Installing Z-Push ====================== Requirements ------------ Z-Push runs on either PHP4 or PHP5. Version prior to 1.2.2 require the 'Mail' package from PEAR. Newer versions don't have this dependency anymore. Additional informations can be found in the Zarafa Administrator Manual: How to install -------------- To Install Z-Push, simply untar the z-push tar to your webroot, e.g. with tar -xzvf z-push-.tar.gz -C /var/www Now, edit the config.php file in the directory to reflect your local system. For MAPI use with Zarafa, you needn't change any settings and should work as-is. Please also set your timezone in the config.php file. Make sure that the 'state' directory is writeable for your webserver process, so either change the owner of the 'state' directory to the UID of your apache process, or make the directory world writeable: chmod 777 /var/www/z-push/state Now, you must configure Apache to redirect the URL 'Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync' to the index.php file in the Z-Push directory. This can be done by adding the line Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /var/www/z-push/index.php to your httpd.conf file. Make sure that you are adding the line to the correct part of your Apache configuration, taking care of virtual hosts and other Apache configurations. *WARNING* You CANNOT simply rename the z-push directory to Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync. This will cause Apache to send redirects to the PDA, which will definitely break your PDA synchronisation. Lastly, make sure that PHP has the following settings: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc off php_flag register_globals off php_flag magic_quotes_runtime off php_flag short_open_tag on You can set this in the httpd.conf, in php.ini or in an .htaccess file in the root of z-push. If you don't set this up correctly, you will not be able to login correctly via z-push. After doing this, you should be able to synchronize from your PDA. Update to newer Z-Push versions ------------------------------- Upgrading to a newer Z-Push version follows the same path as the initial installation. When upgrading to a new minor version e.g. from Z-Push 1.4 to Z-Push 1.4.1, the existing Z-Push directory can be overwritten when extracting the archive. When installing a new major version it is recommended to extract the tarball to another directory and to copy the state from the existing installation. IMPORTANT: It is crucial to always keep the data of the state directory in order to ensure data consistency on already synchronized mobiles. Without the state information mobile devices, which already have an ActiveSync profile, will receive duplicate items or the synchronization will break completely. Please also observe the published release notes of the new Z-Push version. For some releases it is necessary to e.g. resynchronize the mobile. Setting up your PocketPC ------------------------ This is simply a case of adding an 'exchange server' to your activesync server list, specifying the IP address of the Z-Push apache server, disabling SSL, unless you have already setup SSL on your Apache server, setting the correct username & password (the domain is ignored, you can simply specify 'domain' or some other random string), and then going through the standard activesync settings. Once you have done this, you should be able to synchronise your PocketPC simply by clicking the 'Sync' button in ActiveSync on your PocketPC. Troubleshooting --------------- Most problems will be caused by incorrect Apache settings. To test whether your Apache setup is working correctly, you can simply type the Z-Push URL in your browser, to see if apache is correctly redirecting your request to z-push. You can simply use: http:///Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync If correctly configured, you should see a username/password request, and when you specify a valid username & password, you should see a string like "Your device requested the Z-Push URL without the required GET parameters" If not, then check your PHP and Apache settings. If you have other synchronisation problems, you can create the file 'debug.txt' in the root directory of z-push, which should also be world-writable: touch /var/www/z-push/debug.txt chmod 777 /var/www/z-push/debug.txt The debug.txt file will then collect debug information from your synchronisation.