# $.store jQuery plugin # $.store is a simple, yet easily extensible, plugin to persistently store data on the client side of things. It uses window.localStore where available. Older Internet Explorers will use userData. If all fails $.store will save your data to window.name. *Note*: The windowName will only do JSON serialization. windowName is not persistent in the sense of making it accross a closed browser window. If you need that ability you should check $.storage.driver.scope == "browser". ## Usage ##

$.storage = new $.store();

// save a value
$.storage.set( key, value );

// read a value
$.storage.get( key );

// deletes a value
$.storage.del( key );

// delete all values
## License ## $.store is published under the [MIT license](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php).