* @copyright Maxime Delorme * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 */ require_once("./always.php"); require_once("DAViCalSession.php"); $session->LoginRequired(); require_once("DataEntry.php"); require_once("interactive-page.php"); require_once("classBrowser.php"); if ( !$session->AllowedTo("Admin" ) ) exit; if( function_exists("sync_LDAP") && isset($_POST['Sync_LDAP'])){ sync_LDAP(); } if( function_exists("sync_LDAP_groups") && isset($_POST['Sync_LDAP_groups'])){ sync_LDAP_groups(); } if(isset($_POST['import_from_directory'])){ Tools::importFromDirectory(); } class Tools { function render(){ global $c; echo $this->renderImportFromDirectory(); if ( isset($c->authenticate_hook['call']) && $c->authenticate_hook['call'] == 'LDAP_check' && function_exists("sync_LDAP") ) { echo $this->renderSyncLDAP(); } } function renderSyncLDAP(){ $html = '
'; $html .= '

'.translate('Sync LDAP with DAViCal') .'

'; $data = (object) array('directory_path' => '/path/to/your/ics/files','calendar_path' => 'home'); $ef = new EntryForm( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$data , true,true ); $html .= "\n"; $html .= $ef->StartForm( array("autocomplete" => "off" ) ); $html .= sprintf( "\n", translate("This operation does the following: then ")); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= $ef->SubmitButton( "Sync_LDAP", translate('Submit')); $html .= '

'.translate('Sync LDAP Groups with RSCDS') .'

'; $html .= "\n"; $html .= $ef->StartForm( array("autocomplete" => "off" ) ); $html .= sprintf( "\n", translate("This operation does the following: then ")); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= $ef->SubmitButton( "Sync_LDAP_groups", translate('Submit')); $html .= $ef->EndForm(); $html .= "
"; return $html; } function renderImportFromDirectory(){ $html = '
'; $html .= '

'.translate('Import all .ics files of a directory') .'

'; $data = (object) array('directory_path' => '/path/to/your/ics/files','calendar_path' => 'home'); $ef = new EntryForm( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],$data , true,true ); $html .= "\n"; $html .= $ef->StartForm( array("autocomplete" => "off" ) ); $html .= $ef->DataEntryLine( translate("path to store your ics"), "%s", "text", "calendar_path", array( "size" => 20, "title" => translate("Set the path to store your ics e.g. 'home' will be referenced as /caldav.php/me/home/"), "help" => translate("WARNING: all events in this path will be deleted before inserting allof the ics file") ) , '' ); $html .= $ef->DataEntryLine( translate("Directory on the server"), "%s", "text", "directory_path", array( "size" => 20, "title" => translate("The path on the server where your .ics files are."))); $html .= "
\n"; $html .= $ef->SubmitButton( "import_from_directory", translate('Submit')); $html .= $ef->EndForm(); $html .= "
"; return $html; } function importFromDirectory(){ global $c; if(!isset($_POST["calendar_path"])){ dbg_error_log( "importFromDirectory", "calendar path not given"); return ; } $path_ics = $_POST["calendar_path"]; if ( substr($path_ics,-1,1) != '/' ) $path_ics .= '/'; // ensure that we target a collection if ( substr($path_ics,0,1) != '/' ) $path_ics = '/'.$path_ics; // ensure that we target a collection if(!isset($_POST["directory_path"])){ dbg_error_log( "importFromDirectory", "directory path not given"); return ; } $dir = $_POST["directory_path"]; if(!is_readable($dir)){ $c->messages[] = sprintf(i18n('directory %s is not readable'),htmlspecialchars($dir)); dbg_error_log( "importFromDirectory", "directory is not readable"); return ; } if ($handle = opendir($dir)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file == "." || $file == ".." || substr($file,-4) != '.ics') continue; if ( !is_readable($dir.'/'.$file) ) { dbg_error_log( "importFromDirectory", "ics file '%s' is not readable",$dir .'/'.$file); continue; } $ics = file_get_contents($dir.'/'.$file); $ics = trim($ics); if ( $ics != '' ) { include_once('check_UTF8.php'); if ( check_string($ics) ) { $path = "/".substr($file,0,-4).$path_ics; dbg_error_log( "importFromDirectory", "importing to $path"); $c->readonly_webdav_collections = false; // Override this setting so we can create collections/events on import. require_once("caldav-PUT-functions.php"); if ( $user = getUserByName(substr($file,0,-4),'importFromDirectory',__LINE__,__FILE__)) { $user_no = $user->user_no; } if(controlRequestContainer(substr($file,0,-4),$user_no, $path,false) === -1) continue; import_collection($ics,$user_no,$path,1); $c->messages[] = sprintf(translate('all events of user %s were deleted and replaced by those from file %s'),substr($file,0,-4),$dir.'/'.$file); } else { $c->messages[] = sprintf(translate('the file %s is not UTF-8 encoded, please check error for more details'),$dir.'/'.$file); } } } closedir($handle); } } } $Tools = new Tools(); include("page-header.php"); $Tools->render(); include("page-footer.php");