* XMPP PubSub for DAViCal
* Copyright 2009 Rob Ostensen rob@boxacle.net
* Licenced http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2
class xmpp
private $connection,$streamTagBegin,$streamTagEnd,$mesgcount=0,$ready,$moredata=false,$username,$stream,$xmlparser,$xquery;
private $namespaces = Array();
private $recvTags = Array();
private $recvHandlers = Array();
private $sendHandlers = Array();
private $finishedCommands = Array();
private $sendQueue = Array();
private $recvQueue = '';
private $pubsubNext = Array();
private $depth = 0,$processDepth=0;
public $server,$port,$jid,$resource,$password,$tls,$idle,$status,$pubsubLayout='hometree';
// constructor
public function __construct ( )
$this->status = "online";
$this->setupXmlParser ();
// figure out what server to connect to and make the connection, returns true if successful, false otherwise
private function connect ()
if ( ! isset ( $this->jid ) )
return $this->connection = false;
if ( ! isset ( $this->idle ) )
$this->idle = true;
if ( ! isset ( $this->resource ) )
$this->resource = 'caldav' . getmypid();
if ( ! preg_match ( '/^\//', $this->resource ) )
$this->resource = '/' . $this->resource;
$temp = explode ( '@', $this->jid );
$this->username = $temp[0];
if ( ! isset ( $this->server ) )
$this->server = $temp[1];
$r = dns_get_record("_xmpp-client._tcp.". $this->server , DNS_SRV);
if ( 0 < count ( $r ) )
$this->original_server = $this->server;
$this->server = $r[0]['target'];
$this->original_port = $this->port;
$this->port = $r[0]['port'];
if ( ! isset ( $this->port ) )
$this->port = 5222;
if ( 'ssl' == $this->tls || ( ! isset ( $this->tls ) && 5223 == $this->port ) )
$url = 'ssl://' . $this->server;
elseif ( 'tls' == $this->tls || ( ! isset ( $this->tls ) && 5222 == $this->port ) )
$url = 'tcp://' . $this->server;
$url = 'tcp://' . $this->server;
if ( isset ( $this->original_server ) )
$this->server = $this->original_server;
$this->connection = stream_socket_client ( $url . ':' . $this->port, $errno, $errstring, 10, STREAM_CLIENT_ASYNC_CONNECT );
if ( false === $this->connection )
if ( $errno != 0 )
$log = $errstring;
return false;
$this->initializeQueue ( );
socket_set_blocking ( $this->connection, false );
return true;
// handles the features tag, mostly related to authentication
private function handleFeatures ( &$node )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( 'handling features' );
if ( 'STARTTLS' == $node->firstChild->nodeName )
$this->sendQueue[] = "";
$elements = $this->query ( '*/MECHANISM', $node );
if ( ! is_null ( $elements ) && $elements !== false )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( " found " . $elements->length . " matching MECHANISM nodes ");
$auth_mech = array ();
foreach ( $elements as $e )
$auth_mech[] = $e->nodeValue;
if ( in_array ( 'PLAIN', $auth_mech ) )
$this->sendQueue[] = "" . base64_encode("\x00" . preg_replace('/@.*$/','',$this->jid) . "\x00" . $this->password) . "";
elseif ( in_array ( 'DIGEST-MD5', $auth_mech ) ) // this code and the associated function are UNTESTED
$this->sendQueue[] = "";
$this->recvHandlers['challenge'] = 'digestAuth' ;
$this->recvHandlers['success'] = 'handleSuccess' ;
$elements = $this->query ( '*/BIND', $node );
if ( ! is_null ( $elements ) && $elements->length > 0 )
// failure if we don't hit this, not sure how we can detect that failure yet.
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( " found " . $elements->length . " matching BIND nodes ");
$this->ready = true;
// handle proceed tag/enable tls
private function enableTLS ( $node )
stream_set_blocking ( $this->connection, true );
stream_socket_enable_crypto ( $this->connection, true, STREAM_CRYPTO_METHOD_TLS_CLIENT );
stream_set_blocking ( $this->connection, false );
$this->sendQueue[] = "<"."?xml version=\"1.0\"?".">\n\n";
// do digest auth
private function digestAuth ( &$node )
// this code is based solely on the description found @ http://web.archive.org/web/20050224191820/http://cataclysm.cx/wip/digest-md5-crash.html
// UNTESTED please shoot me an email if you get this to work !!
$contents = $node->nodeValue;
if ( ! is_null ( $elements ) )
$challlenge = array ();
$parts = explode ( ',', base64_decode ( $contents ) );
foreach ( $parts as $text )
$temp = explode ( '=', $text );
$challenge[$temp[0]] = $temp[1];
if ( $challenge['realm'] == $this->server ) // might fail need to handle a response with multiple realms
$cnonce = md5((mt_rand() * time() / mt_rand())+$challenge['nonce']);
$X = md5 ( preg_replace('/@.*$/','',$this->jid) . ':' . $this->server . ':' . $this->password, true );
$HA1 = md5 ( $X . ':' . $challenge['nonce'] . ':' . $cnonce . ':' . $this->jid . $this->resource );
$HA2 = md5 ( "AUTHENTICATE:xmpp/" . $this->server );
$resp = md5 ( $HA1 . ':' . $challenge['nonce'] . ':00000001:' . $cnonce . ':auth' . $HA2 );
$this->sendQueue[] = "" .
base64_encode("username=\"" . preg_replace('/@.*$/','',$this->jid) . "\"," .
"realm=\"" . $this->server . "\",nonce=\"" . $challenge['nonce'] . "\",cnonce=\"". $cnonce . "\"," .
"nc=00000001,qop=auth,digest-uri=\"xmpp/" . $this->server . "\",response=" . $resp .
",charset=utf-8,authzid=\"". $this->jid . $this->resource . "\"" ) . "" // note the PID component to the resource, just incase
elseif ( $challenge['rspauth'] )
$this->sendQueue[] = "" ;
// do basic setup to get the connection logged in and going
private function handleSuccess ( &$node )
$this->loggedIn = true;
$this->sendQueue[] = "<"."?xml version=\"1.0\"?".">\n\n";
$this->sendQueue[] = "" . preg_replace('/^\//','',$this->resource) . "";
$this->recvHandlers['stream:error'] = 'handleError' ;
$this->recvHandlers['iq'] = 'handleIq' ;
$this->recvHandlers['message'] = 'handleMessage' ;
$this->mesgcount = 1;
// do something with standard iq messages also does some standard setup like setting presence
private function handleIq ( &$node )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "Handle IQ id:" . $node->getAttribute ( 'id' ) . ' type:' . $node->getAttribute ( 'type' ) . "");
if ( $node->getAttribute ( 'type' ) == 'result' || $node->getAttribute ( 'type' ) == 'error' )
$commandId = $node->getAttribute ( 'id' );
$this->command[$commandId] = true;
if ( isset ( $this->handleCommand[$commandId] ) )
$this->finishedCommands[$commandId] = true;
if ( method_exists ( $this, $this->handleCommand[$commandId] ) )
call_user_func_array ( array ( $this, $this->handleCommand[$commandId] ), array ( &$node ) );
call_user_func_array ( $this->handleCommand[$commandId], array ( &$node ) );
if ( $node->getAttribute ( 'id' ) == $this->mesgcount && $this->mesgcount < 3 )
$this->sendQueue[] = "";
$this->sendQueue[] = "";
if ( $node->getAttribute ( 'id' ) == '2' && $this->command['2'] == true )
$this->nextreply = $this->mesgcount++;
$this->sendQueue[] = "" . $this->status . '';
$this->ready = true;
// do something with standard messages
private function handleMessage ( &$node )
if ( $node->getAttribute ( 'type' ) == 'chat' )
$this->command[$node->getAttribute ( 'id' )] = true;
$elements = $this->query ( '//*/body', $node );
if ( 0 < $elements->length )
$temp = $elements->items(0);
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "received message " . $temp->nodeValue );
// handle stream errors by logging a message and closing the connection
private function handleError ( &$node )
$this->log ( 'STREAM ERROR OCCURRED! XMPP closing connection, this is probably a bug' );
$this->idle = false;
$this->close ();
// disco a pubsub collection
private function disco ( $to, $type, $name )
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$send = "";
$send .= " ";
$send .= "";
$this->handleCommand[$msg] = 'discoResult';
$this->sendQueue[] = $send;
// result from disco
private function discoResult ( &$node )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( $node->ownerDocument->saveXML($node) );
$id = $node->getAttribute ( 'id' );
$identity = $this->query ( '*/IDENTITY', $node );
if ( @is_array ( $this->pubsub [ 'create' ] [ $id ] ) && 0 == $identity->length )
$this->pubsubCreateNode( $this->pubsub [ 'create' ] [ $id ] [ 0 ],
$this->pubsub [ 'create' ] [ $id ] [ 1 ],
$this->pubsub [ 'create' ] [ $id ] [ 2 ],
$this->pubsub [ 'create' ] [ $id ] [ 3 ] );
// send a message to a jid
public function sendMessage ( $to, $message )
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out .= "";
$out .= "" . $message . "";
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
// get a pubsub collection/leaf node and create if it doesn't exist
public function pubsubCreate ( $to, $type, $name, $configure = null )
if ( 1 > strlen ( $to ) )
$to = 'pubsub.' . $this->server;
if ( 1 > strlen ( $type ) )
$type = 'set';
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$this->pubsub['create'][$this->mesgcount+1] = array ( $to, $type, $name, $configure );
$this->disco ( $to, 'info', $node );
// create a pubsub collection/leaf node
private function pubsubCreateNode ( $to, $type, $name, $configure = null )
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
if ( $configure )
$out .= '' . $configure .' ';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
// configure a pubsub collection or leaf
public function pubsubConfig ( $to, $type, $name )
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
// delete a pubsub collection or leaf
public function pubsubDelete ( $to, $type, $name )
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
// purge a pubsub collection or leaf
public function pubsubPurge ( $to, $type, $name )
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
// publish to a pubsub collection
public function pubsubPublish ( $to, $type, $name, $contents, $nodeId )
if ( 1 > strlen ( $to ) )
$to = 'pubsub.' . $this->server;
if ( 1 > strlen ( $type ) )
$type = 'set';
if ( 1 > strlen ( $nodeId ) )
$id = "id='$nodeId'";
$id = '';
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
if ( preg_match ( '/^- ' . $contents . '
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
// subscribe to a pubsub collection,leaf or item
private function pubsubSubscribe ( $to, $type, $name )
$msg = $this->mesgcount++;
if ( 'hometree' == $this->pubsubLayout )
$node = '/home/' . $this->server . '/' . $this->username . $name;
$node= $name;
$out = '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$out .= '';
$this->sendQueue[] = $out;
$this->handleCommand[ $msg ] = 'pubsubResult';
private function pubsubResult ( &$node )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "pubsub RESULT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
if ( $node->getAttribute ( 'type' ) == 'error' )
$errnode = $this->query ( 'ERROR', $node );
if ( $errnode->length > 0 && ( '403' == $errnode->item( 0 )->getAttribute ( 'code' ) || '500' == $errnode->item( 0 )->getAttribute ( 'code' ) ) )
if ( 'CREATE' == $node->firstChild->firstChild->tagName )
$pubnode = $node->firstChild->firstChild->getAttribute ( 'node' );
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "403 error during CREATE for node '" . $pubnode . "' ");
$name = preg_replace ( '/^.*?\/' . $this->username . '\//','', $pubnode );
$newnode = '';
if ( ! in_array ( 'create', $this->pubsubNext ) )
$a = array ( );
foreach ( explode ( '/', $name ) as $v )
$newnode .= '/' . $v;
$a[] = array (
'call' => 'create',
'to' => $node->getAttribute ( 'from' ),
'name' => $newnode );
foreach ( array_reverse ( $a ) as $v )
array_unshift ( $this->pubsubNext, $v );
$this->pubsubDoNext ( );
elseif ( $errnode->length > 0 && '404' == $errnode->item( 0 )->getAttribute ( 'code' ) )
if ( 'PUBLISH' == $node->firstChild->firstChild->tagName )
$pubnode = $node->firstChild->firstChild->getAttribute ( 'node' );
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "404 error during PUBLISH for node '" . $pubnode . "' ");
$publish = $this->query ( '//*/PUBLISH', $node );
$this->pubsubNext[] = array (
'call' => 'publish',
'to' => $node->getAttribute ( 'from' ),
'name' => preg_replace ( '/^.*?\/' . $this->username . '/','', $pubnode ) ,
'contents' => $publish->item( 0 )->firstChild->nodeValue );
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "attempting to create node '" . $this->pubsubNext[0]['name'] . "' ");
$this->pubsubCreateNode ( $node->getAttribute ( 'from' ) ,'set', preg_replace ( '/^.*?\/' . $this->username . '/','', $pubnode ) );
elseif ( $errnode->length > 0 && '409' == $errnode->item( 0 )->getAttribute ( 'code' ) )
if ( 'CANCEL' == $errnode->item( 0 )->firstChild->tagName || 'CONFLICT' == $errnode->item( 0 )->firstChild->tagName )
$this->pubsubDoNext ( );
elseif ( 0 < count ( $this->pubsubNext ) )
$this->pubsubDoNext ( );
// do next pubsub request
private function pubsubDoNext ( )
if ( 0 < count ( $this->pubsubNext ) )
$pub = array_shift ( $this->pubsubNext );
if ( 'publish' == $pub['call'] )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "attempting to publish to node '" . $pub['name'] . "' contents '" . $pub['contents'] . "'");
$this->pubsubPublish ( $pub[$to], 'set', $pub['name'], $pub['contents'] );
if ( 'create' == $pub['call'] )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "attempting to create node '" . $pub['name'] . "' ");
$this->pubsubCreateNode ( $pub[$to], 'set', $pub['name'] );
// do basic setup to get the connection logged in and going
private function initializeQueue ( )
$this->loggedIn = false;
$this->streamTagBegin = '<'."?xml version='1.0'?".">";
$this->streamTagEnd = '';
$this->sendQueue[] = $this->streamTagBegin;
$this->recvHandlers['stream:features'] = 'handleFeatures' ;
$this->recvHandlers['features'] = 'handleFeatures' ;
$this->recvHandlers['proceed'] = 'enableTLS' ;
// send data out the socket
private function send ( $data )
$len = strlen ( $data );
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "SEND: $data");
if ( false !== $this->connection )
if ( fwrite ( $this->connection, $data, $len) === $len )
return true;
return false;
return false;
// receive any data waiting on the socket
private function recv ()
if ( false !== $this->connection )
$data = '';
$data = fgets ( $this->connection, 4096 );
if ( 4094 < strlen ( $data ) )
$count = 0;
while ( 0 != strlen ( $moredata = fgets ( $this->connection, 1024 ) ) && 20 < $count++ )
$data .= $moredata;
usleep ( 10 );
if ( 0 < strlen ( $data ) )
$data = preg_replace ( '/^<\?xml version=\'1.0\'\?'.'>/', '', $data );
$this->stream .= $data;
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "RECV: $data" );
return $data;
return false;
return false;
private function go ()
$this->recvQueue = implode ( '', $this->sendQueue );
$count = 0;
$this->moredata = false;
while ( false !== $this->connection )
if ( 0 < count ( $this->sendQueue ) )
$count = 0;
while ( $data = array_shift ( $this->sendQueue ) )
$this->send ( $data );
$data = $this->recv ( );
xml_parse ( $this->xmlparser, $data, false );
while ( $rnode = array_shift ( $this->recvTags ) )
$rname = strtolower ( $rnode->localName );
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( " processing $rname ");
if ( isset ( $this->recvHandlers[$rname] ) ) //&& is_callable ( $this->recvHandlers[$r->name] ) )
if ( method_exists ( $this, $this->recvHandlers[$rname] ) )
call_user_func_array ( array ( $this, $this->recvHandlers[$rname] ), array ( &$rnode ) );
call_user_func_array ( $this->recvHandlers[$rname], array ( &$rnode ) );
if ( $count > 20 )
if ( $this->idle === true )
$count = 0;
usleep ( 200 );
if ( $this->ready == true && count ( $this->handleCommand ) <= count ( $this->command ) )
$count = 0;
return ;
usleep ( 20 );
// xml parser start element
private function startElement ( $parser, $name, $attrs )
$namespace = '';
if ( 'STREAM:STREAM' == $name )
foreach ( $attrs as $k => $v )
if ( preg_match ( '/^xmlns:?(.*)/i', $k, $matches ) )
if ( strlen ( $matches[1] ) > 0 && ! isset ( $this->namespaces [ $matches[1] ] ) )
$this->xquery->registerNamespace ( $matches[1], $v );
$this->namespaces [ $matches[1] ] = $v;
$namespace = $v;
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( " adding namespace $k => $v ");
if ( $namespace != '' )
$node = $this->doc->createElementNS ( $namespace, $name );
$node = $this->doc->createElement ( $name );
foreach ( $attrs as $k => $v )
$node->setAttribute ( strtolower ( $k ), $v );
$this->currentXMLNode = $this->currentXMLNode->appendChild ( $node );
// xml parser start element
private function endElement ( $parser, $name )
//if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( "depth: " . $this->depth . " processDepth: " . $this->processDepth . " ");
if ( $this->depth == $this->processDepth || 'STREAM:STREAM' == $name || 'STREAM:FEATURES' == $name || 'PROCEED' == $name )
if ( $this->debug ) $this->log ( " adding $name to tags to process ");
array_push ( $this->recvTags, $this->currentXMLNode ); // replace with tag
$this->currentXMLNode = $this->currentXMLNode->parentNode;
// xml parser start element
private function parseData ( $parser, $text )
$this->currentXMLNode->appendChild ( $this->doc->createTextNode ( $text ) );
// xml parser start element
private function setupXmlParser ( )
$this->depth = 0;
$this->xmlparser = xml_parser_create ( );
xml_set_object ( $this->xmlparser, $this );
xml_set_element_handler ( $this->xmlparser, 'startElement', 'endElement' );
xml_set_character_data_handler ( $this->xmlparser, 'parseData' );
$this->doc = new DOMDocument ();
$this->xquery = new DOMXpath ( $this->doc );
$this->xquery->registerNamespace ( 'stream', 'http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' );
$this->currentXMLNode = $this->doc->appendChild ( $this->doc->createElement ( 'start' ) );
// xml XPath query
private function query ( $expression, &$node = '' )
if ( '' == $node )
return $this->xquery->query ( $expression );
return $this->xquery->query ( $expression , $node );
// open xmpp connection, will accept jid and password
public function open ( $jid = null, $password = null)
if ( null != $jid )
$this->jid = $jid;
if ( null != $password )
$this->password = $password;
$this->ready = false;
if ( false !== $this->connect () )
$this->go ();
return false;
return true;
public function close ()
if ( false !== $this->connection )
$this->send ( '');
fclose ( $this->connection );
$this->connection = false;
// add a send or recv handler, direction = [ send | recv ], command = command to handle, handler = function ref
public function addHandler ( $direction, $command, $handler )
if ( 'send' == $direction )
$this->sendHandler[$command] = $handler;
if ( 'recv' == $direction )
$this->recvHandler[$command] = $handler;
// handle logging
private function log ( $message )
error_log ( 'XMPP: ' . $message );
//echo 'XMPP: ' . $message . "\n";
* * Log the action
* * @param string $action_type INSERT / UPDATE or DELETE
* * @param string $uid The UID of the modified item
* * @param integer $user_no The user owning the containing collection.
* * @param integer $collection_id The ID of the containing collection.
* * @param string $dav_name The DAV path of the item, relative to the DAViCal base path
* */
function log_caldav_action( $action_type, $uid, $user_no, $collection_id, $dav_name )
global $c;
$t = new xmpp();
$t->tls = 'none';
$t->idle = false;
if ( 1 == $c->dbg["ALL"] || 1 == $c->dbg["push"] )
$t->debug = true ;
$t->debug = false ;
// for now use a flat node tree layout
$t->pubsubLayout = 'flat';
// get the principal_id for this collection, that's what the client will be looking for
$qry = new AwlQuery ('SELECT principal_id FROM principal JOIN collection USING (user_no) WHERE collection_id= :collection_id',
array( ':collection_id' => $collection_id ) );
$row = $qry->Fetch();
$t->open ( $c->notifications_server['jid'], $c->notifications_server['password'] );
if ( isset ( $c->notifications_server['debug_jid'] ) )
$t->sendMessage ( $c->notifications_server['debug_jid'], "ACTION: $action_type\nUSER: $user_no\nDAV NAME: $dav_name\nPRINCIPAL ID: " . $row->principal_id );
$t->pubsubCreate ( '', 'set', '/davical-' . $row->principal_id, 'http://jabber.org/protocol/pubsub#node_configopenplist-apple' );
$t->pubsubPublish ( '', 'set', '/davical-' . $row->principal_id , '- davical' . $uid . '
', $uid );