LoginRequired(); include("interactive-page.php"); $c->page_title = "DAViCal CalDAV Server - Configuration Help"; include("page-header.php"); $wiki_help = ''; if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ) { $wiki_help = preg_replace('#^.*/#', '', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']); $wiki_help = preg_replace('#\.php.*$#', '', $wiki_help); $wiki_help = 'w/Help/'.$wiki_help; } $content = translate('
For initial help you should visit the DAViCal Home Page or take a look at the DAViCal Wiki.
If you can\'t find the answers there, visit us on IRC in the #davical channel on irc.oftc.net, or send a question to the DAViCal Users mailing list.
'); echo $content; include("page-footer.php");