* @copyright Morphoss Ltd - http://www.morphoss.com/ * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later version */ /** * Check if the user wants to put just one VEVENT/VTODO or a whole calendar * if the collection = calendar = $request_container doesn't exist then create it * return true if it's a whole calendar */ require_once('iCalendar.php'); require_once('DAVResource.php'); include_once ("drivers_ldap.php"); $bad_events = null; /** * A regex which will match most reasonable timezones acceptable to PostgreSQL. */ $tz_regex = ':^(Africa|America|Antarctica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Australia|Brazil|Canada|Chile|Etc|Europe|Indian|Mexico|Mideast|Pacific|US)/[a-z_]+$:i'; /** * This function launches an error * @param boolean $caldav_context Whether we are responding via CalDAV or interactively * @param int $user_no the user who will receive this ics file * @param string $path the $path where the PUT failed to store such as /user_foo/home/ * @param string $message An optional error message to return to the client * @param int $error_no An optional value for the HTTP error code */ function rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path, $message='', $error_no=500 ) { global $c, $bad_events; if ( !$message ) $message = translate('Database error'); $qry = new AwlQuery(); $qry->Rollback(); if ( $caldav_context ) { if ( isset($bad_events) && isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import ) { $bad_events[] = $message; } else { global $request; $request->DoResponse( $error_no, $message ); } // and we don't return from that, ever... } $c->messages[] = sprintf(translate('Status: %d, Message: %s, User: %d, Path: %s'), $error_no, $message, $user_no, $path); } /** * Work out the location we are doing the PUT to, and check that we have the rights to * do the needful. * @param string $username The name of the destination user * @param int $user_no The user making the change * @param string $path The DAV path the resource is bing PUT to * @param boolean $caldav_context Whether we are responding via CalDAV or interactively * @param boolean $public Whether the collection will be public, should we need to create it */ function controlRequestContainer( $username, $user_no, $path, $caldav_context, $public = null ) { global $c, $bad_events; // Check to see if the path is like /foo /foo/bar or /foo/bar/baz etc. (not ending with a '/', but contains at least one) if ( preg_match( '#^(.*/)([^/]+)$#', $path, $matches ) ) {//( $request_container = $matches[1]; // get everything up to the last '/' } else { // In this case we must have a URL with a trailing '/', so it must be a collection. $request_container = $path; } if ( isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import ) { $bad_events = array(); } /** * Before we write the event, we check the container exists, creating it if it doesn't */ if ( $request_container == "/$username/" ) { /** * Well, it exists, and we support it, but it is against the CalDAV spec */ dbg_error_log( 'WARN', ' Storing events directly in user\'s base folders is not recommended!'); } else { $sql = 'SELECT * FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name'; $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, array( ':dav_name' => $request_container) ); if ( ! $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) ) { rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); } if ( !isset($c->readonly_webdav_collections) || $c->readonly_webdav_collections == true ) { if ( $qry->rows() == 0 ) { $request->DoResponse( 405 ); // Method not allowed } return; } if ( $qry->rows() == 0 ) { if ( $public == true ) $public = 't'; else $public = 'f'; if ( preg_match( '{^(.*/)([^/]+)/$}', $request_container, $matches ) ) { $parent_container = $matches[1]; $displayname = $matches[2]; } $sql = 'INSERT INTO collection ( user_no, parent_container, dav_name, dav_etag, dav_displayname, is_calendar, created, modified, publicly_readable, resourcetypes ) VALUES( :user_no, :parent_container, :dav_name, :dav_etag, :dav_displayname, TRUE, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, :is_public::boolean, :resourcetypes )'; $params = array( ':user_no' => $user_no, ':parent_container' => $parent_container, ':dav_name' => $request_container, ':dav_etag' => md5($user_no. $request_container), ':dav_displayname' => $displayname, ':is_public' => $public, ':resourcetypes' => '' ); $qry->QDo( $sql, $params ); } else if ( isset($public) ) { $collection = $qry->Fetch(); $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET publicly_readable = :is_public::boolean WHERE collection_id = :collection_id'; $params = array( ':is_public' => ($public?'t':'f'), ':collection_id' => $collection->collection_id ); if ( ! $qry->QDo($sql,$params) ) { rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); } } } } /** * Check if this collection should force all events to be PUBLIC. * @param string $user_no the user that owns the collection * @param string $dav_name the collection to check * @return boolean Return true if public events only are allowed. */ function public_events_only( $user_no, $dav_name ) { global $c; $sql = 'SELECT public_events_only FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name'; $qry = new AwlQuery($sql, array(':dav_name' => $dav_name) ); if( $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1 ) { $collection = $qry->Fetch(); if ($collection->public_events_only == 't') { return true; } } // Something went wrong, must be false. return false; } /** * Deliver scheduling requests to attendees * @param iCalComponent $ical the VCALENDAR to deliver */ function handle_schedule_request( $ical ) { global $c, $session, $request; $resources = $ical->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',false); $ic = $resources[0]; $etag = md5 ( $request->raw_post ); $reply = new XMLDocument( array("DAV:" => "", "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:caldav" => "C" ) ); $responses = array(); $attendees = $ic->GetProperties('ATTENDEE'); $wr_attendees = $ic->GetProperties('X-WR-ATTENDEE'); if ( count ( $wr_attendees ) > 0 ) { dbg_error_log( "POST", "Non-compliant iCal request. Using X-WR-ATTENDEE property" ); foreach( $wr_attendees AS $k => $v ) { $attendees[] = $v; } } dbg_error_log( "POST", "Attempting to deliver scheduling request for %d attendees", count($attendees) ); foreach( $attendees AS $k => $attendee ) { $attendee_email = preg_replace( '/^mailto:/', '', $attendee->Value() ); if ( $attendee_email == $request->principal->email ) { dbg_error_log( "POST", "not delivering to owner" ); continue; } if ( $attendee->GetParameterValue ( 'PARTSTAT' ) != 'NEEDS-ACTION' || preg_match ( '/^[35]\.[3-9]/', $attendee->GetParameterValue ( 'SCHEDULE-STATUS' ) ) ) { dbg_error_log( "POST", "attendee %s does not need action", $attendee_email ); continue; } dbg_error_log( "POST", "Delivering to %s", $attendee_email ); $attendee_principal = new CalDAVPrincipal ( array ('email'=>$attendee_email, 'options'=> array ( 'allow_by_email' => true ) ) ); if ( $attendee_principal == false ){ $attendee->SetParameterValue ('SCHEDULE-STATUS','3.7;Invalid Calendar User'); continue; } $deliver_path = preg_replace ( '/^.*caldav.php/','', $attendee_principal->schedule_inbox_url ); $ar = new DAVResource($deliver_path); $priv = $ar->HavePrivilegeTo('schedule-deliver-invite' ); if ( ! $ar->HavePrivilegeTo('schedule-deliver-invite' ) ){ $reply = new XMLDocument( array('DAV:' => '') ); $privnodes = array( $reply->href(ConstructURL($attendee_principal->schedule_inbox_url)), new XMLElement( 'privilege' ) ); // RFC3744 specifies that we can only respond with one needed privilege, so we pick the first. $reply->NSElement( $privnodes[1], 'schedule-deliver-invite' ); $xml = new XMLElement( 'need-privileges', new XMLElement( 'resource', $privnodes) ); $xmldoc = $reply->Render('error',$xml); $request->DoResponse( 403, $xmldoc, 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"'); } $attendee->SetParameterValue ('SCHEDULE-STATUS','1.2;Scheduling message has been delivered'); $ncal = new iCalComponent ( ); $ncal->VCalendar (); $ncal->AddProperty ( 'METHOD', 'REQUEST' ); $ncal->AddComponent ( array_merge ( $ical->GetComponents('VEVENT',false) , array ($ic) )); $content = $ncal->Render(); $cid = $ar->GetProperty('collection_id'); dbg_error_log('DELIVER', 'to user: %s, to path: %s, collection: %s, from user: %s, caldata %s', $attendee_principal->user_no, $deliver_path, $cid, $request->user_no, $content ); write_resource( $attendee_principal->user_no, $deliver_path . $etag . '.ics' , $content , $ar->GetProperty('collection_id'), $request->user_no, md5($content), $ncal, $put_action_type='INSERT', $caldav_context=true, $log_action=true, $etag ); $attendee->SetParameterValue ('SCHEDULE-STATUS','1.2;Scheduling message has been delivered'); } // don't write an entry in the out box, ical doesn't delete it or ever read it again $ncal = new iCalComponent ( ); $ncal->VCalendar (); $ncal->AddProperty ( 'METHOD', 'REQUEST' ); $ncal->AddComponent ( array_merge ( $ical->GetComponents('VEVENT',false) , array ($ic) )); $content = $ncal->Render(); $deliver_path = preg_replace ( '/^.*caldav.php/','', $request->principal->schedule_inbox_url ); $ar = new DAVResource($deliver_path); write_resource( $request->user_no, $deliver_path . $etag . '.ics' , $content , $ar->GetProperty('collection_id'), $request->user_no, md5($content), $ncal, $put_action_type='INSERT', $caldav_context=true, $log_action=true, $etag ); //$etag = md5($content); header('ETag: "'. $etag . '"' ); header('Schedule-Tag: "'.$etag . '"' ); $request->DoResponse( 201, 'Created' ); } /** * Deliver scheduling replies to organizer and other attendees * @param iCalComponent $ical the VCALENDAR to deliver * @return false on error */ function handle_schedule_reply ( $ical ) { global $c, $session, $request; $resources = $ical->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',false); $ic = $resources[0]; $etag = md5 ( $request->raw_post ); $organizer = $ic->GetProperties('ORGANIZER'); // for now we treat events with out organizers as an error if ( count ( $organizer ) < 1 ) return false; $attendees = array_merge($organizer,$ic->GetProperties('ATTENDEE')); $wr_attendees = $ic->GetProperties('X-WR-ATTENDEE'); if ( count ( $wr_attendees ) > 0 ) { dbg_error_log( "POST", "Non-compliant iCal request. Using X-WR-ATTENDEE property" ); foreach( $wr_attendees AS $k => $v ) { $attendees[] = $v; } } dbg_error_log( "POST", "Attempting to deliver scheduling request for %d attendees", count($attendees) ); foreach( $attendees AS $k => $attendee ) { $attendee_email = preg_replace( '/^mailto:/', '', $attendee->Value() ); dbg_error_log( "POST", "Delivering to %s", $attendee_email ); $attendee_principal = new CalDAVPrincipal ( array ('email'=>$attendee_email, 'options'=> array ( 'allow_by_email' => true ) ) ); $deliver_path = preg_replace ( '/^.*caldav.php/','', $attendee_principal->schedule_inbox_url ); $attendee_email = preg_replace( '/^mailto:/', '', $attendee->Value() ); if ( $attendee_email == $request->principal->email ) { dbg_error_log( "POST", "not delivering to owner" ); continue; } $ar = new DAVResource($deliver_path); if ( ! $ar->HavePrivilegeTo('schedule-deliver-reply' ) ){ $reply = new XMLDocument( array('DAV:' => '') ); $privnodes = array( $reply->href(ConstructURL($attendee_principal->schedule_inbox_url)), new XMLElement( 'privilege' ) ); // RFC3744 specifies that we can only respond with one needed privilege, so we pick the first. $reply->NSElement( $privnodes[1], 'schedule-deliver-reply' ); $xml = new XMLElement( 'need-privileges', new XMLElement( 'resource', $privnodes) ); $xmldoc = $reply->Render('error',$xml); $request->DoResponse( 403, $xmldoc, 'text/xml; charset="utf-8"' ); continue; } $ncal = new iCalComponent ( ); $ncal->VCalendar (); $ncal->AddProperty ( 'METHOD', 'REPLY' ); $ncal->AddComponent ( array_merge ( $ical->GetComponents('VEVENT',false) , array ($ic) )); $content = $ncal->Render(); write_resource( $attendee_principal->user_no, $deliver_path . $etag . '.ics' , $content , $ar->GetProperty('collection_id'), $request->user_no, md5($content), $ncal, $put_action_type='INSERT', $caldav_context=true, $log_action=true, $etag ); } $request->DoResponse( 201, 'Created' ); } /** * Create a scheduling request in the schedule inbox for the * @param iCalComponent $resource The VEVENT/VTODO/... resource we are scheduling * @param iCalProp $attendee The attendee we are scheduling * @return float The result of the scheduling request, per caldav-sched #3.5.4 */ function write_scheduling_request( &$resource, $attendee ) { $response = '5.3;'.translate('No scheduling support for user'); return '"'.$response.'"'; } /** * Create scheduling requests in the schedule inbox for the * @param iCalComponent $resource The VEVENT/VTODO/... resource we are scheduling */ function create_scheduling_requests( &$resource ) { if ( ! is_object($resource) ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'create_scheduling_requests called with non-object parameter (%s)', gettype($resource) ); return; } $attendees = $resource->GetPropertiesByPath('/VCALENDAR/*/ATTENDEE'); $wr_attendees = $resource->GetPropertiesByPath('/VCALENDAR/*/X-WR-ATTENDEE'); if ( count ( $wr_attendees ) > 0 ) { dbg_error_log( 'POST', 'Non-compliant iCal request. Using X-WR-ATTENDEE property' ); foreach( $wr_attendees AS $k => $v ) { $attendees[] = $v; } } if ( count($attendees) == 0 ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'Event has no attendees - no scheduling required.', count($attendees) ); return; } dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'Adding to scheduling inbox %d attendees', count($attendees) ); foreach( $attendees AS $attendee ) { $attendee->SetParameterValue( 'SCHEDULE-STATUS', write_scheduling_request( $resource, $attendee->Value() ) ); } } /** * Update scheduling requests in the schedule inbox for the * @param iCalComponent $resource The VEVENT/VTODO/... resource we are scheduling */ function update_scheduling_requests( &$resource ) { if ( ! is_object($resource) ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'update_scheduling_requests called with non-object parameter (%s)', gettype($resource) ); return; } $attendees = $resource->GetPropertiesByPath('/VCALENDAR/*/ATTENDEE'); $wr_attendees = $resource->GetPropertiesByPath('/VCALENDAR/*/X-WR-ATTENDEE'); if ( count ( $wr_attendees ) > 0 ) { dbg_error_log( 'POST', 'Non-compliant iCal request. Using X-WR-ATTENDEE property' ); foreach( $wr_attendees AS $k => $v ) { $attendees[] = $v; } } if ( count($attendees) == 0 ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'Event has no attendees - no scheduling required.', count($attendees) ); return; } dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'Adding to scheduling inbox %d attendees', count($attendees) ); foreach( $attendees AS $attendee ) { $attendee->SetParameterValue( 'SCHEDULE-STATUS', write_scheduling_request( $resource, $attendee->Value() ) ); } } /** * This function will import a whole calendar * @param string $ics_content the ics file to import * @param int $user_no the user wich will receive this ics file * @param string $path the $path where it will be store such as /user_foo/home/ * @param boolean $caldav_context Whether we are responding via CalDAV or interactively * * Any VEVENTs with the same UID will be concatenated together */ function import_collection( $ics_content, $user_no, $path, $caldav_context, $appending = false ) { global $c, $session, $tz_regex; if ( ! ini_get('open_basedir') && (isset($c->dbg['ALL']) || isset($c->dbg['put'])) ) { $fh = fopen('/tmp/PUT-2.txt','w'); if ( $fh ) { fwrite($fh,$ics_content); fclose($fh); } } $calendar = new iCalComponent($ics_content); $timezones = $calendar->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',true); $components = $calendar->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',false); $displayname = $calendar->GetPValue('X-WR-CALNAME'); if ( !$appending && isset($displayname) ) { $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET dav_displayname = :displayname WHERE dav_name = :dav_name'; $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, array( ':displayname' => $displayname, ':dav_name' => $path) ); if ( ! $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); } $tz_ids = array(); foreach( $timezones AS $k => $tz ) { $tz_ids[$tz->GetPValue('TZID')] = $k; } /** Build an array of resources. Each resource is an array of iCalComponent */ $resources = array(); foreach( $components AS $k => $comp ) { $uid = $comp->GetPValue('UID'); if ( $uid == null || $uid == '' ) continue; if ( !isset($resources[$uid]) ) $resources[$uid] = array(); $resources[$uid][] = $comp; /** Ensure we have the timezone component for this in our array as well */ $tzid = $comp->GetPParamValue('DTSTART', 'TZID'); if ( !isset($tzid) || $tzid == '' ) $tzid = $comp->GetPParamValue('DUE','TZID'); if ( !isset($resources[$uid][$tzid]) && isset($tz_ids[$tzid]) ) { $resources[$uid][$tzid] = $timezones[$tz_ids[$tzid]]; } } $sql = 'SELECT * FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name'; $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, array( ':dav_name' => $path) ); if ( ! $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); if ( ! $qry->rows() == 1 ) { dbg_error_log( 'ERROR', ' PUT: Collection does not exist at "%s" for user %d', $path, $user_no ); rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); } $collection = $qry->Fetch(); if ( !(isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import) ) $qry->Begin(); $base_params = array( ':collection_id' => $collection->collection_id ); if ( !$appending ) { if ( !$qry->QDo('DELETE FROM calendar_item WHERE collection_id = :collection_id', $base_params) || !$qry->QDo('DELETE FROM caldav_data WHERE collection_id = :collection_id', $base_params) ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $collection->collection_id ); } $dav_data_insert = << $resource ) { if ( isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import ) $qry->Begin(); /** Construct the VCALENDAR data */ $vcal = new iCalComponent(); $vcal->VCalendar(); $vcal->SetComponents($resource); create_scheduling_requests($vcal); $icalendar = $vcal->Render(); /** As ever, we mostly deal with the first resource component */ $first = $resource[0]; $dav_data_params = $base_params; $dav_data_params[':user_no'] = $user_no; $dav_data_params[':dav_name'] = sprintf( '%s%s.ics', $path, $uid ); $dav_data_params[':etag'] = md5($icalendar); $calitem_params = $dav_data_params; $dav_data_params[':dav_data'] = $icalendar; $dav_data_params[':caldav_type'] = $first->GetType(); $dav_data_params[':session_user'] = $session->user_no; if ( !$qry->QDo($dav_data_insert,$dav_data_params) ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path ); $qry->QDo('SELECT dav_id FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_name = :dav_name ', array(':dav_name' => $dav_data_params[':dav_name'])); if ( $qry->rows() == 1 && $row = $qry->Fetch() ) { $dav_id = $row->dav_id; } $dtstart = $first->GetPValue('DTSTART'); $calitem_params[':dtstart'] = $dtstart; if ( (!isset($dtstart) || $dtstart == '') && $first->GetPValue('DUE') != '' ) { $dtstart = $first->GetPValue('DUE'); } $dtend = $first->GetPValue('DTEND'); if ( isset($dtend) && $dtend != '' ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' DTEND: "%s", DTSTART: "%s", DURATION: "%s"', $dtend, $dtstart, $first->GetPValue('DURATION') ); $calitem_params[':dtend'] = $dtend; $dtend = ':dtend'; } else { $dtend = 'NULL'; if ( $first->GetPValue('DURATION') != '' AND $dtstart != '' ) { $duration = preg_replace( '#[PT]#', ' ', $first->GetPValue('DURATION') ); $dtend = '(:dtstart::timestamp with time zone + :duration::interval)'; $calitem_params[':duration'] = $duration; } elseif ( $first->GetType() == 'VEVENT' ) { /** * From RFC2445 4.6.1: * For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" * property with a DATE data type but no "DTEND" property, the events * non-inclusive end is the end of the calendar date specified by the * "DTSTART" property. For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies * a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME data type but no "DTEND" property, * the event ends on the same calendar date and time of day specified by the * "DTSTART" property. * * So we're looking for 'VALUE=DATE', to identify the duration, effectively. * */ $value_type = $first->GetPParamValue('DTSTART','VALUE'); dbg_error_log('PUT','DTSTART without DTEND. DTSTART value type is %s', $value_type ); if ( isset($value_type) && $value_type == 'DATE' ) $dtend = '(:dtstart::timestamp with time zone::date + \'1 day\'::interval)'; else $dtend = ':dtstart'; } } $last_modified = $first->GetPValue('LAST-MODIFIED'); if ( !isset($last_modified) || $last_modified == '' ) $last_modified = gmdate( 'Ymd\THis\Z' ); $calitem_params[':modified'] = $last_modified; $dtstamp = $first->GetPValue('DTSTAMP'); if ( !isset($dtstamp) || $dtstamp == '' ) $dtstamp = $last_modified; $calitem_params[':dtstamp'] = $dtstamp; /** RFC2445, Default is PUBLIC, or also if overridden by the collection settings */ $class = ($collection->public_events_only == 't' ? 'PUBLIC' : $first->GetPValue('CLASS') ); if ( !isset($class) || $class == '' ) $class = 'PUBLIC'; $calitem_params[':class'] = $class; /** Calculate what timezone to set, first, if possible */ $tzid = $first->GetPParamValue('DTSTART','TZID'); if ( !isset($tzid) || $tzid == '' ) $tzid = $first->GetPParamValue('DUE','TZID'); if ( isset($tzid) && $tzid != '' ) { if ( isset($resource[$tzid]) ) { $tz = $resource[$tzid]; $tz_locn = $tz->GetPValue('X-LIC-LOCATION'); } else { unset($tz); unset($tz_locn); } if ( ! isset($tz_locn) || ! preg_match( $tz_regex, $tz_locn ) ) { if ( preg_match( '#([^/]+/[^/]+)$#', $tzid, $matches ) ) { $tz_locn = $matches[1]; } } dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' Using TZID[%s] and location of [%s]', $tzid, (isset($tz_locn) ? $tz_locn : '') ); if ( isset($tz_locn) && ($tz_locn != $last_tz_locn) && preg_match( $tz_regex, $tz_locn ) ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' Setting timezone to %s', $tz_locn ); if ( $tz_locn != '' ) { $qry->QDo('SET TIMEZONE TO \''.$tz_locn."'" ); } $last_tz_locn = $tz_locn; } $params = array( ':tzid' => $tzid); $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT tz_locn FROM time_zone WHERE tz_id = :tzid', $params ); if ( $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 0 ) { $params[':tzlocn'] = $tz_locn; $params[':tzspec'] = (isset($tz) ? $tz->Render() : null ); $qry->QDo('INSERT INTO time_zone (tz_id, tz_locn, tz_spec) VALUES(:tzid,:tzlocn,:tzspec)', $params ); } if ( !isset($tz_locn) || $tz_locn == '' ) $tz_locn = $tzid; } else { $tzid = null; } $sql = str_replace( '##dtend##', $dtend, $calitem_insert ); $calitem_params[':tzid'] = $tzid; $calitem_params[':uid'] = $first->GetPValue('UID'); $calitem_params[':summary'] = $first->GetPValue('SUMMARY'); $calitem_params[':location'] = $first->GetPValue('LOCATION'); $calitem_params[':transp'] = $first->GetPValue('TRANSP'); $calitem_params[':description'] = $first->GetPValue('DESCRIPTION'); $calitem_params[':rrule'] = $first->GetPValue('RRULE'); $calitem_params[':url'] = $first->GetPValue('URL'); $calitem_params[':priority'] = $first->GetPValue('PRIORITY'); $calitem_params[':due'] = $first->GetPValue('DUE'); $calitem_params[':percent_complete'] = $first->GetPValue('PERCENT-COMPLETE'); $calitem_params[':status'] = $first->GetPValue('STATUS'); $created = $first->GetPValue('CREATED'); if ( $created == '00001231T000000Z' ) $created = '20001231T000000Z'; $calitem_params[':created'] = $created; if ( !$qry->QDo($sql,$calitem_params) ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path); write_alarms($dav_id, $first); write_attendees($dav_id, $first); create_scheduling_requests( $vcal ); if ( isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import ) $qry->Commit(); } if ( !(isset($c->skip_bad_event_on_import) && $c->skip_bad_event_on_import) ) { if ( ! $qry->Commit() ) rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } /** * Given a dav_id and an original iCalComponent, pull out each of the VALARMs * and write the values into the calendar_alarm table. * * @param int $dav_id The dav_id of the caldav_data we're processing * @param iCalComponent The VEVENT or VTODO containing the VALARM * @return null */ function write_alarms( $dav_id, $ical ) { $qry = new AwlQuery('DELETE FROM calendar_alarm WHERE dav_id = '.$dav_id ); $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__); $alarms = $ical->GetComponents('VALARM'); if ( count($alarms) < 1 ) return; $qry->SetSql('INSERT INTO calendar_alarm ( dav_id, action, trigger, summary, description, component, next_trigger ) VALUES( '.$dav_id.', :action, :trigger, :summary, :description, :component, :related::timestamp with time zone + :related_trigger::interval )' ); $qry->Prepare(); foreach( $alarms AS $v ) { $trigger = array_merge($v->GetProperties('TRIGGER')); $trigger = $trigger[0]; $related = null; $related_trigger = '0M'; $trigger_type = $trigger->GetParameterValue('VALUE'); if ( !isset($trigger_type) || $trigger_type == 'DURATION' ) { switch ( $trigger->GetParameterValue('RELATED') ) { case 'DTEND': $related = $ical->GetPValue('DTEND'); break; case 'DUE': $related = $ical->GetPValue('DUE'); break; default: $related = $ical->GetPValue('DTSTART'); } $duration = $trigger->Value(); $minus = (substr($duration,0,1) == '-'); $related_trigger = trim(preg_replace( '#[PT-]#', ' ', $duration )); if ( $minus ) { $related_trigger = preg_replace( '{(\d+[WDHMS])}', '-$1 ', $related_trigger ); } } $qry->Bind(':action', $v->GetPValue('ACTION')); $qry->Bind(':trigger', $trigger->Render()); $qry->Bind(':summary', $v->GetPValue('SUMMARY')); $qry->Bind(':description', $v->GetPValue('DESCRIPTION')); $qry->Bind(':component', $v->Render()); $qry->Bind(':related', $related ); $qry->Bind(':related_trigger', $related_trigger ); $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__); } } /** * Parse out the attendee property and write a row to the * calendar_attendee table for each one. * @param int $dav_id The dav_id of the caldav_data we're processing * @param iCalComponent The VEVENT or VTODO containing the ATTENDEEs * @return null */ function write_attendees( $dav_id, $ical ) { $qry = new AwlQuery('DELETE FROM calendar_attendee WHERE dav_id = '.$dav_id ); $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__); $attendees = $ical->GetProperties('ATTENDEE'); if ( count($attendees) < 1 ) return; $qry->SetSql('INSERT INTO calendar_attendee ( dav_id, status, partstat, cn, attendee, role, rsvp, property ) VALUES( '.$dav_id.', :status, :partstat, :cn, :attendee, :role, :rsvp, :property )' ); $qry->Prepare(); $processed = array(); foreach( $attendees AS $v ) { $attendee = $v->Value(); if ( isset($processed[$attendee]) ) { dbg_error_log( 'LOG', 'Duplicate attendee "%s" in resource "%d"', $attendee, $dav_id ); dbg_error_log( 'LOG', 'Original: "%s"', $processed[$attendee] ); dbg_error_log( 'LOG', 'Duplicate: "%s"', $v->Render() ); continue; /** @TODO: work out why we get duplicate ATTENDEE on one VEVENT */ } $qry->Bind(':attendee', $attendee ); $qry->Bind(':status', $v->GetParameterValue('STATUS') ); $qry->Bind(':partstat', $v->GetParameterValue('PARTSTAT') ); $qry->Bind(':cn', $v->GetParameterValue('CN') ); $qry->Bind(':role', $v->GetParameterValue('ROLE') ); $qry->Bind(':rsvp', $v->GetParameterValue('RSVP') ); $qry->Bind(':property', $v->Render() ); $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__); $processed[$attendee] = $v->Render(); } } /** * Actually write the resource to the database. All checking of whether this is reasonable * should be done before this is called. * @param int $user_no The user_no owning this resource on the server * @param string $path The path to the resource being written * @param string $caldav_data The actual resource to be written * @param int $collection_id The ID of the collection containing the resource being written * @param int $author The user_no who wants to put this resource on the server * @param string $etag An etag unique for this event * @param object $ic The parsed iCalendar object * @param string $put_action_type INSERT or UPDATE depending on what we are to do * @param boolean $caldav_context True, if we are responding via CalDAV, false for other ways of calling this * @param string Either 'INSERT' or 'UPDATE': the type of action we are doing * @param boolean $log_action Whether to log the fact that we are writing this into an action log (if configured) * @param string $weak_etag An etag that is NOT modified on ATTENDEE changes for this event * @return boolean True for success, false for failure. */ function write_resource( $user_no, $path, $caldav_data, $collection_id, $author, $etag, $ic, $put_action_type, $caldav_context, $log_action=true, $weak_etag=null ) { global $tz_regex; $resources = $ic->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',false); // Not matching VTIMEZONE if ( !isset($resources[0]) ) { $resource_type = 'Unknown'; /** @TODO: Handle writing non-calendar resources, like address book entries or random file data */ rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path, translate('No calendar content'), 412 ); return false; } else { if( count($resources) == 2) $first = $resources[1]; else $first = $resources[0]; $resource_type = $first->GetType(); } unset($put_action_type); $nome = substr($user_no, 0, 9); $UID = $first->GetPValue('UID'); $CALID = strtok($UID,"@"); $proprietario = strtok("@"); $qry = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_login=:nome AND cal_id=:CALID AND cal_status='A' AND cal_type='u' ", array(':nome' => $nome , ':CALID' => $CALID)); $qry->Exec("PUT"); if ($qry->rows() < 1) { $qrycompa = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal WHERE cal_id=:CALID AND owner=:nome ", array(':CALID' => $CALID, ':nome' => $nome)); $qrycompa->Exec("PUT"); if ($qrycompa->rows() < 1) { $put_action_type = 'INSERT'; } else { //$put_action_type = 'UPDATE'; $put_action_type = 'NDA'; } } elseif ($qry->rows() == 1) { $put_action_type = 'UPDATE'; } $second = $first->GetComponents('VALARM'); if(count($second) >= 1) { $alarme_time = $second[0]->GetPValue('TRIGGER'); } $alarme_descarta = $first->GetPValue('X-MOZ-LASTACK'); $start = $first->GetPValue('DTSTART'); $dateTime = date_create($start); $HJ = date("Y-m-d 00:00:00"); $hoje = date_create($HJ); $hj_seg = $hoje->format("U"); //date_format( $dateTime, 2000, 12, 12); $DT_START = $dateTime->format("U"); $hora = $dateTime->format("G"); $horas_seg = $hora * 60 * 60; $minuto = $dateTime->format("i"); $min_seg = $minuto * 60; $total_seg = $horas_seg + $min_seg; $alarme_data = $total_seg + $hj_seg; $end = $first->GetPValue('DTEND'); $dateTime_end = date_create($end); ///date_format( $dateTime, 2000, 12, 12); $DT_END = $dateTime_end->format("U"); $execao = $first->GetProperties('EXDATE'); $modify = $first->GetPValue('LAST-MODIFIED'); $dateTime_mod = date_create($modify); //date_format( $dateTime, 2000, 12, 12); $MOD = $dateTime_mod->format("U"); $seg = $alarme_data * 1000000; $snooze = "X-MOZ-SNOOZE-TIME"; //if(count($second) >= 1){ $adia_alarme = $first->GetPValue("$snooze"); //dbg_error_log("PUT", "ADIA alarme: '%s' ", $adia_alarme); //} $prioridade = $first->GetPValue('PRIORITY'); if ($prioridade == "") { $prioridade = 1; } $RECUR = $first->GetPValue('RRULE'); $categoria_utf8 = $first->GetPValue('CATEGORIES'); $categoria = utf8_decode($categoria_utf8); if ($RECUR == null) { $tipo = E; } else { $tipo = M; } // EXDATE:20081126T190000Z //Adicionado por Umberto //Permite exclusão de varias recorrencias. if ( is_array($execao)) { foreach( $execao AS $k => $v ) { //$dateTime = date_create($deletarecorrencia); //$EXEC = $dateTime->format("U"); $EXEC = dataTzParaSegundos($v->value()); $TOTAL = "$TOTAL,$EXEC"; } $EXEC = trim($TOTAL,","); } else { $EXEC = ""; } //Fim da edição por Umberto $titulo_utf8 = $first->GetPValue('SUMMARY'); $titulo = utf8_decode($titulo_utf8); $descricao_utf8 = preg_replace('/\n/', "\r\n", $first->GetPValue('DESCRIPTION')); $descricao = utf8_decode($descricao_utf8); $recur_id = $first->GetPValue('RECURRENCE-ID'); $cidade_utf8 = $first->GetPValue('LOCATION'); $cidade = utf8_decode($cidade_utf8); $iporigem = getenv("REMOTE_ADDR"); $class = $first->GetPValue('CLASS'); if ($class == 'PRIVATE') { $public = 0; } else { $public = 1; } //############## Categoria ################## if ( $categoria != ""){ $x= "select * from phpgw_categories WHERE cat_name = :categoria"; $phpgw_query = new AwlQuery($x,array(':categoria' => $categoria)); $phpgw_query->Exec(); if ( $phpgw_query->rows() == 0 ) { $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_categories (cat_id,cat_main,cat_parent,cat_level,cat_owner,cat_access,cat_appname,cat_name,cat_description,cat_data,last_mod) VALUES ( default,default,default,default,:nome,'private','calendar',:categoria,'','N;',:mod)", array(':nome' => $nome, ':categoria' => $categoria, ':mod' => $MOD)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $x= "select * from phpgw_categories WHERE cat_name = '$categoria'"; $phpgw_query = new AwlQuery($x,array(':categoria' => $categoria)); $phpgw_query->Exec(); $categg = $phpgw_query->Fetch(); $category_id = $categg->cat_id; } else { while ($categgg = $phpgw_query->Fetch()) { if ( $categgg->cat_access == 'public' || $categgg->cat_owner == "$nome") { $category_id = $categgg->cat_id; } else { $category_id =""; } } } } else { $category_id =""; } //################# ALARME ################## $tipo_data = substr($alarme_time, -1); switch ($tipo_data) { case "M": $valor = 60; $tamanho = strlen($alarme_time); if ($tamanho == 6) { $minutos = substr($alarme_time, 3, 5); $reducao = $minutos * $valor; } else { $minutos = substr($alarme_time, 3, 4); $reducao = $minutos * $valor; } break; case "H": $valor = 60; $tamanho = strlen($alarme_time); if ($tamanho == 6) { $horas = substr($alarme_time, 3, 5); $reducao = $horas * $valor * $valor; } else { $horas = substr($alarme_time, 3, 4); $reducao = $horas * $valor * $valor; } break; case "D": $valor = 60; $num_horas = 24; $tamanho = strlen($alarme_time); if ($tamanho == 5) { $dias = substr($alarme_time, 2, 4); $reducao = $dias * $valor * $valor * $num_horas; } else { $dias = substr($alarme_time, 2, 3); $reducao = $dias * $valor * $valor * $num_horas; } break; case "W": $valor = 60; $num_horas = 24; $num_dias = 7; $tamanho = strlen($alarme_time); if ($tamanho == 5) { $semanas = substr($alarme_time, 2, 4); $reducao = $semanas * $valor * $valor * $num_horas * $num_dias; } else { $semanas = substr($alarme_time, 2, 3); $reducao = $semanas * $valor * $valor * $num_horas * $num_dias; } case "S": continue; } $alarme = $DT_START - $reducao; // ########### participantes ###################### $participantes = $first->GetProperties('ATTENDEE'); //$test = $ic->component->FirstNonTimezone(); //$propriedades = $test->GetProperties('PARTSTAT'); //foreach ($propriedades as $k => $c){ //} dbg_log_array( "PUTTTTTT", 'PARTICIPANTES ', $participantes, true ); $mails = ""; $part = array(); $estado = array(); if (is_array($participantes)) { $email=$nome; foreach($participantes AS $k => $v) { $user = $v->content; list($aviso, $mail) = split(":", $user, 2); $filtro = "mail=$mail"; $email=$email.",".$mail; $atributos = array("uidNumber"); //$atrr = new ldapDrivers($c->authenticate_hook['config']); if (strlen($filtro) > 5){ $usuario = ldapDrivers::requestAtributo($filtro, $atributos); if ($usuario != false) { $part[$k] = $usuario['uidNumber']; $stat = $v->GetParameterValue('PARTSTAT'); switch ($stat){ case "NEEDS-ACTION": $estado[$k] = 'U'; break; case "ACCEPTED": $estado[$k] = 'A'; break; case "DECLINED": $estado[$k] = 'R'; break; case "TENTATIVE": $estado[$k] = 'T'; break; } dbg_error_log("PUT", "usuario participante: '%s' status '%s' e token '%d' ", $part[$k],$stat,$k); } else { $mails = $mails . "$mail,"; } } } } elseif (strlen($participantes) > 1) { $part = array(); list($aviso, $mail) = split(":", $participantes, 2); $filtro = "mail=$mail"; $email=$email.",".$mail; $atributos = array("uidNumber"); if (strlen($filtro) > 5){ $usuario = ldapDrivers::requestAtributo($filtro, $atributos); if ($usuario != false) { $part[0] = $usuario['uidNumber']; $teste = $first->CollectParameterValues('PARTSTAT'); foreach( $teste as $k => $v){ $stat = $k; } switch ($stat){ case "NEEDS-ACTION": $estado[0] = 'U'; break; case "ACCEPTED": $estado[0] = 'A'; break; case "DECLINED": $estado[0] = 'R'; break; case "TENTATIVE": $estado[0] = 'T'; break; } } else { $mails = $mail; } } } $email = trim($email,','); if ($nome != $proprietario && strlen($proprietario > 5)){ if (is_array($part)) { foreach($part AS $k => $v) { if (isset($alarme_descarta) && $part[$k] == $nome) { $laststack = "X-MOZ-LASTACK-PART-$nome"; $qryusr = new AwlQuery("select * from phpgw_cal_extra where cal_id =:cal_id AND cal_extra_name=:cal_extra AND cal_extra_value=:cal_extra_value ",array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':cal_extra' => $laststack,':cal_extra_value' => $alarme_descarta)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); if ($qryusr->rows() == 0) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal_id,:cal_extra,:cal_extra_value)",array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':cal_extra' => $laststack,':cal_extra_value' => $alarme_descarta)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } $qryuppart = new AwlQuery("DELETE from phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':part' => $part[$k])); if (!$qryuppart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $qryslt = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':part' => $part[$k])); $result=$qryslt->Exec("PUT"); if ($result->rows() < 1){ $consulta = "INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id,:part,:estado,'u')"; $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta,array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':part' => $part[$k], ':estado' => $estado[$k])); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } else{ $consulta = "UPDATE phpgw_cal_user SET ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id,:part,:estado,'u') WHERE cal_id = $CALID AND cal_login = :par"; $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta,array(':cal_id' => $CALID, ':part' => $part[$k], ':estado' => $estado[$k],':par' => $part[$k] )); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } } } else{ $hostbanco = "-@{$iporigem}"; if ($put_action_type == 'INSERT') { $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal ( cal_id, uid, owner, category, datetime, mdatetime, edatetime, priority,cal_type,is_public, title, location, description, reference ) VALUES ( DEFAULT,:hostbanco, :nome, :category_id, :DT_START, :MOD, :DT_END, :prioridade, :tipo, :public, :titulo, :cidade, :descricao,0)",array( ':hostbanco' => $hostbanco, ':nome' => $nome, ':category_id' => $category_id, ':DT_START' => $DT_START, ':MOD' => $MOD, ':DT_END' => $DT_END, ':prioridade' => $prioridade, ':tipo' => $tipo, ':public' => $public, ':titulo' => $titulo, ':cidade' => $cidade, ':descricao' => $descricao)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $qryid = new AwlQuery("SELECT max(cal_id) FROM phpgw_cal WHERE owner = :nome", array(':nome' => $nome)); $qryid->Exec("PUT"); $cal = $qryid->Fetch(); if ($DT_START != $alarme) { $id = "cal:{$cal->max}:0"; $next = $alarme; $time = "i:{$alarme}"; $method = "calendar.bocalendar.send_alarm"; $data = "a:5:{s:4:\"time\";{$time};s:6:\"offset\";i:{$reducao};s:5:\"owner\";i:{$nome};s:7:\"enabled\";i:1;s:6:\"cal_id\";s:5:\"{$cal->max}\";}"; $account_id = $nome; $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_async ( id, next, times, method, data, account_id) VALUES ( :id, :next, :time, :method, :data, :account_id)", array(':id' => $id,':next' => $next, ':time' => $time,':method' => $method, ':data' => $data, ':account_id' => $account_id)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); if (isset($alarme_descarta)) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal,'X-MOZ-LASTACK',:alarme)", array(':cal' => $cal->max, ':alarme' => $alarme_descarta)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } if ($tipo == 'M') { $total = preg_split("[;]", $RECUR, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $numero = count($total); $recur_enddate = 0; $recur_data = 0; $intervalo = 1; foreach($total as $valor) { list($ARG, $val) = split('[=]', $valor); switch ($ARG) { case "FREQ": switch ($val) { case "DAILY": $tipo = 1; break; case "WEEKLY": $tipo = 2; break; case "MONTHLY": $tipo = 3; break; case "YEARLY": $tipo = 5; break; } break; case "UNTIL": $dateTime_until = date_create($val); $recur_enddate = $dateTime_until->format("U"); break; case "COUNT": switch ($tipo) { case 1: $dias = $intervalo * ($val - 1) * 86400; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 2: $dias = $intervalo * ($val - 1) * 86400 * 7; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 3: $dias = $intervalo * ($val - 1) * 86400 * 31; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 5: $dias = $intervalo * ($val - 1) * 86400 * 365; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; } break; case "INTERVAL": $intervalo = $val; break; case "BYDAY": //$semana = preg_split("[,]", $val, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); dbg_error_log("PUT", "diaVAL : '%s' ", $val); $semana = explode(",",$val); if (count($semana , 1) == 1){ array_push($semana , strtoupper(substr(date("D",$DT_START) ,0,2))); } $recur_data = 0; foreach($semana as $dia) { switch ($dia) { case "SU": $recur_data = $recur_data + 1; break; case "MO": $recur_data = $recur_data + 2; break; case "TU": $recur_data = $recur_data + 4; break; case "WE": $recur_data = $recur_data + 8; break; case "TH": $recur_data = $recur_data + 16; break; case "FR": $recur_data = $recur_data + 32; break; case "SA": $recur_data = $recur_data + 64; break; } } break; default: continue; } if ($recur_data == 62) $tipo = 2; } $qryrepet = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_repeats ( cal_id,recur_type, recur_use_end, recur_enddate, recur_interval,recur_data, recur_exception ) VALUES ( :cal,:tipo,0,:recur,:intervalo,:data,:exec)", array( ':cal' => $cal->max,':tipo' => $tipo, ':recur' => $recur_enddate, ':intervalo' => $intervalo, ':data' => $recur_data, ':exec' => $EXEC)); if (!$qryrepet->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } $qryusr = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal,:nome,'A','u')", array(':cal' => $cal->max, ':nome' => $nome)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); if (is_array($part)) { foreach($part AS $k => $v) { $qrypart = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal,:part,'U','u')", array(':cal' => $cal->max, ':part' => $part[$k])); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } if (isset($mails)) { $qrypart_ex = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal SET ex_participants=:expart WHERE owner=:nome AND cal_id=:cal", array(':expart' => $mails, ':nome' => $nome, ':cal' => $cal->max)); if (!$qrypart_ex->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } if ( $first->GetPValue('X-MOZ-SEND-INVITATIONS') == 'TRUE' ){ $qrypart = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal,'X-MOZ-SEND-INVITATIONS','true')", array(':cal' => $cal->max)); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } elseif ($put_action_type == 'UPDATE') { if ( $recur_id != null) { $reference = substr( $UID ,0, strpos( $UID ,'@')); $tipo = "E"; $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal ( cal_id, uid, owner, category, datetime, mdatetime, edatetime, priority, cal_type , is_public , title, location, description, reference ) VALUES ( DEFAULT,:hostbanco,:nome,:category_id,:DTSTART,:MOD,:DTEND,:prioridade,:tipo,:public,:titulo,:cidade,:descricao,:ref)",array(':hostbanco' => $hostbanco, ':nome' => $nome,':category_id' => $category_id,':DTSTART' => $DT_START, ':MOD' => $MOD, ':DTEND' => $DT_END, ':prioridade' => $prioridade, ':tipo' => $tipo, ':public' => $public, ':titulo' => $titulo, ':cidade' => $cidade, ':descricao' => $descricao,':ref' => $reference)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $qryid = new AwlQuery("SELECT max(cal_id) FROM phpgw_cal WHERE owner = :nome", array(':nome' => $nome)); $qryid->Exec("PUT"); $call = $qryid->Fetch(); $CALID = $call->max; $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal,:nome,'A','u');",array(':cal' => $call->max,':nome' => $nome)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $id_cal = "cal:$reference:0"; $qryid = new Awlquery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_async WHERE id = :id_cal", array(':id_cal' => $id_cal)); dbg_error_log("PUT", "argumento : '%s' igual '%s' ", $DT_START, $alarme); if ( $qryid->Exec("PUT",__LINE__,__FILE__) && $qryid->rows() > 0 && $DT_START != $alarme) { $alarmew = $qryid->Fetch(); $data_seg = dataTParaSegundos($recur_id["DTSTART"]); $tempo_ant = $data_seg - $reducao; $id_cal_novo = "cal:$call->max:0"; $timess = "i:$tempo_ant"; $dados_alarme= "a:5:{s:4:\"time\";i:$tempo_ant;s:6:\"offset\";i:$reducao;s:5:\"owner\";i:$nome;s:7:\"enabled\";i:1;s:6:\"cal_id\";s:5:\"$call->max\";}"; $qrysy = new PgQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_async ( id, next, times, method, data, account_id) VALUES ( :id,:next,:times,'calendar.bocalendar.send_alarm',:data,:account);", array(':id' => $id_cal_novo,':next' => $tempo_ant,':times' => $timess,':data' => $dados_alarme,':account' => $nome)); if (!$qrysy->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } /* if (is_array($part)) { foreach($part AS $k => $v) { if ($estado[$k] != 'U'){ $qryuppart = new AwlQuery("DELETE from phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k])); if (!$qryuppart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $qryslt = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k])); $ $result=$qryslt->Exec("PUT"); if ($result->rows < 1){ $consulta = "INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id ,:part,:estado,'u')"; $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta, array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k],':estado' => $estado[$k])); $ if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } else{ $consulta = "UPDATE phpgw_cal_user SET ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id ,:part,:estado,'u') WHERE cal_id = $CALID AND cal_login = :par"; $ $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta, array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k],':estado' => $estado[$k],':par' => $part[$k])); $ if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } } } if (isset($mails)) { $qrypart_ex = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal SET ex_participants=:expart WHERE owner=:nome AND cal_id=:cal_id", array(':expart' => $mails,':nome' => $nome,':cal_id' => $call->max)); if (!$qrypart_ex->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } */ } else { //if( isset($alarme_descarta) || isset($adia_alarme)) // { } // else // { $qry = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal SET cal_id=:cal ,uid=:hostbanco ,owner=:nome ,category=:category_id , datetime=:DT_START, mdatetime=:MOD, edatetime=:DT_END, priority=:prioridade, cal_type=:tipo, is_public=:public, title=:titulo , description=:descricao, location=:location, ex_participants=:expart WHERE owner=:nome AND cal_id=:cal_id", array( ':cal' => $CALID ,':hostbanco' => $hostbanco, ':nome' => $nome, ':category_id' => $category_id, ':DT_START' => $DT_START, ':MOD' => $MOD, ':DT_END' => $DT_END, ':prioridade' => $prioridade, ':tipo' => $tipo, ':public' => $public, ':titulo' => $titulo,':descricao' => $descricao,':location' => $cidade,':expart' => $mails,':nome' => $nome,':cal_id' => $CALID )); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); // } if ($DT_START != $alarme) { $id = "cal:$CALID:0"; $next = "$alarme"; $time = "i:$alarme"; $method = "calendar.bocalendar.send_alarm"; $data = "a:5:{s:4:\"time\";$time;s:6:\"offset\";i:$reducao;s:5:\"owner\";i:$nome;s:7:\"enabled\";i:1;s:6:\"cal_id\";s:5:\"$CALID\";}"; $account_id = "$nome"; $qry = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_async set next=:next, times=:time, data=:data, account_id=:account WHERE id=:id", array(':next' => $next,':time' => $time, ':data' => $data, ':account' => $account_id, ':id' => $id)); $qry->Exec("PUT"); $qry = new AwlQuery("select * from phpgw_cal_extra WHERE cal_id=:cal_id", array(':cal_id' => $CALID)); $qry->Exec("PUT"); dbg_error_log("PUT", "argumento : '%s' valor : '%s' ", $alarme_descarta); if ($qry->rows() != 0) { if (isset($alarme_descarta)) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal_extra set cal_extra_value=:alarme WHERE cal_id=:cal_id AND cal_extra_name = 'X-MOZ-LASTACK'",array(':alarme' => $alarme_descarta, ':cal_id' => $CALID)); $qryusr->Exec("PUT"); } if (isset($adia_alarme)) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal_extra set cal_extra_value=:calextravalue WHERE cal_id=:cal AND cal_extra_name =:cal_extra ", array(':calextravalue' => $adia_alarme ,':cal' => $CALID, ':cal_extra' => $snooze)); $qryusr->Exec("PUT"); } } else { if (isset($alarme_descarta)) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal,'X-MOZ-LASTACK',:alarme)", array(':cal' => $CALID,':alarme' => $alarme_descarta)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } if (isset($adia_alarme)) { $qryusr = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal,:snooze,:adia)", array(':cal' => $CALID,':snooze' => $snooze, ':adia' => $adia_alarme)); if (!$qryusr->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } $qry = new AwlQuery("select id from phpgw_async WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $id)); $qry->Exec("PUT"); if ($qry->rows() == 0) { $qry = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_async ( id, next, times, method, data, account_id) VALUES (:id, :next, :time, :method, :data, :account_id)",array(':id' => $id,':next' => $next,':time' => $time,':method' => $method, ':data' => $data, ':account_id' => $account_id)); if (!$qry->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } if ((strlen($alarme_time) == 0) && ($tipo == 'E')) { $id = "cal:$CALID:0"; $qry = new AwlQuery("DELETE FROM phpgw_async WHERE id=:id", array(':id' => $id)); $qry->Exec("PUT"); } if ($tipo == 'M') { $total = preg_split("[;]", $RECUR, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $numero = count($total); $recur_enddate = 0; $recur_data = 0; foreach($total as $valor) { list($ARG, $val) = split('[=]', $valor); dbg_error_log("PUT", "argumento : '%s' valor : '%s' ", $ARG, $val); switch ($ARG) { case "FREQ": switch ($val) { case "DAILY": $tipo = 1; break; case "WEEKLY": $tipo = 2; break; case "MONTHLY": $tipo = 3; break; case "YEARLY": $tipo = 5; break; } break; case "UNTIL": //$recur_enddate = dataTDiaSeguinteSegundos($val ,1); $dateTime_until = date_create($val); $recur_enddate = $dateTime_until->format("U"); break; case "COUNT": switch ($tipo) { case 1: $dias = $intervalo * $val * 86400; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 2: $dias = $intervalo * $val * 86400 * 7; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 3: $dias = $intervalo * $val * 86400 * 31; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; case 5: $dias = $intervalo * $val * 86400 * 365; $recur_enddate = $DT_END + $dias; break; } break; case "INTERVAL": $intervalo = $val; case "BYDAY": $semana = preg_split("[,]", $val, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); if (count($semana , 1) == 1){ dbg_error_log("PUT", "dia1 : '%s' ", count($semana)); array_push($semana , strtoupper(substr(date("D",$DT_START) ,0,2))); } $recur_data=0; foreach($semana as $dia) { dbg_error_log("PUT", "dia 2 : '%s' ", $dia); switch ($dia) { case "SU": $recur_data = $recur_data + 1; break; case "MO": $recur_data = $recur_data + 2; break; case "TU": $recur_data = $recur_data + 4; break; case "WE": $recur_data = $recur_data + 8; break; case "TH": $recur_data = $recur_data + 16; break; case "FR": $recur_data = $recur_data + 32; break; case "SA": $recur_data = $recur_data + 64; break; } } break; default: continue; } if ($recur_data == 62) $tipo = 2; } $qryrepet = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal_repeats set cal_id=:cal,recur_type=:recur , recur_enddate=:data, recur_interval=:intervalo, recur_data=:recurdata , recur_exception=:exception where cal_id = :cal_id", array(':cal' => $CALID,':recur' => $tipo, ':data' => $recur_enddate, ':intervalo' => $intervalo,':recurdata' => $recur_data, ':exception' => $EXEC, ':cal_id' => $CALID)); if (!$qryrepet->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } //$qryuppart = new PgQuery("DELETE from phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = ? AND cal_status = 'U' AND cal_login = ?",$CALID,$nome); //if (!$qryuppart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); if (is_array($part)) { foreach($part AS $k => $v) { if ($estado[$k] != 'R'){ $qryuppart = new AwlQuery("DELETE from phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k])); if (!$qryuppart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); $qryslt = new AwlQuery("SELECT * FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_id = :cal_id AND cal_login = :part",array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k])); $result=$qryslt->Exec("PUT"); if ($result->rows < 1){ $consulta = "INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id ,:part,:estado,'u')"; $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta, array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k],':estado' => $estado[$k])); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } else{ $consulta = "UPDATE phpgw_cal_user SET ( cal_id, cal_login, cal_status, cal_type) VALUES ( :cal_id ,:part,:estado,'u') WHERE cal_id = $CALID AND cal_login = :par"; $qrypart = new AwlQuery($consulta, array(':cal_id' => $CALID,':part' => $part[$k],':estado' => $estado[$k],':par' => $part[$k])); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } } } if (isset($mails)) { $qrypart_ex = new AwlQuery("UPDATE phpgw_cal SET ex_participants=:expart WHERE owner=:nome AND cal_id=:cal_id", array(':expart' => $mails,':nome' => $nome,':cal_id' => $CALID)); if (!$qrypart_ex->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } if ( $first->GetPValue('X-MOZ-SEND-INVITATIONS') == 'TRUE' ){ $qrypart = new AwlQuery("INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra ( cal_id, cal_extra_name, cal_extra_value) VALUES ( :cal,'X-MOZ-SEND-INVITATIONS','true')", array(':cal' => $CALID)); if (!$qrypart->Exec("PUT")) rollback_on_error($caldav_context, $user_no, $path); } } } } return true; } function write_resource_old( $user_no, $path, $caldav_data, $collection_id, $author, $etag, $ic, $put_action_type, $caldav_context, $log_action=true, $weak_etag=null ) { global $tz_regex; $resources = $ic->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE',false); // Not matching VTIMEZONE if ( !isset($resources[0]) ) { $resource_type = 'Unknown'; /** @TODO: Handle writing non-calendar resources, like address book entries or random file data */ rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path, translate('No calendar content'), 412 ); return false; } else { $first = $resources[0]; $resource_type = $first->GetType(); } dbg_log_array('PUT','VTIMEZONE',$first,true); $qry = new AwlQuery(); $qry->Begin(); $params = array( ':dav_name' => $path, ':user_no' => $user_no, ':etag' => $etag, ':dav_data' => $caldav_data, ':caldav_type' => $resource_type, ':session_user' => $author, ':weak_etag' => $weak_etag ); if ( $put_action_type == 'INSERT' ) { create_scheduling_requests($vcal); $sql = 'INSERT INTO caldav_data ( user_no, dav_name, dav_etag, caldav_data, caldav_type, logged_user, created, modified, collection_id, weak_etag ) VALUES( :user_no, :dav_name, :etag, :dav_data, :caldav_type, :session_user, current_timestamp, current_timestamp, :collection_id, :weak_etag )'; $params[':collection_id'] = $collection_id; } else { update_scheduling_requests($vcal); $sql = 'UPDATE caldav_data SET caldav_data=:dav_data, dav_etag=:etag, caldav_type=:caldav_type, logged_user=:session_user, modified=current_timestamp, weak_etag=:weak_etag WHERE user_no=:user_no AND dav_name=:dav_name'; } if ( !$qry->QDo($sql,$params) ) { rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path); return false; } $qry->QDo('SELECT dav_id FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_name = :dav_name ', array(':dav_name' => $path)); if ( $qry->rows() == 1 && $row = $qry->Fetch() ) { $dav_id = $row->dav_id; } $calitem_params = array( ':dav_name' => $path, ':user_no' => $user_no, ':etag' => $etag ); $dtstart = $first->GetPValue('DTSTART'); $calitem_params[':dtstart'] = $dtstart; if ( (!isset($dtstart) || $dtstart == '') && $first->GetPValue('DUE') != '' ) { $dtstart = $first->GetPValue('DUE'); } $dtend = $first->GetPValue('DTEND'); if ( isset($dtend) && $dtend != '' ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' DTEND: "%s", DTSTART: "%s", DURATION: "%s"', $dtend, $dtstart, $first->GetPValue('DURATION') ); $calitem_params[':dtend'] = $dtend; $dtend = ':dtend'; } else { $dtend = 'NULL'; if ( $first->GetPValue('DURATION') != '' AND $dtstart != '' ) { $duration = preg_replace( '#[PT]#', ' ', $first->GetPValue('DURATION') ); $dtend = '(:dtstart::timestamp with time zone + :duration::interval)'; $calitem_params[':duration'] = $duration; } elseif ( $first->GetType() == 'VEVENT' ) { /** * From RFC2445 4.6.1: * For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies a "DTSTART" * property with a DATE data type but no "DTEND" property, the events * non-inclusive end is the end of the calendar date specified by the * "DTSTART" property. For cases where a "VEVENT" calendar component specifies * a "DTSTART" property with a DATE-TIME data type but no "DTEND" property, * the event ends on the same calendar date and time of day specified by the * "DTSTART" property. * * So we're looking for 'VALUE=DATE', to identify the duration, effectively. * */ $value_type = $first->GetPParamValue('DTSTART','VALUE'); dbg_error_log('PUT','DTSTART without DTEND. DTSTART value type is %s', $value_type ); if ( isset($value_type) && $value_type == 'DATE' ) $dtend = '(:dtstart::timestamp with time zone::date + \'1 day\'::interval)'; else $dtend = ':dtstart'; } } $last_modified = $first->GetPValue('LAST-MODIFIED'); if ( !isset($last_modified) || $last_modified == '' ) { $last_modified = gmdate( 'Ymd\THis\Z' ); } $calitem_params[':modified'] = $last_modified; $dtstamp = $first->GetPValue('DTSTAMP'); if ( !isset($dtstamp) || $dtstamp == '' ) { $dtstamp = $last_modified; } $calitem_params[':dtstamp'] = $dtstamp; $class = $first->GetPValue('CLASS'); /* Check and see if we should over ride the class. */ /** @TODO: is there some way we can move this out of this function? Or at least get rid of the need for the SQL query here. */ if ( public_events_only($user_no, $path) ) { $class = 'PUBLIC'; } /* * It seems that some calendar clients don't set a class... * RFC2445, * Default is PUBLIC */ if ( !isset($class) || $class == '' ) { $class = 'PUBLIC'; } $calitem_params[':class'] = $class; /** Calculate what timezone to set, first, if possible */ $last_tz_locn = 'Turkmenikikamukau'; // I really hope this location doesn't exist! $tzid = $first->GetPParamValue('DTSTART','TZID'); if ( !isset($tzid) || $tzid == '' ) $tzid = $first->GetPParamValue('DUE','TZID'); $timezones = $ic->GetComponents('VTIMEZONE'); foreach( $timezones AS $k => $tz ) { if ( $tz->GetPValue('TZID') != $tzid ) { /** * We'll pretend they didn't forget to give us a TZID and that they * really hope the server is running in the timezone they supplied... but be noisy about it. */ dbg_error_log( 'ERROR', ' Event includes TZID[%s] but uses TZID[%s]!', $tz->GetPValue('TZID'), $tzid ); $tzid = $tz->GetPValue('TZID'); } // This is the one $tz_locn = $tz->GetPValue('X-LIC-LOCATION'); if ( ! isset($tz_locn) ) { if ( preg_match( '#([^/]+/[^/]+)$#', $tzid, $matches ) ) $tz_locn = $matches[1]; else if ( isset($tzid) && $tzid != '' ) { dbg_error_log( 'ERROR', ' Couldn\'t guess Olsen TZ from TZID[%s]. This may end in tears...', $tzid ); } } else { if ( ! preg_match( $tz_regex, $tz_locn ) ) { if ( preg_match( '#([^/]+/[^/]+)$#', $tzid, $matches ) ) $tz_locn = $matches[1]; } } dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' Using TZID[%s] and location of [%s]', $tzid, (isset($tz_locn) ? $tz_locn : '') ); if ( isset($tz_locn) && ($tz_locn != $last_tz_locn) && preg_match( $tz_regex, $tz_locn ) ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', ' Setting timezone to %s', $tz_locn ); if ( $tz_locn != '' ) { $qry->QDo('SET TIMEZONE TO \''.$tz_locn."'" ); } $last_tz_locn = $tz_locn; } $params = array( ':tzid' => $tzid); $qry = new AwlQuery('SELECT tz_locn FROM time_zone WHERE tz_id = :tzid', $params ); if ( $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 0 ) { $params[':tzlocn'] = $tz_locn; $params[':tzspec'] = (isset($tz) ? $tz->Render() : null ); $qry->QDo('INSERT INTO time_zone (tz_id, tz_locn, tz_spec) VALUES(:tzid,:tzlocn,:tzspec)', $params ); } if ( !isset($tz_locn) || $tz_locn == '' ) $tz_locn = $tzid; } $created = $first->GetPValue('CREATED'); if ( $created == '00001231T000000Z' ) $created = '20001231T000000Z'; $calitem_params[':created'] = $created; $calitem_params[':tzid'] = $tzid; $calitem_params[':uid'] = $first->GetPValue('UID'); $calitem_params[':summary'] = $first->GetPValue('SUMMARY'); $calitem_params[':location'] = $first->GetPValue('LOCATION'); $calitem_params[':transp'] = $first->GetPValue('TRANSP'); $calitem_params[':description'] = $first->GetPValue('DESCRIPTION'); $calitem_params[':rrule'] = $first->GetPValue('RRULE'); $calitem_params[':url'] = $first->GetPValue('URL'); $calitem_params[':priority'] = $first->GetPValue('PRIORITY'); $calitem_params[':due'] = $first->GetPValue('DUE'); $calitem_params[':percent_complete'] = $first->GetPValue('PERCENT-COMPLETE'); $calitem_params[':status'] = $first->GetPValue('STATUS'); if ( $put_action_type == 'INSERT' ) { $sql = <<GetPValue('UID'), $user_no, $collection_id, $path ); } else if ( $log_action ) { dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'No log_caldav_action( %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) can be called.', $put_action_type, $first->GetPValue('UID'), $user_no, $collection_id, $path ); } $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, $calitem_params ); if ( !$qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) ) { rollback_on_error( $caldav_context, $user_no, $path); return false; } $qry->QDo("SELECT write_sync_change( $collection_id, $sync_change, :dav_name)", array(':dav_name' => $path ) ); $qry->Commit(); dbg_error_log( 'PUT', 'User: %d, ETag: %s, Path: %s', $author, $etag, $path); return true; // Success! } /** * A slightly simpler version of write_resource which will make more sense for calling from * an external program. This makes assumptions that the collection and user do exist * and bypasses all checks for whether it is reasonable to write this here. * @param string $path The path to the resource being written * @param string $caldav_data The actual resource to be written * @param string $put_action_type INSERT or UPDATE depending on what we are to do * @return boolean True for success, false for failure. */ function simple_write_resource( $path, $caldav_data, $put_action_type, $write_action_log = false ) { $etag = md5($caldav_data); $ic = new iCalComponent( $caldav_data ); /** * We pull the user_no & collection_id out of the collection table, based on the resource path */ $collection_path = preg_replace( '#/[^/]*$#', '/', $path ); $qry = new AwlQuery( 'SELECT user_no, collection_id FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dav_name ', array( ':dav_name' => $collection_path ) ); if ( $qry->Exec('PUT',__LINE__,__FILE__) && $qry->rows() == 1 ) { $collection = $qry->Fetch(); $user_no = $collection->user_no; return write_resource( $user_no, $path, $caldav_data, $collection->collection_id, $user_no, $etag, $ic, $put_action_type, false, $write_action_log ); } return false; } function dataTParaSegundos($datatz){ $HorarioTimeZone = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); $HorarioTime = new DateTime("now", $HorarioTimeZone); return mktime( substr("$datatz", 9,2),//hora substr("$datatz", 11,2),//min substr("$datatz", 13,2),//segundos substr("$datatz", 4,2),//mes substr("$datatz", 6,2),//dia substr("$datatz", 0,4));//ano } function dataTzParaSegundos($datatz){ $HorarioTimeZone = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); $HorarioTime = new DateTime("now", $HorarioTimeZone); return mktime( substr("$datatz", 9,2),//hora substr("$datatz", 11,2),//min substr("$datatz", 13,2),//segundos substr("$datatz", 4,2),//mes substr("$datatz", 6,2),//dia substr("$datatz", 0,4)) + $HorarioTimeZone->getoffset($HorarioTime);//ano } function dataSegundosParaTZ($dataseg){ $HorarioTimeZone = new DateTimeZone(date_default_timezone_get()); $HorarioTime = new DateTime("now", $HorarioTimeZone); $teste = getdate($dataseg - $HorarioTimeZone->getoffset($HorarioTime)); return date("Ymd\THis\Z",$teste[0]); } function dataTDiaSeguinteSegundos($datatz , $data_inicio){ if ((int)substr("$data_inicio", 9,2) < 5){ $ajuste_dia=86400; } elseif((int)substr("$data_inicio", 9,2) > 16){ $ajuste_dia=-86400; } $teste = (int)mktime(0,0,0, substr("$datatz", 4,2),//mes substr("$datatz", 6,2), substr("$datatz", 0,4)) + $ajuste_dia;//ano return $teste; }