* -------------------------------------------- *
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
* option) any later version. *
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes']['bocustom_fields'] = True; // for 0.9.14
class uicustom_fields extends bocustom_fields
var $public_functions = array(
'index' => True,
'submited' => True
function uicustom_fields()
$this->bocustom_fields(); // call constructor of extended class
$this->tpl = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template;
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->nextmatchs))
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->nextmatchs = CreateObject('phpgwapi.nextmatchs');
if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->html))
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->html = CreateObject('phpgwapi.html');
$this->html = &$GLOBALS['phpgw']->html;
function index($error='')
if (!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->acl->check('run',1,'admin'))
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['calendar']['title'].' - '.lang('Custom fields and sorting');
$this->tpl = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->template;
'custom_fields_tpl' => 'custom_fields.tpl'
$n = 0;
foreach($this->fields as $field => $data)
$data['order'] = ($n += 10);
if (isset($this->stock_fields[$field]))
'hidden_vars' => '',
'lang_error' => $error,
'lang_name' => lang('Name'),
'lang_length' => lang('Length
(<= 255)'),
'lang_shown' => lang('Length shown
(emtpy for full length)'),
'lang_order' => lang('Order'),
'lang_title' => lang('Title-row'),
'lang_disabled'=> lang('Disabled'),
'action_url' => $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/index.php','menuaction=calendar.uicustom_fields.submited'),
'save_button' => $this->html->submit_button('save','Save'),
'cancel_button'=> ''
$this->set_row(array('order' => $n+10),'***new***','add','Add');
function set_row($values,$id='',$name='',$label='')
if ($id !== '')
$id = '['.htmlspecialchars($id).']';
'name' => $values['label'] ? lang($values['label']) : $this->html->input('name'.$id,$values['name'],'','SIZE="40" MAXLENGTH="40"'),
'length' => $values['label'] ? ' ' : $this->html->input('length'.$id,$values['length'],'','SIZE="3"'),
'shown' => $values['label'] ? ' ' : $this->html->input('shown'.$id,$values['shown'],'','SIZE="3"'),
'order' => $this->html->input('order'.$id,$values['order'],'','SIZE="3"'),
'title' => $this->html->checkbox('title'.$id,$values['title']),
'disabled'=> $this->html->checkbox('disabled'.$id,$values['disabled']),
'button' => $name ? $this->html->submit_button($name.$id,$label) : ' '
if ($name !== 'add')
$this->tpl->set_var('tr_color',$values['title'] ? $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['theme']['th_bg'] : $GLOBALS['phpgw']->nextmatchs->alternate_row_color());
function submited()
if ($_POST['cancel'])
//echo "
"; print_r($_POST); echo ""; foreach ($_POST['order'] as $field => $order) { if (isset($_POST['delete'][$field]) || $field == '***new***') { continue; } while(isset($ordered[$order])) { ++$order; } $ordered[$order] = array( 'field' => $field, 'name' => stripslashes($_POST['name'][$field]), 'length' => (int)$_POST['length'][$field], 'shown' => (int)$_POST['shown'][$field], 'title' => !!$_POST['title'][$field], 'disabled' => !!$_POST['disabled'][$field] ); if (isset($this->stock_fields[$field])) { $ordered[$order]['name'] = $this->fields[$field]['name']; $ordered[$order]['label'] = $this->fields[$field]['label']; } } if (isset($_POST['add']) || strlen($_POST['name']['***new***'])) { $name = stripslashes($_POST['name']['***new***']); if (!strlen($name) || array_search($name,$_POST['name']) != '***new***') { $error .= lang('New name must not exist and not be empty!!!'); } else { $order = $_POST['order']['***new***']; while(isset($_POST['order'][$order])) { ++$order; } $ordered[$order] = array( 'field' => '#'.$name, 'name' => $name, 'length' => (int)$_POST['length']['***new***'], 'shown' => (int)$_POST['shown']['***new***'], 'title' => !!$_POST['title']['***new***'], 'disabled' => !!$_POST['disabled']['***new***'] ); } } //echo "
"; print_r($ordered); echo "\n"; ksort($ordered,SORT_NUMERIC); $this->fields = array(); foreach($ordered as $order => $data) { if ($data['length'] > 255) { $data['length'] = 255; } if ($data['length'] <= 0) { unset($data['length']); } if ($data['shown'] >= $data['length'] || $data['shown'] <= 0) { unset($data['shown']); } if (!$data['title']) { unset($data['title']); } if (!$data['disabled']) { unset($data['disabled']); } $field = $data['field']; unset($data['field']); $this->fields[$field] = $data; } if (!$error && isset($_POST['save'])) { $this->save(); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->redirect_link('/admin/'); } $this->index($error); } } ?>