-- Some sample data to prime the database... -- FIXME: Only insert the rows if they are not there already. INSERT INTO roles ( role_no, role_name ) VALUES( 1, 'Admin'); INSERT INTO roles ( role_no, role_name ) VALUES( 2, 'Group'); INSERT INTO roles ( role_no, role_name ) VALUES( 3, 'Public'); INSERT INTO roles ( role_no, role_name ) VALUES( 4, 'Resource'); -- Set the insert sequence to the next number, with a minimum of 10 SELECT setval('roles_role_no_seq', (SELECT 10 UNION SELECT role_no FROM roles ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1) ); INSERT INTO usr ( user_no, active, email_ok, updated, username, password, fullname, email ) VALUES ( 1, TRUE, current_date, current_date, 'admin', '**nimda', 'DAViCal Administrator', 'calendars@example.net' ); INSERT INTO role_member (user_no, role_no) VALUES(1, 1); -- Set the insert sequence to the next number, with a minimum of 1000 SELECT setval('usr_user_no_seq', (SELECT 1000 UNION SELECT user_no FROM usr ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1) ); INSERT INTO relationship_type ( rt_id, rt_name, confers, bit_confers ) VALUES( 1, 'Administers', 'A', privilege_to_bits('DAV::all') ); INSERT INTO relationship_type ( rt_id, rt_name, confers, bit_confers ) VALUES( 2, 'Can read/write to', 'RW', privilege_to_bits( ARRAY['DAV::read','DAV::write']) ); INSERT INTO relationship_type ( rt_id, rt_name, confers, bit_confers ) VALUES( 3, 'Can read from', 'R', privilege_to_bits( 'DAV::read') ); INSERT INTO relationship_type ( rt_id, rt_name, confers, bit_confers ) VALUES( 4, 'Can see free/busy time of', 'F', privilege_to_bits( 'caldav:read-free-busy') ); INSERT INTO principal_type (principal_type_id, principal_type_desc) VALUES( 1, 'Person' ); INSERT INTO principal_type (principal_type_id, principal_type_desc) VALUES( 2, 'Resource' ); INSERT INTO principal_type (principal_type_id, principal_type_desc) VALUES( 3, 'Group' ); INSERT INTO principal ( type_id, user_no, displayname, default_privileges ) VALUES ( 1, 1, 'DAViCal Administrator', 0::BIT(24) ); -- Set the insert sequence to the next number, with a minimum of 1000 SELECT setval('relationship_type_rt_id_seq', (SELECT 10 UNION SELECT rt_id FROM relationship_type ORDER BY 1 DESC LIMIT 1) );