') { echo $str . $nl; } /** * Dump the $var Variable on screen * @param mixed $var */ function dumpVariable($var) { print '
		print '
'; } /** * DumpArray * @param $arr * @param $stringLimit * @param deep */ function dumpArray($arr, $return=TRUE, $stringLimit=200, $deep=FALSE) { $r = array(); foreach ($arr as $k => $v) { if (is_string($v)) { $r[] = $k . "=>'" . (strlen($v) > $stringLimit ? substr($v, 0, $stringLimit) . "...(" . strlen($v) . ")" : $v) . "'"; } elseif ($deep && (is_array($v) || is_object($v))) { (is_object($v)) && ($v = get_object_vars($v)); $r[] = $k . '=>' . dumpArray($v, TRUE, $stringLimit, TRUE); } else { $r[] = $k . '=>' . $v; } } if ($return) return "[" . implode(", ", $r) . "]"; print "[" . implode(", ", $r) . "]"; return TRUE; } /** * Export Variable * @param $var * @param bool $formatted * @access public * @return string */ function exportVariable($var, $formatted=FALSE) { if (is_object($var) && !$this->isPHP(5) && method_exists($var, '__tostring')) $export = $var->__toString(); else $export = var_export($var, TRUE); if ($formatted) return '
' . $export . '
'; else return $export; } /** * * @param $var * @param bool $formatted * @access public * @return string */ function consumeArray(&$array, $key) { if (is_array($array)) { if (array_key_exists($key, $array)) { $return = $array[$key]; unset($array[$key]); return $return; } } return NULL; } /** * Find Array path * @param array $arr * @param string $formatted * @param string $separator * @param string $fallback * @access public * @return string */ function findArrayPath($arr, $path, $separator='.', $fallback=NULL) { if (!is_array($arr)) return $fallback; $parts = explode($separator, $path); if (sizeof($parts) == 1) { return (isset($arr[$path]) ? $arr[$path] : $fallback); } else { $i = 0; $base = $arr; $size = sizeof($parts); while ($i < $size) { if (!isset($base[$parts[$i]])) return $fallback; else $base = $base[$parts[$i]]; if ($i < ($size-1) && !is_array($base)) return $fallback; $i++; } return $base; } } /** * isPHP * @param int $num * @access public * @return float */ function isPHP($num=5) { return (floatval(PHP_VERSION) >= $num); } /** * uri * @param uri * @bool * * @access public * @return string */ function uri($full=TRUE) { if ($full) { $protocol = $this->protocol(); $port = $this->get('SERVER_PORT'); if (($protocol == 'http' && $port != '80') || ($protocol == 'https' && $port != '443')) $base = "{$protocol}://" . $this->serverName() . ":{$port}"; else $base = "{$protocol}://" . $this->serverName(); } else { $base = ''; } if (!$requestUri = $this->get('REQUEST_URI')) { if ($queryString = $this->get('QUERY_STRING')) return $base . $this->scriptName() . '?' . $queryString; else return NULL; } $requestUri = preg_replace('#[?|&]' . session_name() . '=[^&|?]*#', '', $requestUri); return $base . $requestUri; } /** * Return the protocol * @return string if isSecure returns true https else return http * @access public */ function protocol() { if ($this->isSecure()) return 'https'; else return 'http'; } /** * Return if secure connection is required * @return bool https required or not * @access public */ function isSecure() { return (strtolower($this->get('HTTPS')) == 'on' || $this->has('SSL_PROTOCOL_VERSION')); } /** * Return the script name * @return string script name * @access public */ function scriptName() { return $this->get('SCRIPT_NAME'); } /** * Return the server name * @return string server Name * @access public */ function serverName() { return $this->get('SERVER_NAME'); } /** * Return Environment variable * @return enviroment variable * @access public */ function get($key) { if (isset($_SERVER[$key])) { return $_SERVER[$key]; } if (@getenv($key)) return getenv($key); else return NULL; } /** * Check if the value of variable is NULL * @param mixed $value value * @param bool $strict strict true compares the type and value * @access public */ function isNull($value, $strict = FALSE) { return ($strict) ? (NULL === $value) : (NULL == $value); } /** * Get the string value of variable * @param mixed $value * @access public * @return string */ function parseString($value) { return strval($value); } /** * Checks if $value is false * @param mixed $value * @return bool true if is a boolean and false */ function isFalse($value) { return ($value === FALSE); } /** * Checks if $value is false * @param string $str * @param $chars * @return string * @access public * */ function left($str, $chars = 0) { if (!$this->isInteger($chars)) { return $str; } else if ($chars == 0) { return ''; } else { return substr($str, 0, $chars); } } /** * Checks if $value is a integer * @param string $value * @param $chars * @return string * @access public */ function isInteger(&$value, $strict=FALSE) { $exp = "/^\-?[0-9]+$/"; if (preg_match($exp, $value)) { if (!$strict && !is_int($value)) { $value = $this->parseInteger($value); } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } /** * Get the integer value of variable * @param $value integer value * @access public */ function parseInteger($value) { return intval($value); } /** * Return the positive integer value of variable * @param mixed $value * @return int * @access public */ function parseIntegerPositive($value) { return abs(intval($value)); } /** * Returns a random number * @param int $rangeMin * @param int $rangeMax * @return string * @access public */ function randomize($rangeMin, $rangeMax) { if ($rangeMax > $rangeMin && is_numeric($rangeMin) && is_numeric($rangeMax)) { return rand($rangeMin, $rangeMax); } else { return NULL; } } /** * Return a $default value if the first parameter is NULL else returns the first parameter * * @param mixed $value first parameter * @param mixed $default default value to return if $value == NULL * @access public * @return mixed */ function ifNull($value, $default = NULL) { if ($value === NULL) return $default; return $value; } /** * Return the javascript code for a anchor * * @param string $url base url * @param string $text * @param string $statusBarText * @param string $cssClass * @param array $jsEvents * @param string $target * @param string $name * @param string $id * @param string $rel * @param string $accessKey * * @param array $jsEvents * * @return string javascript code * @access public */ function anchor($url, $text, $statusBarText='', $cssClass='', $jsEvents=array(), $target='', $name='', $id='', $rel='', $accessKey='') { if (empty($url)) $url = "javascript:void(0);"; $scriptStr = ''; if (!empty($jsEvents) && $statusBarText != "") { $jsEvents['onMouseOver'] = (isset($jsEvents['onMouseOver']) ? $jsEvents['onMouseOver'] . "window.status='$statusBarText';return true;" : "window.status='$statusBarText';return true;"); $jsEvents['onMouseOut'] = (isset($jsEvents['onMouseOut']) ? $jsEvents['onMouseOut'] . "window.status='';return true;" : "window.status='';return true;"); } else if ($statusBarText) { $scriptStr .= "onMouseOver=\"window.status='$statusBarText';return true;\" onMouseOut=\"window.status='';return true;\""; } foreach ($jsEvents as $event => $action) $scriptStr .= " $event=\"" . ereg_replace("\"", "'", $action) . "\""; return sprintf("%s", htmlentities($url), (!empty($name) ? " name=\"{$name}\"" : ""), (!empty($id) ? " id=\"{$id}\"" : ""), (!empty($rel) ? " rel=\"{$rel}\"" : ""), (!empty($accessKey) ? " accesskey=\"{$accessKey}\"" : ""), (!empty($target) ? " target=\"{$target}\"" : ""), (!empty($cssClass) ? " class=\"{$cssClass}\"" : ""), (!empty($statusBarText) ? " title=\"{$statusBarText}\"" : ""), (!empty($scriptStr) ? " {$scriptStr}" : ""), $text); } /** * Return a error message * @param string $msg * @param string $file * @param string $line * * @return void * @access public */ function raiseError($msg = 'Erro', $file = __FILE__, $line = __LINE__) { ini_set('display_errors', true); error_reporting(E_ALL); trigger_error("$file ($line): $msg", E_USER_ERROR); } } ?>