \N \N Europa
10300 1 BR \N \N Euzébio de Oliveira
10301 1 BR \N \N Faisqueira
10302 1 BR \N \N Farol
10303 1 BR \N \N Faxina
10304 1 BR \N \N Faxinal
10305 1 BR \N \N Faxinal Santa Cruz
10306 1 BR \N \N Faxinal do Céu
10307 1 BR \N \N Faxinal dos Elias
10308 1 BR \N \N Fazenda Jangada
10309 1 BR \N \N Fazenda Rio Grande
10310 1 BR \N \N Fazenda Salmo 23
10311 1 BR \N \N Fazenda do Brigadeiro
10312 1 BR \N \N Fazenda dos Barbosas
10313 1 BR \N \N Fazendinha
10314 1 BR \N \N Felpudo
10315 1 BR \N \N Fernandes Pinheiro
10316 1 BR \N \N Fernão Dias
10317 1 BR \N \N Ferraria
10318 1 BR \N \N Ferreiras
10319 1 BR \N \N Figueira
10320 1 BR \N \N Figueira do Oeste
10321 1 BR \N \N Fiusas
10322 1 BR \N \N Flor da Serra
10323 1 BR \N \N Flor da Serra do Sul
10324 1 BR \N \N Floraí
10325 1 BR \N \N Floresta
10326 1 BR \N \N Florestópolis
10327 1 BR \N \N Floriano
10328 1 BR \N \N Florópolis
10329 1 BR \N \N Fluviópolis
10330 1 BR \N \N Flórida
10331 1 BR \N \N Formigone
10332 1 BR \N \N Formosa do Oeste
10333 1 BR \N \N Foz do Jordão
10334 1 BR \N \N Francisco Alves
10335 1 BR \N \N Francisco Frederico Teixeira Guimarães
10336 1 BR \N \N Frei Timóteo
10337 1 BR \N \N Fueros
10338 1 BR \N \N Fundão
10339 1 BR \N \N Fênix
10340 1 BR \N \N Gamadinho
10341 1 BR \N \N Gamela
10342 1 BR \N \N Gavião
10343 1 BR \N \N Gaúcha
10344 1 BR \N \N General Carneiro
10345 1 BR \N \N General Osório
10346 1 BR \N \N Geremia Lunardelli
10347 1 BR \N \N Godoy Moreira
10348 1 BR \N \N Goioxim
10349 1 BR \N \N Gonçalves Júnior
10350 1 BR \N \N Graciosa
10351 1 BR \N \N Grandes Rios
10352 1 BR \N \N Guaiporã
10353 1 BR \N \N Guairaçá
10354 1 BR \N \N Guajuvira
10355 1 BR \N \N Guamiranga
10356 1 BR \N \N Guamirim
10357 1 BR \N \N Guapirama
10358 1 BR \N \N Guaporema
10359 1 BR \N \N Guaporé
10360 1 BR \N \N Guaraci
10361 1 BR \N \N Guaragi
10362 1 BR \N \N Guaraituba
10363 1 BR \N \N Guarani
10364 1 BR \N \N Guaraniaçu
10365 1 BR \N \N Guarapuavinha
10366 1 BR \N \N Guaraqueçaba
10367 1 BR \N \N Guararema
10368 1 BR \N \N Guaratuba
10369 1 BR \N \N Guaravera
10370 1 BR \N \N Guaraí
10371 1 BR \N \N Guaraúna
10372 1 BR \N \N Guardamoria
10373 1 BR \N \N Guará
10374 1 BR \N \N Guaíra
10375 1 BR \N \N Góis
10376 1 BR \N \N Harmonia
10377 1 BR \N \N Herculândia
10378 1 BR \N \N Herval Grande
10379 1 BR \N \N Herveira
10380 1 BR \N \N Hidrelétrica Itaipu
10381 1 BR \N \N Honório Serpa
10382 1 BR \N \N Iarama
10383 1 BR \N \N Ibema
10384 1 BR \N \N Ibiaci
10385 1 BR \N \N Ibiporã
10386 1 BR \N \N Icaraíma
10387 1 BR \N \N Icatu
10388 1 BR \N \N Igrejinha
10389 1 BR \N \N Iguaraçu
10390 1 BR \N \N Iguatemi
10391 1 BR \N \N Iguatu
10392 1 BR \N \N Iguiporã
10393 1 BR \N \N Ilha do Mel
10394 1 BR \N \N Ilha dos Valadares
10395 1 BR \N \N Imbauzinho
10396 1 BR \N \N Imbaú
10397 1 BR \N \N Imbituva
10398 1 BR \N \N Inajá
10399 1 BR \N \N Independência
10400 1 BR \N \N Indianópolis
10401 1 BR \N \N Inspetor Carvalho
10402 1 BR \N \N Invernada
10403 1 BR \N \N Invernadinha
10404 1 BR \N \N Inácio Martins
10405 1 BR \N \N Iolópolis
10406 1 BR \N \N Ipiranga
10407 1 BR \N \N Iporã
10408 1 BR \N \N Iracema do Oeste
10409 1 BR \N \N Irapuan
10410 1 BR \N \N Irati
10411 1 BR \N \N Irerê
10412 1 BR \N \N Iretama
10413 1 BR \N \N Itaguajé
10414 1 BR \N \N Itaiacoca
10415 1 BR \N \N Itaipulândia
10416 1 BR \N \N Itambaracá
10417 1 BR \N \N Itambezinho
10418 1 BR \N \N Itambé
10419 1 BR \N \N Itapanhacanga
10420 1 BR \N \N Itapara
10421 1 BR \N \N Itapejara d'Oeste
10422 1 BR \N \N Itaperuçu
10423 1 BR \N \N Itaqui
10424 1 BR \N \N Itaúna do Sul
10425 1 BR \N \N Itinga
10426 1 BR \N \N Ivailândia
10427 1 BR \N \N Ivaitinga
10428 1 BR \N \N Ivatuba
10429 1 BR \N \N Ivaté
10430 1 BR \N \N Ivaí
10431 1 BR \N \N Içara
10432 1 BR \N \N Jaborandi
10433 1 BR \N \N Jaboti
10434 1 BR \N \N Jaboticabal
10435 1 BR \N \N Jaburu
10436 1 BR \N \N Jacarezinho
10437 1 BR \N \N Jacaré
10438 1 BR \N \N Jaciaba
10439 1 BR \N \N Jacutinga
10440 1 BR \N \N Jaguapitã
10441 1 BR \N \N Jaguariaíva
10442 1 BR \N \N Jangada
10443 1 BR \N \N Jangada do Sul
10444 1 BR \N \N Janiópolis
10445 1 BR \N \N Japira
10446 1 BR \N \N Japurá
10447 1 BR \N \N Jaracatiá
10448 1 BR \N \N Jardim
10449 1 BR \N \N Jardim Alegre
10450 1 BR \N \N Jardim Olinda
10451 1 BR \N \N Jardim Paredão
10452 1 BR \N \N Jardinópolis
10453 1 BR \N \N Jataizinho
10454 1 BR \N \N Javacaé
10455 1 BR \N \N Jesuítas
10456 1 BR \N \N Joaquim Távora
10457 1 BR \N \N Jordão
10458 1 BR \N \N Jordãozinho
10459 1 BR \N \N José Lacerda
10460 1 BR \N \N Joá
10461 1 BR \N \N Juciara
10462 1 BR \N \N Jundiaí do Sul
10463 1 BR \N \N Juranda
10464 1 BR \N \N Jussara
10465 1 BR \N \N Juvinópolis
10466 1 BR \N \N Kaloré
10467 1 BR \N \N Lagoa
10468 1 BR \N \N Lagoa Bonita
10469 1 BR \N \N Lagoa Dourada
10470 1 BR \N \N Lagoa Seca
10471 1 BR \N \N Lagoa Verde
10472 1 BR \N \N Lagoa dos Ribas
10473 1 BR \N \N Lagoinha
10474 1 BR \N \N Lajeado
10475 1 BR \N \N Lajeado Bonito
10476 1 BR \N \N Lajeado Grande
10477 1 BR \N \N Lambari
10478 1 BR \N \N Lapa
10479 1 BR \N \N Laranja Azeda
10480 1 BR \N \N Laranjal
10481 1 BR \N \N Lavra
10482 1 BR \N \N Lavrinha
10483 1 BR \N \N Lerroville
10484 1 BR \N \N Leópolis
10485 1 BR \N \N Lidianópolis
10486 1 BR \N \N Lindoeste
10487 1 BR \N \N Linha Giacomini
10488 1 BR \N \N Lobato
10489 1 BR \N \N Lopei
10490 1 BR \N \N Lovat
10491 1 BR \N \N Luar
10492 1 BR \N \N Luiziana
10493 1 BR \N \N Lunardelli
10494 1 BR \N \N Lupionópolis
10495 1 BR \N \N Macaco
10496 1 BR \N \N Macucos
10497 1 BR \N \N Mairá
10498 1 BR \N \N Maitá
10499 1 BR \N \N Mallet
10500 1 BR \N \N Malu
10501 1 BR \N \N Mamborê
10502 1 BR \N \N Mandaguaçu
10503 1 BR \N \N Mandaçaia
10504 1 BR \N \N Mandiocaba
10505 1 BR \N \N Mandirituba
10506 1 BR \N \N Manfrinópolis
10507 1 BR \N \N Mangueirinha
10508 1 BR \N \N Manoel Ribas
10509 1 BR \N \N Marabá
10510 1 BR \N \N Maracanã
10511 1 BR \N \N Marajó
10512 1 BR \N \N Maravilha
10513 1 BR \N \N Marcelino
10514 1 BR \N \N Marcionópolis
10515 1 BR \N \N Marechal Cândido Rondon
10516 1 BR \N \N Margarida
10517 1 BR \N \N Maria Helena
10518 1 BR \N \N Maria Luiza
10519 1 BR \N \N Marialva
10520 1 BR \N \N Mariental
10521 1 BR \N \N Marilena
10522 1 BR \N \N Marilu
10523 1 BR \N \N Mariluz
10524 1 BR \N \N Marilândia do Sul
10525 1 BR \N \N Marimbondo
10526 1 BR \N \N Maripá
10527 1 BR \N \N Maristela
10528 1 BR \N \N Mariza
10529 1 BR \N \N Mariópolis
10530 1 BR \N \N Marmeleiro
10531 1 BR \N \N Marmelândia
10532 1 BR \N \N Marquinho
10533 1 BR \N \N Marquês de Abrantes
10534 1 BR \N \N Marrecas
10535 1 BR \N \N Martins
10536 1 BR \N \N Marumbi
10537 1 BR \N \N Matelândia
10538 1 BR \N \N Matinhos
10539 1 BR \N \N Mato Queimado
10540 1 BR \N \N Mato Rico
10541 1 BR \N \N Mauá da Serra
10542 1 BR \N \N Meia-Lua
10543 1 BR \N \N Memória
10544 1 BR \N \N Mendeslândia
10545 1 BR \N \N Mercedes
10546 1 BR \N \N Mirador
10547 1 BR \N \N Miranda
10548 1 BR \N \N Mirante do Piquiri
10549 1 BR \N \N Miraselva
10550 1 BR \N \N Missal
10551 1 BR \N \N Monjolinho
10552 1 BR \N \N Monte Real
10553 1 BR \N \N Moreira Sales
10554 1 BR \N \N Morretes
10555 1 BR \N \N Morro Alto
10556 1 BR \N \N Morro Inglês
10557 1 BR \N \N Munhoz de Melo
10558 1 BR \N \N Natingui
10559 1 BR \N \N Nilza
10560 1 BR \N \N Nordestina
10561 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora Aparecida
10562 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Aparecida
10563 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Candelária
10564 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora das Graças
10565 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
10566 1 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Carmo
10567 1 BR \N \N Nova Aliança do Ivaí
10568 1 BR \N \N Nova Altamira
10569 1 BR \N \N Nova Amoreira
10570 1 BR \N \N Nova América da Colina
10571 1 BR \N \N Nova Aurora
10572 1 BR \N \N Nova Bilac
10573 1 BR \N \N Nova Brasília
10574 1 BR \N \N Nova Brasília do Itararé
10575 1 BR \N \N Nova Cantu
10576 1 BR \N \N Nova Concórdia
10577 1 BR \N \N Nova Esperança
10578 1 BR \N \N Nova Esperança do Sudoeste
10579 1 BR \N \N Nova Fátima
10580 1 BR \N \N Nova Laranjeiras
10581 1 BR \N \N Nova Londrina
10582 1 BR \N \N Nova Lourdes
10583 1 BR \N \N Nova Olímpia
10584 1 BR \N \N Nova Prata do Iguaçu
10585 1 BR \N \N Nova Riqueza
10586 1 BR \N \N Nova Santa Bárbara
10587 1 BR \N \N Nova Santa Rosa
10588 1 BR \N \N Nova Tebas
10589 1 BR \N \N Nova Tirol
10590 1 BR \N \N Nova Videira
10591 1 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
10592 1 BR \N \N Novo Itacolomi
10593 1 BR \N \N Novo Jardim
10594 1 BR \N \N Novo Sarandi
10595 1 BR \N \N Novo Sobradinho
10596 1 BR \N \N Novo Três Passos
10597 1 BR \N \N Olaria
10598 1 BR \N \N Olho Agudo
10599 1 BR \N \N Olho d'Água
10600 1 BR \N \N Oroité
10601 1 BR \N \N Ourilândia
10602 1 BR \N \N Ourizona
10603 1 BR \N \N Ouro Verde
10604 1 BR \N \N Ouro Verde do Oeste
10605 1 BR \N \N Ouro Verde do Piquiri
10606 1 BR \N \N Padre Ponciano
10607 1 BR \N \N Paiol Queimado
10608 1 BR \N \N Paiol de Baixo
10609 1 BR \N \N Paiquerê
10610 1 BR \N \N Paiçandu
10611 1 BR \N \N Palmas
10612 1 BR \N \N Palmeirinha
10613 1 BR \N \N Palmira
10614 1 BR \N \N Palmital
10615 1 BR \N \N Palmital de São Silvestre
10616 1 BR \N \N Palmitópolis
10617 1 BR \N \N Panema
10618 1 BR \N \N Pangaré
10619 1 BR \N \N Papagaios Novos
10620 1 BR \N \N Paranacity
10621 1 BR \N \N Paranagi
10622 1 BR \N \N Paranapoema
10623 1 BR \N \N Paraná d'Oeste
10624 1 BR \N \N Paraíso do Norte
10625 1 BR \N \N Passa Una
10626 1 BR \N \N Passo Fundo
10627 1 BR \N \N Passo Liso
10628 1 BR \N \N Passo da Ilha
10629 1 BR \N \N Passo dos Pupos
10630 1 BR \N \N Pato Bragado
10631 1 BR \N \N Patos Velhos
10632 1 BR \N \N Pau d'Alho do Sul
10633 1 BR \N \N Paula Freitas
10634 1 BR \N \N Paulistânia
10635 1 BR \N \N Paulo Frontin
10636 1 BR \N \N Peabiru
10637 1 BR \N \N Pedra Branca do Araraquara
10638 1 BR \N \N Pedras
10639 1 BR \N \N Pedro Lustosa
10640 1 BR \N \N Pelado
10641 1 BR \N \N Perobal
10642 1 BR \N \N Piassuguera
10643 1 BR \N \N Pinaré
10644 1 BR \N \N Pinhal de São Bento
10645 1 BR \N \N Pinhalzinho
10646 1 BR \N \N Pinhalão
10647 1 BR \N \N Pinheiro
10648 1 BR \N \N Pinhão
10649 1 BR \N \N Piquirivaí
10650 1 BR \N \N Piracema
10651 1 BR \N \N Pirapó
10652 1 BR \N \N Piraquara
10653 1 BR \N \N Piraí do Sul
10654 1 BR \N \N Piriquitos
10655 1 BR \N \N Pitanga
10656 1 BR \N \N Pitangueiras
10657 1 BR \N \N Pitangui
10658 1 BR \N \N Piên
10659 1 BR \N \N Planaltina do Paraná
10660 1 BR \N \N Planalto
10661 1 BR \N \N Pocinho
10662 1 BR \N \N Poema
10663 1 BR \N \N Ponta do Pasto
10664 1 BR \N \N Pontal do Paraná
10665 1 BR \N \N Porecatu
10666 1 BR \N \N Porteira Preta
10667 1 BR \N \N Porto Amazonas
10668 1 BR \N \N Porto Barreiro
10669 1 BR \N \N Porto Belo
10670 1 BR \N \N Porto Brasílio
10671 1 BR \N \N Porto Camargo
10672 1 BR \N \N Porto Meira
10673 1 BR \N \N Porto Mendes
10674 1 BR \N \N Porto Rico
10675 1 BR \N \N Porto San Juan
10676 1 BR \N \N Porto Santana
10677 1 BR \N \N Porto São Carlos
10678 1 BR \N \N Porto São José
10679 1 BR \N \N Porto Vitória
10680 1 BR \N \N Porto de Cima
10681 1 BR \N \N Portão
10682 1 BR \N \N Prado Ferreira
10683 1 BR \N \N Pranchita
10684 1 BR \N \N Prata
10685 1 BR \N \N Prata Um
10686 1 BR \N \N Presidente Castelo Branco
10687 1 BR \N \N Presidente Kennedy
10688 1 BR \N \N Primeiro de Maio
10689 1 BR \N \N Progresso
10690 1 BR \N \N Prudentópolis
10691 1 BR \N \N Pulinópolis
10692 1 BR \N \N Pérola Independente
10693 1 BR \N \N Pérola d'Oeste
10694 1 BR \N \N Quatiguá
10695 1 BR \N \N Quatro Barras
10696 1 BR \N \N Quatro Pontes
10697 1 BR \N \N Quebra Freio
10698 1 BR \N \N Quedas do Iguaçu
10699 1 BR \N \N Queimados
10700 1 BR \N \N Querência do Norte
10701 1 BR \N \N Quinta do Sol
10702 1 BR \N \N Quinzópolis
10703 1 BR \N \N Quitandinha
10704 1 BR \N \N Ramilândia
10705 1 BR \N \N Rancho Alegre
10706 1 BR \N \N Rancho Alegre d'Oeste
10707 1 BR \N \N Realeza
10708 1 BR \N \N Rebouças
10709 1 BR \N \N Região dos Valos
10710 1 BR \N \N Reianópolis
10711 1 BR \N \N Renascença
10712 1 BR \N \N Reserva
10713 1 BR \N \N Reserva do Iguaçu
10714 1 BR \N \N Retiro
10715 1 BR \N \N Retiro Grande
10716 1 BR \N \N Ribeirão Bonito
10717 1 BR \N \N Ribeirão Claro
10718 1 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Pinhal
10719 1 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Pinheiro
10720 1 BR \N \N Rio Abaixo
10721 1 BR \N \N Rio Azul
10722 1 BR \N \N Rio Bom
10723 1 BR \N \N Rio Bonito
10724 1 BR \N \N Rio Bonito do Iguaçu
10725 1 BR \N \N Rio Branco do Ivaí
10726 1 BR \N \N Rio Branco do Sul
10727 1 BR \N \N Rio Claro do Sul
10728 1 BR \N \N Rio Negro
10729 1 BR \N \N Rio Novo
10730 1 BR \N \N Rio Pinheiro
10731 1 BR \N \N Rio Quatorze
10732 1 BR \N \N Rio Saltinho
10733 1 BR \N \N Rio Saudade
10734 1 BR \N \N Rio Verde
10735 1 BR \N \N Rio da Prata
10736 1 BR \N \N Rio das Antas
10737 1 BR \N \N Rio das Mortes
10738 1 BR \N \N Rio das Pedras
10739 1 BR \N \N Rio das Pombas
10740 1 BR \N \N Rio do Mato
10741 1 BR \N \N Rio do Salto
10742 1 BR \N \N Roberto Silveira
10743 1 BR \N \N Rolândia
10744 1 BR \N \N Romeópolis
10745 1 BR \N \N Roncador
10746 1 BR \N \N Rondinha
10747 1 BR \N \N Rondon
10748 1 BR \N \N Rosário do Ivaí
10749 1 BR \N \N Roça Velha
10750 1 BR \N \N Sabáudia
10751 1 BR \N \N Sagrada Família
10752 1 BR \N \N Salgado Filho
10753 1 BR \N \N Salles de Oliveira
10754 1 BR \N \N Saltinho do Oeste
10755 1 BR \N \N Salto Portão
10756 1 BR \N \N Salto do Itararé
10757 1 BR \N \N Salto do Lontra
10758 1 BR \N \N Samambaia
10759 1 BR \N \N Santa Amélia
10760 1 BR \N \N Santa Cecília do Pavão
10761 1 BR \N \N Santa Clara
10762 1 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
10763 1 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Monte Castelo
10764 1 BR \N \N Santa Eliza
10765 1 BR \N \N Santa Esmeralda
10766 1 BR \N \N Santa Fé
10767 1 BR \N \N Santa Fé do Pirapó
10768 1 BR \N \N Santa Inês
10769 1 BR \N \N Santa Isabel do Ivaí
10770 1 BR \N \N Santa Izabel do Oeste
10771 1 BR \N \N Santa Lurdes
10772 1 BR \N \N Santa Luzia da Alvorada
10773 1 BR \N \N Santa Lúcia
10774 1 BR \N \N Santa Margarida
10775 1 BR \N \N Santa Maria
10776 1 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Oeste
10777 1 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Rio do Peixe
10778 1 BR \N \N Santa Mariana
10779 1 BR \N \N Santa Mônica
10780 1 BR \N \N Santa Quitéria
10781 1 BR \N \N Santa Rita
10782 1 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Oeste
10783 1 BR \N \N Santa Rosa
10784 1 BR \N \N Santa Tereza do Oeste
10785 1 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha de Itaipu
10786 1 BR \N \N Santa Zélia
10787 1 BR \N \N Santana
10788 1 BR \N \N Santana do Itararé
10789 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
10790 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Platina
10791 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Caiuá
10792 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Iratim
10793 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Palmital
10794 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Paraíso
10795 1 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Sudoeste
10796 1 BR \N \N Santo Inácio
10797 1 BR \N \N Santo Rei
10798 1 BR \N \N Sapopema
10799 1 BR \N \N Sapé
10800 1 BR \N \N Sarandi
10801 1 BR \N \N Saudade do Iguaçu
10802 1 BR \N \N Sede Alvorada
10803 1 BR \N \N Sede Chaparral
10804 1 BR \N \N Sede Nova Sant'Ana
10805 1 BR \N \N Sede Progresso
10806 1 BR \N \N Selva
10807 1 BR \N \N Senhor Bom Jesus dos Gramados
10808 1 BR \N \N Serra Negra
10809 1 BR \N \N Serra dos Dourados
10810 1 BR \N \N Serranópolis do Iguaçu
10811 1 BR \N \N Serraria Klas
10812 1 BR \N \N Serrinha
10813 1 BR \N \N Sertaneja
10814 1 BR \N \N Sertanópolis
10815 1 BR \N \N Sertãozinho
10816 1 BR \N \N Sete Saltos de Cima
10817 1 BR \N \N Silvolândia
10818 1 BR \N \N Siqueira Belo
10819 1 BR \N \N Siqueira Campos
10820 1 BR \N \N Socavão
10821 1 BR \N \N Socorro
10822 1 BR \N \N Sulina
10823 1 BR \N \N Sumaré
10824 1 BR \N \N Sussui
10825 1 BR \N \N Sutis
10826 1 BR \N \N São Bento
10827 1 BR \N \N São Braz
10828 1 BR \N \N São Camilo
10829 1 BR \N \N São Carlos do Ivaí
10830 1 BR \N \N São Cirilo
10831 1 BR \N \N São Clemente
10832 1 BR \N \N São Cristovão
10833 1 BR \N \N São Domingos
10834 1 BR \N \N São Francisco
10835 1 BR \N \N São Francisco de Imbaú
10836 1 BR \N \N São Francisco de Sales
10837 1 BR \N \N São Gabriel
10838 1 BR \N \N São Gotardo
10839 1 BR \N \N São Jerônimo da Serra
10840 1 BR \N \N São Joaquim
10841 1 BR \N \N São Joaquim do Pontal
10842 1 BR \N \N São Jorge D'Oeste
10843 1 BR \N \N São Jorge do Ivaí
10844 1 BR \N \N São Jorge do Patrocínio
10845 1 BR \N \N São José da Boa Vista
10846 1 BR \N \N São José das Palmeiras
10847 1 BR \N \N São José do Iguaçu
10848 1 BR \N \N São José do Itavo
10849 1 BR \N \N São José do Ivaí
10850 1 BR \N \N São José dos Pinhais
10851 1 BR \N \N São João
10852 1 BR \N \N São João d'Oeste
10853 1 BR \N \N São João da Boa Vista
10854 1 BR \N \N São João do Caiuá
10855 1 BR \N \N São João do Ivaí
10856 1 BR \N \N São João do Pinhal
10857 1 BR \N \N São João do Triunfo
10858 1 BR \N \N São Judas Tadeu
10859 1 BR \N \N São Leonardo
10860 1 BR \N \N São Lourenço
10861 1 BR \N \N São Luiz
10862 1 BR \N \N São Luiz do Purunã
10863 1 BR \N \N São Manoel do Paraná
10864 1 BR \N \N São Marcos
10865 1 BR \N \N São Martinho
10866 1 BR \N \N São Mateus do Sul
10867 1 BR \N \N São Miguel
10868 1 BR \N \N São Miguel do Cambui
10869 1 BR \N \N São Pedro
10870 1 BR \N \N São Pedro Lopei
10871 1 BR \N \N São Pedro do Florido
10872 1 BR \N \N São Pedro do Iguaçu
10873 1 BR \N \N São Pedro do Ivaí
10874 1 BR \N \N São Pedro do Paraná
10875 1 BR \N \N São Pio X
10876 1 BR \N \N São Roque
10877 1 BR \N \N São Roque do Chopim
10878 1 BR \N \N São Roque do Pinhal
10879 1 BR \N \N São Salvador
10880 1 BR \N \N São Sebastião
10881 1 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Amoreira
10882 1 BR \N \N São Silvestre
10883 1 BR \N \N São Tomé
10884 1 BR \N \N São Valentim
10885 1 BR \N \N São Vicente
10886 1 BR \N \N Taipa
10887 1 BR \N \N Tamarana
10888 1 BR \N \N Tambarutaca
10889 1 BR \N \N Tamboara
10890 1 BR \N \N Tanque Grande
10891 1 BR \N \N Tapejara
10892 1 BR \N \N Tapira
10893 1 BR \N \N Tapui
10894 1 BR \N \N Taquara
10895 1 BR \N \N Taquari dos Polacos
10896 1 BR \N \N Taquari dos Russos
10897 1 BR \N \N Taquaruna
10898 1 BR \N \N Teixeira Soares
10899 1 BR \N \N Teolândia
10900 1 BR \N \N Tereza Breda
10901 1 BR \N \N Tereza Cristina
10902 1 BR \N \N Terra Boa
10903 1 BR \N \N Terra Nova
10904 1 BR \N \N Terra Rica
10905 1 BR \N \N Terra Roxa
10906 1 BR \N \N Tibagi
10907 1 BR \N \N Tijucas do Sul
10908 1 BR \N \N Tijuco Preto
10909 1 BR \N \N Timbu Velho
10910 1 BR \N \N Tindiquera
10911 1 BR \N \N Tiradentes
10912 1 BR \N \N Tomaz Coelho
10913 1 BR \N \N Tomazina
10914 1 BR \N \N Trindade
10915 1 BR \N \N Triolândia
10916 1 BR \N \N Triângulo
10917 1 BR \N \N Tronco
10918 1 BR \N \N Três Barras do Paraná
10919 1 BR \N \N Três Bicos
10920 1 BR \N \N Três Bocas
10921 1 BR \N \N Três Capões
10922 1 BR \N \N Três Córregos
10923 1 BR \N \N Três Lagoas
10924 1 BR \N \N Três Pinheiros
10925 1 BR \N \N Três Placas
10926 1 BR \N \N Tunas do Paraná
10927 1 BR \N \N Tuneiras do Oeste
10928 1 BR \N \N Tupinambá
10929 1 BR \N \N Tupãssi
10930 1 BR \N \N Turvo
10931 1 BR \N \N Ubaldino Taques
10932 1 BR \N \N Ubauna
10933 1 BR \N \N Ubiratã
10934 1 BR \N \N Uniflor
10935 1 BR \N \N União
10936 1 BR \N \N União da Vitória
10937 1 BR \N \N União do Oeste
10938 1 BR \N \N Uraí
10939 1 BR \N \N Usina
10940 1 BR \N \N Uvaia
10941 1 BR \N \N Valentins
10942 1 BR \N \N Valério
10943 1 BR \N \N Vargeado
10944 1 BR \N \N Vassoural
10945 1 BR \N \N Ventania
10946 1 BR \N \N Vera Cruz do Oeste
10947 1 BR \N \N Vera Guarani
10948 1 BR \N \N Verê
10949 1 BR \N \N Vida Nova
10950 1 BR \N \N Vidigal
10951 1 BR \N \N Vila Diniz
10952 1 BR \N \N Vila Flórida
10953 1 BR \N \N Vila Gandhi
10954 1 BR \N \N Vila Guay
10955 1 BR \N \N Vila Nova
10956 1 BR \N \N Vila Nova de Florença
10957 1 BR \N \N Vila Paraíso
10958 1 BR \N \N Vila Reis
10959 1 BR \N \N Vila Rica do Ivaí
10960 1 BR \N \N Vila Roberto Brzezinski
10961 1 BR \N \N Vila Silva Jardim
10962 1 BR \N \N Vila Velha
10963 1 BR \N \N Vila dos Roldos
10964 1 BR \N \N Virmond
10965 1 BR \N \N Vista Alegre
10966 1 BR \N \N Vista Bonita
10967 1 BR \N \N Vitorino
10968 1 BR \N \N Warta
10969 1 BR \N \N Xambrê
10970 1 BR \N \N Xaxim
10971 1 BR \N \N Yolanda
10972 1 BR \N \N km 30
10973 1 BR \N \N Água Azul
10974 1 BR \N \N Água Boa
10975 1 BR \N \N Água Branca
10976 1 BR \N \N Água Mineral
10977 1 BR \N \N Água Vermelha
10978 1 BR \N \N Ângulo
10979 2 BR \N \N Abadia
10980 2 BR \N \N Abaré
10981 2 BR \N \N Abaíra
10982 2 BR \N \N Abelhas
10983 2 BR \N \N Abrantes
10984 2 BR \N \N Abóbora
10985 2 BR \N \N Acajutiba
10986 2 BR \N \N Acupe
10987 2 BR \N \N Adustina
10988 2 BR \N \N Afligidos
10989 2 BR \N \N Afrânio Peixoto
10990 2 BR \N \N Aiquara
10991 2 BR \N \N Alagoinhas
10992 2 BR \N \N Alcobaça
10993 2 BR \N \N Alegre
10994 2 BR \N \N Algodão
10995 2 BR \N \N Algodões
10996 2 BR \N \N Almadina
10997 2 BR \N \N Alto Bonito
10998 2 BR \N \N Amado Bahia
10999 2 BR \N \N Amaniú
11000 2 BR \N \N Amargosa
11001 2 BR \N \N Amélia Rodrigues
11002 2 BR \N \N América Dourada
11003 2 BR \N \N Américo Alves
11004 2 BR \N \N Anagé
11005 2 BR \N \N Andaraí
11006 2 BR \N \N Andorinha
11007 2 BR \N \N Angical
11008 2 BR \N \N Angico
11009 2 BR \N \N Anguera
11010 2 BR \N \N Antas
11011 2 BR \N \N Antônio Cardoso
11012 2 BR \N \N Antônio Gonçalves
11013 2 BR \N \N Aporá
11014 2 BR \N \N Apuarema
11015 2 BR \N \N Aracatu
11016 2 BR \N \N Araci
11017 2 BR \N \N Aramari
11018 2 BR \N \N Arapiranga
11019 2 BR \N \N Arataca
11020 2 BR \N \N Aratuípe
11021 2 BR \N \N Araçás
11022 2 BR \N \N Areias
11023 2 BR \N \N Arembepe
11024 2 BR \N \N Argoim
11025 2 BR \N \N Argolo
11026 2 BR \N \N Aribice
11027 2 BR \N \N Aritaguá
11028 2 BR \N \N Arraial D'Ajuda
11029 2 BR \N \N Aurelino Leal
11030 2 BR \N \N Açu da Torre
11031 2 BR \N \N Açudina
11032 2 BR \N \N Baianópolis
11033 2 BR \N \N Baixa Grande
11034 2 BR \N \N Baixa do Palmeira
11035 2 BR \N \N Baixinha
11036 2 BR \N \N Baixão
11037 2 BR \N \N Baluarte
11038 2 BR \N \N Banco Central
11039 2 BR \N \N Banco da Vitória
11040 2 BR \N \N Bandeira do Almada
11041 2 BR \N \N Bandeira do Colônia
11042 2 BR \N \N Bandiaçu
11043 2 BR \N \N Banzaê
11044 2 BR \N \N Baraúnas
11045 2 BR \N \N Barcelos do Sul
11046 2 BR \N \N Barra
11047 2 BR \N \N Barra da Estiva
11048 2 BR \N \N Barra do Choça
11049 2 BR \N \N Barra do Jacuípe
11050 2 BR \N \N Barra do Mendes
11051 2 BR \N \N Barra do Pojuca
11052 2 BR \N \N Barra do Rocha
11053 2 BR \N \N Barra do Tarrachil
11054 2 BR \N \N Barracas
11055 2 BR \N \N Barreiras
11056 2 BR \N \N Barro Alto
11057 2 BR \N \N Barro Vermelho
11058 2 BR \N \N Barrocas
11059 2 BR \N \N Bastião
11060 2 BR \N \N Bate Pé
11061 2 BR \N \N Batinga
11062 2 BR \N \N Bela Flor
11063 2 BR \N \N Belmonte
11064 2 BR \N \N Belo Campo
11065 2 BR \N \N Belém da Cachoeira
11066 2 BR \N \N Bem-Bom
11067 2 BR \N \N Bendegó
11068 2 BR \N \N Bento Simões
11069 2 BR \N \N Biritinga
11070 2 BR \N \N Boa Espera
11071 2 BR \N \N Boa Nova
11072 2 BR \N \N Boa União
11073 2 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Lagamar
11074 2 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Tupim
11075 2 BR \N \N Boaçu
11076 2 BR \N \N Boca do Córrego
11077 2 BR \N \N Bom Jesus da Lapa
11078 2 BR \N \N Bom Jesus da Serra
11079 2 BR \N \N Bom Sossego
11080 2 BR \N \N Bonfim da Feira
11081 2 BR \N \N Boninal
11082 2 BR \N \N Bonito
11083 2 BR \N \N Boquira
11084 2 BR \N \N Botuporã
11085 2 BR \N \N Botuquara
11086 2 BR \N \N Brejinho das Ametistas
11087 2 BR \N \N Brejo Luíza de Brito
11088 2 BR \N \N Brejo Novo
11089 2 BR \N \N Brejo da Serra
11090 2 BR \N \N Brejolândia
11091 2 BR \N \N Brejões
11092 2 BR \N \N Brotas de Macaúbas
11093 2 BR \N \N Brumado
11094 2 BR \N \N Bucuituba
11095 2 BR \N \N Buerarema
11096 2 BR \N \N Buracica
11097 2 BR \N \N Buranhém
11098 2 BR \N \N Buril
11099 2 BR \N \N Buris de Abrantes
11100 2 BR \N \N Buritirama
11101 2 BR \N \N Caatiba
11102 2 BR \N \N Cabaceiras do Paraguaçu
11103 2 BR \N \N Cabrália
11104 2 BR \N \N Cacha Pregos
11105 2 BR \N \N Cachoeira
11106 2 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Mato
11107 2 BR \N \N Caculé
11108 2 BR \N \N Caetanos
11109 2 BR \N \N Caetité
11110 2 BR \N \N Caeté-Açu
11111 2 BR \N \N Cafarnaum
11112 2 BR \N \N Caimbé
11113 2 BR \N \N Cairu
11114 2 BR \N \N Caiubi
11115 2 BR \N \N Caiçara
11116 2 BR \N \N Cajuí
11117 2 BR \N \N Caldas do Jorro
11118 2 BR \N \N Caldeiras
11119 2 BR \N \N Caldeirão
11120 2 BR \N \N Caldeirão Grande
11121 2 BR \N \N Camacan
11122 2 BR \N \N Camamu
11123 2 BR \N \N Camassandi
11124 2 BR \N \N Camaçari
11125 2 BR \N \N Camirim
11126 2 BR \N \N Campinhos
11127 2 BR \N \N Campo Alegre de Lourdes
11128 2 BR \N \N Campo Formoso
11129 2 BR \N \N Camurugi
11130 2 BR \N \N Canabravinha
11131 2 BR \N \N Canarana
11132 2 BR \N \N Canatiba
11133 2 BR \N \N Canavieiras
11134 2 BR \N \N Canché
11135 2 BR \N \N Candeal
11136 2 BR \N \N Candeias
11137 2 BR \N \N Candiba
11138 2 BR \N \N Canoão
11139 2 BR \N \N Cansanção
11140 2 BR \N \N Canto do Sol
11141 2 BR \N \N Canudos
11142 2 BR \N \N Canápolis
11143 2 BR \N \N Capela do Alto Alegre
11144 2 BR \N \N Capim Grosso
11145 2 BR \N \N Capão
11146 2 BR \N \N Caraguataí
11147 2 BR \N \N Caraibuna
11148 2 BR \N \N Caraiva
11149 2 BR \N \N Caravelas
11150 2 BR \N \N Caraíbas
11151 2 BR \N \N Caraípe
11152 2 BR \N \N Cardeal da Silva
11153 2 BR \N \N Carinhanha
11154 2 BR \N \N Caripare
11155 2 BR \N \N Carnaíba do Sertão
11156 2 BR \N \N Carrapichel
11157 2 BR \N \N Casa Nova
11158 2 BR \N \N Castelo Novo
11159 2 BR \N \N Castro Alves
11160 2 BR \N \N Catinga do Moura
11161 2 BR \N \N Catingal
11162 2 BR \N \N Catolezinho
11163 2 BR \N \N Catolândia
11164 2 BR \N \N Catolés
11165 2 BR \N \N Catu
11166 2 BR \N \N Catu de Abrantes
11167 2 BR \N \N Caturama
11168 2 BR \N \N Cavunge
11169 2 BR \N \N Caém
11170 2 BR \N \N Central
11171 2 BR \N \N Ceraima
11172 2 BR \N \N Chorrochó
11173 2 BR \N \N Cinco Rios
11174 2 BR \N \N Cipó
11175 2 BR \N \N Coaraci
11176 2 BR \N \N Cocos
11177 2 BR \N \N Colônia
11178 2 BR \N \N Comércio
11179 2 BR \N \N Conceição da Feira
11180 2 BR \N \N Conceição do Almeida
11181 2 BR \N \N Conceição do Coité
11182 2 BR \N \N Conceição do Jacuípe
11183 2 BR \N \N Conde
11184 2 BR \N \N Condeúba
11185 2 BR \N \N Contendas do Sincorá
11186 2 BR \N \N Copixaba
11187 2 BR \N \N Coqueiros
11188 2 BR \N \N Coquinhos
11189 2 BR \N \N Coração de Maria
11190 2 BR \N \N Cordeiros
11191 2 BR \N \N Coribe
11192 2 BR \N \N Coronel João Sá
11193 2 BR \N \N Correntina
11194 2 BR \N \N Corta Mão
11195 2 BR \N \N Cotegipe
11196 2 BR \N \N Coutos
11197 2 BR \N \N Cravolândia
11198 2 BR \N \N Cristalândia
11199 2 BR \N \N Cristópolis
11200 2 BR \N \N Crisópolis
11201 2 BR \N \N Crussaí
11202 2 BR \N \N Cruz das Almas
11203 2 BR \N \N Cumuruxatiba
11204 2 BR \N \N Cunhangi
11205 2 BR \N \N Curaçá
11206 2 BR \N \N Curral Falso
11207 2 BR \N \N Cândido Sales
11208 2 BR \N \N Cícero Dantas
11209 2 BR \N \N Delfino
11210 2 BR \N \N Descoberto
11211 2 BR \N \N Dias Coelho
11212 2 BR \N \N Dias D'Ávila
11213 2 BR \N \N Diógenes Sampaio
11214 2 BR \N \N Dom Basílio
11215 2 BR \N \N Dom Macedo Costa
11216 2 BR \N \N Dona Maria
11217 2 BR \N \N Duas Barras do Morro
11218 2 BR \N \N Dário Meira
11219 2 BR \N \N Elísio Medrado
11220 2 BR \N \N Encruzilhada
11221 2 BR \N \N Engenheiro França
11222 2 BR \N \N Engenheiro Pontes
11223 2 BR \N \N Entre Rios
11224 2 BR \N \N Esplanada
11225 2 BR \N \N Euclides da Cunha
11226 2 BR \N \N Eunápolis
11227 2 BR \N \N Feira da Mata
11228 2 BR \N \N Feira de Santana
11229 2 BR \N \N Ferradas
11230 2 BR \N \N Filadélfia
11231 2 BR \N \N Filanésia
11232 2 BR \N \N Firmino Alves
11233 2 BR \N \N Floresta Azul
11234 2 BR \N \N Formosa do Rio Preto
11235 2 BR \N \N França
11236 2 BR \N \N Fátima
11237 2 BR \N \N Gabiarra
11238 2 BR \N \N Galeão
11239 2 BR \N \N Gamboa
11240 2 BR \N \N Gameleira da Lapa
11241 2 BR \N \N Gameleira do Assuruá
11242 2 BR \N \N Gandu
11243 2 BR \N \N Gavião
11244 2 BR \N \N Gentio do Ouro
11245 2 BR \N \N Geolândia
11246 2 BR \N \N Glória
11247 2 BR \N \N Gongogi
11248 2 BR \N \N Governador João Durval Carneiro
11249 2 BR \N \N Governador Lomanto Júnior
11250 2 BR \N \N Governador Mangabeira
11251 2 BR \N \N Guagirus
11252 2 BR \N \N Guajeru
11253 2 BR \N \N Guanambi
11254 2 BR \N \N Guapira
11255 2 BR \N \N Guarajuba
11256 2 BR \N \N Guaratinga
11257 2 BR \N \N Guaí
11258 2 BR \N \N Guerém
11259 2 BR \N \N Guiné
11260 2 BR \N \N Guirapa
11261 2 BR \N \N Gurupá Mirim
11262 2 BR \N \N Heliópolis
11263 2 BR \N \N Helvecia
11264 2 BR \N \N Hidrolândia
11265 2 BR \N \N Humildes
11266 2 BR \N \N Iaçu
11267 2 BR \N \N Ibatui
11268 2 BR \N \N Ibiajara
11269 2 BR \N \N Ibiapora
11270 2 BR \N \N Ibiassucê
11271 2 BR \N \N Ibiaçu
11272 2 BR \N \N Ibicaraí
11273 2 BR \N \N Ibicoara
11274 2 BR \N \N Ibicuí
11275 2 BR \N \N Ibipeba
11276 2 BR \N \N Ibipetum
11277 2 BR \N \N Ibipitanga
11278 2 BR \N \N Ibiquera
11279 2 BR \N \N Ibiraba
11280 2 BR \N \N Ibirajá
11281 2 BR \N \N Ibiranhém
11282 2 BR \N \N Ibirapitanga
11283 2 BR \N \N Ibirapuã
11284 2 BR \N \N Ibirataia
11285 2 BR \N \N Ibitiara
11286 2 BR \N \N Ibitiguira
11287 2 BR \N \N Ibitira
11288 2 BR \N \N Ibititá
11289 2 BR \N \N Ibitunane
11290 2 BR \N \N Ibitupa
11291 2 BR \N \N Ibotirama
11292 2 BR \N \N Ibó
11293 2 BR \N \N Ichu
11294 2 BR \N \N Icó
11295 2 BR \N \N Igaporã
11296 2 BR \N \N Igarité
11297 2 BR \N \N Igará
11298 2 BR \N \N Igatu
11299 2 BR \N \N Igrapiúna
11300 2 BR \N \N Iguaibi
11301 2 BR \N \N Iguatemi
11302 2 BR \N \N Iguaí
11303 2 BR \N \N Iguira
11304 2 BR \N \N Iguitu
11305 2 BR \N \N Iguá
11306 2 BR \N \N Ilha de Bom Jesus dos Passos
11307 2 BR \N \N Ilha de Maré
11308 2 BR \N \N Ilha dos Frades
11309 2 BR \N \N Ilhéus
11310 2 BR \N \N Indaí
11311 2 BR \N \N Inema
11312 2 BR \N \N Inhambupe
11313 2 BR \N \N Inhata
11314 2 BR \N \N Inhaúmas
11315 2 BR \N \N Inhobim
11316 2 BR \N \N Inúbia
11317 2 BR \N \N Ipecaetá
11318 2 BR \N \N Ipiaú
11319 2 BR \N \N Ipirá
11320 2 BR \N \N Ipiúna
11321 2 BR \N \N Ipucaba
11322 2 BR \N \N Ipupiara
11323 2 BR \N \N Irajuba
11324 2 BR \N \N Iramaia
11325 2 BR \N \N Iraporanga
11326 2 BR \N \N Iraquara
11327 2 BR \N \N Irará
11328 2 BR \N \N Irecê
11329 2 BR \N \N Irundiara
11330 2 BR \N \N Ita-Azul
11331 2 BR \N \N Itabatã
11332 2 BR \N \N Itabela
11333 2 BR \N \N Itaberaba
11334 2 BR \N \N Itabuna
11335 2 BR \N \N Itacaré
11336 2 BR \N \N Itacava
11337 2 BR \N \N Itachama
11338 2 BR \N \N Itacimirim
11339 2 BR \N \N Itaeté
11340 2 BR \N \N Itagi
11341 2 BR \N \N Itagibá
11342 2 BR \N \N Itagimirim
11343 2 BR \N \N Itaguaçu da Bahia
11344 2 BR \N \N Itaia
11345 2 BR \N \N Itaibó
11346 2 BR \N \N Itaipu
11347 2 BR \N \N Itajaí
11348 2 BR \N \N Itaju do Colônia
11349 2 BR \N \N Itajubaquara
11350 2 BR \N \N Itajuru
11351 2 BR \N \N Itajuípe
11352 2 BR \N \N Itamaraju
11353 2 BR \N \N Itamari
11354 2 BR \N \N Itambé
11355 2 BR \N \N Itamira
11356 2 BR \N \N Itamotinga
11357 2 BR \N \N Itanagra
11358 2 BR \N \N Itanagé
11359 2 BR \N \N Itanhi
11360 2 BR \N \N Itanhém
11361 2 BR \N \N Itaparica
11362 2 BR \N \N Itapebi
11363 2 BR \N \N Itapeipu
11364 2 BR \N \N Itapetinga
11365 2 BR \N \N Itapicuru
11366 2 BR \N \N Itapirema
11367 2 BR \N \N Itapitanga
11368 2 BR \N \N Itapora
11369 2 BR \N \N Itapura
11370 2 BR \N \N Itapé
11371 2 BR \N \N Itaquara
11372 2 BR \N \N Itaquaraí
11373 2 BR \N \N Itarantim
11374 2 BR \N \N Itati
11375 2 BR \N \N Itatim
11376 2 BR \N \N Itatingui
11377 2 BR \N \N Itaítu
11378 2 BR \N \N Itiruçu
11379 2 BR \N \N Itiúba
11380 2 BR \N \N Itororó
11381 2 BR \N \N Ituaçu
11382 2 BR \N \N Ituberá
11383 2 BR \N \N Itupeva
11384 2 BR \N \N Iuiu
11385 2 BR \N \N Jaborandi
11386 2 BR \N \N Jacaraci
11387 2 BR \N \N Jacobina
11388 2 BR \N \N Jacu
11389 2 BR \N \N Jacuruna
11390 2 BR \N \N Jacuípe
11391 2 BR \N \N Jaguaquara
11392 2 BR \N \N Jaguara
11393 2 BR \N \N Jaguarari
11394 2 BR \N \N Jaguaripe
11395 2 BR \N \N Jandaíra
11396 2 BR \N \N Japomirim
11397 2 BR \N \N Japu
11398 2 BR \N \N Jauá
11399 2 BR \N \N Jaíba
11400 2 BR \N \N Jequiriçá
11401 2 BR \N \N Jequié
11402 2 BR \N \N Jeremoabo
11403 2 BR \N \N Jiribatuba
11404 2 BR \N \N Jitaúna
11405 2 BR \N \N José Gonçalves
11406 2 BR \N \N João Amaro
11407 2 BR \N \N João Correia
11408 2 BR \N \N João Dourado
11409 2 BR \N \N Juacema
11410 2 BR \N \N Juazeiro
11411 2 BR \N \N Jucuruçu
11412 2 BR \N \N Juerana
11413 2 BR \N \N Junco
11414 2 BR \N \N Jupaguá
11415 2 BR \N \N Juraci
11416 2 BR \N \N Juremal
11417 2 BR \N \N Jussara
11418 2 BR \N \N Jussari
11419 2 BR \N \N Jussiape
11420 2 BR \N \N Km Sete
11421 2 BR \N \N Lafaiete Coutinho
11422 2 BR \N \N Lagoa Clara
11423 2 BR \N \N Lagoa Grande
11424 2 BR \N \N Lagoa José Luís
11425 2 BR \N \N Lagoa Preta
11426 2 BR \N \N Lagoa Real
11427 2 BR \N \N Lagoa de Melquíades
11428 2 BR \N \N Lagoa do Boi
11429 2 BR \N \N Laje
11430 2 BR \N \N Laje do Banco
11431 2 BR \N \N Lajedinho
11432 2 BR \N \N Lajedo Alto
11433 2 BR \N \N Lajedo do Tabocal
11434 2 BR \N \N Lajedão
11435 2 BR \N \N Lamarão
11436 2 BR \N \N Lamarão do Passe
11437 2 BR \N \N Lapão
11438 2 BR \N \N Largo
11439 2 BR \N \N Lauro de Freitas
11440 2 BR \N \N Lençóis
11441 2 BR \N \N Licínio de Almeida
11442 2 BR \N \N Limoeiro do Bom Viver
11443 2 BR \N \N Livramento de Nossa Senhora
11444 2 BR \N \N Lucaia
11445 2 BR \N \N Lustosa
11446 2 BR \N \N Luís Eduardo Magalhães
11447 2 BR \N \N Luís Viana
11448 2 BR \N \N Macajuba
11449 2 BR \N \N Macarani
11450 2 BR \N \N Macaúbas
11451 2 BR \N \N Macururé
11452 2 BR \N \N Madre de Deus
11453 2 BR \N \N Maetinga
11454 2 BR \N \N Maiquinique
11455 2 BR \N \N Mairi
11456 2 BR \N \N Malhada
11457 2 BR \N \N Malhada de Pedras
11458 2 BR \N \N Mandiroba
11459 2 BR \N \N Mangue Seco
11460 2 BR \N \N Maniaçu
11461 2 BR \N \N Manoel Vitorino
11462 2 BR \N \N Mansidão
11463 2 BR \N \N Mantiba
11464 2 BR \N \N Mar Grande
11465 2 BR \N \N Maracás
11466 2 BR \N \N Maragogipe
11467 2 BR \N \N Maragogipinho
11468 2 BR \N \N Maraú
11469 2 BR \N \N Marcionílio Souza
11470 2 BR \N \N Marcolino Moura
11471 2 BR \N \N Maria Quitéria
11472 2 BR \N \N Maricoabo
11473 2 BR \N \N Mariquita
11474 2 BR \N \N Mascote
11475 2 BR \N \N Massacara
11476 2 BR \N \N Massaroca
11477 2 BR \N \N Mata da Aliança
11478 2 BR \N \N Mata de São João
11479 2 BR \N \N Mataripe
11480 2 BR \N \N Matina
11481 2 BR \N \N Matinha
11482 2 BR \N \N Medeiros Neto
11483 2 BR \N \N Miguel Calmon
11484 2 BR \N \N Milagres
11485 2 BR \N \N Minas do Espírito Santo
11486 2 BR \N \N Minas do Mimoso
11487 2 BR \N \N Mirandela
11488 2 BR \N \N Miranga
11489 2 BR \N \N Mirangaba
11490 2 BR \N \N Mirante
11491 2 BR \N \N Mocambo
11492 2 BR \N \N Mogiquiçaba
11493 2 BR \N \N Monte Cruzeiro
11494 2 BR \N \N Monte Gordo
11495 2 BR \N \N Monte Recôncavo
11496 2 BR \N \N Monte Santo
11497 2 BR \N \N Morpará
11498 2 BR \N \N Morrinhos
11499 2 BR \N \N Morro das Flores
11500 2 BR \N \N Morro de São Paulo
11501 2 BR \N \N Morro do Chapéu
11502 2 BR \N \N Mortugaba
11503 2 BR \N \N Mucugê
11504 2 BR \N \N Mucuri
11505 2 BR \N \N Mulungu do Morro
11506 2 BR \N \N Mundo Novo
11507 2 BR \N \N Muniz Ferreira
11508 2 BR \N \N Muquém de São Francisco
11509 2 BR \N \N Muritiba
11510 2 BR \N \N Mutas
11511 2 BR \N \N Mutuípe
11512 2 BR \N \N Nagé
11513 2 BR \N \N Narandiba
11514 2 BR \N \N Nazaré
11515 2 BR \N \N Nilo Peçanha
11516 2 BR \N \N Nordestina
11517 2 BR \N \N Nova Alegria
11518 2 BR \N \N Nova Brasília
11519 2 BR \N \N Nova Canaã
11520 2 BR \N \N Nova Fátima
11521 2 BR \N \N Nova Ibiá
11522 2 BR \N \N Nova Itaipê
11523 2 BR \N \N Nova Itarana
11524 2 BR \N \N Nova Lídice
11525 2 BR \N \N Nova Redenção
11526 2 BR \N \N Nova Soure
11527 2 BR \N \N Nova Viçosa
11528 2 BR \N \N Novo Acre
11529 2 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
11530 2 BR \N \N Novo Triunfo
11531 2 BR \N \N Nuguaçu
11532 2 BR \N \N Núcleo Residencial Pilar
11533 2 BR \N \N Olhos D'Água do Seco
11534 2 BR \N \N Olhos D'Água do Serafim
11535 2 BR \N \N Olindina
11536 2 BR \N \N Oliveira dos Brejinhos
11537 2 BR \N \N Olivença
11538 2 BR \N \N Onha
11539 2 BR \N \N Oriente Novo
11540 2 BR \N \N Ouricana
11541 2 BR \N \N Ouricuri do Ouro
11542 2 BR \N \N Ouriçangas
11543 2 BR \N \N Ourolândia
11544 2 BR \N \N Outeiro Redondo
11545 2 BR \N \N Paiol
11546 2 BR \N \N Pajeú do Vento
11547 2 BR \N \N Palame
11548 2 BR \N \N Palmas de Monte Alto
11549 2 BR \N \N Palmeiras
11550 2 BR \N \N Parafuso
11551 2 BR \N \N Paramirim
11552 2 BR \N \N Parateca
11553 2 BR \N \N Paratinga
11554 2 BR \N \N Paripiranga
11555 2 BR \N \N Patamuté
11556 2 BR \N \N Pataíba
11557 2 BR \N \N Pau Brasil
11558 2 BR \N \N Pau a Pique
11559 2 BR \N \N Paulo Afonso
11560 2 BR \N \N Pedra Alta
11561 2 BR \N \N Pedras Altas do Mirim
11562 2 BR \N \N Pedro Alexandre
11563 2 BR \N \N Pedrão
11564 2 BR \N \N Peixe
11565 2 BR \N \N Petim
11566 2 BR \N \N Piabanha
11567 2 BR \N \N Piatã
11568 2 BR \N \N Pilão Arcado
11569 2 BR \N \N Pilões
11570 2 BR \N \N Pimenteira
11571 2 BR \N \N Pindaí
11572 2 BR \N \N Pindobaçu
11573 2 BR \N \N Pinhões
11574 2 BR \N \N Pintadas
11575 2 BR \N \N Piragi
11576 2 BR \N \N Pirajuia
11577 2 BR \N \N Pirajá
11578 2 BR \N \N Piraí do Norte
11579 2 BR \N \N Piri
11580 2 BR \N \N Piripá
11581 2 BR \N \N Piritiba
11582 2 BR \N \N Pituba
11583 2 BR \N \N Piçarrão
11584 2 BR \N \N Planaltino
11585 2 BR \N \N Planalto
11586 2 BR \N \N Pojuca
11587 2 BR \N \N Polo Petroquímico de Camaçari
11588 2 BR \N \N Ponta da Areia
11589 2 BR \N \N Ponto Novo
11590 2 BR \N \N Porto Novo
11591 2 BR \N \N Porto Seguro
11592 2 BR \N \N Posto da Mata
11593 2 BR \N \N Potiraguá
11594 2 BR \N \N Poxim do Sul
11595 2 BR \N \N Poço Central
11596 2 BR \N \N Poço de Fora
11597 2 BR \N \N Poços
11598 2 BR \N \N Poções
11599 2 BR \N \N Prado
11600 2 BR \N \N Presidente Dutra
11601 2 BR \N \N Presidente Jânio Quadros
11602 2 BR \N \N Presidente Tancredo Neves
11603 2 BR \N \N Prevenido
11604 2 BR \N \N Pé de Serra
11605 2 BR \N \N Quaraçu
11606 2 BR \N \N Queimadas
11607 2 BR \N \N Quijingue
11608 2 BR \N \N Quixabeira
11609 2 BR \N \N Quixabá
11610 2 BR \N \N Rafael Jambeiro
11611 2 BR \N \N Recife
11612 2 BR \N \N Remanso
11613 2 BR \N \N Remédios
11614 2 BR \N \N Retirolândia
11615 2 BR \N \N Riacho Seco
11616 2 BR \N \N Riacho da Guia
11617 2 BR \N \N Riacho de Santana
11618 2 BR \N \N Riachão das Neves
11619 2 BR \N \N Riachão do Jacuípe
11620 2 BR \N \N Riachão do Utinga
11621 2 BR \N \N Ribeira do Amparo
11622 2 BR \N \N Ribeira do Pombal
11623 2 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Largo
11624 2 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Salto
11625 2 BR \N \N Rio Fundo
11626 2 BR \N \N Rio Real
11627 2 BR \N \N Rio da Dona
11628 2 BR \N \N Rio de Contas
11629 2 BR \N \N Rio do Antônio
11630 2 BR \N \N Rio do Braço
11631 2 BR \N \N Rio do Meio
11632 2 BR \N \N Rio do Pires
11633 2 BR \N \N Rodelas
11634 2 BR \N \N Ruy Barbosa
11635 2 BR \N \N Saldanha
11636 2 BR \N \N Salgadália
11637 2 BR \N \N Salinas da Margarida
11638 2 BR \N \N Salobrinho
11639 2 BR \N \N Salobro
11640 2 BR \N \N Sambaíba
11641 2 BR \N \N Santa Brígida
11642 2 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara
11643 2 BR \N \N Santa Cruz Cabrália
11644 2 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Vitória
11645 2 BR \N \N Santa Inês
11646 2 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
11647 2 BR \N \N Santa Maria da Vitória
11648 2 BR \N \N Santa Rita de Cássia
11649 2 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
11650 2 BR \N \N Santaluz
11651 2 BR \N \N Santana
11652 2 BR \N \N Santana do Sobrado
11653 2 BR \N \N Santanópolis
11654 2 BR \N \N Santiago do Iguapé
11655 2 BR \N \N Santo Amaro
11656 2 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Barcelona
11657 2 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Jesus
11658 2 BR \N \N Santo Estevão
11659 2 BR \N \N Santo Inácio
11660 2 BR \N \N Sapeaçu
11661 2 BR \N \N Saubara
11662 2 BR \N \N Saudável
11663 2 BR \N \N Saúde
11664 2 BR \N \N Seabra
11665 2 BR \N \N Sebastião Laranjeiras
11666 2 BR \N \N Senhor do Bonfim
11667 2 BR \N \N Sento Sé
11668 2 BR \N \N Sergi
11669 2 BR \N \N Serra Dourada
11670 2 BR \N \N Serra Grande
11671 2 BR \N \N Serra Preta
11672 2 BR \N \N Serra da Canabrava
11673 2 BR \N \N Serra do Ramalho
11674 2 BR \N \N Serrinha
11675 2 BR \N \N Serrolândia
11676 2 BR \N \N Simões Filho
11677 2 BR \N \N Soares
11678 2 BR \N \N Sobradinho
11679 2 BR \N \N Souto Soares
11680 2 BR \N \N Subaúma
11681 2 BR \N \N Sussuarana
11682 2 BR \N \N Sátiro Dias
11683 2 BR \N \N São Desidério
11684 2 BR \N \N São Domingos
11685 2 BR \N \N São Felipe
11686 2 BR \N \N São Francisco do Conde
11687 2 BR \N \N São Félix
11688 2 BR \N \N São Félix do Coribe
11689 2 BR \N \N São Gabriel
11690 2 BR \N \N São Gonçalo dos Campos
11691 2 BR \N \N São José da Vitória
11692 2 BR \N \N São José do Colônia
11693 2 BR \N \N São José do Jacuípe
11694 2 BR \N \N São José do Prado
11695 2 BR \N \N São José do Rio Grande
11696 2 BR \N \N São João da Fortaleza
11697 2 BR \N \N São João da Vitória
11698 2 BR \N \N São Miguel das Matas
11699 2 BR \N \N São Paulinho
11700 2 BR \N \N São Roque do Paraguaçu
11701 2 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Passe
11702 2 BR \N \N São Timóteo
11703 2 BR \N \N Sítio Grande
11704 2 BR \N \N Sítio Novo
11705 2 BR \N \N Sítio da Baraúna
11706 2 BR \N \N Sítio do Mato
11707 2 BR \N \N Sítio do Meio
11708 2 BR \N \N Sítio do Quinto
11709 2 BR \N \N Tabocas do Brejo Velho
11710 2 BR \N \N Taboleiro do Castro
11711 2 BR \N \N Taboquinhas
11712 2 BR \N \N Taguá
11713 2 BR \N \N Tamburil
11714 2 BR \N \N Tanhaçu
11715 2 BR \N \N Tanque Novo
11716 2 BR \N \N Tanquinho
11717 2 BR \N \N Tanquinho do Poço
11718 2 BR \N \N Taperoá
11719 2 BR \N \N Tapirama
11720 2 BR \N \N Tapiramutá
11721 2 BR \N \N Tapiranga
11722 2 BR \N \N Tapiraípe
11723 2 BR \N \N Tapúia
11724 2 BR \N \N Taquarendi
11725 2 BR \N \N Taquarinha
11726 2 BR \N \N Tartaruga
11727 2 BR \N \N Tauapé
11728 2 BR \N \N Teixeira de Freitas
11729 2 BR \N \N Teodoro Sampaio
11730 2 BR \N \N Teofilândia
11731 2 BR \N \N Teolândia
11732 2 BR \N \N Terra Nova
11733 2 BR \N \N Tijuaçú
11734 2 BR \N \N Tiquaruçu
11735 2 BR \N \N Trancoso
11736 2 BR \N \N Tremedal
11737 2 BR \N \N Triunfo do Sincorá
11738 2 BR \N \N Tucano
11739 2 BR \N \N Uauá
11740 2 BR \N \N Ubaitaba
11741 2 BR \N \N Ubatã
11742 2 BR \N \N Ubaíra
11743 2 BR \N \N Ubiracaba
11744 2 BR \N \N Ubiraitá
11745 2 BR \N \N Uibaí
11746 2 BR \N \N Umburanas
11747 2 BR \N \N Umbuzeiro
11748 2 BR \N \N Una
11749 2 BR \N \N Urandi
11750 2 BR \N \N Uruçuca
11751 2 BR \N \N Utinga
11752 2 BR \N \N Vale Verde
11753 2 BR \N \N Valente
11754 2 BR \N \N Valença
11755 2 BR \N \N Varzedo
11756 2 BR \N \N Velha Boipeba
11757 2 BR \N \N Ventura
11758 2 BR \N \N Vera Cruz
11759 2 BR \N \N Vereda
11760 2 BR \N \N Vila do Café
11761 2 BR \N \N Vitória da Conquista
11762 2 BR \N \N Volta Grande
11763 2 BR \N \N Várzea Nova
11764 2 BR \N \N Várzea da Roça
11765 2 BR \N \N Várzea do Caldas
11766 2 BR \N \N Várzea do Cerco
11767 2 BR \N \N Várzea do Poço
11768 2 BR \N \N Várzeas
11769 2 BR \N \N Wagner
11770 2 BR \N \N Wanderley
11771 2 BR \N \N Wenceslau Guimarães
11772 2 BR \N \N Xique-Xique
11773 2 BR \N \N Água Doce
11774 2 BR \N \N Água Fria
11775 2 BR \N \N Águas do Paulista
11776 2 BR \N \N Érico Cardoso
11777 3 BR \N \N Brazlândia
11778 3 BR \N \N Candangolândia
11779 3 BR \N \N Ceilândia
11780 3 BR \N \N Cruzeiro
11781 3 BR \N \N Gama
11782 3 BR \N \N Guará
11783 3 BR \N \N Lago Norte
11784 3 BR \N \N Lago Sul
11785 3 BR \N \N Núcleo Bandeirante
11786 3 BR \N \N Paranoá
11787 3 BR \N \N Planaltina
11788 3 BR \N \N Recanto das Emas
11789 3 BR \N \N Riacho Fundo
11790 3 BR \N \N Samambaia
11791 3 BR \N \N Santa Maria
11792 3 BR \N \N Sobradinho
11793 3 BR \N \N São Sebastião
11794 3 BR \N \N Taguatinga
11795 4 BR \N \N Adamantina
11796 4 BR \N \N Adolfo
11797 4 BR \N \N Agisse
11798 4 BR \N \N Aguaí
11799 4 BR \N \N Agudos
11800 4 BR \N \N Agulha
11801 4 BR \N \N Ajapi
11802 4 BR \N \N Alambari
11803 4 BR \N \N Alberto Moreira
11804 4 BR \N \N Aldeia
11805 4 BR \N \N Aldeia de Carapicuíba
11806 4 BR \N \N Alfredo Guedes
11807 4 BR \N \N Alfredo Marcondes
11808 4 BR \N \N Altair
11809 4 BR \N \N Altinópolis
11810 4 BR \N \N Alto Alegre
11811 4 BR \N \N Alto Porã
11812 4 BR \N \N Alumínio
11813 4 BR \N \N Alvinlândia
11814 4 BR \N \N Amadeu Amaral
11815 4 BR \N \N Amandaba
11816 4 BR \N \N Ameliópolis
11817 4 BR \N \N Americana
11818 4 BR \N \N Amparo
11819 4 BR \N \N Américo Brasiliense
11820 4 BR \N \N Américo de Campos
11821 4 BR \N \N Ana Dias
11822 4 BR \N \N Analândia
11823 4 BR \N \N Andes
11824 4 BR \N \N Andradina
11825 4 BR \N \N Angatuba
11826 4 BR \N \N Anhembi
11827 4 BR \N \N Anhumas
11828 4 BR \N \N Anápolis
11829 4 BR \N \N Aparecida
11830 4 BR \N \N Aparecida D'Oeste
11831 4 BR \N \N Aparecida de Monte Alto
11832 4 BR \N \N Aparecida de São Manuel
11833 4 BR \N \N Aparecida do Bonito
11834 4 BR \N \N Apiaí
11835 4 BR \N \N Apiaí-Mirim
11836 4 BR \N \N Arabela
11837 4 BR \N \N Aracaçu
11838 4 BR \N \N Aramina
11839 4 BR \N \N Arandu
11840 4 BR \N \N Arapeí
11841 4 BR \N \N Araraquara
11842 4 BR \N \N Araras
11843 4 BR \N \N Araxás
11844 4 BR \N \N Araçariguama
11845 4 BR \N \N Araçatuba
11846 4 BR \N \N Araçaíba
11847 4 BR \N \N Araçoiaba da Serra
11848 4 BR \N \N Arcadas
11849 4 BR \N \N Arco-Íris
11850 4 BR \N \N Arealva
11851 4 BR \N \N Areias
11852 4 BR \N \N Areiópolis
11853 4 BR \N \N Ariranha
11854 4 BR \N \N Ariri
11855 4 BR \N \N Artemis
11856 4 BR \N \N Artur Nogueira
11857 4 BR \N \N Arujá
11858 4 BR \N \N Aspásia
11859 4 BR \N \N Assis
11860 4 BR \N \N Assistência
11861 4 BR \N \N Atibaia
11862 4 BR \N \N Atlântida
11863 4 BR \N \N Auriflama
11864 4 BR \N \N Avanhandava
11865 4 BR \N \N Avaré
11866 4 BR \N \N Avaí
11867 4 BR \N \N Avencas
11868 4 BR \N \N Bacaetava
11869 4 BR \N \N Bacuriti
11870 4 BR \N \N Bady Bassitt
11871 4 BR \N \N Baguaçu
11872 4 BR \N \N Bairro Alto
11873 4 BR \N \N Balbinos
11874 4 BR \N \N Bananal
11875 4 BR \N \N Bandeirantes D'Oeste
11876 4 BR \N \N Barbosa
11877 4 BR \N \N Bariri
11878 4 BR \N \N Barra Bonita
11879 4 BR \N \N Barra Dourada
11880 4 BR \N \N Barra do Chapéu
11881 4 BR \N \N Barra do Turvo
11882 4 BR \N \N Barretos
11883 4 BR \N \N Barrinha
11884 4 BR \N \N Barrânia
11885 4 BR \N \N Barueri
11886 4 BR \N \N Barão Ataliba Nogueira
11887 4 BR \N \N Barão de Antonina
11888 4 BR \N \N Barão de Geraldo
11889 4 BR \N \N Bastos
11890 4 BR \N \N Batatais
11891 4 BR \N \N Batatuba
11892 4 BR \N \N Batista Botelho
11893 4 BR \N \N Bauru
11894 4 BR \N \N Bebedouro
11895 4 BR \N \N Bela Floresta
11896 4 BR \N \N Bela Vista São-Carlense
11897 4 BR \N \N Bento de Abreu
11898 4 BR \N \N Bernardino de Campos
11899 4 BR \N \N Bertioga
11900 4 BR \N \N Bilac
11901 4 BR \N \N Birigüi
11902 4 BR \N \N Biritiba-Mirim
11903 4 BR \N \N Biritiba-Ussu
11904 4 BR \N \N Boa Esperança do Sul
11905 4 BR \N \N Boa Vista Paulista
11906 4 BR \N \N Boa Vista dos Andradas
11907 4 BR \N \N Bocaina
11908 4 BR \N \N Bofete
11909 4 BR \N \N Boituva
11910 4 BR \N \N Bom Fim do Bom Jesus
11911 4 BR \N \N Bom Jesus dos Perdões
11912 4 BR \N \N Bom Retiro da Esperança
11913 4 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso de Itararé
11914 4 BR \N \N Bonfim Paulista
11915 4 BR \N \N Boracéia
11916 4 BR \N \N Borborema
11917 4 BR \N \N Borebi
11918 4 BR \N \N Borá
11919 4 BR \N \N Botafogo
11920 4 BR \N \N Botelho
11921 4 BR \N \N Botujuru
11922 4 BR \N \N Bragança Paulista
11923 4 BR \N \N Brasitânia
11924 4 BR \N \N Braço
11925 4 BR \N \N Braúna
11926 4 BR \N \N Brejo Alegre
11927 4 BR \N \N Brodowski
11928 4 BR \N \N Brotas
11929 4 BR \N \N Brás Cubas
11930 4 BR \N \N Bueno de Andrada
11931 4 BR \N \N Buri
11932 4 BR \N \N Buritama
11933 4 BR \N \N Buritizal
11934 4 BR \N \N Bálsamo
11935 4 BR \N \N Cabreúva
11936 4 BR \N \N Cabrália Paulista
11937 4 BR \N \N Cachoeira Paulista
11938 4 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Emas
11939 4 BR \N \N Caconde
11940 4 BR \N \N Cafelândia
11941 4 BR \N \N Cafesópolis
11942 4 BR \N \N Caiabu
11943 4 BR \N \N Caibura
11944 4 BR \N \N Caieiras
11945 4 BR \N \N Caiuá
11946 4 BR \N \N Cajamar
11947 4 BR \N \N Cajati
11948 4 BR \N \N Cajobi
11949 4 BR \N \N Cajuru
11950 4 BR \N \N Cambaquara
11951 4 BR \N \N Cambaratiba
11952 4 BR \N \N Campestrinho
11953 4 BR \N \N Campina de Fora
11954 4 BR \N \N Campina do Monte Alegre
11955 4 BR \N \N Campinal
11956 4 BR \N \N Campinas
11957 4 BR \N \N Campo Limpo Paulista
11958 4 BR \N \N Campos Novos Paulista
11959 4 BR \N \N Campos de Cunha
11960 4 BR \N \N Campos do Jordão
11961 4 BR \N \N Cananéia
11962 4 BR \N \N Canas
11963 4 BR \N \N Candia
11964 4 BR \N \N Canguera
11965 4 BR \N \N Canitar
11966 4 BR \N \N Capela do Alto
11967 4 BR \N \N Capivari
11968 4 BR \N \N Capivari da Mata
11969 4 BR \N \N Caporanga
11970 4 BR \N \N Capuava
11971 4 BR \N \N Capão Bonito
11972 4 BR \N \N Caraguatatuba
11973 4 BR \N \N Carapicuíba
11974 4 BR \N \N Cardeal
11975 4 BR \N \N Cardoso
11976 4 BR \N \N Caruara
11977 4 BR \N \N Casa Branca
11978 4 BR \N \N Castilho
11979 4 BR \N \N Catanduva
11980 4 BR \N \N Catiguá
11981 4 BR \N \N Catucaba
11982 4 BR \N \N Caucaia do Alto
11983 4 BR \N \N Caçapava
11984 4 BR \N \N Cedral
11985 4 BR \N \N Cerqueira César
11986 4 BR \N \N Cerquilho
11987 4 BR \N \N Cesário Lange
11988 4 BR \N \N Cezar de Souza
11989 4 BR \N \N Charqueada
11990 4 BR \N \N Chavantes
11991 4 BR \N \N Cipó-Guaçu
11992 4 BR \N \N Clarinia
11993 4 BR \N \N Clementina
11994 4 BR \N \N Cocaes
11995 4 BR \N \N Colina
11996 4 BR \N \N Colômbia
11997 4 BR \N \N Conceição de Monte Alegre
11998 4 BR \N \N Conchal
11999 4 BR \N \N Conchas
12000 4 BR \N \N Cordeirópolis
12001 4 BR \N \N Coroados
12002 4 BR \N \N Coronel Goulart
12003 4 BR \N \N Coronel Macedo
12004 4 BR \N \N Corredeira
12005 4 BR \N \N Corumbataí
12006 4 BR \N \N Cosmorama
12007 4 BR \N \N Cosmópolis
12008 4 BR \N \N Costa Machado
12009 4 BR \N \N Cotia
12010 4 BR \N \N Cravinhos
12011 4 BR \N \N Cristais Paulista
12012 4 BR \N \N Cruz das Posses
12013 4 BR \N \N Cruzeiro
12014 4 BR \N \N Cruzália
12015 4 BR \N \N Cubatão
12016 4 BR \N \N Cuiabá Paulista
12017 4 BR \N \N Cunha
12018 4 BR \N \N Curupá
12019 4 BR \N \N Cássia dos Coqueiros
12020 4 BR \N \N Cândido Mota
12021 4 BR \N \N Cândido Rodrigues
12022 4 BR \N \N Córrego Rico
12023 4 BR \N \N Dalas
12024 4 BR \N \N Descalvado
12025 4 BR \N \N Diadema
12026 4 BR \N \N Dirce Reis
12027 4 BR \N \N Dirceu
12028 4 BR \N \N Divinolândia
12029 4 BR \N \N Dobrada
12030 4 BR \N \N Dois Córregos
12031 4 BR \N \N Dolcinópolis
12032 4 BR \N \N Domélia
12033 4 BR \N \N Dourado
12034 4 BR \N \N Dracena
12035 4 BR \N \N Duartina
12036 4 BR \N \N Dumont
12037 4 BR \N \N Duplo Céu
12038 4 BR \N \N Echaporã
12039 4 BR \N \N Eldorado
12040 4 BR \N \N Eleutério
12041 4 BR \N \N Elias Fausto
12042 4 BR \N \N Elisiário
12043 4 BR \N \N Embaúba
12044 4 BR \N \N Embu
12045 4 BR \N \N Embu-Guaçu
12046 4 BR \N \N Emilianópolis
12047 4 BR \N \N Eneida
12048 4 BR \N \N Engenheiro Balduíno
12049 4 BR \N \N Engenheiro Coelho
12050 4 BR \N \N Engenheiro Maia
12051 4 BR \N \N Engenheiro Schmidt
12052 4 BR \N \N Esmeralda
12053 4 BR \N \N Esperança D'Oeste
12054 4 BR \N \N Espigão
12055 4 BR \N \N Espírito Santo do Pinhal
12056 4 BR \N \N Espírito Santo do Turvo
12057 4 BR \N \N Estiva Gerbi
12058 4 BR \N \N Estrela D'Oeste
12059 4 BR \N \N Estrela do Norte
12060 4 BR \N \N Euclides da Cunha Paulista
12061 4 BR \N \N Eugênio de Melo
12062 4 BR \N \N Fartura
12063 4 BR \N \N Fazenda Velha
12064 4 BR \N \N Fernando Prestes
12065 4 BR \N \N Fernandópolis
12066 4 BR \N \N Fernão
12067 4 BR \N \N Ferraz de Vasconcelos
12068 4 BR \N \N Flora Rica
12069 4 BR \N \N Floreal
12070 4 BR \N \N Floresta do Sul
12071 4 BR \N \N Florínia
12072 4 BR \N \N Flórida Paulista
12073 4 BR \N \N Franca
12074 4 BR \N \N Francisco Morato
12075 4 BR \N \N Franco da Rocha
12076 4 BR \N \N Frutal do Campo
12077 4 BR \N \N Fátima
12078 4 BR \N \N Fátima Paulista
12079 4 BR \N \N Gabriel Monteiro
12080 4 BR \N \N Gardênia
12081 4 BR \N \N Garça
12082 4 BR \N \N Gastão Vidigal
12083 4 BR \N \N Gavião Peixoto
12084 4 BR \N \N General Salgado
12085 4 BR \N \N Getulina
12086 4 BR \N \N Glicério
12087 4 BR \N \N Gramadinho
12088 4 BR \N \N Guachos
12089 4 BR \N \N Guaianas
12090 4 BR \N \N Guaimbê
12091 4 BR \N \N Guaiçara
12092 4 BR \N \N Guamium
12093 4 BR \N \N Guapiara
12094 4 BR \N \N Guapiaçu
12095 4 BR \N \N Guapiranga
12096 4 BR \N \N Guaraci
12097 4 BR \N \N Guaraciaba D'Oeste
12098 4 BR \N \N Guarani D'Oeste
12099 4 BR \N \N Guarantã
12100 4 BR \N \N Guarapiranga
12101 4 BR \N \N Guarapuá
12102 4 BR \N \N Guararapes
12103 4 BR \N \N Guararema
12104 4 BR \N \N Guaratinguetá
12105 4 BR \N \N Guaraçaí
12106 4 BR \N \N Guareí
12107 4 BR \N \N Guariba
12108 4 BR \N \N Guariroba
12109 4 BR \N \N Guarizinho
12110 4 BR \N \N Guarujá
12111 4 BR \N \N Guarulhos
12112 4 BR \N \N Guará
12113 4 BR \N \N Guatapará
12114 4 BR \N \N Guaíra
12115 4 BR \N \N Guzolândia
12116 4 BR \N \N Gália
12117 4 BR \N \N Herculândia
12118 4 BR \N \N Holambra
12119 4 BR \N \N Holambra II
12120 4 BR \N \N Hortolândia
12121 4 BR \N \N Iacanga
12122 4 BR \N \N Iacri
12123 4 BR \N \N Iaras
12124 4 BR \N \N Ibaté
12125 4 BR \N \N Ibiporanga
12126 4 BR \N \N Ibirarema
12127 4 BR \N \N Ibirá
12128 4 BR \N \N Ibitinga
12129 4 BR \N \N Ibitiruna
12130 4 BR \N \N Ibitiúva
12131 4 BR \N \N Ibitu
12132 4 BR \N \N Ibiúna
12133 4 BR \N \N Icém
12134 4 BR \N \N Ida Iolanda
12135 4 BR \N \N Iepê
12136 4 BR \N \N Igarapava
12137 4 BR \N \N Igaratá
12138 4 BR \N \N Igaraçu do Tietê
12139 4 BR \N \N Igaraí
12140 4 BR \N \N Igaçaba
12141 4 BR \N \N Iguape
12142 4 BR \N \N Ilha Comprida
12143 4 BR \N \N Ilha Diana
12144 4 BR \N \N Ilha Solteira
12145 4 BR \N \N Ilhabela
12146 4 BR \N \N Indaiatuba
12147 4 BR \N \N Indaiá do Aguapeí
12148 4 BR \N \N Indiana
12149 4 BR \N \N Indiaporã
12150 4 BR \N \N Ingás
12151 4 BR \N \N Inúbia Paulista
12152 4 BR \N \N Ipaussu
12153 4 BR \N \N Iperó
12154 4 BR \N \N Ipeúna
12155 4 BR \N \N Ipiguá
12156 4 BR \N \N Iporanga
12157 4 BR \N \N Ipuã
12158 4 BR \N \N Iracemápolis
12159 4 BR \N \N Irapuru
12160 4 BR \N \N Irapuã
12161 4 BR \N \N Irapé
12162 4 BR \N \N Itaberá
12163 4 BR \N \N Itaboa
12164 4 BR \N \N Itaiuba
12165 4 BR \N \N Itajobi
12166 4 BR \N \N Itaju
12167 4 BR \N \N Itanhaém
12168 4 BR \N \N Itapecerica da Serra
12169 4 BR \N \N Itapetininga
12170 4 BR \N \N Itapeuna
12171 4 BR \N \N Itapeva
12172 4 BR \N \N Itapevi
12173 4 BR \N \N Itapira
12174 4 BR \N \N Itapirapuã Paulista
12175 4 BR \N \N Itaporanga
12176 4 BR \N \N Itapura
12177 4 BR \N \N Itapuí
12178 4 BR \N \N Itaquaquecetuba
12179 4 BR \N \N Itaqueri da Serra
12180 4 BR \N \N Itararé
12181 4 BR \N \N Itariri
12182 4 BR \N \N Itatiba
12183 4 BR \N \N Itatinga
12184 4 BR \N \N Itaí
12185 4 BR \N \N Itaóca
12186 4 BR \N \N Itirapina
12187 4 BR \N \N Itirapuã
12188 4 BR \N \N Itobi
12189 4 BR \N \N Itororó do Paranapanema
12190 4 BR \N \N Itupeva
12191 4 BR \N \N Ituverava
12192 4 BR \N \N Itápolis
12193 4 BR \N \N Iubatinga
12194 4 BR \N \N Jaborandi
12195 4 BR \N \N Jaboticabal
12196 4 BR \N \N Jacareí
12197 4 BR \N \N Jacaré
12198 4 BR \N \N Jaci
12199 4 BR \N \N Jaciporã
12200 4 BR \N \N Jacuba
12201 4 BR \N \N Jafa
12202 4 BR \N \N Jaguariúna
12203 4 BR \N \N Jales
12204 4 BR \N \N Jamaica
12205 4 BR \N \N Jambeiro
12206 4 BR \N \N Jandira
12207 4 BR \N \N Jardim Belval
12208 4 BR \N \N Jardim Presidente Dutra
12209 4 BR \N \N Jardim Santa Luzia
12210 4 BR \N \N Jardim Silveira
12211 4 BR \N \N Jardinópolis
12212 4 BR \N \N Jarinu
12213 4 BR \N \N Jatobá
12214 4 BR \N \N Jaú
12215 4 BR \N \N Jeriquara
12216 4 BR \N \N Joanópolis
12217 4 BR \N \N Joaquim Egídio
12218 4 BR \N \N Jordanésia
12219 4 BR \N \N José Bonifácio
12220 4 BR \N \N João Ramalho
12221 4 BR \N \N Juliânia
12222 4 BR \N \N Jumirim
12223 4 BR \N \N Jundiapeba
12224 4 BR \N \N Jundiaí
12225 4 BR \N \N Junqueira
12226 4 BR \N \N Junqueirópolis
12227 4 BR \N \N Juquiratiba
12228 4 BR \N \N Juquitiba
12229 4 BR \N \N Juquiá
12230 4 BR \N \N Juritis
12231 4 BR \N \N Jurucê
12232 4 BR \N \N Jurupeba
12233 4 BR \N \N Jurupema
12234 4 BR \N \N Júlio Mesquita
12235 4 BR \N \N Lagoa Azul
12236 4 BR \N \N Lagoa Branca
12237 4 BR \N \N Lagoinha
12238 4 BR \N \N Laranjal Paulista
12239 4 BR \N \N Laras
12240 4 BR \N \N Lauro Penteado
12241 4 BR \N \N Lavrinhas
12242 4 BR \N \N Lavínia
12243 4 BR \N \N Leme
12244 4 BR \N \N Lençóis Paulista
12245 4 BR \N \N Limeira
12246 4 BR \N \N Lindóia
12247 4 BR \N \N Lins
12248 4 BR \N \N Lobo
12249 4 BR \N \N Lorena
12250 4 BR \N \N Lourdes
12251 4 BR \N \N Louveira
12252 4 BR \N \N Lucianópolis
12253 4 BR \N \N Lucélia
12254 4 BR \N \N Luiziânia
12255 4 BR \N \N Lupércio
12256 4 BR \N \N Lusitânia
12257 4 BR \N \N Lutécia
12258 4 BR \N \N Luís Antônio
12259 4 BR \N \N Lácio
12260 4 BR \N \N Macatuba
12261 4 BR \N \N Macaubal
12262 4 BR \N \N Macedônia
12263 4 BR \N \N Macucos
12264 4 BR \N \N Mailasqui
12265 4 BR \N \N Mairinque
12266 4 BR \N \N Mairiporã
12267 4 BR \N \N Major Prado
12268 4 BR \N \N Manduri
12269 4 BR \N \N Mangaratu
12270 4 BR \N \N Marabá Paulista
12271 4 BR \N \N Maracaí
12272 4 BR \N \N Marapoama
12273 4 BR \N \N Marcondésia
12274 4 BR \N \N Maresias
12275 4 BR \N \N Marinópolis
12276 4 BR \N \N Maristela
12277 4 BR \N \N Mariápolis
12278 4 BR \N \N Martim Francisco
12279 4 BR \N \N Martinho Prado Júnior
12280 4 BR \N \N Martinópolis
12281 4 BR \N \N Marília
12282 4 BR \N \N Matão
12283 4 BR \N \N Mauá
12284 4 BR \N \N Mendonça
12285 4 BR \N \N Meridiano
12286 4 BR \N \N Mesópolis
12287 4 BR \N \N Miguelópolis
12288 4 BR \N \N Mineiros do Tietê
12289 4 BR \N \N Mira Estrela
12290 4 BR \N \N Miracatu
12291 4 BR \N \N Miraluz
12292 4 BR \N \N Mirandópolis
12293 4 BR \N \N Mirante do Paranapanema
12294 4 BR \N \N Mirassol
12295 4 BR \N \N Mirassolândia
12296 4 BR \N \N Mococa
12297 4 BR \N \N Mogi Guaçu
12298 4 BR \N \N Mogi Mirim
12299 4 BR \N \N Mogi das Cruzes
12300 4 BR \N \N Mombuca
12301 4 BR \N \N Mongaguá
12302 4 BR \N \N Montalvão
12303 4 BR \N \N Monte Alegre do Sul
12304 4 BR \N \N Monte Alto
12305 4 BR \N \N Monte Aprazível
12306 4 BR \N \N Monte Azul Paulista
12307 4 BR \N \N Monte Cabrão
12308 4 BR \N \N Monte Castelo
12309 4 BR \N \N Monte Mor
12310 4 BR \N \N Monte Verde Paulista
12311 4 BR \N \N Monteiro Lobato
12312 4 BR \N \N Monções
12313 4 BR \N \N Moreira César
12314 4 BR \N \N Morro Agudo
12315 4 BR \N \N Morro do Alto
12316 4 BR \N \N Morungaba
12317 4 BR \N \N Mostardas
12318 4 BR \N \N Motuca
12319 4 BR \N \N Mourão
12320 4 BR \N \N Murutinga do Sul
12321 4 BR \N \N Mágda
12322 4 BR \N \N Nantes
12323 4 BR \N \N Narandiba
12324 4 BR \N \N Natividade da Serra
12325 4 BR \N \N Nazaré Paulista
12326 4 BR \N \N Neves Paulista
12327 4 BR \N \N Nhandeara
12328 4 BR \N \N Nipoã
12329 4 BR \N \N Nogueira
12330 4 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Remédio
12331 4 BR \N \N Nova Alexandria
12332 4 BR \N \N Nova Aliança
12333 4 BR \N \N Nova América
12334 4 BR \N \N Nova Aparecida
12335 4 BR \N \N Nova Campina
12336 4 BR \N \N Nova Canaã Paulista
12337 4 BR \N \N Nova Castilho
12338 4 BR \N \N Nova Europa
12339 4 BR \N \N Nova Granada
12340 4 BR \N \N Nova Guataporanga
12341 4 BR \N \N Nova Independência
12342 4 BR \N \N Nova Itapirema
12343 4 BR \N \N Nova Luzitânia
12344 4 BR \N \N Nova Odessa
12345 4 BR \N \N Nova Pátria
12346 4 BR \N \N Nova Veneza
12347 4 BR \N \N Novais
12348 4 BR \N \N Novo Cravinhos
12349 4 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
12350 4 BR \N \N Nuporanga
12351 4 BR \N \N Ocauçu
12352 4 BR \N \N Oliveira Barros
12353 4 BR \N \N Olímpia
12354 4 BR \N \N Onda Branca
12355 4 BR \N \N Onda Verde
12356 4 BR \N \N Oriente
12357 4 BR \N \N Orindiúva
12358 4 BR \N \N Orlândia
12359 4 BR \N \N Osasco
12360 4 BR \N \N Oscar Bressane
12361 4 BR \N \N Osvaldo Cruz
12362 4 BR \N \N Ourinhos
12363 4 BR \N \N Ouro Fino Paulista
12364 4 BR \N \N Ouro Verde
12365 4 BR \N \N Ouroeste
12366 4 BR \N \N Oásis
12367 4 BR \N \N Pacaembu
12368 4 BR \N \N Padre Nóbrega
12369 4 BR \N \N Palestina
12370 4 BR \N \N Palmares Paulista
12371 4 BR \N \N Palmeira D'Oeste
12372 4 BR \N \N Palmeiras de São Paulo
12373 4 BR \N \N Palmital
12374 4 BR \N \N Panorama
12375 4 BR \N \N Paraguaçu Paulista
12376 4 BR \N \N Paraibuna
12377 4 BR \N \N Paraisolândia
12378 4 BR \N \N Paranabi
12379 4 BR \N \N Paranapanema
12380 4 BR \N \N Paranapiacaba
12381 4 BR \N \N Paranapuã
12382 4 BR \N \N Parapuã
12383 4 BR \N \N Paraíso
12384 4 BR \N \N Pardinho
12385 4 BR \N \N Pariquera-Açu
12386 4 BR \N \N Parisi
12387 4 BR \N \N Parnaso
12388 4 BR \N \N Parque Meia Lua
12389 4 BR \N \N Paruru
12390 4 BR \N \N Patrocínio Paulista
12391 4 BR \N \N Paulicéia
12392 4 BR \N \N Paulistânia
12393 4 BR \N \N Paulo de Faria
12394 4 BR \N \N Paulínia
12395 4 BR \N \N Paulópolis
12396 4 BR \N \N Pederneiras
12397 4 BR \N \N Pedra Bela
12398 4 BR \N \N Pedra Branca de Itararé
12399 4 BR \N \N Pedranópolis
12400 4 BR \N \N Pedregulho
12401 4 BR \N \N Pedreira
12402 4 BR \N \N Pedrinhas Paulista
12403 4 BR \N \N Pedro Barros
12404 4 BR \N \N Pedro de Toledo
12405 4 BR \N \N Penápolis
12406 4 BR \N \N Pereira Barreto
12407 4 BR \N \N Pereiras
12408 4 BR \N \N Peruíbe
12409 4 BR \N \N Piacatu
12410 4 BR \N \N Picinguaba
12411 4 BR \N \N Piedade
12412 4 BR \N \N Pilar do Sul
12413 4 BR \N \N Pindamonhangaba
12414 4 BR \N \N Pindorama
12415 4 BR \N \N Pinhalzinho
12416 4 BR \N \N Pinheiros
12417 4 BR \N \N Pioneiros
12418 4 BR \N \N Piquerobi
12419 4 BR \N \N Piquete
12420 4 BR \N \N Piracaia
12421 4 BR \N \N Piracicaba
12422 4 BR \N \N Piraju
12423 4 BR \N \N Pirajuí
12424 4 BR \N \N Pirambóia
12425 4 BR \N \N Pirangi
12426 4 BR \N \N Pirapitingui
12427 4 BR \N \N Pirapora do Bom Jesus
12428 4 BR \N \N Pirapozinho
12429 4 BR \N \N Pirassununga
12430 4 BR \N \N Piratininga
12431 4 BR \N \N Pitangueiras
12432 4 BR \N \N Planalto
12433 4 BR \N \N Planalto do Sul
12434 4 BR \N \N Platina
12435 4 BR \N \N Poloni
12436 4 BR \N \N Polvilho
12437 4 BR \N \N Pompéia
12438 4 BR \N \N Pongaí
12439 4 BR \N \N Pontal
12440 4 BR \N \N Pontalinda
12441 4 BR \N \N Pontes Gestal
12442 4 BR \N \N Populina
12443 4 BR \N \N Porangaba
12444 4 BR \N \N Porto Feliz
12445 4 BR \N \N Porto Ferreira
12446 4 BR \N \N Porto Novo
12447 4 BR \N \N Potim
12448 4 BR \N \N Potirendaba
12449 4 BR \N \N Potunduva
12450 4 BR \N \N Poá
12451 4 BR \N \N Pracinha
12452 4 BR \N \N Pradínia
12453 4 BR \N \N Pradópolis
12454 4 BR \N \N Praia Grande
12455 4 BR \N \N Pratânia
12456 4 BR \N \N Presidente Alves
12457 4 BR \N \N Presidente Bernardes
12458 4 BR \N \N Presidente Epitácio
12459 4 BR \N \N Presidente Prudente
12460 4 BR \N \N Presidente Venceslau
12461 4 BR \N \N Primavera
12462 4 BR \N \N Promissão
12463 4 BR \N \N Prudêncio e Moraes
12464 4 BR \N \N Quadra
12465 4 BR \N \N Quatá
12466 4 BR \N \N Queiroz
12467 4 BR \N \N Queluz
12468 4 BR \N \N Quintana
12469 4 BR \N \N Quiririm
12470 4 BR \N \N Rafard
12471 4 BR \N \N Rancharia
12472 4 BR \N \N Rechan
12473 4 BR \N \N Redenção da Serra
12474 4 BR \N \N Regente Feijó
12475 4 BR \N \N Reginópolis
12476 4 BR \N \N Registro
12477 4 BR \N \N Restinga
12478 4 BR \N \N Riacho Grande
12479 4 BR \N \N Ribeira
12480 4 BR \N \N Ribeiro do Vale
12481 4 BR \N \N Ribeiro dos Santos
12482 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Bonito
12483 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Branco
12484 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Corrente
12485 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Grande
12486 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Pires
12487 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão Preto
12488 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Sul
12489 4 BR \N \N Ribeirão dos Índios
12490 4 BR \N \N Rifaina
12491 4 BR \N \N Rincão
12492 4 BR \N \N Rinópolis
12493 4 BR \N \N Rio Claro
12494 4 BR \N \N Rio Grande da Serra
12495 4 BR \N \N Rio das Pedras
12496 4 BR \N \N Riolândia
12497 4 BR \N \N Riversul
12498 4 BR \N \N Roberto
12499 4 BR \N \N Rosana
12500 4 BR \N \N Roseira
12501 4 BR \N \N Rosália
12502 4 BR \N \N Rubinéia
12503 4 BR \N \N Rubiácea
12504 4 BR \N \N Rubião Júnior
12505 4 BR \N \N Ruilândia
12506 4 BR \N \N Sabaúna
12507 4 BR \N \N Sabino
12508 4 BR \N \N Sagres
12509 4 BR \N \N Sales
12510 4 BR \N \N Sales Oliveira
12511 4 BR \N \N Salesópolis
12512 4 BR \N \N Salmourão
12513 4 BR \N \N Saltinho
12514 4 BR \N \N Salto
12515 4 BR \N \N Salto Grande
12516 4 BR \N \N Salto de Pirapora
12517 4 BR \N \N Salto do Avanhandava
12518 4 BR \N \N Sandovalina
12519 4 BR \N \N Santa Adélia
12520 4 BR \N \N Santa Albertina
12521 4 BR \N \N Santa América
12522 4 BR \N \N Santa Branca
12523 4 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara D'Oeste
12524 4 BR \N \N Santa Clara D'Oeste
12525 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Conceição
12526 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Esperança
12527 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Estrela
12528 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz das Palmeiras
12529 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo
12530 4 BR \N \N Santa Cruz dos Lopes
12531 4 BR \N \N Santa Ernestina
12532 4 BR \N \N Santa Eudóxia
12533 4 BR \N \N Santa Fé do Sul
12534 4 BR \N \N Santa Gertrudes
12535 4 BR \N \N Santa Isabel
12536 4 BR \N \N Santa Isabel do Marinheiro
12537 4 BR \N \N Santa Lúcia
12538 4 BR \N \N Santa Margarida Paulista
12539 4 BR \N \N Santa Maria da Serra
12540 4 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Gurupá
12541 4 BR \N \N Santa Mercedes
12542 4 BR \N \N Santa Rita D'Oeste
12543 4 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Passa Quatro
12544 4 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Ribeira
12545 4 BR \N \N Santa Rosa de Viterbo
12546 4 BR \N \N Santa Salete
12547 4 BR \N \N Santa Teresinha de Piracicaba
12548 4 BR \N \N Santana da Ponte Pensa
12549 4 BR \N \N Santana de Parnaíba
12550 4 BR \N \N Santelmo
12551 4 BR \N \N Santo Anastácio
12552 4 BR \N \N Santo André
12553 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio Paulista
12554 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Alegria
12555 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Estiva
12556 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Posse
12557 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Aracanguá
12558 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Jardim
12559 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Paranapanema
12560 4 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Pinhal
12561 4 BR \N \N Santo Expedito
12562 4 BR \N \N Santos
12563 4 BR \N \N Santópolis do Aguapeí
12564 4 BR \N \N Sapezal
12565 4 BR \N \N Sarapuí
12566 4 BR \N \N Sarutaiá
12567 4 BR \N \N Sebastianópolis do Sul
12568 4 BR \N \N Serra Azul
12569 4 BR \N \N Serra Negra
12570 4 BR \N \N Serrana
12571 4 BR \N \N Sertãozinho
12572 4 BR \N \N Sete Barras
12573 4 BR \N \N Severínia
12574 4 BR \N \N Silveiras
12575 4 BR \N \N Silvânia
12576 4 BR \N \N Simonsen
12577 4 BR \N \N Simões
12578 4 BR \N \N Socorro
12579 4 BR \N \N Sodrélia
12580 4 BR \N \N Solemar
12581 4 BR \N \N Sorocaba
12582 4 BR \N \N Sousas
12583 4 BR \N \N Sud Mennucci
12584 4 BR \N \N Suinana
12585 4 BR \N \N Sumaré
12586 4 BR \N \N Sussui
12587 4 BR \N \N Suzano
12588 4 BR \N \N Suzanápolis
12589 4 BR \N \N São Benedito da Cachoeirinha
12590 4 BR \N \N São Benedito das Areias
12591 4 BR \N \N São Bento do Sapucaí
12592 4 BR \N \N São Bernardo do Campo
12593 4 BR \N \N São Berto
12594 4 BR \N \N São Caetano do Sul
12595 4 BR \N \N São Carlos
12596 4 BR \N \N São Francisco
12597 4 BR \N \N São Francisco Xavier
12598 4 BR \N \N São Francisco da Praia
12599 4 BR \N \N São Joaquim da Barra
12600 4 BR \N \N São José da Bela Vista
12601 4 BR \N \N São José das Laranjeiras
12602 4 BR \N \N São José do Barreiro
12603 4 BR \N \N São José do Rio Pardo
12604 4 BR \N \N São José do Rio Preto
12605 4 BR \N \N São José dos Campos
12606 4 BR \N \N São João Novo
12607 4 BR \N \N São João da Boa Vista
12608 4 BR \N \N São João das Duas Pontes
12609 4 BR \N \N São João de Iracema
12610 4 BR \N \N São João de Itaguaçu
12611 4 BR \N \N São João do Marinheiro
12612 4 BR \N \N São João do Pau d'Alho
12613 4 BR \N \N São Lourenço da Serra
12614 4 BR \N \N São Lourenço do Turvo
12615 4 BR \N \N São Luiz do Guaricanga
12616 4 BR \N \N São Luiz do Paraitinga
12617 4 BR \N \N São Manuel
12618 4 BR \N \N São Martinho D'Oeste
12619 4 BR \N \N São Miguel Arcanjo
12620 4 BR \N \N São Pedro
12621 4 BR \N \N São Pedro do Turvo
12622 4 BR \N \N São Roque
12623 4 BR \N \N São Roque da Fartura
12624 4 BR \N \N São Sebastião
12625 4 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Grama
12626 4 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Serra
12627 4 BR \N \N São Silvestre de Jacareí
12628 4 BR \N \N São Simão
12629 4 BR \N \N São Vicente
12630 4 BR \N \N Tabajara
12631 4 BR \N \N Tabapuã
12632 4 BR \N \N Tabatinga
12633 4 BR \N \N Taboão da Serra
12634 4 BR \N \N Taciba
12635 4 BR \N \N Taguaí
12636 4 BR \N \N Taiacupeba
12637 4 BR \N \N Taiaçu
12638 4 BR \N \N Taiúva
12639 4 BR \N \N Talhado
12640 4 BR \N \N Tambaú
12641 4 BR \N \N Tanabi
12642 4 BR \N \N Tapinas
12643 4 BR \N \N Tapiratiba
12644 4 BR \N \N Tapiraí
12645 4 BR \N \N Taquaral
12646 4 BR \N \N Taquaritinga
12647 4 BR \N \N Taquarituba
12648 4 BR \N \N Taquarivaí
12649 4 BR \N \N Tarabai
12650 4 BR \N \N Tarumã
12651 4 BR \N \N Tatuí
12652 4 BR \N \N Taubaté
12653 4 BR \N \N Tecainda
12654 4 BR \N \N Tejupá
12655 4 BR \N \N Teodoro Sampaio
12656 4 BR \N \N Termas de Ibirá
12657 4 BR \N \N Terra Nova D'Oeste
12658 4 BR \N \N Terra Roxa
12659 4 BR \N \N Tibiriçá
12660 4 BR \N \N Tibiriçá do Paranapanema
12661 4 BR \N \N Tietê
12662 4 BR \N \N Timburi
12663 4 BR \N \N Torre de Pedra
12664 4 BR \N \N Torrinha
12665 4 BR \N \N Trabiju
12666 4 BR \N \N Tremembé
12667 4 BR \N \N Três Alianças
12668 4 BR \N \N Três Fronteiras
12669 4 BR \N \N Três Pontes
12670 4 BR \N \N Três Vendas
12671 4 BR \N \N Tuiuti
12672 4 BR \N \N Tujuguaba
12673 4 BR \N \N Tupi
12674 4 BR \N \N Tupi Paulista
12675 4 BR \N \N Tupã
12676 4 BR \N \N Turiba do Sul
12677 4 BR \N \N Turiúba
12678 4 BR \N \N Turmalina
12679 4 BR \N \N Turvínia
12680 4 BR \N \N Ubarana
12681 4 BR \N \N Ubatuba
12682 4 BR \N \N Ubirajara
12683 4 BR \N \N Uchoa
12684 4 BR \N \N Universo
12685 4 BR \N \N União Paulista
12686 4 BR \N \N Uru
12687 4 BR \N \N Urupês
12688 4 BR \N \N Ururai
12689 4 BR \N \N Urânia
12690 4 BR \N \N Utinga
12691 4 BR \N \N Vale Formoso
12692 4 BR \N \N Valentim Gentil
12693 4 BR \N \N Valinhos
12694 4 BR \N \N Valparaíso
12695 4 BR \N \N Vanglória
12696 4 BR \N \N Vargem
12697 4 BR \N \N Vargem Grande Paulista
12698 4 BR \N \N Vargem Grande do Sul
12699 4 BR \N \N Varpa
12700 4 BR \N \N Venda Branca
12701 4 BR \N \N Vera Cruz
12702 4 BR \N \N Vicente de Carvalho
12703 4 BR \N \N Vicentinópolis
12704 4 BR \N \N Vila Dirce
12705 4 BR \N \N Vila Nery
12706 4 BR \N \N Vila Xavier
12707 4 BR \N \N Vinhedo
12708 4 BR \N \N Viradouro
12709 4 BR \N \N Vista Alegre do Alto
12710 4 BR \N \N Vitoriana
12711 4 BR \N \N Vitória Brasil
12712 4 BR \N \N Votorantim
12713 4 BR \N \N Votuporanga
12714 4 BR \N \N Várzea Paulista
12715 4 BR \N \N Zacarias
12716 4 BR \N \N Água Vermelha
12717 4 BR \N \N Águas da Prata
12718 4 BR \N \N Águas de Lindóia
12719 4 BR \N \N Águas de Santa Bárbara
12720 4 BR \N \N Águas de São Pedro
12721 4 BR \N \N Álvares Florence
12722 4 BR \N \N Álvares Machado
12723 4 BR \N \N Álvaro de Carvalho
12724 4 BR \N \N Óleo
12725 6 BR \N \N Abarracamento
12726 6 BR \N \N Afonso Arinos
12727 6 BR \N \N Agulhas Negras
12728 6 BR \N \N Amparo
12729 6 BR \N \N Andrade Pinto
12730 6 BR \N \N Angra dos Reis
12731 6 BR \N \N Anta
12732 6 BR \N \N Aperibé
12733 6 BR \N \N Araruama
12734 6 BR \N \N Areal
12735 6 BR \N \N Armação dos Búzios
12736 6 BR \N \N Arraial do Cabo
12737 6 BR \N \N Arrozal
12738 6 BR \N \N Avelar
12739 6 BR \N \N Bacaxá
12740 6 BR \N \N Baltazar
12741 6 BR \N \N Banquete
12742 6 BR \N \N Barcelos
12743 6 BR \N \N Barra Alegre
12744 6 BR \N \N Barra Mansa
12745 6 BR \N \N Barra Seca
12746 6 BR \N \N Barra de Macaé
12747 6 BR \N \N Barra de São João
12748 6 BR \N \N Barra do Piraí
12749 6 BR \N \N Barão de Juparana
12750 6 BR \N \N Batatal
12751 6 BR \N \N Belford Roxo
12752 6 BR \N \N Bemposta
12753 6 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
12754 6 BR \N \N Boa Sorte
12755 6 BR \N \N Boa Ventura
12756 6 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
12757 6 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Itabapoana
12758 6 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Querendo
12759 6 BR \N \N Cabo Frio
12760 6 BR \N \N Cabuçu
12761 6 BR \N \N Cachoeiras de Macacu
12762 6 BR \N \N Cachoeiros
12763 6 BR \N \N Calheiros
12764 6 BR \N \N Cambiasca
12765 6 BR \N \N Cambuci
12766 6 BR \N \N Campo do Coelho
12767 6 BR \N \N Campos Elíseos
12768 6 BR \N \N Campos dos Goytacazes
12769 6 BR \N \N Cantagalo
12770 6 BR \N \N Carabuçu
12771 6 BR \N \N Carapebus
12772 6 BR \N \N Cardoso Moreira
12773 6 BR \N \N Carmo
12774 6 BR \N \N Cascatinha
12775 6 BR \N \N Casimiro de Abreu
12776 6 BR \N \N Cava
12777 6 BR \N \N Coelho da Rocha
12778 6 BR \N \N Colônia
12779 6 BR \N \N Comendador Levy Gasparian
12780 6 BR \N \N Comendador Venâncio
12781 6 BR \N \N Conceição de Jacareí
12782 6 BR \N \N Conceição de Macabu
12783 6 BR \N \N Conrado
12784 6 BR \N \N Conselheiro Paulino
12785 6 BR \N \N Conservatória
12786 6 BR \N \N Cordeiro
12787 6 BR \N \N Coroa Grande
12788 6 BR \N \N Correas
12789 6 BR \N \N Correntezas
12790 6 BR \N \N Cunhambebe
12791 6 BR \N \N Córrego da Prata
12792 6 BR \N \N Córrego do Ouro
12793 6 BR \N \N Dores de Macabu
12794 6 BR \N \N Dorândia
12795 6 BR \N \N Doutor Elias
12796 6 BR \N \N Doutor Loreti
12797 6 BR \N \N Duas Barras
12798 6 BR \N \N Duque de Caxias
12799 6 BR \N \N Engenheiro Passos
12800 6 BR \N \N Engenheiro Paulo de Frontin
12801 6 BR \N \N Engenheiro Pedreira
12802 6 BR \N \N Estrada Nova
12803 6 BR \N \N Euclidelândia
12804 6 BR \N \N Falcão
12805 6 BR \N \N Floriano
12806 6 BR \N \N Fumaça
12807 6 BR \N \N Funil
12808 6 BR \N \N Gaviões
12809 6 BR \N \N Getulândia
12810 6 BR \N \N Glicério
12811 6 BR \N \N Goitacazes
12812 6 BR \N \N Governador Portela
12813 6 BR \N \N Guapimirim
12814 6 BR \N \N Guia de Pacobaíba
12815 6 BR \N \N Ibitiguaçu
12816 6 BR \N \N Ibitioca
12817 6 BR \N \N Ibituporanga
12818 6 BR \N \N Iguaba Grande
12819 6 BR \N \N Ilha Grande
12820 6 BR \N \N Imbariê
12821 6 BR \N \N Inconfidência
12822 6 BR \N \N Inhomirim
12823 6 BR \N \N Inoã
12824 6 BR \N \N Ipiabás
12825 6 BR \N \N Ipiiba
12826 6 BR \N \N Ipituna
12827 6 BR \N \N Ipuca
12828 6 BR \N \N Itabapoana
12829 6 BR \N \N Itaboraí
12830 6 BR \N \N Itacurussá
12831 6 BR \N \N Itaguaí
12832 6 BR \N \N Itaipava
12833 6 BR \N \N Itaipu
12834 6 BR \N \N Itajara
12835 6 BR \N \N Italva
12836 6 BR \N \N Itambi
12837 6 BR \N \N Itaocara
12838 6 BR \N \N Itaperuna
12839 6 BR \N \N Itatiaia
12840 6 BR \N \N Jaguarembé
12841 6 BR \N \N Jamapará
12842 6 BR \N \N Japeri
12843 6 BR \N \N Japuíba
12844 6 BR \N \N Laje do Muriaé
12845 6 BR \N \N Laranjais
12846 6 BR \N \N Lumiar
12847 6 BR \N \N Lídice
12848 6 BR \N \N Macabuzinho
12849 6 BR \N \N Macaé
12850 6 BR \N \N Macuco
12851 6 BR \N \N Magé
12852 6 BR \N \N Mambucaba
12853 6 BR \N \N Mangaratiba
12854 6 BR \N \N Maniva
12855 6 BR \N \N Manoel Ribeiro
12856 6 BR \N \N Manuel Duarte
12857 6 BR \N \N Marangatu
12858 6 BR \N \N Maricá
12859 6 BR \N \N Mendes
12860 6 BR \N \N Mesquita
12861 6 BR \N \N Miguel Pereira
12862 6 BR \N \N Miracema
12863 6 BR \N \N Monjolo
12864 6 BR \N \N Monnerat
12865 6 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
12866 6 BR \N \N Monte Verde
12867 6 BR \N \N Monumento
12868 6 BR \N \N Morangaba
12869 6 BR \N \N Morro Grande
12870 6 BR \N \N Morro do Côco
12871 6 BR \N \N Mussurepe
12872 6 BR \N \N Natividade
12873 6 BR \N \N Neves
12874 6 BR \N \N Nhunguaçu
12875 6 BR \N \N Nilópolis
12876 6 BR \N \N Niterói
12877 6 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Aparecida
12878 6 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Penha
12879 6 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Amparo
12880 6 BR \N \N Nova Friburgo
12881 6 BR \N \N Nova Iguaçu
12882 6 BR \N \N Olinda
12883 6 BR \N \N Ourânia
12884 6 BR \N \N Papucaia
12885 6 BR \N \N Paquequer Pequeno
12886 6 BR \N \N Paracambi
12887 6 BR \N \N Paraoquena
12888 6 BR \N \N Parapeúna
12889 6 BR \N \N Parati
12890 6 BR \N \N Parati Mirim
12891 6 BR \N \N Paraíba do Sul
12892 6 BR \N \N Paraíso do Tobias
12893 6 BR \N \N Passa Três
12894 6 BR \N \N Paty do Alferes
12895 6 BR \N \N Pedra Selada
12896 6 BR \N \N Pedro do Rio
12897 6 BR \N \N Penedo
12898 6 BR \N \N Pentagna
12899 6 BR \N \N Petrópolis
12900 6 BR \N \N Piabetá
12901 6 BR \N \N Pinheiral
12902 6 BR \N \N Pipeiras
12903 6 BR \N \N Pirangaí
12904 6 BR \N \N Pirapetinga de Bom Jesus
12905 6 BR \N \N Piraí
12906 6 BR \N \N Pião
12907 6 BR \N \N Porciúncula
12908 6 BR \N \N Portela
12909 6 BR \N \N Porto Real
12910 6 BR \N \N Porto Velho do Cunha
12911 6 BR \N \N Porto das Caixas
12912 6 BR \N \N Posse
12913 6 BR \N \N Pureza
12914 6 BR \N \N Purilândia
12915 6 BR \N \N Quartéis
12916 6 BR \N \N Quatis
12917 6 BR \N \N Queimados
12918 6 BR \N \N Quissamã
12919 6 BR \N \N Raposo
12920 6 BR \N \N Renascença
12921 6 BR \N \N Resende
12922 6 BR \N \N Retiro do Muriaé
12923 6 BR \N \N Rialto
12924 6 BR \N \N Ribeirão de São Joaquim
12925 6 BR \N \N Rio Bonito
12926 6 BR \N \N Rio Claro
12927 6 BR \N \N Rio das Flores
12928 6 BR \N \N Rio das Ostras
12929 6 BR \N \N Riograndina
12930 6 BR \N \N Rosal
12931 6 BR \N \N Sacra Família do Tinguá
12932 6 BR \N \N Salutaris
12933 6 BR \N \N Sambaetiba
12934 6 BR \N \N Sampaio Correia
12935 6 BR \N \N Sana
12936 6 BR \N \N Santa Clara
12937 6 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
12938 6 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Serra
12939 6 BR \N \N Santa Isabel
12940 6 BR \N \N Santa Isabel do Rio Preto
12941 6 BR \N \N Santa Maria
12942 6 BR \N \N Santa Maria Madalena
12943 6 BR \N \N Santa Rita da Floresta
12944 6 BR \N \N Santanésia
12945 6 BR \N \N Santo Aleixo
12946 6 BR \N \N Santo Amaro de Campos
12947 6 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Pádua
12948 6 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Imbé
12949 6 BR \N \N Santo Eduardo
12950 6 BR \N \N Sapucaia
12951 6 BR \N \N Saquarema
12952 6 BR \N \N Saracuruna
12953 6 BR \N \N Sebastião de Lacerda
12954 6 BR \N \N Seropédica
12955 6 BR \N \N Serrinha
12956 6 BR \N \N Sete Pontes
12957 6 BR \N \N Silva Jardim
12958 6 BR \N \N Sodrelândia
12959 6 BR \N \N Sossego
12960 6 BR \N \N Subaio
12961 6 BR \N \N Sumidouro
12962 6 BR \N \N Suruí
12963 6 BR \N \N São Fidélis
12964 6 BR \N \N São Francisco de Itabapoana
12965 6 BR \N \N São Gonçalo
12966 6 BR \N \N São Joaquim
12967 6 BR \N \N São José de Ubá
12968 6 BR \N \N São José do Ribeirão
12969 6 BR \N \N São José do Turvo
12970 6 BR \N \N São José do Vale do Rio Preto
12971 6 BR \N \N São João Marcos
12972 6 BR \N \N São João da Barra
12973 6 BR \N \N São João de Meriti
12974 6 BR \N \N São João do Paraíso
12975 6 BR \N \N São Mateus
12976 6 BR \N \N São Pedro da Aldeia
12977 6 BR \N \N São Pedro da Serra
12978 6 BR \N \N São Sebastião de Campos
12979 6 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Alto
12980 6 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Paraíba
12981 6 BR \N \N São Sebastião dos Ferreiros
12982 6 BR \N \N São Vicente de Paula
12983 6 BR \N \N Taboas
12984 6 BR \N \N Tamoios
12985 6 BR \N \N Tanguá
12986 6 BR \N \N Tapera
12987 6 BR \N \N Tarituba
12988 6 BR \N \N Teresópolis
12989 6 BR \N \N Tocos
12990 6 BR \N \N Trajano de Morais
12991 6 BR \N \N Travessão
12992 6 BR \N \N Triunfo
12993 6 BR \N \N Três Irmãos
12994 6 BR \N \N Três Rios
12995 6 BR \N \N Valença
12996 6 BR \N \N Valão do Barro
12997 6 BR \N \N Vargem Alegre
12998 6 BR \N \N Varre-Sai
12999 6 BR \N \N Vassouras
13000 6 BR \N \N Venda das Flores
13001 6 BR \N \N Venda das Pedras
13002 6 BR \N \N Vila Muriqui
13003 6 BR \N \N Vila Nova de Campos
13004 6 BR \N \N Vila da Grama
13005 6 BR \N \N Visconde de Imbé
13006 6 BR \N \N Volta Redonda
13007 6 BR \N \N Werneck
13008 6 BR \N \N Xerém
13009 10 BR \N \N Aceguá
13010 10 BR \N \N Afonso Rodrigues
13011 10 BR \N \N Agudo
13012 10 BR \N \N Ajuricaba
13013 10 BR \N \N Albardão
13014 10 BR \N \N Alecrim
13015 10 BR \N \N Alegrete
13016 10 BR \N \N Alegria
13017 10 BR \N \N Alfredo Brenner
13018 10 BR \N \N Almirante Tamandaré do Sul
13019 10 BR \N \N Alpestre
13020 10 BR \N \N Alto Alegre
13021 10 BR \N \N Alto Feliz
13022 10 BR \N \N Alto Paredão
13023 10 BR \N \N Alto Recreio
13024 10 BR \N \N Alto Uruguai
13025 10 BR \N \N Alto da União
13026 10 BR \N \N Alvorada
13027 10 BR \N \N Amaral Ferrador
13028 10 BR \N \N Ametista do Sul
13029 10 BR \N \N André da Rocha
13030 10 BR \N \N Anta Gorda
13031 10 BR \N \N Antônio Kerpel
13032 10 BR \N \N Antônio Prado
13033 10 BR \N \N Arambaré
13034 10 BR \N \N Araricá
13035 10 BR \N \N Aratiba
13036 10 BR \N \N Arco Verde
13037 10 BR \N \N Arco-Íris
13038 10 BR \N \N Arroio Canoas
13039 10 BR \N \N Arroio Grande
13040 10 BR \N \N Arroio do Meio
13041 10 BR \N \N Arroio do Padre
13042 10 BR \N \N Arroio do Sal
13043 10 BR \N \N Arroio do Só
13044 10 BR \N \N Arroio do Tigre
13045 10 BR \N \N Arroio dos Ratos
13046 10 BR \N \N Arvorezinha
13047 10 BR \N \N Atafona
13048 10 BR \N \N Atiaçu
13049 10 BR \N \N Augusto Pestana
13050 10 BR \N \N Avelino Paranhos
13051 10 BR \N \N Azevedo Sodré
13052 10 BR \N \N Bacupari
13053 10 BR \N \N Bagé
13054 10 BR \N \N Baliza
13055 10 BR \N \N Balneário Pinhal
13056 10 BR \N \N Banhado do Colégio
13057 10 BR \N \N Barra Funda
13058 10 BR \N \N Barra do Guarita
13059 10 BR \N \N Barra do Ouro
13060 10 BR \N \N Barra do Quaraí
13061 10 BR \N \N Barra do Ribeiro
13062 10 BR \N \N Barra do Rio Azul
13063 10 BR \N \N Barracão
13064 10 BR \N \N Barreirinho
13065 10 BR \N \N Barreiro
13066 10 BR \N \N Barro Preto
13067 10 BR \N \N Barro Vermelho
13068 10 BR \N \N Barros Cassal
13069 10 BR \N \N Barão
13070 10 BR \N \N Barão de Cotegipe
13071 10 BR \N \N Barão do Triunfo
13072 10 BR \N \N Basílio
13073 10 BR \N \N Bela Vista
13074 10 BR \N \N Beluno
13075 10 BR \N \N Benjamin Constant do Sul
13076 10 BR \N \N Bento Gonçalves
13077 10 BR \N \N Bexiga
13078 10 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
13079 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista
13080 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista das Missões
13081 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Buricá
13082 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Cadeado
13083 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Incra
13084 10 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Sul
13085 10 BR \N \N Boca do Monte
13086 10 BR \N \N Boi Preto
13087 10 BR \N \N Bojuru
13088 10 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
13089 10 BR \N \N Bom Jesus
13090 10 BR \N \N Bom Princípio
13091 10 BR \N \N Bom Progresso
13092 10 BR \N \N Bom Retiro
13093 10 BR \N \N Bom Retiro do Guaíba
13094 10 BR \N \N Bom Retiro do Sul
13095 10 BR \N \N Bonito
13096 10 BR \N \N Boqueirão
13097 10 BR \N \N Boqueirão do Leão
13098 10 BR \N \N Bororé
13099 10 BR \N \N Bossoroca
13100 10 BR \N \N Botucaraí
13101 10 BR \N \N Bozano
13102 10 BR \N \N Braga
13103 10 BR \N \N Brochier
13104 10 BR \N \N Buriti
13105 10 BR \N \N Butiá
13106 10 BR \N \N Butiás
13107 10 BR \N \N Cacequi
13108 10 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Sul
13109 10 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
13110 10 BR \N \N Cacique Doble
13111 10 BR \N \N Cadorna
13112 10 BR \N \N Caibaté
13113 10 BR \N \N Caiçara
13114 10 BR \N \N Camaquã
13115 10 BR \N \N Camargo
13116 10 BR \N \N Cambará do Sul
13117 10 BR \N \N Camobi
13118 10 BR \N \N Campestre Baixo
13119 10 BR \N \N Campestre da Serra
13120 10 BR \N \N Campina Redonda
13121 10 BR \N \N Campina das Missões
13122 10 BR \N \N Campinas
13123 10 BR \N \N Campinas do Sul
13124 10 BR \N \N Campo Bom
13125 10 BR \N \N Campo Branco
13126 10 BR \N \N Campo Novo
13127 10 BR \N \N Campo Santo
13128 10 BR \N \N Campo Seco
13129 10 BR \N \N Campo Vicente
13130 10 BR \N \N Campo do Meio
13131 10 BR \N \N Campos Borges
13132 10 BR \N \N Candelária
13133 10 BR \N \N Candiota
13134 10 BR \N \N Canela
13135 10 BR \N \N Canguçu
13136 10 BR \N \N Canhembora
13137 10 BR \N \N Canoas
13138 10 BR \N \N Canudos do Vale
13139 10 BR \N \N Capané
13140 10 BR \N \N Capela Velha
13141 10 BR \N \N Capela de Santana
13142 10 BR \N \N Capinzal
13143 10 BR \N \N Capitão
13144 10 BR \N \N Capivari do Sul
13145 10 BR \N \N Capivarita
13146 10 BR \N \N Capo-Erê
13147 10 BR \N \N Capoeira Grande
13148 10 BR \N \N Capão Bonito
13149 10 BR \N \N Capão Bonito do Sul
13150 10 BR \N \N Capão Comprido
13151 10 BR \N \N Capão da Canoa
13152 10 BR \N \N Capão da Porteira
13153 10 BR \N \N Capão do Cedro
13154 10 BR \N \N Capão do Cipó
13155 10 BR \N \N Capão do Leão
13156 10 BR \N \N Carajá Seival
13157 10 BR \N \N Carazinho
13158 10 BR \N \N Caraá
13159 10 BR \N \N Carlos Barbosa
13160 10 BR \N \N Carlos Gomes
13161 10 BR \N \N Carovi
13162 10 BR \N \N Casca
13163 10 BR \N \N Cascata
13164 10 BR \N \N Caseiros
13165 10 BR \N \N Castelinho
13166 10 BR \N \N Catuípe
13167 10 BR \N \N Cavajureta
13168 10 BR \N \N Caverá
13169 10 BR \N \N Caxias do Sul
13170 10 BR \N \N Cazuza Ferreira
13171 10 BR \N \N Caçapava do Sul
13172 10 BR \N \N Cedro Marcado
13173 10 BR \N \N Centenário
13174 10 BR \N \N Centro Linha Brasil
13175 10 BR \N \N Cerrito
13176 10 BR \N \N Cerrito Alegre
13177 10 BR \N \N Cerrito do Ouro ou Vila do Cerrito
13178 10 BR \N \N Cerro Alto
13179 10 BR \N \N Cerro Branco
13180 10 BR \N \N Cerro Claro
13181 10 BR \N \N Cerro Grande
13182 10 BR \N \N Cerro Grande do Sul
13183 10 BR \N \N Cerro Largo
13184 10 BR \N \N Cerro do Martins
13185 10 BR \N \N Cerro do Roque
13186 10 BR \N \N Chapada
13187 10 BR \N \N Charqueadas
13188 10 BR \N \N Charrua
13189 10 BR \N \N Chiapetta
13190 10 BR \N \N Chicolomã
13191 10 BR \N \N Chimarrão
13192 10 BR \N \N Chorão
13193 10 BR \N \N Chuvisca
13194 10 BR \N \N Chuí
13195 10 BR \N \N Cidreira
13196 10 BR \N \N Cinqüentenário
13197 10 BR \N \N Ciríaco
13198 10 BR \N \N Clara
13199 10 BR \N \N Clemente Argolo
13200 10 BR \N \N Coimbra
13201 10 BR \N \N Colinas
13202 10 BR \N \N Coloninha
13203 10 BR \N \N Colorado
13204 10 BR \N \N Colônia Medeiros
13205 10 BR \N \N Colônia Municipal
13206 10 BR \N \N Colônia Nova
13207 10 BR \N \N Colônia São João
13208 10 BR \N \N Colônia Z-3
13209 10 BR \N \N Colônia das Almas
13210 10 BR \N \N Comandai
13211 10 BR \N \N Condor
13212 10 BR \N \N Consolata
13213 10 BR \N \N Constantina
13214 10 BR \N \N Coqueiro Baixo
13215 10 BR \N \N Coqueiros do Sul
13216 10 BR \N \N Cordilheira
13217 10 BR \N \N Coroados
13218 10 BR \N \N Coronel Barros
13219 10 BR \N \N Coronel Bicaco
13220 10 BR \N \N Coronel Finzito
13221 10 BR \N \N Coronel Pilar
13222 10 BR \N \N Coronel Teixeira
13223 10 BR \N \N Cortado
13224 10 BR \N \N Costa da Cadeia
13225 10 BR \N \N Costão
13226 10 BR \N \N Cotiporã
13227 10 BR \N \N Coxilha
13228 10 BR \N \N Coxilha Grande
13229 10 BR \N \N Cr-1
13230 10 BR \N \N Crissiumal
13231 10 BR \N \N Cristal
13232 10 BR \N \N Cristal do Sul
13233 10 BR \N \N Criúva
13234 10 BR \N \N Cruz Alta
13235 10 BR \N \N Cruzaltense
13236 10 BR \N \N Cruzeiro
13237 10 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Sul
13238 10 BR \N \N Curral Alto
13239 10 BR \N \N Curumim
13240 10 BR \N \N Cândido Freire
13241 10 BR \N \N Cândido Godói
13242 10 BR \N \N Daltro Filho
13243 10 BR \N \N David Canabarro
13244 10 BR \N \N Delfina
13245 10 BR \N \N Deodoro
13246 10 BR \N \N Depósito
13247 10 BR \N \N Derrubadas
13248 10 BR \N \N Dezesseis de Novembro
13249 10 BR \N \N Dilermando de Aguiar
13250 10 BR \N \N Divino
13251 10 BR \N \N Dois Irmãos
13252 10 BR \N \N Dois Irmãos das Missões
13253 10 BR \N \N Dois Lajeados
13254 10 BR \N \N Dom Feliciano
13255 10 BR \N \N Dom Pedrito
13256 10 BR \N \N Dom Pedro de Alcântara
13257 10 BR \N \N Dona Francisca
13258 10 BR \N \N Dona Otília
13259 10 BR \N \N Dourado
13260 10 BR \N \N Doutor Edgardo Pereira Velho
13261 10 BR \N \N Doutor Maurício Cardoso
13262 10 BR \N \N Doutor Ricardo
13263 10 BR \N \N Dário Lassance
13264 10 BR \N \N Eldorado do Sul
13265 10 BR \N \N Eletra
13266 10 BR \N \N Encantado
13267 10 BR \N \N Encruzilhada
13268 10 BR \N \N Encruzilhada do Sul
13269 10 BR \N \N Engenho Velho
13270 10 BR \N \N Entre Rios do Sul
13271 10 BR \N \N Entre-Ijuís
13272 10 BR \N \N Entrepelado
13273 10 BR \N \N Erebango
13274 10 BR \N \N Erechim
13275 10 BR \N \N Ernestina
13276 10 BR \N \N Ernesto Alves
13277 10 BR \N \N Erval Grande
13278 10 BR \N \N Erval Seco
13279 10 BR \N \N Erveiras
13280 10 BR \N \N Esmeralda
13281 10 BR \N \N Esperança do Sul
13282 10 BR \N \N Espigão
13283 10 BR \N \N Espigão Alto
13284 10 BR \N \N Espinilho Grande
13285 10 BR \N \N Espumoso
13286 10 BR \N \N Espírito Santo
13287 10 BR \N \N Esquina Araújo
13288 10 BR \N \N Esquina Bom Sucesso
13289 10 BR \N \N Esquina Gaúcha
13290 10 BR \N \N Esquina Ipiranga
13291 10 BR \N \N Esquina Piratini
13292 10 BR \N \N Estação
13293 10 BR \N \N Esteio
13294 10 BR \N \N Esteira
13295 10 BR \N \N Estreito
13296 10 BR \N \N Estrela
13297 10 BR \N \N Estrela Velha
13298 10 BR \N \N Estância Grande
13299 10 BR \N \N Estância Velha
13300 10 BR \N \N Eugênio de Castro
13301 10 BR \N \N Evangelista
13302 10 BR \N \N Fagundes Varela
13303 10 BR \N \N Faria Lemos
13304 10 BR \N \N Farinhas
13305 10 BR \N \N Farrapos
13306 10 BR \N \N Farroupilha
13307 10 BR \N \N Faxinal
13308 10 BR \N \N Faxinal do Soturno
13309 10 BR \N \N Faxinalzinho
13310 10 BR \N \N Fazenda Fialho
13311 10 BR \N \N Fazenda Souza
13312 10 BR \N \N Fazenda Vilanova
13313 10 BR \N \N Feliz
13314 10 BR \N \N Ferreira
13315 10 BR \N \N Flores da Cunha
13316 10 BR \N \N Floresta
13317 10 BR \N \N Floriano Peixoto
13318 10 BR \N \N Flórida
13319 10 BR \N \N Fontoura Xavier
13320 10 BR \N \N Formigueiro
13321 10 BR \N \N Formosa
13322 10 BR \N \N Forninho
13323 10 BR \N \N Forquetinha
13324 10 BR \N \N Fortaleza dos Valos
13325 10 BR \N \N Frederico Westphalen
13326 10 BR \N \N Frei Sebastião
13327 10 BR \N \N Freire
13328 10 BR \N \N Fão
13329 10 BR \N \N Garibaldi
13330 10 BR \N \N Garibaldina
13331 10 BR \N \N Garruchos
13332 10 BR \N \N Gaurama
13333 10 BR \N \N General Câmara
13334 10 BR \N \N Gentil
13335 10 BR \N \N Getúlio Vargas
13336 10 BR \N \N Giruá
13337 10 BR \N \N Glorinha
13338 10 BR \N \N Glória
13339 10 BR \N \N Goio-En
13340 10 BR \N \N Gramado
13341 10 BR \N \N Gramado São Pedro
13342 10 BR \N \N Gramado Xavier
13343 10 BR \N \N Gramado dos Loureiros
13344 10 BR \N \N Gravataí
13345 10 BR \N \N Guabiju
13346 10 BR \N \N Guajuviras
13347 10 BR \N \N Guaporé
13348 10 BR \N \N Guarani das Missões
13349 10 BR \N \N Guassupi
13350 10 BR \N \N Guaíba
13351 10 BR \N \N Harmonia
13352 10 BR \N \N Herval
13353 10 BR \N \N Herveiras
13354 10 BR \N \N Hidráulica
13355 10 BR \N \N Horizontina
13356 10 BR \N \N Hulha Negra
13357 10 BR \N \N Humaitá
13358 10 BR \N \N Ibarama
13359 10 BR \N \N Ibaré
13360 10 BR \N \N Ibiaçá
13361 10 BR \N \N Ibiraiaras
13362 10 BR \N \N Ibirapuitã
13363 10 BR \N \N Ibirubá
13364 10 BR \N \N Igrejinha
13365 10 BR \N \N Ijucapirama
13366 10 BR \N \N Ijuí
13367 10 BR \N \N Ilha dos Marinheiros
13368 10 BR \N \N Ilópolis
13369 10 BR \N \N Imbé
13370 10 BR \N \N Imigrante
13371 10 BR \N \N Independência
13372 10 BR \N \N Inhacorá
13373 10 BR \N \N Ipiranga
13374 10 BR \N \N Ipiranga do Sul
13375 10 BR \N \N Ipuaçu
13376 10 BR \N \N Ipê
13377 10 BR \N \N Iraí
13378 10 BR \N \N Iruí
13379 10 BR \N \N Itaara
13380 10 BR \N \N Itacolomi
13381 10 BR \N \N Itacurubi
13382 10 BR \N \N Itaimbezinho
13383 10 BR \N \N Itapucá
13384 10 BR \N \N Itapuã
13385 10 BR \N \N Itaqui
13386 10 BR \N \N Itati
13387 10 BR \N \N Itatiba do Sul
13388 10 BR \N \N Itaí
13389 10 BR \N \N Itaúba
13390 10 BR \N \N Ituim
13391 10 BR \N \N Itão
13392 10 BR \N \N Ivaí
13393 10 BR \N \N Ivorá
13394 10 BR \N \N Ivoti
13395 10 BR \N \N Jaboticaba
13396 10 BR \N \N Jacuizinho
13397 10 BR \N \N Jacutinga
13398 10 BR \N \N Jaguarete
13399 10 BR \N \N Jaguari
13400 10 BR \N \N Jaguarão
13401 10 BR \N \N Jansen
13402 10 BR \N \N Jaquirana
13403 10 BR \N \N Jari
13404 10 BR \N \N Jazidas ou Capela São Vicente
13405 10 BR \N \N José Otávio
13406 10 BR \N \N João Arregui
13407 10 BR \N \N João Rodrigues
13408 10 BR \N \N Joça Tavares
13409 10 BR \N \N Juá
13410 10 BR \N \N Jóia
13411 10 BR \N \N Júlio de Castilhos
13412 10 BR \N \N Lagoa Bonita do Sul
13413 10 BR \N \N Lagoa Vermelha
13414 10 BR \N \N Lagoa dos Três Cantos
13415 10 BR \N \N Lagoão
13416 10 BR \N \N Lajeado
13417 10 BR \N \N Lajeado Bonito
13418 10 BR \N \N Lajeado Cerne
13419 10 BR \N \N Lajeado Grande
13420 10 BR \N \N Lajeado do Bugre
13421 10 BR \N \N Lara
13422 10 BR \N \N Laranjeira
13423 10 BR \N \N Lava-Pés
13424 10 BR \N \N Lavras do Sul
13425 10 BR \N \N Leonel Rocha
13426 10 BR \N \N Liberato Salzano
13427 10 BR \N \N Lindolfo Collor
13428 10 BR \N \N Linha Comprida
13429 10 BR \N \N Linha Nova
13430 10 BR \N \N Linha Vitória
13431 10 BR \N \N Loreto
13432 10 BR \N \N Machadinho
13433 10 BR \N \N Magistério
13434 10 BR \N \N Mampituba
13435 10 BR \N \N Manchinha
13436 10 BR \N \N Mangueiras
13437 10 BR \N \N Manoel Viana
13438 10 BR \N \N Maquiné
13439 10 BR \N \N Maratá
13440 10 BR \N \N Marau
13441 10 BR \N \N Marcelino Ramos
13442 10 BR \N \N Marcorama
13443 10 BR \N \N Mariana Pimentel
13444 10 BR \N \N Mariano Moro
13445 10 BR \N \N Mariante
13446 10 BR \N \N Mariápolis
13447 10 BR \N \N Marques de Souza
13448 10 BR \N \N Mata
13449 10 BR \N \N Matarazzo
13450 10 BR \N \N Mato Castelhano
13451 10 BR \N \N Mato Grande
13452 10 BR \N \N Mato Leitão
13453 10 BR \N \N Mato Perso
13454 10 BR \N \N Mato Queimado
13455 10 BR \N \N Mauá
13456 10 BR \N \N Maximiliano de Almeida
13457 10 BR \N \N Maçambará
13458 10 BR \N \N Minas do Leão
13459 10 BR \N \N Miraguaia
13460 10 BR \N \N Miraguaí
13461 10 BR \N \N Mirim
13462 10 BR \N \N Montauri
13463 10 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
13464 10 BR \N \N Monte Alegre dos Campos
13465 10 BR \N \N Monte Alverne
13466 10 BR \N \N Monte Belo do Sul
13467 10 BR \N \N Monte Bonito
13468 10 BR \N \N Montenegro
13469 10 BR \N \N Mormaço
13470 10 BR \N \N Morrinhos
13471 10 BR \N \N Morrinhos do Sul
13472 10 BR \N \N Morro Alto
13473 10 BR \N \N Morro Azul
13474 10 BR \N \N Morro Redondo
13475 10 BR \N \N Morro Reuter
13476 10 BR \N \N Morungava
13477 10 BR \N \N Mostardas
13478 10 BR \N \N Muitos Capões
13479 10 BR \N \N Muliterno
13480 10 BR \N \N Muçum
13481 10 BR \N \N Nazaré
13482 10 BR \N \N Nicolau Vergueiro
13483 10 BR \N \N Nonoai
13484 10 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora Aparecida
13485 10 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Conceição
13486 10 BR \N \N Nova Alvorada
13487 10 BR \N \N Nova Araçá
13488 10 BR \N \N Nova Bassano
13489 10 BR \N \N Nova Boa Vista
13490 10 BR \N \N Nova Bréscia
13491 10 BR \N \N Nova Candelária
13492 10 BR \N \N Nova Esperança do Sul
13493 10 BR \N \N Nova Hartz
13494 10 BR \N \N Nova Milano
13495 10 BR \N \N Nova Palma
13496 10 BR \N \N Nova Petrópolis
13497 10 BR \N \N Nova Prata
13498 10 BR \N \N Nova Pádua
13499 10 BR \N \N Nova Ramada
13500 10 BR \N \N Nova Roma do Sul
13501 10 BR \N \N Nova Santa Rita
13502 10 BR \N \N Nova Sardenha
13503 10 BR \N \N Novo Barreiro
13504 10 BR \N \N Novo Cabrais
13505 10 BR \N \N Novo Hamburgo
13506 10 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
13507 10 BR \N \N Novo Machado
13508 10 BR \N \N Novo Planalto
13509 10 BR \N \N Novo Tiradentes
13510 10 BR \N \N Novo Xingu
13511 10 BR \N \N Não-Me-Toque
13512 10 BR \N \N Oralina
13513 10 BR \N \N Osvaldo Cruz
13514 10 BR \N \N Osvaldo Kroeff
13515 10 BR \N \N Osório
13516 10 BR \N \N Otávio Rocha
13517 10 BR \N \N Pacheca
13518 10 BR \N \N Padilha
13519 10 BR \N \N Padre Gonzales
13520 10 BR \N \N Paim Filho
13521 10 BR \N \N Palmares do Sul
13522 10 BR \N \N Palmas
13523 10 BR \N \N Palmeira das Missões
13524 10 BR \N \N Palmitinho
13525 10 BR \N \N Pampeiro
13526 10 BR \N \N Panambi
13527 10 BR \N \N Paraí
13528 10 BR \N \N Paraíso do Sul
13529 10 BR \N \N Pareci Novo
13530 10 BR \N \N Parobé
13531 10 BR \N \N Passa Sete
13532 10 BR \N \N Passinhos
13533 10 BR \N \N Passo Burmann
13534 10 BR \N \N Passo Fundo
13535 10 BR \N \N Passo Novo
13536 10 BR \N \N Passo Raso
13537 10 BR \N \N Passo da Areia
13538 10 BR \N \N Passo da Caveira
13539 10 BR \N \N Passo das Pedras
13540 10 BR \N \N Passo do Adão
13541 10 BR \N \N Passo do Sabão
13542 10 BR \N \N Passo do Sobrado
13543 10 BR \N \N Passo do Verde
13544 10 BR \N \N Paulo Bento
13545 10 BR \N \N Paverama
13546 10 BR \N \N Pavão
13547 10 BR \N \N Pedras Altas
13548 10 BR \N \N Pedreiras
13549 10 BR \N \N Pedro Garcia
13550 10 BR \N \N Pedro Osório
13551 10 BR \N \N Pedro Paiva
13552 10 BR \N \N Pejuçara
13553 10 BR \N \N Pelotas
13554 10 BR \N \N Picada Café
13555 10 BR \N \N Pinhal
13556 10 BR \N \N Pinhal Alto
13557 10 BR \N \N Pinhal Grande
13558 10 BR \N \N Pinhal da Serra
13559 10 BR \N \N Pinhalzinho
13560 10 BR \N \N Pinheirinho do Vale
13561 10 BR \N \N Pinheiro Machado
13562 10 BR \N \N Pinheiro Marcado
13563 10 BR \N \N Pinto Bandeira
13564 10 BR \N \N Pirapó
13565 10 BR \N \N Piratini
13566 10 BR \N \N Piraí
13567 10 BR \N \N Pitanga
13568 10 BR \N \N Planalto
13569 10 BR \N \N Plano Alto
13570 10 BR \N \N Polígono do Erval
13571 10 BR \N \N Ponte Preta
13572 10 BR \N \N Pontão
13573 10 BR \N \N Porto Batista
13574 10 BR \N \N Porto Lucena
13575 10 BR \N \N Porto Mauá
13576 10 BR \N \N Porto Vera Cruz
13577 10 BR \N \N Porto Xavier
13578 10 BR \N \N Portão
13579 10 BR \N \N Pouso Novo
13580 10 BR \N \N Povo Novo
13581 10 BR \N \N Povoado Tozzo
13582 10 BR \N \N Poço das Antas
13583 10 BR \N \N Pranchada
13584 10 BR \N \N Pratos
13585 10 BR \N \N Presidente Lucena
13586 10 BR \N \N Progresso
13587 10 BR \N \N Protásio Alves
13588 10 BR \N \N Pulador
13589 10 BR \N \N Putinga
13590 10 BR \N \N Pântano Grande
13591 10 BR \N \N Pólo Petroquímico de Triunfo
13592 10 BR \N \N Quaraim
13593 10 BR \N \N Quaraí
13594 10 BR \N \N Quatro Irmãos
13595 10 BR \N \N Quevedos
13596 10 BR \N \N Quilombo
13597 10 BR \N \N Quinta
13598 10 BR \N \N Quintão
13599 10 BR \N \N Quinze de Novembro
13600 10 BR \N \N Quitéria
13601 10 BR \N \N Rancho Velho
13602 10 BR \N \N Redentora
13603 10 BR \N \N Refugiado
13604 10 BR \N \N Relvado
13605 10 BR \N \N Restinga Seca
13606 10 BR \N \N Rincão Del Rei
13607 10 BR \N \N Rincão Doce
13608 10 BR \N \N Rincão Vermelho
13609 10 BR \N \N Rincão de São Pedro
13610 10 BR \N \N Rincão do Cristóvão Pereira
13611 10 BR \N \N Rincão do Meio
13612 10 BR \N \N Rincão do Segredo
13613 10 BR \N \N Rincão dos Kroeff
13614 10 BR \N \N Rincão dos Mendes
13615 10 BR \N \N Rio Azul
13616 10 BR \N \N Rio Branco
13617 10 BR \N \N Rio Grande
13618 10 BR \N \N Rio Pardinho
13619 10 BR \N \N Rio Pardo
13620 10 BR \N \N Rio Telha
13621 10 BR \N \N Rio Tigre
13622 10 BR \N \N Rio Toldo
13623 10 BR \N \N Rio da Ilha
13624 10 BR \N \N Rio dos Índios
13625 10 BR \N \N Riozinho
13626 10 BR \N \N Roca Sales
13627 10 BR \N \N Rodeio Bonito
13628 10 BR \N \N Rolador
13629 10 BR \N \N Rolante
13630 10 BR \N \N Rolantinho da Figueira
13631 10 BR \N \N Ronda Alta
13632 10 BR \N \N Rondinha
13633 10 BR \N \N Roque Gonzales
13634 10 BR \N \N Rosário
13635 10 BR \N \N Rosário do Sul
13636 10 BR \N \N Sagrada Família
13637 10 BR \N \N Saicã
13638 10 BR \N \N Saldanha Marinho
13639 10 BR \N \N Saltinho
13640 10 BR \N \N Salto
13641 10 BR \N \N Salto do Jacuí
13642 10 BR \N \N Salvador das Missões
13643 10 BR \N \N Salvador do Sul
13644 10 BR \N \N Sananduva
13645 10 BR \N \N Sant'auta
13646 10 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara
13647 10 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara do Sul
13648 10 BR \N \N Santa Catarina
13649 10 BR \N \N Santa Cecília do Sul
13650 10 BR \N \N Santa Clara do Ingaí
13651 10 BR \N \N Santa Clara do Sul
13652 10 BR \N \N Santa Cristina
13653 10 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
13654 10 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Concórdia
13655 10 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Sul
13656 10 BR \N \N Santa Flora
13657 10 BR \N \N Santa Inês
13658 10 BR \N \N Santa Izabel do Sul
13659 10 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
13660 10 BR \N \N Santa Luíza
13661 10 BR \N \N Santa Lúcia
13662 10 BR \N \N Santa Lúcia do Piaí
13663 10 BR \N \N Santa Margarida do Sul
13664 10 BR \N \N Santa Maria
13665 10 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Herval
13666 10 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Sul
13667 10 BR \N \N Santa Rosa
13668 10 BR \N \N Santa Silvana
13669 10 BR \N \N Santa Teresinha
13670 10 BR \N \N Santa Tereza
13671 10 BR \N \N Santa Vitória do Palmar
13672 10 BR \N \N Santana
13673 10 BR \N \N Santana da Boa Vista
13674 10 BR \N \N Santana do Livramento
13675 10 BR \N \N Santiago
13676 10 BR \N \N Santo Amaro do Sul
13677 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
13678 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Patrulha
13679 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio das Missões
13680 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Castro
13681 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Bom Retiro
13682 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Palma
13683 10 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Planalto
13684 10 BR \N \N Santo Augusto
13685 10 BR \N \N Santo Cristo
13686 10 BR \N \N Santo Expedito do Sul
13687 10 BR \N \N Santo Inácio
13688 10 BR \N \N Santo Ângelo
13689 10 BR \N \N Sapiranga
13690 10 BR \N \N Sapucaia do Sul
13691 10 BR \N \N Sarandi
13692 10 BR \N \N Scharlau
13693 10 BR \N \N Seberi
13694 10 BR \N \N Sede Aurora
13695 10 BR \N \N Sede Nova
13696 10 BR \N \N Segredo
13697 10 BR \N \N Seival
13698 10 BR \N \N Selbach
13699 10 BR \N \N Senador Salgado Filho
13700 10 BR \N \N Sentinela do Sul
13701 10 BR \N \N Serafim Schmidt
13702 10 BR \N \N Serafina Corrêa
13703 10 BR \N \N Serra dos Gregórios
13704 10 BR \N \N Serrinha
13705 10 BR \N \N Sertão
13706 10 BR \N \N Sertão Santana
13707 10 BR \N \N Sertãozinho
13708 10 BR \N \N Sete Lagoas
13709 10 BR \N \N Sete de Setembro
13710 10 BR \N \N Severiano de Almeida
13711 10 BR \N \N Silva Jardim
13712 10 BR \N \N Silveira
13713 10 BR \N \N Silveira Martins
13714 10 BR \N \N Sinimbu
13715 10 BR \N \N Sobradinho
13716 10 BR \N \N Soledade
13717 10 BR \N \N Souza Ramos
13718 10 BR \N \N Suspiro
13719 10 BR \N \N São Bento
13720 10 BR \N \N São Bom Jesus
13721 10 BR \N \N São Borja
13722 10 BR \N \N São Carlos
13723 10 BR \N \N São Domingos do Sul
13724 10 BR \N \N São Francisco
13725 10 BR \N \N São Francisco de Assis
13726 10 BR \N \N São Francisco de Paula
13727 10 BR \N \N São Gabriel
13728 10 BR \N \N São Jerônimo
13729 10 BR \N \N São Jorge
13730 10 BR \N \N São José da Glória
13731 10 BR \N \N São José das Missões
13732 10 BR \N \N São José de Castro
13733 10 BR \N \N São José do Centro
13734 10 BR \N \N São José do Herval
13735 10 BR \N \N São José do Hortêncio
13736 10 BR \N \N São José do Inhacorá
13737 10 BR \N \N São José do Norte
13738 10 BR \N \N São José do Ouro
13739 10 BR \N \N São José do Sul
13740 10 BR \N \N São José dos Ausentes
13741 10 BR \N \N São João
13742 10 BR \N \N São João Batista
13743 10 BR \N \N São João Bosco
13744 10 BR \N \N São João da Urtiga
13745 10 BR \N \N São João do Polesine
13746 10 BR \N \N São Leopoldo
13747 10 BR \N \N São Lourenço das Missões
13748 10 BR \N \N São Lourenço do Sul
13749 10 BR \N \N São Luiz
13750 10 BR \N \N São Luiz Gonzaga
13751 10 BR \N \N São Luís Rei
13752 10 BR \N \N São Manuel
13753 10 BR \N \N São Marcos
13754 10 BR \N \N São Martinho
13755 10 BR \N \N São Martinho da Serra
13756 10 BR \N \N São Miguel
13757 10 BR \N \N São Miguel das Missões
13758 10 BR \N \N São Nicolau
13759 10 BR \N \N São Paulo das Missões
13760 10 BR \N \N São Pedro
13761 10 BR \N \N São Pedro da Serra
13762 10 BR \N \N São Pedro das Missões
13763 10 BR \N \N São Pedro do Butiá
13764 10 BR \N \N São Pedro do Iraxim
13765 10 BR \N \N São Pedro do Sul
13766 10 BR \N \N São Roque
13767 10 BR \N \N São Sebastião
13768 10 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Caí
13769 10 BR \N \N São Sepé
13770 10 BR \N \N São Simão
13771 10 BR \N \N São Valentim
13772 10 BR \N \N São Valentim do Sul
13773 10 BR \N \N São Valério do Sul
13774 10 BR \N \N São Vendelino
13775 10 BR \N \N São Vicente do Sul
13776 10 BR \N \N Sério
13777 10 BR \N \N Sírio
13778 10 BR \N \N Sítio Gabriel
13779 10 BR \N \N Tabajara
13780 10 BR \N \N Tabaí
13781 10 BR \N \N Taim
13782 10 BR \N \N Tainhas
13783 10 BR \N \N Tamanduá
13784 10 BR \N \N Tanque
13785 10 BR \N \N Tapejara
13786 10 BR \N \N Tapera
13787 10 BR \N \N Tapes
13788 10 BR \N \N Taquara
13789 10 BR \N \N Taquari
13790 10 BR \N \N Taquarichim
13791 10 BR \N \N Taquaruçu do Sul
13792 10 BR \N \N Tavares
13793 10 BR \N \N Tenente Portela
13794 10 BR \N \N Terra de Areia
13795 10 BR \N \N Tesouras
13796 10 BR \N \N Teutônia
13797 10 BR \N \N Tiaraju
13798 10 BR \N \N Timbaúva
13799 10 BR \N \N Tio Hugo
13800 10 BR \N \N Tiradentes do Sul
13801 10 BR \N \N Toropi
13802 10 BR \N \N Toroquá
13803 10 BR \N \N Torquato Severo
13804 10 BR \N \N Torres
13805 10 BR \N \N Torrinhas
13806 10 BR \N \N Touro Passo
13807 10 BR \N \N Tramandaí
13808 10 BR \N \N Travesseiro
13809 10 BR \N \N Trentin
13810 10 BR \N \N Trindade do Sul
13811 10 BR \N \N Triunfo
13812 10 BR \N \N Tronqueiras
13813 10 BR \N \N Três Arroios
13814 10 BR \N \N Três Barras
13815 10 BR \N \N Três Cachoeiras
13816 10 BR \N \N Três Coroas
13817 10 BR \N \N Três Forquilhas
13818 10 BR \N \N Três Palmeiras
13819 10 BR \N \N Três Passos
13820 10 BR \N \N Três Vendas
13821 10 BR \N \N Três de Maio
13822 10 BR \N \N Tucunduva
13823 10 BR \N \N Tuiuti
13824 10 BR \N \N Tunas
13825 10 BR \N \N Tupanci do Sul
13826 10 BR \N \N Tupanciretã
13827 10 BR \N \N Tupancy ou Vila Block
13828 10 BR \N \N Tupandi
13829 10 BR \N \N Tupantuba
13830 10 BR \N \N Tuparendi
13831 10 BR \N \N Tupi Silveira
13832 10 BR \N \N Tupinambá
13833 10 BR \N \N Turuçu
13834 10 BR \N \N Turvinho
13835 10 BR \N \N Túnel Verde
13836 10 BR \N \N Ubiretama
13837 10 BR \N \N Umbu
13838 10 BR \N \N Unistalda
13839 10 BR \N \N União da Serra
13840 10 BR \N \N Uruguaiana
13841 10 BR \N \N Vacacai
13842 10 BR \N \N Vacaria
13843 10 BR \N \N Valdástico
13844 10 BR \N \N Vale Real
13845 10 BR \N \N Vale Veneto
13846 10 BR \N \N Vale Verde
13847 10 BR \N \N Vale do Rio Cai
13848 10 BR \N \N Vale do Sol
13849 10 BR \N \N Vanini
13850 10 BR \N \N Venâncio Aires
13851 10 BR \N \N Vera Cruz
13852 10 BR \N \N Veranópolis
13853 10 BR \N \N Vertentes
13854 10 BR \N \N Vespasiano Correa
13855 10 BR \N \N Viadutos
13856 10 BR \N \N Viamão
13857 10 BR \N \N Vicente Dutra
13858 10 BR \N \N Victor Graeff
13859 10 BR \N \N Vila Bender
13860 10 BR \N \N Vila Cruz
13861 10 BR \N \N Vila Flores
13862 10 BR \N \N Vila Langaro
13863 10 BR \N \N Vila Laranjeira
13864 10 BR \N \N Vila Maria
13865 10 BR \N \N Vila Nova do Sul
13866 10 BR \N \N Vila Oliva
13867 10 BR \N \N Vila Rica
13868 10 BR \N \N Vila Seca
13869 10 BR \N \N Vila Turvo
13870 10 BR \N \N Vista Alegre
13871 10 BR \N \N Vista Alegre do Prata
13872 10 BR \N \N Vista Gaúcha
13873 10 BR \N \N Vitória das Missões
13874 10 BR \N \N Volta Alegre
13875 10 BR \N \N Volta Fechada
13876 10 BR \N \N Volta Grande
13877 10 BR \N \N Westfália
13878 10 BR \N \N Xadrez
13879 10 BR \N \N Xangri-Lá
13880 10 BR \N \N Água Santa
13881 10 BR \N \N Águas Claras
13882 10 BR \N \N Árvore Só
13883 10 BR \N \N Áurea
13884 11 BR \N \N Abadia de Goiás
13885 11 BR \N \N Abadiânia
13886 11 BR \N \N Acreúna
13887 11 BR \N \N Adelândia
13888 11 BR \N \N Alexânia
13889 11 BR \N \N Aloândia
13890 11 BR \N \N Alto Alvorada
13891 11 BR \N \N Alto Horizonte
13892 11 BR \N \N Alto Paraíso de Goiás
13893 11 BR \N \N Alvorada do Norte
13894 11 BR \N \N Amaralina
13895 11 BR \N \N Americano do Brasil
13896 11 BR \N \N Amorinópolis
13897 11 BR \N \N Anhangüera
13898 11 BR \N \N Anicuns
13899 11 BR \N \N Anápolis
13900 11 BR \N \N Aparecida
13901 11 BR \N \N Aparecida de Goiás
13902 11 BR \N \N Aparecida de Goiânia
13903 11 BR \N \N Aparecida do Rio Claro
13904 11 BR \N \N Aparecida do Rio Doce
13905 11 BR \N \N Aporé
13906 11 BR \N \N Aragarças
13907 11 BR \N \N Aragoiânia
13908 11 BR \N \N Araguapaz
13909 11 BR \N \N Araçu
13910 11 BR \N \N Arenópolis
13911 11 BR \N \N Aruanã
13912 11 BR \N \N Aurilândia
13913 11 BR \N \N Auriverde
13914 11 BR \N \N Avelinópolis
13915 11 BR \N \N Bacilândia
13916 11 BR \N \N Baliza
13917 11 BR \N \N Bandeirantes
13918 11 BR \N \N Barbosilândia
13919 11 BR \N \N Barro Alto
13920 11 BR \N \N Bela Vista de Goiás
13921 11 BR \N \N Bezerra
13922 11 BR \N \N Bom Jardim de Goiás
13923 11 BR \N \N Bom Jesus de Goiás
13924 11 BR \N \N Bonfinópolis
13925 11 BR \N \N Bonópolis
13926 11 BR \N \N Brazabrantes
13927 11 BR \N \N Britânia
13928 11 BR \N \N Buenolândia
13929 11 BR \N \N Buriti Alegre
13930 11 BR \N \N Buriti de Goiás
13931 11 BR \N \N Buritinópolis
13932 11 BR \N \N Cabeceiras
13933 11 BR \N \N Cachoeira Alta
13934 11 BR \N \N Cachoeira Dourada
13935 11 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Goiás
13936 11 BR \N \N Caiapônia
13937 11 BR \N \N Caiçara
13938 11 BR \N \N Calcilândia
13939 11 BR \N \N Caldas Novas
13940 11 BR \N \N Caldazinha
13941 11 BR \N \N Calixto
13942 11 BR \N \N Campestre de Goiás
13943 11 BR \N \N Campinaçu
13944 11 BR \N \N Campinorte
13945 11 BR \N \N Campo Alegre de Goiás
13946 11 BR \N \N Campo Limpo
13947 11 BR \N \N Campo Limpo de Goiás
13948 11 BR \N \N Campo Lindo
13949 11 BR \N \N Campolândia
13950 11 BR \N \N Campos Belos
13951 11 BR \N \N Campos Verdes
13952 11 BR \N \N Cana Brava
13953 11 BR \N \N Canadá
13954 11 BR \N \N Capelinha
13955 11 BR \N \N Caraíba
13956 11 BR \N \N Carmo do Rio Verde
13957 11 BR \N \N Castelândia
13958 11 BR \N \N Castrinópolis
13959 11 BR \N \N Catalão
13960 11 BR \N \N Caturaí
13961 11 BR \N \N Cavalcante
13962 11 BR \N \N Cavalheiro
13963 11 BR \N \N Caçu
13964 11 BR \N \N Cebrasa
13965 11 BR \N \N Ceres
13966 11 BR \N \N Cezarina
13967 11 BR \N \N Chapadão do Céu
13968 11 BR \N \N Choupana
13969 11 BR \N \N Cibele
13970 11 BR \N \N Cidade Ocidental
13971 11 BR \N \N Cirilândia
13972 11 BR \N \N Cocalzinho de Goiás
13973 11 BR \N \N Colinas do Sul
13974 11 BR \N \N Corumbaíba
13975 11 BR \N \N Corumbá de Goiás
13976 11 BR \N \N Cristalina
13977 11 BR \N \N Cristianópolis
13978 11 BR \N \N Crixás
13979 11 BR \N \N Cromínia
13980 11 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Norte
13981 11 BR \N \N Cumari
13982 11 BR \N \N Córrego Rico
13983 11 BR \N \N Córrego do Ouro
13984 11 BR \N \N Damianópolis
13985 11 BR \N \N Damolândia
13986 11 BR \N \N Davidópolis
13987 11 BR \N \N Davinópolis
13988 11 BR \N \N Diolândia
13989 11 BR \N \N Diorama
13990 11 BR \N \N Divinópolis de Goiás
13991 11 BR \N \N Domiciano Ribeiro
13992 11 BR \N \N Doverlândia
13993 11 BR \N \N Edealina
13994 11 BR \N \N Edilândia
13995 11 BR \N \N Edéia
13996 11 BR \N \N Estrela do Norte
13997 11 BR \N \N Faina
13998 11 BR \N \N Fazenda Nova
13999 11 BR \N \N Firminópolis
14000 11 BR \N \N Flores de Goiás
14001 11 BR \N \N Formosa
14002 11 BR \N \N Formoso
14003 11 BR \N \N Forte
14004 11 BR \N \N Gameleira de Goiás
14005 11 BR \N \N Geriaçu
14006 11 BR \N \N Girassol
14007 11 BR \N \N Goialândia
14008 11 BR \N \N Goiandira
14009 11 BR \N \N Goianira
14010 11 BR \N \N Goianápolis
14011 11 BR \N \N Goianésia
14012 11 BR \N \N Goiatuba
14013 11 BR \N \N Goiás
14014 11 BR \N \N Goiânia
14015 11 BR \N \N Gouvelândia
14016 11 BR \N \N Guapó
14017 11 BR \N \N Guarani de Goiás
14018 11 BR \N \N Guaraíta
14019 11 BR \N \N Guarinos
14020 11 BR \N \N Heitoraí
14021 11 BR \N \N Hidrolina
14022 11 BR \N \N Hidrolândia
14023 11 BR \N \N Iaciara
14024 11 BR \N \N Inaciolândia
14025 11 BR \N \N Indiara
14026 11 BR \N \N Inhumas
14027 11 BR \N \N Interlândia
14028 11 BR \N \N Ipameri
14029 11 BR \N \N Ipiranga de Goiás
14030 11 BR \N \N Iporá
14031 11 BR \N \N Israelândia
14032 11 BR \N \N Itaberaí
14033 11 BR \N \N Itaguari
14034 11 BR \N \N Itaguaru
14035 11 BR \N \N Itaguaçu
14036 11 BR \N \N Itajá
14037 11 BR \N \N Itapaci
14038 11 BR \N \N Itapirapuã
14039 11 BR \N \N Itapuranga
14040 11 BR \N \N Itarumã
14041 11 BR \N \N Itauçu
14042 11 BR \N \N Itumbiara
14043 11 BR \N \N Ivolândia
14044 11 BR \N \N JK
14045 11 BR \N \N Jacilândia
14046 11 BR \N \N Jandaia
14047 11 BR \N \N Jaraguá
14048 11 BR \N \N Jardim ABC de Goiás
14049 11 BR \N \N Jataí
14050 11 BR \N \N Jaupaci
14051 11 BR \N \N Jeroaquara
14052 11 BR \N \N Jesúpolis
14053 11 BR \N \N Joanápolis
14054 11 BR \N \N Joviânia
14055 11 BR \N \N Juscelino Kubitschek
14056 11 BR \N \N Juscelândia
14057 11 BR \N \N Jussara
14058 11 BR \N \N Lagoa Santa
14059 11 BR \N \N Lagoa do Bauzinho
14060 11 BR \N \N Lagolândia
14061 11 BR \N \N Leopoldo de Bulhões
14062 11 BR \N \N Lucilândia
14063 11 BR \N \N Luziânia
14064 11 BR \N \N Mairipotaba
14065 11 BR \N \N Mambaí
14066 11 BR \N \N Mara Rosa
14067 11 BR \N \N Marcianópolis
14068 11 BR \N \N Marzagão
14069 11 BR \N \N Matrinchã
14070 11 BR \N \N Maurilândia
14071 11 BR \N \N Meia Ponte
14072 11 BR \N \N Messianópolis
14073 11 BR \N \N Mimoso de Goiás
14074 11 BR \N \N Minaçu
14075 11 BR \N \N Mineiros
14076 11 BR \N \N Moiporá
14077 11 BR \N \N Monte Alegre de Goiás
14078 11 BR \N \N Montes Claros de Goiás
14079 11 BR \N \N Montividiu
14080 11 BR \N \N Montividiu do Norte
14081 11 BR \N \N Morrinhos
14082 11 BR \N \N Morro Agudo de Goiás
14083 11 BR \N \N Mossâmedes
14084 11 BR \N \N Mozarlândia
14085 11 BR \N \N Mundo Novo
14086 11 BR \N \N Mutunópolis
14087 11 BR \N \N Natinópolis
14088 11 BR \N \N Nazário
14089 11 BR \N \N Nerópolis
14090 11 BR \N \N Niquelândia
14091 11 BR \N \N Nova América
14092 11 BR \N \N Nova Aurora
14093 11 BR \N \N Nova Crixás
14094 11 BR \N \N Nova Glória
14095 11 BR \N \N Nova Iguaçu de Goiás
14096 11 BR \N \N Nova Roma
14097 11 BR \N \N Nova Veneza
14098 11 BR \N \N Novo Brasil
14099 11 BR \N \N Novo Gama
14100 11 BR \N \N Novo Planalto
14101 11 BR \N \N Olaria do Angico
14102 11 BR \N \N Olhos D'Água
14103 11 BR \N \N Orizona
14104 11 BR \N \N Ouro Verde de Goiás
14105 11 BR \N \N Ouroana
14106 11 BR \N \N Ouvidor
14107 11 BR \N \N Padre Bernardo
14108 11 BR \N \N Palestina de Goiás
14109 11 BR \N \N Palmeiras de Goiás
14110 11 BR \N \N Palmelo
14111 11 BR \N \N Palminópolis
14112 11 BR \N \N Panamá
14113 11 BR \N \N Paranaiguara
14114 11 BR \N \N Paraúna
14115 11 BR \N \N Pau-Terra
14116 11 BR \N \N Pedra Branca
14117 11 BR \N \N Perolândia
14118 11 BR \N \N Petrolina de Goiás
14119 11 BR \N \N Pilar de Goiás
14120 11 BR \N \N Piloândia
14121 11 BR \N \N Piracanjuba
14122 11 BR \N \N Piranhas
14123 11 BR \N \N Pirenópolis
14124 11 BR \N \N Pires Belo
14125 11 BR \N \N Pires do Rio
14126 11 BR \N \N Planalmira
14127 11 BR \N \N Planaltina de Goiás
14128 11 BR \N \N Pontalina
14129 11 BR \N \N Porangatu
14130 11 BR \N \N Porteirão
14131 11 BR \N \N Portelândia
14132 11 BR \N \N Posse
14133 11 BR \N \N Posse D'Abadia
14134 11 BR \N \N Professor Jamil
14135 11 BR \N \N Quirinópolis
14136 11 BR \N \N Registro do Araguaia
14137 11 BR \N \N Rialma
14138 11 BR \N \N Rianápolis
14139 11 BR \N \N Rio Quente
14140 11 BR \N \N Rio Verde
14141 11 BR \N \N Riverlândia
14142 11 BR \N \N Rosalândia
14143 11 BR \N \N Rubiataba
14144 11 BR \N \N Sanclerlândia
14145 11 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara de Goiás
14146 11 BR \N \N Santa Cruz das Lajes
14147 11 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Goiás
14148 11 BR \N \N Santa Fé de Goiás
14149 11 BR \N \N Santa Helena de Goiás
14150 11 BR \N \N Santa Isabel
14151 11 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Araguaia
14152 11 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Novo Destino
14153 11 BR \N \N Santa Rosa
14154 11 BR \N \N Santa Rosa de Goiás
14155 11 BR \N \N Santa Tereza de Goiás
14156 11 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha de Goiás
14157 11 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Barra
14158 11 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Goiás
14159 11 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Descoberto
14160 11 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Rio Verde
14161 11 BR \N \N Sarandi
14162 11 BR \N \N Senador Canedo
14163 11 BR \N \N Serra Dourada
14164 11 BR \N \N Serranópolis
14165 11 BR \N \N Silvânia
14166 11 BR \N \N Simolândia
14167 11 BR \N \N Sousânia
14168 11 BR \N \N São Domingos
14169 11 BR \N \N São Francisco de Goiás
14170 11 BR \N \N São Gabriel de Goiás
14171 11 BR \N \N São Jorge
14172 11 BR \N \N São João
14173 11 BR \N \N São João D'Aliança
14174 11 BR \N \N São João da Paraúna
14175 11 BR \N \N São Luiz do Norte
14176 11 BR \N \N São Luiz do Tocantins
14177 11 BR \N \N São Luís de Montes Belos
14178 11 BR \N \N São Miguel do Araguaia
14179 11 BR \N \N São Miguel do Passa Quatro
14180 11 BR \N \N São Patrício
14181 11 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Rio Claro
14182 11 BR \N \N São Simão
14183 11 BR \N \N São Vicente
14184 11 BR \N \N Sítio D'Abadia
14185 11 BR \N \N Taquaral de Goiás
14186 11 BR \N \N Taveira
14187 11 BR \N \N Teresina de Goiás
14188 11 BR \N \N Terezópolis de Goiás
14189 11 BR \N \N Trindade
14190 11 BR \N \N Trombas
14191 11 BR \N \N Três Ranchos
14192 11 BR \N \N Tupiracaba
14193 11 BR \N \N Turvelândia
14194 11 BR \N \N Turvânia
14195 11 BR \N \N Uirapuru
14196 11 BR \N \N Uruana
14197 11 BR \N \N Uruaçu
14198 11 BR \N \N Uruita
14199 11 BR \N \N Urutaí
14200 11 BR \N \N Uvá
14201 11 BR \N \N Valdelândia
14202 11 BR \N \N Valparaíso de Goiás
14203 11 BR \N \N Varjão
14204 11 BR \N \N Vianópolis
14205 11 BR \N \N Vicentinópolis
14206 11 BR \N \N Vila Boa
14207 11 BR \N \N Vila Propício
14208 11 BR \N \N Vila Sertaneja
14209 11 BR \N \N Água Fria de Goiás
14210 11 BR \N \N Água Limpa
14211 11 BR \N \N Águas Lindas de Goiás
14212 12 BR \N \N Abdon Batista
14213 12 BR \N \N Abelardo Luz
14214 12 BR \N \N Agrolândia
14215 12 BR \N \N Agronômica
14216 12 BR \N \N Aguti
14217 12 BR \N \N Aiurê
14218 12 BR \N \N Alfredo Wagner
14219 12 BR \N \N Alto Alegre
14220 12 BR \N \N Alto Bela Vista
14221 12 BR \N \N Alto da Serra
14222 12 BR \N \N Anchieta
14223 12 BR \N \N Angelina
14224 12 BR \N \N Anita Garibaldi
14225 12 BR \N \N Anitápolis
14226 12 BR \N \N Anta Gorda
14227 12 BR \N \N Antônio Carlos
14228 12 BR \N \N Apiúna
14229 12 BR \N \N Arabutã
14230 12 BR \N \N Araquari
14231 12 BR \N \N Araranguá
14232 12 BR \N \N Armazém
14233 12 BR \N \N Arnópolis
14234 12 BR \N \N Arroio Trinta
14235 12 BR \N \N Arvoredo
14236 12 BR \N \N Ascurra
14237 12 BR \N \N Atalanta
14238 12 BR \N \N Aterrado Torto
14239 12 BR \N \N Aurora
14240 12 BR \N \N Azambuja
14241 12 BR \N \N Baia Alta
14242 12 BR \N \N Balneário Arroio do Silva
14243 12 BR \N \N Balneário Barra do Sul
14244 12 BR \N \N Balneário Camboriú
14245 12 BR \N \N Balneário Gaivota
14246 12 BR \N \N Balneário Morro dos Conventos
14247 12 BR \N \N Balneário Piçarras
14248 12 BR \N \N Bandeirante
14249 12 BR \N \N Barra Bonita
14250 12 BR \N \N Barra Clara
14251 12 BR \N \N Barra Fria
14252 12 BR \N \N Barra Grande
14253 12 BR \N \N Barra Velha
14254 12 BR \N \N Barra da Lagoa
14255 12 BR \N \N Barra da Prata
14256 12 BR \N \N Barreiros
14257 12 BR \N \N Barro Branco
14258 12 BR \N \N Bateias de Baixo
14259 12 BR \N \N Bela Vista
14260 12 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Sul
14261 12 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Toldo
14262 12 BR \N \N Belmonte
14263 12 BR \N \N Benedito Novo
14264 12 BR \N \N Biguaçu
14265 12 BR \N \N Blumenau
14266 12 BR \N \N Bocaína do Sul
14267 12 BR \N \N Boiteuxburgo
14268 12 BR \N \N Bom Jardim da Serra
14269 12 BR \N \N Bom Jesus
14270 12 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Oeste
14271 12 BR \N \N Bom Retiro
14272 12 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso
14273 12 BR \N \N Bombinhas
14274 12 BR \N \N Botuverá
14275 12 BR \N \N Braço do Norte
14276 12 BR \N \N Braço do Trombudo
14277 12 BR \N \N Brunópolis
14278 12 BR \N \N Brusque
14279 12 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Fátima
14280 12 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Bom Jesus
14281 12 BR \N \N Caibi
14282 12 BR \N \N Calmon
14283 12 BR \N \N Camboriú
14284 12 BR \N \N Cambuinzal
14285 12 BR \N \N Campeche
14286 12 BR \N \N Campinas
14287 12 BR \N \N Campo Alegre
14288 12 BR \N \N Campo Belo do Sul
14289 12 BR \N \N Campo Erê
14290 12 BR \N \N Campos Novos
14291 12 BR \N \N Canasvieiras
14292 12 BR \N \N Canelinha
14293 12 BR \N \N Canoas
14294 12 BR \N \N Canoinhas
14295 12 BR \N \N Capinzal
14296 12 BR \N \N Capivari de Baixo
14297 12 BR \N \N Capão Alto
14298 12 BR \N \N Caraíba
14299 12 BR \N \N Catanduvas
14300 12 BR \N \N Catuíra
14301 12 BR \N \N Caxambu do Sul
14302 12 BR \N \N Caçador
14303 12 BR \N \N Cedro Alto
14304 12 BR \N \N Celso Ramos
14305 12 BR \N \N Cerro Negro
14306 12 BR \N \N Chapadão do Lageado
14307 12 BR \N \N Chapecó
14308 12 BR \N \N Claraíba
14309 12 BR \N \N Cocal do Sul
14310 12 BR \N \N Colônia Santa Tereza
14311 12 BR \N \N Concórdia
14312 12 BR \N \N Cordilheira Alta
14313 12 BR \N \N Coronel Freitas
14314 12 BR \N \N Coronel Martins
14315 12 BR \N \N Correia Pinto
14316 12 BR \N \N Corupá
14317 12 BR \N \N Criciúma
14318 12 BR \N \N Cunha Porã
14319 12 BR \N \N Cunhataí
14320 12 BR \N \N Curitibanos
14321 12 BR \N \N Dal Pai
14322 12 BR \N \N Dalbérgia
14323 12 BR \N \N Descanso
14324 12 BR \N \N Dionísio Cerqueira
14325 12 BR \N \N Dona Emma
14326 12 BR \N \N Doutor Pedrinho
14327 12 BR \N \N Engenho Velho
14328 12 BR \N \N Enseada de Brito
14329 12 BR \N \N Entre Rios
14330 12 BR \N \N Ermo
14331 12 BR \N \N Erval Velho
14332 12 BR \N \N Espinilho
14333 12 BR \N \N Estação Cocal
14334 12 BR \N \N Faxinal dos Guedes
14335 12 BR \N \N Fazenda Zandavalli
14336 12 BR \N \N Felipe Schmidt
14337 12 BR \N \N Figueira
14338 12 BR \N \N Flor do Sertão
14339 12 BR \N \N Formosa do Sul
14340 12 BR \N \N Forquilhinha
14341 12 BR \N \N Fragosos
14342 12 BR \N \N Fraiburgo
14343 12 BR \N \N Frederico Wastner
14344 12 BR \N \N Frei Rogério
14345 12 BR \N \N Galvão
14346 12 BR \N \N Garcia
14347 12 BR \N \N Garopaba
14348 12 BR \N \N Garuva
14349 12 BR \N \N Gaspar
14350 12 BR \N \N Goio-En
14351 12 BR \N \N Governador Celso Ramos
14352 12 BR \N \N Gravatal
14353 12 BR \N \N Grápia
14354 12 BR \N \N Grão Pará
14355 12 BR \N \N Guabiruba
14356 12 BR \N \N Guaporanga
14357 12 BR \N \N Guaraciaba
14358 12 BR \N \N Guaramirim
14359 12 BR \N \N Guarujá do Sul
14360 12 BR \N \N Guatambú
14361 12 BR \N \N Guatá
14362 12 BR \N \N Herciliópolis
14363 12 BR \N \N Hercílio Luz
14364 12 BR \N \N Herval D'Oeste
14365 12 BR \N \N Ibiam
14366 12 BR \N \N Ibicaré
14367 12 BR \N \N Ibicuí
14368 12 BR \N \N Ibirama
14369 12 BR \N \N Idamar
14370 12 BR \N \N Ilhota
14371 12 BR \N \N Imaruí
14372 12 BR \N \N Imbituba
14373 12 BR \N \N Imbuia
14374 12 BR \N \N Indaial
14375 12 BR \N \N Ingleses do Rio Vermelho
14376 12 BR \N \N Invernada
14377 12 BR \N \N Iomerê
14378 12 BR \N \N Ipira
14379 12 BR \N \N Ipoméia
14380 12 BR \N \N Iporã do Oeste
14381 12 BR \N \N Ipuaçu
14382 12 BR \N \N Ipumirim
14383 12 BR \N \N Iraceminha
14384 12 BR \N \N Irakitan
14385 12 BR \N \N Irani
14386 12 BR \N \N Iraputã
14387 12 BR \N \N Irati
14388 12 BR \N \N Irineópolis
14389 12 BR \N \N Itaió
14390 12 BR \N \N Itaiópolis
14391 12 BR \N \N Itajaí
14392 12 BR \N \N Itajubá
14393 12 BR \N \N Itapema
14394 12 BR \N \N Itapiranga
14395 12 BR \N \N Itapocu
14396 12 BR \N \N Itapoá
14397 12 BR \N \N Itoupava
14398 12 BR \N \N Ituporanga
14399 12 BR \N \N Itá
14400 12 BR \N \N Içara
14401 12 BR \N \N Jaborá
14402 12 BR \N \N Jacinto Machado
14403 12 BR \N \N Jaguaruna
14404 12 BR \N \N Jaraguá do Sul
14405 12 BR \N \N Jardinópolis
14406 12 BR \N \N Joaçaba
14407 12 BR \N \N Jorge Lacerda
14408 12 BR \N \N José Boiteux
14409 12 BR \N \N Jupiá
14410 12 BR \N \N Lacerdópolis
14411 12 BR \N \N Lages
14412 12 BR \N \N Lagoa
14413 12 BR \N \N Lagoa da Estiva
14414 12 BR \N \N Laguna
14415 12 BR \N \N Lajeado Grande
14416 12 BR \N \N Laurentino
14417 12 BR \N \N Lauro Müller
14418 12 BR \N \N Lebon Régis
14419 12 BR \N \N Leoberto Leal
14420 12 BR \N \N Leão
14421 12 BR \N \N Lindóia do Sul
14422 12 BR \N \N Linha das Palmeiras
14423 12 BR \N \N Lontras
14424 12 BR \N \N Lourdes
14425 12 BR \N \N Luiz Alves
14426 12 BR \N \N Luzerna
14427 12 BR \N \N Machados
14428 12 BR \N \N Macieira
14429 12 BR \N \N Mafra
14430 12 BR \N \N Major Gercino
14431 12 BR \N \N Major Vieira
14432 12 BR \N \N Maracajá
14433 12 BR \N \N Marari
14434 12 BR \N \N Maratá
14435 12 BR \N \N Maravilha
14436 12 BR \N \N Marcílio Dias
14437 12 BR \N \N Marechal Bormann
14438 12 BR \N \N Marema
14439 12 BR \N \N Mariflor
14440 12 BR \N \N Marombas
14441 12 BR \N \N Marombas Bossardi
14442 12 BR \N \N Massaranduba
14443 12 BR \N \N Matos Costa
14444 12 BR \N \N Meleiro
14445 12 BR \N \N Mirador
14446 12 BR \N \N Mirim
14447 12 BR \N \N Mirim Doce
14448 12 BR \N \N Modelo
14449 12 BR \N \N Mondaí
14450 12 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
14451 12 BR \N \N Monte Carlo
14452 12 BR \N \N Monte Castelo
14453 12 BR \N \N Morro Chato
14454 12 BR \N \N Morro Grande
14455 12 BR \N \N Morro da Fumaça
14456 12 BR \N \N Navegantes
14457 12 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Caravaggio
14458 12 BR \N \N Nova Cultura
14459 12 BR \N \N Nova Erechim
14460 12 BR \N \N Nova Guarita
14461 12 BR \N \N Nova Itaberaba
14462 12 BR \N \N Nova Petrópolis
14463 12 BR \N \N Nova Teutônia
14464 12 BR \N \N Nova Trento
14465 12 BR \N \N Nova Veneza
14466 12 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
14467 12 BR \N \N Orleans
14468 12 BR \N \N Otacílio Costa
14469 12 BR \N \N Ouro
14470 12 BR \N \N Ouro Verde
14471 12 BR \N \N Paial
14472 12 BR \N \N Painel
14473 12 BR \N \N Palhoça
14474 12 BR \N \N Palma Sola
14475 12 BR \N \N Palmitos
14476 12 BR \N \N Papanduva
14477 12 BR \N \N Paraíso
14478 12 BR \N \N Passo Manso
14479 12 BR \N \N Passo de Torres
14480 12 BR \N \N Passos Maia
14481 12 BR \N \N Paula Pereira
14482 12 BR \N \N Paulo Lopes
14483 12 BR \N \N Pedras Grandes
14484 12 BR \N \N Penha
14485 12 BR \N \N Pericó
14486 12 BR \N \N Peritiba
14487 12 BR \N \N Pescaria Brava
14488 12 BR \N \N Petrolândia
14489 12 BR \N \N Pindotiba
14490 12 BR \N \N Pinhalzinho
14491 12 BR \N \N Pinheiral
14492 12 BR \N \N Pinheiro Preto
14493 12 BR \N \N Pinheiros
14494 12 BR \N \N Pirabeiraba
14495 12 BR \N \N Piratuba
14496 12 BR \N \N Planalto
14497 12 BR \N \N Planalto Alegre
14498 12 BR \N \N Pomerode
14499 12 BR \N \N Ponte Alta
14500 12 BR \N \N Ponte Alta do Norte
14501 12 BR \N \N Ponte Serrada
14502 12 BR \N \N Porto Belo
14503 12 BR \N \N Porto União
14504 12 BR \N \N Pouso Redondo
14505 12 BR \N \N Poço Preto
14506 12 BR \N \N Praia Grande
14507 12 BR \N \N Prata
14508 12 BR \N \N Presidente Castelo Branco
14509 12 BR \N \N Presidente Getúlio
14510 12 BR \N \N Presidente Juscelino
14511 12 BR \N \N Presidente Kennedy
14512 12 BR \N \N Presidente Nereu
14513 12 BR \N \N Princesa
14514 12 BR \N \N Pântano do Sul
14515 12 BR \N \N Quarta Linha
14516 12 BR \N \N Quilombo
14517 12 BR \N \N Quilômetro Doze
14518 12 BR \N \N Rancho Queimado
14519 12 BR \N \N Ratones
14520 12 BR \N \N Residência Fuck
14521 12 BR \N \N Ribeirão Pequeno
14522 12 BR \N \N Ribeirão da Ilha
14523 12 BR \N \N Rio Antinha
14524 12 BR \N \N Rio Bonito
14525 12 BR \N \N Rio D'Una
14526 12 BR \N \N Rio Fortuna
14527 12 BR \N \N Rio Maina
14528 12 BR \N \N Rio Negrinho
14529 12 BR \N \N Rio Preto do Sul
14530 12 BR \N \N Rio Rufino
14531 12 BR \N \N Rio da Anta
14532 12 BR \N \N Rio da Luz
14533 12 BR \N \N Rio das Antas
14534 12 BR \N \N Rio das Furnas
14535 12 BR \N \N Rio do Campo
14536 12 BR \N \N Rio do Oeste
14537 12 BR \N \N Rio do Sul
14538 12 BR \N \N Rio dos Bugres
14539 12 BR \N \N Rio dos Cedros
14540 12 BR \N \N Riqueza
14541 12 BR \N \N Rodeio
14542 12 BR \N \N Romelândia
14543 12 BR \N \N Sai
14544 12 BR \N \N Salete
14545 12 BR \N \N Saltinho
14546 12 BR \N \N Salto Veloso
14547 12 BR \N \N Sanga da Toca
14548 12 BR \N \N Sangão
14549 12 BR \N \N Santa Cecília
14550 12 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Timbó
14551 12 BR \N \N Santa Izabel
14552 12 BR \N \N Santa Lúcia
14553 12 BR \N \N Santa Maria
14554 12 BR \N \N Santa Rosa de Lima
14555 12 BR \N \N Santa Rosa do Sul
14556 12 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
14557 12 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha do Progresso
14558 12 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha do Salto
14559 12 BR \N \N Santiago do Sul
14560 12 BR \N \N Santo Amaro da Imperatriz
14561 12 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Lisboa
14562 12 BR \N \N Sapiranga
14563 12 BR \N \N Saudades
14564 12 BR \N \N Schroeder
14565 12 BR \N \N Seara
14566 12 BR \N \N Sede Oldemburg
14567 12 BR \N \N Serra Alta
14568 12 BR \N \N Siderópolis
14569 12 BR \N \N Sombrio
14570 12 BR \N \N Sorocaba do Sul
14571 12 BR \N \N Sul Brasil
14572 12 BR \N \N São Bento Baixo
14573 12 BR \N \N São Bento do Sul
14574 12 BR \N \N São Bernardino
14575 12 BR \N \N São Bonifácio
14576 12 BR \N \N São Carlos
14577 12 BR \N \N São Cristóvão
14578 12 BR \N \N São Cristóvão do Sul
14579 12 BR \N \N São Defende
14580 12 BR \N \N São Domingos
14581 12 BR \N \N São Francisco do Sul
14582 12 BR \N \N São Gabriel
14583 12 BR \N \N São Joaquim
14584 12 BR \N \N São José do Cedro
14585 12 BR \N \N São José do Cerrito
14586 12 BR \N \N São José do Laranjal
14587 12 BR \N \N São João Batista
14588 12 BR \N \N São João do Itaperiú
14589 12 BR \N \N São João do Oeste
14590 12 BR \N \N São João do Rio Vermelho
14591 12 BR \N \N São João do Sul
14592 12 BR \N \N São Leonardo
14593 12 BR \N \N São Lourenço do Oeste
14594 12 BR \N \N São Ludgero
14595 12 BR \N \N São Martinho
14596 12 BR \N \N São Miguel da Boa Vista
14597 12 BR \N \N São Miguel da Serra
14598 12 BR \N \N São Miguel do Oeste
14599 12 BR \N \N São Pedro Tobias
14600 12 BR \N \N São Pedro de Alcântara
14601 12 BR \N \N São Roque
14602 12 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Arvoredo
14603 12 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Sul
14604 12 BR \N \N Taió
14605 12 BR \N \N Tangará
14606 12 BR \N \N Taquara Verde
14607 12 BR \N \N Taquaras
14608 12 BR \N \N Tigipió
14609 12 BR \N \N Tigrinhos
14610 12 BR \N \N Tijucas
14611 12 BR \N \N Timbé do Sul
14612 12 BR \N \N Timbó
14613 12 BR \N \N Timbó Grande
14614 12 BR \N \N Treviso
14615 12 BR \N \N Treze Tílias
14616 12 BR \N \N Treze de Maio
14617 12 BR \N \N Trombudo Central
14618 12 BR \N \N Três Barras
14619 12 BR \N \N Tubarão
14620 12 BR \N \N Tunápolis
14621 12 BR \N \N Tupitinga
14622 12 BR \N \N Turvo
14623 12 BR \N \N União do Oeste
14624 12 BR \N \N Urubici
14625 12 BR \N \N Uruguai
14626 12 BR \N \N Urupema
14627 12 BR \N \N Urussanga
14628 12 BR \N \N Vargem
14629 12 BR \N \N Vargem Bonita
14630 12 BR \N \N Vargem do Cedro
14631 12 BR \N \N Vargeão
14632 12 BR \N \N Vidal Ramos
14633 12 BR \N \N Videira
14634 12 BR \N \N Vila Conceição
14635 12 BR \N \N Vila Milani
14636 12 BR \N \N Vila Nova
14637 12 BR \N \N Vila de Volta Grande
14638 12 BR \N \N Vítor Meireles
14639 12 BR \N \N Witmarsum
14640 12 BR \N \N Xanxerê
14641 12 BR \N \N Xavantina
14642 12 BR \N \N Xaxim
14643 12 BR \N \N Zortéa
14644 12 BR \N \N Água Doce
14645 12 BR \N \N Águas Brancas
14646 12 BR \N \N Águas Claras
14647 12 BR \N \N Águas Frias
14648 12 BR \N \N Águas Mornas
14649 12 BR \N \N Águas de Chapecó
14650 12 BR \N \N Índios
14651 14 BR \N \N Albuquerque
14652 14 BR \N \N Alcinópolis
14653 14 BR \N \N Alto Sucuriú
14654 14 BR \N \N Amambaí
14655 14 BR \N \N Amandina
14656 14 BR \N \N Amolar
14657 14 BR \N \N Anastácio
14658 14 BR \N \N Anaurilândia
14659 14 BR \N \N Angélica
14660 14 BR \N \N Anhandui
14661 14 BR \N \N Antônio João
14662 14 BR \N \N Aparecida do Taboado
14663 14 BR \N \N Aquidauana
14664 14 BR \N \N Aral Moreira
14665 14 BR \N \N Arapuã
14666 14 BR \N \N Areado
14667 14 BR \N \N Baianópolis
14668 14 BR \N \N Bandeirantes
14669 14 BR \N \N Bataguassu
14670 14 BR \N \N Bataiporã
14671 14 BR \N \N Baús
14672 14 BR \N \N Bela Vista
14673 14 BR \N \N Bocajá
14674 14 BR \N \N Bodoquena
14675 14 BR \N \N Bom Fim
14676 14 BR \N \N Bonito
14677 14 BR \N \N Boqueirão
14678 14 BR \N \N Brasilândia
14679 14 BR \N \N Bálsamo
14680 14 BR \N \N Caarapó
14681 14 BR \N \N Cabeceira do Apá
14682 14 BR \N \N Cachoeira
14683 14 BR \N \N Camapuã
14684 14 BR \N \N Camisão
14685 14 BR \N \N Campestre
14686 14 BR \N \N Campo Grande
14687 14 BR \N \N Capão Seco
14688 14 BR \N \N Caracol
14689 14 BR \N \N Carumbé
14690 14 BR \N \N Cassilândia
14691 14 BR \N \N Chapadão do Sul
14692 14 BR \N \N Cipolândia
14693 14 BR \N \N Coimbra
14694 14 BR \N \N Congonhas
14695 14 BR \N \N Corguinho
14696 14 BR \N \N Coronel Sapucaia
14697 14 BR \N \N Corumbá
14698 14 BR \N \N Costa Rica
14699 14 BR \N \N Coxim
14700 14 BR \N \N Cristalina
14701 14 BR \N \N Cruzaltina
14702 14 BR \N \N Culturama
14703 14 BR \N \N Cupins
14704 14 BR \N \N Debrasa
14705 14 BR \N \N Deodápolis
14706 14 BR \N \N Dois Irmãos do Buriti
14707 14 BR \N \N Douradina
14708 14 BR \N \N Eldorado
14709 14 BR \N \N Figueirão
14710 14 BR \N \N Fátima do Sul
14711 14 BR \N \N Garcias
14712 14 BR \N \N Glória de Dourados
14713 14 BR \N \N Guadalupe do Alto Paraná
14714 14 BR \N \N Guaçu
14715 14 BR \N \N Guaçulândia
14716 14 BR \N \N Guia Lopes da Laguna
14717 14 BR \N \N Iguatemi
14718 14 BR \N \N Ilha Comprida
14719 14 BR \N \N Ilha Grande
14720 14 BR \N \N Indaiá Grande
14721 14 BR \N \N Indaiá do Sul
14722 14 BR \N \N Indápolis
14723 14 BR \N \N Inocência
14724 14 BR \N \N Ipezal
14725 14 BR \N \N Itahum
14726 14 BR \N \N Itaporã
14727 14 BR \N \N Itaquiraí
14728 14 BR \N \N Ivinhema
14729 14 BR \N \N Jabuti
14730 14 BR \N \N Jacareí
14731 14 BR \N \N Japorã
14732 14 BR \N \N Jaraguari
14733 14 BR \N \N Jardim
14734 14 BR \N \N Jateí
14735 14 BR \N \N Jauru
14736 14 BR \N \N Juscelândia
14737 14 BR \N \N Jutí
14738 14 BR \N \N Ladário
14739 14 BR \N \N Lagoa Bonita
14740 14 BR \N \N Laguna Carapã
14741 14 BR \N \N Maracaju
14742 14 BR \N \N Miranda
14743 14 BR \N \N Montese
14744 14 BR \N \N Morangas
14745 14 BR \N \N Morraria do Sul
14746 14 BR \N \N Morumbi
14747 14 BR \N \N Mundo Novo
14748 14 BR \N \N Naviraí
14749 14 BR \N \N Nhecolândia
14750 14 BR \N \N Nioaque
14751 14 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Fátima
14752 14 BR \N \N Nova Alvorada do Sul
14753 14 BR \N \N Nova América
14754 14 BR \N \N Nova Andradina
14755 14 BR \N \N Nova Casa Verde
14756 14 BR \N \N Nova Esperança
14757 14 BR \N \N Nova Jales
14758 14 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte do Sul
14759 14 BR \N \N Oriente
14760 14 BR \N \N Paiaguás
14761 14 BR \N \N Palmeiras
14762 14 BR \N \N Panambi
14763 14 BR \N \N Paranaíba
14764 14 BR \N \N Paranhos
14765 14 BR \N \N Paraíso
14766 14 BR \N \N Pedro Gomes
14767 14 BR \N \N Picadinha
14768 14 BR \N \N Pirapora
14769 14 BR \N \N Piraputanga
14770 14 BR \N \N Ponta Porã
14771 14 BR \N \N Ponte Vermelha
14772 14 BR \N \N Pontinha do Cocho
14773 14 BR \N \N Porto Esperança
14774 14 BR \N \N Porto Murtinho
14775 14 BR \N \N Porto Vilma
14776 14 BR \N \N Porto XV de Novembro
14777 14 BR \N \N Presidente Castelo
14778 14 BR \N \N Prudêncio Thomaz
14779 14 BR \N \N Quebra Côco
14780 14 BR \N \N Quebracho
14781 14 BR \N \N Ribas do Rio Pardo
14782 14 BR \N \N Rio Brilhante
14783 14 BR \N \N Rio Negro
14784 14 BR \N \N Rio Verde de Mato Grosso
14785 14 BR \N \N Rochedinho
14786 14 BR \N \N Rochedo
14787 14 BR \N \N Sanga Puitã
14788 14 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Pardo
14789 14 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
14790 14 BR \N \N Selvíria
14791 14 BR \N \N Sete Quedas
14792 14 BR \N \N Sidrolândia
14793 14 BR \N \N Sonora
14794 14 BR \N \N São Gabriel do Oeste
14795 14 BR \N \N São José do Sucuriú
14796 14 BR \N \N São João do Apore
14797 14 BR \N \N São Pedro
14798 14 BR \N \N São Romão
14799 14 BR \N \N Tacuru
14800 14 BR \N \N Tamandaré
14801 14 BR \N \N Taquari
14802 14 BR \N \N Taquarussu
14803 14 BR \N \N Taunay
14804 14 BR \N \N Terenos
14805 14 BR \N \N Três Lagoas
14806 14 BR \N \N Velhacaria
14807 14 BR \N \N Vicentina
14808 14 BR \N \N Vila Formosa
14809 14 BR \N \N Vila Marques
14810 14 BR \N \N Vila Rica
14811 14 BR \N \N Vila União
14812 14 BR \N \N Vila Vargas
14813 14 BR \N \N Vista Alegre
14814 14 BR \N \N Água Boa
14815 14 BR \N \N Água Clara
14816 14 BR \N \N Árvore Grande
14817 15 BR \N \N Abunã
14818 15 BR \N \N Alta Floresta do Oeste
14819 15 BR \N \N Alto Alegre dos Parecis
14820 15 BR \N \N Alto Paraíso
14821 15 BR \N \N Alvorada D'Oeste
14822 15 BR \N \N Ariquemes
14823 15 BR \N \N Buritis
14824 15 BR \N \N Cabixi
14825 15 BR \N \N Cacaulândia
14826 15 BR \N \N Cacoal
14827 15 BR \N \N Calama
14828 15 BR \N \N Campo Novo de Rondônia
14829 15 BR \N \N Candeias do Jamari
14830 15 BR \N \N Castanheiras
14831 15 BR \N \N Cerejeiras
14832 15 BR \N \N Chupinguaia
14833 15 BR \N \N Colorado do Oeste
14834 15 BR \N \N Corumbiara
14835 15 BR \N \N Costa Marques
14836 15 BR \N \N Cujubim
14837 15 BR \N \N Espigão D'Oeste
14838 15 BR \N \N Governador Jorge Teixeira
14839 15 BR \N \N Guajará-Mirim
14840 15 BR \N \N Itapuã do Oeste
14841 15 BR \N \N Jaci Paraná
14842 15 BR \N \N Jaru
14843 15 BR \N \N Ji-Paraná
14844 15 BR \N \N Machadinho D'Oeste
14845 15 BR \N \N Marco Rondon
14846 15 BR \N \N Ministro Andreazza
14847 15 BR \N \N Mirante da Serra
14848 15 BR \N \N Monte Negro
14849 15 BR \N \N Nova Brasilândia D'Oeste
14850 15 BR \N \N Nova Mamoré
14851 15 BR \N \N Nova União
14852 15 BR \N \N Nova Vida
14853 15 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte do Oeste
14854 15 BR \N \N Ouro Preto do Oeste
14855 15 BR \N \N Parecis
14856 15 BR \N \N Pedras Negras
14857 15 BR \N \N Pimenta Bueno
14858 15 BR \N \N Pimenteiras do Oeste
14859 15 BR \N \N Presidente Médici
14860 15 BR \N \N Primavera de Rondônia
14861 15 BR \N \N Príncipe da Beira
14862 15 BR \N \N Rio Crespo
14863 15 BR \N \N Riozinho
14864 15 BR \N \N Rolim de Moura
14865 15 BR \N \N Santa Luzia D'Oeste
14866 15 BR \N \N Seringueiras
14867 15 BR \N \N São Felipe D'Oeste
14868 15 BR \N \N São Francisco do Guaporé
14869 15 BR \N \N São Miguel do Guaporé
14870 15 BR \N \N Tabajara
14871 15 BR \N \N Teixeirópolis
14872 15 BR \N \N Theobroma
14873 15 BR \N \N Urupá
14874 15 BR \N \N Vale do Anari
14875 15 BR \N \N Vale do Paraíso
14876 15 BR \N \N Vila Extrema
14877 15 BR \N \N Vilhena
14878 15 BR \N \N Vista Alegre do Abunã
14879 18 BR \N \N Acioli
14880 18 BR \N \N Afonso Cláudio
14881 18 BR \N \N Aghá
14882 18 BR \N \N Airituba
14883 18 BR \N \N Alegre
14884 18 BR \N \N Alfredo Chaves
14885 18 BR \N \N Alto Caldeirão
14886 18 BR \N \N Alto Calçado
14887 18 BR \N \N Alto Castelinho
14888 18 BR \N \N Alto Mutum Preto
14889 18 BR \N \N Alto Rio Novo
14890 18 BR \N \N Alto Santa Maria
14891 18 BR \N \N Anchieta
14892 18 BR \N \N Anutiba
14893 18 BR \N \N Apiacá
14894 18 BR \N \N Aracruz
14895 18 BR \N \N Aracui
14896 18 BR \N \N Aracê
14897 18 BR \N \N Araguaia
14898 18 BR \N \N Araraí
14899 18 BR \N \N Araçatiba
14900 18 BR \N \N Argolas
14901 18 BR \N \N Atílio Vivácqua
14902 18 BR \N \N Baixo Guandu
14903 18 BR \N \N Barra Nova
14904 18 BR \N \N Barra Seca
14905 18 BR \N \N Barra de Novo Brasil
14906 18 BR \N \N Barra de São Francisco
14907 18 BR \N \N Barra do Itapemirim
14908 18 BR \N \N Barra do Riacho
14909 18 BR \N \N Barra do Sahy
14910 18 BR \N \N Baunilha
14911 18 BR \N \N Baía Nova
14912 18 BR \N \N Bebedouro
14913 18 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
14914 18 BR \N \N Boapaba
14915 18 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Norte
14916 18 BR \N \N Bonsucesso
14917 18 BR \N \N Braço do Rio
14918 18 BR \N \N Brejetuba
14919 18 BR \N \N Burarama
14920 18 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha de Itaúna
14921 18 BR \N \N Cachoeiro de Itapemirim
14922 18 BR \N \N Café
14923 18 BR \N \N Calogi
14924 18 BR \N \N Carapina
14925 18 BR \N \N Cariacica
14926 18 BR \N \N Castelo
14927 18 BR \N \N Celina
14928 18 BR \N \N Colatina
14929 18 BR \N \N Conceição da Barra
14930 18 BR \N \N Conceição do Castelo
14931 18 BR \N \N Conceição do Muqui
14932 18 BR \N \N Conduru
14933 18 BR \N \N Cotaxé
14934 18 BR \N \N Cristal do Norte
14935 18 BR \N \N Crubixá
14936 18 BR \N \N Câmara
14937 18 BR \N \N Córrego dos Monos
14938 18 BR \N \N Desengano
14939 18 BR \N \N Divino Espírito Santo
14940 18 BR \N \N Divino de São Lourenço
14941 18 BR \N \N Djalma Coutinho
14942 18 BR \N \N Domingos Martins
14943 18 BR \N \N Dona América
14944 18 BR \N \N Dores do Rio Preto
14945 18 BR \N \N Duas Barras
14946 18 BR \N \N Ecoporanga
14947 18 BR \N \N Estrela do Norte
14948 18 BR \N \N Fartura
14949 18 BR \N \N Fazenda Guandu
14950 18 BR \N \N Fundão
14951 18 BR \N \N Garrafão
14952 18 BR \N \N Gironda
14953 18 BR \N \N Goiabeiras
14954 18 BR \N \N Governador Lacerda de Aguiar
14955 18 BR \N \N Governador Lindenberg
14956 18 BR \N \N Graça Aranha
14957 18 BR \N \N Gruta
14958 18 BR \N \N Guarapari
14959 18 BR \N \N Guararema
14960 18 BR \N \N Guaçuí
14961 18 BR \N \N Ibatiba
14962 18 BR \N \N Ibes
14963 18 BR \N \N Ibicaba
14964 18 BR \N \N Ibiraçu
14965 18 BR \N \N Ibitirama
14966 18 BR \N \N Ibitiruí
14967 18 BR \N \N Ibituba
14968 18 BR \N \N Iconha
14969 18 BR \N \N Imburana
14970 18 BR \N \N Iriritiba
14971 18 BR \N \N Irundi
14972 18 BR \N \N Irupi
14973 18 BR \N \N Isabel
14974 18 BR \N \N Itabaiana
14975 18 BR \N \N Itaguaçu
14976 18 BR \N \N Itaicí
14977 18 BR \N \N Itaimbé
14978 18 BR \N \N Itaipava
14979 18 BR \N \N Itamira
14980 18 BR \N \N Itapecoá
14981 18 BR \N \N Itapemirim
14982 18 BR \N \N Itaperuna
14983 18 BR \N \N Itapina
14984 18 BR \N \N Itaquari
14985 18 BR \N \N Itarana
14986 18 BR \N \N Itauninhas
14987 18 BR \N \N Itaçu
14988 18 BR \N \N Itaóca
14989 18 BR \N \N Itaúnas
14990 18 BR \N \N Iúna
14991 18 BR \N \N Jabaquara
14992 18 BR \N \N Jacaraipe
14993 18 BR \N \N Jaciguá
14994 18 BR \N \N Jacupemba
14995 18 BR \N \N Jaguaré
14996 18 BR \N \N Jerônimo Monteiro
14997 18 BR \N \N Joatuba
14998 18 BR \N \N Joaçuba
14999 18 BR \N \N José Carlos
15000 18 BR \N \N João Neiva
15001 18 BR \N \N Jucu
15002 18 BR \N \N Jurama
15003 18 BR \N \N Lajinha
15004 18 BR \N \N Laranja da Terra
15005 18 BR \N \N Limoeiro
15006 18 BR \N \N Linhares
15007 18 BR \N \N Mangaraí
15008 18 BR \N \N Mantenópolis
15009 18 BR \N \N Marataízes
15010 18 BR \N \N Marechal Floriano
15011 18 BR \N \N Marilândia
15012 18 BR \N \N Matilde
15013 18 BR \N \N Melgaço
15014 18 BR \N \N Menino Jesus
15015 18 BR \N \N Mimoso do Sul
15016 18 BR \N \N Montanha
15017 18 BR \N \N Monte Carmelo do Rio Novo
15018 18 BR \N \N Monte Pio
15019 18 BR \N \N Monte Sinai
15020 18 BR \N \N Mucurici
15021 18 BR \N \N Mundo Novo
15022 18 BR \N \N Muniz Freire
15023 18 BR \N \N Muqui
15024 18 BR \N \N Nestor Gomes
15025 18 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Fátima
15026 18 BR \N \N Nova Almeida
15027 18 BR \N \N Nova Canaã
15028 18 BR \N \N Nova Venécia
15029 18 BR \N \N Nova Verona
15030 18 BR \N \N Novo Brasil
15031 18 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
15032 18 BR \N \N Pacotuba
15033 18 BR \N \N Paineiras
15034 18 BR \N \N Palmerino
15035 18 BR \N \N Pancas
15036 18 BR \N \N Paraju
15037 18 BR \N \N Paulista
15038 18 BR \N \N Pedro Canário
15039 18 BR \N \N Pendanga
15040 18 BR \N \N Pequiá
15041 18 BR \N \N Perdição
15042 18 BR \N \N Piaçu
15043 18 BR \N \N Pinheiros
15044 18 BR \N \N Piracema
15045 18 BR \N \N Piúma
15046 18 BR \N \N Ponte de Itabapoana
15047 18 BR \N \N Ponto Belo
15048 18 BR \N \N Pontões
15049 18 BR \N \N Porangá
15050 18 BR \N \N Praia Grande
15051 18 BR \N \N Praia do Coqueiral
15052 18 BR \N \N Presidente Kennedy
15053 18 BR \N \N Princesa
15054 18 BR \N \N Prosperidade
15055 18 BR \N \N Queimado
15056 18 BR \N \N Quilômetro 14 do Mutum
15057 18 BR \N \N Regência
15058 18 BR \N \N Riacho
15059 18 BR \N \N Ribeirão do Cristo
15060 18 BR \N \N Rio Bananal
15061 18 BR \N \N Rio Calçado
15062 18 BR \N \N Rio Muqui
15063 18 BR \N \N Rio Novo do Sul
15064 18 BR \N \N Rio Preto
15065 18 BR \N \N Rive
15066 18 BR \N \N Sagrada Família
15067 18 BR \N \N Santa Angélica
15068 18 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
15069 18 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Irupi
15070 18 BR \N \N Santa Júlia
15071 18 BR \N \N Santa Leopoldina
15072 18 BR \N \N Santa Luzia de Mantenópolis
15073 18 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Azul
15074 18 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Norte
15075 18 BR \N \N Santa Maria de Jetibá
15076 18 BR \N \N Santa Maria de Marechal
15077 18 BR \N \N Santa Marta
15078 18 BR \N \N Santa Teresa
15079 18 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
15080 18 BR \N \N Santo Agostinho
15081 18 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
15082 18 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Canaã
15083 18 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Muqui
15084 18 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Pousalegre
15085 18 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Quinze
15086 18 BR \N \N Santíssima Trindade
15087 18 BR \N \N Sapucaia
15088 18 BR \N \N Serra
15089 18 BR \N \N Serra Pelada
15090 18 BR \N \N Sobreiro
15091 18 BR \N \N Sooretama
15092 18 BR \N \N São Domingos do Norte
15093 18 BR \N \N São Francisco
15094 18 BR \N \N São Francisco Xavier do Guandu
15095 18 BR \N \N São Gabriel da Palha
15096 18 BR \N \N São Geraldo
15097 18 BR \N \N São Jacinto
15098 18 BR \N \N São Jorge da Barra Seca
15099 18 BR \N \N São Jorge do Oliveira
15100 18 BR \N \N São Jorge do Tiradentes
15101 18 BR \N \N São José das Torres
15102 18 BR \N \N São José de Fruteiras
15103 18 BR \N \N São José de Mantenópolis
15104 18 BR \N \N São José do Calçado
15105 18 BR \N \N São José do Sobradinho
15106 18 BR \N \N São João de Petrópolis
15107 18 BR \N \N São João de Viçosa
15108 18 BR \N \N São João do Norte
15109 18 BR \N \N São João do Príncipe
15110 18 BR \N \N São João do Sobrado
15111 18 BR \N \N São Mateus
15112 18 BR \N \N São Pedro
15113 18 BR \N \N São Pedro de Itabapoana
15114 18 BR \N \N São Pedro de Rates
15115 18 BR \N \N São Rafael
15116 18 BR \N \N São Raimundo da Pedra Menina
15117 18 BR \N \N São Roque do Canaã
15118 18 BR \N \N São Tiago
15119 18 BR \N \N São Torquato
15120 18 BR \N \N Timbuí
15121 18 BR \N \N Todos os Santos
15122 18 BR \N \N Urânia
15123 18 BR \N \N Vargem Alta
15124 18 BR \N \N Vargem Grande do Soturno
15125 18 BR \N \N Venda Nova do Imigrante
15126 18 BR \N \N Viana
15127 18 BR \N \N Vieira Machado
15128 18 BR \N \N Vila Guaraná
15129 18 BR \N \N Vila Nelita
15130 18 BR \N \N Vila Nova de Bananal
15131 18 BR \N \N Vila Pavão
15132 18 BR \N \N Vila Valério
15133 18 BR \N \N Vila Velha
15134 18 BR \N \N Vila Verde
15135 18 BR \N \N Vinhático
15136 18 BR \N \N Vinte e Cinco de Julho
15137 18 BR \N \N Água Doce do Norte
15138 18 BR \N \N Águia Branca
15139 18 BR \N \N Ângelo Frechiani
15140 19 BR \N \N Abaiara
15141 19 BR \N \N Abílio Martins
15142 19 BR \N \N Acarape
15143 19 BR \N \N Acaraú
15144 19 BR \N \N Acopiara
15145 19 BR \N \N Adrianópolis
15146 19 BR \N \N Aguaí
15147 19 BR \N \N Aiuaba
15148 19 BR \N \N Aiuá
15149 19 BR \N \N Alagoinha
15150 19 BR \N \N Alcântaras
15151 19 BR \N \N Algodões
15152 19 BR \N \N Almofala
15153 19 BR \N \N Altaneira
15154 19 BR \N \N Alto Santo
15155 19 BR \N \N Amanaiara
15156 19 BR \N \N Amanari
15157 19 BR \N \N Amaniutuba
15158 19 BR \N \N Amarelas
15159 19 BR \N \N Amaro
15160 19 BR \N \N Amontada
15161 19 BR \N \N América
15162 19 BR \N \N Anauá
15163 19 BR \N \N Aningás
15164 19 BR \N \N Anjinhos
15165 19 BR \N \N Antonina do Norte
15166 19 BR \N \N Antônio Bezerra
15167 19 BR \N \N Antônio Diogo
15168 19 BR \N \N Antônio Marques
15169 19 BR \N \N Aprazível
15170 19 BR \N \N Apuiarés
15171 19 BR \N \N Aquinópolis
15172 19 BR \N \N Aquiraz
15173 19 BR \N \N Aracati
15174 19 BR \N \N Aracatiara
15175 19 BR \N \N Aracatiaçu
15176 19 BR \N \N Aracoiaba
15177 19 BR \N \N Arajara
15178 19 BR \N \N Aranaú
15179 19 BR \N \N Arapari
15180 19 BR \N \N Araporanga
15181 19 BR \N \N Arapá
15182 19 BR \N \N Araquém
15183 19 BR \N \N Ararendá
15184 19 BR \N \N Araripe
15185 19 BR \N \N Arariús
15186 19 BR \N \N Aratama
15187 19 BR \N \N Araticum
15188 19 BR \N \N Aratuba
15189 19 BR \N \N Araçás
15190 19 BR \N \N Areial
15191 19 BR \N \N Ariscos dos Marianos
15192 19 BR \N \N Arneiroz
15193 19 BR \N \N Aroeiras
15194 19 BR \N \N Arrojado
15195 19 BR \N \N Aruaru
15196 19 BR \N \N Assaré
15197 19 BR \N \N Assunção
15198 19 BR \N \N Aurora
15199 19 BR \N \N Baixa Grande
15200 19 BR \N \N Baixio
15201 19 BR \N \N Baixio da Donana
15202 19 BR \N \N Banabuiú
15203 19 BR \N \N Bandeira
15204 19 BR \N \N Barbalha
15205 19 BR \N \N Barra
15206 19 BR \N \N Barra Nova
15207 19 BR \N \N Barra do Sotero
15208 19 BR \N \N Barreira
15209 19 BR \N \N Barreira dos Vianas
15210 19 BR \N \N Barreiras
15211 19 BR \N \N Barreiros
15212 19 BR \N \N Barrento
15213 19 BR \N \N Barro
15214 19 BR \N \N Barro Alto
15215 19 BR \N \N Barroquinha
15216 19 BR \N \N Barão de Aquiraz
15217 19 BR \N \N Baturité
15218 19 BR \N \N Baú
15219 19 BR \N \N Beberibe
15220 19 BR \N \N Bela Cruz
15221 19 BR \N \N Bela Vista
15222 19 BR \N \N Betânia
15223 19 BR \N \N Bitupitá
15224 19 BR \N \N Bixopa
15225 19 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
15226 19 BR \N \N Boa Viagem
15227 19 BR \N \N Boa Vista
15228 19 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Caxitoré
15229 19 BR \N \N Boa Água
15230 19 BR \N \N Bonfim
15231 19 BR \N \N Bonhu
15232 19 BR \N \N Bonito
15233 19 BR \N \N Borges
15234 19 BR \N \N Brejinho
15235 19 BR \N \N Brejo Grande
15236 19 BR \N \N Brejo Santo
15237 19 BR \N \N Brotas
15238 19 BR \N \N Buritizal
15239 19 BR \N \N Buritizinho
15240 19 BR \N \N Cabreiro
15241 19 BR \N \N Cachoeira
15242 19 BR \N \N Cachoeira Grande
15243 19 BR \N \N Caio Prado
15244 19 BR \N \N Caioca
15245 19 BR \N \N Caipu
15246 19 BR \N \N Caiçara
15247 19 BR \N \N Caiçarinha
15248 19 BR \N \N Calabaça
15249 19 BR \N \N Caldeirão
15250 19 BR \N \N Califórnia
15251 19 BR \N \N Camará
15252 19 BR \N \N Camboas
15253 19 BR \N \N Camilos
15254 19 BR \N \N Camocim
15255 19 BR \N \N Campanário
15256 19 BR \N \N Campestre
15257 19 BR \N \N Campos Sales
15258 19 BR \N \N Canaan
15259 19 BR \N \N Canafistula
15260 19 BR \N \N Canaúna
15261 19 BR \N \N Cangati
15262 19 BR \N \N Canindezinho
15263 19 BR \N \N Canindé
15264 19 BR \N \N Capistrano
15265 19 BR \N \N Caponga
15266 19 BR \N \N Caponga da Bernarda
15267 19 BR \N \N Caracará
15268 19 BR \N \N Caridade
15269 19 BR \N \N Caririaçu
15270 19 BR \N \N Cariré
15271 19 BR \N \N Cariutaba
15272 19 BR \N \N Cariús
15273 19 BR \N \N Carmelópolis
15274 19 BR \N \N Carnaubal
15275 19 BR \N \N Carnaubinha
15276 19 BR \N \N Carnaúbas
15277 19 BR \N \N Carquejo
15278 19 BR \N \N Carrapateiras
15279 19 BR \N \N Caruataí
15280 19 BR \N \N Carvalho
15281 19 BR \N \N Carvoeiro
15282 19 BR \N \N Castanhão
15283 19 BR \N \N Catarina
15284 19 BR \N \N Catolé
15285 19 BR \N \N Catuana
15286 19 BR \N \N Catunda
15287 19 BR \N \N Caucaia
15288 19 BR \N \N Caxitoré
15289 19 BR \N \N Cedro
15290 19 BR \N \N Cemoaba
15291 19 BR \N \N Chaval
15292 19 BR \N \N Chorozinho
15293 19 BR \N \N Choró
15294 19 BR \N \N Cipó dos Anjos
15295 19 BR \N \N Cococi
15296 19 BR \N \N Codiá
15297 19 BR \N \N Coité
15298 19 BR \N \N Colina
15299 19 BR \N \N Conceição
15300 19 BR \N \N Coreaú
15301 19 BR \N \N Crateús
15302 19 BR \N \N Crato
15303 19 BR \N \N Crioulos
15304 19 BR \N \N Cristais
15305 19 BR \N \N Croatá
15306 19 BR \N \N Cruxati
15307 19 BR \N \N Cruz
15308 19 BR \N \N Cruz de Pedra
15309 19 BR \N \N Cruzeirinho
15310 19 BR \N \N Cuncas
15311 19 BR \N \N Curatis
15312 19 BR \N \N Curupira
15313 19 BR \N \N Custódio
15314 19 BR \N \N Córrego dos Fernandes
15315 19 BR \N \N Daniel de Queirós
15316 19 BR \N \N Delmiro Gouveia
15317 19 BR \N \N Deputado Irapuan Pinheiro
15318 19 BR \N \N Deserto
15319 19 BR \N \N Dom Leme
15320 19 BR \N \N Dom Maurício
15321 19 BR \N \N Dom Quintino
15322 19 BR \N \N Domingos da Costa
15323 19 BR \N \N Donato
15324 19 BR \N \N Ebron
15325 19 BR \N \N Ema
15326 19 BR \N \N Ematuba
15327 19 BR \N \N Encantado
15328 19 BR \N \N Engenheiro José Lopes
15329 19 BR \N \N Engenheiro João Tomé
15330 19 BR \N \N Engenho Velho
15331 19 BR \N \N Ererê
15332 19 BR \N \N Espacinha
15333 19 BR \N \N Esperança
15334 19 BR \N \N Espinho
15335 19 BR \N \N Eusébio
15336 19 BR \N \N Farias Brito
15337 19 BR \N \N Feiticeiro
15338 19 BR \N \N Feitosa
15339 19 BR \N \N Felizardo
15340 19 BR \N \N Flamengo
15341 19 BR \N \N Flores
15342 19 BR \N \N Forquilha
15343 19 BR \N \N Fortim
15344 19 BR \N \N Frecheirinha
15345 19 BR \N \N Fátima
15346 19 BR \N \N Gado
15347 19 BR \N \N Gado dos Rodrigues
15348 19 BR \N \N Gameleira de São Sebastião
15349 19 BR \N \N Garças
15350 19 BR \N \N General Sampaio
15351 19 BR \N \N General Tibúrcio
15352 19 BR \N \N Genipapeiro
15353 19 BR \N \N Gereraú
15354 19 BR \N \N Giqui
15355 19 BR \N \N Girau
15356 19 BR \N \N Granja
15357 19 BR \N \N Granjeiro
15358 19 BR \N \N Graça
15359 19 BR \N \N Groairas
15360 19 BR \N \N Guaiúba
15361 19 BR \N \N Guajiru
15362 19 BR \N \N Guanacés
15363 19 BR \N \N Guaraciaba do Norte
15364 19 BR \N \N Guaramiranga
15365 19 BR \N \N Guararu
15366 19 BR \N \N Guassi
15367 19 BR \N \N Guassossé
15368 19 BR \N \N Guia
15369 19 BR \N \N Guriú
15370 19 BR \N \N Gázea
15371 19 BR \N \N Hidrolândia
15372 19 BR \N \N Holanda
15373 19 BR \N \N Horizonte
15374 19 BR \N \N Iapi
15375 19 BR \N \N Iara
15376 19 BR \N \N Ibaretama
15377 19 BR \N \N Ibiapaba
15378 19 BR \N \N Ibiapina
15379 19 BR \N \N Ibicatu
15380 19 BR \N \N Ibicuitaba
15381 19 BR \N \N Ibicuitinga
15382 19 BR \N \N Ibicuã
15383 19 BR \N \N Iborepi
15384 19 BR \N \N Ibuaçu
15385 19 BR \N \N Ibuguaçu
15386 19 BR \N \N Icapuí
15387 19 BR \N \N Icaraí
15388 19 BR \N \N Icozinho
15389 19 BR \N \N Icó
15390 19 BR \N \N Ideal
15391 19 BR \N \N Igaroi
15392 19 BR \N \N Iguatu
15393 19 BR \N \N Independência
15394 19 BR \N \N Ingazeiras
15395 19 BR \N \N Inhamuns
15396 19 BR \N \N Inhuporanga
15397 19 BR \N \N Inhuçu
15398 19 BR \N \N Ipaporanga
15399 19 BR \N \N Ipaumirim
15400 19 BR \N \N Ipu
15401 19 BR \N \N Ipueiras
15402 19 BR \N \N Ipueiras dos Gomes
15403 19 BR \N \N Iracema
15404 19 BR \N \N Irajá
15405 19 BR \N \N Irapuã
15406 19 BR \N \N Iratinga
15407 19 BR \N \N Irauçuba
15408 19 BR \N \N Isidoro
15409 19 BR \N \N Itacima
15410 19 BR \N \N Itaguá
15411 19 BR \N \N Itaipaba
15412 19 BR \N \N Itaitinga
15413 19 BR \N \N Itaiçaba
15414 19 BR \N \N Itans
15415 19 BR \N \N Itapajé
15416 19 BR \N \N Itapebussu
15417 19 BR \N \N Itapeim
15418 19 BR \N \N Itapipoca
15419 19 BR \N \N Itapiúna
15420 19 BR \N \N Itapó
15421 19 BR \N \N Itarema
15422 19 BR \N \N Itatira
15423 19 BR \N \N Jaburuna
15424 19 BR \N \N Jacampari
15425 19 BR \N \N Jacarecoara
15426 19 BR \N \N Jacaúna
15427 19 BR \N \N Jaguaretama
15428 19 BR \N \N Jaguaribara
15429 19 BR \N \N Jaguaribe
15430 19 BR \N \N Jaguaruana
15431 19 BR \N \N Jaguarão
15432 19 BR \N \N Jaibaras
15433 19 BR \N \N Jamacaru
15434 19 BR \N \N Jandrangoeira
15435 19 BR \N \N Jardim
15436 19 BR \N \N Jardimirim
15437 19 BR \N \N Jati
15438 19 BR \N \N Jijoca de Jericoacoara
15439 19 BR \N \N Jordão
15440 19 BR \N \N José de Alencar
15441 19 BR \N \N João Cordeiro
15442 19 BR \N \N Juatama
15443 19 BR \N \N Juazeiro de Baixo
15444 19 BR \N \N Juazeiro do Norte
15445 19 BR \N \N Jubaia
15446 19 BR \N \N Jucás
15447 19 BR \N \N Jurema
15448 19 BR \N \N Justiniano Serpa
15449 19 BR \N \N Juá
15450 19 BR \N \N Lacerda
15451 19 BR \N \N Ladeira Grande
15452 19 BR \N \N Lages
15453 19 BR \N \N Lagoa Grande
15454 19 BR \N \N Lagoa de São José
15455 19 BR \N \N Lagoa do Juvenal
15456 19 BR \N \N Lagoa do Mato
15457 19 BR \N \N Lagoa dos Crioulos
15458 19 BR \N \N Lagoinha
15459 19 BR \N \N Lambedouro
15460 19 BR \N \N Lameiro
15461 19 BR \N \N Lavras da Mangabeira
15462 19 BR \N \N Lima Campos
15463 19 BR \N \N Limoeiro do Norte
15464 19 BR \N \N Lisieux
15465 19 BR \N \N Livramento
15466 19 BR \N \N Logradouro
15467 19 BR \N \N Macambira
15468 19 BR \N \N Macaraú
15469 19 BR \N \N Macaóca
15470 19 BR \N \N Maceió
15471 19 BR \N \N Madalena
15472 19 BR \N \N Major Simplício
15473 19 BR \N \N Majorlândia
15474 19 BR \N \N Malhada Grande
15475 19 BR \N \N Mangabeira
15476 19 BR \N \N Manibu
15477 19 BR \N \N Manituba
15478 19 BR \N \N Manoel Guedes
15479 19 BR \N \N Mapuá
15480 19 BR \N \N Maracanaú
15481 19 BR \N \N Maraguá
15482 19 BR \N \N Maranguape
15483 19 BR \N \N Mararupá
15484 19 BR \N \N Marco
15485 19 BR \N \N Marinheiros
15486 19 BR \N \N Marrecas
15487 19 BR \N \N Marrocos
15488 19 BR \N \N Marruás
15489 19 BR \N \N Martinópole
15490 19 BR \N \N Massapê
15491 19 BR \N \N Mata Fresca
15492 19 BR \N \N Matias
15493 19 BR \N \N Matriz
15494 19 BR \N \N Mauriti
15495 19 BR \N \N Mel
15496 19 BR \N \N Meruoca
15497 19 BR \N \N Messejana
15498 19 BR \N \N Miguel Xavier
15499 19 BR \N \N Milagres
15500 19 BR \N \N Milhã
15501 19 BR \N \N Milton Belo
15502 19 BR \N \N Mineirolândia
15503 19 BR \N \N Miragem
15504 19 BR \N \N Mirambé
15505 19 BR \N \N Miraíma
15506 19 BR \N \N Missi
15507 19 BR \N \N Missão Nova
15508 19 BR \N \N Missão Velha
15509 19 BR \N \N Moitas
15510 19 BR \N \N Mombaça
15511 19 BR \N \N Mondubim
15512 19 BR \N \N Monguba
15513 19 BR \N \N Monsenhor Tabosa
15514 19 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
15515 19 BR \N \N Monte Castelo
15516 19 BR \N \N Monte Grave
15517 19 BR \N \N Monte Sion
15518 19 BR \N \N Montenebo
15519 19 BR \N \N Morada Nova
15520 19 BR \N \N Moraújo
15521 19 BR \N \N Morrinhos
15522 19 BR \N \N Morrinhos Novos
15523 19 BR \N \N Morro Branco
15524 19 BR \N \N Mucambo
15525 19 BR \N \N Mulungu
15526 19 BR \N \N Mumbaba
15527 19 BR \N \N Mundau
15528 19 BR \N \N Muribeca
15529 19 BR \N \N Muriti
15530 19 BR \N \N Mutambeiras
15531 19 BR \N \N Naraniu
15532 19 BR \N \N Nascente
15533 19 BR \N \N Nenenlândia
15534 19 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Livramento
15535 19 BR \N \N Nova Betânia
15536 19 BR \N \N Nova Floresta
15537 19 BR \N \N Nova Fátima
15538 19 BR \N \N Nova Olinda
15539 19 BR \N \N Nova Russas
15540 19 BR \N \N Nova Vida
15541 19 BR \N \N Novo Assis
15542 19 BR \N \N Novo Oriente
15543 19 BR \N \N Ocara
15544 19 BR \N \N Oiticica
15545 19 BR \N \N Olho-D'Água
15546 19 BR \N \N Olho-D'Água da Bica
15547 19 BR \N \N Oliveiras
15548 19 BR \N \N Orós
15549 19 BR \N \N Pacajus
15550 19 BR \N \N Pacatuba
15551 19 BR \N \N Pacoti
15552 19 BR \N \N Pacujá
15553 19 BR \N \N Padre Cícero
15554 19 BR \N \N Padre Linhares
15555 19 BR \N \N Padre Vieira
15556 19 BR \N \N Pajeú
15557 19 BR \N \N Palestina
15558 19 BR \N \N Palestina do Norte
15559 19 BR \N \N Palhano
15560 19 BR \N \N Palmatória
15561 19 BR \N \N Palmácia
15562 19 BR \N \N Panacuí
15563 19 BR \N \N Papara
15564 19 BR \N \N Paracuru
15565 19 BR \N \N Paracuá
15566 19 BR \N \N Paraipaba
15567 19 BR \N \N Parajuru
15568 19 BR \N \N Parambu
15569 19 BR \N \N Paramoti
15570 19 BR \N \N Parangaba
15571 19 BR \N \N Parapuí
15572 19 BR \N \N Parazinho
15573 19 BR \N \N Paripueira
15574 19 BR \N \N Passagem
15575 19 BR \N \N Passagem Funda
15576 19 BR \N \N Pasta
15577 19 BR \N \N Patacas
15578 19 BR \N \N Patos dos Liberatos
15579 19 BR \N \N Patriarca
15580 19 BR \N \N Pavuna
15581 19 BR \N \N Pecém
15582 19 BR \N \N Pedra Branca
15583 19 BR \N \N Pedras
15584 19 BR \N \N Pedrinhas
15585 19 BR \N \N Peixe
15586 19 BR \N \N Peixe Gordo
15587 19 BR \N \N Penaforte
15588 19 BR \N \N Penedo
15589 19 BR \N \N Pentecoste
15590 19 BR \N \N Pereiro
15591 19 BR \N \N Pernambuquinho
15592 19 BR \N \N Pessoa Anta
15593 19 BR \N \N Pindoguaba
15594 19 BR \N \N Pindoretama
15595 19 BR \N \N Pio X
15596 19 BR \N \N Piquet Carneiro
15597 19 BR \N \N Pirabibu
15598 19 BR \N \N Pirangi
15599 19 BR \N \N Pires Ferreira
15600 19 BR \N \N Pitombeira
15601 19 BR \N \N Pitombeiras
15602 19 BR \N \N Plácido Martins
15603 19 BR \N \N Podimirim
15604 19 BR \N \N Ponta da Serra
15605 19 BR \N \N Poranga
15606 19 BR \N \N Porfirio Sampaio
15607 19 BR \N \N Porteiras
15608 19 BR \N \N Potengi
15609 19 BR \N \N Poti
15610 19 BR \N \N Potiretama
15611 19 BR \N \N Poço
15612 19 BR \N \N Poço Comprido
15613 19 BR \N \N Poço Grande
15614 19 BR \N \N Prata
15615 19 BR \N \N Prudente de Morais
15616 19 BR \N \N Quatiguaba
15617 19 BR \N \N Queimadas
15618 19 BR \N \N Quimami
15619 19 BR \N \N Quincoé
15620 19 BR \N \N Quincuncá
15621 19 BR \N \N Quitaiús
15622 19 BR \N \N Quiterianópolis
15623 19 BR \N \N Quixadá
15624 19 BR \N \N Quixariú
15625 19 BR \N \N Quixelô
15626 19 BR \N \N Quixeramobim
15627 19 BR \N \N Quixeré
15628 19 BR \N \N Quixoá
15629 19 BR \N \N Raimundo Martins
15630 19 BR \N \N Redenção
15631 19 BR \N \N Reriutaba
15632 19 BR \N \N Riacho Grande
15633 19 BR \N \N Riacho Verde
15634 19 BR \N \N Riacho Vermelho
15635 19 BR \N \N Riachão do Banabuiú
15636 19 BR \N \N Rinaré
15637 19 BR \N \N Roldão
15638 19 BR \N \N Russas
15639 19 BR \N \N Sabiaguaba
15640 19 BR \N \N Saboeiro
15641 19 BR \N \N Sacramento
15642 19 BR \N \N Salitre
15643 19 BR \N \N Salão
15644 19 BR \N \N Sambaíba
15645 19 BR \N \N Santa Ana
15646 19 BR \N \N Santa Felícia
15647 19 BR \N \N Santa Fé
15648 19 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
15649 19 BR \N \N Santa Quitéria
15650 19 BR \N \N Santa Tereza
15651 19 BR \N \N Santana
15652 19 BR \N \N Santana do Acaraú
15653 19 BR \N \N Santana do Cariri
15654 19 BR \N \N Santarém
15655 19 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
15656 19 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Pindoba
15657 19 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Fernandes
15658 19 BR \N \N Sapo
15659 19 BR \N \N Sapupara
15660 19 BR \N \N Sebastião de Abreu
15661 19 BR \N \N Senador Carlos Jereissati
15662 19 BR \N \N Senador Pompeu
15663 19 BR \N \N Senador Sá
15664 19 BR \N \N Sereno de Cima
15665 19 BR \N \N Serra do Félix
15666 19 BR \N \N Serragem
15667 19 BR \N \N Serrota
15668 19 BR \N \N Serrote
15669 19 BR \N \N Sitiá
15670 19 BR \N \N Siupê
15671 19 BR \N \N Sobral
15672 19 BR \N \N Soledade
15673 19 BR \N \N Solonópole
15674 19 BR \N \N Suassurana
15675 19 BR \N \N Sucatinga
15676 19 BR \N \N Sucesso
15677 19 BR \N \N Sussuanha
15678 19 BR \N \N São Bartolomeu
15679 19 BR \N \N São Benedito
15680 19 BR \N \N São Domingos
15681 19 BR \N \N São Felipe
15682 19 BR \N \N São Francisco
15683 19 BR \N \N São Gerardo
15684 19 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Amarante
15685 19 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Umari
15686 19 BR \N \N São Joaquim
15687 19 BR \N \N São Joaquim do Salgado
15688 19 BR \N \N São José das Lontras
15689 19 BR \N \N São José de Solonópole
15690 19 BR \N \N São José do Torto
15691 19 BR \N \N São João de Deus
15692 19 BR \N \N São João do Amanari
15693 19 BR \N \N São João do Jaguaribe
15694 19 BR \N \N São João dos Queiroz
15695 19 BR \N \N São Luís do Curu
15696 19 BR \N \N São Miguel
15697 19 BR \N \N São Pedro
15698 19 BR \N \N São Romão
15699 19 BR \N \N São Sebastião
15700 19 BR \N \N São Vicente
15701 19 BR \N \N Sítios Novos
15702 19 BR \N \N Tabainha
15703 19 BR \N \N Taboleiro
15704 19 BR \N \N Tabuleiro do Norte
15705 19 BR \N \N Tamboril
15706 19 BR \N \N Tanques
15707 19 BR \N \N Tapera
15708 19 BR \N \N Taperuaba
15709 19 BR \N \N Tapuiara
15710 19 BR \N \N Targinos
15711 19 BR \N \N Tarrafas
15712 19 BR \N \N Tauá
15713 19 BR \N \N Taíba
15714 19 BR \N \N Tejuçuoca
15715 19 BR \N \N Tianguá
15716 19 BR \N \N Timbaúba dos Marinheiros
15717 19 BR \N \N Timonha
15718 19 BR \N \N Tipi
15719 19 BR \N \N Tomé
15720 19 BR \N \N Trairi
15721 19 BR \N \N Trapiá
15722 19 BR \N \N Trici
15723 19 BR \N \N Triângulo
15724 19 BR \N \N Trussu
15725 19 BR \N \N Tróia
15726 19 BR \N \N Tucunduba
15727 19 BR \N \N Tucuns
15728 19 BR \N \N Tururu
15729 19 BR \N \N Tuína
15730 19 BR \N \N Ubajara
15731 19 BR \N \N Ubaúna
15732 19 BR \N \N Ubiraçu
15733 19 BR \N \N Uiraponga
15734 19 BR \N \N Umari
15735 19 BR \N \N Umarituba
15736 19 BR \N \N Umarizeiras
15737 19 BR \N \N Umburanas
15738 19 BR \N \N Umirim
15739 19 BR \N \N Uruburetama
15740 19 BR \N \N Uruoca
15741 19 BR \N \N Uruquê
15742 19 BR \N \N Varjota
15743 19 BR \N \N Vazantes
15744 19 BR \N \N Ventura
15745 19 BR \N \N Vertentes do Lagedo
15746 19 BR \N \N Vila Soares
15747 19 BR \N \N Viçosa
15748 19 BR \N \N Viçosa do Ceará
15749 19 BR \N \N Várzea
15750 19 BR \N \N Várzea Alegre
15751 19 BR \N \N Várzea da Volta
15752 19 BR \N \N Várzea do Gilo
15753 19 BR \N \N Água Verde
15754 21 BR \N \N Acrelândia
15755 21 BR \N \N Assis Brasil
15756 21 BR \N \N Brasiléia
15757 21 BR \N \N Bujari
15758 21 BR \N \N Campinas
15759 21 BR \N \N Capixaba
15760 21 BR \N \N Cruzeiro do Sul
15761 21 BR \N \N Epitaciolândia
15762 21 BR \N \N Feijó
15763 21 BR \N \N Jordão
15764 21 BR \N \N Manoel Urbano
15765 21 BR \N \N Marechal Thaumaturgo
15766 21 BR \N \N Mâncio Lima
15767 21 BR \N \N Plácido de Castro
15768 21 BR \N \N Porto Acre
15769 21 BR \N \N Porto Walter
15770 21 BR \N \N Rio Branco
15771 21 BR \N \N Rodrigues Alves
15772 21 BR \N \N Santa Rosa
15773 21 BR \N \N Sena Madureira
15774 21 BR \N \N Senador Guiomard
15775 21 BR \N \N Tarauacá
15776 21 BR \N \N Xapuri
15777 22 BR \N \N Alazão
15778 22 BR \N \N Alecrim
15779 22 BR \N \N Anadia
15780 22 BR \N \N Anel
15781 22 BR \N \N Anum Novo
15782 22 BR \N \N Anum Velho
15783 22 BR \N \N Arapiraca
15784 22 BR \N \N Atalaia
15785 22 BR \N \N Baixa da Onça
15786 22 BR \N \N Baixa do Capim
15787 22 BR \N \N Bananeiras
15788 22 BR \N \N Barra Grande
15789 22 BR \N \N Barra de Santo Antônio
15790 22 BR \N \N Barra de São Miguel
15791 22 BR \N \N Barra do Bonifácio
15792 22 BR \N \N Batalha
15793 22 BR \N \N Batingas
15794 22 BR \N \N Belo Monte
15795 22 BR \N \N Belém
15796 22 BR \N \N Boa Sorte
15797 22 BR \N \N Boa Vista
15798 22 BR \N \N Boca da Mata
15799 22 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
15800 22 BR \N \N Bonifácio
15801 22 BR \N \N Bonsucesso
15802 22 BR \N \N Botafogo
15803 22 BR \N \N Branquinha
15804 22 BR \N \N Bálsamo
15805 22 BR \N \N Cacimbinhas
15806 22 BR \N \N Cajarana
15807 22 BR \N \N Cajueiro
15808 22 BR \N \N Caldeirões de Cima
15809 22 BR \N \N Camadanta
15810 22 BR \N \N Campestre
15811 22 BR \N \N Campo Alegre
15812 22 BR \N \N Campo Grande
15813 22 BR \N \N Canafístula
15814 22 BR \N \N Canapi
15815 22 BR \N \N Canastra
15816 22 BR \N \N Canaã
15817 22 BR \N \N Cangandu
15818 22 BR \N \N Capela
15819 22 BR \N \N Carneiros
15820 22 BR \N \N Carrasco
15821 22 BR \N \N Chã Preta
15822 22 BR \N \N Coité do Nóia
15823 22 BR \N \N Colônia Leopoldina
15824 22 BR \N \N Coqueiro Seco
15825 22 BR \N \N Coruripe
15826 22 BR \N \N Coruripe da Cal
15827 22 BR \N \N Craíbas
15828 22 BR \N \N Delmiro Gouveia
15829 22 BR \N \N Dois Riachos
15830 22 BR \N \N Entremontes
15831 22 BR \N \N Estrela de Alagoas
15832 22 BR \N \N Feira Grande
15833 22 BR \N \N Feliz Deserto
15834 22 BR \N \N Flexeiras
15835 22 BR \N \N Gaspar
15836 22 BR \N \N Girau do Ponciano
15837 22 BR \N \N Ibateguara
15838 22 BR \N \N Igaci
15839 22 BR \N \N Igreja Nova
15840 22 BR \N \N Inhapi
15841 22 BR \N \N Jacaré dos Homens
15842 22 BR \N \N Jacuípe
15843 22 BR \N \N Japaratinga
15844 22 BR \N \N Jaramataia
15845 22 BR \N \N Jenipapo
15846 22 BR \N \N Jequiá da Praia
15847 22 BR \N \N Joaquim Gomes
15848 22 BR \N \N Jundiá
15849 22 BR \N \N Junqueiro
15850 22 BR \N \N Lagoa Dantas
15851 22 BR \N \N Lagoa da Areia
15852 22 BR \N \N Lagoa da Canoa
15853 22 BR \N \N Lagoa da Pedra
15854 22 BR \N \N Lagoa do Caldeirão
15855 22 BR \N \N Lagoa do Canto
15856 22 BR \N \N Lagoa do Exú
15857 22 BR \N \N Lagoa do Rancho
15858 22 BR \N \N Lajes do Caldeirão
15859 22 BR \N \N Laranjal
15860 22 BR \N \N Limoeiro de Anadia
15861 22 BR \N \N Maceió
15862 22 BR \N \N Major Isidoro
15863 22 BR \N \N Mar Vermelho
15864 22 BR \N \N Maragogi
15865 22 BR \N \N Maravilha
15866 22 BR \N \N Marechal Deodoro
15867 22 BR \N \N Maribondo
15868 22 BR \N \N Massaranduba
15869 22 BR \N \N Mata Grande
15870 22 BR \N \N Matriz de Camaragibe
15871 22 BR \N \N Messias
15872 22 BR \N \N Minador do Negrão
15873 22 BR \N \N Monteirópolis
15874 22 BR \N \N Moreira
15875 22 BR \N \N Munguba
15876 22 BR \N \N Murici
15877 22 BR \N \N Novo Lino
15878 22 BR \N \N Olho D'Água Grande
15879 22 BR \N \N Olho D'Água das Flores
15880 22 BR \N \N Olho D'Água de Cima
15881 22 BR \N \N Olho D'Água do Casado
15882 22 BR \N \N Olho D'Água dos Dandanhas
15883 22 BR \N \N Olivença
15884 22 BR \N \N Ouro Branco
15885 22 BR \N \N Palestina
15886 22 BR \N \N Palmeira de Fora
15887 22 BR \N \N Palmeira dos Índios
15888 22 BR \N \N Pariconha
15889 22 BR \N \N Paripueira
15890 22 BR \N \N Passo de Camaragibe
15891 22 BR \N \N Pau D'Arco
15892 22 BR \N \N Pau Ferro
15893 22 BR \N \N Paulo Jacinto
15894 22 BR \N \N Penedo
15895 22 BR \N \N Piaçabuçu
15896 22 BR \N \N Pilar
15897 22 BR \N \N Pindoba
15898 22 BR \N \N Piranhas
15899 22 BR \N \N Pontal de Coruripe
15900 22 BR \N \N Porto Calvo
15901 22 BR \N \N Porto Real do Colégio
15902 22 BR \N \N Porto de Pedras
15903 22 BR \N \N Poxim
15904 22 BR \N \N Poço da Pedra
15905 22 BR \N \N Poço das Trincheiras
15906 22 BR \N \N Poção
15907 22 BR \N \N Pão de Açúcar
15908 22 BR \N \N Quebrangulo
15909 22 BR \N \N Riacho Fundo de Cima
15910 22 BR \N \N Riacho do Sertão
15911 22 BR \N \N Rio Largo
15912 22 BR \N \N Rocha Cavalcante
15913 22 BR \N \N Roteiro
15914 22 BR \N \N Santa Efigênia
15915 22 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Norte
15916 22 BR \N \N Santana do Ipanema
15917 22 BR \N \N Santana do Mundaú
15918 22 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
15919 22 BR \N \N Sapucaia
15920 22 BR \N \N Satuba
15921 22 BR \N \N Senador Rui Palmeira
15922 22 BR \N \N Serra da Mandioca
15923 22 BR \N \N Serra do São José
15924 22 BR \N \N São Brás
15925 22 BR \N \N São José da Laje
15926 22 BR \N \N São José da Tapera
15927 22 BR \N \N São Luís do Quitunde
15928 22 BR \N \N São Miguel dos Campos
15929 22 BR \N \N São Miguel dos Milagres
15930 22 BR \N \N São Sebastião
15931 22 BR \N \N Taboleiro do Pinto
15932 22 BR \N \N Taboquinha
15933 22 BR \N \N Tanque D'Arca
15934 22 BR \N \N Taquarana
15935 22 BR \N \N Tatuamunha
15936 22 BR \N \N Teotônio Vilela
15937 22 BR \N \N Traipu
15938 22 BR \N \N União dos Palmares
15939 22 BR \N \N Usina Camaçari
15940 22 BR \N \N Vila Aparecida
15941 22 BR \N \N Vila São Francisco
15942 22 BR \N \N Viçosa
15943 22 BR \N \N Água Branca
15944 23 BR \N \N Abacate da Pedreira
15945 23 BR \N \N Amapari
15946 23 BR \N \N Amapá
15947 23 BR \N \N Ambé
15948 23 BR \N \N Aporema
15949 23 BR \N \N Ariri
15950 23 BR \N \N Bailique
15951 23 BR \N \N Boca do Jari
15952 23 BR \N \N Calçoene
15953 23 BR \N \N Cantanzal
15954 23 BR \N \N Carmo
15955 23 BR \N \N Clevelândia do Norte
15956 23 BR \N \N Corre Água
15957 23 BR \N \N Cunani
15958 23 BR \N \N Curiaú
15959 23 BR \N \N Cutias
15960 23 BR \N \N Fazendinha
15961 23 BR \N \N Ferreira Gomes
15962 23 BR \N \N Gaivota
15963 23 BR \N \N Gurupora
15964 23 BR \N \N Igarapé do Lago
15965 23 BR \N \N Ilha de Santana
15966 23 BR \N \N Inajá
15967 23 BR \N \N Itaubal
15968 23 BR \N \N Laranjal do Jari
15969 23 BR \N \N Livramento do Pacuí
15970 23 BR \N \N Lourenço
15971 23 BR \N \N Macapá
15972 23 BR \N \N Mazagão
15973 23 BR \N \N Mazagão Velho
15974 23 BR \N \N Oiapoque
15975 23 BR \N \N Paredão
15976 23 BR \N \N Porto Grande
15977 23 BR \N \N Pracuúba
15978 23 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Pacuí
15979 23 BR \N \N Santa Maria
15980 23 BR \N \N Santana
15981 23 BR \N \N Serra do Navio
15982 23 BR \N \N Sucuriju
15983 23 BR \N \N São Joaquim do Pacuí
15984 23 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Livramento
15985 23 BR \N \N São Tomé
15986 23 BR \N \N Tartarugalzinho
15987 23 BR \N \N Vila Velha
15988 23 BR \N \N Vitória do Jari
15989 24 BR \N \N Afonso Cunha
15990 24 BR \N \N Alcântara
15991 24 BR \N \N Aldeias Altas
15992 24 BR \N \N Altamira do Maranhão
15993 24 BR \N \N Alto Alegre do Maranhão
15994 24 BR \N \N Alto Alegre do Pindaré
15995 24 BR \N \N Alto Parnaíba
15996 24 BR \N \N Amapá do Maranhão
15997 24 BR \N \N Amarante do Maranhão
15998 24 BR \N \N Anajatuba
15999 24 BR \N \N Anapurus
16000 24 BR \N \N Anil
16001 24 BR \N \N Apicum-Açu
16002 24 BR \N \N Araguanã
16003 24 BR \N \N Araióses
16004 24 BR \N \N Arame
16005 24 BR \N \N Arari
16006 24 BR \N \N Aurizona
16007 24 BR \N \N Axixá
16008 24 BR \N \N Açailândia
16009 24 BR \N \N Bacabal
16010 24 BR \N \N Bacabeira
16011 24 BR \N \N Bacatuba
16012 24 BR \N \N Bacuri
16013 24 BR \N \N Bacurituba
16014 24 BR \N \N Balsas
16015 24 BR \N \N Barra do Corda
16016 24 BR \N \N Barreirinhas
16017 24 BR \N \N Barro Duro
16018 24 BR \N \N Barão de Grajaú
16019 24 BR \N \N Barão de Tromai
16020 24 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Maranhão
16021 24 BR \N \N Belágua
16022 24 BR \N \N Benedito Leite
16023 24 BR \N \N Bequimão
16024 24 BR \N \N Bernardo do Mearim
16025 24 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Gurupi
16026 24 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Pindaré
16027 24 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
16028 24 BR \N \N Bom Jesus das Selvas
16029 24 BR \N \N Bom Lugar
16030 24 BR \N \N Bonfim do Arari
16031 24 BR \N \N Brejo
16032 24 BR \N \N Brejo de Areia
16033 24 BR \N \N Brejo de São Félix
16034 24 BR \N \N Buriti
16035 24 BR \N \N Buriti Bravo
16036 24 BR \N \N Buriti Cortado
16037 24 BR \N \N Buriticupu
16038 24 BR \N \N Buritirama
16039 24 BR \N \N Cachoeira Grande
16040 24 BR \N \N Cajapió
16041 24 BR \N \N Cajari
16042 24 BR \N \N Campestre do Maranhão
16043 24 BR \N \N Cantanhede
16044 24 BR \N \N Capinzal do Norte
16045 24 BR \N \N Caraíba do Norte
16046 24 BR \N \N Carolina
16047 24 BR \N \N Carutapera
16048 24 BR \N \N Caxias
16049 24 BR \N \N Cedral
16050 24 BR \N \N Central do Maranhão
16051 24 BR \N \N Centro Novo do Maranhão
16052 24 BR \N \N Centro do Guilherme
16053 24 BR \N \N Chapadinha
16054 24 BR \N \N Cidelândia
16055 24 BR \N \N Codozinho
16056 24 BR \N \N Codó
16057 24 BR \N \N Coelho Neto
16058 24 BR \N \N Colinas
16059 24 BR \N \N Conceição do Lago-Açu
16060 24 BR \N \N Coroatá
16061 24 BR \N \N Curupa
16062 24 BR \N \N Cururupu
16063 24 BR \N \N Curva Grande
16064 24 BR \N \N Custódio Lima
16065 24 BR \N \N Cândido Mendes
16066 24 BR \N \N Davinópolis
16067 24 BR \N \N Dom Pedro
16068 24 BR \N \N Duque Bacelar
16069 24 BR \N \N Esperantinópolis
16070 24 BR \N \N Estandarte
16071 24 BR \N \N Estreito
16072 24 BR \N \N Feira Nova do Maranhão
16073 24 BR \N \N Fernando Falcão
16074 24 BR \N \N Formosa da Serra Negra
16075 24 BR \N \N Fortaleza dos Nogueiras
16076 24 BR \N \N Fortuna
16077 24 BR \N \N Frecheiras
16078 24 BR \N \N Godofredo Viana
16079 24 BR \N \N Gonçalves Dias
16080 24 BR \N \N Governador Archer
16081 24 BR \N \N Governador Edson Lobão
16082 24 BR \N \N Governador Eugênio Barros
16083 24 BR \N \N Governador Luiz Rocha
16084 24 BR \N \N Governador Newton Bello
16085 24 BR \N \N Governador Nunes Freire
16086 24 BR \N \N Grajaú
16087 24 BR \N \N Graça Aranha
16088 24 BR \N \N Guimarães
16089 24 BR \N \N Humberto de Campos
16090 24 BR \N \N Ibipira
16091 24 BR \N \N Icatu
16092 24 BR \N \N Igarapé Grande
16093 24 BR \N \N Igarapé do Meio
16094 24 BR \N \N Imperatriz
16095 24 BR \N \N Itaipava do Grajaú
16096 24 BR \N \N Itamataré
16097 24 BR \N \N Itapecuru Mirim
16098 24 BR \N \N Itapera
16099 24 BR \N \N Itinga do Maranhão
16100 24 BR \N \N Jatobá
16101 24 BR \N \N Jenipapo dos Vieiras
16102 24 BR \N \N Joselândia
16103 24 BR \N \N João Lisboa
16104 24 BR \N \N Junco do Maranhão
16105 24 BR \N \N Lago Verde
16106 24 BR \N \N Lago da Pedra
16107 24 BR \N \N Lago do Junco
16108 24 BR \N \N Lago dos Rodrigues
16109 24 BR \N \N Lagoa Grande do Maranhão
16110 24 BR \N \N Lagoa do Mato
16111 24 BR \N \N Lajeado Novo
16112 24 BR \N \N Lapela
16113 24 BR \N \N Leandro
16114 24 BR \N \N Lima Campos
16115 24 BR \N \N Loreto
16116 24 BR \N \N Luís Domingues
16117 24 BR \N \N Magalhães de Almeida
16118 24 BR \N \N Maioba
16119 24 BR \N \N Maracaçumé
16120 24 BR \N \N Marajá do Sena
16121 24 BR \N \N Maranhãozinho
16122 24 BR \N \N Marianópolis
16123 24 BR \N \N Mata
16124 24 BR \N \N Mata Roma
16125 24 BR \N \N Matinha
16126 24 BR \N \N Matões
16127 24 BR \N \N Matões do Norte
16128 24 BR \N \N Milagres do Maranhão
16129 24 BR \N \N Mirador
16130 24 BR \N \N Miranda do Norte
16131 24 BR \N \N Mirinzal
16132 24 BR \N \N Montes Altos
16133 24 BR \N \N Monção
16134 24 BR \N \N Morros
16135 24 BR \N \N Nina Rodrigues
16136 24 BR \N \N Nova Colinas
16137 24 BR \N \N Nova Iorque
16138 24 BR \N \N Nova Olinda do Maranhão
16139 24 BR \N \N Olho D'Água das Cunhãs
16140 24 BR \N \N Olinda Nova do Maranhão
16141 24 BR \N \N Palmeirândia
16142 24 BR \N \N Papagaio
16143 24 BR \N \N Paraibano
16144 24 BR \N \N Parnarama
16145 24 BR \N \N Passagem Franca
16146 24 BR \N \N Pastos Bons
16147 24 BR \N \N Paulino Neves
16148 24 BR \N \N Paulo Ramos
16149 24 BR \N \N Paço do Lumiar
16150 24 BR \N \N Pedreiras
16151 24 BR \N \N Pedro do Rosário
16152 24 BR \N \N Penalva
16153 24 BR \N \N Peri Mirim
16154 24 BR \N \N Peritoró
16155 24 BR \N \N Pimentel
16156 24 BR \N \N Pindaré Mirim
16157 24 BR \N \N Pinheiro
16158 24 BR \N \N Pio XII
16159 24 BR \N \N Pirapemas
16160 24 BR \N \N Porto Franco
16161 24 BR \N \N Porto Rico do Maranhão
16162 24 BR \N \N Porto das Gabarras
16163 24 BR \N \N Poção de Pedras
16164 24 BR \N \N Presidente Dutra
16165 24 BR \N \N Presidente Juscelino
16166 24 BR \N \N Presidente Médici
16167 24 BR \N \N Presidente Sarney
16168 24 BR \N \N Presidente Vargas
16169 24 BR \N \N Primeira Cruz
16170 24 BR \N \N Raposa
16171 24 BR \N \N Resplandes
16172 24 BR \N \N Riachão
16173 24 BR \N \N Ribamar Fiquene
16174 24 BR \N \N Ribeirão Azul
16175 24 BR \N \N Rocado
16176 24 BR \N \N Roque
16177 24 BR \N \N Rosário
16178 24 BR \N \N Sambaíba
16179 24 BR \N \N Santa Filomena do Maranhão
16180 24 BR \N \N Santa Inês
16181 24 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
16182 24 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Paruá
16183 24 BR \N \N Santa Quitéria do Maranhão
16184 24 BR \N \N Santa Rita
16185 24 BR \N \N Santana do Maranhão
16186 24 BR \N \N Santo Amaro
16187 24 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Lopes
16188 24 BR \N \N Satubinha
16189 24 BR \N \N Senador Alexandre Costa
16190 24 BR \N \N Senador La Roque
16191 24 BR \N \N Serrano do Maranhão
16192 24 BR \N \N Sucupira do Norte
16193 24 BR \N \N Sucupira do Riachão
16194 24 BR \N \N São Benedito do Rio Preto
16195 24 BR \N \N São Bento
16196 24 BR \N \N São Bernardo
16197 24 BR \N \N São Domingos do Azeitão
16198 24 BR \N \N São Domingos do Maranhão
16199 24 BR \N \N São Francisco do Brejão
16200 24 BR \N \N São Francisco do Maranhão
16201 24 BR \N \N São Félix de Balsas
16202 24 BR \N \N São Joaquim dos Melos
16203 24 BR \N \N São José de Ribamar
16204 24 BR \N \N São José dos Basílios
16205 24 BR \N \N São João Batista
16206 24 BR \N \N São João de Cortes
16207 24 BR \N \N São João do Carú
16208 24 BR \N \N São João do Paraíso
16209 24 BR \N \N São João do Sóter
16210 24 BR \N \N São João dos Patos
16211 24 BR \N \N São Luís
16212 24 BR \N \N São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão
16213 24 BR \N \N São Mateus do Maranhão
16214 24 BR \N \N São Pedro da Água Branca
16215 24 BR \N \N São Pedro dos Crentes
16216 24 BR \N \N São Raimundo das Mangabeiras
16217 24 BR \N \N São Raimundo de Codó
16218 24 BR \N \N São Raimundo do Doca Bezerra
16219 24 BR \N \N São Roberto
16220 24 BR \N \N São Vicente Ferrer
16221 24 BR \N \N Sítio Novo
16222 24 BR \N \N Tasso Fragoso
16223 24 BR \N \N Timbiras
16224 24 BR \N \N Timon
16225 24 BR \N \N Trizidela do Vale
16226 24 BR \N \N Tufilândia
16227 24 BR \N \N Tuntum
16228 24 BR \N \N Turiaçu
16229 24 BR \N \N Turilândia
16230 24 BR \N \N Tutóia
16231 24 BR \N \N Urbano Santos
16232 24 BR \N \N Vargem Grande
16233 24 BR \N \N Viana
16234 24 BR \N \N Vila Nova dos Martírios
16235 24 BR \N \N Vitorino Freire
16236 24 BR \N \N Vitória do Mearim
16237 24 BR \N \N Zé Doca
16238 24 BR \N \N Água Doce do Maranhão
16239 25 BR \N \N Abadia dos Dourados
16240 25 BR \N \N Abaeté
16241 25 BR \N \N Abaeté dos Mendes
16242 25 BR \N \N Abaíba
16243 25 BR \N \N Abre Campo
16244 25 BR \N \N Abreus
16245 25 BR \N \N Acaiaca
16246 25 BR \N \N Acuruí
16247 25 BR \N \N Adão Colares
16248 25 BR \N \N Aguanil
16249 25 BR \N \N Aimorés
16250 25 BR \N \N Aiuruoca
16251 25 BR \N \N Alagoa
16252 25 BR \N \N Albertina
16253 25 BR \N \N Alberto Isaacson
16254 25 BR \N \N Albertos
16255 25 BR \N \N Aldeia
16256 25 BR \N \N Alegre
16257 25 BR \N \N Alegria
16258 25 BR \N \N Alexandrita
16259 25 BR \N \N Alfenas
16260 25 BR \N \N Alfredo Vasconcelos
16261 25 BR \N \N Almeida
16262 25 BR \N \N Almenara
16263 25 BR \N \N Alpercata
16264 25 BR \N \N Alpinópolis
16265 25 BR \N \N Alterosa
16266 25 BR \N \N Alto Belo
16267 25 BR \N \N Alto Caparaó
16268 25 BR \N \N Alto Capim
16269 25 BR \N \N Alto Jequitibá
16270 25 BR \N \N Alto Maranhão
16271 25 BR \N \N Alto Rio Doce
16272 25 BR \N \N Alto de Santa Helena
16273 25 BR \N \N Altolândia
16274 25 BR \N \N Alvarenga
16275 25 BR \N \N Alvação
16276 25 BR \N \N Alvinópolis
16277 25 BR \N \N Alvorada
16278 25 BR \N \N Alvorada de Minas
16279 25 BR \N \N Além Paraíba
16280 25 BR \N \N Amanda
16281 25 BR \N \N Amanhece
16282 25 BR \N \N Amarantina
16283 25 BR \N \N Amparo da Serra
16284 25 BR \N \N Andiroba
16285 25 BR \N \N Andradas
16286 25 BR \N \N Andrelândia
16287 25 BR \N \N Andrequicé
16288 25 BR \N \N Angaturama
16289 25 BR \N \N Angelândia
16290 25 BR \N \N Angicos de Minas
16291 25 BR \N \N Angueretá
16292 25 BR \N \N Angustura
16293 25 BR \N \N Antunes
16294 25 BR \N \N Antônio Carlos
16295 25 BR \N \N Antônio Dias
16296 25 BR \N \N Antônio Ferreira
16297 25 BR \N \N Antônio Pereira
16298 25 BR \N \N Antônio Prado de Minas
16299 25 BR \N \N Antônio dos Santos
16300 25 BR \N \N Aparecida de Minas
16301 25 BR \N \N Aracati de Minas
16302 25 BR \N \N Aracitaba
16303 25 BR \N \N Araguari
16304 25 BR \N \N Aramirim
16305 25 BR \N \N Aranha
16306 25 BR \N \N Arantina
16307 25 BR \N \N Araponga
16308 25 BR \N \N Araporã
16309 25 BR \N \N Arapuá
16310 25 BR \N \N Araxá
16311 25 BR \N \N Araçaí
16312 25 BR \N \N Araçuaí
16313 25 BR \N \N Araújos
16314 25 BR \N \N Araúna
16315 25 BR \N \N Arceburgo
16316 25 BR \N \N Arcos
16317 25 BR \N \N Arcângelo
16318 25 BR \N \N Areado
16319 25 BR \N \N Argenita
16320 25 BR \N \N Argirita
16321 25 BR \N \N Aricanduva
16322 25 BR \N \N Arinos
16323 25 BR \N \N Aristides Batista
16324 25 BR \N \N Ascenção
16325 25 BR \N \N Assaraí
16326 25 BR \N \N Astolfo Dutra
16327 25 BR \N \N Ataléia
16328 25 BR \N \N Augusto de Lima
16329 25 BR \N \N Avaí do Jacinto
16330 25 BR \N \N Azurita
16331 25 BR \N \N Açucena
16332 25 BR \N \N Babilônia
16333 25 BR \N \N Baependi
16334 25 BR \N \N Baguari
16335 25 BR \N \N Baixa
16336 25 BR \N \N Baiões
16337 25 BR \N \N Balbinópolis
16338 25 BR \N \N Baldim
16339 25 BR \N \N Bambuí
16340 25 BR \N \N Bandeira
16341 25 BR \N \N Bandeira do Sul
16342 25 BR \N \N Bandeirantes
16343 25 BR \N \N Barbacena
16344 25 BR \N \N Barra Alegre
16345 25 BR \N \N Barra Feliz
16346 25 BR \N \N Barra Longa
16347 25 BR \N \N Barra da Figueira
16348 25 BR \N \N Barra do Ariranha
16349 25 BR \N \N Barra do Cuieté
16350 25 BR \N \N Barranco Alto
16351 25 BR \N \N Barreiro
16352 25 BR \N \N Barreiro Branco
16353 25 BR \N \N Barreiro da Raiz
16354 25 BR \N \N Barreiro do Rio Verde
16355 25 BR \N \N Barretos de Alvinópolis
16356 25 BR \N \N Barrocão
16357 25 BR \N \N Barroso
16358 25 BR \N \N Barão de Cocais
16359 25 BR \N \N Barão de Monte Alto
16360 25 BR \N \N Bação
16361 25 BR \N \N Baú
16362 25 BR \N \N Bela Vista de Minas
16363 25 BR \N \N Belisário
16364 25 BR \N \N Belmiro Braga
16365 25 BR \N \N Belo Horizonte
16366 25 BR \N \N Belo Oriente
16367 25 BR \N \N Belo Vale
16368 25 BR \N \N Bentópolis de Minas
16369 25 BR \N \N Berilo
16370 25 BR \N \N Berizal
16371 25 BR \N \N Bertópolis
16372 25 BR \N \N Betim
16373 25 BR \N \N Bias Fortes
16374 25 BR \N \N Bicas
16375 25 BR \N \N Bicuíba
16376 25 BR \N \N Biquinhas
16377 25 BR \N \N Bituri
16378 25 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
16379 25 BR \N \N Boa Família
16380 25 BR \N \N Boa União de Itabirinha
16381 25 BR \N \N Boa Vista de Minas
16382 25 BR \N \N Bocaina de Minas
16383 25 BR \N \N Bocaiúva
16384 25 BR \N \N Bom Despacho
16385 25 BR \N \N Bom Jardim de Minas
16386 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus da Cachoeira
16387 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus da Penha
16388 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus de Cardosos
16389 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Amparo
16390 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Divino
16391 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Galho
16392 25 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Madeira
16393 25 BR \N \N Bom Pastor
16394 25 BR \N \N Bom Repouso
16395 25 BR \N \N Bom Retiro
16396 25 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso
16397 25 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso de Patos
16398 25 BR \N \N Bonança
16399 25 BR \N \N Bonfim
16400 25 BR \N \N Bonfinópolis de Minas
16401 25 BR \N \N Bonito de Minas
16402 25 BR \N \N Borba Gato
16403 25 BR \N \N Borda da Mata
16404 25 BR \N \N Botelhos
16405 25 BR \N \N Botumirim
16406 25 BR \N \N Brasilândia de Minas
16407 25 BR \N \N Brasília de Minas
16408 25 BR \N \N Brasópolis
16409 25 BR \N \N Braúnas
16410 25 BR \N \N Brejaubinha
16411 25 BR \N \N Brejaúba
16412 25 BR \N \N Brejo Bonito
16413 25 BR \N \N Brejo do Amparo
16414 25 BR \N \N Brumadinho
16415 25 BR \N \N Brumal
16416 25 BR \N \N Brás Pires
16417 25 BR \N \N Buarque de Macedo
16418 25 BR \N \N Bueno
16419 25 BR \N \N Bueno Brandão
16420 25 BR \N \N Buenópolis
16421 25 BR \N \N Bugre
16422 25 BR \N \N Buritis
16423 25 BR \N \N Buritizeiro
16424 25 BR \N \N Caatinga
16425 25 BR \N \N Cabeceira Grande
16426 25 BR \N \N Cabo Verde
16427 25 BR \N \N Caburu
16428 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira Alegre
16429 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira Dourada
16430 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira da Prata
16431 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Minas
16432 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Pajeú
16433 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira de Santa Cruz
16434 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Brumado
16435 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Campo
16436 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Manteiga
16437 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Vale
16438 25 BR \N \N Cachoeira dos Antunes
16439 25 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
16440 25 BR \N \N Caetano Lopes
16441 25 BR \N \N Caetanópolis
16442 25 BR \N \N Caeté
16443 25 BR \N \N Caiana
16444 25 BR \N \N Caiapó
16445 25 BR \N \N Cajuri
16446 25 BR \N \N Caldas
16447 25 BR \N \N Calixto
16448 25 BR \N \N Camacho
16449 25 BR \N \N Camanducaia
16450 25 BR \N \N Camargos
16451 25 BR \N \N Cambuquira
16452 25 BR \N \N Cambuí
16453 25 BR \N \N Campanha
16454 25 BR \N \N Campanário
16455 25 BR \N \N Campestre
16456 25 BR \N \N Campestrinho
16457 25 BR \N \N Campina Verde
16458 25 BR \N \N Campo Alegre de Minas
16459 25 BR \N \N Campo Azul
16460 25 BR \N \N Campo Belo
16461 25 BR \N \N Campo Florido
16462 25 BR \N \N Campo Redondo
16463 25 BR \N \N Campo do Meio
16464 25 BR \N \N Campolide
16465 25 BR \N \N Campos Altos
16466 25 BR \N \N Campos Gerais
16467 25 BR \N \N Cana Verde
16468 25 BR \N \N Canabrava
16469 25 BR \N \N Canastrão
16470 25 BR \N \N Canaã
16471 25 BR \N \N Candeias
16472 25 BR \N \N Canoeiros
16473 25 BR \N \N Cantagalo
16474 25 BR \N \N Canápolis
16475 25 BR \N \N Caparaó
16476 25 BR \N \N Capela Nova
16477 25 BR \N \N Capelinha
16478 25 BR \N \N Capetinga
16479 25 BR \N \N Capim Branco
16480 25 BR \N \N Capinópolis
16481 25 BR \N \N Capitânia
16482 25 BR \N \N Capitão Andrade
16483 25 BR \N \N Capitão Enéas
16484 25 BR \N \N Capitólio
16485 25 BR \N \N Caputira
16486 25 BR \N \N Caranaíba
16487 25 BR \N \N Carandaí
16488 25 BR \N \N Carangola
16489 25 BR \N \N Caratinga
16490 25 BR \N \N Caraí
16491 25 BR \N \N Carbonita
16492 25 BR \N \N Cardeal Mota
16493 25 BR \N \N Careaçu
16494 25 BR \N \N Carioca
16495 25 BR \N \N Carlos Alves
16496 25 BR \N \N Carlos Chagas
16497 25 BR \N \N Carmo da Cachoeira
16498 25 BR \N \N Carmo da Mata
16499 25 BR \N \N Carmo de Minas
16500 25 BR \N \N Carmo do Cajuru
16501 25 BR \N \N Carmo do Paranaíba
16502 25 BR \N \N Carmo do Rio Claro
16503 25 BR \N \N Carmésia
16504 25 BR \N \N Carmópolis de Minas
16505 25 BR \N \N Carneirinho
16506 25 BR \N \N Carrancas
16507 25 BR \N \N Carvalho de Brito
16508 25 BR \N \N Carvalhos
16509 25 BR \N \N Carvalhópolis
16510 25 BR \N \N Casa Grande
16511 25 BR \N \N Cascalho Rico
16512 25 BR \N \N Cataguarino
16513 25 BR \N \N Cataguases
16514 25 BR \N \N Catajás
16515 25 BR \N \N Catas Altas
16516 25 BR \N \N Catas Altas da Noruega
16517 25 BR \N \N Catiara
16518 25 BR \N \N Catuji
16519 25 BR \N \N Catuni
16520 25 BR \N \N Catuné
16521 25 BR \N \N Catuti
16522 25 BR \N \N Caxambu
16523 25 BR \N \N Caçaratiba
16524 25 BR \N \N Caçarema
16525 25 BR \N \N Cedro do Abaeté
16526 25 BR \N \N Centenário
16527 25 BR \N \N Central de Minas
16528 25 BR \N \N Central de Santa Helena
16529 25 BR \N \N Centralina
16530 25 BR \N \N Cervo
16531 25 BR \N \N Chalé
16532 25 BR \N \N Chapada Gaúcha
16533 25 BR \N \N Chapada de Minas
16534 25 BR \N \N Chapada do Norte
16535 25 BR \N \N Chaveslândia
16536 25 BR \N \N Chiador
16537 25 BR \N \N Chonim
16538 25 BR \N \N Chonin de Baixo
16539 25 BR \N \N Chumbo
16540 25 BR \N \N Chácara
16541 25 BR \N \N Cipotânea
16542 25 BR \N \N Cisneiros
16543 25 BR \N \N Citrolândia
16544 25 BR \N \N Claraval
16545 25 BR \N \N Claro de Minas
16546 25 BR \N \N Claro dos Poções
16547 25 BR \N \N Cláudio
16548 25 BR \N \N Cláudio Manuel
16549 25 BR \N \N Cocais
16550 25 BR \N \N Coco
16551 25 BR \N \N Coimbra
16552 25 BR \N \N Coluna
16553 25 BR \N \N Comendador Gomes
16554 25 BR \N \N Comercinho
16555 25 BR \N \N Conceição da Aparecida
16556 25 BR \N \N Conceição da Barra de Minas
16557 25 BR \N \N Conceição da Boa Vista
16558 25 BR \N \N Conceição da Brejaúba
16559 25 BR \N \N Conceição da Ibitipoca
16560 25 BR \N \N Conceição das Alagoas
16561 25 BR \N \N Conceição das Pedras
16562 25 BR \N \N Conceição de Ipanema
16563 25 BR \N \N Conceição de Itaguá
16564 25 BR \N \N Conceição de Minas
16565 25 BR \N \N Conceição de Piracicaba
16566 25 BR \N \N Conceição de Tronqueiras
16567 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Capim
16568 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Formoso
16569 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Mato Dentro
16570 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Pará
16571 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Rio Acima
16572 25 BR \N \N Conceição do Rio Verde
16573 25 BR \N \N Conceição dos Ouros
16574 25 BR \N \N Concórdia de Mucuri
16575 25 BR \N \N Condado do Norte
16576 25 BR \N \N Confins
16577 25 BR \N \N Congonhal
16578 25 BR \N \N Congonhas
16579 25 BR \N \N Congonhas do Norte
16580 25 BR \N \N Conquista
16581 25 BR \N \N Conselheiro Lafaiete
16582 25 BR \N \N Conselheiro Mata
16583 25 BR \N \N Conselheiro Pena
16584 25 BR \N \N Consolação
16585 25 BR \N \N Contagem
16586 25 BR \N \N Contrato
16587 25 BR \N \N Contria
16588 25 BR \N \N Coqueiral
16589 25 BR \N \N Coração de Jesus
16590 25 BR \N \N Cordisburgo
16591 25 BR \N \N Cordislândia
16592 25 BR \N \N Corinto
16593 25 BR \N \N Coroaci
16594 25 BR \N \N Coromandel
16595 25 BR \N \N Coronel Fabriciano
16596 25 BR \N \N Coronel Murta
16597 25 BR \N \N Coronel Pacheco
16598 25 BR \N \N Coronel Xavier Chaves
16599 25 BR \N \N Correia de Almeida
16600 25 BR \N \N Correntinho
16601 25 BR \N \N Costa Sena
16602 25 BR \N \N Costas
16603 25 BR \N \N Costas da Mantiqueira
16604 25 BR \N \N Couto de Magalhães de Minas
16605 25 BR \N \N Crispim Jaques
16606 25 BR \N \N Cristais
16607 25 BR \N \N Cristiano Otoni
16608 25 BR \N \N Cristina
16609 25 BR \N \N Cristália
16610 25 BR \N \N Crisólia
16611 25 BR \N \N Crisólita
16612 25 BR \N \N Crucilândia
16613 25 BR \N \N Cruzeiro da Fortaleza
16614 25 BR \N \N Cruzeiro dos Peixotos
16615 25 BR \N \N Cruzília
16616 25 BR \N \N Cubas
16617 25 BR \N \N Cuité Velho
16618 25 BR \N \N Cuparaque
16619 25 BR \N \N Curimataí
16620 25 BR \N \N Curral de Dentro
16621 25 BR \N \N Curvelo
16622 25 BR \N \N Cássia
16623 25 BR \N \N Córrego Danta
16624 25 BR \N \N Córrego Fundo
16625 25 BR \N \N Córrego Novo
16626 25 BR \N \N Córrego do Barro
16627 25 BR \N \N Córrego do Bom Jesus
16628 25 BR \N \N Córrego do Ouro
16629 25 BR \N \N Córregos
16630 25 BR \N \N Cônego João Pio
16631 25 BR \N \N Cônego Marinho
16632 25 BR \N \N Datas
16633 25 BR \N \N Delfim Moreira
16634 25 BR \N \N Delfinópolis
16635 25 BR \N \N Delta
16636 25 BR \N \N Deputado Augusto Clementino
16637 25 BR \N \N Derribadinha
16638 25 BR \N \N Descoberto
16639 25 BR \N \N Desembargador Otoni
16640 25 BR \N \N Desemboque
16641 25 BR \N \N Desterro de Entre Rios
16642 25 BR \N \N Desterro do Melo
16643 25 BR \N \N Diamante de Ubá
16644 25 BR \N \N Diamantina
16645 25 BR \N \N Dias
16646 25 BR \N \N Dias Tavares/Siderúrgica
16647 25 BR \N \N Diogo de Vasconcelos
16648 25 BR \N \N Dionísio
16649 25 BR \N \N Divino
16650 25 BR \N \N Divino Espírito Santo
16651 25 BR \N \N Divino das Laranjeiras
16652 25 BR \N \N Divino de Virgolândia
16653 25 BR \N \N Divinolândia de Minas
16654 25 BR \N \N Divinésia
16655 25 BR \N \N Divinópolis
16656 25 BR \N \N Divisa Alegre
16657 25 BR \N \N Divisa Nova
16658 25 BR \N \N Divisópolis
16659 25 BR \N \N Dois de Abril
16660 25 BR \N \N Dom Bosco
16661 25 BR \N \N Dom Cavati
16662 25 BR \N \N Dom Joaquim
16663 25 BR \N \N Dom Lara
16664 25 BR \N \N Dom Modesto
16665 25 BR \N \N Dom Silvério
16666 25 BR \N \N Dom Viçoso
16667 25 BR \N \N Dona Euzébia
16668 25 BR \N \N Dores da Vitória
16669 25 BR \N \N Dores de Campos
16670 25 BR \N \N Dores de Guanhães
16671 25 BR \N \N Dores do Indaiá
16672 25 BR \N \N Dores do Paraibuna
16673 25 BR \N \N Dores do Turvo
16674 25 BR \N \N Doresópolis
16675 25 BR \N \N Douradinho
16676 25 BR \N \N Douradoquara
16677 25 BR \N \N Doutor Campolina
16678 25 BR \N \N Doutor Lund
16679 25 BR \N \N Durandé
16680 25 BR \N \N Edgard Melo
16681 25 BR \N \N Elói Mendes
16682 25 BR \N \N Emboabas
16683 25 BR \N \N Engenheiro Caldas
16684 25 BR \N \N Engenheiro Correia
16685 25 BR \N \N Engenheiro Navarro
16686 25 BR \N \N Engenheiro Schnoor
16687 25 BR \N \N Engenho Novo
16688 25 BR \N \N Engenho do Ribeiro
16689 25 BR \N \N Entre Folhas
16690 25 BR \N \N Entre Rios de Minas
16691 25 BR \N \N Epaminondas Otoni
16692 25 BR \N \N Ermidinha
16693 25 BR \N \N Ervália
16694 25 BR \N \N Esmeraldas
16695 25 BR \N \N Esmeraldas de Ferros
16696 25 BR \N \N Espera Feliz
16697 25 BR \N \N Espinosa
16698 25 BR \N \N Espírito Santo do Dourado
16699 25 BR \N \N Esteios
16700 25 BR \N \N Estevão de Araújo
16701 25 BR \N \N Estiva
16702 25 BR \N \N Estrela Dalva
16703 25 BR \N \N Estrela da Barra
16704 25 BR \N \N Estrela de Jordânia
16705 25 BR \N \N Estrela do Indaiá
16706 25 BR \N \N Estrela do Sul
16707 25 BR \N \N Eugenópolis
16708 25 BR \N \N Euxenita
16709 25 BR \N \N Ewbank da Câmara
16710 25 BR \N \N Expedicionário Alício
16711 25 BR \N \N Extração
16712 25 BR \N \N Extrema
16713 25 BR \N \N Fama
16714 25 BR \N \N Faria Lemos
16715 25 BR \N \N Farias
16716 25 BR \N \N Fechados
16717 25 BR \N \N Felicina
16718 25 BR \N \N Felisburgo
16719 25 BR \N \N Felixlândia
16720 25 BR \N \N Felício dos Santos
16721 25 BR \N \N Fernandes Tourinho
16722 25 BR \N \N Fernão Dias
16723 25 BR \N \N Ferreiras
16724 25 BR \N \N Ferreirópolis
16725 25 BR \N \N Ferros
16726 25 BR \N \N Ferruginha
16727 25 BR \N \N Fervedouro
16728 25 BR \N \N Fidalgo
16729 25 BR \N \N Fidelândia
16730 25 BR \N \N Flor de Minas
16731 25 BR \N \N Floresta
16732 25 BR \N \N Florestal
16733 25 BR \N \N Florestina
16734 25 BR \N \N Florália
16735 25 BR \N \N Fonseca
16736 25 BR \N \N Formiga
16737 25 BR \N \N Formoso
16738 25 BR \N \N Fortaleza de Minas
16739 25 BR \N \N Fortuna de Minas
16740 25 BR \N \N Francisco Badaró
16741 25 BR \N \N Francisco Dumont
16742 25 BR \N \N Francisco Sá
16743 25 BR \N \N Franciscópolis
16744 25 BR \N \N Frei Eustáquio
16745 25 BR \N \N Frei Gaspar
16746 25 BR \N \N Frei Inocêncio
16747 25 BR \N \N Frei Lagonegro
16748 25 BR \N \N Frei Orlando
16749 25 BR \N \N Frei Serafim
16750 25 BR \N \N Freire Cardoso
16751 25 BR \N \N Fronteira
16752 25 BR \N \N Fronteira dos Vales
16753 25 BR \N \N Fruta de Leite
16754 25 BR \N \N Frutal
16755 25 BR \N \N Funchal
16756 25 BR \N \N Funilândia
16757 25 BR \N \N Furnas
16758 25 BR \N \N Furquim
16759 25 BR \N \N Galego
16760 25 BR \N \N Galena
16761 25 BR \N \N Galiléia
16762 25 BR \N \N Gama
16763 25 BR \N \N Gameleiras
16764 25 BR \N \N Garapuava
16765 25 BR \N \N Gavião
16766 25 BR \N \N Glaucilândia
16767 25 BR \N \N Glaura
16768 25 BR \N \N Glucínio
16769 25 BR \N \N Goiabeira
16770 25 BR \N \N Goianases
16771 25 BR \N \N Goianá
16772 25 BR \N \N Gonzaga
16773 25 BR \N \N Gonçalves
16774 25 BR \N \N Gororós
16775 25 BR \N \N Gorutuba
16776 25 BR \N \N Gouvea
16777 25 BR \N \N Governador Valadares
16778 25 BR \N \N Gramínea
16779 25 BR \N \N Granada
16780 25 BR \N \N Grota
16781 25 BR \N \N Grupiara
16782 25 BR \N \N Grão Mogol
16783 25 BR \N \N Guaipava
16784 25 BR \N \N Guanhães
16785 25 BR \N \N Guapé
16786 25 BR \N \N Guaraciaba
16787 25 BR \N \N Guaraciama
16788 25 BR \N \N Guarani
16789 25 BR \N \N Guaranilândia
16790 25 BR \N \N Guaranésia
16791 25 BR \N \N Guarará
16792 25 BR \N \N Guarataia
16793 25 BR \N \N Guarda dos Ferreiros
16794 25 BR \N \N Guarda-Mor
16795 25 BR \N \N Guardinha
16796 25 BR \N \N Guaxima
16797 25 BR \N \N Guaxupé
16798 25 BR \N \N Guaçuí
16799 25 BR \N \N Guidoval
16800 25 BR \N \N Guimarânia
16801 25 BR \N \N Guinda
16802 25 BR \N \N Guiricema
16803 25 BR \N \N Gurinhatã
16804 25 BR \N \N Heliodora
16805 25 BR \N \N Hematita
16806 25 BR \N \N Hermilo Alves
16807 25 BR \N \N Honorópolis
16808 25 BR \N \N Iapu
16809 25 BR \N \N Ibertioga
16810 25 BR \N \N Ibiaí
16811 25 BR \N \N Ibiracatu
16812 25 BR \N \N Ibiraci
16813 25 BR \N \N Ibirité
16814 25 BR \N \N Ibitira
16815 25 BR \N \N Ibitiúra de Minas
16816 25 BR \N \N Ibituruna
16817 25 BR \N \N Ibiá
16818 25 BR \N \N Icaraí de Minas
16819 25 BR \N \N Igarapé
16820 25 BR \N \N Igaratinga
16821 25 BR \N \N Iguatama
16822 25 BR \N \N Ijaci
16823 25 BR \N \N Ilhéus do Prata
16824 25 BR \N \N Ilicínea
16825 25 BR \N \N Imbé de Minas
16826 25 BR \N \N Inconfidentes
16827 25 BR \N \N Indaiabira
16828 25 BR \N \N Independência
16829 25 BR \N \N Indianópolis
16830 25 BR \N \N Ingaí
16831 25 BR \N \N Inhapim
16832 25 BR \N \N Inhaí
16833 25 BR \N \N Inhaúma
16834 25 BR \N \N Inimutaba
16835 25 BR \N \N Ipaba
16836 25 BR \N \N Ipanema
16837 25 BR \N \N Ipatinga
16838 25 BR \N \N Ipiaçu
16839 25 BR \N \N Ipoema
16840 25 BR \N \N Ipuiúna
16841 25 BR \N \N Iraí de Minas
16842 25 BR \N \N Itabira
16843 25 BR \N \N Itabirinha
16844 25 BR \N \N Itabirito
16845 25 BR \N \N Itaboca
16846 25 BR \N \N Itacambira
16847 25 BR \N \N Itacarambi
16848 25 BR \N \N Itaci
16849 25 BR \N \N Itacolomi
16850 25 BR \N \N Itaguara
16851 25 BR \N \N Itaim
16852 25 BR \N \N Itaipé
16853 25 BR \N \N Itajubá
16854 25 BR \N \N Itajutiba
16855 25 BR \N \N Itamarandiba
16856 25 BR \N \N Itamarati
16857 25 BR \N \N Itamarati de Minas
16858 25 BR \N \N Itambacuri
16859 25 BR \N \N Itambé do Mato Dentro
16860 25 BR \N \N Itamirim
16861 25 BR \N \N Itamogi
16862 25 BR \N \N Itamonte
16863 25 BR \N \N Itamuri
16864 25 BR \N \N Itanhandu
16865 25 BR \N \N Itanhomi
16866 25 BR \N \N Itaobim
16867 25 BR \N \N Itapagipe
16868 25 BR \N \N Itapanhoacanga
16869 25 BR \N \N Itapecerica
16870 25 BR \N \N Itapeva
16871 25 BR \N \N Itapiru
16872 25 BR \N \N Itapirucu
16873 25 BR \N \N Itatiaiuçu
16874 25 BR \N \N Itauninha
16875 25 BR \N \N Itaverava
16876 25 BR \N \N Itaú de Minas
16877 25 BR \N \N Itaúna
16878 25 BR \N \N Itererê
16879 25 BR \N \N Itinga
16880 25 BR \N \N Itira
16881 25 BR \N \N Itueta
16882 25 BR \N \N Ituiutaba
16883 25 BR \N \N Itumirim
16884 25 BR \N \N Iturama
16885 25 BR \N \N Itutinga
16886 25 BR \N \N Ituí
16887 25 BR \N \N Jaboticatubas
16888 25 BR \N \N Jacarandira
16889 25 BR \N \N Jacaré
16890 25 BR \N \N Jacinto
16891 25 BR \N \N Jacutinga
16892 25 BR \N \N Jacuí
16893 25 BR \N \N Jaguaraçu
16894 25 BR \N \N Jaguaritira
16895 25 BR \N \N Jaguarão
16896 25 BR \N \N Jampruca
16897 25 BR \N \N Janaúba
16898 25 BR \N \N Januária
16899 25 BR \N \N Japaraíba
16900 25 BR \N \N Japonvar
16901 25 BR \N \N Jardinésia
16902 25 BR \N \N Jaíba
16903 25 BR \N \N Jeceaba
16904 25 BR \N \N Jenipapo de Minas
16905 25 BR \N \N Jequeri
16906 25 BR \N \N Jequitaí
16907 25 BR \N \N Jequitibá
16908 25 BR \N \N Jequitinhonha
16909 25 BR \N \N Jesuânia
16910 25 BR \N \N Joanésia
16911 25 BR \N \N Joaquim Felício
16912 25 BR \N \N Joaíma
16913 25 BR \N \N Jordânia
16914 25 BR \N \N Joselândia
16915 25 BR \N \N Josenópolis
16916 25 BR \N \N José Gonçalves de Minas
16917 25 BR \N \N José Raydan
16918 25 BR \N \N João Monlevade
16919 25 BR \N \N João Pinheiro
16920 25 BR \N \N Juatuba
16921 25 BR \N \N Jubaí
16922 25 BR \N \N Juiraçu
16923 25 BR \N \N Juiz de Fora
16924 25 BR \N \N Junco de Minas
16925 25 BR \N \N Juramento
16926 25 BR \N \N Juruaia
16927 25 BR \N \N Jurumirim
16928 25 BR \N \N Juréia
16929 25 BR \N \N Justinópolis
16930 25 BR \N \N Juvenília
16931 25 BR \N \N Lacerdinha
16932 25 BR \N \N Ladainha
16933 25 BR \N \N Lagamar
16934 25 BR \N \N Lagoa Bonita
16935 25 BR \N \N Lagoa Dourada
16936 25 BR \N \N Lagoa Formosa
16937 25 BR \N \N Lagoa Grande
16938 25 BR \N \N Lagoa Santa
16939 25 BR \N \N Lagoa da Prata
16940 25 BR \N \N Lagoa dos Patos
16941 25 BR \N \N Lajinha
16942 25 BR \N \N Lambari
16943 25 BR \N \N Lamim
16944 25 BR \N \N Lamounier
16945 25 BR \N \N Lapinha
16946 25 BR \N \N Laranjal
16947 25 BR \N \N Laranjeiras de Caldas
16948 25 BR \N \N Lassance
16949 25 BR \N \N Lavras
16950 25 BR \N \N Leandro Ferreira
16951 25 BR \N \N Leme do Prado
16952 25 BR \N \N Leopoldina
16953 25 BR \N \N Levinópolis
16954 25 BR \N \N Liberdade
16955 25 BR \N \N Lima Duarte
16956 25 BR \N \N Limeira de Mantena
16957 25 BR \N \N Limeira do Oeste
16958 25 BR \N \N Lobo Leite
16959 25 BR \N \N Lontra
16960 25 BR \N \N Lourenço Velho
16961 25 BR \N \N Lufa
16962 25 BR \N \N Luisburgo
16963 25 BR \N \N Luislândia
16964 25 BR \N \N Luiz Pires de Minas
16965 25 BR \N \N Luizlândia do Oeste
16966 25 BR \N \N Luminosa
16967 25 BR \N \N Luminárias
16968 25 BR \N \N Luz
16969 25 BR \N \N Macaia
16970 25 BR \N \N Machacalis
16971 25 BR \N \N Machado
16972 25 BR \N \N Macuco
16973 25 BR \N \N Macuco de Minas
16974 25 BR \N \N Madre de Deus de Minas
16975 25 BR \N \N Major Ezequiel
16976 25 BR \N \N Major Porto
16977 25 BR \N \N Malacacheta
16978 25 BR \N \N Mamonas
16979 25 BR \N \N Manga
16980 25 BR \N \N Manhuaçu
16981 25 BR \N \N Manhumirim
16982 25 BR \N \N Mantena
16983 25 BR \N \N Mantiqueira
16984 25 BR \N \N Mantiqueira do Palmital
16985 25 BR \N \N Mar de Espanha
16986 25 BR \N \N Marambainha
16987 25 BR \N \N Maravilhas
16988 25 BR \N \N Maria da Fé
16989 25 BR \N \N Mariana
16990 25 BR \N \N Marilac
16991 25 BR \N \N Marilândia
16992 25 BR \N \N Maripá de Minas
16993 25 BR \N \N Marliéria
16994 25 BR \N \N Marmelópolis
16995 25 BR \N \N Martinho Campos
16996 25 BR \N \N Martins Guimarães
16997 25 BR \N \N Martins Soares
16998 25 BR \N \N Martinésia
16999 25 BR \N \N Mata Verde
17000 25 BR \N \N Materlândia
17001 25 BR \N \N Mateus Leme
17002 25 BR \N \N Mathias Lobato
17003 25 BR \N \N Matias Barbosa
17004 25 BR \N \N Matias Cardoso
17005 25 BR \N \N Matipó
17006 25 BR \N \N Mato Verde
17007 25 BR \N \N Matozinhos
17008 25 BR \N \N Matutina
17009 25 BR \N \N Medeiros
17010 25 BR \N \N Medina
17011 25 BR \N \N Melo Viana
17012 25 BR \N \N Mendanha
17013 25 BR \N \N Mendes Pimentel
17014 25 BR \N \N Mendonça
17015 25 BR \N \N Mercês
17016 25 BR \N \N Mercês de Água Limpa
17017 25 BR \N \N Mesquita
17018 25 BR \N \N Mestre Caetano
17019 25 BR \N \N Miguel Burnier
17020 25 BR \N \N Milagre
17021 25 BR \N \N Milho Verde
17022 25 BR \N \N Minas Novas
17023 25 BR \N \N Minduri
17024 25 BR \N \N Mirabela
17025 25 BR \N \N Miradouro
17026 25 BR \N \N Miragaia
17027 25 BR \N \N Miralta
17028 25 BR \N \N Mirantão
17029 25 BR \N \N Miraporanga
17030 25 BR \N \N Miravânia
17031 25 BR \N \N Miraí
17032 25 BR \N \N Missionário
17033 25 BR \N \N Mocambeiro
17034 25 BR \N \N Mocambinho
17035 25 BR \N \N Moeda
17036 25 BR \N \N Moema
17037 25 BR \N \N Monjolinho de Minas
17038 25 BR \N \N Monjolos
17039 25 BR \N \N Monsenhor Horta
17040 25 BR \N \N Monsenhor Isidro
17041 25 BR \N \N Monsenhor João Alexandre
17042 25 BR \N \N Monsenhor Paulo
17043 25 BR \N \N Montalvânia
17044 25 BR \N \N Monte Alegre de Minas
17045 25 BR \N \N Monte Azul
17046 25 BR \N \N Monte Belo
17047 25 BR \N \N Monte Carmelo
17048 25 BR \N \N Monte Celeste
17049 25 BR \N \N Monte Formoso
17050 25 BR \N \N Monte Rei
17051 25 BR \N \N Monte Santo de Minas
17052 25 BR \N \N Monte Sião
17053 25 BR \N \N Monte Verde
17054 25 BR \N \N Montes Claros
17055 25 BR \N \N Montezuma
17056 25 BR \N \N Morada Nova de Minas
17057 25 BR \N \N Morro
17058 25 BR \N \N Morro Vermelho
17059 25 BR \N \N Morro da Garça
17060 25 BR \N \N Morro do Ferro
17061 25 BR \N \N Morro do Pilar
17062 25 BR \N \N Mucuri
17063 25 BR \N \N Mundo Novo de Minas
17064 25 BR \N \N Munhoz
17065 25 BR \N \N Muquém
17066 25 BR \N \N Muriaé
17067 25 BR \N \N Mutum
17068 25 BR \N \N Muzambinho
17069 25 BR \N \N Mário Campos
17070 25 BR \N \N Mãe dos Homens
17071 25 BR \N \N Nacip Raydan
17072 25 BR \N \N Nanuque
17073 25 BR \N \N Naque
17074 25 BR \N \N Naque-Nanuque
17075 25 BR \N \N Natalândia
17076 25 BR \N \N Natércia
17077 25 BR \N \N Nazareno
17078 25 BR \N \N Nazaré de Minas
17079 25 BR \N \N Nelson de Sena
17080 25 BR \N \N Neolândia
17081 25 BR \N \N Nepomuceno
17082 25 BR \N \N Nhandutiba
17083 25 BR \N \N Nicolândia
17084 25 BR \N \N Ninheira
17085 25 BR \N \N Nova Belém
17086 25 BR \N \N Nova Era
17087 25 BR \N \N Nova Esperança
17088 25 BR \N \N Nova Lima
17089 25 BR \N \N Nova Minda
17090 25 BR \N \N Nova Módica
17091 25 BR \N \N Nova Ponte
17092 25 BR \N \N Nova Porteirinha
17093 25 BR \N \N Nova Resende
17094 25 BR \N \N Nova Serrana
17095 25 BR \N \N Nova União
17096 25 BR \N \N Novilhona
17097 25 BR \N \N Novo Cruzeiro
17098 25 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
17099 25 BR \N \N Novo Oriente de Minas
17100 25 BR \N \N Novorizonte
17101 25 BR \N \N Ocidente
17102 25 BR \N \N Olaria
17103 25 BR \N \N Olegário Maciel
17104 25 BR \N \N Olhos D'Água
17105 25 BR \N \N Olhos D'Água do Oeste
17106 25 BR \N \N Oliveira
17107 25 BR \N \N Oliveira Fortes
17108 25 BR \N \N Olímpio Campos
17109 25 BR \N \N Olímpio Noronha
17110 25 BR \N \N Onça de Pitangui
17111 25 BR \N \N Oratórios
17112 25 BR \N \N Orizânia
17113 25 BR \N \N Ouro Branco
17114 25 BR \N \N Ouro Fino
17115 25 BR \N \N Ouro Preto
17116 25 BR \N \N Ouro Verde de Minas
17117 25 BR \N \N Paciência
17118 25 BR \N \N Padre Brito
17119 25 BR \N \N Padre Carvalho
17120 25 BR \N \N Padre Felisberto
17121 25 BR \N \N Padre Fialho
17122 25 BR \N \N Padre João Afonso
17123 25 BR \N \N Padre Júlio Maria
17124 25 BR \N \N Padre Paraíso
17125 25 BR \N \N Padre Pinto
17126 25 BR \N \N Padre Viegas
17127 25 BR \N \N Pai Pedro
17128 25 BR \N \N Paineiras
17129 25 BR \N \N Pains
17130 25 BR \N \N Paiolinho
17131 25 BR \N \N Paiva
17132 25 BR \N \N Palma
17133 25 BR \N \N Palmeiral
17134 25 BR \N \N Palmeirinha
17135 25 BR \N \N Palmital dos Carvalhos
17136 25 BR \N \N Palmópolis
17137 25 BR \N \N Papagaios
17138 25 BR \N \N Paracatu
17139 25 BR \N \N Paraguai
17140 25 BR \N \N Paraguaçu
17141 25 BR \N \N Paraisópolis
17142 25 BR \N \N Paraopeba
17143 25 BR \N \N Paraíso Garcia
17144 25 BR \N \N Paredão de Minas
17145 25 BR \N \N Parque Durval de Barros
17146 25 BR \N \N Parque Industrial
17147 25 BR \N \N Pará de Minas
17148 25 BR \N \N Passa Dez
17149 25 BR \N \N Passa Quatro
17150 25 BR \N \N Passa Tempo
17151 25 BR \N \N Passa Vinte
17152 25 BR \N \N Passabém
17153 25 BR \N \N Passagem de Mariana
17154 25 BR \N \N Passos
17155 25 BR \N \N Patis
17156 25 BR \N \N Patos de Minas
17157 25 BR \N \N Patrimônio
17158 25 BR \N \N Patrocínio
17159 25 BR \N \N Patrocínio do Muriaé
17160 25 BR \N \N Paula Cândido
17161 25 BR \N \N Paula Lima
17162 25 BR \N \N Paulistas
17163 25 BR \N \N Pavão
17164 25 BR \N \N Pedra Azul
17165 25 BR \N \N Pedra Bonita
17166 25 BR \N \N Pedra Corrida
17167 25 BR \N \N Pedra Dourada
17168 25 BR \N \N Pedra Grande
17169 25 BR \N \N Pedra Menina
17170 25 BR \N \N Pedra do Anta
17171 25 BR \N \N Pedra do Indaiá
17172 25 BR \N \N Pedra do Sino
17173 25 BR \N \N Pedralva
17174 25 BR \N \N Pedras de Maria da Cruz
17175 25 BR \N \N Pedrinópolis
17176 25 BR \N \N Pedro Leopoldo
17177 25 BR \N \N Pedro Lessa
17178 25 BR \N \N Pedro Teixeira
17179 25 BR \N \N Pedro Versiani
17180 25 BR \N \N Penha Longa
17181 25 BR \N \N Penha de França
17182 25 BR \N \N Penha do Capim
17183 25 BR \N \N Penha do Cassiano
17184 25 BR \N \N Penha do Norte
17185 25 BR \N \N Penédia
17186 25 BR \N \N Pequeri
17187 25 BR \N \N Pequi
17188 25 BR \N \N Perdigão
17189 25 BR \N \N Perdilândia
17190 25 BR \N \N Perdizes
17191 25 BR \N \N Perdões
17192 25 BR \N \N Pereirinhas
17193 25 BR \N \N Periquito
17194 25 BR \N \N Perpétuo Socorro
17195 25 BR \N \N Pescador
17196 25 BR \N \N Petúnia
17197 25 BR \N \N Peçanha
17198 25 BR \N \N Piacatuba
17199 25 BR \N \N Piau
17200 25 BR \N \N Pic Sagarana
17201 25 BR \N \N Piedade de Caratinga
17202 25 BR \N \N Piedade de Ponte Nova
17203 25 BR \N \N Piedade do Paraopeba
17204 25 BR \N \N Piedade do Rio Grande
17205 25 BR \N \N Piedade dos Gerais
17206 25 BR \N \N Pilar
17207 25 BR \N \N Pimenta
17208 25 BR \N \N Pindaíbas
17209 25 BR \N \N Pingo-D'Água
17210 25 BR \N \N Pinheirinhos
17211 25 BR \N \N Pinheiros Altos
17212 25 BR \N \N Pinhotiba
17213 25 BR \N \N Pintos Negreiros
17214 25 BR \N \N Pintópolis
17215 25 BR \N \N Piracaiba
17216 25 BR \N \N Piracema
17217 25 BR \N \N Pirajuba
17218 25 BR \N \N Piranga
17219 25 BR \N \N Piranguinho
17220 25 BR \N \N Piranguita
17221 25 BR \N \N Piranguçu
17222 25 BR \N \N Pirapanema
17223 25 BR \N \N Pirapetinga
17224 25 BR \N \N Pirapora
17225 25 BR \N \N Piraúba
17226 25 BR \N \N Piscamba
17227 25 BR \N \N Pitangui
17228 25 BR \N \N Pitarana
17229 25 BR \N \N Piumhi
17230 25 BR \N \N Pião
17231 25 BR \N \N Planalto de Minas
17232 25 BR \N \N Planura
17233 25 BR \N \N Plautino Soares
17234 25 BR \N \N Poaia
17235 25 BR \N \N Pocrane
17236 25 BR \N \N Pompéu
17237 25 BR \N \N Poncianos
17238 25 BR \N \N Pontalete
17239 25 BR \N \N Ponte Alta
17240 25 BR \N \N Ponte Alta de Minas
17241 25 BR \N \N Ponte Firme
17242 25 BR \N \N Ponte Nova
17243 25 BR \N \N Ponte Segura
17244 25 BR \N \N Ponte dos Ciganos
17245 25 BR \N \N Pontevila
17246 25 BR \N \N Ponto Chique
17247 25 BR \N \N Ponto Chique do Martelo
17248 25 BR \N \N Ponto do Marambaia
17249 25 BR \N \N Ponto dos Volantes
17250 25 BR \N \N Porteirinha
17251 25 BR \N \N Porto Agrário
17252 25 BR \N \N Porto Firme
17253 25 BR \N \N Porto das Flores
17254 25 BR \N \N Porto dos Mendes
17255 25 BR \N \N Poté
17256 25 BR \N \N Pouso Alegre
17257 25 BR \N \N Pouso Alto
17258 25 BR \N \N Poço Fundo
17259 25 BR \N \N Poços de Caldas
17260 25 BR \N \N Poções de Paineiras
17261 25 BR \N \N Prados
17262 25 BR \N \N Prata
17263 25 BR \N \N Pratinha
17264 25 BR \N \N Pratápolis
17265 25 BR \N \N Presidente Bernardes
17266 25 BR \N \N Presidente Juscelino
17267 25 BR \N \N Presidente Kubitschek
17268 25 BR \N \N Presidente Olegário
17269 25 BR \N \N Presidente Pena
17270 25 BR \N \N Professor Sperber
17271 25 BR \N \N Providência
17272 25 BR \N \N Prudente de Morais
17273 25 BR \N \N Pântano
17274 25 BR \N \N Pé do Morro
17275 25 BR \N \N Quartel Geral
17276 25 BR \N \N Quartel de São João
17277 25 BR \N \N Quartel do Sacramento
17278 25 BR \N \N Quatituba
17279 25 BR \N \N Queixada
17280 25 BR \N \N Queluzita
17281 25 BR \N \N Quem-Quem
17282 25 BR \N \N Quilombo
17283 25 BR \N \N Quintinos
17284 25 BR \N \N Raposos
17285 25 BR \N \N Raul Soares
17286 25 BR \N \N Ravena
17287 25 BR \N \N Realeza
17288 25 BR \N \N Recreio
17289 25 BR \N \N Reduto
17290 25 BR \N \N Resende Costa
17291 25 BR \N \N Resplendor
17292 25 BR \N \N Ressaquinha
17293 25 BR \N \N Riachinho
17294 25 BR \N \N Riacho da Cruz
17295 25 BR \N \N Riacho dos Machados
17296 25 BR \N \N Ribeiro Junqueira
17297 25 BR \N \N Ribeiros
17298 25 BR \N \N Ribeirão Vermelho
17299 25 BR \N \N Ribeirão das Neves
17300 25 BR \N \N Ribeirão de São Domingos
17301 25 BR \N \N Rio Acima
17302 25 BR \N \N Rio Casca
17303 25 BR \N \N Rio Doce
17304 25 BR \N \N Rio Espera
17305 25 BR \N \N Rio Manso
17306 25 BR \N \N Rio Melo
17307 25 BR \N \N Rio Novo
17308 25 BR \N \N Rio Paranaíba
17309 25 BR \N \N Rio Pardo de Minas
17310 25 BR \N \N Rio Piracicaba
17311 25 BR \N \N Rio Pomba
17312 25 BR \N \N Rio Pretinho
17313 25 BR \N \N Rio Preto
17314 25 BR \N \N Rio Vermelho
17315 25 BR \N \N Rio das Mortes
17316 25 BR \N \N Rio do Prado
17317 25 BR \N \N Ritápolis
17318 25 BR \N \N Rochedo de Minas
17319 25 BR \N \N Rodeador
17320 25 BR \N \N Rodeiro
17321 25 BR \N \N Rodrigo Silva
17322 25 BR \N \N Romaria
17323 25 BR \N \N Roseiral
17324 25 BR \N \N Rosário da Limeira
17325 25 BR \N \N Rosário de Minas
17326 25 BR \N \N Rosário do Pontal
17327 25 BR \N \N Roça Grande
17328 25 BR \N \N Roças Novas
17329 25 BR \N \N Rubelita
17330 25 BR \N \N Rubim
17331 25 BR \N \N Sabará
17332 25 BR \N \N Sabinópolis
17333 25 BR \N \N Sacramento
17334 25 BR \N \N Salinas
17335 25 BR \N \N Salitre de Minas
17336 25 BR \N \N Salto da Divisa
17337 25 BR \N \N Sanatório Santa Fé
17338 25 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara
17339 25 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara do Leste
17340 25 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara do Monte Verde
17341 25 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara do Tugúrio
17342 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Aparecida
17343 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Botumirim
17344 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Minas
17345 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz de Salinas
17346 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Escalvado
17347 25 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Prata
17348 25 BR \N \N Santa Efigênia
17349 25 BR \N \N Santa Efigênia de Minas
17350 25 BR \N \N Santa Filomena
17351 25 BR \N \N Santa Fé de Minas
17352 25 BR \N \N Santa Helena de Minas
17353 25 BR \N \N Santa Juliana
17354 25 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
17355 25 BR \N \N Santa Luzia da Serra
17356 25 BR \N \N Santa Margarida
17357 25 BR \N \N Santa Maria de Itabira
17358 25 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Salto
17359 25 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Suaçuí
17360 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita Durão
17361 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita da Estrela
17362 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita de Caldas
17363 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita de Jacutinga
17364 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita de Minas
17365 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita de Ouro Preto
17366 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Cedro
17367 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Ibitipoca
17368 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Itueto
17369 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Rio do Peixe
17370 25 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Sapucaí
17371 25 BR \N \N Santa Rosa da Serra
17372 25 BR \N \N Santa Rosa de Lima
17373 25 BR \N \N Santa Rosa dos Dourados
17374 25 BR \N \N Santa Teresa do Bonito
17375 25 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha de Minas
17376 25 BR \N \N Santa Vitória
17377 25 BR \N \N Santa da Pedra
17378 25 BR \N \N Santana da Vargem
17379 25 BR \N \N Santana de Caldas
17380 25 BR \N \N Santana de Cataguases
17381 25 BR \N \N Santana de Patos
17382 25 BR \N \N Santana de Pirapama
17383 25 BR \N \N Santana do Alfié
17384 25 BR \N \N Santana do Araçuaí
17385 25 BR \N \N Santana do Campestre
17386 25 BR \N \N Santana do Capivari
17387 25 BR \N \N Santana do Deserto
17388 25 BR \N \N Santana do Garambéu
17389 25 BR \N \N Santana do Jacaré
17390 25 BR \N \N Santana do Manhuaçu
17391 25 BR \N \N Santana do Paraopeba
17392 25 BR \N \N Santana do Paraíso
17393 25 BR \N \N Santana do Riacho
17394 25 BR \N \N Santana do Tabuleiro
17395 25 BR \N \N Santana dos Montes
17396 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Boa Vista
17397 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Fortaleza
17398 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio da Vargem Alegre
17399 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Amparo
17400 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Aventureiro
17401 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Boqueirão
17402 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Cruzeiro
17403 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Glória
17404 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Grama
17405 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Itambé
17406 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Jacinto
17407 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Leite
17408 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Manhuaçu
17409 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Monte
17410 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Mucuri
17411 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Norte
17412 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Pirapetinga
17413 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Retiro
17414 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Rio Abaixo
17415 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Araújos
17416 25 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Campos
17417 25 BR \N \N Santo Hilário
17418 25 BR \N \N Santo Hipólito
17419 25 BR \N \N Santos Dumont
17420 25 BR \N \N Sapucaia
17421 25 BR \N \N Sapucaia de Guanhães
17422 25 BR \N \N Sapucaia do Norte
17423 25 BR \N \N Sapucaí
17424 25 BR \N \N Sapucaí-Mirim
17425 25 BR \N \N Sarandira
17426 25 BR \N \N Sardoá
17427 25 BR \N \N Sarzedo
17428 25 BR \N \N Saudade
17429 25 BR \N \N Sem Peixe
17430 25 BR \N \N Senador Amaral
17431 25 BR \N \N Senador Cortes
17432 25 BR \N \N Senador Firmino
17433 25 BR \N \N Senador José Bento
17434 25 BR \N \N Senador Melo Viana
17435 25 BR \N \N Senador Modestino Gonçalves
17436 25 BR \N \N Senador Mourão
17437 25 BR \N \N Senhora da Glória
17438 25 BR \N \N Senhora da Penha
17439 25 BR \N \N Senhora das Dores
17440 25 BR \N \N Senhora de Oliveira
17441 25 BR \N \N Senhora do Carmo
17442 25 BR \N \N Senhora do Porto
17443 25 BR \N \N Senhora dos Remédios
17444 25 BR \N \N Sereno
17445 25 BR \N \N Sericita
17446 25 BR \N \N Seritinga
17447 25 BR \N \N Serra Azul
17448 25 BR \N \N Serra Azul de Minas
17449 25 BR \N \N Serra Bonita
17450 25 BR \N \N Serra Nova
17451 25 BR \N \N Serra da Canastra
17452 25 BR \N \N Serra da Saudade
17453 25 BR \N \N Serra das Araras
17454 25 BR \N \N Serra do Camapuã
17455 25 BR \N \N Serra do Salitre
17456 25 BR \N \N Serra dos Aimorés
17457 25 BR \N \N Serra dos Lemes
17458 25 BR \N \N Serrania
17459 25 BR \N \N Serranos
17460 25 BR \N \N Serranópolis de Minas
17461 25 BR \N \N Serro
17462 25 BR \N \N Sertãozinho
17463 25 BR \N \N Sete Cachoeiras
17464 25 BR \N \N Sete Lagoas
17465 25 BR \N \N Setubinha
17466 25 BR \N \N Silva Campos
17467 25 BR \N \N Silva Xavier
17468 25 BR \N \N Silvano
17469 25 BR \N \N Silveira Carvalho
17470 25 BR \N \N Silveirânia
17471 25 BR \N \N Silvestre
17472 25 BR \N \N Silvianópolis
17473 25 BR \N \N Simonésia
17474 25 BR \N \N Simão Campos
17475 25 BR \N \N Simão Pereira
17476 25 BR \N \N Sobral Pinto
17477 25 BR \N \N Sobrália
17478 25 BR \N \N Soledade de Minas
17479 25 BR \N \N Sopa
17480 25 BR \N \N Sucanga
17481 25 BR \N \N São Bartolomeu
17482 25 BR \N \N São Benedito
17483 25 BR \N \N São Bento Abade
17484 25 BR \N \N São Bento de Caldas
17485 25 BR \N \N São Braz
17486 25 BR \N \N São Brás do Suaçuí
17487 25 BR \N \N São Cândido
17488 25 BR \N \N São Domingos
17489 25 BR \N \N São Domingos da Bocaina
17490 25 BR \N \N São Domingos das Dores
17491 25 BR \N \N São Domingos do Prata
17492 25 BR \N \N São Francisco
17493 25 BR \N \N São Francisco de Paula
17494 25 BR \N \N São Francisco de Sales
17495 25 BR \N \N São Francisco do Glória
17496 25 BR \N \N São Francisco do Humaitá
17497 25 BR \N \N São Félix de Minas
17498 25 BR \N \N São Geraldo
17499 25 BR \N \N São Geraldo da Piedade
17500 25 BR \N \N São Geraldo de Tumiritinga
17501 25 BR \N \N São Geraldo do Baguari
17502 25 BR \N \N São Geraldo do Baixio
17503 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo de Botelhos
17504 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Abaeté
17505 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Monte
17506 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Pará
17507 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Rio Abaixo
17508 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Rio Preto
17509 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Rio das Pedras
17510 25 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Sapucaí
17511 25 BR \N \N São Gotardo
17512 25 BR \N \N São Jerônimo dos Poções
17513 25 BR \N \N São Joaquim
17514 25 BR \N \N São Joaquim de Bicas
17515 25 BR \N \N São José da Barra
17516 25 BR \N \N São José da Bela Vista
17517 25 BR \N \N São José da Lapa
17518 25 BR \N \N São José da Pedra Menina
17519 25 BR \N \N São José da Safira
17520 25 BR \N \N São José da Varginha
17521 25 BR \N \N São José das Tronqueiras
17522 25 BR \N \N São José do Acácio
17523 25 BR \N \N São José do Alegre
17524 25 BR \N \N São José do Barreiro
17525 25 BR \N \N São José do Batatal
17526 25 BR \N \N São José do Buriti
17527 25 BR \N \N São José do Divino
17528 25 BR \N \N São José do Goiabal
17529 25 BR \N \N São José do Itueto
17530 25 BR \N \N São José do Jacuri
17531 25 BR \N \N São José do Mantimento
17532 25 BR \N \N São José do Mato Dentro
17533 25 BR \N \N São José do Paraopeba
17534 25 BR \N \N São José do Pântano
17535 25 BR \N \N São José dos Lopes
17536 25 BR \N \N São José dos Salgados
17537 25 BR \N \N São João Batista do Glória
17538 25 BR \N \N São João Del Rei
17539 25 BR \N \N São João Evangelista
17540 25 BR \N \N São João Nepomuceno
17541 25 BR \N \N São João da Chapada
17542 25 BR \N \N São João da Lagoa
17543 25 BR \N \N São João da Mata
17544 25 BR \N \N São João da Ponte
17545 25 BR \N \N São João da Sapucaia
17546 25 BR \N \N São João da Serra
17547 25 BR \N \N São João da Serra Negra
17548 25 BR \N \N São João da Vereda
17549 25 BR \N \N São João das Missões
17550 25 BR \N \N São João do Bonito
17551 25 BR \N \N São João do Jacutinga
17552 25 BR \N \N São João do Manhuaçu
17553 25 BR \N \N São João do Manteninha
17554 25 BR \N \N São João do Oriente
17555 25 BR \N \N São João do Pacuí
17556 25 BR \N \N São João do Paraíso
17557 25 BR \N \N São Lourenço
17558 25 BR \N \N São Manoel do Guaiaçu
17559 25 BR \N \N São Mateus de Minas
17560 25 BR \N \N São Miguel do Anta
17561 25 BR \N \N São Pedro da Garça
17562 25 BR \N \N São Pedro da União
17563 25 BR \N \N São Pedro das Tabocas
17564 25 BR \N \N São Pedro de Caldas
17565 25 BR \N \N São Pedro do Avaí
17566 25 BR \N \N São Pedro do Glória
17567 25 BR \N \N São Pedro do Jequitinhonha
17568 25 BR \N \N São Pedro do Suaçuí
17569 25 BR \N \N São Pedro dos Ferros
17570 25 BR \N \N São Roberto
17571 25 BR \N \N São Romão
17572 25 BR \N \N São Roque de Minas
17573 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Barra
17574 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Bela Vista
17575 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Vala
17576 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Vargem Alegre
17577 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Vitória
17578 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião de Braúnas
17579 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Anta
17580 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Baixio
17581 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Barreado
17582 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Barreiro
17583 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Bonsucesso
17584 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Bugre
17585 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Gil
17586 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Maranhão
17587 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Oeste
17588 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Paraíso
17589 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Pontal
17590 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Rio Preto
17591 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Rio Verde
17592 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Sacramento
17593 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Soberbo
17594 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Óculo
17595 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião dos Poções
17596 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião dos Robertos
17597 25 BR \N \N São Sebastião dos Torres
17598 25 BR \N \N São Thomé das Letras
17599 25 BR \N \N São Tiago
17600 25 BR \N \N São Tomás de Aquino
17601 25 BR \N \N São Vicente
17602 25 BR \N \N São Vicente da Estrela
17603 25 BR \N \N São Vicente de Minas
17604 25 BR \N \N São Vicente do Grama
17605 25 BR \N \N São Vicente do Rio Doce
17606 25 BR \N \N São Vítor
17607 25 BR \N \N Tabajara
17608 25 BR \N \N Tabaúna
17609 25 BR \N \N Tabuleiro
17610 25 BR \N \N Tabuão
17611 25 BR \N \N Taiobeiras
17612 25 BR \N \N Taparuba
17613 25 BR \N \N Tapira
17614 25 BR \N \N Tapiraí
17615 25 BR \N \N Tapuirama
17616 25 BR \N \N Taquaral de Guanhães
17617 25 BR \N \N Taquaraçu de Minas
17618 25 BR \N \N Taruaçu
17619 25 BR \N \N Tarumirim
17620 25 BR \N \N Tebas
17621 25 BR \N \N Teixeiras
17622 25 BR \N \N Tejuco
17623 25 BR \N \N Terra Branca
17624 25 BR \N \N Teófilo Otoni
17625 25 BR \N \N Timóteo
17626 25 BR \N \N Tiradentes
17627 25 BR \N \N Tiros
17628 25 BR \N \N Tobati
17629 25 BR \N \N Tocandira
17630 25 BR \N \N Tocantins
17631 25 BR \N \N Tocos do Moji
17632 25 BR \N \N Tombos
17633 25 BR \N \N Tomás Gonzaga
17634 25 BR \N \N Topázio
17635 25 BR \N \N Torneiros
17636 25 BR \N \N Torreões
17637 25 BR \N \N Trimonte
17638 25 BR \N \N Três Corações
17639 25 BR \N \N Três Ilhas
17640 25 BR \N \N Três Marias
17641 25 BR \N \N Três Pontas
17642 25 BR \N \N Tuiutinga
17643 25 BR \N \N Tumiritinga
17644 25 BR \N \N Tupaciguara
17645 25 BR \N \N Tuparecê
17646 25 BR \N \N Turmalina
17647 25 BR \N \N Turvolândia
17648 25 BR \N \N Ubaporanga
17649 25 BR \N \N Ubari
17650 25 BR \N \N Ubaí
17651 25 BR \N \N Uberaba
17652 25 BR \N \N Uberlândia
17653 25 BR \N \N Ubá
17654 25 BR \N \N Umburatiba
17655 25 BR \N \N Umbuzeiro
17656 25 BR \N \N Unaí
17657 25 BR \N \N União de Minas
17658 25 BR \N \N Uruana de Minas
17659 25 BR \N \N Urucuia
17660 25 BR \N \N Urucânia
17661 25 BR \N \N Usina Monte Alegre
17662 25 BR \N \N Vai-Volta
17663 25 BR \N \N Valadares
17664 25 BR \N \N Vale Verde de Minas
17665 25 BR \N \N Valo Fundo
17666 25 BR \N \N Valão
17667 25 BR \N \N Vargem Alegre
17668 25 BR \N \N Vargem Bonita
17669 25 BR \N \N Vargem Grande do Rio Pardo
17670 25 BR \N \N Vargem Linda
17671 25 BR \N \N Varginha
17672 25 BR \N \N Varjão de Minas
17673 25 BR \N \N Varzelândia
17674 25 BR \N \N Vau-Açu
17675 25 BR \N \N Vazante
17676 25 BR \N \N Vera Cruz de Minas
17677 25 BR \N \N Verdelândia
17678 25 BR \N \N Vereda do Paraíso
17679 25 BR \N \N Veredas
17680 25 BR \N \N Veredinha
17681 25 BR \N \N Vermelho
17682 25 BR \N \N Vermelho Novo
17683 25 BR \N \N Vermelho Velho
17684 25 BR \N \N Veríssimo
17685 25 BR \N \N Vespasiano
17686 25 BR \N \N Vieiras
17687 25 BR \N \N Vila Bom Jesus
17688 25 BR \N \N Vila Costina
17689 25 BR \N \N Vila Nova de Minas
17690 25 BR \N \N Vila Nova dos Poções
17691 25 BR \N \N Vila Pereira
17692 25 BR \N \N Vilas Boas
17693 25 BR \N \N Virgem da Lapa
17694 25 BR \N \N Virginópolis
17695 25 BR \N \N Virgolândia
17696 25 BR \N \N Virgínia
17697 25 BR \N \N Visconde do Rio Branco
17698 25 BR \N \N Vista Alegre
17699 25 BR \N \N Vitorinos
17700 25 BR \N \N Viçosa
17701 25 BR \N \N Volta Grande
17702 25 BR \N \N Várzea da Palma
17703 25 BR \N \N Zelândia
17704 25 BR \N \N Zito Soares
17705 25 BR \N \N Água Boa
17706 25 BR \N \N Água Branca de Minas
17707 25 BR \N \N Água Comprida
17708 25 BR \N \N Água Viva
17709 25 BR \N \N Águas Formosas
17710 25 BR \N \N Águas Férreas
17711 25 BR \N \N Águas Vermelhas
17712 25 BR \N \N Águas de Araxá
17713 25 BR \N \N Águas de Contendas
17714 26 BR \N \N Acorizal
17715 26 BR \N \N Aguapeí
17716 26 BR \N \N Aguaçu
17717 26 BR \N \N Ainhumas
17718 26 BR \N \N Alcantilado
17719 26 BR \N \N Alta Floresta
17720 26 BR \N \N Alto Araguaia
17721 26 BR \N \N Alto Boa Vista
17722 26 BR \N \N Alto Coité
17723 26 BR \N \N Alto Garças
17724 26 BR \N \N Alto Juruena
17725 26 BR \N \N Alto Paraguai
17726 26 BR \N \N Alto Paraíso
17727 26 BR \N \N Alto Taquari
17728 26 BR \N \N Analândia do Norte
17729 26 BR \N \N Apiacás
17730 26 BR \N \N Araguaiana
17731 26 BR \N \N Araguainha
17732 26 BR \N \N Araputanga
17733 26 BR \N \N Arenápolis
17734 26 BR \N \N Aripuanã
17735 26 BR \N \N Arruda
17736 26 BR \N \N Assari
17737 26 BR \N \N Barra do Bugres
17738 26 BR \N \N Barra do Garças
17739 26 BR \N \N Barão de Melgaço
17740 26 BR \N \N Batovi
17741 26 BR \N \N Bauxi
17742 26 BR \N \N Baús
17743 26 BR \N \N Bel Rios
17744 26 BR \N \N Bezerro Branco
17745 26 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
17746 26 BR \N \N Boa União
17747 26 BR \N \N Boa Vista
17748 26 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Araguaia
17749 26 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso
17750 26 BR \N \N Brasnorte
17751 26 BR \N \N Buriti
17752 26 BR \N \N Caite
17753 26 BR \N \N Campinápolis
17754 26 BR \N \N Campo Novo do Parecis
17755 26 BR \N \N Campo Verde
17756 26 BR \N \N Campos Novos
17757 26 BR \N \N Campos de Júlio
17758 26 BR \N \N Canabrava do Norte
17759 26 BR \N \N Canarana
17760 26 BR \N \N Cangas
17761 26 BR \N \N Capão Grande
17762 26 BR \N \N Capão Verde
17763 26 BR \N \N Caramujo
17764 26 BR \N \N Caravagio
17765 26 BR \N \N Carlinda
17766 26 BR \N \N Cassununga
17767 26 BR \N \N Castanheira
17768 26 BR \N \N Catuai
17769 26 BR \N \N Chapada dos Guimarães
17770 26 BR \N \N Cidade Morena
17771 26 BR \N \N Cláudia
17772 26 BR \N \N Cocalinho
17773 26 BR \N \N Colniza
17774 26 BR \N \N Colorado do Norte
17775 26 BR \N \N Colíder
17776 26 BR \N \N Comodoro
17777 26 BR \N \N Confresa
17778 26 BR \N \N Conquista D'Oeste
17779 26 BR \N \N Coronel Ponce
17780 26 BR \N \N Cotrel
17781 26 BR \N \N Cotriguaçu
17782 26 BR \N \N Coxipó Açu
17783 26 BR \N \N Coxipó da Ponte
17784 26 BR \N \N Coxipó do Ouro
17785 26 BR \N \N Cristinópolis
17786 26 BR \N \N Cristo Rei
17787 26 BR \N \N Cuiabá
17788 26 BR \N \N Curvelândia
17789 26 BR \N \N Cáceres
17790 26 BR \N \N Del Rios
17791 26 BR \N \N Denise
17792 26 BR \N \N Diamantino
17793 26 BR \N \N Dom Aquino
17794 26 BR \N \N Engenho
17795 26 BR \N \N Engenho Velho
17796 26 BR \N \N Entre Rios
17797 26 BR \N \N Estrela do Leste
17798 26 BR \N \N Faval
17799 26 BR \N \N Fazenda de Cima
17800 26 BR \N \N Feliz Natal
17801 26 BR \N \N Figueirópolis D'Oeste
17802 26 BR \N \N Filadélfia
17803 26 BR \N \N Flor da Serra
17804 26 BR \N \N Fontanilhas
17805 26 BR \N \N Gaúcha do Norte
17806 26 BR \N \N General Carneiro
17807 26 BR \N \N Glória D'Oeste
17808 26 BR \N \N Guarantã do Norte
17809 26 BR \N \N Guarita
17810 26 BR \N \N Guiratinga
17811 26 BR \N \N Horizonte do Oeste
17812 26 BR \N \N Indianápolis
17813 26 BR \N \N Indiavaí
17814 26 BR \N \N Ipiranga do Norte
17815 26 BR \N \N Irenópolis
17816 26 BR \N \N Itamarati Norte
17817 26 BR \N \N Itanhangá
17818 26 BR \N \N Itaúba
17819 26 BR \N \N Itiquira
17820 26 BR \N \N Jaciara
17821 26 BR \N \N Jangada
17822 26 BR \N \N Jarudore
17823 26 BR \N \N Jatobá
17824 26 BR \N \N Jauru
17825 26 BR \N \N Joselândia
17826 26 BR \N \N Juara
17827 26 BR \N \N Juruena
17828 26 BR \N \N Juscimeira
17829 26 BR \N \N Juína
17830 26 BR \N \N Lambari D'Oeste
17831 26 BR \N \N Lavouras
17832 26 BR \N \N Lucas do Rio Verde
17833 26 BR \N \N Lucialva
17834 26 BR \N \N Luciara
17835 26 BR \N \N Machado
17836 26 BR \N \N Marcelândia
17837 26 BR \N \N Marzagão
17838 26 BR \N \N Mata Dentro
17839 26 BR \N \N Matupá
17840 26 BR \N \N Mimoso
17841 26 BR \N \N Mirassol D'Oeste
17842 26 BR \N \N Nobres
17843 26 BR \N \N Nonoai do Norte
17844 26 BR \N \N Nortelândia
17845 26 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Guia
17846 26 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Livramento
17847 26 BR \N \N Nova Alvorada
17848 26 BR \N \N Nova Bandeirantes
17849 26 BR \N \N Nova Brasilândia
17850 26 BR \N \N Nova Brasília
17851 26 BR \N \N Nova Canãa do Norte
17852 26 BR \N \N Nova Catanduva
17853 26 BR \N \N Nova Galileia
17854 26 BR \N \N Nova Guarita
17855 26 BR \N \N Nova Lacerda
17856 26 BR \N \N Nova Marilândia
17857 26 BR \N \N Nova Maringá
17858 26 BR \N \N Nova Monte Verde
17859 26 BR \N \N Nova Mutum
17860 26 BR \N \N Nova Nazaré
17861 26 BR \N \N Nova Olímpia
17862 26 BR \N \N Nova Santa Helena
17863 26 BR \N \N Nova Ubiratã
17864 26 BR \N \N Nova Xavantina
17865 26 BR \N \N Novo Diamantino
17866 26 BR \N \N Novo Eldorado
17867 26 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte do Norte
17868 26 BR \N \N Novo Mundo
17869 26 BR \N \N Novo Paraná
17870 26 BR \N \N Novo Santo Antônio
17871 26 BR \N \N Novo São Joaquim
17872 26 BR \N \N Padronal
17873 26 BR \N \N Pai André
17874 26 BR \N \N Paranaitá
17875 26 BR \N \N Paranatinga
17876 26 BR \N \N Paraíso do Leste
17877 26 BR \N \N Passagem da Conceição
17878 26 BR \N \N Pedra Preta
17879 26 BR \N \N Peixoto de Azevedo
17880 26 BR \N \N Pirizal
17881 26 BR \N \N Placa de Santo Antônio
17882 26 BR \N \N Planalto da Serra
17883 26 BR \N \N Poconé
17884 26 BR \N \N Pombas
17885 26 BR \N \N Pontal do Araguaia
17886 26 BR \N \N Ponte Branca
17887 26 BR \N \N Ponte de Pedra
17888 26 BR \N \N Pontes e Lacerda
17889 26 BR \N \N Pontinópolis
17890 26 BR \N \N Porto Alegre do Norte
17891 26 BR \N \N Porto Esperidião
17892 26 BR \N \N Porto Estrela
17893 26 BR \N \N Porto dos Gaúchos
17894 26 BR \N \N Poxoréo
17895 26 BR \N \N Praia Rica
17896 26 BR \N \N Primavera
17897 26 BR \N \N Primavera do Leste
17898 26 BR \N \N Progresso
17899 26 BR \N \N Querência
17900 26 BR \N \N Rancharia
17901 26 BR \N \N Reserva do Cabaçal
17902 26 BR \N \N Ribeirão Cascalheira
17903 26 BR \N \N Ribeirão dos Cocais
17904 26 BR \N \N Ribeirãozinho
17905 26 BR \N \N Rio Branco
17906 26 BR \N \N Rio Manso
17907 26 BR \N \N Riolândia
17908 26 BR \N \N Rondolândia
17909 26 BR \N \N Rondonópolis
17910 26 BR \N \N Rosário Oeste
17911 26 BR \N \N Salto do Céu
17912 26 BR \N \N Sangradouro
17913 26 BR \N \N Santa Carmem
17914 26 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Xingu
17915 26 BR \N \N Santa Elvira
17916 26 BR \N \N Santa Fé
17917 26 BR \N \N Santa Rita
17918 26 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Trivelato
17919 26 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
17920 26 BR \N \N Santaninha
17921 26 BR \N \N Santo Afonso
17922 26 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Leste
17923 26 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Leverger
17924 26 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Rio Bonito
17925 26 BR \N \N Sapezal
17926 26 BR \N \N Selma
17927 26 BR \N \N Serra Nova Dourada
17928 26 BR \N \N Sinop
17929 26 BR \N \N Sonho Azul
17930 26 BR \N \N Sorriso
17931 26 BR \N \N Sumidouro
17932 26 BR \N \N São Cristovão
17933 26 BR \N \N São Félix do Araguaia
17934 26 BR \N \N São Joaquim
17935 26 BR \N \N São Jorge
17936 26 BR \N \N São José do Apuí
17937 26 BR \N \N São José do Planalto
17938 26 BR \N \N São José do Povo
17939 26 BR \N \N São José do Rio Claro
17940 26 BR \N \N São José do Xingu
17941 26 BR \N \N São José dos Quatro Marcos
17942 26 BR \N \N São Lourenço de Fátima
17943 26 BR \N \N São Pedro da Cipa
17944 26 BR \N \N São Vicente
17945 26 BR \N \N Tabaporã
17946 26 BR \N \N Tangará da Serra
17947 26 BR \N \N Tapirapua
17948 26 BR \N \N Tapurah
17949 26 BR \N \N Terra Nova do Norte
17950 26 BR \N \N Terra Roxa
17951 26 BR \N \N Tesouro
17952 26 BR \N \N Toricueyje
17953 26 BR \N \N Torixoréu
17954 26 BR \N \N Três Pontes
17955 26 BR \N \N União do Sul
17956 26 BR \N \N Vale Rico
17957 26 BR \N \N Vale de São Domingos
17958 26 BR \N \N Vale dos Sonhos
17959 26 BR \N \N Varginha
17960 26 BR \N \N Vera
17961 26 BR \N \N Vila Atlântica
17962 26 BR \N \N Vila Bela da Santíssima Trindade
17963 26 BR \N \N Vila Bueno
17964 26 BR \N \N Vila Mutum
17965 26 BR \N \N Vila Operária
17966 26 BR \N \N Vila Paulista
17967 26 BR \N \N Vila Progresso
17968 26 BR \N \N Vila Rica
17969 26 BR \N \N Várzea Grande
17970 26 BR \N \N Água Boa
17971 26 BR \N \N Água Fria
17972 26 BR \N \N Águas Claras
17973 27 BR \N \N Abaetetuba
17974 27 BR \N \N Abel Figueiredo
17975 27 BR \N \N Acará
17976 27 BR \N \N Afuá
17977 27 BR \N \N Agrópolis Bela Vista
17978 27 BR \N \N Alenquer
17979 27 BR \N \N Algodoal
17980 27 BR \N \N Almeirim
17981 27 BR \N \N Almoço
17982 27 BR \N \N Alta Pará
17983 27 BR \N \N Altamira
17984 27 BR \N \N Alter do Chão
17985 27 BR \N \N Alvorada
17986 27 BR \N \N Americano
17987 27 BR \N \N Anajás
17988 27 BR \N \N Ananindeua
17989 27 BR \N \N Anapu
17990 27 BR \N \N Antônio Lemos
17991 27 BR \N \N Apeú
17992 27 BR \N \N Apinagés
17993 27 BR \N \N Arapixuna
17994 27 BR \N \N Araquaim
17995 27 BR \N \N Arco-Íris
17996 27 BR \N \N Areias
17997 27 BR \N \N Arumanduba
17998 27 BR \N \N Aruri
17999 27 BR \N \N Aturiaí
18000 27 BR \N \N Augusto Corrêa
18001 27 BR \N \N Aurora do Pará
18002 27 BR \N \N Aveiro
18003 27 BR \N \N Bagre
18004 27 BR \N \N Baião
18005 27 BR \N \N Bannach
18006 27 BR \N \N Barcarena
18007 27 BR \N \N Barreira Branca
18008 27 BR \N \N Barreira dos Campos
18009 27 BR \N \N Barreiras
18010 27 BR \N \N Baturité
18011 27 BR \N \N Beja
18012 27 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Caracol
18013 27 BR \N \N Belterra
18014 27 BR \N \N Belém
18015 27 BR \N \N Benevides
18016 27 BR \N \N Benfica
18017 27 BR \N \N Boa Esperança
18018 27 BR \N \N Boa Fé
18019 27 BR \N \N Boa Sorte
18020 27 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Iririteua
18021 27 BR \N \N Boim
18022 27 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
18023 27 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Tocantins
18024 27 BR \N \N Bonito
18025 27 BR \N \N Bragança
18026 27 BR \N \N Brasil Novo
18027 27 BR \N \N Brasília Legal
18028 27 BR \N \N Brejo Grande do Araguaia
18029 27 BR \N \N Brejo do Meio
18030 27 BR \N \N Breu Branco
18031 27 BR \N \N Breves
18032 27 BR \N \N Bujaru
18033 27 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Arari
18034 27 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Piriá
18035 27 BR \N \N Cafezal
18036 27 BR \N \N Cairari
18037 27 BR \N \N Caju
18038 27 BR \N \N Cambuquira
18039 27 BR \N \N Cametá
18040 27 BR \N \N Camiranga
18041 27 BR \N \N Canaã dos Carajás
18042 27 BR \N \N Capanema
18043 27 BR \N \N Capitão Poço
18044 27 BR \N \N Caracará do Arari
18045 27 BR \N \N Carajás
18046 27 BR \N \N Carapajó
18047 27 BR \N \N Caraparu
18048 27 BR \N \N Caratateua
18049 27 BR \N \N Caripi
18050 27 BR \N \N Carrazedo
18051 27 BR \N \N Castanhal
18052 27 BR \N \N Castelo dos Sonhos
18053 27 BR \N \N Chaves
18054 27 BR \N \N Colares
18055 27 BR \N \N Conceição
18056 27 BR \N \N Conceição do Araguaia
18057 27 BR \N \N Concórdia do Pará
18058 27 BR \N \N Condeixa
18059 27 BR \N \N Coqueiro
18060 27 BR \N \N Cripurizinho
18061 27 BR \N \N Cripurizão
18062 27 BR \N \N Cuiú-Cuiú
18063 27 BR \N \N Cumaru do Norte
18064 27 BR \N \N Curionópolis
18065 27 BR \N \N Curralinho
18066 27 BR \N \N Curuaí
18067 27 BR \N \N Curumu
18068 27 BR \N \N Curuá
18069 27 BR \N \N Curuçambaba
18070 27 BR \N \N Curuçá
18071 27 BR \N \N Câmara do Marajó
18072 27 BR \N \N Dom Eliseu
18073 27 BR \N \N Eldorado dos Carajás
18074 27 BR \N \N Emboraí
18075 27 BR \N \N Espírito Santo do Tauá
18076 27 BR \N \N Faro
18077 27 BR \N \N Fernandes Belo
18078 27 BR \N \N Flexal
18079 27 BR \N \N Floresta
18080 27 BR \N \N Floresta do Araguaia
18081 27 BR \N \N Garrafão do Norte
18082 27 BR \N \N Goianésia do Pará
18083 27 BR \N \N Gradaus
18084 27 BR \N \N Guajará-Açú
18085 27 BR \N \N Guajará-Miri
18086 27 BR \N \N Gurupizinho
18087 27 BR \N \N Gurupá
18088 27 BR \N \N Hidrelétrica Tucuruí
18089 27 BR \N \N Iataí
18090 27 BR \N \N Icoaraci
18091 27 BR \N \N Igarapé da Lama
18092 27 BR \N \N Igarapé-Açu
18093 27 BR \N \N Igarapé-Miri
18094 27 BR \N \N Inanu
18095 27 BR \N \N Inhangapi
18096 27 BR \N \N Ipixuna do Pará
18097 27 BR \N \N Irituia
18098 27 BR \N \N Itaituba
18099 27 BR \N \N Itapixuna
18100 27 BR \N \N Itatupã
18101 27 BR \N \N Itupiranga
18102 27 BR \N \N Jacareacanga
18103 27 BR \N \N Jacundá
18104 27 BR \N \N Jaguarari
18105 27 BR \N \N Jamanxinzinho
18106 27 BR \N \N Jambuaçu
18107 27 BR \N \N Jandiaí
18108 27 BR \N \N Japerica
18109 27 BR \N \N Joana Coeli
18110 27 BR \N \N Joana Peres
18111 27 BR \N \N Joanes
18112 27 BR \N \N Juabá
18113 27 BR \N \N Jubim
18114 27 BR \N \N Juruti
18115 27 BR \N \N Lauro Sodré
18116 27 BR \N \N Ligação do Pará
18117 27 BR \N \N Limoeiro do Ajuru
18118 27 BR \N \N Magalhães Barata
18119 27 BR \N \N Maiauata
18120 27 BR \N \N Manjeiro
18121 27 BR \N \N Marabá
18122 27 BR \N \N Maracanã
18123 27 BR \N \N Marajoara
18124 27 BR \N \N Marapanim
18125 27 BR \N \N Marituba
18126 27 BR \N \N Marudá
18127 27 BR \N \N Mata Geral
18128 27 BR \N \N Matapiquara
18129 27 BR \N \N Medicilândia
18130 27 BR \N \N Melgaço
18131 27 BR \N \N Menino Deus do Anapu
18132 27 BR \N \N Meruú
18133 27 BR \N \N Mirasselvas
18134 27 BR \N \N Miritituba
18135 27 BR \N \N Mocajuba
18136 27 BR \N \N Moiraba
18137 27 BR \N \N Moju
18138 27 BR \N \N Monsaras
18139 27 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
18140 27 BR \N \N Monte Alegre do Mau
18141 27 BR \N \N Monte Dourado
18142 27 BR \N \N Morada Nova
18143 27 BR \N \N Moraes Almeida
18144 27 BR \N \N Mosqueiro
18145 27 BR \N \N Muaná
18146 27 BR \N \N Mujuí dos Campos
18147 27 BR \N \N Murajá
18148 27 BR \N \N Murucupi
18149 27 BR \N \N Murumuru
18150 27 BR \N \N Muta
18151 27 BR \N \N Mutucal
18152 27 BR \N \N Mãe do Rio
18153 27 BR \N \N Nazaré de Mocajuba
18154 27 BR \N \N Nazaré dos Patos
18155 27 BR \N \N Nova Esperança do Piriá
18156 27 BR \N \N Nova Ipixuna
18157 27 BR \N \N Nova Mocajuba
18158 27 BR \N \N Nova Timboteua
18159 27 BR \N \N Novo Planalto
18160 27 BR \N \N Novo Progresso
18161 27 BR \N \N Novo Repartimento
18162 27 BR \N \N Núcleo Urbano Quilômetro 30
18163 27 BR \N \N Oeiras do Pará
18164 27 BR \N \N Oriximiná
18165 27 BR \N \N Osvaldilândia
18166 27 BR \N \N Otelo
18167 27 BR \N \N Ourilândia do Norte
18168 27 BR \N \N Ourém
18169 27 BR \N \N Outeiro
18170 27 BR \N \N Pacajá
18171 27 BR \N \N Pacoval
18172 27 BR \N \N Palestina do Pará
18173 27 BR \N \N Paragominas
18174 27 BR \N \N Paratins
18175 27 BR \N \N Parauapebas
18176 27 BR \N \N Pau D'Arco
18177 27 BR \N \N Pedreira
18178 27 BR \N \N Peixe-Boi
18179 27 BR \N \N Penhalonga
18180 27 BR \N \N Perseverança
18181 27 BR \N \N Pesqueiro
18182 27 BR \N \N Piabas
18183 27 BR \N \N Pinhal
18184 27 BR \N \N Piraquara
18185 27 BR \N \N Piriá
18186 27 BR \N \N Piçarra
18187 27 BR \N \N Placas
18188 27 BR \N \N Ponta de Pedras
18189 27 BR \N \N Ponta de Ramos
18190 27 BR \N \N Portel
18191 27 BR \N \N Porto Salvo
18192 27 BR \N \N Porto Trombetas
18193 27 BR \N \N Porto de Moz
18194 27 BR \N \N Prainha
18195 27 BR \N \N Primavera
18196 27 BR \N \N Quatipuru
18197 27 BR \N \N Quatro Bocas
18198 27 BR \N \N Redenção
18199 27 BR \N \N Remansão
18200 27 BR \N \N Repartimento
18201 27 BR \N \N Rio Maria
18202 27 BR \N \N Rio Vermelho
18203 27 BR \N \N Riozinho
18204 27 BR \N \N Rondon do Pará
18205 27 BR \N \N Rurópolis
18206 27 BR \N \N Salinópolis
18207 27 BR \N \N Salvaterra
18208 27 BR \N \N Santa Bárbara do Pará
18209 27 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Arari
18210 27 BR \N \N Santa Isabel do Pará
18211 27 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Pará
18212 27 BR \N \N Santa Maria
18213 27 BR \N \N Santa Maria das Barreiras
18214 27 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Pará
18215 27 BR \N \N Santa Rosa da Vigia
18216 27 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
18217 27 BR \N \N Santana do Araguaia
18218 27 BR \N \N Santarém
18219 27 BR \N \N Santarém Novo
18220 27 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
18221 27 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Tauá
18222 27 BR \N \N Sapucaia
18223 27 BR \N \N Senador José Porfírio
18224 27 BR \N \N Serra Pelada
18225 27 BR \N \N Soure
18226 27 BR \N \N São Caetano de Odivelas
18227 27 BR \N \N São Domingos do Araguaia
18228 27 BR \N \N São Domingos do Capim
18229 27 BR \N \N São Francisco
18230 27 BR \N \N São Francisco da Jararaca
18231 27 BR \N \N São Francisco do Pará
18232 27 BR \N \N São Félix do Xingu
18233 27 BR \N \N São Geraldo do Araguaia
18234 27 BR \N \N São Joaquim do Tapará
18235 27 BR \N \N São Jorge
18236 27 BR \N \N São José do Gurupi
18237 27 BR \N \N São José do Piriá
18238 27 BR \N \N São João da Ponta
18239 27 BR \N \N São João de Pirabas
18240 27 BR \N \N São João do Acangata
18241 27 BR \N \N São João do Araguaia
18242 27 BR \N \N São João do Piriá
18243 27 BR \N \N São João dos Ramos
18244 27 BR \N \N São Luiz do Tapajós
18245 27 BR \N \N São Miguel do Guamá
18246 27 BR \N \N São Miguel dos Macacos
18247 27 BR \N \N São Pedro de Viseu
18248 27 BR \N \N São Pedro do Capim
18249 27 BR \N \N São Raimundo de Borralhos
18250 27 BR \N \N São Raimundo do Araguaia
18251 27 BR \N \N São Raimundo dos Furtados
18252 27 BR \N \N São Roberto
18253 27 BR \N \N São Sebastião da Boa Vista
18254 27 BR \N \N São Sebastião de Viçosa
18255 27 BR \N \N Tailândia
18256 27 BR \N \N Tatuteua
18257 27 BR \N \N Tauari
18258 27 BR \N \N Tauarizinho
18259 27 BR \N \N Tentugal
18260 27 BR \N \N Terra Alta
18261 27 BR \N \N Terra Santa
18262 27 BR \N \N Tijoca
18263 27 BR \N \N Timboteua
18264 27 BR \N \N Tomé-Açú
18265 27 BR \N \N Tracuateua
18266 27 BR \N \N Trairão
18267 27 BR \N \N Tucumã
18268 27 BR \N \N Tucuruí
18269 27 BR \N \N Ulianópolis
18270 27 BR \N \N Uruará
18271 27 BR \N \N Urucuri
18272 27 BR \N \N Urucuriteua
18273 27 BR \N \N Val-de-Cães
18274 27 BR \N \N Veiros
18275 27 BR \N \N Vigia
18276 27 BR \N \N Vila França
18277 27 BR \N \N Vila Goreth
18278 27 BR \N \N Vila Isol
18279 27 BR \N \N Vila Nova
18280 27 BR \N \N Vila Planalto
18281 27 BR \N \N Vila Santa Fé
18282 27 BR \N \N Vila Socorro
18283 27 BR \N \N Vila do Carmo do Tocantins
18284 27 BR \N \N Vila dos Cabanos
18285 27 BR \N \N Vilarinho do Monte
18286 27 BR \N \N Viseu
18287 27 BR \N \N Vista Alegre
18288 27 BR \N \N Vista Alegre do Pará
18289 27 BR \N \N Vitória do Xingu
18290 27 BR \N \N Xinguara
18291 27 BR \N \N Xinguarinha
18292 27 BR \N \N km 19
18293 27 BR \N \N km 26
18294 27 BR \N \N Água Azul do Norte
18295 27 BR \N \N Água Fria
18296 27 BR \N \N Óbidos
18297 28 BR \N \N Aguiar
18298 28 BR \N \N Alagoa Grande
18299 28 BR \N \N Alagoa Nova
18300 28 BR \N \N Alagoinha
18301 28 BR \N \N Alcantil
18302 28 BR \N \N Algodão de Jandaíra
18303 28 BR \N \N Alhandra
18304 28 BR \N \N Amparo
18305 28 BR \N \N Aparecida
18306 28 BR \N \N Arara
18307 28 BR \N \N Araruna
18308 28 BR \N \N Araçagi
18309 28 BR \N \N Areia
18310 28 BR \N \N Areia de Baraúnas
18311 28 BR \N \N Areial
18312 28 BR \N \N Areias
18313 28 BR \N \N Aroeiras
18314 28 BR \N \N Assunção
18315 28 BR \N \N Balanços
18316 28 BR \N \N Bananeiras
18317 28 BR \N \N Baraúna
18318 28 BR \N \N Barra de Santa Rosa
18319 28 BR \N \N Barra de Santana
18320 28 BR \N \N Barra de São Miguel
18321 28 BR \N \N Barra do Camaratuba
18322 28 BR \N \N Bayeux
18323 28 BR \N \N Baía da Traição
18324 28 BR \N \N Belém
18325 28 BR \N \N Belém do Brejo do Cruz
18326 28 BR \N \N Bernardino Batista
18327 28 BR \N \N Boa Ventura
18328 28 BR \N \N Boa Vista
18329 28 BR \N \N Bom Jesus
18330 28 BR \N \N Bom Sucesso
18331 28 BR \N \N Bonito de Santa Fé
18332 28 BR \N \N Boqueirão
18333 28 BR \N \N Borborema
18334 28 BR \N \N Brejo do Cruz
18335 28 BR \N \N Brejo dos Santos
18336 28 BR \N \N Caaporã
18337 28 BR \N \N Cabaceiras
18338 28 BR \N \N Cabedelo
18339 28 BR \N \N Cachoeira
18340 28 BR \N \N Cachoeira dos Índios
18341 28 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
18342 28 BR \N \N Cacimba de Areia
18343 28 BR \N \N Cacimba de Dentro
18344 28 BR \N \N Cacimbas
18345 28 BR \N \N Caiçara
18346 28 BR \N \N Cajazeiras
18347 28 BR \N \N Cajazeirinhas
18348 28 BR \N \N Caldas Brandão
18349 28 BR \N \N Camalaú
18350 28 BR \N \N Campina Grande
18351 28 BR \N \N Campo Alegre
18352 28 BR \N \N Campo Grande
18353 28 BR \N \N Campo de Santana
18354 28 BR \N \N Camurupim
18355 28 BR \N \N Capim
18356 28 BR \N \N Caraúbas
18357 28 BR \N \N Cardoso
18358 28 BR \N \N Carrapateira
18359 28 BR \N \N Casinha do Homem
18360 28 BR \N \N Casserengue
18361 28 BR \N \N Catingueira
18362 28 BR \N \N Catolé
18363 28 BR \N \N Catolé do Rocha
18364 28 BR \N \N Caturité
18365 28 BR \N \N Cepilho
18366 28 BR \N \N Conceição
18367 28 BR \N \N Condado
18368 28 BR \N \N Conde
18369 28 BR \N \N Congo
18370 28 BR \N \N Coremas
18371 28 BR \N \N Coronel Maia
18372 28 BR \N \N Coxixola
18373 28 BR \N \N Cruz do Espírito Santo
18374 28 BR \N \N Cubati
18375 28 BR \N \N Cuitegi
18376 28 BR \N \N Cuité
18377 28 BR \N \N Cuité de Mamanguape
18378 28 BR \N \N Cupissura
18379 28 BR \N \N Curral Velho
18380 28 BR \N \N Curral de Cima
18381 28 BR \N \N Damião
18382 28 BR \N \N Desterro
18383 28 BR \N \N Diamante
18384 28 BR \N \N Dona Inês
18385 28 BR \N \N Duas Estradas
18386 28 BR \N \N Emas
18387 28 BR \N \N Engenheiro Ávidos
18388 28 BR \N \N Esperança
18389 28 BR \N \N Fagundes
18390 28 BR \N \N Fazenda Nova
18391 28 BR \N \N Forte Velho
18392 28 BR \N \N Frei Martinho
18393 28 BR \N \N Fátima
18394 28 BR \N \N Gado Bravo
18395 28 BR \N \N Galante
18396 28 BR \N \N Guarabira
18397 28 BR \N \N Guarita
18398 28 BR \N \N Gurinhém
18399 28 BR \N \N Gurjão
18400 28 BR \N \N Ibiara
18401 28 BR \N \N Igaracy
18402 28 BR \N \N Imaculada
18403 28 BR \N \N Ingá
18404 28 BR \N \N Itabaiana
18405 28 BR \N \N Itajubatiba
18406 28 BR \N \N Itaporanga
18407 28 BR \N \N Itapororoca
18408 28 BR \N \N Itatuba
18409 28 BR \N \N Jacaraú
18410 28 BR \N \N Jericó
18411 28 BR \N \N João Pessoa
18412 28 BR \N \N Juarez Távora
18413 28 BR \N \N Juazeirinho
18414 28 BR \N \N Junco do Seridó
18415 28 BR \N \N Juripiranga
18416 28 BR \N \N Juru
18417 28 BR \N \N Lagoa
18418 28 BR \N \N Lagoa Seca
18419 28 BR \N \N Lagoa de Dentro
18420 28 BR \N \N Lastro
18421 28 BR \N \N Lerolândia
18422 28 BR \N \N Livramento
18423 28 BR \N \N Logradouro
18424 28 BR \N \N Lucena
18425 28 BR \N \N Maia
18426 28 BR \N \N Malta
18427 28 BR \N \N Mamanguape
18428 28 BR \N \N Manaíra
18429 28 BR \N \N Marcação
18430 28 BR \N \N Mari
18431 28 BR \N \N Marizópolis
18432 28 BR \N \N Massaranduba
18433 28 BR \N \N Mata Limpa
18434 28 BR \N \N Mata Virgem
18435 28 BR \N \N Mataraca
18436 28 BR \N \N Matinhas
18437 28 BR \N \N Mato Grosso
18438 28 BR \N \N Maturéia
18439 28 BR \N \N Melo
18440 28 BR \N \N Mogeiro
18441 28 BR \N \N Montadas
18442 28 BR \N \N Monte Horebe
18443 28 BR \N \N Monteiro
18444 28 BR \N \N Montevidéu
18445 28 BR \N \N Mulungu
18446 28 BR \N \N Muquém
18447 28 BR \N \N Mãe D'Água
18448 28 BR \N \N Natuba
18449 28 BR \N \N Nazarezinho
18450 28 BR \N \N Nazaré
18451 28 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Livramento
18452 28 BR \N \N Nova Floresta
18453 28 BR \N \N Nova Olinda
18454 28 BR \N \N Nova Palmeira
18455 28 BR \N \N Núcleo N 2
18456 28 BR \N \N Núcleo N 3
18457 28 BR \N \N Odilândia
18458 28 BR \N \N Olho D'Água
18459 28 BR \N \N Olivedos
18460 28 BR \N \N Ouro Velho
18461 28 BR \N \N Parari
18462 28 BR \N \N Passagem
18463 28 BR \N \N Patos
18464 28 BR \N \N Paulista
18465 28 BR \N \N Pedra Branca
18466 28 BR \N \N Pedra Lavrada
18467 28 BR \N \N Pedras de Fogo
18468 28 BR \N \N Pedro Régis
18469 28 BR \N \N Pelo Sinal
18470 28 BR \N \N Pereiros
18471 28 BR \N \N Piancó
18472 28 BR \N \N Picuí
18473 28 BR \N \N Pilar
18474 28 BR \N \N Pilões
18475 28 BR \N \N Pilõezinhos
18476 28 BR \N \N Pindurão
18477 28 BR \N \N Pio X
18478 28 BR \N \N Pirauá
18479 28 BR \N \N Pirpirituba
18480 28 BR \N \N Pitanga de Estrada
18481 28 BR \N \N Pitimbu
18482 28 BR \N \N Pocinhos
18483 28 BR \N \N Pombal
18484 28 BR \N \N Porteirinha de Pedra
18485 28 BR \N \N Poço Dantas
18486 28 BR \N \N Poço de José de Moura
18487 28 BR \N \N Prata
18488 28 BR \N \N Princesa Isabel
18489 28 BR \N \N Puxinanã
18490 28 BR \N \N Queimadas
18491 28 BR \N \N Quixabá
18492 28 BR \N \N Quixadá
18493 28 BR \N \N Remígio
18494 28 BR \N \N Riacho de Santo Antônio
18495 28 BR \N \N Riacho dos Cavalos
18496 28 BR \N \N Riachão
18497 28 BR \N \N Riachão do Bacamarte
18498 28 BR \N \N Riachão do Poço
18499 28 BR \N \N Ribeira
18500 28 BR \N \N Rio Tinto
18501 28 BR \N \N Rua Nova
18502 28 BR \N \N Salema
18503 28 BR \N \N Salgadinho
18504 28 BR \N \N Salgado de São Félix
18505 28 BR \N \N Santa Cecília de Umbuzeiro
18506 28 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
18507 28 BR \N \N Santa Gertrudes
18508 28 BR \N \N Santa Inês
18509 28 BR \N \N Santa Luzia
18510 28 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Cariri
18511 28 BR \N \N Santa Maria
18512 28 BR \N \N Santa Rita
18513 28 BR \N \N Santa Teresinha
18514 28 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
18515 28 BR \N \N Santana de Mangueira
18516 28 BR \N \N Santana dos Garrotes
18517 28 BR \N \N Santarém
18518 28 BR \N \N Santo André
18519 28 BR \N \N Sapé
18520 28 BR \N \N Seridó
18521 28 BR \N \N Serra Branca
18522 28 BR \N \N Serra Grande
18523 28 BR \N \N Serra Redonda
18524 28 BR \N \N Serra da Raiz
18525 28 BR \N \N Serraria
18526 28 BR \N \N Sertãozinho
18527 28 BR \N \N Sobrado
18528 28 BR \N \N Soledade
18529 28 BR \N \N Solânea
18530 28 BR \N \N Sossego
18531 28 BR \N \N Sousa
18532 28 BR \N \N Sucuru
18533 28 BR \N \N Sumé
18534 28 BR \N \N São Bentinho
18535 28 BR \N \N São Bento
18536 28 BR \N \N São Domingos de Pombal
18537 28 BR \N \N São Domingos do Cariri
18538 28 BR \N \N São Francisco
18539 28 BR \N \N São Gonçalo
18540 28 BR \N \N São José da Lagoa Tapada
18541 28 BR \N \N São José da Mata
18542 28 BR \N \N São José de Caiana
18543 28 BR \N \N São José de Espinharas
18544 28 BR \N \N São José de Marimbas
18545 28 BR \N \N São José de Piranhas
18546 28 BR \N \N São José de Princesa
18547 28 BR \N \N São José do Bonfim
18548 28 BR \N \N São José do Brejo do Cruz
18549 28 BR \N \N São José do Sabugi
18550 28 BR \N \N São José dos Cordeiros
18551 28 BR \N \N São José dos Ramos
18552 28 BR \N \N São João Bosco
18553 28 BR \N \N São João do Cariri
18554 28 BR \N \N São João do Rio do Peixe
18555 28 BR \N \N São João do Tigre
18556 28 BR \N \N São Mamede
18557 28 BR \N \N São Miguel de Taipu
18558 28 BR \N \N São Pedro
18559 28 BR \N \N São Sebastião de Lagoa de Roça
18560 28 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Umbuzeiro
18561 28 BR \N \N São Vicente do Seridó
18562 28 BR \N \N Tambauzinho
18563 28 BR \N \N Taperoá
18564 28 BR \N \N Tavares
18565 28 BR \N \N Teixeira
18566 28 BR \N \N Tenório
18567 28 BR \N \N Triunfo
18568 28 BR \N \N Uiraúna
18569 28 BR \N \N Umari
18570 28 BR \N \N Umbuzeiro
18571 28 BR \N \N Vazante
18572 28 BR \N \N Vieirópolis
18573 28 BR \N \N Vista Serrana
18574 28 BR \N \N Várzea
18575 28 BR \N \N Várzea Comprida
18576 28 BR \N \N Várzea Nova
18577 28 BR \N \N Zabelê
18578 28 BR \N \N Água Branca
18579 29 BR \N \N Abreu e Lima
18580 29 BR \N \N Afogados da Ingazeira
18581 29 BR \N \N Afrânio
18582 29 BR \N \N Agrestina
18583 29 BR \N \N Airi
18584 29 BR \N \N Alagoinha
18585 29 BR \N \N Albuquerque Né
18586 29 BR \N \N Algodões
18587 29 BR \N \N Aliança
18588 29 BR \N \N Altinho
18589 29 BR \N \N Amaraji
18590 29 BR \N \N Ameixas
18591 29 BR \N \N Angelim
18592 29 BR \N \N Apoti
18593 29 BR \N \N Araripina
18594 29 BR \N \N Araçoiaba
18595 29 BR \N \N Arcoverde
18596 29 BR \N \N Aripibu
18597 29 BR \N \N Arizona
18598 29 BR \N \N Barra de Farias
18599 29 BR \N \N Barra de Guabiraba
18600 29 BR \N \N Barra de São Pedro
18601 29 BR \N \N Barra do Brejo
18602 29 BR \N \N Barra do Chata
18603 29 BR \N \N Barra do Jardim
18604 29 BR \N \N Barra do Riachão
18605 29 BR \N \N Barra do Sirinhaém
18606 29 BR \N \N Barreiros
18607 29 BR \N \N Batateira
18608 29 BR \N \N Belo Jardim
18609 29 BR \N \N Belém de Maria
18610 29 BR \N \N Belém de São Francisco
18611 29 BR \N \N Bengalas
18612 29 BR \N \N Bentivi
18613 29 BR \N \N Bernardo Vieira
18614 29 BR \N \N Betânia
18615 29 BR \N \N Bezerros
18616 29 BR \N \N Bizarra
18617 29 BR \N \N Boas Novas
18618 29 BR \N \N Bodocó
18619 29 BR \N \N Bom Conselho
18620 29 BR \N \N Bom Jardim
18621 29 BR \N \N Bom Nome
18622 29 BR \N \N Bonfim
18623 29 BR \N \N Bonito
18624 29 BR \N \N Brejinho
18625 29 BR \N \N Brejo da Madre de Deus
18626 29 BR \N \N Brejão
18627 29 BR \N \N Buenos Aires
18628 29 BR \N \N Buíque
18629 29 BR \N \N Cabanas
18630 29 BR \N \N Cabo de Santo Agostinho
18631 29 BR \N \N Cabrobó
18632 29 BR \N \N Cachoeira do Roberto
18633 29 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
18634 29 BR \N \N Caetés
18635 29 BR \N \N Caiçarinha da Penha
18636 29 BR \N \N Caldeirões
18637 29 BR \N \N Calumbi
18638 29 BR \N \N Calçado
18639 29 BR \N \N Camaragibe
18640 29 BR \N \N Camela
18641 29 BR \N \N Camocim de São Félix
18642 29 BR \N \N Camutanga
18643 29 BR \N \N Canaã
18644 29 BR \N \N Canhotinho
18645 29 BR \N \N Capoeiras
18646 29 BR \N \N Caraibeiras
18647 29 BR \N \N Carapotos
18648 29 BR \N \N Caraíba
18649 29 BR \N \N Carice
18650 29 BR \N \N Carima
18651 29 BR \N \N Caririmirim
18652 29 BR \N \N Carnaubeira da Penha
18653 29 BR \N \N Carnaíba
18654 29 BR \N \N Carneiro
18655 29 BR \N \N Carpina
18656 29 BR \N \N Carqueja
18657 29 BR \N \N Caruaru
18658 29 BR \N \N Casinhas
18659 29 BR \N \N Catende
18660 29 BR \N \N Catimbaú
18661 29 BR \N \N Catolé
18662 29 BR \N \N Cavaleiro
18663 29 BR \N \N Cedro
18664 29 BR \N \N Chã Grande
18665 29 BR \N \N Chã de Alegria
18666 29 BR \N \N Chã do Rocha
18667 29 BR \N \N Cimbres
18668 29 BR \N \N Clarana
18669 29 BR \N \N Cocau
18670 29 BR \N \N Conceição das Crioulas
18671 29 BR \N \N Condado
18672 29 BR \N \N Correntes
18673 29 BR \N \N Cortês
18674 29 BR \N \N Couro D'Antas
18675 29 BR \N \N Cristália
18676 29 BR \N \N Cruanji
18677 29 BR \N \N Cruzes
18678 29 BR \N \N Cuiambuca
18679 29 BR \N \N Cumaru
18680 29 BR \N \N Cupira
18681 29 BR \N \N Curral Queimado
18682 29 BR \N \N Custódia
18683 29 BR \N \N Dois Leões
18684 29 BR \N \N Dormentes
18685 29 BR \N \N Entroncamento
18686 29 BR \N \N Escada
18687 29 BR \N \N Espírito Santo
18688 29 BR \N \N Exu
18689 29 BR \N \N Fazenda Nova
18690 29 BR \N \N Feira Nova
18691 29 BR \N \N Feitoria
18692 29 BR \N \N Fernando de Noronha
18693 29 BR \N \N Ferreiros
18694 29 BR \N \N Flores
18695 29 BR \N \N Floresta
18696 29 BR \N \N Frei Miguelinho
18697 29 BR \N \N Frexeiras
18698 29 BR \N \N Gameleira
18699 29 BR \N \N Garanhuns
18700 29 BR \N \N Glória do Goitá
18701 29 BR \N \N Goiana
18702 29 BR \N \N Gonçalves Ferreira
18703 29 BR \N \N Granito
18704 29 BR \N \N Gravatá
18705 29 BR \N \N Gravatá do Ibiapina
18706 29 BR \N \N Grotão
18707 29 BR \N \N Guanumbi
18708 29 BR \N \N Henrique Dias
18709 29 BR \N \N Iateca
18710 29 BR \N \N Iati
18711 29 BR \N \N Ibimirim
18712 29 BR \N \N Ibirajuba
18713 29 BR \N \N Ibiranga
18714 29 BR \N \N Ibiratinga
18715 29 BR \N \N Ibitiranga
18716 29 BR \N \N Ibó
18717 29 BR \N \N Icaiçara
18718 29 BR \N \N Igapó
18719 29 BR \N \N Igarapeassu
18720 29 BR \N \N Igarapeba
18721 29 BR \N \N Igarassu
18722 29 BR \N \N Iguaraci
18723 29 BR \N \N Ilha de Itamaracá
18724 29 BR \N \N Inajá
18725 29 BR \N \N Ingazeira
18726 29 BR \N \N Ipojuca
18727 29 BR \N \N Ipubi
18728 29 BR \N \N Ipuera
18729 29 BR \N \N Iraguaçu
18730 29 BR \N \N Irajaí
18731 29 BR \N \N Iratama
18732 29 BR \N \N Itacuruba
18733 29 BR \N \N Itambé
18734 29 BR \N \N Itapetim
18735 29 BR \N \N Itapissuma
18736 29 BR \N \N Itaquitinga
18737 29 BR \N \N Itaíba
18738 29 BR \N \N Ituguaçu
18739 29 BR \N \N Iuiteporã
18740 29 BR \N \N Jabitaca
18741 29 BR \N \N Jaboatão
18742 29 BR \N \N Jaboatão dos Guararapes
18743 29 BR \N \N Japecanga
18744 29 BR \N \N Jaqueira
18745 29 BR \N \N Jataúba
18746 29 BR \N \N Jatiúca
18747 29 BR \N \N Jatobá
18748 29 BR \N \N Jenipapo
18749 29 BR \N \N Joaquim Nabuco
18750 29 BR \N \N José Mariano
18751 29 BR \N \N José da Costa
18752 29 BR \N \N João Alfredo
18753 29 BR \N \N Jucati
18754 29 BR \N \N Jupi
18755 29 BR \N \N Jurema
18756 29 BR \N \N Jutaí
18757 29 BR \N \N Juçaral
18758 29 BR \N \N Lagoa
18759 29 BR \N \N Lagoa Grande
18760 29 BR \N \N Lagoa de São José
18761 29 BR \N \N Lagoa do Barro
18762 29 BR \N \N Lagoa do Carro
18763 29 BR \N \N Lagoa do Itaenga
18764 29 BR \N \N Lagoa do Ouro
18765 29 BR \N \N Lagoa do Souza
18766 29 BR \N \N Lagoa dos Gatos
18767 29 BR \N \N Laje Grande
18768 29 BR \N \N Laje de São José
18769 29 BR \N \N Lajedo
18770 29 BR \N \N Lajedo do Cedro
18771 29 BR \N \N Limoeiro
18772 29 BR \N \N Livramento do Tiúma
18773 29 BR \N \N Luanda
18774 29 BR \N \N Macaparana
18775 29 BR \N \N Machados
18776 29 BR \N \N Macujé
18777 29 BR \N \N Manari
18778 29 BR \N \N Mandacaia
18779 29 BR \N \N Mandacaru
18780 29 BR \N \N Maniçoba
18781 29 BR \N \N Maraial
18782 29 BR \N \N Maravilha
18783 29 BR \N \N Mimoso
18784 29 BR \N \N Miracica
18785 29 BR \N \N Mirandiba
18786 29 BR \N \N Morais
18787 29 BR \N \N Moreilândia
18788 29 BR \N \N Moreno
18789 29 BR \N \N Moxotó
18790 29 BR \N \N Mulungu
18791 29 BR \N \N Murupé
18792 29 BR \N \N Mutuca
18793 29 BR \N \N Nascente
18794 29 BR \N \N Navarro
18795 29 BR \N \N Nazaré da Mata
18796 29 BR \N \N Negras
18797 29 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Luz
18798 29 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Carmo
18799 29 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Ó
18800 29 BR \N \N Nova Cruz
18801 29 BR \N \N Olho D'Água de Dentro
18802 29 BR \N \N Olinda
18803 29 BR \N \N Oratório
18804 29 BR \N \N Ori
18805 29 BR \N \N Orobó
18806 29 BR \N \N Orocó
18807 29 BR \N \N Ouricuri
18808 29 BR \N \N Pajeú
18809 29 BR \N \N Palmares
18810 29 BR \N \N Palmeirina
18811 29 BR \N \N Panelas
18812 29 BR \N \N Papagaio
18813 29 BR \N \N Paquevira
18814 29 BR \N \N Paranatama
18815 29 BR \N \N Paratibe
18816 29 BR \N \N Parnamirim
18817 29 BR \N \N Pará
18818 29 BR \N \N Passagem do Tó
18819 29 BR \N \N Passira
18820 29 BR \N \N Pau Ferro
18821 29 BR \N \N Paudalho
18822 29 BR \N \N Paulista
18823 29 BR \N \N Pedra
18824 29 BR \N \N Perpétuo Socorro
18825 29 BR \N \N Pesqueira
18826 29 BR \N \N Petrolina
18827 29 BR \N \N Petrolândia
18828 29 BR \N \N Pirituba
18829 29 BR \N \N Pombos
18830 29 BR \N \N Pontas de Pedra
18831 29 BR \N \N Ponte dos Carvalhos
18832 29 BR \N \N Poço Comprido
18833 29 BR \N \N Poço Fundo
18834 29 BR \N \N Poção
18835 29 BR \N \N Poção de Afrânio
18836 29 BR \N \N Praia da Conceição
18837 29 BR \N \N Primavera
18838 29 BR \N \N Pão de Açúcar
18839 29 BR \N \N Pão de Açúcar do Poção
18840 29 BR \N \N Quipapá
18841 29 BR \N \N Quitimbu
18842 29 BR \N \N Quixabá
18843 29 BR \N \N Rainha Isabel
18844 29 BR \N \N Rajada
18845 29 BR \N \N Rancharia
18846 29 BR \N \N Recife
18847 29 BR \N \N Riacho Fechado
18848 29 BR \N \N Riacho Pequeno
18849 29 BR \N \N Riacho das Almas
18850 29 BR \N \N Riacho do Meio
18851 29 BR \N \N Ribeirão
18852 29 BR \N \N Rio Formoso
18853 29 BR \N \N Rio da Barra
18854 29 BR \N \N Sairé
18855 29 BR \N \N Salgadinho
18856 29 BR \N \N Salgueiro
18857 29 BR \N \N Salobro
18858 29 BR \N \N Saloá
18859 29 BR \N \N Sanharó
18860 29 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
18861 29 BR \N \N Santa Cruz da Baixa Verde
18862 29 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Capibaribe
18863 29 BR \N \N Santa Filomena
18864 29 BR \N \N Santa Maria da Boa Vista
18865 29 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Cambucá
18866 29 BR \N \N Santa Rita
18867 29 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha
18868 29 BR \N \N Santana de São Joaquim
18869 29 BR \N \N Santo Agostinho
18870 29 BR \N \N Santo Antônio das Queimadas
18871 29 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Palmares
18872 29 BR \N \N Sapucarana
18873 29 BR \N \N Saué
18874 29 BR \N \N Serra Branca
18875 29 BR \N \N Serra Talhada
18876 29 BR \N \N Serra do Vento
18877 29 BR \N \N Serrita
18878 29 BR \N \N Serrolândia
18879 29 BR \N \N Sertânia
18880 29 BR \N \N Sertãozinho de Baixo
18881 29 BR \N \N Siriji
18882 29 BR \N \N Sirinhaém
18883 29 BR \N \N Solidão
18884 29 BR \N \N Surubim
18885 29 BR \N \N São Benedito do Sul
18886 29 BR \N \N São Bento do Una
18887 29 BR \N \N São Caetano do Navio
18888 29 BR \N \N São Caitano
18889 29 BR \N \N São Domingos
18890 29 BR \N \N São Joaquim do Monte
18891 29 BR \N \N São José da Coroa Grande
18892 29 BR \N \N São José do Belmonte
18893 29 BR \N \N São José do Egito
18894 29 BR \N \N São João
18895 29 BR \N \N São Lourenço da Mata
18896 29 BR \N \N São Lázaro
18897 29 BR \N \N São Pedro
18898 29 BR \N \N São Vicente
18899 29 BR \N \N São Vicente Ferrer
18900 29 BR \N \N Sítio dos Nunes
18901 29 BR \N \N Tabira
18902 29 BR \N \N Tabocas
18903 29 BR \N \N Tacaimbó
18904 29 BR \N \N Tacaratu
18905 29 BR \N \N Tamandaré
18906 29 BR \N \N Tamboatá
18907 29 BR \N \N Tapiraim
18908 29 BR \N \N Taquaritinga do Norte
18909 29 BR \N \N Tara
18910 29 BR \N \N Tauapiranga
18911 29 BR \N \N Tejucupapo
18912 29 BR \N \N Terezinha
18913 29 BR \N \N Terra Nova
18914 29 BR \N \N Timbaúba
18915 29 BR \N \N Timorante
18916 29 BR \N \N Toritama
18917 29 BR \N \N Tracunhaém
18918 29 BR \N \N Trapiá
18919 29 BR \N \N Trindade
18920 29 BR \N \N Triunfo
18921 29 BR \N \N Três Ladeiras
18922 29 BR \N \N Tupanaci
18923 29 BR \N \N Tupanatinga
18924 29 BR \N \N Tuparetama
18925 29 BR \N \N Tupaóca
18926 29 BR \N \N Umburetama
18927 29 BR \N \N Umãs
18928 29 BR \N \N Upatininga
18929 29 BR \N \N Urimama
18930 29 BR \N \N Urucubá
18931 29 BR \N \N Uruçu-Mirim
18932 29 BR \N \N Vasques
18933 29 BR \N \N Veneza
18934 29 BR \N \N Venturosa
18935 29 BR \N \N Verdejante
18936 29 BR \N \N Vertente do Lério
18937 29 BR \N \N Vertentes
18938 29 BR \N \N Vicência
18939 29 BR \N \N Vila Nova
18940 29 BR \N \N Viração
18941 29 BR \N \N Vitória de Santo Antão
18942 29 BR \N \N Volta do Moxotó
18943 29 BR \N \N Xexéu
18944 29 BR \N \N Xucuru
18945 29 BR \N \N Zé Gomes
18946 29 BR \N \N Água Fria
18947 29 BR \N \N Água Preta
18948 29 BR \N \N Águas Belas
18949 30 BR \N \N Acauã
18950 30 BR \N \N Agricolândia
18951 30 BR \N \N Alagoinha do Piauí
18952 30 BR \N \N Alegrete do Piauí
18953 30 BR \N \N Alto Longá
18954 30 BR \N \N Altos
18955 30 BR \N \N Alvorada do Gurguéia
18956 30 BR \N \N Amarante
18957 30 BR \N \N Angical do Piauí
18958 30 BR \N \N Antônio Almeida
18959 30 BR \N \N Anísio de Abreu
18960 30 BR \N \N Aroazes
18961 30 BR \N \N Aroeiras do Itaim
18962 30 BR \N \N Arraial
18963 30 BR \N \N Assunção do Piauí
18964 30 BR \N \N Avelino Lopes
18965 30 BR \N \N Baixa Grande do Ribeiro
18966 30 BR \N \N Barra D'Alcântara
18967 30 BR \N \N Barras
18968 30 BR \N \N Barreiras do Piauí
18969 30 BR \N \N Barro Duro
18970 30 BR \N \N Batalha
18971 30 BR \N \N Bela Vista do Piauí
18972 30 BR \N \N Belém do Piauí
18973 30 BR \N \N Beneditinos
18974 30 BR \N \N Bertolínia
18975 30 BR \N \N Betânia do Piauí
18976 30 BR \N \N Boa Hora
18977 30 BR \N \N Bocaina
18978 30 BR \N \N Bom Jesus
18979 30 BR \N \N Bom Princípio do Piauí
18980 30 BR \N \N Bonfim do Piauí
18981 30 BR \N \N Boqueirão do Piauí
18982 30 BR \N \N Brasileira
18983 30 BR \N \N Brejo do Piauí
18984 30 BR \N \N Buriti dos Lopes
18985 30 BR \N \N Buriti dos Montes
18986 30 BR \N \N Cabeceiras do Piauí
18987 30 BR \N \N Cajazeiras do Piauí
18988 30 BR \N \N Cajueiro da Praia
18989 30 BR \N \N Caldeirão Grande do Piauí
18990 30 BR \N \N Campinas do Piauí
18991 30 BR \N \N Campo Alegre do Fidalgo
18992 30 BR \N \N Campo Grande do Piauí
18993 30 BR \N \N Campo Largo do Piauí
18994 30 BR \N \N Campo Maior
18995 30 BR \N \N Canavieira
18996 30 BR \N \N Canto do Buriti
18997 30 BR \N \N Capitão Gervásio Oliveira
18998 30 BR \N \N Capitão de Campos
18999 30 BR \N \N Caracol
19000 30 BR \N \N Caraúbas do Piauí
19001 30 BR \N \N Caridade do Piauí
19002 30 BR \N \N Castelo do Piauí
19003 30 BR \N \N Caxingó
19004 30 BR \N \N Cocal
19005 30 BR \N \N Cocal de Telha
19006 30 BR \N \N Cocal dos Alves
19007 30 BR \N \N Coivaras
19008 30 BR \N \N Colônia do Gurguéia
19009 30 BR \N \N Colônia do Piauí
19010 30 BR \N \N Conceição do Canindé
19011 30 BR \N \N Coronel José Dias
19012 30 BR \N \N Corrente
19013 30 BR \N \N Cristalândia do Piauí
19014 30 BR \N \N Cristino Castro
19015 30 BR \N \N Curimatá
19016 30 BR \N \N Currais
19017 30 BR \N \N Curral Novo do Piauí
19018 30 BR \N \N Curralinhos
19019 30 BR \N \N Demerval Lobão
19020 30 BR \N \N Dirceu Arcoverde
19021 30 BR \N \N Dom Expedito Lopes
19022 30 BR \N \N Dom Inocêncio
19023 30 BR \N \N Domingos Mourão
19024 30 BR \N \N Elesbão Veloso
19025 30 BR \N \N Eliseu Martins
19026 30 BR \N \N Esperantina
19027 30 BR \N \N Fartura do Piauí
19028 30 BR \N \N Flores do Piauí
19029 30 BR \N \N Floresta do Piauí
19030 30 BR \N \N Floriano
19031 30 BR \N \N Francinópolis
19032 30 BR \N \N Francisco Ayres
19033 30 BR \N \N Francisco Macedo
19034 30 BR \N \N Francisco Santos
19035 30 BR \N \N Fronteiras
19036 30 BR \N \N Geminiano
19037 30 BR \N \N Gilbués
19038 30 BR \N \N Guadalupe
19039 30 BR \N \N Guaribas
19040 30 BR \N \N Hugo Napoleão
19041 30 BR \N \N Ilha Grande
19042 30 BR \N \N Inhuma
19043 30 BR \N \N Ipiranga do Piauí
19044 30 BR \N \N Isaías Coelho
19045 30 BR \N \N Itainópolis
19046 30 BR \N \N Itaueira
19047 30 BR \N \N Jacobina do Piauí
19048 30 BR \N \N Jaicós
19049 30 BR \N \N Jardim do Mulato
19050 30 BR \N \N Jatobá do Piauí
19051 30 BR \N \N Jerumenha
19052 30 BR \N \N Joaquim Pires
19053 30 BR \N \N Joca Marques
19054 30 BR \N \N José de Freitas
19055 30 BR \N \N João Costa
19056 30 BR \N \N Juazeiro do Piauí
19057 30 BR \N \N Jurema
19058 30 BR \N \N Júlio Borges
19059 30 BR \N \N Lagoa Alegre
19060 30 BR \N \N Lagoa de São Francisco
19061 30 BR \N \N Lagoa do Barro do Piauí
19062 30 BR \N \N Lagoa do Piauí
19063 30 BR \N \N Lagoa do Sítio
19064 30 BR \N \N Lagoinha do Piauí
19065 30 BR \N \N Landri Sales
19066 30 BR \N \N Luzilândia
19067 30 BR \N \N Luís Correia
19068 30 BR \N \N Madeiro
19069 30 BR \N \N Manoel Emídio
19070 30 BR \N \N Marcolândia
19071 30 BR \N \N Marcos Parente
19072 30 BR \N \N Massapê do Piauí
19073 30 BR \N \N Matias Olímpio
19074 30 BR \N \N Miguel Alves
19075 30 BR \N \N Miguel Leão
19076 30 BR \N \N Milton Brandão
19077 30 BR \N \N Monsenhor Gil
19078 30 BR \N \N Monsenhor Hipólito
19079 30 BR \N \N Monte Alegre do Piauí
19080 30 BR \N \N Morro Cabeça no Tempo
19081 30 BR \N \N Morro do Chapéu do Piauí
19082 30 BR \N \N Murici dos Portelas
19083 30 BR \N \N Nazaré do Piauí
19084 30 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Nazaré
19085 30 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora dos Remédios
19086 30 BR \N \N Nova Santa Rita
19087 30 BR \N \N Novo Nilo
19088 30 BR \N \N Novo Oriente do Piauí
19089 30 BR \N \N Novo Santo Antônio
19090 30 BR \N \N Oeiras
19091 30 BR \N \N Olho D'Água do Piauí
19092 30 BR \N \N Padre Marcos
19093 30 BR \N \N Paes Landim
19094 30 BR \N \N Pajeú do Piauí
19095 30 BR \N \N Palmeira do Piauí
19096 30 BR \N \N Palmeirais
19097 30 BR \N \N Paquetá
19098 30 BR \N \N Parnaguá
19099 30 BR \N \N Parnaíba
19100 30 BR \N \N Passagem Franca do Piauí
19101 30 BR \N \N Patos do Piauí
19102 30 BR \N \N Pau D'Arco do Piauí
19103 30 BR \N \N Paulistana
19104 30 BR \N \N Pavussu
19105 30 BR \N \N Pedro II
19106 30 BR \N \N Pedro Laurentino
19107 30 BR \N \N Picos
19108 30 BR \N \N Pimenteiras
19109 30 BR \N \N Pio IX
19110 30 BR \N \N Piracuruca
19111 30 BR \N \N Piripiri
19112 30 BR \N \N Porto
19113 30 BR \N \N Porto Alegre do Piauí
19114 30 BR \N \N Prata do Piauí
19115 30 BR \N \N Queimada Nova
19116 30 BR \N \N Redenção do Gurguéia
19117 30 BR \N \N Regeneração
19118 30 BR \N \N Riacho Frio
19119 30 BR \N \N Ribeira do Piauí
19120 30 BR \N \N Ribeiro Gonçalves
19121 30 BR \N \N Rio Grande do Piauí
19122 30 BR \N \N Santa Cruz do Piauí
19123 30 BR \N \N Santa Cruz dos Milagres
19124 30 BR \N \N Santa Filomena
19125 30 BR \N \N Santa Luz
19126 30 BR \N \N Santa Rosa do Piauí
19127 30 BR \N \N Santana do Piauí
19128 30 BR \N \N Santo Antônio de Lisboa
19129 30 BR \N \N Santo Antônio dos Milagres
19130 30 BR \N \N Santo Inácio do Piauí
19131 30 BR \N \N Sebastião Barros
19132 30 BR \N \N Sebastião Leal
19133 30 BR \N \N Sigefredo Pacheco
19134 30 BR \N \N Simplício Mendes
19135 30 BR \N \N Simões
19136 30 BR \N \N Socorro do Piauí
19137 30 BR \N \N Sussuapara
19138 30 BR \N \N São Braz do Piauí
19139 30 BR \N \N São Francisco de Assis do Piauí
19140 30 BR \N \N São Francisco do Piauí
19141 30 BR \N \N São Félix do Piauí
19142 30 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Gurguéia
19143 30 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Piauí
19144 30 BR \N \N São José do Divino
19145 30 BR \N \N São José do Peixe
19146 30 BR \N \N São José do Piauí
19147 30 BR \N \N São João da Canabrava
19148 30 BR \N \N São João da Fronteira
19149 30 BR \N \N São João da Serra
19150 30 BR \N \N São João da Varjota
19151 30 BR \N \N São João do Arraial
19152 30 BR \N \N São João do Piauí
19153 30 BR \N \N São Julião
19154 30 BR \N \N São Lourenço do Piauí
19155 30 BR \N \N São Luís do Piauí
19156 30 BR \N \N São Miguel da Baixa Grande
19157 30 BR \N \N São Miguel do Fidalgo
19158 30 BR \N \N São Miguel do Tapuio
19159 30 BR \N \N São Pedro do Piauí
19160 30 BR \N \N São Raimundo Nonato
19161 30 BR \N \N Tamboril do Piauí
19162 30 BR \N \N Tanque do Piauí
19163 30 BR \N \N Teresina
19164 30 BR \N \N União
19165 30 BR \N \N Uruçuí
19166 30 BR \N \N Valença do Piauí
19167 30 BR \N \N Vera Mendes
19168 30 BR \N \N Vila Nova do Piauí
19169 30 BR \N \N Várzea Branca
19170 30 BR \N \N Várzea Grande
19171 30 BR \N \N Wall Ferraz
19172 30 BR \N \N Água Branca
19173 31 BR \N \N Acari
19174 31 BR \N \N Afonso Bezerra
19175 31 BR \N \N Alexandria
19176 31 BR \N \N Almino Afonso
19177 31 BR \N \N Alto do Rodrigues
19178 31 BR \N \N Angicos
19179 31 BR \N \N Antônio Martins
19180 31 BR \N \N Apodi
19181 31 BR \N \N Areia Branca
19182 31 BR \N \N Arez
19183 31 BR \N \N Açu
19184 31 BR \N \N Baraúna
19185 31 BR \N \N Barcelona
19186 31 BR \N \N Barão de Serra Branca
19187 31 BR \N \N Baía Formosa
19188 31 BR \N \N Belo Horizonte
19189 31 BR \N \N Bento Fernandes
19190 31 BR \N \N Boa Saúde
19191 31 BR \N \N Bodó
19192 31 BR \N \N Bom Jesus
19193 31 BR \N \N Brejinho
19194 31 BR \N \N Caicó
19195 31 BR \N \N Caiçara do Norte
19196 31 BR \N \N Caiçara do Rio do Vento
19197 31 BR \N \N Campo Grande
19198 31 BR \N \N Campo Redondo
19199 31 BR \N \N Canguaretama
19200 31 BR \N \N Caraúbas
19201 31 BR \N \N Carnaubais
19202 31 BR \N \N Carnaúba dos Dantas
19203 31 BR \N \N Ceará-Mirim
19204 31 BR \N \N Cerro Corá
19205 31 BR \N \N Coronel Ezequiel
19206 31 BR \N \N Coronel João Pessoa
19207 31 BR \N \N Cruzeta
19208 31 BR \N \N Currais Novos
19209 31 BR \N \N Córrego de São Mateus
19210 31 BR \N \N Doutor Severiano
19211 31 BR \N \N Encanto
19212 31 BR \N \N Equador
19213 31 BR \N \N Espírito Santo
19214 31 BR \N \N Espírito Santo do Oeste
19215 31 BR \N \N Extremoz
19216 31 BR \N \N Felipe Guerra
19217 31 BR \N \N Fernando Pedroza
19218 31 BR \N \N Firmamento
19219 31 BR \N \N Florânia
19220 31 BR \N \N Francisco Dantas
19221 31 BR \N \N Frutuoso Gomes
19222 31 BR \N \N Galinhos
19223 31 BR \N \N Gameleira
19224 31 BR \N \N Goianinha
19225 31 BR \N \N Governador Dix-Sept Rosado
19226 31 BR \N \N Grossos
19227 31 BR \N \N Guamaré
19228 31 BR \N \N Ielmo Marinho
19229 31 BR \N \N Igreja Nova
19230 31 BR \N \N Ipanguaçu
19231 31 BR \N \N Ipiranga
19232 31 BR \N \N Ipueira
19233 31 BR \N \N Itajá
19234 31 BR \N \N Itaú
19235 31 BR \N \N Jandaíra
19236 31 BR \N \N Janduís
19237 31 BR \N \N Japi
19238 31 BR \N \N Jardim de Angicos
19239 31 BR \N \N Jardim de Piranhas
19240 31 BR \N \N Jardim do Seridó
19241 31 BR \N \N Jaçanã
19242 31 BR \N \N José da Penha
19243 31 BR \N \N João Câmara
19244 31 BR \N \N João Dias
19245 31 BR \N \N Jucurutu
19246 31 BR \N \N Jundiá
19247 31 BR \N \N Lagoa D'Anta
19248 31 BR \N \N Lagoa Nova
19249 31 BR \N \N Lagoa Salgada
19250 31 BR \N \N Lagoa de Pedras
19251 31 BR \N \N Lagoa de Velhos
19252 31 BR \N \N Lajes
19253 31 BR \N \N Lajes Pintadas
19254 31 BR \N \N Lucrécia
19255 31 BR \N \N Luís Gomes
19256 31 BR \N \N Macau
19257 31 BR \N \N Macaíba
19258 31 BR \N \N Major Felipe
19259 31 BR \N \N Major Sales
19260 31 BR \N \N Marcelino Vieira
19261 31 BR \N \N Martins
19262 31 BR \N \N Mata de São Braz
19263 31 BR \N \N Maxaranguape
19264 31 BR \N \N Messias Targino
19265 31 BR \N \N Montanhas
19266 31 BR \N \N Monte Alegre
19267 31 BR \N \N Monte das Gameleiras
19268 31 BR \N \N Mossoró
19269 31 BR \N \N Natal
19270 31 BR \N \N Nova Cruz
19271 31 BR \N \N Nísia Floresta
19272 31 BR \N \N Olho-D'Água do Borges
19273 31 BR \N \N Ouro Branco
19274 31 BR \N \N Paraná
19275 31 BR \N \N Parazinho
19276 31 BR \N \N Parelhas
19277 31 BR \N \N Parnamirim
19278 31 BR \N \N Passa e Fica
19279 31 BR \N \N Passagem
19280 31 BR \N \N Patu
19281 31 BR \N \N Pau dos Ferros
19282 31 BR \N \N Pedra Grande
19283 31 BR \N \N Pedra Preta
19284 31 BR \N \N Pedro Avelino
19285 31 BR \N \N Pedro Velho
19286 31 BR \N \N Pendências
19287 31 BR \N \N Pilões
19288 31 BR \N \N Portalegre
19289 31 BR \N \N Porto do Mangue
19290 31 BR \N \N Poço Branco
19291 31 BR \N \N Pureza
19292 31 BR \N \N Rafael Fernandes
19293 31 BR \N \N Rafael Godeiro
19294 31 BR \N \N Riacho da Cruz
19295 31 BR \N \N Riacho de Santana
19296 31 BR \N \N Riachuelo
19297 31 BR \N \N Rio do Fogo
19298 31 BR \N \N Rodolfo Fernandes
19299 31 BR \N \N Rosário
19300 31 BR \N \N Ruy Barbosa
19301 31 BR \N \N Salva Vida
19302 31 BR \N \N Santa Cruz
19303 31 BR \N \N Santa Fé
19304 31 BR \N \N Santa Maria
19305 31 BR \N \N Santa Teresa
19306 31 BR \N \N Santana do Matos
19307 31 BR \N \N Santana do Seridó
19308 31 BR \N \N Santo Antônio
19309 31 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Potengi
19310 31 BR \N \N Senador Elói de Souza
19311 31 BR \N \N Senador Georgino Avelino
19312 31 BR \N \N Serra Caiada
19313 31 BR \N \N Serra Negra do Norte
19314 31 BR \N \N Serra da Tapuia
19315 31 BR \N \N Serra de São Bento
19316 31 BR \N \N Serra do Mel
19317 31 BR \N \N Serrinha
19318 31 BR \N \N Serrinha dos Pintos
19319 31 BR \N \N Severiano Melo
19320 31 BR \N \N São Bento do Norte
19321 31 BR \N \N São Bento do Trairi
19322 31 BR \N \N São Bernardo
19323 31 BR \N \N São Fernando
19324 31 BR \N \N São Francisco do Oeste
19325 31 BR \N \N São Geraldo
19326 31 BR \N \N São Gonçalo do Amarante
19327 31 BR \N \N São José da Passagem
19328 31 BR \N \N São José de Mipibu
19329 31 BR \N \N São José do Campestre
19330 31 BR \N \N São José do Seridó
19331 31 BR \N \N São João do Sabugi
19332 31 BR \N \N São Miguel
19333 31 BR \N \N São Miguel de Touros
19334 31 BR \N \N São Paulo do Potengi
19335 31 BR \N \N São Pedro
19336 31 BR \N \N São Rafael
19337 31 BR \N \N São Tomé
19338 31 BR \N \N São Vicente
19339 31 BR \N \N Sítio Novo
19340 31 BR \N \N Taboleiro Grande
19341 31 BR \N \N Taipu
19342 31 BR \N \N Tangará
19343 31 BR \N \N Tenente Ananias
19344 31 BR \N \N Tenente Laurentino Cruz
19345 31 BR \N \N Tibau
19346 31 BR \N \N Tibau do Sul
19347 31 BR \N \N Timbaúba dos Batistas
19348 31 BR \N \N Touros
19349 31 BR \N \N Trairi
19350 31 BR \N \N Triunfo Potiguar
19351 31 BR \N \N Umarizal
19352 31 BR \N \N Upanema
19353 31 BR \N \N Venha-Ver
19354 31 BR \N \N Vera Cruz
19355 31 BR \N \N Vila Flor
19356 31 BR \N \N Viçosa
19357 31 BR \N \N Várzea
19358 31 BR \N \N Água Nova
19359 32 BR \N \N Alto Alegre
19360 32 BR \N \N Amajari
19361 32 BR \N \N Boa Vista
19362 32 BR \N \N Bonfim
19363 32 BR \N \N Cantá
19364 32 BR \N \N Caracaraí
19365 32 BR \N \N Caroebe
19366 32 BR \N \N Félix Pinto
19367 32 BR \N \N Iracema
19368 32 BR \N \N Mucajaí
19369 32 BR \N \N Normandia
19370 32 BR \N \N Novo Paraíso
19371 32 BR \N \N Pacaraima
19372 32 BR \N \N Rorainópolis
19373 32 BR \N \N Santa Cecília
19374 32 BR \N \N São João da Baliza
19375 32 BR \N \N São Luiz
19376 32 BR \N \N Taboca
19377 32 BR \N \N Uiramutã
19378 33 BR \N \N Altos Verdes
19379 33 BR \N \N Amparo de São Francisco
19380 33 BR \N \N Aquidabã
19381 33 BR \N \N Aracaju
19382 33 BR \N \N Arauá
19383 33 BR \N \N Areia Branca
19384 33 BR \N \N Barra dos Coqueiros
19385 33 BR \N \N Barracas
19386 33 BR \N \N Boquim
19387 33 BR \N \N Brejo Grande
19388 33 BR \N \N Campo do Brito
19389 33 BR \N \N Canhoba
19390 33 BR \N \N Canindé de São Francisco
19391 33 BR \N \N Capela
19392 33 BR \N \N Carira
19393 33 BR \N \N Carmópolis
19394 33 BR \N \N Cedro de São João
19395 33 BR \N \N Cristinápolis
19396 33 BR \N \N Cumbe
19397 33 BR \N \N Divina Pastora
19398 33 BR \N \N Estância
19399 33 BR \N \N Feira Nova
19400 33 BR \N \N Frei Paulo
19401 33 BR \N \N Gararu
19402 33 BR \N \N General Maynard
19403 33 BR \N \N Graccho Cardoso
19404 33 BR \N \N Ilha das Flores
19405 33 BR \N \N Indiaroba
19406 33 BR \N \N Itabaiana
19407 33 BR \N \N Itabaianinha
19408 33 BR \N \N Itabi
19409 33 BR \N \N Itaporanga D'Ajuda
19410 33 BR \N \N Japaratuba
19411 33 BR \N \N Japoatã
19412 33 BR \N \N Lagarto
19413 33 BR \N \N Lagoa Funda
19414 33 BR \N \N Laranjeiras
19415 33 BR \N \N Macambira
19416 33 BR \N \N Malhada dos Bois
19417 33 BR \N \N Malhador
19418 33 BR \N \N Maruim
19419 33 BR \N \N Miranda
19420 33 BR \N \N Moita Bonita
19421 33 BR \N \N Monte Alegre de Sergipe
19422 33 BR \N \N Mosqueiro
19423 33 BR \N \N Muribeca
19424 33 BR \N \N Neópolis
19425 33 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora Aparecida
19426 33 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora da Glória
19427 33 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora das Dores
19428 33 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
19429 33 BR \N \N Nossa Senhora do Socorro
19430 33 BR \N \N Pacatuba
19431 33 BR \N \N Palmares
19432 33 BR \N \N Pedra Mole
19433 33 BR \N \N Pedras
19434 33 BR \N \N Pedrinhas
19435 33 BR \N \N Pinhão
19436 33 BR \N \N Pirambu
19437 33 BR \N \N Porto da Folha
19438 33 BR \N \N Poço Redondo
19439 33 BR \N \N Poço Verde
19440 33 BR \N \N Propriá
19441 33 BR \N \N Riachuelo
19442 33 BR \N \N Riachão do Dantas
19443 33 BR \N \N Ribeirópolis
19444 33 BR \N \N Rosário do Catete
19445 33 BR \N \N Salgado
19446 33 BR \N \N Samambaia
19447 33 BR \N \N Santa Luzia do Itanhy
19448 33 BR \N \N Santa Rosa de Lima
19449 33 BR \N \N Santana do São Francisco
19450 33 BR \N \N Santo Amaro das Brotas
19451 33 BR \N \N Simão Dias
19452 33 BR \N \N Siriri
19453 33 BR \N \N São Cristóvão
19454 33 BR \N \N São Domingos
19455 33 BR \N \N São Francisco
19456 33 BR \N \N São Mateus da Palestina
19457 33 BR \N \N São Miguel do Aleixo
19458 33 BR \N \N Telha
19459 33 BR \N \N Tobias Barreto
19460 33 BR \N \N Tomar do Geru
19461 33 BR \N \N Umbaúba
19462 34 BR \N \N Abreulândia
19463 34 BR \N \N Aguiarnópolis
19464 34 BR \N \N Aliança do Tocantins
19465 34 BR \N \N Almas
19466 34 BR \N \N Alvorada
19467 34 BR \N \N Anajanópolis
19468 34 BR \N \N Ananás
19469 34 BR \N \N Angico
19470 34 BR \N \N Aparecida do Rio Negro
19471 34 BR \N \N Apinajé
19472 34 BR \N \N Aragaçuí
19473 34 BR \N \N Aragominas
19474 34 BR \N \N Araguacema
19475 34 BR \N \N Araguanã
19476 34 BR \N \N Araguatins
19477 34 BR \N \N Araguaçu
19478 34 BR \N \N Araguaína
19479 34 BR \N \N Arapoema
19480 34 BR \N \N Arraias
19481 34 BR \N \N Augustinópolis
19482 34 BR \N \N Aurora do Tocantins
19483 34 BR \N \N Axixá do Tocantins
19484 34 BR \N \N Babaçulândia
19485 34 BR \N \N Bandeirantes do Tocantins
19486 34 BR \N \N Barra do Grota
19487 34 BR \N \N Barra do Ouro
19488 34 BR \N \N Barrolândia
19489 34 BR \N \N Bernardo Sayão
19490 34 BR \N \N Bom Jesus do Tocantins
19491 34 BR \N \N Brasilândia
19492 34 BR \N \N Brasilândia do Tocantins
19493 34 BR \N \N Brejinho de Nazaré
19494 34 BR \N \N Buriti do Tocantins
19495 34 BR \N \N Cachoeirinha
19496 34 BR \N \N Campos Lindos
19497 34 BR \N \N Cana Brava
19498 34 BR \N \N Cariri do Tocantins
19499 34 BR \N \N Carmolândia
19500 34 BR \N \N Carrasco Bonito
19501 34 BR \N \N Cartucho
19502 34 BR \N \N Caseara
19503 34 BR \N \N Centenário
19504 34 BR \N \N Chapada da Natividade
19505 34 BR \N \N Chapada de Areia
19506 34 BR \N \N Cocalinho
19507 34 BR \N \N Cocalândia
19508 34 BR \N \N Colinas do Tocantins
19509 34 BR \N \N Colméia
19510 34 BR \N \N Combinado
19511 34 BR \N \N Conceição do Tocantins
19512 34 BR \N \N Correinha
19513 34 BR \N \N Couto de Magalhães
19514 34 BR \N \N Craolândia
19515 34 BR \N \N Cristalândia
19516 34 BR \N \N Crixás
19517 34 BR \N \N Crixás do Tocantins
19518 34 BR \N \N Darcinópolis
19519 34 BR \N \N Dianópolis
19520 34 BR \N \N Divinópolis do Tocantins
19521 34 BR \N \N Dois Irmãos do Tocantins
19522 34 BR \N \N Duerê
19523 34 BR \N \N Escondido
19524 34 BR \N \N Esperantina
19525 34 BR \N \N Figueirópolis
19526 34 BR \N \N Filadélfia
19527 34 BR \N \N Formoso do Araguaia
19528 34 BR \N \N Fortaleza do Tabocão
19529 34 BR \N \N Fátima
19530 34 BR \N \N Goianorte
19531 34 BR \N \N Goiatins
19532 34 BR \N \N Guaraí
19533 34 BR \N \N Gurupi
19534 34 BR \N \N Ilha Barreira Branca
19535 34 BR \N \N Ipueiras
19536 34 BR \N \N Itacajá
19537 34 BR \N \N Itaguatins
19538 34 BR \N \N Itapiratins
19539 34 BR \N \N Itaporã do Tocantins
19540 34 BR \N \N Jaú do Tocantins
19541 34 BR \N \N Juarina
19542 34 BR \N \N Jussara
19543 34 BR \N \N Lagoa da Confusão
19544 34 BR \N \N Lagoa do Tocantins
19545 34 BR \N \N Lajeado
19546 34 BR \N \N Lavandeira
19547 34 BR \N \N Lizarda
19548 34 BR \N \N Luzinópolis
19549 34 BR \N \N Marianópolis do Tocantins
19550 34 BR \N \N Mateiros
19551 34 BR \N \N Maurilândia do Tocantins
19552 34 BR \N \N Miracema do Tocantins
19553 34 BR \N \N Mirandópolis
19554 34 BR \N \N Miranorte
19555 34 BR \N \N Monte Lindo
19556 34 BR \N \N Monte Santo do Tocantins
19557 34 BR \N \N Monte do Carmo
19558 34 BR \N \N Muricilândia
19559 34 BR \N \N Natal
19560 34 BR \N \N Natividade
19561 34 BR \N \N Nazaré
19562 34 BR \N \N Nova Olinda
19563 34 BR \N \N Nova Rosalândia
19564 34 BR \N \N Novo Acordo
19565 34 BR \N \N Novo Alegre
19566 34 BR \N \N Novo Horizonte
19567 34 BR \N \N Novo Jardim
19568 34 BR \N \N Oliveira de Fátima
19569 34 BR \N \N Palmas
19570 34 BR \N \N Palmeirante
19571 34 BR \N \N Palmeiras do Tocantins
19572 34 BR \N \N Palmeirópolis
19573 34 BR \N \N Paranã
19574 34 BR \N \N Paraíso do Tocantins
19575 34 BR \N \N Pau D'Arco
19576 34 BR \N \N Pedro Afonso
19577 34 BR \N \N Pedro Ludovico
19578 34 BR \N \N Peixe
19579 34 BR \N \N Pequizeiro
19580 34 BR \N \N Pilões
19581 34 BR \N \N Pindorama do Tocantins
19582 34 BR \N \N Piraquê
19583 34 BR \N \N Pium
19584 34 BR \N \N Ponte Alta do Bom Jesus
19585 34 BR \N \N Ponte Alta do Tocantins
19586 34 BR \N \N Pontes
19587 34 BR \N \N Porto Alegre do Tocantins
19588 34 BR \N \N Porto Lemos
19589 34 BR \N \N Porto Nacional
19590 34 BR \N \N Porãozinho
19591 34 BR \N \N Praia Norte
19592 34 BR \N \N Presidente Kennedy
19593 34 BR \N \N Príncipe
19594 34 BR \N \N Pugmil
19595 34 BR \N \N Pé da Serra
19596 34 BR \N \N Recursolândia
19597 34 BR \N \N Riachinho
19598 34 BR \N \N Rio Sono
19599 34 BR \N \N Rio da Conceição
19600 34 BR \N \N Rio dos Bois
19601 34 BR \N \N Sampaio
19602 34 BR \N \N Sandolândia
19603 34 BR \N \N Santa Fé do Araguaia
19604 34 BR \N \N Santa Maria do Tocantins
19605 34 BR \N \N Santa Rita do Tocantins
19606 34 BR \N \N Santa Rosa do Tocantins
19607 34 BR \N \N Santa Tereza do Tocantins
19608 34 BR \N \N Santa Terezinha do Tocantins
19609 34 BR \N \N Silvanópolis
19610 34 BR \N \N Sucupira
19611 34 BR \N \N São Bento do Tocantins
19612 34 BR \N \N São Félix do Tocantins
19613 34 BR \N \N São Miguel do Tocantins
19614 34 BR \N \N São Salvador do Tocantins
19615 34 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Tocantins
19616 34 BR \N \N São Valério da Natividade
19617 34 BR \N \N Sítio Novo do Tocantins
19618 34 BR \N \N Taguatinga
19619 34 BR \N \N Taipas do Tocantins
19620 34 BR \N \N Talismã
19621 34 BR \N \N Tamboril
19622 34 BR \N \N Taquaralto
19623 34 BR \N \N Taquarussu do Tocantins
19624 34 BR \N \N Tocantinópolis
19625 34 BR \N \N Tocantínia
19626 34 BR \N \N Tupirama
19627 34 BR \N \N Tupiratins
19628 34 BR \N \N Tupiratã
19629 34 BR \N \N Vênus
19630 34 BR \N \N Wanderlândia
19631 34 BR \N \N Xambioá
19632 35 BR \N \N Alvarães
19633 35 BR \N \N Amatari
19634 35 BR \N \N Amaturá
19635 35 BR \N \N Anamã
19636 35 BR \N \N Anori
19637 35 BR \N \N Apuí
19638 35 BR \N \N Ariaú
19639 35 BR \N \N Atalaia do Norte
19640 35 BR \N \N Augusto Montenegro
19641 35 BR \N \N Autazes
19642 35 BR \N \N Axinim
19643 35 BR \N \N Badajós
19644 35 BR \N \N Balbina
19645 35 BR \N \N Barcelos
19646 35 BR \N \N Barreirinha
19647 35 BR \N \N Benjamin Constant
19648 35 BR \N \N Beruri
19649 35 BR \N \N Boa Vista do Ramos
19650 35 BR \N \N Boca do Acre
19651 35 BR \N \N Borba
19652 35 BR \N \N Caapiranga
19653 35 BR \N \N Cacau Pirêra
19654 35 BR \N \N Cametá
19655 35 BR \N \N Canumã
19656 35 BR \N \N Canutama
19657 35 BR \N \N Carauari
19658 35 BR \N \N Careiro
19659 35 BR \N \N Careiro da Várzea
19660 35 BR \N \N Carvoeiro
19661 35 BR \N \N Coari
19662 35 BR \N \N Codajás
19663 35 BR \N \N Cucuí
19664 35 BR \N \N Eirunepé
19665 35 BR \N \N Envira
19666 35 BR \N \N Floriano Peixoto
19667 35 BR \N \N Fonte Boa
19668 35 BR \N \N Freguesia do Andirá
19669 35 BR \N \N Guajará
19670 35 BR \N \N Humaitá
19671 35 BR \N \N Iauaretê
19672 35 BR \N \N Ipixuna
19673 35 BR \N \N Iranduba
19674 35 BR \N \N Itacoatiara
19675 35 BR \N \N Itamarati
19676 35 BR \N \N Itapiranga
19677 35 BR \N \N Içanã
19678 35 BR \N \N Japurá
19679 35 BR \N \N Juruá
19680 35 BR \N \N Jutaí
19681 35 BR \N \N Lago Preto
19682 35 BR \N \N Lábrea
19683 35 BR \N \N Manacapuru
19684 35 BR \N \N Manaquiri
19685 35 BR \N \N Manaus
19686 35 BR \N \N Manicoré
19687 35 BR \N \N Maraã
19688 35 BR \N \N Massauari
19689 35 BR \N \N Maués
19690 35 BR \N \N Mocambo
19691 35 BR \N \N Moura
19692 35 BR \N \N Murutinga
19693 35 BR \N \N Nhamundá
19694 35 BR \N \N Nova Olinda do Norte
19695 35 BR \N \N Novo Airão
19696 35 BR \N \N Novo Aripuanã
19697 35 BR \N \N Osório da Fonseca
19698 35 BR \N \N Parintins
19699 35 BR \N \N Pauini
19700 35 BR \N \N Pedras
19701 35 BR \N \N Presidente Figueiredo
19702 35 BR \N \N Repartimento
19703 35 BR \N \N Rio Preto da Eva
19704 35 BR \N \N Santa Isabel do Rio Negro
19705 35 BR \N \N Santa Rita
19706 35 BR \N \N Santo Antônio do Içá
19707 35 BR \N \N Silves
19708 35 BR \N \N São Felipe
19709 35 BR \N \N São Gabriel da Cachoeira
19710 35 BR \N \N São Paulo de Olivença
19711 35 BR \N \N São Sebastião do Uatumã
19712 35 BR \N \N Tabatinga
19713 35 BR \N \N Tapauá
19714 35 BR \N \N Tefé
19715 35 BR \N \N Tonantins
19716 35 BR \N \N Uarini
19717 35 BR \N \N Urucará
19718 35 BR \N \N Urucurituba
19719 35 BR \N \N Vila Pitinga
ALTER TABLE phpgw_cc_city ADD COLUMN is_district boolean DEFAULT true;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_company; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_company (id_company, id_company_owner, company_name, company_notes) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_company_addrs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_company_addrs (id_company, id_address, id_typeof_company_address) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_company_conns; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_company_conns (id_company, id_connection, id_typeof_company_connection) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_company_legals; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_company_legals (id_company_legal, id_company, id_typeof_company_legal, legal_info_name, legal_info_value) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_company_rels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_company_rels (id_company, id_related, id_typeof_company_relation) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_connections; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_connections (id_connection, connection_name, connection_value, connection_is_default) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact (id_contact, id_owner, id_status, photo, alias, id_prefix, given_names, family_names, names_ordered, id_suffix, birthdate, sex, pgp_key, notes, is_global, last_status, last_update, category) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact_addrs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact_addrs (id_contact, id_address, id_typeof_contact_address) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact_company; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact_company (id_contact, id_company, title, department, default_contact, default_company) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact_conns; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact_conns (id_contact, id_connection, id_typeof_contact_connection) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact_grps; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact_grps (id_group, id_connection) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_contact_rels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_contact_rels (id_contact, id_related, id_typeof_contact_relation) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_groups; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_groups (id_group, title, owner, short_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_prefixes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_prefixes (id_prefix, prefix) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_state; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_state (id_state, id_country, state_name, state_symbol) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_status; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_status (id_status, status_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_suffixes; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_suffixes (id_suffix, suffix) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs (id_typeof_company_address, company_address_type_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns (id_typeof_company_connection, company_connection_type_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals (id_typeof_company_legal, legal_type_name) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels (id_typeof_company_relation, company_relation_type_name, company_relation_is_subordinated) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs (id_typeof_contact_address, contact_address_type_name) FROM stdin;
1 Comercial
2 Residencial
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns (id_typeof_contact_connection, contact_connection_type_name) FROM stdin;
1 Email
2 Telefone
-- Data for Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels (id_typeof_contact_relation, contact_relation_type_name, contact_relation_is_subordinated) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_certificados; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_certificados (email, chave_publica, expirado, revogado, serialnumber, authoritykeyidentifier) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_config; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_config (config_app, config_name, config_value) FROM stdin;
phpgwapi site_title Expresso Livre
phpgwapi max_access_log_age 20
phpgwapi block_time 1
phpgwapi num_unsuccessful_id 50
phpgwapi num_unsuccessful_ip 500
phpgwapi disable_autoload_langfiles True
phpgwapi showpoweredbyon bottom
phpgwapi holidays_url_path localhost
phpgwapi usecookies True
phpgwapi install_id eb6dc5e478cafcab4286441bec7a1e5b
phpgwapi sessions_timeout 14400
phpgwapi sessions_app_timeout 86400
phpgwapi ldap_root_pw LDAP_PWD
contactcenter cc_global_source0 ldap
contactcenter cc_catalog_name Catálogo Geral
contactcenter cc_ldap_host0
contactcenter cc_ldap_context0 LDAP_DN
phpgwapi asyncservice off
phpgwapi cal_expressoMail 1.2
expressoAdmin1_2 expressoAdmin_samba_support false
expressoAdmin1_2 expressoAdmin_prefix_org false
expressoAdmin1_2 expressoAdmin_defaultUserQuota 40
expressoAdmin1_2 expressoAdmin_minimumSizeLogin 4
expressoAdmin1_2 expressoAdmin_defaultDomain
phpgwapi useframes never
phpgwapi temp_dir /tmp
phpgwapi files_dir /home/expressolivre
phpgwapi image_type 1
phpgwapi hostname
phpgwapi auth_type ldap
phpgwapi account_repository ldap
phpgwapi sql_encryption_type md5
phpgwapi account_min_id 1000
phpgwapi account_max_id 1000000
phpgwapi auto_create_expire never
phpgwapi acl_default deny
phpgwapi ldap_host
phpgwapi ldap_context LDAP_DN
phpgwapi ldap_group_context LDAP_DN
phpgwapi ldap_root_dn cn=admin,LDAP_DN
phpgwapi ldap_encryption_type md5
phpgwapi ldap_version3 True
phpgwapi mcrypt_algo tripledes
phpgwapi mcrypt_mode cbc
phpgwapi file_repository sql
phpgwapi file_store_contents filesystem
phpgwapi tz_offset -3
phpgwapi name_jabber
phpgwapi resource_jabber celepar
phpgwapi port_jabber 8888
phpgwapi server_webjabber
phpgwapi server_ldap_jabber
phpgwapi context_ldap_jabber LDAP_DN
phpgwapi user_ldap_jabber cn=admin
phpgwapi password_ldap_jabber LDAP_PWD
workflow workflow_database_type pgsql
workflow database_type pgsql
workflow database_admin_password admin_workflow
workflow database_name workflow
workflow database_host localhost
workflow database_port 5432
workflow database_admin_user admin_workflow
phpgwapi name_jabberit localhost
phpgwapi port_jabberit 5222
phpgwapi resource_jabberit JABBER
phpgwapi use_ssl_jabberit false
phpgwapi server_ldap_jabberit localhost
phpgwapi context_ldap_jabberit LDAP_DN
phpgwapi user_ldap_jabberit uid=expresso-admin,ou=ORG
phpgwapi password_ldap_jabberit LDAP_PWD
contactcenter cc_ldap_query_automatic true
workflow log_type_file True
workflow log_type_firebug True
workflow log_level 7
phpgwapi cal_type_tree_participants 2
phpgwapi auto_search False
phpgwapi lang_ctimes a:3:{s:5:"pt-br";a:13:{s:5:"admin";i:1247677216;s:8:"calendar";i:1247677282;s:13:"contactcenter";i:1247677223;s:10:"emailadmin";i:1247677288;s:16:"expressoAdmin1_2";i:1247677240;s:15:"expressoMail1_2";i:1247677288;s:4:"help";i:1247677220;s:18:"jabberit_messenger";i:1247677220;s:6:"mobile";i:1247677264;s:10:"news_admin";i:1247677270;s:8:"phpgwapi";i:1247677261;s:11:"preferences";i:1247677288;s:8:"workflow";i:1247677277;}s:2:"en";a:11:{s:5:"admin";i:1247677216;s:8:"calendar";i:1247677282;s:13:"contactcenter";i:1247677224;s:10:"emailadmin";i:1247677288;s:15:"expressoMail1_2";i:1247677288;s:4:"help";i:1247677220;s:6:"mobile";i:1247677264;s:10:"news_admin";i:1247677270;s:8:"phpgwapi";i:1247677262;s:11:"preferences";i:1247677288;s:8:"workflow";i:1247677277;}s:5:"es-es";a:11:{s:5:"admin";i:1247677216;s:8:"calendar";i:1247677282;s:13:"contactcenter";i:1247677224;s:10:"emailadmin";i:1247677288;s:16:"expressoAdmin1_2";i:1247677240;s:15:"expressoMail1_2";i:1247677288;s:4:"help";i:1247677220;s:10:"news_admin";i:1247677270;s:8:"phpgwapi";i:1247677262;s:11:"preferences";i:1247677288;s:8:"workflow";i:1247677277;}}
-- Data for Name: phpgw_emailadmin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_emailadmin (profileid, smtpserver, smtptype, smtpport, smtpdelimiter, smtpauth, smtpldapserver, smtpldapbasedn, smtpldapadmindn, smtpldapadminpw, smtpldapusedefault, imapserver, imaptype, imapport, imapdelimiter, imaplogintype, imaptlsauthentication, imaptlsencryption, imapenablecyrusadmin, imapadminusername, imapadminpw, imapenablesieve, imapsieveserver, imapsieveport, description, defaultdomain, organisationname, userdefinedaccounts, imapoldcclient, imapdefaulttrashfolder, imapdefaultsentfolder, imapdefaultdraftsfolder, imapdefaultspamfolder) FROM stdin;
1 2 25 \N LDAP_DN cn=admin,LDAP_DN LDAP_PWD yes 3 143 / standard yes expresso-admin LDAP_PWD yes 2000 Expresso ORG.DOMAIN ORG Trash Sent Drafts Spam
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressoadmin; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressoadmin (manager_lid, context, acl) FROM stdin;
expresso-admin LDAP_DN 34335619063
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_apps; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressoadmin_apps (manager_lid, context, app) FROM stdin;
expresso-admin LDAP_DN emailadmin
expresso-admin LDAP_DN admin
expresso-admin LDAP_DN calendar
expresso-admin LDAP_DN help
expresso-admin LDAP_DN news_admin
expresso-admin LDAP_DN contactcenter
expresso-admin LDAP_DN jabberit_messenger
expresso-admin LDAP_DN expressoAdmin1_2
expresso-admin LDAP_DN expressoMail1_2
expresso-admin LDAP_DN mobile
expresso-admin LDAP_DN phpgwapi
expresso-admin LDAP_DN preferences
expresso-admin LDAP_DN workflow
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressoadmin_log (date, manager, action, userinfo) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressoadmin_passwords (uid, password) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_samba; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressoadmin_samba (samba_domain_name, samba_domain_sid) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_expressomail_contacts; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_expressomail_contacts (id_owner, data) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_history_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_history_log (history_id, history_record_id, history_appname, history_owner, history_status, history_new_value, history_timestamp, history_old_value) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_hooks; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_hooks (hook_id, hook_appname, hook_location, hook_filename) FROM stdin;
242 admin acl_manager hook_acl_manager.inc.php
243 admin add_def_pref hook_add_def_pref.inc.php
244 admin admin hook_admin.inc.php
245 admin after_navbar hook_after_navbar.inc.php
246 admin config hook_config.inc.php
247 admin deleteaccount hook_deleteaccount.inc.php
248 admin view_user admin.uiaccounts.edit_view_user_hook
249 admin edit_user admin.uiaccounts.edit_view_user_hook
250 admin sidebox_menu hook_sidebox_menu.inc.php
251 preferences deleteaccount hook_deleteaccount.inc.php
252 preferences config hook_config.inc.php
253 preferences manual hook_manual.inc.php
254 preferences preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
255 preferences settings hook_settings.inc.php
256 calendar add_def_prefs hook_add_def_prefs.inc.php
257 calendar admin hook_admin.inc.php
258 calendar deleteaccount hook_deleteaccount.inc.php
259 calendar email hook_email.inc.php
260 calendar home hook_home.inc.php
261 calendar home_day hook_home_day.inc.php
262 calendar home_month hook_home_month.inc.php
263 calendar home_week hook_home_week.inc.php
264 calendar home_year hook_home_year.inc.php
265 calendar manual hook_manual.inc.php
266 calendar preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
267 calendar settings hook_settings.inc.php
268 calendar sidebox_menu hook_sidebox_menu.inc.php
269 contactcenter admin hook_admin.inc.php
270 contactcenter preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
271 contactcenter config_validate hook_config_validate.inc.php
272 contactcenter sidebox_menu hook_sidebox_menu.inc.php
273 emailadmin admin hook_admin.inc.php
274 expressoAdmin1_2 admin hook_admin.inc.php
275 expressoMail1_2 preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
276 expressoMail1_2 admin hook_admin.inc.php
277 expressoMail1_2 home hook_home.inc.php
278 expressoMail1_2 settings hook_settings.inc.php
279 jabberit_messenger admin hook_admin.inc.php
280 mobile preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
281 news_admin admin hook_admin.inc.php
282 news_admin home hook_home.inc.php
283 news_admin sidebox_menu hook_sidebox_menu.inc.php
284 news_admin settings hook_settings.inc.php
285 news_admin preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
297 workflow about hook_about.inc.php
298 workflow admin hook_admin.inc.php
299 workflow add_def_pref hook_add_def_pref.inc.php
300 workflow config hook_config.inc.php
301 workflow manual hook_manual.inc.php
302 workflow preferences hook_preferences.inc.php
303 workflow settings hook_settings.inc.php
304 workflow sidebox_menu hook_sidebox_menu.inc.php
305 workflow acl_manager hook_acl_manager.inc.php
306 workflow deleteaccount hook_deleteaccount.inc.php
307 workflow home hook_home.inc.php
-- Data for Name: phpgw_interserv; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_interserv (server_id, server_name, server_host, server_url, trust_level, trust_rel, username, password, admin_name, admin_email, server_mode, server_security) FROM stdin;
1 eGW demo \N http://www.egroupware.org/egroupware/xmlrpc.php 99 0 \N \N \N \N xmlrpc \N
-- Data for Name: phpgw_lang; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_lang (lang, app_name, message_id, content) FROM stdin;
pt-br admin %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts %1 - %2 de %3 contas de usuários
pt-br admin %1 - %2 of %3 user groups %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de usuários
pt-br admin %1 not found or not executable !!! %1 não encontrado ou não-executável !!!
pt-br admin accesslog and bruteforce defense Registro de acesso e defesa de Força Bruta
pt-br admin account active Conta ativa
pt-br admin account dn to be used when browsing ldap Conta DN para ser usada enquanto navega no LDAP
pt-br admin account list Lista de Contas
pt-br admin account permissions Permissões da Conta
pt-br admin account preferences Preferências da Conta
pt-br admin acl manager Administração de Regras de Acesso (ACL)
pt-br admin action Ação
pt-br admin activate wysiwyg-editor ativar editor WYSIWYG
pt-br admin active Ativo
pt-br admin add a category adicionar uma categoria
pt-br admin add account Adicionar um conta
pt-br admin add a group adicionar um grupo
pt-br admin add multiple categories? Tem certeza que deseja adicionar múltiplas categorias?
pt-br admin add a new account. Adicionar uma conta. nova
pt-br admin add application Adicionar um aplicativo
pt-br admin add a subcategory adicionar uma subcategoria
pt-br admin add a user adicionar um usuário
pt-br admin add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) Adicionar usuários criados automaticamente para este grupo (o grupo 'Default' será tentado se este campo estiver vazio.)
pt-br admin add global category Adicionar categoria global
pt-br admin add global category for %1 Adicionar categoria global para %1
pt-br admin add group Adicionar grupo
pt-br admin add new account Adicionar nova conta
pt-br admin add new application Adicionar nova aplicação
pt-br admin add peer server Adicionar servidor remoto
pt-br admin add sub-category Adicionar sub-categoria
pt-br admin admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) Endereços eletrônicos dos administradores (seprados por vírgula) a serem notificados em caso de bloqueio (em branco para não notificar)
pt-br admin admin email Email do Administrador
pt-br admin administration Administração
pt-br admin admin name Nome do Administrador
pt-br admin admin options Opções de administração
pt-br admin admins Administradores
pt-br admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? Após quantos erros de conexão, a conta deverá ser bloqueada (padrão 3)?
pt-br admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? Após quantos erros de conexão, um endereço IP deverá ser bloqueado (padrão 3)?
pt-br admin all fields todos os campos
pt-br admin allow anonymous access to this app Permitir acesso anônimo a esta aplicação
pt-br admin all records and account information will be lost! Todos registros e informações de contas serão perdidos!
pt-br admin all users Todos usuários
pt-br admin anonymous user Usuário Anônimo
pt-br admin anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) Usuário Anônimo (não é exibido na lista de sessões)
pt-br admin appearance Aparência
pt-br admin application Aplicativo
pt-br admin application name Nome do Aplicativo
pt-br admin applications Aplicativos
pt-br admin applications list Lista de Aplicativos
pt-br admin application title Título do Aplicativo
pt-br admin apply aplicar
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar esse aplicativo %1
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete this account ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar esta conta?
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete this application ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar este Aplicativo?
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete this global category ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar esta categoria global?
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete this group ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar este grupo?
pt-br admin are you sure you want to delete this server? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar este servidor?
pt-br admin are you sure you want to kill this session ? Você tem certeza que deseja terminar esta seção?
pt-br admin asynchronous timed services Serviços Assíncronos agendados
pt-br admin async services last executed Última execução dos Serviços Assíncronos
pt-br admin asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! Serviços Assíncronos não ainda não estão inatalados, ou outro erro não definido.
pt-br admin attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' Tentar usar mimetype correto para FTP ao invés do padrão 'application/octet-stream'
pt-br admin authentication / accounts Autenticação / Contas
pt-br admin auto create account records for authenticated users Automaticamente criar registros de conta para usuários autenticados
pt-br admin back to the list voltar à lista
pt-br admin backup administration Administração do Backup
pt-br admin bi-directional bi-direcional
pt-br admin bi-dir passthrough Pular bi-direcional
pt-br admin block and unblock hosts Bloquear ou Desbloquear um domínio IP
pt-br admin bottom inferior
pt-br admin calculate next run Calcular próxima execução
pt-br admin cancel testjob! Cancelar trabalhos de teste!
pt-br admin can change password Permite alterar a senha
pt-br admin catalog name Nome do catálogo
pt-br admin categories list Lista de Categorias
pt-br admin category %1 has been saved ! Categoria %1 foi salva!
pt-br admin category list Lista de Categorias
pt-br admin category name nome da categoria
pt-br admin change acl rights Mudar direitos da ACL
pt-br admin change config settings Mudar parâmetros de configuração
pt-br admin change main screen message Alterar mensagem da tela principal
pt-br admin check ip address of all sessions Verificar endereço IP de todas sessões
pt-br admin check items to %1 to %2 for %3 Marcar itens de %1 a %2 para %3
pt-br admin click to select a color Clique para selecionar uma cor
pt-br admin color Cor
pt-br admin concatenate default domain to the mail Concatenar o dominio padrão ao e-mail
pt-br admin configurations to get nextid from another db Configurações para obter nextID de outro BD
pt-br admin configuration service voip Configuração Serviço VoIp
pt-br admin configuration configuração
pt-br admin configure access permissions Configurar permissões de acesso
pt-br admin configure rss exports Configurar exportação RSS
pt-br admin contactcenter global catalogue setup Instalação do catálogo global do ContactCenter
pt-br admin country selection Seleção de País
pt-br admin create group Criar Grupo
pt-br admin crontab only (recomended) somente crontab (recomendado)
pt-br admin data Dados
pt-br admin day Dia
pt-br admin day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) Dia da Semana
(0-6, 0=Dom)
pt-br admin db host Host do BD
pt-br admin db name Nome do BD
pt-br admin db password Senha
pt-br admin db port Porta do BD
pt-br admin db user Usuário
pt-br admin default Padrão
pt-br admin default domain Domínio padrão
pt-br admin default file system space per user Espaço em disco padrão por usuário?
pt-br admin default file system space per user/group ? Espaço em disco padrão por usuário/grupo?
pt-br admin default logon script Script padrão de login
pt-br admin default user password Senha padrão do usuário
pt-br admin default user quota Cota padrão do usuário
pt-br admin deinstall crontab Desinstalar crontab
pt-br admin delete account Apagar conta
pt-br admin delete all records Apagar todos os registros
pt-br admin delete application Apagar aplicativo
pt-br admin delete category Apagar categoria
pt-br admin delete group Apagar grupo
pt-br admin delete peer server Apagar servidor parceiro
pt-br admin delete the category apagar a categoria
pt-br admin delete the group apagar o grupo
pt-br admin delete this category apagar esta categoria
pt-br admin delete this group apagar este grupo
pt-br admin delete this user apagar este usuário
pt-br admin deny access to access log Negar acesso ao registro de acessos
pt-br admin deny access to application registery Negar acesso ao registro de aplicativos
pt-br admin deny access to applications Negar acesso aos aplicativos
pt-br admin deny access to asynchronous timed services Negar acesso aos Serviços Assícronos agendados
pt-br admin deny access to current sessions Negar acesso as sessões atuais
pt-br admin deny access to error log Negar acesso ao regsitro de erros
pt-br admin deny access to global categories Negar acesso as categorias globais
pt-br admin deny access to groups Negar acesso aos grupos
pt-br admin deny access to mainscreen message Negar acesso a mensagem da tela principal
pt-br admin deny access to peer servers Negar acesso a servidores remotos
pt-br admin deny access to phpinfo Negar acesso ao phpinfo
pt-br admin deny access to site configuration Negar acesso à configuração do site
pt-br admin deny access to user accounts Negar acesso as contas de usuários
pt-br admin deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? Não permitir que usuários concedam acesso à seus registros para outros usuários ?
pt-br admin deny to site configuration Negar acesso a configuração do servidor
pt-br admin description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! A descrição não deverá exceder 255 caracteres!
pt-br admin disable "auto completion" of the login form Desbilitar "auto completar" no formulário de entrada
pt-br admin disabled Desabilitado
pt-br admin disabled (not recomended) desabilitar (não recomendado)
pt-br admin disable wysiwyg-editor desabilitar editor WYSIWYG
pt-br admin display Visualizar
pt-br admin do not delete the category and return back to the list NÃO apague essa categoria e retorne à lista
pt-br admin do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? Deseja também apagar todas subcategorias globais ?
pt-br admin do you want to delete all global subcategories ? Deseja apagar todas subcategorias globais ?
pt-br admin do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? Deseja mover todas as subcategorias globais para um nível abaixo?
pt-br admin edit account Editar conta
pt-br admin edit application Editar Aplicativo
pt-br admin edit global category Editar categoria global
pt-br admin edit global category for %1 Editar categoria global para %1
pt-br admin edit group acl's Editar grupo ACL
pt-br admin edit group Editar Grupo
pt-br admin edit job status id table Editar tabela de ID de estados de trabalhos
pt-br admin edit location table Editar tabela de lugares
pt-br admin edit login screen message Editar mensagem da tela de conexão
pt-br admin edit main screen message Editar mensagem da tela inicial
pt-br admin edit peer server Editar servidor Parceiro
pt-br admin edit table format Editar formato de tabela
pt-br admin edit this category editar esta categoria
pt-br admin edit this group editar este grupo
pt-br admin edit this user editar este usuário
pt-br admin edit user account Editar conta de usuário
pt-br admin edit user editar usuário
pt-br admin edit work catagory table Editar tabela de categorias de trabalhos
pt-br admin email voip Email Voip
pt-br admin enabled Habilitado
pt-br admin enable debug-messages Habilitar menssagens de depuração
pt-br admin enabled - hidden from navbar Habilitado - Escondido da barra de navegação
pt-br admin enabled - popup window Habilitar Janelas instantâneas
pt-br admin enter a description for the category digite a descrição dessa categoria
pt-br admin enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt) Digite um texto aleatório para a encriptação de sessão (requer mcrypt)
pt-br admin enter the background color for the login page Digite a cor de fundo para a página de login
pt-br admin enter the background color for the site title Digite a cor de fundo para o título do site
pt-br admin enter the file name of your logo Digite o nome do seu logotipo
pt-br admin enter the full path for temporary files.
examples: /tmp, c:\\temp Digite o caminho completo para arquivos temporários.
Exemplos: /tmp, C:TEMP
pt-br admin enter the full path for users and group files.
examples: /files, e:\\files Digite o caminho completo para arquivos de usuários e grupos.
Exemplos: /files, E:FILES
pt-br admin enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running Digite o nome da máquina em que este servidor está sendo executado
pt-br admin enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash Informe a localização da Extranet em um URL .
Exemplo: http://www.seudomínio.com.br/extranet ou /extranet
Não finalize com uma BARRA
pt-br admin enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again Entre com a expressão de busca. Para mostrar todas as entradas, deixe esse campo em branco e pressione ENVIAR novamente
pt-br admin enter the site password for peer servers Digite a senha do servidor para comunicação com servidores Parceiros
pt-br admin enter the site username for peer servers Digite o usuário do servidor para comunicação com servidores Parceiros
pt-br admin enter the title for your site Digite o título para o seu site
pt-br admin enter the title of your logo Digite o título do seu logotipo
pt-br admin enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo Digite a URL ou o nome do arquivo (em phpgwapi/templates/default/images) do seu logotipo.
pt-br admin enter the url where your logo should link to Digite a url para onde o seu logotipo deve apontar
pt-br admin enter your default ftp server Digite seu servidor FTP padrão
pt-br admin enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) Digite seu domínio padrão de correio eletrônico (usuario@dominio)
pt-br admin enter your http proxy server Digite o endereço do servidor proxy HTTP
pt-br admin enter your http proxy server port Digite a porta do servidor proxy HTTP
pt-br admin enter your smtp server hostname or ip address Digite o endereço de seu servidor SMTP
pt-br admin enter your smtp server port Digite a porta de seu servidor SMTP
pt-br admin enter your voip server address Digite o endereço do servidor VoIP
pt-br admin enter your voip server port Digite a porta do servidor VoIP
pt-br admin enter your voip server url Digite a url de conexão com seu servidor VoIP
pt-br admin error: %1 not found or other error !!! Erro: %1 não encrontrado ou outro erro não definido !!!
pt-br admin error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! Erro cancelando timer, possivelmente nenhum estconfigurado !!!
pt-br admin error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! Erro configurando timer, sintaxe errada ou talvez já exista um sendo executado !!!
pt-br admin exact exato
pt-br admin expires Expira
pt-br admin expressoadmin setup Configurações do ExpressoAdmin
pt-br admin expressomail plugin calendar Plugin do ExpressoMail no Calendário
pt-br admin fallback (after each pageview) recuperar (após cada página visualizada)
pt-br admin file space Espaço para arquivos
pt-br admin file space must be an integer Espaço para arquivos deve ser um número inteiro
pt-br admin find and register all application hooks Procurar e registrar todas as configurações de aplicações
pt-br admin force selectbox Forçar Caixa de seleção
pt-br admin for the times above para os horários acima
pt-br admin for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) para os horários abaixo (campos vazios contam como '*", todos vazios = a cada minuto)
pt-br admin global options Opções globais
pt-br admin group ? grupo?
pt-br admin group id to samba computers Grupo ID dos computadores samba
pt-br admin group list Lista de Grupos
pt-br admin group manager Manutenção de Grupos
pt-br admin group name Nome do Grupo
pt-br admin groups ldap Grupos Ldap
pt-br admin hide php information Esconder informações de PHP
pt-br admin home directory Diretório de instalação
pt-br admin host information Informações do servidor
pt-br admin hour
(0-23) Hora
pt-br admin how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? Quantos dias as entradas devem ser mantidas no registro de acessos, antes de serem apagadas (padrão 90)?
pt-br admin how many letters the user password must contain (default 3) ? Quantas letras a senha do usuário precisa ter (padrão 3) ?
pt-br admin how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? Quantos minutos uma conta ou endereço IP devem ser bloqueados (padrão 30)?
pt-br admin how many special letters the user password must contain (default 0) ? Quantas letras especiais a senha do usuários precisa ter (padrão 0) ?
pt-br admin html code of the organization login Insira o código HTML referente ao rodapé do login (logotipo da empresa)
pt-br admin icon Ícone
pt-br admin idle ocioso
pt-br admin if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of Se não houver registro de permissoes ou grupo para o usuário ele é membro do
pt-br admin if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? se estiver usando LDAP, você deseja definir atributos de diretório home e shell de login?
pt-br admin inbound Entrada
pt-br admin install crontab Instalar crontab
pt-br admin installed crontab Crontab instalado
pt-br admin interface Interface
pt-br admin ip IP
pt-br admin jobs Trabalhos
pt-br admin kill Terminar
pt-br admin kill session Terminar sessão
pt-br admin last %1 logins Últimas %1 conexões
pt-br admin last %1 logins for %2 Últimas %1 conexões para %2
pt-br admin last login última conexão
pt-br admin last login from última conexão de
pt-br admin last time read Última vez lido
pt-br admin ldap accounts context contexto de contas LDAP
pt-br admin ldap context Contexto de LDAP
pt-br admin ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) prefixo de diretório home padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /home para /home/username)
pt-br admin ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) shell padrão LDAP (Exemplo: /bin/bash)
pt-br admin ldap encryption type tipo de encriptação LDAP
pt-br admin ldap groups context contexto de grupos LDAP
pt-br admin ldap host servidor LDAP
pt-br admin ldap rootdn super usuário LDAP
pt-br admin ldap root password senha do super usuário LDAP
pt-br admin leave the category untouched and return back to the list deixar a categoria intocada e retornar à lista
pt-br admin leave the group untouched and return back to the list deixar o grupo intocado e retornar à lista
pt-br admin leave the host field empty to use the same db of the expressolivre Deixe o campo host vazio para utilizar o mesmo BD do ExpressoLivre
pt-br admin list config settings Listar parâmetros de configuração
pt-br admin list current sessions Listar sessões correntes
pt-br admin list of current users lista de usuários conectados
pt-br admin loginid Código do usuário
pt-br admin login message Mensagem de entrada
pt-br admin loginscreen Tela de Conexão
pt-br admin loginhelp Ajuda do Login
pt-br admin login shell Shell de Conexão
pt-br admin login time Hora da conexão
pt-br admin mail settings Configurações de Correio eletrônico
pt-br admin main screen message Mensagem da tela principal
pt-br admin maintain answers Manutenção de respostas
pt-br admin maintain questions Manutenção de perguntas
pt-br admin manage fields gerenciar campos
pt-br admin manager Gerenciador
pt-br admin manage samba attributes Gerenciar atributos do SAMBA
pt-br admin manage userpasswordrfc2617 attribute Gerenciar atributo userPasswordRFC2617
pt-br admin max attachment size Tamanho máximo de anexos
pt-br admin maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) id máximo para contas (Exemplo: 65535 ou 1000000)
pt-br admin maximum entries in click path history Máximo de entradas no histórico de caminho de cliques
pt-br admin message has been updated Mensagem foi atualizada
pt-br admin method Método
pt-br admin minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) id mínimo para contas (Exemplo: 500 ou 100, etc.)
pt-br admin minimum size login Tamanho mínimo do login
pt-br admin minute Minuto
pt-br admin mode Modo
pt-br admin month Mês
pt-br admin never Nunca
pt-br admin new group name Nome do novo Grupo
pt-br admin new password [ leave blank for no change ] Nova senha [ Deixe em branco para não alterar ]
pt-br admin news Notícias
pt-br admin next run Próxima execução
pt-br admin no algorithms available nenhum algoritmo disponível
pt-br admin no jobs in the database !!! Nenhum trabalho na base de dados !!!
pt-br admin no login history exists for this user Não existe histórico de conexões para este usuário
pt-br admin no matches found Nenhuma ocorrência encontrada
pt-br admin no modes available nenhum modo disponível
pt-br admin no permission to add groups sem permissão para adicionar grupos
pt-br admin no permission to add users sem permissão para adicionar grupos
pt-br admin no permission to create groups sem permissão para criar grupos
pt-br admin note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support Nota: O SSL estará disponível somente se o PHP houver sido compilado com suporte a curl
pt-br admin organizations Organizações
pt-br admin owner (user/group) Dono (Usuário/Grupo)
pt-br admin outbound Saída
pt-br admin passthrough Atravessar
pt-br admin password for smtp-authentication Senha para autenticação SMTP
pt-br admin password for the account above (if any) Senha para o usuário acima (se houver)
pt-br admin path information Informação de Path
pt-br admin peer server list Lista de servidores parceiros
pt-br admin peer servers Servidores parceiros
pt-br admin percent of users that logged out Percentual de usuários que desconectaram
pt-br admin percent this user has logged out Percentagem de vezes que este usuário desconectou
pt-br admin permissions Permissões
pt-br admin permissions this group has Permissões do grupo
pt-br admin phpinfo Informações do PHP
pt-br admin please enter a name Por favor digite um nome
pt-br admin please enter a name for that server ! Por favor digite um nome para este servidor !
pt-br admin please run setup to become current Por favor execute a Configuração para atualizar o sistema
pt-br admin please select Por favor selecione
pt-br admin preferences Preferências
pt-br admin primary group Grupo primário
pt-br admin read this list of methods. Ler esta lista de métodos
pt-br admin realm for userpasswordrfc2617 attribute REALM para o atributo userPasswordRFC2617
pt-br admin re-enter password Re-digite a senha
pt-br admin register application hooks Registrar configurações das aplicações
pt-br admin remove all users from this group ? Remover todos os usuários desse grupo?
pt-br admin remove all users from this group Remover todos os usuários deste grupo
pt-br admin result Resultado
pt-br admin return to admin mainscreen retornar à tela principal da Administração
pt-br admin return to view account retornar à visualização da conta
pt-br admin run asynchronous services Executar Serviços Assícronos
pt-br admin sambasid SambaSID
pt-br admin save the category salvar a categoria
pt-br admin save the category and return back to the list salvar a categoria e retornar à lista
pt-br admin search accounts Pesquisar contas
pt-br admin search categories Pesquisar categorias
pt-br admin search groups Pesquisar grupos
pt-br admin search peer servers Pesquisar servidores parceiros
pt-br admin security Segurança
pt-br admin selectbox Tela de seleção
pt-br admin select group managers Selecione Manutenção de Grupos
pt-br admin select module version expressomail (if available) Selecione a versão do ExpressoMail (se disponível)
pt-br admin select organization Selecione Organização
pt-br admin select permissions this group will have Selecione as permissões que este grupo terá
pt-br admin select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category Selecione a categoria-pai. Caso seja um categoria pai selecione SEM CATEGORIA
pt-br admin select users for inclusion Selecione usuários para inclusão
pt-br admin select where your global catalogue is Seleccionar onde está o catálogo global
pt-br admin select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information Selecione onde você deseja guardar as informações do sitema de arquivos
pt-br admin select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts Selecione onde você deseja guardar as contas de usuários
pt-br admin select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) Selecione onde este aplicativo deve aparecer na barra de navegação, esquerda para direita
pt-br admin server %1 has been added Servidor %1 foi adicionado
pt-br admin server %1 has been updated Servidor %1 foi atualizado
pt-br admin server list Lista de servidores
pt-br admin server name Nome do servidor
pt-br admin server password Senha do servidor
pt-br admin server type(mode) Tipo de servidor (modo)
pt-br admin server url URL do servidor
pt-br admin server username Usuário do servidor
pt-br admin servidor ldap Servidor LDAP
pt-br admin set preferences value Definir preferências
pt-br admin set preference values. Definir preferências.
pt-br admin should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? A tela de conexão deve incluír uma caixa de seleção de idioma? (útil para sites de demonstração)
pt-br admin show access log Exibir registros de acessos
pt-br admin show current action Exibir ação corrente
pt-br admin show error log Exibir registro de erros
pt-br admin show phpinfo() Exibir phpinfo()
pt-br admin show 'powered by' logo on Área para exibição de 'powered by eGroupWare'
pt-br admin show session ip address Exibir endereço IP das sessões
pt-br admin site Site
pt-br admin site links links de sites
pt-br admin soap SOAP
pt-br admin sorry, that group name has already been taken. Este nome de grupo já está em uso.
pt-br admin sorry, that group name has already been taking. Desculpe, este grupo já existe
pt-br admin sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 Desculpe, os usuários acima ainda são membros do grupo %1
pt-br admin sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 Desculpe, os seguintes usuários ainda são membros do grupo %1
pt-br admin sort the entries ordenar as entradas
pt-br admin ssl ssl
pt-br admin standard padrão
pt-br admin start testjob! Iniciar TestJob!
pt-br admin start with iniciar com
pt-br admin status Status
pt-br admin (stored password will not be shown here) (Senha salva não será exibida aqui)
pt-br admin submit changes Enviar alterações
pt-br admin submit the search string Enviar expressão de busca
pt-br admin template selection Seleção de modelos
pt-br admin test connection with db Testar conexão com o BD
pt-br admin text entry Entrada de texto
pt-br admin that application name already exists. Este nome de aplicativo já existe.
pt-br admin that application name has already been taken Este nome de aplicação já está sendo utilizado.
pt-br admin that application order must be a number. O campo ordem de aplicativo deve ser um número.
pt-br admin that application order must be a number O campo ordem de aplicativo deve ser um número.
pt-br admin that loginid has already been taken Este código de usuário já existe
pt-br admin that name has been used already Este nome já está em uso
pt-br admin that server name has been used already ! Este nome de servidor já está em uso!
pt-br admin the api is current A base (API) do eGroupWare está atualizada
pt-br admin the api requires an upgrade A base (API) do eGroupWare precisa ser atualizada
pt-br admin the groups must include the primary group Os grupos devem incluír o grupo primário
pt-br admin the login and password can not be the same O login e a senha não podem ser iguais
pt-br admin the loginid can not be more then 8 characters O código de usuário não pode ter mais de 8 caracteres
pt-br admin there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid Já existe um grupo com este nome. O nome do usuário não pode ser o mesmo de um grupo.
pt-br admin the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. O TestJob lhe envia um email sempre que é executado.
pt-br admin the two passwords are not the same As senhas não conferem
pt-br admin the users bellow are still members of group %1 os usuários abaixo ainda são membros do grupo %1
pt-br admin they must be removed before you can continue Eles devem ser removidos antes de continuar
pt-br admin this application is current Este aplicativo está atualizado
pt-br admin this application requires an upgrade Esta aplicativo precisa ser atualizado
pt-br admin this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category Esta categoria está sendo usada por Aplicativos como categoria pai.
pt-br admin timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) Tempo para expiração de dados da sessão do aplicativo em segundos (padrão 86400 = 1 dia)
pt-br admin timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) Tempo para expiração da sessões em segundos (padrão 14400 = 4 horas)
pt-br admin times Horários
pt-br admin timetrack Tempo
pt-br admin title Título
pt-br admin (to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) (Para instalar um novo aplicativo use
Setup[Gerenciar aplicativos] !!!)
pt-br admin top topo
pt-br admin total records Total de registros
pt-br admin trust level Nível de confiança
pt-br admin trust relationship Relação de confiança
pt-br admin under windows you can only use the fallback mode at the moment. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! No Windows você só pode usar o modo seguro. Modo seguro significa que os trabalhos serão marcados após cada visualização de página.
pt-br admin use cookies to pass sessionid Usar cookies para transmitir id de sessão
pt-br admin use organization prefix on account creation Usar prefixo de organização nas criações de contas
pt-br admin use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) Usar código HTML puro (não funciona totalmente ainda)
pt-br admin user accounts Contas de usuários
pt-br admin userdata Dados de usuário
pt-br admin user data Dados de usuários
pt-br admin use restrictions in the creation of emaillists Usar restrições na criação das listas de email
pt-br admin use restrictions in the creation of groups Usar restrições na criação dos grupos
pt-br admin user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) Usuário para autenticação SMTP (deixe em branco se não requer autenticação)
pt-br admin user groups Grupos de usuários
pt-br admin users choice Escolha do usuário
pt-br admin use theme Usar tema
pt-br admin view access log Exibir registro de acessos
pt-br admin view account Visualizar conta
pt-br admin view category Visualizar categoria
pt-br admin view error log Exibir registro de erros
pt-br admin view sessions Exibir sessões
pt-br admin view system informations Visualizar informação do sistema
pt-br admin view this user visualizar este usuário
pt-br admin view user account visualizar conta de usuário
pt-br admin voip settings Configurações servidor VoIP
pt-br admin wait loading...! Aguarde Carregando...!
pt-br admin who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? Para quem você deseja transferir todas as entradas do usuário removido?
pt-br admin would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? Deseja que o eGroupWare faça cache do vetor de informações egw ?
pt-br admin would you like egroupware to check for a new version
when admins login ? Deseja que o eGroupware verifique automaticamente novas versões
quando administradores estiverm conectados?
pt-br admin would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? Deseja que o eGroupware verifique automaticamente novas versões de aplicativos quando administradores estiverem conectados?
pt-br admin would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? Deseja que novos arquivos de localização sejam carragados automaticamente (ao entrar)
pt-br admin would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? Deseja exibir se cada aplicação está atualizada ?
pt-br admin would you like to use expresso offline? Deseja utilizar o Expresso Offline?
pt-br admin xml-rpc XML-RPC
pt-br admin you have entered an invalid expiration date A data de expiração digitada é inválida
pt-br admin you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account Você deve adicionar no mínimo uma permissão ou grupo para esta conta
pt-br admin you must add at least 1 permission to this account Você deve adicionar no mínimo uma permissão ou grupo para esta conta.
pt-br admin you must enter a group name. Você deve digitar um nome de grupo.
pt-br admin you must enter a lastname Você deve digitar um sobrenome
pt-br admin you must enter a loginid Você deve digitar um código
pt-br admin you must enter an application name. Você deve digitar um nome para a aplicação.
pt-br admin you must enter an application name and title. Você deve digitar um nome e um título para aplicação.
pt-br admin you must enter an application title. Você deve digitar um título para a aplicação.
pt-br admin you must enter a password Você deve inserir uma senha
pt-br admin you must select a file type Você deve selecionar um tipo de arquivo
pt-br admin you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category Você deverá remover as sub-categorias antes de remover esta categoria !
pt-br admin use login generator Algoritmo para geração de logins:
pt-br admin time for expire inatives accounts(0 for never expires) Dias para expirar contas(0 para desabilitar)
pt-br admin use agree term Habilitar termo de aceite?
pt-br admin agree term Termo de aceite
pt-br admin cascrls Informações de ACs e LCRs
pt-br admin all levels Todos os níveis
pt-br admin all levels with not recursive search Todos os níveis, busca no mesmo nível
pt-br admin calendar holiday management Manutenção de feriados do Calendário
pt-br admin calendar settings Configurações do calendário
pt-br admin dont use any plugin Não usar nenhum plugin
pt-br admin do you wish enable autosearch? Você deseja habilitar a busca automática?
pt-br admin do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? Deseja carregar automaticamente arquivos de feriados do Calendário dinâmicamente ?
pt-br admin first level with recursive search Primeiro nível somente, busca recursiva
pt-br admin location to autoload from Local de onde carregar automaticamente
pt-br admin minimum number of characters to start the search for participants Número mínimo de caracteres para iniciar a pesquisa de participantes
pt-br admin select type tree view Selecione o tipo de visualização da árvore (Se o plugin estiver sendo usado)
pt-br admin x contactcenter global catalogue setup Catálogo global de configuração do contactCenter
pt-br admin imap admin password Senha do administrador IMAP
pt-br admin imap admin user Usuário administrador do IMAP
pt-br admin command for spam Comando que será executado ao marcar como spam
pt-br admin command for unmark spam Comando que será executado ao marcar como não-spam
pt-br admin do you want to enable expressomail log? Habilitar Log do expressoMail?
pt-br admin do you want to cache php requests in javascript? Utilizar cache de requisições no javascript?
pt-br admin do you want to use the spam filter? Você gostaria de utilizar o filtro anti-spam?
pt-br admin drafts folder name Nome da pasta rascunhos
pt-br admin expressomail settings Configurações do ExpressoMail
pt-br admin imap folders properties Propriedades das pastas IMAP
pt-br admin number of dynamic contacts Número de contatos dinâmicos
pt-br admin sent folder name Nome da pasta enviadas
pt-br admin spam folder name Nome da pasta spam
pt-br admin trash folder name Nome da pasta lixeira
pt-br admin install or update the manual-pages Instalar ou atualizar páginas do manual
pt-br admin maintain news Manutenção dos Boletins
pt-br admin 00 (disable) 00 (desabilitado)
pt-br admin 13 (ntp) 13 (ntp)
pt-br admin 80 (http) 80 (http)
pt-br admin datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: Porta da Data e hora.
Quando usar a porta 13, por favor configure os filtros do firewall antes de submeter as alterações.
(Porta: 13 / Host:
pt-br admin a please wait message is shown when loading the activity form usefull for long tasks uma mensagem por favor aguarde será mostrada quando o formulário da atividade for carregado. Útil para tarefas de londa duração
pt-br admin administer instances Administrar instâncias
pt-br admin administer processes administrar processos
pt-br admin cleanup aborted instances remover instâncias abortadas
pt-br admin default settings for processes Definições padrão para processos
pt-br admin draw roles on the graph beside activity name like [that] Mostrar perfis no gráfico, ao lado do nome da atividade, no formato [perfil]
pt-br admin grant access to the administration and development of workflow processes and activities. Liberar acesso para administração e desenvolvimento de processos e atividades de workflow
pt-br admin grant access to the administration of workflow elements Liberar acesso para administração de elementos do workflow
pt-br admin grant access to the administration of workflow instances in monitor screens Liberar acesso para administração de instâncias de workflow, nas janelas de monitoramento
pt-br admin grant access to the cleanup/deletion of workflow aborted instances in monitor screens Liberar acesso para remover/deletar instâncias abortadas de workflow, nas janelas de monitoramento
pt-br admin grant access to the monitoring of workflow elements Liberar acesso para monitoramento de elementos do workflow
pt-br admin if automatic parsing is disabled next options will be useless se o parsing automático estiver desabilitado, as próximas opções serão desnecessárias
pt-br admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to abort the related instance Se o usuário está em um perfil para uma atividade, ele terá o direito de abortar a instância associada
pt-br admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to exception or resume the related instance Se o usuário está em um perfil para uma atividade, ele terá o direito de lançar uma exceção ou retomar a instância associada
pt-br admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to release (un-assign) the related instance Se o usuário está em um perfil para uma atividade, ele terá o direito de liberar (desassinalar) a instância associada
pt-br admin monitoring monitoring
pt-br admin owner of the instance will have the right to abort the instance at any time O proprietário da instância terá o direito de abortar a instância a qualquer tempo
pt-br admin owner of the instance will have the right to exception or resume the instance at any time O proprietário da instância terá o direito de lançar uma exceção ou retomar a instância a qualquer tempo
pt-br admin owner of the instance will have the right to release (un-assign) an activity assigned to an user O proprietário da instância terá o direito de liberar (desassinalar) uma atividade assinalada a um usuário
pt-br admin size of the font used on the graph 12 should be a good default value Tamanho da fonte usada nos gráficos. Recomenda-se 12 como valor padrão
pt-br admin the instance title is shown on top of the form o título da instância aparecerá no topo do formulário
pt-br admin this will automatically release the instance when leaving an activity without completing Isto irá automaticamente liberar a instância quando sair de uma atividade sem completá-la
pt-br admin this will display an activity footer when any activity is runned with workflow engine related informations isto irá mostrar um rodapé da atividade quando qualquer atividade for executada com informações relacionadas ao motor de workflow
pt-br admin when multiple submit options are avaible we draw a select box with only one submit instead of multiple buttons quando múltiplas opções de submissão estiverem disponíveis, será mostrada uma caixa de seleção com uma submissão apenas, ao invés de múltiplos botões
pt-br admin workflow configuration Configuração do Workflow
pt-br admin name of the database used to store data from workflow processes Nome do banco de dados a ser usado para armazenar os dados dos processos
pt-br admin database server where the database is stored Servidor onde o banco de dados está armazenado
pt-br admin port used to connect to database server Porta usada para conectar ao servidor de banco de dados
pt-br admin default user to access the database Usuário padrão para acesso ao banco de dados
pt-br admin password of the default user Senha do usuário padrão
pt-br admin type of the database Tipo do banco de dados
pt-br admin disable advanced actions for all users Desabilitar ações avançadas de todos os usuários
pt-br admin user of the ldap Usuário do LDAP
pt-br admin password of the ldap user Senha do usuário do LDAP
pt-br admin external applications options Opções das Aplicações Externas
pt-br admin subnetworks of the intranet (separed by ;) Subredes da intranet (separadas por ;)
pt-br admin subnetworks Subredes
pt-br admin name of the database used to store data of the workflow module Nome do banco de dados que será utilizado para armazenar os dados do módulo Workflow
pt-br admin user to access the database Usuário para acesso ao banco de dados
pt-br admin user password Senha do usuário
pt-br admin host of the ldap Servidor do LDAP
pt-br admin user context of the ldap Contexto de usuários do LDAP
pt-br admin ldap user context Contexto de usuários
pt-br admin group context of the ldap Contexto de grupos do LDAP
pt-br admin ldap group context Contexto de grupos
pt-br admin follow ldap referrals Seguir as referências do LDAP
pt-br admin follow referrals Seguir as referências
pt-br admin the activities will be executed using secure connection As atividades serão executadas utilizando conexão segura
pt-br admin use secure connection utilizar conexão segura
pt-br common account has been created A conta foi criada
pt-br common account has been deleted A conta foi removida
pt-br common account has been updated A conta foi atualizada
pt-br common acl rights Permissões de Acesso
pt-br common are you sure you want to delete this category ? Você tem certeza que deseja apagar esta categoria?
pt-br common block/unblock hosts Bloq/Desbloquear hosts
pt-br common global categories Categorias globais
pt-br common group has been added Grupo adicionado
pt-br common group has been deleted Grupo removido
pt-br common group has been updated Grupo atualizado
pt-br common installed applications Aplicativos Instalados
pt-br common login history Histórico de conexões
pt-br common recent changes Alterações recentes
pt-br common site configuration Configuração do servidor
pt-br common wiki administration Administração Wiki
pt-br common wiki menu Wiki menú
pt-br common calendar Agenda de Eventos
pt-br common custom fields and sorting Campos personalizados e ordenação
pt-br common do you confirm this action? Confirmar exclusão desse item?
pt-br common grant calendar access Permitir acesso ao Calendário
pt-br common group to share calendar Grupo de usuários com agenda compartilhada
pt-br common grant access by group Permitir acesso por Grupo
pt-br common granted user Usuário liberado
pt-br common import csv-file Importar arquivo CSV
pt-br common no user was selected Nenhum usuário foi selecionado
pt-br common no group was selected Nenhum grupo foi selecionado
pt-br common no permission type was selected Nenhum tipo de permissão foi selecionado
pt-br common permission Permissão
pt-br common send updates via email Enviar atualizações por correio eletrônico
pt-br common shared group Grupo com agenda compartilhada
pt-br common the sharing was granted. O compartilhamento do grupo foi liberado com sucesso!
pt-br common this sharing already exist. Esse compartilhamento já existe.
pt-br common type more %1 letters. Digite mais %1 letras.
pt-br common user to grant access Usuário que terá acesso liberado
pt-br common you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. Você tem 1 evento com alta prioridade no seu calendário para hoje.
pt-br common you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. Você tem %1 eventos com alta prioridade no seu calendário para hoje.
pt-br common alias Apelido
pt-br common browse Procurar
pt-br common contactcenter Catálogo de Endereços
pt-br common contact center Catálogo de Endereços
pt-br common contact group list Lista de Grupos de Contatos
pt-br common contacts Contatos
pt-br common family names Sobrenome
pt-br common found %1 entries Encontrado %1 Resultado(s)
pt-br common given names Nome
pt-br common go Ir
pt-br common group add Adicionar Grupo
pt-br common insert a new group Inserir um Novo Grupo
pt-br common insert Inserir
pt-br common invalid date Data inválida
pt-br common participants Participantes
pt-br common personal contacts Contatos Pessoais
pt-br common problems on adding your contact. the email "%1" already exists in: %2 Não foi possível adicionar. O email "%1" já existe nos seguintes contatos: %2
pt-br common quick add Adição Rápida
pt-br common remove Remover
pt-br common removed entry! Contato removido com sucesso !
pt-br common removed entry id %1! Contato removido com sucesso (ID = %1)!
pt-br common reset Limpar
pt-br common search for... Pesquisar por ...
pt-br common send mail Enviar email
pt-br common showing found entries Mostrando itens encontrados
pt-br common emailadmin Admin do E-mail
pt-br common expressoadmin1_2 Expresso Admin
pt-br common expressoMail1_2 Expresso Mail
pt-br common global configuration Configurações Globais
pt-br common always confirm notification to these domains Sempre confirmar leitura para estes domínios
pt-br common manual Manual / Ajuda
pt-br common choice attribute Escolha o Atributo
pt-br common config external participants Configurar Participantes Externos
pt-br common configuration of authentication attribute by organization (ou) Configuração do atributo de autenticação por Organização (OU)
pt-br common define organization! Defina uma Organização!
pt-br common deny module's use by group Restringir o Uso do Módulo por Grupo
pt-br common enable the expresso messenger inside of the modules Habilitar o Expresso Messenger dentro dos módulos
pt-br common external participants Participantes Externos
pt-br common free organization for group Liberar organização por grupo
pt-br common jabberit_messenger Expresso JMessenger
pt-br common liberar organizações para grupos restritos Liberar Organizações para grupos restritos
pt-br common map organization for realm jabber Mapear organização por domínio jabber
pt-br common organizations Organizações
pt-br common organizations and jabber servers Organizações e servidores jabber
pt-br common restrict group Restringir grupo
pt-br common select organization Selecione Organização
pt-br common configure access permissions Configurar Permissões de Acesso
pt-br common configure rss exports Configurar arquivos RSS para exportação
pt-br common news_admin Boletins Internos
pt-br common submitted by Enviado por
pt-br common %1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. %1eGroupWare%2 é uma suíte de colaboração multi-usuário escrita em %3PHP%4.
pt-br common %1 email addresses inserted %1 endereço(s) de email(s) inseridos
pt-br common %1 is not executable by the webserver !!! %1 não é executável pelo servidor web !!!
pt-br common about %1 Sobre %1
pt-br common about Sobre
pt-br common access Acesso
pt-br common access not permitted Acesso não permitido
pt-br common access type Tipo de acesso
pt-br common account is expired A conta está expirada
pt-br common account preferences Preferências da conta
pt-br common acl ACL
pt-br common action Ação
pt-br common active Ativo
pt-br common add %1 category for Adicionar categoria %1 para
pt-br common add category Adicionar categoria
pt-br common add participants Adicionar Participantes
pt-br common add Adicionar
pt-br common addressbook Catálogo de Endereços
pt-br common addressbook preferences Preferências para o catálogo de endereços
pt-br common add sub Adicionar sub-tarefa
pt-br common admin Administrador
pt-br common administration Administração
pt-br common afghanistan AFEGANISTÃO
pt-br common albania ALBANIA
pt-br common algeria ALGERIA
pt-br common all Todos
pt-br common all fields todos os campos
pt-br common alphabet a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
pt-br common american samoa SAMOA AMERICANA
pt-br common andorra ANDORRA
pt-br common angola ANGOLA
pt-br common anguilla ANGUILLA
pt-br common antarctica ANTARTICA
pt-br common antigua and barbuda ANTIGUA E BARBUDA
pt-br common apply Aplicar
pt-br common april Abril
pt-br common are you sure you want to delete these entries ? Deseja remover estes registros?
pt-br common are you sure you want to delete this entry ? Deseja remover este registro?
pt-br common argentina ARGENTINA
pt-br common armenia ARMENIA
pt-br common aruba ARUBA
pt-br common august Agosto
pt-br common australia AUSTRALIA
pt-br common austria AUSTRIA
pt-br common author Autor
pt-br common autohide sidebox menus Ocultar Caixa do Menu
pt-br common automacally hide the sidebox menus? Esconder automáticamente os menus laterais
pt-br common automatically hide the sidebox menus? Ocultar Caixa do Menu automáticamente?
pt-br common autosave default category Salvar automaticamente categoria padrão
pt-br common azerbaijan AZERBAIJÃO
pt-br common back Voltar
pt-br common back to user login Voltar a tela de login
pt-br common bad login or password Login ou senha incorretos
pt-br common bahamas BAHAMAS
pt-br common bahrain BAHRAIN
pt-br common bangladesh BANGLADESH
pt-br common barbados BARBADOS
pt-br common bcc Cópia Oculta
pt-br common belarus BIELO RÚSSIA
pt-br common belgium BÉLGICA
pt-br common belize BELIZE
pt-br common benin BENIN
pt-br common bermuda BERMUDA
pt-br common bhutan BUTÃO
pt-br common blocked, too many attempts Bloqueado, por excesso de tentativas!
pt-br common bolivia BOLIVIA
pt-br common bookkeeping Contabilidade
pt-br common bosnia and herzegovina BOSNIA E HERZEGOVINA
pt-br common botswana BOTSWANA
pt-br common bouvet island ILHA BOUVET
pt-br common brazil BRASIL
pt-br common british indian ocean territory TERRITÓRIO INGLÊS INDIANO
pt-br common brunei darussalam BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
pt-br common bulgaria BULGÁRIA
pt-br common burkina faso BURKINA FASO
pt-br common burundi BURUNDI
pt-br common cambodia CAMBODIA
pt-br common cameroon CAMARÕES
pt-br common canada CANADÁ
pt-br common cancel Cancelar
pt-br common cape verde CABO VERDE
pt-br common categories Categorias
pt-br common categories for categorias para
pt-br common category %1 has been added ! Categoria %1 foi adicionada !
pt-br common category %1 has been updated ! Categoria %1 foi atualizada !
pt-br common category Categoria
pt-br common cayman islands ILHAS CAYMAN
pt-br common cc Com Cópia
pt-br common central african republic REPÚBLICA CENTRO AFRICANA
pt-br common chad CHADE
pt-br common change Alterar
pt-br common charset iso-8859-1
pt-br common check installation Verificar Instalação
pt-br common chile CHILE
pt-br common china CHINA
pt-br common choose the category Escolha a categoria
pt-br common choose the parent category Escolha a categoria pai
pt-br common christmas island CHRISTMAS ISLAND
pt-br common clear Cancelar
pt-br common clear form Limpar Formulário
pt-br common click Clique
pt-br common click here for help Clique aqui para ajuda
pt-br common click here to change your expresso password and other preferences Clique aqui para alterar sua senha do Expresso e outras preferências
pt-br common click or mouse over to show menus? Clicar ou passar o mouse sobre os menus?
pt-br common click or mouse over to show menus Clique ou passe o mouse sobre os menus
pt-br common close Fechar
pt-br common cocos (keeling) islands COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
pt-br common colombia COLÔMBIA
pt-br common comoros COMOROS
pt-br common company Empresa
pt-br common company directory Diretório da compania
pt-br common config password Senha de configuração
pt-br common config username Usuário de configuração
pt-br common congo CONGO
pt-br common congo, the democratic republic of the REPÚBLICA DEMOCRÁTICA DO CONGO
pt-br common cook islands ILHAS COOK
pt-br common copy Copiar
pt-br common costa rica COSTA RICA
pt-br common cote d ivoire COTE D IVOIRE
pt-br common create Criar
pt-br common created by Criado por
pt-br common croatia CROÁCIA
pt-br common cuba CUBA
pt-br common currency Moeda
pt-br common current Atualizado
pt-br common current users Usuários ativos
pt-br common cyprus CHIPRE
pt-br common czech republic REPÚBLICA CHECA
pt-br common date Data
pt-br common date due Até data
pt-br common december Dezembro
pt-br common default category Categoria padrão
pt-br common delete Remover
pt-br common denmark DINAMARCA
pt-br common description Descrição
pt-br common detail Detalhe
pt-br common details Detalhes
pt-br common diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? Desativar a execução dos recursos de exibição de transparências de imagens PNG, para o Explorer 5.5 ou superior?
pt-br common disabled Desabilitado
pt-br common disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix Desativar recursos para imagem-png no Internet Explorer
pt-br common disable slider effects Desativar efeitos de transição de slide
pt-br common disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. Desativar os efeitos de animação ao ocultar os menús da página? Os usuários dos navegadores Ópera ou Konqueror serão beneficiados com esta configuração.
pt-br common djibouti DJIBOUTI
pt-br common domain Domínio
pt-br common domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" Nome do domínio para endereços de e-mail, ex. "%1"
pt-br common domestic Doméstico
pt-br common dominica DOMINICA
pt-br common dominican republic REPÚBLICA DOMINICANA
pt-br common done Pronto
pt-br common do you also want to delete all subcategories ? Deseja remover também todas subcategorias ?
pt-br common east timor TIMOR LESTE
pt-br common ecuador EQUADOR
pt-br common edit %1 category for Editar para categoria %1
pt-br common edit categories Editar categorias
pt-br common edit category Editar categoria
pt-br common edit Editar
pt-br common edit user account Editar conta de usuário
pt-br common egroupware api version %1 API version %1
pt-br common egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 Extranet: login bloqueado para o usuário '%1', endereço IP %2
pt-br common egypt EGITO
pt-br common el salvador EL SALVADOR
pt-br common email-address of the user, eg. "%1" Endereço de e-mail do usuário, ex. "%1"
pt-br common e-mail E-mail
pt-br common email E-mail
pt-br common email settings Configurações do email
pt-br common enabled Habilitado
pt-br common end date Data do término
pt-br common end time Hora do término
pt-br common entry has been deleted sucessfully Entrada removida com sucesso
pt-br common entry updated sucessfully Entrada atualizada com sucesso
pt-br common equatorial guinea GUINÉ EQUATORIAL
pt-br common eritrea ERITREA
pt-br common error Erro
pt-br common error creating %1 %2 directory Erro criando diretório %1 %2
pt-br common error deleting %1 %2 directory Erro removendo diretório %1 %2
pt-br common error renaming %1 %2 directory Erro renomeando diretório %1 %2
pt-br common estonia ESTONIA
pt-br common ethiopia ETIÓPIA
pt-br common exact exato(a)
pt-br common exit Sair
pt-br common expressolivre is unavailable at this moment. code %1
please, try later. ExpressoLivre indisponível no momento. Código %1
Tente mais tarde.
pt-br common expand menu Expandir Menu
pt-br common expires Expira
pt-br common external applications Aplicações Externas
pt-br common falkland islands (malvinas) ILHAS FALKLAND (MALVINAS)
pt-br common faroe islands ILHAS FAROE
pt-br common fax number Número do FAX
pt-br common february Fevereiro
pt-br common fields Campos
pt-br common fiji FIJI
pt-br common files Arquivos
pt-br common filter Filtro
pt-br common finland FINLÂNDIA
pt-br common first name Primeiro Nome
pt-br common firstname Primeiro Nome
pt-br common first name of the user, eg. "%1" Primeiro nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
pt-br common first page Página Inicial
pt-br common fixme! ATUALIZE-ME!
pt-br common force selectbox Forçar caixa de seleção
pt-br common france FRANÇA
pt-br common french guiana GUIANA FRANCESA
pt-br common french polynesia FRANÇA POLYNÉSIA
pt-br common french southern territories FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
pt-br common friday Sexta
pt-br common ftp FTP
pt-br common fullname Nome completo
pt-br common gabon GABÃO
pt-br common gambia GAMBIA
pt-br common general menu Menu Geral
pt-br common georgia GEORGIA
pt-br common germany ALEMANHA
pt-br common ghana GANA
pt-br common gibraltar GIBRALTAR
pt-br common global catalogues configuration Configuração Global do Catálogo
pt-br common global Global
pt-br common global public Público a todos
pt-br common grant access Permitir acesso
pt-br common greece GRÉCIA
pt-br common greenland GREENLAND
pt-br common grenada GRANADA
pt-br common group access Acesso ao Grupo
pt-br common group Grupo
pt-br common group name Nome do Grupo
pt-br common group public Grupo público
pt-br common groups Grupos
pt-br common groups without permission for %1 Grupos não permitidos para %1
pt-br common groups with permission for %1 Grupos permitidos para %1
pt-br common guadeloupe GUADALUPE
pt-br common guam GUAM
pt-br common guatemala GUATEMALA
pt-br common guinea-bissau GUINÉ BISSAU
pt-br common guinea GUINEA
pt-br common guyana GUYANA
pt-br common haiti HAITI
pt-br common header admin login Usuario do administrador
pt-br common header password Senha do administrador
pt-br common header username Usuario principal
pt-br common heard island and mcdonald islands HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
pt-br common help Ajuda
pt-br common hide header and toolbar Esconder cabeçalho e barra de ferramentas
pt-br common high Alto
pt-br common highest Mais alto
pt-br common holy see (vatican city state) VATICANO
pt-br common home Página Inicial
pt-br common home email E-mail residencial
pt-br common honduras HONDURAS
pt-br common hong kong HONG KONG
pt-br common how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. Quantos ícones devem ser mostrados na barra de navegação (ao topo da página). Ícones adicionais serão colocados em um recurso adicional em forma de menú suspenso à direita da barra de navegação.
pt-br common hungary HUNGRIA
pt-br common iceland ISLÂNDIA
pt-br common india INDIA
pt-br common indonesia INDONESIA
pt-br common info log Info Log
pt-br common insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 Inserir todos %1 endereços para %2 contatos em %3
pt-br common international Internacional
pt-br common invalid ip address Endereço IP inválido
pt-br common invalid password Senha inválida
pt-br common iran, islamic republic of IRÃ
pt-br common iraq IRAQUE
pt-br common ireland IRLANDA
pt-br common israel ISRAEL
pt-br common italic Itálico
pt-br common italy ITÁLIA
pt-br common it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password Já passaram mais de %1 dias desde que você mudou sua senha
pt-br common it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version É recomendado que seja executada a Configuração para atualizar as tabelas para a versão atual.
pt-br common jamaica JAMAICA
pt-br common january Janeiro
pt-br common japan JAPÃO
pt-br common jordan JORDÂNIA
pt-br common july Julho
pt-br common jun Jun
pt-br common june Junho
pt-br common kazakstan KAZAQUISTÃO
pt-br common kenya QUÊNIA
pt-br common keywords Palavras
pt-br common kiribati KIRIBATI
pt-br common korea, democratic peoples republic of CORÉIA DO NORTE
pt-br common korea, republic of CORÉIA DO SUL
pt-br common kuwait KUWAIT
pt-br common kyrgyzstan QUIRGUISTÃO
pt-br common language Idioma
pt-br common lao peoples democratic republic LAOS
pt-br common last name Último nome
pt-br common lastname Último nome
pt-br common last name of the user, eg. "%1" Último nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
pt-br common last page Última página
pt-br common latvia LETÔNIA
pt-br common lebanon LÍBANO
pt-br common lesotho LESOTO
pt-br common liberia LIBERIA
pt-br common libyan arab jamahiriya LÍBIA
pt-br common license Licença
pt-br common liechtenstein LIECHTENSTEIN
pt-br common list Lista
pt-br common list members Listar membros
pt-br common lithuania LITUÂNIA
pt-br common local Local
pt-br common login Conectar
pt-br common loginid ID Login
pt-br common logout Desconectar
pt-br common low Baixo
pt-br common lowest Mais baixo
pt-br common luxembourg LUXEMBOURG
pt-br common macau MACAU
pt-br common macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of MACEDONIA
pt-br common madagascar MADAGASCAR
pt-br common mail domain, eg. "%1" Domínio do e-mail, ex. "%1"
pt-br common main category Cetegoria principal
pt-br common main screen Tela principal
pt-br common maintainer Administrador
pt-br common malawi MALAWI
pt-br common malaysia MALÁSIA
pt-br common maldives MALDIVAS
pt-br common mali MALI
pt-br common malta MALTA
pt-br common managers Gerentes
pt-br common march Março
pt-br common marshall islands ILHAS MARSHALL
pt-br common martinique MARTINICA
pt-br common mauritania MAURITANIA
pt-br common mauritius MAURITIUS
pt-br common max number of icons in navbar Número máximo de íciones na barra de navegação
pt-br common may Maio
pt-br common mayotte MAYOTTE
pt-br common medium Média
pt-br common menu Menu
pt-br common message Mensagem
pt-br common mexico MÉXICO
pt-br common micronesia, federated states of MICRONESIA
pt-br common moldova, republic of MOLDÁVIA
pt-br common monaco MÔNACO
pt-br common monday Segunda
pt-br common mongolia MONGÓLIA
pt-br common montserrat MONTSERRAT
pt-br common morocco MARROCOS
pt-br common mozambique MOÇAMBIQUE
pt-br common myanmar MYANMAR
pt-br common my preferences Minhas Preferências
pt-br common name Nome
pt-br common name of the user, eg. "%1" Nome do usuário, ex. "%1"
pt-br common namibia NAMIBIA
pt-br common nauru NAURU
pt-br common nepal NEPAL
pt-br common netherlands antilles ANTILHAS HOLANDESAS
pt-br common netherlands HOLANDA
pt-br common never Nunca
pt-br common new caledonia NOVA CALEDONIA
pt-br common new entry added sucessfully Entrada adicionada com sucesso
pt-br common new main category Nova categoria principal
pt-br common new phrase has been added se ha agregado la nueva frase
pt-br common new value Novo Valor
pt-br common new zealand NOVA ZELÂNDIA
pt-br common next Próximo
pt-br common next page Próxima página
pt-br common nicaragua NICARAGUA
pt-br common niger NIGER
pt-br common nigeria NIGERIA
pt-br common niue NIUE
pt-br common no Não
pt-br common no entries found, try again ... Nenhum registro encontrado, tente novamente...
pt-br common no history for this record Nenhum histórico para este registro
pt-br common none Nenhum
pt-br common norfolk island ILHAS NORFOLK
pt-br common normal Normal
pt-br common northern mariana islands NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
pt-br common norway NORUEGA
pt-br common no subject Sem assunto
pt-br common not assigned Não atribuído
pt-br common note Nota
pt-br common notes Notas
pt-br common notify window Janela de notificação
pt-br common november Novembro
pt-br common october Outubro
pt-br common ok OK
pt-br common old value Valor antigo
pt-br common oman OMÃ
pt-br common only private Apenas particular
pt-br common only yours somente as suas
pt-br common on mouse over Passar o mouse
pt-br common on *nix systems please type: %1 Sobre sistemas *nix tipo: %1
pt-br common open notify window Abrir janela de notificação
pt-br common open popup window Abrir janela
pt-br common organization Organização
pt-br common original Original
pt-br common other Outro
pt-br common overview Visão geral
pt-br common owner Dono
pt-br common page Página
pt-br common page was generated in %1 seconds Página gerada em %1 segundos
pt-br common pakistan PAQUISTÃO
pt-br common palau PALAU
pt-br common palestinian territory, occupied PALESTINA
pt-br common panama PANAMÁ
pt-br common papua new guinea PAPUA NOVA GUINÉ
pt-br common paraguay PARAGUAI
pt-br common parcel Parcela
pt-br common parent category Categoria pai
pt-br common password Senha
pt-br common password could not be changed Senha não pode ser alterada
pt-br common password has been updated Senha foi alterada
pt-br common path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! O caminho para usuários e grupos deve ser FORA do servidor da extranet.!!!
pt-br common pattern for search in addressbook Teste padrão para a Busca no Catálogo de Endereços
pt-br common pattern for search in calendar Teste padrão para a Busca no Calendário
pt-br common pattern for search in projects Teste padrão para a Busca nos Projetos
pt-br common permissions to the files/users directory Permissões do diretório para os arquivos/usuários
pt-br common personal Pessoal
pt-br common peru PERU
pt-br common philippines FILIPINAS
pt-br common phone number Número de Telefone
pt-br common phpinfo PhpInfo
pt-br common phpwebhostin Gerenciamento avançado de arquivos
pt-br common pitcairn PITCAIRN
pt-br common please %1 by hand %1 pela mão
pt-br common please enter a name Por favor digite um nome !
pt-br common please run setup to become current Por favor execute a configuração para atualizar o sistema
pt-br common please select Por favor selecione
pt-br common please set your global preferences Por favor configure suas preferências gerais
pt-br common please set your preferences for this application Configure suas preferências para este aplicativo
pt-br common please wait... Aguarde...
pt-br common poland POLÔNIA
pt-br common portugal PORTUGAL
pt-br common postal CEP
pt-br common powered by phpgroupware version %1 Atualizado pela eGW-BR sobre a plataforma eGW versão %1
pt-br common preferences Preferências
pt-br common preferences for the %1 template set Preferências para o modelo de layout %1
pt-br common preferences for the idots template set Preferências para o modelo de layout idots
pt-br common previous page Página anterior
pt-br common print Imprimir
pt-br common priority Prioridade
pt-br common private Particular
pt-br common project Projeto
pt-br common public público
pt-br common puerto rico PORTO RICO
pt-br common qatar QATAR
pt-br common read Leitura
pt-br common read this list of methods. Leia a lista de métodos.
pt-br common registration Registro
pt-br common reject Rejeitar
pt-br common remove selected accounts apagar contas selecionadas
pt-br common rename Renomear
pt-br common returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large Retorna a lista complesta de usuários no sistema. Atenção: Isto pode causar lentidão dependendo da quantidade de registros.
pt-br common returns an array of todo items Retorna uma lista dos itens de Tarefas
pt-br common returns struct of users application access Retorna a estrutura de usuários e aplicativos para acesso
pt-br common reunion REUNION
pt-br common romania ROMÊNIA
pt-br common russian federation RÚSSIA
pt-br common rwanda RUANDA
pt-br common saint helena SANTA HELENA
pt-br common saint kitts and nevis SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
pt-br common saint lucia SANTA LÚCIA
pt-br common saint pierre and miquelon SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
pt-br common saint vincent and the grenadines SÃO VICENTE E GRANADA
pt-br common samoa SAMOA
pt-br common san marino SAN MARINO
pt-br common sao tome and principe SÃO TOME AND PRINCIPE
pt-br common saturday Sábado
pt-br common saudi arabia ARÁBIA SAUDITA
pt-br common save Salvar
pt-br common search %1 '%2' Procura %1 '%2'
pt-br common search Procura
pt-br common search or select accounts Procura ou seleciona contas
pt-br common section Seção
pt-br common sector Setor
pt-br common select all %1 %2 for %3 Selecionar todos %1 %2 para %3
pt-br common select category Selecionar categoria
pt-br common select Selecionar
pt-br common select date Selecionar data
pt-br common select group Selecionar grupo
pt-br common select home email address Selecionar endereço de e-mail residencial
pt-br common selection Seleção
pt-br common select one Selecionar um
pt-br common select user Selecionar usuário
pt-br common select work email address Selecionar endereço de e-mail comercial
pt-br common send Enviar
pt-br common send your critics, doubts or suggestions Envie suas críticas, dúvidas ou sugestões
pt-br common senegal SENEGAL
pt-br common september Setembro
pt-br common server %1 has been added Servidor %1 foi incluído
pt-br common server name Nome do Servidor
pt-br common session has been killed Sessão foi terminada
pt-br common setup Configurar
pt-br common setup/config admin login Administrado de Instalação/Configuração
pt-br common setup main menu Menu principal de configurações
pt-br common seychelles SEYCHELLES
pt-br common show all categorys Mostrar todas as Categorias
pt-br common show all Exibir tudo
pt-br common show header and toolbar Exibir cabeçalho e barra de ferramentas
pt-br common showing %1 - %2 of %3 Exibindo %1 - %2 de %3
pt-br common showing %1 Exibindo %1
pt-br common show menu Mostrar menu
pt-br common show_more_apps Exibir mais Aplicativos
pt-br common show page generation time Mostrar tempo de criação da página
pt-br common show page generation time on the bottom of the page? O tempo de criação da página deve ser mostrado no rodapé?
pt-br common sierra leone SERRA LEOA
pt-br common singapore SINGAPURA
pt-br common slovakia ESLOVÁQUIA
pt-br common slovenia ESLOVÊNIA
pt-br common solomon islands ILHAS SOLOMON
pt-br common somalia SOMALIA
pt-br common sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. Desculpe, Houve um problema ao processar seu pedido.
pt-br common south africa ÁFRICA DO SUL
pt-br common south georgia and the south sandwich islands SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
pt-br common spain ESPANHA
pt-br common sri lanka SRI LANKA
pt-br common start date Data de início
pt-br common start time Hora de início
pt-br common start with iniciar com
pt-br common status Status
pt-br common subject Assunto
pt-br common submit Enviar
pt-br common substitutions and their meanings: Substituições e seus efeitos:
pt-br common sudan SUDÃO
pt-br common suggestions Sugestões
pt-br common sunday Domingo
pt-br common suriname SURINAME
pt-br common svalbard and jan mayen SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
pt-br common swaziland SUAZILÂNDIA
pt-br common sweden SUÉCIA
pt-br common switzerland SUÍÇA
pt-br common syrian arab republic SÍRIA
pt-br common taiwan TAIWAN/TAIPEI
pt-br common tajikistan TAJIQUISTÃO
pt-br common tanzania, united republic of TANZÂNIA
pt-br common thailand TAILÂNDIA
pt-br common the api is current A API está atualizada
pt-br common the api requires an upgrade A API requer atualização
pt-br common the following applications require upgrades As seguintes aplicações requerem atualização
pt-br common the mail server returned O servidor de email retornou
pt-br common this application is current A aplicação está atualizada
pt-br common this application requires an upgrade Esta aplicação requer atualização
pt-br common this name has been used already Este nome já está em uso !
pt-br common thursday Quinta
pt-br common time Hora
pt-br common time zone Fuso horário
pt-br common time zone offset Faixa de fuso horário
pt-br common title Título
pt-br common to Para
pt-br common to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the Para corrigir este erro no futuro você deve ajustar as propriedades
pt-br common today Hoje
pt-br common todays date, eg. "%1" Data de hoje, ex. "%1"
pt-br common to go back to the msg list, click here Para voltar para a lista de mensagens, clique aqui
pt-br common togo TOGO
pt-br common tokelau TOKELAU
pt-br common tonga TONGA
pt-br common too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 Houve tentativas em excesso de login para o usuário:: %1 para o cliente '%2', %3 a partir do endereço IP %4
pt-br common total Total
pt-br common trinidad and tobago TRINIDAD E TOBAGO
pt-br common tuesday Terça
pt-br common tunisia TUNISIA
pt-br common turkey TURQUIA
pt-br common turkmenistan TURCOMENISTÃO
pt-br common turks and caicos islands ILHAS TURKS E CAICOS
pt-br common tuvalu TUVALU
pt-br common uganda UGANDA
pt-br common ukraine UCRÂNIA
pt-br common united arab emirates EMIRADOS ÁRABES UNIDOS
pt-br common united kingdom INGLATERRA
pt-br common united states ESTADOS UNIDOS
pt-br common united states minor outlying islands ILHAS MENORES EEUU
pt-br common unknown Desconhecido
pt-br common update Atualizar
pt-br common updated Atualizado
pt-br common url URL
pt-br common uruguay URUGUAI
pt-br common use button to search for address Utilize o botão para procurar por endereços
pt-br common use button to search for calendarevent Utilize o botão para procurar por eventos na agenda
pt-br common use button to search for Utilize o botão para buscar por
pt-br common use button to search for project Utilize o botão para procurar por projetos
pt-br common user accounts Contas do usuário
pt-br common user Usuário
pt-br common user data Dados do usuário
pt-br common user groups Grupos do usuário
pt-br common username Usuário
pt-br common users choice À escolha dos usuários
pt-br common users Usuários
pt-br common use this space to send your doubts, critics and suggestions Utilize este espaço para enviar
suas dúvidas, críticas e sugestões
pt-br common uzbekistan UZBEQUIISTÃO
pt-br common vanuatu VANUATU
pt-br common venezuela VENEZUELA
pt-br common version Versão
pt-br common viet nam VIETNÃ
pt-br common view Exibir
pt-br common virgin islands, british ILHAS VIRGENS (ING)
pt-br common virgin islands, u.s. ILHAS VIRGENS (EUA)
pt-br common wallis and futuna WALLIS E FUTUNA
pt-br common wednesday Quarta
pt-br common welcome Bem Vindo
pt-br common western sahara WESTERN SAHARA
pt-br common which groups Qual grupo
pt-br common work email Endereço de e-mail comercial
pt-br common written by: Escrito por:
pt-br common year Ano
pt-br common yemen YEMEN
pt-br common yes Sim
pt-br common you are required to change your password during your first login Você foi solicitado a alterar a sua senha na primeira sessão.
pt-br common you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for A sua base de dados está configurada para uma versão mais antiga do aplicativo.
pt-br common you have 1 new message! Você tem 1 nova mensagem!
pt-br common you have %1 new messages! Você tem %1 novas mensagens!
pt-br common you have no new messages Você não tem nenhuma nova mensagem
pt-br common you have not entered a title Você não informou um título
pt-br common you have not entered a valid date Você não informou uma data válida
pt-br common you have not entered a valid time of day Você não informou um horário para o dia
pt-br common you have not entered participants Você não informou os participantes
pt-br common you have selected an invalid date Você selecionou uma data inválida !
pt-br common you have selected an invalid main category Você selecionou uma categoria principal inválida !
pt-br common you have successfully logged out Você encerrou a sessão corretamente.
pt-br common you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. Você precisa adicionar o usuário webserver '%1' ao grupo '%2'.
pt-br common your message as been sent Sua mensagem foi enviada
pt-br common your message could not be sent!
Não foi possível enviar sua mensagem!
pt-br common your message has been sent Sua mensagem foi enviada.
pt-br common your password has expired, and you do not have access to change it Sua senha expirou e você não tem acesso para alterá-la
pt-br common your search returned 1 match Sua pesquisa retornou 1 ocorrência
pt-br common your search returned %1 matchs Sua pesquisa retornou %1 ocorrências
pt-br common your settings have been updated Suas preferências foram atualizadas
pt-br common yugoslavia IUGOSLÁVIA
pt-br common zambia ZÂMBIA
pt-br common zimbabwe ZIMBABUE
pt-br common agree term Termo de aceite
pt-br common do you agree with the terms? Você concorda com os termos dispostos acima?
pt-br common an important error has occured with your login, please contact your system administrator Um erro importante ocorreu com seu login, por favor contate seu administrador
pt-br common logon with my digital certificate Utilizar o meu Certificado para logar.
pt-br common link to use digital certificate Link para acesso usando Certificado Digital
pt-br common access without digital certificate Acesso sem Certificado Digital
pt-br common change your personal data Altere seus dados pessoais
pt-br common commercial telephone number Número de Telefone Comercial
pt-br common /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration O diretório /workflow não existe e não pode ser criado, por favor solicite ao administrador para verificar a configuração global
pt-br common actions right options Opções de Direitos para Ações
pt-br common auto-release on leaving activity Liberação automática ao sair da atividade
pt-br common base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration Diretório base não existe, por favor solicite ao administrador para verificar a configuração global
pt-br common config values Valores de configuração
pt-br common default config values Valores de configuração padrão
pt-br common display please wait message mostrar mensagem por favor aguarde
pt-br common draw roles Mostrar perfis
pt-br common font size Tamanho da fonte
pt-br common graphic options Opções do gráfico
pt-br common mail smtp debug Depurar correio smtp
pt-br common mail smtp local link prefix Prefixo de link local do correio smtp
pt-br common mail smtp profile Profile do correio smtp
pt-br common mail smtp signature Assinatura do correio smtp
pt-br common ownership give abort right A posse garante o direito de abortar
pt-br common ownership give exception right A posse garante o direito de lançar exceção
pt-br common ownership give release right A posse garante o direito de liberar
pt-br common role give abort right Perfil garante o direito de abortar
pt-br common role give exception right Perfil garante o direito de lançar exceção
pt-br common role give release right Perfil garante o direito de liberar
pt-br common running activities options Opções para atividades em execução
pt-br common show activity info zone mostrar zona de informações das atividades
pt-br common show activity title mostrar título das atividades
pt-br common show instance name Mostrar nome da instância
pt-br common show instance owner Mostrar proprietário da instância
pt-br common show multiple submit as select mostrar múltiplos submit como seleção
pt-br common the /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created. please ask your administrator to check the global configuration O diretório /workflow não existe e não pode ser criado. Por favor solicite ao administrador para verificar a configuração global
pt-br common use automatic parsing usar parsing automático
pt-br common workflow WorkFlow
pt-br common database options for processes Opções de Banco de Dados para Processos
pt-br common database options Opções de banco de dados
pt-br common database name Nome do banco de dados
pt-br common database host Servidor de banco de dados
pt-br common database port Porta de acesso
pt-br common database type Tipo do banco de dados
pt-br common database user Usuário
pt-br common database password Senha
pt-br common disable advanced actions Desabilitar ações avançadas
pt-br common ldap user Usuário
pt-br common ldap password Senha
pt-br common menu path Caminho do menu
pt-br common mainframe options Opções de configuração do mainframe (PHP NatAPI)
pt-br common ip of the mainframe Endereço IP do mainframe
pt-br common mainframe ip Endereço IP
pt-br common port used to connect the mainframe Porta usada para conectar no ambiente mainframe
pt-br common access mainframe port Porta de acesso no Mainframe
pt-br common key used to access the mainframe Chave padrão para acessar o mainframe
pt-br common access mainframe key Chave
pt-br common password used to access the mainframe Senha relacionada a chave de acesso ao mainframe
pt-br common access mainframe password Senha
pt-br common environment application to mainframe Ambiente da aplicação
pt-br common mainframe environment Ambiente
pt-br common database options for workflow Opções de Banco de Dados para o Workflow
pt-br common ldap options Opções para LDAP
pt-br common emergency Emergência
pt-br common alert Alerta
pt-br common critical Crítico
pt-br common warning Aviso
pt-br common notice Notificação
pt-br common information Informação
pt-br common debug Debug
pt-br common log options Opções de Log
pt-br common log level Nível de Log
pt-br common log options for workflow Opções de Log para o Workflow
pt-br common log level for workflow Nível de Log para o Workflow
pt-br common allowed log types for workflow Tipos de Log Permitidos para o Workflow
pt-br common log types Tipos de Log
pt-br common file Arquivo
pt-br common firebug Firebug
pt-br calendar %1 %2 in %3 %1 %2 em %3
pt-br calendar %1 matches found %1 ocorrências encontradas
pt-br calendar 1 match found 1 ocorrência encontrada
pt-br calendar %1 records imported %1 registros importados
pt-br calendar %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) %1 registros lidos (não importados ainda. Você deve voltar e desmarcar Testar Importação)
pt-br calendar a um
pt-br calendar accept Aceitar
pt-br calendar accepted Aceito
pt-br calendar action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... Ação que provocou a notificação: adicionado, cancelado, aceito, rejeitado, ...
pt-br calendar add alarm Adicionar aviso
pt-br calendar add a single entry by passing the fields. Adicione um única entrada passando os campos.
pt-br calendar add contact Adicionar Contato
pt-br calendar added Adicionado
pt-br calendar adding event Adicionando evento
pt-br calendar add or update a single entry by passing the fields. Adicione ou atualize um evento único preenchendo os campos.
pt-br calendar add participants Adicionar Participantes
pt-br calendar address book Catálogo de endereços
pt-br calendar add to my expresso Adicionar ao meu Expresso
pt-br calendar add user Adicionar usuário
pt-br calendar report of hours Relatório de horas
pt-br calendar alarm already added!!! Este alarme já existe!!!
pt-br calendar alarm Alarme
pt-br calendar alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 Alarme para %1 em %2 na %3
pt-br calendar alarm is older than now!!! Horário inválido!!!
pt-br calendar required field (category) is empty Campo obrigatório (categoria) está vazio
pt-br calendar alarm management Gerenciador de alarmes
pt-br calendar alarms Alarmes
pt-br calendar all day Todo o dia
pt-br calendar are you sure want to delete these alarms? Tem certeza que deseja excluir estes alarmes?
pt-br calendar are you sure want to delete this country? Tem certeza que deseja excluir este país?
pt-br calendar are you sure want to delete this entry? Tem certeza que deseja excluir esta entrada?
pt-br calendar are you sure want to delete this entry?\\nthis will delete this entry for all users. Tem certeza que deseja remover esta entrada?\\nIsto irá remover esta entrada para todos usuários.
pt-br calendar are you sure want to delete this holiday? Tem certeza que deseja excluir este feriado?
pt-br calendar attributes Atributos
pt-br calendar available users and groups Usuários e grupos disponíveis
pt-br calendar bassed on webcalendar by craig knudsen. Baseado no Webcalendar de Craig Knudsen.
pt-br calendar before the event antes do evento
pt-br calendar brief description Breve descrição
pt-br calendar business Negócios
pt-br calendar calendar event Evento do calendário
pt-br calendar calendar-fieldname Nome do campo
pt-br calendar calendar - [iv]cal importer Calendário - Importador [iv]Cal
pt-br calendar calendar preferences Configurações do calendário
pt-br calendar canceled Cancelado
pt-br calendar change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. Modificar todos os eventos de $params['old_owner'] para $params['new_owner'].
pt-br calendar change status Modificar status
pt-br calendar charset of file Mapa de caracteres do arquivo
pt-br calendar click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. Clique %1aqui%2 para retornar ao calendário.
pt-br calendar configuration Configuração
pt-br calendar countries Países
pt-br calendar country País
pt-br calendar created by Criado por
pt-br calendar csv-fieldname CVS-Nome do campo
pt-br calendar csv-filename CVS-Nome do arquivo
pt-br calendar custom fields Campos personalizados
pt-br calendar daily Diária
pt-br calendar daily matrix view Visualizar tabela diária
pt-br calendar days dias
pt-br calendar days repeated Dias repetidos
pt-br calendar dayview Visão diária
pt-br calendar default appointment length (in minutes) duração padrão do compromisso (em minutos)
pt-br calendar default calendar filter Filtro padrão do calendário
pt-br calendar default calendar view Visualização padrão do calendário
pt-br calendar default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. Duração padrão dos novos compromissos. A duração é em minutos, ex. 60 para 1 hora
pt-br calendar defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. Defina o tamanho em minutos para as linhas na Visão diária
pt-br calendar delete an entire users calendar. Apagar o calendário inteiro de um usuário.
pt-br calendar delete a single entry by passing the id. Apagar uma única entrada informando o ID.
pt-br calendar deleted Apagado
pt-br calendar delete selected contacts apagar os contatos selecionados
pt-br calendar delete series Apagar série
pt-br calendar delete single Apagar único
pt-br calendar description Descrição
pt-br calendar disable Desabilitar
pt-br calendar disabled desabilitado
pt-br calendar display interval in day view Exibir intervalo no modo de exibição Diária
pt-br calendar display mini calendars when printing Exibir mini calendários para impressão
pt-br calendar display status of events Exibir status dos eventos
pt-br calendar displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? Indica a visão do calendário na sua página inicial. (será exibida quando você clicar sobre o ícone de Página Inicial)
pt-br calendar download Baixar
pt-br calendar do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. al Deseja ser notificado sobre compromissos novos ou modificados? Você será notificado sobre as mudanças efetuadas por você mesmo.
Você pode limitar essa notificções a certas mudanças apenas. Cada item inclui as notificações listadas sobre o mesmo. Todas as modificções incluem mudança de título, descrição, participantes (menos suas respostas). Se o dono de um evento requisitar qualquer notificação, sempre receberá as respostas dos participantes como aceite ou cancelamentos.
pt-br calendar do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?
the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.
it is only sent when you have any app Deseja receber regularmente um resumo de seus compromissos via correio eletrônico?
O sumário será enviado para seu endereço eletrônico padrão na manhã de cada dia ou na Segunda-feira para resumos semanais (somente se houverem eventos na semana).
pt-br calendar duration Duração
pt-br calendar editing event Editando evento
pt-br calendar edit series Editar séries
pt-br calendar edit single Editar único
pt-br calendar email notification Notificação via Correio eletrônico
pt-br calendar email notification for %1 Notificação via Correio eletrônico para %1
pt-br calendar empty for all vazio para todos
pt-br calendar enable Habilitado
pt-br calendar hide title and description of event when conflicts Esconder título e descrição de eventos quando ocorre conflito de horário
pt-br calendar hidden Oculto
pt-br calendar enabled habilitado
pt-br calendar end date Data de término
pt-br calendar end date/time Data/Hora de término
pt-br calendar ends termina
pt-br calendar enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) Informe o arquivo de destino (inclua a extensão .vcs)
pt-br calendar event details follow Seguem os detalhes do evento
pt-br calendar event's participants Participantes do evento
pt-br calendar exceptions Exceções
pt-br calendar export a list of entries in ical format. Exportar Lista de entradas no formato iCal.
pt-br calendar export all Exportar todos
pt-br calendar export Exportar
pt-br calendar expresso external user Usuário externo do Expresso
pt-br calendar extended Extendido
pt-br calendar extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. Atualizações extendidas sempre incluem os detalhes completos do evento. iCals podem ser importados por certos aplicativos de calendários
pt-br calendar external event from expresso Evento externo do Expresso
pt-br calendar external participants Participantes externos
pt-br calendar failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4'!!! Falhou ao enviar mensagem para '%1' #%2 assunto='%3', remetente='%4'!!!
pt-br calendar failed to delivery Falha na entrega
pt-br calendar fieldseparator Separador de campos
pt-br calendar firstname of person to notify Primeiro nome da pessoa a ser notificada
pt-br calendar format of event updates Formato de atualizção de eventos
pt-br calendar (for weekly) (por semana)
pt-br calendar fr Se
pt-br calendar free/busy Livre/Ocupado
pt-br calendar freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! Disponibilidade: Usuário '%1' não encontrado, senha incorreta ou não disponível para os usuários acessando o sistema!!!
pt-br calendar frequency Frequência
pt-br calendar fri Sex
pt-br calendar full description Descrição Completa
pt-br calendar fullname of person to notify Nome completo da pessoa a ser notificada
pt-br calendar generate printer-friendly version Gerar versão para impressão ?
pt-br calendar global categories Categorias Globias
pt-br calendar global public and group public Público global e Grupo público
pt-br calendar global public only Público global somente
pt-br calendar go! Prossiga!
pt-br calendar group planner Planejamento do grupo
pt-br calendar group public only Grupo público somente
pt-br calendar here is your requested alarm. Aqui está o alarme solicitado.
pt-br calendar high priority Alta prioridade
pt-br calendar holiday Feriado
pt-br calendar holiday management Gerenciamento de feriados
pt-br calendar holidays Feriados
pt-br calendar hours horas
pt-br calendar ical / rfc2445 iCal / rfc2445
pt-br calendar hours appointment Apontamento de Horas
pt-br calendar type Tipo
pt-br calendar if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. Se os feriados coincidirem com fim o de semana, serão transferidos para a próxima segunda-feira.
pt-br calendar if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! Caso você não especifique uma senha aqui, a informação estará disponível a todos que soubrer o URL.
pt-br calendar ignore conflict Ignorar conflito
pt-br calendar import Importar
pt-br calendar inform Avisar
pt-br calendar interval Intervalo
pt-br calendar intervals in day view Intervalo na visão diária
pt-br calendar intervals per day in planner view Intervalos em dias na visão Planejamento
pt-br calendar invalid entry id. ID inválido de entrada
pt-br calendar i participate Eu participo
pt-br calendar it types below the email addresses, if you want to invite other people out of this system Para convidar alguém não pertencente a este servidor Expresso, digite seu(s) e-mail(s) para encaminhar um aviso
pt-br calendar it types login of the user to have access public agenda Insira o login dos usuários para acessar sua agenda pública.
pt-br calendar (i/v)cal (i/v)Cal
pt-br calendar last último
pt-br calendar lastname of person to notify Sobrenome da pessoa a ser notificada
pt-br calendar leave my calendar public Tornar minha agenda pública
pt-br calendar length
(<= 255) comprimento
pt-br calendar length shown
(emtpy for full length) duração mostrada
(vazio para dia inteiro)
pt-br calendar link Link
pt-br calendar link to view the event Link para visualizar o evento
pt-br calendar list all categories. Listar todas as categorias.
pt-br calendar loading Carregando
pt-br calendar load [iv]cal Carregar [iv]Cal
pt-br calendar location Localização
pt-br calendar make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? Fazer a informação de disponibilidade ficar disponível para usuários não logados?
pt-br calendar matrixview Visão em matriz
pt-br calendar minutes minutos
pt-br calendar mo Sg
pt-br calendar modified Modificado
pt-br calendar modify list of external participants Modificar lista de participantes externos
pt-br calendar mon Seg
pt-br calendar month Mês
pt-br calendar monthly (by date) mensalmente (por data)
pt-br calendar monthly (by day) mensalmente (por dia)
pt-br calendar monthly Mensalmente
pt-br calendar monthview Visão mensal
pt-br calendar new entry Nova Entrada
pt-br calendar new name must not exist and not be empty!!! Novo nome deve existir e não estar vazio!!!
pt-br calendar no matches found Nenhum registro encontrado
pt-br calendar no response Sem resposta
pt-br calendar notification messages for added events Mensagem para notificação de eventos adicionados
pt-br calendar notification messages for canceled events Mensagem para notificação de eventos cancelados
pt-br calendar notification messages for modified events Mensagem para notificação de eventos modificados
pt-br calendar notification messages for your alarms Mensagem para notificação de seus alarmes
pt-br calendar notification messages for your responses Mensagem para notificação de suas respostas
pt-br calendar number of intervals per day in planner view Número de intervalos por Dia na visão planejamento
pt-br calendar number of months Número de meses
pt-br calendar number of records to read (%1) Número de registros a serem lidos (%1)
pt-br calendar number of records to read (<=200) numero de entradas para serem lidas ( <=200 )
pt-br calendar observance rule Regra de Padrão
pt-br calendar occurence Ocorrência
pt-br calendar olddate Data anterior
pt-br calendar old startdate Início anterior
pt-br calendar on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 Em %1 %2 %3 sua requisição de encontro para %4
pt-br calendar on all changes em todas as modificações
pt-br calendar on all modification, but responses em todas as modificações, menos respostas
pt-br calendar on any time change too em qualquer alteração de horário também
pt-br calendar on invitation / cancelation only ao convidar / recusar somente
pt-br calendar on participant responses too em respostas dos participantes também
pt-br calendar on time change of more than 4 hours too em mudanças superiores a 4 horas também
pt-br calendar open todo's: Abrir itens a fazer
pt-br calendar order Ordem
pt-br calendar organization Organização
pt-br calendar overlap holiday sobrepor feriado
pt-br calendar participant Participante
pt-br calendar participants Participantes
pt-br calendar participates Participa
pt-br calendar password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? Senha para usuários não logados acessarem informações sobre disponibilidade?
pt-br calendar people holiday feriado pessoal
pt-br calendar permission denied Permissão negada
pt-br calendar planner by category Organizar por categoria
pt-br calendar planner by user Organizar por usuário
pt-br calendar planner Planejar
pt-br calendar please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar Favor confirmar, aceitar, rejeitar ou examinar as mudanças na entrada correspondente no seu calendário
pt-br calendar powerful calendar with meeting request system and acl security. Poderoso calendário com sistema de requisição de compromissos e segurança ACL.
pt-br calendar preselected group for entering the planner Grupo pré-selecionado para entrada no organizador
pt-br calendar print calendars in black & white Imprimir calendários em preto e branco
pt-br calendar printer friendly Versão para impressão
pt-br calendar print the mini calendars Imprimir mini-calendários
pt-br calendar private and global public Particular e público globalmente
pt-br calendar private and group public Particular e público ao grupo
pt-br calendar private Privado
pt-br calendar private only Restrito somente
pt-br calendar public calendars Agendas públicas
pt-br calendar read a list of entries. Ler a lista de entradas
pt-br calendar read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. Ler uma única entrada informando o ID e a lista de campos
pt-br calendar read this list of methods. Ler essa lista de métodos
pt-br calendar receive email updates receber atualizações via correio eletrônico
pt-br calendar receive extra information in event mails Receber informações extras em mensagens de eventos
pt-br calendar receive summary of appointments Receber sumário dos compromissos
pt-br calendar recurring event evento recorrente
pt-br calendar re-edit event Re-Editar evento
pt-br calendar refresh Atualizar
pt-br calendar reinstate Reagendar
pt-br calendar rejected Rejeitado
pt-br calendar remove user Remover usuário
pt-br calendar repeat day Repetição diária
pt-br calendar repeat end date Data final da repetição
pt-br calendar repeating event information Repetindo informação do evento
pt-br calendar repeat type Tipo de repetição
pt-br calendar repetition Repetição
pt-br calendar repetitiondetails (or empty) detalhes da repetição (ou vazio)
pt-br calendar reset Limpar
pt-br calendar restrict Restrito
pt-br calendar rule Regra
pt-br calendar sa Sa
pt-br calendar sat Sab
pt-br calendar scheduling conflict Conflito de agendamento
pt-br calendar search for Buscar por
pt-br calendar searching Buscando
pt-br calendar search results Resultados da pesquisa
pt-br calendar sector Setor
pt-br calendar selected contacts (%1) Contatos Selecionados (%1)
pt-br calendar send/receive updates via email Enviar/Receber atualizações através de Email
pt-br calendar set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. Informar ano apenas para feriado flutuante/ocorrência única
pt-br calendar set new events to private Colocar novos itens como restrito
pt-br calendar should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?
you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! Os convites recusados devem permanecer no seu calendário ?
Você poderá aceitá-los depois (ex. quando desfizer conflitos de horários), caso eles permaneçam
pt-br calendar should new events created as private by default ? Novos eventos criados devem ser colocados como privados por padrão?
pt-br calendar should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include th Usuários não logados não devem ver sua informação de disponibilidade?
pt-br calendar should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? Mini-calendários devem ser impressos/mostrados na versão para impressão?
pt-br calendar should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? A versão para impressão deverá ser preto e branco ou colorida (como na tela)?
pt-br calendar should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? O status de cada participante deve ser mostrado entre parenteses logo após o nome do mesmo?
pt-br calendar show day view on main screen Exibir visão diária na tela principal
pt-br calendar show default view on main screen Exibir visualização padrão na tela principal
pt-br calendar show high priority events on main screen Exibir eventos de alta prioridade na minha tela
pt-br calendar show invitations you rejected Exibir convites que você cancelou
pt-br calendar show list of upcoming events Exibir a lista de eventos futuros
pt-br calendar single event evento único
pt-br calendar sorry, the owner has just deleted this event Desculpe, o dono do evento deve tê-lo apagado
pt-br calendar sorry, this event does not exist Desculpe, esse evento não existe
pt-br calendar sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined Desculpe, esse evento não possui exceções definidas
pt-br calendar sort by Ordenar por
pt-br calendar specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. Especifica o número de intervalos mostrados no planejamento
pt-br calendar start date Data de início
pt-br calendar start date/time Início Data/hora
pt-br calendar startrecord Registro inicial
pt-br calendar submit to repository Enviar para o repositório
pt-br calendar su Do
pt-br calendar summary Descrição
pt-br calendar sun Dom
pt-br calendar tentative Tentativa
pt-br calendar test import (show importable records only in browser) Testar Importação (mostar somente registros que podem ser importados no navegador)
pt-br calendar text Texto
pt-br calendar th Qu
pt-br calendar the commitment was accepted successfully! O compromisso foi aceito com sucesso!
pt-br calendar the commitment was rejected successfully! O compromisso foi rejeitado com sucesso!
pt-br calendar the email addresses must be separated by ',' Os endereços de email devem estar separados por vírgula. Ex.: fulano@aaa.com.br,beltrano@bbb.com, ciclano@ccc.br
pt-br calendar the following conflicts with the suggested time:
os seguintes conflitos com o horário sugerido:
pt-br calendar the following commitment had problems for delivering the notification messages. O compromisso abaixo teve problemas ao ENTREGAR mensagens de NOTIFICAÇÃO.
pt-br calendar there was an error trying to connect to your news server.
please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. Houve um erro tentanto conectar no servidor de notícias.
Por favor entre em contato com o administrador para verificar a configuração.
pt-br calendar the user %1 is not participating in this event! O usuário %1 não está participando desse evento!
pt-br calendar this commitment has already been accepted! Esse compromisso já foi aceito!
pt-br calendar this commitment has already been rejected! Esse compromisso já foi rejeitado!
pt-br calendar this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. Esse dia será mostrado como primeiro dia da semana na visão semanal e mensal
pt-br calendar this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. Isso define o último horário da visão diária. Eventos além desse horário são mostrados abaixo do dia.
pt-br calendar this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.
this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. Isso define o primeiro horário da visão diária. Eventos antes desse horário são mostrados acima do dia.
Esse horário também será o horário inicial para novos eventos.
pt-br calendar this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. Esse grupo é pré-selecionado ao entrar no organizador. Você poderá modificá-lo a qualquer tempo.
pt-br calendar this is an external event. even if it added to your expresso its can be changed any time at all Este é um evento externo. Mesmo que adicionado ao seu Expresso corre o risco de mudança a qualquer momento.
pt-br calendar this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. Esse erro é comumente causado por um servidor SMTP mal configurado. Notifique seu administrador.
pt-br calendar this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. Essa mensagem é enviada para enventos cancelados ou apagados.
pt-br calendar this message is sent for modified or moved events. Essa mensagem é enviada para eventos modificados ou transferidos.
pt-br calendar this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.
you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the Essa mensagem é enviada para cada participante dos eventos que você criou, que pediram informações sobre novos eventos.
Você pode usar certas variáveis que subtituirão dados nos seus eventos. A primeira linha é o assunto do email.
pt-br calendar this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. Essa mensagem é enviada quando você aceita, aceita com possibilidade de mudança ou rejeita um evento.
pt-br calendar this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. Essa mensagem é enviada quando você configura um alarme para certo evento. Inclua toda a informação necessária.
pt-br calendar this message was sent by server. you must send a message to sender to confirm this event Isso é uma mensagem automática gerada pelo Expresso. Favor confirmar o compromisso respondendo ao remetente
pt-br calendar this month Este mês
pt-br calendar this option allow everybody to view your calendar in readmode. Esta opção permite que todos os usuários do Expresso visualizem sua agenda.
pt-br calendar this user does not exist Esse usuário não existe
pt-br calendar this user does not possess public agenda Este usuário não possui agenda pública
pt-br calendar this week Esta Semana
pt-br calendar this year Este ano
pt-br calendar thu Qui
pt-br calendar tip: to search in the global catalog, type the f9 key, like the expressomail. Dica: Para pesquisar no Catálogo Geral utilize a tecla F9, como no ExpressoMail.
pt-br calendar title Título
pt-br calendar title of the event Título do evento
pt-br calendar title-row Linha-Título
pt-br calendar to accept Aceitar
pt-br calendar today Hoje
pt-br calendar to-firstname Para-Primeiro Nome
pt-br calendar to-fullname Para-Nome Completo
pt-br calendar to-lastname Para-Último Nome
pt-br calendar to many might exceed your execution-time-limit muitos podem exceder seu tempo limite de execução
pt-br calendar to reject Rejeitar
pt-br calendar to search Pesquisar
pt-br calendar to see commitment Para ver compromisso
pt-br calendar translation Tradução
pt-br calendar tu Te
pt-br calendar tue Ter
pt-br calendar update a single entry by passing the fields. Atualizar uma única entrada informando o os campos.
pt-br calendar updated Atualizado
pt-br calendar use end date Usar data de término
pt-br calendar view this entry Visualizar esta entrada
pt-br calendar we Qu
pt-br calendar wed Qua
pt-br calendar week Semana
pt-br calendar weekday starts on A Semana começa em
pt-br calendar weekly agenda of events Agenda Semanal de Eventos
pt-br calendar weekly semanal
pt-br calendar weekview Visão Semanal
pt-br calendar when creating new events default set to private Quando criar novos eventos definir por padrão como particulares.
pt-br calendar which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. Quais os eventos que você deseja ver ao iniciar o Calendário.
pt-br calendar which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? Qual a visão do Calendário você deseja ver ao iniciar o calendário?
pt-br calendar workdayends Final do dia de trabalho
pt-br calendar work day ends on Dias de trabalho terminam em
pt-br calendar work day starts on Dias de trabalho começam em
pt-br calendar x are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this single occurence ?\\n\\nthis will delete\\nthis entry for all users. Tem certeza \\nque você quer\\n remover essa única ocorrência ?\\n\\nIsso removerá\\nessa para todos os usuários
pt-br calendar year Ano
pt-br calendar yearly Anualmente
pt-br calendar yearview Visão Anual
pt-br calendar you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! Você pode especificar uma ocorrência única no ano ou recorrente, não ambos !!!
pt-br calendar you can only set a year or a occurence !!! Você pode selecionar ocorrência única ou recorrente !!!
pt-br calendar you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! Você não possue permissão para adicionar alarmes a esse evento !!!
pt-br calendar you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! Você não tem permissão para apagar esse alarme !!!
pt-br calendar you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! Você não tem permissão para habilitar/desabilitar esse alarme !!!
pt-br calendar you do not have permission to read this record! Você não possui permissão para ler esse registro!
pt-br calendar you have a meeting scheduled for %1 Você possui um compromisso agendado para %1
pt-br calendar you have not entered a\\nbrief description você não colocou uma descrição
pt-br calendar you have not entered a\\nvalid time of day. você não colocou um horário válido do dia
pt-br calendar you have not entered a title Você não colocou o título
pt-br calendar you have not entered a valid date Você informou uma data inválida
pt-br calendar you have not entered a valid time of day você informou uma hora do dia inválida
pt-br calendar you have not entered participants Você não informou os participantes
pt-br calendar you must enter one or more search keywords Você deve digitar uma ou mais palavras chave
pt-br calendar you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) Você deve selecionar um [iv}Calc. (*.[iv]cs)
pt-br calendar you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! Você deve determinar um dia ou recorrência!!!
pt-br calendar your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled Seu compromisso agendado para %1 foi cancelado
pt-br calendar your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 Seu compromisso agendado para %1 foi remarcado para %2
pt-br calendar your suggested time of %1 - %2 conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: Horário sugerido: %1 - %2 está em conflito com as seguintes entradas no calendário:
pt-br calendar quantity of days Quantidade de dias
pt-br calendar print starting in Imprimir a partir de
pt-br calendar empty prints from the day chosen below to the end of the current month Vazio imprime do dia escolhido abaixo até o final do mês corrente.
pt-br contactcenter add participants Adicionar Participantes
pt-br contactcenter add relation Adicionar Relação
pt-br contactcenter address 1 Endereço 1
pt-br contactcenter address 2 Endereço 2
pt-br contactcenter addresses Endereços
pt-br contactcenter address other Outro Endereço
pt-br contactcenter alternative Alternativo
pt-br contactcenter an error has occurred while the exportation. um erro ocorreu durante a exportação
pt-br contactcenter attributes Atributos
pt-br contactcenter available Disponível
pt-br contactcenter birthdate Nascimento
pt-br contactcenter automatic Automático
pt-br contactcenter cards view Ver Cartões
pt-br contactcenter cards visualization preferences Preferências de Visualização de Cartões
pt-br contactcenter catalog %1 not showed due to error: time limit exceeded Catálogo %1 não foi mostrado devido ao erro: Tempo limite excedido
pt-br contactcenter catalog %1 temporarily unavailable. please try again later! Catálogo %1 temporariamente indisponível. Favor tentar novamente mais tarde!
pt-br contactcenter catalogues Catálogos
pt-br contactcenter cellphone Celular
pt-br contactcenter choose city Escolher Cidade...
pt-br contactcenter choose country Escolher País...
pt-br contactcenter choose 'e-mail' or 'telephone' Escolha E-Mail ou Telefone
pt-br contactcenter choose email type... Escolha o tipo do email
pt-br contactcenter choose prefix... Escolher Prefixo...
pt-br contactcenter choose sex ... Escolher Sexo ...
pt-br contactcenter choose state Escolher Estado...
pt-br contactcenter choose suffix... Escolher Sufixo...
pt-br contactcenter choose telephone type... Escolha o tipo do telefone
pt-br contactcenter choose type of address Escolher Tipo de Endereço
pt-br contactcenter choose type of connection Escolher Tipo de Conexão
pt-br contactcenter city Cidade
pt-br contactcenter close Fechar
pt-br contactcenter comercial Comercial
pt-br contactcenter complement Complemento
pt-br contactcenter new novas
pt-br contactcenter failed falharam
pt-br contactcenter were existent já existiam
pt-br contactcenter show more info Mais informações
pt-br contactcenter clean Limpar
pt-br contactcenter confirm removal of this contact? Confirmar a exclusão deste Contato?
pt-br contactcenter confirm removal of this group? Confirmar a exclusão deste Grupo?
pt-br contactcenter connection name Nome da Conexão
pt-br contactcenter connections Conexões
pt-br contactcenter connection value Valor da Conexão
pt-br contactcenter connector setup Configuração de Conexão
pt-br contactcenter contact [full] Contato [Completo]
pt-br contactcenter contacting server... Contactando Servidor...
pt-br contactcenter contact [quick add] Contato [Adição Rápida]
pt-br contactcenter copy to personal catalog. Copiar para o Catálogo Pessoal
pt-br contactcenter couldn't contact server or server response is invalid. contact admin. Não foi possível estabelecer conexão com o servidor. Contacte o Administrador do sistema.
pt-br contactcenter country País
pt-br contactcenter data to be serialized is of unknown type! Dado a ser serializado é de tipo desconhecido
pt-br contactcenter day Dia
pt-br contactcenter default Padrão
pt-br contactcenter default person email type Tipo padrão de email da pessoa
pt-br contactcenter default person telephone type Tipo padrão de telefone da pessoa
pt-br contactcenter display connector client-server status information? Exibir Informações do Status da Conexão Cliente-Servidor
pt-br contactcenter edit contact Editar Contato
pt-br contactcenter edit group Editar Grupo
pt-br contactcenter e-mails and telephones E-mails e Telefones
pt-br contactcenter empty Vazio
pt-br contactcenter entry added with success! Contato adicionado com sucesso!
pt-br contactcenter export as expresso (default) csv. Exportar como Expresso (padrão) CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export as mozilla thunderbird csv. Exportar como Mozilla Thunderbird CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export as outlook 2000 (english) csv. Exportar como Outlook 2000 (Inglês) CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export as outlook 2000 (portuguese) csv. Exportar como Outlook 2000 (Português) CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export as outlook express (english) csv. Exportar como Outlook Express (Inglês) CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export as outlook express (portuguese) csv. Exportar como Outlook Express (Português) CSV.
pt-br contactcenter export contacts Exportar Contatos
pt-br contactcenter expresso (default) Expresso (padrão)
pt-br contactcenter fax Fax
pt-br contactcenter female Feminino
pt-br contactcenter field is empty Campo está vazio
pt-br contactcenter fill the field full name Preencha o Nome Completo
pt-br contactcenter full add Adicionar Completo
pt-br contactcenter full name Nome Completo
pt-br contactcenter gpg finger print Assinatura GPG
pt-br contactcenter home Casa
pt-br contactcenter import Importar
pt-br contactcenter import contacts Importar Contatos
pt-br contactcenter import/export Importar/Exportar
pt-br contactcenter import / export personal contacts Importar/Exportar Contatos Pessoais
pt-br contactcenter importing contacts... Importando Contatos...
pt-br contactcenter is default? É Padrão?
pt-br contactcenter is my É meu
pt-br contactcenter main Principal
pt-br contactcenter male Masculino
pt-br contactcenter month Mês
pt-br contactcenter mozilla thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird
pt-br contactcenter new city Nova Cidade
pt-br contactcenter new... Novo...
pt-br contactcenter new Novo
pt-br contactcenter new email Novo Email
pt-br contactcenter new from same company Novo da mesma empresa
pt-br contactcenter new from the same type Novo do mesmo tipo
pt-br contactcenter new state Novo Estado
pt-br contactcenter new telephone Novo Telefone
pt-br contactcenter no cards Nenhum
pt-br contactcenter no cities found for this state. Nenhuma Cidade encontrada para este Estado.
pt-br contactcenter no city Nenhuma Cidade
pt-br contactcenter no entries found! Nenhum resultado encontrado!
pt-br contactcenter no room for cards! increase your browser area. Área muito pequena para visualizar em modo de cartões! Aumente a área (janela) do seu navegador.
pt-br contactcenter no state Nenhum Estado
pt-br contactcenter no states found for this country. Nenhum Estado encontrado para este País.
pt-br contactcenter operation timed out. Tempo de operação esgotado.
pt-br contactcenter option Opção
pt-br contactcenter outlook 2000 Outlook 2000
pt-br contactcenter outlook express Outlook Express
pt-br contactcenter pager Pager
pt-br contactcenter people Pessoal
pt-br contactcenter personal data Dados Pessoais
pt-br contactcenter phone Telefone
pt-br contactcenter po box Caixa Postal
pt-br contactcenter postal code CEP
pt-br contactcenter prefix Prefixo
pt-br contactcenter processing information... Processando Informações...
pt-br contactcenter relations Relações
pt-br contactcenter remove contact Remover Contato
pt-br contactcenter remove group Remover Grupo
pt-br contactcenter remove selected relations Remover Relações Selecionadas
pt-br contactcenter results Resultados
pt-br contactcenter search for catalog entries Pesquisar por Resultados no Catálogo
pt-br contactcenter sector Setor
pt-br contactcenter select a valid csv file to import your contacts Selecione um arquivo CSV válido para importar os seus contatos
pt-br contactcenter select e-mail Selecione o E-mail
pt-br contactcenter select photo Selecionar Foto
pt-br contactcenter select the file that contains the contacts to be imported: Selecione o arquivo que contém os contatos para serem importados
pt-br contactcenter select the file type Selecione o tipo de arquivo
pt-br contactcenter select the format type that you want to export your contacts Selecione o tipo de formatação que você gostaria de usar para exportar os seus contatos
pt-br contactcenter select the telephone Selecione o Telefone
pt-br contactcenter server contacted. waiting for response... Servidor contactado. Aguardando resposta...
pt-br contactcenter sex Sexo
pt-br contactcenter state Estado
pt-br contactcenter suffix Sufixo
pt-br contactcenter table view Ver Tabela
pt-br contactcenter telephone Telefone
pt-br contactcenter the expresso supports the contacts importation in the csv file format. O Expresso suporta a importação de contatos em arquivos de formatação CSV
pt-br contactcenter the importation has failed. verify the file format. A importação falhou. Verifique o formato do arquivo.
pt-br contactcenter the importation has finished. A importação terminou.
pt-br contactcenter type new city here Digite o nome aqui
pt-br contactcenter type new state here Digite o nome aqui
pt-br contactcenter type of address Tipo de Endereço
pt-br contactcenter type of connection Tipo de Conexão
pt-br contactcenter unavailable or empty catalog Catálogo vazio ou indisponível
pt-br contactcenter updated successfully! Atualizado com Sucesso!
pt-br contactcenter users list Lista de Usuários
pt-br contactcenter value Valor
pt-br contactcenter views Visões
pt-br contactcenter work Trabalho
pt-br contactcenter year Ano
pt-br contactcenter you did not add any contact for this group. Você não adicionou nenhum contato para esse grupo.
pt-br contactcenter ou Organização:
pt-br contactcenter search for Buscar por:
pt-br contactcenter availables Usuários disponíveis
pt-br contactcenter shareds Compartilhados
pt-br contactcenter shared Compartilhado
pt-br contactcenter not allowed Acesso negado
pt-br contactcenter unavailable function Função indisponível
pt-br emailadmin add profile Adicionar Perfil
pt-br emailadmin admin dn dn do administrador
pt-br emailadmin admin password senha do administrador
pt-br emailadmin admin passwort senha do administrador
pt-br emailadmin admin username usuário do administrador
pt-br emailadmin advanced options opções avançadas
pt-br emailadmin alternate email address endereço de correio eletrônico alternativo
pt-br emailadmin cyrus imap server administration Administração do Servidor Cyrus IMAP
pt-br emailadmin cyrus imap server Servidor Cyrus IMAP
pt-br emailadmin default padrão
pt-br emailadmin default folders Pastas padrões
pt-br emailadmin deliver extern entrega externa
pt-br emailadmin domainname nome do domínio
pt-br emailadmin do you really want to delete this profile Tem certeza que deseja apagar esse perfil?
pt-br emailadmin drafts folder Pasta dos rascunhos
pt-br emailadmin edit email settings editar configurações de correio eletrônico
pt-br emailadmin email account active conta de correio eletrônico ativa
pt-br emailadmin email address endrereço de correio eletrônico
pt-br emailadmin enable cyrus imap server administration habilitar administração do Servidor Cyrus IMAP
pt-br emailadmin enable sieve habilitar Sieve
pt-br emailadmin enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) Entre com o domínio de correio padrão (de: usario@dominio)
pt-br emailadmin forward also to encaminhar também para
pt-br emailadmin forward email's to encaminhar mensagens para
pt-br emailadmin forward only encaminhar somente
pt-br emailadmin imap c-client version < 2001 IMAP C-Cliente Versão < 2001
pt-br emailadmin imap/pop3 server name Nome do servidor IMAP/POP3
pt-br emailadmin imap server hostname or ip address Nome ou IP do servidor IMAP
pt-br emailadmin imap server logintyp Tipo de login do servidor IMAP
pt-br emailadmin imap server port Porta do servidor IMAP
pt-br emailadmin in mbyte em Mbytes
pt-br emailadmin ldap basedn DN Base do LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap server accounts dn Contas DN de servidores LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap server admin dn Administrador DN de servidor LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap server admin password Senha do administrador DN de servidor LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap server Servidor LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap server hostname or ip address Nome ou endereço IP do servidor LDAP
pt-br emailadmin ldap settings Configurações do LDAP
pt-br emailadmin leave empty for no quota deixe em branco para nenhuma quota
pt-br emailadmin name of organisation Nome da organização
pt-br emailadmin no alternate email address sem conta de correio eletrônico alternativa
pt-br emailadmin no forwarding email address sem conta de correio eletrônico para encaminhar
pt-br emailadmin pop3 server hostname or ip address Nome ou endereço IP do servidor POP3
pt-br emailadmin pop3 server port Porta do servidor POP3
pt-br emailadmin postfix with ldap Postfix com LDAP
pt-br emailadmin profile list Lista de perfis
pt-br emailadmin profile name Nome do perfil
pt-br emailadmin qmaildotmode modo dos arquivos qmail (.qmail)
pt-br emailadmin qouta size in mbyte tamanho da quota em MBytes
pt-br emailadmin quota settings configurações de cota
pt-br emailadmin remove remover
pt-br emailadmin select type of imap/pop3 server Selecione o tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
pt-br emailadmin select type of smtp server Selecione o tipo de servidor SMTP
pt-br emailadmin sent folder Pasta das enviadas
pt-br emailadmin sieve server hostname or ip address Nome ou endereço IP do servidor Sieve
pt-br emailadmin sieve server port Porta do Servidor Sieve
pt-br emailadmin sieve settings Configurações Sieve
pt-br emailadmin smtp-server hostname or ip address Nome ou endereço IP do servidor SMTP
pt-br emailadmin smtp server name Nome do Servidor SMTP
pt-br emailadmin smtp-server port Porta do servidor SMTP
pt-br emailadmin spam folder Pasta dos spams
pt-br emailadmin standard Padrão
pt-br emailadmin standard imap server Servidor IMAP padrão
pt-br emailadmin standard pop3 server Servidor POP3 padrão
pt-br emailadmin standard smtp-server Servidor SMTP padrão
pt-br emailadmin trash folder Pasta da lixeira
pt-br emailadmin use ldap defaults usar padrões LDAP
pt-br emailadmin users can define their own emailaccounts Os usuários podem definir sua próprias contas de correio
pt-br emailadmin use smtp auth usar SMTP Autenticado
pt-br emailadmin use tls authentication Usar autenticação TLS
pt-br emailadmin use tls encryption Usar encriptação TLS
pt-br emailadmin virtual mail manager Gerenciador Virtual Mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 a updated version of these files can be found here Uma versão atualizada destes arquivos pode ser encontrada aqui
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 access control list Lista de controle de accesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 access log Registro de acesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 account active Conta Ativa
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 account type Tipo de Conta
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 active email account Conta de E-mail ativa
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 active user usuário ativo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 added user samba attribute Adicionado atributos samba ao usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add email lists Criar listas de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add groups Criar grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add institutional accounts Criar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add manager Adicionar Gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add managers Adicionar Gerentes
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add owner Adicionar dono
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add samba domain Criar domínio Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add samba domains Criar domínios Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add sectores Adicionar Setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add sectors Criar Setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add sub sectors Criar Sub-Setore
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add user Adicionar Usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 add users Adicionar usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 alert your administrator about this Alerte seu administrador sobre isto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 alias email E-mail alternativo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 all users groups and subsectors from this sector will be deleted Todos os usuários, grupos, listas e sub-setores serão deletados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 alternative email is being used by 1 user E-mail alternativo está sendo usado por 1 usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 alternative email is being used by 2 or more users E-mail alternativo está sendo usado por 2 ou mais usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 anonymous Anônimo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 any user is in the list Nenhum usuário faz parte da lista
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 aplication permission Aplicações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 application info Informação sobre a aplicação
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 applications Aplicações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 applications for this group Aplicações para este grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 apply send control list to this list Aplicar controle de envio à esta lista de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 are you sure that you want to delete this institutional account Você tem certeza que deseja apagar esta conta institucional
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 available groups Grupos disponíveis
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 available mail lists Listas de e-mail disponíveis
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 change first name Alterado primeiro nome
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 change password Alterar senha
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 change users password Alterar senhas dos usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 change users quote Alterar cota dos usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 characters caracteres
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 computer Computador
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 computers Computadores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 computer type Tipo do Computador
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 computer uid UID do Computador
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 connection with ldap fail Conexão com ldap falhou
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling groups Contêm os seguintes grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling sectors Contêm os seguintes setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling users Contêm os seguintes usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 context does not exist Contexto não existe
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 context Contexto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 context field is empty Campo contexto está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 contexts Contextos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 corporative information Informações Corporativas
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 cpf CPF
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create computers Criar computadores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 created user Criado usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create email list Criar Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create group Criar Grupo de Usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create institutional account Criar conta institucional
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create organizations Criar organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create sector Criar Setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create sectors Criar setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 create user Criar Usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 criation of institutional accounts Criação de contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 default password already registered Senha padrão já registrada
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 default password not registered Senha padrão não registrada
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 default password successful saved Senha padrão salva com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete computers Deletar computadores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 deleted user Deletado usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete email lists Deletar listas de emails
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete Remover
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete group Deletar Grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete groups Deletar grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete organizations Deletar organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete photo Deletar foto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete sectors Deletar setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete user Excluir Usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 delete users Deletar usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 desactive user usuário inativo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 description field contains characters not allowed Campo DESCRIÇÃO contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 description field is empty Campo DESCRIÇÃO está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do not show this account in the contact center Ocultar esta conta no catálogo geral
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login interface not implemented (contact suport) A interface de login não foi implementada (contate o suporte)
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do not show this email list Ocultar esta lista de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do not show this group Ocultar este grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do not show this sector Ocultar este setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do you really want delete the email list Você realmente quer DELETAR o lista de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do you really want delete the group Você realmente quer DELETAR o grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do you really want delete the user Você realmente quer DELETAR o usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do you really want delete this sector Você realmente quer DELETAR este setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 do you want to continue anyway Você quer continuar assim mesmo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 drafts Rascunhos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit computers Editar computadores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit email attribute from the groups Editar campo e-mail do grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit email lists Editar Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit group Editar grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit groups Editar grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit institutional accounts Editar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit managers Editar Gerentes
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit organizations Editar organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit samba domains Editar domínios SAMBA
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit samba users attributes Editar atributos SAMBA
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit scl email lists Editar SCL das listas de email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit sector Editar Setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit sectors Editar setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit sending control list Editar Lista de Controle de Envio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit user Editar Usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit users Editar usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit users phonenumber Editar telefone dos usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 edit users picture Editar foto dos usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 eg Ex
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email config Configuração de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email field is empty Campo E-MAIL está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email field is not valid Campo E-MAIL não é valido
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list Lista de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list is active Lista de e-mail está ativa
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list name Nome da Lista de E-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email lists Listas de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email lists logins Login da Lista
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email lists names Nome da Lista
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list successful created Lista de e-mails criada com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list successful deleted Lista de e-mails deletada com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email list successful saved Lista de e-mails salva com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 email quota in mb Cota de e-mail em MB
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 emails did not find e-mails não encontrados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 employeenumber contains characters not allowed Campo matrícula contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 employee number Matrícula
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 empty user inbox Esvaziar INBOX do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 error adding application to new manager Erro adicionando aplicação ao novo gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 error on function Erro na função
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 error in openldap. Erro no OpenLDAP.
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 expire Expira
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 expressoadmin ExpressoAdmin
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field cpf is invalid Campo CPF é inválido
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field cpf must be completed Campo CPF é de preenchimento obrigatório
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field cpf used by Campo CPF está em uso por
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field mail already in use Campo e-mail já está em uso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field mailalternateaddress is not formed correcty Campo E-mail Alternativo não está formado corretamente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field mail is not formed correcty Campo E-mail não está formado corretamente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 field mail or name is empty Campo e-mail ou nome está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 first name field contains characters not allowed Campo primeiro nome contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 first name field is empty Campo primeiro nome está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 forward email is empty E-mail de encaminhamento está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 forwarding email E-mail de encaminhamento
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 found managers Gerentes encontrados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 full name Nome completo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 general information Informações Gerais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group info Informação sobre o grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group only exist on db, but does not exist on ldap Grupo só existe no BD, mas não existe no LDAP
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group organization Organização do Grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 groups from the sector Grupos do setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 groups name Nome do grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 groups names Nome dos Grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 groups permission Grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group successful created Grupo criado com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group successful deleted Grupo deletado com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group successful saved Grupo salvo com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 group users Usuários do Grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 home directory Diretório Home
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 hour Hora
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 included memberuid on ldap incluído memberUID no ldap
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 included user on group incluído usuário no grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 included user to group Incluído usuário ao grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 included user to maillist Incluído usuário à lista de email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 institutional accounts Contas Institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 institutional account successful created Conta insticional criada com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 institutional account successful deleted Conta insticional deletada com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 institutional account successful saved Conta Insticional salva com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 ip address Endereço IP
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 is account active Conta está ativa
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 it is needed to create samba passwords É necessário para criar senhas do samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 it is not allow select all users from the root organization Não é permitido selecionar todos os usuários da raiz
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 it was not possible to change users mailbox quota Não foi possível alterar a cota da caixa postal do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 it was not possible to delete users mailbox Não foi possível deletar a caixa postal do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 it was not possible create the group because the ldap schemas are not update Não foi possível criar o grupo poruqe os esquemas do LDAP não estão atualizados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 last name field contains characters not allowed Campo último nome contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 last name field is empty Campo último nome está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 leave empty for no quota deixe vazio para não ter quota
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 list Lista
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 listgroups Lista de Grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 list managers Lista de Gerentes
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 listname Nome da lista
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 list of current users Lista de Usuários Conectados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login field contains characters not allowed Campo LOGIN contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login field is empty Campo LOGIN está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login field is incomplete Campo LOGIN está incompleto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login field must be bigger than Campo LOGIN precisa ser maior que
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login id Login
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 logon script Script de Logon
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 logon script is empty Script de logon está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 logs Logs
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 mail E-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 maillist login Login da Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 maillist mail E-Mail da Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 maillist name Nome da Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 maillist organization Organização da Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 maillist users Usuários da Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manager already exist Gerente já existe
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manager Gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manager lid Login do Gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manager login Login do Gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manager name Nome do Gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 manipulate corporative information Manipular informações corporativas
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 modified user email Modificado campo e-mail do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 modified user homedirectory Modificado campo home do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 modified user password Modificado campo senha do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 modified user primary group Modificado grupo primário do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 modified user telephonenumber Modificado campo telefone do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 more then one uid was found Mais de uma login foi encontrado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 name field contains characters not allowed Campo contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 name field is empty Campo NOME está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 name field is incomplete Campo NOME está incompleto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 no matches found Nenhum resultando encontrado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 no uid was found Nenhum login foi encontrado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 occult sector Ocultar setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 omit account from the catalog Omitir conta do catálogo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 only forwarding Somente encaminhar mensagens
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 only numbers are allowed Apenas números são permitidos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 only on ldap somente no ldap
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 organization Organização
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 organizations Organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 owners Donos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 participants from the list can send email to this list Participantes da lista podem enviar e-mail para a mesma
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 password and re-password are different Senha e re-senha são diferentes
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 password expired Senha expirada
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 password field is empty Campo SENHA está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 phone Telefone
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 phone field is incorrect Campo telefone está incorreto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 photo Foto
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 primary group Grupo Primário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 problems getting user id Problemas obtendo ID do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 quota used in mb Cota de e-mail usada em MB
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 removed user from group Removido usuário do grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 removed user from list Removido usuário da lista de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 remove Remover
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 remove institutional accounts Deletar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 remove owner Remover dono
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 remove user Remover Usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 remove users Remover Usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 rename users Renomear usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 rename users login from Renomear login do usuário de
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 re-password Re-Senha
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 re-password field is empty Campo re-senha está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 return user password Retornar senha do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 rg RG
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 rguf rgUF
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba config Configurações do SAMBA
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain name Nome do domínio Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain name or sid already exist O nome do domínio samba ou sambaSID já existe
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains Dominios Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain sid SID do domínio Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains name Nome dos domínios Samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains name is empty O nome do domínio samba está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 sambasid sambaSID
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba sid is empty O SID do domínio samba está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba user active Usuário Samba Ativo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 samba user desactive Usuário Samba Desabilitado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 scl scl
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 scl successful saved SCL salva com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 search email list Procurar listas de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 search for group Procurar por grupos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 search for manager Buscar gerentes
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 searching procurando
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 search organization Procurar organização
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 search user Procurar usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 sector Setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 sector name Nome do Setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 sectors Setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 select all Selecionar todos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 select one manager Selecione um gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 select users from all sub-organizations Selecionar usuários de todas as sub-organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 sent Enviados
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 server Servidor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 server return Retorno do servidor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 server returns Retorno do servidor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 set default users password Setar senha padrão
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 show access logs Exibir registros de acesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 show session - global Exibir Sessões - Global
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 show sessions Exibir Sessões
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 show users from all sub-organizations Exibir usuários de todas as sub-organizações
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 spam Spam
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 subsectors from the sector Sub-setores do setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the administrator must update the directory /etc/ldap/schema/ and re-start ldap O administrador precisa atualizar o diretório /etc/ldap/schema/ e re-iniciar o Ldap
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the binary file /home/expressolivre/mkntpwd does not exist O arquivo binário /home/expressolivre/mkntpwd não existe
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the expressoadmin corrected the following inconsistencies O expressoAdmin corrigiu as seguintes inconsistências
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the login field must be formed like O campo login deve ser formado camo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the name field must be formed like O campo nome precisa ser formado como
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 the user is part of this email lists O usuário participa destas listas de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this email address is already used Este endereço de e-mail já está sendo usado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this email address is being used by 1 user Este endereço de e-mail já está sendo usado por 1 usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this email address is being used by 2 or more users Este endereço de e-mail já está sendo usado por 2 ou mais usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this email list login is already used Este LOGIN da lista de e-mail já está sendo usado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this login can not be used because is a system account Este login não pode ser usado pois é uma conta de sistema
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this login is already used by a user in another organization Este login já está sendo usado por um usuário em outra organização
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this login is already used by Este LOGIN já está sendo usado por
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 this login is being used by a group Este login está sendo usado por um grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 to delete Excluir
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 to para
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 to rename Renomear
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 to search Procurar
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 total sessions Total de Sessões
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 trash Lixeira
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 trust account Conta de TRUST
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 type new managers login Digite o login do novo gerente
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user accounts Contas de usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user email alredy exist. E-mail do usuário já cadastrado.
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user groups Grupos do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user info Informação sobre o usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user is not in any group Usuário não faz parte de nenhum grupo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user login alredy exist. Login do usuário já cadastrado.
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user login successful renamed Login do usuário renomeado com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users did not find on db, only on ldap Usuários não encontrados no DB, somente no LDAP
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users Usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users for inclusion Usuários para inclusão
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users from the sector Usuários do setor
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users home directory is empty Diretório HOME do usuário está vazio
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users in email list Usuários na Lista de Email
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users password successful returned Senha do usuário retornada com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user successful created Usuário criado com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user successful deleted Usuário deletado com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user successful saved Usuário salvo com sucesso
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 users who can send email to this list Usuários que podem enviar email para à mesma
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user without email quota Usuário sem cota de e-mail
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 use samba attributes Usar atributos samba
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 view email lists Exibir listas de emails
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 view log Exibir Log
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 view logs Exibir Logs
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 view user Exibir usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 view users Exibir usuários
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 without quota Sem cota
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 workstation active Estação de Trabalho (ATIVO)
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 workstation desactive Estação de Trabalho (INATIVO)
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have access to create sectors Você não tem acesso para criar setores
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have access to this organization Você não tem acesso a esta organização
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have right to create institutional accounts Você não tem acesso para criar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have right to delete institutional accounts Você não tem acesso para deletar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have right to edit institutional accounts Você não tem acesso para editar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have right to list institutional accounts Você não tem acesso para listar contas institucionais
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you do not have access to this module Você não tem acesso a este módulo
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 you must type the first and the second name before generate the login Você deve preencher corretamente o primeiro e o ultimo nome antes de gerar o login
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 use login generator Usar gerador de login
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 login generator disabled Gerador de logins desabilitado
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 generate login Gerar login
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 lang_account_expired Conta desativada por inatividade. Deseja reativá-la?
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 list inactives Usuários inativos
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 list_inactive Listar
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 uidnumber UID
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 user login Login do usuário
pt-br expressoAdmin1_2 last login Último acesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 1 day 1 Dia
pt-br expressoMail1_2 2 days 2 Dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 3 days 3 Dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 4 days 4 Dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 5 day 5 Dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 5 days 5 Dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 calling extension: Chamando Ramal:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the extension %1 is incorrect. O ramal %1 está incorretamente cadastrado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you extension number is incorect O seu ramal está incorretamente cadastrado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 access right Direitos de acesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 action Ação
pt-br expressoMail1_2 add bcc Adicionar CCo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 add cc Adicionar CC
pt-br expressoMail1_2 add contact Adicionar Contato
pt-br expressoMail1_2 add user into my im Adicionar no meu IM
pt-br expressoMail1_2 all Todas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 also check message against next rule Checar mensagem contra próxima regra também
pt-br expressoMail1_2 always sign message digitally? Sempre assinar digitalmente a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 always cipher message digitally? Sempre cifrar digitalmente a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 archive Arquivar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 at least one of selected message cant be marked as normal Pelo menos uma das mensagens selecionadas não pode ser marcada como normal
pt-br expressoMail1_2 at least one message have the same origin Pelo menos uma das mensagens está sendo movida para a mesma pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 attachments removed Anexos removidos com sucesso.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 at least, one of selected mails is already archived, expresso tried to archive the others, check them later Pelo menos uma das mensagens selecionadas já foi arquivada anteriormente, o expresso tentou arquivar as outras, verifique-as mais tarde.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 there is not %1 folder, expresso is creating it for you... please, repeat your request later. Pasta %1 inexistente, Expresso criará para você. Contudo por favor repita a operação em seguida.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 and e
pt-br expressoMail1_2 and save in e arquivar em
pt-br expressoMail1_2 answered Respondida
pt-br expressoMail1_2 l_answered Respondidas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 answer messages from responder mensagens de
pt-br expressoMail1_2 a read confirmation was sent. Uma confirmação de leitura foi enviada.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message with read notification Mensagem com confirmação de leitura.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the sender:\\n%1\\nwaits your notification of reading. do you want to confirm this? O remetente:\\n%1\\naguarda uma confirmação de leitura. Você deseja confirmar a leitura?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 at %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote: Em %1 às %2 horas, %3 escreveu:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 attachment anexo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 attachments: add+ Anexos: adicionar+
pt-br expressoMail1_2 attachments: Anexos:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 authentic autêntica
pt-br expressoMail1_2 back Voltar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 answer messages from: %1 - status: %2 - message: %3 Responder mensagens de: %1 - Status: %2 - mensagem: %3
pt-br expressoMail1_2 bcc CCO
pt-br expressoMail1_2 big grande
pt-br expressoMail1_2 block sender Bloquear remetente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 bold Negrito
pt-br expressoMail1_2 border Borda
pt-br expressoMail1_2 tip: for faster save, click over the image with right button. Dica: Para salvar rapidamente, clique sobre a imagem com o botão direito do mouse.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 call to comercial number Discar para Telefone Comercial
pt-br expressoMail1_2 call to mobile number Discar para Telefone Celular
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cancel Cancelar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cannot create folder. try other folder name Erro ao criar a pasta. Certifique-se de que não tentou criá-la com um nome que contém a string \\"local_\\" ou que possui algum caracter especial
pt-br expressoMail1_2 caracter "#" is not allowed! Caracter "#" não é permitido!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cc Com Cópia
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cco CCo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 revoked certificate. CERTIFICADO REVOGADO.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 certificate authority: Autoridade Certificadora:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 certificate email: Email do certificado:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 certificate has expired CERTIFICADO EXPIRADO
pt-br expressoMail1_2 unarchive Desarquivar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 all messages are successfully unarchived Mensagens desarquivadas com sucesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 change folder Trocar pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 check spelling Corretor Ortográfico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 choose a name Escolha um nome
pt-br expressoMail1_2 chose the text you want transform in link before. Selecione o texto que deseja transformar em link.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 clean Limpar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 unlimited Sem limite
pt-br expressoMail1_2 what is the maximum size of embedded images? Qual o tamanho máximo das imagens inseridas nos emails?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 click here do view (+) Clique na imagem para Ampliar.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 click here to add into the fields Clique aqui para adicionar nos campos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 close Fechar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 coincident Coincidente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 connection failed with %1 server. try later. Ocorreu uma falha de comunicação com o servidor de %1. Tente mais tarde.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 config for expressomail1_2 Configurações do expressoMail1_2
pt-br expressoMail1_2 config for expressomail Configurações para o ExpressoMail
pt-br expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-01) A lista de certificados revogados não foi encontrada.(CD-01)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-02) Não foi possível verificar se o certificado está revogado.(CD-02)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-03) Não foi possível verificar se o certificado está revogado.(CD-03)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 crypted message Mensagem cifrada digitalmente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cyrus imap server Servidor de IMAP Cyrus
pt-br expressoMail1_2 date: Data:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 date Data
pt-br expressoMail1_2 day(s) dia(s)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 rows Linhas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cols Colunas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 insert table Inserir tabela
pt-br expressoMail1_2 image Imagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 table Tabela
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select the table size Selecione o tamanho da tabela
pt-br expressoMail1_2 dear user,\\nthis is your first time in the expressomail, your preferences must be saved.\\nplease, choose your preferences and click on the button save. Caro usuário, \\ncomo esta é a primeira vez que você esta acessando o ExpressoMail, suas preferências devem ser salvas.\\n Favor escolher suas preferências e clicar no botão Salvar.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 define some criterion to the fields from, to and subject with more than 3 characters! Defina algum critério para os campos De, Para e Assunto com mais de 3 caracteres!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 define the boxes to search! Defina as pastas para a busca!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 define some search parameters! Defina alguns parâmetros para a busca!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete Apagar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete folder Excluir pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete trash messages after how many days? Apagar mensagens após quantos dias na lixeira?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete your sub-folders first Remova suas sub-pastas primeiro
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete all attachments confirmation ATENÇÃO: Após a confirmação dessa mensagem, TODOS os anexos da mesma serão apagados. Tenha certeza de que possui uma cópia dos arquivos importantes. Deseja confirmar a operação?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 details Detalhes
pt-br expressoMail1_2 digitally sign message? Assinar digitalmente a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 digitally crypt message? Cifrar digitalmente a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 disabled Desabilitada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 disable Desabilitar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 don\\`t use Não use
pt-br expressoMail1_2 download all atachments Baixar todos de uma vez
pt-br expressoMail1_2 download manual Baixar manual
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you really want to empty your trash folder? Você tem certeza quem deseja apagar sua lixeira?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you wanna receive an alert for new messages? Você quer receber um alerta para mensagens novas?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you want to block this e-mail? Você gostaria de bloquear este e-mail?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you wish to exclude the folder Você gostaria de excluir a pasta:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you confirm this import to your calendar? Confirma a importação para tua agenda do Expresso?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you want to show common name instead of uid? Utilizar nome (CN) ao invés de login (uid) em pastas compartilhadas?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you want to use important flag in email editor? Você gostaria de usar a flag de importante na edição de emails?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 do you want to use remove attachments function? Você gostaria de usar a função de desanexar?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 show images from Mostrar imagens de
pt-br expressoMail1_2 draft Rascunho
pt-br expressoMail1_2 drafts Rascunhos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 during Durante
pt-br expressoMail1_2 edit Editar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 edit filters Editar filtros
pt-br expressoMail1_2 edit folders Editar pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 e-mail rule regra do email
pt-br expressoMail1_2 emails of the account Emails da conta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 empty trash Limpar lixeira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enabled Habilitada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enable Habilitar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enable digitally sign/cipher the message? Possibilitar assinar/cifrar digitalmente a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enable quick reply Responder rápido (com histórico e ao remetente)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enter a name for the box Entre com um nome para a caixa
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enter the name of the new folder: Insira o nome da nova pasta:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enter with link url: Entre com a URL do link:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 erase folder Apagar Pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 erase the message Apague a mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error compressing messages (zip). contact the administrator. Erro ao comprimir as mensagens (ZIP)! Contacte o administrador.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error in smtp sending read confirmation. Erro no SMTP ao enviar uma confirmação de leitura.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error moving message. Erro ao mover mensagem.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error moving or delete message: message too large. select one message by one. Erro ao mover ou deletar mensagem: Mensagem muito grande. Selecione uma por vez.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error appending mail on delete attachments Ocorreu um erro ao criar uma nova mensagem na operação de remoção de anexos.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 #error:21075075:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_verify:certificate verify error Erro ao verificar o certificado mensagem.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error:21075069:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_verify:signature failure Mensagem com provável violação de assinatura.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error:21071065:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_signatureverify:digest failure Mensagem com provável violação de conteúdo.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error:21071065:pkcs7 routines:func(113):reason(101) Mensagem com provável violação de conteúdo.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error:21075069:pkcs7 routines:func(117):reason(105) Mensagem com provável violação de assinatura.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 exclusion Exclusão
pt-br expressoMail1_2 yes Sim
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no Não
pt-br expressoMail1_2 question Pergunta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 export Exportar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 export messages Exportar mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 expressomail configuration Configurações do expressoMail
pt-br expressoMail1_2 fail in import: Falha ao importar:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 file extension forbidden or invalid file Extensão de arquivo proibido ou arquivo inválido
pt-br expressoMail1_2 files arquivos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 filters Filtros
pt-br expressoMail1_2 filters maintenance Manutenção de Filtros
pt-br expressoMail1_2 filters management Gerenciamento de filtros
pt-br expressoMail1_2 first Primeira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 first name Primeiro Nome
pt-br expressoMail1_2 folder Pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 folder management Gerênciamento de Pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 folders Pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 font Fonte
pt-br expressoMail1_2 forecolor Cor do texto
pt-br expressoMail1_2 forwarded Encaminhada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 forwarded message Mensagem encaminhada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 forward Encaminhar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 forward to the address Encaminhe para o endereço
pt-br expressoMail1_2 from: De:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 from Remetente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 global catalog Catálogo Geral
pt-br expressoMail1_2 go back Voltar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 greater than Maior que
pt-br expressoMail1_2 groups Grupos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hide menu folders? Ocultar menu das pastas?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 would you like to use local messages? Você gostaria de usar mensagens locais?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 would you like to keep archived messages? Você gostaria de manter as mensagens arquivadas?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hide options Ocultar opções
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hide search Ocultar Pesquisa
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_addcreate_acl Outros usuários poderão CRIAR/ADICIONAR novas mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_delmov_acl Outros usuários poderão APAGAR/MOVER suas mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_read_acl Outros usuários poderão LER suas mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_sendlike_acl Outros usuários poderão ENVIAR mensagens como sendo você
pt-br expressoMail1_2 hours ago horas atrás
pt-br expressoMail1_2 important Importante
pt-br expressoMail1_2 import Importar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 import to calendar Importar para agenda
pt-br expressoMail1_2 import emails Importar e-mails
pt-br expressoMail1_2 important message Mensagem importante
pt-br expressoMail1_2 l_important Importantes
pt-br expressoMail1_2 in all the folders Em todas as pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inbox Caixa de Entrada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 indent Tabulação a esquerda
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform a forwarding e-mail! Informe um email de encaminhamento!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform a message Informe uma mensagem!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform a text for rejection! Informe um texto para rejeição!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform a valid e-mail! Informe um email válido!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform between 1 and 31! Informe entre 1 e 31!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform the days! Informe os dias!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform the forwarding e-mail(s) Informe email(s) para encaminhamento!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 inform your search in the text fields Informe as buscas nas caixas de texto
pt-br expressoMail1_2 insertorderedlist Inserir em lista ordenada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 insert signature Inserir assinatura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 insert signature automatically in new messages? Inserir assinatura automaticamente em novas mensagens?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 insertunorderedlist Inserir em lista não ordenada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 invalid signature Erro indeterminado: Não foi possível validar a assinatura digital da mensagem.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 in this message na mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 italic Italico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the %1 folder is not created. it is necessary to finish your request. Sua pasta \\"%1\\" não está criada. É necessário criá-la para que funcione corretamente.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 error saving your message. Ocorreu um ERRO ao salvar sua mensagem.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it's not possible create inside: Não é possivel criar dentro de:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it's not possible delete the folder: Não é possível remover a pasta:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename the folder: Não é possível renomear a pasta:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder, because it is being used in the moment! Não é possivel renomear esta pasta, pois está em uso no momento!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder! Não é possível renomear esta pasta!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 justifycenter Centralizado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 justifyfull Justificar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 justifyleft A esquerda
pt-br expressoMail1_2 justifyright A direita
pt-br expressoMail1_2 keep a copy of the message at your inbox Manter um cópia da mensagem na sua Caixa de Entrada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 last Última
pt-br expressoMail1_2 last name Último Nome
pt-br expressoMail1_2 less Menos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 less than Menor que
pt-br expressoMail1_2 link Link
pt-br expressoMail1_2 list all Listar Tudo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 list catalog Listar Catálogo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 list Listar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 list of the filters Lista de filtros
pt-br expressoMail1_2 local messages Mensagens locais
pt-br expressoMail1_2 local folders Pastas locais
pt-br expressoMail1_2 loading Carregando
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mail Correio
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mailbox sharing Compartilhamento de Caixa Postal
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mailbox already exists Pasta já existe
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mail from: Email proveniente de:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 manager your folders and export messages Gerencie suas pastas e exporte mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mark as Marcar como
pt-br expressoMail1_2 mark as spam Marcar como Spam
pt-br expressoMail1_2 max size Tamanho máximo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 medium Médio
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message body Corpo da mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message date: Data da mensagem:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message font Fonte da Mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message header Cabeçalho da Mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message marked as Mensagem marcada como
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message signed by: Mensagem assinada por:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message untouched Mensagem Íntegra
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message(s) deleted from your trash folder. mensagem(s) deletada(s) da sua Lixeira.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 messages mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 messages found in folder: mensagens encontradas na pasta:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the import was executed successfully. A importação foi executada com sucesso.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the event was imported successfully. O compromisso foi importado com sucesso.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 messages saved in %1 folder. Mensagens salvas na pasta %1.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 minute ago minuto atrás
pt-br expressoMail1_2 minutes ago minutos atrás
pt-br expressoMail1_2 #msg010- erro verificando expiracao/cas do certificado. Erro ao verificar expiração do certificado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 #msg011- ocorreu erro validando o certificado. Ocorreu erro validando o certificado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select the desired image file Selecione o arquivo de imagem desejado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 include Incluir
pt-br expressoMail1_2 upload file Anexar arquivo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 more actions Mais ações
pt-br expressoMail1_2 more Mais
pt-br expressoMail1_2 more options Mais opções
pt-br expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results. please, try to refine your search. Mais que %1 resultados foram encontrados. Tente refinar sua pesquisa.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results were found Mais de %1 resultados foram encontrados
pt-br expressoMail1_2 move Mover
pt-br expressoMail1_2 move to Mover para
pt-br expressoMail1_2 my folders Minhas Pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 nao foi possivel verificar se o certificado esta revogado.(cd-01) A lista de certificados revogados não foi encontrada.(CD-01)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 nao foi possivel verificar se o certificado esta revogado.(cd-02) Não foi possível verificar se o certificado está revogado.(CD-02)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 nao foi possivel verificar se o certificado esta revogado.(cd-03) Não foi possível verificar se o certificado está revogado.(CD-03)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 new Novo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 new folder Nova Pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 new message Nova Mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 new rule Nova Regra
pt-br expressoMail1_2 next Próximo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 nickname Apelido
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no data to search Nenhum dado digitado para pesquisar.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 none Nenhum
pt-br expressoMail1_2 none result was found. Nenhum resultado foi encontrado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no option marked! Não foi marcada nenhuma opção!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 normal normal
pt-br expressoMail1_2 now agora
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no selected message. Nenhuma mensagem foi selecionada.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no subject Sem Assunto
pt-br expressoMail1_2 note: this sharing will take action on all of your folders and messages. Atenção: Este compartilhamento terá ação em TODAS as suas pastas e mensagens.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 not spam Não é spam
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you have exceeded the number of allowed characters O número máximo de caracteres permitidos foi excedido.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 attention, you are in out of office mode. ATENÇÃO: você está com filtro para "fora de escritório" ativado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 open chat window Abrir janela de conversa
pt-br expressoMail1_2 open in new window Abrir em Nova Janela
pt-br expressoMail1_2 open in new tab Abrir em Nova Aba
pt-br expressoMail1_2 open search window Abrir janela de pesquisa
pt-br expressoMail1_2 options Opções
pt-br expressoMail1_2 organization Organização
pt-br expressoMail1_2 original attachments: add Anexos originais: adicionar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 original attachments: remove Anexos originais: remover
pt-br expressoMail1_2 outdent Tabulação a direita
pt-br expressoMail1_2 out office Fora do Escritório
pt-br expressoMail1_2 over quota Cota de espaço excedida
pt-br expressoMail1_2 padding email list Altura das linhas da lista de mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 page not found! Pagina não encontrada!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 people Pessoas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 personal catalog Catálogo Pessoal
pt-br expressoMail1_2 phone warnings list Lista de Alertas Telefônicos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 postfix with ldap Postfix with LDAP
pt-br expressoMail1_2 preferences Preferências
pt-br expressoMail1_2 previous Anterior
pt-br expressoMail1_2 print Imprimir
pt-br expressoMail1_2 problems reading your message Não foi possível ler sua mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 quick add Adição Rápida
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you have reached the maximum number of rules O número máximo de mensagens foi atingido
pt-br expressoMail1_2 public lists Listas Públicas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reached maximum tab limit Limitie máximo de abas foi atingido.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 read Leitura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 redo Refazer
pt-br expressoMail1_2 refresh Atualizar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 rich text Texto Rico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 remove Remover
pt-br expressoMail1_2 rename folder Renomear pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 remove all attachments Remover anexos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply Responder
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply sent messages to Responder mensagens enviadas para
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply to all Responder a todos
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply to all with history Responder a todos com histórico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply to all without history Responder a todos sem histórico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply to Responder a
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply to sender Responder ao Remetente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply with history Responder com histórico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 reply without history Responder sem histórico
pt-br expressoMail1_2 result of the search Resultado da busca
pt-br expressoMail1_2 results found resultados encontrados
pt-br expressoMail1_2 return receipt Conf. de Leitura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 rule Regra
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save as draft Salvar como Rascunho
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save deleted messages in trash folder? Salvar mensagens excluídas na pasta Lixeira?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save draft Salvar Rascunho
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save Salvar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save as Salvar como
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save in folder Salvar na pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save sent messages in folder Salvar automaticamente as mensagens enviadas na pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search Pesquisar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search for organization Pesquisar por Organização
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search in catalog Buscando no Catálogo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 searching Procurando
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search in the global catalog Pesquisar no Catálogo Geral
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search results Resultados encontrados
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search the messages in these folders Pesquise mensagens nessas pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search user... Procurar usuário...
pt-br expressoMail1_2 search user Procurar usuários
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sector Setor
pt-br expressoMail1_2 seen Lida
pt-br expressoMail1_2 l_seen Lidas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 selected messages have been archived As mensagens selecionadas foram arquivadas com sucesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select a folder Selecione uma pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select a folder! Selecione uma pasta!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select all messages. Selecionar todas as mensagens.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select a name Selecione um nome
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select an organization and click on button search Selecione uma Organização e clique no botão Pesquisar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select on send Selecionar no envio da mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select the type of contact that you want to view Selecione o tipo de contato que deseja visualizar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 select the user Selecionar no envio
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send and file Enviar e Arquivar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send a rejection message Envie uma mensagem de rejeição
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sender's information Dados do Remetente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sender blocked Remetente já bloqueado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send Enviar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send this message without a subject? Enviar esta mensagem sem assunto?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send (without save) Enviar (sem arquivar)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sent by Enviado por
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sent Enviado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 service unavailable Serviço não disponível
pt-br expressoMail1_2 set date Informar data
pt-br expressoMail1_2 shared folders Pastas compartilhadas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 shared options saved with success Opções de compartilhamento salvas com sucesso.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 share mailbox Compartilhar pastas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 show default view on main screen? Exibir resumo do ExpressoMail na tela inicial do Expresso?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 showing only the results found in your organization Exibindo somente os resultados em sua organização
pt-br expressoMail1_2 show previous message, after delete actual message? Exibir mensagem anterior, após apagar mensagem atual?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 signature Assinatura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 signature type Tipo de Assinatura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 signature configuration Configurações da Assinatura
pt-br expressoMail1_2 signed message Mensagem assinada digitalmente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 simple text Texto Simples
pt-br expressoMail1_2 size Tamanho
pt-br expressoMail1_2 small pequena
pt-br expressoMail1_2 spam Spam
pt-br expressoMail1_2 standard imap server servidor padrão de IMAP
pt-br expressoMail1_2 standard pop3 server servidor padrão de POP3
pt-br expressoMail1_2 standard smtp-server standard SMTP-Server
pt-br expressoMail1_2 status Status
pt-br expressoMail1_2 store at Arquivar em
pt-br expressoMail1_2 subject: Assunto:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 subject Assunto
pt-br expressoMail1_2 test word: hello %1 %2 %3 %4, bye! Teste de Palavra: Oi %1 %2 %3 %4, Ate logo!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the anti pop-up is enabled. allow this site (%1) for print. O anti Pop-Up está ativado. Desative-o para este site (%1)!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the field \\"%1\\" of the message it contains O campo \\"%1\\" da mensagem contém
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the folder %1 was successfully removed A pasta %1 foi removida com sucesso!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the folder was not deleted! A pasta não foi removida!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the list has no participant. Essa lista não possui nenhum participante.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the messages were deleted. Mensagens removidas.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the messages were moved to folder Mensagens movidas para pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the message was deleted. Mensagem removida.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the message was moved to %1 folder. Mensagem movida para pasta %1.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the message was moved to folder Mensagem movida para a pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the origin folder and the destination folder are the same. A pasta de origem e de destino são as mesmas.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the preference "%1" isn't enabled. A preferência "%1" não foi habilitada.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 there's an action processing. do you want abort it? Existe uma ação que ainda está sendo processada. Suspender ação?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the results were found in the global catalog Ocorrências encontradas no Catálogo Geral
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the sender was blocked O remetente foi bloqueado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the size of the message is O tamanho da mensagem seja
pt-br expressoMail1_2 the size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1b). O tamanho desta mensagem excedeu o limite (maior que %1B).
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this list has no participants Esta lista nao possui nenhum participante.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this mail box is empty Esta pasta está vazia
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this message is already opened! Está mensagem já está aberta!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this message is already selected! Esta caixa já está na seleção!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, and you can trust. Esta mensagem foi assinada e pode ser considerada legítima.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this is the number of messages shown in your mailbox per page Este é o número de mensagens mostradas na sua caixa de correio por página
pt-br expressoMail1_2 when delete message, send it automatically to trash folder Ao excluir um mensagem, mover automaticamente esta mensagem para a pasta lixeira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 delete automatically the messages in trash folder in how many days Apagar automaticamente as mensagens na pasta lixeira após quantos dias
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enabling this options you will be able to store messages in your local computer Ao ativar esta opção você será capaz de armazenar mensagens no seu computador local
pt-br expressoMail1_2 after store email in your local computer delete it from server Depois de guardar e-mail no seu computador local, excluí-lo do servidor
pt-br expressoMail1_2 enable this option if you want to read the next message everytime you delete a message Habilite esta opção se você quiser ler a mensagem seguinte sempre que você apagar uma mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 everytime you receive new messages you will be informed Cada vez que você receber novas mensagens que você será informado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 show unread messages in your home page Mostrar mensagens não lidas na sua página inicial
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it allow you to remove attachments from messages Permite que você remova anexos de mensagens
pt-br expressoMail1_2 it allow you to send emails with important flag, but you can receive unwanted messages with important flag Ela permite que você envie e-mails com sinalização de importante, mas você pode receber mensagens indesejadas com sinalização de importante
pt-br expressoMail1_2 save automatically sent messages in selected folder Salva automaticamente as mensagens enviadas na pasta selecionada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you can use it if your screen does not have good resolution Você pode usar isto se a sua tela não tem boa resolução
pt-br expressoMail1_2 when you are away from computer it saves automatically the message you are writing Quando você estiver longe do computador. Isto salva automaticamente a mensagem que está a escrever
pt-br expressoMail1_2 store your's most used contacts Armazene seus contatos mais utilizados
pt-br expressoMail1_2 when user send an email with image in body message, it changes the size Quando o usuário envia um e-mail com a imagem no corpo da mensagem, ela muda o tamanho
pt-br expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, but it is invalid. you should not trust on it. Esta mensagem foi assinada e foi violada. Esta mensagem não deve ser considerada confiável.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 to: Para:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 to Para
pt-br expressoMail1_2 to use local messages you have to install google gears. would you like to be redirected to gears installation page? Para utilizar o recurso de mensagens locais, é preciso instalar o Google Gears. Você gostaria de ser encaminhado para a página de instalação do mesmo?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 to use local messages, install google gears Para utilizar mensagens locais no expresso, instale o Google Gears
pt-br expressoMail1_2 tools Ferramentas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 trash Lixeira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 type the subject of the message for receiving a phone warning Digite o assunto da mensagem que deseja ser alertado por telefone
pt-br expressoMail1_2 type without spaces, dots or special characters! Digite sem espaços, pontos ou caracteres especiais!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 underlined Sublinhado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 underline sublinhado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 undo Desfazer
pt-br expressoMail1_2 unseen Não lida
pt-br expressoMail1_2 l_unseen Não lidas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 use f9 key as shortcut. Use a tecla F9 como atalho.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 users Usuários
pt-br expressoMail1_2 use dynamic contacts? Usar contatos dinâmicos?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 use shortcuts? Usar teclas de atalho?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 auto save draft Salvar rascunhos automaticamente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 validity of certificate: Validade do certificado:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 view html source Ver código html
pt-br expressoMail1_2 view tips Ver dicas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 voided message Mensagem violada
pt-br expressoMail1_2 warning: your mailbox is almost full! Aviso: Sua caixa postal está quase cheia!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 was succefully removed foi removida com sucesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 what is the height of the lines in the list of messages? Qual a altura das linhas na lista de mensagens?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 what is the maximum number of messages per page? Qual o número máximo de mensagens por página?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 what the font size in the list of messages? Qual o tamanho da fonte na lista de mensagens?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 who Quem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 with all com todas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 without quota Sem Quota
pt-br expressoMail1_2 without save sem arquivar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 with signer different from sender com e-mail do signatário diferente do remetente
pt-br expressoMail1_2 with some com algumas
pt-br expressoMail1_2 with the following message Com a seguinte mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 write Criação
pt-br expressoMail1_2 write message Compôr uma mensagem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 wrote escreveu
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you don't have permission for this operation in this shared folder! Você não possui permissão para esta operação na pasta compartilhada!
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you have %1 new Você tem %1 nova(s)
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you must wait while the messages will be exported... Aguarde enquanto as mensagens serão exportadas...
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you can't move mails from local to server folders Não é possível mover mensagens de uma pasta local para uma pasta no servidor.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you have to enter the name of the new folder Informe o nome da pasta
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you cant manipulate local messages on search Impossível manipular mensagens locais a partir de uma busca. Isso é permitido apenas para mensagens não locais.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you must wait while the messages will be imported... Aguarde enquanto as mensagens serão importadas...
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is 100% full! you must free more space or will not receive messages. Sua caixa postal está 100% cheia! Libere espaço ou não irá receber mensagens.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is shared with Sua caixa postal está compartilhada com
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent and will be discarted. Sua mensagem não foi enviada e será perdida.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent. discard your message? Sua mensagem não foi salva ou enviada. Descartar a mensagem?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message was rejected by antivirus. perhaps your attachment has been infected. Sua mensagem foi rejeitada pelo anti-virus. Seu anexo pode estar infectado.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message was save as draft in folder %1. Sua mensagem foi salva como rascunho na pasta %1.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message was sent and save. Sua mensagem foi enviada e salva.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message was sent. Sua mensagem foi enviada.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your search argument must be longer than 4 characters. Seus argumentos para a pesquisa precisam ter mais que 4 dígitos.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your session could not be verified. Sua sessão expirou. Entre novamente no Expresso.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your trash folder was empty. Sua pasta Lixeira foi limpa.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 users from your organization Usuários da sua organização
pt-br expressoMail1_2 users from others organizations Usuários de outras organizações
pt-br expressoMail1_2 zip mails to import Arquivo .zip ou .eml:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 yesterday Ontem
pt-br expressoMail1_2 sunday Domingo
pt-br expressoMail1_2 monday Segunda-feira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 tuesday Terça-feira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 wednesday Quarta-feira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 thursday Quinta-feira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 friday Sexta-feira
pt-br expressoMail1_2 saturday Sábado
pt-br expressoMail1_2 expresso offline ExpressoMail Offline
pt-br expressoMail1_2 offline pass Senha do Offline
pt-br expressoMail1_2 install offline Instalar offline
pt-br expressoMail1_2 uninstall offline Desinstalar offline
pt-br expressoMail1_2 logoff Desconectar
pt-br expressoMail1_2 offline success installed Offline instalado com sucesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 offline success uninstalled Offline removido com sucesso
pt-br expressoMail1_2 your message was sent to queue Sua mensagem foi enviada com sucesso para a fila
pt-br expressoMail1_2 you have messages to send. want you to send them now? Você tem mensagens na fila para enviar. Deseja enviá-las agora?
pt-br expressoMail1_2 cannot rename folder. try other folder name Impossível renomear pasta, tente outro nome.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 message without receiver Você deve fornecer pelo menos um endereço de destinatário de email.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 send from queue Enviar fila
pt-br expressoMail1_2 no messages to send Não há mensagens na fila de e-mails offline.
pt-br expressoMail1_2 number of messages to send: Número de mensagens à enviar:
pt-br expressoMail1_2 not allowed in offline mode Não permitido no modo offline
pt-br expressoMail1_1 it's not possible remove this folder, because it is being used in the moment! Não é possível remover esta pasta, pois estão em uso no momento!
pt-br help %1 manual page(s) added or updated %1 páginas do manual adicionada(s) ou atualizada(s)
pt-br help download download
pt-br help html_description Sua mensagem foi enviada ao Administrador do Expresso Livre, e em breve será respondida pelo seu próprio email do Expresso.
Obrigado por ajudar-nos a melhorar esta ferramenta.
Equipe de Desenvolvimento e
Manutenção do Expresso Livre.
pt-br help page(s) %1 not found !!! Página %1 não encontrada !!!
pt-br help starting import from %1, this might take several minutes (specialy if you start it the first time) ... Iniciando a importação de %1, pode levar alguns minutos (especialmente se você o executa pela primeira vez agora) ...
pt-br help your suggestion was sent successfully. Sua sugestão foi enviada com sucesso.
pt-br jabberit_messenger add Adicionar
pt-br jabberit_messenger add contact wait Adicionando contato aguarde
pt-br jabberit_messenger add contatct Adicionar Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger add contacts Adicionar Contatos
pt-br jabberit_messenger add contact! Contato adicionado!
pt-br jabberit_messenger add contact Adicionar Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger add new contact Adicionar Novo Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger add user Adicionar Usuário
pt-br jabberit_messenger allow Adicionar
pt-br jabberit_messenger added information! Informações Adicionadas!
pt-br jabberit_messenger add organizations and servers jabber Adicionar organizações e servidores jabber
pt-br jabberit_messenger applications list Lista de Módulos
pt-br jabberit_messenger authorization Autorização
pt-br jabberit_messenger auto connection Conectar Automaticamente
pt-br jabberit_messenger ativar aviso de mensagem recebida Ativar aviso de mensagem recebida
pt-br jabberit_messenger attention ATENÇÃO
pt-br jabberit_messenger attribute Atributo
pt-br jabberit_messenger available Disponível
pt-br jabberit_messenger away Volto Logo
pt-br jabberit_messenger away presence Ausente
pt-br jabberit_messenger birthday Aniversário
pt-br jabberit_messenger busy Ocupado
pt-br jabberit_messenger change your status Mude seu estado
pt-br jabberit_messenger cancel Cancelar
pt-br jabberit_messenger change status Status
pt-br jabberit_messenger choice contact Escolha Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger close Fechar
pt-br jabberit_messenger close this menu Fechar Menu
pt-br jabberit_messenger color Cor
pt-br jabberit_messenger contact Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger contact add Contato Adicionado
pt-br jabberit_messenger contact was not added! Contato não foi adicionado !
pt-br jabberit_messenger connection Conexão
pt-br jabberit_messenger custom message... Mensagem ...
pt-br jabberit_messenger delete Excluir
pt-br jabberit_messenger description Descrição
pt-br jabberit_messenger dnd Não Perturbe
pt-br jabberit_messenger deny Negar
pt-br jabberit_messenger e-mail E-mail
pt-br jabberit_messenger edit Editar
pt-br jabberit_messenger enable auto login im Conectar Automaticamente IM
pt-br jabberit_messenger enable the expresso messenger module Habilitar o módulo Expresso Messenger
pt-br jabberit_messenger enter a group Informe um GRUPO
pt-br jabberit_messenger enter a name Informe um NOME
pt-br jabberit_messenger enter a value greater than or equal to 1! Informe um valor igual ou maior que 1!
pt-br jabberit_messenger error in the message! Erro na mensagem!
pt-br jabberit_messenger error saving your preferences! Erro salvando suas preferências!
pt-br jabberit_messenger example Exemplo
pt-br jabberit_messenger external participants Participantes Externos
pt-br jabberit_messenger font Fonte
pt-br jabberit_messenger full name Nome Completo
pt-br jabberit_messenger free for chat Livre Bate-Papo
pt-br jabberit_messenger group Grupo
pt-br jabberit_messenger help Ajuda
pt-br jabberit_messenger inform a valid e-mail! Informe um email válido!
pt-br jabberit_messenger information contacts Informações do Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger information Informações Adicionais
pt-br jabberit_messenger information user Informações Pessoais
pt-br jabberit_messenger it requisition permission Requisitar Permissão
pt-br jabberit_messenger invisible Invisível
pt-br jabberit_messenger jid contact Email Expresso
pt-br jabberit_messenger list of contacts Lista de Contatos
pt-br jabberit_messenger loading... Carregando...
pt-br jabberit_messenger member of organization Usuários da Organização
pt-br jabberit_messenger maximize/restore Maximizar/Restaurar Janela
pt-br jabberit_messenger minimize Minimizar Janela
pt-br jabberit_messenger minutes Minutos
pt-br jabberit_messenger my settings Minhas Configurações
pt-br jabberit_messenger modules enabled Módulos Habilitados
pt-br jabberit_messenger modules list Lista de Módulos
pt-br jabberit_messenger more than 50 results. please, try to refine your search. Mais que 50 resultados foram encontrados. Tente refinar sua pesquisa.
pt-br jabberit_messenger name Nome
pt-br jabberit_messenger name of contacts Nome do Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger name organization Nome Organização
pt-br jabberit_messenger new Novo
pt-br jabberit_messenger new message! Nova Mensagem!
pt-br jabberit_messenger nick Apelido
pt-br jabberit_messenger nickname Apelido
pt-br jabberit_messenger no Não
pt-br jabberit_messenger not auth Não Autorizado
pt-br jabberit_messenger normal Normal
pt-br jabberit_messenger none result was found. Nenhum resultado foi encontrado.
pt-br jabberit_messenger others expressos Outros Expressos
pt-br jabberit_messenger organization unit Selecione uma Organização
pt-br jabberit_messenger organization Organização
pt-br jabberit_messenger online Online
pt-br jabberit_messenger offline Offline
pt-br jabberit_messenger open im Abrir IM
pt-br jabberit_messenger open as pop-up window Abrir janela como Pop-up
pt-br jabberit_messenger options Opções
pt-br jabberit_messenger photo Foto
pt-br jabberit_messenger problems in its register \\n Problemas em seu registro
pt-br jabberit_messenger preferences Preferências
pt-br jabberit_messenger preferences saved with success! Preferências salvas com sucesso!
pt-br jabberit_messenger quick contacts Contatos Rápidos
pt-br jabberit_messenger re-connect expresso messenger ? Reconectar Expresso Messenger ?
pt-br jabberit_messenger registration of organizations and servers jabber Cadastro de Organizações e Servidores Jabber
pt-br jabberit_messenger remove Remover
pt-br jabberit_messenger remove contact Remover Contato
pt-br jabberit_messenger resize Redimensionar
pt-br jabberit_messenger role Função
pt-br jabberit_messenger save Salvar
pt-br jabberit_messenger says diz
pt-br jabberit_messenger sector Setor
pt-br jabberit_messenger select the modules where the expresso messenger will be loaded. Selecione os módulos onde o Expresso Messenger será carregado.
pt-br jabberit_messenger select the ldap attribute for jabber authentication Informe o atributo LDAP para autenticação do Servidor Jabber
pt-br jabberit_messenger search Pesquisar
pt-br jabberit_messenger search, add, or invite Procure, adicione ou convide
pt-br jabberit_messenger see info Ver Info
pt-br jabberit_messenger send Enviar
pt-br jabberit_messenger send file Enviar Arquivo
pt-br jabberit_messenger servers jabber Servidores Jabber
pt-br jabberit_messenger set status to away after Definir status de ausente depois de
pt-br jabberit_messenger show friends offline Exibir amigos Offline
pt-br jabberit_messenger size Tamanho
pt-br jabberit_messenger speak fala
pt-br jabberit_messenger successfully effected register! Registro efetuado com sucesso!
pt-br jabberit_messenger status Status
pt-br jabberit_messenger status of the transference Status da Transferência
pt-br jabberit_messenger style Estilo
pt-br jabberit_messenger telephone Telefone
pt-br jabberit_messenger the module is not loaded O módulo não está carregado
pt-br jabberit_messenger this user is part of a small group! Este usuário faz parte de um grupo restrito!
pt-br jabberit_messenger treme tela Treme Tela
pt-br jabberit_messenger to see preferences Ver Preferências
pt-br jabberit_messenger to define user information Definir informações do usuário
pt-br jabberit_messenger update Atualizar
pt-br jabberit_messenger users offline Usuários OffLine
pt-br jabberit_messenger username Username
pt-br jabberit_messenger unavailable Desconectado
pt-br jabberit_messenger vcard Vcard
pt-br jabberit_messenger xa Ausente
pt-br jabberit_messenger yes Sim
pt-br jabberit_messenger you desire to register in service im? Você deseja registrar no serviço IM?
pt-br jabberit_messenger your preferences Suas Preferências
pt-br jabberit_messenger your status Seu status
pt-br jabberit_messenger waiting Aguardando
pt-br jabberit_messenger without_group Sem Grupo
pt-br jabberit_messenger window Janela
pt-br jabberit_messenger workgroup Setor
pt-br jabbertit_messenger your search argument must be longer than 4 characters. Seus argumentos para a pesquisa precisam ter mais que 4 dígitos.
pt-br pt-br wait a moment !! Aguarde um momento !!
pt-br mobile calendar Agenda
pt-br mobile contact center Contatos
pt-br mobile download attachs Deseja baixar anexos em e-mails?
pt-br mobile download Baixar
pt-br mobile e-mail Cx Entrada
pt-br mobile from De
pt-br mobile logout Sair
pt-br mobile to Para
pt-br mobile subject Assunto
pt-br mobile send Enviar
pt-br mobile reply Responder
pt-br mobile folder Pasta
pt-br mobile of de
pt-br mobile inbox Caixa de Entrada
pt-br mobile return Retornar à lista de E-mails
pt-br mobile people Pessoal
pt-br mobile create mail Novo Mail
pt-br mobile this message have attachment(s) Este e-mail possui anexo(s)
pt-br mobile this message don't have attachment(s) Este e-mail não possui anexo(s)
pt-br mobile catalog Catálogo
pt-br mobile phone Telefone
pt-br mobile message sent successfully Mensagem enviada com sucesso
pt-br mobile message not sent Mensagem não enviada
pt-br mobile error Error:
pt-br mobile some addresses in the to field were not recognized. please make sure that all addresses are properly formed Alguns endereços no campo "Para" não foram reconhecidos. Por favor certifique-se que todos endereços estão corretos
pt-br mobile empty folder Pasta vazia
pt-br mobile accept Aceitar
pt-br mobile accepted aceitou
pt-br mobile reject Rejeitar
pt-br mobile rejected rejeitou
pt-br mobile location Local
pt-br mobile start date/time Data/Hora Início
pt-br mobile end date/time Data/Hora Término
pt-br mobile schedule Agendar
pt-br mobile continue scheduling Continuar o agendamento
pt-br mobile already_addeds: Já adicionados:
pt-br mobile start date Data(Início)
pt-br mobile end date Data(Término)
pt-br mobile start time Hora(Início)
pt-br mobile end time Hora(Término)
pt-br mobile keep add participants Adicionar participantes
pt-br mobile your suggested time of %1 - %2 conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: Horário sugerido: %1 - %2 está em conflito com as seguintes entradas no calendário:
pt-br mobile scheduling conflict Conflito de agendamento
pt-br mobile ignore conflict Ignorar conflito
pt-br mobile re-edit event Re-Editar evento
pt-br mobile username_mobile Usuário
pt-br mobile password_mobile Senha
pt-br mobile the search argument must have at least 4 digits O argumento da busca deve possuir pelo menos 4 dígitos
pt-br mobile choose the participants Escolha os participantes
pt-br mobile added Adicionado
pt-br mobile to see commitment Para ver compromisso
pt-br mobile to accept Aceitar
pt-br mobile to reject Rejeitar
pt-br mobile alarm Alarme
pt-br mobile to delegate Delegar
pt-br mobile what is the maximum number of messages per page? Qual o número máximo de mensagens por página?
pt-br mobile option Opção
pt-br mobile value Valor
pt-br news_admin active Ativo
pt-br news_admin add new article Adicionar Artigo
pt-br news_admin add new news Adicionar Notícia
pt-br news_admin add news item Adicionar novo item
pt-br news_admin all news Todas as Notícias
pt-br news_admin always Disponíveis
pt-br news_admin configuration Configuração
pt-br news_admin contains html Contém HTML
pt-br news_admin content Conteúdo
pt-br news_admin edit news item Editar item
pt-br news_admin failed to add message Publicação falhou
pt-br news_admin format for links to items Formatar itens para links
pt-br news_admin format of export Formatar para exportar
pt-br news_admin from De
pt-br news_admin global categories Categorias globais
pt-br news_admin global news Boletins Globais
pt-br news_admin global_news Boletins_Globais
pt-br news_admin image link Link da Imagem
pt-br news_admin image title Título da Imagem
pt-br news_admin image url URL da Imagem
pt-br news_admin implies read permission requer permissão de leitura
pt-br news_admin item has been deleted O item foi apagado
pt-br news_admin item not found Item não encontrado
pt-br news_admin link Link
pt-br news_admin main Principal
pt-br news_admin maintain Manutenção
pt-br news_admin message has been added Mensagem foi adicionada
pt-br news_admin more news Mais Boletins
pt-br news_admin new item has been added Novo item foi adicionado
pt-br news_admin news admin Boletins Internos
pt-br news_admin news administration Administração de Boletins
pt-br news_admin news item has been added Item adicionado
pt-br news_admin news item has been updated Item atualizado
pt-br news_admin no entries found nenhuma entrada encontrada
pt-br news_admin no news Não existe boletins disponíveis para esta categoria
pt-br news_admin no rss export Não existe conteúdo RSS para exportar
pt-br news_admin number of articles to display on the main screen Número de artigos a serem apresentados simultaneamente
pt-br news_admin on em
pt-br news_admin publish date Data da Publicação
pt-br news_admin read news Ler notícias
pt-br news_admin read permissions Permissões de leitura
pt-br news_admin should news_admin display the latest article headlines on the main screen. O Módulo Boletim Internos deve mostrar as manchetes dos últimos boletins na Tela Principal.
pt-br news_admin show latest news articles? Mostrar últimos artigos?
pt-br news_admin show news articles on main page? Mostrar novos artigos na página inicial?
pt-br news_admin small view visão condensada
pt-br news_admin teaser Resumo
pt-br news_admin the news content is missing Falta informar o índice da notícia
pt-br news_admin the number of articles to display on the main screen. Número de artigos a serem apresentados na tela principal.
pt-br news_admin the subject is missing Falta informar o assunto
pt-br news_admin until até
pt-br news_admin view this category Visualizar esta categoria
pt-br news_admin visible Visível
pt-br news_admin webpage news admin Página de Boletins
pt-br news_admin write Escrever
pt-br news_admin write permissions Permissões para escrita
pt-br jscalendar 3 number of chars for day-shortcut 3 números para atalho-dia
pt-br jscalendar 3 number of chars for month-shortcut 3 números para atalho-mês
pt-br jscalendar about the calendar Sobre a Agenda
pt-br jscalendar - click on any of the time parts to increase it - Clique sobre as horas para alterá-las
pt-br jscalendar date selection: Seleção da data:
pt-br jscalendar display monday first Iniciar a partir da Segunda-feira
pt-br jscalendar display %s first Exibir %s primeiros
pt-br jscalendar display sunday first Iniciar a partir do Domingo
pt-br jscalendar drag to move Arraste para mover
pt-br jscalendar go today Ir para Hoje
pt-br jscalendar - hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. - Segure mouse clicado e use o comando seta acima para avançar mais rápido
pt-br jscalendar next month (hold for menu) Próximo Mês (congele para o menú)
pt-br jscalendar next year (hold for menu) Próximo Ano (congele para o menú)
pt-br jscalendar - or click and drag for faster selection. - ou Clique e araste para uma seleção rápida.
pt-br jscalendar - or shift-click to decrease it - ou shift-Clique para diminuir
pt-br jscalendar prev. month (hold for menu) Mês anterior (congele para o menú)
pt-br jscalendar prev. year (hold for menu) Ano anterior (congele para o menú)
pt-br jscalendar (shift-)click or drag to change value (Shift-) Clique ou arraste para alterar o valor
pt-br jscalendar time selection: Seleção da hora:
pt-br jscalendar toggle first day of week Utilizar como primeiro dia da semana
pt-br jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select month - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o mês
pt-br jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select year - Use os botões %1, %2 para selecionar o ano
pt-br jscalendar wk wk
pt-br htmlarea about this editor Sobre o Editor
pt-br htmlarea background color Cor de fundo
pt-br htmlarea bold Negrito
pt-br htmlarea bulleted list Marcador de Lista
pt-br htmlarea copy selection Copiar Seleção
pt-br htmlarea current style Estilo atual
pt-br htmlarea cut selection Cortar seleção
pt-br htmlarea decrease indent Diminuir recúo
pt-br htmlarea enlarge editor Maximizar Editor
pt-br htmlarea font color Cor da Fonte
pt-br htmlarea help using editor Editor utilizando o ajuda
pt-br htmlarea horizontal rule Régua horizontal
pt-br htmlarea increase indent Aumentar recúo
pt-br htmlarea insert image Inserir imagem
pt-br htmlarea insert table Inserir tabela
pt-br htmlarea insert web link Inserir Link para Internet
pt-br htmlarea justify center Centralizar
pt-br htmlarea justify full Justificar
pt-br htmlarea justify left Alinhar a esquerda
pt-br htmlarea justify right Alinha à direita
pt-br htmlarea ordered list Lista Classificada
pt-br htmlarea paste from clipboard Colar da área de transferência
pt-br htmlarea path Caminho
pt-br htmlarea redoes your last action Desfazer sua última ação
pt-br htmlarea strikethrough Batida completamente
pt-br htmlarea subscript Sobrescrever
pt-br htmlarea superscript Sobre escrever
pt-br htmlarea toggle html source Utilizar código HTML
pt-br htmlarea underline Sublinhado
pt-br htmlarea undoes your last action Refazer a última ação
pt-br htmlarea you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. Você está utilizando o Modo Texto. Utilize o botão [<>] para retornar ao Módo Gráfico ou WYSIWIG.
pt-br login sorry, your login has expired Desculpe, sua conta expirou
pt-br login you have been successfully logged out Você foi desconectado com sucesso
pt-br login your session could not be verified. Sua sessão expirou
pt-br preferences timetrack timetrack
pt-br preferences 12 hour 12 horas
pt-br preferences %1 hours %1 horas
pt-br preferences %1 - preferences %1 - Preferências
pt-br preferences 24 hour 24 horas
pt-br preferences acl grants have been updated As permissões de acesso (ACL) foram atualizadas
pt-br preferences any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.
to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. Todas as listas no eGroupWare utilizarão esta quantidade de linhas para a exibição por página.
Linhas demais podem deixar lenta a visualização, poucas linhas adificultam a visualização, teste várias possibilidades.
pt-br preferences are you sure you want to delete this category ? Tem certeza que deseja apagar essa categoria?
pt-br preferences a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. Um modelo define o layout do eGroupWare e contém os ícones de cada aplicativo.
pt-br preferences a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. Um tema define as cores e fontes utilizadas pelo modelo
pt-br preferences autohide sidebox menu's Ocultar automáticamente menu lateral
pt-br preferences automatically hide the sidebox menu's? O menu lateral deve ser ocultado automáticamente?
pt-br preferences change your password Altere sua senha
pt-br preferences change your profile Altere seu perfil
pt-br preferences change your settings Altere suas preferências
pt-br preferences comment Observação
pt-br preferences country País
pt-br preferences date format Formato de data
pt-br preferences default application Aplicação padrão
pt-br preferences default preferences Preferências padrões
pt-br preferences default padrão
pt-br preferences delete categories Apagar Categorias
pt-br preferences description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! A Descrição não deve exceder 255 caracteres!
pt-br preferences disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? Desativar a execução do script de correção de bug para o Internet Explorer 5.5 e superiores para exibir transparências em imagens PNG?
pt-br preferences do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. Você prefere o formato de 24 horas, ou 12 horas acompanhado de am/pm?
pt-br preferences edit custom fields Editar campos personalizados
pt-br preferences enter your actual password Digite sua senha atual
pt-br preferences enter your new password Digite sua nova senha
pt-br preferences error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 Erro: Houve um problema ao tentar encontrar o arquivo de preferencias para %1 em %2
pt-br preferences failed to change password. please contact your administrator. Não conseguiu trocar sua senha. por favor entre em contato com seu administrador.
pt-br preferences forced preferences Preferências obrigatórias
pt-br preferences format of telephone number is invalid. Formato do número de telefone inválido.
pt-br preferences help off Desligar ajuda
pt-br preferences hours horas
pt-br preferences how do you like to display accounts Como você gostaria que as contas fossem mostradas
pt-br preferences how do you like to select accounts Como você gostaria de selecionar as contas
pt-br preferences how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.
if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. Quantas horas você está além ou aquém do fuso-horário do servidor.
Se você estiver no mesmo selecione 0, caso contrário, escolha o fuso-horário apropriado.
pt-br preferences how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. Quantos ícones devem ser mostrados na barra de navegação no topo da página. Ícones adicionais serão colocados em um menu do tipo caixa suspensa, sendo acessado por um botão na extremidade direita da barra.
pt-br preferences how should phpgroupware display dates for you. Como o eGroupWare deve mostrar as datas para você
pt-br preferences icons and text Ícones e texto
pt-br preferences icons only Somente ícones
pt-br preferences interface/template selection Seleção de Interface/Modelo
pt-br preferences in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. Em que País você está. Isto é usado para determinar alguns padrões.
pt-br preferences language Idioma
pt-br preferences max matches per page Máximo de ocorrências por página
pt-br preferences max number of icons in navbar Número máximo de ícones na barra de navegação
pt-br preferences no default Sem padrão
pt-br preferences note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. Nota: Esta função NÃO altera sua senha de email. você deverá fazer isto manualmente.
pt-br preferences note: this feature is *exclusive* for ldap repository. Nota: Este procedimento é exclusivo para uso em repositórios LDAP.
pt-br preferences observation Observação
pt-br preferences this telephone number will apear in searches for your name, and it will be visible for all expressolivre users Este número de telefone será exibido em todas as buscas por seu nome, e será visivel por todos os usuários do Expresso Livre
pt-br preferences please, select a new theme Por favor, selecione um novo tema
pt-br preferences popup with search Janela instantânea com busca
pt-br preferences re-enter your password Digite sua senha novamente
pt-br preferences selectbox Caixa de seleção
pt-br preferences select different theme Selecione um tema diferente
pt-br preferences select one Selecione um
pt-br preferences select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.
some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. Selecione o idioma dos textos e mensagens do eGroupWare.
Alguns idiomas podem estar incopletos, e neste caso aparecerá a mensagem original em inglês seguida de um asterisco.
pt-br preferences set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. Selecione isto caso deseje. Por razões de segurança, você pode não querer mostrar seu nome de usuário publicamente.
pt-br preferences should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. O número de sessões ativas deve ser mostrado todo o tempo.
pt-br preferences should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. Essas mensagens de ajuda devem aparecer sempre ao modificar preferências, ou quando somente quando requisitadas.
pt-br preferences show current users on navigation bar Exibir usuários ativos na barra de navegação
pt-br preferences show helpmessages by default Exibir mensagens de ajuda por padrão
pt-br preferences show home and logout button in main application bar? Mostras botões Página Principal e Encerrar na barra de ferramentas?
pt-br preferences show navigation bar as Exibir barra de navegação como
pt-br preferences show number of current users Exibir o número de usuários correntes
pt-br preferences show text on navigation icons Exibir texto na barra de navegação
pt-br preferences text only Somente texto
pt-br preferences the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.
you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to A aplicação predeterminada se mostrará ao iniciar a sesão no eGroupWare ou clicar no icone da página de inicio.
Também pode ter mais de uma aplicação na página inicial, se não escolher uma aplicação específica aquí, configurándo-a nas suas preferencias de cada aplicação.
pt-br preferences theme (colors/fonts) selection Seleção de tema (cores/fontes)
pt-br preferences the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. A caixa de seleção mostra todos os usuários disponíveis (poderá causar lentidão em instalações com muitos usuários). Pela janela instantânea, é possível pesquisar usuários por nome ou grupo.
pt-br preferences the two passwords are not the same As duas senhas não são iguais
pt-br preferences this server is located in the %1 timezone Este servidor está localizado no fuso horário %1
pt-br preferences time format Formato do horário
pt-br preferences use default usar o padrão
pt-br preferences users choice escolha do usuário
pt-br preferences when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar. Quando você selecionar Sim os botões serão colocados na barra de ferramentas ao topo do aplicativo.
pt-br preferences which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. Qual o simbolo monetário ou nome deve ser usado pelo eGroupWare.
pt-br preferences you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. Você pode mostrar os aplicativos como ícones, ícones com o nome do aplicativo ou ambos
pt-br preferences you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! Você não possui permissão para determinar ACL´s nesse modo!
pt-br preferences you must enter a password Você deve digitar uma senha
pt-br preferences you must register a new password Você deve cadastrar uma nova senha
pt-br preferences your actual password is wrong Sua senha atual está errada
pt-br preferences your current theme is: %1 Seu tema atual é:
pt-br preferences your old password and your new password are the same. choose a different new password Sua senha antiga e sua senha nova são iguais. Escolha uma senha diferente
pt-br preferences your password contains characters not allowed Sua senha contém caracteres não permitidos
pt-br preferences your password has expired Sua senha expirou
pt-br preferences your password must contain %1 or more letters Sua senha precisa conter %1 ou mais letras
pt-br preferences your password must contain at least %1 numbers or characters special Sua senha precisa conter pelo menos %1 números ou caracteres especiais
pt-br preferences your preferences Suas preferências
pt-br preferences failed to change password Falha ao alterar sua senha
pt-br preferences please contact your administrator Entre em contato com seu administrador
pt-br preferences expresso offline ExpressoMail Offline
pt-br preferences inbox sorting Ordenação das tarefas pendentes
pt-br preferences number of items per page Número de itens por página
pt-br preferences show activity complete page Exibir página de atividade concluída
pt-br preferences determines if the activity complete page should be displayed after the completion of the activity Determina se a página de atividade concluída deve ser exibida após a conclusão da atividade.
pt-br preferences use light interface Usar interface leve
pt-br preferences determines if a lighter version of the interface should be used Determina se uma interface mais leve deve ser usada.
pt-br workflow # #
pt-br workflow %1 aborted %1 abortadas
pt-br workflow %1 active %1 ativas
pt-br workflow %1 completed %1 completadas
pt-br workflow %1 configuration %1 Configuração
pt-br workflow %1 days, %2:%3:%4 %1 dias, %2:%3:%4
pt-br workflow %1 exception %1 exceções
pt-br workflow %1 menu %1 Menu
pt-br workflow %1 monitoring %1 Monitoramento
pt-br workflow %1 processes (%2 active) (%3 being_run) %1 processos (%2 ativos) (%3 em execução)
pt-br workflow %owner% is the instance owner email %owner% é o email do proprietário da instância
pt-br workflow %property_xx% is the content of the instance's property xx %property_XX% é o conteúdo da propriedade XX da instância
pt-br workflow %role_xx% are all the emails of all users mapped to the role xx %role_XX% são os emails de todos os usuários mapeados ao perfil XX
pt-br workflow %roles% are the emails of all users mapped to any role on this activity %roles% são os emails de todos os usuários mapeados a qualquer perfil nesta atividade
pt-br workflow %signature% is the agent signature defined in the process configuration %signature% é a assinatura do agente definida na configuração do processo
pt-br workflow %user% is the instance user email %user% é o email do usuário da instância
pt-br workflow %user_xx% is the email of the acount xx %user_XX% é o email da conta XX
pt-br workflow abort instance abortar instância
pt-br workflow abort this instance Abortar esta instância
pt-br workflow aborted abortada
pt-br workflow access denied for user %1 on activity %2, no role Acesso negado ao usuário %1 na atividade %2, nenhum perfil
pt-br workflow act ativ
pt-br workflow act. status Estado Ativ.
pt-br workflow act. status: Estado ativ:
pt-br workflow action %1 is impossible if we have no activity and no instance designated for it! Ação %1 é impossível se não há atividade e instância designada para ela!
pt-br workflow action %1 is impossible, another user is already in place Ação %1 é impossível, já foi atribuída para outro usuário
pt-br workflow action %1 is impossible, there are no user assigned to this activity for this instance Ação %1 é impossível, não há usuário designado para esta atividade nesta instância
pt-br workflow action %1 needs an activity and activity %2 does not exists Ação %1 necessita uma atividade e a atividade %2 não existe
pt-br workflow action %1 needs an instance and instance %2 does not exists Ação %1 necessita uma instância e a instância %2 não existe
pt-br workflow actions Ações
pt-br workflow activate ativar
pt-br workflow active Ativo
pt-br workflow active: ativo:
pt-br workflow activities Atividades
pt-br workflow activities selection Seleção de atividades
pt-br workflow activities updated Atividades atualizadas
pt-br workflow activity atividade
pt-br workflow activity status Estado da atividade
pt-br workflow activity %1 atividade %1
pt-br workflow activity %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) Atividade %1 (#%2) está associada a um processo inexistente (#%3)
pt-br workflow activity %1 code is not avaible o código da atividade %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow activity %1 is interactive but has no role assigned Atividade %1 é interativa mas não tem perfil associado
pt-br workflow activity %1 is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method Atividade %1 é interativa e portanto deve usar o método $instance->complete()
pt-br workflow activity %1 is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned Atividade %1 é não interativa e de rotamento não automático, mas não possui perfil associado
pt-br workflow activity %1 is non-interactive so it must not use the $instance->complete() method Atividade %1 é não interativa e portando não pode usar o método $instance->complete()
pt-br workflow activity %1 is standalone and is using the $instance object Atividade %1 é standalone e está usando o objeto $instance
pt-br workflow activity %1 is standalone but has transitions Atividade %1 é standalone mas possui transições
pt-br workflow activity %1 is standalone or view but has transitions Atividade %1 é standalone ou view mas possui transições
pt-br workflow activity %1 is switch so it must use $instance->setnextactivity($actname) method Atividade %1 é switch portanto deve usar o método $instance->setNextActivity($actname)
pt-br workflow activity %1 is view and is using the $instance object in write mode Atividade %1 é view e está usando o objeto $instance em modo edição
pt-br workflow activity agent removed Agente da atividade removido
pt-br workflow activity completed Atividade completada
pt-br workflow activity failure falha na atividade
pt-br workflow activity in inexistent process Atividade em processo inexistente
pt-br workflow activity is waiting for pending transitions atividade está aguardando transições pendentes
pt-br workflow activity name already exists O nome da atividade já existe
pt-br workflow activity role #%1 removed Perfil da atividade #%1 removido
pt-br workflow activity role removed Perfil da atividade removido
pt-br workflow activity saved Atividade salva
pt-br workflow activity start not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. atividade start não disponível, nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow activity start not set, no corresponding activity was found. atividade start não definida, nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow activity status not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. atividade status não disponível, nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow activity: atividade:
pt-br workflow add a transition Adicionar uma transição
pt-br workflow add aborted instances Adicionar instâncias abortadas
pt-br workflow add advanced actions Adicionar ações avançadas
pt-br workflow add agent Adicionar agente
pt-br workflow add completed instances Adicionar instâncias completadas
pt-br workflow add instances in exception Adicionar instâncias em exceção
pt-br workflow add new adicionar novo
pt-br workflow add new role Adicionar novo perfil
pt-br workflow add or edit a process Adicionar ou editar um processo
pt-br workflow add or edit a role Adicionar ou editar um perfil
pt-br workflow add or edit an activity Adicionar ou editar uma atividade
pt-br workflow add property Adicionar propriedade
pt-br workflow add role Adicionar perfil
pt-br workflow add role to process Adicionar perfil a processo
pt-br workflow add transition adicionar transição
pt-br workflow add transitions Adicionar transições
pt-br workflow add transitions from Adicionar transições de
pt-br workflow add transitions to Adicionar transições para
pt-br workflow admin instance Administrar Instância
pt-br workflow admin process activities Administrar Atividades de Processos
pt-br workflow admin process roles Administrar Perfis de Processos
pt-br workflow admin processes Administrar Processos
pt-br workflow admin processes sources Administrar Código Fonte de Processos
pt-br workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is associated to an inexistent activity #%3 Agente #%1 do tipo %2 está associado a uma atividade inexistente #%3
pt-br workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is not linked with an activity Agente #%1 do tipo %2 não está associado a uma atividade
pt-br workflow agent associated with inexistent activity Agente associado a uma atividade inexistente
pt-br workflow agent without activity Agente sem atividade
pt-br workflow agents assigned to this activity Agentes assinalados para esta atividade
pt-br workflow all Todos
pt-br workflow always show advanced actions Sempre mostrar ações avançadas
pt-br workflow always show advanced mode Sempre mostrar modo avançado
pt-br workflow assign me this activity Atribua esta atividade para mim
pt-br workflow at least one email address cannot be validated. ao menos um endereço de email não pode ser validado.
pt-br workflow auto routed Roteamento automático
pt-br workflow automatic Automática
pt-br workflow autorouted activities does not need to be sent by any user after their execution Atividades de autoroteamento não necessitam ser enviadas para qualquer usuário após a sua execução
pt-br workflow bad parameter for setagents, the parameter should be an array parâmetro inválido para setAgents, o parâmetro deve ser um array
pt-br workflow bad role type Tipo de perfil inválido
pt-br workflow bad user Usuário inválido
pt-br workflow bcc: Cco:
pt-br workflow be carefull with interactive activity, end and start of theses activities are multiple. Tome cuidado com atividades interativas, início e fim destas atividades são múltiplos.
pt-br workflow being run em execução
pt-br workflow by running theses links you will create new instances of the related process. executando estes links você criará novas instâncias dos processos associados.
pt-br workflow cannot add transition only split or switch activities can have more than one outbound transition Impossível adicionar a transição. Apenas atividades split e switch podem ter mais de uma transição de saída
pt-br workflow cannot add transition. only split activities can have more than one outbound transition Impossível adicionar a transição. Apenas atividades split podem ter mais de uma transição de saída
pt-br workflow cannot create compiled file %1 impossível criar o arquivo compilado %1
pt-br workflow cannot retrieve the user running the security check Impossível recuperar o usuário que está executando a verificação de segurança
pt-br workflow cannot run the activity Impossível executar a atividade
pt-br workflow cannot run the activity without her process Impossível executar a atividade sem o seu processo
pt-br workflow cannot run the activity without instance Impossível executar a atividade sem a instância
pt-br workflow cannot run unknown activity Impossível executar atividade desconhecida
pt-br workflow cc: Cc:
pt-br workflow circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself Loop encontrado. Alguma atividade tem uma transição conduzindo a ela mesma
pt-br workflow circular reference found. some activity has a transition leading to itself Loop encontrado. Alguma atividade tem uma transição conduzindo a ela mesma
pt-br workflow cleanup actions ações de remoção
pt-br workflow close and get back later Fechar e retornar depois
pt-br workflow close printer friendly mode Fechar o modo de visualização de impressão
pt-br workflow code código
pt-br workflow column activity status in instance lists Mostrar coluna de estado das atividades na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column category in instance lists Mostrar coluna de categoria na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column instance id in instance lists Mostrar coluna com id na lista de instãncias
pt-br workflow column instance name in instance lists Mostrar coluna com nome na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column instance status in instance lists Mostrar coluna com estado da instância na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column owner in instance lists Mostrar coluna com proprietário na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column priority in instance lists Mostrar coluna com prioridade na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column process name in instance lists Mostrar coluna com o nome do processo na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow column start date in instance lists Mostrar coluna com a data de início na lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow compilation Compilação
pt-br workflow compiling activity %1 : %2 compilando atividade %1 : %2
pt-br workflow complete Completada
pt-br workflow complete cleanup of aborted instances done remoção total de instâncias abortadas realizada
pt-br workflow complete cleanup of all instances done remoção total de todas as instâncias realizada
pt-br workflow completed completada
pt-br workflow confirm delete Confirma a Deleção
pt-br workflow consult %1 to get the default values: Consulte %1 para obter os valores padrão:
pt-br workflow couldn't add transition Impossível adicionar transição
pt-br workflow create criar
pt-br workflow created Criado
pt-br workflow date: data:
pt-br workflow default next user Próximo usuário padrão
pt-br workflow default owner Proprietário padrão
pt-br workflow default user Usuário Padrão
pt-br workflow delete selected Deletar selecionados
pt-br workflow delete transition deletar transição
pt-br workflow deletion successful Deleção bem sucedida
pt-br workflow delition successful Deleção bem sucedida
pt-br workflow description Descrição
pt-br workflow do you want the activity status on instances lists. most of the time it is "running" but if you use non-autorouted transitions you will have some completed activities. Você deseja ver o estado das atividades nas listas de instãncias? Na maioria das vezes o estado é "executando", mas se você usa transições de roteamento não automático, você terá algumas atividades completadas.
pt-br workflow do you want the category column on instances lists, if yout instances use categories you should use it Você deseja a coluna de categoria nas listas de instância? Se as suas instâncias usam categorias você deve usar a coluna
pt-br workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists, if your instances use categories you should use it Você deseja a coluna com o nome da categoria nas listas de instância? Se as suas instâncias usam categorias você deve usar a coluna
pt-br workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists. if your instances use categories you should use this Você deseja a coluna do nome da categoria nas listas de instâncias? Se as suas instâncias usam categorias você deve usar a coluna
pt-br workflow do you want the instance id column on instances lists. this is the unique identifier of an instance Você deseja a coluna com o id da instância, nas listas de instâncias? Este é o identificador único de uma instância
pt-br workflow do you want the instance name column on instances lists. if your instances have name you should really use this Você deseja a coluna com o nome da instância, nas listas de instâncias? Se as suas instâncias tem nome, você deve usar a coluna
pt-br workflow do you want the instance status on instances lists. the instance status is usefull to disting beteween aborted, completed, exception or active instances Você deseja ver o estado das instâncias nas listas de instâncias? O estado das instâncias é útil para distinção entre abortadas, completadas, exceções ou instâncias ativas
pt-br workflow do you want the owner column on instances lists. this will show you the actual owner, especially usefull if ownership is defined with special rights Você deseja a coluna do proprietário nas listas de instâncias? Isto irá mostrar a você o proprietário atual. Especialmente útil se a propriedade estiver definida com direitos especiais
pt-br workflow do you want the priority column on instances lists. priority can be set with activities forms Você deseja a coluna de prioridade nas listas de instâncias? A prioridade pode ser definida nos formulários de atividades
pt-br workflow do you want the process column on instances lists. usefull if you have different processes and/or versions of theses processes Você deseja a coluna com o processo nas listas de instância? Útil se você tem diversos processos e/ou versões destes processos
pt-br workflow do you want the search instance button in the last row of instances list. Você deseja o botão de pesquisa, na última linha da lista de instâncias?
pt-br workflow do you want the started date column on instances lists. Você deseja a coluna com data de início, nas listas de instância?
pt-br workflow don't move Não mova
pt-br workflow duration Duração
pt-br workflow empty agent type tipo de agente vazio
pt-br workflow end end
pt-br workflow end activity is not reachable from start activity Atividade end não é alcançada a partir da atividade start
pt-br workflow ended finalizada
pt-br workflow enter an activity name Informe um nome para a atividade
pt-br workflow error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Erro: nextActivity não confere com qualquer candidato na atividade switch de autoroteamento
pt-br workflow error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Erro: decisão indeterminada para atividade de autoroteamento
pt-br workflow error: removing was not done erro: remoção não foi realizada
pt-br workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but it was impossible to get this activity Erro: tentativa de enviar uma instância para uma atividade, mas foi impossível obter esta atividade
pt-br workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Erro: tentativa de enviar uma instância para uma atividade, mas nenhuma transição foi encontrada
pt-br workflow exception exceção
pt-br workflow exception instance instância da exceção
pt-br workflow exception raised by %1 %2: %3 exceção lançada por %1 %2: %3
pt-br workflow exception resumed by %1 %2: %3 exceção removida por %1 %2: %3
pt-br workflow exception this instance Lançar exceção para esta instância
pt-br workflow exceptions exceções
pt-br workflow execute this activity Executar esta atividade
pt-br workflow export Exportar
pt-br workflow failed to create workitem falha ao criar workitem
pt-br workflow failed to execute automatic activity falha ao executar atividade automática
pt-br workflow failed to obtain lock on %1 table falha ao tentar bloqueio na tabela %1
pt-br workflow failed to obtain lock on instances table falha ao tentar bloqueio na tabela de instâncias
pt-br workflow failed to obtain lock on instances_activities table falha ao tentar bloqueio na tabela instances_activities
pt-br workflow failed to record instance properties falha ao salvar as propriedades da instância
pt-br workflow failed to synchronize instance data with the database falha ao sincronizar dados da instância com o banco de dados
pt-br workflow failure falha
pt-br workflow fatal error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Erro fatal: nextActivity não confere com qualquer candidato na atividade switch de autoroteamento
pt-br workflow fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Erro fatal: decisão indeterminada para atividade de autoroteamento
pt-br workflow fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity Erro fatal: próxima atividade definida para uma atividade que não existe
pt-br workflow fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Erro fatal: tentativa de enviar uma instância para uma atividade, mas nenhuma transição foi encontrada
pt-br workflow filter Filtro
pt-br workflow filter instance by id filtrar instância por id
pt-br workflow finally you have links with %link_xx|yy% syntax, xx is the address part, yy the text part. por fim, você tem links com a sintaxe %link_XX|YY%, XX é a parte do endereço, YY é a parte textual.
pt-br workflow fix Corrigir
pt-br workflow fix concistency for selected rows Corrigir a consistência das linhas selecionadas
pt-br workflow from De
pt-br workflow from: De:
pt-br workflow get back to global activities voltar para as atividades globais
pt-br workflow get back to instance creation voltar para a criação de instância
pt-br workflow get property Obter propriedade
pt-br workflow global activities Atividades Globais
pt-br workflow global workflow preferences Preferências globais do Workflow
pt-br workflow go ir
pt-br workflow go to same activities for other instances of this process ir para as mesmas atividades de outras instâncias do mesmo processo
pt-br workflow go to same process activities ir para as mesmas atividades do processo
pt-br workflow go to the actual state of this instance ir para o estado atual desta instância
pt-br workflow grab instance capturar instância
pt-br workflow graph Gráfico
pt-br workflow group Grupo
pt-br workflow id Id
pt-br workflow if not in debug mail_smtp agent would have sent this email: se não estivesse em modo debug, o agente mail_smtp teria enviado este email:
pt-br workflow if:setnextact If:SetNextact
pt-br workflow iframe view height Altura do frame de Visualização
pt-br workflow import aborted Importação abortada
pt-br workflow import successfull Importação realizada com sucesso
pt-br workflow in role mappings user #%1 is specified as a "%2" but is maybe a "%3" No mapeamento de perfis, o usuário #%1 está especificado como "%2" mas é PROVAVELMENTE "%3"
pt-br workflow inactive Inativo
pt-br workflow inst. Inst.
pt-br workflow inst. status Estado Inst.
pt-br workflow instance Instância
pt-br workflow instance %1 instância %1
pt-br workflow instance %1 is in %2 state, action %3 is impossible. Instância %1 está no estado %2, ação %3 é impossível.
pt-br workflow instance %1 is in exception, action %2 is not possible. Instância %1 está em exceção, ação %2 é impossível.
pt-br workflow instance %1 is not associated with activity %2, action %3 is impossible. Instância %1 não está associada à atividade %2, ação %3 é impossível.
pt-br workflow instance history Histórico da Instância
pt-br workflow instance properties Propriedades da Instância
pt-br workflow instance: instância:
pt-br workflow instance: %1 (process: %2) Instância: %1 (Processo: %2)
pt-br workflow instance: unable to modify %1 [%2], someone has changed it before us Instância: não é possível modificar %1 [%2], alguém a modificou antes que você
pt-br workflow instance: unable to modify %1, someone has changed it before us Instância: não é possível modificar %1, alguém a modificou antes que você
pt-br workflow instances Instâncias
pt-br workflow instances selection Seleção de instâncias
pt-br workflow int. Int.
pt-br workflow interactive Interativa
pt-br workflow interactive activities show form before being executed Atividades interativas exibem um formulário antes de serem executadas
pt-br workflow interactive instances should not call the complete() method instâncias interativas não devem chamar o método complete()
pt-br workflow interactive: interativa:
pt-br workflow interactivity interatividade
pt-br workflow invalid inválido
pt-br workflow invalid process Processo Inválido
pt-br workflow invalid role name Nome de perfil inválido
pt-br workflow is active está ativo
pt-br workflow it seems this activity for this instance is not assigned to you anymore. Parece que esta atividade, desta instância, não está assinalada para ninguém.
pt-br workflow it was impossible to complete, no activity was given. impossível completar, nenhuma atividade foi informada.
pt-br workflow it was impossible to complete, no corresponding activity was found. impossível completar, nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow join join
pt-br workflow link addresses are considered local if not containing http://. they will get appended the configured local prefix and scanned by egroupware link engine Links são considerados locais se não contém http://. O prefixo local configurado será anexado ao link e ele será rastreado pelo engine de link do egroupware
pt-br workflow list of activities Lista de atividades
pt-br workflow list of all activities with, for each, counters of instances by status lista de todas as atividade, com contadores de instâncias, por estado, para cada uma
pt-br workflow list of all history items made by instances while they travel in the workflow with information about duration and date lista de todos os ítens históricos gerados pelas instâncias, com informação sobre duração e data, enquanto trafegaram pelo workflow
pt-br workflow list of all instances with info about current status and activities and link to administration of theses instances lista de todas as instâncias, com informação sobre o estado corrente e atividades, e um link para administrar estas instâncias
pt-br workflow list of instances Lista de instâncias
pt-br workflow list of mappings Lista de mapeamentos
pt-br workflow list of monitors Lista de monitores
pt-br workflow list of processes Lista de processos
pt-br workflow list of processes (%1) Lista de processos (%1)
pt-br workflow list of processes with status and validity and, for each, counters of instances by status lista de processos com estado e validade e, para cada um deles, contadores de instâncias por estado
pt-br workflow list of transitions Lista de transições
pt-br workflow list of workitems Lista de workitems
pt-br workflow mail automatically sent by mail smtp agent for egroupware's workflow Email enviado automaticamente, pelo Agente de Correio SMTP, para o Workflow do eGroupware
pt-br workflow mail smtp agent Agente de Correio Smtp
pt-br workflow mails can be sent at the begining or at the end of the activity, for interactive activities only it can be sent after completion. Emails podem ser enviados no início ou no final de uma atividade. Para atividades interativas, podem ser enviados somente depois de completadas.
pt-br workflow manual Manual
pt-br workflow map mapear
pt-br workflow map users/groups to roles Mapear usuários/grupos a perfis
pt-br workflow mapping to inexistent role Mapeamento para um perfil inexistente
pt-br workflow mappings deleted Mapeamentos deletados
pt-br workflow message: Mensagem:
pt-br workflow monitor activities Monitorar Atividades
pt-br workflow monitor instance monitor instance
pt-br workflow monitor instances Monitorar Instâncias
pt-br workflow monitor processes Monitorar Processos
pt-br workflow monitor this instance Monitorar esta instância
pt-br workflow monitor work items Monitorar Workitens
pt-br workflow monitor workitems Monitorar Workitems
pt-br workflow monitors Monitores
pt-br workflow more options? mais opções?
pt-br workflow my activities Minhas Atividades
pt-br workflow my instances Minhas Instâncias
pt-br workflow my processes Meus Processos
pt-br workflow name Nome
pt-br workflow new instance Nova Instância
pt-br workflow new major Novo nível superior
pt-br workflow new major version created novo nível superior de versão criado
pt-br workflow new mapping added Novo mapeamento adicionado
pt-br workflow new minor Novo nível inferior
pt-br workflow new minor version created novo nível inferior de versão criado
pt-br workflow new status not set, no corresponding activity was found. novo estado não definido, nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow new transition added Nova transição adicionada
pt-br workflow next activity próxima atividade
pt-br workflow next user: Próximo usuário:
pt-br workflow no action avaible because no activity and no instance are given! nenhuma ação disponível porque nenhuma atividade e istância foi apresentada!
pt-br workflow no activites Nenhuma atividade
pt-br workflow no activity indicated Nenhuma atividade indicada
pt-br workflow no agents associated with this activity Nenhuma Agente associado com esta atividade
pt-br workflow no circular transitions allowed. Nenhuma transição de loop permitida.
pt-br workflow no corresponding activity was found. nenhuma atividade correspondente foi encontrada.
pt-br workflow no inbound for start activity Nenhuma entrada para a atividade start
pt-br workflow no inconcistency detected nenhuma inconsistência detectada
pt-br workflow no instance avaible nenhuma instância disponível
pt-br workflow no instance given, nothing to show nenhuma instância apresentada, nada para mostrar
pt-br workflow no instance indicated Nenhuma instância indicada
pt-br workflow no outbound for end activity Nenhuma saída para a atividade end
pt-br workflow no process indicated Nenhum processo indicado
pt-br workflow no properties defined Nenhuma propriedade definida
pt-br workflow no roles nenhum perfil
pt-br workflow no roles asociated with this activity Nenhum perfil assossiado com esta atividade
pt-br workflow no routage nenhuma rota
pt-br workflow no scan done nenhum rastreamento realizado
pt-br workflow no transitions allowed for standalone or view activities Nenhuma transição é permitida para as atividades standalone ou view
pt-br workflow no work item indicated Nenhum workitem indicado
pt-br workflow nobody Ninguém
pt-br workflow not defined não definido
pt-br workflow or import a process Ou importar um processo
pt-br workflow owner Proprietário
pt-br workflow owner: Proprietário:
pt-br workflow please wait, task in progress ... Por favor aguarde, atividade em execução ...
pt-br workflow post activity %1 code is not avaible código da pós-atividade %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow post shared code is not avaible código pós-compartilhado não está disponível
pt-br workflow post-agent %1 code is not avaible código do pós-agente %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow pr. Pr.
pt-br workflow pre-activity %1 code is not avaible código da pré-atividade %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow pre-agent %1 code is not avaible código do pré-agente %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow pre-shared code is not avaible código pré-compartilhado não está disponível
pt-br workflow printer friendly Versão para impressão
pt-br workflow priority level: Nível de prioridade:
pt-br workflow process Processo
pt-br workflow process %1 processo %1
pt-br workflow process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible Processo %1 %2 não está ativo, ação %3 é impossível
pt-br workflow process %1 v%2 as no related activity Processo %1 v%2 não tem atividade relacionada
pt-br workflow process %d has been activated Processo %d foi ativado
pt-br workflow process %d has been deactivated Processo %d foi desativado
pt-br workflow process %s %s already exists, the import process was aborted Processo %s %s já existe, o processo de importação foi abortado
pt-br workflow process %s %s imported Processo %s %s importado
pt-br workflow process %s has been created Processo %s foi criado
pt-br workflow process %s has been updated Processo %s foi atualizado
pt-br workflow process %s removed Processo %s removido
pt-br workflow process activities Atividades do processo
pt-br workflow process alone Processo isolado
pt-br workflow process does not have a start activity Processo não tem uma atividade start
pt-br workflow process does not have exactly one end activity Processo não tem uma atividade end exata
pt-br workflow process form Formulário do processo
pt-br workflow process name Nome do Processo
pt-br workflow process name already exists Nome do processo já existe
pt-br workflow process roles Perfis do processo
pt-br workflow process saved Processo salvo
pt-br workflow process transitions Transições do processo
pt-br workflow process version: versão do processo:
pt-br workflow process: processos:
pt-br workflow processes Processos
pt-br workflow properties Propriedades
pt-br workflow property Propriedade
pt-br workflow property %1 already exists propriedade %1 já existe
pt-br workflow property %1 not found propriedade %1 não encontrada
pt-br workflow quit without saving Sair sem Salvar
pt-br workflow read-only somente-leitura
pt-br workflow release access to this activity Liberar acesso para esta atividade
pt-br workflow release activity for this instance liberar atividade para esta instância
pt-br workflow release instance liberar instância
pt-br workflow reload filter Recarregar filtro
pt-br workflow remove active instances Remover instâncias ativas
pt-br workflow remove all instances for this process remover todas as instâncias deste processo
pt-br workflow remove selected roles remover perfis selecionados
pt-br workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on all processes removendo instâncias e workitems para instâncias abortadas em todos os processos
pt-br workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on process #%1 removendo instâncias e workitems para instâncias abortadas no processo #%1
pt-br workflow removing instances and workitems for all instances on process #%1 removendo instâncias e workitems para todas as instâncias do processo #%1
pt-br workflow replyto: Responder para:
pt-br workflow restart reiniciar
pt-br workflow restart activity reiniciar atividade
pt-br workflow resume this exception instance Continuar esta instância em exceção
pt-br workflow role Perfil
pt-br workflow role #%1 in process %2 has different process (%3) in mapping with user #%4 Perfil #%1 no processo %2 tem processo diferente (%3) no mapeamento com usuário #%4
pt-br workflow role %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) Perfil %1 (#%2) está associado a um processo inexistente (#%3)
pt-br workflow role %1 is associated in a mapping with user #%2 with a non-existent process (%3) Perfil %1 está associado, em um mapeamento com o usuário #%2, a um processo inexistente (%3)
pt-br workflow role %1 is not mapped Perfil %1 não está mapeado
pt-br workflow role added to activity Perfil adicionado à atividade
pt-br workflow role added to process Perfil adicionado ao processo
pt-br workflow role in inexistent process Perfil em processo inexistente
pt-br workflow role mapping in inexistent process Mapeamento de Perfil em processo inexistente
pt-br workflow role name Nome do Perfil
pt-br workflow role not saved (maybe a name collision) Perfil não foi salvo (possivelmente nomes coincidentes)
pt-br workflow role process inconcistency in mappings Inconsistência nos mapeamentos dos perfis do processo
pt-br workflow role saved Perfil salvo
pt-br workflow roles Perfis
pt-br workflow roles assigned to this activity Perfis associados a esta atividade
pt-br workflow roles deleted Perfis deletados
pt-br workflow routing Roteamento
pt-br workflow routing: roteamento:
pt-br workflow run executar
pt-br workflow run activity executar atividade
pt-br workflow run instance executar instância
pt-br workflow running executando
pt-br workflow running activity Atividade em Execução
pt-br workflow scan activities Percorrer atividades
pt-br workflow scan agents Percorrer agentes
pt-br workflow scan instances Percorrer instâncias
pt-br workflow scan processes Percorrer processos
pt-br workflow scan roles Percorrer perfis
pt-br workflow scan transitions Percorrer transições
pt-br workflow search instance filter in the bottom of instance lists Filtro de pesquisa de instâncias no final das listas de instância
pt-br workflow search: pesquisar:
pt-br workflow security check: cannot understand asked action Verificação de segurança: não pode interpretar ação solicitada
pt-br workflow see as well %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% and %proces veja também %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% and %process_id%
pt-br workflow select a transition to remove Selecionar uma transição para remover
pt-br workflow select source selecionar fonte
pt-br workflow send after interactive activity is completed envio ao final da atividade interativa foi completado
pt-br workflow send all to Enviar tudo para
pt-br workflow send an email Enviar um email
pt-br workflow send instance enviar instância
pt-br workflow send this instance to the next activity Enviar esta instância para a próxima atividade
pt-br workflow send transition enviar transição
pt-br workflow send when the activity is ending enviar quando a atividade finalizar
pt-br workflow send when the activity is starting enviar quando a atividade iniciar
pt-br workflow send when wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] is posted enviar quando wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] for postado
pt-br workflow set next act Definir Próxima ativ
pt-br workflow set next user Definir próximo usuário
pt-br workflow set property Definir propriedade
pt-br workflow setnextuser directives can override it diretivas setNextUser podem sobrescrevê-la
pt-br workflow setting next activity to an unexisting activity definição da próxima atividade aponta para uma atividade inexistente
pt-br workflow shared code Código compartilhado
pt-br workflow should we always give you the advanced search row on instances lists? Devemos sempre mostrar a você a linha com pesquisa avançada, nas listas de instância?
pt-br workflow show code mostrar código
pt-br workflow show template mostrar template
pt-br workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email after completion of the activity Agente Smtp detectou alguns erros quando enviou o email após a finalização da atividade
pt-br workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the beginning of the activity Agente Smtp detectou alguns erros quando enviou o email no início da atividade
pt-br workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the end of this activity Agente Smtp detectou alguns erros quando enviou o email ao final desta atividade
pt-br workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email on demand whith this activity Agente Smtp detectou alguns erros quando enviou o email sob demanda nesta atividade
pt-br workflow something was wrong while creating the new major version algo deu errado enquanto criava a versão de nível superior
pt-br workflow something was wrong while creating the new minor version algo deu errado enquanto criava a versão de nível inferior
pt-br workflow source code file for activity %1 is not avaible arquivo de código fonte para a atividade %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow source code for activity %1 is not avaible código fonte para a atividade %1 não está disponível
pt-br workflow source saved Fonte salvo
pt-br workflow special known values for local links address are userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance and admininstance. Valores especiais conhecidos para links locais são userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance and admininstance.
pt-br workflow split split
pt-br workflow standalone standalone
pt-br workflow start Start
pt-br workflow start activities must be autorouted atividades start devem ser de roteamento automático
pt-br workflow start activities must be interactive atividades start devem ser interativas
pt-br workflow start activity Atividade inicial
pt-br workflow start process iniciar processo
pt-br workflow started Iniciado
pt-br workflow started: iniciado:
pt-br workflow starting page Página de início
pt-br workflow status Estado
pt-br workflow status: estado:
pt-br workflow stop parar
pt-br workflow subject: Assunto:
pt-br workflow switch switch
pt-br workflow switch construct Construir o Switch
pt-br workflow template template
pt-br workflow test concistency Testar consistência
pt-br workflow test consistency of datas in the database Testar consistência dos dados no banco
pt-br workflow test local installation Testar instalação local
pt-br workflow the activity was not completed A atividade não completada
pt-br workflow the default user will only be set if he is mapped to a role on the activity O usuário default somente será assinalado se estiver mapeado a um perfil na atividade
pt-br workflow the following items must be corrected to be able to activate this process Os itens a seguir devem ser corrigidos para permitir a ativação deste processo
pt-br workflow the label you want o rótulo que você quer
pt-br workflow the smtp configuration cannot be loaded by the mail_smtp workflow agent A configuração de SMTP não pode ser carregada pelo agente de workflow mail_smtp
pt-br workflow there are no activities available Não existem atividades disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are no config value defined Não existe valor de configuração definido
pt-br workflow there are no instances available Não existem instâncias disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are no mappings defined for this process Não existem mapeamentos definidos para este processo
pt-br workflow there are no process available Não existe processo disponível
pt-br workflow there are no processes Não existem processos
pt-br workflow there are no processes available Não existem processos disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are no processes defined Não existem processos definidos
pt-br workflow there are no processes with the current filter Não existem processos com o filtro corrente
pt-br workflow there are no properties available Não existem propriedades disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are no roles defined for this process Não existem perfis definidos para este processo
pt-br workflow there are no transitions defined Não existem transições definidas
pt-br workflow there are no user activites available Não existem atividades do usuário disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are no workitems available Não existem workitems disponíveis
pt-br workflow there are some undefined preferences associated with this form : %1 existem algumas preferências não definidas associadas com este formulário : %1
pt-br workflow there is an unknown user or group #%1 in role mappings Existe um usuário ou grupo desconhecido #%1 nos mapeamentos de perfil
pt-br workflow they were problems at the compilation of the source: Ocorreram problemas na compilação do fonte:
pt-br workflow this activity for this instance is actually avaible for you. Esta atividade desta instância está disponível para você.
pt-br workflow this activity for this instance is actually only avaible for you. Esta atividade desta instância está disponível apenas para você.
pt-br workflow this activity for this instance is not specifically assigned to you. Esta atividade desta instância não está assinalada especificamento para você.
pt-br workflow this agent gives the activity the possibility to send an smtp message (mail) Este agente permite que esta atividade possa enviar uma mensagem SMTP (email)
pt-br workflow this form will test your local workflow installation to detect potential issues Este formulário irá testar a sua instalação local de workflow, para detectar problemas potenciais
pt-br workflow this is the first screen shown when you click on the workflow application icon Esta é a primeira tela a ser mostrada quando você clicar no ícone do módulo de workflow.
pt-br workflow sets the default sorting criteria for the inbox instances. Define o critério de ordenação padrão para as instâncias nas tarefas pendentes.
pt-br workflow determines the number of items per page in the user interface. Determina o número de itens por página na interface do usuário.
pt-br workflow this process has a view activity. access in view mode is granted only for this view activty. Este processo tem uma atividade view. O acesso em modo visualização é dado apenas para esta atividade view.
pt-br workflow this process has no end activity este processo não tem uma atividade end
pt-br workflow to Para
pt-br workflow to: Para:
pt-br workflow transition transição
pt-br workflow transition mode modo de transição
pt-br workflow transition to %1 transição para %1
pt-br workflow transition waiting for human interaction transição aguardando interação humana
pt-br workflow transitions transições
pt-br workflow transitions removed successfully Transições removidas com sucesso
pt-br workflow type tipo
pt-br workflow type: tipo:
pt-br workflow unknow fix instruction :%1 instrução de correção desconhecida :%1
pt-br workflow unknown instruction from the workflow engine: %1 instrução desconhecida vinda do motor de workflow: %1
pt-br workflow unknown status estado desconhecido
pt-br workflow update atualizar
pt-br workflow upload file Carregar arquivo
pt-br workflow use emailadmin to create mail profiles Use EmailAdmin para criar profiles de correio
pt-br workflow use default Usar Padrão
pt-br workflow use existing roles Usar perfis existentes
pt-br workflow user Usuário
pt-br workflow user #%1 is associated with a non-existent role #%2 Usuário #%1 está associado a um perfil inexistente #%2
pt-br workflow user activities Atividades do Usuário
pt-br workflow user instances Instâncias do Usuário
pt-br workflow user instances form: columns Formulário de Instâncias do Usuário: colunas
pt-br workflow user instances form: filters and actions Formulário de Instâncias do Usuário: filtros e ações
pt-br workflow user is not authorized to delete aborted instances usuário não autorizado a remover instâncias abortadas
pt-br workflow user is not authorized to delete instances usuário não autorizado a remover instâncias
pt-br workflow user processes Processos do Usuário
pt-br workflow user/group Usuário/Grupo
pt-br workflow user: usuário:
pt-br workflow users can act on activity before its execution with form and after by sending it to the next activity Usuários podem agir na atividade antes de sua execução, com um formulário, e depois enviando-a para a próxima atividade
pt-br workflow users/groups Usuários/Grupos
pt-br workflow valid Válido
pt-br workflow valid process Processos Válidos
pt-br workflow valid: válido:
pt-br workflow validity: Validade:
pt-br workflow value Valor
pt-br workflow version Versão
pt-br workflow view details visualizar detalhes
pt-br workflow view this instance Visualizar esta instância
pt-br workflow view workitem Visualizar Workitem
pt-br workflow view options Opções de Visualização
pt-br workflow warning this filter override all others filters aviso: este filtro sobrescreve todos os outros filtros
pt-br workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all aborted instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process. aviso: usando este botão, você irá remover definitivamente todas as instâncias abortadas E seus históricos (workitems), para os processos selecionados.
pt-br workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process, whatever the state they are. aviso: usando este botão, você irá remover definitivamente todas as instâncias E seus históricos (workitems), para os processos selecionados, em qualquer estado que estejam.
pt-br workflow we cannot run this activity, maybe this instance or this activity do not exists anymore. Não podemos executar esta atividade, talvez esta instância ou esta atividade não existam mais.
pt-br workflow we were not able to build the message Não somos capazes de construir a mensagem
pt-br workflow when in advanced mode, should we show you advanced actions by default (resume, exception, grab, etc.)? Quando estivermos em modo avançado, devemos mostrar-lhe ações avançadas por padrão (continuar, exceção, capturar, etc.)?
pt-br workflow when to send the message: Quando enviar a Mensagem:
pt-br workflow workflow navigation Navegação do Workflow
pt-br workflow workflow preferences Preferências do Workflow
pt-br workflow workflow site configuration Configuração do Site Workflow
pt-br workflow workitem information Informação de Workitem
pt-br workflow workitems Workitems
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to abort instance %1 Você não tem permissão para abortar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to exception instance %1 Você não tem permissão para colocar a intância %1 em exceção
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to grab instance %1 Você não tem permissão para capturar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to release instance %1 Você não tem permissão para liberar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to restart instance %1 Você não tem permissão para reiniciar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to resume instance %1 Você não tem permissão para retomar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you are not allowed to send instance %1 Você não tem permissão para enviar a instância %1
pt-br workflow you can use special values with this mail agent: Você pode usar valores especiais com este agente de correio:
pt-br workflow you do not have the right to run this activity anymore, maybe a concurrent access problem, refresh your datas. Você não tem mais permissão para executar esta atividade, provavelmente um problema de acesso concorrente, atualize seus dados.
pt-br workflow you don't have the rights necessary to exception instance %1 Você não tem direitos de acesso suficientes para colocar a instância %1 em exceção
pt-br workflow you have not permission to execute this activity Você não tem permissão para executar esta atividade
pt-br workflow you were not allowed to complete the activity Você não está autorizado a completar esta atividade
pt-br workflow no role was selected Nenhum perfil foi selecionado
pt-br workflow new Novo
pt-br workflow sector Setor
pt-br workflow add participants Adicionar Participantes
pt-br workflow loading Carregando
pt-br workflow situation Situação
pt-br workflow assigned to Atribuído à
pt-br workflow user interface Interface do Usuário
pt-br workflow organization chart Organograma
pt-br workflow access control list Lista de Controle de Acesso
pt-br workflow execute activities in debug mode Executar atividade em modo de depuração
pt-br workflow there are no external applications Não existem aplicações externas
pt-br workflow warnings in this process Avisos neste processo
pt-br workflow this instance doesn't exist in this activity. probably, this instance has already been executed Esta instância não existe nesta atividade. Provavelmente, esta instância já foi executada anteriormente
pt-br workflow external applications Aplicações Externas
pt-br workflow move instances Mover Instâncias
pt-br workflow jobs Jobs
pt-br workflow upload Upload
pt-br workflow customize the process Personalizar o Processso
pt-br workflow process version Versão do Processo
pt-br workflow invalid name specified Nome inválido especificado
pt-br workflow invalid version specified Versão inválida especificada
pt-br workflow if left blank, the original value will be used Se deixado em branco, o valor original será usando
pt-br workflow execute activities using secure connection Executar atividades utilizando conexão segura
pt-br workflow the following file could not be found: %1 O seguinte arquivo não pode ser encontrado: %1
en admin %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts
en admin %1 - %2 of %3 user groups %1 - %2 of %3 user groups
en admin %1 not found or not executable !!! %1 not found or not executable !!!
en admin (default no, leave it off if you dont use it) (default No, leave it off if you dont use it)
en admin (stored password will not be shown here) (Stored password will not be shown here)
en admin (to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) (To install new applications use
Setup [Manage Applications] !!!)
en admin accesslog and bruteforce defense AccessLog and BruteForce defense
en admin account active Account active
en admin account list Account list
en admin account permissions Account permissions
en admin account preferences Account Preferences
en admin acl manager ACL Manager
en admin action Action
en admin activate wysiwyg-editor activate WYSIWYG-editor
en admin add a category add a category
en admin add a group add a group
en admin add a new account. Add a new account.
en admin add a subcategory add a subcategory
en admin add a user add a user
en admin add account Add account
en admin add application Add application
en admin add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) Add auto-created users to this group ('Default' will be attempted if this is empty.)
en admin add global category Add global category
en admin add global category for %1 Add global category for %1
en admin add group Add group
en admin add new account Add new account
en admin add new application Add new application
en admin add peer server Add Peer Server
en admin add sub-category Add sub-category
en admin admin email Admin Email
en admin admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) Admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify)
en admin admin name Admin Name
en admin administration Administration
en admin admins Admins
en admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? After how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ?
en admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? After how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an IP should be blocked (default 3) ?
en admin all records and account information will be lost! All records and account information will be lost!
en admin all users All Users
en admin allow anonymous access to this app Allow anonymous access to this app
en admin anonymous user Anonymous user
en admin anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) Anonymous User (not shown in list sessions)
en admin appearance Appearance
en admin application Application
en admin application name Application name
en admin application title Application title
en admin applications Applications
en admin applications list Applications list
en admin apply apply
en admin are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? Are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ?
en admin are you sure you want to delete this account ? Are you sure you want to delete this account ?
en admin are you sure you want to delete this application ? Are you sure you want to delete this application ?
en admin are you sure you want to delete this global category ? Are you sure you want to delete this global category ?
en admin are you sure you want to delete this group ? Are you sure you want to delete this group ?
en admin are you sure you want to delete this server? Are you sure you want to delete this server?
en admin are you sure you want to kill this session ? Are you sure you want to kill this session ?
en admin async services last executed Async services last executed
en admin asynchronous timed services Asynchronous timed services
en admin asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!!
en admin attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' Attempt to use correct mimetype for FTP instead of default 'application/octet-stream'
en admin authentication / accounts Authentication / Accounts
en admin auto create account records for authenticated users Auto create account records for authenticated users
en admin back to the list back to the list
en admin bi-dir passthrough bi-dir passthrough
en admin bi-directional bi-directional
en admin bottom bottom
en admin calculate next run Calculate next run
en admin can change password Can change password
en admin cancel testjob! Cancel TestJob!
en admin categories list Categories list
en admin category %1 has been saved ! Category %1 has been saved !
en admin category list Category list
en admin change acl rights change ACL Rights
en admin change config settings Change config settings
en admin change main screen message Change main screen message
en admin check ip address of all sessions Check IP address of all sessions
en admin check items to %1 to %2 for %3 Check items to %1 to %2 for %3
en admin click to select a color Click to select a color
en admin color Color
en admin country selection Country Selection
en admin create group Create Group
en admin crontab only (recomended) crontab only (recomended)
en admin data Data
en admin day Day
en admin day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) Day of week
(0-6, 0=Sun)
en admin default Default
en admin default file system space per user Default file system space per user
en admin default file system space per user/group ? Default file system space per user/group ?
en admin deinstall crontab Deinstall crontab
en admin delete account Delete account
en admin delete all records Delete All Records
en admin delete application Delete application
en admin delete category Delete category
en admin delete group Delete group
en admin delete peer server Delete peer server
en admin delete the category delete the category
en admin delete the group delete the group
en admin delete this category delete this category
en admin delete this group delete this group
en admin delete this user delete this user
en admin deny access to access log Deny access to access log
en admin deny access to application registery Deny access to application registery
en admin deny access to applications Deny access to applications
en admin deny access to asynchronous timed services Deny access to asynchronous timed services
en admin deny access to current sessions Deny access to current sessions
en admin deny access to error log Deny access to error log
en admin deny access to global categories Deny access to global categories
en admin deny access to groups Deny access to groups
en admin deny access to mainscreen message Deny access to mainscreen message
en admin deny access to peer servers Deny access to peer servers
en admin deny access to phpinfo Deny access to phpinfo
en admin deny access to site configuration Deny access to site configuration
en admin deny access to user accounts Deny access to user accounts
en admin deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? Deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ?
en admin description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! Description can not exceed 255 characters in length !
en admin disable "auto completion" of the login form Disable "auto completion" of the login form
en admin disable wysiwyg-editor disable WYSIWYG-editor
en admin disabled (not recomended) disabled (not recomended)
en admin display Display
en admin do not delete the category and return back to the list do NOT delete the category and return back to the list
en admin do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? Do you also want to delete all global subcategories ?
en admin do you want to delete all global subcategories ? Do you want to delete all global subcategories ?
en admin do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? Do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ?
en admin edit account Edit account
en admin edit application Edit application
en admin edit global category Edit global category
en admin edit global category for %1 Edit global category for %1
en admin edit group Edit Group
en admin edit group acl's edit group ACL's
en admin edit login screen message Edit login screen message
en admin edit main screen message Edit main screen message
en admin edit peer server Edit Peer Server
en admin edit table format Edit Table format
en admin edit this category edit this category
en admin edit this group edit this group
en admin edit this user edit this user
en admin edit user edit user
en admin edit user account Edit user account
en admin enable debug-messages Enable debug-messages
en admin enable the soap service Enable the soap service
en admin enable the xmlrpc service Enable the xmlrpc service
en admin enabled - hidden from navbar Enabled - Hidden from navbar
en admin enabled - popup window Enabled - Popup Window
en admin enter a description for the category enter a description for the category
en admin enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt) Enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt)
en admin enter the background color for the login page Enter the background color for the login page
en admin enter the background color for the site title Enter the background color for the site title
en admin enter the full path for temporary files.
examples: /tmp, c:\\temp Enter the full path for temporary files.
Examples: /tmp, C:\\TEMP
en admin enter the full path for users and group files.
examples: /files, e:\\files Enter the full path for users and group files.
Examples: /files, E:\\FILES
en admin enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running Enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running
en admin enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash Enter the location of eGroupWare's URL.
Example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
No trailing slash
en admin enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again Enter the search string. To show all entries, empty this field and press the SUBMIT button again
en admin enter the site password for peer servers Enter the site password for peer servers
en admin enter the site username for peer servers Enter the site username for peer servers
en admin enter the title for your site Enter the title for your site
en admin enter the title of your logo Enter the title of your logo
en admin enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo Enter the URL or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo
en admin enter the url where your logo should link to Enter the url where your logo should link to
en admin enter your default ftp server Enter your default FTP server
en admin enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) Enter your default mail domain ( From: user@domain )
en admin enter your http proxy server Enter your HTTP proxy server
en admin enter your http proxy server port Enter your HTTP proxy server port
en admin enter your smtp server hostname or ip address Enter your SMTP server hostname or IP address
en admin enter your smtp server port Enter your SMTP server port
en admin error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! Error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!!
en admin error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! Error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!!
en admin error: %1 not found or other error !!! Error: %1 not found or other error !!!
en admin expires Expires
en admin fallback (after each pageview) fallback (after each pageview)
en admin file space File space
en admin file space must be an integer File space must be an integer
en admin find and register all application hooks Find and Register all Application Hooks
en admin for the times above for the times above
en admin for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute)
en admin force selectbox Force Selectbox
en admin group ? group ?
en admin group list Group list
en admin group manager Group Manager
en admin group name Group Name
en admin hide php information hide php information
en admin home directory Home directory
en admin host information Host information
en admin hour
(0-23) Hour
en admin how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? How many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ?
en admin how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? How many minutes should an account or IP be blocked (default 30) ?
en admin icon Icon
en admin idle idle
en admin if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of If no ACL records for user or any group the user is a member of
en admin if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? If using LDAP, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes?
en admin inbound inbound
en admin install crontab Install crontab
en admin installed crontab Installed crontab
en admin interface Interface
en admin ip IP
en admin jobs Jobs
en admin kill Kill
en admin kill session Kill session
en admin last %1 logins Last %1 logins
en admin last %1 logins for %2 Last %1 logins for %2
en admin last login last login
en admin last login from last login from
en admin last time read Last Time Read
en admin ldap accounts context LDAP accounts context
en admin ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) LDAP Default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username)
en admin ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) LDAP Default shell (e.g. /bin/bash)
en admin ldap encryption type LDAP encryption type
en admin ldap groups context LDAP groups context
en admin ldap host LDAP host
en admin ldap root password LDAP root password
en admin ldap rootdn LDAP rootdn
en admin leave the category untouched and return back to the list leave the category untouched and return back to the list
en admin leave the group untouched and return back to the list Leave the group untouched and return back to the list
en admin list config settings List config settings
en admin list current sessions List current sessions
en admin list of current users list of current users
en admin login message Login message
en admin login screen Login screen
en admin login shell Login shell
en admin login time Login Time
en admin loginid LoginID
en admin mail settings Mail settings
en admin main screen message Main screen message
en admin manager Manager
en admin max attachment size Maximum attachment size
en admin maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) Maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000)
en admin maximum entries in click path history Maximum entries in click path history
en admin message has been updated message has been updated
en admin method Method
en admin minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) Minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.)
en admin minute Minute
en admin mode Mode
en admin month Month
en admin new group name New group name
en admin new password [ leave blank for no change ] New password [ Leave blank for no change ]
en admin next run Next run
en admin no algorithms available no algorithms available
en admin no jobs in the database !!! No jobs in the database !!!
en admin no login history exists for this user No login history exists for this user
en admin no matches found No matches found
en admin no modes available no modes available
en admin no permission to add groups no permission to add groups
en admin no permission to add users no permission to add users
en admin no permission to create groups no permission to create groups
en admin note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support Note: SSL available only if PHP is compiled with curl support
en admin outbound outbound
en admin passthrough passthrough
en admin password for smtp-authentication Password for SMTP-authentication
en admin path information Path information
en admin peer server list Peer server list
en admin peer servers Peer servers
en admin percent of users that logged out Percent of users that logged out
en admin percent this user has logged out Percent this user has logged out
en admin permissions Permissions
en admin permissions this group has Permissions this group has
en admin phpinfo PHP information
en admin please enter a name Please enter a name
en admin please enter a name for that server ! Please enter a name for that server !
en admin please run setup to become current Please run setup to become current
en admin please select Please Select
en admin preferences Preferences
en admin primary group primary Group
en admin re-enter password Re-enter password
en admin read this list of methods. Read this list of methods.
en admin register application hooks Register application hooks
en admin remove all users from this group Remove all users from this group
en admin remove all users from this group ? Remove all users from this group ?
en admin return to admin mainscreen return to admin mainscreen
en admin return to view account Return to view account
en admin run asynchronous services Run Asynchronous services
en admin save the category save the category
en admin save the category and return back to the list save the category and return back to the list
en admin search accounts Search accounts
en admin search categories Search categories
en admin search groups Search groups
en admin search peer servers Search peer servers
en admin security Security
en admin select group managers Select Group Managers
en admin select permissions this group will have Select permissions this group will have
en admin select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category Select the parent category. If this is a main category select NO CATEGORY
en admin select users for inclusion Select users for inclusion
en admin select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information Select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information
en admin select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts Select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts
en admin select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) Select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right)
en admin selectbox Selectbox
en admin server %1 has been updated Server %1 has been updated
en admin server list Server List
en admin server password Server Password
en admin server type(mode) Server Type(mode)
en admin server url Server URL
en admin server username Server Username
en admin set preference values. Set preference values.
en admin should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? Should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ?
en admin show 'powered by' logo on Show 'powered by' logo on
en admin show access log Show access log
en admin show current action Show current action
en admin show error log Show error log
en admin show phpinfo() Show phpinfo()
en admin show session ip address Show session IP address
en admin site Site
en admin soap SOAP
en admin sorry, that group name has already been taken. Sorry, that group name has already been taken.
en admin sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 Sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1
en admin sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 Sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1
en admin sort the entries sort the entries
en admin ssl ssl
en admin standard standard
en admin start testjob! Start TestJob!
en admin submit changes Submit Changes
en admin submit the search string Submit the search string
en admin template selection Template Selection
en admin text entry Text Entry
en admin that application name already exists. That application name already exists.
en admin that application order must be a number. That application order must be a number.
en admin that loginid has already been taken That loginid has already been taken
en admin that name has been used already That name has been used already
en admin that server name has been used already ! That server name has been used already !
en admin the api is current The API is current
en admin the api requires an upgrade The API requires an upgrade
en admin the groups must include the primary group The groups must include the primary group
en admin the login and password can not be the same The login and password can not be the same
en admin the loginid can not be more then 8 characters The loginid can not be more then 8 characters
en admin the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. The TestJob sends you a mail everytime it is called.
en admin the two passwords are not the same The two passwords are not the same
en admin the users bellow are still members of group %1 the users bellow are still members of group %1
en admin there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid There already is a group with this name. Userid's can not have the same name as a groupid
en admin they must be removed before you can continue They must be removed before you can continue
en admin this application is current This application is current
en admin this application requires an upgrade This application requires an upgrade
en admin this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category This category is currently being used by applications as a parent category.
en admin timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) Timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day)
en admin timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) Timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours)
en admin times Times
en admin top top
en admin total records Total records
en admin trust level Trust Level
en admin trust relationship Trust Relationship
en admin under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! Under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. Fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!!
en admin use cookies to pass sessionid Use cookies to pass sessionid
en admin use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) Use pure HTML compliant code (not fully working yet)
en admin use theme Use theme
en admin user accounts User accounts
en admin user data User Data
en admin user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) User for SMTP-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required)
en admin user groups User groups
en admin userdata userdata
en admin users choice Users Choice
en admin view access log View access log
en admin view account View account
en admin view category View category
en admin view error log View error log
en admin view sessions View sessions
en admin view this user view this user
en admin view user account View user account
en admin who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? Who would you like to transfer ALL records owned by the deleted user to?
en admin would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? Would you like eGroupWare to cache the egw info array ?
en admin would you like egroupware to check for a new version
when admins login ? Would you like eGroupWare to check for a new version
when admins login ?
en admin would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? Would you like eGroupWare to check for new application versions when admins login ?
en admin would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? Would you like to automatically load new langfiles (at login-time) ?
en admin would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? Would you like to show each application's upgrade status ?
en admin xml-rpc XML-RPC
en admin you have entered an invalid expiration date You have entered an invalid expiration date
en admin you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account You must add at least 1 permission or group to this account
en admin you must enter a group name. You must enter a group name.
en admin you must enter a lastname You must enter a lastname
en admin you must enter a loginid You must enter a loginid
en admin you must enter an application name and title. You must enter an application name and title.
en admin you must enter an application name. You must enter an application name.
en admin you must enter an application title. You must enter an application title.
en admin you must select a file type You must select a file type
en admin you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category You will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category !
en admin cascrls CAs anc CRLs
en admin all levels All levels
en admin all levels with not recursive search All levels with not recursive search
en admin calendar holiday management Calendar Holiday Management
en admin calendar settings Calendar Settings
en admin do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? Do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically?
en admin first level with recursive search First level with recursive search
en admin location to autoload from Location to autoload from
en admin minimum number of characters to start the search for participants Minimum number of characters to start the search for participants
en admin select type tree view Select type tree view
en admin script with login of the user leaves blank to generate logon Script with login of the user leaves blank to generate logon
en admin imap admin password IMAP admin password
en admin imap admin user IMAP admin user
en admin command for spam Command for spam
en admin command for unmark spam Command for unmark spam
en admin do you want to log the sent messages? Do you want to log the sent messages?
en admin do you want to use the spam filter? Do you want to use the spam filter?
en admin drafts folder name Drafts Folder name
en admin expressomail settings ExpressoMail settings
en admin imap folders properties Imap Folders Properties
en admin sent folder name Sent Folder name
en admin spam folder name Spam Folder name
en admin trash folder name Trash Folder name
en admin install or update the manual-pages install or update the manual-pages
en admin maintain news Maintain News
en admin 00 (disable) 00 (disable)
en admin 13 (ntp) 13 (ntp)
en admin 80 (http) 80 (http)
en admin datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: Datetime port.
If using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(Port: 13 / Host:
en admin a please wait message is shown when loading the activity form usefull for long tasks a please wait message is shown when loading the activity form usefull for long tasks
en admin administer instances Administer instances
en admin administer processes Administer processes
en admin cleanup aborted instances Cleanup aborted instances
en admin default settings for processes Default settings for processes
en admin draw roles on the graph beside activity name like [that] Draw roles on the graph beside activity name like [that]
en admin grant access to the administration and development of workflow processes and activities. Grant access to the administration and development of workflow processes and activities.
en admin grant access to the administration of workflow elements Grant access to the administration of workflow elements
en admin grant access to the administration of workflow instances in monitor screens Grant access to the administration of workflow instances in monitor screens
en admin grant access to the cleanup/deletion of workflow aborted instances in monitor screens Grant access to the cleanup/deletion of workflow aborted instances in monitor screens
en admin grant access to the monitoring of workflow elements Grant access to the monitoring of workflow elements
en admin if automatic parsing is disabled next options will be useless if automatic parsing is disabled next options will be useless
en admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to abort the related instance If user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to abort the related instance
en admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to exception or resume the related instance If user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to exception or resume the related instance
en admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to release (un-assign) the related instance If user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to release (un-assign) the related instance
en admin monitoring Monitoring
en admin owner of the instance will have the right to abort the instance at any time Owner of the instance will have the right to abort the instance at any time
en admin owner of the instance will have the right to exception or resume the instance at any time Owner of the instance will have the right to exception or resume the instance at any time
en admin owner of the instance will have the right to release (un-assign) an activity assigned to an user Owner of the instance will have the right to release (un-assign) an activity assigned to an user
en admin size of the font used on the graph 12 should be a good default value Size of the font used on the graph 12 should be a good default value
en admin the instance title is shown on top of the form the instance title is shown on top of the form
en admin this will automatically release the instance when leaving an activity without completing This will automatically release the instance when leaving an activity without completing
en admin this will display an activity footer when any activity is runned with workflow engine related informations this will display an activity footer when any activity is runned with workflow engine related informations
en admin when multiple submit options are avaible we draw a select box with only one submit instead of multiple buttons when multiple submit options are avaible we draw a select box with only one submit instead of multiple buttons
en admin workflow configuration Workflow configuration
en admin name of the database used to store data from workflow processes Name of the database used to store data from workflow processes
en admin database server where the database is stored Database server where the database is stored
en admin port used to connect to database server Port used to connect to database server
en admin default user to access the database Default user to access the database
en admin password of the default user Password of the default user
en admin type of the database Type of the database
en admin disable advanced actions for all users Disable advanced actions for all users
en admin user of the ldap User of the LDAP
en admin password of the ldap user Password of the LDAP User
en admin external applications options External Applications options
en admin subnetworks of the intranet (separed by ;) Subnetworks of the intranet (separed by ;)
en admin subnetworks Subnetworks
en admin name of the database used to store data of the workflow module Name of the database used to store data of the Workflow module
en admin user to access the database User to access the database
en admin user password User password
en admin host of the ldap Host of the LDAP
en admin user context of the ldap User context of the LDAP
en admin ldap user context LDAP user context
en admin group context of the ldap Group context of the LDAP
en admin ldap group context LDAP group context
en admin follow ldap referrals Follow LDAP referrals
en admin follow referrals Follow referrals
en admin the activities will be executed using secure connection The activities will be executed using secure connection
en admin use secure connection use secure connection
en common account has been created Account has been created
en common account has been deleted Account has been deleted
en common account has been updated Account has been updated
en common acl rights ACL Rights
en common are you sure you want to delete this category ? Are you sure you want to delete this category ?
en common global categories Global Categories
en common group has been added Group has been added
en common group has been deleted Group has been deleted
en common group has been updated Group has been updated
en common installed applications Installed applications
en common login history Login History
en common site configuration Site configuration
en common calendar Calendar
en common custom fields and sorting Custom fields and sorting
en common grant calendar access Grant Calendar Access
en common import csv-file Import CSV-File
en common send updates via email Send updates via EMail
en common you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. You have %1 high priority events on your calendar today.
en common you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. You have 1 high priority event on your calendar today.
en common browse Browse
en common contact center Contact Center
en common contactcenter Contact Center
en common contacts Contacts
en common found %1 entries Found %1 Entrie(s)
en common go Go
en common search for... Search for ...
en common send mail Send Mail
en common showing found entries Showing found entries
en common manual Manual / Help
en common configure access permissions Configure Access Permissions
en common configure rss exports Configure RSS exports
en common news_admin News Admin
en common submitted by Submitted by
en common %1 email addresses inserted %1 email addresses inserted
en common %1 is not executable by the webserver !!! %1 is not executable by the webserver !!!
en common %1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. %1eGroupWare%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3PHP%4.
en common about About
en common about %1 About %1
en common access Access
en common access not permitted Access not permitted
en common account is expired Account is expired
en common acl ACL
en common action Action
en common active Active
en common add Add
en common add %1 category for Add %1 category for
en common add category Add category
en common add sub Add sub
en common addressbook Addressbook
en common admin Admin
en common administration Administration
en common afghanistan AFGHANISTAN
en common albania ALBANIA
en common algeria ALGERIA
en common all All
en common all fields all fields
en common alphabet a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,m,n,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
en common alternate style-sheet: Alternate style-sheet:
en common american samoa AMERICAN SAMOA
en common andorra ANDORRA
en common angola ANGOLA
en common anguilla ANGUILLA
en common antarctica ANTARCTICA
en common antigua and barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
en common apply Apply
en common april April
en common are you sure you want to delete these entries ? Are you sure you want to delete these entries ?
en common are you sure you want to delete this entry ? Are you sure you want to delete this entry ?
en common argentina ARGENTINA
en common armenia ARMENIA
en common aruba ARUBA
en common august August
en common australia AUSTRALIA
en common austria AUSTRIA
en common author Author
en common autohide sidebox menus Autohide Sidebox menus
en common automatically hide the sidebox menus? Automatically hide the Sidebox menus?
en common autosave default category Autosave Default Category
en common azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN
en common back Back
en common back to user login Back to user login
en common background color: Background color:
en common bad login or password Bad login or password
en common bahamas BAHAMAS
en common bahrain BAHRAIN
en common bangladesh BANGLADESH
en common barbados BARBADOS
en common bcc Bcc
en common belarus BELARUS
en common belgium BELGIUM
en common belize BELIZE
en common benin BENIN
en common bermuda BERMUDA
en common bhutan BHUTAN
en common blocked, too many attempts Blocked, too many attempts
en common bolivia BOLIVIA
en common bosnia and herzegovina BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
en common botswana BOTSWANA
en common bouvet island BOUVET ISLAND
en common brazil BRAZIL
en common british indian ocean territory BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
en common brunei darussalam BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
en common bulgaria BULGARIA
en common burkina faso BURKINA FASO
en common burundi BURUNDI
en common cambodia CAMBODIA
en common cameroon CAMEROON
en common canada CANADA
en common cancel Cancel
en common cape verde CAPE VERDE
en common categories Categories
en common categories for categories for
en common category Category
en common category %1 has been added ! Category %1 has been added !
en common category %1 has been updated ! Category %1 has been updated !
en common cayman islands CAYMAN ISLANDS
en common cc Cc
en common central african republic CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
en common chad CHAD
en common change Change
en common charset iso-8859-1
en common check installation Check installation
en common check now Check Now
en common chile CHILE
en common china CHINA
en common choose the category Choose the category
en common choose the parent category Choose the parent category
en common christmas island CHRISTMAS ISLAND
en common clear Clear
en common clear form Clear Form
en common click Click
en common click or mouse over to show menus Click or Mouse Over to show menus
en common click or mouse over to show menus? Click or Mouse Over to show menus?
en common close Close
en common cocos (keeling) islands COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
en common colombia COLOMBIA
en common comoros COMOROS
en common company Company
en common congo CONGO
en common congo, the democratic republic of the CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
en common cook islands COOK ISLANDS
en common copy Copy
en common costa rica COSTA RICA
en common cote d ivoire COTE D IVOIRE
en common create Create
en common created by Created By
en common croatia CROATIA
en common cuba CUBA
en common currency Currency
en common current Current
en common current users Current users
en common cyprus CYPRUS
en common czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC
en common date Date
en common date due Date Due
en common december December
en common default category Default Category
en common delete Delete
en common denmark DENMARK
en common description Description
en common detail Detail
en common details Details
en common diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? Diable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?
en common disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix Disable Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix
en common disable slider effects Disable slider effects
en common disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? Opera and Konqueror users will probably must want this.
en common disabled Disabled
en common djibouti DJIBOUTI
en common do you also want to delete all subcategories ? Do you also want to delete all subcategories ?
en common doctype: DOCTYPE:
en common document properties Document properties
en common document title: Document title:
en common domain Domain
en common domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1"
en common domestic Domestic
en common dominica DOMINICA
en common dominican republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
en common done Done
en common e-mail E-Mail
en common east timor EAST TIMOR
en common ecuador ECUADOR
en common edit Edit
en common edit %1 category for Edit %1 category for
en common edit categories Edit Categories
en common edit category Edit category
en common egroupware api version %1 eGroupWare API version %1
en common egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 eGroupWare: login blocked for user '%1', IP %2
en common egypt EGYPT
en common el salvador EL SALVADOR
en common email E-Mail
en common email-address of the user, eg. "%1" email-address of the user, eg. "%1"
en common enabled Enabled
en common end date End date
en common end time End time
en common entry has been deleted sucessfully Entry has been deleted sucessfully
en common entry updated sucessfully Entry updated sucessfully
en common equatorial guinea EQUATORIAL GUINEA
en common eritrea ERITREA
en common error Error
en common error creating %1 %2 directory Error creating %1 %2 directory
en common error deleting %1 %2 directory Error deleting %1 %2 directory
en common error renaming %1 %2 directory Error renaming %1 %2 directory
en common estonia ESTONIA
en common ethiopia ETHIOPIA
en common exact exact
en common falkland islands (malvinas) FALKLAND ISLANDS (MALVINAS)
en common faroe islands FAROE ISLANDS
en common fax number fax number
en common february February
en common fields Fields
en common fiji FIJI
en common files Files
en common filter Filter
en common finland FINLAND
en common first name First name
en common first name of the user, eg. "%1" first name of the user, eg. "%1"
en common first page First page
en common firstname Firstname
en common fixme! FIXME!
en common force selectbox Force SelectBox
en common france FRANCE
en common french guiana FRENCH GUIANA
en common french polynesia FRENCH POLYNESIA
en common french southern territories FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
en common friday Friday
en common ftp FTP
en common fullname Fullname
en common gabon GABON
en common gambia GAMBIA
en common general menu General Menu
en common georgia GEORGIA
en common germany GERMANY
en common ghana GHANA
en common gibraltar GIBRALTAR
en common global Global
en common global public Global Public
en common grant access Grant Access
en common greece GREECE
en common greenland GREENLAND
en common grenada GRENADA
en common group Group
en common group access Group Access
en common group name group name
en common group public Group Public
en common groups Groups
en common groups with permission for %1 Groups with permission for %1
en common groups without permission for %1 Groups without permission for %1
en common guadeloupe GUADELOUPE
en common guam GUAM
en common guatemala GUATEMALA
en common guinea GUINEA
en common guinea-bissau GUINEA-BISSAU
en common guyana GUYANA
en common haiti HAITI
en common heard island and mcdonald islands HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
en common help Help
en common high High
en common highest Highest
en common holy see (vatican city state) HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
en common home Home
en common home email home email
en common honduras HONDURAS
en common hong kong HONG KONG
en common how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. How many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). Additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.
en common hungary HUNGARY
en common iceland ICELAND
en common india INDIA
en common indonesia INDONESIA
en common insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 Insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3
en common international International
en common invalid ip address Invalid IP address
en common invalid password Invalid password
en common iran, islamic republic of IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
en common iraq IRAQ
en common ireland IRELAND
en common israel ISRAEL
en common it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password It has been more then %1 days since you changed your password
en common it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version It is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version.
en common italic Italic
en common italy ITALY
en common jamaica JAMAICA
en common january January
en common japan JAPAN
en common jordan JORDAN
en common july July
en common jun Jun
en common june June
en common justify center Justify Center
en common justify full Justify Full
en common justify left Justify Left
en common justify right Justify Right
en common kazakstan KAZAKSTAN
en common kenya KENYA
en common keywords Keywords
en common kiribati KIRIBATI
en common korea, democratic peoples republic of KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
en common korea, republic of KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
en common kuwait KUWAIT
en common kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN
en common language Language
en common lao peoples democratic republic LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
en common last name Last name
en common last name of the user, eg. "%1" last name of the user, eg. "%1"
en common last page Last page
en common lastname Lastname
en common latvia LATVIA
en common lebanon LEBANON
en common lesotho LESOTHO
en common liberia LIBERIA
en common libyan arab jamahiriya LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
en common license License
en common liechtenstein LIECHTENSTEIN
en common list List
en common list members List members
en common lithuania LITHUANIA
en common local Local
en common login Login
en common loginid LoginID
en common logout Logout
en common low Low
en common lowest Lowest
en common luxembourg LUXEMBOURG
en common macau MACAU
en common macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
en common madagascar MADAGASCAR
en common mail domain, eg. "%1" mail domain, eg. "%1"
en common main category Main category
en common main screen Main screen
en common maintainer Maintainer
en common malawi MALAWI
en common malaysia MALAYSIA
en common maldives MALDIVES
en common mali MALI
en common malta MALTA
en common march March
en common marshall islands MARSHALL ISLANDS
en common martinique MARTINIQUE
en common mauritania MAURITANIA
en common mauritius MAURITIUS
en common max number of icons in navbar Max number of icons in navbar
en common may May
en common mayotte MAYOTTE
en common medium Medium
en common menu Menu
en common message Message
en common mexico MEXICO
en common micronesia, federated states of MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
en common moldova, republic of MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
en common monaco MONACO
en common monday Monday
en common mongolia MONGOLIA
en common montserrat MONTSERRAT
en common morocco MOROCCO
en common mozambique MOZAMBIQUE
en common myanmar MYANMAR
en common my preferences My Preferences
en common name Name
en common name of the user, eg. "%1" name of the user, eg. "%1"
en common namibia NAMIBIA
en common nauru NAURU
en common nepal NEPAL
en common netherlands NETHERLANDS
en common netherlands antilles NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
en common never Never
en common new caledonia NEW CALEDONIA
en common new entry added sucessfully New entry added sucessfully
en common new main category New main category
en common new value New Value
en common new zealand NEW ZEALAND
en common next Next
en common next page Next page
en common nicaragua NICARAGUA
en common niger NIGER
en common nigeria NIGERIA
en common niue NIUE
en common no No
en common no entries found, try again ... no entries found, try again ...
en common no history for this record No history for this record
en common no subject No Subject
en common none None
en common norfolk island NORFOLK ISLAND
en common normal Normal
en common northern mariana islands NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
en common norway NORWAY
en common not assigned not assigned
en common note Note
en common notes Notes
en common notify window Notify Window
en common november November
en common october October
en common ok OK
en common old value Old Value
en common oman OMAN
en common on *nix systems please type: %1 On *nix systems please type: %1
en common on mouse over On Mouse Over
en common only private only private
en common only yours only yours
en common open notify window Open notify window
en common open popup window Open popup window
en common original Original
en common other Other
en common overview Overview
en common owner Owner
en common page Page
en common page was generated in %1 seconds Page was generated in %1 seconds
en common pakistan PAKISTAN
en common palau PALAU
en common palestinian territory, occupied PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
en common panama PANAMA
en common papua new guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA
en common paraguay PARAGUAY
en common parcel Parcel
en common parent category Parent Category
en common password Password
en common password could not be changed Password could not be changed
en common password has been updated Password has been updated
en common path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! Path to user and group files HAS TO BE OUTSIDE of the webservers document-root!!!
en common pattern for search in addressbook Pattern for Search in Addressbook
en common pattern for search in calendar Pattern for Search in Calendar
en common pattern for search in projects Pattern for Search in Projects
en common permissions to the files/users directory permissions to the files/users directory
en common personal Personal
en common peru PERU
en common philippines PHILIPPINES
en common phone number phone number
en common pitcairn PITCAIRN
en common please %1 by hand Please %1 by hand
en common please enter a name Please enter a name !
en common please run setup to become current Please run setup to become current
en common please select Please Select
en common please set your global preferences Please set your global preferences !
en common please set your preferences for this application Please set your preferences for this application !
en common please wait... Please Wait...
en common poland POLAND
en common portugal PORTUGAL
en common postal Postal
en common powered by phpgroupware version %1 Powered by eGroupWare version %1
en common preferences Preferences
en common preferences for the idots template set Preferences for the idots template set
en common previous page Previous page
en common primary style-sheet: Primary style-sheet:
en common print Print
en common priority Priority
en common private Private
en common project Project
en common public public
en common puerto rico PUERTO RICO
en common qatar QATAR
en common read Read
en common read this list of methods. Read this list of methods.
en common reject Reject
en common remove selected accounts remove selected accounts
en common rename Rename
en common returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large Returns a full list of accounts on the system. Warning: This is return can be quite large
en common returns an array of todo items Returns an array of todo items
en common returns struct of users application access Returns struct of users application access
en common reunion REUNION
en common romania ROMANIA
en common russian federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
en common rwanda RWANDA
en common saint helena SAINT HELENA
en common saint kitts and nevis SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
en common saint lucia SAINT LUCIA
en common saint pierre and miquelon SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
en common saint vincent and the grenadines SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
en common samoa SAMOA
en common san marino SAN MARINO
en common sao tome and principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
en common saturday Saturday
en common saudi arabia SAUDI ARABIA
en common save Save
en common search Search
en common search %1 '%2' Search %1 '%2'
en common search or select accounts Search or select accounts
en common section Section
en common select Select
en common select all %1 %2 for %3 Select all %1 %2 for %3
en common select category Select Category
en common select date Select date
en common select group Select group
en common select home email address Select home email address
en common select one Select one
en common select user Select user
en common select work email address Select work email address
en common selection Selection
en common send Send
en common senegal SENEGAL
en common september September
en common server %1 has been added Server %1 has been added
en common server name Server Name
en common session has been killed Session has been killed
en common setup Setup
en common setup main menu Setup Main Menu
en common seychelles SEYCHELLES
en common show all show all
en common show all categorys Show all categorys
en common show menu show menu
en common show page generation time Show page generation time
en common show page generation time on the bottom of the page? Show page generation time on the bottom of the page?
en common show_more_apps Show More Applications
en common showing %1 showing %1
en common showing %1 - %2 of %3 showing %1 - %2 of %3
en common sierra leone SIERRA LEONE
en common singapore SINGAPORE
en common slovakia SLOVAKIA
en common slovenia SLOVENIA
en common solomon islands SOLOMON ISLANDS
en common somalia SOMALIA
en common south africa SOUTH AFRICA
en common south georgia and the south sandwich islands SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
en common spain SPAIN
en common sri lanka SRI LANKA
en common start date Start date
en common start time Start time
en common start with start with
en common status Status
en common subject Subject
en common submit Submit
en common substitutions and their meanings: Substitutions and their meanings:
en common sudan SUDAN
en common suggestions Suggestions
en common sunday Sunday
en common suriname SURINAME
en common svalbard and jan mayen SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
en common swaziland SWAZILAND
en common sweden SWEDEN
en common switzerland SWITZERLAND
en common syrian arab republic SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
en common taiwan TAIWAN/TAIPEI
en common tajikistan TAJIKISTAN
en common tanzania, united republic of TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
en common text color: Text color:
en common thailand THAILAND
en common the api is current The API is current
en common the api requires an upgrade The API requires an upgrade
en common the following applications require upgrades The following applications require upgrades
en common the mail server returned The mail server returned
en common this application is current This application is current
en common this application requires an upgrade This application requires an upgrade
en common this name has been used already This name has been used already !
en common thursday Thursday
en common time Time
en common time zone Timezone
en common time zone offset Time zone offset
en common title Title
en common to To
en common to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the To correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the
en common to go back to the msg list, click here To go back to the msg list, click here
en common today Today
en common todays date, eg. "%1" todays date, eg. "%1"
en common togo TOGO
en common tokelau TOKELAU
en common tonga TONGA
en common too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 Too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the IP %4
en common total Total
en common trinidad and tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
en common tuesday Tuesday
en common tunisia TUNISIA
en common turkey TURKEY
en common turkmenistan TURKMENISTAN
en common turks and caicos islands TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
en common tuvalu TUVALU
en common uganda UGANDA
en common ukraine UKRAINE
en common united arab emirates UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
en common united kingdom UNITED KINGDOM
en common united states UNITED STATES
en common united states minor outlying islands UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
en common unknown Unknown
en common update Update
en common url URL
en common uruguay URUGUAY
en common use button to search for use Button to search for
en common use button to search for address use Button to search for Address
en common use button to search for calendarevent use Button to search for Calendarevent
en common use button to search for project use Button to search for Project
en common use this space to send your doubts, critics and suggestions Use this space to send your doubts, critics and suggestions
en common user User
en common user accounts user accounts
en common user groups user groups
en common username Username
en common users users
en common users choice Users Choice
en common uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN
en common vanuatu VANUATU
en common venezuela VENEZUELA
en common version Version
en common viet nam VIET NAM
en common view View
en common virgin islands, british VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
en common virgin islands, u.s. VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
en common wallis and futuna WALLIS AND FUTUNA
en common wednesday Wednesday
en common welcome Welcome
en common western sahara WESTERN SAHARA
en common which groups Which groups
en common work email work email
en common written by: Written by:
en common year Year
en common yemen YEMEN
en common yes Yes
en common you are required to change your password during your first login You are required to change your password during your first login
en common you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for You are running a newer version of phpGroupWare than your database is setup for.
en common you have not entered a title You have not entered a title
en common you have not entered a valid date You have not entered a valid date
en common you have not entered a valid time of day You have not entered a valid time of day
en common you have not entered participants You have not entered participants
en common you have selected an invalid date You have selected an invalid date !
en common you have selected an invalid main category You have selected an invalid main category !
en common you have successfully logged out You have successfully logged out
en common you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. You need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'.
en common your message could not be sent!
Your message could not be sent!
en common your message has been sent Your message has been sent
en common your search returned %1 matchs your search returned %1 matches
en common your search returned 1 match your search returned 1 match
en common your settings have been updated Your settings have been Updated
en common yugoslavia YUGOSLAVIA
en common zambia ZAMBIA
en common zimbabwe ZIMBABWE
en common logon with my digital certificate Logon with my digital certificate.
en common link to use digital certificate Link to use digital certificate
en common access without digital certificate Access without Digital Certificate
en common change your personal data Change your Personal Data
en common commercial telephone number Commercial Telephone Number
en common /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration
en common actions right options Actions Right Options
en common admin processes Admin Processes
en common auto-release on leaving activity Auto-release on leaving activity
en common base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration Base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration
en common config values Config values
en common default config values Default config values
en common display please wait message display please wait message
en common draw roles Draw roles
en common font size Font size
en common graphic options Graphic options
en common mail smtp debug Mail smtp debug
en common mail smtp local link prefix Mail smtp local link prefix
en common mail smtp profile Mail smtp profile
en common mail smtp signature Mail smtp signature
en common ownership give abort right Ownership give abort right
en common ownership give exception right Ownership give exception right
en common ownership give release right Ownership give release right
en common role give abort right Role give abort right
en common role give exception right Role give exception right
en common role give release right Role give release right
en common running activities options Running activities options
en common show activity info zone show activity info zone
en common show activity title show activity title
en common show instance name Show instance name
en common show instance owner Show instance owner
en common show multiple submit as select show multiple submit as select
en common the /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created. please ask your administrator to check the global configuration The /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created. Please ask your administrator to check the global configuration
en common use automatic parsing use automatic parsing
en common workflow Work-Flow
en common organization Organization
en common database options for processes Database options for processes
en common database options Database options
en common database name Database name
en common database host Database host
en common database port Database port
en common database type Database type
en common database user Database user
en common database password Database password
en common disable advanced actions Disable advanced actions
en common ldap user LDAP User
en common ldap password LDAP password
en common menu path Menu path
en common mainframe options mainframe options
en common ip of the mainframe IP address to mainframe
en common mainframe ip IP address
en common port used to connect the mainframe Port used to connect the mainframe
en common access mainframe port Mainframe access port
en common key used to access the mainframe Key (user) used to access the mainframe
en common access mainframe key Key (user)
en common password used to access the mainframe Password used to access the mainframe
en common access mainframe password Password to the key above
en common environment application to mainframe Environment application to mainframe (D or P)
en common mainframe environment Mainframe environment
en common database options for workflow Database options for workflow
en common ldap options LDAP options
en common emergency Emergency
en common alert Alert
en common critical Critical
en common warning Warning
en common notice Notice
en common information Information
en common debug Debug
en common log options Log Options
en common log level Log Level
en common log options for workflow Log Options for Workflow
en common log level for workflow Log Level for Workflow
en common allowed log types for workflow Allowed Log Types for Workflow
en common log types Log Types
en common file File
en common firebug Firebug
en calendar %1 %2 in %3 %1 %2 in %3
en calendar %1 matches found %1 matches found
en calendar %1 records imported %1 records imported
en calendar %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck Test Import)
en calendar (for weekly) (for Weekly)
en calendar (i/v)cal (i/v)Cal
en calendar 1 match found 1 match found
en calendar a a
en calendar accept Accept
en calendar accepted Accepted
en calendar action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... Action that caused the notify: Added, Canceled, Accepted, Rejected, ...
en calendar add a single entry by passing the fields. Add a single entry by passing the fields.
en calendar add alarm Add Alarm
en calendar add contact Add Contact
en calendar add or update a single entry by passing the fields. Add or update a single entry by passing the fields.
en calendar added Added
en calendar adding event Adding event
en calendar address book Address Book
en calendar alarm Alarm
en calendar alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 Alarm for %1 at %2 in %3
en calendar alarm management Alarm Management
en calendar alarm-management Alarm-Management
en calendar alarms Alarms
en calendar all day All Day
en calendar are you sure you want to delete this country ? Are you sure you want to delete this Country ?
en calendar are you sure you want to delete this holiday ? Are you sure you want to delete this holiday ?
en calendar are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete these alarms? Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete these alarms?
en calendar are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ? Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?
en calendar are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?\\n\\nthis will delete\\nthis entry for all users. Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this entry ?\\n\\nThis will delete\\nthis entry for all users.
en calendar are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this single occurence ?\\n\\nthis will delete\\nthis entry for all users. Are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this single occurence ?\\n\\nThis will delete\\nthis entry for all users.
en calendar available users and groups Available users and groups
en calendar before the event before the event
en calendar brief description Brief Description
en calendar business Business
en calendar calendar - [iv]cal importer Calendar - [iv]Cal Importer
en calendar calendar - add Calendar - Add
en calendar calendar - edit Calendar - Edit
en calendar calendar event Calendar Event
en calendar calendar preferences Calendar Preferences
en calendar calendar-fieldname Calendar-Fieldname
en calendar canceled Canceled
en calendar change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. Change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner'].
en calendar change status Change Status
en calendar charset of file Charset of file
en calendar click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. Click %1here%2 to return to the calendar.
en calendar configuration Configuration
en calendar countries Countries
en calendar country Country
en calendar created by Created by
en calendar csv-fieldname CSV-Fieldname
en calendar csv-filename CSV-Filename
en calendar custom fields Custom Fields
en calendar daily Daily
en calendar daily matrix view Daily Matrix View
en calendar days days
en calendar days repeated days repeated
en calendar dayview Day View
en calendar default appointment length (in minutes) default appointment length (in minutes)
en calendar default calendar filter Default calendar filter
en calendar default calendar view Default calendar view
en calendar default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. Default length of newly created events. The length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour.
en calendar defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. Defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view.
en calendar delete a single entry by passing the id. Delete a single entry by passing the id.
en calendar delete an entire users calendar. Delete an entire users calendar.
en calendar delete selected contacts Delete selected contacts
en calendar delete series Delete Series
en calendar delete single Delete Single
en calendar deleted Deleted
en calendar description Description
en calendar disable Disable
en calendar disabled disabled
en calendar display interval in day view Display interval in Day View
en calendar display mini calendars when printing Display mini calendars when printing
en calendar display status of events Display Status of Events
en calendar displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? Displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter eGroupWare or click on the homepage icon)?
en calendar do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. al Do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? You be notified about changes you make yourself.
You can limit the notifications to certain changes only. Each item includes all the notification listed above it. All modifications include changes of title, description, participants, but no participant responses. If the owner of an event requested any notifcations, he will always get the participant responses like acceptions and rejections too.
en calendar do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?
the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.
it is only sent when you have any app Do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?
The summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on Monday for weekly summarys.
It is only sent when you have any appointments on that day or week.
en calendar download Download
en calendar duration Duration
en calendar edit series Edit Series
en calendar edit single Edit Single
en calendar email notification Email Notification
en calendar email notification for %1 Email Notification for %1
en calendar empty for all empty for all
en calendar enable Enable
en calendar enabled enabled
en calendar end date/time End Date/Time
en calendar enddate Enddate
en calendar ends ends
en calendar enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) Enter Output Filename: ( .vcs appended )
en calendar event details follow Event Details Follow
en calendar exceptions Exceptions
en calendar export Export
en calendar export a list of entries in ical format. Export a list of entries in iCal format.
en calendar export all Export all
en calendar extended Extended
en calendar extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. Extended updates always include the complete event-details. iCal's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications.
en calendar external participants External Participants
en calendar failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!! Failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4' !!!
en calendar fieldseparator Fieldseparator
en calendar firstname of person to notify Firstname of person to notify
en calendar format of event updates Format of event updates
en calendar fr F
en calendar free/busy Free/Busy
en calendar freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! freebusy: Unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!!
en calendar frequency Frequency
en calendar fri Fri
en calendar full description Full Description
en calendar fullname of person to notify Fullname of person to notify
en calendar generate printer-friendly version Generate printer-friendly version
en calendar global categories Global Categories
en calendar global public and group public Global Public and group public
en calendar global public only Global Public Only
en calendar go! Go!
en calendar group planner Group Planner
en calendar group public only Group Public Only
en calendar here is your requested alarm. Here is your requested alarm.
en calendar high priority high priority
en calendar holiday Holiday
en calendar holiday management Holiday Management
en calendar holiday-management Holiday-Management
en calendar holidays Holidays
en calendar hours hours
en calendar i participate I Participate
en calendar ical / rfc2445 iCal / rfc2445
en calendar if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. If checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after.
en calendar if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! If you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the URL!!!
en calendar ignore conflict Ignore Conflict
en calendar import Import
en calendar inform Inform
en calendar interval Interval
en calendar intervals in day view Intervals in day view
en calendar intervals per day in planner view Intervals per day in planner view
en calendar invalid entry id. Invalid entry id.
en calendar last last
en calendar lastname of person to notify Lastname of person to notify
en calendar length shown
(emtpy for full length) Length shown
(emtpy for full length)
en calendar length
(<= 255) Length
(<= 255)
en calendar link Link
en calendar link to view the event Link to view the event
en calendar list all categories. List all categories.
en calendar load [iv]cal Load [iv]Cal
en calendar location Location
en calendar make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? Make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons?
en calendar matrixview Matrix View
en calendar minutes minutes
en calendar mo M
en calendar modified Modified
en calendar modify list of external participants Modify List of External Participants
en calendar mon Mon
en calendar month Month
en calendar monthly Monthly
en calendar monthly (by date) Monthly (by date)
en calendar monthly (by day) Monthly (by day)
en calendar monthview Month View
en calendar new entry New Entry
en calendar new name must not exist and not be empty!!! New name must not exist and not be empty!!!
en calendar no matches found No matches found
en calendar no response No Response
en calendar notification messages for added events Notification messages for added events
en calendar notification messages for canceled events Notification messages for canceled events
en calendar notification messages for modified events Notification messages for modified events
en calendar notification messages for your alarms Notification messages for your alarms
en calendar notification messages for your responses Notification messages for your responses
en calendar number of intervals per day in planner view Number of Intervals per Day in Planner View
en calendar number of months Number of months
en calendar number of records to read (%1) Number of records to read (%1)
en calendar observance rule Observance Rule
en calendar occurence Occurence
en calendar old startdate Old Startdate
en calendar olddate OldDate
en calendar on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 On %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4
en calendar on all changes on all changes
en calendar on all modification, but responses on all modification, but responses
en calendar on any time change too on any time change too
en calendar on invitation / cancelation only on invitation / cancelation only
en calendar on participant responses too on participant responses too
en calendar on time change of more than 4 hours too on time change of more than 4 hours too
en calendar open todo's: Open To Do Items:
en calendar order Order
en calendar overlap holiday overlap holiday
en calendar participant Participant
en calendar participants Participants
en calendar participates Participates
en calendar password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? Password for not loged in users to your freebusy information?
en calendar people holiday people holiday
en calendar permission denied Permission denied
en calendar planner Planner
en calendar planner by category Planner by category
en calendar planner by user Planner by user
en calendar please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar Please confirm, accept, reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar
en calendar preselected group for entering the planner Preselected group for entering the planner
en calendar print calendars in black & white Print calendars in black & white
en calendar print the mini calendars Print the mini calendars
en calendar printer friendly Printer Friendly
en calendar privat Privat
en calendar private and global public Private and Global Public
en calendar private and group public Private and Group Public
en calendar private only Private Only
en calendar re-edit event Re-Edit Event
en calendar read a list of entries. Read a list of entries.
en calendar read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. Read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist.
en calendar read this list of methods. Read this list of methods.
en calendar receive email updates Receive email updates
en calendar receive extra information in event mails Receive extra information in event mails
en calendar receive summary of appointments Receive summary of appointments
en calendar recurring event recurring event
en calendar refresh Refresh
en calendar reinstate Reinstate
en calendar rejected Rejected
en calendar repeat day Repeat day
en calendar repeat end date Repeat End date
en calendar repeat type Repeat type
en calendar repeating event information Repeating Event Information
en calendar repetition Repetition
en calendar repetitiondetails (or empty) Repetitiondetails (or empty)
en calendar reset Reset
en calendar rule Rule
en calendar sa Sa
en calendar sat Sat
en calendar scheduling conflict Scheduling Conflict
en calendar search for Search for
en calendar search results Search Results
en calendar selected contacts (%1) Selected contacts (%1)
en calendar send/receive updates via email Send/Receive updates via EMail
en calendar set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. Set a Year only for one-time / non-regular holidays.
en calendar set new events to private Set new events to private
en calendar should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?
you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! Should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?
You can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar!
en calendar should new events created as private by default ? Should new events created as private by default ?
en calendar should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include th Should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? You can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. The freebusy information is in iCal format and only include the times when you are busy. It does not include the event-name, description or locations. The URL to your freebusy information is %1.
en calendar should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? Should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ?
en calendar should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? Should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)?
en calendar should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? Should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ?
en calendar show day view on main screen show day view on main screen
en calendar show default view on main screen Show default view on main screen
en calendar show high priority events on main screen Show high priority events on main screen
en calendar show invitations you rejected Show invitations you rejected
en calendar show list of upcoming events Show list of upcoming events
en calendar single event single event
en calendar sorry, the owner has just deleted this event Sorry, the owner has just deleted this event
en calendar sorry, this event does not exist Sorry, this event does not exist
en calendar sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined Sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined
en calendar sort by Sort by
en calendar specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. Specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view.
en calendar start date/time Start Date/Time
en calendar start- and enddates Start- and Enddates
en calendar startdate Startdate
en calendar startrecord Startrecord
en calendar su Su
en calendar submit to repository Submit to Repository
en calendar sun Sun
en calendar tentative Tentative
en calendar test import (show importable records only in browser) Test Import (show importable records only in browser)
en calendar text Text
en calendar th T
en calendar the following conflicts with the suggested time: The following conflicts with the suggested time:
en calendar the user %1 is not participating in this event! The user %1 is not participating in this event!
en calendar there was an error trying to connect to your news server.
please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. There was an error trying to connect to your news server.
Please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password.
en calendar this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. This day is shown as first day in the week or month view.
en calendar this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. This defines the end of your day view. Events after this time are shown below the day view.
en calendar this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.
this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. This defines the start of your day view. Events before this time are shown above the day view.
This time is also used as a default start time for new events.
en calendar this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. This group that is preselected when you enter the planner. You can change it in the planner anytime you want.
en calendar this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. This is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured SMTP server. Notify your administrator.
en calendar this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. This message is sent for canceled or deleted events.
en calendar this message is sent for modified or moved events. This message is sent for modified or moved events.
en calendar this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.
you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the This message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.
You can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. The first line is the subject of the email.
en calendar this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. This message is sent when you accept, tentatively accept, or reject an event.
en calendar this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. This message is sent when you set an Alarm for a certain event. Include all information you might need.
en calendar this month This Month
en calendar this week This Week
en calendar this year This Year
en calendar thu Thu
en calendar title Title
en calendar title of the event Title of the event
en calendar title-row Title-row
en calendar to many might exceed your execution-time-limit to many might exceed your execution-time-limit
en calendar to-firstname To-Firstname
en calendar to-fullname To-Fullname
en calendar to-lastname To-Lastname
en calendar today Today
en calendar translation Translation
en calendar tu T
en calendar tue Tue
en calendar update a single entry by passing the fields. Update a single entry by passing the fields.
en calendar updated Updated
en calendar use end date Use End date
en calendar view this entry View this entry
en calendar we W
en calendar wed Wed
en calendar week Week
en calendar weekday starts on Weekday starts on
en calendar weekly Weekly
en calendar weekview Week View
en calendar when creating new events default set to private When creating new events default set to private
en calendar which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. Which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar.
en calendar which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? Which of calendar view do you want to see when you start calendar ?
en calendar work day ends on Work day ends on
en calendar work day starts on Work day starts on
en calendar workdayends workdayends
en calendar yearly Yearly
en calendar yearview Year View
en calendar you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! You can either set a Year or a Occurence, not both !!!
en calendar you can only set a year or a occurence !!! You can only set a year or a occurence !!!
en calendar you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! You do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!!
en calendar alarm is older than now!!! Alarm is older than now!!!
en calendar alarm already added!!! Alarm already added!!!
en calendar you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! You do not have permission to delete this alarm !!!
en calendar you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! You do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!!
en calendar you do not have permission to read this record! You do not have permission to read this record!
en calendar you have a meeting scheduled for %1 You have a meeting scheduled for %1
en calendar you have not entered a title You have not entered a title
en calendar you have not entered a valid date You have not entered a valid date
en calendar you have not entered a valid time of day You have not entered a valid time of day
en calendar you have not entered participants You have not entered participants
en calendar you must enter one or more search keywords You must enter one or more search keywords
en calendar you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) You must select a [iv]Cal. (*.[iv]cs)
en calendar you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! You need to set either a day or a occurence !!!
en calendar your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled Your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled
en calendar your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 Your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2
en calendar your suggested time of %1 - %2 conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: Your suggested time of %1 - %2 conflicts with the following existing calendar entries:
en contactcenter addresses Addresses
en contactcenter address 1 Address 1
en contactcenter address 2 Address 2
en contactcenter address other Address other
en contactcenter alias Alias
en contactcenter alternative Alternative
en contactcenter automatic Automatic
en contactcenter available Available
en contactcenter birthdate Birthday
en contactcenter cards view Cards View
en contactcenter catalog %1 not showed due to error: time limit exceeded Catalog %1 not showed due to error: Time limit exceeded
en contactcenter catalog %1 temporarily unavailable. please try again later! Catalog %1 temporarily unavailable. Please try again later!
en contactcenter catalogues Catalogues
en contactcenter cellphone Cellphone
en contactcenter city City
en contactcenter complement Complement
en contactcenter confirm removal of this contact? Confirm Removal of this Contact?
en contactcenter connection name Connection Name
en contactcenter connection value Connection Value
en contactcenter connections Connetions
en contactcenter contact [full] Contact [Full]
en contactcenter contact [quick add] Contact [Quick Add]
en contactcenter contacting server... Contacting Server...
en contactcenter country Country
en contactcenter copy to personal catalog. Copy to personal catalog
en contactcenter choose city Choose City...
en contactcenter choose country Choose Country...
en contactcenter choose prefix... Choose Prefix...
en contactcenter choose sex ... Choose Sex...
en contactcenter choose state Choose State...
en contactcenter choose suffix... Choose Suffix...
en contactcenter choose type of address Choose Type of Address
en contactcenter choose type of connection Choose Type of Connection
en contactcenter couldn't contact server or server response is invalid. contact admin. Couldn't contact server or server response is invalid. Contact Admin.
en contactcenter edit contact Edit Contact
en contactcenter e-mails and telephones E-mails and Telephones
en contactcenter entry added with success! Entry added with success!
en contactcenter export contacts Export Contacts
en contactcenter expresso (default) Expresso (default)
en contactcenter family names Family Name
en contactcenter fax Fax
en contactcenter female Female
en contactcenter full name Full Name
en contactcenter given names Given Names
en contactcenter gpg finger print GPG Finger Print
en contactcenter import contacts Import Contacts
en contactcenter import/export Import/Export
en contactcenter is default? Is Default?
en contactcenter main Main
en contactcenter male Male
en contactcenter new New
en contactcenter new... New...
en contactcenter new city New City
en contactcenter new email New Email
en contactcenter new from the same type New from the same Type
en contactcenter new state New State
en contactcenter new telephone New Telephone
en contactcenter no cards No Cards
en contactcenter no city No City
en contactcenter no entries found! No Entries Found!
en contactcenter no state No State
en contactcenter no cities found for this state. No Cities found for this State.
en contactcenter no states found for this country. No Cities found for this Country.
en contactcenter pager Pager
en contactcenter people People
en contactcenter phone Phone
en contactcenter postal code Postal Code
en contactcenter po box PO Box
en contactcenter prefix Prefix
en contactcenter processing information... Processing Information...
en contactcenter quick add Quick Add
en contactcenter reset Reset
en contactcenter remove entry id %1! Remove Entry ID %1!
en contactcenter remove contact Remove Contact
en contactcenter search for catalog entries Search for Catalog Entries
en contactcenter select photo Select Photo
en contactcenter select the file type Select the file type
en contactcenter select the file that contains the contacts to be imported: Select the file that contains the contacts to be imported:
en contactcenter select the telephone Select the telephone
en contactcenter select e-mail Select E-Mail
en contactcenter sex Sex
en contactcenter state State
en contactcenter suffix Suffix
en contactcenter table view Table View
en contactcenter the expresso supports the contacts importation in the csv file format. The Expresso supports the contacts importation in the CSV file format.
en contactcenter telephone Telephone
en contactcenter type new city here Type new city here
en contactcenter type new state here Type new state here
en contactcenter type of connection Type of Connection
en contactcenter type of address Type of Address
en contactcenter unavailable or empty catalog Unavailable or empty Catalog
en contactcenter updated successfully! Updated Successfully!
en contactcenter work Work
en emailadmin add profile Add Profile
en emailadmin admin dn admin dn
en emailadmin admin password admin password
en emailadmin admin passwort admin passwort
en emailadmin admin username admin username
en emailadmin advanced options advanced options
en emailadmin alternate email address alternate email address
en emailadmin cyrus imap server Cyrus IMAP Server
en emailadmin cyrus imap server administration Cyrus IMAP server administration
en emailadmin default default
en emailadmin deliver extern deliver extern
en emailadmin do you really want to delete this profile Do you really want to delete this Profile
en emailadmin domainname domainname
en emailadmin edit email settings edit email settings
en emailadmin email account active email account active
en emailadmin email address email address
en emailadmin enable cyrus imap server administration enable Cyrus IMAP server administration
en emailadmin enable sieve enable Sieve
en emailadmin enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) Enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain)
en emailadmin forward also to forward also to
en emailadmin forward email's to forward email's to
en emailadmin forward only forward only
en emailadmin imap server hostname or ip address IMAP server hostname or ip address
en emailadmin imap server logintyp IMAP server login type
en emailadmin imap server port IMAP server port
en emailadmin imap/pop3 server name IMAP/POP3 server name
en emailadmin in mbyte in MByte
en emailadmin ldap basedn LDAP basedn
en emailadmin ldap server LDAP server
en emailadmin ldap server accounts dn LDAP server accounts DN
en emailadmin ldap server admin dn LDAP server admin DN
en emailadmin ldap server admin password LDAP server admin password
en emailadmin ldap server hostname or ip address LDAP server hostname or ip address
en emailadmin ldap settings LDAP settings
en emailadmin leave empty for no quota leave empty for no quota
en emailadmin name of organisation Name of organization
en emailadmin no alternate email address no alternate email address
en emailadmin no forwarding email address no forwarding email address
en emailadmin pop3 server hostname or ip address POP3 server hostname or ip address
en emailadmin pop3 server port POP3 server port
en emailadmin postfix with ldap Postfix with LDAP
en emailadmin profile list Profile List
en emailadmin profile name Profile Name
en emailadmin qmaildotmode qmaildotmode
en emailadmin qouta size in mbyte qouta size in MByte
en emailadmin quota settings quota settings
en emailadmin remove remove
en emailadmin select type of imap/pop3 server Select type of IMAP/POP3 server
en emailadmin select type of smtp server Select type of SMTP Server
en emailadmin sieve server hostname or ip address Sieve server hostname or ip address
en emailadmin sieve server port Sieve server port
en emailadmin sieve settings Sieve settings
en emailadmin smtp server name SMTP server name
en emailadmin smtp-server hostname or ip address SMTP server hostname or IP address
en emailadmin smtp-server port SMTP server port
en emailadmin standard Standard
en emailadmin standard imap server Standard IMAP server
en emailadmin standard pop3 server Standard POP3 server
en emailadmin standard smtp-server Standard SMTP server
en emailadmin use ldap defaults use LDAP defaults
en emailadmin use smtp auth Use SMTP auth
en emailadmin use tls authentication Use TLS authentication
en emailadmin use tls encryption Use TLS encryption
en emailadmin users can define their own emailaccounts Users can define their own email accounts
en emailadmin virtual mail manager Virtual MAIL ManaGeR
en emailadmin imap c-client version < 2001 IMAP C-Client Version < 2001
en expressoMail1_2 1 day 1 Day
en expressoMail1_2 2 days 2 Days
en expressoMail1_2 3 days 3 Days
en expressoMail1_2 4 days 4 Days
en expressoMail1_2 5 day 5 Day
en expressoMail1_2 5 days 5 Days
en expressoMail1_2 access right Access rights
en expressoMail1_2 action Action
en expressoMail1_2 add bcc Add BCC
en expressoMail1_2 add cc Add CC
en expressoMail1_2 add contact Add Contact
en expressoMail1_2 add user into my im Add user into my IM
en expressoMail1_2 note: this sharing will take action on all of your folders and messages. Note: This sharing will take action on all your folders and messages.
en expressoMail1_2 all all
en expressoMail1_2 also check message against next rule Also check message against next rule
en expressoMail1_2 always sign message digitally? Always sign message digitally?
en expressoMail1_2 always cipher message digitally? Always cipher message digitally?
en expressoMail1_2 and and
en expressoMail1_2 and save in and save in
en expressoMail1_2 answered Answered
en expressoMail1_2 l_answered Answered
en expressoMail1_2 answer messages from: %1 - status: %2 - message: %3 Answer messages from: %1 - Status: %2 - message: %3
en expressoMail1_2 a read confirmation was sent. A read notification was sent.
en expressoMail1_2 at %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote: At %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote:
en expressoMail1_2 auto save draft Auto save draft
en expressoMail1_2 authentic authentic
en expressoMail1_2 back Back
en expressoMail1_2 bcc BCC
en expressoMail1_2 big Big
en expressoMail1_2 bold Bold
en expressoMail1_2 border Border
en expressoMail1_2 block sender Block Sender
en expressoMail1_2 tip: for faster save, click over the image with right button. Tip: For faster save, click over the image with right button.
en expressoMail1_2 call to comercial number Call to Comercial Number
en expressoMail1_2 call to mobile number Call to Mobile Number
en expressoMail1_2 cancel cancel
en expressoMail1_2 cc CC
en expressoMail1_2 cco CCo
en expressoMail1_2 revoked certificate. REVOKED Certificate.
en expressoMail1_2 certificate authority: Certificate Authority:
en expressoMail1_2 certificate email: Certificate email:
en expressoMail1_2 certificate has expired certificate has expired
en expressoMail1_2 change folder Change folder
en expressoMail1_2 choose a name Choose a name
en expressoMail1_2 chose the text you want transform in link before. Select the text which will be transformed in link
en expressoMail1_2 clean Clear
en expressoMail1_2 click here do view (+) Click here do view (+)
en expressoMail1_2 click here to add into the fields Click here to add into the fields
en expressoMail1_2 close Close
en expressoMail1_2 coincident Coincident
en expressoMail1_2 config for expressomail Config for ExpressoMail
en expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-01) Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-01)
en expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-02) Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-02)
en expressoMail1_2 couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(cd-03) Couldn't verify if certificate was revoked.(CD-03)
en expressoMail1_2 crypted message Crypted message
en expressoMail1_2 cyrus imap server Cyrus IMAP Server
en expressoMail1_2 attachment attachment
en expressoMail1_2 attachments: add+ Attachments: add+
en expressoMail1_2 attachments: Attachments:
en expressoMail1_2 attachments Attachments
en expressoMail1_2 date: Date:
en expressoMail1_2 date Date
en expressoMail1_2 day(s) day(s)
en expressoMail1_2 define some criterion to the fields from, to and subject with more than 3 characters! Define some criterion to the fields From, To and Subject with more than 3 characters!
en expressoMail1_2 define some search parameters! Define some search parameters!
en expressoMail1_2 delete Delete
en expressoMail1_2 delete trash messages after how many days? Delete trash messages after how many days?
en expressoMail1_2 delete your sub-folders first Delete your sub-folders first
en expressoMail1_2 disabled DISABLED
en expressoMail1_2 disable Disable
en expressoMail1_2 details Details
en expressoMail1_2 digitally sign message? Digitally sign message?
en expressoMail1_2 digitally crypt message? Digitally crypt message?
en expressoMail1_2 download all atachments Download all atachments
en expressoMail1_2 download manual Download manual
en expressoMail1_2 do you really want to empty your trash folder? Do you really want to empty your trash folder?
en expressoMail1_2 do you wanna receive an alert for new messages? Do you wanna receive an alert for new messages?
en expressoMail1_2 do you want to block this e-mail? Do you want to block this e-mail?
en expressoMail1_2 do you wish to exclude the folder Do you wish to exclude the folder
en expressoMail1_2 draft Draft
en expressoMail1_2 drafts Drafts
en expressoMail1_2 during During
en expressoMail1_2 edit Edit
en expressoMail1_2 edit filters Edit filters
en expressoMail1_2 edit folders Edit folders
en expressoMail1_2 e-mail rule E-mail rule
en expressoMail1_2 emails of the account Emails of the account
en expressoMail1_2 empty trash Empty Trash
en expressoMail1_2 enabled ENABLED
en expressoMail1_2 enable Enable
en expressoMail1_2 enable digitally sign/cipher the message? Enable digitally sign/cipher the message?
en expressoMail1_2 enable quick reply Enable Quick Reply
en expressoMail1_2 enter a name for the box Enter a name for the box
en expressoMail1_2 enter the name of the new folder: Enter the name of the new folder:
en expressoMail1_2 enter with link url: Enter with link URL:
en expressoMail1_2 delete folder Delete folder
en expressoMail1_2 erase the message Erase the message
en expressoMail1_2 error compressing messages (zip). contact the administrator. Error compressing messages (ZIP). Contact the administrator.
en expressoMail1_2 error in smtp sending read confirmation. Error in SMTP sending read confirmation.
en expressoMail1_2 error moving message. Error moving message.
en expressoMail1_2 #error:21075075:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_verify:certificate verify error #error:21075075:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:certificate verify error
en expressoMail1_2 error:21075069:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_verify:signature failure error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_verify:signature failure
en expressoMail1_2 error:21071065:pkcs7 routines:pkcs7_signatureverify:digest failure error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:PKCS7_signatureVerify:digest failure
en expressoMail1_2 error:21071065:pkcs7 routines:func(113):reason(101) error:21071065:PKCS7 routines:func(113):reason(101)
en expressoMail1_2 error:21075069:pkcs7 routines:func(117):reason(105) error:21075069:PKCS7 routines:func(117):reason(105)
en expressoMail1_2 exclusion Exclusion
en expressoMail1_2 export Export
en expressoMail1_2 export messages Export messages
en expressoMail1_2 expressomail configuration ExpressoMail Configuration
en expressoMail1_2 expressomail1_2 expressoMail1_2
en expressoMail1_2 file extension forbidden File extension forbidden
en expressoMail1_2 files files
en expressoMail1_2 filters Filters
en expressoMail1_2 filters maintenance Filters maintenance
en expressoMail1_2 filters management Filters management
en expressoMail1_2 first First
en expressoMail1_2 first name First Name
en expressoMail1_2 folder Folder
en expressoMail1_2 folder management Folder Management
en expressoMail1_2 folders Folders
en expressoMail1_2 font Font
en expressoMail1_2 what the font size in the list of messages? What the font size in the list of messages?
en expressoMail1_2 forecolor forecolor
en expressoMail1_2 forwarded Forwarded
en expressoMail1_2 forwarded message Forwarded message
en expressoMail1_2 forward Forward
en expressoMail1_2 forward to the address Forward to the address
en expressoMail1_2 from: From:
en expressoMail1_2 from From
en expressoMail1_2 global catalog Global Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 go back Go back
en expressoMail1_2 greater than greater than
en expressoMail1_2 groups Groups
en expressoMail1_2 hide menu folders? Hide menu folders?
en expressoMail1_2 hide options Hide options
en expressoMail1_2 hide search Hide Search
en expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_addcreate_acl hlp_msg_addcreate_acl
en expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_delmov_acl hlp_msg_delmov_acl
en expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_read_acl hlp_msg_read_acl
en expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_sendlike_acl hlp_msg_sendlike_acl
en expressoMail1_2 image Image
en expressoMail1_2 important Important
en expressoMail1_2 l_important Important
en expressoMail1_2 in all the folders In all folders
en expressoMail1_2 inbox Inbox
en expressoMail1_2 include Include
en expressoMail1_2 indent indent
en expressoMail1_2 inform a forwarding e-mail! Inform a forwarding e-mail!
en expressoMail1_2 inform a message Inform a message
en expressoMail1_2 inform a text for rejection! Inform a text for rejection!
en expressoMail1_2 inform a valid e-mail! Inform a valid e-mail!
en expressoMail1_2 inform between 1 and 31! Inform between 1 and 31!
en expressoMail1_2 inform the days! Inform the days!
en expressoMail1_2 inform the forwarding e-mail(s) Inform the forwarding e-mail(s)
en expressoMail1_2 inform your search in the text fields Inform your search in the text fields
en expressoMail1_2 insertorderedlist Insert ordered list
en expressoMail1_2 insert table Insert table
en expressoMail1_2 insert signature Insert signature
en expressoMail1_2 insert signature automatically in new messages? Insert signature automatically in new messages?
en expressoMail1_2 insertunorderedlist Insert unordered list
en expressoMail1_2 invalid signature Invalid signature
en expressoMail1_2 in this message in this message
en expressoMail1_2 italic italic
en expressoMail1_2 its %1 folder is not created. it is necessary to create so that it functions correctly. Its %1 folder is not created. It is necessary to create so that it functions correctly.
en expressoMail1_2 it's not possible create inside: It's not possible to create inside:
en expressoMail1_2 it's not possible delete the folder: It's not possible to delete the folder:
en expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename the folder: It's not possible to rename the folder:
en expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder! It's not possible to rename this folder!
en expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder, because it is being used in the moment! It's not possible to rename this folder, because it's being used in the moment!
en expressoMail1_2 justifycenter justify center
en expressoMail1_2 justifyfull justify full
en expressoMail1_2 justifyleft justify left
en expressoMail1_2 justifyright justify right
en expressoMail1_2 keep a copy of the message at your inbox Keep a copy of the message at your Inbox
en expressoMail1_2 last Last
en expressoMail1_2 last name Last Name
en expressoMail1_2 less Less
en expressoMail1_2 less than Less than
en expressoMail1_2 link Link
en expressoMail1_2 list all List All
en expressoMail1_2 list catalog List Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 list List
en expressoMail1_2 list of the filters list of the filters
en expressoMail1_2 loading Loading
en expressoMail1_2 mailbox sharing Mailbox Sharing
en expressoMail1_2 mail from: Mail from:
en expressoMail1_2 manager your folders and export messages Manager your folders and export messages
en expressoMail1_2 mark as Mark as
en expressoMail1_2 mark as spam Mark as Spam
en expressoMail1_2 what is the maximum number of messages per page? What is the maximum number of messages per page?
en expressoMail1_2 max size Max size
en expressoMail1_2 medium Medium
en expressoMail1_2 message body Message body
en expressoMail1_2 message date: Message date:
en expressoMail1_2 message message
en expressoMail1_2 minute ago minute ago
en expressoMail1_2 minutes ago minutes ago
en expressoMail1_2 hours ago hours ago
en expressoMail1_2 message font Message Font
en expressoMail1_2 message header Message Header
en expressoMail1_2 message marked as Message marked as
en expressoMail1_2 message signed by: Message signed by:
en expressoMail1_2 message untouched Message untouched
en expressoMail1_2 message(s) deleted from your trash folder. message(s) deleted from your trash folder.
en expressoMail1_2 messages messages
en expressoMail1_2 messages found in folder: messages found in folder:
en expressoMail1_2 messages saved in %1 folder. Messages saved in %1 folder.
en expressoMail1_2 #msg010- erro verificando expiracao/cas do certificado. #MSG010- Erro verificando Expiracao/CAs do certificado.
en expressoMail1_2 #msg011- ocorreu erro validando o certificado. #MSG011- Ocorreu erro validando o certificado.
en expressoMail1_2 more actions More actions
en expressoMail1_2 more More
en expressoMail1_2 more options More options
en expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results. please, try to refine your search. More than %1 results. Please, try to refine your search.
en expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results were found More than %1 results were found
en expressoMail1_2 move Move
en expressoMail1_2 move to Move to
en expressoMail1_2 my folders My Folders
en expressoMail1_2 new New
en expressoMail1_2 new folder New folder
en expressoMail1_2 new message New Message
en expressoMail1_2 new rule New rule
en expressoMail1_2 next Next
en expressoMail1_2 nickname Nickname
en expressoMail1_2 no data to search No data to search
en expressoMail1_2 none None
en expressoMail1_2 none result was found. None result was found.
en expressoMail1_2 no option marked! No option marked!
en expressoMail1_2 normal normal
en expressoMail1_2 now now
en expressoMail1_2 no selected message. No selected message.
en expressoMail1_2 no subject No Subject
en expressoMail1_2 not spam Not Spam
en expressoMail1_2 open chat window Open chat window
en expressoMail1_2 open in new window Open in New Window
en expressoMail1_2 open search window... Open search window...
en expressoMail1_2 options Options
en expressoMail1_2 organization Organization
en expressoMail1_2 original attachments: add Original Attachments: add
en expressoMail1_2 original attachments: remove Original Attachments: remove
en expressoMail1_2 outdent outdent
en expressoMail1_2 out office out office
en expressoMail1_2 over quota Over quota
en expressoMail1_2 personal catalog Personal Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 postfix with ldap Postfix with LDAP
en expressoMail1_2 people People
en expressoMail1_2 preferences Preferences
en expressoMail1_2 previous Previous
en expressoMail1_2 print Print
en expressoMail1_2 public lists Public Lists
en expressoMail1_2 read Read
en expressoMail1_2 redo Redo
en expressoMail1_2 refresh Refresh
en expressoMail1_2 remove Remove
en expressoMail1_2 rename folder Rename folder
en expressoMail1_2 reply Reply
en expressoMail1_2 reply sent messages to Reply sent messages to
en expressoMail1_2 reply to all Reply to all
en expressoMail1_2 reply to all with history Reply to all with history
en expressoMail1_2 reply to all without history Reply to all without history
en expressoMail1_2 reply to Reply to
en expressoMail1_2 reply to sender Reply to sender
en expressoMail1_2 reply with history Reply with history
en expressoMail1_2 reply without history Reply without history
en expressoMail1_2 result of the search Result of the search
en expressoMail1_2 return receipt Return receipt
en expressoMail1_2 rich text Rich Text
en expressoMail1_2 rule Rule
en expressoMail1_2 save as draft Save as Draft
en expressoMail1_2 save deleted messages in trash folder? Save deleted messages in trash folder?
en expressoMail1_2 save sent messages in folder Save sent messages in folder
en expressoMail1_2 save draft Save Draft
en expressoMail1_2 save Save
en expressoMail1_2 save in folder Save in folder
en expressoMail1_2 save sent messages in folder? Save sent messages in folder?
en expressoMail1_2 search Search
en expressoMail1_2 search for organization Search for Organization
en expressoMail1_2 search in catalog Search in Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 search in the global catalog Search in the Global Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 search results Search Results
en expressoMail1_2 search results search results
en expressoMail1_2 search the messages in these folders Search the messages in these folders
en expressoMail1_2 search user... Search user...
en expressoMail1_2 search user Search user
en expressoMail1_2 sector Sector
en expressoMail1_2 seen Seen
en expressoMail1_2 l_seen Seen
en expressoMail1_2 select a folder: Select a folder:
en expressoMail1_2 select a folder! Select a folder!
en expressoMail1_2 select all messages. Select all messages.
en expressoMail1_2 select a name Select a name
en expressoMail1_2 select an organization and click on button search Select an organization and click on button Search
en expressoMail1_2 select on send Select on send
en expressoMail1_2 select the desired image file Select the desired image file
en expressoMail1_2 select the table size Select the table size
en expressoMail1_2 select the type of contact that you want to view Select the type of contact that you want to view
en expressoMail1_2 select the user Select the user
en expressoMail1_2 send and file Send and file
en expressoMail1_2 send a rejection message Send a rejection message
en expressoMail1_2 sender's information Sender's Information
en expressoMail1_2 send Send
en expressoMail1_2 send this message without a subject? Send this message without a subject?
en expressoMail1_2 send (without save) Send (without save)
en expressoMail1_2 sent by Sent by
en expressoMail1_2 sent Sent
en expressoMail1_2 service unavailable Service unavailable
en expressoMail1_2 shared folders Shared folders
en expressoMail1_2 shared options saved with success Shared options saved with success
en expressoMail1_2 share mailbox Share mailbox
en expressoMail1_2 show default view on main screen? Show default view on main screen?
en expressoMail1_2 showing only the results found in your organization Showing only the results found in your organization
en expressoMail1_2 show previous message, after delete actual message? Show previous message, after delete actual message?
en expressoMail1_2 signature Signature
en expressoMail1_2 signature configuration Signature Configuration
en expressoMail1_2 signature type Signature Type
en expressoMail1_2 signed message Signed message
en expressoMail1_2 simple text Simple Text
en expressoMail1_2 size Size
en expressoMail1_2 small Small
en expressoMail1_2 spam Spam
en expressoMail1_2 standard imap server standard IMAP server
en expressoMail1_2 standard pop3 server standard POP3 server
en expressoMail1_2 standard smtp-server standard SMTP-Server
en expressoMail1_2 status Status
en expressoMail1_2 store at Store at
en expressoMail1_2 subject Subject
en expressoMail1_2 table Table
en expressoMail1_2 the anti pop-up is enabled. allow this site (%1) for print. The Anti Pop-Up is enabled. Allow this site (%1) for print.
en expressoMail1_2 the field \\"%1\\" of the message it contains The field \\"%1\\" of the message it contains
en expressoMail1_2 the folder %1 was successfully removed The folder %1 was successfully removed
en expressoMail1_2 the folder was not deleted! The folder was not deleted!
en expressoMail1_2 the list has no participant. The list has no participant.
en expressoMail1_2 the messages were deleted. The messages were deleted.
en expressoMail1_2 the messages were moved to folder The messages were moved to folder
en expressoMail1_2 the message was deleted. The message was deleted.
en expressoMail1_2 the message was moved to folder The message was moved to folder
en expressoMail1_2 the origin folder and the destination folder are the same. The origin folder and the destination folder are the same.
en expressoMail1_2 the preference "%1" isn't enabled. The preference "%1" isn't enabled.
en expressoMail1_2 there's an action processing. do you want abort it? There's an action processing. Do you want abort it?
en expressoMail1_2 the results were found in the global catalog The results were found in the Global Catalog
en expressoMail1_2 the size of the message is The size of the message is
en expressoMail1_2 the size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1b). The size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1B).
en expressoMail1_2 this mail box is empty This mail box is empty.
en expressoMail1_2 this message is already opened! This message is already opened!
en expressoMail1_2 this message is already selected! This message is already selected!
en expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, and you can trust. This message is signed, and you can trust.
en expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, but it is invalid. you should not trust on it. This message is signed, but it is invalid. You should not trust on it.
en expressoMail1_2 to: To:
en expressoMail1_2 to TO
en expressoMail1_2 tools Tools
en expressoMail1_2 trash Trash
en expressoMail1_2 type without spaces, dots or special characters! Type without spaces, dots or special characters!
en expressoMail1_2 underlined underlined
en expressoMail1_2 underline underline
en expressoMail1_2 undo Undo
en expressoMail1_2 unseen Unseen
en expressoMail1_2 l_unseen Unseen
en expressoMail1_2 upload file Upload file
en expressoMail1_2 use f9 key as shortcut. Use F9 Key as shortcut.
en expressoMail1_2 use shortcuts? Use shortcuts?
en expressoMail1_2 use dynamic contacts? Use dynamic contacts?
en expressoMail1_2 users Users
en expressoMail1_2 validity of certificate: Validity of certificate:
en expressoMail1_2 view html source View HTML source
en expressoMail1_2 view tips View tips
en expressoMail1_2 voided message Voided message
en expressoMail1_2 warning: your mailbox is almost full! Warning: Your Mailbox is almost full!
en expressoMail1_2 was succefully removed was succefully removed
en expressoMail1_2 what is the height of the lines in the list of messages? What is the height of the lines in the list of messages?
en expressoMail1_2 who Who
en expressoMail1_2 with all With all
en expressoMail1_2 with signer different from sender with signer different from sender
en expressoMail1_2 without quota Without Quota
en expressoMail1_2 without save without save
en expressoMail1_2 with some with some
en expressoMail1_2 with the following message With the following message
en expressoMail1_2 write Write
en expressoMail1_2 write message Write message
en expressoMail1_2 wrote wrote
en expressoMail1_2 you have %1 new You have %1 new
en expressoMail1_2 you must wait while the messages will be exported... You must wait while the messages will be exported...
en expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is 100% full! you must free more space or will not receive messages. Your Mailbox is 100% full! You must free more space or will not receive messages.
en expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is shared with Your mailbox is shared with
en expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent and will be discarted. Your message has not been sent and will be discarted.
en expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent. discard your message? Your message has not been sent. Discard your message?
en expressoMail1_2 your message was save as draft in folder %1. Your message was save as draft in folder %1.
en expressoMail1_2 your message was sent and save. Your message was sent and save.
en expressoMail1_2 your message was sent. Your message was sent.
en expressoMail1_2 your search argument must be longer than 4 characters. Your search argument must be longer than 4 characters.
en expressoMail1_2 your session could not be verified. your session could not be verified.
en expressoMail1_2 your trash folder was empty. Your Trash folder was empty.
en expressoMail1_2 reached maximum tab limit Reached maximum tab limit
en expressoMail1_2 page not found! Page Not Found!
en expressoMail1_2 this list has no participants This list has no participants
en expressoMail1_2 rows Rows
en expressoMail1_2 cols Cols
en manual %1 manual page(s) added or updated %1 manual page(s) added or updated
en manual download download
en manual page(s) %1 not found !!! Page(s) %1 not found !!!
en manual starting import from %1, this might take several minutes (specialy if you start it the first time) ... Starting import from %1, this might take several minutes (specialy if you start it the first time) ...
en mobile from From
en mobile folder Folder
en mobile inbox Inbox
en mobile return Return
en news_admin active Active
en news_admin add new article Add New Article
en news_admin add new news Add new news
en news_admin add news item Add news item
en news_admin all news All news
en news_admin always Always
en news_admin configuration Configuration
en news_admin configure access permissions Configure Access Permissions
en news_admin configure rss exports Configure RSS exports
en news_admin contains html Contains HTML
en news_admin content Content
en news_admin edit news item Edit news item
en news_admin failed to add message Failed to add new message
en news_admin format for links to items Format for links to items
en news_admin format of export Format of export
en news_admin from From
en news_admin global news Global News
en news_admin global_news Global_News
en news_admin image link Image Link
en news_admin image title Image Title
en news_admin image url Image URL
en news_admin implies read permission implies read permission
en news_admin item has been deleted Item has been deleted
en news_admin item not found Item not found
en news_admin link Link
en news_admin main Main
en news_admin maintain Maintain
en news_admin message has been added Message has been added
en news_admin more news More news
en news_admin new item has been added New item has been added
en news_admin news admin News Admin
en news_admin news administration News Administration
en news_admin news item has been added News item has been added
en news_admin news item has been updated News item has been updated
en news_admin no entries found no entries found
en news_admin no news No News is Currently Available in the Category
en news_admin no rss export No RSS export
en news_admin number of articles to display on the main screen Number of articles to display on the main screen
en news_admin on on
en news_admin publish date Publish Date
en news_admin read permissions Read permissions
en news_admin should news_admin display the latest article headlines on the main screen. Should News Admin display the latest article headlines on the main screen.
en news_admin show latest news articles? Show latest news articles?
en news_admin show news articles on main page? Show news articles on main page?
en news_admin small view small view
en news_admin teaser Teaser
en news_admin the news content is missing The news content is missing
en news_admin the number of articles to display on the main screen. The number of articles to display on the main screen.
en news_admin the subject is missing The subject is missing
en news_admin until until
en news_admin view this category View this category
en news_admin visible Visible
en news_admin webpage news admin Webpage news admin
en news_admin write Write
en news_admin write permissions Write permissions
en news_admin read news Read news
en jscalendar (shift-)click or drag to change value (Shift-)Click or drag to change value
en jscalendar - click on any of the time parts to increase it - Click on any of the time parts to increase it
en jscalendar - hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. - Hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection.
en jscalendar - or click and drag for faster selection. - or click and drag for faster selection.
en jscalendar - or shift-click to decrease it - or Shift-click to decrease it
en jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select month - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select month
en jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select year - Use the %1, %2 buttons to select year
en jscalendar 3 number of chars for day-shortcut 3 number of chars for day-shortcut
en jscalendar 3 number of chars for month-shortcut 3 number of chars for month-shortcut
en jscalendar about the calendar About the calendar
en jscalendar date selection: Date selection:
en jscalendar display %s first Display %s first
en jscalendar drag to move Drag to move
en jscalendar go today Go Today
en jscalendar next month (hold for menu) Next month (hold for menu)
en jscalendar next year (hold for menu) Next year (hold for menu)
en jscalendar prev. month (hold for menu) Prev. month (hold for menu)
en jscalendar prev. year (hold for menu) Prev. year (hold for menu)
en jscalendar time selection: Time selection:
en jscalendar toggle first day of week Toggle first day of week
en jscalendar wk wk
en htmlarea-HtmlTidy \\n tidying up the html source, please wait... \\n Tidying up the HTML source, please wait...
en htmlarea-HtmlTidy html tidy HTML Tidy
en htmlarea-ContextMenu _delete row _Delete Row
en htmlarea-ContextMenu _image properties... _Image Properties...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu _modify link... _Modify Link...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu _remove link... _Remove Link...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu _table properties... _Table Properties...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu c_ell properties... C_ell Properties...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu chec_k link... Chec_k Link...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu create a link Create a link
en htmlarea-ContextMenu current url is Current URL is
en htmlarea-ContextMenu cut Cut
en htmlarea-ContextMenu de_lete column De_lete Column
en htmlarea-ContextMenu delete the current column Delete the current column
en htmlarea-ContextMenu delete the current row Delete the current row
en htmlarea-ContextMenu element... Element...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu how did you get here? (please report!) How did you get here? (Please report!)
en htmlarea-ContextMenu i_nsert row before I_nsert Row Before
en htmlarea-ContextMenu in_sert row after In_sert Row After
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert _column before Insert _Column Before
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert a new column after the current one Insert a new column after the current one
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert a new column before the current one Insert a new column before the current one
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert a new row after the current one Insert a new row after the current one
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert a new row before the current one Insert a new row before the current one
en htmlarea-ContextMenu insert c_olumn after Insert C_olumn After
en htmlarea-ContextMenu link points to: Link points to:
en htmlarea-ContextMenu make lin_k... Make lin_k...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu modify url Modify URL
en htmlarea-ContextMenu opens this link in a new window Opens this link in a new window
en htmlarea-ContextMenu paste Paste
en htmlarea-ContextMenu please confirm that you want to remove this element: Please confirm that you want to remove this element:
en htmlarea-ContextMenu please confirm that you want to unlink this element. Please confirm that you want to unlink this element.
en htmlarea-ContextMenu remove the Remove the
en htmlarea-ContextMenu remove this node from the document Remove this node from the document
en htmlarea-ContextMenu ro_w properties... Ro_w Properties...
en htmlarea-ContextMenu show the image properties dialog Show the image properties dialog
en htmlarea-ContextMenu show the table cell properties dialog Show the Table Cell Properties dialog
en htmlarea-ContextMenu show the table properties dialog Show the Table Properties dialog
en htmlarea-ContextMenu show the table row properties dialog Show the Table Row Properties dialog
en htmlarea-ContextMenu unlink the current element Unlink the current element
en htmlarea about this editor About this editor
en htmlarea background color Background Color
en htmlarea bold Bold
en htmlarea bulleted list Bulleted List
en htmlarea copy selection Copy selection
en htmlarea current style Current style
en htmlarea cut selection Cut selection
en htmlarea decrease indent Decrease Indent
en htmlarea enlarge editor Enlarge Editor
en htmlarea font color Font Color
en htmlarea help using editor Help using editor
en htmlarea horizontal rule Horizontal Rule
en htmlarea increase indent Increase Indent
en htmlarea insert image Insert Image
en htmlarea insert table Insert Table
en htmlarea insert web link Insert Web Link
en htmlarea ordered list Ordered List
en htmlarea paste from clipboard Paste from clipboard
en htmlarea path Path
en htmlarea redoes your last action Redoes your last action
en htmlarea strikethrough Strikethrough
en htmlarea subscript Subscript
en htmlarea superscript Superscript
en htmlarea toggle html source Toggle HTML Source
en htmlarea underline Underline
en htmlarea undoes your last action Undoes your last action
en htmlarea you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. You are in TEXT MODE. Use the [<>] button to switch back to WYSIWIG.
en htmlarea-TableOperations align Align
en htmlarea-TableOperations all four sides All four sides
en htmlarea-TableOperations background Background
en htmlarea-TableOperations baseline Baseline
en htmlarea-TableOperations border Border
en htmlarea-TableOperations borders Borders
en htmlarea-TableOperations bottom Bottom
en htmlarea-TableOperations caption Caption
en htmlarea-TableOperations cell properties Cell Properties
en htmlarea-TableOperations center Center
en htmlarea-TableOperations char Char
en htmlarea-TableOperations collapsed borders Collapsed borders
en htmlarea-TableOperations color Color
en htmlarea-TableOperations delete cell Delete cell
en htmlarea-TableOperations delete column Delete column
en htmlarea-TableOperations delete row Delete row
en htmlarea-TableOperations fg color FG Color
en htmlarea-TableOperations float Float
en htmlarea-TableOperations frames Frames
en htmlarea-TableOperations height Height
en htmlarea-TableOperations how many columns would you like to merge? How many columns would you like to merge?
en htmlarea-TableOperations how many rows would you like to merge? How many rows would you like to merge?
en htmlarea-TableOperations htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row. HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last cell in row.
en htmlarea-TableOperations htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table. HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last column in table.
en htmlarea-TableOperations htmlarea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table. HTMLArea cowardly refuses to delete the last row in table.
en htmlarea-TableOperations image url Image URL
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert cell after Insert cell after
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert cell before Insert cell before
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert column after Insert column after
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert column before Insert column before
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert row after Insert row after
en htmlarea-TableOperations insert row before Insert row before
en htmlarea-TableOperations justify Justify
en htmlarea-TableOperations layout Layout
en htmlarea-TableOperations left Left
en htmlarea-TableOperations margin Margin
en htmlarea-TableOperations merge cells Merge cells
en htmlarea-TableOperations middle Middle
en htmlarea-TableOperations no rules No rules
en htmlarea-TableOperations no sides No sides
en htmlarea-TableOperations padding Padding
en htmlarea-TableOperations percent percent
en htmlarea-TableOperations pixels pixels
en htmlarea-TableOperations please click into some cell Please click into some cell
en htmlarea-TableOperations right Right
en htmlarea-TableOperations row properties Row Properties
en htmlarea-TableOperations rules Rules
en htmlarea-TableOperations rules will appear between all rows and columns Rules will appear between all rows and columns
en htmlarea-TableOperations rules will appear between columns only Rules will appear between columns only
en htmlarea-TableOperations rules will appear between rows only Rules will appear between rows only
en htmlarea-TableOperations spacing Spacing
en htmlarea-TableOperations spacing and padding Spacing and padding
en htmlarea-TableOperations split cell Split cell
en htmlarea-TableOperations split column Split column
en htmlarea-TableOperations split row Split row
en htmlarea-TableOperations style [css] Style [CSS]
en htmlarea-TableOperations summary Summary
en htmlarea-TableOperations table properties Table properties
en htmlarea-TableOperations text align Text align
en htmlarea-TableOperations the bottom side only The bottom side only
en htmlarea-TableOperations the left-hand side only The left-hand side only
en htmlarea-TableOperations the right and left sides only The right and left sides only
en htmlarea-TableOperations the right-hand side only The right-hand side only
en htmlarea-TableOperations the top and bottom sides only The top and bottom sides only
en htmlarea-TableOperations the top side only The top side only
en htmlarea-TableOperations top Top
en htmlarea-TableOperations unset color Unset color
en htmlarea-TableOperations vertical align Vertical align
en htmlarea-TableOperations width Width
en htmlarea-ListType choose list style type (for ordered lists) Choose list style type (for ordered lists)
en htmlarea-ListType decimal numbers Decimal numbers
en htmlarea-ListType lower greek letters Lower greek letters
en htmlarea-ListType lower latin letters Lower latin letters
en htmlarea-ListType lower roman numbers Lower roman numbers
en htmlarea-ListType upper latin letters Upper latin letters
en htmlarea-ListType upper roman numbers Upper roman numbers
en htmlarea-SpellChecker dictionary Dictionary
en htmlarea-SpellChecker finished list of mispelled words Finished list of mispelled words
en htmlarea-SpellChecker i will open it in a new page. I will open it in a new page.
en htmlarea-SpellChecker ignore Ignore
en htmlarea-SpellChecker ignore all Ignore all
en htmlarea-SpellChecker no mispelled words found with the selected dictionary. No mispelled words found with the selected dictionary.
en htmlarea-SpellChecker original word Original word
en htmlarea-SpellChecker please confirm that you want to open this link Please confirm that you want to open this link
en htmlarea-SpellChecker please wait. calling spell checker. Please wait. Calling spell checker.
en htmlarea-SpellChecker please wait: changing dictionary to Please wait: changing dictionary to
en htmlarea-SpellChecker pliz weit ;-) pliz weit ;-)
en htmlarea-SpellChecker re-check Re-check
en htmlarea-SpellChecker replace Replace
en htmlarea-SpellChecker replace all Replace all
en htmlarea-SpellChecker replace with Replace with
en htmlarea-SpellChecker revert Revert
en htmlarea-SpellChecker spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. closing now... Spell check complete, didn't find any mispelled words. Closing now...
en htmlarea-SpellChecker spell-check Spell-check
en htmlarea-SpellChecker suggestions Suggestions
en htmlarea-SpellChecker this will drop changes and quit spell checker. please confirm. This will drop changes and quit spell checker. Please confirm.
en login sorry, your login has expired Sorry, your login has expired
en login you have been successfully logged out You have been successfully logged out
en login your session could not be verified. Your session could not be verified.
en htmlarea-UploadImage upload image Upload Image
en preferences %1 - preferences %1 - Preferences
en preferences %1 hours %1 hours
en preferences 12 hour 12 hour
en preferences 24 hour 24 hour
en preferences a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. A template defines the layout of eGroupWare and it contains icons for each application.
en preferences a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. A theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template.
en preferences acl grants have been updated ACL grants have been updated
en preferences any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.
to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. Any listing in eGroupWare will show you this number of entries or lines per page.
Too many slow down the page display, too less will cost you the overview.
en preferences are you sure you want to delete this category ? Are you sure you want to delete this category ?
en preferences change your password Change your Password
en preferences change your profile Change your profile
en preferences change your settings Change your Settings
en preferences country Country
en preferences date format Date format
en preferences default default
en preferences default application Default application
en preferences default preferences Default Preferences
en preferences delete categories Delete Categories
en preferences description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! Description can not exceed 255 characters in length !
en preferences do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. Do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached.
en preferences edit custom fields edit custom fields
en preferences enter your new password Enter your new password
en preferences error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 Error: There was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2
en preferences forced preferences Forced Preferences
en preferences help off Help off
en preferences hours hours
en preferences how do you like to display accounts How would you like to display accounts
en preferences how do you like to select accounts How would you like to select accounts
en preferences how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.
if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. How many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.
If you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time.
en preferences how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. How many icons should be shown in the navigation bar at the top of the page. Additional icons go into a pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar.
en preferences how should phpgroupware display dates for you. How should eGroupWare display dates for you.
en preferences icons and text Icons and text
en preferences icons only icons only
en preferences in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. In which country are you. This is used to set certain defaults for you.
en preferences interface/template selection Interface/Template Selection
en preferences language Language
en preferences max matches per page Max matches per page
en preferences max number of icons in navbar Max number of icons in navigation bar
en preferences no default No default
en preferences note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. Note: This feature does *not* change your email password. This will need to be done manually.
en preferences observation Observation
en preferences please, select a new theme Please, select a new theme
en preferences popup with search Popup with search
en preferences re-enter your password Re-Enter your password
en preferences select different theme Select different Theme
en preferences select one Select one
en preferences select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.
some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. Select the language of texts and messages within eGroupWare.
Some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message.
en preferences selectbox Selectbox
en preferences set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. Set this to your liking. For security reasons, you might not want to show your Username in public.
en preferences should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. Should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time.
en preferences should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. Should these help messages always display when modifying preferences, or only on request.
en preferences show helpmessages by default Show help messages by default
en preferences show navigation bar as Show navigation bar as
en preferences show number of current users Show number of current users
en preferences show text on navigation icons Show text on navigation icons
en preferences text only Text only
en preferences the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.
you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to The default application will be started when you enter eGroupWare or click on the homepage icon.
You can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to be configured in the preferences of each application).
en preferences the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. The selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). The popup can search users by name or group.
en preferences the two passwords are not the same The two passwords are not the same
en preferences theme (colors/fonts) selection Theme (colors/fonts) Selection
en preferences this telephone number will apear in searches for your name, and it will be visible for all expressolivre users This telephone number will appear in searches for your name, and it will be visible for all ExpressoLivre Users
en preferences this server is located in the %1 timezone This server is located in the %1 timezone
en preferences time format Time format
en preferences use default Use default
en preferences users choice Users choice
en preferences which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. Which currency symbol or name should be used in eGroupWare.
en preferences you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. You can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both.
en preferences you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! You do not have permission to set ACL's in this mode!
en preferences you must enter a password You must enter a password
en preferences your current theme is: %1 your current theme is: %1
en preferences your preferences Your Preferences
en preferences inbox sorting Inbox sorting
en preferences number of items per page number of items per page
en preferences show activity complete page Show activity complete page
en preferences determines if the activity complete page should be displayed after the completion of the activity Determines if the activity complete page should be displayed after the completion of the activity.
en preferences use light interface Use light interface
en preferences determines if a lighter version of the interface should be used Determines if a lighter version of the interface should be used.
en workflow # #
en workflow %1 aborted %1 aborted
en workflow %1 active %1 active
en workflow %1 completed %1 completed
en workflow %1 configuration %1 Configuration
en workflow %1 days, %2:%3:%4 %1 days, %2:%3:%4
en workflow %1 exception %1 exception
en workflow %1 menu %1 Menu
en workflow %1 monitoring %1 Monitoring
en workflow %1 processes (%2 active) (%3 being_run) %1 processes (%2 active) (%3 being_run)
en workflow %owner% is the instance owner email %owner% is the instance owner email
en workflow %property_xx% is the content of the instance's property xx %property_XX% is the content of the instance's property XX
en workflow %role_xx% are all the emails of all users mapped to the role xx %role_XX% are all the emails of all users mapped to the role XX
en workflow %roles% are the emails of all users mapped to any role on this activity %roles% are the emails of all users mapped to any role on this activity
en workflow %signature% is the agent signature defined in the process configuration %signature% is the agent signature defined in the process configuration
en workflow %user% is the instance user email %user% is the instance user email
en workflow %user_xx% is the email of the acount xx %user_XX% is the email of the acount XX
en workflow abort instance abort instance
en workflow abort this instance Abort this instance
en workflow aborted aborted
en workflow access denied for user %1 on activity %2, no role Access denied for user %1 on activity %2, no role
en workflow act act
en workflow act. status Act. Status
en workflow act. status: Act. status:
en workflow action %1 is impossible if we have no activity and no instance designated for it! Action %1 is impossible if we have no activity and no instance designated for it!
en workflow action %1 is impossible, another user is already in place Action %1 is impossible, another user is already in place
en workflow action %1 is impossible, there are no user assigned to this activity for this instance Action %1 is impossible, there are no user assigned to this activity for this instance
en workflow action %1 needs an activity and activity %2 does not exists Action %1 needs an activity and activity %2 does not exists
en workflow action %1 needs an instance and instance %2 does not exists Action %1 needs an instance and instance %2 does not exists
en workflow actions Actions
en workflow activate activate
en workflow active Active
en workflow active: active:
en workflow activities Activities
en workflow activities selection Activities selection
en workflow activities updated Activities updated
en workflow activity activity
en workflow activity status Activity Status
en workflow activity %1 activity %1
en workflow activity %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) Activity %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3)
en workflow activity %1 code is not avaible activity %1 code is not avaible
en workflow activity %1 is interactive but has no role assigned Activity %1 is interactive but has no role assigned
en workflow activity %1 is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method Activity %1 is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method
en workflow activity %1 is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned Activity %1 is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned
en workflow activity %1 is non-interactive so it must not use the $instance->complete() method Activity %1 is non-interactive so it must not use the $instance->complete() method
en workflow activity %1 is standalone and is using the $instance object Activity %1 is standalone and is using the $instance object
en workflow activity %1 is standalone but has transitions Activity %1 is standalone but has transitions
en workflow activity %1 is standalone or view but has transitions Activity %1 is standalone or view but has transitions
en workflow activity %1 is switch so it must use $instance->setnextactivity($actname) method Activity %1 is switch so it must use $instance->setNextActivity($actname) method
en workflow activity %1 is view and is using the $instance object in write mode Activity %1 is view and is using the $instance object in write mode
en workflow activity agent removed Activity agent removed
en workflow activity completed Activity completed
en workflow activity failure activity failure
en workflow activity in inexistent process Activity in inexistent process
en workflow activity is waiting for pending transitions activity is waiting for pending transitions
en workflow activity name already exists Activity name already exists
en workflow activity role #%1 removed Activity role #%1 removed
en workflow activity role removed Activity role removed
en workflow activity saved Activity saved
en workflow activity start not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. activity start not avaible, no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow activity start not set, no corresponding activity was found. activity start not set, no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow activity status not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. activity status not avaible, no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow activity: activity:
en workflow add a transition Add a transition
en workflow add aborted instances Add aborted instances
en workflow add advanced actions Add advanced actions
en workflow add agent Add agent
en workflow add completed instances Add completed instances
en workflow add instances in exception Add instances in exception
en workflow add new add new
en workflow add new role Add new role
en workflow add or edit a process Add or edit a process
en workflow add or edit a role Add or edit a rol
en workflow add or edit an activity Add or edit an activity
en workflow add property Add property
en workflow add role Add role
en workflow add role to process Add role to process
en workflow add transition add transition
en workflow add transitions Add transitions
en workflow add transitions from Add transitions from
en workflow add transitions to Add transitions to
en workflow admin instance Admin Instance
en workflow admin process activities Admin Process Activities
en workflow admin process roles Admin Process Roles
en workflow admin processes sources Admin Processes Sources
en workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is associated to an inexistent activity #%3 Agent #%1 of type %2 is associated to an inexistent activity #%3
en workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is not linked with an activity Agent #%1 of type %2 is not linked with an activity
en workflow agent associated with inexistent activity Agent associated with inexistent activity
en workflow agent without activity Agent without activity
en workflow agents assigned to this activity Agents assigned to this activity
en workflow all All
en workflow always show advanced actions Always show advanced actions
en workflow always show advanced mode Always show advanced mode
en workflow assign me this activity Assign me this activity
en workflow at least one email address cannot be validated. at least one email address cannot be validated.
en workflow auto routed Auto routed
en workflow automatic Automatic
en workflow autorouted activities does not need to be sent by any user after their execution Autorouted activities do not need to be sent by any user after their execution
en workflow bad parameter for setagents, the parameter should be an array bad parameter for setAgents, the parameter should be an array
en workflow bad role type Bad role type
en workflow bad user Bad user
en workflow bcc: Bcc:
en workflow be carefull with interactive activity, end and start of theses activities are multiple. Be carefull with interactive activity, end and start of theses activities are multiple.
en workflow being run being run
en workflow by running theses links you will create new instances of the related process. by running theses links you will create new instances of the related process.
en workflow cannot add transition only split or switch activities can have more than one outbound transition Cannot add transition only split or switch activities can have more than one outbound transition
en workflow cannot add transition. only split activities can have more than one outbound transition Cannot add transition. Only split activities can have more than one outbound transition
en workflow cannot create compiled file %1 cannot create compiled file %1
en workflow cannot retrieve the user running the security check Cannot retrieve the user running the security check
en workflow cannot run the activity Cannot run the activity
en workflow cannot run the activity without her process Cannot run the activity without her process
en workflow cannot run the activity without instance Cannot run the activity without instance
en workflow cannot run unknown activity Cannot run unknown activity
en workflow cc: Cc:
en workflow circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself Circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself
en workflow circular reference found. some activity has a transition leading to itself Circular reference found. Some activity has a transition leading to itself
en workflow cleanup actions cleanup actions
en workflow close and get back later Close and get back later
en workflow close printer friendly mode Close Printer friendly mode
en workflow code code
en workflow column activity status in instance lists Column activity status in instance lists
en workflow column category in instance lists Column category in instance lists
en workflow column instance id in instance lists Column instance id in instance lists
en workflow column instance name in instance lists Column instance name in instance lists
en workflow column instance status in instance lists Column instance status in instance lists
en workflow column owner in instance lists Column owner in instance lists
en workflow column priority in instance lists Column priority in instance lists
en workflow column process name in instance lists Column process name in instance lists
en workflow column start date in instance lists Column start date in instance lists
en workflow compilation Compilation
en workflow compiling activity %1 : %2 compiling activity %1 : %2
en workflow complete Complete
en workflow complete cleanup of aborted instances done complete cleanup of aborted instances done
en workflow complete cleanup of all instances done complete cleanup of all instances done
en workflow completed completed
en workflow confirm delete Confirm Delete
en workflow consult %1 to get the default values: Consult %1 to get the default values:
en workflow couldn't add transition Couldn't add transition
en workflow create create
en workflow created Created
en workflow date: date:
en workflow default next user Default next user
en workflow default owner Default owner
en workflow default user Default User
en workflow delete selected Delete selected
en workflow delete transition delete transition
en workflow deletion successful Deletion successful
en workflow delition successful Delition successful
en workflow description Description
en workflow do you want the activity status on instances lists. most of the time it is "running" but if you use non-autorouted transitions you will have some completed activities. Do you want the activity status on instances lists. Most of the time it is "running" but if you use non-autorouted transitions you will have some completed activities.
en workflow do you want the category column on instances lists, if yout instances use categories you should use it Do you want the category column on instances lists, if yout instances use categories you should use it
en workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists, if your instances use categories you should use it Do you want the category name column on instances lists, if your instances use categories you should use it
en workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists. if your instances use categories you should use this Do you want the category name column on instances lists. If your instances use categories you should use this
en workflow do you want the instance id column on instances lists. this is the unique identifier of an instance Do you want the instance id column on instances lists. This is the unique identifier of an instance
en workflow do you want the instance name column on instances lists. if your instances have name you should really use this Do you want the instance name column on instances lists. If your instances have name you should really use this
en workflow do you want the instance status on instances lists. the instance status is usefull to disting beteween aborted, completed, exception or active instances Do you want the instance status on instances lists. The instance status is usefull to disting beteween aborted, completed, exception or active instances
en workflow do you want the owner column on instances lists. this will show you the actual owner, especially usefull if ownership is defined with special rights Do you want the owner column on instances lists. This will show you the actual owner, especially usefull if ownership is defined with special rights
en workflow do you want the priority column on instances lists. priority can be set with activities forms Do you want the priority column on instances lists. Priority can be set with activities forms
en workflow do you want the process column on instances lists. usefull if you have different processes and/or versions of theses processes Do you want the process column on instances lists. Usefull if you have different processes and/or versions of theses processes
en workflow do you want the search instance button in the last row of instances list. Do you want the search instance button in the last row of instances list.
en workflow do you want the started date column on instances lists. Do you want the started date column on instances lists.
en workflow don't move Don't move
en workflow duration Duration
en workflow empty agent type empty agent type
en workflow end end
en workflow end activity is not reachable from start activity End activity is not reachable from start activity
en workflow ended ended
en workflow enter an activity name Enter an activity name
en workflow error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Error: nextActivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity
en workflow error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity
en workflow error: removing was not done error: removing was not done
en workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but it was impossible to get this activity Error: trying to send an instance to an activity but it was impossible to get this activity
en workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found
en workflow exception exception
en workflow exception instance exception instance
en workflow exception raised by %1 %2: %3 exception raised by %1 %2: %3
en workflow exception resumed by %1 %2: %3 exception resumed by %1 %2: %3
en workflow exception this instance Exception this instance
en workflow exceptions exceptions
en workflow execute this activity Execute this activity
en workflow export Export
en workflow failed to create workitem failed to create workitem
en workflow failed to execute automatic activity failed to execute automatic activity
en workflow failed to obtain lock on %1 table failed to obtain lock on %1 table
en workflow failed to obtain lock on instances table failed to obtain lock on instances table
en workflow failed to obtain lock on instances_activities table failed to obtain lock on instances_activities table
en workflow failed to record instance properties failed to record instance properties
en workflow failed to synchronize instance data with the database failed to synchronize instance data with the database
en workflow failure failure
en workflow fatal error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Fatal error: nextActivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity
en workflow fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity
en workflow fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity Fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity
en workflow fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found
en workflow filter Filter
en workflow filter instance by id filter instance by id
en workflow finally you have links with %link_xx|yy% syntax, xx is the address part, yy the text part. finally you have links with %link_XX|YY% syntax, XX is the address part, YY the text part.
en workflow fix Fix
en workflow fix concistency for selected rows Fix Concistency for selected rows
en workflow from From
en workflow from: From:
en workflow get back to global activities get back to global activities
en workflow get back to instance creation get back to instance creation
en workflow get property Get property
en workflow global activities Global activities
en workflow global workflow preferences Global Workflow Preferences
en workflow go go
en workflow go to same activities for other instances of this process go to same activities for other instances of this process
en workflow go to same process activities go to same process activities
en workflow go to the actual state of this instance go to the actual state of this instance
en workflow grab instance grab instance
en workflow graph Graph
en workflow group Group
en workflow id Id
en workflow if not in debug mail_smtp agent would have sent this email: if not in debug mail_smtp agent would have sent this email:
en workflow if:setnextact If:SetNextact
en workflow iframe view height Frame view height
en workflow import aborted Import aborted
en workflow import successfull Import successfull
en workflow in role mappings user #%1 is specified as a "%2" but is maybe a "%3" In role mappings user #%1 is specified as a "%2" but is MAYBE a "%3"
en workflow inactive Inactive
en workflow inst. Inst.
en workflow inst. status Inst. Status
en workflow instance Instance
en workflow instance %1 instance %1
en workflow instance %1 is in %2 state, action %3 is impossible. Instance %1 is in %2 state, action %3 is impossible.
en workflow instance %1 is in exception, action %2 is not possible. Instance %1 is in exception, action %2 is not possible.
en workflow instance %1 is not associated with activity %2, action %3 is impossible. Instance %1 is not associated with activity %2, action %3 is impossible.
en workflow instance history Instance History
en workflow instance properties Instance properties
en workflow instance: instance:
en workflow instance: %1 (process: %2) Instance: %1 (Process: %2)
en workflow instance: unable to modify %1 [%2], someone has changed it before us Instance: unable to modify %1 [%2], someone has changed it before us
en workflow instance: unable to modify %1, someone has changed it before us Instance: unable to modify %1, someone has changed it before us
en workflow instances Instances
en workflow instances selection Instances selection
en workflow int. Int.
en workflow interactive Interactive
en workflow interactive activities show form before being executed Interactive activities show form before being executed
en workflow interactive instances should not call the complete() method interactive instances should not call the complete() method
en workflow interactive: interactive:
en workflow interactivity Interactivity
en workflow invalid invalid
en workflow invalid process Invalid Process
en workflow invalid role name Invalid role name
en workflow is active is active
en workflow it seems this activity for this instance is not assigned to you anymore. It seems this activity for this instance is not assigned to you anymore.
en workflow it was impossible to complete, no activity was given. it was impossible to complete, no activity was given.
en workflow it was impossible to complete, no corresponding activity was found. it was impossible to complete, no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow join join
en workflow link addresses are considered local if not containing http://. they will get appended the configured local prefix and scanned by egroupware link engine Link addresses are considered local if not containing http://. They will get appended the configured local prefix and scanned by egroupware link engine
en workflow list of activities List of activities
en workflow list of all activities with, for each, counters of instances by status list of all activities with, for each, counters of instances by status
en workflow list of all history items made by instances while they travel in the workflow with information about duration and date list of all history items made by instances while they travel in the workflow with information about duration and date
en workflow list of all instances with info about current status and activities and link to administration of theses instances list of all instances with info about current status and activities and link to administration of theses instances
en workflow list of instances List of instances
en workflow list of mappings List of mappings
en workflow list of monitors List of monitors
en workflow list of processes List of processes
en workflow list of processes (%1) List of processes (%1)
en workflow list of processes with status and validity and, for each, counters of instances by status list of processes with status and validity and, for each, counters of instances by status
en workflow list of transitions List of transitions
en workflow list of workitems List of workitems
en workflow mail automatically sent by mail smtp agent for egroupware's workflow Mail automatically sent by Mail SMTP Agent for eGroupware's Workflow
en workflow mail smtp agent Mail Smtp Agent
en workflow mails can be sent at the begining or at the end of the activity, for interactive activities only it can be sent after completion. Mails can be sent at the begining or at the end of the activity, For interactive activities only it can be sent after completion.
en workflow manual Manual
en workflow map map
en workflow map users/groups to roles Map users/groups to roles
en workflow mapping to inexistent role Mapping to inexistent role
en workflow mappings deleted Mappings deleted
en workflow message: Message:
en workflow monitor activities Monitor Activities
en workflow monitor instance monitor instance
en workflow monitor instances Monitor Instances
en workflow monitor processes Monitor Processes
en workflow monitor this instance Monitor this instance
en workflow monitor work items Monitor Work Items
en workflow monitor workitems Monitor workitems
en workflow monitors Monitors
en workflow more options? more options?
en workflow my activities My Activities
en workflow my instances My Instances
en workflow my processes My Processes
en workflow name Name
en workflow new instance New Instance
en workflow new major New major
en workflow new major version created new major version created
en workflow new mapping added New mapping added
en workflow new minor New minor
en workflow new minor version created new minor version created
en workflow new status not set, no corresponding activity was found. new status not set, no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow new transition added New transition added
en workflow next activity next activity
en workflow next user: Next user:
en workflow no action avaible because no activity and no instance are given! no action avaible because no activity and no instance are given!
en workflow no activites No activites
en workflow no activity indicated No activity indicated
en workflow no agents associated with this activity No agents associated with this activity
en workflow no circular transitions allowed. No circular transitions allowed.
en workflow no corresponding activity was found. no corresponding activity was found.
en workflow no inbound for start activity No inbound for start activity
en workflow no inconcistency detected no inconcistency detected
en workflow no instance avaible no instance avaible
en workflow no instance given, nothing to show no instance given, nothing to show
en workflow no instance indicated No instance indicated
en workflow no outbound for end activity No outbound for end activity
en workflow no process indicated No process indicated
en workflow no properties defined No properties defined
en workflow no roles no roles
en workflow no roles asociated with this activity No roles asociated with this activity
en workflow no routage no routage
en workflow no scan done no scan done
en workflow no transitions allowed for standalone or view activities No transitions allowed for standalone or view activities
en workflow no work item indicated No work item indicated
en workflow nobody Nobody
en workflow not defined not defined
en workflow or import a process Or import a process
en workflow owner Owner
en workflow owner: Owner:
en workflow please wait, task in progress ... Please wait, task in progress ...
en workflow post activity %1 code is not avaible post activity %1 code is not avaible
en workflow post shared code is not avaible post shared code is not avaible
en workflow post-agent %1 code is not avaible post-agent %1 code is not avaible
en workflow pr. Pr.
en workflow pre-activity %1 code is not avaible pre-activity %1 code is not avaible
en workflow pre-agent %1 code is not avaible pre-agent %1 code is not avaible
en workflow pre-shared code is not avaible pre-shared code is not avaible
en workflow printer friendly Printer friendly
en workflow priority level: Priority level:
en workflow process Process
en workflow process %1 process %1
en workflow process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible Process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible
en workflow process %1 v%2 as no related activity Process %1 v%2 as no related activity
en workflow process %d has been activated Process %d has been activated
en workflow process %d has been deactivated Process %d has been deactivated
en workflow process %s %s already exists, the import process was aborted Process %s %s already exists, the import process was aborted
en workflow process %s %s imported Process %s %s imported
en workflow process %s has been created Process %s has been created
en workflow process %s has been updated Process %s has been updated
en workflow process %s removed Process %s removed
en workflow process activities Process activities
en workflow process alone Process alone
en workflow process does not have a start activity Process does not have a start activity
en workflow process does not have exactly one end activity Process does not have exactly one end activity
en workflow process form Process form
en workflow process name Process Name
en workflow process name already exists Process name already exists
en workflow process roles Process roles
en workflow process saved Process saved
en workflow process transitions Process transitions
en workflow process version: process version:
en workflow process: process:
en workflow processes Processes
en workflow properties Properties
en workflow property Property
en workflow property %1 already exists property %1 already exists
en workflow property %1 not found property %1 not found
en workflow quit without saving Quit Without Saving
en workflow read-only read-only
en workflow release access to this activity Release access to this activity
en workflow release activity for this instance release activity for this instance
en workflow release instance release instance
en workflow reload filter Reload filter
en workflow remove active instances Remove active instances
en workflow remove all instances for this process remove all instances for this process
en workflow remove selected roles remove selected roles
en workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on all processes removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on all processes
en workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on process #%1 removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on process #%1
en workflow removing instances and workitems for all instances on process #%1 removing instances and workitems for all instances on process #%1
en workflow replyto: ReplyTo:
en workflow restart restart
en workflow restart activity restart activity
en workflow resume this exception instance Resume this exception instance
en workflow role Role
en workflow role #%1 in process %2 has different process (%3) in mapping with user #%4 Role #%1 in process %2 has different process (%3) in mapping with user #%4
en workflow role %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) Role %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3)
en workflow role %1 is associated in a mapping with user #%2 with a non-existent process (%3) Role %1 is associated in a mapping with user #%2 with a non-existent process (%3)
en workflow role %1 is not mapped Role %1 is not mapped
en workflow role added to activity Role added to activity
en workflow role added to process Role added to process
en workflow role in inexistent process Role in inexistent process
en workflow role mapping in inexistent process Role Mapping in inexistent process
en workflow role name Role Name
en workflow role not saved (maybe a name collision) Role not saved (maybe a name collision)
en workflow role process inconcistency in mappings Role Process inconcistency in mappings
en workflow role saved Role saved
en workflow roles Roles
en workflow roles assigned to this activity Roles assigned to this activity
en workflow roles deleted Roles deleted
en workflow routing Routing
en workflow routing: routing:
en workflow run run
en workflow run activity run activity
en workflow run instance run instance
en workflow running running
en workflow running activity Running Activity
en workflow scan activities Scan activities
en workflow scan agents Scan agents
en workflow scan instances Scan instances
en workflow scan processes Scan processes
en workflow scan roles Scan roles
en workflow scan transitions Scan transitions
en workflow search instance filter in the bottom of instance lists Search instance filter in the bottom of instance lists
en workflow search: search:
en workflow security check: cannot understand asked action Security check: Cannot understand asked action
en workflow see as well %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% and %proces see as well %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% and %process_id%
en workflow select a transition to remove Select a transition to remove
en workflow select source select source
en workflow send after interactive activity is completed send after interactive activity is completed
en workflow send all to Send all to
en workflow send an email Send an email
en workflow send instance send instance
en workflow send this instance to the next activity Send this instance to the next activity
en workflow send transition send transition
en workflow send when the activity is ending send when the activity is ending
en workflow send when the activity is starting send when the activity is starting
en workflow send when wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] is posted send when wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] is posted
en workflow set next act Set Next act
en workflow set next user Set next user
en workflow set property Set property
en workflow setnextuser directives can override it setNextUser directives can override it
en workflow setting next activity to an unexisting activity setting next activity to an unexisting activity
en workflow shared code Shared code
en workflow should we always give you the advanced search row on instances lists? Should we always give you the advanced search row on instances lists?
en workflow show code show code
en workflow show template show template
en workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email after completion of the activity Smtp Agent has detected some errors when sending email after completion of the activity
en workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the beginning of the activity Smtp Agent has detected some errors when sending email at the beginning of the activity
en workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the end of this activity Smtp Agent has detected some errors when sending email at the end of this activity
en workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email on demand whith this activity Smtp Agent has detected some errors when sending email on demand whith this activity
en workflow something was wrong while creating the new major version something was wrong while creating the new major version
en workflow something was wrong while creating the new minor version something was wrong while creating the new minor version
en workflow source code file for activity %1 is not avaible source code file for activity %1 is not avaible
en workflow source code for activity %1 is not avaible source code for activity %1 is not avaible
en workflow source saved Source saved
en workflow special known values for local links address are userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance and admininstance. Special known values for local links address are userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance and admininstance.
en workflow split split
en workflow standalone standalone
en workflow start Start
en workflow start activities must be autorouted start activities must be autorouted
en workflow start activities must be interactive start activities must be interactive
en workflow start activity Start activity
en workflow start process start process
en workflow started Started
en workflow started: started:
en workflow starting page Starting page
en workflow status Status
en workflow status: status:
en workflow stop stop
en workflow subject: Subject:
en workflow switch switch
en workflow switch construct Switch construct
en workflow template template
en workflow test concistency Test Concistency
en workflow test consistency of datas in the database Test Consistency of datas in the database
en workflow test local installation Test local installation
en workflow the activity was not completed The activity was not completed
en workflow the default user will only be set if he is mapped to a role on the activity The default user will only be set if he is mapped to a role on the activity
en workflow the following items must be corrected to be able to activate this process The following items must be corrected to be able to activate this process
en workflow the label you want the label you want
en workflow the smtp configuration cannot be loaded by the mail_smtp workflow agent The SMTP configuration cannot be loaded by the mail_smtp workflow agent
en workflow there are no activities available There are no activities available
en workflow there are no config value defined There are no config value defined
en workflow there are no instances available There are no instances available
en workflow there are no mappings defined for this process There are no mappings defined for this process
en workflow there are no process available There are no process available
en workflow there are no processes There are no processes
en workflow there are no processes available There are no processes available
en workflow there are no processes defined There are no processes defined
en workflow there are no processes with the current filter There are no processes with the current filter
en workflow there are no properties available There are no properties available
en workflow there are no roles defined for this process There are no roles defined for this process
en workflow there are no transitions defined There are no transitions defined
en workflow there are no user activites available There are no user activites available
en workflow there are no workitems available There are no workitems available
en workflow there are some undefined preferences associated with this form : %1 there are some undefined preferences associated with this form : %1
en workflow there is an unknown user or group #%1 in role mappings There is an unknown user or group #%1 in role mappings
en workflow they were problems at the compilation of the source: They were problems at the compilation of the source:
en workflow this activity for this instance is actually avaible for you. This activity for this instance is actually avaible for you.
en workflow this activity for this instance is actually only avaible for you. This activity for this instance is actually only avaible for you.
en workflow this activity for this instance is not specifically assigned to you. This activity for this instance is not specifically assigned to you.
en workflow this agent gives the activity the possibility to send an smtp message (mail) This agent gives the activity the possibility to send an SMTP message (mail)
en workflow this form will test your local workflow installation to detect potential issues This form will test your local workflow installation to detect potential issues
en workflow this is the first screen shown when you click on the workflow application icon This is the first screen shown when you click on the workflow application icon
en workflow sets the default sorting criteria for the inbox instances. Sets the default sorting criteria for the inbox instances.
en workflow determines the number of items per page in the user interface. Determines the number of items per page in the user interface.
en workflow this process has a view activity. access in view mode is granted only for this view activty. This process has a view activity. Access in view mode is granted only for this view activty.
en workflow this process has no end activity this process has no end activity
en workflow to To
en workflow to: To:
en workflow transition transition
en workflow transition mode transition mode
en workflow transition to %1 transition to %1
en workflow transition waiting for human interaction transition waiting for human interaction
en workflow transitions transitions
en workflow transitions removed successfully Transitions removed successfully
en workflow type type
en workflow type: type:
en workflow unknow fix instruction :%1 unknow fix instruction :%1
en workflow unknown instruction from the workflow engine: %1 unknown instruction from the workflow engine: %1
en workflow unknown status unknown status
en workflow update update
en workflow upload file Upload file
en workflow use emailadmin to create mail profiles Use EmailAdmin to create mail profiles
en workflow use default Use Default
en workflow use existing roles Use existing roles
en workflow user User
en workflow user #%1 is associated with a non-existent role #%2 User #%1 is associated with a non-existent role #%2
en workflow user activities User Activities
en workflow user instances User Instances
en workflow user instances form: columns User Instances form: columns
en workflow user instances form: filters and actions User Instances form: filters and actions
en workflow user is not authorized to delete aborted instances user is not authorized to delete aborted instances
en workflow user is not authorized to delete instances user is not authorized to delete instances
en workflow user processes User Processes
en workflow user/group User/Group
en workflow user: user:
en workflow users can act on activity before its execution with form and after by sending it to the next activity Users can act on activity before its execution with form and after by sending it to the next activity
en workflow users/groups Users/Groups
en workflow valid Valid
en workflow valid process Valid Process
en workflow valid: valid:
en workflow validity: Validity:
en workflow value Value
en workflow version Version
en workflow view details view details
en workflow view this instance View this instance
en workflow view workitem View Workitem
en workflow view options View Options
en workflow warning this filter override all others filters warning this filter override all others filters
en workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all aborted instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process. warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all aborted instances AND their history (workitems) for the selected process.
en workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process, whatever the state they are. warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all instances AND their history (workitems) for the selected process, whatever the state they are.
en workflow we cannot run this activity, maybe this instance or this activity do not exists anymore. We cannot run this activity, maybe this instance or this activity do not exists anymore.
en workflow we were not able to build the message We were not able to build the message
en workflow when in advanced mode, should we show you advanced actions by default (resume, exception, grab, etc.)? When in advanced mode, should we show you advanced actions by default (resume, exception, grab, etc.)?
en workflow when to send the message: When to send the Message:
en workflow workflow navigation Workflow navigation
en workflow workflow preferences Workflow Preferences
en workflow workflow site configuration Workflow Site Configuration
en workflow workitem information Workitem information
en workflow workitems Workitems
en workflow you are not allowed to abort instance %1 You are not allowed to abort instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to exception instance %1 You are not allowed to exception instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to grab instance %1 You are not allowed to grab instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to release instance %1 You are not allowed to release instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to restart instance %1 You are not allowed to restart instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to resume instance %1 You are not allowed to resume instance %1
en workflow you are not allowed to send instance %1 You are not allowed to send instance %1
en workflow you can use special values with this mail agent: You can use special values with this mail agent:
en workflow you do not have the right to run this activity anymore, maybe a concurrent access problem, refresh your datas. You do not have the right to run this activity anymore, maybe a concurrent access problem, refresh your datas.
en workflow you don't have the rights necessary to exception instance %1 You don't have the rights necessary to exception instance %1
en workflow you have not permission to execute this activity You have not permission to execute this activity
en workflow you were not allowed to complete the activity you were not allowed to complete the activity
en workflow no role was selected No role was selected
en workflow new New
en workflow sector Sectot
en workflow add participants Add participants
en workflow loading Loading workflow
en workflow situation Situation
en workflow assigned to Assigned to
en workflow user interface User interface
en workflow organization chart Organization chart
en workflow access control list Access control list
en workflow execute activities in debug mode Execute activities in debug mode
en workflow there are no external applications There are no external applications
en workflow warnings in this process Warnings in this process
en workflow this instance doesn't exist in this activity. probably, this instance has already been executed This instance doesn't exist in this activity. Probably, this instance has already been executed
en workflow external applications External Applications
en workflow move instances Move Instances
en workflow jobs Jobs
en workflow upload Upload
en workflow customize the process Customize the Process
en workflow process version Process Version
en workflow invalid name specified Invalid name specified
en workflow invalid version specified Invalid version specified
en workflow if left blank, the original value will be used If left blank, the original value will be used
en workflow execute activities using secure connection Execute activities using secure connection
en workflow the following file could not be found: %1 The following file could not be found: %1
es-es admin %1 - %2 of %3 user accounts %1 - %2 de %3 cuentas de usuarios
es-es admin %1 - %2 of %3 user groups %1 - %2 de %3 grupos de usuarios
es-es admin %1 not found or not executable !!! No se encontró %1 o no es un ejecutable
es-es admin accesslog and bruteforce defense Defensa de acceso al registro y fuerza bruta
es-es admin account active Cuenta activa
es-es admin account dn to be used when browsing ldap Cuenta DN que se utilizará al hojear LDAP
es-es admin account list Lista de cuentas
es-es admin account permissions Permisos de la cuenta
es-es admin account preferences Preferencias de la cuenta
es-es admin acl manager Manejo de LCA
es-es admin action Acción
es-es admin activate wysiwyg-editor activar editor WYSIWYG
es-es admin active Activo
es-es admin add a category añadir una categoría
es-es admin add account Añadir una cuenta
es-es admin add a group añadir un grupo
es-es admin add a new account. Añadir una nueva cuenta.
es-es admin add application Añadir aplicación
es-es admin add a subcategory añadir una subcategoría
es-es admin add a user añadir un usuario
es-es admin add auto-created users to this group ('default' will be attempted if this is empty.) Añadir usuarios creados automáticamente a este grupo (se usara 'Default' si no especifica ninguno).
es-es admin add global category Añadir categoría global
es-es admin add global category for %1 Añadir categoría global para %1
es-es admin add group Añadir grupo
es-es admin add new account Añadir nueva cuenta
es-es admin add new application Añadir nueva aplicación
es-es admin add peer server Añadir servidor 'peer'
es-es admin add sub-category Añadir subcategoría
es-es admin admin email addresses (comma-separated) to be notified about the blocking (empty for no notify) Direcciones de correo de Administración (separadas por comas) para notificar los bloqueos (en blanco para no notificar)
es-es admin admin email Correo electrónico del administrador
es-es admin administration Administración
es-es admin admin name Nombre del administrador
es-es admin admin options Opciones de Administración
es-es admin admins Administradores
es-es admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an account should be blocked (default 3) ? ¿Después de cuántos intentos fallidos de conexión debe bloquearse una cuenta? (por defecto, 3)
es-es admin after how many unsuccessful attempts to login, an ip should be blocked (default 3) ? ¿Después de cuántos intentos fallidos de conexión debe bloquearse una IP? (por defecto, 3)
es-es admin all fields todos los campos
es-es admin allow anonymous access to this app Permitir acceso anónimo a esta aplicación
es-es admin all records and account information will be lost! ¡Se perderán todos los registros y la información de las cuentas!
es-es admin all users Todos los usuarios
es-es admin anonymous user Usuario anónimo
es-es admin anonymous user (not shown in list sessions) Usuario anónimo (no se muestra en la lista de sesiones)
es-es admin appearance Apariencia
es-es admin application Aplicación
es-es admin application name Nombre de la aplicación
es-es admin applications Aplicaciones
es-es admin applications list Lista de aplicaciones
es-es admin application title Título de la aplicación
es-es admin apply aplicar
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete the application %1 ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar la aplicación %1 ?
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete this account ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta cuenta?
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete this application ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta aplicación?
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete this global category ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta categoría global?
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete this group ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este grupo?
es-es admin are you sure you want to delete this server? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar este servidor?
es-es admin are you sure you want to kill this session ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere matar esta sesión?
es-es admin asynchronous timed services Servicios asíncronos programados
es-es admin async services last executed Últimos servicios asíncronos ejecutados
es-es admin asyncservices not yet installed or other error (%1) !!! Los servicios asíncronos todavía no están instalados, u otro error (%1)
es-es admin attempt to use correct mimetype for ftp instead of default 'application/octet-stream' Intentar usar el tipo MIME correcto para FTP en vez de 'application/octet-stream'
es-es admin authentication / accounts Identificación / Cuentas
es-es admin auto create account records for authenticated users Crear cuentas automáticamente para usuarios identificados
es-es admin back to the list volver a la lista
es-es admin backup administration administración de la cópia de seguridad (backup)
es-es admin bi-directional bidireccional
es-es admin bi-dir passthrough bidireccional passthrough
es-es admin block and unblock hosts Bloquear y desbloquear hosts
es-es admin bottom parte inferior
es-es admin calculate next run Calcular la siguiente ejecución
es-es admin cancel testjob! Cancelar trabajo de prueba
es-es admin can change password Puede cambiar la contraseña
es-es admin catalog name Nombre del catálogo
es-es admin categories list Lista de categorías
es-es admin category %1 has been saved ! La categoría %1 ha sido guardada
es-es admin category list Lista de categorías
es-es admin change acl rights cambiar permisos de ACL
es-es admin change config settings Cambiar opciones de configuración
es-es admin change main screen message Cambiar mensaje de la pantalla principal
es-es admin check ip address of all sessions Comprobar la IP de todas las sesiones
es-es admin check items to %1 to %2 for %3 Comprobar elementos a %1 a %2 para %3
es-es admin click to select a color Pulse para seleccionar un color
es-es admin color Color
es-es admin concatenate default domain to the mail Concatenar el dominio del defecto al correo
es-es admin configurations to get nextid from another db Configuraciones para obtener nextID de otro BD
es-es admin configure access permissions Configurar permisos de acceso
es-es admin configure rss exports Configurar exportaciones de RSS
es-es admin configuration Configuración
es-es admin contactcenter global catalogue setup Instalacion del catalogo global del ContactCenter
es-es admin country selection Selección de país
es-es admin create group Crear grupo
es-es admin crontab only (recomended) Sólo mediante crontab (recomendado)
es-es admin data Datos
es-es admin day Día
es-es admin day of week
(0-6, 0=sun) Día de la semana
(0-6, 0=Dom)
es-es admin db host Host del BD
es-es admin db name Nombre del BD
es-es admin db password Contraseña
es-es admin db port Porta del BD
es-es admin db user Usuario
es-es admin default Predeterminado
es-es admin default domain Dominio predeterminado
es-es admin day of week
(2-6, 0=sun) Día de la semana
(0-6, 0=Dom)
es-es admin default file system space per user Espacio predetermiado en el sistema de archivos por usuario
es-es admin default file system space per user/group ? Espacio predetermiado en el sistema de archivos por usuario/grupo
es-es admin default logon script Login Script predeterminado
es-es admin default user password Seña predeterminada del usuario
es-es admin default user quota Espacio predeterminado para creación de los usuarios
es-es admin deinstall crontab Desinstalar crontab
es-es admin delete account Borrar cuenta
es-es admin delete all records Borrar todos los registros
es-es admin delete application Borrar aplicación
es-es admin delete category Borrar categoría
es-es admin delete group Borrar grupo
es-es admin delete peer server Borrar servidor 'peer'
es-es admin delete the category borrar la categoría
es-es admin delete the group borrar el grupo
es-es admin delete this category borrar esta categoría
es-es admin delete this group borrar este grupo
es-es admin delete this user borrar este usuario
es-es admin deny access to access log Denegar acceso al registro de accesos
es-es admin deny access to application registery Denegar acceso al registro de aplicaciones
es-es admin deny access to applications Denegar acceso a aplicaciones
es-es admin deny access to asynchronous timed services Denegar acceso a los servicios asíncronos programados
es-es admin deny access to current sessions Denegar acceso a las sesiones actuales
es-es admin deny access to error log Denegar acceso al registro de errores
es-es admin deny access to global categories Denegar acceso a las categorias globales
es-es admin deny access to groups Denegar acceso a grupos
es-es admin deny access to mainscreen message Denegar acceso al mensaje de la pantalla principal
es-es admin deny access to peer servers Denegar acceso a servidores 'peer'
es-es admin deny access to phpinfo Denegar acceso a phpinfo
es-es admin deny access to site configuration Denegar acceso a la configuración del sitio
es-es admin deny access to user accounts Denegar acceso a las cuentas de usuario
es-es admin deny all users access to grant other users access to their entries ? ¿Denegar a los usuarios conceder acceso a otros usuarios para sus registros?
es-es admin deny to site configuration Negar a la configuración de sitio
es-es admin description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! ¡La descripción no puede exceder de 255 caracteres de longitud!
es-es admin disable "auto completion" of the login form Desactivar completado automático en el formulario de inicio de sesión
es-es admin disabled Deshabilitado
es-es admin disabled (not recomended) desactivado (no se recomienda)
es-es admin disable wysiwyg-editor desactivar editor WYSIWYG
es-es admin display Mostrar
es-es admin do not delete the category and return back to the list NO borrar la categoría y regresar a la lista
es-es admin do you also want to delete all global subcategories ? ¿Desea eliminar tambié todas las subcategorias globales?
es-es admin do you want to delete all global subcategories ? ¿Desea borrar todas las subcategorías globales?
es-es admin do you want to move all global subcategories one level down ? ¿Desea mover todas las subcategorías globales un nivel hacia abajo?
es-es admin edit account Editar cuenta
es-es admin edit application Editar aplicación
es-es admin edit global category Editar categoria global
es-es admin edit global category for %1 Editar categoría global para %1
es-es admin edit group acl's Editar ACL de grupo
es-es admin edit group Editar Grupo
es-es admin edit job status id table Editar Tabla de ID de Estados de Trabajos
es-es admin edit location table Editar Tabla de Ubicaciones
es-es admin edit login screen message Editar mensaje de la pantalla de inicio de sesión
es-es admin edit main screen message Editar mensaje de la pantalla principal
es-es admin edit peer server Editar servidor 'peer'
es-es admin edit table format Editar formato de tabla
es-es admin edit this category editar esta categoría
es-es admin edit this group editar este grupo
es-es admin edit this user editar este usuario
es-es admin edit user account Editar cuenta de usuario
es-es admin edit user editar usuario
es-es admin edit work catagory table Editar Tabla de Categorias de Trabajos
es-es admin enabled Habilitado
es-es admin enable debug-messages Activar mensajes de depuración
es-es admin enabled - hidden from navbar Habilitado - Esconder de la barra de navegación
es-es admin enabled - popup window Habilitado - Ventana emergente
es-es admin enter a description for the category introduzca una descripción para esta categoría
es-es admin enter some random text for app_session
encryption (requires mcrypt) Introduzca un texto aleatorio para el cifrado
de la sesión (requiere mcrypt)
es-es admin enter the background color for the login page Introduzca el color de fondo para la página de inicio de sesión
es-es admin enter the background color for the site title Introduzca el color de fondo para el título del sitio
es-es admin enter the file name of your logo Introduzca el nombre del fichero del logo
es-es admin enter the full path for temporary files.
examples: /tmp, c:\\temp Introduzca la ruta completa para los archivos temporales.
Ejemplos: /tmp, C:\\TEMP
es-es admin enter the full path for users and group files.
examples: /files, e:\\files Introduzca la ruta completa para los archivos de usuarios
y de grupo. Ejemplos: /files , E:\\FILES
es-es admin enter the hostname of the machine on which this server is running Introduzca el nombre de la máquina sobre la cual se está ejecutando este servidor
es-es admin enter the location of egroupware's url.
example: http://www.domain.com/egroupware or /egroupware
no trailing slash Introduzca la URL de eGroupWare.
Ejemplo: http://www.dominio.com/egroupware o /egroupware
Sin barra al final
es-es admin enter the search string. to show all entries, empty this field and press the submit button again Introduzca la cadena de búsqueda. Para mostrar todas las entradas, vacíe este campo y pulse de nuevo el botón ENVIAR.
es-es admin enter the site password for peer servers Introduzca la contraseña del sitio para servidores 'peer'
es-es admin enter the site username for peer servers Introduzca el usuario del sitio para servidores 'peer'
es-es admin enter the title for your site Introduzca el titulo para su sitio
es-es admin enter the title of your logo Introduzca el título de su logo
es-es admin enter the url or filename (in phpgwapi/templates/default/images) of your logo Introduzca la URL o nombre de archivo (en phpgwapi/templates/default/images) de su logo
es-es admin enter the url where your logo should link to Introduzca la url a donde apunte el logo
es-es admin enter your default ftp server Introduzca su servidor FTP predeterminado
es-es admin enter your default mail domain ( from: user@domain ) Introduzca su dominio de correo predeterminado ( De: usuario@dominio )
es-es admin enter your http proxy server Introduzca su servidor proxy HTTP
es-es admin enter your http proxy server port Introduzca el puerto de su servidor proxy HTTP
es-es admin enter your smtp server hostname or ip address Introduzca su servidor SMTP (nombre o IP)
es-es admin enter your smtp server port Introduzca la puerta del servidor SMTP
es-es admin enter your voip server address Introduzca la dirección de servidor VoIP
es-es admin enter your voip server port Introduzca la puerta del servidor VoIP
es-es admin enter your voip server url Introduzca la URL Digite a url del servidor VoIP
es-es admin error: %1 not found or other error !!! Error: no se encontró %1 u otro error
es-es admin error canceling timer, maybe there's none set !!! Error al cancelar el temporizador ¡Puede que no haya ninguno!
es-es admin error setting timer, wrong syntax or maybe there's one already running !!! Error al configurar el temporizador. La sintaxis es incorrecta o puede que haya uno que ya se esté ejecutándo.
es-es admin exact exacto
es-es admin expires Expira
es-es admin expressoadmin setup Configuraciones del ExpressoAdmin
es-es admin expressomail plugin calendar Plugin del ExpressoMail en el Calendario
es-es admin fallback (after each pageview) retardo (después de ver cada página)
es-es admin file space Espacio del fichero
es-es admin file space must be an integer El espacio del fichero debe ser un entero
es-es admin find and register all application hooks Encontrar y registrar todos los "hooks" de las aplicaciones
es-es admin force selectbox Forzar cuadro de seleccion
es-es admin for the times above durante las horas indicadas arriba
es-es admin for the times below (empty values count as '*', all empty = every minute) para las horas indicadas debajo (valores vacíos cuentan como '*', todos vacío = cada minuto)
es-es admin global options Opciones Globales
es-es admin group ? ¿Grupo?
es-es admin group id to samba computers Grupo ID de los ordenadores samba
es-es admin group list Lista de grupos
es-es admin group manager Administrador de grupos
es-es admin group name Nombre del Grupo
es-es admin hide php information Ocultar informacion de PHP
es-es admin home directory Directorio personal
es-es admin host information Informacion del servidor
es-es admin hour
(0-23) Hora
es-es admin how many days should entries stay in the access log, before they get deleted (default 90) ? ¿Cuántos días deben permanecer las entradas en el registro de acceso, antes de borrarlas? (por defecto, 90)
es-es admin how many letters the user password must contain (default 3) ? ¿Cuántos caracteres de la contraseña de usuario debe contener (por defecto 3)?
es-es admin how many minutes should an account or ip be blocked (default 30) ? ¿Cuántos minutos debe permanecer bloqueada una cuenta o una IP? (por defecto, 30)
es-es admin how many special letters the user password must contain (default 0) ? ¿Cuántos caracteres especiales de la contraseña de usuario debe contener (por defecto 0)?
es-es admin icon Icono
es-es admin idle inactivo
es-es admin if no acl records for user or any group the user is a member of Si no se encuentran registros ACL del usuario y grupo, entonces el usuario es miembro de
es-es admin if using ldap, do you want to manage homedirectory and loginshell attributes? Si se usa LDAP, ¿desea manejar los atributos del directorio de inicio y la cuenta?
es-es admin inbound entrantes
es-es admin install crontab Instalar crontab
es-es admin installed crontab Crontab instalado
es-es admin interface Interfaz
es-es admin ip IP
es-es admin jobs Trabajos
es-es admin kill Matar
es-es admin kill session Matar sesión
es-es admin last %1 logins Ultimos %1 inicios de sesión
es-es admin last %1 logins for %2 Ultimos %1 inicios de sesión de %2
es-es admin last login Ultimo inicio de sesión
es-es admin last login from Ultimo inicio de sesión desde
es-es admin last time read Ultima lectura
es-es admin ldap accounts context Contexto de las cuentas LDAP
es-es admin ldap context Contexto de LDAP
es-es admin ldap default homedirectory prefix (e.g. /home for /home/username) Prefijo del directorio de inicio LDAP predeterminado (p. ej. /directorio para /directorio/usuario)
es-es admin ldap default shell (e.g. /bin/bash) Shell LDAP por defecto (ej. /bin/bash)
es-es admin ldap encryption type Tipo de cifrado LDAP
es-es admin ldap groups context Contexto de grupos LDAP
es-es admin ldap host Servidor LDAP
es-es admin ldap rootdn LDAP rootdn
es-es admin ldap root password Clave de superusuario LDAP
es-es admin leave the category untouched and return back to the list dejar la categoría intacta y volver a la lista
es-es admin leave the group untouched and return back to the list Dejar el grupo intacto y volver a la lista
es-es admin leave the host field empty to use the same db of the expressolivre Deje el campo vacío de acogida a utilizar la misma base de datos del ExpressoLivre
es-es admin list config settings Lista de las opciones de configuración
es-es admin list current sessions Lista de las sesiones actuales
es-es admin list of current users Lista de usuarios actuales
es-es admin loginid LoginID
es-es admin login message Mensaje de inicio de sesión
es-es admin login screen Pantalla de inicio de sesión
es-es admin login shell Shell de inicio de sesión
es-es admin login time Hora de acceso
es-es admin mail settings Configuración del correo.
es-es admin main screen message Mensaje de la pantalla principal
es-es admin maintain answers Mantener respuestas
es-es admin maintain questions Mantener preguntas
es-es admin manage fields Manejar Campos
es-es admin manager Manager
es-es admin manage samba attributes Gerenciar atributos del SAMBA
es-es admin manage userpasswordrfc2617 attribute Gerenciar atributo userPasswordRFC2617
es-es admin maximum account id (e.g. 65535 or 1000000) Maximo id de cuenta (ej. 65535 o 1000000)
es-es admin maximum entries in click path history Número máximo de entradas en la ruta del historial de pulsar con el ratón
es-es admin message has been updated el mensaje ha sido actualizado
es-es admin method Método
es-es admin minimum account id (e.g. 500 or 100, etc.) Id minimo de cuenta (ej. 500 o 100, etc.)
es-es admin minimum size login Tamaño mínimo del login
es-es admin minute Minuto
es-es admin mode Modo
es-es admin month Mes
es-es admin never Nunca
es-es admin new group name Nuevo nombre de grupo
es-es admin new password [ leave blank for no change ] Nueva contraseña [ Dejar en blanco para no cambiar ]
es-es admin news Noticias
es-es admin next run Siguiente ejecución
es-es admin no algorithms available no hay algoritmos disponibles
es-es admin no jobs in the database !!! ¡No hay trabajos en la base de datos!
es-es admin no login history exists for this user No existen registros de acceso para este usuario
es-es admin no matches found No se encontraron resultados
es-es admin no modes available no hay modos disponibles
es-es admin no permission to add groups no tiene permiso para añadir grupos
es-es admin no permission to add users no tiene permiso para añadir usuarios
es-es admin no permission to create groups no tiene permiso para crear grupos
es-es admin note: ssl available only if php is compiled with curl support Nota: SSL está disponible sólo si PHP está compilado con soporte curl
es-es admin outbound De salida
es-es admin passthrough pasage
es-es admin password for smtp-authentication Contraseña para identificación SMTP
es-es admin password for the account above (if any) Senha para o usuário acima (se houver)
es-es admin path information Información de ruta
es-es admin peer server list Lista de servidores 'peer'
es-es admin peer servers Servidores 'peer'
es-es admin percent of users that logged out Porcentaje de usuarios que cerraron la sesión
es-es admin percent this user has logged out Porcentaje que este usuario ha cerrado la sesión
es-es admin permissions Permisos
es-es admin permissions this group has Permisos que tiene este grupo
es-es admin phpinfo Informacion de PHP
es-es admin please enter a name Por favor introduzca un nombre
es-es admin please enter a name for that server ! Por favor. introduzca un nombre para ese sevidor
es-es admin please run setup to become current Por favor ejecute setup para estar al día
es-es admin please select Por favor, seleccione
es-es admin preferences Preferencias
es-es admin primary group Grupo principal
es-es admin read this list of methods. Leer esta lista de métodos
es-es admin realm for userpasswordrfc2617 attribute REALM para atributo userPasswordRFC2617
es-es admin re-enter password Confirmar contraseña
es-es admin register application hooks Registrar "hooks" de la aplicación
es-es admin remove all users from this group ? ¿Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo?
es-es admin remove all users from this group Borrar todos los usuarios de este grupo
es-es admin result Resultados
es-es admin return to admin mainscreen volver a la pantalla principal de administración
es-es admin return to view account Volver a ver cuenta
es-es admin run asynchronous services Ejecutar servicios asíncronos
es-es admin sambasid SambaSID
es-es admin save the category guardar la categoría
es-es admin save the category and return back to the list guardar la categoría y volver a la lista
es-es admin search accounts Buscar cuentas
es-es admin search categories Buscar categorías
es-es admin search groups Buscar grupos
es-es admin search peer servers Buscar servidores 'peer'
es-es admin security Seguridad
es-es admin selectbox Cuadro de selección
es-es admin select group managers Seleccionar administradores de grupo
es-es admin select module version expressomail (if available) Seleccione la versión del ExpressoMail (cuando posible)
es-es admin select permissions this group will have Selecciones los permisos que tendra este grupo
es-es admin select the parent category. if this is a main category select no category Seleccione la categoría superior. Si ésta es una categoría principal seleccione SIN CATEGORIA
es-es admin select users for inclusion Seleccionar usuarios para inclusión
es-es admin select where your global catalogue is Seleccionar donde está tu catálogo global
es-es admin select where you want to store/retrieve filesystem information Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la informacion del sistema de archivos
es-es admin select where you want to store/retrieve user accounts Seleccione dónde desea almacenar la información de las cuentas de usuario
es-es admin select which location this app should appear on the navbar, lowest (left) to highest (right) Seleccione el lugar que desea que la aplicacion ocupe en la barra, de abajo (izquierda) a arriba (derecha)
es-es admin server %1 has been added El Servidor %1 foi añadido
es-es admin server %1 has been updated El servidor %1 ha sido actualizado
es-es admin server list Listado de servidores
es-es admin server name Nombre del servidor
es-es admin server password Contraseña del servidor
es-es admin server type(mode) Tipo (modo) del servidor
es-es admin server url URL del servidor
es-es admin server username Usuario del servidor
es-es admin servidor ldap Servidor LDAP
es-es admin set preferences value Establecer valores para las preferencias
es-es admin set preference values. Establecer valores para las preferencias.
es-es admin should the login page include a language selectbox (useful for demo-sites) ? ¿Debe incluir la página de inicio de sesión un cuadro de selección de idioma (útil para sitios de demostración)?
es-es admin show access log Mostrar registro de acceso
es-es admin show current action Mostrar acción actual
es-es admin show error log Mostrar registro de errores
es-es admin show phpinfo() Mostrar phpinfo()
es-es admin show 'powered by' logo on Mostrar logo de 'Accionado por' en
es-es admin show session ip address Mostar la dirección IP de la sesión
es-es admin site Sitio
es-es admin site links Enlaces a Sitios
es-es admin soap SOAP
es-es admin sorry, that group name has already been taken. Este nombre de grupo ya está en uso.
es-es admin sorry, that group name has already been taking. Este nombre de grupo ya está en uso.
es-es admin sorry, the above users are still a member of the group %1 Lo siento, los usuarios de encima todavía son miembros del grupo %1
es-es admin sorry, the follow users are still a member of the group %1 Los siguientes usuarios aun son miembros del grupo %1
es-es admin sort the entries ordenar las entradas
es-es admin ssl ssl
es-es admin standard estándar
es-es admin start testjob! Iniciar el trabajo de prueba
es-es admin start with comenzar con
es-es admin status Estado
es-es admin (stored password will not be shown here) (las claves guardadas no se mostrarán aquí)
es-es admin submit changes Enviar cambios
es-es admin submit the search string Enviar la cadena de búsqueda
es-es admin template selection Selección de plantilla
es-es admin test connection with db Prueba de la conexión con la base de datos
es-es admin text entry Entrada de texto
es-es admin that application name already exists. Ese nombre de aplicación ya existe.
es-es admin that application name has already been taken Ese nombre de aplicacion ya esta siendo utilizado
es-es admin that application order must be a number. El orden de la aplicación debe ser un número.
es-es admin that application order must be a number Ese orden debe ser numerico
es-es admin that loginid has already been taken Ese nombre de usuario ya está siendo utilizado
es-es admin that name has been used already Ese nombre ya ha sido usado
es-es admin that server name has been used already ! Ese nombre de servidor ya ha sido usado!
es-es admin the api is current La API está al día
es-es admin the api requires an upgrade La API requiere ser actualizada
es-es admin the groups must include the primary group Los grupos deben incluir el grupo principal
es-es admin the login and password can not be the same El usuario y la contraseña NO pueden ser iguales
es-es admin the loginid can not be more then 8 characters El nombre de usuario no puede superar 8 caracteres
es-es admin there already is a group with this name. userid's can not have the same name as a groupid Ya hay un grupo con este nombre. El id de usuario no puede tener el mismo nombre que el id de un grupo.
es-es admin the testjob sends you a mail everytime it is called. El trabajo de prueba le envía un correo cada vez que se ejecuta
es-es admin the two passwords are not the same Las dos contraseñas no son iguales
es-es admin the users bellow are still members of group %1 Los usuarios siguientes todavía son miembros del grupo %1
es-es admin they must be removed before you can continue Deben ser eliminados para poder continuar
es-es admin this application is current Esta aplicacion esta al día
es-es admin this application requires an upgrade Esta aplicacion requiere ser actualizada
es-es admin this category is currently being used by applications as a parent category Esta categoria está siendo usada por aplicaciones como categoría padre.
es-es admin timeout for application session data in seconds (default 86400 = 1 day) Tiempo límite para los datos de la sesión de la aplicación en segundos (por defecto 86400 = 1 día)
es-es admin timeout for sessions in seconds (default 14400 = 4 hours) Tiempo límite para las sesiones en segundos (por defecto 14400 = 4 horas)
es-es admin times Horas
es-es admin timetrack Seguimiento del Tiempo
es-es admin title Titulo
es-es admin (to install new applications use
setup [manage applications] !!!) (Para instalar nuevas aplicaciones, utilice
Instalación [Administrar Aplicaciones])
es-es admin top Superior
es-es admin total records Total de registros
es-es admin trust level Nivel de confianza
es-es admin trust relationship Relaciones de confianza
es-es admin under windows you can only use the fallback mode at the moment. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! Bajo windows, sólo puede usar el modo de protección contra fallos de momento. Esto quiere decir que los trabajos sólo se comprueban después de que la página ya se ha visto.
es-es admin under windows you need to install the asyncservice %1manually%2 or use the fallback mode. fallback means the jobs get only checked after each page-view !!! En windows, es necesario instalar el servicio asíncrono %1manualmente%2 o usar el modo a prueba de fallos. A prueba de fallos quiere decir que el trabajo se comprueba sólo después de cada vista de página.
es-es admin use cookies to pass sessionid Usar cookies para almacenar sesiones
es-es admin use organization prefix on account creation Usar prefijo de organización en las creaciones de cuentas
es-es admin use pure html compliant code (not fully working yet) Usar codigo HTML puro (todavía no funciona completamente)
es-es admin user accounts Cuentas de usuario
es-es admin user data Datos del usuario
es-es admin userdata Datos del usuario
es-es admin use restrictions in the creation of emaillists Utilizar las restricciones en la creación de listas de e-mail
es-es admin use restrictions in the creation of groups Utilizar las restricciones en la creación de grupos
es-es admin user for smtp-authentication (leave it empty if no auth required) Usuario para identificación SMTP (dejar en blanco si no se usa)
es-es admin user groups Grupos de usuarios
es-es admin users choice A eleccion del usuario
es-es admin use theme Usar tema
es-es admin view access log Ver registro de acceso
es-es admin view account Ver cuenta
es-es admin view category Ver categoría
es-es admin view error log Ver registro de errores
es-es admin view sessions Ver sesiones
es-es admin view system informations Ver Informacion del Sistema
es-es admin view this user ver este usuario
es-es admin view user account ver cuenta de usuario
es-es admin voip settings Ajustes de VoIP
es-es admin who would you like to transfer all records owned by the deleted user to? ¿A quién desea transferirle todos los registros del usuario eliminado?
es-es admin would you like egroupware to cache the egw info array ? ¿Desea que eGroupWare almacene en memoria el array egw info?
es-es admin would you like egroupware to check for a new version
when admins login ? ¿Desea que eGroupWare revise si hay versiones nuevas
cuando inicie la sesión un administrador?
es-es admin would you like egroupware to check for new application versions when admins login ? ¿Desea que eGroupWare compruebe nuevas versiones de las aplicaciones cuando un administrador inicie la sesión?
es-es admin would you like to automaticaly load new langfiles (at login-time) ? ¿Desea cargar automáticamente nuevos ficheros de idioma (al iniciar la sesión)?
es-es admin would you like to show each application's upgrade status ? Desea mostrar el estado de actualizacion de cada aplicacion?
es-es admin xml-rpc XML-RPC
es-es admin you have entered an invalid expiration date Ha inroducido una fecha de expiración que no es vlida
es-es admin you must add at least 1 permission or group to this account Debe añadir al menos 1 permiso o grupo para esta cuenta
es-es admin you must add at least 1 permission to this account Debe agregar por lo menos 1 permiso para esta cuenta.
es-es admin you must enter a group name. Debe introducir un nombre de grupo
es-es admin you must enter a lastname Debe introducir un apellido
es-es admin you must enter a loginid Debe introducir un nombre de usuario
es-es admin you must enter an application name. Debe introducir un nombre de aplicación
es-es admin you must enter an application name and title. Debe introducir nombre y título para la aplicación.
es-es admin you must enter an application title. Debe introducir un título para la aplicación
es-es admin you must enter a password Debe introducir una contraseña
es-es admin you must select a file type Debe seleccionar un tipo de archivo
es-es admin you will need to remove the subcategories before you can delete this category Debera eliminar las subcategorías antes de poder borrar esta categoría
es-es admin all levels with not recursive search Todos los niveles, buscar en el mismo nivel
es-es admin calendar holiday management Gestión de días festivos
es-es admin calendar settings Configuración del calendario
es-es admin dont use any plugin No usar ningún plugin
es-es admin do you wish to autoload calendar holidays files dynamically? ¿Desea cargar automáticamente en el calendario los ficheros de fiestas?
es-es admin first level with recursive search Primer nivel solamente, búsqueda recursiva
es-es admin location to autoload from Lugar desde donde cargar automáticamente
es-es admin select type tree view Seleccione el tipo de vista de árbol (Si el plugin está siendo usado)
es-es admin x contactcenter global catalogue setup Instalación global del catálogo de ContactCenter
es-es admin imap admin password contraseña del administrador IMAP
es-es admin imap admin user usuario administrador IMAP
es-es admin command for spam Comando que será ejecutado al marcar como spam
es-es admin command for unmark spam Comando que será ejecutado al marcar como no siendo spam
es-es admin do you want to log the sent messages? ¿Quieres registrar los mensajes enviados?
es-es admin do you want to use the spam filter? ¿A usted le gustaría utilizar el filtro anti-spam
es-es admin drafts folder name Nombre de la carpeta de borradores
es-es admin expressomail settings Configuraciones del expresso Mail
es-es admin imap folders properties Características de las Carpetas del Imap
es-es admin sent folder name Nombre enviado de la carpeta
es-es admin spam folder name Nombre de la carpeta Spam
es-es admin trash folder name Nombre de la carpeta basura
es-es admin maintain news Mantener noticias
es-es admin 00 (disable) 00 (desactivar)
es-es admin 13 (ntp) 13 (ntp)
es-es admin 80 (http) 80 (http)
es-es admin datetime port.
if using port 13, please set firewall rules appropriately before submitting this page.
(port: 13 / host: Puerto de fecha.
Si usa el puerto 13, por favor, configure adecuadamente las reglas del cortafuegos antes de enviar esta página.
es-es admin a please wait message is shown when loading the activity form usefull for long tasks al cargar el formulario de actividad, se muestra un mensaje de espera, útil para tareas largas
es-es admin administer instances Administrar instancias
es-es admin administer processes Administrar procesos
es-es admin cleanup aborted instances Limpiar las instancias abortadas
es-es admin default settings for processes Configuración predeterminada para los procesos
es-es admin draw roles on the graph beside activity name like [that] Dibujar roles en el gráfico junto al nombre, [así]
es-es admin grant access to the administration and development of workflow processes and activities. Conceder acceso a la administración y desarrollo de procesos y actividades de flujos de trabajo.
es-es admin grant access to the administration of workflow elements Conceder acceso a la administración de los elementos del flujo del tabajo
es-es admin grant access to the administration of workflow instances in monitor screens Conceder acceso para la administración de instancias de flujos de trabajo en pantallas de monitorización
es-es admin grant access to the cleanup/deletion of workflow aborted instances in monitor screens Conceder acceso a la limpieza y/o borrado de las instancias abortadas de flujos de trabajo en las pantallas de monitorización
es-es admin grant access to the monitoring of workflow elements Conceder acceso para monitorizar elementos de flujos de trabajo
es-es admin if automatic parsing is disabled next options will be useless Si la interpretación automática está desactivada, las siguientes opciones no tienen efecto
es-es admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to abort the related instance Si el usuario está en un rol para una actividad, tendrá el derecho de abortar la instancia relacionada
es-es admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to exception or resume the related instance Si un usuario está en un rol para una actividad, tendrá el derecho para una excepción o continuar la instancia relacionada
es-es admin if user is in a role for an activity he will have the right to release (un-assign) the related instance Si un usuario está en un rol para una actividad, tendrá el derecho para liberar (desasignar) la instancia relacionada.
es-es admin monitoring Monitorizar
es-es admin owner of the instance will have the right to abort the instance at any time El propietario de la instancia tendrá el derecho de abortar la instancia en cualquier momento
es-es admin owner of the instance will have the right to exception or resume the instance at any time El propietario de la instancia tendrá el derecho de crear excepciones o continuar la instancia en cualquier momento
es-es admin owner of the instance will have the right to release (un-assign) an activity assigned to an user El propietario de la instancia tendrá el derecho de liberar (desasignar) una actividad asignada a un usuario
es-es admin size of the font used on the graph 12 should be a good default value El tamaño del tipo de letra usado en el gráfico 12 debe ser un buen valor predeterminado
es-es admin the instance title is shown on top of the form El título de la instancia se muestra en la parte superior del formulario
es-es admin this will automatically release the instance when leaving an activity without completing Esto liberará automáticamente la instancia al abandonar una actividad sin completarla
es-es admin this will display an activity footer when any activity is runned with workflow engine related informations Esto mostrará un pie de actividad cuando cualquier actividad se ejecute con información relacionada con el motor de flujos de trabajo
es-es admin when multiple submit options are avaible we draw a select box with only one submit instead of multiple buttons Cuando hay múltiples opciones de envío, dibujamos un cuadro de selección con un único botón de envío en vez de múltiples botones
es-es admin workflow configuration Configuración de flujos de trabajo
es-es common account has been created Se ha creado la cuenta
es-es common account has been deleted La cuenta ha sido borrada
es-es common account has been updated La cuenta ha sido actualizada
es-es common acl rights Permisos de LCA
es-es common are you sure you want to delete this category ? ¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar esta categoria?
es-es common block/unblock hosts Bloq/Desbloquear hosts
es-es common global categories Categorias globales
es-es common group has been added Grupo agregado
es-es common group has been deleted Grupo borrado
es-es common group has been updated Grupo actualizado
es-es common installed applications Aplicaciones instaladas
es-es common login history Historial de accesos
es-es common recent changes Cambios recientes
es-es common site configuration Configuracion del sitio
es-es common wiki administration Administración del wiki
es-es common wiki menu Wiki menu
es-es common calendar Calendario
es-es common custom fields and sorting Campos personalizados y ordenación
es-es common grant calendar access Conceder acceso al calendario
es-es common import csv-file Importar fichero CSV
es-es common send updates via email Enviar actualizaciones por correo electrónico
es-es common you have 1 high priority event on your calendar today. Ud. tiene 1 evento de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
es-es common you have %1 high priority events on your calendar today. Ud. tiene %1 eventos de alta prioridad es su calendario para hoy.
es-es common alias Apodo
es-es common browse Buscar
es-es common contactcenter Catálogo de Direcciones
es-es common contact center Catálogo de Direcciones
es-es common contact group list Lista de Grupos de Contactos
es-es common contacts Contactos
es-es common family names Apellido
es-es common found %1 entries Encontrado %1 Resultado(s)
es-es common given names Nombre
es-es common go Ir
es-es common group add Añadir Grupo
es-es common insert a new group Incluir um Nuevo Grupo
es-es common insert Incluir
es-es common invalid date Fecha inválida
es-es common participants Participantes
es-es common personal contacts Contactos Personales
es-es common problems on adding your contact. the email "%1" already exists in: %2 No fue posible añadir. El e-mail "%1" ya existe en los siguentes contactos: %2
es-es common quick add Añadir Rápidamente
es-es common remove Remover
es-es common removed entry! ¡Contacto removido com suceso (ID = %1)!
es-es common removed entry id %1! ¡Contacto removido com suceso (ID = %1)!
es-es common reset Limpiar
es-es common search for... Buscar por...
es-es common send mail Enviar e-mail
es-es common showing found entries Mostrando items encontrados
es-es common expressoadmin1_2 Expresso Admin
es-es common expressoMail1_2 Expresso Mail
es-es common global configuration Configuraciones Globales
es-es common managers Encargados
es-es common manual Manual / Ayuda
es-es common configure access permissions Configurar permisos de acceso
es-es common configure rss exports Configurar exportación RSS
es-es common news_admin Administrador de noticias
es-es common submitted by Enviado por
es-es common %1egroupware%2 is a multi-user, web-based groupware suite written in %3php%4. %1eGroupWare%2 es una herramienta de trabajo en grupo, multiusuario y basada en web escrita en %3PHP%4
es-es common %1 email addresses inserted %1 direcciones de correo insertadas
es-es common %1 is not executable by the webserver !!! ¡%1 no es ejecutables por el webserver!!!
es-es common about %1 Acerca de %1
es-es common about Acerca de
es-es common access Acceso
es-es common access not permitted Acceso no permitido
es-es common access type Tipo Acceso
es-es common account is expired La cuenta ha expirado
es-es common account preferences Preferencias de la Cuenta
es-es common acl LCA
es-es common action Acción
es-es common active Activo
es-es common add %1 category for Añadir %1 categoría para
es-es common add category Añadir categoría
es-es common add Añadir
es-es common addressbook Libreta de direcciones
es-es common addressbook preferences Preferencias de Libreta de Direcciones
es-es common add sub Añadir sub
es-es common admin Administración
es-es common administration Administración
es-es common afghanistan AFGHANISTAN
es-es common albania ALBANIA
es-es common algeria ARGELIA
es-es common all Todos
es-es common all fields todos los campos
es-es common alphabet a,b,c,ch,d,e,f,g,h,i,j,k,l,ll,m,n,ñ,o,p,q,r,s,t,u,v,w,x,y,z
es-es common american samoa AMERICAN SAMOA
es-es common andorra ANDORRA
es-es common angola ANGOLA
es-es common anguilla ANGUILLA
es-es common antarctica ANTARCTICA
es-es common antigua and barbuda ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
es-es common apply Aplicar
es-es common april Abril
es-es common are you sure you want to delete these entries ? ¿Seguro que desea borrar estas entradas?
es-es common are you sure you want to delete this entry ? Esta Ud. Seguro de borrar esta entrada ?
es-es common argentina ARGENTINA
es-es common armenia ARMENIA
es-es common aruba ARUBA
es-es common august Agosto
es-es common australia AUSTRALIA
es-es common austria AUSTRIA
es-es common author Autor
es-es common autohide sidebox menus Ocultar automáticamente los recuadros laterales
es-es common automatically hide the sidebox menus? ¿Ocultar automáticamente los menús laterales?
es-es common autosave default category Autograbar Categoria Predeterminada
es-es common azerbaijan AZERBAIJAN
es-es common back Atrás
es-es common back to user login Volver al inicio de sesión del usuario
es-es common bad login or password Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectas
es-es common bahamas BAHAMAS
es-es common bahrain BAHRAIN
es-es common bangladesh BANGLADESH
es-es common barbados BARBADOS
es-es common bcc CCo
es-es common belarus BELARUS
es-es common belgium BELGIUM
es-es common belize BELIZE
es-es common benin BENIN
es-es common bermuda BERMUDA
es-es common bhutan BHUTAN
es-es common blocked, too many attempts Bloqueado, demasiados intentos
es-es common bolivia BOLIVIA
es-es common bookkeeping Contabilidad
es-es common bosnia and herzegovina BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
es-es common botswana BOTSWANA
es-es common bouvet island BOUVET ISLAND
es-es common brazil BRASIL
es-es common british indian ocean territory BRITISH INDIAN OCEAN TERRITORY
es-es common brunei darussalam BRUNEI DARUSSALAM
es-es common bulgaria BULGARIA
es-es common burkina faso BURKINA FASO
es-es common burundi BURUNDI
es-es common cambodia CAMBODIA
es-es common cameroon CAMEROON
es-es common canada CANADA
es-es common cancel Cancelar
es-es common cape verde CAPE VERDE
es-es common categories Categorías
es-es common categories for categorias para
es-es common category %1 has been added ! La Categoria %1 ha sido agregada !
es-es common category %1 has been updated ! La Categoria %1 ha sido actualizada !
es-es common category Categoria
es-es common cayman islands CAYMAN ISLANDS
es-es common cc CC
es-es common central african republic CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC
es-es common chad CHAD
es-es common change Cambiar
es-es common charset iso-8859-1
es-es common check installation Comprobar instalación
es-es common chile CHILE
es-es common china CHINA
es-es common choose the category Elija la categoría
es-es common choose the parent category Elija la categoría superior
es-es common christmas island CHRISTMAS ISLAND
es-es common clear Limpiar
es-es common clear form Limpiar formulario
es-es common click Pulse
es-es common click here for help Haga clic aqui para ayuda
es-es common click here to change your expresso password and other preferences Haga clic aqui para cambiar su contraseña del Expresso y otras preferencias
es-es common click or mouse over to show menus? ¿Pulsar o mover el ratón por encima para mostrar menús?
es-es common click or mouse over to show menus Pulse o mueva el ratón por encima para mostrar menús
es-es common close Cerrar
es-es common cocos (keeling) islands COCOS (KEELING) ISLANDS
es-es common colombia COLOMBIA
es-es common comoros COMOROS
es-es common company Compañía
es-es common company directory Directorio de la Organizacion
es-es common config password Contraseña de configuración
es-es common config username Usuario de configuración
es-es common congo CONGO
es-es common congo, the democratic republic of the CONGO, THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE
es-es common cook islands COOK ISLANDS
es-es common copy Copiar
es-es common costa rica COSTA RICA
es-es common cote d ivoire COTE D IVOIRE
es-es common create Crear
es-es common created by Creado por
es-es common croatia CROATIA
es-es common cuba CUBA
es-es common currency Cambio
es-es common current Actual
es-es common current users Usuarios actuales
es-es common cyprus CYPRUS
es-es common czech republic CZECH REPUBLIC
es-es common date Fecha
es-es common date due Fecha límite
es-es common december Diciembre
es-es common default category Categoría predeterminada
es-es common delete Eliminar
es-es common denmark DENMARK
es-es common description Descripción
es-es common detail Detalle
es-es common details Detalles
es-es common diable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? ¿Desactivar la ejecución del script que arregla el bug de IE 5.5 y superiores para mostrar transparencias en imágenes PNG?
es-es common disabled Deshabilitado
es-es common disable internet explorer png-image-bugfix Desactivar el parche de IE para ver imágenes PNG
es-es common disable slider effects Desactivar efectos deslizantes
es-es common disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? opera and konqueror users will probably must want this. ¿Desactivar los efectos deslizantes animados al mostrar u ocultar menús en la página? Los usuarios de Opera y Konqueror probablemente querrán esto.
es-es common djibouti DJIBOUTI
es-es common domain Dominio
es-es common domain name for mail-address, eg. "%1" Nombre del dominio para la dirección de correo, ej. "%1"
es-es common domestic Doméstico
es-es common dominica DOMINICA
es-es common dominican republic DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
es-es common done Hecho
es-es common do you also want to delete all subcategories ? ¿También desea eliminar todas las subcategorías?
es-es common east timor EAST TIMOR
es-es common ecuador ECUADOR
es-es common edit %1 category for Editar %1 categoría para
es-es common edit categories Editar categorías
es-es common edit category Editar categoría
es-es common edit Editar
es-es common edit user account Editar Cuenta de Usuario
es-es common egroupware api version %1 eGroupWare API versión %1
es-es common egroupware: login blocked for user '%1', ip %2 eGroupWare: inicio de sesión bloqueado para el usuario '%1', IP %2
es-es common egypt EGYPT
es-es common el salvador EL SALVADOR
es-es common email-address of the user, eg. "%1" Direcciones de correo electrónico para el usuario, ej. '%1'
es-es common e-mail Correo electrónico
es-es common email Correo electrónico
es-es common email settings Seteos del Email
es-es common enabled Habilitado
es-es common end date Fecha de finalización
es-es common end time Hora de finalización
es-es common entry has been deleted sucessfully La entrada ha sido eliminada correctamente
es-es common entry updated sucessfully La entrada ha sido actualizada correctamente
es-es common equatorial guinea EQUATORIAL GUINEA
es-es common eritrea ERITREA
es-es common error Error
es-es common error creating %1 %2 directory Error creando el directorio %1 %2
es-es common error deleting %1 %2 directory Error eliminando el directorio %1 %2
es-es common error renaming %1 %2 directory Error renombrando el directorio %1 %2
es-es common estonia ESTONIA
es-es common ethiopia ETHIOPIA
es-es common exact exacto
es-es common exit Salir
es-es common expand menu Amplíe El Menú
es-es common expires Expira
es-es common external applications Aplicaciones externas
es-es common falkland islands (malvinas) MALVINAS
es-es common faroe islands FAROE ISLANDS
es-es common fax number Fax
es-es common february Febrero
es-es common fields Campos
es-es common fiji FIJI
es-es common files Archivos
es-es common filter Filtro
es-es common finland FINLAND
es-es common firstname Nombre de pila
es-es common first name Primer Nombre
es-es common first name of the user, eg. "%1" Primer nombre del usuario, ej "%1"
es-es common first page Primera página
es-es common fixme! ¡Corríjame!
es-es common force selectbox Forzar cuadro de selección
es-es common france FRANCIA
es-es common french guiana FRENCH GUIANA
es-es common french polynesia FRENCH POLYNESIA
es-es common french southern territories FRENCH SOUTHERN TERRITORIES
es-es common friday Viernes
es-es common ftp FTP
es-es common fullname Nombre completo
es-es common gabon GABON
es-es common gambia GAMBIA
es-es common general menu Menú General
es-es common georgia GEORGIA
es-es common germany GERMANY
es-es common ghana GHANA
es-es common gibraltar GIBRALTAR
es-es common global catalogues configuration Configuración Global De los Catálogos
es-es common global Global
es-es common global public Publico Global
es-es common grant access Conceder acceso
es-es common greece GREECE
es-es common greenland GREENLAND
es-es common grenada GRENADA
es-es common group access Acceso Grupal
es-es common group Grupo
es-es common group name nombre del grupo
es-es common group public Publico Grupal
es-es common groups Grupos
es-es common groups without permission for %1 Grupos sin permiso para %1
es-es common groups with permission for %1 Grupos con permiso para %1
es-es common guadeloupe GUADELOUPE
es-es common guam GUAM
es-es common guatemala GUATEMALA
es-es common guinea-bissau GUINEA-BISSAU
es-es common guinea GUINEA
es-es common guyana GUYANA
es-es common haiti HAITI
es-es common header admin login Usuario administrador del encabezado
es-es common header password Contraseña del encabezado
es-es common header username Usuario del encabezado
es-es common heard island and mcdonald islands HEARD ISLAND AND MCDONALD ISLANDS
es-es common help Ayuda
es-es common hide header and toolbar Ocultar cabecera y la barra de herramientas
es-es common high Alta
es-es common highest La más alta
es-es common holy see (vatican city state) HOLY SEE (VATICAN CITY STATE)
es-es common home Inicio
es-es common home email correo electrónico privado
es-es common honduras HONDURAS
es-es common hong kong HONG KONG
es-es common how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. Cuántos iconos se muestran en la barra de navegación (en la parte superior de la página). Los iconos adicionales van en una especie de menú desplegable, que se activa pulsando en el icono que hay en el extremo derecho de la barra.
es-es common hungary HUNGARY
es-es common iceland ICELAND
es-es common india INDIA
es-es common indonesia INDONESIA
es-es common info log Info Log
es-es common insert all %1 addresses of the %2 contacts in %3 Inserte todas las direcciones %1 de los contactos de %2 en %3
es-es common international Internacional
es-es common invalid ip address Dirección IP no válida
es-es common invalid password La contraseña no es válida
es-es common iran, islamic republic of IRAN, ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF
es-es common iraq IRAQ
es-es common ireland IRELAND
es-es common israel ISRAEL
es-es common italic Cursiva
es-es common italy ITALIA
es-es common it has been more then %1 days since you changed your password Hace más de %1 días que cambió su contraseña
es-es common it is recommended that you run setup to upgrade your tables to the current version Se recomienda que ejecute setup para actualizar las tablas a la última versión
es-es common jamaica JAMAICA
es-es common january Enero
es-es common japan JAPAN
es-es common jordan JORDAN
es-es common july Julio
es-es common jun Jun
es-es common june Junio
es-es common kazakstan KAZAKSTAN
es-es common kenya KENYA
es-es common keywords Palabras clave
es-es common kiribati KIRIBATI
es-es common korea, democratic peoples republic of KOREA, DEMOCRATIC PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF
es-es common korea, republic of KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
es-es common kuwait KUWAIT
es-es common kyrgyzstan KYRGYZSTAN
es-es common language Idioma
es-es common lao peoples democratic republic LAO PEOPLES DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC
es-es common last name Apellido
es-es common lastname Apellido
es-es common last name of the user, eg. "%1" Apellido del usuario, ej "%1"
es-es common last page Última página
es-es common latvia LATVIA
es-es common lebanon LEBANON
es-es common lesotho LESOTHO
es-es common liberia LIBERIA
es-es common libyan arab jamahiriya LIBYAN ARAB JAMAHIRIYA
es-es common license Licencia
es-es common liechtenstein LIECHTENSTEIN
es-es common list Lista
es-es common list members miembros de la lista
es-es common lithuania LITHUANIA
es-es common local Local
es-es common login Entrar
es-es common loginid ID de usuario
es-es common logout Salir
es-es common low Baja
es-es common lowest La más baja
es-es common luxembourg LUXEMBOURG
es-es common macau MACAU
es-es common macedonia, the former yugoslav republic of MACEDONIA, THE FORMER YUGOSLAV REPUBLIC OF
es-es common madagascar MADAGASCAR
es-es common mail domain, eg. "%1" dominio de correo, ej. "%1"
es-es common main category Categoria Principal
es-es common main screen Pantalla Principal
es-es common maintainer Mantenido por
es-es common malawi MALAWI
es-es common malaysia MALAYSIA
es-es common maldives MALDIVES
es-es common mali MALI
es-es common malta MALTA
es-es common march Marzo
es-es common marshall islands MARSHALL ISLANDS
es-es common martinique MARTINIQUE
es-es common mauritania MAURITANIA
es-es common mauritius MAURITIUS
es-es common max number of icons in navbar Número máximo de iconos en la barra de navegación
es-es common may Mayo
es-es common mayotte MAYOTTE
es-es common medium Medio
es-es common menu Menú
es-es common message Mensaje
es-es common mexico MEXICO
es-es common micronesia, federated states of MICRONESIA, FEDERATED STATES OF
es-es common moldova, republic of MOLDOVA, REPUBLIC OF
es-es common monaco MONACO
es-es common monday Lunes
es-es common mongolia MONGOLIA
es-es common montserrat MONTSERRAT
es-es common morocco MOROCCO
es-es common mozambique MOZAMBIQUE
es-es common myanmar MYANMAR
es-es common my preferences Mis Preferencias
es-es common name Nombre
es-es common name of the user, eg. "%1" Nombre del usuario, ej. "%1"
es-es common namibia NAMIBIA
es-es common nauru NAURU
es-es common nepal NEPAL
es-es common netherlands antilles NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
es-es common netherlands NETHERLANDS
es-es common never Nunca
es-es common new caledonia NEW CALEDONIA
es-es common new entry added sucessfully Nueva entrada añadida exitosamente
es-es common new main category Nueva categoria principal
es-es common new phrase has been added Nueva frase agregada
es-es common new value Nuevo valor
es-es common new zealand NEW ZEALAND
es-es common next Siguiente
es-es common next page proxima pagina
es-es common nicaragua NICARAGUA
es-es common niger NIGER
es-es common nigeria NIGERIA
es-es common niue NIUE
es-es common no No
es-es common no entries found, try again ... No se encontraron entradas, inténtelo de nuevo
es-es common no history for this record Sin historial para este registro
es-es common none Ninguno
es-es common norfolk island NORFOLK ISLAND
es-es common normal Normal
es-es common northern mariana islands NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS
es-es common norway NORWAY
es-es common no subject Sin Asunto
es-es common not assigned sin asignar
es-es common note Nota
es-es common notes Notas
es-es common notify window Ventana de notificación
es-es common november Noviembre
es-es common october Octubre
es-es common ok Aceptar
es-es common old value Valor anterior
es-es common oman OMAN
es-es common only private privado solamente
es-es common only yours sólo los suyos
es-es common on mouse over Al mover el ratón por encima
es-es common on *nix systems please type: %1 En sistemas *nix por favor escriba: %1
es-es common open notify window Abrir ventana de notificación
es-es common open popup window Abrir ventana emergente
es-es common organization Organización
es-es common original Original
es-es common other Otros
es-es common overview Resumen
es-es common owner Dueño
es-es common page Página
es-es common page was generated in %1 seconds La página se generó en %1 segundos
es-es common pakistan PAKISTAN
es-es common palau PALAU
es-es common palestinian territory, occupied PALESTINIAN TERRITORY, OCCUPIED
es-es common panama PANAMA
es-es common papua new guinea PAPUA NEW GUINEA
es-es common paraguay PARAGUAY
es-es common parcel Paquete
es-es common parent category Categoría superior
es-es common password Contraseña
es-es common password could not be changed No se pudo cambiar la contraseña
es-es common password has been updated Su contraseña ha sido actualizada
es-es common path to user and group files has to be outside of the webservers document-root!!! Ruta a los ficheros de usuario y grupos. ¡¡DEBE ESTAR FUERA de la raíz de los documentos del servidor web!!
es-es common pattern for search in addressbook Patrón de búsqueda en la Libreta de direcciones
es-es common pattern for search in calendar Patrón de búsqueda en el Calendario
es-es common pattern for search in projects Patrón de búsqueda en los proyectos
es-es common permissions to the files/users directory permisos a los directorios de archivos/usuarios
es-es common personal Personal
es-es common peru PERU
es-es common philippines FILIPINAS
es-es common phone number Número de teléfono
es-es common phpinfo PhpInfo
es-es common phpwebhostin Manejo Avanzado de Archivos
es-es common pitcairn PITCAIRN
es-es common please %1 by hand Por favor %1 manualmente
es-es common please enter a name Por favor, introduzca un nombre
es-es common please run setup to become current Por favor ejecute el setup para actualizarse
es-es common please select Por favor, seleccione
es-es common please set your global preferences Por favor, ponga sus preferencias globales
es-es common please set your preferences for this application Por favor, elija sus preferencias para esta aplicación
es-es common please wait... Por favor, espere...
es-es common poland POLAND
es-es common portugal PORTUGAL
es-es common postal Postal
es-es common powered by phpgroupware version %1 Proporcionado por eGroupWare %1
es-es common preferences Preferencias
es-es common preferences for the %1 template set Preferencias para la plantilla %1
es-es common preferences for the idots template set Preferencias para las plantillas de idots
es-es common previous page Página anterior
es-es common print Imprimir
es-es common priority Prioridad
es-es common private Privado
es-es common project Proyecto
es-es common public público
es-es common puerto rico PUERTO RICO
es-es common qatar QATAR
es-es common read Leer
es-es common read this list of methods. Leer esta lista de métodos
es-es common registration Registracion
es-es common reject Rechazar
es-es common remove selected accounts quite las cuentas seleccionadas
es-es common rename Renombrar
es-es common returns a full list of accounts on the system. warning: this is return can be quite large Devuelve una lista completa de las cuentas del sistema. Aviso: puede ser bastante largo
es-es common returns an array of todo items Devuelve un array de elementos pendientes
es-es common returns struct of users application access Devuelve la estructura del acceso de los usuarios a la aplicación
es-es common reunion REUNION
es-es common romania ROMANIA
es-es common russian federation RUSSIAN FEDERATION
es-es common rwanda RWANDA
es-es common saint helena SAINT HELENA
es-es common saint kitts and nevis SAINT KITTS AND NEVIS
es-es common saint lucia SAINT LUCIA
es-es common saint pierre and miquelon SAINT PIERRE AND MIQUELON
es-es common saint vincent and the grenadines SAINT VINCENT AND THE GRENADINES
es-es common samoa SAMOA
es-es common san marino SAN MARINO
es-es common sao tome and principe SAO TOME AND PRINCIPE
es-es common saturday Sábado
es-es common saudi arabia SAUDI ARABIA
es-es common save Grabar
es-es common search %1 '%2' Buscar %1 %2
es-es common search Buscar
es-es common search or select accounts Búsqueda o cuentas selectas
es-es common section Sección
es-es common select all %1 %2 for %3 Seleccionar todos los %1 %2 para %3
es-es common select category Seleccionar categoría
es-es common select Seleccionar
es-es common select date Seleccionar fecha
es-es common select group Seleccionar grupo
es-es common select home email address Seleccionar dirección de correo inicial
es-es common selection selección
es-es common select one Seleccionar uno
es-es common select user Seleccionar usuario
es-es common select work email address Seleccionar dirección de correo del trabajo
es-es common send Enviar
es-es common send your critics, doubts or suggestions Envíe sus críticas, dudas o sugerencias.
es-es common senegal SENEGAL
es-es common september Septiembre
es-es common server %1 has been added El servidor %1 ha sido añadido
es-es common server name Nombre del servidor
es-es common session has been killed La sesión ha sido eliminada
es-es common setup Instalación
es-es common setup/config admin login Usuario administrador de Instalación/Configuración
es-es common setup main menu Menú principal de instalación
es-es common seychelles SEYCHELLES
es-es common show all categorys Mostrar todas las categorías
es-es common show all mostrar todo
es-es common show header and toolbar Demuestre el jefe y toolbar
es-es common showing %1 - %2 of %3 mostrando %1 - %2 de %3
es-es common showing %1 mostrando %1
es-es common show menu mostrar menú
es-es common show_more_apps Mostrar más aplicaciones
es-es common show page generation time Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página
es-es common show page generation time on the bottom of the page? ¿Mostrar el tiempo que tarda en generarse la página en la parte inferior de la página?
es-es common sierra leone SIERRA LEONA
es-es common singapore SINGAPUR
es-es common slovakia SLOVAKIA
es-es common slovenia SLOVENIA
es-es common solomon islands SOLOMON ISLANDS
es-es common somalia SOMALIA
es-es common sorry, there was a problem proccesing your request. Hubo un problema al procesar su pedido.
es-es common south africa SOUTH AFRICA
es-es common south georgia and the south sandwich islands SOUTH GEORGIA AND THE SOUTH SANDWICH ISLANDS
es-es common spain ESPAÑA
es-es common sri lanka SRI LANKA
es-es common start date Fecha de inicio
es-es common start time Hora de inicio
es-es common start with iniciar com
es-es common status Estado
es-es common subject Asunto
es-es common submit Enviar
es-es common substitutions and their meanings: Sustituciones y sus significados
es-es common sudan SUDAN
es-es common suggestions Sugerencias
es-es common sunday Domingo
es-es common suriname SURINAM
es-es common svalbard and jan mayen SVALBARD AND JAN MAYEN
es-es common swaziland SWAZILAND
es-es common sweden SUECIA
es-es common switzerland SUIZA
es-es common syrian arab republic SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC
es-es common taiwan TAIWAN/TAIPEI
es-es common tajikistan TAJIKISTAN
es-es common tanzania, united republic of TANZANIA, UNITED REPUBLIC OF
es-es common thailand THAILAND
es-es common the api is current La API esta al dia
es-es common the api requires an upgrade La API requiere una actualizacion
es-es common the following applications require upgrades Las siguientes aplicaciones requieren actualizaciones
es-es common the mail server returned El servidor de correo devolvió
es-es common this application is current Esta aplicación está actualizada
es-es common this application requires an upgrade Esta aplicación requiere una actualización
es-es common this name has been used already ¡Este nombre ya ha sido usado!
es-es common thursday Jueves
es-es common time Hora
es-es common time zone Zona horaria
es-es common time zone offset Diferencia de zona horaria
es-es common title Título
es-es common to Para
es-es common to correct this error for the future you will need to properly set the Para corregir este error para el futuro necesitará configurar adecuadamente el
es-es common today Hoy
es-es common todays date, eg. "%1" fecha de hoy, ej. "%1"
es-es common to go back to the msg list, click here Psra volver a la lista de mensajes, pulse aquí
es-es common togo TOGO
es-es common tokelau TOKELAU
es-es common tonga TONGA
es-es common too many unsucessful attempts to login: %1 for the user '%2', %3 for the ip %4 Demasiados intentos fallidos de inicio de sesión: %1 para el usuario '%2', %3 para la IP %4
es-es common total Total
es-es common trinidad and tobago TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
es-es common tuesday Martes
es-es common tunisia TUNISIA
es-es common turkey TURKEY
es-es common turkmenistan TURKMENISTAN
es-es common turks and caicos islands TURKS AND CAICOS ISLANDS
es-es common tuvalu TUVALU
es-es common uganda UGANDA
es-es common ukraine UKRAINE
es-es common united arab emirates UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
es-es common united kingdom UNITED KINGDOM
es-es common united states UNITED STATES
es-es common united states minor outlying islands UNITED STATES MINOR OUTLYING ISLANDS
es-es common unknown Desconocido
es-es common update Actualizar
es-es common updated Actualizado
es-es common url URL
es-es common uruguay URUGUAY
es-es common use button to search for address use el botón para buscar por dirección
es-es common use button to search for calendarevent use el botón para buscar por evento de calendario
es-es common use button to search for use el botón para buscar
es-es common use button to search for project use el botón para buscar por proyecto
es-es common user accounts Cuentas de usuario
es-es common user Usuario
es-es common user data Datos de los Usuarios
es-es common user groups Grupos de usuario
es-es common username Nombre de usuario
es-es common users choice A elegir por el usuario
es-es common users usuarios
es-es common use this space to send your doubts, critics, and suggestions Utilice este espacio para enviar sus dudas, críticos, y sugerencias
es-es common uzbekistan UZBEKISTAN
es-es common vanuatu VANUATU
es-es common venezuela VENEZUELA
es-es common version Versión
es-es common viet nam VIET NAM
es-es common view Ver
es-es common virgin islands, british VIRGIN ISLANDS, BRITISH
es-es common virgin islands, u.s. VIRGIN ISLANDS, U.S.
es-es common wallis and futuna WALLIS AND FUTUNA
es-es common wednesday Miércoles
es-es common welcome Página principal
es-es common western sahara WESTERN SAHARA
es-es common which groups Qué grupos
es-es common work email correo del trabajo
es-es common written by: Escrito por:
es-es common year Año
es-es common yemen YEMEN
es-es common yes Sí
es-es common you are required to change your password during your first login Es necesario que cambie la contraseña durante su primer inicio de sesión.
es-es common you are running a newer version of phpgroupware than your database is setup for Usted está ejecutando una versión más reciente de lo que su base de datos está configurada.
es-es common you have 1 new message! Ud. tiene 1 nuevo mensaje!
es-es common you have %1 new messages! Ud. tiene %1 nuevos mensajes!
es-es common you have no new messages Usted no tiene ningún nuevo mensaje
es-es common you have not entered a title No ha introducido un título
es-es common you have not entered a valid date No ha introducido una fecha válida
es-es common you have not entered a valid time of day No ha introducido una hora del día válida
es-es common you have not entered participants No ha introducido participantes
es-es common you have selected an invalid date La fecha seleccionada no es válida
es-es common you have selected an invalid main category La categoría principal seleccionada no es válida
es-es common you have successfully logged out Ha terminado la sesión correctamente
es-es common you need to add the webserver user '%1' to the group '%2'. usted necesita agregar al usuario ' %1 ' del webserver al grupo ' %2 '.
es-es common your message as been sent Su mensaje fue enviado
es-es common your message could not be sent!
Su mensaje no se pudo enviar
es-es common your message has been sent Su mensaje ha sido enviado
es-es common your password has expired, and you do not have access to change it Su contraseña ha expirado, y usted no tiene acceso para cambiarla
es-es common your search returned 1 match su búsqueda devolvió 1 resultado
es-es common your search returned %1 matchs su búsqueda devolvió %1 resultados
es-es common your settings have been updated Sus preferencias fueron actualizadas
es-es common yugoslavia YUGOSLAVIA
es-es common zambia ZAMBIA
es-es common zimbabwe ZIMBABWE
es-es common commercial telephone number Número de teléfono comercial
es-es common /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration El directorio /workflow no existe y no se pudo crear. Por favor, pida al administrador que compruebe la configuración global
es-es common actions right options Opciones para derechos de acciones
es-es common admin processes Administrar procesos
es-es common auto-release on leaving activity Liberar automáticamente al abandonar la actividad
es-es common base directory does not exist, please ask adminstrator to check the global configuration El directorio base no existe. Por favor, pida al administrador que compruebe la configuración global
es-es common config values Valores de configuración
es-es common default config values Valores de configuración predeterminados
es-es common display please wait message mostrar mensaje "por favor, espere"
es-es common draw roles Dibujar roles
es-es common graphic options Opciones de gráfico
es-es common mail smtp debug Depurar correo smtp
es-es common mail smtp local link prefix Prefijo del enlace local de correo smtp
es-es common mail smtp profile Perfil de correo smtp
es-es common mail smtp signature Firma de correo smtp
es-es common ownership give abort right Ser propietario da derecho de abortar
es-es common ownership give exception right Ser propietario da derecho para excepciones
es-es common ownership give release right Ser propietario da derecho para liberar
es-es common role give abort right El rol da derecho de abortar
es-es common role give exception right El rol da derecho para excepciones
es-es common role give release right El rol da derecho para liberar
es-es common running activities options Opciones de las actividades en ejecución
es-es common show activity info zone Mostrar zona de información de actividad
es-es common show activity title Mostrar el título de la actividad
es-es common show instance name Mostrar nombre de la instancia
es-es common show instance owner Mostrar propietario de la instancia
es-es common show multiple submit as select Mostrar multiples submit como selección
es-es common the /workflow directory does not exist and could not be created. please ask your administrator to check the global configuration El directorio /workflow no existe y no se pudo crear. Por favor, pida a su administrador que compruebe la configuración global
es-es common use automatic parsing Usar reconocimiento automático
es-es common workflow Flujos de trabajo
es-es calendar %1 %2 in %3 %1 %2 en %3
es-es calendar %1 matches found %1 coincidencias encontradas
es-es calendar 1 match found 1 coincidencia encontrada
es-es calendar %1 records imported %1 registros importados
es-es calendar %1 records read (not yet imported, you may go back and uncheck test import) %1 registros leídos (todavía sin importar, puede volver atrás desmarcar Probar Importar)
es-es calendar a un
es-es calendar accept Aceptar
es-es calendar accepted Aceptado
es-es calendar action that caused the notify: added, canceled, accepted, rejected, ... Acción que causó la notificación: añadido, cancelado, aceptado, rechazado, ...
es-es calendar add alarm Añadir alarma
es-es calendar add a single entry by passing the fields. Añadir una entrada simple pasando los campos.
es-es calendar add contact Añadir contacto
es-es calendar added Añadido
es-es calendar adding event Agregando evento
es-es calendar add or update a single entry by passing the fields. Añadir o actualizar una simple entrada pasando los campos.
es-es calendar add participants Añadir Participantes
es-es calendar address book Catálogo de direcciones
es-es calendar add to my expresso Añadir a mí Expresso
es-es calendar add user Añadir usuario
es-es calendar alarm already added!!! ¡¡¡Esta alarma ya existe!!!
es-es calendar alarm Alarma
es-es calendar alarm for %1 at %2 in %3 Alarma para %1 en %2 in %3
es-es calendar alarm is older than now!!! ¡¡¡Horario inválido!!!
es-es calendar alarm management Administrar alarmas
es-es calendar alarms Alarmas
es-es calendar all day Todo el día
es-es calendar are you sure want to delete these alarms? ¿Estás seguro de que quieres eliminar estas alarmas?
es-es calendar are you sure want to delete this country? ¿Estás seguro que desea eliminar este país?
es-es calendar are you sure want to delete this entry? ¿Estás seguro que desea eliminar esta entrada?
es-es calendar are you sure want to delete this entry?\\nthis will delete this entry for all users. ¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar esta entrada?\\nEsto eliminará esta entrada para todos los usuarios.
es-es calendar are you sure want to delete this holiday? ¿Estás seguro que desea eliminar este feriado?
es-es calendar attributes Cualidades
es-es calendar available users and groups Usuarios y grupos disponibles
es-es calendar bassed on webcalendar by craig knudsen. Basado en el Webcalendar de Craig Knudsen
es-es calendar before the event antes del evento
es-es calendar brief description Descripción breve
es-es calendar business Negocios
es-es calendar calendar event Evento de calendario
es-es calendar calendar-fieldname Nombre del campo
es-es calendar calendar - [iv]cal importer Calendario - Importador [iv]Cal
es-es calendar calendar preferences Configuración del calendario
es-es calendar canceled Cancelado
es-es calendar change all events for $params['old_owner'] to $params['new_owner']. Cambiar todos los eventos de $params['old_owner'] a $params['new_owner'].
es-es calendar change status Cambiar estado
es-es calendar charset of file Juego de caracteres del fichero
es-es calendar click %1here%2 to return to the calendar. Haga clic %1aquí%2 para volver al calendario.
es-es calendar configuration Configuración
es-es calendar countries Países
es-es calendar country País
es-es calendar created by Creado por
es-es calendar csv-fieldname CSV - Nombre del campo
es-es calendar csv-filename CSV- Nombre del archivo
es-es calendar custom fields Campos personalizados
es-es calendar daily Diario
es-es calendar daily matrix view Vista matricial del día
es-es calendar days días
es-es calendar days repeated días repetidos
es-es calendar dayview Vista diaria
es-es calendar default appointment length (in minutes) duración predeterminada de los eventos (en minutos)
es-es calendar default calendar filter Filtro predeterminado del calendario
es-es calendar default calendar view Vista predeterminada del calendario
es-es calendar default length of newly created events. the length is in minutes, eg. 60 for 1 hour. Longitud predeterminada de los eventos nuevos. La longitud es en minutos, ej. 60 = 1 hora.
es-es calendar defines the size in minutes of the lines in the day view. Define el tamaño en minutos de las línes de la vista de diario.
es-es calendar delete an entire users calendar. Borrar todo el calendario de un usuario.
es-es calendar delete a single entry by passing the id. Borrar una entrada simple pasando el id.
es-es calendar deleted Eliminado
es-es calendar delete selected contacts Eliminar contactos seleccionados
es-es calendar delete series Borrar serie
es-es calendar delete single Borrar solo
es-es calendar description Descripción
es-es calendar disable Desactivar
es-es calendar disabled desactivado
es-es calendar display interval in day view Mostrar intervalo en vista diária
es-es calendar display mini calendars when printing Mostrar minicalendarios al imprimir
es-es calendar display status of events Mostrar estado de los eventos
es-es calendar displays your default calendar view on the startpage (page you get when you enter egroupware or click on the homepage icon)? Muestra la vista predeterminada del calendario en la página de inicio de eGroupWare
es-es calendar download Descargar
es-es calendar do you want to be notified about new or changed appointments? you be notified about changes you make yourself.
you can limit the notifications to certain changes only. each item includes all the notification listed above it. al ¿Desea que se le notifiquen citas nuevas o modificadas? Se le notificará de los cambios que haga usted mismo.
Puede limitar las notificaciones para sólo ciertos cambios. Cada elemento incluye toda la notificación listada encima. Todas las modificaciones incluyen cambios de título, participantes, pero no las respuestas de los participantes. Si el dueño de un evento solicitó alguna notificación, siempre obtendrá las respuestas de aceptación o rechazo del participante.
es-es calendar do you want to receive a regulary summary of your appointsments via email?
the summary is sent to your standard email-address on the morning of that day or on monday for weekly summarys.
it is only sent when you have any app ¿Desea recibir regularmente por correo un resumen de sus citas?
El resumen se le enviará a su correo electrónico habitual el mismo día por la mañana o el lunes para resúmenes semanales.
Sólo se envía si hay citas en ese día o esa semana.
es-es calendar duration Duración
es-es calendar editing event Edición de evento
es-es calendar edit series Editar series
es-es calendar edit single Editar sencillo
es-es calendar email notification Notificación por correo
es-es calendar email notification for %1 Notificación por correo para %1
es-es calendar empty for all vacío para todos
es-es calendar enable Activar
es-es calendar enabled activado
es-es calendar end date La fecha de finalización
es-es calendar end date/time La fecha/hora de finalización
es-es calendar ends acaba
es-es calendar enter output filename: ( .vcs appended ) Introduzca el nombre del archivo de salida (añadir .vcs)
es-es calendar event details follow A continuación, los detalles del evento
es-es calendar event's participants Participantes del evento
es-es calendar exceptions Excepciones
es-es calendar export a list of entries in ical format. Exportar una lista de entradas en format iCal.
es-es calendar export all Exportar todos
es-es calendar export Exportar
es-es calendar expresso external user Usuario externo del Expresso
es-es calendar extended Extendido
es-es calendar extended updates always include the complete event-details. ical's can be imported by certain other calendar-applications. Las actualizaciones extendidas incluyen todos los detalles de los eventos. Los de tipo iCal pueden importarse mediante otras aplicaciones de tipo calendario.
es-es calendar external event from expresso Evento externo del Expresso
es-es calendar external participants Participantes externos
es-es calendar failed sending message to '%1' #%2 subject='%3', sender='%4'!!! Falla al enviar mensaje a '%1' nº%2 asunto='%3', remitente='%4'!!!
es-es calendar fieldseparator Separador de campos
es-es calendar firstname of person to notify Nombre de pila de la persona a notificar
es-es calendar format of event updates Formato de las actualizaciones de eventos
es-es calendar (for weekly) (por semanal)
es-es calendar free/busy Libre/Ocupado
es-es calendar freebusy: unknow user '%1', wrong password or not availible to not loged in users !!! Disponibilidad: Usuario '%1' desconocido, contraseña incorrecta o no está disponible!!!
es-es calendar frequency Frecuencia
es-es calendar fri Vie
es-es calendar full description Descripción completa
es-es calendar fullname of person to notify Nombre completo de la persona a la que notificar
es-es calendar generate printer-friendly version Generar versión para impresion
es-es calendar global categories Categorías globales
es-es calendar global public and group public Público global y grupo público
es-es calendar global public only Público global solamente
es-es calendar go! ¡Adelante!
es-es calendar group planner Planificación de grupo
es-es calendar group public only Grupo público solamente
es-es calendar here is your requested alarm. Aquí está la alarma solicitada.
es-es calendar high priority prioridad alta
es-es calendar holiday Feriado
es-es calendar holiday management Gestión de feriados
es-es calendar holidays Feriados
es-es calendar hours horas
es-es calendar ical / rfc2445 iCal / rfc2445
es-es calendar if checked holidays falling on a weekend, are taken on the monday after. Si los feriados marcados caen en fin de semana, se toman el lunes siguiente.
es-es calendar if you dont set a password here, the information is availible to everyone, who knows the url!!! Si no indica una contraseña aquí, ¡la información está disponible para todos los que conozcan la URL!
es-es calendar ignore conflict Ignorar conflicto
es-es calendar import Importar
es-es calendar inform Avisar
es-es calendar interval Intervalo
es-es calendar intervals in day view Intervalos en la vista de día
es-es calendar intervals per day in planner view Intervalos por día en la vista del planificador
es-es calendar invalid entry id. Id de entrada no válido
es-es calendar i participate Participo
es-es calendar it types below the email addresses, if you want to invite other people out of this system Para invitar alguien no perteneciente a este servidor Expreso, teclee suyo(s) e-mail(s) para encaminar uno aviso
es-es calendar it types login of the user to have access public agenda Teclee el login del usuario para acessar su agenda pública.
es-es calendar (i/v)cal (i/v) Cal
es-es calendar last último
es-es calendar lastname of person to notify Apellido de la persona a notificar
es-es calendar leave my calendar public Hacer mi agenda pública
es-es calendar length
(<= 255) Longitud
es-es calendar length shown
(emtpy for full length) Longitud mostrada
(vació para dia completo)
es-es calendar link Enlace
es-es calendar link to view the event Enlace para ver el evento
es-es calendar list all categories. Listar todas las categorías.
es-es calendar loading Cargando
es-es calendar load [iv]cal Cargar [iv]Cal
es-es calendar location Lugar
es-es calendar make freebusy information availible to not loged in persons? ¿Hacer la información libre-ocupado disponible para personas que no inicien sesión?
es-es calendar matrixview Vista matricial
es-es calendar minutes minutos
es-es calendar mo L
es-es calendar modified Modificado
es-es calendar modify list of external participants Modificar lista de participantes externos
es-es calendar mon Lun
es-es calendar month Mes
es-es calendar monthly (by date) Mensual (por fecha)
es-es calendar monthly (by day) Mensual (por día)
es-es calendar monthly Mensualmente
es-es calendar monthview Vista mensual
es-es calendar new entry Nueva entrada
es-es calendar new name must not exist and not be empty!!! El nuevo nombre no debe existir previamente ni estar en blanco
es-es calendar no matches found No se encontraron eventos
es-es calendar no response Sin respuesta
es-es calendar notification messages for added events Mensajes de notificación para eventos añadidos
es-es calendar notification messages for canceled events Mensajes de notificación para eventos cancelados
es-es calendar notification messages for modified events Mensajes de notificación para eventos modificados
es-es calendar notification messages for your alarms Mensajes de notificación para sus alarmas
es-es calendar notification messages for your responses Mensajes de notificación para sus respuestas
es-es calendar number of intervals per day in planner view Número de intervalos por día en la vista del planificador
es-es calendar number of months Número de meses
es-es calendar number of records to read (%1) Número de registros a leer (%1)
es-es calendar number of records to read (<=200) Número de registros a leer (<=200)
es-es calendar observance rule Regla de observación
es-es calendar occurence Ocurrencia
es-es calendar olddate Fecha antigua
es-es calendar old startdate Fecha de inicio antigua
es-es calendar on %1 %2 %3 your meeting request for %4 El %1 %2 %3 su solicitud de reunión para %4
es-es calendar on all changes en todos los cambios
es-es calendar on all modification, but responses en todas las modificaciones, excepto las respuestas
es-es calendar on any time change too también en cualquier cambio de hora
es-es calendar on invitation / cancelation only sólo en invitación o cancelación
es-es calendar on participant responses too también en las respuestas de los participantes
es-es calendar on time change of more than 4 hours too también en un cambio de hora superior a 4 horas
es-es calendar open todo's: Abrir tareas pendientes
es-es calendar order Orden
es-es calendar organization Organización
es-es calendar overlap holiday solapar feriado
es-es calendar participant Participante
es-es calendar participants Participantes
es-es calendar participates Participa
es-es calendar password for not loged in users to your freebusy information? ¿Contraseña para los usuarios sin sesión para la información sobre disponibilidad?
es-es calendar people holiday Feriado personal
es-es calendar permission denied Permiso denegado
es-es calendar planner by category Organizar por categorías
es-es calendar planner by user Organizar por usuario
es-es calendar planner Planificar
es-es calendar please confirm,accept,reject or examine changes in the corresponding entry in your calendar Por favor, confirme, acepte, rechace o examine los cambios en la entrada correspondiente en su calendario
es-es calendar powerful calendar with meeting request system and acl security. Poderoso calendario con sistema de requisición de compromisos y seguridad ACL
es-es calendar preselected group for entering the planner Grupo pre-seleccionado para entrar en el organizador
es-es calendar print calendars in black & white Imprimir calendario en blanco y negro
es-es calendar printer friendly Versión para impresión
es-es calendar print the mini calendars Imprimir minicalendarios
es-es calendar private and global public Privado y público global
es-es calendar private and group public Privado y público global
es-es calendar private Privado
es-es calendar private only Privado solamente
es-es calendar public calendars Agendas pública
es-es calendar read a list of entries. Leer una lista de entradas
es-es calendar read a single entry by passing the id and fieldlist. Leer una entrada simple pasando el id y lista de campos.
es-es calendar read this list of methods. Leer esta lista de métodos
es-es calendar receive email updates Recibir actualizaciones de correo
es-es calendar receive extra information in event mails Recibir información extra en los eventos de correo
es-es calendar receive summary of appointments Recibir resumen de las citas
es-es calendar recurring event evento recurrente
es-es calendar re-edit event Volver a editar evento
es-es calendar refresh Actualizar
es-es calendar reinstate Restablecer
es-es calendar rejected Rechazado
es-es calendar remove user Remover usuario
es-es calendar repeat day Repetixión diaria
es-es calendar repeat end date Fecha final de la repetición
es-es calendar repeating event information Información repetitiva de eventos
es-es calendar repeat type Tipo repetición
es-es calendar repetition Repetición
es-es calendar repetitiondetails (or empty) Detalles de la repetición (o vacío)
es-es calendar reset Limpiar
es-es calendar rule Regla
es-es calendar sa Sa
es-es calendar sat Sáb
es-es calendar scheduling conflict Conflicto de agenda
es-es calendar search for Buscar por
es-es calendar searching Buscando
es-es calendar search results Resultados de la búsqueda
es-es calendar sector Sector
es-es calendar selected contacts (%1) Contactos seleccionados (%1)
es-es calendar send/receive updates via email Enviar y recibir actualizaciones por correo electrónico
es-es calendar set a year only for one-time / non-regular holidays. Informar el año para los feriados únicos y no regulares.
es-es calendar set new events to private Poner los eventos nuevos como privados
es-es calendar should invitations you rejected still be shown in your calendar ?
you can only accept them later (eg. when your scheduling conflict is removed), if they are still shown in your calendar! ¿Mostrar las invitaciones rechazadas por usted en el calendario?
Puede aceptarlas después (por ejemplo, cuando elimine el conflicto de horarios), si todavía se ven en su calendario.
es-es calendar should new events created as private by default ? ¿Los nuevos eventos creados deben ser colocados como privados siempre?
es-es calendar should not loged in persons be able to see your freebusy information? you can set an extra password, different from your normal password, to protect this informations. the freebusy information is in ical format and only include th ¿Deben ver las personas que no inicien sesión la información de ocupación? Se puede poner una contraseña extra, distinta a la normal, para proteger esta información. La información de ocupación está en formato iCal y sólo incluye las horas en las que está ocupado. No incluye el nombre del evento, descripción o sitios. La URL para su información de ocupación es %1.
es-es calendar should the mini calendars by printed / displayed in the printer friendly views ? ¿Mostrar o imprimir los minicalendarios en la versión de impresión?
es-es calendar should the printer friendly view be in black & white or in color (as in normal view)? ¿Mostrar la versión de impresión en blanco y negro o en color, como en la vista normal?
es-es calendar should the status of the event-participants (accept, reject, ...) be shown in brakets after each participants name ? ¿Mostrar el estado de cada evento (aceptar, rechazar, etc) entre corchetes detrás del nombre de cada participante?
es-es calendar show day view on main screen Mostrar la vista del día en la pantalla principal
es-es calendar show default view on main screen Mostrar la vista predeterminada en la pantalla principal
es-es calendar show high priority events on main screen Mostrar eventos de alta prioridad en la pantalla principal
es-es calendar show invitations you rejected Mostar invitaciones rechazadas por usted
es-es calendar show list of upcoming events Mostrar la lista de eventos próximos
es-es calendar single event evento único
es-es calendar sorry, the owner has just deleted this event Lo sentimos, el propietario acaba de eliminar este evento
es-es calendar sorry, this event does not exist Lo sentimos, este evento no existe
es-es calendar sorry, this event does not have exceptions defined Lo sentimos, este evento no tiene excepciones definidas
es-es calendar sort by Ordenar por
es-es calendar specifies the the number of intervals shown in the planner view. Especifica el número de intervalos mostrados en la vista del planificador.
es-es calendar start date Fecha de inicio
es-es calendar start date/time Fecha/Hora inicio
es-es calendar startrecord Registro inicial
es-es calendar submit to repository Enviar al repositorio
es-es calendar su Do
es-es calendar summary Descripción
es-es calendar sun Dom
es-es calendar tentative Tentativo
es-es calendar test import (show importable records only in browser) Probar Importar (mostrar solamente registros importables en el navegador)
es-es calendar text Texto
es-es calendar th J
es-es calendar the commitment was accepted successfully! El compromiso fue aceptado con suceso!
es-es calendar the commitment was rejected successfully! El compromiso fue rechazado con suceso!
es-es calendar the email addresses must be separated by ',' Las direcciones de e-mail deben estar separadas por una coma. Ex.: fulano@aaa.com.br, beltrano@bbb.com, ciclano@ccc.br
es-es calendar the following conflicts with the suggested time: Los siguientes está en conflicto con la hora sugerida:
es-es calendar there was an error trying to connect to your news server.
please contact your admin to check the news servername, username or password. Ocurrió un error intentando conectar al servidor de noticias.
Por favor, póngase en contacto con su administrador para comprobar el nombre del servidor de noticias, usuario y contraseña.
es-es calendar the user %1 is not participating in this event! El usuario %1 no participa en este evento
es-es calendar this commitment has already been accepted! Esse compromisso já foi aceito!
es-es calendar this commitment has already been rejected! Esse compromisso já foi rejeitado!
es-es calendar this day is shown as first day in the week or month view. Este día se mostrará como el primer día en las vistas de semana o de mes.
es-es calendar this defines the end of your dayview. events after this time, are shown below the dayview. Esto define el final de la vista del día Los eventos posteriores a esta hora se muestran debajo de la vista del día.
es-es calendar this defines the start of your dayview. events before this time, are shown above the dayview.
this time is also used as a default starttime for new events. Esto define el inicio de la vista del día. Los eventos anteriores a esta hora se muestran encima de la vista del día.
Esta hora se usa también como hora predeterminada para nuevos eventos.
es-es calendar this group that is preselected when you enter the planner. you can change it in the planner anytime you want. Este grupo es el predeterminado al entrar en el organizador. Puede cambiarlo en el organizador cuando quiera.
es-es calendar this is an external event. even if it added to your expresso its can be changed any time at all Este es un evento externo. Aunque sea agregado a su Expresso corre el riesgo de mudar a cualquier momento
es-es calendar this is mostly caused by a not or wrongly configured smtp server. notify your administrator. Esto se debe mayormente a una configuración errónea del servidor SMTP. Notifíquelo a su administrador.
es-es calendar this message is sent for canceled or deleted events. Este mensaje se envía cuando un evento se borra o se cancela.
es-es calendar this message is sent for modified or moved events. Este mensaje se envía al modificar o mover eventos.
es-es calendar this message is sent to every participant of events you own, who has requested notifcations about new events.
you can use certain variables which get substituted with the data of the event. the first line is the subject of the Este mensaje se envía a cada participante de los eventos de los que usted es el dueño, quien ha solicitado notificaciones sobre nuevos eventos.
Puede usar ciertas variables a las que sustituyen los datos del evento. La primera línea es el asunto del correo electrónico.
es-es calendar this message is sent when you accept, tentative accept or reject an event. Este mensaje se envía cuando acepta, acepta la tentativa o rechaza un evento.
es-es calendar this message is sent when you set an alarm for a certain event. include all information you might need. Este mensaje se envía cuando pone una alarma para un evento concreto. Incluya toda la información necesaria.
es-es calendar this message was sent by server. you must send a message to sender to confirm this event Este es um mensaje automático generado por el Expresso. Por favor confirmar el compromiso respondiendo al remitente
es-es calendar this month Este mes
es-es calendar this option allow everybody to view your calendar in readmode. Esta opci[on permite que todos los usuarios del Expreso vean su agenda.
es-es calendar this user does not exist Ese usuario no existe
es-es calendar this user does not possess public agenda Este usuario no posee agenda pública
es-es calendar this week Esta semana
es-es calendar this year Este año
es-es calendar thu Jue
es-es calendar tip: to search in the global catalog, type the f9 key, like the expressomail. Dica: Para investigar en el Catlogo General utilice la tecla F9, como en el ExpressoMail.
es-es calendar title Título
es-es calendar title of the event Título del evento
es-es calendar title-row Fila del título
es-es calendar to accept Aceptar
es-es calendar today Hoy
es-es calendar to-firstname Para-Nombre
es-es calendar to-fullname Para-Nombre completo
es-es calendar to-lastname Para-Apellido
es-es calendar to many might exceed your execution-time-limit límite de ejecución
es-es calendar to reject Rechazar
es-es calendar to search Buscar
es-es calendar to see commitment Para ver compromiso
es-es calendar translation Traducción
es-es calendar tu M
es-es calendar tue Mar
es-es calendar update a single entry by passing the fields. Actualizar una entrada simple pasando los campos.
es-es calendar updated Actualizado
es-es calendar use end date Usar fecha final
es-es calendar view this entry Ver esta entrada
es-es calendar we Mi
es-es calendar wed Mie
es-es calendar week Semana
es-es calendar weekday starts on La semana empieza en
es-es calendar weekly agenda of events Agenda Semanal de Eventos
es-es calendar weekly Semanal
es-es calendar weekview Vista semanal
es-es calendar when creating new events default set to private Crear nuevos eventos como privados
es-es calendar which events do you want to see when you enter the calendar. ¿Qué eventos quiere ver al entrar al calendario?
es-es calendar which of calendar view do you want to see, when you start calendar ? ¿Qué vista del calendario quiere ver cuando entra al calendario?
es-es calendar workdayends Final del día laborable
es-es calendar work day ends on Los días laborables acaban en
es-es calendar work day starts on Los días laborables empiezan en
es-es calendar x are you sure\\nyou want to\\ndelete this single occurence ?\\n\\nthis will delete\\nthis entry for all users. ¿Está seguro de querer remover este único evento?nnEsto removerá/en esta para todos los usuarios.
es-es calendar year Año
es-es calendar yearly Anual
es-es calendar yearview Vista anual
es-es calendar you can either set a year or a occurence, not both !!! Puede poner un año o un evento, pero no ambos.
es-es calendar you can only set a year or a occurence !!! Sólo puede poner un año o um evento
es-es calendar you do not have permission to add alarms to this event !!! ¡No tiene permiso para añadir alarmas a este evento!
es-es calendar you do not have permission to delete this alarm !!! ¡No tiene permiso para eliminar esta alarma!
es-es calendar you do not have permission to enable/disable this alarm !!! ¡No tiene permiso para activar/desactivar esta alarma!
es-es calendar you do not have permission to read this record! ¡No tiene permiso para leer este registro!
es-es calendar you have a meeting scheduled for %1 Ud. tiene una reunión programada para %1
es-es calendar you have not entered a\\nbrief description Ud. no ha ingresado una descripción
es-es calendar you have not entered a\\nvalid time of day. Ud. no ha ingresado una hora valida.
es-es calendar you have not entered a title No ha introducido un título
es-es calendar you have not entered a valid date Ha introducido una fecha incorrecta
es-es calendar you have not entered a valid time of day Ha introducido una hora incorrecta
es-es calendar you have not entered participants No ha introducido participantes
es-es calendar you must enter one or more search keywords Ud. debe entrar una o mas claves de busqueda
es-es calendar you must select a [iv]cal. (*.[iv]cs) Debe seleccionar un [iv]Val. (*.[iv]cs)
es-es calendar you need to set either a day or a occurence !!! Debe determinar un día o um evento
es-es calendar your meeting scheduled for %1 has been canceled Su reunión programada para %1 ha sido cancelada
es-es calendar your meeting that had been scheduled for %1 has been rescheduled to %2 Su reunión programada para %1 ha sido reprogramada para %2
es-es calendar your suggested time of %1 - %2 conflicts with the following existing calendar entries: Sus horas sugeridas de %1 - %2 están en conflicto con las siguientes entradas es el calendario:
es-es contactcenter add participants Agregar Participantes
es-es contactcenter add relation Agregue la Relación
es-es contactcenter address 1 Dirección 1
es-es contactcenter address 2 Dirección 2
es-es contactcenter addresses Direcciones
es-es contactcenter address other Otra Dirección
es-es contactcenter alternative Alternativa
es-es contactcenter an error has occurred while the exportation. Um error ocurrió durante la exportación
es-es contactcenter attributes Cualidades
es-es contactcenter available Disponible
es-es contactcenter birthdate Nacimiento
es-es contactcenter cards view Ver Tarjetas
es-es contactcenter cards visualization preferences Preferencias de Vizualización de Tarjetas
es-es contactcenter catalogues Catálogos
es-es contactcenter cellphone Teléfono móvil
es-es contactcenter choose city Elegir Ciudad
es-es contactcenter choose country Elegir País
es-es contactcenter choose 'e-mail' or 'telephone' Elija el ' E-mail ' o el ' teléfono '
es-es contactcenter choose email type... Elija el tipo de e-mail
es-es contactcenter choose prefix... Elegir Prefijo
es-es contactcenter choose sex ... Elegir Sexo
es-es contactcenter choose state Elegir Estado
es-es contactcenter choose suffix... Elegir Caracteristica
es-es contactcenter choose telephone type... Elija el tipo del Teléfono...
es-es contactcenter choose type of address Elegir Tipo de Dirección
es-es contactcenter choose type of connection Elegir tipo de Conexión
es-es contactcenter city Ciudad
es-es contactcenter close Cerrar
es-es contactcenter comercial Comercial
es-es contactcenter complement Complemento
es-es contactcenter confirm removal of this contact? ¿Confirma la eliminación de este Contacto?
es-es contactcenter confirm removal of this group? ¿Confirma la eliminación de este Contacto?
es-es contactcenter connection name Nombre de la Conexión
es-es contactcenter connections Conexiones
es-es contactcenter connection value Valor de la Conexión
es-es contactcenter connector setup Configuración de la Conexión
es-es contactcenter contact [full] Contacto [Completo]
es-es contactcenter contacting server... Conectando al Servidor
es-es contactcenter contact [quick add] Contacto [Añadir rápidamente]
es-es contactcenter couldn't contact server or server response is invalid. contact admin. No fue posible establecer conexión con el servidor. Entre en el Administrador del sistema
es-es contactcenter country País
es-es contactcenter data to be serialized is of unknown type! Información a ser serializada es de tipo desconocida
es-es contactcenter day Día
es-es contactcenter default Estándar
es-es contactcenter default person email type Tipo standar de teléfono de la persona
es-es contactcenter default person telephone type Tipo standar de teléfono de la persona
es-es contactcenter display connector client-server status information? Exhibir Informaciones del Status de la Conexión Cliente-Servidor
es-es contactcenter edit contact Editar Contacto
es-es contactcenter edit group Editar Grupo
es-es contactcenter e-mails and telephones E-mails y Teléfonos
es-es contactcenter empty Vacío
es-es contactcenter entry added with success! ¡Contacto añadido con suceso!
es-es contactcenter export as expresso (default) csv. Exportar como Expresso (standar) CSV
es-es contactcenter export as mozilla thunderbird csv. Exportar como Mozilla Thunderbird CSV.
es-es contactcenter export as outlook 2000 (english) csv. Exportar como Outlook 2000 (Inglés) CSV.
es-es contactcenter export as outlook 2000 (portuguese) csv. Exportar com Outlook 2000 (Portugués) CSV
es-es contactcenter export as outlook expresso (english) csv. Exportar como Outlook Express (Inglés) CSV.
es-es contactcenter export as outlook express (portuguese) csv. Exportar como Outook Express (Portugués) CSV.
es-es contactcenter export contacts Exportar Contactos
es-es contactcenter expresso (default) Expresso (standar)
es-es contactcenter fax Fax
es-es contactcenter female Femenino
es-es contactcenter field is empty Campo esta vacío
es-es contactcenter full add Agregue Completo
es-es contactcenter full name Nombre Completo
es-es contactcenter gpg finger print Firma GPG
es-es contactcenter home Casa
es-es contactcenter import Importar
es-es contactcenter import contacts Importar Contactos
es-es contactcenter import/export Importar/Exportar
es-es contactcenter import / export personal contacts Importar/Exportar Contactos Personales
es-es contactcenter importing contacts... Importando Contactos...
es-es contactcenter is default? ¿Es Estándar?
es-es contactcenter is my Es mío
es-es contactcenter main Principal
es-es contactcenter male Masculino
es-es contactcenter month Mes
es-es contactcenter mozilla thunderbird Mozilla Thunderbird
es-es contactcenter new city Nueva Ciudad
es-es contactcenter new... Nuevo...
es-es contactcenter new Nuevo
es-es contactcenter new email Nuevo Email
es-es contactcenter new from same company Nuevo de la misma empresa
es-es contactcenter new from the same type Nuevo del mismo tipo
es-es contactcenter new state Nuevo Estado
es-es contactcenter new telephone Nuevo Teléfono
es-es contactcenter no cards Ninguno
es-es contactcenter no cities found for this state. Ninguna Ciudad encontrada para este Estado
es-es contactcenter no city Ninguna Ciudad
es-es contactcenter no entries found! ¡Ningún resultado encontrado!
es-es contactcenter no room for cards! increase your browser area ¡Área muy pequeña para ser vista a modo de tarjetas! Aumente el área (ventana) de su navegador
es-es contactcenter no room for cards! increase your browser area. Sin Espacio para las Tarjetas! Aumente el área de su navegador
es-es contactcenter no state Ningún Estado
es-es contactcenter no states found for this country. Ningún Estado encontrado para este País
es-es contactcenter operation timed out. Tiempo de la operación agotada
es-es contactcenter option Opción
es-es contactcenter outlook 2000 Outlook 2000
es-es contactcenter outlook express Outlook Express
es-es contactcenter pager Paginador
es-es contactcenter people Privado
es-es contactcenter personal data Datos Personales
es-es contactcenter phone Teléfono
es-es contactcenter po box Caja Postal
es-es contactcenter postal code Casilla de Correo
es-es contactcenter prefix Prefijo
es-es contactcenter processing information... Procesando Informaciones..
es-es contactcenter relations Relaciones
es-es contactcenter remove contact Remover Contacto
es-es contactcenter remove group Remover grupo
es-es contactcenter remove selected relations Quite Las Relaciones Seleccionadas
es-es contactcenter results Resultados
es-es contactcenter search for catalog entries Buscar Resultados en el Catálogo
es-es contactcenter sector Sector
es-es contactcenter select a valid csv file to import your contacts Seleccione um archivo CSV valido para importar sus contactos
es-es contactcenter select e-mail Seleccione el E-mail
es-es contactcenter select photo Seleccionar Foto
es-es contactcenter select the file that contains the contacts to be imported: Seleccione el archivo que contiene los contactos a ser importados
es-es contactcenter select the file type Seleccione el tipo del archivo
es-es contactcenter select the format type that you want to export your contacts Seleccione el tipo de formato que le gustaria utilizar para exportar sus contactos
es-es contactcenter select the telephone Seleccione el teléfono
es-es contactcenter server contacted. waiting for response... Servidor contactado. Esperando respuesta...
es-es contactcenter sex Sexo
es-es contactcenter state Estado
es-es contactcenter suffix Caracteristica
es-es contactcenter table view Mostrar Matriz
es-es contactcenter telephone Teléfono
es-es contactcenter the expresso supports the contacts importation in the csv file format. El Expresso soporta la importación de contactos en archivos de formato CVS
es-es contactcenter the importation has failed. verify the file format. La importación há fallado. Verifique el formato del archivo
es-es contactcenter the importation has finished. La importación ha acabado.
es-es contactcenter type new city here Teclee el nombre aquí
es-es contactcenter type new state here Teclee el nombre aquí
es-es contactcenter type of address Tipo de Dirección
es-es contactcenter type of connection Tipo de Conexión
es-es contactcenter unavailable or empty catalog Catálogo vacío o no disponible
es-es contactcenter updated successfully! ¡Actualizado con Suceso!
es-es contactcenter users list Lista de Usuarios
es-es contactcenter value Valor
es-es contactcenter views Vistas
es-es contactcenter work Trabajo
es-es contactcenter year Año
es-es emailadmin add profile Añadir perfil
es-es emailadmin admin dn dn del administrador
es-es emailadmin admin password contraseña del administrador
es-es emailadmin admin passwort contraseña del administrador
es-es emailadmin admin username usuario del administrador
es-es emailadmin advanced options opciones avanzadas
es-es emailadmin alternate email address dirección de correo alternativa
es-es emailadmin cyrus imap server administration Administración del servidor IMAP Cyrus
es-es emailadmin cyrus imap server Servidor IMAP Cyrus
es-es emailadmin default predeterminada
es-es emailadmin default folders Carpetas estándar
es-es emailadmin deliver extern entrega externa
es-es emailadmin domainname nombre del dominio
es-es emailadmin do you really want to delete this profile ¿Realmente desea borrar este perfil?
es-es emailadmin drafts folder Carpeta de borradores
es-es emailadmin edit email settings editar configuración de la cuenta
es-es emailadmin email account active cuenta de correo electrónico activa
es-es emailadmin email address dirección de correo electrónico
es-es emailadmin enable cyrus imap server administration activar administración del servidor Cyrus IMAP
es-es emailadmin enable sieve activar Sieve
es-es emailadmin enter your default mail domain (from: user@domain) introduzca el dominio predeterminado (de usuario@dominio)
es-es emailadmin forward also to reeenviar también a
es-es emailadmin forward email's to reenviar correos a
es-es emailadmin forward only sólo reenviar
es-es emailadmin imap c-client version < 2001 Versión C-Cliente IMAP < 2001
es-es emailadmin imap/pop3 server name Nombre del servidor POP/IMAP
es-es emailadmin imap server hostname or ip address Servidor IMAP o dirección IP
es-es emailadmin imap server logintyp Tipo de sesión del servidor IMAP
es-es emailadmin imap server port Puerto del servidor IMAP
es-es emailadmin in mbyte en MBytes
es-es emailadmin ldap basedn basedn para LDAP
es-es emailadmin ldap server accounts dn DN para cuentas del servidor LDAP
es-es emailadmin ldap server admin dn DN del administrador del servidor LDAP
es-es emailadmin ldap server admin password contraseña del administrador del servidor LDAP
es-es emailadmin ldap server servidor LDAP
es-es emailadmin ldap server hostname or ip address Nombre del servidor LDAP o dirección IP
es-es emailadmin ldap settings Configuración LDAP
es-es emailadmin leave empty for no quota Dejar en blanco para no poner cuota
es-es emailadmin name of organisation Nombre de la organización
es-es emailadmin no alternate email address Sin dirección de correo alternativa
es-es emailadmin no forwarding email address Sin dirección de correo para reenviar
es-es emailadmin pop3 server hostname or ip address Nombre del servidor POP3 o dirección IP
es-es emailadmin pop3 server port Puerto del servidor POP3
es-es emailadmin postfix with ldap Postfix con LDAP
es-es emailadmin profile list Lista de perfiles
es-es emailadmin profile name Nombre del perfil
es-es emailadmin qmaildotmode Modo de punto de qmail
es-es emailadmin qouta size in mbyte Tamaño de la cuota en MBytes
es-es emailadmin quota settings Configuración de las cuotas
es-es emailadmin remove borrar
es-es emailadmin select type of imap/pop3 server Seleccione el tipo de servidor IMAP/POP3
es-es emailadmin select type of smtp server Seleccione el tipo de servidor SMTP
es-es emailadmin sent folder Carpeta de enviados
es-es emailadmin sieve server hostname or ip address Nombre del servidor Sieve o dirección IP
es-es emailadmin sieve server port Puerto del servidor Sieve
es-es emailadmin sieve settings Configuración de Sieve
es-es emailadmin smtp-server hostname or ip address Nombre del servidor SMTP o dirección IP
es-es emailadmin smtp server name Nombre del servidor SMTP
es-es emailadmin smtp-server port Puerto del servidor SMTP
es-es emailadmin spam folder Carpeta de spam
es-es emailadmin standard Estándar
es-es emailadmin standard imap server Servidor IMAP estándar
es-es emailadmin standard pop3 server Servidor POP3 estándar
es-es emailadmin standard smtp-server Servidor SMTP estándar
es-es emailadmin trash folder Carpeta de la papelera
es-es emailadmin use ldap defaults usar las opciones predeterminadas para LDAP
es-es emailadmin users can define their own emailaccounts Los usuarios pueden definir sus propias cuentas de correo
es-es emailadmin use smtp auth Usar identificación SMTP
es-es emailadmin use tls authentication Usar identificación TLS
es-es emailadmin use tls encryption Usar cifrado TLS
es-es emailadmin virtual mail manager Gestor de correo virtual
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 account active Cuenta Activa
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 account invisible Ocultar esta cuenta de las búsquedas y del Catálogo General?
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 acctflags Tipo de Cuenta
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 active email account Cuenta de E-mail activa
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add email lists Crear listas de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add groups Crear grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add manager Añadir Gerente
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add managers Añadir Gerentes
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add samba domain Crear dominio Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add samba domains Crear dominios Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add sectores Añadir Sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add sectors Crear Sector
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add sub-sectors Añadir Sub-Sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add user Añadir Usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 add users Añadir Usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 alias email E-mail alternativo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 all users, groups and sub-sectors of this sector will be deleted! ¡Todos los usuarios, grupos y subsectores de este sector serán ELIMINADOS!
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 anonymous Anónimo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 aplication permission Permiso de aplicativos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 app info Info sobre aplicativos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 applications Aplicativos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 applications for this group Aplicativos para este grupo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 change password Cambiar seña
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 change users password Cambiar señas de los usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 change users quote Cambiar cota de los usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 computer Computadora
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 computers Computadoras
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 computer type Tipo de Computadora
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 computer uid UID de la Computadora
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling groups Contiene los siguientes grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling sectors Contiene los siguientes grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 content the folling users Contiene los siguientes usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 context Contexto
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 contexts Contextos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 corporative information Infomaciones Corporativas
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 cpf CPF
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create computers Crear computadoras
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create email list Crear Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create group Crear Grupo de Usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create organizations Crear Organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create sector Crear Sector
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create sectors Crear sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 create user Crear Usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete computers Eliminar computadoras
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete email lists Eliminar listas de e-mails
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete group Eliminar Grupo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete groups Eliminar grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete organizations Eliminar organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete sectors Eliminar sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete user Excluir Usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 delete users Eliminar usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 do you realy want delete this email list? ¿Usted realmente quiere ELIMINAR esta Lista de E-mail?
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 do you realy want delete this group? ¿Usted realmente quiere ELIMINAR este Grupol?
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 do you realy want delete this sector? ¿Usted realmente desea excluir este sector?
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit computers Editar computadoras
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit email attribute from the groups Editar campo e-mail del grupo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit email lists Editar Lista de E-mails
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit group Editar Grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit groups Editar Grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit managers Editar Gerentes
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit organizations Editar organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit samba domains Editar dominios SAMBA
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit samba users attributes Editar atributos SAMBA
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit sector Editar Sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit sectors Editar sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit sending control list Editar Lista de Control de Envío
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit user Edición de Usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 edit users Editar usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email config Configuración de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email list active Lista de E-mail activa
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email list name Nombre de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email lists Listas de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email lists logins Autenticación de las Listas de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email lists names Nombre de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 email quota in mb Cuenta de E-mail en MB
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 employee number Matrícula
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 empty user inbox Baciar BUZÓN DE ENTRADA
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 error in openldap. Error em el OpenLDAP.
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 expire Expira
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 expressoadmin Expresso Admin
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 forwarding email E-mail de reenvío
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 general information Informaciones Generales
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 group info Info sobre grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 group organization Organización del Grupo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 groups names Nombre de los Grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 groups permission Permiso de los Grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 group users Usuarios del Grupo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 home directory Directorio Central
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 hour Hora
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 leave empty for no quota Mantenga vacía para ninguna cuenta
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 listgroups Lista de Grupos
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 list managers Lista de Gerentes
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 list of current users Lista de Usuarios Conectados
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 login id Login
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 logon script Script de Logon
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 logs Logs
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 maillist login Autenticación de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 maillist mail E-mail de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 maillist name Nombre de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 maillist organization Organización de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 maillist users Usuarios de la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 manager lid Autenticación del Gerente
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 manager login Autenticación del Gerente
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 manager name Nombre del Gerente
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 manipulate corporative information Manipular informaciones corporativas
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 no matches found Ningún registro encontrado
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 occult sector Ocultar sector
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 only forwarding Solamente reenviar
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 organizations Organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 partici lists Participante de las Listas
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 password and re-password doesnt are equal. Seña y Contraseña no son iguales
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 password expired Seña expirada
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 phone Teléfono
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 photo Fotografía
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 primary group Grupo Primario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 quota used in mb Espacio utilizado (en MB)
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 rel lists Relación de Listas
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 remove Remover
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 remove user Remover Usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 remove users Remover Usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 rename users Renombrar usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 re-password Contraseña
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 rg RG
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 rguf rgUF
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba config Configuaciones de SAMBA
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain name Nombre del dominio Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain name or sid already exist El nombre del dominio samba o sambaSID ya existe
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains Dominios Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domain sid SID del dominio Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains name Nombre de los dominios Samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba domains name is empty El nombre del dominio samba esta vacío
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 sambasid sambaSID
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba sid is empty El SID del dominio samba está vacío
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba user active Usuario Samba Activo
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 samba user desactive Usuario Samba Deshabilitado
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 scl scl
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 search organiztion Buscar Organización
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 sector Sector
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 sector name Nombre del Sector/Organización
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 sectors Sectores
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 select users from all sub-organizations Seleccionar usuarios de todas las sub organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 server Servidor
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 set default user password Configurar seña stándar
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 set default users password Configurar seña stándar
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 show session - global Exhibir sesiones - Global
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 show sessions Exhibir Sesiones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 show sessions - local Exhibir Sesiones - Local
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 show users from all sub-organizations Exhibir usuários de todas las sub-organizaciones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 totalsessions Total de Sesiones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 total sessions Total de Sesiones
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 trust account Cuenta de TRUST
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 user accounts Cuentas de usuários
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 user email alredy exist. E-mail del usuario ya registrado
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 user groups Grupo de usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 user info Info sobre usuario
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 user login alredy exist. Login del usuario ya registrado
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 users for inclusion Usuarios para inclusión
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 users in email list Usuarios en la Lista de E-mail
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 use samba attributes Usar atributos samba
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view email lists Exhibir listas de e-mails
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view log Exhibir Log
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view logs Exhibir Logs
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view sessions (global) Exhibir sesiones (global)
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view sessions (local) Exhibir sesiones (local)
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view user Exhibir Usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 view users Exhibir usuarios
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 workstation active Estación de Trabajo (ACTIVO)
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 workstation desactive Estación de Trabajo (INACTIVO)
es-es expressoAdmin1_2 you dont have access to this module. Usted no tiene acceso a este módulo
es-es expressoMail1_2 1 day 1 Día
es-es expressoMail1_2 2 days 2 Días
es-es expressoMail1_2 3 days 3 Días
es-es expressoMail1_2 4 days 4 Días
es-es expressoMail1_2 5 day 5 Días
es-es expressoMail1_2 5 days 5 Días
es-es expressoMail1_2 access right Derechos de Acceso
es-es expressoMail1_2 action Acción
es-es expressoMail1_2 add bcc Añadir Cco
es-es expressoMail1_2 add cc Añadir CC
es-es expressoMail1_2 add contact Añadir Contacto
es-es expressoMail1_2 add user into my im Añadir a mí IM
es-es expressoMail1_2 all Todas
es-es expressoMail1_2 also check message against next rule Verificar mensaje contra próxima regla también
es-es expressoMail1_2 answered Respondidas
es-es expressoMail1_2 a read confirmation was sent. Una confirmación de lectura fue enviada.
es-es expressoMail1_2 at %1, %2 hours, %3 wrote: En %1 las %2 horas, %3 escribió:
es-es expressoMail1_2 attachment anexo
es-es expressoMail1_2 attachments: add+ Anexos: añadir+
es-es expressoMail1_2 attachments: Datos adjuntos
es-es expressoMail1_2 attachments Datos adjuntos
es-es expressoMail1_2 back Volver
es-es expressoMail1_2 answer messages from: %1 - status: %2 - message: %3 Responder mensajes de: %1 - Estado: %2 - mensaje: %3
es-es expressoMail1_2 bcc CCO
es-es expressoMail1_2 big grande
es-es expressoMail1_2 block sender Boquear remitente
es-es expressoMail1_2 bold Negrita
es-es expressoMail1_2 tip: for faster save, click over the image with right button. Tip: Para guardar rápidamente, haga clic sobre la imagen con el botón derecho del mouse.
es-es expressoMail1_2 call to comercial number Discar para teléfono comercial
es-es expressoMail1_2 call to mobile number Discar para teléfono móvil
es-es expressoMail1_2 cancel Cancelar
es-es expressoMail1_2 cc Con Copia
es-es expressoMail1_2 cco CCo
es-es expressoMail1_2 change folder Cambiar carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 choose a name Elija un nombre
es-es expressoMail1_2 chose the text you want transform in link before. Seleccione el texto que desea transformar en enlace
es-es expressoMail1_2 clean Limpiar
es-es expressoMail1_2 click here do view (+) Haga clic en la imagen para ampliar (+).
es-es expressoMail1_2 click here to add into the fields Haga clic aquí para añadir en los espacios
es-es expressoMail1_2 close Cerrar
es-es expressoMail1_2 coincident Coincidente
es-es expressoMail1_2 config for expressomail Configuraciones para el ExpressoMail
es-es expressoMail1_2 cyrus imap server Servidor de IMAP Cyrus
es-es expressoMail1_2 date: Fecha:
es-es expressoMail1_2 date Fecha
es-es expressoMail1_2 day(s) Día(s)
es-es expressoMail1_2 define some criterion to the fields from, to and subject with more than 3 characters! Defina algún critério para los campos De, Para, Asunto com más de 3 caracteres!
es-es expressoMail1_2 define some search parameters! Defina algunos parámetros para la búsqueda
es-es expressoMail1_2 delete Eliminar
es-es expressoMail1_2 delete folder Borrar carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 delete trash messages after how many days? Eliminar mensajes después de cuantos días en la papelera?
es-es expressoMail1_2 delete your sub-folders first Primero elimine sus subcarpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 disabled Deshabilitada
es-es expressoMail1_2 disable Deshabilitar
es-es expressoMail1_2 download all atachments Descargar todos de una vez
es-es expressoMail1_2 download manual Descargar manual
es-es expressoMail1_2 do you really want to empty your trash folder? ¿Esta seguro de que desea eliminar su papelera?
es-es expressoMail1_2 do you wanna receive an alert for new messages? ¿Desea recibir una alerta de nuevos mensajes?
es-es expressoMail1_2 do you want to block this e-mail? ¿Quieres bloquear este e-mail?
es-es expressoMail1_2 do you wish to exclude the folder ¿Usted quiere eliminar la carpeta?
es-es expressoMail1_2 draft Borrador
es-es expressoMail1_2 drafts Borradores
es-es expressoMail1_2 during (days off the office) Durante (días fuera de la oficina)
es-es expressoMail1_2 during Durante
es-es expressoMail1_2 edit Editar
es-es expressoMail1_2 edit filters Editar filtros
es-es expressoMail1_2 edit folders Editar carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 e-mail rule reglar del e-mail
es-es expressoMail1_2 emails of the account E-mails de la cuenta
es-es expressoMail1_2 empty trash Limpiar papelera
es-es expressoMail1_2 enabled Habilitada
es-es expressoMail1_2 enable Habilitar
es-es expressoMail1_2 enable quick reply Responder rápidamente (con detalles y al remitente)
es-es expressoMail1_2 enter a name for the box Entre con un nombre para la Bandeja
es-es expressoMail1_2 enter the name of the new folder: Entre con un nombre para la nueva carpeta:
es-es expressoMail1_2 enter with link url:", "http://" Entre con la URL del enlace: ",http://"
es-es expressoMail1_2 erase the message Elimine el mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 error compressing messages (zip). contact the administrator. ¡Error al comprimir los mensajes (ZIP)! Contacte al administrador
es-es expressoMail1_2 error in smtp sending read confirmation. Error en el SMTP al enviar una confirmación de lectura
es-es expressoMail1_2 error moving message. Error al mover el mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 exclusion Exclusión
es-es expressoMail1_2 export Exportar
es-es expressoMail1_2 export messages Exportar mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 expressomail configuration Configuraciones del expressoMail
es-es expressoMail1_2 expressomail1_2 Expresso Mail
es-es expressoMail1_2 file extension forbidden Extensión de archivo prohibido
es-es expressoMail1_2 files archivos
es-es expressoMail1_2 filters Filtros
es-es expressoMail1_2 filters maintenance Manutención de Filtros
es-es expressoMail1_2 filters management Gerenciar Filtros
es-es expressoMail1_2 first Primera
es-es expressoMail1_2 first name Primero nombre
es-es expressoMail1_2 folder Carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 folder management Gerenciar Carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 folders Carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 font Fuente
es-es expressoMail1_2 forecolor Color del texto
es-es expressoMail1_2 forwarded Reenviada
es-es expressoMail1_2 forwarded message Mensaje reenviada
es-es expressoMail1_2 forward Reenviar
es-es expressoMail1_2 forward to the address Reenvíe para la dirección
es-es expressoMail1_2 from: De:
es-es expressoMail1_2 from Remitente
es-es expressoMail1_2 global catalog Catálogo General
es-es expressoMail1_2 go back Volver
es-es expressoMail1_2 greater than mayor que
es-es expressoMail1_2 groups Grupos
es-es expressoMail1_2 hide menu folders Ocultar Menú Carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 hide menu folders? Ocultar menú de las carpetas?
es-es expressoMail1_2 hide options Ocultar opciones
es-es expressoMail1_2 hide search Ocultar busca
es-es expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_addcreate_acl Otros usuarios podrán CREAR/AÑADIR nuevos mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_delmov_acl Otros usuarios podrán ELIMINAR/MOVER sus mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_read_acl Otros usarios podrán LEER sus mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 hlp_msg_sendlike_acl Otros usuarios podrán ENVIAR mensajes como siendo usted
es-es expressoMail1_2 hours ago horas atrás
es-es expressoMail1_2 important Importantes
es-es expressoMail1_2 in all the folders En todas las carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 inbox Bandeja de Entrada
es-es expressoMail1_2 indent Tabulación a la izquierda
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform a forwarding e-mail ¡Informe un e-mail de reenvío!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform a message ¡Informe um mensaje!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform a text for rejection! ¡Informe un texto para rechazar!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform a valid e-mail! ¡Informe um e-mail válido!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform between 1 and 31! ¡Informe entre y 31!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform the days! ¡Informe los días!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform the forwarding e-mail(s) ¡Informe e-mail(s) para reenvío!
es-es expressoMail1_2 inform your search in the text fields Informe las búsqyedas en las cajas de texto
es-es expressoMail1_2 insertorderedlist Insertar en lista ordenada
es-es expressoMail1_2 insert signature Insertar firma
es-es expressoMail1_2 insertunorderedlist Insertar en lista no odenada
es-es expressoMail1_2 in this message En el mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 italic Cursiva
es-es expressoMail1_2 its %1 folder is not created. it is necessary to create so that it functions correctly. Su carpeta \\"%1\\" no esta creada. Es necesario crearla para que funcione correctamente
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible create inside: No es posible crear dentro de:
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible delete the folder: No es posible remover la carpeta:
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible No es posible
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename the folder: No es posible cambiar el nombre de la carpeta:
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder, because it is being used in the moment! No es posible cambiar el nombre de esta carpeta, pues la misma está siendo usada en este momento!
es-es expressoMail1_2 it's not possible rename this folder! No es posible cambiar el nombre de esta carpeta!
es-es expressoMail1_2 justifycenter Centrar
es-es expressoMail1_2 justifyfull Justificar
es-es expressoMail1_2 justifyleft A la izquierda
es-es expressoMail1_2 justifyright A la derecha
es-es expressoMail1_2 keep a copy of the message at your inbox Guardar una copia del mensaje en su Bandeja de Entrada
es-es expressoMail1_2 last última
es-es expressoMail1_2 last name Apellido
es-es expressoMail1_2 less Menos
es-es expressoMail1_2 less than Menos que
es-es expressoMail1_2 link Enlace
es-es expressoMail1_2 list all Listar Todo
es-es expressoMail1_2 list catalog Listar Catálogo
es-es expressoMail1_2 list Listar
es-es expressoMail1_2 list of the filters Lista de filtros
es-es expressoMail1_2 loading Cargando
es-es expressoMail1_2 mailbox sharing Comparta Carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 manager your folders and export messages Administre sus carpetas y exporte mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 mark as Marcar como
es-es expressoMail1_2 mark as spam Marcar como spam
es-es expressoMail1_2 max number of e-mails for page Número máximo de e-mails por página
es-es expressoMail1_2 max size Tamaño máximo
es-es expressoMail1_2 medium Medio
es-es expressoMail1_2 message body Cuerpo del mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 message Mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 message font Fuente del Mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 message header Cabezal del Mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 message marked as Mensaje marcado como
es-es expressoMail1_2 message(s) deleted from your trash folder. Mensaje(s) eliminado(s) de su papelera
es-es expressoMail1_2 messages mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 messages found in folder: mensajes encontrados en la carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 messages saved in %1 folder. Mensajes guardadas en la carpeta %1
es-es expressoMail1_2 minute ago minuto atrás
es-es expressoMail1_2 minutes ago minutos atrás
es-es expressoMail1_2 more actions Más acciones
es-es expressoMail1_2 more Más
es-es expressoMail1_2 more options Más opciones
es-es expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results. please, try to refine your search. Más que %1 resultados fueron encontrados. Trate de refinar su búsqueda
es-es expressoMail1_2 more than %1 results were found Más de %1 resultados fueron encontrados
es-es expressoMail1_2 move Mover
es-es expressoMail1_2 move to Mover para
es-es expressoMail1_2 my folders Mis Carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 new Nuevo
es-es expressoMail1_2 new folder Nueva carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 new message Nuevo Mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 new rule Nueva Regla
es-es expressoMail1_2 next Próximo
es-es expressoMail1_2 nickname Apodo
es-es expressoMail1_2 no data to search Ningún dato digitado para búsqueda
es-es expressoMail1_2 none Ninguno
es-es expressoMail1_2 none result was found. Ningún resultado fue encontrado
es-es expressoMail1_2 no option marked! ¡No fue marcada ninguna opción!
es-es expressoMail1_2 normal normal
es-es expressoMail1_2 no selected message. Ningún mensaje fue seleccionado
es-es expressoMail1_2 no subject Sin Asunto
es-es expressoMail1_2 note: this sharing will take action on all of your folders and messages. Atención: Esta acción de compartir tendrá acción en TODAS sus carpetas y mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 not spam No es spam
es-es expressoMail1_2 now ahora
es-es expressoMail1_2 open chat window Abrir ventana de conversación
es-es expressoMail1_2 open in new window Abrir en Nueva Ventana
es-es expressoMail1_2 open search window... Abrir ventana de buca...
es-es expressoMail1_2 options Opciones
es-es expressoMail1_2 organization Organización
es-es expressoMail1_2 outdent Tabulación a la derecha
es-es expressoMail1_2 out office Fuera de la oficina
es-es expressoMail1_2 over quota Cuota de espacio excedida
es-es expressoMail1_2 page not found! Página no encontrada!
es-es expressoMail1_2 people Personas
es-es expressoMail1_2 padding email list Altura de las líneas de la lista de mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 personal catalog Catálogo Personal
es-es expressoMail1_2 postfix with ldap Postfix con LDAP
es-es expressoMail1_2 preferences Preferencias
es-es expressoMail1_2 previous Anterior
es-es expressoMail1_2 print Imprimir
es-es expressoMail1_2 public lists Listas Públicas
es-es expressoMail1_2 reached maximum tab limit Límite máximo de abas alcanzado
es-es expressoMail1_2 read Lectura
es-es expressoMail1_2 redo Rehacer
es-es expressoMail1_2 refresh Actualizar
es-es expressoMail1_2 remove Eliminar
es-es expressoMail1_2 rename folder Cambiar nombre
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply Responder
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply sent messages to Responder mensajes enviados para
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply to all Responder a todos
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply to all with history Responder a todos con detalles
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply to all without history Responder a todos sin detalles
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply to Responder a
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply to sender Responder al Remitente
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply with history Responder con detalles
es-es expressoMail1_2 reply without history Responder sin detalles
es-es expressoMail1_2 result of the search Resultado de la búsqueda
es-es expressoMail1_2 results found resultados encontrados
es-es expressoMail1_2 return receipt Conf. De Lectura
es-es expressoMail1_2 rule Regla
es-es expressoMail1_2 save as draft Guardar como Borrador
es-es expressoMail1_2 save deleted messages in trash folder? ¿Guardar mensajes eliminadas en la carpeta papelera?
es-es expressoMail1_2 save draft Guardar Borrador
es-es expressoMail1_2 save Guardar
es-es expressoMail1_2 save in folder Guardar en la carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 save sent messages in folder Guardar las mensajes enviados en la carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 search Buscar
es-es expressoMail1_2 search for organization Buscar por Organización
es-es expressoMail1_2 search in catalog Buscando en el Catálogo
es-es expressoMail1_2 search in the global catalog Búsqueda en el catálogo general
es-es expressoMail1_2 search results Resultado de la búsqueda
es-es expressoMail1_2 search results resultados encontrados
es-es expressoMail1_2 search the messages in these folders Busque mensajes en estas carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 search user... Búsqueda usuario...
es-es expressoMail1_2 search user Buscar usuarios
es-es expressoMail1_2 sector Sector
es-es expressoMail1_2 seen Leídas
es-es expressoMail1_2 select a folder: Seleccione una carpeta:
es-es expressoMail1_2 select a folder! Seleccione una carpeta!
es-es expressoMail1_2 select all messages. Seleccionar todos los mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 select a name Elija un nombre
es-es expressoMail1_2 select an organization and click on button search Seleccione una Organización y haga clic en el Botón Buscar
es-es expressoMail1_2 select on send Seleccionar al enviar el mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 select the type of contact that you want to view Seleccione el tipo de contacto que desea ver
es-es expressoMail1_2 select the user Seleccionar al enviar el mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 send and file Enviar y Archivar
es-es expressoMail1_2 send a rejection message Envíe un mensaje de rechazo
es-es expressoMail1_2 sender's information Datos del Remitente
es-es expressoMail1_2 send Enviar
es-es expressoMail1_2 send this message without a subject? ¿Enviar este mensaje sin asunto?
es-es expressoMail1_2 send (without save) Enviar (sin archivar)
es-es expressoMail1_2 sent by Enviado por
es-es expressoMail1_2 sent Enviado
es-es expressoMail1_2 service unavailable Servicio no disponible
es-es expressoMail1_2 shared folders Carpetas compartidas
es-es expressoMail1_2 shared options saved with sucess Opciones de división guardadas con suceso
es-es expressoMail1_2 share mailbox Compartir carpetas
es-es expressoMail1_2 show default view on main screen? ¿Mostrar resumen del ExpressoMail en la pantalla inicial?
es-es expressoMail1_2 showing only the results found in your organization Demostrando solamente los resultados encontró en su organización
es-es expressoMail1_2 show previous message, after delete actual message? Mostrar mensaje anterior, desoués de borrar mensaje actual?
es-es expressoMail1_2 signature Firma
es-es expressoMail1_2 signed message Mensaje firmado
es-es expressoMail1_2 size Tamaño
es-es expressoMail1_2 small pequeña
es-es expressoMail1_2 spam Espam
es-es expressoMail1_2 standard imap server Servidor standar de IMAP
es-es expressoMail1_2 standard pop3 server Servidor standar de POP3
es-es expressoMail1_2 standard smtp-server standard SMTP-Server
es-es expressoMail1_2 status Estado
es-es expressoMail1_2 store at Archivar en
es-es expressoMail1_2 subject: Asunto:
es-es expressoMail1_2 subject Asunto
es-es expressoMail1_2 the anti pop-up is enabled. allow this site (%1) for print. El anti Pop-Up está habilitado. Desative-o para este sitio (%1) para permitir la impresión.
es-es expressoMail1_2 the field \\"%1\\" of the message it contains El campo \\"%1\\" del mensaje contenga
es-es expressoMail1_2 the field \\"from:\\" of the message it contains El campo "De:" del mensaje que contenga
es-es expressoMail1_2 the field \\"subject: \\" of the message it contains El campo "Asunto:" del mensaje que contenga
es-es expressoMail1_2 the field \\"to: \\" of the message it contains El campo "Para:" del mensaje que contenga
es-es expressoMail1_2 the folder %1 was successfully removed La carpeta %1 fue eliminada con éxito!
es-es expressoMail1_2 the folder was not deleted! ¡La carpeta no fue eliminada!
es-es expressoMail1_2 the list has no participant. Esta lista no posee ningún participante
es-es expressoMail1_2 the messages were deleted. Mesajes removidos
es-es expressoMail1_2 the messages were moved to %1 folder Mensajes movidos a la carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 the message was deleted. Mensaje removido
es-es expressoMail1_2 the message was moved to %1 folder Mensaje fue movido a la carpeta
es-es expressoMail1_2 the origin folder and the destination folder are the same. La carpeta de origen y de destino son las mismas
es-es expressoMail1_2 there's an action processing. do you want abort it? Existe una acción que todavia está siendo procesada. ¿Cancelar la acción?
es-es expressoMail1_2 the results were found in the global catalog Eventos enontrados en el Catálogo General
es-es expressoMail1_2 the sender was blocked El remitente fue bloqueada
es-es expressoMail1_2 the size of the message is El tamaño del mensaje sea
es-es expressoMail1_2 the size of this message has exceeded the limit (%1b). El tamaño del mensaje sea há excedido el límite (mayor que %1B)
es-es expressoMail1_2 this list has no participants Esta lista no tiene participantes
es-es expressoMail1_2 this mail box is empty Esta carpeta está vacía
es-es expressoMail1_2 this message is already opened! ¡Este mensaje ya está abierto!
es-es expressoMail1_2 this message is already selected! Esta caja ya está en la selección!
es-es expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, and you can trust. Se firma este mensaje, y usted puede confiar en.
es-es expressoMail1_2 this message is signed, but it is invalid. you should not trust on it. Se firma este mensaje, pero es inválido. Usted no debe confiar en él.
es-es expressoMail1_2 to: Para:
es-es expressoMail1_2 to Para
es-es expressoMail1_2 tools Herramientas
es-es expressoMail1_2 trash Papelera
es-es expressoMail1_2 type without spaces, dots or special characters! ¡Escriba sin espacios, puntos o caracteres especiales!
es-es expressoMail1_2 underlined Subrayado
es-es expressoMail1_2 underline Subrayado
es-es expressoMail1_2 undo Deshacer
es-es expressoMail1_2 unseen No leídas
es-es expressoMail1_2 use f9 key as shortcut. Use la tecla F9 como atajo.
es-es expressoMail1_2 users Usuarios
es-es expressoMail1_2 use shortcuts? Usar teclas de atajo?
es-es expressoMail1_2 view html source Ver código html
es-es expressoMail1_2 view tips Ver tips
es-es expressoMail1_2 voided message Mensaje anulado
es-es expressoMail1_2 warning: your mailbox is almost full! Aviso: ¡Su Caja de Correo está casi llena!
es-es expressoMail1_2 was succefully removed fue eliminado con suceso
es-es expressoMail1_2 what is the height of the lines in the list of messages? ¿Cuál es la altura de las líneas en la lista de mensajes?
es-es expressoMail1_2 what is the maximum number of messages per page? ¿Cuál es el número máximo de mensajes por página?
es-es expressoMail1_2 what the font size in the list of messages? ¿Cuál el tamaño de la fuente en la lista de mensajes?
es-es expressoMail1_2 who Quién
es-es expressoMail1_2 with all Con todos
es-es expressoMail1_2 without quota Sin espacio
es-es expressoMail1_2 without save sin archivar
es-es expressoMail1_2 with some con algunos
es-es expressoMail1_2 with the following message Con el siguiente mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 write Escribir
es-es expressoMail1_2 write message Escribir mensaje
es-es expressoMail1_2 wrote escribió
es-es expressoMail1_2 you have %1 new Usted tiene%1 nuevo(s)
es-es expressoMail1_2 you must wait while the messages will be exported... Espere mientras los mensajes son exportados...
es-es expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is 100% full! you must free more space or will not receive messages. ¡Su caja de correo esta 100% llena! Libere espacio o no irá a recibir mensajes
es-es expressoMail1_2 your mailbox is shared with Su caja de correo esta compartida con
es-es expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent and will be discarted. Su mensaje no fue enviado y será perdido
es-es expressoMail1_2 your message has not been sent. discard your message? Su mensaje no fue enviado. ¿Eliminar el mensaje?
es-es expressoMail1_2 your message was save as draft in folder %1. Su mensaje fue guardado como borrador en la carpeta %1
es-es expressoMail1_2 your message was sent and save. Su mensaje fue enviado y guardado
es-es expressoMail1_2 your message was sent. Su mensaje fue enviado
es-es expressoMail1_2 your search argument must be longer than 4 characters. Sus palavras para la búsqueda deben tener más que 4 dígitos
es-es expressoMail1_2 your session could not be verified. Su sesión expiró. Entre nuevamente a su Expresso
es-es expressoMail1_2 your trash folder was empty. Su carpeta Papelera fue vaciada
es-es news_admin active Activo
es-es news_admin add new article Añadir artículo nuevo
es-es news_admin add new news Añadir noticias nuevas
es-es news_admin add news item Añadir elemento de noticias
es-es news_admin all news Todas las noticias
es-es news_admin always Siempre
es-es news_admin configuration Configuración
es-es news_admin contains html Contiene HTML
es-es news_admin content Contenido
es-es news_admin edit news item Editar elemento de noticias
es-es news_admin failed to add message Fallo al añadir mensaje de noticias
es-es news_admin format for links to items Formato para los enlaces a los elementos
es-es news_admin format of export Formato de exportación
es-es news_admin from De
es-es news_admin global categories Categorías Globales
es-es news_admin global news Noticias globales
es-es news_admin global_news Noticias globales
es-es news_admin image link Enlace a la imagen
es-es news_admin image title Título de la imagen
es-es news_admin image url URL de la imagen
es-es news_admin implies read permission implica permiso de lectura
es-es news_admin item has been deleted El elemento ha sido borrado
es-es news_admin item not found No se encontró el elemento
es-es news_admin link Enlace
es-es news_admin main Principal
es-es news_admin maintain Mantener
es-es news_admin message has been added El mensaje ha sido añadido
es-es news_admin more news Más noticias
es-es news_admin new item has been added Se ha añadido un elemento nuevo
es-es news_admin news administration Administración de noticias
es-es news_admin news admin Administrador de noticias
es-es news_admin news item has been added Se ha añadido un elemento de noticias
es-es news_admin news item has been updated Se ha actualizado un elemento de noticias
es-es news_admin no entries found No se encontraron entradas
es-es news_admin no news Sin noticias está actualmente en la categoría
es-es news_admin no rss export No se exporta RSS
es-es news_admin number of articles to display on the main screen Número de artículos a mostrar en la pantalla principal
es-es news_admin on en
es-es news_admin publish date Fecha de publicación
es-es news_admin read news Leer noticias
es-es news_admin read permissions Leer permisos
es-es news_admin should news_admin display the latest article headlines on the main screen. ¿Mostrar el encabezado del último artículo en la pantalla principal?
es-es news_admin show latest news articles? ¿Mostrar los últimos artículos de noticias?
es-es news_admin show news articles on main page? ¿Mostrar artículos de noticias en la página principal?
es-es news_admin small view Vista reducida
es-es news_admin teaser Bromista
es-es news_admin the news content is missing Falta el contenido de las noticias
es-es news_admin the number of articles to display on the main screen. El número de artículos a mostrar en la pantalla principal
es-es news_admin the subject is missing Falta el asunto
es-es news_admin until hasta
es-es news_admin view this category Ver esta categoría
es-es news_admin visible Visible
es-es news_admin webpage news admin Administrador de noticias por página web
es-es news_admin write Escribir
es-es news_admin write permissions Escribir permisos
es-es jscalendar 3 number of chars for day-shortcut 3 números para el di'a-atajo
es-es jscalendar 3 number of chars for month-shortcut 3 números para el mes-atajo
es-es jscalendar about the calendar Acerca del calendario
es-es jscalendar - click on any of the time parts to increase it - Pulse en cualquiera de las partes de la hora para incrementarla
es-es jscalendar date selection: Seleccionar fecha:
es-es jscalendar display monday first Mostrar el lunes primero
es-es jscalendar display sunday first Mostar el domingo primero
es-es jscalendar drag to move Arrastre para mover
es-es jscalendar go today Ir hoy
es-es jscalendar - hold mouse button on any of the above buttons for faster selection. - Mantenga pulsando el botón del ratón en cualquiera de los botones de arriba para una selección más rápida.
es-es jscalendar next month (hold for menu) Mes siguiente (mantener para menú)
es-es jscalendar next year (hold for menu) Año siguiente (mantener para menú)
es-es jscalendar - or click and drag for faster selection. - o pulse y arrastre para una selección más rápida.
es-es jscalendar - or shift-click to decrease it - o pulse con la tecla mayúsculas para decrementarlo
es-es jscalendar prev. month (hold for menu) Mes anterior (mantener para menú)
es-es jscalendar prev. year (hold for menu) Año anterior (mantener para menú)
es-es jscalendar (shift-)click or drag to change value Pulse mayúsculas o arrastre para cambiar el valor
es-es jscalendar time selection: Seleccionar hora:
es-es jscalendar toggle first day of week Cambiar el primer día de la semana
es-es jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select month - Use los botones %1, %2 para seleccionar el mes
es-es jscalendar - use the %1, %2 buttons to select year - Use los botones %1, %2 para seleccionar el año
es-es jscalendar wk wk
es-es htmlarea about this editor Acerca de este editor
es-es htmlarea background color Color de fondo
es-es htmlarea bold Negrita
es-es htmlarea bulleted list Lista de esquema
es-es htmlarea copy selection Copiar selección
es-es htmlarea current style Estilo actual
es-es htmlarea cut selection Cortar selección
es-es htmlarea decrease indent Reducir sangría
es-es htmlarea enlarge editor Agrandar editor
es-es htmlarea font color Color de la letra
es-es htmlarea help using editor Ayuda usando el editor
es-es htmlarea horizontal rule Regla horizontal
es-es htmlarea increase indent Aumentar sangría
es-es htmlarea insert image Insertar imagen
es-es htmlarea insert table Insertar tabla
es-es htmlarea insert web link Insertar enlace web
es-es htmlarea justify center Centrar
es-es htmlarea justify full Justificado
es-es htmlarea justify left Alinear a la izquierda
es-es htmlarea justify right Alinear a la derecha
es-es htmlarea ordered list Lista ordenada
es-es htmlarea paste from clipboard Pegar desde el portapapeles
es-es htmlarea path Ruta
es-es htmlarea redoes your last action Rehace la última acción
es-es htmlarea strikethrough Tachado
es-es htmlarea subscript Subíndice
es-es htmlarea superscript Superíndice
es-es htmlarea toggle html source Cambiar a vista del código HTML
es-es htmlarea underline Subrayado
es-es htmlarea undoes your last action Deshace la última acción
es-es htmlarea you are in text mode. use the [<>] button to switch back to wysiwig. Está en MODO TEXTO. Use el botón [<>] para volver a la vista WYSIWIG.
es-es login sorry, your login has expired Lo siento, su sesión ha expirado
es-es login you have been successfully logged out Usted ha salido correctamente
es-es login your session could not be verified. Su sesión no pudo ser verificada.
es-es preferences timetrack Seguimiento del Tiempo
es-es preferences 12 hour 12 horas
es-es preferences %1 hours %1 horas
es-es preferences %1 - preferences %1 - Preferencias
es-es preferences 24 hour 24 horas
es-es preferences acl grants have been updated Los permisos de la ACL se han actualizado
es-es preferences any listing in phpgw will show you this number of entries or lines per page.
to many slow down the page display, to less will cost you the overview. Cualquier listado en eGW le mostrará este número de entradas o líneas por página.
Demasiadas ralentizan la página, demasiado pocas pueden ser malo.
es-es preferences are you sure you want to delete this category ? ¿Seguro que desea borrar esta categoría?
es-es preferences a template defines the layout of phpgroupware and it contains icons for each application. Una plantilla define el formato de eGroupWare y contiene iconos para cada aplicación.
es-es preferences a theme defines the colors and fonts used by the template. Un tema define los colores y los tipos de letra usados en la plantilla
es-es preferences autohide sidebox menu's Ocultar automáticamente menu lateral
es-es preferences automatically hide the sidebox menu's? ¿El menú lateral debe ser ocultado automáticamente?
es-es preferences change your password Cambiar su contraseña
es-es preferences change your personal data Altere sus datos personales
es-es preferences change your profile Cambiar su perfil
es-es preferences change your settings Cambiar su configuración
es-es preferences comment Comentario
es-es preferences country País
es-es preferences date format Formato fecha
es-es preferences default application Aplicación predeterminada
es-es preferences default predeterminado
es-es preferences default preferences Preferencias predeterminadas
es-es preferences delete categories Borrar categorías
es-es preferences description can not exceed 255 characters in length ! La descripción no puede exceder de 255 caracteres
es-es preferences disable the execution a bugfixscript for internet explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in png-images? ¿Desactivar la ejecución del script de correción de bug para el Internet Explorer 5.5 y superiore para exhibir transparencias en Imágenes PNG?
es-es preferences do you prefer a 24 hour time format, or a 12 hour one with am/pm attached. ¿Prefiere el formato de 24 horas o el de 12 con am/pm detrás?
es-es preferences edit custom fields Editar campos personalizados
es-es preferences enter your actual password Digite su contraseña actual
es-es preferences enter your new password Introduzca su nueva contraseña
es-es preferences error: there was a problem finding the preference file for %1 in %2 Error: hubo un problema al buscar el fichero de preferencias para %1 en %2
es-es preferences failed to change password. please contact your administrator. Fallo al cambiar la contraseña. Por favor, póngase en contacto con su administrador.
es-es preferences forced preferences Preferencias forzadas
es-es preferences format of telephone number is invalid. El formato del número de teléfono es inválido.
es-es preferences help off Desactivar ayuda
es-es preferences hours horas
es-es preferences how do you like to display accounts ¿Cómo desea ver las cuentas?
es-es preferences how do you like to select accounts ¿Cómo desea seleccionar las cuentas?
es-es preferences how many hours are you in front or after the timezone of the server.
if you are in the same time zone as the server select 0 hours, else select your locale date and time. Cuántas horas va por delante o por detrás de la zona horaria del servidor.
Si está en la misma zona horaria, seleccione 0 horas, si no, seleccione su fecha y hora local.
es-es preferences how many icons should be shown in the navbar (top of the page). additional icons go into a kind of pulldown menu, callable by the icon on the far right side of the navbar. Número de iconos a mostrar en la barra de navegación en la parte superior de la página. Los iconos adicionales van en un menú desplegable, en la parte derecha de la barra de navegación.
es-es preferences how should phpgroupware display dates for you. Forma de mostrar las fechas
es-es preferences icons and text Iconos y texto
es-es preferences icons only Sólo iconos
es-es preferences interface/template selection Selección de interfaz/plantilla
es-es preferences in which country are you. this is used to set certain defaults for you. Páis en el que se encuentra. Se utiliza para configurar ciertos detalles.
es-es preferences language Idioma
es-es preferences max matches per page Número máximo de coincidencias por página
es-es preferences max number of icons in navbar Número máximo de iconos en la barra de navegación
es-es preferences no default Sin valor predeterminado
es-es preferences note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will need to be done manually. Nota: Esta opción no cambia la contraseña de su correo electrónico. Esto deberá hacerse manualmente.
es-es preferences note: this feature does *not* change your email password. this will nota: esta característica NO cambia la contraseña de su correo electrónico.
es-es preferences note: this feature is *exclusive* for ldap repository. Nota: Este procedimiento es exclusivo para uso en repositórios LDAP.
es-es preferences observation: this telephone number will apear in the searches for your name, and will be visible for all expressolivre users. Observación: Este número de teléfono aparecerá em todas las búsquedas por su nombre, y será visible para todos los usuarios del Expresso Livre
es-es preferences please, select a new theme Por favor, seleccione un nuevo tema
es-es preferences popup with search Ventana emergente con búsqueda
es-es preferences re-enter your password Re-Ingrese su contraseña
es-es preferences selectbox Cuadro de selección
es-es preferences select different theme Seleccione un tema diferente
es-es preferences select one Seleccione uno
es-es preferences select the language of texts and messages within phpgroupware.
some languages may not contain all messages, in that case you will see an english message. Seleccione el idioma de los textos y los mensajes en eGroupWare.
Algunos idiomas puede que no tengan todos los mensajes, en cuyo caso verá el mensaje en inglés.
es-es preferences set this to your convenience. for security reasons, you might not want to show your loginname in public. Ponga esto a su gusto. Por razones de seguridad, puede no querer mostrar su usuario en público.
es-es preferences should the number of active sessions be displayed for you all the time. ¿Mostrar el número de sesiones activas todo el tiempo?
es-es preferences should this help messages shown up always, when you enter the preferences or only on request. ¿Mostrar estos mensajes de ayuda al modificar preferencias, o sólo cuando lo solicite?
es-es preferences show current users on navigation bar Mostrar usuarios conectados es la barra de navegación
es-es preferences show helpmessages by default Mostrar mensajes de ayuda por defecto
es-es preferences show home and logout button in main application bar? ¿Exhibir botone Página Principal y Cerrar en la barra de herramientas?
es-es preferences show navigation bar as Mostrar la barra de navegación como
es-es preferences show number of current users Mostrar el número actual de usuarios
es-es preferences show text on navigation icons Mostrar descripción sobre los iconos
es-es preferences text only Sólo texto
es-es preferences the default application will be started when you enter phpgroupware or click on the homepage icon.
you can also have more than one application showing up on the homepage, if you don't choose a specific application here (has to La aplicación predeterminada se mostará al iniciar la sesión en eGroupWare o pulsar en el icono de la página de inicio.
También puede tener más de una aplicación en la página de inicio, si no elige una aplicación específica aquí, configurándolo en las preferencias de cada aplicación.
es-es preferences theme (colors/fonts) selection Selección de temas (colores/tipos de letra)
es-es preferences the selectbox shows all available users (can be very slow on big installs with many users). the popup can search users by name or group. La caja de selección muestra todos los usuarios disponibles (puede ser muy lento en grandes instalaciones con muchos usuarios). La ventana emergente puede buscar usuarios por nombre o grupo.
es-es preferences the two passwords are not the same Las dos contraseñas son distintas
es-es preferences this server is located in the %1 timezone Este servidor se encuentra en la zona horaria %1
es-es preferences time format Formato de la hora
es-es preferences use default Usar predeterminado
es-es preferences users choice Elegido por el usuario
es-es preferences when you say yes the home and logout buttons are presented as applications in the main top applcation bar Cuando usted selecciona Sí, los botones serán colocados en la barra de herramientas en la parte superior del aplicativo.
es-es preferences which currency symbol or name should be used in phpgroupware. Símbolo de moneda o nombre que debe usar eGroupWare
es-es preferences you can show the applications as icons only, icons with app-name or both. Puede ver las aplicaciones como iconos sólo, iconos con el nombre, o ambos.
es-es preferences you do not have permission to set acl's in this mode! Usted no tiene permisos para poner ACLs en este modo
es-es preferences you must enter a password Debe introducir una contraseña
es-es preferences you must register a new password Usted debe colocar una nueva contraseña
es-es preferences your actual password is wrong Su contraseña actual esta incorrecta
es-es preferences your current theme is: %1 Su actual tema es: %1
es-es preferences your old password and your new password are the same. choose a different new password Su contraseña antigua y su nueva contraseña son iguales. Elija uma contraseña diferente
es-es preferences your password contains characters not allowed Su contraseña contiene caracteres no permitidos
es-es preferences your password has expired Su contraseña ha expirado
es-es preferences your password must contain %1 or more letters Su contraseña debe contener %1 o más letras
es-es preferences your password must contain at least %1 numbers or characters special Su contraseña necesita de por lo menos %1 números o caracteres especiales
es-es preferences your preferences Sus preferencias
es-es workflow # nº
es-es workflow %1 aborted %1 abortado
es-es workflow %1 active %1 activos
es-es workflow %1 completed %1 completados
es-es workflow %1 configuration Configuración de %1
es-es workflow %1 days, %2:%3:%4 %1 días, %2:%3:%4
es-es workflow %1 exception excepción %1
es-es workflow %1 menu Menú %1
es-es workflow %1 monitoring Monitorización de %1
es-es workflow %1 processes (%2 active) (%3 being_run) %1 procesos (%2 activos) (%3 en ejecución)
es-es workflow %owner% is the instance owner email %owner% es el correo del propietario de la instancia
es-es workflow %property_xx% is the content of the instance's property xx %property_XX% es el contenido de la propiedad XX de la instancia
es-es workflow %role_xx% are all the emails of all users mapped to the role xx %role_XX% son todos los correos de todos los usuarios mapeados al rol XX
es-es workflow %roles% are the emails of all users mapped to any role on this activity %roles% son los correos de todos los usuarios mapeados a cualquier rol en esta actividad
es-es workflow %signature% is the agent signature defined in the process configuration %signature% es la firma del agente definida en la configuración del proceso
es-es workflow %user% is the instance user email %user% es el correo del usuario de la instancia
es-es workflow %user_xx% is the email of the acount xx %user_XX% es el correo de la cuenta XX
es-es workflow abort instance abortar instancia
es-es workflow abort this instance Abortar esta instancia
es-es workflow aborted abortada
es-es workflow access denied for user %1 on activity %2, no role Acceso denegado para el usuario %1 en la actividad %2, sin rol
es-es workflow act actividad
es-es workflow act. status Estado de la actividad
es-es workflow act. status: Estado de la actividad:
es-es workflow action %1 is impossible if we have no activity and no instance designated for it! La acción %1 es imposible si no tenemos actividad y no hay instancia designada para ella
es-es workflow action %1 is impossible, another user is already in place La acción %1 es imposible, otro usuario ya está en el lugar
es-es workflow action %1 is impossible, there are no user assigned to this activity for this instance La acción %1 es imposible, no hay ningún usuario asignado a esta actividad para esta instancia
es-es workflow action %1 needs an activity and activity %2 does not exists La acción %1 necesita una actividad, y la actividad %2 no existe
es-es workflow action %1 needs an instance and instance %2 does not exists La acción %1 necesita una instancia, y la instancia %2 no existe
es-es workflow actions Acciones
es-es workflow activate activar
es-es workflow active Activo
es-es workflow active: Activo:
es-es workflow activities Actividades
es-es workflow activities selection Selección de actividades
es-es workflow activities updated Se han actualizado las actividades
es-es workflow activity actividad
es-es workflow activity status Estado de la actividad
es-es workflow activity %1 actividad %1
es-es workflow activity %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) La actividad %1 (nº%2) está asociada con un proceso inexistente (nº%3)
es-es workflow activity %1 code is not avaible El código de la actividad %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow activity %1 is interactive but has no role assigned La actividad %1 es interactiva pero no tiene rol asignado
es-es workflow activity %1 is interactive so it must use the $instance->complete() method La actividad %1 es interactiva, así que debe usar el método $instance->complete()
es-es workflow activity %1 is non-interactive and non-autorouted but has no role assigned La actividad %1 no es interactiva ni autoenrutada, pero no tiene rol asignado
es-es workflow activity %1 is non-interactive so it must not use the $instance->complete() method La actividad %1 no es interactiva, por lo que no debe usar el método $instance->complete() method
es-es workflow activity %1 is standalone and is using the $instance object La actividad %1 es independiente y está usando el objeto $instance
es-es workflow activity %1 is standalone but has transitions La actividad %1 es independiente pero tiene transiciones
es-es workflow activity %1 is standalone or view but has transitions La actividad %1 es independiente o vista pero tiene transiciones
es-es workflow activity %1 is switch so it must use $instance->setnextactivity($actname) method La actividad %1 es una decisión, por lo que debe usar el método $instance->setNextActivity($actname)
es-es workflow activity %1 is view and is using the $instance object in write mode La actividad %1 es una vista y está usando el objeto $instance en modo de escritura
es-es workflow activity agent removed Agente de actividad eliminado
es-es workflow activity completed Actividad completada
es-es workflow activity failure fallo en la actividad
es-es workflow activity in inexistent process Actividad en un proceso inexistente
es-es workflow activity is waiting for pending transitions la actividad está esperando transiciones pendientes
es-es workflow activity name already exists El nombre de la actividad ya existe
es-es workflow activity role #%1 removed Rol de actividad nº%1 ha sido eliminado
es-es workflow activity role removed El rol de la actividad ha sido eliminado
es-es workflow activity saved La actividad ha sido guardada
es-es workflow activity start not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. El comienzo de la actividad no está disponible, no se encontró ninguna actividad correspondiente.
es-es workflow activity start not set, no corresponding activity was found. No se estableció la actividad de inicio, no se encontró ninguna actividad correspondiente.
es-es workflow activity status not avaible, no corresponding activity was found. El estado de la actividad no está disponible, no se encontró ninguna actividad correspondiente.
es-es workflow activity: actividad:
es-es workflow add a transition Añadir una transición
es-es workflow add aborted instances Añadir instancias abortadas
es-es workflow add advanced actions Añadir acciones avanzadas
es-es workflow add agent Añadir agente
es-es workflow add completed instances Añadir instancias completadas
es-es workflow add instances in exception Añadir instancias en excepción
es-es workflow add new añadir nueva
es-es workflow add new role Añadir nuevo rol
es-es workflow add or edit a process Añadir o editar un proceso
es-es workflow add or edit a role Añadir o editar un rol
es-es workflow add or edit an activity Añadir o editar una actividad
es-es workflow add property Añadir propiedad
es-es workflow add role Añadir rol
es-es workflow add role to process Añadir rol al proceso
es-es workflow add transition añadir transición
es-es workflow add transitions Añadir transiciones
es-es workflow add transitions from Añadir transiciones de
es-es workflow add transitions to Añadir transiciones a
es-es workflow admin instance Admnistrar instancia
es-es workflow admin process activities Administrar actividades del proceso
es-es workflow admin process roles Administrar roles del proceso
es-es workflow admin processes sources Administrar código fuente de los procesos
es-es workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is associated to an inexistent activity #%3 El agente nº%1 del tipo %2 está asociado a una actividad inexistente nº%3
es-es workflow agent #%1 of type %2 is not linked with an activity El agente nº%1 de tipo %2 no está vinculado con una actividad
es-es workflow agent associated with inexistent activity El agente asociado con una actividad inexistente
es-es workflow agent without activity El agente no tiene actividad
es-es workflow agents assigned to this activity Agentes asignados a esta actividad
es-es workflow all Todos
es-es workflow always show advanced actions Mostrar siempre las acciones avanzadas
es-es workflow always show advanced mode Mostrar siempre el modo avanzado
es-es workflow assign me this activity Asignarme esta actividad
es-es workflow at least one email address cannot be validated. Al menos un dirección de correo no se pudo validar
es-es workflow auto routed Autoenrutado
es-es workflow automatic Automático
es-es workflow autorouted activities does not need to be sent by any user after their execution Las actividades autorutadas no necesitan que ningún usuario las envíe después de su ejecución
es-es workflow bad parameter for setagents, the parameter should be an array parámetro erróneo para setAgents. El parámetro debe ser un array
es-es workflow bad role type Tipo de rol incorrecto
es-es workflow bad user Usuario incorrecto
es-es workflow bcc: Cco:
es-es workflow be carefull with interactive activity, end and start of theses activities are multiple. Tenga cuidado con la actividad interactiva, porque el fin y el inicio de estas actividades son múltiples.
es-es workflow being run siendo ejecutado
es-es workflow by running theses links you will create new instances of the related process. Al ejecutar estos enlaces, creará nuevas instancias del proceso relacionado.
es-es workflow cannot add transition only split or switch activities can have more than one outbound transition No se puede añadir la transición. Sólo las actividades divididas o de cambio pueden tener más de una transición saliente
es-es workflow cannot add transition. only split activities can have more than one outbound transition No se puede añadir la transición. Sólo las actividades de bifurcación pueden tener más una transición saliente
es-es workflow cannot create compiled file %1 no se puede crear el fichero compilado %1
es-es workflow cannot retrieve the user running the security check No se puede recuperar el usuario que ejecuta la comprobación de seguridad
es-es workflow cannot run the activity No se puede ejecutar la actividad
es-es workflow cannot run the activity without her process No se puede ejecutar la actividad sin su proceso
es-es workflow cannot run the activity without instance No se puede ejecutar la actividad sin instancia
es-es workflow cannot run unknown activity No se puede ejecutar una actividad desconocida
es-es workflow cc: Cc:
es-es workflow circular reference found some activity has a transition leading to itself La referencia circular encontró alguna actividad que tiene una transición que vuelve a ella misma
es-es workflow circular reference found. some activity has a transition leading to itself Se encontró una referencia circular. Alguna actividad tiene una transición apuntando a sí misma
es-es workflow cleanup actions limpiar acciones
es-es workflow close and get back later Cerrar y volver más tarde
es-es workflow close printer friendly mode Cerrar modo orientado para impresión
es-es workflow code código
es-es workflow column activity status in instance lists Columna de estado de la actividad en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column category in instance lists Columna Categoría en listas de instancias
es-es workflow column instance id in instance lists Columna Id de instancia en listas de ia instancia
es-es workflow column instance name in instance lists Columna nombre de la instancia en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column instance status in instance lists Columna estado de la instancia en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column owner in instance lists Columna propietario en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column priority in instance lists Columna prioridad en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column process name in instance lists Columna nombre del proceso en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow column start date in instance lists Columna fecha de inicio en listas de la instancia
es-es workflow compilation Compilación
es-es workflow compiling activity %1 : %2 compilando actividad %1 : %2
es-es workflow complete Completo
es-es workflow complete cleanup of aborted instances done se terminó el borrado completo de instancias abortadas
es-es workflow complete cleanup of all instances done se terminó el borrado completo de todas las instancias
es-es workflow completed completado
es-es workflow confirm delete Confirmar borrar
es-es workflow consult %1 to get the default values: Consultar %1 para obtener los valores predeterminados:
es-es workflow couldn't add transition No se pudo añadir la transición
es-es workflow create crear
es-es workflow created Creada
es-es workflow date: fecha:
es-es workflow default next user Usuario siguiente predeterminado
es-es workflow default owner Propietario predeterminado
es-es workflow default user Usuario predeterminado
es-es workflow delete selected Borrar lo seleccionado
es-es workflow delete transition Borrar transición
es-es workflow deletion successful Borrado correcto
es-es workflow delition successful Borrado correcto
es-es workflow description Descripción
es-es workflow do you want the activity status on instances lists. most of the time it is "running" but if you use non-autorouted transitions you will have some completed activities. ¿Desea el estado de la actividad en las listas de instancias? La mayoría del tiempo está "en ejecución", pero si usa transiciones no autorutadas tendrá algunas actividades completadas.
es-es workflow do you want the category column on instances lists, if yout instances use categories you should use it ¿Desea la columna de categoría en las listas de instancias? Si sus instancias usan categorías, debería usarla.
es-es workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists, if your instances use categories you should use it ¿Desea la columna de nombre de la categoría en las listas de instancias? Si sus instancias usan categorías, debería usarla.
es-es workflow do you want the category name column on instances lists. if your instances use categories you should use this ¿Desea la columna nombre de categoria en las listas de instancias? Si sus instancias usan categorías, debería usarla.
es-es workflow do you want the instance id column on instances lists. this is the unique identifier of an instance ¿Desea la columna id de instancia en las listas de instancias? Es el único identificador de una instancia.
es-es workflow do you want the instance name column on instances lists. if your instances have name you should really use this ¿Desea la columna nombre de la instancia en las listas de instancias? Si sus instancias tienen nombre, debe usarla.
es-es workflow do you want the instance status on instances lists. the instance status is usefull to disting beteween aborted, completed, exception or active instances ¿Desea el estado de la instancia en las listas de instancia? El estado de la instancia es útil para distinguir entre instancias abortadas, completadas, excepción o activa.
es-es workflow do you want the owner column on instances lists. this will show you the actual owner, especially usefull if ownership is defined with special rights ¿Desea la columna propietario en las listas de instancias? Esto mostrará el propietario actual, especialmente útil si el propietario está definido con derechos especiales.
es-es workflow do you want the priority column on instances lists. priority can be set with activities forms ¿Desea la columna prioridad en las listas de instancias? La prioridad puede establecerse con formularios de actividades.
es-es workflow do you want the process column on instances lists. usefull if you have different processes and/or versions of theses processes ¿Desea la columna proceso en las listas de instancias? Es útil si se tienen distintos procesos y/o versiones de estos procesos
es-es workflow do you want the search instance button in the last row of instances list. ¿Desea el botón de buscar instancia en la última fila de la lista de instancias?
es-es workflow do you want the started date column on instances lists. ¿Desea la columna de fecha de inicio en las listas de instancias?
es-es workflow don't move No mover
es-es workflow duration Duración
es-es workflow empty agent type vaciar el tipo de agente
es-es workflow end fin
es-es workflow end activity is not reachable from start activity La actividad de fin no se puede alcanzar desde la actividad de inicio
es-es workflow ended finalizado
es-es workflow enter an activity name Introduzca un nombre de actividad
es-es workflow error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Error: nextActivity no coincide con ningún candidato en la actividad de cambio de autorutado
es-es workflow error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Error: decisión no determinante para actividad de autorutado
es-es workflow error: removing was not done error: no se realizó el borrado
es-es workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but it was impossible to get this activity Error: intentando enviar una instancia a una actividad pero fue imposible obtener esta actividad
es-es workflow error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Error: intentando enviar una instancia a una actividad pero no se encontró ninguna transición
es-es workflow exception excepción
es-es workflow exception instance instancia de excepción
es-es workflow exception raised by %1 %2: %3 excepción originada por %1 %2: %3
es-es workflow exception resumed by %1 %2: %3 excepción continuada por %1 %2: %3
es-es workflow exception this instance Excepción en esta instancia
es-es workflow exceptions excepciones
es-es workflow execute this activity Ejecutar esta actividad
es-es workflow export Exportar
es-es workflow failed to create workitem fallo al crear elemento de trabajo
es-es workflow failed to execute automatic activity fallo al ejecutar actividad automática
es-es workflow failed to obtain lock on %1 table fallo al obtener bloqueo en la tabla %1
es-es workflow failed to obtain lock on instances table fallo al obtener bloqueo en la tabla de instancias
es-es workflow failed to obtain lock on instances_activities table fallo al obtener bloqueo en la tabla instances_activities
es-es workflow failed to record instance properties fallo al grabar las propiedades de la instancia
es-es workflow failed to synchronize instance data with the database fallo al sincronizar los datos de la instancia con la base de datos
es-es workflow failure fallo
es-es workflow fatal error: nextactivity does not match any candidate in autorouting switch activity Error fatal: la siguiente actividad no coincide con ningún candidato en la actividad de cambio de enrutado automático
es-es workflow fatal error: non-deterministic decision for autorouting activity Error falta: decisión no determinante para la actividad de enrutado automático
es-es workflow fatal error: setting next activity to an unexisting activity Error fatal: estableciendo la actividad sigiuente a una actividad inexistente
es-es workflow fatal error: trying to send an instance to an activity but no transition found Error fatal: intentando enviar una instancia a una actividad, pero no se encontró transición
es-es workflow filter Filtro
es-es workflow filter instance by id Filtrar instancia por id
es-es workflow finally you have links with %link_xx|yy% syntax, xx is the address part, yy the text part. finalmente tiene enlaces con la sintaxis %link_XX|YY%, donde XX es la parte de la dirección, e YY la parte de texto.
es-es workflow fix Corregir
es-es workflow fix concistency for selected rows Corregir consistencia para las filas seleccionadas
es-es workflow font size Tamaño de la letra
es-es workflow from De
es-es workflow from: De:
es-es workflow get back to global activities volver a las actividades globales
es-es workflow get back to instance creation volver a la creación de la instancia
es-es workflow get property Obtener propiedad
es-es workflow global activities Actividades globales
es-es workflow global workflow preferences Preferencias globales de flujos de trabajo
es-es workflow go ir
es-es workflow go to same activities for other instances of this process ir a las mismas actividades para otras instancias de este proceso
es-es workflow go to same process activities ir a las mismas actividades del proceso
es-es workflow go to the actual state of this instance ir al estado actual de esta instancia
es-es workflow grab instance coger instancia
es-es workflow graph Gráfico
es-es workflow group Grupo
es-es workflow id Id
es-es workflow if not in debug mail_smtp agent would have sent this email: si no se está depurando, el agente mail_smtp habría enviado este correo:
es-es workflow if:setnextact Si:Establecer actividad siguiente
es-es workflow import aborted Importación abortada
es-es workflow import successfull Importación realizada correctamente
es-es workflow in role mappings user #%1 is specified as a "%2" but is maybe a "%3" En mapeos de rol, el usuario nº%1 está especificado como '%2', pero QUIZAS sea '%3'
es-es workflow inactive Inactivo
es-es workflow inst. Inst.
es-es workflow inst. status Estado de la instancia
es-es workflow instance Instancia
es-es workflow instance %1 Instancia %1
es-es workflow instance %1 is in %2 state, action %3 is impossible. La instancia %1 está en estado %2, la acción %3 es imposible.
es-es workflow instance %1 is in exception, action %2 is not possible. La instancia %1 está en excepción, la acción %2 no es posible.
es-es workflow instance %1 is not associated with activity %2, action %3 is impossible. La instancia %1 no está asociada con la actividad %2, la acción %3 es imposible.
es-es workflow instance history Historial de la instancia
es-es workflow instance properties Propiedades de la instancia
es-es workflow instance: Instancia:
es-es workflow instance: %1 (process: %2) Instancia: %1 (Proceso: %2)
es-es workflow instance: unable to modify %1 [%2], someone has changed it before us Instancia: no se puede modificar %1 [%2], alguien lo ha cambiado antes que nosotros.
es-es workflow instance: unable to modify %1, someone has changed it before us Instancia: no se puede modificar %1, alguien lo ha cambiado antes que nosotros.
es-es workflow instances Instancias
es-es workflow instances selection Selección de instancias
es-es workflow int. Inr
es-es workflow interactive Interactiva
es-es workflow interactive activities show form before being executed Las actividades interactivas muestran un formulario antes de ejecutarse
es-es workflow interactive instances should not call the complete() method Las instancias interactivas no deben llamar al método complete()
es-es workflow interactive: interactiva:
es-es workflow interactivity Interactividad
es-es workflow invalid no válida
es-es workflow invalid process El proceso no es válido
es-es workflow invalid role name El nombre del rol no es válido
es-es workflow is active ¿Está activo
es-es workflow it seems this activity for this instance is not assigned to you anymore. Parece que esta actividad para esta instancia ya no está asignada a usted.
es-es workflow it was impossible to complete, no activity was given. No se pudo completar, no se proporcionó la actividad.
es-es workflow it was impossible to complete, no corresponding activity was found. No se pudo completar, no se encontró una actividad correspondiente.
es-es workflow join reunificación
es-es workflow link addresses are considered local if not containing http://. they will get appended the configured local prefix and scanned by egroupware link engine Las direcciones de los enlaces se consideran locales si no contienen http://. Se añadirán al prefijo local configurado y el motor de enlaces de egroupware las comprobará.
es-es workflow list of activities Lista de actividades
es-es workflow list of all activities with, for each, counters of instances by status lista de todas las actividades con contadores de instancias por estado para cada una
es-es workflow list of all history items made by instances while they travel in the workflow with information about duration and date lista de todos los elementos del historial hechos por instancias mientras viajan por flujos de trabajo con información sobre la duración y la fecha
es-es workflow list of all instances with info about current status and activities and link to administration of theses instances lista de todas las instancias con información sobre el estado actual y actividades y enlaces a la administración de estas instancias
es-es workflow list of instances Lista de instancias
es-es workflow list of mappings Lista de mapeos
es-es workflow list of monitors Lista de monitores
es-es workflow list of processes Lista de procesos
es-es workflow list of processes (%1) Lista de procesos (%1)
es-es workflow list of processes with status and validity and, for each, counters of instances by status lista de procesos con estado y validez y contadores de instancias por estado para cada uno
es-es workflow list of transitions Lista de transiciones
es-es workflow list of workitems Lista de elementos de trabajo
es-es workflow mail automatically sent by mail smtp agent for egroupware's workflow Correo enviado automáticamente por el agente SMTP para Flujos de trabajo de eGroupware
es-es workflow mail smtp agent Agente de correo SMTP
es-es workflow mails can be sent at the begining or at the end of the activity, for interactive activities only it can be sent after completion. Los correos se pueden enviar al principio o al final de la actividad. Para actividades interactivas, sólo se puede enviar después de completarse.
es-es workflow manual Manual
es-es workflow map mapa
es-es workflow map users/groups to roles Mapear usuarios/grupos a roles
es-es workflow mapping to inexistent role Mapeando a un rol inexistente
es-es workflow mappings deleted Mapeos borrados
es-es workflow message: Mensaje:
es-es workflow monitor activities Monitorizar actividades
es-es workflow monitor instance monitorizar instancia
es-es workflow monitor instances Monitorizar instancias
es-es workflow monitor processes Monitorizar procesos
es-es workflow monitor this instance Monitorizar esta instancia
es-es workflow monitor work items Monitorizar elementos de trabajo
es-es workflow monitor workitems Monitorizar elementos de trabajo
es-es workflow monitors Monitores
es-es workflow more options? ¿Más opciones?
es-es workflow my activities Mis actividades
es-es workflow my instances Mis instancias
es-es workflow my processes Mis procesos
es-es workflow name Nombre
es-es workflow new instance Nueva instancia
es-es workflow new major Nuevo mayor
es-es workflow new major version created Se ha creado una nueva version mayor
es-es workflow new mapping added Se ha añadido un nuevo mapeo
es-es workflow new minor Nuevo menor
es-es workflow new minor version created Se ha creado una nueva version menor
es-es workflow new status not set, no corresponding activity was found. El nuevo estado no está establecido. No se encontró ninguna actividad.
es-es workflow new transition added Se ha añadido una nueva transición
es-es workflow next activity actividad siguiente
es-es workflow next user: Usuario siguiente:
es-es workflow no action avaible because no activity and no instance are given! No hay acción disponible porque no se indicaron actividades ni instancias
es-es workflow no activites No hay actividades
es-es workflow no activity indicated No se ha indicado una actividad
es-es workflow no agents associated with this activity No hay agentes asociados con esta actividad
es-es workflow no circular transitions allowed. No se permiten transiciones circulares
es-es workflow no corresponding activity was found. No se encontró una actividad correspondiente.
es-es workflow no inbound for start activity No hay entrada para la actividad de inicio
es-es workflow no inconcistency detected No se detectaron inconsistencias
es-es workflow no instance avaible No hay instancias disponibles
es-es workflow no instance given, nothing to show no se ha indicado ninguna instancia, no se muestra nada
es-es workflow no instance indicated No se ha indicado una instancia
es-es workflow no outbound for end activity No hay salida para la actividad de fin
es-es workflow no process indicated No se ha indicado ningún proceso
es-es workflow no properties defined No se han definido propiedades
es-es workflow no roles No hay roles
es-es workflow no roles asociated with this activity No hay roles asociados con esta actividad
es-es workflow no routage sin enrutado
es-es workflow no scan done No se realizó exploración
es-es workflow no transitions allowed for standalone or view activities No se permiten transiciones para actividades independientes o vistas
es-es workflow no work item indicated No se ha indicado elemento de trabajo
es-es workflow nobody Nadie
es-es workflow not defined sin definir
es-es workflow or import a process O importar un proceso
es-es workflow owner Propietario
es-es workflow owner: Propietario:
es-es workflow please wait, task in progress ... Por favor, espere. Tarea en progreso...
es-es workflow post activity %1 code is not avaible el código de la actividad posterior %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow post shared code is not avaible el código compartido posterior no está disponible
es-es workflow post-agent %1 code is not avaible el código de agente posterior %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow pr. Prioridad
es-es workflow pre-activity %1 code is not avaible el código de la actividad previa %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow pre-agent %1 code is not avaible el código compartido previo no está disponible
es-es workflow pre-shared code is not avaible el código de agente previo %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow printer friendly Orientado para impresión
es-es workflow priority level: Nivel de prioridad:
es-es workflow process Proceso
es-es workflow process %1 proceso %1
es-es workflow process %1 %2 is not active, action %3 is impossible El proceso %1 %2 no está activo, la acción %3 es imposible
es-es workflow process %1 v%2 as no related activity El proceso %1 v%2 no tiene actividad relacionada
es-es workflow process %d has been activated El proceso %d ha sido activado
es-es workflow process %d has been deactivated El proceso %d ha sido activado
es-es workflow process %s %s already exists, the import process was aborted El proceso %s %s ya existe. Se ha abortado el proceso de importación
es-es workflow process %s %s imported El proceso %s %s ha sido importado
es-es workflow process %s has been created El proceso %s ha sido creado
es-es workflow process %s has been updated El proceso %s ha sido actualizado
es-es workflow process %s removed El proceso %s ha sido eliminado
es-es workflow process activities Procesar actividades
es-es workflow process alone Procesar por separado
es-es workflow process does not have a start activity El proceso no tiene una actividad de inicio
es-es workflow process does not have exactly one end activity El proceso no tiene exactamente una actividad de fin
es-es workflow process form Procesar formulario
es-es workflow process name Nombre del proceso
es-es workflow process name already exists El nombre del proceso ya existe
es-es workflow process roles Roles del proceso
es-es workflow process saved Proceso guardado
es-es workflow process transitions Transiciones del proceso
es-es workflow process version: versión del proceso:
es-es workflow process: Proceso:
es-es workflow processes Procesos
es-es workflow properties Propiedades
es-es workflow property Propiedad
es-es workflow property %1 already exists La propiedad %1 ya existe
es-es workflow property %1 not found No se encontró la propiedad %1
es-es workflow quit without saving Salir sin guardar
es-es workflow read-only sólo lectura
es-es workflow release access to this activity Liberar el acceso a esta actividad
es-es workflow release activity for this instance liberar actividad para esta instancia
es-es workflow release instance liberar instancia
es-es workflow reload filter Recargar filtro
es-es workflow remove active instances Eliminar instancias activas
es-es workflow remove all instances for this process eliminar todas las instancias para este proceso
es-es workflow remove selected roles eliminar roles seleccionados
es-es workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on all processes eliminando instancias y elementos de trabajo para las instancias abortadas en todos los procesos
es-es workflow removing instances and workitems for aborted instances on process #%1 eliminando instancias y elementos de trabajo paras las instancias abortadas en el proceso nº%1
es-es workflow removing instances and workitems for all instances on process #%1 eliminando instancias y elementos de trabajo paras las instancias en el proceso nº%1
es-es workflow replyto: Responder a:
es-es workflow restart reiniciar
es-es workflow restart activity reiniciar actividad
es-es workflow resume this exception instance Continuar esta instancia de excepción
es-es workflow role Rol
es-es workflow role #%1 in process %2 has different process (%3) in mapping with user #%4 El rol nº%1 en el proceso %2 tiene distintos procesos (%2) al mapearlo con el usuario nº%4
es-es workflow role %1 (#%2) is associated with a non-existent process (#%3) El rol %1 (nº%2) está asociado con un proceso inexistente (nº%3)
es-es workflow role %1 is associated in a mapping with user #%2 with a non-existent process (%3) El rol %1 está asociado con el usuario nº%2 con un proceso inexistente (%3)
es-es workflow role %1 is not mapped El rol %1 no está mapeado
es-es workflow role added to activity Se ha añadido el rol a la actividad
es-es workflow role added to process Se ha añadido el rol al proceso
es-es workflow role in inexistent process Rol en un proceso inexistente
es-es workflow role mapping in inexistent process Mapeo de rol en un proceso inexistente
es-es workflow role name Nombre del rol
es-es workflow role not saved (maybe a name collision) Rol no guardado (quizás haya una colisión en el nombre)
es-es workflow role process inconcistency in mappings Inconsistencia al procesar rol en los mapeos
es-es workflow role saved El rol se ha guardado
es-es workflow roles Roles
es-es workflow roles assigned to this activity Roles asignados a esta actividad
es-es workflow roles deleted Roles borrados
es-es workflow routing Enrutado
es-es workflow routing: enrutado:
es-es workflow run ejecutar
es-es workflow run activity ejecutar actividad
es-es workflow run instance ejecutar instancia
es-es workflow running en ejecución
es-es workflow running activity Ejecutando actividad
es-es workflow scan activities Explorar actividades
es-es workflow scan agents Explorar agentes
es-es workflow scan instances Explorar instancias
es-es workflow scan processes Explorar procesos
es-es workflow scan roles Explorar roles
es-es workflow scan transitions Explorar transiciones
es-es workflow search instance filter in the bottom of instance lists Filtro de búsqueda al final de las listas de instancias
es-es workflow search: Buscar:
es-es workflow security check: cannot understand asked action Comprobación de seguridad: no se puede comprender la acción solicitada
es-es workflow see as well %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% and %proces ver también %instance_name%, %activity_name%, %process_name%,%process_version%, %instance_id%, %activity_id% y %process_id%
es-es workflow select a transition to remove Seleccionar una transicion para eliminar
es-es workflow select source seleccionar código fuente
es-es workflow send after interactive activity is completed enviar después de completar la actividad interactiva
es-es workflow send all to Enviar a todos
es-es workflow send an email Enviar un correo
es-es workflow send instance enviar instancia
es-es workflow send this instance to the next activity Enviar esta instancia a la siguiente actividad
es-es workflow send transition enviar transición
es-es workflow send when the activity is ending enviar cuando la actividad esté finalizando
es-es workflow send when the activity is starting enviar cuando la actividad esté comenzando
es-es workflow send when wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send'] is posted enviar cuando se envie wf_agent_mail_smtp['submit_send']
es-es workflow set next act Establecer actividad siguiente
es-es workflow set next user Establecer usuario siguiente
es-es workflow set property Establecer propiedad
es-es workflow setnextuser directives can override it Las directivas setNextUser pueden ignorarlo
es-es workflow setting next activity to an unexisting activity estableciendo la siguiente actividad a una actividad inexistente
es-es workflow shared code Código compartido
es-es workflow should we always give you the advanced search row on instances lists? Debemos mostrar siempre la fila de búsqueda avanzada en las listas de instancias?
es-es workflow show code Mostrar código
es-es workflow show template Mostrar plantilla
es-es workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email after completion of the activity El agente smtp ha detectado algunos errores al enviar correo después de completar la actividad
es-es workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the beginning of the activity El agente smtp ha detectado algunos errores al enviar correo al principio de la actividad
es-es workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email at the end of this activity El agente smtp ha detectado algunos errores al enviar correo al final de la actividad
es-es workflow smtp agent has detected some errors when sending email on demand whith this activity El agente smtp ha detectado algunos errores al enviar correo bajo demanda con esta actividad
es-es workflow something was wrong while creating the new major version Ocurrió algo extraño al crear la nueva versión mayor
es-es workflow something was wrong while creating the new minor version Ocurrió algo extraño al crear la nueva versión menor
es-es workflow source code file for activity %1 is not avaible el fichero de código fuente para la actividad %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow source code for activity %1 is not avaible el código fuente para la actividad %1 no está disponible
es-es workflow source saved Origen guardado
es-es workflow special known values for local links address are userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance and admininstance. Los valores especiales conocidos para las direcciones de enlaces locales son userinstance, viewinstance, viewniceinstance y admininstance.
es-es workflow split bifurcación
es-es workflow standalone independiente
es-es workflow start Inicio
es-es workflow start activities must be autorouted Las actividades de inicio deben ser autorutadas
es-es workflow start activities must be interactive Las actividades de inicio deben ser interactivo
es-es workflow start activity Actividad de inicio
es-es workflow start process iniciar proceso
es-es workflow started Iniciado
es-es workflow started: iniciado:
es-es workflow starting page Página de inicio
es-es workflow status Estado
es-es workflow status: estado:
es-es workflow stop parar
es-es workflow subject: Asunto:
es-es workflow switch decisión
es-es workflow switch construct Intercambiar constructor
es-es workflow template plantilla
es-es workflow test concistency Probar consistencia
es-es workflow test consistency of datas in the database Probar consistencia de los datos en la base de datos
es-es workflow test local installation Probar instalación local
es-es workflow the activity was not completed No se completó la actividad
es-es workflow the default user will only be set if he is mapped to a role on the activity Sólo se establecerá el usuario predeterminado si tiene asignado un rol en la actividad
es-es workflow the following items must be corrected to be able to activate this process Deben corregirse los siguientes elementos para poder activar este proceso
es-es workflow the label you want la etiqueta que desea
es-es workflow the smtp configuration cannot be loaded by the mail_smtp workflow agent El agente mail_smtp de flujos del trabajo no puede cargar la configuración SMTP
es-es workflow there are no activities available No hay actividades disponibles
es-es workflow there are no config value defined No hay definido un valor de configuración
es-es workflow there are no instances available No hay instancias disponibles
es-es workflow there are no mappings defined for this process No hay mapeos definidos para este proceso
es-es workflow there are no process available No hay procesos disponibles
es-es workflow there are no processes No hay procesos
es-es workflow there are no processes available No hay procesos disponibles
es-es workflow there are no processes defined No hay procesos definidos
es-es workflow there are no processes with the current filter No hay procesos con el filtro actual
es-es workflow there are no properties available No hay propiedades disponibles
es-es workflow there are no roles defined for this process No hay roles definidos para este proceso
es-es workflow there are no transitions defined No hay transiciones definidas
es-es workflow there are no user activites available No hay actividades de usuario disponibles
es-es workflow there are no workitems available No hay elementos de trabajo disponibles
es-es workflow there are some undefined preferences associated with this form : %1 hay algunas preferencias sin definir asociadas con este formulario: %1
es-es workflow there is an unknown user or group #%1 in role mappings Hay un usuario o grupo desconocido nº%1 en los mapeos de rol
es-es workflow they were problems at the compilation of the source: Hubo problemas con la compilación del código fuente:
es-es workflow this activity for this instance is actually avaible for you. Esta actividad para esta instancia actualmente está disponible para usted.
es-es workflow this activity for this instance is actually only avaible for you. Esta actividad para esta instancia sólo está disponible actualmente para usted.
es-es workflow this activity for this instance is not specifically assigned to you. Esta actividad para esta instancia no está asignada específicamente a usted
es-es workflow this agent gives the activity the possibility to send an smtp message (mail) Este agente proporciona a la actividad la posibilidad de enviar un mensaje SMTP (correo electrónico)
es-es workflow this form will test your local workflow installation to detect potential issues Este formulario realizará una prueba en su instalación local de flujos de trabajo para detectar problemas potenciales
es-es workflow this is the first screen shown when you click on the workflow application icon Esta es la primera pantalla que se muestra al pulsar en el icono de la aplicación flujos de trabajo
es-es workflow this process has a view activity. access in view mode is granted only for this view activty. Este proceso tiene una actividad de vista. El acceso en modo vista se concede sólo para esta actividad de vista.
es-es workflow this process has no end activity este proceso no tiene actividad de fin
es-es workflow to A
es-es workflow to: Para:
es-es workflow transition transición
es-es workflow transition mode modo de transición
es-es workflow transition to %1 transición a %1
es-es workflow transition waiting for human interaction transición esperando interacción humana
es-es workflow transitions transiciones
es-es workflow transitions removed successfully Las transiciones se han eliminado correctamente
es-es workflow type tipo
es-es workflow type: tipo:
es-es workflow unknow fix instruction :%1 instrucción de corrección desconocida: %1
es-es workflow unknown instruction from the workflow engine: %1 instrucción desconocida para el motor de flujo del trabajo: %1
es-es workflow unknown status estado desconocido
es-es workflow update actualizar
es-es workflow upload file Subir fichero
es-es workflow use emailadmin to create mail profiles Usar EmailAdmin para crear perfiles de correo
es-es workflow use default Usar predeterminado
es-es workflow use existing roles Usar roles existentes
es-es workflow user Usuario
es-es workflow user #%1 is associated with a non-existent role #%2 El usuario nº%1 está asociado con un rol inexistente nº%2
es-es workflow user activities Actividades del usuario
es-es workflow user instances Instancias del usuario
es-es workflow user instances form: columns Formulario de instancias de usuario: columnas
es-es workflow user instances form: filters and actions Formulario de instancias de usuario: filtros y acciones
es-es workflow user is not authorized to delete aborted instances El usuario no está autorizado a borrar las instancias abortadas
es-es workflow user is not authorized to delete instances El usuario no está autorizado a borrar instancias
es-es workflow user processes Procesos del usuario
es-es workflow user/group Usuario/Grupo
es-es workflow user: usuario:
es-es workflow users can act on activity before its execution with form and after by sending it to the next activity Los usuarios pueden actuar en la actividad antes de su ejecución con el formulario y después enviándolo a la siguiente actividad
es-es workflow users/groups Usuarios/Grupos
es-es workflow valid Válido
es-es workflow valid process Validar proceso
es-es workflow valid: Válido:
es-es workflow validity: Validez:
es-es workflow value Valor
es-es workflow version Versión
es-es workflow view details ver detalles
es-es workflow view this instance Ver esta instancia
es-es workflow view workitem Ver elemento de trabajo
es-es workflow warning this filter override all others filters aviso: este filtro ignora todos los demás filtros
es-es workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all aborted instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process. aviso: al usar este botón eliminará definitivamente todas las instancias abortadas Y su historial (elementos de trabajo) para el proceso seleccionado.
es-es workflow warning: by using this button you will definitively remove all instances and their history (workitems) for the selected process, whatever the state they are. aviso: al usar este botón eliminará definitivamente todas las instancias Y su historial (elementos de trabajo) para el proceso seleccionado, cualquiera que sea su estado.
es-es workflow we cannot run this activity, maybe this instance or this activity do not exists anymore. No podemos ejecutar esta actividad. Puede que la instancia o esta actividad ya no exista.
es-es workflow we were not able to build the message No pudimos construir el mensaje
es-es workflow when in advanced mode, should we show you advanced actions by default (resume, exception, grab, etc.)? Cuando se está en modo avanzado, ¿debemos mostrar las acciones avanzadas por defecto (continuar, excepción, tomar, etc)?
es-es workflow when to send the message: Cuándo enviar el mensaje:
es-es workflow workflow navigation Navegación por los flujos de trabajo
es-es workflow workflow preferences Preferencias del flujos de trabajo
es-es workflow workflow site configuration Configuración del sitio de flujos de trabajo
es-es workflow workitem information Información del elemento de trabajo
es-es workflow workitems Elementos de trabajo
es-es workflow you are not allowed to abort instance %1 No tiene permiso para abortar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to exception instance %1 No tiene permiso para una excepción en la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to grab instance %1 No tiene permiso para tomar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to release instance %1 No tiene permiso para liberar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to restart instance %1 No tiene permiso para reiniciar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to resume instance %1 No tiene permiso para continuar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you are not allowed to send instance %1 No tiene permiso para enviar la instancia %1
es-es workflow you can use special values with this mail agent: Puede usar valores especiales con este agente de correo:
es-es workflow you do not have the right to run this activity anymore, maybe a concurrent access problem, refresh your datas. Ya no tiene permiso para volver a ejecutar esta actividad. Quizás sea un problema de acceso concurrente, refresque sus datos.
es-es workflow you don't have the rights necessary to exception instance %1 No tiene los permisos necesarios para crear una excepción en la instancia %1
es-es workflow you have not permission to execute this activity No tiene permiso para ejecutar esta actividad
es-es workflow you were not allowed to complete the activity No tiene permiso para completar la actividad
-- Data for Name: phpgw_languages; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_languages (lang_id, lang_name) FROM stdin;
aa Afar
ab Abkhazian
af Afrikaans
am Amharic
ar Arabic
as Assamese
ay Aymara
az Azerbaijani
ba Bashkir
be Byelorussian
bg Bulgarian
bh Bihari
bi Bislama
bn Bengali / Bangla
bo Tibetan
br Breton
co Corsican
cs Czech
cy Welsh
da Danish
de German
dz Bhutani
el Greek
en English / US
eo Esperanto
es-es Spanish / Spain
es-ca Catalan
et Estonian
eu Basque
fa Persian
fi Finnish
fj Fiji
fo Faeroese
fr French
fy Frisian
ga Irish
gd Gaelic / Scots Gaelic
gl Galician
gn Guarani
gu Gujarati
ha Hausa
hi Hindi
hr Croatian
hu Hungarian
hy Armenian
ia Interlingua
ie Interlingue
ik Inupiak
in Indonesian
is Icelandic
it Italian
iw Hebrew
ja Japanese
ji Yiddish
jw Javanese
ka Georgian
kk Kazakh
kl Greenlandic
km Cambodian
kn Kannada
ko Korean
ks Kashmiri
ku Kurdish
ky Kirghiz
la Latin
ln Lingala
lo Laothian
lt Lithuanian
lv Latvian / Lettish
mg Malagasy
mi Maori
mk Macedonian
ml Malayalam
mn Mongolian
mo Moldavian
mr Marathi
ms Malay
mt Maltese
my Burmese
na Nauru
ne Nepali
nl Dutch
no Norwegian
oc Occitan
om Oromo / Afan
or Oriya
pa Punjabi
pl Polish
ps Pashto / Pushto
pt Portuguese
pt-br Brazil
qu Quechua
rm Rhaeto-Romance
rn Kirundi
ro Romanian
ru Russian
rw Kinyarwanda
sa Sanskrit
sd Sindhi
sg Sangro
sh Serbo-Croatian
si Singhalese
sk Slovak
sl Slovenian
sm Samoan
sn Shona
so Somali
sq Albanian
sr Serbian
ss Siswati
st Sesotho
su Sudanese
sv Swedish
sw Swahili
ta Tamil
te Tegulu
tg Tajik
th Thai
ti Tigrinya
tk Turkmen
tl Tagalog
tn Setswana
to Tonga
tr Turkish
ts Tsonga
tt Tatar
tw Twi
uk Ukrainian
ur Urdu
uz Uzbek
vi Vietnamese
vo Volapuk
wo Wolof
xh Xhosa
yo Yoruba
zh Chinese(simplified)
zt Chinese(Taiwan)
zu Zulu
-- Data for Name: phpgw_log; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_log (log_id, log_date, log_user, log_app, log_severity) FROM stdin;
1 2007-03-05 19:32:45 1003 home W
2 2007-05-09 07:14:03 0 login E
3 2007-05-09 07:14:31 0 login E
4 2007-05-09 07:14:35 0 login E
5 2007-05-09 07:14:44 0 login E
6 2008-03-31 10:43:28 1003 home D
7 2008-03-31 11:47:36 1003 home D
-- Data for Name: phpgw_log_msg; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_log_msg (log_msg_log_id, log_msg_seq_no, log_msg_date, log_msg_tx_fid, log_msg_tx_id, log_msg_severity, log_msg_code, log_msg_msg, log_msg_parms, log_msg_file, log_msg_line) FROM stdin;
1 0 2007-03-05 19:32:45 \N \N W BadmenuactionVariable menuaction missing or corrupt: %1 /var/www/expresso/index.php 101
1 1 2007-03-05 19:32:45 \N \N W BadmenuactionVariable attempted to access private method: %1 /var/www/expresso/index.php 114
2 0 2007-05-09 07:14:03 \N \N E Unknown 1 1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 1 1
3 0 2007-05-09 07:14:31 \N \N E Unknown 1 1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 1 1
4 0 2007-05-09 07:14:35 \N \N E Unknown 1 1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 1 1
5 0 2007-05-09 07:14:44 \N \N E Unknown 1 1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1|1 1 1
-- Data for Name: phpgw_news; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_news (news_id, news_date, news_subject, news_submittedby, news_content, news_begin, news_end, news_cat, news_teaser, is_html) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_news_export; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_news_export (cat_id, export_type, export_itemsyntax, export_title, export_link, export_description, export_img_title, export_img_url, export_img_link) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_nextid; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_nextid (id, appname) FROM stdin;
1006 groups
1008 accounts
-- Data for Name: phpgw_preferences; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_preferences (preference_owner, preference_app, preference_value) FROM stdin;
-1 common a:21:{s:9:"maxmatchs";s:2:"20";s:12:"template_set";s:7:"default";s:5:"theme";s:4:"azul";s:13:"navbar_format";s:5:"icons";s:9:"tz_offset";s:1:"0";s:10:"dateformat";s:5:"d/m/Y";s:10:"timeformat";s:2:"24";s:7:"country";s:2:"BR";s:4:"lang";s:5:"pt-br";s:17:"show_currentusers";s:1:"0";s:8:"currency";s:2:"R$";s:17:"account_selection";s:9:"selectbox";s:15:"account_display";s:8:"firstall";s:9:"show_help";s:1:"0";s:22:"start_and_logout_icons";s:3:"yes";s:9:"max_icons";s:2:"10";s:17:"auto_hide_sidebox";s:1:"1";s:20:"click_or_onmouseover";s:5:"click";s:22:"disable_slider_effects";s:1:"1";s:14:"disable_pngfix";s:1:"0";s:20:"show_generation_time";s:1:"0";}
-1 calendar a:23:{s:13:"workdaystarts";s:1:"8";s:11:"workdayends";s:2:"19";s:8:"interval";s:2:"30";s:13:"weekdaystarts";s:6:"Monday";s:24:"planner_start_with_group";s:2:"-1";s:21:"mainscreen_showevents";s:1:"1";s:15:"receive_updates";s:13:"modifications";s:13:"update_format";s:8:"extended";s:11:"notifyAdded";s:114:"Evento do Calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\r\nVocê possui um compromisso agendado para $$startdate$$";s:14:"notifyCanceled";s:118:"Evento do Calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\r\nSeu compromisso agendado para $$startdate$$ foi cancelado.";s:14:"notifyModified";s:135:"Evento do Calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\r\nSeu compromisso agendado foi modificado para $$startdate$$ na $$location$$.";s:14:"notifyResponse";s:143:"Evento do Calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\r\nEm $$date$$, $$fullname$$ $$action$$ sua requisição de encontro para $$startdate$$.";s:11:"notifyAlarm";s:86:"Alarme para $$title$$ em $$startdate$$ na $$location$$\r\nAqui está o alarme solicitado.";s:13:"show_rejected";s:1:"0";s:14:"display_status";s:1:"1";s:13:"defaultlength";s:2:"30";s:25:"planner_intervals_per_day";s:1:"4";s:13:"defaultfilter";s:3:"all";s:15:"default_private";s:1:"0";s:16:"display_minicals";s:1:"0";s:17:"print_black_white";s:1:"1";s:8:"freebusy";s:1:"0";s:11:"public_view";s:1:"0";}
1003 portal_order a:8:{i:1;s:1:"3";i:2;s:1:"7";i:3;s:1:"4";i:4;s:1:"8";i:5;s:1:"5";i:6;s:1:"6";i:7;s:1:"9";i:0;s:1:"4";}
1003 common a:1:{s:11:"default_app";s:5:"admin";}
1003 expressoMail a:1:{s:13:"use_signature";s:1:"1";}
-2 calendar a:24:{s:15:"defaultcalendar";s:4:"week";s:21:"mainscreen_showevents";s:1:"0";s:7:"summary";s:2:"no";s:15:"receive_updates";s:2:"no";s:13:"update_format";s:8:"extended";s:11:"notifyAdded";s:113:"Evento do calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\nVocê possui um compromisso agendado para $$startdate$$";s:14:"notifyCanceled";s:116:"Evento do calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\nSeu compromisso agendado para $$startdate$$ foi cancelado";s:14:"notifyModified";s:133:"Evento do calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\nSeu compromisso agendado para $$olddate$$ foi remarcado para $$startdate$$";s:14:"notifyResponse";s:140:"Evento do calendário - $$action$$: $$startdate$$ $$title$$\nEm $$date$$ $$fullname$$ $$action$$ sua requisição de encontro para $$startdate$$";s:11:"notifyAlarm";s:85:"Alarme para $$title$$ em $$startdate$$ na $$location$$\nAqui está o alarme solicitado.";s:13:"show_rejected";s:1:"0";s:14:"display_status";s:1:"1";s:13:"weekdaystarts";s:6:"Monday";s:13:"workdaystarts";s:1:"9";s:11:"workdayends";s:2:"17";s:8:"interval";s:2:"30";s:13:"defaultlength";s:2:"60";s:24:"planner_start_with_group";s:4:"1001";s:25:"planner_intervals_per_day";s:1:"4";s:13:"defaultfilter";s:3:"all";s:15:"default_private";s:1:"0";s:16:"display_minicals";s:1:"1";s:17:"print_black_white";s:1:"0";s:19:"hide_event_conflict";s:1:"0";}
-2 expressoMail a:19:{s:18:"max_email_per_page";s:2:"50";s:16:"save_deleted_msg";s:1:"1";s:18:"use_local_messages";s:1:"0";s:22:"keep_archived_messages";s:1:"0";s:32:"delete_and_show_previous_message";s:1:"1";s:13:"alert_new_msg";s:1:"1";s:19:"mainscreen_showmail";s:1:"1";s:27:"remove_attachments_function";s:1:"0";s:21:"enable_important_flag";s:1:"0";s:14:"save_in_folder";s:10:"INBOX/Sent";s:12:"hide_folders";s:1:"0";s:11:"line_height";s:2:"20";s:9:"font_size";s:2:"11";s:20:"use_dynamic_contacts";s:1:"0";s:13:"use_shortcuts";s:1:"0";s:15:"auto_save_draft";s:1:"0";s:10:"image_size";s:5:"65536";s:28:"use_signature_digital_cripto";s:1:"0";s:14:"type_signature";s:4:"text";}
-- Data for Name: phpgw_sessions; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_sessions (session_id, session_lid, session_ip, session_logintime, session_dla, session_action, session_flags) FROM stdin;
-- Data for Name: phpgw_vfs; Type: TABLE DATA; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
COPY phpgw_vfs (file_id, owner_id, createdby_id, modifiedby_id, created, modified, size, mime_type, deleteable, comment, app, directory, name, link_directory, link_name, version, content) FROM stdin;
1 0 0 0 1970-01-01 \N \N Directory Y \N \N / \N \N \N
2 0 0 0 1970-01-01 \N \N Directory Y \N \N / home \N \N \N
-- Name: egw_wf_activities_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_activities
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_activities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_activity_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_activity_agents_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_activity_agents
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_activity_agents_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_activity_id, wf_agent_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_activity_roles_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_activity_roles
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_activity_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_activity_id, wf_role_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_admin_access_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_admin_access
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_admin_access_pkey PRIMARY KEY (admin_access_id, tipo, numvalue);
-- Name: egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_agent_mail_smtp_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_agent_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_external_application_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_external_application
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_external_application_pkey PRIMARY KEY (external_application_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instance_activities_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_instance_activities
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_instance_activities_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_instance_id, wf_activity_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instances_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_instances
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_instances_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_instance_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_interinstance_relations_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_interinstance_relations
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_interinstance_relations_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_parent_instance_id, wf_parent_activity_id, wf_child_instance_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_job_logs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_job_logs
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_job_logs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_id, date_time);
-- Name: egw_wf_jobs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_jobs
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_jobs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (job_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_process_config_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_process_config
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_process_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_p_id, wf_config_name);
-- Name: egw_wf_processes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_processes
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_processes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_p_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_roles_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_roles
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_role_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_transitions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_transitions
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_transitions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_act_from_id, wf_act_to_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_cache_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_user_cache
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_user_cache_pkey PRIMARY KEY (uidnumber);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_roles_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_user_roles
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_user_roles_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_role_id, wf_user, wf_account_type);
-- Name: egw_wf_workitems_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY egw_wf_workitems
ADD CONSTRAINT egw_wf_workitems_pkey PRIMARY KEY (wf_item_id);
-- Name: phpgw_accounts_account_lid_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_accounts
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_accounts_account_lid_key UNIQUE (account_lid);
-- Name: phpgw_accounts_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_accounts
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_accounts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (account_id);
-- Name: phpgw_acl_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_acl_pkey PRIMARY KEY (acl_appname, acl_location, acl_account);
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook_extra_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_addressbook_extra
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_addressbook_extra_pkey PRIMARY KEY (contact_id, contact_name);
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_addressbook
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_addressbook_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: phpgw_app_sessions_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_app_sessions
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_app_sessions_pkey PRIMARY KEY (sessionid, loginid, app, location);
-- Name: phpgw_applications_app_name_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_applications
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_applications_app_name_key UNIQUE (app_name);
-- Name: phpgw_applications_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_applications
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_applications_pkey PRIMARY KEY (app_id);
-- Name: phpgw_async_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_async
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_async_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id);
-- Name: phpgw_cal_extra_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cal_extra
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cal_extra_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_extra_name);
-- Name: phpgw_cal_holidays_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cal_holidays
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cal_holidays_pkey PRIMARY KEY (hol_id);
-- Name: phpgw_cal_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cal_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cal_id);
-- Name: phpgw_cal_user_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cal_user
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cal_user_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cal_id, cal_login);
-- Name: phpgw_categories_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_categories
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_categories_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cat_id);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_addresses_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_addresses
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_addresses_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_address);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_city_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_city
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_city_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_city);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_addrs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_company_addrs
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_company_addrs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_company, id_address);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_conns_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_company_conns
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_company_conns_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_company, id_connection);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_legals_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_company_legals
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_company_legals_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_company_legal);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_company
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_company_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_company);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_company_rels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_company_rels
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_company_rels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_company, id_related);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_connections_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_connections
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_connections_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_connection);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_addrs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_contact_addrs
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_contact_addrs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_contact, id_address);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_company_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_contact_company
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_contact_company_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_contact, id_company);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_conns_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_contact_conns
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_contact_conns_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_contact, id_connection);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_contact
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_contact_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_contact);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_rels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_contact_rels
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_contact_rels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_contact, id_related);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_groups_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_groups
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_groups_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_group);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_prefixes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_prefixes
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_prefixes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_prefix);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_state_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_state
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_state_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_state);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_status_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_status
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_status_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_status);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_suffixes_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_suffixes
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_suffixes_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_suffix);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_co_addrs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_company_address);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_co_conns_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_company_connection);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_co_legals_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_company_legal);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_co_rels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_company_relation);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_addrs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_contact_address);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_conns_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_contact_connection);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_cc_typeof_ct_rels_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_typeof_contact_relation);
-- Name: phpgw_certificados_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_certificados
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_certificados_pkey PRIMARY KEY (email, serialnumber, authoritykeyidentifier);
-- Name: phpgw_config_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_config
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_config_pkey PRIMARY KEY (config_app, config_name);
-- Name: phpgw_emailadmin_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_emailadmin
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_emailadmin_pkey PRIMARY KEY (profileid);
-- Name: phpgw_expressoadmin_samba_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_expressoadmin_samba
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_expressoadmin_samba_pkey PRIMARY KEY (samba_domain_name);
-- Name: phpgw_expressomail_contacts_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_expressomail_contacts
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_expressomail_contacts_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id_owner);
-- Name: phpgw_history_log_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_history_log
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_history_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (history_id);
-- Name: phpgw_hooks_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_hooks
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_hooks_pkey PRIMARY KEY (hook_id);
-- Name: phpgw_interserv_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_interserv
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_interserv_pkey PRIMARY KEY (server_id);
-- Name: phpgw_lang_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_lang_pkey PRIMARY KEY (lang, app_name, message_id);
-- Name: phpgw_languages_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_languages
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_languages_pkey PRIMARY KEY (lang_id);
-- Name: phpgw_log_msg_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_log_msg
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_log_msg_pkey PRIMARY KEY (log_msg_log_id, log_msg_seq_no);
-- Name: phpgw_log_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_log_pkey PRIMARY KEY (log_id);
-- Name: phpgw_news_export_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_news_export
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_news_export_pkey PRIMARY KEY (cat_id);
-- Name: phpgw_news_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_news_pkey PRIMARY KEY (news_id);
-- Name: phpgw_nextid_appname_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_nextid
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_nextid_appname_key UNIQUE (appname);
-- Name: phpgw_preferences_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_preferences
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_preferences_pkey PRIMARY KEY (preference_owner, preference_app);
-- Name: phpgw_sessions_session_id_key; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ALTER TABLE ONLY phpgw_sessions
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_sessions_session_id_key UNIQUE (session_id);
-- Name: phpgw_vfs_pkey; Type: CONSTRAINT; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
ADD CONSTRAINT phpgw_vfs_pkey PRIMARY KEY (file_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_activity_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_activity_id_idx ON egw_wf_instance_activities USING btree (wf_activity_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_instance_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_instance_id_idx ON egw_wf_instance_activities USING btree (wf_instance_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_user_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instance_activities_wf_user_idx ON egw_wf_instance_activities USING btree (wf_user);
-- Name: egw_wf_instances_wf_name_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instances_wf_name_idx ON egw_wf_instances USING btree (upper((wf_name)::text));
-- Name: egw_wf_instances_wf_owner_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instances_wf_owner_idx ON egw_wf_instances USING btree (wf_owner);
-- Name: egw_wf_instances_wf_p_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instances_wf_p_id_idx ON egw_wf_instances USING btree (wf_p_id);
-- Name: egw_wf_instances_wf_status_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_instances_wf_status_idx ON egw_wf_instances USING btree (wf_status);
-- Name: egw_wf_processes_wf_p_id_wf_is_active_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_processes_wf_p_id_wf_is_active_idx ON egw_wf_processes USING btree (wf_p_id, wf_is_active);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_cache_cpf_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_user_cache_cpf_idx ON egw_wf_user_cache USING btree (cpf);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_cache_employeenumber_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_user_cache_employeenumber_idx ON egw_wf_user_cache USING btree (employeenumber);
-- Name: egw_wf_user_cache_mail_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_user_cache_mail_idx ON egw_wf_user_cache USING btree (mail);
-- Name: egw_wf_workitems_wf_instance_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX egw_wf_workitems_wf_instance_id_idx ON egw_wf_workitems USING btree (wf_instance_id);
-- Name: phpgw_acl_acl_account_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_acl_acl_account_idx ON phpgw_acl USING btree (acl_account);
-- Name: phpgw_acl_acl_appname_acl_account_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_acl_acl_appname_acl_account_idx ON phpgw_acl USING btree (acl_appname, acl_account);
-- Name: phpgw_acl_acl_location_acl_account_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_acl_acl_location_acl_account_idx ON phpgw_acl USING btree (acl_location, acl_account);
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook_tid_cat_id_owner_access_n_family_n_given_emai; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_addressbook_tid_cat_id_owner_access_n_family_n_given_emai ON phpgw_addressbook USING btree (tid, cat_id, owner, access, n_family, n_given, email);
-- Name: phpgw_addressbook_tid_owner_access_n_family_n_given_email_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_addressbook_tid_owner_access_n_family_n_given_email_idx ON phpgw_addressbook USING btree (tid, owner, access, n_family, n_given, email);
-- Name: phpgw_applications_app_enabled_app_order_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_applications_app_enabled_app_order_idx ON phpgw_applications USING btree (app_enabled, app_order);
-- Name: phpgw_categories_cat_appname_cat_owner_cat_parent_cat_level_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_categories_cat_appname_cat_owner_cat_parent_cat_level_idx ON phpgw_categories USING btree (cat_appname, cat_owner, cat_parent, cat_level);
-- Name: phpgw_cc_contact_is_global_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_cc_contact_is_global_idx ON phpgw_cc_contact USING btree (is_global);
-- Name: phpgw_history_log_history_appname_history_record_id_history_sta; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_history_log_history_appname_history_record_id_history_sta ON phpgw_history_log USING btree (history_appname, history_record_id, history_status, history_timestamp);
-- Name: phpgw_news_news_date_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_news_news_date_idx ON phpgw_news USING btree (news_date);
-- Name: phpgw_news_news_subject_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_news_news_subject_idx ON phpgw_news USING btree (news_subject);
-- Name: phpgw_sessions_session_flags_session_dla_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_sessions_session_flags_session_dla_idx ON phpgw_sessions USING btree (session_flags, session_dla);
-- Name: phpgw_vfs_directory_name_mime_type_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: postgres; Tablespace:
CREATE INDEX phpgw_vfs_directory_name_mime_type_idx ON phpgw_vfs USING btree (directory, name, mime_type);
-- Name: trig_share_catalog_delete; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TRIGGER trig_share_catalog_delete
EXECUTE PROCEDURE share_catalog_delete();
-- Name: trig_share_catalog_insert; Type: TRIGGER; Schema: public; Owner: postgres
CREATE TRIGGER trig_share_catalog_insert
EXECUTE PROCEDURE share_catalog_insert();
-- Name: public; Type: ACL; Schema: -; Owner: postgres
REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM postgres;
GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO postgres;
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete