/***************************************************************************\ * eGroupWare - Contacts Center * * http://www.egroupware.org * * Written by: * * - Raphael Derosso Pereira * * sponsored by Thyamad - http://www.thyamad.com * * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ function cListParticipants () { this.arrayWin = new Array(); this.el; } cListParticipants.prototype.showList = function(id, contact, email, title, account_type){ _this = this; id = id; div = document.getElementById(id+':cc_rectParticipants'); var el = document.createElement("DIV"); el.style.visibility = "hidden"; el.style.position = "absolute"; el.style.left = "0px"; el.style.top = "0px"; el.style.width = "0px"; el.style.height = "0px"; el.className = "div_cc_rectParticipants"; el.id = id+':cc_rectParticipants'; if(is_ie) { el.style.width= "auto"; el.style.overflowY = "auto"; el.style.overflowX = "hidden"; } else { el.style.overflow = "-moz-scrollbars-vertical"; } if (title) { document.body.appendChild(el); var names = contact.split(","); var email = email.split(","); el.innerHTML = ""; el.innerHTML = "
  "+title+""+ "      

    "+ Element('cc_participants').value+"   

"; if(names.length) { for (var d = 0; d < (names.length-1); d++) { var email_valido = email[d] != 'null' ? email[d] : "não informado" el.innerHTML += "      "+ "\"" + names[d]+ "\"" + " <"+email_valido+ ">   
"; } } else { el.innerHTML += "      "+ "<"+Element('cc_empty').value+">  
"; } el.innerHTML += "
"; if(div) this.showWindow(div); else _this.showWindow(el); } else { var handler = function (responseText) { var contacts = unserialize(responseText); var title = contacts.names_ordered; document.body.appendChild(el); el.innerHTML = ""; el.innerHTML = "
  "+title+""+ "      

    "+ Element('cc_participants').value+"   

"; if(contacts.size > 0) { el.innerHTML += contacts.inner_html; } else { el.innerHTML += "      "+ "<"+Element('cc_empty').value+">  
"; } el.innerHTML += "
"; _this.showWindow(el); } if(div) this.showWindow(div); else Connector.newRequest('get_catalog_participants_'+account_type , '../index.php?menuaction=contactcenter.ui_data.data_manager&method=get_catalog_participants_'+account_type, 'POST', handler, 'id='+id); } } cListParticipants.prototype.showWindow = function (div) { if(! div) { alert('Essa lista não possui nenhum participante.'); return; } if(! this.arrayWin[div.id]) { div.style.width = "auto"; div.style.height = "250px"; var title = 'Listar Partipantes'; var wHeight = div.offsetHeight + "px"; var wWidth = div.offsetWidth + "px"; if(is_ie) { div.style.width = wWidth; } else { div.style.width = div.offsetWidth - 5; } win = new dJSWin({ id: 'ccListParticipants_'+div.id, content_id: div.id, width: wWidth, height: wHeight, title_color: '#3978d6', bg_color: '#eee', title: title, title_text_color: 'white', button_x_img: Element('cc_phpgw_img_dir').value+'/winclose.gif', border: true }); this.arrayWin[div.id] = win; win.draw(); } else { win = this.arrayWin[div.id]; } win.open(); } /* Build the Object */ var ccListParticipants ; var cListParticipants_pre_load = document.body.onload; if (is_ie) { document.body.onload = function (e) { cListParticipants_pre_load(); ccListParticipants = new cListParticipants(); }; } else { ccListParticipants = new cListParticipants(); }