* @copyright Maxime Delorme * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later */ require_once("auth-functions.php"); class ldapDrivers { /**#@+ * @access private */ /** * Holds the LDAP connection parameters */ var $connect; /**#@-*/ /** * Constructor. * @param array $config The configuration data */ function ldapDrivers($config){ $this->__construct($config); } /** * Initializes the LDAP connection * * @param array $config The configuration data */ function __construct($config) { global $c; $host=$config['host']; $port=$config['port']; if(!function_exists('ldap_connect')){ $c->messages[] = i18n("drivers_ldap : function ldap_connect not defined, check your php_ldap module"); $this->valid=false; return ; } //Set LDAP protocol version if (isset($config['protocolVersion'])) ldap_set_option($this->connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, $config['protocolVersion']); if (isset($config['optReferrals'])) ldap_set_option($this->connect, LDAP_OPT_REFERRALS, $config['optReferrals']); if ($port) $this->connect=ldap_connect($host, $port); else $this->connect=ldap_connect($host); if (! $this->connect){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(translate( 'drivers_ldap : Unable to connect to LDAP with port %s on host %s'), $port, $host ); $this->valid=false; return ; } dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Connected to LDAP server %s",$host ); // Start TLS if desired (requires protocol version 3) if (isset($config['startTLS'])) { if (!ldap_set_option($this->connect, LDAP_OPT_PROTOCOL_VERSION, 3)) { $c->messages[] = i18n('drivers_ldap : Failed to set LDAP to use protocol version 3, TLS not supported'); $this->valid=false; return; } if (!ldap_start_tls($this->connect)) { $c->messages[] = i18n('drivers_ldap : Could not start TLS: ldap_start_tls() failed'); $this->valid=false; return; } } //Set the search scope to be used, default to subtree. This sets the functions to be called later. if (!isset($config['scope'])) $config['scope'] = 'subtree'; switch (strtolower($config['scope'])) { case "base": $this->ldap_query_one = 'ldap_read'; $this->ldap_query_all = 'ldap_read'; break; case "onelevel": $this->ldap_query_one = 'ldap_list'; $this->ldap_query_all = 'ldap_search'; break; default: $this->ldap_query_one = 'ldap_search'; $this->ldap_query_all = 'ldap_search'; break; } //connect as root if (!ldap_bind($this->connect, (isset($config['bindDN']) ? $config['bindDN'] : null), (isset($config['passDN']) ? $config['passDN'] : null) ) ){ $bindDN = isset($config['bindDN']) ? $config['bindDN'] : 'anonymous'; $passDN = isset($config['passDN']) ? $config['passDN'] : 'anonymous'; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", i18n('drivers_ldap : Failed to bind to host %1$s on port %2$s with bindDN of %3$s'), $host, $port, $bindDN ); $c->messages[] = i18n( 'drivers_ldap : Unable to bind to LDAP - check your configuration for bindDN and passDN, and that your LDAP server is reachable'); $this->valid=false; return ; } $this->valid = true; //root to start search $this->baseDNUsers = is_string($config['baseDNUsers']) ? array($config['baseDNUsers']) : $config['baseDNUsers']; $this->filterUsers = (isset($config['filterUsers']) ? $config['filterUsers'] : null); $this->baseDNGroups = is_string($config['baseDNGroups']) ? array($config['baseDNGroups']) : $config['baseDNGroups']; $this->filterGroups = (isset($config['filterGroups']) ? $config['filterGroups'] : null); } /** * retorna atributo especifico utilizando determinado filtro * * @param string $filter The filter used to search entries * @param array $attributes Attributes to be returned * * feito por Gabriel Gomes Malheiros * 15/07/2008 * */ function requestAtributo( $filter, $attributes=NULL) { global $c; $entry=NULL; // We get the DN of the USER $host=$c->authenticate_hook['config']['host']; $port=$c->authenticate_hook['config']['port']; if(!function_exists('ldap_connect')){ $c->messages[] = i18n("drivers_ldap : function ldap_connect not defined, check your php_ldap module"); $this->valid=false; return ; } if ($port) $connect=ldap_connect($host, $port); else $connect=ldap_connect($host); if (! $connect){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n( "drivers_ldap : Unable to connect to LDAP with port %s on host %s"), $port,$host ); $this->valid=false; return ; } $baseDNUsers = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['baseDNUsers']; $entry = ldap_search($connect, $baseDNUsers, $filter,$attributes); if ( !ldap_first_entry($connect, $entry) ){ dbg_error_log( "ERROR", "drivers_ldap : Unable to find the user with filter %s",$filter ); return false; } else { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Found a user using filter %s",$filter ); $i = ldap_first_entry($connect,$entry); $arr = ldap_get_attributes($connect,$i); for( $i=0; $i<$arr['count']; $i++ ) { $ret[$arr[$i]]=$arr[$arr[$i]][0]; } return $ret; } } /** * Retrieve all groups from the LDAP directory */ function getAllGroups($attributes){ global $c; $query = $this->ldap_query_all; foreach($this->baseDNGroups as $baseDNGroups) { $entry = $query($this->connect,$baseDNGroups,$this->filterGroups,$attributes); if (!ldap_first_entry($this->connect,$entry)) { $c->messages[] = sprintf(translate('Error NoGroupFound with filter >%s<, attributes >%s< , dn >%s<'), $this->filterGroups, join(', ', $attributes), $baseDNGroups); } $row = array(); for($i = ldap_first_entry($this->connect,$entry); $i && $arr = ldap_get_attributes($this->connect,$i); $i = ldap_next_entry($this->connect,$i) ) { for ($j=0; $j < $arr['count']; $j++) { $row[$arr[$j]] = count($arr[$arr[$j]])>2?$arr[$arr[$j]]:$arr[$arr[$j]][0]; } $ret[]=$row; } } return $ret; } /** * Returns the result of the LDAP query * * @param string $filter The filter used to search entries * @param array $attributes Attributes to be returned * @param string $passwd password to check * @return array Contains selected attributes from all entries corresponding to the given filter */ function requestUser( $filter, $attributes=NULL, $username, $passwd) { global $c; $entry=NULL; // We get the DN of the USER $query = $this->ldap_query_one; foreach($this->baseDNUsers as $baseDNUsers) { $entry = $query($this->connect, $baseDNUsers, $filter, $attributes); if (ldap_first_entry($this->connect,$entry) ) break; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Failed to find user with baseDN: %s", $baseDNUsers ); } if ( !ldap_first_entry($this->connect, $entry) ){ dbg_error_log( "ERROR", "drivers_ldap : Unable to find the user with filter %s",$filter ); return false; } else { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Found a user using filter %s",$filter ); } $dnUser = ldap_get_dn($this->connect, ldap_first_entry($this->connect,$entry)); if ( isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['i_use_mode_kerberos']) && $c->authenticate_hook['config']['i_use_mode_kerberos'] == "i_know_what_i_am_doing") { dbg_error_log( "LOG", "drivers_ldap : Skipping password Check for user %s which should be the same as %s",$username , $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]); if ($username != $_SERVER["REMOTE_USER"]) { return false; } } else { if ( !@ldap_bind($this->connect, $dnUser, $passwd) ) { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Failed to bind to user %s using password %s", $dnUser, $passwd ); return false; } } dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "drivers_ldap : Bound to user %s using password %s", $dnUser, $passwd ); $i = ldap_first_entry($this->connect,$entry); $arr = ldap_get_attributes($this->connect,$i); for( $i=0; $i<$arr['count']; $i++ ) { $ret[$arr[$i]]=$arr[$arr[$i]][0]; } return $ret; } } /** * A generic function to create and fetch static objects */ function getStaticLdap() { global $c; // Declare a static variable to hold the object instance static $instance; // If the instance is not there, create one if(!isset($instance)) { $ldapDrivers =& new ldapDrivers($c->authenticate_hook['config']); } return $ldapDrivers; } /** * Synchronise a cached user with one from LDAP * @param object $usr A user record to be updated (or created) */ function sync_user_from_LDAP( &$usr, $mapping, $ldap_values ) { global $c; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Going to sync the user from LDAP" ); $validUserFields = get_fields('usr'); if ( isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value']) && is_array($c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value']) ) { foreach ( $c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value'] as $field => $value ) { if ( isset($validUserFields[$field]) ) { $usr->{$field} = $value; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Setting usr->%s to %s from configured defaults", $field, $value ); } } } foreach ( $mapping as $field => $value ) { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Considering copying %s", $field ); if ( isset($validUserFields[$field]) ) { $usr->{$field} = $ldap_values[$value]; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Setting usr->%s to %s from LDAP field %s", $field, $ldap_values[$value], $value ); } } UpdateUserFromExternal( $usr ); } /** * Check the username / password against the LDAP server */ function LDAP_check($username, $password ){ global $c; $ldapDriver = getStaticLdap(); if ( !$ldapDriver->valid ) { dbg_error_log( "ERROR", "Couldn't contact LDAP server for authentication" ); return false; } $mapping = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['mapping_field']; $attributes = array_values($mapping); /** * If the config contains a filter that starts with a ( then believe * them and don't modify it, otherwise wrap the filter. */ $filter_munge = ""; if ( preg_match( '/^\(/', $ldapDriver->filterUsers ) ) { $filter_munge = $ldapDriver->filterUsers; } else if ( isset($ldapDriver->filterUsers) && $ldapDriver->filterUsers != '' ) { $filter_munge = "($ldapDriver->filterUsers)"; } $filter = "(&$filter_munge(".$mapping["username"]."=$username))"; $valid = $ldapDriver->requestUser( $filter, $attributes, $username, $password ); // is a valid user or not if ( !$valid ) { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "user %s is not a valid user",$username ); return false; } $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping["updated"]]; /** * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S */ foreach($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) $$k = substr($ldap_timestamp,$v[0],$v[1]); $ldap_timestamp = "$Y"."$m"."$d"."$H"."$M"."$S"; $valid[$mapping["updated"]] = "$Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S"; if ( $usr = getUserByName($username) ) { // should we update it ? $db_timestamp = $usr->updated; $db_timestamp = substr(strtr($db_timestamp, array(':' => '',' '=>'','-'=>'')),0,14); if($ldap_timestamp <= $db_timestamp) { return $usr; // no need to update } // we will need to update the user record } else { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "user %s doesn't exist in local DB, we need to create it",$username ); $usr = (object) array( 'user_no' => 0 ); } // The local cached user doesn't exist, or is older, so we create/update their details sync_user_from_LDAP($usr, $mapping, $valid ); return $usr; } /** * sync LDAP Groups against the DB */ function sync_LDAP_groups(){ global $c; $ldapDriver = getStaticLdap(); if($ldapDriver->valid){ $mapping = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['group_mapping_field']; //$attributes = array('cn','modifyTimestamp','memberUid'); $attributes = array_values($mapping); $ldap_groups_tmp = $ldapDriver->getAllGroups($attributes); if ( sizeof($ldap_groups_tmp) == 0 ) return; foreach($ldap_groups_tmp as $key => $ldap_group){ $ldap_groups_info[$ldap_group[$mapping['username']]] = $ldap_group; if (is_array($ldap_groups_info[$ldap_group[$mapping['username']]][$mapping['members']])) { unset ( $ldap_groups_info[$ldap_group[$mapping['username']]][$mapping['members']]['count'] ); } else { $ldap_groups_info[$ldap_group[$mapping['username']]][$mapping['members']] = array($ldap_groups_info[$ldap_group[$mapping['username']]][$mapping['members']]); } unset($ldap_groups_tmp[$key]); } $db_groups = array (); $db_group_members = array (); $qry = new AwlQuery( "SELECT g.username AS group_name, member.username AS member_name FROM dav_principal g JOIN group_member ON (g.principal_id=group_member.group_id) JOIN dav_principal member ON (member.principal_id=group_member.member_id) WHERE g.type_id = 3"); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); while($db_group = $qry->Fetch()) { $db_groups[$db_group->group_name] = $db_group->group_name; $db_group_members[$db_group->group_name][] = $db_group->member_name; } $ldap_groups = array_keys($ldap_groups_info); // users only in ldap $groups_to_create = array_diff($ldap_groups,$db_groups); // users only in db $groups_to_deactivate = array_diff($db_groups,$ldap_groups); // users present in ldap and in the db $groups_to_update = array_intersect($db_groups,$ldap_groups); if ( sizeof ( $groups_to_create ) ){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- creating groups : %s'),join(', ',$groups_to_create)); $validUserFields = get_fields('usr'); foreach ( $groups_to_create as $k => $group ){ $user = (object) array( 'user_no' => 0, 'username' => '' ); if ( isset($c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value']) && is_array($c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value']) ) { foreach ( $c->authenticate_hook['config']['default_value'] as $field => $value ) { if ( isset($validUserFields[$field]) ) { $usr->{$field} = $value; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Setting usr->%s to %s from configured defaults", $field, $value ); } } } $user->user_no = 0; $ldap_values = $ldap_groups_info[$group]; foreach ( $mapping as $field => $value ) { dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Considering copying %s", $field ); if ( isset($validUserFields[$field]) ) { $user->{$field} = $ldap_values[$value]; dbg_error_log( "LDAP", "Setting usr->%s to %s from LDAP field %s", $field, $ldap_values[$value], $value ); } } if ($user->fullname=="") { $user->fullname = $group; } if ($user->displayname=="") { $user->displayname = $group; } $user->username = $group; $user->updated = "now"; /** @todo Use the 'updated' timestamp from LDAP for groups too */ UpdateUserFromExternal( $user ); $qry = new AwlQuery( "UPDATE dav_principal set type_id = 3 WHERE username=:group ",array(':group'=>$group) ); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- adding users %s to group : %s'),join(',',$ldap_groups_info[$group][$mapping['members']]),$group); foreach ( $ldap_groups_info[$group][$mapping['members']] as $member ){ $qry = new AwlQuery( "INSERT INTO group_member SELECT g.principal_id AS group_id,u.principal_id AS member_id FROM dav_principal g, dav_principal u WHERE g.username=:group AND u.username=:member;",array (':group'=>$group,':member'=>$member) ); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP_groups',__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } if ( sizeof ( $groups_to_update ) ){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- updating groups : %s'),join(', ',$groups_to_update)); foreach ( $groups_to_update as $group ){ $db_members = array_values ( $db_group_members[$group] ); $ldap_members = array_values ( $ldap_groups_info[$group][$mapping['members']] ); $add_users = array_diff ( $ldap_members, $db_members ); if ( sizeof ( $add_users ) ){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- adding %s to group : %s'),join(', ', $add_users ), $group); foreach ( $add_users as $member ){ $qry = new AwlQuery( "INSERT INTO group_member SELECT g.principal_id AS group_id,u.principal_id AS member_id FROM dav_principal g, dav_principal u WHERE g.username=:group AND u.username=:member",array (':group'=>$group,':member'=>$member) ); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP_groups',__LINE__,__FILE__); } } $remove_users = array_diff ( $db_members, $ldap_members ); if ( sizeof ( $remove_users ) ){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- removing %s from group : %s'),join(', ', $remove_users ), $group); foreach ( $remove_users as $member ){ $qry = new AwlQuery( "DELETE FROM group_member USING dav_principal g,dav_principal m WHERE group_id=g.principal_id AND member_id=m.principal_id AND g.username=:group AND m.username=:member",array (':group'=>$group,':member'=>$member) ); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP_groups',__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } if ( sizeof ( $groups_to_deactivate ) ){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- deactivate groups : %s'),join(', ',$groups_to_deactivate)); foreach ( $groups_to_deactivate as $group ){ $qry = new AwlQuery( "UPDATE dav_principal set active='f'::bool WHERE username=:group AND type_id = 3",array(':group'=>$group) ); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); } } } } /** * sync LDAP against the DB */ function sync_LDAP(){ global $c; $ldapDriver = getStaticLdap(); if($ldapDriver->valid){ $mapping = $c->authenticate_hook['config']['mapping_field']; $attributes = array_values($mapping); $ldap_users_tmp = $ldapDriver->getAllUsers($attributes); if ( sizeof($ldap_users_tmp) == 0 ) return; foreach($ldap_users_tmp as $key => $ldap_user){ $ldap_users_info[$ldap_user[$mapping["username"]]] = $ldap_user; unset($ldap_users_tmp[$key]); } $qry = new AwlQuery( "SELECT username, user_no, modified as updated FROM dav_principal where type_id=1"); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); while($db_user = $qry->Fetch()) { $db_users[] = $db_user->username; $db_users_info[$db_user->username] = array('user_no' => $db_user->user_no, 'updated' => $db_user->updated); } $ldap_users = array_keys($ldap_users_info); // users only in ldap $users_to_create = array_diff($ldap_users,$db_users); // users only in db $users_to_deactivate = array_diff($db_users,$ldap_users); // users present in ldap and in the db $users_to_update = array_intersect($db_users,$ldap_users); // creation of all users; if ( sizeof($users_to_create) ) { $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- creating record for users : %s'),join(', ',$users_to_create)); foreach( $users_to_create as $username ) { $user = (object) array( 'user_no' => 0, 'username' => $username ); $valid = $ldap_users_info[$username]; $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping["updated"]]; /** * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S */ foreach($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) $$k = substr($ldap_timestamp,$v[0],$v[1]); $ldap_timestamp = "$Y"."$m"."$d"."$H"."$M"."$S"; $valid[$mapping["updated"]] = "$Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S"; sync_user_from_LDAP( $user, $mapping, $valid ); } } // deactivating all users $params = array(); $i = 0; foreach( $users_to_deactivate AS $v ) { if ( isset($c->do_not_sync_from_ldap) && isset($c->do_not_sync_from_ldap[$v]) ) continue; $params[':u'.$i++] = strtolower($v); } if ( count($params) > 0 ) { $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- deactivating users : %s'),join(', ',$users_to_deactivate)); $qry = new AwlQuery( 'UPDATE usr SET active = FALSE WHERE lower(username) IN ('.implode(',',array_keys($params)).')', $params); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); } // updating all users if ( sizeof($users_to_update) ) { foreach ( $users_to_update as $key=> $username ) { $valid=$ldap_users_info[$username]; $ldap_timestamp = $valid[$mapping["updated"]]; $valid["user_no"] = $db_users_info[$username]["user_no"]; $mapping["user_no"] = "user_no"; /** * This splits the LDAP timestamp apart and assigns values to $Y $m $d $H $M and $S */ foreach($c->authenticate_hook['config']['format_updated'] as $k => $v) $$k = substr($ldap_timestamp,$v[0],$v[1]); $ldap_timestamp = "$Y"."$m"."$d"."$H"."$M"."$S"; $valid[$mapping["updated"]] = "$Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S"; $db_timestamp = substr(strtr($db_users_info[$username]['updated'], array(':' => '',' '=>'','-'=>'')),0,14); if ( $ldap_timestamp > $db_timestamp ) { sync_user_from_LDAP($usr, $mapping, $valid ); } else { unset($users_to_update[$key]); $users_nothing_done[] = $username; } } if ( sizeof($users_to_update) ) $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- updating user records : %s'),join(', ',$users_to_update)); if ( sizeof($users_nothing_done) ) $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('- nothing done on : %s'),join(', ', $users_nothing_done)); } $admins = 0; $qry = new AwlQuery( "select count(*) as admins from usr join role_member using ( user_no ) join roles using (role_no) where usr.active = true and role_name='Admin'"); $qry->Exec('sync_LDAP',__LINE__,__FILE__); while($db_user = $qry->Fetch()) { $admins = $db_user->admins; } if ( $admins == 0 ) { $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('Warning: there are no active admin users, you should fix this before logging out.')); } } }