* @copyright Morphoss Ltd * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 */ dbg_error_log("MOVE", "method handler"); require_once('DAVResource.php'); $request->NeedPrivilege('DAV::unbind'); if ( ! ini_get('open_basedir') && (isset($c->dbg['ALL']) || (isset($c->dbg['move']) && $c->dbg['move'])) ) { $fh = fopen('/tmp/MOVE.txt','w'); if ( $fh ) { fwrite($fh,$request->raw_post); fclose($fh); } } $lock_opener = $request->FailIfLocked(); $dest = new DAVResource($request->destination); if ( $dest->dav_name() == '/' || $dest->IsPrincipal() ) { $dest->NeedPrivilege('DAV::bind'); } if ( ! $dest->ContainerExists() ) { $request->DoResponse( 409, translate('Destination collection does not exist') ); } if ( ! $request->overwrite && $dest->Exists() ) { $request->DoResponse( 412, translate('Not overwriting existing destination resource') ); } if ( isset($request->etag_none_match) && $request->etag_none_match != '*' ) { $request->DoResponse( 412 ); /** request to move, but only if there is no source? WTF! */ } $src = new DAVResource($request->path); if ( ! $src->Exists() ) { $request->DoResponse( 412, translate('Source resource does not exist.') ); } if ( $src->IsCollection() ) { switch( $dest->ContainerType() ) { case 'calendar': case 'addressbook': case 'schedule-inbox': case 'schedule-outbox': $request->DoResponse( 412, translate('Special collections may not contain a calendar or other special collection.') ); }; } else { if ( (isset($request->etag_if_match) && $request->etag_if_match != '' ) || ( isset($request->etag_none_match) && $request->etag_none_match != '') ) { /** * RFC2068, 14.25: * If none of the entity tags match, or if "*" is given and no current * entity exists, the server MUST NOT perform the requested method, and * MUST return a 412 (Precondition Failed) response. * * RFC2068, 14.26: * If any of the entity tags match the entity tag of the entity that * would have been returned in the response to a similar GET request * (without the If-None-Match header) on that resource, or if "*" is * given and any current entity exists for that resource, then the * server MUST NOT perform the requested method. */ $error = ''; if ( isset($request->etag_if_match) && $request->etag_if_match != $src->unique_tag() ) { $error = translate( 'Existing resource does not match "If-Match" header - not accepted.'); } else if ( isset($request->etag_none_match) && $request->etag_none_match != '' && $request->etag_none_match == $src->unique_tag() ) { $error = translate( 'Existing resource matches "If-None-Match" header - not accepted.'); } if ( $error != '' ) $request->DoResponse( 412, $error ); } } $src->NeedPrivilege('DAV::unbind'); $dest->NeedPrivilege('DAV::write-content'); if ( ! $dest->Exists() ) $dest->NeedPrivilege('DAV::bind'); function rollback( $response_code = 412 ) { global $request; $qry = new AwlQuery('ROLLBACK'); $qry->Exec('move'); // Just in case $request->DoResponse( $response_code ); // And we don't return from that. } $qry = new AwlQuery('BEGIN'); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); $src_name = $src->dav_name(); $dst_name = $dest->dav_name(); $src_collection = $src->GetProperty('collection_id'); $dst_collection = $dest->GetProperty('collection_id'); $src_user_no = $src->GetProperty('user_no'); $dst_user_no = $dest->GetProperty('user_no'); if ( $src->IsCollection() ) { if ( $dest->Exists() ) { $qry = new AwlQuery( 'DELETE FROM collection WHERE dav_name = :dst_name', array( ':dst_name' => $dst_name ) ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); } /** @TODO: Need to confirm this will work correctly if we move this into another user's hierarchy. */ $sql = 'UPDATE collection SET dav_name = :dst_name '; $params = array(':dst_name' => $dst_name); if ( $src_user_no != $dst_user_no ) { $sql .= ', user_no = :dst_user_no '; $params[':dst_user_no'] = $dst_user_no; } $sql .= 'WHERE collection_id = :src_collection'; $params[':src_collection'] = $src_collection; $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, $params ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); } else { if ( $dest->Exists() ) { $qry = new AwlQuery( 'DELETE FROM caldav_data WHERE dav_name = :dst_name', array( ':dst_name' => $dst_name) ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); } $sql = 'UPDATE caldav_data SET dav_name = :dst_name'; $params = array( ':dst_name' => $dst_name ); if ( $src_user_no != $dst_user_no ) { $sql .= ', user_no = :dst_user_no'; $params[':dst_user_no'] = $dst_user_no; } if ( $src_collection != $dst_collection ) { $sql .= ', collection_id = :dst_collection'; $params[':dst_collection'] = $dst_collection; } $sql .=' WHERE dav_name = :src_name'; $params[':src_name'] = $src_name; $qry = new AwlQuery( $sql, $params ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); $qry = new AwlQuery( 'SELECT write_sync_change( :src_collection, 404, :src_name );', array( ':src_name' => $src_name, ':src_collection' => $src_collection ) ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); if ( function_exists('log_caldav_action') ) { log_caldav_action( 'DELETE', $src->GetProperty('uid'), $src_user_no, $src_collection, $src_name ); } $qry = new AwlQuery( 'SELECT write_sync_change( :dst_collection, :sync_type, :dst_name );', array( ':dst_name' => $dst_name, ':dst_collection' => $dst_collection, ':sync_type' => ( $dest->Exists() ? 200 : 201 ) ) ); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); if ( function_exists('log_caldav_action') ) { log_caldav_action( ( $dest->Exists() ? 'UPDATE' : 'INSERT' ), $src->GetProperty('uid'), $dst_user_no, $dst_collection, $dst_name ); } } $qry = new AwlQuery('COMMIT'); if ( !$qry->Exec('move') ) rollback(500); $request->DoResponse( 200 );