* @copyright Catalyst .Net Ltd, Morphoss Ltd * @license http://gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU GPL v2 or later */ if ( isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && preg_match( '{^(/favicon.ico|davical.css|(images|js|css)/.+)$}', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $matches ) ) { $filename = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . preg_replace('{(\.\.|\\\\)}', '', $matches[1]); $fh = @fopen($matches[1],'r'); if ( ! $fh ) { @header( sprintf("HTTP/1.1 %d %s", 404, 'Not found') ); } else { fpassthru($fh); } exit(0); } elseif ( isset($_SERVER['PATH_INFO']) && preg_match( '{^/\.well-known/(.+)$}', $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'], $matches ) ) { require ('well-known.php'); exit(0); } require_once('./always.php'); // dbg_error_log( 'caldav', ' User agent: %s', ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : 'Unfortunately Mulberry does not send a "User-agent" header with its requests :-(')) ); // dbg_log_array( 'headers', '_SERVER', $_SERVER, true ); require_once('HTTPAuthSession.php'); $session = new HTTPAuthSession(); function send_dav_header() { global $c; /** * access-control is rfc3744, we do most of it, but no way to say that. * calendar-schedule is another one we do most of, but the spec is not final yet either. */ if ( isset($c->override_dav_header) ) { $dav = $c->override_dav_header; } else { /** hack to get around bugzilla #463392 - remove sometime after 2011-02-28 */ if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match( '{ Gecko/(20[01]\d[01]\d[0123]\d)(\d+)? }', $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], $matches ) && $matches[1] < 20100520 ) { $dav = '1, 2, 3, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule, extended-mkcol, calendar-proxy, bind, addressbook'; } else { // We don't actually do calendar-auto-schedule yet - when we do we should add it on here. $dav = '1, 2, 3, access-control, calendar-access, calendar-schedule, extended-mkcol, calendar-proxy, bind, addressbook'; } } $dav = explode( "\n", wordwrap( $dav ) ); foreach( $dav AS $v ) { header( 'DAV: '.trim($v, ', '), false); } } send_dav_header(); // Avoid polluting global namespace require_once('CalDAVRequest.php'); $request = new CalDAVRequest(); $allowed = implode( ', ', array_keys($request->supported_methods) ); // header( 'Allow: '.$allowed); if ( ! ($request->IsPrincipal() || isset($request->collection) || $request->method == 'PUT' || $request->method == 'MKCALENDAR' || $request->method == 'MKCOL' ) ) { if ( preg_match( '#^/principals/users(/.*/)$#', $request->path, $matches ) ) { // Although this doesn't work with the iPhone, perhaps it will with iCal... /** @TODO: integrate handling this URL into CalDAVRequest.php */ $redirect_url = ConstructURL('/caldav.php'.$matches[1]); dbg_error_log( 'LOG WARNING', 'Redirecting %s for "%s" to "%s"', $request->method, $request->path, $redirect_url ); header('Location: '.$redirect_url ); exit(0); } } dbg_error_log( 'LOG WARNING', 'Redirecting %s for "%s" to "%s"', $request->method, $request->path, $request->IsAddressBook() ); switch ( $request->method ) { case 'OPTIONS': include_once('caldav-OPTIONS.php'); break; case 'REPORT': include_once('caldav-REPORT.php'); break; case 'PROPFIND': include('caldav-PROPFIND.php'); break; case 'GET': if ( $request->IsAddressBook()) { include('caldav-GET-addressbook.php'); break; } else { include('caldav-GET.php'); break; } case 'POST': include('caldav-POST.php'); break; case 'HEAD': include('caldav-GET.php'); break; case 'PROPPATCH': include('caldav-PROPPATCH.php'); break; case 'PUT': $request->CoerceContentType(); switch( $request->content_type ) { case 'text/calendar': /** use original DAViCal 'PUT' code which will be rewritten */ include('caldav-PUT.php'); break; case 'text/vcard': case 'text/x-vcard': dbg_error_log( 'LOG WARNING', 'FLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA X-VCARD'); include('caldav-PUT-vcard.php'); break; default: include('caldav-PUT-default.php'); break; } break; case 'MKCALENDAR': include('caldav-MKCOL.php'); break; case 'MKCOL': include('caldav-MKCOL.php'); break; case 'DELETE': include('caldav-DELETE.php'); break; case 'MOVE': include('caldav-MOVE.php'); break; case 'ACL': include('caldav-ACL.php'); break; case 'LOCK': include('caldav-LOCK.php'); break; case 'UNLOCK': include('caldav-LOCK.php'); break; case 'MKTICKET': include('caldav-MKTICKET.php'); break; case 'DELTICKET': include('caldav-DELTICKET.php'); break; case 'BIND': include('caldav-BIND.php'); break; case 'TESTRRULE': include('test-RRULE-v2.php'); break; default: dbg_error_log( 'caldav', 'Unhandled request method >>%s<<', $request->method ); dbg_log_array( 'caldav', '_SERVER', $_SERVER, true ); dbg_error_log( 'caldav', 'RAW: %s', str_replace("\n", '',str_replace("\r", '', $request->raw_post)) ); } $request->DoResponse( 500, translate('The application program does not understand that request.') );