/* http://keith-wood.name/keypad.html brazilian portuguese initialisation for the jQuery keypad extension Written by Israel Rodriguez (yzraeu{at}gmail.com) July 2009. */ (function($) { // hide the namespace $.keypad.regional['pt-BR'] = { buttonText: '...', buttonStatus: 'Abrir o teclado', closeText: 'Fechar', closeStatus: 'Fechar o teclado', clearText: 'Limpar', clearStatus: 'Limpar todo o texto', backText: 'Apagar', backStatus: 'Apagar o caractere anterior', shiftText: 'Shift', shiftStatus: 'Ativar maiúsculas/minusculas', spacebarText: ' ', spacebarStatus: '', enterText: 'Enter', enterStatus: '', tabText: '→', tabStatus: '', alphabeticLayout: $.keypad.qwertyAlphabetic, fullLayout: $.keypad.qwertyLayout, isAlphabetic: $.keypad.isAlphabetic, isNumeric: $.keypad.isNumeric, toUpper: $.keypad.toUpper, isRTL: false}; $.keypad.setDefaults($.keypad.regional['pt-BR']); })(jQuery);