<?php /******************************************************************************* * FPDF * * * * Version: 1.6 * * Date: 2008-08-03 * * Author: Olivier PLATHEY * *******************************************************************************/ require('class.fpdf.inc.php'); class uireports_fpdf extends FPDF { var $a = "1"; var $b = "1"; var $widths; var $aligns; function __construct($orientation = "P") { parent::__construct($orientation); } function SetWidths($w) { //Set the array of column widths $this->widths=$w; } function SetAligns($a) { //Set the array of column alignments $this->aligns=$a; } function Row($data) { //Calculate the height of the row $nb=0; for($i=0;$i< count($data);$i++) $nb=max($nb,$this->NbLines($this->widths[$i],$data[$i])); $h=5*$nb; //Issue a page break first if needed $this->CheckPageBreak($h); //Draw the cells of the row for($i=0;$i< count($data);$i++) { $w=$this->widths[$i]; $a=isset($this->aligns[$i]) ? $this->aligns[$i] : 'L'; //Save the current position $x=$this->GetX(); $y=$this->GetY(); //Draw the border $this->Rect($x,$y,$w,$h); //Print the text $this->MultiCell($w,5,$data[$i],0,$a); //Put the position to the right of the cell $this->SetXY($x+$w,$y); } //Go to the next line $this->Ln($h); } function CheckPageBreak($h) { //If the height h would cause an overflow, add a new page immediately if($this->GetY()+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger) $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation); } function NbLines($w,$txt) { //Computes the number of lines a MultiCell of width w will take $cw=&$this->CurrentFont['cw']; if($w==0) $w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x; $wmax=($w-2*$this->cMargin)*1000/$this->FontSize; $s=str_replace("\r",'',$txt); $nb=strlen($s); if($nb>0 and $s[$nb-1]=="\n") $nb--; $sep=-1; $i=0; $j=0; $l=0; $nl=1; while($i<$nb) { $c=$s[$i]; if($c=="\n") { $i++; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $nl++; continue; } if($c==' ') $sep=$i; $l+=$cw[$c]; if($l>$wmax) { if($sep==-1) { if($i==$j) $i++; } else $i=$sep+1; $sep=-1; $j=$i; $l=0; $nl++; } else $i++; } return $nl; } function Footer() { // Esta função foi implemantada para realizar o rodapé dos relatórios $titulo_system = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['reports']['title']; $SubTitulo = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['apps']['reports']['subtitle']; //Seleciona Arial itálico 8 $this->SetY(-15); $this->SetFont('Arial','I',8); $this->SetTextColor(0,0,100); $this->SetFillColor(224,235,255); //Imprime o número da página $this->Rect(9,281,197,6,'D'); $this->Cell(55,4,$titulo_system,0,0,'L',1); $this->Cell(100,4,$SubTitulo,0,0,'C',1); $this->Cell(40,4,'Página n. '.$this->PageNo(),0,1,'R',1); } } ?>