* @copyright Morphoss Ltd * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later */ if ( !class_exists('DateTime') ) return; $rrule_expand_limit = array( 'YEARLY' => array( 'bymonth' => 'expand', 'byweekno' => 'expand', 'byyearday' => 'expand', 'bymonthday' => 'expand', 'byday' => 'expand', 'byhour' => 'expand', 'byminute' => 'expand', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'MONTHLY' => array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'bymonthday' => 'expand', 'byday' => 'expand', 'byhour' => 'expand', 'byminute' => 'expand', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'WEEKLY' => array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'byday' => 'expand', 'byhour' => 'expand', 'byminute' => 'expand', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'DAILY' => array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'bymonthday' => 'limit', 'byday' => 'limit', 'byhour' => 'expand', 'byminute' => 'expand', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'HOURLY' => array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'bymonthday' => 'limit', 'byday' => 'limit', 'byhour' => 'limit', 'byminute' => 'expand', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'MINUTELY'=> array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'bymonthday' => 'limit', 'byday' => 'limit', 'byhour' => 'limit', 'byminute' => 'limit', 'bysecond' => 'expand' ), 'SECONDLY'=> array( 'bymonth' => 'limit', 'bymonthday' => 'limit', 'byday' => 'limit', 'byhour' => 'limit', 'byminute' => 'limit', 'bysecond' => 'limit' ), ); $rrule_day_numbers = array( 'SU' => 0, 'MO' => 1, 'TU' => 2, 'WE' => 3, 'TH' => 4, 'FR' => 5, 'SA' => 6 ); $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] = false; // $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] = true; /** * Wrap the DateTimeZone class to allow parsing some iCalendar TZID strangenesses */ class RepeatRuleTimeZone extends DateTimeZone { private $tz_defined; public function __construct($dtz = null) { $this->tz_defined = false; if ( !isset($dtz) ) return; $dtz = olson_from_tzstring($dtz); try { parent::__construct($dtz); $this->tz_defined = $dtz; } catch (Exception $e) { $original = $dtz; if ( !isset($dtz) ) { dbg_error_log( 'ERROR', 'Could not parse timezone "%s" - will use floating time', $original ); $dtz = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $this->tz_defined = false; } } } function tzid() { if ( $this->tz_defined === false ) return false; $tzid = $this->getName(); if ( $tzid != 'UTC' ) return $tzid; return $this->tz_defined; } } /** * Wrap the DateTime class to make it friendlier to passing in random strings from iCalendar * objects, and especially the random stuff used to identify timezones. We also add some * utility methods and stuff too, in order to simplify some of the operations we need to do * with dates. */ class RepeatRuleDateTime extends DateTime { // public static $Format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; public static $Format = 'c'; private $tzid; private $is_date; public function __construct($date = null, $dtz = null) { $this->is_date = false; if ( !isset($date) ) return; if ( preg_match('{;?VALUE=DATE[:;]}', $date, $matches) ) $this->is_date = true; elseif ( preg_match('{:([12]\d{3}) (0[1-9]|1[012]) (0[1-9]|[12]\d|3[01]Z?) $}x', $date, $matches) ) $this->is_date = true; if (preg_match('/;?TZID=([^:]+).*:(\d{8}(T\d{6})?)(Z)?/', $date, $matches) ) { if ( isset($matches[4]) && $matches[4] == 'Z' ) { $dtz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone('UTC'); $this->tzid = 'UTC'; } else if ( isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] != '' ) { $dtz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone($matches[1]); $this->tzid = $dtz->tzid(); } else { $dtz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone('UTC'); $this->tzid = null; } } elseif( $dtz === null || $dtz == '' ) { $dtz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone('UTC'); if ( preg_match('/(\d{8}(T\d{6})?)Z/', $date, $matches) ) { if ( strlen($matches[1]) == 8 ) $this->is_date = true; $this->tzid = 'UTC'; } else { $this->tzid = null; } } elseif ( is_string($dtz) ) { $dtz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone($dtz); $this->tzid = $dtz->tzid(); } else { $this->tzid = $dtz->getName(); } parent::__construct($date, $dtz); return $this; } public function __toString() { return (string)parent::format(self::$Format) . ' ' . parent::getTimeZone()->getName(); } public function AsDate() { return $this->format('Ymd'); } public function modify( $interval ) { if ( preg_match('{^(-)?P((\d+)W)?((\d+)D)?T?((\d+)H)?((\d+)M)?((\d+)S)?$}', $interval, $matches) ) { $minus = $matches[1]; $interval = ''; if ( isset($matches[2]) && $matches[2] != '' ) $interval .= $minus . $matches[3] . ' weeks '; if ( isset($matches[4]) && $matches[4] != '' ) $interval .= $minus . $matches[5] . ' days '; if ( isset($matches[6]) && $matches[6] != '' ) $interval .= $minus . $matches[7] . ' hours '; if ( isset($matches[8]) && $matches[8] != '' ) $interval .= $minus . $matches[9] . ' minutes '; if (isset($matches[10]) &&$matches[10] != '' ) $interval .= $minus . $matches[11] . ' seconds '; } // printf( "Modify '%s' by: >>%s<<\n", $this->__toString(), $interval ); // print_r($this); if ( !isset($interval) || $interval == '' ) $interval = '1 day'; parent::modify($interval); return $this->__toString(); } public function UTC() { $gmt = clone($this); if ( isset($this->tzid) && $this->tzid != 'UTC' ) { $dtz = parent::getTimezone(); $offset = 0 - $dtz->getOffset($gmt); $gmt->modify( $offset . ' seconds' ); } if ( $this->is_date ) return $gmt->format('Ymd'); return $gmt->format('Ymd\THis\Z'); } public function RFC5545() { $result = ''; if ( isset($this->tzid) && $this->tzid != 'UTC' ) { $result = ';TZID='.$this->tzid; } if ( $this->is_date ) { $result .= ';VALUE=DATE:' . $this->format('Ymd'); } else { $result .= ':' . $this->format('Ymd\THis'); if ( isset($this->tzid) && $this->tzid == 'UTC' ) { $result .= 'Z'; } } return $result; } public function RFC5545Duration( $end_stamp ) { return sprintf( 'PT%dM', intval(($end_stamp->epoch() - $this->epoch()) / 60) ); } public function setTimeZone( $tz ) { if ( is_string($tz) ) { $tz = new RepeatRuleTimeZone($tz); $this->tzid = $tz->tzid(); } parent::setTimeZone( $tz ); return $this; } function setDate( $year=null, $month=null, $day=null ) { if ( !isset($year) ) $year = parent::format('Y'); if ( !isset($month) ) $month = parent::format('m'); if ( !isset($day) ) $day = parent::format('d'); parent::setDate( $year , $month , $day ); return $this; } function year() { return parent::format('Y'); } function month() { return parent::format('m'); } function day() { return parent::format('d'); } function hour() { return parent::format('H'); } function minute() { return parent::format('i'); } function second() { return parent::format('s'); } function epoch() { return parent::format('U'); } } class RepeatRule { private $base; private $until; private $freq; private $count; private $interval; private $bysecond; private $byminute; private $byhour; private $bymonthday; private $byyearday; private $byweekno; private $byday; private $bymonth; private $bysetpos; private $wkst; private $instances; private $position; private $finished; private $current_base; public function __construct( $basedate, $rrule ) { $this->base = ( is_object($basedate) ? $basedate : new RepeatRuleDateTime($basedate) ); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) { printf( "Constructing RRULE based on: '%s', rrule: '%s'\n", $basedate, $rrule ); } if ( preg_match('{FREQ=([A-Z]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->freq = $m[1]; if ( preg_match('{UNTIL=([0-9TZ]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->until = new RepeatRuleDateTime($m[1]); if ( preg_match('{COUNT=([0-9]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->count = $m[1]; if ( preg_match('{INTERVAL=([0-9]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->interval = $m[1]; if ( preg_match('{WKST=(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->wkst = $m[1]; if ( preg_match('{BYDAY=(([+-]?[0-9]{0,2}(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU),?)+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->byday = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYYEARDAY=([0-9,+-]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->byyearday = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYWEEKNO=([0-9,+-]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->byweekno = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYMONTHDAY=([0-9,+-]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->bymonthday = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYMONTH=(([+-]?[0-1]?[0-9],?)+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->bymonth = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYSETPOS=(([+-]?[0-9]{1,3},?)+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->bysetpos = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYSECOND=([0-9,]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->bysecond = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYMINUTE=([0-9,]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->byminute = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( preg_match('{BYHOUR=([0-9,]+)(;|$)}', $rrule, $m) ) $this->byhour = explode(',',$m[1]); if ( !isset($this->interval) ) $this->interval = 1; switch( $this->freq ) { case 'SECONDLY': $this->freq_name = 'second'; break; case 'MINUTELY': $this->freq_name = 'minute'; break; case 'HOURLY': $this->freq_name = 'hour'; break; case 'DAILY': $this->freq_name = 'day'; break; case 'WEEKLY': $this->freq_name = 'week'; break; case 'MONTHLY': $this->freq_name = 'month'; break; case 'YEARLY': $this->freq_name = 'year'; break; default: /** need to handle the error, but FREQ is mandatory so unlikely */ } $this->frequency_string = sprintf('+%d %s', $this->interval, $this->freq_name ); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Frequency modify string is: '%s', base is: '%s'\n", $this->frequency_string, $this->base->format('c') ); $this->Start(); } public function set_timezone( $tzstring ) { $this->base->setTimezone(new DateTimeZone($tzstring)); } public function Start() { $this->instances = array(); $this->GetMoreInstances(); $this->rewind(); $this->finished = false; } public function rewind() { $this->position = -1; } public function next() { $this->position++; return $this->current(); } public function current() { if ( !$this->valid() ) return null; if ( !isset($this->instances[$this->position]) ) $this->GetMoreInstances(); if ( !$this->valid() ) return null; if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Returning date from position %d: %s (%s)\n", $this->position, $this->instances[$this->position]->format('c'), $this->instances[$this->position]->UTC() ); return $this->instances[$this->position]; } public function key() { if ( !$this->valid() ) return null; if ( !isset($this->instances[$this->position]) ) $this->GetMoreInstances(); if ( !isset($this->keys[$this->position]) ) { $this->keys[$this->position] = $this->instances[$this->position]; } return $this->keys[$this->position]; } public function valid() { if ( isset($this->instances[$this->position]) || !$this->finished ) return true; return false; } private function GetMoreInstances() { global $rrule_expand_limit; if ( $this->finished ) return; $got_more = false; $loop_limit = 10; $loops = 0; while( !$this->finished && !$got_more && $loops++ < $loop_limit ) { if ( !isset($this->current_base) ) { $this->current_base = clone($this->base); } else { $this->current_base->modify( $this->frequency_string ); } if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Getting more instances from: '%s' - %d\n", $this->current_base->format('c'), count($this->instances) ); $this->current_set = array( clone($this->current_base) ); foreach( $rrule_expand_limit[$this->freq] AS $bytype => $action ) { if ( isset($this->{$bytype}) ) $this->{$action.'_'.$bytype}(); if ( !isset($this->current_set[0]) ) break; } sort($this->current_set); if ( isset($this->bysetpos) ) $this->limit_bysetpos(); $position = count($this->instances) - 1; if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Inserting %d from current_set into position %d\n", count($this->current_set), $position + 1 ); foreach( $this->current_set AS $k => $instance ) { if ( $instance < $this->base ) continue; if ( isset($this->until) && $instance > $this->until ) { $this->finished = true; return; } if ( !isset($this->instances[$position]) || $instance != $this->instances[$position] ) { $got_more = true; $position++; $this->instances[$position] = $instance; if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Added date %s into position %d in current set\n", $instance->format('c'), $position ); if ( isset($this->count) && ($position + 1) >= $this->count ) $this->finished = true; } } } } static public function date_mask( $date, $y, $mo, $d, $h, $mi, $s ) { $date_parts = explode(',',$date->format('Y,m,d,H,i,s')); $tz = $date->getTimezone(); if ( isset($y) || isset($mo) || isset($d) ) { if ( isset($y) ) $date_parts[0] = $y; if ( isset($mo) ) $date_parts[1] = $mo; if ( isset($d) ) $date_parts[2] = $d; $date->setDate( $date_parts[0], $date_parts[1], $date_parts[2] ); } if ( isset($h) || isset($mi) || isset($s) ) { if ( isset($h) ) $date_parts[3] = $h; if ( isset($mi) ) $date_parts[4] = $mi; if ( isset($s) ) $date_parts[5] = $s; $date->setTime( $date_parts[3], $date_parts[4], $date_parts[5] ); } return $date; } private function expand_bymonth() { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->bymonth AS $k => $month ) { $expanded = $this->date_mask( clone($instance), null, $month, null, null, null, null); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYMONTH $month into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); $this->current_set[] = $expanded; } } } private function expand_bymonthday() { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->bymonthday AS $k => $monthday ) { $this->current_set[] = $this->date_mask( clone($instance), null, null, $monthday, null, null, null); } } } private function expand_byday_in_week( $day_in_week ) { global $rrule_day_numbers; /** * @TODO: This should really allow for WKST, since if we start a series * on (eg.) TH and interval > 1, a MO, TU, FR repeat will not be in the * same week with this code. */ $dow_of_instance = $day_in_week->format('w'); // 0 == Sunday foreach( $this->byday AS $k => $weekday ) { $dow = $rrule_day_numbers[$weekday]; $offset = $dow - $dow_of_instance; if ( $offset < 0 ) $offset += 7; $expanded = clone($day_in_week); $expanded->modify( sprintf('+%d day', $offset) ); $this->current_set[] = $expanded; if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYDAY(W) $weekday into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); } } private function expand_byday_in_month( $day_in_month ) { global $rrule_day_numbers; $first_of_month = $this->date_mask( clone($day_in_month), null, null, 1, null, null, null); $dow_of_first = $first_of_month->format('w'); // 0 == Sunday $days_in_month = cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, $first_of_month->format('m'), $first_of_month->format('Y')); foreach( $this->byday AS $k => $weekday ) { if ( preg_match('{([+-])?(\d)?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)}', $weekday, $matches ) ) { $dow = $rrule_day_numbers[$matches[3]]; $first_dom = 1 + $dow - $dow_of_first; if ( $first_dom < 1 ) $first_dom +=7; // e.g. 1st=WE, dow=MO => 1+1-3=-1 => MO is 6th, etc. $whichweek = intval($matches[2]); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanding BYDAY(M) $weekday in month of %s\n", $instance->format('c') ); if ( $whichweek > 0 ) { $whichweek--; $monthday = $first_dom; if ( $matches[1] == '-' ) { $monthday += 35; while( $monthday > $days_in_month ) $monthday -= 7; $monthday -= (7 * $whichweek); } else { $monthday += (7 * $whichweek); } if ( $monthday > 0 && $monthday <= $days_in_month ) { $expanded = $this->date_mask( clone($day_in_month), null, null, $monthday, null, null, null); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYDAY(M) $weekday now $monthday into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); $this->current_set[] = $expanded; } } else { for( $monthday = $first_dom; $monthday <= $days_in_month; $monthday += 7 ) { $expanded = $this->date_mask( clone($day_in_month), null, null, $monthday, null, null, null); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYDAY(M) $weekday now $monthday into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); $this->current_set[] = $expanded; } } } } } private function expand_byday_in_year( $day_in_year ) { global $rrule_day_numbers; $first_of_year = $this->date_mask( clone($day_in_year), null, 1, 1, null, null, null); $dow_of_first = $first_of_year->format('w'); // 0 == Sunday $days_in_year = 337 + cal_days_in_month(CAL_GREGORIAN, 2, $first_of_year->format('Y')); foreach( $this->byday AS $k => $weekday ) { if ( preg_match('{([+-])?(\d)?(MO|TU|WE|TH|FR|SA|SU)}', $weekday, $matches ) ) { $expanded = clone($first_of_year); $dow = $rrule_day_numbers[$matches[3]]; $first_doy = 1 + $dow - $dow_of_first; if ( $first_doy < 1 ) $first_doy +=7; // e.g. 1st=WE, dow=MO => 1+1-3=-1 => MO is 6th, etc. $whichweek = intval($matches[2]); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanding BYDAY(Y) $weekday from date %s\n", $instance->format('c') ); if ( $whichweek > 0 ) { $whichweek--; $yearday = $first_doy; if ( $matches[1] == '-' ) { $yearday += 371; while( $yearday > $days_in_year ) $yearday -= 7; $yearday -= (7 * $whichweek); } else { $yearday += (7 * $whichweek); } if ( $yearday > 0 && $yearday <= $days_in_year ) { $expanded->modify(sprintf('+%d day', $yearday - 1)); if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYDAY(Y) $weekday now $yearday into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); $this->current_set[] = $expanded; } } else { $expanded->modify(sprintf('+%d day', $first_doy - 1)); for( $yearday = $first_doy; $yearday <= $days_in_year; $yearday += 7 ) { if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Expanded BYDAY(Y) $weekday now $yearday into date %s\n", $expanded->format('c') ); $this->current_set[] = clone($expanded); $expanded->modify('+1 week'); } } } } } private function expand_byday() { if ( !isset($this->current_set[0]) ) return; if ( $this->freq == 'MONTHLY' || $this->freq == 'YEARLY' ) { if ( isset($this->bymonthday) || isset($this->byyearday) ) { $this->limit_byday(); /** Per RFC5545 3.3.10 from note 1&2 to table */ return; } } $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { if ( $this->freq == 'MONTHLY' ) { $this->expand_byday_in_month($instance); } else if ( $this->freq == 'WEEKLY' ) { $this->expand_byday_in_week($instance); } else { // YEARLY if ( isset($this->bymonth) ) { $this->expand_byday_in_month($instance); } else if ( isset($this->byweekno) ) { $this->expand_byday_in_week($instance); } else { $this->expand_byday_in_year($instance); } } } } private function expand_byhour() { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->bymonth AS $k => $month ) { $this->current_set[] = $this->date_mask( clone($instance), null, null, null, $hour, null, null); } } } private function expand_byminute() { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->bymonth AS $k => $month ) { $this->current_set[] = $this->date_mask( clone($instance), null, null, null, null, $minute, null); } } } private function expand_bysecond() { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->bymonth AS $k => $second ) { $this->current_set[] = $this->date_mask( clone($instance), null, null, null, null, null, $second); } } } private function limit_generally( $fmt_char, $element_name ) { $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { foreach( $this->{$element_name} AS $k => $element_value ) { if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Limiting '$fmt_char' on '%s' => '%s' ?=? '%s' ? %s\n", $instance->format('c'), $instance->format($fmt_char), $element_value, ($instance->format($fmt_char) == $element_value ? 'Yes' : 'No') ); if ( $instance->format($fmt_char) == $element_value ) $this->current_set[] = $instance; } } } private function limit_byday() { global $rrule_day_numbers; $fmt_char = 'w'; $instances = $this->current_set; $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $this->byday AS $k => $weekday ) { $dow = $rrule_day_numbers[$weekday]; foreach( $instances AS $k => $instance ) { if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Limiting '$fmt_char' on '%s' => '%s' ?=? '%s' (%d) ? %s\n", $instance->format('c'), $instance->format($fmt_char), $weekday, $dow, ($instance->format($fmt_char) == $dow ? 'Yes' : 'No') ); if ( $instance->format($fmt_char) == $dow ) $this->current_set[] = $instance; } } } private function limit_bymonth() { $this->limit_generally( 'm', 'bymonth' ); } private function limit_byyearday() { $this->limit_generally( 'z', 'byyearday' ); } private function limit_bymonthday() { $this->limit_generally( 'd', 'bymonthday' ); } private function limit_byhour() { $this->limit_generally( 'H', 'byhour' ); } private function limit_byminute() { $this->limit_generally( 'i', 'byminute' ); } private function limit_bysecond() { $this->limit_generally( 's', 'bysecond' ); } private function limit_bysetpos( ) { $instances = $this->current_set; $count = count($instances); $this->current_set = array(); foreach( $this->bysetpos AS $k => $element_value ) { if ( $GLOBALS['debug_rrule'] ) printf( "Limiting bysetpos %s of %d instances\n", $element_value, $count ); if ( $element_value > 0 ) { $this->current_set[] = $instances[$element_value - 1]; } else if ( $element_value < 0 ) { $this->current_set[] = $instances[$count + $element_value]; } } } } require_once("vComponent.php"); /** * Expand the event instances for an RDATE or EXDATE property * * @param string $property RDATE or EXDATE, depending... * @param array $component A vComponent which is a VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL * @param array $range_end A date after which we care less about expansion * * @return array An array keyed on the UTC dates, referring to the component */ function rdate_expand( $dtstart, $property, $component, $range_end = null ) { $properties = $component->GetProperties($property); $expansion = array(); foreach( $properties AS $p ) { $timezone = $p->GetParameterValue('TZID'); $rdate = $p->Value(); $rdates = explode( ',', $rdate ); foreach( $rdates AS $k => $v ) { $rdate = new RepeatRuleDateTime( $v, $timezone); $expansion[$rdate->UTC()] = $component; if ( $rdate > $range_end ) break; } } return $expansion; } /** * Expand the event instances for an RRULE property * * @param object $dtstart A RepeatRuleDateTime which is the master dtstart * @param string $property RDATE or EXDATE, depending... * @param array $component A vComponent which is a VEVENT, VTODO or VJOURNAL * @param array $range_end A date after which we care less about expansion * * @return array An array keyed on the UTC dates, referring to the component */ function rrule_expand( $dtstart, $property, $component, $range_end ) { $expansion = array(); $recur = $component->GetProperty($property); if ( !isset($recur) ) return $expansion; $recur = $recur->Value(); $this_start = $component->GetProperty('DTSTART'); if ( isset($this_start) ) { $timezone = $this_start->GetParameterValue('TZID'); $this_start = new RepeatRuleDateTime($this_start->Value(),$timezone); } else { $this_start = clone($dtstart); } // print_r( $this_start ); // printf( "RRULE: %s\n", $recur ); $rule = new RepeatRule( $this_start, $recur ); $i = 0; $result_limit = 1000; while( $date = $rule->next() ) { // printf( "[%3d] %s\n", $i, $date->UTC() ); $expansion[$date->UTC()] = $component; if ( $i++ >= $result_limit || $date > $range_end ) break; } // print_r( $expansion ); return $expansion; } /** * Expand the event instances for an iCalendar VEVENT (or VTODO) * * @param object $vResource A vComponent which is a VCALENDAR containing components needing expansion * @param object $range_start A RepeatRuleDateTime which is the beginning of the range for events, default -6 weeks * @param object $range_end A RepeatRuleDateTime which is the end of the range for events, default +6 weeks * * @return vComponent The original vComponent, with the instances of the internal components expanded. */ function expand_event_instances( $vResource, $range_start = null, $range_end = null ) { $components = $vResource->GetComponents(); if ( !isset($range_start) ) { $range_start = new RepeatRuleDateTime(); $range_start->modify('-6 weeks'); } if ( !isset($range_end) ) { $range_end = clone($range_start); $range_end->modify('+6 months'); } $new_components = array(); $result_limit = 1000; $instances = array(); $expand = false; $dtstart = null; foreach( $components AS $k => $comp ) { if ( $comp->GetType() != 'VEVENT' && $comp->GetType() != 'VTODO' && $comp->GetType() != 'VJOURNAL' ) { $new_components[] = $comp; continue; } if ( !isset($dtstart) ) { $dtstart = $comp->GetProperty('DTSTART'); $tzid = $dtstart->GetParameterValue('TZID'); $dtstart = new RepeatRuleDateTime( $dtstart->Value(), $tzid ); $instances[$dtstart->UTC()] = $comp; } $p = $comp->GetProperty('RECURRENCE-ID'); if ( isset($p) && $p->Value() != '' ) { $range = $p->GetParameterValue('RANGE'); $recur_tzid = $p->GetParameterValue('TZID'); $recur_utc = new RepeatRuleDateTime($p->Value(),$recur_tzid); $recur_utc = $recur_utc->UTC(); if ( isset($range) && $range == 'THISANDFUTURE' ) { foreach( $instances AS $k => $v ) { if ( $k >= $recur_utc ) unset($instances[$k]); } } else { unset($instances[$recur_utc]); } $instances[] = $comp; } $instances = array_merge( $instances, rrule_expand($dtstart, 'RRULE', $comp, $range_end) ); $instances = array_merge( $instances, rdate_expand($dtstart, 'RDATE', $comp, $range_end) ); foreach ( rdate_expand($dtstart, 'EXDATE', $comp, $range_end) AS $k => $v ) { unset($instances[$k]); } } $last_duration = null; $in_range = false; $new_components = array(); $start_utc = $range_start->UTC(); $end_utc = $range_end->UTC(); foreach( $instances AS $utc => $comp ) { if ( $utc > $end_utc ) break; $end_type = ($comp->GetType() == 'VTODO' ? 'DUE' : 'DTEND'); $duration = $comp->GetProperty('DURATION'); if ( !isset($duration) || $duration->Value() == '' ) { $instance_start = $comp->GetProperty('DTSTART'); $dtsrt = new RepeatRuleDateTime( $instance_start->Value(), $instance_start->GetParameterValue('TZID')); $instance_end = $comp->GetProperty($end_type); $dtend = new RepeatRuleDateTime( $instance_end->Value(), $instance_end->GetParameterValue('TZID')); $duration = $dtstart->RFC5545Duration( $dtend ); } else { $duration = $duration->Value(); } if ( $utc < $start_utc ) { if ( isset($last_duration) && $duration == $last_duration) { if ( $utc < $early_start ) continue; } else { $latest_start = clone($range_start); $latest_start->modify('-'.$duration); $early_start = $latest_start->UTC(); $last_duration = $duration; if ( $utc < $early_start ) continue; } } $component = clone($comp); $component->ClearProperties( array('DTSTART'=> true, 'DUE' => true, 'DTEND' => true) ); $component->AddProperty('DTSTART', $utc ); $component->AddProperty('DURATION', $duration ); $new_components[] = $component; $in_range = true; } if ( $in_range ) { $vResource->SetComponents($new_components); } else { $vResource->SetComponents(array()); } return $vResource; }