* @package projectmanager * @copyright (c) 2005 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id: class.uiroles.inc.php 24830 2007-12-17 22:41:34Z ralfbecker $ */ include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/projectmanager/inc/class.boprojectmanager.inc.php'); include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/etemplate/inc/class.uietemplate.inc.php'); define('PHPGW_ACL_ROLES',PHPGW_ACL_EDIT); // maybe this gets an own ACL later /** * ProjectManager UI: roles */ class uiroles extends boprojectmanager { /** * Functions to call via menuaction * * @var array */ var $public_functions = array( 'roles' => true, ); var $acl2id = array( 'read' => PHPGW_ACL_READ, 'edit' => PHPGW_ACL_EDIT, 'delete' => PHPGW_ACL_DELETE, 'add' => PHPGW_ACL_ADD, 'budget' => PHPGW_ACL_BUDGET, 'edit_budget' => PHPGW_ACL_EDIT_BUDGET, ); /** * Instance of the boprojectmanger class * * @var boprojectmanager */ var $project; /** * Constructor, calls the constructor of the extended class * * @return uiroles */ function uiroles() { $this->boprojectmanager(null,'roles'); } /** * Create and edit roles * * @param array $content=null */ function roles($content=null) { $tpl =& new etemplate('projectmanager.roles'); $pm_id = is_array($content) ? $content['pm_id'] : (int) $_REQUEST['pm_id']; $only = !!$pm_id; if (!($project_rights = $this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_ROLES,$pm_id)) || !$this->is_admin) { $only = $project_rights ? 1 : 0; $readonlys['1[pm_id]'] = true; if (!$project_rights && !$this->is_admin) { $readonlys['edit'] = $readonlys['apply'] = true; } } $role_to_edit = array('pm_id' => $only); $js = 'window.focus();'; if (($content['save'] || $content['apply']) && (!$pm_id && $this->is_admin || $pm_id && $project_rights)) { if (!$content[1]['role_title']) { $role_to_edit = $content[1]; $msg = lang('Title must not be empty'); } else { $role = array( 'role_id' => (int) $content[1]['role_id'], 'role_title' => $content[1]['role_title'], 'role_description' => $content[1]['role_description'], 'pm_id' => $content[1]['pm_id'] || !$this->is_admin ? $pm_id : 0, 'role_acl' => 0, ); foreach($this->acl2id as $acl => $id) { if ($content[1]['acl_'.$acl]) $role['role_acl'] |= $id; } if ($this->roles->save($role) == 0) { $msg = lang('Role saved'); $js = 'opener.document.eTemplate.submit();'; if ($content['save']) $js .= 'window.close();'; } else { $msg = lang('Error: saving role !!!'); } } } if ($content['delete'] || $content['edit']) { list($role) = $content['delete'] ? each($content['delete']) : each($content['edit']); if(!($role = $this->roles->read($role)) || $role['pm_id'] && !$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_ROLES,$role['pm_id']) || !$role['pm_id'] && !$this->is_admin) { $msg = lang('Permission denied !!!'); } elseif ($content['delete']) { if ($this->roles->delete($role)) { $msg = lang('Role deleted'); $js = 'opener.document.eTemplate.submit();'; } else { $msg = lang('Error: deleting role !!!'); } } else // edit an existing role { $role_to_edit = $role; foreach($this->acl2id as $acl => $id) { $role_to_edit['acl_'.$acl] = $role['role_acl'] & $id; } } } if (($view = !($pm_id && $project_rights) && !$this->is_admin)) { $readonlys['save'] = $readonlys['apply'] = true; } $content = array( 'pm_id' => $pm_id, 'msg' => $msg, 'view' => !($pm_id && $project_rights) && !$this->is_admin, 'js' => '', 1 => $role_to_edit, ); $n = 2; foreach((array)$this->roles->search(array(),false,'pm_id DESC,role_acl DESC','','',false,'AND',false,array('pm_id'=>array(0,$pm_id))) as $role) { foreach($this->acl2id as $acl => $id) { $role['acl_'.$acl] = $role['role_acl'] & $id; } $content[$n++] = $role; $readonlys['delete['.$role['role_id'].']'] = $readonlys['edit['.$role['role_id'].']'] = !$role['pm_id'] && !$this->is_admin || $role['pm_id'] && !$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_ROLES,$role['pm_id']); } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['app_header'] = lang('projectmanager').' - '.lang('Add or edit roles and their ACL'); $tpl->exec('projectmanager.uiroles.roles',$content,array( 'pm_id' => $this->query_list(), ),$readonlys,array( 'pm_id' => $pm_id, 1 => array('role_id' => $content[1]['role_id']), ),2); } }