* * http://www.radix.net/~cknudsen * * Originaly modified by Mark Peters * * -------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \**************************************************************************/ if (@$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes']['soinfolog_']) { return; } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['flags']['included_classes']['soinfolog_'] = True; class soinfolog_ extends soinfolog__ { var $deleted_events = Array(); var $cal_event; var $today = Array('raw','day','month','year','full','dow','dm','bd'); function soinfolog_() { $this->soinfolog__(); if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->asyncservice)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->asyncservice = CreateObject('phpgwapi.asyncservice'); } $this->async = &$GLOBALS['phpgw']->asyncservice; } function open($infolog='',$user='',$passwd='',$options='') { if($user=='') { // settype($user,'integer'); $this->user = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']; } elseif(is_int($user)) { $this->user = $user; } elseif(is_string($user)) { $this->user = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->name2id($user); } $this->stream = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->db; return $this->stream; } function popen($infolog='',$user='',$passwd='',$options='') { return $this->open($infolog,$user,$passwd,$options); } function reopen($infolog,$options='') { return $this->stream; } function close($options='') { return True; } function create_infolog($infolog='') { return $infolog; } function rename_infolog($old_name='',$new_name='') { return $new_name; } function delete_infolog($infolog='') { $this->stream->query('SELECT info_id FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE info_id='.(int)$infolog,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows()) { while($this->stream->next_record()) { $this->delete_event((int)$this->stream->f('info_id')); } $this->expunge(); } //$this->stream->lock(array('phpgw_cal_user')); //$this->stream->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_user WHERE cal_login='.(int)$infolog,__LINE__,__FILE__); //$this->stream->unlock(); return $infolog; } /*! @function read_alarms @abstract read the alarms of a infolog-event specified by $info_id @returns array of alarms with alarm-id as key @note the alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$info_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too */ function read_alarms($info_id) { $alarms = array(); if ($jobs = $this->async->read('cal:'.(int)$info_id.':%')) { foreach($jobs as $id => $job) { $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; $alarms[$id] = $alarm; } } return $alarms; } /*! @function read_alarm @abstract read a single alarm specified by it's $id @returns array with data of the alarm @note the alarm-id is a string of 'cal:'.$info_id.':'.$alarm_nr, it is used as the job-id too */ function read_alarm($id) { if (!($jobs = $this->async->read($id))) { return False; } list($id,$job) = each($jobs); $alarm = $job['data']; // text, enabled $alarm['id'] = $id; $alarm['time'] = $job['next']; //echo "

read_alarm('$id')="; print_r($alarm); echo "

\n"; return $alarm; } /* Funcao save_alarm modificada para gerar alarmes repetidos, caso seja marcado um evento igualmente repetido. A funcao recebe qual o tipo de repeticao escolhido pelo usuario (diario, semanal, mensal, anual) e insere alarmes nas respectivas repeticoes do evento. */ /*! @function save_alarm @abstract saves a new or updated alarm @syntax save_alarm($info_id,$alarm,$id=False) @param $info_id Id of the infolog-entry @param $alarm array with fields: text, owner, enabled, .. @returns the id of the alarm */ function save_alarm($info_id,$alarm) { if (!($id = $alarm['id'])) { $alarm['time'] -= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; // time should be stored in server timezone $alarms = $this->read_alarms($info_id); // find a free alarm# if($alarm['repeat'] == 1) // repeticao do tipo "Diariamente"; { $n = 0; while(@isset($alarms[$id])); { $init_alarm = $alarm['init_rept']; $end_alarm = $alarm['end_rept']; if($end_alarm != 0) { while($init_alarm <= $end_alarm) { $id = 'cal:'.(int)$info_id.':'.$n; $n++; $alarm['info_id'] = $info_id; // we need the back-reference unset($alarm['repeat']); unset($alarm['init_rept']); unset($alarm['end_rept']); unset($alarm['rpt_wdays']); if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } $alarm['time'] += 86400; $init_alarm += 86400; } } } }elseif($alarm['repeat'] == 2) { // repeticao do tipo "Semanalmente"; $n = 0; $init_alarm = $data_atual = $alarm['init_rept']; $end_alarm = $alarm['end_rept']; $rpt_alarm_wdays = $alarm['rpt_wdays']; $divisor = 64; $quociente = 0; $resto = 0; $dia_semana = date("w",$init_alarm); switch($dia_semana) { case 0: $dia = array( 0 => 'domingo', 1 => 'segunda', 2 => 'terca', 3 => 'quarta', 4 => 'quinta', 5 => 'sexta', 6 => 'sabado' ); break; case 1: $dia = array( 0 => 'segunda', 1 => 'terca', 2 => 'quarta', 3 => 'quinta', 4 => 'sexta', 5 => 'sabado', 6 => 'domingo' ); break; case 2: $dia = array( 0 => 'terca', 1 => 'quarta', 2 => 'quinta', 3 => 'sexta', 4 => 'sabado', 5 => 'domingo', 6 => 'segunda' ); break; case 3: $dia = array( 0 => 'quarta', 1 => 'quinta', 2 => 'sexta', 3 => 'sabado', 4 => 'domingo', 5 => 'segunda', 6 => 'terca' ); break; case 4: $dia = array( 0 => 'quinta', 1 => 'sexta', 2 => 'sabado', 3 => 'domingo', 4 => 'segunda', 5 => 'terca', 6 => 'quarta' ); break; case 5: $dia = array( 0 => 'sexta', 1 => 'sabado', 2 => 'domingo', 3 => 'segunda', 4 => 'terca', 5 => 'quarta', 6 => 'quinta' ); break; case 6: $dia = array( 0 => 'sabado', 1 => 'domingo', 2 => 'segunda', 3 => 'terca', 4 => 'quarta', 5 => 'quinta', 6 => 'sexta' ); break; } $dias_semana = array( 64 => 'sabado', 32 => 'sexta', 16 => 'quinta', 8 => 'quarta', 4 => 'terca', 2 => 'segunda', 1 => 'domingo' ); $result = array(); do { $resto = ($rpt_alarm_wdays % $divisor); $quociente = floor($rpt_alarm_wdays / $divisor); if($quociente == 1) { $result[] = $dias_semana[$divisor]; $divisor = $divisor / 2; $rpt_alarm_wdays = $resto; }else { while($rpt_alarm_wdays < $divisor) { $divisor = $divisor / 2; } $resto = ($rpt_alarm_wdays % $divisor); $quociente = floor($rpt_alarm_wdays / $divisor); if($quociente == 1) { $result[] = $dias_semana[$divisor]; $divisor = $divisor / 2; $rpt_alarm_wdays = $resto; } } } while($resto != 0); krsort($result); $week_num = 0; $y = 0; while(@isset($alarms[$id])); { if($end_alarm != 0) { while($data_atual <= $end_alarm) { foreach($dia as $index => $value) { if(in_array($value,$result)) { $nova_data = $init_alarm + (86400 * ($index + (7 * $y))); if($nova_data == $init_alarm){ continue; } $id = 'cal:'.(int)$info_id.':'.$n; $n++; $alarm['info_id'] = $info_id; // we need the back-reference unset($alarm['repeat']); unset($alarm['init_rept']); unset($alarm['end_rept']); unset($alarm['rpt_wdays']); $data_atual = $nova_data; if($data_atual > $end_alarm){ if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } break; } if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } $alarm['time'] = $nova_data - $alarm['offset'] - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; } } $y++; } } } }elseif($alarm['repeat'] == 3) { // repeticao do tipo "Mensalmente (por data)"; $n = 0; $init_alarm = $alarm['init_rept']; $end_alarm = $alarm['end_rept']; while(@isset($alarms[$id])); { if($end_alarm != 0) { while($init_alarm <= $end_alarm) { $next_month = date("n",$init_alarm) + 1; $next_alarm = mktime(date("G",$alarm['time']),date("i",$alarm['time']),date("s",$alarm['time']),$next_month,date("j",$alarm['time']),date("Y",$alarm['time'])); $id = 'cal:'.(int)$info_id.':'.$n; $n++; $alarm['info_id'] = $info_id; // we need the back-reference unset($alarm['repeat']); unset($alarm['init_rept']); unset($alarm['end_rept']); unset($alarm['rpt_wdays']); if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } $alarm['time'] = $next_alarm; $init_alarm = $next_alarm; } } } }elseif($alarm['repeat'] == 5) { // repeticao do tipo "Anualmente"; $n = 0; $init_alarm = $alarm['init_rept']; $end_alarm = $alarm['end_rept']; while(@isset($alarms[$id])); { if($end_alarm != 0) { while($init_alarm < $end_alarm) { $next_year = date("Y",$init_alarm) + 1; $next_alarm = mktime(date("G",$alarm['time']),date("i",$alarm['time']),date("s",$alarm['time']),date("n",$alarm['time']),date("j",$alarm['time']),$next_year); $id = 'cal:'.(int)$info_id.':'.$n; $n++; $alarm['info_id'] = $info_id; // we need the back-reference unset($alarm['repeat']); unset($alarm['init_rept']); unset($alarm['end_rept']); unset($alarm['rpt_wdays']); if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } $alarm['time'] = $next_alarm; $init_alarm = $next_alarm; } } } }else { $alarm['time'] -= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; // time should be stored in server timezone $n = count($alarms); while(@isset($alarms[$id])); { $id = 'cal:'.(int)$info_id.':'.$n; unset($alarm['repeat']); unset($alarm['init_rept']); unset($alarm['end_rept']); unset($alarm['rpt_wdays']); $alarm['info_id'] = $info_id; // we need the back-reference if (!$this->async->set_timer($alarm['time'],$id,'infolog.boinfolog.send_alarm',$alarm)) { return False; } ++$n; } } } else { $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } $alarm['time'] -= $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; // time should be stored in server timezone return $id; } /*! @function delete_alarms($info_id) @abstract delete all alarms of a infolog-entry @returns the number of alarms deleted */ function delete_alarms($info_id) { $alarms = $this->read_alarms($info_id); foreach($alarms as $id => $alarm) { $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } return count($alarms); } /*! @function delete_alarm($id) @abstract delete one alarms identified by its id @returns the number of alarms deleted */ function delete_alarm($id) { return $this->async->cancel_timer($id); } function fetch_event($event_id,$options='') { if(!isset($this->stream)) { return False; } $event_id = (int)$event_id; $this->stream->lock(array('phpgw_infolog'/* OLD-ALARM,'phpgw_cal_alarm'*/)); $this->stream->query('SELECT * FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE info_id='.$event_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows() > 0) { $this->event_init(); //echo "
aqui paso"."SELECT * FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE info_id='".$event_id; //echo "
Aa".__LINE__.",".__FILE__; $this->stream->next_record(); // Load the infolog event data from the db into $event structure // Use http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.mcal-fetch-event.php as the reference $this->add_attribute('owner',(int)$this->stream->f('owner')); $this->add_attribute('id',(int)$this->stream->f('info_id')); $this->add_attribute('type',$this->stream->f('info_type')); $this->set_class((int)$this->stream->f('info_access')); $this->set_category($this->stream->f('info_cat')); $this->set_title(stripslashes($GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($this->stream->f('info_subject')))); $this->set_description(stripslashes($GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($this->stream->f('info_des')))); $this->set_ex_participants(stripslashes($GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($this->stream->f('info_custom_from')))); $this->add_attribute('uid',$GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($this->stream->f('info_uid'))); $this->add_attribute('location',stripslashes($GLOBALS['phpgw']->strip_html($this->stream->f('info_location')))); $this->add_attribute('reference',(int)$this->stream->f('info_status')); // This is the preferred method once everything is normalized... //$this->event->alarm = (int)$this->stream->f('alarm'); // But until then, do it this way... //Legacy Support (New) $datetime = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->localdates($this->stream->f('datetime')); $this->set_start($datetime['year'],$datetime['month'],$datetime['day'],$datetime['hour'],$datetime['minute'],$datetime['second']); $datetime = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->localdates($this->stream->f('mdatetime')); $this->set_date('modtime',$datetime['year'],$datetime['month'],$datetime['day'],$datetime['hour'],$datetime['minute'],$datetime['second']); $datetime = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->localdates($this->stream->f('edatetime')); $this->set_end($datetime['year'],$datetime['month'],$datetime['day'],$datetime['hour'],$datetime['minute'],$datetime['second']); //Legacy Support $this->add_attribute('priority',(int)$this->stream->f('priority')); if($this->stream->f('cal_group') || $this->stream->f('groups') != 'NULL') { $groups = explode(',',$this->stream->f('groups')); for($j=1;$jadd_attribute('groups',$groups[$j],$j-1); } } } else { $this->event = False; } $this->stream->unlock(); if ($this->event) { $this->event['alarm'] = $this->read_alarms($event_id); if($this->event['reference']) { $this->event['alarm'] += $this->read_alarms($event_id); } } echo "
aqui pasollll". $this->event."
"; return $this->event; } function list_events($startYear,$startMonth,$startDay,$endYear=0,$endMonth=0,$endDay=0,$extra='',$tz_offset=0,$owner_id=0) { echo "entro?"; if(!isset($this->stream)) { return False; } $datetime = mktime(0,0,0,$startMonth,$startDay,$startYear) - $tz_offset; $user_where = ' AND (phpgw_infolog.info_owner in ('; if(is_array($owner_id) && count($owner_id)) { $user_where .= implode(',',$owner_id); } else { $user_where .= $this->user; } $member_groups = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($this->user); @reset($member_groups); while($member_groups != False && list($key,$group_info) = each($member_groups)) { $member[] = $group_info['account_id']; } @reset($member); // $user_where .= ','.implode(',',$member); $user_where .= ')) '; if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } // $startDate = 'AND ( ( (phpgw_cal.datetime >= '.$datetime.') '; $enddate = ''; /*if($endYear != 0 && $endMonth != 0 && $endDay != 0) { $edatetime = mktime(23,59,59,(int)$endMonth,(int)$endDay,(int)$endYear) - $tz_offset; $endDate .= 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime <= '.$edatetime.') ) ' . 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime <= '.$datetime.') ' . 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= '.$edatetime.') ) ' . 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime >= '.$datetime.') ' . 'AND (phpgw_cal.datetime <= '.$edatetime.') ' . 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= '.$edatetime.') ) ' . 'OR ( (phpgw_cal.datetime <= '.$datetime.') ' . 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime >= '.$datetime.') ' . 'AND (phpgw_cal.edatetime <= '.$edatetime.') '; }*/ $endDate .= ') ) '; $order_by = 'ORDER BY phpgw_infolog.info_datemodified ASC, phpgw_infolog.priority ASC'; if($this->debug) { echo "SQL : ".$user_where.$startDate.$endDate.$extra."
\n"; } return $this->get_event_ids(False,$user_where.$startDate.$endDate.$extra.$order_by); } function append_event() { $this->save_event($this->event); $this->send_update(MSG_ADDED,$this->event->participants,'',$this->event); return $this->event['id']; } function store_event() { return $this->save_event(&$this->event); } function delete_event($event_id) { $this->deleted_events[] = $event_id; } function snooze($event_id) { //Turn off an alarm for an event //Returns true. } function list_alarms($begin_year='',$begin_month='',$begin_day='',$end_year='',$end_month='',$end_day='') { //Return a list of events that has an alarm triggered at the given datetime //Returns an array of event ID's } // The function definition doesn't look correct... // Need more information for this function function next_recurrence($weekstart,$next) { // return next_recurrence (int stream, int weekstart, array next); } function expunge() { if(count($this->deleted_events) <= 0) { return 1; } $this_event = $this->event; $locks = Array( 'phpgw_infolog' // OLD-ALARM 'phpgw_cal_alarm' ); $this->stream->lock($locks); foreach($this->deleted_events as $info_id) { foreach ($locks as $table) { $this->stream->query('DELETE FROM '.$table.' WHERE info_id='.$info_id,__LINE__,__FILE__); } } $this->stream->unlock(); foreach($this->deleted_events as $info_id) { $this->delete_alarms($info_id); } $this->deleted_events = array(); $this->event = $this_event; return 1; } /***************** Local functions for SQL based infolog *****************/ function get_event_ids($search_repeats=False,$extra='',$search_extra=False) { $from = $where = ' '; /*if($search_repeats) { $from = ', phpgw_cal_repeats '; $where = 'AND (phpgw_cal_repeats.info_id = phpgw_cal.info_id) '; } if($search_extra) { $from .= 'LEFT JOIN phpgw_cal_extra ON phpgw_cal_extra.info_id = phpgw_cal.info_id '; }*/ $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT info_id, info_type, info_from,info_subject,info_owner,info_datemodified,info_startdate, info_enddate,info_uid, info_priority ' . 'FROM phpgw_infolog' . $from; //. 'WHERE (phpgw_cal_user.info_id = phpgw_cal.info_id) ' //. $where . $extra; //echo "SQL : ".$sql ."
\n"; if($this->debug) { echo "FULL SQL : ".$sql."
\n"; } $this->stream->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); $retval = Array(); if($this->stream->num_rows() == 0) { if($this->debug) { echo "No records found!
\n"; } return $retval; } while($this->stream->next_record()) { $retval[] = (int)$this->stream->f('info_id'); } if($this->debug) { echo "Records found!
\n"; } return $retval; } function save_event(&$event) { $edatetime = mktime(23,59,59,(int)$endMonth,(int)$endDay,(int)$endYear) - $tz_offset; $GLOBALS['infolog']->boinfolog = CreateObject('infolog.boinfolog'); $locks = Array( 'phpgw_infolog' // OLD-ALARM 'phpgw_cal_alarm' ); $this->stream->lock($locks); if($event['id'] == 0) { if(!$event['uid']) { if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['hostname'] != '') { $id_suffix = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['hostname']; } else { $id_suffix = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->randomstring(3).'local'; } $parts = Array( 0 => 'title', 1 => 'description', 2 => 'ex_participants' ); @reset($parts); while(list($key,$field) = each($parts)) { $part[$key] = substr($GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->encrypt($event[$field]),0,20); if(!$GLOBALS['phpgw']->crypto->enabled) { $part[$key] = bin2hex(unserialize($part[$key])); } } $event['uid'] = $part[0].'-'.$part[1].'@'.$id_suffix; } $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_infolog(info_type,info_from,info_addr,info_subject,info_des,info_owner,info_responsible,info_cat,info_datemodified) ' . "values('".$event['title']."','". $event['participants']."','','". $this->stream->db_addslashes($event['description1'])."','". $this->stream->db_addslashes($event['description'])."',". $event['owner'].",'". $event['owner']."',0,".$edatetime.")",__LINE__,__FILE__); $event['id'] = $this->stream->get_last_insert_id('phpgw_cal','info_id'); $last_status = true; } $date = $this->maketime($event['start']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $enddate = $this->maketime($event['end']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $today = time() - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { $type = 'M'; } else { if ($event['type'] == 'hourAppointment') $type = 'H'; else if($event['type'] == 'privateHiddenFields'){ $type = 'P'; }else $type = 'E'; } $sql = 'UPDATE phpgw_cal SET ' . 'owner='.(int)$event['owner'].', ' . 'datetime='.(int)$date.', ' . 'mdatetime='.(int)$today.', ' . 'edatetime='.(int)$enddate.', ' . 'priority='.(int)$event['priority'].', ' . "category='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($event['category'])."', " . "cal_type='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($type)."', " . 'is_public='.(int)$event['public'].', ' . "title='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($event['title'])."', " . "description='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($event['description'])."', " . "ex_participants='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($event['ex_participants'])."', " . "location='".$this->stream->db_addslashes($event['location'])."', " . ($event['groups']?"groups='".(count($event['groups'])>1?implode(',',$event['groups']):','.$event['groups'][0].',')."', ":'') . 'reference='.(int)$event['reference'].' ' . ',last_status = '.($last_status ? "'N'" : "'U'").',last_update = '.time()."000". ' ' . 'WHERE info_id='.(int)$event['id']; $this->stream->query($sql,__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->stream->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_infolog WHERE info_id='.(int)$event['id'],__LINE__,__FILE__); @reset($event['participants']); /*while (list($key,$value) = @each($event['participants'])) { if((int)$key == $event['owner']) { $value = 'A'; } $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_user(info_id,cal_login,cal_status) ' . 'VALUES('.(int)$event['id'].','.(int)$key.",'".$this->stream->db_addslashes($value)."')",__LINE__,__FILE__); }*/ /*if($event['recur_type'] != MCAL_RECUR_NONE) { if($event['recur_enddate']['month'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['mday'] != 0 && $event['recur_enddate']['year'] != 0) { $end = $this->maketime($event['recur_enddate']) - $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; } else { $end = 0; } $this->stream->query('SELECT count(info_id) FROM phpgw_cal_repeats WHERE info_id='.(int)$event['id'],__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->stream->next_record(); $num_rows = $this->stream->f(0); if($num_rows == 0) { $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_repeats(info_id,recur_type,recur_enddate,recur_data,recur_interval) ' .'VALUES('.(int)$event['id'].','.$event['recur_type'].','.(int)$end.','.$event['recur_data'].','.$event['recur_interval'].')',__LINE__,__FILE__); } else { $this->stream->query('UPDATE phpgw_cal_repeats ' . 'SET recur_type='.$event['recur_type'].', ' . 'recur_enddate='.(int)$end.', ' . 'recur_data='.$event['recur_data'].', ' . 'recur_interval='.$event['recur_interval'].', ' . "recur_exception='".(count($event['recur_exception'])>1?implode(',',$event['recur_exception']):(count($event['recur_exception'])==1?$event['recur_exception'][0]:''))."' " . 'WHERE info_id='.$event['id'],__LINE__,__FILE__); } } else { $this->stream->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_repeats WHERE info_id='.$event['id'],__LINE__,__FILE__); }*/ // Custom fields /*$this->stream->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_extra WHERE info_id='.$event['id'],__LINE__,__FILE__); foreach($event as $name => $value) { if ($name[0] == '#' && strlen($value)) { $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_extra (info_id,cal_extra_name,cal_extra_value) ' . 'VALUES('.$event['id'].",'".addslashes(substr($name,1))."','".addslashes($value)."')",__LINE__,__FILE__); } }*/ /* $alarmcount = count($event['alarm']); if ($alarmcount > 1) { // this should never happen, $event['alarm'] should only be set // if creating a new event and uiinfolog only sets up 1 alarm // the user must use "Alarm Management" to create/establish multiple // alarms or to edit/change an alarm echo ''."\n"; $this->stream->unlock(); return True; } if ($alarmcount == 1) { list($key,$alarm) = @each($event['alarm']); $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_alarm(info_id,cal_owner,cal_time,cal_text,alarm_enabled) VALUES('.$event['id'].','.$event['owner'].','.$alarm['time'].",'".$alarm['text']."',".$alarm['enabled'].')',__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->stream->query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'); $this->stream->next_record(); $alarm['id'] = $this->stream->f(0); } */ print_debug('Event Saved: ID #',$event['id']); $this->stream->unlock(); if (is_array($event['alarm'])) { foreach ($event['alarm'] as $alarm) // this are all new alarms { $this->save_alarm($event['id'],$alarm); } } $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['cal_new_event_id'] = $event['id']; $this->event = $event; return True; } function get_alarm($info_id) { /* OLD-ALARM $this->stream->query('SELECT cal_time, cal_text FROM phpgw_cal_alarm WHERE info_id='.$id.' AND cal_owner='.$this->user,__LINE__,__FILE__); if($this->stream->num_rows()) { while($this->stream->next_record()) { $alarm[$this->stream->f('cal_time')] = $this->stream->f('cal_text'); } @reset($alarm); return $alarm; } else { return False; } */ $alarms = $this->read_alarms($info_id); $ret = False; foreach($alarms as $alarm) { if ($alarm['owner'] == $this->user || !$alarm['owner']) { $ret[$alarm['time']] = $alarm['text']; } } return $ret; } function set_status($id,$owner,$status) { $status_code_short = Array( REJECTED => 'R', NO_RESPONSE => 'U', TENTATIVE => 'T', ACCEPTED => 'A' ); $this->stream->query("UPDATE phpgw_infolog SET info_status='".$status_code_short[$status]."' WHERE info_id=".$id." AND info_owner=".$owner,__LINE__,__FILE__); /* OLD-ALARM if ($status == 'R') { $this->stream->query('UPDATE phpgw_cal_alarm set alarm_enabled=0 where info_id='.$id.' and cal_owner='.$owner,__LINE__,__FILE__); } */ return True; } // End of ICal style support....... function group_search($owner=0) { $owner = ($owner==$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']?0:$owner); /*$groups = substr($GLOBALS['phpgw']->common->sql_search('phpgw_cal.groups',(int)$owner),4); if (!$groups) { return ''; } else { return "(phpgw_cal.is_public=2 AND (". $groups .')) '; }*/ return ''; } function splittime_($time) { $temp = array('hour','minute','second','ampm'); $time = strrev($time); $second = (int)strrev(substr($time,0,2)); $minute = (int)strrev(substr($time,2,2)); $hour = (int)strrev(substr($time,4)); $temp['second'] = (int)$second; $temp['minute'] = (int)$minute; $temp['hour'] = (int)$hour; $temp['ampm'] = ' '; return $temp; } function date_to_epoch($d) { return $this->localdates(mktime(0,0,0,(int)(substr($d,4,2)),(int)(substr($d,6,2)),(int)(substr($d,0,4)))); } function list_dirty_events($lastmod=-1,$repeats=false) { /*if(!isset($this->stream)) { return False; } $lastmod = (int) $lastmod; $repeats = (bool) $repeats; $user_where = " AND phpgw_cal_user.cal_login = $this->user"; $member_groups = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->membership($this->user); @reset($member_groups); while($member_groups != False && list($key,$group_info) = each($member_groups)) { $member[] = $group_info['account_id']; } @reset($member); // $user_where .= ','.implode(',',$member); //$user_where .= ')) '; if($this->debug) { echo ''."\n"; } if($lastmod > 0) { $wheremod = "AND mdatetime = $lastmod"; } $order_by = ' ORDER BY phpgw_cal.info_id ASC'; if($this->debug) { echo "SQL : ".$user_where.$wheremod.$extra."
\n"; } return $this->get_event_ids($repeats,$user_where.$wheremod.$extra.$order_by);*/ return ''; } /* OLD-ALARM function add_alarm($eventid,$alarm,$owner) { $this->stream->query('INSERT INTO phpgw_cal_alarm(info_id,cal_owner,cal_time,cal_text,alarm_enabled) VALUES('.$eventid.','.$owner.','.$alarm['time'].",'".$alarm['text']."',1)",__LINE__,__FILE__); $this->stream->query('SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()'); $this->stream->next_record(); return($this->stream->f(0)); } function delete_alarm($alarmid) { $this->stream->query('DELETE FROM phpgw_cal_alarm WHERE alarm_id='.$alarmid,__LINE__,__FILE__); } */ }