/** * Simple function to send the browser to a given URL */ function Go( url ) { window.location=url; return true; } /** * Make this tag into a Link to a given URL */ function LinkTo( tag, url ) { tag.style.cursor = "pointer"; tag.setAttribute('onClick', "Go('" + url.replace(/&/g,'&') + "')"); tag.setAttribute('onMouseOut', "window.status='';return true;"); window.status = window.location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + url; tag.setAttribute('onMouseover', "window.status = window.location.protocol + '//' + document.domain + '" + url + "';return true;"); tag.setAttribute('href', url); return true; } /** * Make this tag and all of it's contents into a clickable link, using the link target from an * existing link target somewhere within the tag. Setting 'which1' to '1' will make the target * match the 1st href target within the HTML of the tag. * @param objectref tag A reference to the object which will become clickable. * @param int which1 A one-based index to select which internal href attribute will become the target. */ function LinkHref( tag, which1 ) { var urls = tag.innerHTML.match( / href="([^"]*)"/ig ); // alert(show_props(urls,'urls', 1)); try { var url = urls[which1 - 1]; urls = url.match( /="([^"]*)"/ ); } catch (e) { //alert("Here are the URLs found:\nYou appear to need to choose a different index for your LinkHref call (the second parameter). Add 1 to the index below for the correct URL shown and use that.\n\n" + show_props(urls,'urls', 0)); return false; } // alert(show_props(urls,'urls', 1)); url = urls[1]; // alert("Linking to >>>" + url + "<<<"); LinkTo(tag,url); return true; }