<?php /* * Created on 02/07/2006 * * To change the template for this generated file go to * Window - Preferences - PHPeclipse - PHP - Code Templates */ /** * Database query results paging class * @author Sidnei Augusto Drovetto Junior * @version 1.0 * @package Workflow * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GPL */ class Paging { /** * @var int $itemsPerPage Number of page itens * @access public */ var $itemsPerPage; /** * @var int $itemsCount Number of itens * @access public */ var $itemsCount; /** * @var int $numberOfPages Total pages * @access public */ var $numberOfPages; /** * @var int $currentPage Actual page * @access public */ var $currentPage; /** * @var array $items itens array * @access public */ var $items; /** * @var string $baseLink server Url base * @access public */ var $baseLink; /** * @var $newRequest * @access public */ var $newRequest; /** * @var int $nextItem number of next item * @access public */ var $nextItem; /** * @var int $originalRequest * @access public */ var $originalRequest; /** * @var string $SQLOrdenacao * @access public */ var $SQLOrdenacao; /** * Initialize class Paging atributes * @acces public * @return void */ function initialize() { $this->currentPage = 0; $this->baseLink = $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']; $this->items = array(); if (!is_null($this->originalRequest)) $this->parseRequest($this->originalRequest); } /** * Construtor * @access public * @return object */ function Paging($pItemsPerPage, $request = null) { $this->itemsPerPage = $pItemsPerPage; $this->originalRequest = $request; $this->initialize(); } /** * Parse Request * @param string $request request * @return void */ function parseRequest($request) { $this->currentPage = (isset($request['p_page'])) ? $request['p_page'] : 0; if (is_numeric($this->currentPage)) $this->currentPage = (int) $this->currentPage; else $this->currentPage = 0; $this->newRequest = $this->_cleanRequest("p_page", $request); $this->nextItem = $this->currentPage * $this->itemsPerPage; } /** * Restrict the number of itens * @var array $pItems array of page itens * @var int $totalItems number of total items * @return array page items * @access public */ function restrictItems($pItems, $totalItems = null) { $start = $this->nextItem; if (is_null($totalItems)) { $totalItems = count($pItems); $end = min($start + $this->itemsPerPage, $totalItems); $this->items = array(); for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) $this->items[] = $pItems[$i]; } else $this->items = $pItems; $this->itemsCount = $totalItems; return $this->items; } /** * Return pagination Result * @return array * @access public */ function paginationResult() { $this->numberOfPages = ceil(((double) $this->itemsCount / (double) $this->itemsPerPage)); $output = array(); if ($this->numberOfPages < 2) return $output; $charSeparator = empty($this->newRequest) ? "" : "&"; for ($i = 0; $i < $this->numberOfPages; $i++) { $page = $i; $start = ($i * $this->itemsPerPage) + 1; $end = min($start - 1 + $this->itemsPerPage, $this->itemsCount); $current = array( "link" => $this->baseLink . "?" . $this->newRequest . $charSeparator . "p_page=$page", "pageNumber" => $page + 1, "p_page" => $page, "start" => $start, "end" => $end); $output[] = $current; } return $output; } /** * Limit pagination result * @var int $numberofLinks number of links * @access public * @return array */ function limitedPaginationResult($numberOfLinks) { $allPaginationResults = $this->paginationResult(); $output = array(); if (count($allPaginationResults) == 0) return $output; $firstPage = max(0, $this->currentPage - $numberOfLinks); $lastPage = min($this->currentPage + $numberOfLinks, $this->numberOfPages); for ($i = $firstPage; $i < $lastPage; $i++) $output[] = $allPaginationResults[$i]; return $output; } /** * Pagination Result navigation * @access public * @return array */ function paginationResultNavigation() { $allPaginationResults = $this->paginationResult(); $output = array(); $output['currentPage'] = $this->currentPage + 1; if (($this->currentPage > 0) && isset($allPaginationResults[$this->currentPage - 1])) $output['previous'] = $allPaginationResults[$this->currentPage - 1]; if (($this->currentPage < ($this->numberOfPages - 1)) && isset($allPaginationResults[$this->currentPage + 1])) $output['next'] = $allPaginationResults[$this->currentPage + 1]; return $output; } /** * Common Links * @var int $numberOfLinks number of links * @return array $links array of common links * @access public */ function commonLinks($numberOfLinks = 10) { $links = array(); $paginationLinks = $this->limitedPaginationResult($numberOfLinks); $paginationNavigationLinks = $this->paginationResultNavigation(); if (count($paginationLinks) == 0) return $links; if (isset($paginationNavigationLinks['previous'])) { $tmp = $paginationNavigationLinks['previous']; $tmp['name'] = "anterior"; $tmp['do_link'] = true; $links[] = $tmp; } for ($i = 0; $i < count($paginationLinks); $i++) { $tmp = $paginationLinks[$i]; $tmp['name'] = $tmp['pageNumber']; $tmp['do_link'] = ($paginationNavigationLinks['currentPage'] != $tmp['pageNumber']) ? true : false; $links[] = $tmp; } if (isset($paginationNavigationLinks['next'])) { $tmp = $paginationNavigationLinks['next']; $tmp['name'] = "próximo"; $tmp['do_link'] = true; $links[] = $tmp; } return $links; } /** * Page Autolinks * @var int $numberOfLinks number of links * @var string $linkFormat link format * @var string $selectedFormat * @var string $separator separator * @var int $totalItems number of total items * @access public */ function autoLinks($numberOfLinks = 10, $linkFormat = null, $selectedFormat = null, $separator = " ") { $output = ""; $linkList = $this->commonLinks($numberOfLinks); if (is_null($linkFormat)) $linkFormat = '<a href="%link%">%name%</a>'; if (is_null($selectedFormat)) $selectedFormat = '<strong>%name%</strong>'; $correspondenceList = array( '%name%' => 'name', '%link%' => 'link', '%pageNumber%' => 'pageNumber', '%p_page%' => 'p_page', '%start%' => 'start', '%end%' => 'end'); $tmp = array(); foreach ($linkList as $link) { $format = $link['do_link'] ? $linkFormat : $selectedFormat; foreach ($correspondenceList as $find => $index) $format = str_replace($find, $link[$index], $format); $tmp[] = $format; } $output = implode($separator, $tmp); return $output; } /** * Clean Request * @var string $remove * @var string $request * @return string * @access public */ function _cleanRequest($remove = "", $request = null) { if (is_null($request)) $request = $_GET; if (!is_array($remove)) $remove = array($remove); $tmp = array(); $flagAdd = true; /* remove selected variables from posted data */ foreach ($request as $key => $value) { $flagAdd = true; foreach ($remove as $rem) if (strcasecmp($key, $rem) == 0) $flagAdd = false; if ($flagAdd) $tmp[] = $key . "=" . urlencode("$value"); } return implode("&", $tmp); } } ?>