True, 'get_info_msg' => True, 'get_info_msgs' => True, 'get_folders_list' => True, 'import_msgs' => True, 'report_mail_error' => True, 'msgs_to_archive' => True ); var $ldap; var $mbox; var $mboxFolder; var $imap_port; var $has_cid; var $imap_options = ''; var $functions; var $prefs; var $foldersLimit; var $imap_sentfolder; var $rawMessage; var $folders; var $cache = false; var $useCache = false; var $expirationCache = false; function imap_functions (){ $this->init(); } function init(){ $this->foldersLimit = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['imap_max_folders'] ? $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['imap_max_folders'] : 20000; //Limit of folders (mailboxes) user can see $this->username = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['userid']; $this->password = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['passwd']; $this->imap_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapServer']; $this->imap_port = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapPort']; $this->imap_delimiter = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDelimiter']; $this->functions = new functions(); $this->imap_sentfolder = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSentFolder'] ? $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSentFolder'] : str_replace("*","", $this->functions->getLang("Sent")); $this->has_cid = false; $this->prefs = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']; //armazena os caminhos das pastas ( sent, spam, drafts, trash ) $this->folders['sent'] = empty($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSentFolder']) ? 'Sent' : $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSentFolder']; //Variavel folders armazena o caminho /sent $this->folders['spam'] = empty($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSpamFolder']) ? 'Spam' : $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultSpamFolder']; $this->folders['drafts'] = empty($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultDraftsFolder']) ? 'Drafts' : $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultDraftsFolder']; $this->folders['trash'] = empty($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultTrashFolder']) ? 'Trash' : $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapDefaultTrashFolder']; if(isset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_enable_memcache']) && $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_enable_memcache'] === 'true') $this->useCache = true; if(isset($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_time_memcache']) && trim($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_time_memcache']) != '') $this->expirationCache = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_time_memcache']; if ($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapTLSEncryption'] == 'yes') $this->imap_options = '/tls/novalidate-cert'; else $this->imap_options = '/notls/novalidate-cert'; } function mount_url_folder($folders){ return implode($this->imap_delimiter,$folders); } // BEGIN of functions. function open_mbox( $folder = false, $force_die = true) { $this->mboxFolder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, 'UTF7-IMAP','UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, UTF7-IMAP'); $url = '{'.$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options.'}'.$this->mboxFolder; if (is_resource($this->mbox)) if ($force_die) imap_reopen($this->mbox, $url ) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error())))); else imap_reopen($this->mbox, $url ); else if($force_die) $this->mbox = imap_open( $url , $this->username, $this->password) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error())))); else $this->mbox = imap_open( $url , $this->username, $this->password); return $this->mbox; } /** * Move as pastas que vieram do resultado de um Drag & Drop da arvore de pastas do Expresso Mail * * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @sponsor Caixa Econômica Federal * @author Gustavo Pereira dos Santos Stabelini * @param array $params Contem dois indices : um contem o caminho atual da pasta, e o outro contem o caminho futuro da pasta * @return boolean * @access public */ function move_folder($params){ //preg_match( '/[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/',$params['folder_to_move'], $new_folder); $old_folder = mb_convert_encoding($params['folder_to_move'], 'UTF7-IMAP','UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, UTF7-IMAP'); $new_folder = explode($this->imap_delimiter, $old_folder ); $to_folder = mb_convert_encoding($params['folder_to'], 'UTF7-IMAP','UTF-8, ISO-8859-1, UTF7-IMAP'); $mbox = imap_open('{'.$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options.'}'.$new_folder[0], $this->username, $this->password); $result = true; if(!imap_renamemailbox($mbox, '{'.$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options.'}'.$old_folder, '{'.$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options.'}'.$to_folder.$this->imap_delimiter.$new_folder[count($new_folder)-1])){ $result = false; } imap_close($mbox); return $result; } function parse_error($error, $field = ''){ // This error is returned from Imap. if(strstr($error,'Connection refused')) { return str_replace("%1", $this->functions->getLang("Mail"), $this->functions->getLang("Connection failed with %1 Server. Try later.")); } else if(strstr($error,'virus')) { return str_replace("%1", $this->functions->getLang("Mail"), $this->functions->getLang("Your message was rejected by antivirus. Perhaps your attachment has been infected.")); } else if(strstr($error,'Failed to add recipient:')) { preg_match_all('/:\s([\s\.";@!a-z0-9]+)\s\[SMTP:/', $error, $res); return str_replace("%1", $res['1']['0'], $this->functions->getLang("SMTP Error: The following recipient addresses failed: %1")); } else if(strstr($error,'Recipient address rejected')) { return str_replace("%1", $this->functions->getLang("Mail"), $this->functions->getLang("Invalid recipients in the message").'.'); } else if(strstr($error,'Invalid Mail:')) { return str_replace("%1", $field, $this->functions->getLang("The recipients addresses failed %1")); } else if(strstr($error,'Message file too big')) { return ($this->functions->getLang("Message file too big.")); } // This condition verifies if SESSION is expired. elseif(!count($_SESSION)) return "nosession"; return $error; } function get_range_msgs2($params) { include_once '../prototype/api/controller.php'; // Free others requests session_write_close(); $folder = $params['folder']; $msg_range_begin = $params['msg_range_begin']; $msg_range_end = $params['msg_range_end']; $sort_box_type = isset($params['sort_box_type']) ? $params['sort_box_type'] : ''; $sort_box_reverse = isset($params['sort_box_reverse']) ? $params['sort_box_reverse'] : ''; $search_box_type = (isset($params['search_box_type']) && $params['search_box_type'] != 'ALL' && $params['search_box_type'] != '' )? $params['search_box_type'] : false; if( !$this->mbox || !is_resource( $this->mbox ) ) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder); $return = array(); $return['folder'] = $folder; //Para enviar o offset entre o timezone definido pelo usuário e GMT $return['offsetToGMT'] = $this->functions->CalculateDateOffset(); if(!$search_box_type || $search_box_type == 'UNSEEN' || $search_box_type == 'SEEN') { $msgs_info = imap_status($this->mbox,"{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".mb_convert_encoding( $folder, 'UTF7-IMAP', 'ISO_8859-1' ) ,SA_ALL); $return['tot_unseen'] = ($search_box_type == 'SEEN') ? 0 : $msgs_info->unseen; $sort_array_msg = $this->get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$msg_range_end); $num_msgs = ($search_box_type=="UNSEEN") ? $msgs_info->unseen : (($search_box_type=="SEEN") ? ($msgs_info->messages - $msgs_info->unseen) : $msgs_info->messages); $i = 0; if(is_array($sort_array_msg)){ foreach($sort_array_msg as $msg_number => $value) { $sample = false; if( (isset($this->prefs['preview_msg_subject']) || ($this->prefs['preview_msg_subject'] === '1')) && (isset($this->prefs['preview_msg_tip'] ) || ($this->prefs['preview_msg_tip'] === '1')) ) $sample = true; $return[$i] = $this->get_info_head_msg( $msg_number , $sample ); $filter = array('AND', array('=', 'folderName', $folder), array('=','messageNumber', $msg_number)); $followupflagged = Controller::find( array('concept' => 'followupflagged'), false, array('filter' => $filter, 'criteria' => array('deepness' => '2')) ); if(isset($followupflagged[0]['followupflagId'])) { $followupflag = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'followupflag', 'id' => $followupflagged[0]['followupflagId'] )); $followupflagged[0]['followupflag'] = $followupflag; $return[$i]['followupflagged'] = $followupflagged[0]; } $labeleds = Controller::find( array('concept' => 'labeled'), false, array('filter' => $filter, 'criteria' => array('deepness' => '2')) ); if(isset($labeleds) && count($labeleds) > 0 && $labeleds){ $return[$i]['labels'] = array(); foreach ($labeleds as $e){ $labels = Controller::read( array( 'concept' => 'label', 'id' => $e['labelId'])); $return[$i]['labels'][] = $labels; } } $i++; } } $return['num_msgs'] = $num_msgs; } else { $num_msgs = imap_num_msg($this->mbox); $sort_array_msg = $this-> get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$num_msgs); $return['tot_unseen'] = 0; $i = 0; if(is_array($sort_array_msg)){ foreach($sort_array_msg as $msg_number => $value) { $temp = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); if(!$temp) return false; if($temp['Unseen'] == 'U' || $temp['Recent'] == 'N'){ $return['tot_unseen']++; } if($i <= ($msg_range_end-$msg_range_begin)) $return[$i] = $temp; $i++; } } $return['num_msgs'] = count($sort_array_msg)+($msg_range_begin-1); } return $return; } function getMessages($params) { $result = array(); $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $unseen_msgs = array(); foreach($params['messages'] as $folder => $messages) { foreach($messages as $msg_number) { $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder); if (isset($params['details']) && $params['details'] == 'all') { $message = $this->get_info_msg(array('msg_number' => $msg_number, 'msg_folder' =>urlencode($folder))); } else { $message['headers'] = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number, true); //$message['attachments'] = $exporteml->get_attachments_in_array(array("num_msg" => $msg_number)); } imap_close($this->mbox); $this->mbox = false; if($msg_info['Unseen'] == "U" || $msg_info['Recent'] == "N") { array_push($unseen_msgs,$msg_number); } $result[$folder][] = $message; } if($unseen_msgs){ $msgs_list = implode(",",$unseen_msgs); $array_msgs = array('folder' => $folder, "msgs_to_set" => $msgs_list, "flag" => "unseen"); $this->set_messages_flag($array_msgs); } } return $result; } /** * Decodifica uma string no formato mime RFC2047 * * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @sponsor Caixa Econômica Federal * @author Cristiano Corrêa Schmidt * @param string $string string no formato mime RFC2047 * @return string * @access public */ static function decodeMimeString( $string ) { $string = preg_replace('/\?\=(\s)*\=\?/', '?==?', $string); return preg_replace_callback( '/\=\?([^\?]*)\?([qb])\?([^\?]*)\?=/i' ,array( 'self' , 'decodeMimeStringCallback'), $string); } /** * Decodifica os tokens encontrados na função decodeMimeString * * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @sponsor Caixa Econômica Federal * @author Cristiano Corrêa Schmidt * @param array $mathes array retornado pelo preg_replace_callback da função decodeMimeString * @return string * @access public */ static function decodeMimeStringCallback( $mathes ) { $str = (strtolower($mathes[2]) == 'q') ? quoted_printable_decode(str_replace('_','=20',$mathes[3])) : base64_decode( $mathes[3]) ; return ( strtoupper($mathes[1]) == 'UTF-8' ) ? mb_convert_encoding( $str , 'ISO-8859-1' , 'UTF-8') : $str; } /** * Formata um mailObject para um array com name e email * * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @sponsor Caixa Econômica Federal * @author Cristiano Corrêa Schmidt * @return bool * @access public */ static function formatMailObject( $obj ) { $return = array(); $return['email'] = self::decodeMimeString($obj->mailbox) . ((isset( $obj->host) && ($obj->host != ('unspecified-domain' || '.SYNTAX-ERROR.')) )? '@'. $obj->host : ''); $return['name'] = ( isset( $obj->personal ) && trim($obj->personal) !== '' ) ? self::decodeMimeString($obj->personal) : $return['email']; return $return; } /** * Retorna informações do cabeçario da mensagem e um preview caso appendSample = true * Utiliza memCache caso esta preferencia esteja ativada. * * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @sponsor Caixa Econômica Federal * @author Cristiano Corrêa Schmidt * @return bool * @access public */ function get_info_head_msg( $msg_number , $appendSample = false ) { $return = false; $cached = false; if( $this->useCache === true ) { if( $this->cache === false ) { $this->cache = ServiceLocator::getService( 'memCache' ); //Serviço Cache $this->cache->connect( $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['server_memcache'] , $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['server']['port_server_memcache'] ); } if( $return = $this->cache->get( 'infoHead://'.$this->username.'://'.$this->mboxFolder.'://'.$msg_number )) $cached = true; } $header = imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, imap_msgno( $this->mbox , $msg_number )); //Resgata o objeto Header da mensagem , nescessario mesmo com o cache pois as flags podem ser atualizadas por outro cliente de email $return['Recent'] = $header->Recent; $return['Unseen'] = $header->Unseen; $return['Deleted'] = $header->Deleted; $return['Flagged'] = $header->Flagged; if($header->Answered =='A' && $header->Draft == 'X') $return['Forwarded'] = 'F'; else { $return['Answered'] = $header->Answered; $return['Draft'] = $header->Draft; } if( $cached === true ) //Caso a mensagem ja tenha vindo do cache da o return { if($appendSample !== false && !isset($return['msg_sample'])) //verifica o msg_sample caso seja alterada a preferencia e não esteja em cache carregar { $return['msg_sample'] = $this->get_msg_sample($msg_number); $this->cache->set( 'infoHead://'.$this->username.'://'.$this->mboxFolder.'://'.$msg_number , $return , $this->expirationCache); } return $return; } $importance = array(); $mimeHeader = imap_fetchheader( $this->mbox, $msg_number , FT_UID ); //Resgata o Mime Header da mensagem $mimeBody = imap_body( $this->mbox, $msg_number , FT_UID|FT_PEEK ); //Resgata o Mime Body da mensagem sem marcar como lida $offsetToGMT = $this->functions->CalculateDateOffset(); $return['ContentType'] = $this->getMessageType( $msg_number , $mimeHeader , $mimeBody ); $return['Importance'] = ( preg_match('/importance *: *(.*)\r/i', $mimeHeader , $importance) === 0 ) ? 'Normal' : $importance[1]; $return['msg_number'] = $msg_number; $return['udate'] = $header->udate; $return['offsetToGMT'] = $offsetToGMT; $return['timestamp'] = $header->udate + $return['offsetToGMT']; $return['smalldate'] = (date('d/m/Y') == gmdate( 'd/m/Y', $return['timestamp'] )) ? gmdate("H:i", $return['timestamp'] ) : gmdate("d/m/Y", $return['timestamp'] ); $return['Size'] = $header->Size; $return['from'] = (isset( $header->from[0] )) ? self::formatMailObject( $header->from[0] ) : array( 'name' => '' , 'email' => ''); $return['subject'] = ( isset($header->subject) && trim($header->subject) !== '' ) ? self::decodeMimeString($header->subject) : $this->functions->getLang('(no subject) '); $return['attachment'] = ( preg_match('/((Content-Disposition:(.)*(\r\n[\s]*filename=|filename=))|(Content-Type:(.)*(\r\n[\s]*name=|name=)))/', $mimeBody) ) ? '1' : '0'; //Verifica se a anexos na mensagem $return['reply_toaddress'] = isset($header->reply_toaddress) ? self::decodeMimeString($header->reply_toaddress) : ''; $return['flag'] = $header->Unseen.$header->Recent.$header->Flagged.$header->Draft.$header->Answered.$header->Deleted.( $return['attachment'] === '1' ? 'T': '' ); if( isset( $header->to[0] )) $return['to'] = self::formatMailObject( $header->to[0] ); else if( isset( $header->cc[0] )) $return['to'] = self::formatMailObject( $header->cc[0] ); else if( isset( $header->bcc[0] )) $return['to'] = self::formatMailObject( $header->bcc[0] ); else $return['to'] = array( 'name' => '' , 'email' => ''); if($return['to']['name'] == 'undisclosed-recipients@' || $return['to']['name'] == '@') $return['to'] = $return['from']; if($appendSample !== false) $return['msg_sample'] = $this->get_msg_sample($msg_number); if( $this->useCache === true ) $this->cache->set( 'infoHead://'.$this->username.'://'.$this->mboxFolder.'://'.$msg_number , $return , $this->expirationCache); return $return; } /** * * @license GPL * @param string $string String a ser decodificada * @return string * @todo Verificar a possibilidade de se utilizar a função iconv_mime_decode, que é capaz de identificar a codificação por si só, mas que pode ser interpretada de forma diversa dependendo da implementação do sistema * @todo Executar testes suficientes para validar a funçao iconv_mime_decode em substituição à este método decode_string */ function decode_string($string) { $return = ''; $decoded = ''; if ((strpos(strtolower($string), '=?iso-8859-1') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($string), '=?windows-1252') !== false)) { $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($string); foreach ($tmp as $tmp1) { $return .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($tmp1->text); } return str_replace("\t", "", $return); } else if (strpos(strtolower($string), '=?utf-8') !== false) { $elements = imap_mime_header_decode($string); for($i = 0;$i < count($elements);$i++) { $charset = strtolower($elements[$i]->charset); $text = $elements[$i]->text; if(!strcasecmp($charset, "utf-8") || !strcasecmp($charset, "utf-7")) $decoded .= $this->functions->utf8_to_ncr($text); else { if( strcasecmp($charset,"default") ) $decoded .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode(iconv($charset, "iso-8859-1", $text)); else $decoded .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($text); } } return str_replace("\t", "", $decoded); } else if(strpos(strtolower($string), '=?us-ascii') !== false) { $retun = ''; $tmp = imap_mime_header_decode($string); foreach ($tmp as $tmp1) $return .= $this->htmlspecialchars_encode(quoted_printable_decode($tmp1->text)); return str_replace("\t", "", $return); } else if( strpos( $string , '=?' ) !== false ) return $this->htmlspecialchars_encode(iconv_mime_decode( $string )); return $this->htmlspecialchars_encode($string); } /** * Função que importa arquivos .eml exportados pelo expresso para a caixa do usuário. Testado apenas * com .emls gerados pelo expresso, e o arquivo pode ser um zip contendo vários emls ou um .eml. */ function import_msgs($params) { if(!$this->mbox) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox(); if( preg_match('/local_/',$params["folder"]) ){ // PLEASE, BE CAREFULL!!! YOU SHOULD USE EMAIL CONFIGURATION VALUES (EMAILADMIN MODULE) //$tmp_box = mb_convert_encoding('INBOX'.$this->folders['trash'].$this->imap_delimiter.'tmpMoveToLocal', "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8"); $tmp_box = mb_convert_encoding($this->mount_url_folder(array("INBOX",$this->folders['trash'],"tmpMoveToLocal")), "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8"); if ( ! imap_createmailbox( $this->mbox,"{".$this -> imap_server."}$tmp_box" ) ) return $this->functions->getLang( 'Import to Local : fail...' ); imap_reopen($this->mbox, "{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".$tmp_box); $params["folder"] = $tmp_box; } $errors = array(); $invalid_format = false; $filename = $params['FILES'][0]['name']; $params["folder"] = mb_convert_encoding($params["folder"], "UTF7-IMAP","ISO-8859-1, UTF-8"); $quota = imap_get_quotaroot($this->mbox, $params["folder"]); if((($quota['limit'] - $quota['usage'])*1024) <= $params['FILES'][0]['size']){ return array( 'error' => $this->functions->getLang("fail in import:"). " ".$this->functions->getLang("Over quota")); } if(substr($filename,strlen($filename)-4)==".zip") { $zip = zip_open($params['FILES'][0]['tmp_name']); if ($zip) { while ($zip_entry = zip_read($zip)) { if (zip_entry_open($zip, $zip_entry, "r")) { $email = zip_entry_read($zip_entry, zip_entry_filesize($zip_entry)); $status = @imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $email ); if(!$status) array_push($errors,zip_entry_name($zip_entry)); zip_entry_close($zip_entry); } } zip_close($zip); } if (isset( $tmp_box ) && ! sizeof( $errors )){ $mc = imap_check($this->mbox); $result = imap_fetch_overview( $this -> mbox, "1:{$mc -> Nmsgs}", 0 ); $ids = array( ); foreach ($result as $overview) $ids[ ] = $overview -> uid; return implode( ',', $ids ); } }else if(substr($filename,strlen($filename)-4)==".eml") { $email = implode("",file($params['FILES'][0]['tmp_name'])); $status = imap_append($this->mbox,"{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"],$email); if(!$status) return "Error importing"; if ( isset( $tmp_box ) && ! sizeof( $errors ) ) { $mc = imap_check($this->mbox); $result = imap_fetch_overview( $this -> mbox, "1:{$mc -> Nmsgs}", 0 ); $ids = array( ); foreach ($result as $overview) $ids[ ] = $overview -> uid; return implode( ',', $ids ); } } else{ if ( isset( $tmp_box ) ) imap_deletemailbox( $this->mbox,"{".$this -> imap_server."}$tmp_box" ); return array("error" => $this->functions->getLang("wrong file format")); $invalid_format = true; } if(!$invalid_format) { if(count($errors)>0) { $message = $this->functions->getLang("fail in import:")."\n"; foreach($errors as $arquivo) { $message.=$arquivo."\n"; } return array("error" => $message); } else return $this->functions->getLang("The import was executed successfully."); } } /* Remove os anexos de uma mensagem. A estratégia para isso é criar uma mensagem nova sem os anexos, mantendo apenas a primeira parte do e-mail, que é o texto, sem anexos. O método considera que o email é multpart. */ function remove_attachments($params) { include_once(""); if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($params["folder"]); $return["status"] = true; $header = ""; $headertemp = explode("\n",imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"]))); foreach($headertemp as $head) {//Se eu colocar todo o header do email dá pau no append, então procuro apenas o que interessa. $head1 = explode(":",$head); if ( (strtoupper($head1[0]) == "TO") || (strtoupper($head1[0]) == "FROM") || (strtoupper($head1[0]) == "SUBJECT") || (strtoupper($head1[0]) == "DATE") ) $header .= $head."\r\n"; } $msg = new message_components($this->mbox); $msg->fetch_structure($params["msg_num"]);/* O fetchbody tava trazendo o email com problemas na acentuação. Então uso essa classe para verificar a codificação e o charset, para que o método decodeBody do expresso possa trazer tudo certinho*/ $all_body_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$params["msg_num"]][0]); $all_body_encoding = $msg->encoding[$params["msg_num"]][0]; $all_body_charset = $msg->charset[$params["msg_num"]][0]; if($all_body_type=='multipart/alternative') { if(strtolower($msg->file_type[$params["msg_num"]][2]=='text/html') && $msg->pid[$params["msg_num"]][2] == '1.2') { $body_part_to_show = '1.2'; $all_body_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$params["msg_num"]][2]); $all_body_encoding = $msg->encoding[$params["msg_num"]][2]; $all_body_charset = $msg->charset[$params["msg_num"]][2]; } else { $body_part_to_show = '1.1'; $all_body_type = strtolower($msg->file_type[$params["msg_num"]][1]); $all_body_encoding = $msg->encoding[$params["msg_num"]][1]; $all_body_charset = $msg->charset[$params["msg_num"]][1]; } } else $body_part_to_show = '1'; $status = imap_append($this->mbox, "{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".$params["folder"], $header. "Content-Type: ".$all_body_type."; charset = \"".$all_body_charset."\"". "\r\n". "Content-Transfer-Encoding: ".$all_body_encoding. "\r\n". "\r\n". str_replace("\n","\r\n",preg_replace("/]+\>/i", " ", $this->decodeBody( imap_fetchbody($this->mbox,imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"]),$body_part_to_show), $all_body_encoding, $all_body_charset )) ), "\\Seen"); //Append do novo email, só com header e conteúdo sem anexos. //Remove imagens do corpo, pois estas estão na lista de anexo e serão removidas. if(!$status) { $return["status"] = false; $return["msg"] = lang("error appending mail on delete attachments"); } else { $status = imap_status($this->mbox, "{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port."}".$params['folder'], SA_UIDNEXT); $return['msg_no'] = $status->uidnext - 1; imap_delete($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $params["msg_num"])); imap_expunge($this->mbox); } return $return; } function msgs_to_archive($params) { $folder = $params['folder']; $all_ids = $this-> get_msgs($folder, 'SORTARRIVAL', false, 0,-1,-1); $messages_not_to_copy = explode(",",$params['mails']); $ids = array(); $cont = 0; foreach($all_ids as $each_id=>$value) { if(!in_array($each_id,$messages_not_to_copy)) { array_push($ids,$each_id); $cont++; } if($cont>=100) break; } if (empty($ids)) return array(); $params = array("folder"=>$folder,"msgs_number"=>implode(",",$ids)); return $this->get_info_msgs($params); } /** * * @return * @param $params Object */ function get_info_msgs($params) { include_once(""); if(array_key_exists('messages', $params)){ $sel_msgs = explode(",", $params['messages']); @reset($sel_msgs); $sorted_msgs = array(); foreach($sel_msgs as $idx => $sel_msg) { $sel_msg = explode(";", $sel_msg); if(array_key_exists($sel_msg[0], $sorted_msgs)){ $sorted_msgs[$sel_msg[0]] .= ",".$sel_msg[1]; } else { $sorted_msgs[$sel_msg[0]] = $sel_msg[1]; } } unset($sorted_msgs['']); $return = array(); $array_names_keys = array_keys($sorted_msgs); for($i = 0; $i < count($sorted_msgs); $i++){ $new_params = array(); $attach_params = array(); $new_params["msg_folder"]= $array_names_keys[$i]; $attach_params["folder"] = $params["folder"]; $msgs = explode(",",$sorted_msgs[$array_names_keys[$i]]); $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $unseen_msgs = array(); foreach($msgs as $msg_number) { $new_params["msg_number"] = $msg_number; //ini_set("display_errors","1"); $msg_info = $this->get_info_msg($new_params); $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($array_names_keys[$i]); //Não sei porque, mas se não abrir de novo a caixa dá erro. $msg_info['header'] = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); $attach_params["num_msg"] = $msg_number; $msg_info['array_attach'] = $exporteml->get_attachments_in_array($attach_params); imap_close($this->mbox); $this->mbox=false; array_push($return,serialize($msg_info)); if($msg_info['Unseen'] == "U" || $msg_info['Recent'] == "N"){ array_push($unseen_msgs,$msg_number); } } } if($unseen_msgs){ $msgs_list = implode(",",$unseen_msgs); $array_msgs = array('folder' => $new_params["msg_folder"], "msgs_to_set" => $msgs_list, "flag" => "unseen"); $this->set_messages_flag($array_msgs); } return $return; }else{ $return = array(); $new_params = array(); $attach_params = array(); $new_params["msg_folder"]=$params["folder"]; $attach_params["folder"] = $params["folder"]; $msgs = explode(",",$params["msgs_number"]); $exporteml = new ExportEml(); $unseen_msgs = array(); foreach($msgs as $msg_number) { $new_params["msg_number"] = $msg_number; //ini_set("display_errors","1"); $msg_info = $this->get_info_msg($new_params); $this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($params['folder']); //Não sei porque, mas se não abrir de novo a caixa dá erro. $msg_info['header'] = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number); $attach_params["num_msg"] = $msg_number; $msg_info['array_attach'] = $exporteml->get_attachments_in_array($attach_params); imap_close($this->mbox); $this->mbox=false; array_push($return,serialize($msg_info)); if($msg_info['Unseen'] == "U" || $msg_info['Recent'] == "N"){ array_push($unseen_msgs,$msg_number); } } if($unseen_msgs){ $msgs_list = implode(",",$unseen_msgs); $array_msgs = array('folder' => $new_params["msg_folder"], "msgs_to_set" => $msgs_list, "flag" => "unseen"); $this->set_messages_flag($array_msgs); } return $return; } } /** * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @param $msg_number numero da mensagem */ function getRawHeader($msg_number) { return imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID); } /** * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @param $msg_number numero da mensagem */ function getRawBody($msg_number) { return imap_body($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID); } /** * @license GPL * @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre ( * @param $msg mensagem */ function builderMsgHeader($msg) { $fromMail = str_replace('<','', str_replace('>','',$msg->headers['from'])); $tosMails = str_replace('<','', str_replace('>','',$msg->headers['to'])); $tos = explode(',',$tosMails); $to = ''; foreach ($tos as $value) { $to .= ''.$value.', '; } $header = '
'.$this->functions->getLang('Subject').': | '.$msg->headers['subject'].' |
'.$this->functions->getLang('From').': | '.$fromMail.' |
'.$this->functions->getLang('Date').': | '.$msg->headers['date'].' |
'.$this->functions->getLang('To').': | '.$to.' |
'. htmlentities($this->decodeMailPart($part->body,$part->ctype_parameters['charset'],false)).''; } if(strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) == 'calendar') $content.= $this->builderMsgCalendar($this->decodeMailPart($part->body, $part->ctype_parameters['charset'])); } $i = -1; break; case 'multipart': if($printHeader) $content .= $this->builderMsgHeader($part); $this->builderMsgBody($part,$content); $i = -1; break; case 'message': if(!is_array($part->parts)) { $content .= "
'. htmlentities($this->decodeMailPart($part->body, $structure->ctype_parameters['charset'],false)).''; $content .= "
'. htmlentities($this->decodeMailPart($part->body,$part->ctype_parameters['charset'],false)).''; } if(strtolower($part->ctype_secondary) == 'calendar') $content .= $this->builderMsgCalendar($part->body); } break; case 'multipart': if($printHeader) $content .= $this->builderMsgHeader($part); $this->builderMsgBody($part,$content); break; case 'message': if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['nested_messages_are_shown'] != '1') { if(!is_array($part->parts)) { $content .= "
'. htmlentities($this->decodeMailPart($part->body, $structure->ctype_parameters['charset'],false)).''; $content .= "
' . $content . ''; $return[ 'body' ] = $content; return $return; } $content = $this->decodeMailPart($structure->body, $structure->ctype_parameters['charset']); } if(strtolower($structure->ctype_secondary) == 'calendar') $content .= $this->builderMsgCalendar($structure->body); break; case 'multipart': $this->builderMsgBody($structure , $content); break; case 'message': if($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['expressoMail']['nested_messages_are_shown'] != 1) { if(!is_array($structure->parts)) { $content .= "
'.htmlentities($this->decodeMailPart($structure->body, $structure->ctype_parameters['charset'],false)).''; $content .= "
]*)(text-indent:[^>;]*-[^>;]*;)([^>]*>)", "\\1\\3", $body); $body = mb_ereg_replace("(
]*)(margin-right:[^>;]*-[^>;]*;)([^>]*>)", "\\1\\3", $body); $body = mb_ereg_replace("(
]*)(margin-left:[^>;]*-[^>;]*;)([^>]*>)", "\\1\\3", $body);
//Remoção de tags para correção de erro no firefox
//Comentado pois estes replaces geram erros no html da msg, não se pode garantir que o os sejam realmente os fechamentos dos .
//Caso realmente haja a nescessidade de remover estes spans deve ser repensado a forma de como faze-lo.
// $body = mb_eregi_replace("","",$body);
// $body = mb_eregi_replace("","",$body);
//Correção para compatibilização com Outlook, ao visualizar a mensagem
$body = mb_ereg_replace('', $body);
$body = preg_replace("/]*>([\s]?)*<\/p[^>]*>/", '', $body); //Remove paragrafos vazios (evita duplo espaçamento em emails do MSO)
return $body ;
function replace_links_callback($matches)
$pref = $matches[3];
$pref = $matches[3] = 'http';
return ''.$matches[0].'';
* @license GPL
* @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre (
* @param $body corpo da mensagem
function replace_links(&$body)
// Trata urls do tipo aaaa.bbb.empresa
// Usadas na intranet.
$pattern = '/(?<=[\s|(
$body = preg_replace_callback($pattern,array( &$this, 'replace_links_callback'), $body);
function get_signature($msg, $msg_number, $msg_folder)
include_once(dirname( __FILE__ ) ."/../../security/classes/CertificadoB.php");
foreach ($msg->file_type[$msg_number] as $index => $file_type)
$sign = array();
$temp = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number);
if($temp['ContentType'] =='normal') return $sign;
$file_type = strtolower($file_type);
if(strtolower($msg->encoding[$msg_number][$index]) == 'base64')
if ($temp['ContentType'] == 'signature')
if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox))
$this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($msg_folder);
$header = @imap_headerinfo($this->mbox, imap_msgno($this->mbox, $msg_number), 80, 255);
$imap_msg = @imap_fetchheader($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID);
$imap_msg .= @imap_body($this->mbox, $msg_number, FT_UID);
$certificado = new certificadoB();
$validade = $certificado->verificar($imap_msg);
$sign[] = $certificado->msg_sem_assinatura;
if ($certificado->apresentado)
$from = $header->from;
foreach ($from as $id => $object)
$fromname = $object->personal;
$fromaddress = $object->mailbox . "@" . $object->host;
foreach ($certificado->erros_ssl as $item)
$sign[] = $item . "#@#";
if (count($certificado->erros_ssl) < 1)
$check_msg = 'Message untouched';
if(strtoupper($fromaddress) == strtoupper($certificado->dados['EMAIL']))
$check_msg .= ' and authentic###';
$check_msg .= ' with signer different from sender#@#';
$sign[] = $check_msg;
$sign[] = 'Message signed by: ###' . $certificado->dados['NOME'];
$sign[] = 'Certificate email: ###' . $certificado->dados['EMAIL'];
$sign[] = 'Mail from: ###' . $fromaddress;
$sign[] = 'Certificate Authority: ###' . $certificado->dados['EMISSOR'];
$sign[] = 'Validity of certificate: ###' . gmdate('r',openssl_to_timestamp($certificado->dados['FIM_VALIDADE']));
$sign[] = 'Message date: ###' . $header->Date;
$cert = openssl_x509_parse($certificado->cert_assinante);
$sign_alert = array();
$sign_alert[] = 'Certificate Owner###:\n';
$sign_alert[] = 'Common Name (CN)### ' . $cert[subject]['CN'] . '\n';
$X = substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,0,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,2,2) . '-' . substr($certificado->dados['NASCIMENTO'] ,4,4);
$sign_alert[]= 'Organization (O)### ' . $cert[subject]['O'] . '\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Organizational Unit (OU)### ' . $cert[subject]['OU'][0] . '\n';
//$sign_alert[] = 'Serial Number### ' . $cert['serialNumber'] . '\n';
$sign_alert[] = 'Personal Data###:' . '\n';
$sign_alert[] = 'Birthday### ' . $X . '\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Fiscal Id### ' . $certificado->dados['CPF'] . '\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Identification### ' . $certificado->dados['RG'] . '\n\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Certificate Issuer###:\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Common Name (CN)### ' . $cert[issuer]['CN'] . '\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Organization (O)### ' . $cert[issuer]['O'] . '\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Organizational Unit (OU)### ' . $cert[issuer]['OU'][0] . '\n\n';
$sign_alert[]= 'Validity###:\n';
$H = data_hora($cert[validFrom]);
$X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4);
$sign_alert[]= 'Valid From### ' . $X . '\n';
$H = data_hora($cert[validTo]);
$X = substr($H,6,2) . '-' . substr($H,4,2) . '-' . substr($H,0,4);
$sign_alert[]= 'Valid Until### ' . $X;
$sign[] = $sign_alert;
$this->db = new db_functions();
// TODO: testar se existe um certificado no banco e verificar qual � o mais atual.
if(!$certificado->dados['EXPIRADO'] && !$certificado->dados['REVOGADO'] && count($certificado->erros_ssl) < 1)
$this->db->insert_certificate(strtolower($certificado->dados['EMAIL']), $certificado->cert_assinante, $certificado->dados['SERIALNUMBER'], $certificado->dados['AUTHORITYKEYIDENTIFIER']);
$sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang('Invalid signature') . "";
foreach($certificado->erros_ssl as $item)
$sign[] = "" . $this->functions->getLang($item) . "";
return $sign;
* @license GPL
* @author Consórcio Expresso Livre - 4Linux ( e Prognus Software Livre (
* @param $images
* @param $msg_number
* @param $msg_folder
function get_thumbs($images, $msg_number, $msg_folder)
if (!count($images)) return '';
foreach ($images as $key => $value) {
$images[$key]['width'] = 160;
$images[$key]['height'] = 120;
$images[$key]['url'] = "inc/get_archive.php?msgFolder=".$msg_folder."&msgNumber=".$msg_number."&indexPart=".$value['pid']."&image=true";
return json_encode($images);
/*function delete_msg($params)
$folder = $params['folder'];
$msgs_to_delete = explode(",",$params['msgs_to_delete']);
$mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder);
foreach ($msgs_to_delete as $msg_number){
imap_delete($mbox_stream, $msg_number, FT_UID);
imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE);
return $params['msgs_to_delete'];
// Novo
function delete_msgs($params)
$folder = $params['folder'];
$folder = mb_convert_encoding($folder, "UTF7-IMAP","ISO-8859-1");
$msgs_number = explode(",",$params['msgs_number']);
if(array_key_exists('border_ID' ,$params))
$border_ID = $params['border_ID'];
$border_ID = '';
$return = array();
if (array_key_exists('get_previous_msg' , $params) && $params['get_previous_msg']){
$return['previous_msg'] = $this->get_info_previous_msg($params);
// Fix problem in unserialize function JS.
$return['previous_msg']['body'] = str_replace(array('{','}'), array('{','}'), $return['previous_msg']['body']);
//$mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox($folder);
$mbox_stream = @imap_open("{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}".$folder, $this->username, $this->password) or die(serialize(array('imap_error' => $this->parse_error(imap_last_error()))));
foreach ($msgs_number as $msg_number)
if (imap_delete($mbox_stream, $msg_number, FT_UID));
$return['msgs_number'][] = $msg_number;
$return['folder'] = $folder;
$return['border_ID'] = $border_ID;
imap_close($mbox_stream, CL_EXPUNGE);
$return['status'] = true;
return $return;
function refresh($params)
$return = array();
$return['new_msgs'] = 0;
$folder = $params['folder'];
$msg_range_begin = $params['msg_range_begin'];
$msg_range_end = $params['msg_range_end'];
$msgs_existent = $params['msgs_existent'];
$sort_box_type = $params['sort_box_type'];
$sort_box_reverse = $params['sort_box_reverse'];
$msgs_in_the_server = array();
$search_box_type = $params['search_box_type'] != "ALL" && $params['search_box_type'] != "" ? $params['search_box_type'] : false;
$msgs_in_the_server = $this->get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$msg_range_end);
$msgs_in_the_server = array_keys($msgs_in_the_server);
$num_msgs = (count($msgs_in_the_server) - imap_num_recent($this->mbox));
$dif = ($params['msg_range_end'] - $params['msg_range_begin']) +1;
$msg_range_begin -= $dif;
$msg_range_end -= $dif;
$msgs_in_the_server = $this->get_msgs($folder, $sort_box_type, $search_box_type, $sort_box_reverse,$msg_range_begin,$msg_range_end);
$msgs_in_the_server = array_keys($msgs_in_the_server);
$num_msgs = NULL;
$return['msg_range_begin'] = $msg_range_begin;
$return['msg_range_end'] = $msg_range_end;
$return['new_msgs'] = imap_num_recent($this->mbox);
$msgs_in_the_client = explode(",", $msgs_existent);
$msg_to_insert = array_diff($msgs_in_the_server, $msgs_in_the_client);
if(count($msg_to_insert) > 0 && $return['new_msgs'] == 0 && $msgs_in_the_client[0] != ""){
$aux = 0;
while(array_key_exists($aux, $msg_to_insert)){
if($msg_to_insert[$aux] > $msgs_in_the_client[0]){
$return['new_msgs'] += 1;
}else if(count($msg_to_insert) > 0 && $msgs_in_the_server && $msgs_in_the_client[0] != "" && $return['new_msgs'] == 0){
$aux = 0;
while(array_key_exists($aux, $msg_to_insert)){
if($msg_to_insert[$aux] == $msgs_in_the_server[$aux]){
$return['new_msgs'] += 1;
}else if($num_msgs < $msg_range_end && $return['new_msgs'] == 0 && count($msg_to_insert) > 0 && $msg_range_end == $dif){
$return['tot_msgs'] = $num_msgs;
return Array();
$msg_to_delete = array_diff($msgs_in_the_client, $msgs_in_the_server);
$msgs_to_exec = array();
foreach($msg_to_insert as $msg_number)
$msgs_to_exec[] = $msg_number;
$i = 0;
foreach($msgs_to_exec as $msg_number)
$sample = false;
if( (isset($this->prefs['preview_msg_subject']) || ($this->prefs['preview_msg_subject'] === '1')) && (isset($this->prefs['preview_msg_tip'] ) || ($this->prefs['preview_msg_tip'] === '1')) )
$sample = true;
$return[$i] = $this->get_info_head_msg($msg_number , $sample );
//get the next msg number to append this msg in the view in a correct place
$msg_key_position = array_search($msg_number, $msgs_in_the_server);
$return[$i]['msg_key_position'] = $msg_key_position;
if($msg_key_position !== false && array_key_exists($msg_key_position + 1,$msgs_in_the_server) !== false)
$return[$i]['next_msg_number'] = $msgs_in_the_server[$msg_key_position + 1];
$return[$i]['next_msg_number'] = $msgs_in_the_server[$msg_key_position];
$return[$i]['msg_folder'] = $folder;
$return['quota'] = $this->get_quota(array('folder_id' => $folder));
$return['sort_box_type'] = $params['sort_box_type'];
if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox))
$return['msgs_to_delete'] = $msg_to_delete;
$return['offsetToGMT'] = $this->functions->CalculateDateOffset();
if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox))
return $return;
* Método que faz a verificação do Content-Type do e-mail e verifica se é um e-mail normal,
* assinado ou cifrado.
* @author Mário César Kolling
\n", imap_errors());
$child = $base_path.$this->imap_delimiter;
for($i =0; $i < count($test); $i++){
$child .= ($test[$i] ? $test[$i] : $this->functions->getLang("New Folder"));
$namebox = mb_convert_encoding($child, "UTF7-IMAP", "UTF-8");
$result = "Ok";
$result = implode("
\n", imap_errors());
$child .=$this->imap_delimiter;
return $result;
function create_extra_mailbox($arr)
$nameboxs = explode(";",$arr['nw_folders']);
$result = "";
$mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox();
$imap_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapServer'];
foreach($nameboxs as $key=>$tmp){
if($tmp != ""){
$result = implode("
\n", imap_errors());
return $result;
return true;
function delete_mailbox($arr)
$namebox = $arr['del_past'];
$imap_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapServer'];
$mbox_stream = $this->mbox ? $this->mbox : $this->open_mbox();
//$del_folder = imap_deletemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$namebox");
$result = "Ok";
$namebox = mb_convert_encoding($namebox, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8");
$result = implode("
\n", imap_errors());
return $result;
function ren_mailbox($arr)
$namebox = $arr['current'];
$new_box = $arr['rename'];
$imap_server = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['email_server']['imapServer'];
$mbox_stream = $this->open_mbox();
//$ren_folder = imap_renamemailbox($mbox_stream,"{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$namebox","{".$imap_server."}INBOX.$new_box");
$result = "Ok";
$namebox = mb_convert_encoding($namebox, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8");
$new_box = mb_convert_encoding($new_box, "UTF7-IMAP","UTF-8");
$result = imap_errors();
return $result;
function get_num_msgs($params)
$folder = $params['folder'];
if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox)) {
$this->mbox = $this->open_mbox($folder);
if(!$this->mbox || !is_resource($this->mbox))
return imap_last_error();
$num_msgs = imap_num_msg($this->mbox);
if($this->mbox && is_resource($this->mbox))
return $num_msgs;
function folder_exists($folder){
$mbox = $this->open_mbox();
$serverString = "{".$this->imap_server.":".$this->imap_port.$this->imap_options."}";
$list = imap_getmailboxes($mbox,$serverString, $folder);
$return = is_array($list);
return $return;
function send_mail($params) {
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../services/class.servicelocator.php';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../prototype/api/controller.php';
$mailService = ServiceLocator::getService('mail');
$db = new db_functions();
$fromaddress = $params['input_from'] ? explode(';', $params['input_from']) : "";
$message_attachments_contents = (isset($params['message_attachments_content'])) ? $params['message_attachments_content'] : false;
# @AUTHOR Rodrigo Souza dos Santos
# @DATE 2008/09/17$fileName
# @BRIEF Checks if the user has permission to send an email with the email address used.
if (is_array($fromaddress) && ($fromaddress[1] != $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['email'])) {
$deny = true;
foreach ($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['shared_mailboxes'] as $key => $val)
if (array_key_exists('mail', $val) && $val['mail'][0] == $fromaddress[1])
$deny = false and end($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user']['shared_mailboxes']);
if ($deny)
return "The server denied your request to send a mail, you cannot use this mail address.";
$toaddress = $db->getAddrs(explode(',', $params['input_to'])); //implode(',',);
$ccaddress = $db->getAddrs(explode(',', $params['input_cc'])); //implode(',',);
$ccoaddress = $db->getAddrs(explode(',', $params['input_cco'])); //implode(',',);
if ($toaddress["False"] || $ccaddress["False"] || $ccoaddress["False"]) {
return $this->parse_error("Invalid Mail:", ($toaddress["False"] ? $toaddress["False"] : ($ccaddress["False"] ? $ccaddress["False"] : $ccoaddress["False"])));
$toaddress = implode(',', $toaddress);
$ccaddress = implode(',', $ccaddress);
$ccoaddress = implode(',', $ccoaddress);
if ($toaddress == "" && $ccaddress == "" && $ccoaddress == "") {
return $this->parse_error("Invalid Mail:", ($params['input_to'] ? $params['input_to'] : ($params['input_cc'] ? $params['input_cc'] : $params['input_cco'])));
$toaddress = preg_replace('/<\s+/', '<', $toaddress);
$toaddress = preg_replace('/\s+>/', '>', $toaddress);
$ccaddress = preg_replace('/<\s+/', '<', $ccaddress);
$ccaddress = preg_replace('/\s+>/', '>', $ccaddress);
$ccoaddress = preg_replace('/<\s+/', '<', $ccoaddress);
$ccoaddress = preg_replace('/\s+>/', '>', $ccoaddress);
$replytoaddress = $params['input_replyto'];
$subject = $params['input_subject'];
$return_receipt = $params['input_return_receipt'];
$is_important = $params['input_important_message'];
$encrypt = $params['input_return_cripto'];
$signed = $params['input_return_digital'];
$message_attachments = $params['message_attachments'];
if (substr($params['input_to'], -1) == ',')
$params['input_to'] = substr($params['input_to'], 0, -1);
if (substr($params['input_cc'], -1) == ',')
$params['input_cc'] = substr($params['input_cc'], 0, -1);
if (substr($params['input_cco'], -1) == ',')
$params['input_cco'] = substr($params['input_cco'], 0, -1);
// Valida numero Maximo de Destinatarios
if ($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoAdmin_maximum_recipients'] > 0) {
$sendersNumber = count(explode(',', $params['input_to']));
if ($params['input_cc'])
$sendersNumber += count(explode(',', $params['input_cc']));
if ($params['input_cco'])
$sendersNumber += count(explode(',', $params['input_cco']));
$userMaxmimumSenders = $db->getMaximumRecipientsUser($this->username);
if ($userMaxmimumSenders) {
if ($sendersNumber > $userMaxmimumSenders)
return $this->functions->getLang('Number of recipients greater than allowed');
else {
$ldap = new ldap_functions();
$groupsToUser = $ldap->get_user_groups($this->username);
$groupMaxmimumSenders = $db->getMaximumRecipientsGroup($groupsToUser);
if ($groupMaxmimumSenders > 0) {
if ($sendersNumber > $groupMaxmimumSenders)
return $this->functions->getLang('Number of recipients greater than allowed');
else {
if ($sendersNumber > $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoAdmin_maximum_recipients'])
return $this->functions->getLang('Number of recipients greater than allowed');
//Fim Valida numero maximo de destinatarios
//Valida envio de email para shared accounts
if ($_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expresso']['expressoMail']['expressoMail_block_institutional_comunication'] == 'true') {
$ldap = new ldap_functions();
$arrayF = explode(';', $params['input_from']);
* Verifica se o remetente n?o ? uma conta compartilhada
if (!$ldap->isSharedAccountByMail($arrayF[1])) {
$groupsToUser = $ldap->get_user_groups($this->username);
$sharedAccounts = $ldap->returnSharedsAccounts($toaddress, $ccaddress, $ccoaddress);
* Pega o UID do remetente
$uidFrom = $ldap->mail2uid($arrayF[1]);
* Remove a conta compartilhada caso o uid do remetente exista na conta compartilhada
foreach ($sharedAccounts as $key => $value) {
if ($value)
$acl = $this->getaclfrombox($value);
if (array_key_exists($uidFrom, $acl))
* Caso ainda exista contas compartilhadas, verifica se existe alguma exce??o para estas contas
if (count($sharedAccounts) > 0)
$accountsBlockeds = $db->validadeSharedAccounts($this->username, $groupsToUser, $sharedAccounts);
* Retorna as contas compartilhadas bloqueadas
if (count($accountsBlockeds) > 0) {
$return = '';
foreach ($accountsBlockeds as $accountBlocked)
$return.= $accountBlocked . ', ';
$return = substr($return, 0, -2);
return $this->functions->getLang('you are blocked from sending mail to the following addresses') . ': ' . $return;
// Fim Valida envio de email para shared accounts
// TODO - implementar tratamento SMIME no novo serviço de envio de emails e retirar o AND false abaixo
if ($params['smime'] AND false) {
$body = $params['smime'];
$mail->SMIME = true;
// A MSG assinada deve ser testada neste ponto.
// Testar o certificado e a integridade da msg....
include_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../security/classes/CertificadoB.php");
$erros_acumulados = '';
$certificado = new certificadoB();
$validade = $certificado->verificar($body);
if (!$validade) {
foreach ($certificado->erros_ssl as $linha_erro) {
$erros_acumulados .= $linha_erro;
} else {
// Testa o CERTIFICADO: se o CPF he o do usuario logado, se pode assinar msgs e se nao esta expirado...
if ($certificado->apresentado) {
if ($certificado->dados['EXPIRADO'])
$erros_acumulados .='Certificado expirado.';
$this->cpf = isset($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['certificado_atributo_cpf']) && $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['certificado_atributo_cpf'] != '' ? $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['expressomail']['user'][$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['certificado_atributo_cpf']] : $this->username;
if ($certificado->dados['CPF'] != $this->cpf)
$erros_acumulados .=' CPF no certificado diferente do logado no expresso.';
if (!($certificado->dados['KEYUSAGE']['digitalSignature'] && $certificado->dados['EXTKEYUSAGE']['emailProtection']))
$erros_acumulados .=' Certificado nao permite assinar mensagens.';
else {
$$erros_acumulados .= 'Nao foi possivel usar o certificado para assinar a msg';
if (!$erros_acumulados == '') {
return $erros_acumulados;
} else {
//Compatibilização com Outlook, ao encaminhar a mensagem
$body = mb_ereg_replace('