<?php /*********************************************** * File : mapiprovider.php * Project : Z-Push * Descr : * * Created : 14.02.2011 * * Copyright 2007 - 2012 Zarafa Deutschland GmbH * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * as published by the Free Software Foundation with the following additional * term according to sec. 7: * * According to sec. 7 of the GNU Affero General Public License, version 3, * the terms of the AGPL are supplemented with the following terms: * * "Zarafa" is a registered trademark of Zarafa B.V. * "Z-Push" is a registered trademark of Zarafa Deutschland GmbH * The licensing of the Program under the AGPL does not imply a trademark license. * Therefore any rights, title and interest in our trademarks remain entirely with us. * * However, if you propagate an unmodified version of the Program you are * allowed to use the term "Z-Push" to indicate that you distribute the Program. * Furthermore you may use our trademarks where it is necessary to indicate * the intended purpose of a product or service provided you use it in accordance * with honest practices in industrial or commercial matters. * If you want to propagate modified versions of the Program under the name "Z-Push", * you may only do so if you have a written permission by Zarafa Deutschland GmbH * (to acquire a permission please contact Zarafa at trademark@zarafa.com). * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * Consult LICENSE file for details ************************************************/ class MAPIProvider { private $session; private $store; private $zRFC822; private $addressbook; /** * Constructor of the MAPI Provider * Almost all methods of this class require a MAPI session and/or store * * @param ressource $session * @param ressource $store * * @access public */ function MAPIProvider($session, $store) { $this->session = $session; $this->store = $store; } /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * GETTER */ /** * Reads a message from MAPI * Depending on the message class, a contact, appointment, task or email is read * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access public * @return SyncObject */ public function GetMessage($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { // Gets the Sync object from a MAPI object according to its message class $props = mapi_getprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS)); if(isset($props[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS])) $messageclass = $props[PR_MESSAGE_CLASS]; else $messageclass = "IPM"; if(strpos($messageclass,"IPM.Contact") === 0) return $this->getContact($mapimessage, $contentparameters); else if(strpos($messageclass,"IPM.Appointment") === 0) return $this->getAppointment($mapimessage, $contentparameters); else if(strpos($messageclass,"IPM.Task") === 0) return $this->getTask($mapimessage, $contentparameters); else if(strpos($messageclass,"IPM.StickyNote") === 0) return $this->getNote($mapimessage, $contentparameters); else return $this->getEmail($mapimessage, $contentparameters); } /** * Reads a contact object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access private * @return SyncContact */ private function getContact($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { $message = new SyncContact(); // Standard one-to-one mappings first $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetContactMapping()); // Contact specific props $contactproperties = MAPIMapping::GetContactProperties(); $messageprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $contactproperties); //set the body according to contentparameters and supported AS version $this->setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, $message); //check the picture if (isset($messageprops[$contactproperties["haspic"]]) && $messageprops[$contactproperties["haspic"]]) { // Add attachments $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($mapimessage); mapi_table_restrict($attachtable, MAPIUtils::GetContactPicRestriction()); $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM, PR_ATTACH_SIZE)); foreach($rows as $row) { if(isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) { if (isset($row[PR_ATTACH_SIZE]) && $row[PR_ATTACH_SIZE] < MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE) { $mapiattach = mapi_message_openattach($mapimessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]); $message->picture = base64_encode(mapi_attach_openbin($mapiattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN)); } } } } return $message; } /** * Reads a task object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access private * @return SyncTask */ private function getTask($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { $message = new SyncTask(); // Standard one-to-one mappings first $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetTaskMapping()); // Task specific props $taskproperties = MAPIMapping::GetTaskProperties(); $messageprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $taskproperties); //set the body according to contentparameters and supported AS version $this->setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, $message); //task with deadoccur is an occurrence of a recurring task and does not need to be handled as recurring //webaccess does not set deadoccur for the initial recurring task if(isset($messageprops[$taskproperties["isrecurringtag"]]) && $messageprops[$taskproperties["isrecurringtag"]] && (!isset($messageprops[$taskproperties["deadoccur"]]) || (isset($messageprops[$taskproperties["deadoccur"]]) && !$messageprops[$taskproperties["deadoccur"]]))) { // Process recurrence $message->recurrence = new SyncTaskRecurrence(); $this->getRecurrence($mapimessage, $messageprops, $message, $message->recurrence, false); } // when set the task to complete using the WebAccess, the dateComplete property is not set correctly if ($message->complete == 1 && !isset($message->datecompleted)) $message->datecompleted = time(); // if no reminder is set, announce that to the mobile if (!isset($message->reminderset)) $message->reminderset = 0; return $message; } /** * Reads an appointment object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access private * @return SyncAppointment */ private function getAppointment($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { $message = new SyncAppointment(); // Standard one-to-one mappings first $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetAppointmentMapping()); // Appointment specific props $appointmentprops = MAPIMapping::GetAppointmentProperties(); $messageprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $appointmentprops); //set the body according to contentparameters and supported AS version $this->setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, $message); // Set reminder time if reminderset is true if(isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["reminderset"]]) && $messageprops[$appointmentprops["reminderset"]] == true) { if ($messageprops[$appointmentprops["remindertime"]] == 0x5AE980E1) $message->reminder = 15; else $message->reminder = $messageprops[$appointmentprops["remindertime"]]; } if(!isset($message->uid)) $message->uid = bin2hex($messageprops[$appointmentprops["sourcekey"]]); else $message->uid = Utils::GetICalUidFromOLUid($message->uid); // Always set organizer information because some devices do not work properly without it if( isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]]) && isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["representingname"]])) { $message->organizeremail = w2u($this->getSMTPAddressFromEntryID($messageprops[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]])); $message->organizername = w2u($messageprops[$appointmentprops["representingname"]]); } if(isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["timezonetag"]])) $tz = $this->getTZFromMAPIBlob($messageprops[$appointmentprops["timezonetag"]]); else { // set server default timezone (correct timezone should be configured!) $tz = TimezoneUtil::GetFullTZ(); } $message->timezone = base64_encode($this->getSyncBlobFromTZ($tz)); if(isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["isrecurring"]]) && $messageprops[$appointmentprops["isrecurring"]]) { // Process recurrence $message->recurrence = new SyncRecurrence(); $this->getRecurrence($mapimessage, $messageprops, $message, $message->recurrence, $tz); } // Do attendees $reciptable = mapi_message_getrecipienttable($mapimessage); // Only get first 256 recipients, to prevent possible load issues. $rows = mapi_table_queryrows($reciptable, array(PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_ADDRTYPE, PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS, PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE), 0, 256); // Exception: we do not synchronize appointments with more than 250 attendees if (count($rows) > 250) { $message->id = bin2hex($messageprops[$appointmentprops["sourcekey"]]); $mbe = new SyncObjectBrokenException("Appointment has too many attendees"); $mbe->SetSyncObject($message); throw $mbe; } if(count($rows) > 0) $message->attendees = array(); foreach($rows as $row) { $attendee = new SyncAttendee(); $attendee->name = w2u($row[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]); //smtp address is always a proper email address if(isset($row[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS])) $attendee->email = w2u($row[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS]); elseif (isset($row[PR_ADDRTYPE]) && isset($row[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS])) { //if address type is SMTP, it's also a proper email address if ($row[PR_ADDRTYPE] == "SMTP") $attendee->email = w2u($row[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]); //if address type is ZARAFA, the PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS contains username elseif ($row[PR_ADDRTYPE] == "ZARAFA") { $userinfo = mapi_zarafa_getuser_by_name($this->store, $row[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]); if (is_array($userinfo) && isset($userinfo["emailaddress"])) $attendee->email = w2u($userinfo["emailaddress"]); } } //set attendee's status and type if they're available if (isset($row[PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS])) $attendee->attendeestatus = $row[PR_RECIPIENT_TRACKSTATUS]; if (isset($row[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE])) $attendee->attendeetype = $row[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE]; // Some attendees have no email or name (eg resources), and if you // don't send one of those fields, the phone will give an error ... so // we don't send it in that case. // also ignore the "attendee" if the email is equal to the organizers' email if(isset($attendee->name) && isset($attendee->email) && $attendee->email != "" && (!isset($message->organizeremail) || (isset($message->organizeremail) && $attendee->email != $message->organizeremail))) array_push($message->attendees, $attendee); } // Status 0 = no meeting, status 1 = organizer, status 2/3/4/5 = tentative/accepted/declined/notresponded if(isset($messageprops[$appointmentprops["meetingstatus"]]) && $messageprops[$appointmentprops["meetingstatus"]] > 1) { // Work around iOS6 cancellation issue when there are no attendees for this meeting. Just add ourselves as the sole attendee. if(count($message->attendees) == 0) { if (!isset($message->attendees) || !is_array($message->attendees)) $message->attendees = array(); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->getAppointment: adding ourself as an attendee for iOS6 workaround")); $attendee = new SyncAttendee(); $meinfo = mapi_zarafa_getuser_by_name($this->store, Request::GetAuthUser()); if (is_array($meinfo)) { $attendee->email = w2u($meinfo["emailaddress"]); $attendee->mame = w2u($meinfo["fullname"]); $attendee->attendeetype = MAPI_TO; array_push($message->attendees, $attendee); } } } if (!isset($message->nativebodytype)) $message->nativebodytype = $this->getNativeBodyType($messageprops); return $message; } /** * Reads recurrence information from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param array $recurprops * @param SyncObject &$syncMessage the message * @param SyncObject &$syncRecurrence the recurrence message * @param array $tz timezone information * * @access private * @return */ private function getRecurrence($mapimessage, $recurprops, &$syncMessage, &$syncRecurrence, $tz) { if ($syncRecurrence instanceof SyncTaskRecurrence) $recurrence = new TaskRecurrence($this->store, $mapimessage); else $recurrence = new Recurrence($this->store, $mapimessage); switch($recurrence->recur["type"]) { case 10: // daily switch($recurrence->recur["subtype"]) { default: $syncRecurrence->type = 0; break; case 1: $syncRecurrence->type = 0; $syncRecurrence->dayofweek = 62; // mon-fri $syncRecurrence->interval = 1; break; } break; case 11: // weekly $syncRecurrence->type = 1; break; case 12: // monthly switch($recurrence->recur["subtype"]) { default: $syncRecurrence->type = 2; break; case 3: $syncRecurrence->type = 3; break; } break; case 13: // yearly switch($recurrence->recur["subtype"]) { default: $syncRecurrence->type = 4; break; case 2: $syncRecurrence->type = 5; break; case 3: $syncRecurrence->type = 6; } } // Termination switch($recurrence->recur["term"]) { case 0x21: $syncRecurrence->until = $recurrence->recur["end"]; // fixes Mantis #350 : recur-end does not consider timezones - use ClipEnd if available if (isset($recurprops[$recurrence->proptags["enddate_recurring"]])) $syncRecurrence->until = $recurprops[$recurrence->proptags["enddate_recurring"]]; // add one day (minus 1 sec) to the end time to make sure the last occurrence is covered $syncRecurrence->until += 86399; break; case 0x22: $syncRecurrence->occurrences = $recurrence->recur["numoccur"]; break; case 0x23: // never ends break; } // Correct 'alldayevent' because outlook fails to set it on recurring items of 24 hours or longer if(isset($recurrence->recur["endocc"], $recurrence->recur["startocc"]) && ($recurrence->recur["endocc"] - $recurrence->recur["startocc"] >= 1440)) $syncMessage->alldayevent = true; // Interval is different according to the type/subtype switch($recurrence->recur["type"]) { case 10: if($recurrence->recur["subtype"] == 0) $syncRecurrence->interval = (int)($recurrence->recur["everyn"] / 1440); // minutes break; case 11: case 12: $syncRecurrence->interval = $recurrence->recur["everyn"]; break; // months / weeks case 13: $syncRecurrence->interval = (int)($recurrence->recur["everyn"] / 12); break; // months } if(isset($recurrence->recur["weekdays"])) $syncRecurrence->dayofweek = $recurrence->recur["weekdays"]; // bitmask of days (1 == sunday, 128 == saturday if(isset($recurrence->recur["nday"])) $syncRecurrence->weekofmonth = $recurrence->recur["nday"]; // N'th {DAY} of {X} (0-5) if(isset($recurrence->recur["month"])) $syncRecurrence->monthofyear = (int)($recurrence->recur["month"] / (60 * 24 * 29)) + 1; // works ok due to rounding. see also $monthminutes below (1-12) if(isset($recurrence->recur["monthday"])) $syncRecurrence->dayofmonth = $recurrence->recur["monthday"]; // day of month (1-31) // All changed exceptions are appointments within the 'exceptions' array. They contain the same items as a normal appointment foreach($recurrence->recur["changed_occurences"] as $change) { $exception = new SyncAppointmentException(); // start, end, basedate, subject, remind_before, reminderset, location, busystatus, alldayevent, label if(isset($change["start"])) $exception->starttime = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($change["start"], $tz); if(isset($change["end"])) $exception->endtime = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($change["end"], $tz); if(isset($change["basedate"])) { $exception->exceptionstarttime = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($this->getDayStartOfTimestamp($change["basedate"]) + $recurrence->recur["startocc"] * 60, $tz); //open body because getting only property might not work because of memory limit $exceptionatt = $recurrence->getExceptionAttachment($change["basedate"]); if($exceptionatt) { $exceptionobj = mapi_attach_openobj($exceptionatt, 0); $this->setMessageBodyForType($exceptionobj, SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN, $exception); } } if(isset($change["subject"])) $exception->subject = w2u($change["subject"]); if(isset($change["reminder_before"]) && $change["reminder_before"]) $exception->reminder = $change["remind_before"]; if(isset($change["location"])) $exception->location = w2u($change["location"]); if(isset($change["busystatus"])) $exception->busystatus = $change["busystatus"]; if(isset($change["alldayevent"])) $exception->alldayevent = $change["alldayevent"]; // set some data from the original appointment if (isset($syncMessage->uid)) $exception->uid = $syncMessage->uid; if (isset($syncMessage->organizername)) $exception->organizername = $syncMessage->organizername; if (isset($syncMessage->organizeremail)) $exception->organizeremail = $syncMessage->organizeremail; if(!isset($syncMessage->exceptions)) $syncMessage->exceptions = array(); array_push($syncMessage->exceptions, $exception); } // Deleted appointments contain only the original date (basedate) and a 'deleted' tag foreach($recurrence->recur["deleted_occurences"] as $deleted) { $exception = new SyncAppointmentException(); $exception->exceptionstarttime = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($this->getDayStartOfTimestamp($deleted) + $recurrence->recur["startocc"] * 60, $tz); $exception->deleted = "1"; if(!isset($syncMessage->exceptions)) $syncMessage->exceptions = array(); array_push($syncMessage->exceptions, $exception); } if (isset($syncMessage->complete) && $syncMessage->complete) { $syncRecurrence->complete = $syncMessage->complete; } } /** * Reads an email object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access private * @return SyncEmail */ private function getEmail($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { $message = new SyncMail(); $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetEmailMapping()); $emailproperties = MAPIMapping::GetEmailProperties(); $messageprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $emailproperties); if(isset($messageprops[PR_SOURCE_KEY])) $sourcekey = $messageprops[PR_SOURCE_KEY]; else return false; //set the body according to contentparameters and supported AS version $this->setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, $message); $fromname = $fromaddr = ""; if(isset($messageprops[$emailproperties["representingname"]])) { // remove encapsulating double quotes from the representingname $fromname = preg_replace('/^\"(.*)\"$/',"\${1}", $messageprops[$emailproperties["representingname"]]); } if(isset($messageprops[$emailproperties["representingentryid"]])) $fromaddr = $this->getSMTPAddressFromEntryID($messageprops[$emailproperties["representingentryid"]]); if($fromname == $fromaddr) $fromname = ""; if($fromname) $from = "\"" . w2u($fromname) . "\" <" . w2u($fromaddr) . ">"; else //START CHANGED dw2412 HTC shows "error" if sender name is unknown $from = "\"" . w2u($fromaddr) . "\" <" . w2u($fromaddr) . ">"; //END CHANGED dw2412 HTC shows "error" if sender name is unknown $message->from = $from; // process Meeting Requests if(isset($message->messageclass) && strpos($message->messageclass, "IPM.Schedule.Meeting") === 0) { $message->meetingrequest = new SyncMeetingRequest(); $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message->meetingrequest, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetMeetingRequestMapping()); $meetingrequestproperties = MAPIMapping::GetMeetingRequestProperties(); $props = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $meetingrequestproperties); // Get the GOID if(isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["goidtag"]])) $message->meetingrequest->globalobjid = base64_encode($props[$meetingrequestproperties["goidtag"]]); // Set Timezone if(isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["timezonetag"]])) $tz = $this->getTZFromMAPIBlob($props[$meetingrequestproperties["timezonetag"]]); else $tz = $this->getGMTTZ(); $message->meetingrequest->timezone = base64_encode($this->getSyncBlobFromTZ($tz)); // send basedate if exception if(isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["recReplTime"]]) || (isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["lidIsException"]]) && $props[$meetingrequestproperties["lidIsException"]] == true)) { if (isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["recReplTime"]])){ $basedate = $props[$meetingrequestproperties["recReplTime"]]; $message->meetingrequest->recurrenceid = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($basedate, $this->getGMTTZ()); } else { if (!isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["goidtag"]]) || !isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["recurStartTime"]]) || !isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["timezonetag"]])) ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, "Missing property to set correct basedate for exception"); else { $basedate = Utils::ExtractBaseDate($props[$meetingrequestproperties["goidtag"]], $props[$meetingrequestproperties["recurStartTime"]]); $message->meetingrequest->recurrenceid = $this->getGMTTimeByTZ($basedate, $tz); } } } // Organizer is the sender $message->meetingrequest->organizer = $message->from; // Process recurrence if(isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]]) && $props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]]) { $myrec = new SyncMeetingRequestRecurrence(); // get recurrence -> put $message->meetingrequest as message so the 'alldayevent' is set correctly $this->getRecurrence($mapimessage, $props, $message->meetingrequest, $myrec, $tz); $message->meetingrequest->recurrences = array($myrec); } // Force the 'alldayevent' in the object at all times. (non-existent == 0) if(!isset($message->meetingrequest->alldayevent) || $message->meetingrequest->alldayevent == "") $message->meetingrequest->alldayevent = 0; // Instancetype // 0 = single appointment // 1 = master recurring appointment // 2 = single instance of recurring appointment // 3 = exception of recurring appointment $message->meetingrequest->instancetype = 0; if (isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]]) && $props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]] == 1) $message->meetingrequest->instancetype = 1; else if ((!isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]]) || $props[$meetingrequestproperties["isrecurringtag"]] == 0 )&& isset($message->meetingrequest->recurrenceid)) if (isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["appSeqNr"]]) && $props[$meetingrequestproperties["appSeqNr"]] == 0 ) $message->meetingrequest->instancetype = 2; else $message->meetingrequest->instancetype = 3; // Disable reminder if it is off if(!isset($props[$meetingrequestproperties["reminderset"]]) || $props[$meetingrequestproperties["reminderset"]] == false) $message->meetingrequest->reminder = ""; //the property saves reminder in minutes, but we need it in secs else { ///set the default reminder time to seconds if ($props[$meetingrequestproperties["remindertime"]] == 0x5AE980E1) $message->meetingrequest->reminder = 900; else $message->meetingrequest->reminder = $props[$meetingrequestproperties["remindertime"]] * 60; } // Set sensitivity to 0 if missing if(!isset($message->meetingrequest->sensitivity)) $message->meetingrequest->sensitivity = 0; // if a meeting request response hasn't been processed yet, // do it so that the attendee status is updated on the mobile if(!isset($messageprops[$emailproperties["processed"]])) { $req = new Meetingrequest($this->store, $mapimessage, $this->session); if ($req->isMeetingRequestResponse()) { $req->processMeetingRequestResponse(); } if ($req->isMeetingCancellation()) { $req->processMeetingCancellation(); } } } // Add attachments $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($mapimessage); $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM)); $entryid = bin2hex($messageprops[$emailproperties["entryid"]]); foreach($rows as $row) { if(isset($row[PR_ATTACH_NUM])) { $mapiattach = mapi_message_openattach($mapimessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]); $attachprops = mapi_getprops($mapiattach, array(PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME, PR_ATTACH_FILENAME, PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID, PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG, PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W)); $stream = mapi_openpropertytostream($mapiattach, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN); if($stream) { $stat = mapi_stream_stat($stream); if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() >= 12.0) { $attach = new SyncBaseAttachment(); } else { $attach = new SyncAttachment(); } // the displayname is handled equal for all AS versions $attach->displayname = w2u((isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME])) ? $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME] : ((isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_FILENAME])) ? $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_FILENAME] : "attachment.bin")); // fix attachment name in case of inline images if ($attach->displayname == "inline.txt" && (isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG]) || $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W])) { $mimetype = (isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG]))?$attachprops[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG]:$attachprops[PR_ATTACH_MIME_TAG_W]; $mime = explode("/", $mimetype); if (count($mime) == 2 && $mime[0] == "image") { $attach->displayname = "inline." . $mime[1]; } } // set AS version specific parameters if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() >= 12.0) { $attach->filereference = $entryid.":".$row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]; $attach->method = 1; $attach->estimatedDataSize = $stat["cb"]; if (isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID]) && $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID]) $attach->contentid = $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID]; if (!isset($attach->contentid) && isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W]) && $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W]) $attach->contentid = $attachprops[PR_ATTACH_CONTENT_ID_W]; if (isset($attachprops[PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN]) && $attachprops[PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN]) $attach->isinline = 1; if(!isset($message->asattachments)) $message->asattachments = array(); array_push($message->asattachments, $attach); } else { $attach->attsize = $stat["cb"]; $attach->attname = $entryid.":".$row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]; if(!isset($message->attachments)) $message->attachments = array(); array_push($message->attachments, $attach); } } } } // Get To/Cc as SMTP addresses (this is different from displayto and displaycc because we are putting // in the SMTP addresses as well, while displayto and displaycc could just contain the display names $message->to = array(); $message->cc = array(); $reciptable = mapi_message_getrecipienttable($mapimessage); $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($reciptable, array(PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_ADDRTYPE, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_ENTRYID)); foreach ($rows as $row) { $address = ""; $fulladdr = ""; $addrtype = isset($row[PR_ADDRTYPE]) ? $row[PR_ADDRTYPE] : ""; if (isset($row[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS])) $address = $row[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS]; elseif ($addrtype == "SMTP" && isset($row[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS])) $address = $row[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]; elseif ($addrtype == "ZARAFA" && isset($row[PR_ENTRYID])) $address = $this->getSMTPAddressFromEntryID($row[PR_ENTRYID]); $name = isset($row[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]) ? $row[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] : ""; if($name == "" || $name == $address) $fulladdr = w2u($address); else { if (substr($name, 0, 1) != '"' && substr($name, -1) != '"') { $fulladdr = "\"" . w2u($name) ."\" <" . w2u($address) . ">"; } else { $fulladdr = w2u($name) ."<" . w2u($address) . ">"; } } if($row[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] == MAPI_TO) { array_push($message->to, $fulladdr); } else if($row[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] == MAPI_CC) { array_push($message->cc, $fulladdr); } } if (is_array($message->to) && !empty($message->to)) $message->to = implode(", ", $message->to); if (is_array($message->cc) && !empty($message->cc)) $message->cc = implode(", ", $message->cc); // without importance some mobiles assume "0" (low) - Mantis #439 if (!isset($message->importance)) $message->importance = IMPORTANCE_NORMAL; //TODO contentclass and nativebodytype and internetcpid if (!isset($message->internetcpid)) $message->internetcpid = (defined('STORE_INTERNET_CPID')) ? constant('STORE_INTERNET_CPID') : INTERNET_CPID_WINDOWS1252; $this->setFlag($mapimessage, $message); $message->contentclass = DEFAULT_EMAIL_CONTENTCLASS; if (!isset($message->nativebodytype)) $message->nativebodytype = $this->getNativeBodyType($messageprops); return $message; } /** * Reads a note object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * * @access private * @return SyncNote */ private function getNote($mapimessage, $contentparameters) { $message = new SyncNote(); // Standard one-to-one mappings first $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetNoteMapping()); //set the body according to contentparameters and supported AS version $this->setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, $message); return $message; } /** * Reads a folder object from MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * * @access public * @return SyncFolder */ public function GetFolder($mapifolder) { $folder = new SyncFolder(); $folderprops = mapi_getprops($mapifolder, array(PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_PARENT_ENTRYID, PR_SOURCE_KEY, PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY, PR_ENTRYID, PR_CONTAINER_CLASS, PR_ATTR_HIDDEN)); $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->store, array(PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID)); if(!isset($folderprops[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]) || !isset($folderprops[PR_PARENT_ENTRYID]) || !isset($folderprops[PR_SOURCE_KEY]) || !isset($folderprops[PR_ENTRYID]) || !isset($folderprops[PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY]) || !isset($storeprops[PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID])) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, "MAPIProvider->GetFolder(): invalid folder. Missing properties"); return false; } // ignore hidden folders if (isset($folderprops[PR_ATTR_HIDDEN]) && $folderprops[PR_ATTR_HIDDEN] != false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->GetFolder(): invalid folder '%s' as it is a hidden folder (PR_ATTR_HIDDEN)", $folderprops[PR_DISPLAY_NAME])); return false; } $folder->serverid = bin2hex($folderprops[PR_SOURCE_KEY]); if($folderprops[PR_PARENT_ENTRYID] == $storeprops[PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID]) $folder->parentid = "0"; else $folder->parentid = bin2hex($folderprops[PR_PARENT_SOURCE_KEY]); $folder->displayname = w2u($folderprops[PR_DISPLAY_NAME]); $folder->type = $this->GetFolderType($folderprops[PR_ENTRYID], isset($folderprops[PR_CONTAINER_CLASS])?$folderprops[PR_CONTAINER_CLASS]:false); return $folder; } /** * Returns the foldertype for an entryid * Gets the folder type by checking the default folders in MAPI * * @param string $entryid * @param string $class (opt) * * @access public * @return long */ public function GetFolderType($entryid, $class = false) { $storeprops = mapi_getprops($this->store, array(PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID)); $inbox = mapi_msgstore_getreceivefolder($this->store); $inboxprops = mapi_getprops($inbox, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_TASK_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_APPOINTMENT_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_NOTE_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_JOURNAL_ENTRYID)); if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_INBOX; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_DRAFTS; if($entryid == $storeprops[PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_WASTEBASKET; if($entryid == $storeprops[PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_SENTMAIL; if($entryid == $storeprops[PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OUTBOX; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_TASK_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_TASK; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_APPOINTMENT_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_APPOINTMENT; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_CONTACT; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_NOTE_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_NOTE; if($entryid == $inboxprops[PR_IPM_JOURNAL_ENTRYID]) return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_JOURNAL; // user created folders if ($class == "IPF.Note") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_MAIL; if ($class == "IPF.Task") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_TASK; if ($class == "IPF.Appointment") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_APPOINTMENT; if ($class == "IPF.Contact") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_CONTACT; if ($class == "IPF.StickyNote") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_NOTE; if ($class == "IPF.Journal") return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_USER_JOURNAL; return SYNC_FOLDER_TYPE_OTHER; } /** * Indicates if the entry id is a default MAPI folder * * @param string $entryid * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function IsMAPIDefaultFolder($entryid) { $msgstore_props = mapi_getprops($this->store, array(PR_ENTRYID, PR_DISPLAY_NAME, PR_IPM_SUBTREE_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID, PR_MDB_PROVIDER, PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_FAVORITES_ENTRYID, PR_MAILBOX_OWNER_ENTRYID)); $inboxProps = array(); $inbox = mapi_msgstore_getreceivefolder($this->store); if(!mapi_last_hresult()) $inboxProps = mapi_getprops($inbox, array(PR_ENTRYID)); $root = mapi_msgstore_openentry($this->store, null); $rootProps = mapi_getprops($root, array(PR_IPM_APPOINTMENT_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_JOURNAL_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_NOTE_ENTRYID, PR_IPM_TASK_ENTRYID, PR_ADDITIONAL_REN_ENTRYIDS)); $additional_ren_entryids = array(); if(isset($rootProps[PR_ADDITIONAL_REN_ENTRYIDS])) $additional_ren_entryids = $rootProps[PR_ADDITIONAL_REN_ENTRYIDS]; $defaultfolders = array( "inbox" => array("inbox"=>PR_ENTRYID), "outbox" => array("store"=>PR_IPM_OUTBOX_ENTRYID), "sent" => array("store"=>PR_IPM_SENTMAIL_ENTRYID), "wastebasket" => array("store"=>PR_IPM_WASTEBASKET_ENTRYID), "favorites" => array("store"=>PR_IPM_FAVORITES_ENTRYID), "publicfolders" => array("store"=>PR_IPM_PUBLIC_FOLDERS_ENTRYID), "calendar" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_APPOINTMENT_ENTRYID), "contact" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_CONTACT_ENTRYID), "drafts" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_DRAFTS_ENTRYID), "journal" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_JOURNAL_ENTRYID), "note" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_NOTE_ENTRYID), "task" => array("root" =>PR_IPM_TASK_ENTRYID), "junk" => array("additional" =>4), "syncissues" => array("additional" =>1), "conflicts" => array("additional" =>0), "localfailures" => array("additional" =>2), "serverfailures" => array("additional" =>3), ); foreach($defaultfolders as $key=>$prop){ $tag = reset($prop); $from = key($prop); switch($from){ case "inbox": if(isset($inboxProps[$tag]) && $entryid == $inboxProps[$tag]) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->IsMAPIFolder(): Inbox found, key '%s'", $key)); return true; } break; case "store": if(isset($msgstore_props[$tag]) && $entryid == $msgstore_props[$tag]) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->IsMAPIFolder(): Store folder found, key '%s'", $key)); return true; } break; case "root": if(isset($rootProps[$tag]) && $entryid == $rootProps[$tag]) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->IsMAPIFolder(): Root folder found, key '%s'", $key)); return true; } break; case "additional": if(isset($additional_ren_entryids[$tag]) && $entryid == $additional_ren_entryids[$tag]) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->IsMAPIFolder(): Additional folder found, key '%s'", $key)); return true; } } } return false; } /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * SETTER */ /** * Writes a SyncObject to MAPI * Depending on the message class, a contact, appointment, task or email is written * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncObject $message * * @access public * @return boolean */ public function SetMessage($mapimessage, $message) { // TODO check with instanceof switch(strtolower(get_class($message))) { case "synccontact": return $this->setContact($mapimessage, $message); case "syncappointment": return $this->setAppointment($mapimessage, $message); case "synctask": return $this->setTask($mapimessage, $message); case "syncnote": return $this->setNote($mapimessage, $message); default: //for emails only flag (read and todo) changes are possible return $this->setEmail($mapimessage, $message); } } /** * Writes SyncMail to MAPI (actually flags only) * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncMail $message */ private function setEmail($mapimessage, $message) { $flagmapping = MAPIMapping::GetMailFlagsMapping(); $flagprops = MAPIMapping::GetMailFlagsProperties(); $flagprops = array_merge($this->getPropIdsFromStrings($flagmapping), $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($flagprops)); // flag specific properties to be set $props = $delprops = array(); // unset message flags if: // flag is not set if (empty($message->flag) || // flag status is not set !isset($message->flag->flagstatus) || // flag status is 0 or empty (isset($message->flag->flagstatus) && ($message->flag->flagstatus == 0 || $message->flag->flagstatus == "")) ) { // if message flag is empty, some properties need to be deleted // and some set to 0 or false $props[$flagprops["todoitemsflags"]] = 0; $props[$flagprops["status"]] = 0; $props[$flagprops["completion"]] = 0.0; $props[$flagprops["flagtype"]] = ""; $props[$flagprops["ordinaldate"]] = 0x7fffffff; // ordinal date is 12am 1.1.4501, set it to max possible value $props[$flagprops["subordinaldate"]] = ""; $props[$flagprops["replyrequested"]] = false; $props[$flagprops["responserequested"]] = false; $props[$flagprops["reminderset"]] = false; $props[$flagprops["complete"]] = false; $delprops[] = $flagprops["todotitle"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["duedate"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["startdate"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["datecompleted"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["utcstartdate"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["utcduedate"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["completetime"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["flagstatus"]; $delprops[] = $flagprops["flagicon"]; } else { $this->setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $message->flag, $flagmapping); $props[$flagprops["todoitemsflags"]] = 1; $props[$flagprops["todotitle"]] = $message->subject; // ordinal date is utc current time if (!isset($message->flag->ordinaldate) || empty($message->flag->ordinaldate)) { $props[$flagprops["ordinaldate"]] = time(); } // the default value if (!isset($message->flag->subordinaldate) || empty($message->flag->subordinaldate)) { $props[$flagprops["subordinaldate"]] = "5555555"; } $props[$flagprops["flagicon"]] = 6; //red flag icon $props[$flagprops["replyrequested"]] = true; $props[$flagprops["responserequested"]] = true; if ($message->flag->flagstatus == SYNC_FLAGSTATUS_COMPLETE) { $props[$flagprops["status"]] = olTaskComplete; $props[$flagprops["completion"]] = 1.0; $props[$flagprops["complete"]] = true; $props[$flagprops["replyrequested"]] = false; $props[$flagprops["responserequested"]] = false; unset($props[$flagprops["flagicon"]]); $delprops[] = $flagprops["flagicon"]; } } if (!empty($props)) { mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $props); } if (!empty($delprops)) { mapi_deleteprops($mapimessage, $delprops); } } /** * Writes a SyncAppointment to MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncAppointment $message * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setAppointment($mapimessage, $appointment) { // Get timezone info if(isset($appointment->timezone)) $tz = $this->getTZFromSyncBlob(base64_decode($appointment->timezone)); else $tz = false; //calculate duration because without it some webaccess views are broken. duration is in min $localstart = $this->getLocaltimeByTZ($appointment->starttime, $tz); $localend = $this->getLocaltimeByTZ($appointment->endtime, $tz); $duration = ($localend - $localstart)/60; //nokia sends an yearly event with 0 mins duration but as all day event, //so make it end next day if ($appointment->starttime == $appointment->endtime && isset($appointment->alldayevent) && $appointment->alldayevent) { $duration = 1440; $appointment->endtime = $appointment->starttime + 24 * 60 * 60; $localend = $localstart + 24 * 60 * 60; } // is the transmitted UID OL compatible? // if not, encapsulate the transmitted uid $appointment->uid = Utils::GetOLUidFromICalUid($appointment->uid); mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Appointment")); $appointmentmapping = MAPIMapping::GetAppointmentMapping(); $this->setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $appointment, $appointmentmapping); $appointmentprops = MAPIMapping::GetAppointmentProperties(); $appointmentprops = array_merge($this->getPropIdsFromStrings($appointmentmapping), $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($appointmentprops)); //appointment specific properties to be set $props = array(); //we also have to set the responsestatus and not only meetingstatus, so we use another mapi tag $props[$appointmentprops["responsestatus"]] = (isset($appointment->responsestatus)) ? $appointment->responsestatus : olResponseNone; //sensitivity is not enough to mark an appointment as private, so we use another mapi tag $private = (isset($appointment->sensitivity) && $appointment->sensitivity == 0) ? false : true; // Set commonstart/commonend to start/end and remindertime to start, duration, private and cleanGlobalObjectId $props[$appointmentprops["commonstart"]] = $appointment->starttime; $props[$appointmentprops["commonend"]] = $appointment->endtime; $props[$appointmentprops["reminderstart"]] = $appointment->starttime; // Set reminder boolean to 'true' if reminder is set $props[$appointmentprops["reminderset"]] = isset($appointment->reminder) ? true : false; $props[$appointmentprops["duration"]] = $duration; $props[$appointmentprops["private"]] = $private; $props[$appointmentprops["uid"]] = $appointment->uid; // Set named prop 8510, unknown property, but enables deleting a single occurrence of a recurring // type in OLK2003. $props[$appointmentprops["sideeffects"]] = 369; if(isset($appointment->reminder) && $appointment->reminder >= 0) { // Set 'flagdueby' to correct value (start - reminderminutes) $props[$appointmentprops["flagdueby"]] = $appointment->starttime - $appointment->reminder * 60; $props[$appointmentprops["remindertime"]] = $appointment->reminder; } // unset the reminder else { $props[$appointmentprops["reminderset"]] = false; } if (isset($appointment->asbody)) { $this->setASbody($appointment->asbody, $props, $appointmentprops); } if(isset($appointment->recurrence)) { // Set PR_ICON_INDEX to 1025 to show correct icon in category view $props[$appointmentprops["icon"]] = 1025; //if there aren't any exceptions, use the 'old style' set recurrence $noexceptions = true; $recurrence = new Recurrence($this->store, $mapimessage); $recur = array(); $this->setRecurrence($appointment, $recur); // set the recurrence type to that of the MAPI $props[$appointmentprops["recurrencetype"]] = $recur["recurrencetype"]; $starttime = $this->gmtime($localstart); $endtime = $this->gmtime($localend); //set recurrence start here because it's calculated differently for tasks and appointments $recur["start"] = $this->getDayStartOfTimestamp($this->getGMTTimeByTZ($localstart, $tz)); $recur["startocc"] = $starttime["tm_hour"] * 60 + $starttime["tm_min"]; $recur["endocc"] = $recur["startocc"] + $duration; // Note that this may be > 24*60 if multi-day //only tasks can regenerate $recur["regen"] = false; // Process exceptions. The PDA will send all exceptions for this recurring item. if(isset($appointment->exceptions)) { foreach($appointment->exceptions as $exception) { // we always need the base date if(!isset($exception->exceptionstarttime)) continue; if(isset($exception->deleted) && $exception->deleted) { // Delete exception if(!isset($recur["deleted_occurences"])) $recur["deleted_occurences"] = array(); array_push($recur["deleted_occurences"], $this->getDayStartOfTimestamp($exception->exceptionstarttime)); } else { // Change exception $basedate = $this->getDayStartOfTimestamp($exception->exceptionstarttime); $mapiexception = array("basedate" => $basedate); //other exception properties which are not handled in recurrence $exceptionprops = array(); if(isset($exception->starttime)) { $mapiexception["start"] = $this->getLocaltimeByTZ($exception->starttime, $tz); $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["starttime"]] = $exception->starttime; } if(isset($exception->endtime)) { $mapiexception["end"] = $this->getLocaltimeByTZ($exception->endtime, $tz); $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["endtime"]] = $exception->endtime; } if(isset($exception->subject)) $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["subject"]] = $mapiexception["subject"] = u2w($exception->subject); if(isset($exception->location)) $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["location"]] = $mapiexception["location"] = u2w($exception->location); if(isset($exception->busystatus)) $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["busystatus"]] = $mapiexception["busystatus"] = $exception->busystatus; if(isset($exception->reminder)) { $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["reminderset"]] = $mapiexception["reminder_set"] = 1; $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["remindertime"]] = $mapiexception["remind_before"] = $exception->reminder; } if(isset($exception->alldayevent)) $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["alldayevent"]] = $mapiexception["alldayevent"] = $exception->alldayevent; if(!isset($recur["changed_occurences"])) $recur["changed_occurences"] = array(); if (isset($exception->body)) $exceptionprops[$appointmentprops["body"]] = u2w($exception->body); array_push($recur["changed_occurences"], $mapiexception); if (!empty($exceptionprops)) { $noexceptions = false; if($recurrence->isException($basedate)){ $recurrence->modifyException($exceptionprops, $basedate); } else { $recurrence->createException($exceptionprops, $basedate); } } } } } //setRecurrence deletes the attachments from an appointment if ($noexceptions) { $recurrence->setRecurrence($tz, $recur); } } else { $props[$appointmentprops["isrecurring"]] = false; } //always set the PR_SENT_REPRESENTING_* props so that the attendee status update also works with the webaccess $p = array( $appointmentprops["representingentryid"], $appointmentprops["representingname"], $appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"], $appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"], $appointmentprops["sentrepresentinsrchk"]); $representingprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $p); if (!isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]])) { $props[$appointmentprops["representingname"]] = Request::GetAuthUser(); $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"]] = Request::GetAuthUser(); $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"]] = "ZARAFA"; $props[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]] = mapi_createoneoff(Request::GetAuthUser(), "ZARAFA", Request::GetAuthUser()); $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentinsrchk"]] = $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"]].":".$props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"]]; } // Do attendees if(isset($appointment->attendees) && is_array($appointment->attendees)) { $recips = array(); // Outlook XP requires organizer in the attendee list as well $org = array(); $org[PR_ENTRYID] = isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]]) ? $representingprops[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]] : $props[$appointmentprops["representingentryid"]]; $org[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["representingname"]]) ? $representingprops[$appointmentprops["representingname"]] : $props[$appointmentprops["representingname"]]; $org[PR_ADDRTYPE] = isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"]]) ? $representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"]] : $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingaddt"]]; $org[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"]]) ? $representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"]] : $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentingemail"]]; $org[PR_SEARCH_KEY] = isset($representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentinsrchk"]]) ? $representingprops[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentinsrchk"]] : $props[$appointmentprops["sentrepresentinsrchk"]]; $org[PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS] = recipOrganizer | recipSendable; $org[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = MAPI_TO; array_push($recips, $org); //open addresss book for user resolve $addrbook = $this->getAddressbook(); foreach($appointment->attendees as $attendee) { $recip = array(); $recip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = u2w($attendee->email); // lookup information in GAB if possible so we have up-to-date name for given address $userinfo = array( array( PR_DISPLAY_NAME => $recip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] ) ); $userinfo = mapi_ab_resolvename($addrbook, $userinfo, EMS_AB_ADDRESS_LOOKUP); if(mapi_last_hresult() == NOERROR) { $recip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = $userinfo[0][PR_DISPLAY_NAME]; $recip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS] = $userinfo[0][PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]; $recip[PR_SEARCH_KEY] = $userinfo[0][PR_SEARCH_KEY]; $recip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = $userinfo[0][PR_ADDRTYPE]; $recip[PR_ENTRYID] = $userinfo[0][PR_ENTRYID]; $recip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = MAPI_TO; $recip[PR_RECIPIENT_FLAGS] = recipSendable; } else { $recip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME] = u2w($attendee->name); $recip[PR_SEARCH_KEY] = "SMTP:".$recip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]."\0"; $recip[PR_ADDRTYPE] = "SMTP"; $recip[PR_RECIPIENT_TYPE] = MAPI_TO; $recip[PR_ENTRYID] = mapi_createoneoff($recip[PR_DISPLAY_NAME], $recip[PR_ADDRTYPE], $recip[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]); } array_push($recips, $recip); } mapi_message_modifyrecipients($mapimessage, 0, $recips); $props[$appointmentprops["icon"]] = 1026; $props[$appointmentprops["mrwassent"]] = true; } mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $props); } /** * Writes a SyncContact to MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncContact $contact * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setContact($mapimessage, $contact) { mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Contact")); // normalize email addresses if (isset($contact->email1address) && (($contact->email1address = $this->extractEmailAddress($contact->email1address)) === false)) unset($contact->email1address); if (isset($contact->email2address) && (($contact->email2address = $this->extractEmailAddress($contact->email2address)) === false)) unset($contact->email2address); if (isset($contact->email3address) && (($contact->email3address = $this->extractEmailAddress($contact->email3address)) === false)) unset($contact->email3address); $contactmapping = MAPIMapping::GetContactMapping(); $contactprops = MAPIMapping::GetContactProperties(); $this->setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $contact, $contactmapping); ///set display name from contact's properties $cname = $this->composeDisplayName($contact); //get contact specific mapi properties and merge them with the AS properties $contactprops = array_merge($this->getPropIdsFromStrings($contactmapping), $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($contactprops)); //contact specific properties to be set $props = array(); //need to be set in order to show contacts properly in outlook and wa $nremails = array(); $abprovidertype = 0; if (isset($contact->email1address)) $this->setEmailAddress($contact->email1address, $cname, 1, $props, $contactprops, $nremails, $abprovidertype); if (isset($contact->email2address)) $this->setEmailAddress($contact->email2address, $cname, 2, $props, $contactprops, $nremails, $abprovidertype); if (isset($contact->email3address)) $this->setEmailAddress($contact->email3address, $cname, 3, $props, $contactprops, $nremails, $abprovidertype); $props[$contactprops["addressbooklong"]] = $abprovidertype; $props[$contactprops["displayname"]] = $props[$contactprops["subject"]] = $cname; //pda multiple e-mail addresses bug fix for the contact if (!empty($nremails)) $props[$contactprops["addressbookmv"]] = $nremails; //set addresses $this->setAddress("home", $contact->homecity, $contact->homecountry, $contact->homepostalcode, $contact->homestate, $contact->homestreet, $props, $contactprops); $this->setAddress("business", $contact->businesscity, $contact->businesscountry, $contact->businesspostalcode, $contact->businessstate, $contact->businessstreet, $props, $contactprops); $this->setAddress("other", $contact->othercity, $contact->othercountry, $contact->otherpostalcode, $contact->otherstate, $contact->otherstreet, $props, $contactprops); //set the mailing address and its type if (isset($props[$contactprops["businessaddress"]])) { $props[$contactprops["mailingaddress"]] = 2; $this->setMailingAddress($contact->businesscity, $contact->businesscountry, $contact->businesspostalcode, $contact->businessstate, $contact->businessstreet, $props[$contactprops["businessaddress"]], $props, $contactprops); } elseif (isset($props[$contactprops["homeaddress"]])) { $props[$contactprops["mailingaddress"]] = 1; $this->setMailingAddress($contact->homecity, $contact->homecountry, $contact->homepostalcode, $contact->homestate, $contact->homestreet, $props[$contactprops["homeaddress"]], $props, $contactprops); } elseif (isset($props[$contactprops["otheraddress"]])) { $props[$contactprops["mailingaddress"]] = 3; $this->setMailingAddress($contact->othercity, $contact->othercountry, $contact->otherpostalcode, $contact->otherstate, $contact->otherstreet, $props[$contactprops["otheraddress"]], $props, $contactprops); } if (isset($contact->picture)) { $picbinary = base64_decode($contact->picture); $picsize = strlen($picbinary); if ($picsize < MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE) { $props[$contactprops["haspic"]] = false; // TODO contact picture handling // check if contact has already got a picture. delete it first in that case // delete it also if it was removed on a mobile $picprops = mapi_getprops($mapimessage, array($props[$contactprops["haspic"]])); if (isset($picprops[$props[$contactprops["haspic"]]]) && $picprops[$props[$contactprops["haspic"]]]) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "Contact already has a picture. Delete it"); $attachtable = mapi_message_getattachmenttable($mapimessage); mapi_table_restrict($attachtable, MAPIUtils::GetContactPicRestriction()); $rows = mapi_table_queryallrows($attachtable, array(PR_ATTACH_NUM)); if (isset($rows) && is_array($rows)) { foreach ($rows as $row) { mapi_message_deleteattach($mapimessage, $row[PR_ATTACH_NUM]); } } } // only set picture if there's data in the request if ($picbinary !== false && $picsize > 0) { $props[$contactprops["haspic"]] = true; $pic = mapi_message_createattach($mapimessage); // Set properties of the attachment $picprops = array( PR_ATTACH_LONG_FILENAME_A => "ContactPicture.jpg", PR_DISPLAY_NAME => "ContactPicture.jpg", 0x7FFF000B => true, PR_ATTACHMENT_HIDDEN => false, PR_ATTACHMENT_FLAGS => 1, PR_ATTACH_METHOD => ATTACH_BY_VALUE, PR_ATTACH_EXTENSION_A => ".jpg", PR_ATTACH_NUM => 1, PR_ATTACH_SIZE => $picsize, PR_ATTACH_DATA_BIN => $picbinary, ); mapi_setprops($pic, $picprops); mapi_savechanges($pic); } } } if (isset($contact->asbody)) { $this->setASbody($contact->asbody, $props, $contactprops); } //set fileas if (defined('FILEAS_ORDER')) { $lastname = (isset($contact->lastname)) ? $contact->lastname : ""; $firstname = (isset($contact->firstname)) ? $contact->firstname : ""; $middlename = (isset($contact->middlename)) ? $contact->middlename : ""; $company = (isset($contact->companyname)) ? $contact->companyname : ""; $props[$contactprops["fileas"]] = Utils::BuildFileAs($lastname, $firstname, $middlename, $company); } else ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "FILEAS_ORDER not defined"); mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $props); } /** * Writes a SyncTask to MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncTask $task * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setTask($mapimessage, $task) { mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array(PR_MESSAGE_CLASS => "IPM.Task")); $taskmapping = MAPIMapping::GetTaskMapping(); $taskprops = MAPIMapping::GetTaskProperties(); $this->setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $task, $taskmapping); $taskprops = array_merge($this->getPropIdsFromStrings($taskmapping), $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($taskprops)); // task specific properties to be set $props = array(); if (isset($task->asbody)) { $this->setASbody($task->asbody, $props, $taskprops); } if(isset($task->complete)) { if($task->complete) { // Set completion to 100% // Set status to 'complete' $props[$taskprops["completion"]] = 1.0; $props[$taskprops["status"]] = 2; } else { // Set completion to 0% // Set status to 'not started' $props[$taskprops["completion"]] = 0.0; $props[$taskprops["status"]] = 0; } } if (isset($task->recurrence) && class_exists('TaskRecurrence')) { $deadoccur = false; if ((isset($task->recurrence->occurrences) && $task->recurrence->occurrences == 1) || (isset($task->recurrence->deadoccur) && $task->recurrence->deadoccur == 1)) //ios5 sends deadoccur inside the recurrence $deadoccur = true; // Set PR_ICON_INDEX to 1281 to show correct icon in category view $props[$taskprops["icon"]] = 1281; // dead occur - false if new occurrences should be generated from the task // true - if it is the last ocurrence of the task $props[$taskprops["deadoccur"]] = $deadoccur; $props[$taskprops["isrecurringtag"]] = true; $recurrence = new TaskRecurrence($this->store, $mapimessage); $recur = array(); $this->setRecurrence($task, $recur); // task specific recurrence properties which we need to set here // "start" and "end" are in GMT when passing to class.recurrence // set recurrence start here because it's calculated differently for tasks and appointments $recur["start"] = $task->recurrence->start; $recur["regen"] = $task->regenerate; //Also add dates to $recur $recur["duedate"] = $task->duedate; $recurrence->setRecurrence($recur); } mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $props); } /** * Writes a SyncNote to MAPI * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncNote $note * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setNote($mapimessage, $note) { // Touchdown does not send categories if all are unset or there is none. // Setting it to an empty array will unset the property in Zarafa as well if (!isset($note->categories)) $note->categories = array(); $this->setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $note, MAPIMapping::GetNoteMapping()); $noteprops = MAPIMapping::GetNoteProperties(); $noteprops = $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($noteprops); // note specific properties to be set $props = array(); $props[$noteprops["messageclass"]] = "IPM.StickyNote"; // set body otherwise the note will be "broken" when editing it in outlook $props[$noteprops["body"]] = $note->asbody->data; mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $props); } /**---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * HELPER */ /** * Returns the tiemstamp offset * * @param string $ts * * @access private * @return long */ private function GetTZOffset($ts) { $Offset = date("O", $ts); $Parity = $Offset < 0 ? -1 : 1; $Offset = $Parity * $Offset; $Offset = ($Offset - ($Offset % 100)) / 100 * 60 + $Offset % 100; return $Parity * $Offset; } /** * Localtime of the timestamp * * @param long $time * * @access private * @return array */ private function gmtime($time) { $TZOffset = $this->GetTZOffset($time); $t_time = $time - $TZOffset * 60; #Counter adjust for localtime() $t_arr = localtime($t_time, 1); return $t_arr; } /** * Sets the properties in a MAPI object according to an Sync object and a property mapping * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncObject $message * @param array $mapping * * @access private * @return */ private function setPropsInMAPI($mapimessage, $message, $mapping) { $mapiprops = $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($mapping); $unsetVars = $message->getUnsetVars(); $propsToDelete = array(); $propsToSet = array(); foreach ($mapiprops as $asprop => $mapiprop) { if(isset($message->$asprop)) { // UTF8->windows1252.. this is ok for all numerical values if(mapi_prop_type($mapiprop) != PT_BINARY && mapi_prop_type($mapiprop) != PT_MV_BINARY) { if(is_array($message->$asprop)) $value = array_map("u2wi", $message->$asprop); else $value = u2wi($message->$asprop); } else { $value = $message->$asprop; } // Make sure the php values are the correct type switch(mapi_prop_type($mapiprop)) { case PT_BINARY: case PT_STRING8: settype($value, "string"); break; case PT_BOOLEAN: settype($value, "boolean"); break; case PT_SYSTIME: case PT_LONG: settype($value, "integer"); break; } // decode base64 value if($mapiprop == PR_RTF_COMPRESSED) { $value = base64_decode($value); if(strlen($value) == 0) continue; // PDA will sometimes give us an empty RTF, which we'll ignore. // Note that you can still remove notes because when you remove notes it gives // a valid compressed RTF with nothing in it. } // if an "empty array" is to be saved, it the mvprop should be deleted - fixes Mantis #468 if (is_array($value) && empty($value)) { $propsToDelete[] = $mapiprop; ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("MAPIProvider->setPropsInMAPI(): Property '%s' to be deleted as it is an empty array", $asprop)); } else { // all properties will be set at once $propsToSet[$mapiprop] = $value; } } elseif (in_array($asprop, $unsetVars)) { $propsToDelete[] = $mapiprop; } } mapi_setprops($mapimessage, $propsToSet); if (mapi_last_hresult()) { Zlog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("Failed to set properties, trying to set them separately. Error code was:%x", mapi_last_hresult())); $this->setPropsIndividually($mapimessage, $propsToSet, $mapiprops); } mapi_deleteprops($mapimessage, $propsToDelete); //clean up unset($unsetVars, $propsToDelete); } /** * Sets the properties one by one in a MAPI object * * @param mixed &$mapimessage * @param array &$propsToSet * @param array &$mapiprops * * @access private * @return */ private function setPropsIndividually(&$mapimessage, &$propsToSet, &$mapiprops) { foreach ($propsToSet as $prop => $value) { mapi_setprops($mapimessage, array($prop => $value)); if (mapi_last_hresult()) { Zlog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("Failed setting property [%s] with value [%s], error code was:%x", array_search($prop, $mapiprops), $value, mapi_last_hresult())); } } } /** * Gets the properties from a MAPI object and sets them in the Sync object according to mapping * * @param SyncObject &$message * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param array $mapping * * @access private * @return */ private function getPropsFromMAPI(&$message, $mapimessage, $mapping) { $messageprops = $this->getProps($mapimessage, $mapping); foreach ($mapping as $asprop => $mapiprop) { // Get long strings via openproperty if (isset($messageprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id($mapiprop))])) { if ($messageprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id($mapiprop))] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_32BIT || $messageprops[mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id($mapiprop))] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_64BIT) { $messageprops[$mapiprop] = MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, $mapiprop); } } if(isset($messageprops[$mapiprop])) { if(mapi_prop_type($mapiprop) == PT_BOOLEAN) { // Force to actual '0' or '1' if($messageprops[$mapiprop]) $message->$asprop = 1; else $message->$asprop = 0; } else { // Special handling for PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS if($mapiprop == PR_MESSAGE_FLAGS) $message->$asprop = $messageprops[$mapiprop] & 1; // only look at 'read' flag else if($mapiprop == PR_RTF_COMPRESSED) //do not send rtf to the mobile continue; else if(is_array($messageprops[$mapiprop])) $message->$asprop = array_map("w2u", $messageprops[$mapiprop]); else { if(mapi_prop_type($mapiprop) != PT_BINARY && mapi_prop_type($mapiprop) != PT_MV_BINARY) $message->$asprop = w2u($messageprops[$mapiprop]); else $message->$asprop = $messageprops[$mapiprop]; } } } } } /** * Wraps getPropIdsFromStrings() calls * * @param mixed &$mapiprops * * @access private * @return */ private function getPropIdsFromStrings(&$mapiprops) { return getPropIdsFromStrings($this->store, $mapiprops); } /** * Wraps mapi_getprops() calls * * @param mixed &$mapiprops * * @access private * @return */ protected function getProps($mapimessage, &$mapiproperties) { $mapiproperties = $this->getPropIdsFromStrings($mapiproperties); return mapi_getprops($mapimessage, $mapiproperties); } /** * Returns an GMT timezone array * * @access private * @return array */ private function getGMTTZ() { $tz = array( "bias" => 0, "tzname" => "", "dstendyear" => 0, "dstendmonth" => 10, "dstendday" => 0, "dstendweek" => 5, "dstendhour" => 2, "dstendminute" => 0, "dstendsecond" => 0, "dstendmillis" => 0, "stdbias" => 0, "tznamedst" => "", "dststartyear" => 0, "dststartmonth" => 3, "dststartday" => 0, "dststartweek" => 5, "dststarthour" => 1, "dststartminute" => 0, "dststartsecond" => 0, "dststartmillis" => 0, "dstbias" => -60 ); return $tz; } /** * Unpack timezone info from MAPI * * @param string $data * * @access private * @return array */ private function getTZFromMAPIBlob($data) { $unpacked = unpack("lbias/lstdbias/ldstbias/" . "vconst1/vdstendyear/vdstendmonth/vdstendday/vdstendweek/vdstendhour/vdstendminute/vdstendsecond/vdstendmillis/" . "vconst2/vdststartyear/vdststartmonth/vdststartday/vdststartweek/vdststarthour/vdststartminute/vdststartsecond/vdststartmillis", $data); return $unpacked; } /** * Unpack timezone info from Sync * * @param string $data * * @access private * @return array */ private function getTZFromSyncBlob($data) { $tz = unpack( "lbias/a64tzname/vdstendyear/vdstendmonth/vdstendday/vdstendweek/vdstendhour/vdstendminute/vdstendsecond/vdstendmillis/" . "lstdbias/a64tznamedst/vdststartyear/vdststartmonth/vdststartday/vdststartweek/vdststarthour/vdststartminute/vdststartsecond/vdststartmillis/" . "ldstbias", $data); // Make the structure compatible with class.recurrence.php $tz["timezone"] = $tz["bias"]; $tz["timezonedst"] = $tz["dstbias"]; return $tz; } /** * Pack timezone info for Sync * * @param array $tz * * @access private * @return string */ private function getSyncBlobFromTZ($tz) { // set the correct TZ name (done using the Bias) if (!isset($tz["tzname"]) || !$tz["tzname"] || !isset($tz["tznamedst"]) || !$tz["tznamedst"]) $tz = TimezoneUtil::FillTZNames($tz); $packed = pack("la64vvvvvvvv" . "la64vvvvvvvv" . "l", $tz["bias"], $tz["tzname"], 0, $tz["dstendmonth"], $tz["dstendday"], $tz["dstendweek"], $tz["dstendhour"], $tz["dstendminute"], $tz["dstendsecond"], $tz["dstendmillis"], $tz["stdbias"], $tz["tznamedst"], 0, $tz["dststartmonth"], $tz["dststartday"], $tz["dststartweek"], $tz["dststarthour"], $tz["dststartminute"], $tz["dststartsecond"], $tz["dststartmillis"], $tz["dstbias"]); return $packed; } /** * Pack timezone info for MAPI * * @param array $tz * * @access private * @return string */ private function getMAPIBlobFromTZ($tz) { $packed = pack("lll" . "vvvvvvvvv" . "vvvvvvvvv", $tz["bias"], $tz["stdbias"], $tz["dstbias"], 0, 0, $tz["dstendmonth"], $tz["dstendday"], $tz["dstendweek"], $tz["dstendhour"], $tz["dstendminute"], $tz["dstendsecond"], $tz["dstendmillis"], 0, 0, $tz["dststartmonth"], $tz["dststartday"], $tz["dststartweek"], $tz["dststarthour"], $tz["dststartminute"], $tz["dststartsecond"], $tz["dststartmillis"]); return $packed; } /** * Checks the date to see if it is in DST, and returns correct GMT date accordingly * * @param long $localtime * @param array $tz * * @access private * @return long */ private function getGMTTimeByTZ($localtime, $tz) { if(!isset($tz) || !is_array($tz)) return $localtime; if($this->isDST($localtime, $tz)) return $localtime + $tz["bias"]*60 + $tz["dstbias"]*60; else return $localtime + $tz["bias"]*60; } /** * Returns the local time for the given GMT time, taking account of the given timezone * * @param long $gmttime * @param array $tz * * @access private * @return long */ private function getLocaltimeByTZ($gmttime, $tz) { if(!isset($tz) || !is_array($tz)) return $gmttime; if($this->isDST($gmttime - $tz["bias"]*60, $tz)) // may bug around the switch time because it may have to be 'gmttime - bias - dstbias' return $gmttime - $tz["bias"]*60 - $tz["dstbias"]*60; else return $gmttime - $tz["bias"]*60; } /** * Returns TRUE if it is the summer and therefore DST is in effect * * @param long $localtime * @param array $tz * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function isDST($localtime, $tz) { if( !isset($tz) || !is_array($tz) || !isset($tz["dstbias"]) || $tz["dstbias"] == 0 || !isset($tz["dststartmonth"]) || $tz["dststartmonth"] == 0 || !isset($tz["dstendmonth"]) || $tz["dstendmonth"] == 0) return false; $year = gmdate("Y", $localtime); $start = $this->getTimestampOfWeek($year, $tz["dststartmonth"], $tz["dststartweek"], $tz["dststartday"], $tz["dststarthour"], $tz["dststartminute"], $tz["dststartsecond"]); $end = $this->getTimestampOfWeek($year, $tz["dstendmonth"], $tz["dstendweek"], $tz["dstendday"], $tz["dstendhour"], $tz["dstendminute"], $tz["dstendsecond"]); if($start < $end) { // northern hemisphere (july = dst) if($localtime >= $start && $localtime < $end) $dst = true; else $dst = false; } else { // southern hemisphere (january = dst) if($localtime >= $end && $localtime < $start) $dst = false; else $dst = true; } return $dst; } /** * Returns the local timestamp for the $week'th $wday of $month in $year at $hour:$minute:$second * * @param int $year * @param int $month * @param int $week * @param int $wday * @param int $hour * @param int $minute * @param int $second * * @access private * @return long */ private function getTimestampOfWeek($year, $month, $week, $wday, $hour, $minute, $second) { if ($month == 0) return; $date = gmmktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, 1, $year); // Find first day in month which matches day of the week while(1) { $wdaynow = gmdate("w", $date); if($wdaynow == $wday) break; $date += 24 * 60 * 60; } // Forward $week weeks (may 'overflow' into the next month) $date = $date + $week * (24 * 60 * 60 * 7); // Reverse 'overflow'. Eg week '10' will always be the last week of the month in which the // specified weekday exists while(1) { $monthnow = gmdate("n", $date); // gmdate returns 1-12 if($monthnow > $month) $date = $date - (24 * 7 * 60 * 60); else break; } return $date; } /** * Normalize the given timestamp to the start of the day * * @param long $timestamp * * @access private * @return long */ private function getDayStartOfTimestamp($timestamp) { return $timestamp - ($timestamp % (60 * 60 * 24)); } /** * Returns an SMTP address from an entry id * * @param string $entryid * * @access private * @return string */ private function getSMTPAddressFromEntryID($entryid) { $addrbook = $this->getAddressbook(); $mailuser = mapi_ab_openentry($addrbook, $entryid); if(!$mailuser) return ""; $props = mapi_getprops($mailuser, array(PR_ADDRTYPE, PR_SMTP_ADDRESS, PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS)); $addrtype = isset($props[PR_ADDRTYPE]) ? $props[PR_ADDRTYPE] : ""; if(isset($props[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS])) return $props[PR_SMTP_ADDRESS]; if($addrtype == "SMTP" && isset($props[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS])) return $props[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]; elseif ($addrtype == "ZARAFA" && isset($props[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS])) { $userinfo = mapi_zarafa_getuser_by_name($this->store, $props[PR_EMAIL_ADDRESS]); if (is_array($userinfo) && isset($userinfo["emailaddress"])) return $userinfo["emailaddress"]; } return ""; } /** * Builds a displayname from several separated values * * @param SyncContact $contact * * @access private * @return string */ private function composeDisplayName(&$contact) { // Set display name and subject to a combined value of firstname and lastname $cname = (isset($contact->prefix))?u2w($contact->prefix)." ":""; $cname .= u2w($contact->firstname); $cname .= (isset($contact->middlename))?" ". u2w($contact->middlename):""; $cname .= " ". u2w($contact->lastname); $cname .= (isset($contact->suffix))?" ". u2w($contact->suffix):""; return trim($cname); } /** * Sets all dependent properties for an email address * * @param string $emailAddress * @param string $displayName * @param int $cnt * @param array &$props * @param array &$properties * @param array &$nremails * @param int &$abprovidertype * * @access private * @return */ private function setEmailAddress($emailAddress, $displayName, $cnt, &$props, &$properties, &$nremails, &$abprovidertype){ if (isset($emailAddress)) { $name = (isset($displayName)) ? $displayName : $emailAddress; $props[$properties["emailaddress$cnt"]] = $emailAddress; $props[$properties["emailaddressdemail$cnt"]] = $emailAddress; $props[$properties["emailaddressdname$cnt"]] = $name; $props[$properties["emailaddresstype$cnt"]] = "SMTP"; $props[$properties["emailaddressentryid$cnt"]] = mapi_createoneoff($name, "SMTP", $emailAddress); $nremails[] = $cnt - 1; $abprovidertype |= 2 ^ ($cnt - 1); } } /** * Sets the properties for an address string * * @param string $type which address is being set * @param string $city * @param string $country * @param string $postalcode * @param string $state * @param string $street * @param array &$props * @param array &$properties * * @access private * @return */ private function setAddress($type, &$city, &$country, &$postalcode, &$state, &$street, &$props, &$properties) { if (isset($city)) $props[$properties[$type."city"]] = $city = u2w($city); if (isset($country)) $props[$properties[$type."country"]] = $country = u2w($country); if (isset($postalcode)) $props[$properties[$type."postalcode"]] = $postalcode = u2w($postalcode); if (isset($state)) $props[$properties[$type."state"]] = $state = u2w($state); if (isset($street)) $props[$properties[$type."street"]] = $street = u2w($street); //set composed address $address = Utils::BuildAddressString($street, $postalcode, $city, $state, $country); if ($address) $props[$properties[$type."address"]] = $address; } /** * Sets the properties for a mailing address * * @param string $city * @param string $country * @param string $postalcode * @param string $state * @param string $street * @param string $address * @param array &$props * @param array &$properties * * @access private * @return */ private function setMailingAddress($city, $country, $postalcode, $state, $street, $address, &$props, &$properties) { if (isset($city)) $props[$properties["city"]] = $city; if (isset($country)) $props[$properties["country"]] = $country; if (isset($postalcode)) $props[$properties["postalcode"]] = $postalcode; if (isset($state)) $props[$properties["state"]] = $state; if (isset($street)) $props[$properties["street"]] = $street; if (isset($address)) $props[$properties["postaladdress"]] = $address; } /** * Sets data in a recurrence array * * @param SyncObject $message * @param array &$recur * * @access private * @return */ private function setRecurrence($message, &$recur) { if (isset($message->complete)) { $recur["complete"] = $message->complete; } if(!isset($message->recurrence->interval)) $message->recurrence->interval = 1; //set the default value of numoccur $recur["numoccur"] = 0; //a place holder for recurrencetype property $recur["recurrencetype"] = 0; switch($message->recurrence->type) { case 0: $recur["type"] = 10; if(isset($message->recurrence->dayofweek)) $recur["subtype"] = 1; else $recur["subtype"] = 0; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval * (60 * 24); $recur["recurrencetype"] = 1; break; case 1: $recur["type"] = 11; $recur["subtype"] = 1; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 2; break; case 2: $recur["type"] = 12; $recur["subtype"] = 2; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 3; break; case 3: $recur["type"] = 12; $recur["subtype"] = 3; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 3; break; case 4: $recur["type"] = 13; $recur["subtype"] = 1; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval * 12; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 4; break; case 5: $recur["type"] = 13; $recur["subtype"] = 2; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval * 12; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 4; break; case 6: $recur["type"] = 13; $recur["subtype"] = 3; $recur["everyn"] = $message->recurrence->interval * 12; $recur["recurrencetype"] = 4; break; } // "start" and "end" are in GMT when passing to class.recurrence $recur["end"] = $this->getDayStartOfTimestamp(0x7fffffff); // Maximum GMT value for end by default if(isset($message->recurrence->until)) { $recur["term"] = 0x21; $recur["end"] = $message->recurrence->until; } else if(isset($message->recurrence->occurrences)) { $recur["term"] = 0x22; $recur["numoccur"] = $message->recurrence->occurrences; } else { $recur["term"] = 0x23; } if(isset($message->recurrence->dayofweek)) $recur["weekdays"] = $message->recurrence->dayofweek; if(isset($message->recurrence->weekofmonth)) $recur["nday"] = $message->recurrence->weekofmonth; if(isset($message->recurrence->monthofyear)) { // MAPI stores months as the amount of minutes until the beginning of the month in a // non-leapyear. Why this is, is totally unclear. $monthminutes = array(0,44640,84960,129600,172800,217440,260640,305280,348480,393120,437760,480960); $recur["month"] = $monthminutes[$message->recurrence->monthofyear-1]; } if(isset($message->recurrence->dayofmonth)) $recur["monthday"] = $message->recurrence->dayofmonth; } /** * Extracts the email address (mailbox@host) from an email address because * some devices send email address as "Firstname Lastname" <email@me.com> * * @link http://developer.berlios.de/mantis/view.php?id=486 * * @param string $email * * @access private * @return string or false on error */ private function extractEmailAddress($email) { if (!isset($this->zRFC822)) $this->zRFC822 = new Mail_RFC822(); $parsedAddress = $this->zRFC822->parseAddressList($email); if (!isset($parsedAddress[0]->mailbox) || !isset($parsedAddress[0]->host)) return false; return $parsedAddress[0]->mailbox.'@'.$parsedAddress[0]->host; } /** * Returns the message body for a required format * * @param MAPIMessage $mapimessage * @param int $bpReturnType * @param SyncObject $message * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function setMessageBodyForType($mapimessage, $bpReturnType, &$message) { //default value is PR_BODY $property = PR_BODY; switch ($bpReturnType) { case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML: $property = PR_HTML; break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF: $property = PR_RTF_COMPRESSED; break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_MIME: $stat = $this->imtoinet($mapimessage, $message); if (isset($message->asbody)) $message->asbody->type = $bpReturnType; return $stat; } $body = mapi_message_openproperty($mapimessage, $property); //set the properties according to supported AS version if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() >= 12.0) { $message->asbody = new SyncBaseBody(); $message->asbody->type = $bpReturnType; if ($bpReturnType == SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF) $message->asbody->data = base64_encode($body); elseif (isset($message->internetcpid) && $bpReturnType == SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML) $message->asbody->data = Utils::ConvertCodepageStringToUtf8($message->internetcpid, $body); else $message->asbody->data = w2u($body); $message->asbody->estimatedDataSize = strlen($message->asbody->data); } else { $message->body = str_replace("\n","\r\n", w2u(str_replace("\r", "", $body))); $message->bodysize = strlen($message->body); $message->bodytruncated = 0; } return true; } /** * A wrapper for mapi_inetmapi_imtoinet function * * @param MAPIMessage $mapimessage * @param SyncObject $message * * @access private * @return boolean */ private function imtoinet($mapimessage, &$message) { if (function_exists("mapi_inetmapi_imtoinet")) { $addrbook = $this->getAddressbook(); $mstream = mapi_inetmapi_imtoinet($this->session, $addrbook, $mapimessage, array()); $mstreamstat = mapi_stream_stat($mstream); if ($mstreamstat['cb'] < MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE) { if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() >= 12.0) { if (!isset($message->asbody)) $message->asbody = new SyncBaseBody(); //TODO data should be wrapped in a MapiStreamWrapper $message->asbody->data = mapi_stream_read($mstream, MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE); $message->asbody->estimatedDataSize = $mstreamstat["cb"]; $message->asbody->truncated = 0; } else { $message->mimetruncated = 0; //TODO mimedata should be a wrapped in a MapiStreamWrapper $message->mimedata = mapi_stream_read($mstream, MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE); $message->mimesize = $mstreamstat["cb"]; } unset($message->body, $message->bodytruncated); return true; } ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_WARN, sprintf("Your request (%d bytes) exceeds the value for inline attachments (%d bytes). You can change the value of MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE in config.php", $mstreamstat['cb'], MAX_EMBEDDED_SIZE)); } return false; } /** * Sets the message body * * @param MAPIMessage $mapimessage * @param ContentParameters $contentparameters * @param SyncObject $message */ private function setMessageBody($mapimessage, $contentparameters, &$message) { //get the available body preference types $bpTypes = $contentparameters->GetBodyPreference(); if ($bpTypes !== false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("BodyPreference types: %s", implode(', ', $bpTypes))); //do not send mime data if the client requests it if (($contentparameters->GetMimeSupport() == SYNC_MIMESUPPORT_NEVER) && ($key = array_search(SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_MIME, $bpTypes)!== false)) { unset($bpTypes[$key]); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("Remove mime body preference type because the device required no mime support. BodyPreference types: %s", implode(', ', $bpTypes))); } //get the best fitting preference type $bpReturnType = Utils::GetBodyPreferenceBestMatch($bpTypes); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("GetBodyPreferenceBestMatch: %d", $bpReturnType)); $bpo = $contentparameters->BodyPreference($bpReturnType); ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, sprintf("bpo: truncation size:'%d', allornone:'%d', preview:'%d'", $bpo->GetTruncationSize(), $bpo->GetAllOrNone(), $bpo->GetPreview())); $this->setMessageBodyForType($mapimessage, $bpReturnType, $message); //only set the truncation size data if device set it in request if ( $bpo->GetTruncationSize() != false && $bpReturnType != SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_MIME && $message->asbody->estimatedDataSize > $bpo->GetTruncationSize() && $contentparameters->GetTruncation() != SYNC_TRUNCATION_ALL // do not truncate message if the whole is requested, e.g. on fetch ) { $message->asbody->data = Utils::Utf8_truncate($message->asbody->data, $bpo->GetTruncationSize()); $message->asbody->truncated = 1; } // set the preview or windows phones won't show the preview of an email if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() >= 14.0 && $bpo->GetPreview()) { $message->asbody->preview = Utils::Utf8_truncate(MAPIUtils::readPropStream($mapimessage, PR_BODY), $bpo->GetPreview()); } } else { // Override 'body' for truncation $truncsize = Utils::GetTruncSize($contentparameters->GetTruncation()); $this->setMessageBodyForType($mapimessage, SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN, $message); if($message->bodysize > $truncsize) { $message->body = Utils::Utf8_truncate($message->body, $truncsize); $message->bodytruncated = 1; } if (!isset($message->body) || strlen($message->body) == 0) $message->body = " "; if ($contentparameters->GetMimeSupport() == SYNC_MIMESUPPORT_ALWAYS) { //set the html body for iphone in AS 2.5 version $this->imtoinet($mapimessage, $message); } } } /** * Calculates the native body type of a message using available properties. Refer to oxbbody * * @param array $messageprops * * @access private * @return int */ private function getNativeBodyType($messageprops) { //check if the properties are set and get the error code if needed if (!isset($messageprops[PR_BODY])) $messageprops[PR_BODY] = $this->getError(PR_BODY, $messageprops); if (!isset($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED])) $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] = $this->getError(PR_RTF_COMPRESSED, $messageprops); if (!isset($messageprops[PR_HTML])) $messageprops[PR_HTML] = $this->getError(PR_HTML, $messageprops); if (!isset($messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) $messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC] = $this->getError(PR_RTF_IN_SYNC, $messageprops); if ( // 1 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN; elseif ( // 2 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN; elseif ( // 3 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF; elseif ( // 4 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF; elseif ( // 5 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && (!$messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML; elseif ( // 6 ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF; elseif ( // 7 ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && (!$messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML; elseif ( // 8 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF; elseif ( // 9.1 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && (!$messageprops[PR_RTF_IN_SYNC])) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN; elseif ( // 9.2 ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF; elseif ( // 9.3 ($messageprops[PR_BODY] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN; elseif ( // 9.4 ($messageprops[PR_HTML] != MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND || $messageprops[PR_HTML] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY) && ($messageprops[PR_BODY] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND) && ($messageprops[PR_RTF_COMPRESSED] == MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND)) return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML; else // 10 return SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN; } /** * Returns the error code for a given property. Helper for getNativeBodyType function. * * @param int $tag * @param array $messageprops * * @access private * @return int (MAPI_ERROR_CODE) */ private function getError($tag, $messageprops) { $prBodyError = mapi_prop_tag(PT_ERROR, mapi_prop_id($tag)); if(isset($messageprops[$prBodyError]) && mapi_is_error($messageprops[$prBodyError])) { if($messageprops[$prBodyError] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_32BIT || $messageprops[$prBodyError] == MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY_64BIT) { return MAPI_E_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } } return MAPI_E_NOT_FOUND; } /** * Sets properties for an email message * * @param mixed $mapimessage * @param SyncMail $message * * @access private * @return void */ private function setFlag($mapimessage, &$message){ // do nothing if protocoll version is lower than 12.0 as flags haven't been defined before if (Request::GetProtocolVersion() < 12.0 ) return; $message->flag = new SyncMailFlags(); $this->getPropsFromMAPI($message->flag, $mapimessage, MAPIMapping::GetMailFlagsMapping()); } /** * Sets information from SyncBaseBody type for a MAPI message. * * @param SyncBaseBody $asbody * @param array $props * @param array $appointmentprops * * @access private * @return void */ private function setASbody($asbody, &$props, $appointmentprops) { if (isset($asbody->type) && isset($asbody->data) && strlen($asbody->data) > 0) { switch ($asbody->type) { case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_PLAIN: default: //set plain body if the type is not in valid range $props[$appointmentprops["body"]] = u2w($asbody->data); break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_HTML: $props[$appointmentprops["html"]] = u2w($asbody->data); break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_RTF: break; case SYNC_BODYPREFERENCE_MIME: break; } } else { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_DEBUG, "MAPIProvider->setASbody either type or data are not set. Setting to empty body"); $props[$appointmentprops["body"]] = ""; } } /** * Get MAPI addressbook object * * @access private * @return MAPIAddressbook object to be used with mapi_ab_* or false on failure */ private function getAddressbook() { if (isset($this->addressbook) && $this->addressbook) { return $this->addressbook; } $this->addressbook = mapi_openaddressbook($this->session); $result = mapi_last_hresult(); if ($result && $this->addressbook === false) { ZLog::Write(LOGLEVEL_ERROR, sprintf("MAPIProvider->getAddressbook error opening addressbook 0x%X", $result)); return false; } return $this->addressbook; } } ?>