page_title) ) { $c->page_title = translate('DAViCal CalDAV Server'); } function make_help_link($matches) { global $c; // as usual: $matches[0] is the complete match // $matches[1] the match for the first subpattern // enclosed in '##...##' and so on // Use like: $s = preg_replace_callback('/##([^#]+)##', 'make_help_link', $s); // $help_topic = preg_replace( '/^##(.+)##$/', '$1', $matches[1]); $help_topic = $matches[1]; $display_url = $help_topic; if ( $GLOBALS['session']->AllowedTo('Admin') || $GLOBALS['session']->AllowedTo('Support') ) { if ( strlen($display_url) > 30 ) { $display_url = substr( $display_url, 0, 28 ) . '...' ; } } else { $display_url = 'help'; } return ' ['.$display_url.'] '; } if ( !function_exists('send_page_header') ) { function send_page_header() { global $session, $c, $main_menu, $related_menu; header( 'Content-type: text/html; charset="utf-8"' ); echo ''; echo << $c->page_title EOHDR; foreach ( $c->stylesheets AS $stylesheet ) { echo ''; } if ( isset($c->local_styles) ) { // Always load local styles last, so they can override prior ones... foreach ( $c->local_styles AS $stylesheet ) { echo ''; } } if ( isset($c->print_styles) ) { // Finally, load print styles last, so they can override all of the above... foreach ( $c->print_styles AS $stylesheet ) { echo "\n"; } } echo "\n\n"; echo "
\n"; if ( isset($main_menu) ) echo $main_menu->RenderAsCSS(); if ( isset($related_menu) && $related_menu->Size() > 0 ) { echo $related_menu->Render( true ); } echo "
\n"; if ( isset($c->messages) && is_array($c->messages) && count($c->messages) > 0 ) { echo "
\n"; } } } send_page_header();