'mydms', 'noheader' => True, 'nonavbar' => True ); include('../../header.inc.php'); } class Settings { //IDs of admin-user, guest-user and root-folder (no need to change) var $_adminID = 1; var $_guestID = 2; var $_rootFolderID = 1; //If you don't want anybody to login as guest, set the following line to false var $_enableGuestLogin = false; //default language (name of a subfolder in folder "languages") var $_language = "English"; //users are notified about document-changes that took place within the last $_updateNotifyTime seconds var $_updateNotifyTime = 86400; //means 24 hours //files with one of the following endings can be viewed online var $_viewOnlineFileTypes = array(".txt", ".html", ".htm", ".pdf", ".gif", ".png", ".jpg"); //enable/disable converting of files var $_enableConverting = false; //default theme (name of a subfolder in folder "themes") var $_theme = "default"; function Settings() { //path to where mydms is located $this->_rootDir = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . '/mydms/'; //where the uploaded files are stored (you better choose a directory that is not accessible through your web-server) $this->_contentDir = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'] . "/mydms/"; //if the rootdir unexist or is not a directory, create it if(!is_dir($this->_contentDir)) { if($ret1 = is_writable($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['files_dir'])) $ret2 = mkdir($this->_contentDir,0755); if(!$ret1 && $ret2) die('The Root Dir does not exist or Can not be created'); } //the same as URL // $this->_httpRoot = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . "/mydms/"; // we use the following more professional one $this->_httpRoot = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->link('/mydms/'); //files with one of the following endings will be converted with the given commands //for windows users $this->_convertFileTypes = array(".doc" => "cscript \"" . $this->_rootDir."op/convert_word.js\" {SOURCE} {TARGET}", ".xls" => "cscript \"".$this->_rootDir."op/convert_excel.js\" {SOURCE} {TARGET}", ".ppt" => "cscript \"".$this->_rootDir."op/convert_pp.js\" {SOURCE} {TARGET}"); //for linux users // $this->_convertFileTypes = array(".doc" => "mswordview -o {TARGET} {SOURCE}"); } } $settings = new Settings(); $GLOBALS['mydms']->settings = $settings; ?>