cb = new TCPDFExt($orientation, 'mm', 'A4', true, 'UTF-8', false);
$this->offsetLeft = $offsetLeft;
$this->offsetRight = $offsetRight;
$this->offsetTop = $offsetTop;
$this->offsetBottom = $offsetBottom;
// sets header and footer
$this->cb->SetMargins($this->offsetLeft, $this->offsetTop, $this->offsetRight);
$this->cb->SetAutoPageBreak(FALSE, $this->offsetBottom);
// sets output PDF information
$this->cb->SetCreator('DHTMLX LTD');
$this->cb->SetAuthor('DHTMLX LTD');
$this->cb->SetSubject('DHTMLX LTD');
// sets font family and size
$this->cb->SetFont('freesans', '', 8);
// draws scheduler header in month mode
public function drawMonthHeader($orientation, $topScale, $topScaleHeight, $bgColor, $lineColor, $monthHeaderFontSize) {
$this->bgColor = $this->convertColor($bgColor);
$this->lineColor = $this->convertColor($lineColor);
$this->topScaleHeight = $topScaleHeight;
$this->topScale = $topScale;
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
// calculates day width
$this->dayWidth = ($this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetLeft - $this->offsetRight)/7;
// circle: for every column of header draw cell
for ($i = 0; $i < count($topScale); $i++) {
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $topScaleHeight, $topScale[$i], 1, 0, 'C', 1);
// draws scheduler grid on month mode
public function drawMonthGrid($dayHeader, $dayHeaderHeight, $dayHeaderColor, $dayBodyColor, $dayHeaderColorInactive, $dayBodyColorInactive, $monthDayHeaderFontSize) {
// sets starting coordinates
$this->cb->setY($this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight, false);
$this->dayHeaderColor = $this->convertColor($dayHeaderColor);
$this->dayBodyColor = $this->convertColor($dayBodyColor);
$this->dayHeaderColorInactive = $this->convertColor($dayHeaderColorInactive);
$this->dayBodyColorInactive = $this->convertColor($dayBodyColorInactive);
// calculates height of day container header, body and whole height of day container
$this->dayHeaderHeight = $dayHeaderHeight;
$this->dayHeader = $dayHeader;
$this->dayBodyHeight = ($this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetTop - $this->offsetBottom - $this->topScaleHeight - $this->dayHeaderHeight*count($dayHeader))/count($dayHeader);
$this->dayHeight = $this->dayHeaderHeight + $this->dayBodyHeight;
// sets font size
// creates array of values where result['week']['day'] is true if day container in current month and false otherwise
$activeDays = $this->setActiveDays($dayHeader);
// circle for drawing day containers
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dayHeader); $i++) {
// draws day headers for every cell of row
for ($j = 0; $j < count($dayHeader[$i]); $j++) {
$ln = ($j == 6) ? 1 : 0;
$color = ($activeDays[$i][$j] == true) ? $this->dayHeaderColor : $this->dayHeaderColorInactive;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $this->dayHeaderHeight, $dayHeader[$i][$j], 1, $ln, 'R', 1);
$this->dayEventsHeight[$i][$j] = 0;
// draws day body for every cell of row
for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
$ln = ($j == 6) ? 1 : 0;
$color = ($activeDays[$i][$j] == true) ? $this->dayBodyColor : $this->dayBodyColorInactive;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $this->dayBodyHeight, '', 1, $ln, 'R', 0);
// draws events in month mode
public function drawMonthEvents($events, $eventColor, $eventBorderColor, $monthEventFontSize, $mode, $offset = 1, $offsetLine = 6) {
$this->eventColor = $this->convertColor($eventColor);
$this->eventBorderColor = $this->convertColor($eventBorderColor);
$this->events = $events;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
// initial value for footnote number
$footNum = 0;
// initial values for checking if in some day footenote has already drawed
$day = -1;
$week = -1;
// circle for drawing every event
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->events); $i++) {
$event = $this->events[$i];
if ($event['week'] >= count($this->dayHeader)) {
// calculation x-, y- positions, width and height of event
$x = $this->offsetLeft + $event['day']*$this->dayWidth;
$y = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $event['week']*$this->dayHeight + $this->dayHeaderHeight + $this->dayEventsHeight[$event['week']][$event['day']] + $offset;
if ($event['type'] == 'event_line') {
$width = $event['width']*$this->dayWidth/100;
$x += 1.5;
} else {
$width = $this->dayWidth - 1;
$height = 4;
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
// checks if event can be drawed in day container
if ($y + $height > ($this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + ($event['week'] + 1)*$this->dayHeight)) {
// checks if footenote hasn't already drawed for current day and week values
if (!(($week == $event['week'])&&($day == $event['day']))) {
$x1Line = $this->offsetLeft + $this->dayWidth*($event['day'] + 1);
$x2Line = $x1Line - $offsetLine;
$y1Line = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $this->dayHeight*($event['week'] + 1) - $offsetLine;
$y2Line = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $this->dayHeight*($event['week'] + 1);
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->Line($x1Line, $y1Line, $x2Line, $y2Line);
$textWidth = $this->cb->getStringWidth($footNum);
$xText = $x1Line - $textWidth - 0.5;
$yText = $y2Line - 0.6;
$day = $event['day'];
$week = $event['week'];
$this->cb->Text($xText, $yText, $footNum);
// sets variable which means that this event will print in footenotes
$this->events[$i]['foot'] = true;
} else {
// draws event in current day
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.3, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '0', 'color' => $this->eventBorderColor);
$text = $this->textWrap($event['text'], $width, $monthEventFontSize);
// sets event color
$color = $this->processEventColor($event['color']);
if (($color == 'transparent')||($mode !== 'color')) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
} else {
$color = $this->convertColor($color);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
if ($event['type'] == 'event_clear') {
$this->cb->Cell($width, $height, $text, 0, 0, 'L', 0);
} else {
$this->cb->Cell($width, $height, $text, 1, 0, 'L', 1);
for ($j = $event['day']; ($j < $event['day'] + ceil($width/$this->dayWidth))&&($j < 7); $j++) {
if ($event['week'] < count($this->dayHeader)) {
$this->dayEventsHeight[$event['week']][$j] += $height + $offset;
$this->events[$i]['foot'] = false;
// draws footenotes
if ($footNum > 0) {
// draws pages with events which can not being showed in day container
private function drawMonthFootenotes() {
// initials x-, y- coordinates
$x = $this->offsetLeft;
$y = $this->offsetTop;
// variables for checking if events have the same date
$week = -1;
$day = -1;
$footNum = 1;
// circle for all events
for ($i = 0; $i < count($this->events); $i++) {
// checks not printed events
if (($this->events[$i]['week'] < count($this->dayHeader))&&($this->events[$i]['foot'] == true)) {
$event = $this->events[$i];
$text = $event['text'];
// checks if it's necessary to print footenote number
if (!(($week == $event['week'])&&($day == $event['day']))) {
$textTop = $this->dayHeader[$event['week']][$event['day']].'['.$footNum.']';
$linesNum = $this->cb->getNumLines($text, $this->colWidth);
$heightEvent = $linesNum*$this->cb->getFontSize() + $this->cb->getFontSize()*0.5*($linesNum + 1);
$linesNum = $this->cb->getNumLines($textTop, $this->colWidth);
$heightHeader = $linesNum*$this->cb->getFontSize() + $this->cb->getFontSize()*0.5*($linesNum + 1);
// checks if the current column is over
if ($y + $heightEvent + $heightHeader > $this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetBottom) {
$x += $this->colWidth + $this->colOffset;
$y = $this->offsetTop;
// checks if it's necessary to add new page
if ($x + $this->colWidth > $this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetRight) {
$x = $this->offsetLeft;
$y = $this->offsetTop;
$this->cb->MultiCell($this->colWidth, 5, $textTop, 0, 'C', 0, 0, $x, $y);
$y += $this->cb->getLastH();
// checks if currrent column is over
if ($y + $heightEvent > $this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetBottom) {
$x += $this->colWidth + $this->colOffset;
$y = $this->offsetTop;
// checks if it's necessary to add new page
if ($x + $this->colWidth > $this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetRight) {
$x = $this->offsetLeft;
$y = $this->offsetTop;
$textTop = $this->dayHeader[$event['week']][$event['day']].'['.($footNum - 1).']';
$this->cb->MultiCell($this->colWidth, 5, $textTop, 0, 'C', 0, 0, $x, $y);
$y += $this->cb->getLastH();
// draws event
$this->cb->MultiCell($this->colWidth, 5, $text, 1, 'L', 1, 0, $x, $y);
$y += $this->cb->getLastH();
$week = $event['week'];
$day = $event['day'];
// creates array with active/inactive option for every day
private function setActiveDays($dayHeader) {
if ($dayHeader[0][0] == '1') {
// month grid starts from first day of month
$flag = true;
$flagCount = 1;
} else {
// month grid starts from day of previous month
$flag = false;
$flagCount = 0;
$activeDays = Array();
$prevDay = (int) $dayHeader[0][0];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dayHeader); $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < count($dayHeader[$i]); $j++) {
// check if previous day value is less then current day value
if (((int) $dayHeader[$i][$j] < $prevDay)&&($flagCount < 2)) {
$flag = !$flag;
$activeDays[$i][$j] = $flag;
$prevDay = (int) $dayHeader[$i][$j];
return $activeDays;
public function drawYear($orientation, $yearValues, $events, $headerHeight, $bgColor, $lineColor, $dayColor, $dayColorInactive, $eventColor, $yearHeaderFontSize, $yearFontSize) {
$this->bgColor = $this->convertColor($bgColor);
$this->lineColor = $this->convertColor($lineColor);
$this->dayColor = $this->convertColor($dayColor);
$this->dayColorInactive = $this->convertColor($dayColorInactive);
$this->eventColor = $this->convertColor($eventColor);
$this->yearValues = $yearValues;
$this->events = $events;
$this->headerHeight = $headerHeight;
// offset between monthes
$offset = 5;
// sets line style and color
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
// calculates month width and height
$monthWidth = ($this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetLeft - $this->offsetRight - $offset*3)/4;
$monthHeight = ($this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetTop - $this->offsetBottom - $offset*2)/3;
// circles for drawing all monthes
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
for ($j = 0; $j < 4; $j++) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
$num = $i*4 + $j;
// calculates x- and y-coordinates of current month
$x = $this->offsetLeft + $j*$monthWidth + $offset*($j);
$y = $this->offsetTop + $i*$monthHeight + $offset*($i);
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
// draws name of month
$this->cb->Cell($monthWidth, $this->headerHeight, $this->yearValues[$num]['label'], 1, 1, 'C', 1);
// calculates day width and height
$dayWidth = $monthWidth/7;
$dayHeight = ($monthHeight - $headerHeight)/7;
$y += $headerHeight;
// create array of day in current month
$activeDays = $this->setActiveDays($this->yearValues[$num]['rows']);
// draws day names
for ($k = 0; $k < count($this->yearValues[$num]['columns']); $k++) {
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
$this->cb->Cell($dayWidth, $dayHeight, $this->yearValues[$num]['columns'][$k], 1, 1, 'C', 1);
$x += $dayWidth;
$y += $dayHeight;
$x -= $dayWidth*7;
// draws days
for ($k = 0; $k < count($this->yearValues[$num]['rows']); $k++) {
for ($l = 0; $l < count($this->yearValues[$num]['rows'][$k]); $l++) {
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
// checks if day of current month
if ($activeDays[$k][$l] == true) {
// checks if the day have events
if (in_array($num.'_'.$k.'_'.$l, $this->events)) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
} else {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->dayColor['R'], $this->dayColor['G'], $this->dayColor['B']);
$text = $this->yearValues[$num]['rows'][$k][$l];
} else {
// it's the day of previous or next month
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->dayColorInactive['R'], $this->dayColorInactive['G'], $this->dayColorInactive['B']);
$text = '';
// draw day
$this->cb->Cell($dayWidth, $dayHeight, $text, 1, 1, 'C', 1);
$x += $dayWidth;
$y += $dayHeight;
$x -= $dayWidth*7;
// draws agenda mode
public function drawAgenda($agendaHeader, $events, $rowHeight, $bgColor, $lineColor, $scaleColorOne, $scaleColorTwo, $fontSize, $today, $todayFontSize) {
$this->bgColor = $this->convertColor($bgColor);
$this->lineColor = $this->convertColor($lineColor);
$this->scaleColorOne = $this->convertColor($scaleColorOne);
$this->scaleColorTwo = $this->convertColor($scaleColorTwo);
$this->drawToday($today, $todayFontSize);
// sets column
$timeColWidth = 50;
$dscColWidth = $this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetLeft - $this->offsetRight - $timeColWidth;
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
$text = $this->textWrap($agendaHeader[0], $timeColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($timeColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 0, 'C', 1);
$text = $this->textWrap($agendaHeader[1], $dscColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($dscColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 1, 'C', 1);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($events); $i++) {
// checks if the page is over
if ($this->cb->getY() + $rowHeight > $this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetBottom) {
// add new page, draws page num, header and today label
$this->drawToday($today, $todayFontSize);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
$text = $this->textWrap($agendaHeader[0], $timeColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($timeColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 0, 'C', 1);
$text = $this->textWrap($agendaHeader[1], $dscColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($dscColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 1, 'C', 1);
// selects scale color
if ($i%2 == 0) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->scaleColorOne['R'], $this->scaleColorOne['G'], $this->scaleColorOne['B']);
} else {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->scaleColorTwo['R'], $this->scaleColorTwo['G'], $this->scaleColorTwo['B']);
// draws time cell
$text = $this->textWrap($events[$i]['head'], $timeColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($timeColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 0, 'L', 1);
// draws description cell
$text = $this->textWrap($events[$i]['body'], $dscColWidth, $fontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($dscColWidth, $rowHeight, $text, 1, 1, 'L', 1);
// draws headers and grid for day and week mode
public function drawDayWeekHeader($columnHeader, $rowHeader, $topHeight, $leftWidth, $bgColor, $lineColor, $scaleColorOne, $scaleColorTwo, $dayHeaderFontSize, $dayScaleFontSize, $mode) {
$this->bgColor = $this->convertColor($bgColor);
$this->lineColor = $this->convertColor($lineColor);
$this->scaleColorOne = $this->convertColor($scaleColorOne);
$this->scaleColorTwo = $this->convertColor($scaleColorTwo);
$this->leftWidth = $leftWidth;
$this->topHeight = $topHeight;
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
// calculates cell width and height
$this->colWidth = ($this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetLeft - $this->offsetRight - $leftWidth)/count($columnHeader);
$this->colHeight = ($this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetTop - $this->offsetBottom - $topHeight)/count($rowHeader);
$this->cb->setX($this->offsetLeft + $leftWidth);
$this->cb->setY($this->offsetTop, false);
// draws scales on top
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnHeader); $i++) {
$Ln = ($i == count($columnHeader) - 1) ? 1 : 0;
$this->cb->Cell($this->colWidth, $topHeight, $columnHeader[$i], 1, $Ln, 'C', 1);
// draws scales on left
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowHeader); $i++) {
$this->cb->Cell($leftWidth, $this->colHeight, $rowHeader[$i], 1, 1, 'C', 1);
$this->cb->setX($this->offsetLeft + $leftWidth);
$this->cb->setY($this->offsetTop + $topHeight, false);
// circle for drawing scales
for ($i = 0; $i < count($rowHeader); $i++) {
// draws white line
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->scaleColorOne['R'], $this->scaleColorOne['G'], $this->scaleColorOne['B']);
$border = (($i == 0)||($mode == 'bw')) ? 'LRT' : 'LR';
$this->cb->Cell($this->colWidth*count($columnHeader), $this->colHeight/2, '', $border, 1, 'C', 1);
// draws blue line
$this->cb->setX($this->offsetLeft + $leftWidth);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->scaleColorTwo['R'], $this->scaleColorTwo['G'], $this->scaleColorTwo['B']);
$border = (($i == count($rowHeader) - 1)||($mode == 'bw')) ? 'LRB' : 'LR';
$this->cb->Cell($this->colWidth*count($columnHeader), $this->colHeight/2, '', $border, 1, 'C', 1);
$this->cb->setX($this->offsetLeft + $leftWidth);
// draws lines delemiters between days if it's week mode
if (count($columnHeader > 1)) {
for ($i = 0; $i < count($columnHeader) - 1; $i++) {
$x = $this->offsetLeft + $leftWidth + ($i + 1)*$this->colWidth;
$y1 = $this->offsetTop + $topHeight;
$y2 = $this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetBottom;
$this->cb->line($x, $y1, $x, $y2);
// draws events in day and week modes
public function drawDayWeekEvents($events, $eventColor, $eventBorderColor, $dayEventHeaderFontSize, $dayEventBodyFontSize, $mode) {
$this->eventColor = $this->convertColor($eventColor);
$this->eventBorderColor = $this->convertColor($eventBorderColor);
$eventHeaderHeight = 4;
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '0', 'color' => $this->eventBorderColor);
// circle for every event
for ($i = 0; $i < count($events); $i++) {
$event = $events[$i];
// sets event color
$color = $this->processEventColor($event['color']);
if (($color == 'transparent')||($mode !== 'color')) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
} else {
$color = $this->convertColor($color);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
// calculates x-, y-coordinates, width and height of event
$x = $this->offsetLeft + $this->leftWidth + $event['x']*$this->colWidth/100;
$y = $this->offsetTop + $this->topHeight + $event['y']*$this->colHeight/100;
$width = $event['width']*$this->colWidth/100 - $this->colWidth/60;
$height = $event['height']*$this->colHeight/100;
// draws event container
$this->cb->RoundedRect($x, $y, $width, $height, 1, '1111', 'DF', array(), $this->eventColor);
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
// draws event header
$text = $this->textWrap($event['head'], $width, $dayEventHeaderFontSize);
$this->cb->Cell($width, $eventHeaderHeight, $text, 0, 0, 'C', 0);
$y += $eventHeaderHeight;
$height -= $eventHeaderHeight;
// draws event body
$this->cb->MultiCell($width, $height, $event['body'], 0, 'L', 0, 0, $x, $y, true, 0, false, true, $height);
// draws separate line
$this->cb->line($x, $y, $x + $width, $y);
// draws scheduler header in month mode
public function drawWeekHeader($orientation, $topScale, $topScaleHeight, $bgColor, $lineColor, $monthHeaderFontSize) {
$this->bgColor = $this->convertColor($bgColor);
$this->lineColor = $this->convertColor($lineColor);
$this->topScaleHeight = $topScaleHeight;
$this->topScale = $topScale;
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->bgColor['R'], $this->bgColor['G'], $this->bgColor['B']);
// calculates day width
$this->dayWidth = ($this->cb->getPageWidth() - $this->offsetLeft - $this->offsetRight)/2;
// circle: for every column of header draw cell
// for ($i = 0; $i < count($topScale); $i++) {
// $this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $topScaleHeight, $topScale[$i], 1, 0, 'C', 1);
// }
// draws scheduler grid on month mode
public function drawWeekGrid($dayHeader, $dayHeaderHeight, $dayHeaderColor, $dayBodyColor, $dayHeaderColorInactive, $dayBodyColorInactive, $monthDayHeaderFontSize) {
// sets starting coordinates
$this->cb->setY($this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight, false);
$this->dayHeaderColor = $this->convertColor($dayHeaderColor);
$this->dayBodyColor = $this->convertColor($dayBodyColor);
$this->dayHeaderColorInactive = $this->convertColor($dayHeaderColorInactive);
$this->dayBodyColorInactive = $this->convertColor($dayBodyColorInactive);
// calculates height of day container header, body and whole height of day container
$this->dayHeaderHeight = $dayHeaderHeight;
$this->dayHeader = $dayHeader;
$this->dayBodyHeight = ($this->cb->getPageHeight() - $this->offsetTop - $this->offsetBottom - $this->topScaleHeight - $this->dayHeaderHeight*count($dayHeader))/count($dayHeader);
$this->dayHeight = $this->dayHeaderHeight + $this->dayBodyHeight;
// sets font size
// creates array of values where result['week']['day'] is true if day container in current month and false otherwise
//$activeDays = $this->setActiveDays($dayHeader);
// circle for drawing day containers
for ($i = 0; $i < count($dayHeader); $i++) {
// draws day headers for every cell of row
for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
if($i == 3 && $j == 1){
$ln = ($j == 1) ? 1 : 0;
$color = $this->dayHeaderColor ;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $this->dayHeaderHeight, '', 1, $ln, 'R', 1);
$this->dayEventsHeight[$i][$j] = 0;
$ln = ($j == 1) ? 1 : 0;
$color = $this->dayHeaderColor ;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $this->dayHeaderHeight, $dayHeader[$i][$j], 1, $ln, 'R', 1);
$this->dayEventsHeight[$i][$j] = 0;
// draws day body for every cell of row
for ($j = 0; $j < 2; $j++) {
$ln = ($j == 1) ? 1 : 0;
$color = $this->dayBodyColor ;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
$this->cb->Cell($this->dayWidth, $this->dayBodyHeight, '', 1, $ln, 'R', 0);
// draws events in month mode
public function drawWeekEvents($events, $eventColor, $eventBorderColor, $monthEventFontSize, $mode, $offset = 1, $offsetLine = 6) {
$this->eventColor = $this->convertColor($eventColor);
$this->eventBorderColor = $this->convertColor($eventBorderColor);
$this->events = $events;
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
// initial value for footnote number
$footNum = 0;
// initial values for checking if in some day footenote has already drawed
$day = -1;
$week = -1;
// circle for drawing every event
foreach ($this->events as $i => $event) {
//$event = $this->events[$i];
if($event['week'] == 3 && $event['day'] > 0)
// $event['week'] = $event['week'] -1;
// calculation x-, y- positions, width and height of event
$x = $this->offsetLeft + $event['day']*$this->dayWidth;
$y = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $event['week']*$this->dayHeight + $this->dayHeaderHeight + $this->dayEventsHeight[$event['week']][$event['day']];
if ($event['type'] == 'event_line') {
$width = $event['width']*$this->dayWidth/100;
$x += 1.5;
} else {
$width = $this->dayWidth - 1;
$height = 4;
$this->cb->setY($y, false);
// checks if event can be drawed in day container
// if ($y + $height > ($this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + ($event['week'] + 1)*$this->dayHeight)) {
// // checks if footenote hasn't already drawed for current day and week values
// if (!(($week == $event['week'])&&($day == $event['day']))) {
// $footNum++;
// $x1Line = $this->offsetLeft + $this->dayWidth*($event['day'] + 1);
// $x2Line = $x1Line - $offsetLine;
// $y1Line = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $this->dayHeight*($event['week'] + 1) - $offsetLine;
// $y2Line = $this->offsetTop + $this->topScaleHeight + $this->dayHeight*($event['week'] + 1);
// $this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.1, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '2', 'color' => $this->lineColor);
// $this->cb->SetLineStyle($this->lineStyle);
// $this->cb->Line($x1Line, $y1Line, $x2Line, $y2Line);
// $textWidth = $this->cb->getStringWidth($footNum);
// $xText = $x1Line - $textWidth - 0.5;
// $yText = $y2Line - 0.6;
// $day = $event['day'];
// $week = $event['week'];
// $this->cb->Text($xText, $yText, $footNum);
// }
// // sets variable which means that this event will print in footenotes
// $this->events[$i]['foot'] = true;
// } else {
// draws event in current day
$this->lineStyle = Array('width' => 0.3, 'cap' => 'round', 'join' => 'round', 'dash' => '0', 'color' => $this->eventBorderColor);
$text = $this->textWrap($event['text'], $width, $monthEventFontSize);
// sets event color
$color = $this->processEventColor($event['color']);
if (($color == 'transparent')||($mode !== 'color')) {
$this->cb->SetFillColor($this->eventColor['R'], $this->eventColor['G'], $this->eventColor['B']);
} else {
$color = $this->convertColor($color);
$this->cb->SetFillColor($color['R'], $color['G'], $color['B']);
if ($event['type'] == 'event_clear') {
$this->cb->Cell($width, $height, $text, 0, 0, 'L', 0);
} else {
$this->cb->Cell($width, $height, $text, 1, 0, 'L', 1);
for ($j = $event['day']; ($j < $event['day'] + ceil($width/$this->dayWidth))&&($j < 7); $j++) {
if ($event['week'] < count($this->dayHeader)) {
$this->dayEventsHeight[$event['week']][$j] += $height + $offset;
$this->events[$i]['foot'] = false;
// }
// draws footenotes
// if ($footNum > 0) {
// $this->drawMonthFootenotes();
// draws today value
public function drawToday($today, $todayFontSize) {
$this->cb->Text($this->offsetLeft, $this->offsetTop - 2, $today);
// wraps text accordigly getted width and font size
private function textWrap($text, $width, $fontSize) {
$strWidth = $this->cb->GetStringWidth($text, '', '', $fontSize, false);
// if text should be wrapped
if ($strWidth >= $width) {
$newStr = '';
$newW = 0;
$i = 0;
// adds one symbol and checks text width
while ($newW < $width - 1) {
$newStr .= $text[$i];
$newW = $this->cb->GetStringWidth($newStr.$text[$i + 1].'...', '', '', $fontSize, false);
return $newStr.'...';
} else {
return $text;
// outputs PDF in browser
public function pdfOut($date) {
// send PDF-file in browser
$this->cb->Output('Cal_'.$date.'.pdf', 'I');
// converts color from "ffffff" to Array('R' => 255, 'G' => 255, 'B' => 255)
private function convertColor($colorHex) {
$final = Array();
$final['R'] = hexdec(substr($colorHex, 0, 2));
$final['G'] = hexdec(substr($colorHex, 2, 2));
$final['B'] = hexdec(substr($colorHex, 4, 2));
return $final;
// convert event color ot RGB-format
private function processEventColor($color) {
if ($color == 'transparent') {
return $color;
if (preg_match("/#[0-9A-Fa-f]{6}/", $color)) {
return substr($color, 1);
$result = preg_match_all("/rgb\s?\((\d{1,3})\s?,\s?(\d{1,3})\s?,\s?(\d{1,3})\)/", $color, $rgb);
if ($result) {
$color = '';
for ($i = 1; $i <= 3; $i++) {
$comp = dechex($rgb[$i][0]);
if (strlen($comp) == 1) {
$comp = '0'.$comp;
$color .= $comp;
return $color;
} else {
return 'transparent';