* @since 2.10.1 - 2011-07-16 * */ class iCalUtilityFunctions { // Store the single instance of iCalUtilityFunctions private static $m_pInstance; // Private constructor to limit object instantiation to within the class private function __construct() { $m_pInstance = FALSE; } // Getter method for creating/returning the single instance of this class public static function getInstance() { if (!self::$m_pInstance) self::$m_pInstance = new iCalUtilityFunctions(); return self::$m_pInstance; } /** * check a date(-time) for an opt. timezone and if it is a DATE-TIME or DATE * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-25 * @param array $date, date to check * @param int $parno, no of date parts (i.e. year, month.. .) * @return array $params, property parameters */ public static function _chkdatecfg( $theDate, & $parno, & $params ) { if( isset( $params['TZID'] )) $parno = 6; elseif( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $params['VALUE'] )) $parno = 3; else { if( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'PERIOD' == $params['VALUE'] )) $parno = 7; if( is_array( $theDate )) { if( isset( $theDate['timestamp'] )) $tzid = ( isset( $theDate['tz'] )) ? $theDate['tz'] : null; else $tzid = ( isset( $theDate['tz'] )) ? $theDate['tz'] : ( 7 == count( $theDate )) ? end( $theDate ) : null; if( !empty( $tzid )) { $parno = 7; if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $tzid )) $params['TZID'] = $tzid; // save only timezone } elseif( !$parno && ( 3 == count( $theDate )) && ( isset( $params['VALUE'] ) && ( 'DATE' == $params['VALUE'] ))) $parno = 3; else $parno = 6; } else { // string $date = trim( $theDate ); if( 'Z' == substr( $date, -1 )) $parno = 7; // UTC DATE-TIME elseif((( 8 == strlen( $date ) && ctype_digit( $date )) || ( 11 >= strlen( $date ))) && ( !isset( $params['VALUE'] ) || !in_array( $params['VALUE'], array( 'DATE-TIME', 'PERIOD' )))) $parno = 3; // DATE $date = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string( $date, $parno ); if( !empty( $date['tz'] )) { $parno = 7; if( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $date['tz'] )) $params['TZID'] = $date['tz']; // save only timezone } elseif( empty( $parno )) $parno = 6; } if( isset( $params['TZID'] )) $parno = 6; } } /** * create (very simple) timezone and standard/daylight components * * Result when 'Europe/Stockholm' is used as timezone: * * BEGIN:VTIMEZONE * TZID:Europe/Stockholm * BEGIN:STANDARD * DTSTART:20101031T020000 * TZOFFSETFROM:+0200 * TZOFFSETTO:+0100 * RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=10 * TZNAME:CET * END:STANDARD * BEGIN:DAYLIGHT * DTSTART:20100328T030000 * TZOFFSETFROM:+0100 * TZOFFSETTO:+0200 * RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYDAY=-1SU;BYMONTH=3 * TZNAME:CEST * END:DAYLIGHT * END:VTIMEZONE * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.10.3 - 2011-08-01 * @param object $calendar, reference to an iCalcreator calendar instance * @param string $timezone, a PHP5 (DateTimeZone) valid timezone * @param array $xProp, *[x-propName => x-propValue], optional * @return bool */ public static function createTimezone( & $calendar, $timezone, $xProp=array() ) { if( !class_exists( 'DateTimeZone' )) return FALSE; if( empty( $timezone )) return FALSE; try { $dtz = new DateTimeZone( $timezone ); } catch( Exception $e ) { return FALSE; } $stdDTSTART = $stdTZOFFSETTO = $stdTZOFFSETFROM = $stdTZNAME = $dlghtDTSTART = $dlghtTZOFFSETTO = $dlghtTZOFFSETFROM = $dlghtTZNAME = FALSE; $dateNow = new DateTime(); $transitions = $dtz->getTransitions(); foreach( $transitions as $trans ) { if( FALSE === ( $date = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'Y-m-d', substr( $trans['time'], 0, 10 )))) continue; if( $date > $dateNow ) break; if( TRUE !== $trans['isdst'] ) { $stdDTSTART = $trans['time']; $stdTZOFFSETTO = $dlghtTZOFFSETFROM = iCalUtilityFunctions::offsetSec2His( $trans['offset'] ); $stdTZNAME = $trans['abbr']; } else { $dlghtDTSTART = $trans['time']; $dlghtTZOFFSETTO = $stdTZOFFSETFROM = iCalUtilityFunctions::offsetSec2His( $trans['offset'] ); $dlghtTZNAME = $trans['abbr']; } } if( !$stdDTSTART || !$stdTZOFFSETTO || !$stdTZOFFSETFROM ) return FALSE; $tz = & $calendar->newComponent( 'vtimezone' ); $tz->setproperty( 'tzid', $timezone ); if( !empty( $xProp )) { foreach( $xProp as $xPropName => $xPropValue ) if( 'x-' == strtolower( substr( $xPropName, 0, 2 ))) $tz->setproperty( $xPropName, $xPropValue ); } $std = & $tz->newComponent( 'standard' ); $std->setProperty( 'dtstart', $stdDTSTART ); if( $stdTZNAME ) $std->setProperty( 'tzname', $stdTZNAME ); $std->setProperty( 'tzoffsetto', $stdTZOFFSETTO ); $std->setProperty( 'tzoffsetfrom', $stdTZOFFSETFROM ); if(( $stdTZOFFSETTO != $stdTZOFFSETFROM ) && ( FALSE === iCalUtilityFunctions::_setTZrrule( $std ))) $std->setProperty( 'RRULE', array( 'FREQ' => 'YEARLY', 'BYDAY' => array( '-1', 'DAY' => 'SU' ), 'BYMONTH' => 10 )); if(( !$dlghtDTSTART || !$dlghtTZOFFSETTO || !$dlghtTZOFFSETFROM ) || ( $dlghtTZOFFSETTO == $dlghtTZOFFSETFROM )) return TRUE; $dlght = & $tz->newComponent( 'daylight' ); $dlght->setProperty( 'dtstart', $dlghtDTSTART ); if( $dlghtTZNAME ) $dlght->setProperty( 'tzname', $dlghtTZNAME ); $dlght->setProperty( 'tzoffsetto', $dlghtTZOFFSETTO ); $dlght->setProperty( 'tzoffsetfrom', $dlghtTZOFFSETFROM ); if( FALSE === iCalUtilityFunctions::_setTZrrule( $dlght )) $dlght->setProperty( 'RRULE', array( 'FREQ' => 'YEARLY', 'BYDAY' => array( '-1', 'DAY' => 'SU' ), 'BYMONTH' => 3 )); return TRUE; } /** * convert date/datetime to timestamp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.8 - 2008-10-30 * @param array $datetime datetime/(date) * @param string $tz timezone * @return timestamp */ public static function _date2timestamp( $datetime, $tz=null ) { $output = null; if( !isset( $datetime['hour'] )) $datetime['hour'] = '0'; if( !isset( $datetime['min'] )) $datetime['min'] = '0'; if( !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) $datetime['sec'] = '0'; foreach( $datetime as $dkey => $dvalue ) { if( 'tz' != $dkey ) $datetime[$dkey] = (integer) $dvalue; } if( $tz ) $datetime['tz'] = $tz; $offset = ( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && ( '' < trim ( $datetime['tz'] ))) ? iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( $datetime['tz'] ) : 0; $output = mktime( $datetime['hour'], $datetime['min'], ($datetime['sec'] + $offset), $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'], $datetime['year'] ); return $output; } /** * ensures internal date-time/date format for input date-time/date in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 0.3.0 - 2006-08-15 * @param array $datetime * @param int $parno optional, default FALSE * @return array */ public static function _date_time_array( $datetime, $parno=FALSE ) { $output = array(); foreach( $datetime as $dateKey => $datePart ) { switch ( $dateKey ) { case '0': case 'year': $output['year'] = $datePart; break; case '1': case 'month': $output['month'] = $datePart; break; case '2': case 'day': $output['day'] = $datePart; break; } if( 3 != $parno ) { switch ( $dateKey ) { case '0': case '1': case '2': break; case '3': case 'hour': $output['hour'] = $datePart; break; case '4': case 'min' : $output['min'] = $datePart; break; case '5': case 'sec' : $output['sec'] = $datePart; break; case '6': case 'tz' : $output['tz'] = $datePart; break; } } } if( 3 != $parno ) { if( !isset( $output['hour'] )) $output['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['min'] )) $output['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['sec'] )) $output['sec'] = 0; } return $output; } /** * ensures internal date-time/date format for input date-time/date in string fromat * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.6.35 - 2010-12-03 * @param array $datetime * @param int $parno optional, default FALSE * @return array */ public static function _date_time_string( $datetime, $parno=FALSE ) { $datetime = (string) trim( $datetime ); $tz = null; $len = strlen( $datetime ) - 1; if( 'Z' == substr( $datetime, -1 )) { $tz = 'Z'; $datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, $len )); } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -2, 2 ))) && // time or date ( '-' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 )) || ( ':' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 )) || ( '.' == substr( $datetime, -3, 1 ))) { $continue = TRUE; } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -4, 4 ))) && // 4 pos offset ( ' +' == substr( $datetime, -6, 2 )) || ( ' -' == substr( $datetime, -6, 2 ))) { $tz = substr( $datetime, -5, 5 ); $datetime = substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 5)); } elseif( ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -6, 6 ))) && // 6 pos offset ( ' +' == substr( $datetime, -8, 2 )) || ( ' -' == substr( $datetime, -8, 2 ))) { $tz = substr( $datetime, -7, 7 ); $datetime = substr( $datetime, 0, ($len - 7)); } elseif( ( 6 < $len ) && ( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, -6, 6 )))) { $continue = TRUE; } elseif( 'T' == substr( $datetime, -7, 1 )) { $continue = TRUE; } else { $cx = $tx = 0; // 19970415T133000 US-Eastern for( $cx = -1; $cx > ( 9 - $len ); $cx-- ) { $char = substr( $datetime, $cx, 1 ); if(( ' ' == $char) || ctype_digit( $char)) break; // if exists, tz ends here.. . ? else $tx--; // tz length counter } if( 0 > $tx ) { $tz = substr( $datetime, $tx ); $datetime = trim( substr( $datetime, 0, $len + $tx + 1 )); } } if( 0 < substr_count( $datetime, '-' )) { $datetime = str_replace( '-', '/', $datetime ); } elseif( ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, 0, 8 )) && ( 'T' == substr( $datetime, 8, 1 )) && ctype_digit( substr( $datetime, 9, 6 ))) { $datetime = substr( $datetime, 4, 2 ) .'/'.substr( $datetime, 6, 2 ) .'/'.substr( $datetime, 0, 4 ) .' '.substr( $datetime, 9, 2 ) .':'.substr( $datetime, 11, 2 ) .':'.substr( $datetime, 13); } $datestring = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime( $datetime )); $tz = trim( $tz ); $output = array(); $output['year'] = substr( $datestring, 0, 4 ); $output['month'] = substr( $datestring, 5, 2 ); $output['day'] = substr( $datestring, 8, 2 ); if(( 6 == $parno ) || ( 7 == $parno ) || ( !$parno && ( 'Z' == $tz ))) { $output['hour'] = substr( $datestring, 11, 2 ); $output['min'] = substr( $datestring, 14, 2 ); $output['sec'] = substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ); if( !empty( $tz )) $output['tz'] = $tz; } elseif( 3 != $parno ) { if(( '00' < substr( $datestring, 11, 2 )) || ( '00' < substr( $datestring, 14, 2 )) || ( '00' < substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ))) { $output['hour'] = substr( $datestring, 11, 2 ); $output['min'] = substr( $datestring, 14, 2 ); $output['sec'] = substr( $datestring, 17, 2 ); } if( !empty( $tz )) $output['tz'] = $tz; } return $output; } /** * convert local startdate/enddate (Ymd[His]) to duration array * * uses this component dates if missing input dates * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.6.11 - 2010-10-21 * @param array $startdate * @param array $duration * @return array duration */ public static function _date2duration( $startdate, $enddate ) { $startWdate = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $startdate['month'], $startdate['day'], $startdate['year'] ); $endWdate = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $enddate['month'], $enddate['day'], $enddate['year'] ); $wduration = $endWdate - $startWdate; $dur = array(); $dur['week'] = (int) floor( $wduration / ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 )); $wduration = $wduration % ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ); $dur['day'] = (int) floor( $wduration / ( 24 * 60 * 60 )); $wduration = $wduration % ( 24 * 60 * 60 ); $dur['hour'] = (int) floor( $wduration / ( 60 * 60 )); $wduration = $wduration % ( 60 * 60 ); $dur['min'] = (int) floor( $wduration / ( 60 )); $dur['sec'] = (int) $wduration % ( 60 ); return $dur; } /** * ensures internal duration format for input in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.1.1 - 2007-06-24 * @param array $duration * @return array */ public static function _duration_array( $duration ) { $output = array(); if( is_array( $duration ) && ( 1 == count( $duration )) && isset( $duration['sec'] ) && ( 60 < $duration['sec'] )) { $durseconds = $duration['sec']; $output['week'] = floor( $durseconds / ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 )); $durseconds = $durseconds % ( 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 ); $output['day'] = floor( $durseconds / ( 60 * 60 * 24 )); $durseconds = $durseconds % ( 60 * 60 * 24 ); $output['hour'] = floor( $durseconds / ( 60 * 60 )); $durseconds = $durseconds % ( 60 * 60 ); $output['min'] = floor( $durseconds / ( 60 )); $output['sec'] = ( $durseconds % ( 60 )); } else { foreach( $duration as $durKey => $durValue ) { if( empty( $durValue )) continue; switch ( $durKey ) { case '0': case 'week': $output['week'] = $durValue; break; case '1': case 'day': $output['day'] = $durValue; break; case '2': case 'hour': $output['hour'] = $durValue; break; case '3': case 'min': $output['min'] = $durValue; break; case '4': case 'sec': $output['sec'] = $durValue; break; } } } if( isset( $output['week'] ) && ( 0 < $output['week'] )) { unset( $output['day'], $output['hour'], $output['min'], $output['sec'] ); return $output; } unset( $output['week'] ); if( empty( $output['day'] )) unset( $output['day'] ); if ( isset( $output['hour'] ) || isset( $output['min'] ) || isset( $output['sec'] )) { if( !isset( $output['hour'] )) $output['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['min'] )) $output['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $output['sec'] )) $output['sec'] = 0; if(( 0 == $output['hour'] ) && ( 0 == $output['min'] ) && ( 0 == $output['sec'] )) unset( $output['hour'], $output['min'], $output['sec'] ); } return $output; } /** * ensures internal duration format for input in string format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.0.5 - 2007-03-14 * @param string $duration * @return array */ public static function _duration_string( $duration ) { $duration = (string) trim( $duration ); while( 'P' != strtoupper( substr( $duration, 0, 1 ))) { if( 0 < strlen( $duration )) $duration = substr( $duration, 1 ); else return false; // no leading P !?!? } $duration = substr( $duration, 1 ); // skip P $duration = str_replace ( 't', 'T', $duration ); $duration = str_replace ( 'T', '', $duration ); $output = array(); $val = null; for( $ix=0; $ix < strlen( $duration ); ++$ix ) { switch( strtoupper( substr( $duration, $ix, 1 ))) { case 'W': $output['week'] = $val; $val = null; break; case 'D': $output['day'] = $val; $val = null; break; case 'H': $output['hour'] = $val; $val = null; break; case 'M': $output['min'] = $val; $val = null; break; case 'S': $output['sec'] = $val; $val = null; break; default: if( !ctype_digit( substr( $duration, $ix, 1 ))) return false; // unknown duration control character !?!? else $val .= substr( $duration, $ix, 1 ); } } return iCalUtilityFunctions::_duration_array( $output ); } /** * convert duration to date in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.8.7 - 2011-03-03 * @param array $startdate * @param array $duration * @return array, date format */ public static function _duration2date( $startdate=null, $duration=null ) { if( empty( $startdate )) return FALSE; if( empty( $duration )) return FALSE; $dateOnly = ( isset( $startdate['hour'] ) || isset( $startdate['min'] ) || isset( $startdate['sec'] )) ? FALSE : TRUE; $startdate['hour'] = ( isset( $startdate['hour'] )) ? $startdate['hour'] : 0; $startdate['min'] = ( isset( $startdate['min'] )) ? $startdate['min'] : 0; $startdate['sec'] = ( isset( $startdate['sec'] )) ? $startdate['sec'] : 0; $dtend = 0; if( isset( $duration['week'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['week'] * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ); if( isset( $duration['day'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['day'] * 24 * 60 * 60 ); if( isset( $duration['hour'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['hour'] * 60 *60 ); if( isset( $duration['min'] )) $dtend += ( $duration['min'] * 60 ); if( isset( $duration['sec'] )) $dtend += $duration['sec']; $dtend = mktime( $startdate['hour'], $startdate['min'], ( $startdate['sec'] + $dtend ), $startdate['month'], $startdate['day'], $startdate['year'] ); $dtend2 = array(); $dtend2['year'] = date('Y', $dtend ); $dtend2['month'] = date('m', $dtend ); $dtend2['day'] = date('d', $dtend ); $dtend2['hour'] = date('H', $dtend ); $dtend2['min'] = date('i', $dtend ); $dtend2['sec'] = date('s', $dtend ); if( isset( $startdate['tz'] )) $dtend2['tz'] = $startdate['tz']; if( $dateOnly && (( 0 == $dtend2['hour'] ) && ( 0 == $dtend2['min'] ) && ( 0 == $dtend2['sec'] ))) unset( $dtend2['hour'], $dtend2['min'], $dtend2['sec'] ); return $dtend2; } /** * if not preSet, if exist, remove key with expected value from array and return hit value else return elseValue * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-11-08 * @param array $array * @param string $expkey, expected key * @param string $expval, expected value * @param int $hitVal optional, return value if found * @param int $elseVal optional, return value if not found * @param int $preSet optional, return value if already preset * @return int */ public static function _existRem( &$array, $expkey, $expval=FALSE, $hitVal=null, $elseVal=null, $preSet=null ) { if( $preSet ) return $preSet; if( !is_array( $array ) || ( 0 == count( $array ))) return $elseVal; foreach( $array as $key => $value ) { if( strtoupper( $expkey ) == strtoupper( $key )) { if( !$expval || ( strtoupper( $expval ) == strtoupper( $array[$key] ))) { unset( $array[$key] ); return $hitVal; } } } return $elseVal; } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type date/date-time * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.8 - 2008-10-30 * @param array $datetime * @param int $parno, optional, default 6 * @return string */ public static function _format_date_time( $datetime, $parno=6 ) { if( !isset( $datetime['year'] ) && !isset( $datetime['month'] ) && !isset( $datetime['day'] ) && !isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && !isset( $datetime['min'] ) && !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) return ; $output = null; // if( !isset( $datetime['day'] )) { $o=''; foreach($datetime as $k=>$v) {if(is_array($v)) $v=implode('-',$v);$o.=" $k=>$v";} echo " day SAKNAS : $o
\n"; } foreach( $datetime as $dkey => & $dvalue ) if( 'tz' != $dkey ) $dvalue = (integer) $dvalue; $output = date('Ymd', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'], $datetime['year'])); if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) || isset( $datetime['min'] ) || isset( $datetime['sec'] ) || isset( $datetime['tz'] )) { if( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && !isset( $datetime['hour'] )) $datetime['hour'] = 0; if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && !isset( $datetime['min'] )) $datetime['min'] = 0; if( isset( $datetime['hour'] ) && isset( $datetime['min'] ) && !isset( $datetime['sec'] )) $datetime['sec'] = 0; $date = mktime( $datetime['hour'], $datetime['min'], $datetime['sec'], $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'], $datetime['year']); $output .= date('\THis', $date ); if( isset( $datetime['tz'] ) && ( '' < trim ( $datetime['tz'] ))) { $datetime['tz'] = trim( $datetime['tz'] ); if( 'Z' == $datetime['tz'] ) $output .= 'Z'; $offset = iCalUtilityFunctions::_tz2offset( $datetime['tz'] ); if( 0 != $offset ) { $date = mktime( $datetime['hour'], $datetime['min'], ($datetime['sec'] + $offset), $datetime['month'], $datetime['day'], $datetime['year']); $output = date( 'Ymd\THis\Z', $date ); } } elseif( 7 == $parno ) $output .= 'Z'; } return $output; } /** * creates formatted output for calendar component property data value type duration * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.9.9 - 2011-06-17 * @param array $duration ( week, day, hour, min, sec ) * @return string */ public static function _format_duration( $duration ) { if( isset( $duration['week'] ) || isset( $duration['day'] ) || isset( $duration['hour'] ) || isset( $duration['min'] ) || isset( $duration['sec'] )) $ok = TRUE; else return; if( isset( $duration['week'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['week'] )) return 'P'.$duration['week'].'W'; $output = 'P'; if( isset($duration['day'] ) && ( 0 < $duration['day'] )) $output .= $duration['day'].'D'; if(( isset( $duration['hour']) && ( 0 < $duration['hour'] )) || ( isset( $duration['min']) && ( 0 < $duration['min'] )) || ( isset( $duration['sec']) && ( 0 < $duration['sec'] ))) $output .= 'T'; $output .= ( isset( $duration['hour']) && ( 0 < $duration['hour'] )) ? $duration['hour'].'H' : ''; $output .= ( isset( $duration['min']) && ( 0 < $duration['min'] )) ? $duration['min']. 'M' : ''; $output .= ( isset( $duration['sec']) && ( 0 < $duration['sec'] )) ? $duration['sec']. 'S' : ''; if( 'P' == $output ) $output = 'PT0S'; return $output; } /** * checks if input array contains a date * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-25 * @param array $input * @return bool */ public static function _isArrayDate( $input ) { if( isset( $input['week'] ) || ( !in_array( count( $input ), array( 3, 6, 7 )))) return FALSE; if( 7 == count( $input )) return TRUE; if( isset( $input['year'] ) && isset( $input['month'] ) && isset( $input['day'] )) return checkdate( (int) $input['month'], (int) $input['day'], (int) $input['year'] ); if( isset( $input['day'] ) || isset( $input['hour'] ) || isset( $input['min'] ) || isset( $input['sec'] )) return FALSE; if( in_array( 0, $input )) return FALSE; if(( 1970 > $input[0] ) || ( 12 < $input[1] ) || ( 31 < $input[2] )) return FALSE; if(( isset( $input[0] ) && isset( $input[1] ) && isset( $input[2] )) && checkdate( (int) $input[1], (int) $input[2], (int) $input[0] )) return TRUE; $input = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string( $input[1].'/'.$input[2].'/'.$input[0], 3 ); // m - d - Y if( isset( $input['year'] ) && isset( $input['month'] ) && isset( $input['day'] )) return checkdate( (int) $input['month'], (int) $input['day'], (int) $input['year'] ); return FALSE; } /** * checks if input array contains a timestamp date * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-18 * @param array $input * @return bool */ public static function _isArrayTimestampDate( $input ) { return ( is_array( $input ) && isset( $input['timestamp'] )) ? TRUE : FALSE ; } /** * controll if input string contains trailing UTC offset * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-19 * @param string $input * @return bool */ public static function _isOffset( $input ) { $input = trim( (string) $input ); if( 'Z' == substr( $input, -1 )) return TRUE; elseif(( 5 <= strlen( $input )) && ( in_array( substr( $input, -5, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) && ( '0000' < substr( $input, -4 )) && ( '9999' >= substr( $input, -4 ))) return TRUE; elseif(( 7 <= strlen( $input )) && ( in_array( substr( $input, -7, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) && ( '000000' < substr( $input, -6 )) && ( '999999' >= substr( $input, -6 ))) return TRUE; return FALSE; } /** * transform offset in seconds to [-/+]hhmm[ss] * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2011-05-02 * @param string $seconds * @return string */ public static function offsetSec2His( $seconds ) { if( '-' == substr( $seconds, 0, 1 )) { $prefix = '-'; $seconds = substr( $seconds, 1 ); } elseif( '+' == substr( $seconds, 0, 1 )) { $prefix = '+'; $seconds = substr( $seconds, 1 ); } else $prefix = '+'; $output = ''; $hour = (int) floor( $seconds / 3600 ); if( 10 > $hour ) $hour = '0'.$hour; $seconds = $seconds % 3600; $min = (int) floor( $seconds / 60 ); if( 10 > $min ) $min = '0'.$min; $output = $hour.$min; $seconds = $seconds % 60; if( 0 < $seconds) { if( 9 < $seconds) $output .= $seconds; else $output .= '0'.$seconds; } return $prefix.$output; } /** * remakes a recur pattern to an array of dates * * if missing, UNTIL is set 1 year from startdate (emergency break) * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.9.10 - 2011-07-07 * @param array $result, array to update, array([timestamp] => timestamp) * @param array $recur, pattern for recurrency (only value part, params ignored) * @param array $wdate, component start date * @param array $startdate, start date * @param array $enddate, optional * @return array of recurrence (start-)dates as index * @todo BYHOUR, BYMINUTE, BYSECOND, ev. BYSETPOS due to ambiguity, WEEKLY at year end/start */ public static function _recur2date( & $result, $recur, $wdate, $startdate, $enddate=FALSE ) { foreach( $wdate as $k => $v ) if( ctype_digit( $v )) $wdate[$k] = (int) $v; $wdateStart = $wdate; $wdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $wdate ); $startdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $startdate ); if( !$enddate ) { $enddate = $startdate; $enddate['year'] += 1; } // echo "recur __in_ comp start ".implode('-',$wdate)." period start ".implode('-',$startdate)." period end ".implode('-',$enddate)."
\n";print_r($recur);echo "
\n";//test### $endDatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $enddate ); // fix break if( !isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && !isset( $recur['UNTIL'] )) $recur['UNTIL'] = $enddate; // create break if( isset( $recur['UNTIL'] )) { $tdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $recur['UNTIL'] ); if( $endDatets > $tdatets ) { $endDatets = $tdatets; // emergency break $enddate = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $endDatets, 6 ); } else $recur['UNTIL'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $endDatets, 6 ); } if( $wdatets > $endDatets ) { // echo "recur out of date ".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets),6))."
\n";//test return array(); // nothing to do.. . } if( !isset( $recur['FREQ'] )) // "MUST be specified.. ." $recur['FREQ'] = 'DAILY'; // ?? $wkst = ( isset( $recur['WKST'] ) && ( 'SU' == $recur['WKST'] )) ? 24*60*60 : 0; // ?? $weekStart = (int) date( 'W', ( $wdatets + $wkst )); if( !isset( $recur['INTERVAL'] )) $recur['INTERVAL'] = 1; $countcnt = ( !isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) ? 1 : 0; // DTSTART counts as the first occurrence /* find out how to step up dates and set index for interval count */ $step = array(); if( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) $step['year'] = 1; elseif( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) $step['month'] = 1; elseif( 'WEEKLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) $step['day'] = 7; else $step['day'] = 1; if( isset( $step['year'] ) && isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] )) $step = array( 'month' => 1 ); if( empty( $step ) && isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] )) // ?? $step = array( 'day' => 7 ); if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] ) || isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] ) || isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) $step = array( 'day' => 1 ); $intervalarr = array(); if( 1 < $recur['INTERVAL'] ) { $intervalix = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurIntervalIx( $recur['FREQ'], $wdate, $wkst ); $intervalarr = array( $intervalix => 0 ); } if( isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) { // save start date + weekno $bysetposymd1 = $bysetposymd2 = $bysetposw1 = $bysetposw2 = array(); // echo "bysetposXold_start=$bysetposYold $bysetposMold $bysetposDold
\n"; // test ### if( is_array( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) { foreach( $recur['BYSETPOS'] as $bix => $bval ) $recur['BYSETPOS'][$bix] = (int) $bval; } else $recur['BYSETPOS'] = array( (int) $recur['BYSETPOS'] ); if( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) { $wdate['month'] = $wdate['day'] = 1; // start from beginning of year $wdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $wdate ); iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $enddate, $endDatets, array( 'year' => 1 )); // make sure to count whole last year } elseif( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) { $wdate['day'] = 1; // start from beginning of month $wdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $wdate ); iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $enddate, $endDatets, array( 'month' => 1 )); // make sure to count whole last month } else iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $enddate, $endDatets, $step); // make sure to count whole last period // echo "BYSETPOS endDat++ =".implode('-',$enddate).' step='.var_export($step,TRUE)."
\n";//test### $bysetposWold = (int) date( 'W', ( $wdatets + $wkst )); $bysetposYold = $wdate['year']; $bysetposMold = $wdate['month']; $bysetposDold = $wdate['day']; } else iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdatets, $step); $year_old = null; $daynames = array( 'SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA' ); /* MAIN LOOP */ // echo "recur start ".implode('-',$wdate)." end ".implode('-',$enddate)."
\n";//test while( TRUE ) { if( isset( $endDatets ) && ( $wdatets > $endDatets )) break; if( isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && ( $countcnt >= $recur['COUNT'] )) break; if( $year_old != $wdate['year'] ) { $year_old = $wdate['year']; $daycnts = array(); $yeardays = $weekno = 0; $yeardaycnt = array(); for( $m = 1; $m <= 12; ++$m ) { // count up and update up-counters $daycnts[$m] = array(); $weekdaycnt = array(); foreach( $daynames as $dn ) $yeardaycnt[$dn] = $weekdaycnt[$dn] = 0; $mcnt = date( 't', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $wdate['year'] )); for( $d = 1; $d <= $mcnt; ++$d ) { $daycnts[$m][$d] = array(); if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] )) { ++$yeardays; $daycnts[$m][$d]['yearcnt_up'] = $yeardays; } if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) { $day = date( 'w', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, $d, $wdate['year'] )); $day = $daynames[$day]; $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] = $day; $weekdaycnt[$day]++; $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up'] = $weekdaycnt[$day]; $yeardaycnt[$day]++; $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up'] = $yeardaycnt[$day]; } if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' )) $daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_up'] =(int)date('W',mktime(0,0,$wkst,$m,$d,$wdate['year'])); } } $daycnt = 0; $yeardaycnt = array(); if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' )) { $weekno = null; for( $d=31; $d > 25; $d-- ) { // get last weekno for year if( !$weekno ) $weekno = $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up']; elseif( $weekno < $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up'] ) { $weekno = $daycnts[12][$d]['weekno_up']; break; } } } for( $m = 12; $m > 0; $m-- ) { // count down and update down-counters $weekdaycnt = array(); foreach( $daynames as $dn ) $yeardaycnt[$dn] = $weekdaycnt[$dn] = 0; $monthcnt = 0; $mcnt = date( 't', mktime( 0, 0, 0, $m, 1, $wdate['year'] )); for( $d = $mcnt; $d > 0; $d-- ) { if( isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] )) { $daycnt -= 1; $daycnts[$m][$d]['yearcnt_down'] = $daycnt; } if( isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] )) { $monthcnt -= 1; $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthcnt_down'] = $monthcnt; } if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) { $day = $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY']; $weekdaycnt[$day] -= 1; $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] = $weekdaycnt[$day]; $yeardaycnt[$day] -= 1; $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] = $yeardaycnt[$day]; } if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] ) || ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'WEEKLY' )) $daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_down'] = ($daycnts[$m][$d]['weekno_up'] - $weekno - 1); } } } /* check interval */ if( 1 < $recur['INTERVAL'] ) { /* create interval index */ $intervalix = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurIntervalIx( $recur['FREQ'], $wdate, $wkst ); /* check interval */ $currentKey = array_keys( $intervalarr ); $currentKey = end( $currentKey ); // get last index if( $currentKey != $intervalix ) $intervalarr = array( $intervalix => ( $intervalarr[$currentKey] + 1 )); if(( $recur['INTERVAL'] != $intervalarr[$intervalix] ) && ( 0 != $intervalarr[$intervalix] )) { /* step up date */ // echo "skip: ".implode('-',$wdate)." ix=$intervalix old=$currentKey interval=".$intervalarr[$intervalix]."
\n";//test iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdatets, $step); continue; } else // continue within the selected interval $intervalarr[$intervalix] = 0; // echo "cont: ".implode('-',$wdate)." ix=$intervalix old=$currentKey interval=".$intervalarr[$intervalix]."
\n";//test } $updateOK = TRUE; if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] )) $updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYMONTH'] , $wdate['month'] ,($wdate['month'] - 13)); if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] )) $updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] , $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_up'] , $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_down'] ); if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] )) $updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYYEARDAY'] , $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['yearcnt_up'] , $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['yearcnt_down'] ); if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] )) $updateOK = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYMONTHDAY'] , $wdate['day'] , $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['monthcnt_down'] ); // echo "efter BYMONTHDAY: ".implode('-',$wdate).' status: '; echo ($updateOK) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; echo "
\n";//test### if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYDAY'] )) { $updateOK = FALSE; $m = $wdate['month']; $d = $wdate['day']; if( isset( $recur['BYDAY']['DAY'] )) { // single day, opt with year/month day order no $daynoexists = $daynosw = $daynamesw = FALSE; if( $recur['BYDAY']['DAY'] == $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] ) $daynamesw = TRUE; if( isset( $recur['BYDAY'][0] )) { $daynoexists = TRUE; if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY' )) || isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] )) $daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYDAY'][0] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] ); elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' )) $daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $recur['BYDAY'][0] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] ); } if(( $daynoexists && $daynosw && $daynamesw ) || ( !$daynoexists && !$daynosw && $daynamesw )) { $updateOK = TRUE; } // echo "daynoexists:$daynoexists daynosw:$daynosw daynamesw:$daynamesw
\n"; // test ### } else { foreach( $recur['BYDAY'] as $bydayvalue ) { $daynoexists = $daynosw = $daynamesw = FALSE; if( isset( $bydayvalue['DAY'] ) && ( $bydayvalue['DAY'] == $daycnts[$m][$d]['DAY'] )) $daynamesw = TRUE; if( isset( $bydayvalue[0] )) { $daynoexists = TRUE; if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'MONTHLY' )) || isset( $recur['BYMONTH'] )) $daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $bydayvalue['0'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_up'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['monthdayno_down'] ); elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $recur['FREQ'] == 'YEARLY' )) $daynosw = iCalUtilityFunctions::_recurBYcntcheck( $bydayvalue['0'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_up'] , $daycnts[$m][$d]['yeardayno_down'] ); } // echo "daynoexists:$daynoexists daynosw:$daynosw daynamesw:$daynamesw
\n"; // test ### if(( $daynoexists && $daynosw && $daynamesw ) || ( !$daynoexists && !$daynosw && $daynamesw )) { $updateOK = TRUE; break; } } } } // echo "efter BYDAY: ".implode('-',$wdate).' status: '; echo ($updateOK) ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE'; echo "
\n"; // test ### /* check BYSETPOS */ if( $updateOK ) { if( isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] ) && ( in_array( $recur['FREQ'], array( 'YEARLY', 'MONTHLY', 'WEEKLY', 'DAILY' )))) { if( isset( $recur['WEEKLY'] )) { if( $bysetposWold == $daycnts[$wdate['month']][$wdate['day']]['weekno_up'] ) $bysetposw1[] = $wdatets; else $bysetposw2[] = $wdatets; } else { if(( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] )) || ( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) && (( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] ) && ( $bysetposMold == $wdate['month'] ))) || ( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'DAILY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) && (( $bysetposYold == $wdate['year'] ) && ( $bysetposMold == $wdate['month']) && ( $bysetposDold == $wdate['day'] )))) { // echo "bysetposymd1[]=".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets),6))."
\n";//test $bysetposymd1[] = $wdatets; } else { // echo "bysetposymd2[]=".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets),6))."
\n";//test $bysetposymd2[] = $wdatets; } } } else { /* update result array if BYSETPOS is set */ ++$countcnt; if( $startdatets <= $wdatets ) { // only output within period $result[$wdatets] = TRUE; // echo "recur ".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets),6))."
\n";//test } // echo "recur undate ".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$wdatets),6))." okdatstart ".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$startdatets),6))."
\n";//test $updateOK = FALSE; } } /* step up date */ iCalUtilityFunctions::_stepdate( $wdate, $wdatets, $step); /* check if BYSETPOS is set for updating result array */ if( $updateOK && isset( $recur['BYSETPOS'] )) { $bysetpos = FALSE; if( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'YEARLY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] )) { $bysetpos = TRUE; $bysetposYold = $wdate['year']; } elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'MONTHLY' == $recur['FREQ'] && (( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] ) || ( $bysetposMold != $wdate['month'] )))) { $bysetpos = TRUE; $bysetposYold = $wdate['year']; $bysetposMold = $wdate['month']; } elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'WEEKLY' == $recur['FREQ'] )) { $weekno = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, $wdate['month'], $wdate['day'], $wdate['year'])); if( $bysetposWold != $weekno ) { $bysetposWold = $weekno; $bysetpos = TRUE; } } elseif( isset( $recur['FREQ'] ) && ( 'DAILY' == $recur['FREQ'] ) && (( $bysetposYold != $wdate['year'] ) || ( $bysetposMold != $wdate['month'] ) || ( $bysetposDold != $wdate['day'] ))) { $bysetpos = TRUE; $bysetposYold = $wdate['year']; $bysetposMold = $wdate['month']; $bysetposDold = $wdate['day']; } if( $bysetpos ) { if( isset( $recur['BYWEEKNO'] )) { $bysetposarr1 = & $bysetposw1; $bysetposarr2 = & $bysetposw2; } else { $bysetposarr1 = & $bysetposymd1; $bysetposarr2 = & $bysetposymd2; } // echo 'test före out startYMD (weekno)='.$wdateStart['year'].':'.$wdateStart['month'].':'.$wdateStart['day']." ($weekStart) "; // test ### foreach( $recur['BYSETPOS'] as $ix ) { if( 0 > $ix ) // both positive and negative BYSETPOS allowed $ix = ( count( $bysetposarr1 ) + $ix + 1); $ix--; if( isset( $bysetposarr1[$ix] )) { if( $startdatets <= $bysetposarr1[$ix] ) { // only output within period // $testdate = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $bysetposarr1[$ix], 6 ); // test ### // $testweekno = (int) date( 'W', mktime( 0, 0, $wkst, $testdate['month'], $testdate['day'], $testdate['year'] )); // test ### // echo " testYMD (weekno)=".$testdate['year'].':'.$testdate['month'].':'.$testdate['day']." ($testweekno)"; // test ### $result[$bysetposarr1[$ix]] = TRUE; // echo " recur ".implode('-',iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string(date('Y-m-d H:i:s',$bysetposarr1[$ix]),6)); // test ### } ++$countcnt; } if( isset( $recur['COUNT'] ) && ( $countcnt >= $recur['COUNT'] )) break; } // echo "
\n"; // test ### $bysetposarr1 = $bysetposarr2; $bysetposarr2 = array(); } } } } public static function _recurBYcntcheck( $BYvalue, $upValue, $downValue ) { if( is_array( $BYvalue ) && ( in_array( $upValue, $BYvalue ) || in_array( $downValue, $BYvalue ))) return TRUE; elseif(( $BYvalue == $upValue ) || ( $BYvalue == $downValue )) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } public static function _recurIntervalIx( $freq, $date, $wkst ) { /* create interval index */ switch( $freq ) { case 'YEARLY': $intervalix = $date['year']; break; case 'MONTHLY': $intervalix = $date['year'].'-'.$date['month']; break; case 'WEEKLY': $wdatets = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $date ); $intervalix = (int) date( 'W', ( $wdatets + $wkst )); break; case 'DAILY': default: $intervalix = $date['year'].'-'.$date['month'].'-'.$date['day']; break; } return $intervalix; } /** * convert input format for exrule and rrule to internal format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.9.10 - 2011-07-07 * @param array $rexrule * @return array */ public static function _setRexrule( $rexrule ) { $input = array(); if( empty( $rexrule )) return $input; foreach( $rexrule as $rexrulelabel => $rexrulevalue ) { $rexrulelabel = strtoupper( $rexrulelabel ); if( 'UNTIL' != $rexrulelabel ) $input[$rexrulelabel] = $rexrulevalue; else { if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $rexrulevalue )) // timestamp date $input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $rexrulevalue, 6 ); elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $rexrulevalue )) // date-time $input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_array( $rexrulevalue, 6 ); elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $rexrulevalue ))) // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $input[$rexrulelabel] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string( $rexrulevalue ); if(( 3 < count( $input[$rexrulelabel] )) && !isset( $input[$rexrulelabel]['tz'] )) $input[$rexrulelabel]['tz'] = 'Z'; } } /* set recurrence rule specification in rfc2445 order */ $input2 = array(); if( isset( $input['FREQ'] )) $input2['FREQ'] = $input['FREQ']; if( isset( $input['UNTIL'] )) $input2['UNTIL'] = $input['UNTIL']; elseif( isset( $input['COUNT'] )) $input2['COUNT'] = $input['COUNT']; if( isset( $input['INTERVAL'] )) $input2['INTERVAL'] = $input['INTERVAL']; if( isset( $input['BYSECOND'] )) $input2['BYSECOND'] = $input['BYSECOND']; if( isset( $input['BYMINUTE'] )) $input2['BYMINUTE'] = $input['BYMINUTE']; if( isset( $input['BYHOUR'] )) $input2['BYHOUR'] = $input['BYHOUR']; if( isset( $input['BYDAY'] )) { if( !is_array( $input['BYDAY'] )) // ensure upper case.. . $input2['BYDAY'] = strtoupper( $input['BYDAY'] ); else { foreach( $input['BYDAY'] as $BYDAYx => $BYDAYv ) { if( 'DAY' == strtoupper( $BYDAYx )) $input2['BYDAY']['DAY'] = strtoupper( $BYDAYv ); elseif( !is_array( $BYDAYv )) { $input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx] = $BYDAYv; } else { foreach( $BYDAYv as $BYDAYx2 => $BYDAYv2 ) { if( 'DAY' == strtoupper( $BYDAYx2 )) $input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx]['DAY'] = strtoupper( $BYDAYv2 ); else $input2['BYDAY'][$BYDAYx][$BYDAYx2] = $BYDAYv2; } } } } } if( isset( $input['BYMONTHDAY'] )) $input2['BYMONTHDAY'] = $input['BYMONTHDAY']; if( isset( $input['BYYEARDAY'] )) $input2['BYYEARDAY'] = $input['BYYEARDAY']; if( isset( $input['BYWEEKNO'] )) $input2['BYWEEKNO'] = $input['BYWEEKNO']; if( isset( $input['BYMONTH'] )) $input2['BYMONTH'] = $input['BYMONTH']; if( isset( $input['BYSETPOS'] )) $input2['BYSETPOS'] = $input['BYSETPOS']; if( isset( $input['WKST'] )) $input2['WKST'] = $input['WKST']; return $input2; } /** * convert format for input date to internal date with parameters * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.10.4 - 2011-08-03 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param string $tz optional * @param array $params optional * @param string $caller optional * @param string $objName optional * @param string $tzid optional * @return array */ public static function _setDate( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $tz=FALSE, $params=FALSE, $caller=null, $objName=null, $tzid=FALSE ) { $input = $parno = null; $localtime = (( 'dtstart' == $caller ) && in_array( $objName, array( 'vtimezone', 'standard', 'daylight' ))) ? TRUE : FALSE; if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $year )) { if( $localtime ) unset ( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); if( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) { $input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE-TIME'; unset( $year['tz'] ); } $hitval = (( !empty( $year['tz'] ) || !empty( $year[6] ))) ? 7 : 6; $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval ); $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3, count( $year ), $parno ); $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_array( $year, $parno ); } elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $year )) { if( $localtime ) unset ( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); if( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) { $input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE-TIME'; unset( $year['tz'] ); } $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3 ); $hitval = ( isset( $year['tz'] )) ? 7 : 6; $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval, $parno ); $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $year, $parno ); } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 if( $localtime ) unset ( $month['VALUE'], $month['TZID'] ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); if( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) { $input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE-TIME'; $parno = 6; } elseif( $tzid && iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( substr( $year, -7 ))) { if(( in_array( substr( $year, -5, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) && ( '0000' < substr( $year, -4 )) && ( '9999' >= substr( $year, -4 ))) $year = substr( $year, 0, ( strlen( $year ) - 5 )); elseif(( in_array( substr( $input, -7, 1 ), array( '+', '-' ))) && ( '000000' < substr( $input, -6 )) && ( '999999' >= substr( $input, -6 ))) $year = substr( $year, 0, ( strlen( $year ) - 7 )); $parno = 6; } $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', 7, $parno ); $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3, $parno, $parno ); $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string( $year, $parno ); } else { if( is_array( $params )) { if( $localtime ) unset ( $params['VALUE'], $params['TZID'] ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); } elseif( is_array( $tz )) { $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $tz, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); $tz = FALSE; } elseif( is_array( $hour )) { $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $hour, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); $hour = $min = $sec = $tz = FALSE; } if( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) { $tz = null; $input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE-TIME'; } $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE', 3 ); $hitval = ( !empty( $tz )) ? 7 : 6; $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', $hitval, $parno, $parno ); $input['value'] = array( 'year' => $year, 'month' => $month, 'day' => $day ); if( 3 != $parno ) { $input['value']['hour'] = ( $hour ) ? $hour : '0'; $input['value']['min'] = ( $min ) ? $min : '0'; $input['value']['sec'] = ( $sec ) ? $sec : '0'; if( !empty( $tz )) $input['value']['tz'] = $tz; } } if( 3 == $parno ) { $input['params']['VALUE'] = 'DATE'; unset( $input['value']['tz'] ); unset( $input['params']['TZID'] ); } elseif( isset( $input['params']['TZID'] )) unset( $input['value']['tz'] ); if( $localtime ) unset( $input['value']['tz'], $input['params']['TZID'] ); elseif(( !isset( $input['params']['VALUE'] ) || ( $input['params']['VALUE'] != 'DATE' )) && !isset( $input['params']['TZID'] ) && $tzid ) $input['params']['TZID'] = $tzid; if( isset( $input['value']['tz'] )) $input['value']['tz'] = (string) $input['value']['tz']; if( !empty( $input['value']['tz'] ) && ( 'Z' != $input['value']['tz'] ) && ( !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] ))) $input['params']['TZID'] = $input['value']['tz']; return $input; } /** * convert format for input date (UTC) to internal date with parameters * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.17 - 2008-10-31 * @param mixed $year * @param mixed $month optional * @param int $day optional * @param int $hour optional * @param int $min optional * @param int $sec optional * @param array $params optional * @return array */ public static function _setDate2( $year, $month=FALSE, $day=FALSE, $hour=FALSE, $min=FALSE, $sec=FALSE, $params=FALSE ) { $input = null; if( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayDate( $year )) { $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_array( $year, 7 ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ) ); } elseif( iCalUtilityFunctions::_isArrayTimestampDate( $year )) { $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $year, 7 ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ) ); } elseif( 8 <= strlen( trim( $year ))) { // ex. 2006-08-03 10:12:18 $input['value'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date_time_string( $year, 7 ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $month, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' ) ); } else { $input['value'] = array( 'year' => $year , 'month' => $month , 'day' => $day , 'hour' => $hour , 'min' => $min , 'sec' => $sec ); $input['params'] = iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, array( 'VALUE' => 'DATE-TIME' )); } $parno = iCalUtilityFunctions::_existRem( $input['params'], 'VALUE', 'DATE-TIME', 7 ); // remove default if( !isset( $input['value']['hour'] )) $input['value']['hour'] = 0; if( !isset( $input['value']['min'] )) $input['value']['min'] = 0; if( !isset( $input['value']['sec'] )) $input['value']['sec'] = 0; if( !isset( $input['value']['tz'] ) || !iCalUtilityFunctions::_isOffset( $input['value']['tz'] )) $input['value']['tz'] = 'Z'; return $input; } /** * check index and set (an indexed) content in multiple value array * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.6.12 - 2011-01-03 * @param array $valArr * @param mixed $value * @param array $params * @param array $defaults * @param int $index * @return void */ public static function _setMval( & $valArr, $value, $params=FALSE, $defaults=FALSE, $index=FALSE ) { if( !is_array( $valArr )) $valArr = array(); if( $index ) $index = $index - 1; elseif( 0 < count( $valArr )) { $keys = array_keys( $valArr ); $index = end( $keys ) + 1; } else $index = 0; $valArr[$index] = array( 'value' => $value, 'params' => iCalUtilityFunctions::_setParams( $params, $defaults )); ksort( $valArr ); } /** * set input (formatted) parameters- component property attributes * * default parameters can be set, if missing * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 1.x.x - 2007-05-01 * @param array $params * @param array $defaults * @return array */ public static function _setParams( $params, $defaults=FALSE ) { if( !is_array( $params)) $params = array(); $input = array(); foreach( $params as $paramKey => $paramValue ) { if( is_array( $paramValue )) { foreach( $paramValue as $pkey => $pValue ) { if(( '"' == substr( $pValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $pValue, -1 ))) $paramValue[$pkey] = substr( $pValue, 1, ( strlen( $pValue ) - 2 )); } } elseif(( '"' == substr( $paramValue, 0, 1 )) && ( '"' == substr( $paramValue, -1 ))) $paramValue = substr( $paramValue, 1, ( strlen( $paramValue ) - 2 )); if( 'VALUE' == strtoupper( $paramKey )) $input['VALUE'] = strtoupper( $paramValue ); else $input[strtoupper( $paramKey )] = $paramValue; } if( is_array( $defaults )) { foreach( $defaults as $paramKey => $paramValue ) { if( !isset( $input[$paramKey] )) $input[$paramKey] = $paramValue; } } return (0 < count( $input )) ? $input : null; } /** * set RRULE in vtimezone standard/daylight components based on component dtstart * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.10.3 - 2011-08-01 * @param object $obj, reference to an iCalcreator vtimezone standard/daylight instance * @return bool */ public static function _setTZrrule( & $obj ) { if( FALSE === ( $date = $obj->getProperty( 'dtstart' ))) return FALSE; $ts = mktime( (int) $date['hour'], (int) $date['min'], (int) $date['sec'], (int) $date['month'], (int) $date['day'], (int) $date['year'] ); $daysNm = array( 'SU', 'MO', 'TU', 'WE', 'TH', 'FR', 'SA', 'SU' ); $day = $daysNm[date( 'N', $ts )]; $daycnt = date( 't', $ts ) - $date['day']; if( 8 > $daycnt ) $ordwk = -1; elseif( 15 > $daycnt) $ordwk = -2; elseif( 8 > $date['day'] ) $ordwk = 1; else $ordwk = 2; $obj->setProperty( 'RRULE', array( 'FREQ' => 'YEARLY', 'BYDAY' => array( (string) $ordwk, 'DAY' => $day ), 'BYMONTH' => (int) $date['month'] )); return TRUE; } /** * step date, return updated date, array and timpstamp * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-18 * @param array $date, date to step * @param int $timestamp * @param array $step, default array( 'day' => 1 ) * @return void */ public static function _stepdate( &$date, &$timestamp, $step=array( 'day' => 1 )) { foreach( $step as $stepix => $stepvalue ) $date[$stepix] += $stepvalue; $timestamp = iCalUtilityFunctions::_date2timestamp( $date ); $date = iCalUtilityFunctions::_timestamp2date( $timestamp, 6 ); foreach( $date as $k => $v ) { if( ctype_digit( $v )) $date[$k] = (int) $v; } } /** * convert timestamp to date array * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-11-01 * @param mixed $timestamp * @param int $parno * @return array */ public static function _timestamp2date( $timestamp, $parno=6 ) { if( is_array( $timestamp )) { if(( 7 == $parno ) && !empty( $timestamp['tz'] )) $tz = $timestamp['tz']; $timestamp = $timestamp['timestamp']; } $output = array( 'year' => date( 'Y', $timestamp ) , 'month' => date( 'm', $timestamp ) , 'day' => date( 'd', $timestamp )); if( 3 != $parno ) { $output['hour'] = date( 'H', $timestamp ); $output['min'] = date( 'i', $timestamp ); $output['sec'] = date( 's', $timestamp ); if( isset( $tz )) $output['tz'] = $tz; } return $output; } /** * convert timestamp to duration in array format * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.6.23 - 2010-10-23 * @param int $timestamp * @return array, duration format */ public static function _timestamp2duration( $timestamp ) { $dur = array(); $dur['week'] = (int) floor( $timestamp / ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 )); $timestamp = $timestamp % ( 7 * 24 * 60 * 60 ); $dur['day'] = (int) floor( $timestamp / ( 24 * 60 * 60 )); $timestamp = $timestamp % ( 24 * 60 * 60 ); $dur['hour'] = (int) floor( $timestamp / ( 60 * 60 )); $timestamp = $timestamp % ( 60 * 60 ); $dur['min'] = (int) floor( $timestamp / ( 60 )); $dur['sec'] = (int) $timestamp % ( 60 ); return $dur; } /** * transforms a dateTime from a timezone to another using PHP DateTime and DateTimeZone class (PHP >= PHP 5.2.0) * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.10.5 - 2011-08-03 * @param string $date (date to alter) * @param string $tzFrom, PHP valid old timezone * @param string $tzTo, PHP valid new timezone, default 'UTC' * @param string $format, (opt) date output format, default 'Ymd\THis' * @return bool */ public static function transformDateTime( & $date, $tzFrom, $tzTo='UTC', $format = 'Ymd\THis' ) { if( !class_exists( 'DateTime' ) || !class_exists( 'DateTimeZone' )) return FALSE; if( FALSE === ( $timestamp = strtotime( $date ))) return FALSE; try { $d = new DateTime( date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp ), new DateTimeZone( $tzFrom )); $d->setTimezone( new DateTimeZone( $tzTo )); } catch (Exception $e) { return FALSE; } $date = $d->format( $format ); return TRUE; } /** * convert (numeric) local time offset to seconds correcting localtime to GMT * * @author Kjell-Inge Gustafsson, kigkonsult * @since 2.4.16 - 2008-10-19 * @param string $offset * @return integer */ public static function _tz2offset( $tz ) { $tz = trim( (string) $tz ); $offset = 0; if((( 5 != strlen( $tz )) && ( 7 != strlen( $tz ))) || (( '+' != substr( $tz, 0, 1 )) && ( '-' != substr( $tz, 0, 1 ))) || (( '0000' >= substr( $tz, 1, 4 )) && ( '9999' < substr( $tz, 1, 4 ))) || (( 7 == strlen( $tz )) && ( '00' > substr( $tz, 5, 2 )) && ( '99' < substr( $tz, 5, 2 )))) return $offset; $hours2sec = (int) substr( $tz, 1, 2 ) * 3600; $min2sec = (int) substr( $tz, 3, 2 ) * 60; $sec = ( 7 == strlen( $tz )) ? (int) substr( $tz, -2 ) : '00'; $offset = $hours2sec + $min2sec + $sec; $offset = ('-' == substr( $tz, 0, 1 )) ? $offset : -1 * $offset; return $offset; } } ?>