* @package projectmanager * @copyright (c) 2005 by Ralf Becker * @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GPL - GNU General Public License * @version $Id: class.bopricelist.inc.php 23379 2007-02-05 18:50:53Z nelius_weiss $ */ include_once(PHPGW_INCLUDE_ROOT.'/projectmanager/inc/class.sopricelist.inc.php'); /** * Pricelist buisness object of the projectmanager */ class bopricelist extends sopricelist { /** * @var array $timestamps timestaps that need to be adjusted to user-time on reading or saving */ var $timestamps = array( 'pl_modified','pl_validsince', ); /** * @var int $tz_offset_s offset in secconds between user and server-time, * it need to be add to a server-time to get the user-time or substracted from a user-time to get the server-time */ var $tz_offset_s; /** * @var int $now actual USER time */ var $now; /** * Constructor, calls the constructor of the extended class * * @param int $pm_id=0 pm_id of the project to use, default 0 (project independent / standard prices) */ function bopricelist($pm_id=0) { $this->sopricelist($pm_id); if (!is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime =& CreateObject('phpgwapi.datetime'); } $this->tz_offset_s = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->datetime->tz_offset; $this->now = time() + $this->tz_offset_s; if (!is_object($GLOBALS['boprojectmanager'])) { CreateObject('projectmanager.boprojectmanager',$pm_id); } $this->project =& $GLOBALS['boprojectmanager']; } /** * saves the content of data to the db, also checks acl and deletes not longer set prices! * * @param array $keys=null if given $keys are copied to data before saveing => allows a save as * @return int/boolean 0 on success, true on missing acl-rights and errno != 0 else */ function save($keys=null) { if (is_array($keys) && count($keys)) $this->data_merge($keys); if ((int)$this->debug >= 2) { echo "

sopricelist::save(".print_r($keys,true).") data="; _debug_array($this->data); } if ($this->data['pl_id']) { $backup =& $this->data; // would get overwritten by read unset($this->data); $old = $this->read(array( 'pl_id' => $backup['pl_id'], 'pm_id' => $backup['pm_id'] ? array($backup['pm_id'],0) : 0 )); $this->data =& $backup; unset($backup); } $need_general = count($old['prices']) > 0 || count($this->data['prices']) > 0; if (!($pricelist_need_save = !$this->data['pl_id'])) { $this->data['cat_id'] = (int) $this->data['cat_id']; foreach($this->db_cols as $col => $data) { if (!$old || $this->data[$col] != $old[$col]) { $pricelist_need_save = true; break; } } } if ($pricelist_need_save) { // check acl if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT,$need_general ? 0 : $this->data['pm_id'])) { return lang('permission denied !!!').' need_general='.(int)$need_general; } if (($err = parent::save($this->data))) { return $err; } } $prices = array(); foreach($this->data['prices'] as $key => $nul) { $price =& $this->data['prices'][$key]; $price['pm_id'] = 0; $price['pl_billable'] = $price['pl_customertitle'] = null; if (count($this->data['prices']) == 1) $price['pl_validsince'] = 0; // no date for first price $prices[] =& $price; } foreach($this->data['project_prices'] as $key => $nul) { $price =& $this->data['project_prices'][$key]; foreach(array('pm_id','pl_billable','pl_customertitle') as $key) { if (!isset($price[$key])) $price[$key] = $this->data[$key]; } if (count($this->data['project_prices']) == 1) $price['pl_validsince'] = 0; // no date for first price $prices[] =& $price; } // index prices in old by pm_id and date (!) of validsince $old_prices = array(); if ($old) { foreach(array_merge($old['prices'],$old['project_prices']) as $old_price) { $old_prices[(int)$old_price['pm_id']][date('Y-m-d',(int)$old_price['pl_validsince'])] = $old_price; } } foreach($prices as $key => $nul) { $price =& $prices[$key]; if (!isset($price['pl_id'])) $price['pl_id'] = $this->data['pl_id']; $old_price = $old_prices[(int)$price['pm_id']][date('Y-m-d',(int)$price['pl_validsince'])]; if (!$this->prices_equal($price,$old_price)) { // price needs saving, checking acl now if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT,$price['pm_id'])) { return lang('permission denied !!!').' check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT(pm_id='.(int)$price[pm_id].')'; } // maintain time of old price, to not create doublets with different times by users operating in different TZ's if ($old_price) $price['pl_validsince'] = $old_price['pl_validsince']; if (($err = parent::save_price($price))) { return $err; } } unset($old_prices[(int)$price['pm_id']][date('Y-m-d',(int)$old_price['pl_validsince'])]); } // check if there are old prices not longer set ==> delete them foreach($old_prices as $pm_id => $prices) { foreach($prices as $price) { if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_DELETE,$price['pm_id'])) { return lang('permission denied !!!').' check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_DELETE(pm_id='.(int)$price[pm_id].')'; } if (!parent::delete($price)) { return lang('Error: deleting price !!!'); } } } return 0; } /** * search elements, reimplemented to use $this->pm_id, if no pm_id given in criteria or filter and join with the prices table * * @param array/string $criteria array of key and data cols, OR a SQL query (content for WHERE), fully quoted (!) * @param boolean $only_keys True returns only keys, False returns all cols * @param string $order_by fieldnames + {ASC|DESC} separated by colons ',' * @param string/array $extra_cols string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num" * @param string $wildcard appended befor and after each criteria * @param boolean $empty False=empty criteria are ignored in query, True=empty have to be empty in row * @param string $op defaults to 'AND', can be set to 'OR' too, then criteria's are OR'ed together * @param int/boolean $start if != false, return only maxmatch rows begining with start * @param array $filter if set (!=null) col-data pairs, to be and-ed (!) into the query without wildcards * @param string/boolean $join=true default join with prices-table or string as in so_sql * @return array of matching rows (the row is an array of the cols) or False */ function search($criteria,$only_keys=false,$order_by='',$extra_cols='',$wildcard='',$empty=False,$op='AND',$start=false,$filter=null,$join=true) { if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_READ,(int)($criteria['pm_id'] ? $criteria['pm_id'] : $this->pm_id))) { return false; } return parent::search($criteria,$only_keys,$order_by,$extra_cols,$wildcard,$empty,$op,$start,$filter,$join); } /** * return priceslist of a given project (only bookable or billable price, no general pricelist) * * @param int $pm_id project * @return array/boolean array with pl_id => pl_unit: pl_tiltle (pl_price) pairs or false on error (eg. no ACL) */ function pricelist($pm_id) { //echo "


\n"; if (!($prices =& $this->search(array('pm_id' => $pm_id)))) { return false; } $options = array(); foreach($prices as $price) { $options[$price['pl_id']] = $price['pl_unit'].' '.$price['pl_title']. ($price['pl_customertitle'] ? ': '.$price['pl_customertitle'] : ''). ' ('.$price['pl_price'].')'; } return $options; } /** * reads one pricelist-itme specified by $keys, reimplemented to use $this->pm_id, if no pm_id given * * @param array $keys array with keys in form internalName => value, may be a scalar value if only one key * @param string/array $extra_cols string or array of strings to be added to the SELECT, eg. "count(*) as num" * @param string/boolean $join=true default join with links-table or string as in so_sql * @return array/boolean data if row could be retrived else False */ function read($keys,$extra_cols='',$join=true) { // check if we have the requested access to all given pricelists foreach(!is_array($keys) || !isset($keys['pm_id']) ? array($this->pm_id) : (is_array($keys['pm_id']) ? $keys['pm_id'] : array($keys['pm_id'])) as $pm_id) { if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_READ,(int)$pm_id)) return false; } return parent::read($keys,$extra_cols,$join); } /** * delete pricelist-entries and price(s) specified by keys pl_id, pm_id and/or pl_validsince * * If the last price of a pricelist-entry gets deleted, the pricelist entry is automatic deleted too! * * @param array/int $keys array with keys pm_id, pl_id and/or pl_validsince to delete or integer pm_id * @return int/boolean number of deleted prices or false if permission denied */ function delete($keys) { if (!$this->check_acl(PHPGW_ACL_EDIT,(int)(is_array($keys) ? $keys['pm_id'] : $keys))) { return false; } return parent::delete($keys); } /** * checks if the user has sufficent rights for a certain action * * For project-spez. prices/data you need a PHPGW_ACL_BUDGET right of the project for read or * PHPGW_ACL_EDIT_BUDGET for write or delete. * For general pricelist data you need atm. no extra read rights, but is_admin to write/delete. * * @param int $required PHPGW_ACL_{READ|WRITE|DELETE} * @param int $pm_id=0 project-id for project-spez. prices/data to check, default 0 = general pricelist * @param array/int $data=null data/id of pricelist-entry, default null = use $this->data ($pm_id is ignored) * @return boolean true if the user has the rights, false otherwise */ function check_acl($required,$pm_id=0,$data=null) { /* not used atm. if (is_null($data)) { $data =& $this->data; } elseif (!is_array($data)) { if ((int) $data) { $backup = $this->data; $data = $this->read(array('pm_id'=>(int)$pm_id,'pl_id' => (int)$data)); $this->data = $backup; } else { return false; } } */ if (!$pm_id) { return $required == PHPGW_ACL_READ || $this->project->is_admin; } return $this->project->check_acl($required == PHPGW_ACL_READ ? PHPGW_ACL_BUDGET : PHPGW_ACL_EDIT_BUDGET,$pm_id); } /** * Compares two prices to check if they are equal * * The compared fields depend on the price being project-specific or not * * @param array $price * @param array $price2 * @return boolean true if the two prices are identical, false otherwise or if they are no arrays! */ function prices_equal($price,$price2) { if (!is_array($price) || !is_array($price2)) return false; $to_compare = array('pl_id','pm_id','pl_price','pl_validsince','pl_modified','pl_modifier'); if ($price['pm_id']) { $to_compare[] = 'pl_customertitle'; $to_compare[] = 'pl_billable'; } $equal = true; foreach($to_compare as $key) { switch($key) { case 'pm_id': $equal = (int) $price['pm_id'] == (int) $price2['pm_id']; break; case 'pl_validsince': $equal = date('Y-m-d',(int)$price['pl_validsince']) == date('Y-m-d',(int)$price2['pl_validsince']); break; default: $equal = $price[$key] == $price2[$key]; break; } if (!$equal) break; } if ((int)$this->debug >= 3) echo "

bopricelist::prices_equal(".print_r($price,true).','.print_r($price2,true).') = '.($equal ? 'true' : "differ in $key: {$price[$key]} != {$price2[$key]}")."

\n"; return $equal; } /** * changes the data from the db-format to your work-format * * reimplemented to adjust the timezone of the timestamps (adding $this->tz_offset_s to get user-time) * Please note, we do NOT call the method of the parent or so_sql !!! * * @param array $data if given works on that array and returns result, else works on internal data-array * @return array with changed data */ function db2data($data=null) { if (!is_array($data)) { $data = &$this->data; } foreach($this->timestamps as $name) { if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name]) $data[$name] += $this->tz_offset_s; } return $data; } /** * changes the data from your work-format to the db-format * * reimplemented to adjust the timezone of the timestamps (subtraction $this->tz_offset_s to get server-time) * Please note, we do NOT call the method of the parent or so_sql !!! * * @param array $data if given works on that array and returns result, else works on internal data-array * @return array with changed data */ function data2db($data=null) { if ($intern = !is_array($data)) { $data = &$this->data; } foreach($this->timestamps as $name) { if (isset($data[$name]) && $data[$name]) $data[$name] -= $this->tz_offset_s; } return $data; } }