data_types = array(); $this->data_types[0] = 'text'; $this->data_types[1] = 'multipart'; $this->data_types[2] = 'message'; $this->data_types[3] = 'application'; $this->data_types[4] = 'audio'; $this->data_types[5] = 'image'; $this->data_types[6] = 'video'; $this->data_types[7] = 'other'; $this->encoding_types = array(); $this->encoding_types[0] = '7bit'; $this->encoding_types[1] = '8bit'; $this->encoding_types[2] = 'binary'; $this->encoding_types[3] = 'base64'; $this->encoding_types[4] = 'quoted-printable'; $this->encoding_types[5] = 'other'; $this->mailbox = $mailbox; return; } /** * void fetch_structure(int message id[, array recursive subpart[, array recursive parent part id[, int recursive counter[, bool recursive is a sub part[, bool recursive skip part]]]]]) * Indexes the structure of a message body. * * Gather message information returned by imap_fetchstructure() * Recursively iterate through each parts array * Concatenate part numbers in the following format `1.1` each part id is separated by a period, each referring * to a part or subpart of a multipart message. Create part numbers as such that they are compatible with imap_fetchbody() ** */ function fetch_structure($mid, $sub_part = null, $sub_pid = null, $n = 0, $is_sub_part = false, $skip_part = false) { if (!is_array($sub_part)) { $this->structure[$mid] = imap_fetchstructure($this->mailbox, $mid, FT_UID); } if (isset($this->structure[$mid]->parts) || is_array($sub_part)) { if ($is_sub_part == false) { $parts = $this->structure[$mid]->parts; } else { $parts = $sub_part; $n++; } for($p = 0, $i = 1; $p < count($parts); $n++, $p++, $i++) { // Skip the following... // Skip multipart/mixed! // Skip subsequent multipart/alternative if this part is message/rfc822 // Skip multipart/related $ftype = (empty($parts[$p]->type))? $this->data_types[0].'/'.strtolower($parts[$p]->subtype) : $this->data_types[$parts[$p]->type].'/'.strtolower($parts[$p]->subtype); $encoding = (empty($parts[$p]->encoding))? $this->encoding_types[0] : $this->encoding_types[$parts[$p]->encoding]; if(!preg_match("/5./",phpversion())) $charset = $parts[$p]->parameters[0]->value; else $charset = $parts->p->parameters[0]->value; $skip_next = ($ftype == 'message/rfc822')? true : false; if ($ftype == 'multipart/report' || $ftype == 'multipart/mixed' || $skip_part == true && $ftype == 'multipart/alternative' || ( $ftype == 'multipart/related' && strtolower( $parts[$p]->parts[0]->subtype ) == 'alternative' ) ) { $n--; } else { $this->pid[$mid][$n] = ($is_sub_part == false || $skip_part && $ftype == 'multipart/related' )? $i : ($sub_pid == '' ? '1' : $sub_pid).'.'.$i; $this->file_type[$mid][$n] = $ftype; $this->encoding[$mid][$n] = $encoding; $this->charset[$mid][$n] = $charset; $this->fsize[$mid][$n] = (!isset($parts[$p]->bytes) || empty($parts[$p]->bytes))? 0 : $parts[$p]->bytes; $hasAttachment = false; # Force inline disposition if none is present //if ($parts[$p]->ifdisposition == true) //{ por niltonneto, as vezes, inline anexos nao eram exibidos. $this->disposition[$mid][$n] = strtolower($parts[$p]->disposition); //if (strtolower($parts[$p]->disposition) == 'attachment') //{ por jakjr, as vezes, inline anexos nao eram exibidos. if ($parts[$p]->ifdparameters == true) { $params = $parts[$p]->dparameters; foreach ($params as $param) { if((strtolower($param->attribute) == 'filename') || (strtolower($param->attribute) == 'name')) { $this->fname[$mid][$n] = $param->value; $hasAttachment = true; break; } } } // Alguns web-mails utilizam o parameters if ($parts[$p]->ifparameters == true && !$hasAttachment) { $params = $parts[$p]->parameters; foreach ($params as $param) { if((strtolower($param->attribute) == 'filename') || (strtolower($param->attribute) == 'name' || strtolower($param->attribute) == 'filename*') || strtolower($param->attribute) == 'name*') { if(strstr(strtolower($param->value), "iso-8859-1''")){ $value = explode("''",$param->value); $this->fname[$mid][$n] = rawurldecode($value[1]); } else $this->fname[$mid][$n] = $param->value; break; } if(strtolower($param->attribute) == 'charset'){ if($this->charset[$mid][$n] == '') $this->charset[$mid][$n] = $param->value; } } } //} /*} else { $this->disposition[$mid][$n] = 'inline'; }*/ if ($parts[$p]->ifid == true) { $this->inline_id[$mid][$n] = $parts[$p]->id; } } if (isset($parts[$p]->parts) && is_array($parts[$p]->parts)) { $this->has_attachments[$mid][$n] = true; $n = $this->fetch_structure($mid, $parts[$p]->parts, $this->pid[$mid][$n], $n, true, $skip_next); } else { $this->has_attachments[$mid][$n] = false; } } if ($is_sub_part == true) { return $n; } } // $parts is not an array... message is flat else { $this->pid[$mid][0] = 1; if (empty($this->structure[$mid]->type)) { $this->structure[$mid]->type = (int) 0; } if (isset($this->structure[$mid]->subtype)) { $this->file_type[$mid][0] = $this->data_types[$this->structure[$mid]->type].'/'.strtolower($this->structure[$mid]->subtype); } if (empty($this->structure[$mid]->encoding)) { $this->structure[$mid]->encoding = (int) 0; } $this->encoding[$mid][0] = $this->encoding_types[$this->structure[$mid]->encoding]; if(!preg_match("/5./",phpversion())) $this->charset[$mid][0] = $this->structure[$mid]->parameters[0]->value; else $this->charset[$mid][0] = $this->structure->mid->parameters[0]->value; if (isset($this->structure[$mid]->bytes)) { $this->fsize[$mid][0] = strtolower($this->structure[$mid]->bytes); } if (isset($this->structure[$mid]->ifdparameters)) { $params = $this->structure[$mid]->dparameters; $n = 0; if($params) foreach ($params as $param) { if((strtolower($param->attribute) == 'filename') || (strtolower($param->attribute) == 'name')) { $this->fname[$mid][$n] = $param->value; break; } $n++; } } if (isset($this->structure[$mid]->ifparameters)) { $params = $this->structure[$mid]->parameters; $n = 0; if($params) foreach ($params as $param) { if(strtolower($param->attribute) == 'charset'){ if($this->charset[$mid][$n] == '') $this->charset[$mid][$n] = $param->value; } $n++; } } $this->disposition[$mid][0] = $this->structure[$mid]->disposition; //$this->disposition[$mid][0] = 'inline'; } return; } } /* // Example usage -- dump part ids for the specified message.. $msg =& new message_components($mb); $msg->fetch_structure(12905); echo '
'; //print_r($msg->pid[12905]); echo count ($msg->fname[12905]); echo ''; // also important to note that the offset numbering in the sub array isn't precise... $msg->pid[$mid][0].. // I have a bug somewhere in there.. but I use foreach when accessing these arrays anyway. */ ?>