function emQuickSearchUser () { this.divElement = null; } emQuickSearchUser.prototype.showList = function(data) { var div = document.createElement("div"); = "5px"; = "hidden"; div.innerHTML = '
' + '' + data + '
' + '
'; $(div).dialog( { resizable : false, title : get_lang('The results were found in the Global Catalog'), position : 'center', width : 620, height : 390, modal : false, buttons : [ { text: get_lang("Close"), click: function() { $(this).dialog("close"); Element("em_message_search").value = ""; } } ], open: function(event, ui) { if(typeof(shortcut) != 'undefined') shortcut.disabled = true; }, close: function(event, ui) { if(typeof(shortcut) != 'undefined') shortcut.disabled = false; $(this).dialog("destroy"); } }); this.divElement = div.parentNode; } emQuickSearchUser.prototype.closeWindow = function() { Element("em_message_search").value = ""; if( this.divElement != null ) { $(this.divElement.parentNode).dialog("destroy"); this.divElement.parentNode.removeChild(this.divElement); this.divElement = null; } } emQuickSearchUser.prototype.create_new_message = function (cn, mail, uid) { QuickSearchUser.closeWindow(); var ldap_id = preferences.expressoMail_ldap_identifier_recipient; if (openTab.type[currentTab] != 4){ new_message("new","null"); } if(ldap_id){ draw_email_box(uid, $("#content_id_"+currentTab).find(".to").filter("input")); }else{ draw_email_box("\""+cn+"\" <"+mail+">", $("#content_id_"+currentTab).find(".to").filter("input")); } } /* Build the Object */ var QuickSearchUser = new emQuickSearchUser();