* * sponsored by Thyamad - http://www.thyamad.com * ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your * * option) any later version. * \***************************************************************************/ include_once('class.abo_catalog.inc.php'); class bo_people_catalog extends abo_catalog { var $fields = array( 'id_contact' => true, 'status' => true, 'photo' => true, 'alias' => true, 'prefix' => true, 'given_names' => true, 'family_names' => true, 'names_ordered' => true, 'suffix' => true, 'birthdate' => true, 'sex' => true, 'pgp_key' => true, 'notes' => true, /* Array fields */ 'companies' => true, 'relations' => true, 'addresses' => true, 'connections' => true ); /*! @function bo_people_catalog @abstract Constructor @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ function bo_people_catalog() { $this->init(); } /*! @function find @abstract Find function for this catalog @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ function find($what, $rules=false, $other=false) { if (is_array($what) and count($what)) { $found = false; foreach ($what as $value) { if (strpos($value, 'contact') === 0) { $found = true; } } if (!$found) { return $this->sql_find($what, $rules, $other); } if ($rules and is_array($rules)) { array_push($rules, array( 'field' => 'contact.id_owner', 'type' => '=', 'value' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] )); } else { $rules = array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'contact.id_owner', 'type' => '=', 'value' => $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] ) ); } } return $this->sql_find($what, $rules, $other); } /*! @function get_single_entry @abstract Returns all information requested about one contact @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The contact ID @param array $fields The array returned by get_fields whith true on the fields to be taken. */ function get_single_entry ( $id_contact, $fields ) { if (!is_array($fields)) { if (is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array( 'text' => 'F-BadcontactcenterParam, wrong get_single_entry parameters type.', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__)); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit(); } else { exit('Argument Error on:
'); } } // Verify permissions $permissions = $this->security->get_permissions('entry', $id_contact); if (!$permissions['read']) { return false; } //$contact_data = $this->fields; $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); foreach ($fields as $field => $trueness) { if (!$trueness) { //unset($contact_data[$field]); continue; } switch ($field) { case 'companies': $companies = $this->get_companies($id_contact,$trueness); if (is_array($companies) and count($companies)) { $contact_data['companies'] = $companies; } break; case 'relations': $relations = $this->get_relations($id_contact,$trueness); if (is_array($relations) and count($relations)) { $contact_data['relations'] = $relations; } break; case 'addresses': $addresses = $this->get_addresses($id_contact,$trueness); if (is_array($addresses) and count($addresses)) { $contact_data['addresses'] = $addresses; } break; case 'connections': $connections = $this->get_connections($id_contact,$trueness); if (is_array($connections) and count($connections)) { $contact_data['connections'] = $connections; } break; case 'prefix': $id = $contact->get_prefix(); if ($id) { $prefix = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_prefix', $id); $contact_data['id_prefix'] = $id; $contact_data['prefix'] = $prefix->get_prefix(); } break; case 'suffix': $id = $contact->get_suffix(); if ($id) { $suffix = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_suffix', $id); $contact_data['id_suffix'] = $id; $contact_data['suffix'] = $suffix->get_suffix(); } break; case 'status': $id = $contact->get_status(); if ($id) { $status = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_status', $id); $contact_data['id_status'] = $id; $contact_data['status'] = $status->get_status(); } break; default: //$func_name = 'contact->get_'.$field; //$contact_data[$field] = $this->$func_name(); $contact_data[$field] = $contact->get_field($field); break; } } if (!is_array($contact_data)) { return false; } return $contact_data; } /*! @function get_multiple_entries @abstract Returns multiple Contacts data into one array @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param array $id_contacts The Contacts IDs @param array $fields The Contacts fields to be retrieved @param array $other_data Other informations. The format is: $other_data = array( 'offset' => , 'limit' => , 'sort' => , 'order_by' => ); */ function get_multiple_entries ( $id_contacts, $fields, $other_data = false ) { if (!is_array($id_contacts) or !is_array($fields) or ($other_data != false and !is_array($other_data))) { if (is_object($GLOBALS['phpgw']->log)) { $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->message(array( 'text' => 'F-BadcontactcenterParam, wrong get_multiple_entry parameter type.', 'line' => __LINE__, 'file' => __FILE__)); $GLOBALS['phpgw']->log->commit(); } else { exit('Argument Error on:
'); } } $contacts = array(); if ($other_data) { //TODO } foreach ($id_contacts as $id) { $contact = $this->get_single_entry($id,$fields); if ($contact) { $contacts[$id] = $contact; } } return $contacts; } /*! @function get_all_entries_ids @abstract Returns the IDs of all the entries in this catalog @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ function get_all_entries_ids () { $search_fields = array('contact.id_contact', 'contact.names_ordered'); $search_other = array('order' => 'contact.names_ordered'); $result_i = $this->find($search_fields, null, $search_other); if (is_array($result_i) and count($result_i)) { $result = array(); foreach($result_i as $result_part) { $result[] = $result_part['id_contact']; } return $result; } return null; } /*! @function get_relations @abstract Returns the IDs of all Contacts relations @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The Contact ID @return The following array: $return = array( 'relation1' => array( 'id_relation' => , 'id_type' => , 'type' => '', 'is_subordinated' => ), 'relation2' => array(...), ... ); */ function get_relations ($id_contact,$extra=false) { $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); $relations = $contact->get_relations(); $count = 1; foreach($relations as $id => $type) { $relation = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact_relation_type', $type); if ($extra === 'subordinated' and $relation->get_is_subordinated()) { $return['relation'.$count]['id_relation'] = $id; $return['relation'.$count]['id_type'] = $type; $return['relation'.$count]['type'] = $relation->get_type_name(); $return['relation'.$count]['is_subordinated'] = $relation->get_is_subordinated(); $count++; } else if ($extra !== 'subordinated') { $return['relation'.$count]['id_relation'] = $id; $return['relation'.$count]['id_type'] = $type; $return['relation'.$count]['type'] = $relation->get_type_name(); $return['relation'.$count]['is_subordinated'] = $relation->get_is_subordinated(); $count++; } } return $return; } /*! @function get_addresses @abstract Returns all Contacts Address Information @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The Contact ID @return The following array: $return = array( 'address1' => array( 'id_address' => , 'id_type' => , 'type' => '', 'address1' => '', 'address2' => '', 'complement' => '', 'address_other' => '', 'postal_code' => '', 'po_box' => '', 'id_city' => '', 'city_name' => (string), 'city_timezone' => (int), 'city_geo_location' => (string), 'id_state' => (int), 'state_name' => (string), 'state_symbol' => (string), 'id_country' => (int), 'country_name' => (string), 'address_is_default' => ), 'address2' => array(...), ... ); */ function get_addresses ( $id_contact,$extra=false ) { $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); $addresses = $contact->get_addresses(extra); foreach($addresses as $id => $type) { $address = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_address',$id); $address_type = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact_address_type',$type); if ($extra === 'default' and $address->is_default()) { $return['address'.$type]['id_address'] = $id; $return['address'.$type]['id_typeof_address'] = $type; $return['address'.$type]['type'] = $address_type->get_type_name(); $return['address'.$type]['address1'] = $address->get_address1(); $return['address'.$type]['address2'] = $address->get_address2(); $return['address'.$type]['complement'] = $address->get_complement(); $return['address'.$type]['address_other'] = $address->get_address_other(); $return['address'.$type]['postal_code'] = $address->get_postal_code(); $return['address'.$type]['po_box'] = $address->get_po_box(); $return['address'.$type]['address_is_default'] = true; $return['address'.$type]['id_city'] = $id_city = $address->get_id_city(); $return['address'.$type]['id_state'] = $id_state = $address->get_id_state(); $return['address'.$type]['id_country'] = $id_country = $address->get_id_country(); if ($id_city) { $city = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_city',$id_city); $return['address'.$type]['city_name'] = $city->get_city_name(); $return['address'.$type]['city_timezone'] = $city->get_city_timezone(); $return['address'.$type]['city_geo_location'] = $city->get_city_geo_location(); } if ($id_state) { $state = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_state',$id_state); $return['address'.$type]['state_name'] = $state->get_state_name(); $return['address'.$type]['state_symbol'] = $state->get_state_symbol(); $return['address'.$type]['id_country'] = $id_country = $state->get_id_country(); } $country = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_country',$id_country); $return['address'.$type]['country_name'] = $country->get_country_name(); } else if ($extra !== 'default') { $return['address'.$type]['id_address'] = $id; $return['address'.$type]['id_typeof_address'] = $type; $return['address'.$type]['type'] = $address_type->get_type_name(); $return['address'.$type]['address1'] = $address->get_address1(); $return['address'.$type]['address2'] = $address->get_address2(); $return['address'.$type]['complement'] = $address->get_complement(); $return['address'.$type]['address_other'] = $address->get_address_other(); $return['address'.$type]['postal_code'] = $address->get_postal_code(); $return['address'.$type]['po_box'] = $address->get_po_box(); $return['address'.$type]['address_is_default'] = $address->is_default(); $return['address'.$type]['id_city'] = $id_city = $address->get_id_city(); $return['address'.$type]['id_state'] = $id_state = $address->get_id_state(); $return['address'.$type]['id_country'] = $id_country = $address->get_id_country(); if ($id_city) { $city = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_city',$id_city); $return['address'.$type]['city_name'] = $city->get_city_name(); $return['address'.$type]['city_timezone'] = $city->get_city_timezone(); $return['address'.$type]['city_geo_location'] = $city->get_city_geo_location(); } if ($id_state) { $state = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_state',$id_state); $return['address'.$type]['state_name'] = $state->get_state_name(); $return['address'.$type]['state_symbol'] = $state->get_state_symbol(); $return['address'.$type]['id_country'] = $id_country = $state->get_id_country(); } $country = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_country',$id_country); $return['address'.$type]['country_name'] = $country->get_country_name(); } } return $return; } /*! @function get_connections @abstract Returns all Contacts connections information @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The Contact ID @return The following array: $return = array( 'connection1' => array( 'id_connection' => , 'id_type' => , 'type' => '', 'connection_name' => '', 'connection_value' => '', 'connection_is_default' => '' ), 'connection2' => array(...), ... ); */ function get_connections ( $id_contact,$extra=false ) { $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); $connections = $contact->get_connections($extra); $count = 1; foreach($connections as $id => $type) { $connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection', $id); if ($extra === 'default' and $connection->is_default()) { $connection_type = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact_connection_type', $type); $return['connection'.$count]['id_connection'] = $id; $return['connection'.$count]['id_type'] = $type; $return['connection'.$count]['type'] = $connection_type->get_type_name(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_name'] = $connection->get_name(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_value'] = $connection->get_value(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_is_default'] = $connection->is_default(); $count++; } else if ($extra !== 'default') { $connection_type = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact_connection_type', $type); $return['connection'.$count]['id_connection'] = $id; $return['connection'.$count]['id_type'] = $type; $return['connection'.$count]['type'] = $connection_type->get_type_name(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_name'] = $connection->get_name(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_value'] = $connection->get_value(); $return['connection'.$count]['connection_is_default'] = $connection->is_default(); $count++; } } return $return; } /*! @function get_companies @abstract Returns all Contacts companies information @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The Contact ID @return The following array: $return = array( 'company1' => array( 'id_company' => , 'company_name' => '' 'title' => '', 'department' => '', ), 'company2' => array(...), ... ); */ function get_companies ( $id_contact,$extra=false ) { $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); $companies = $contact->get_companies($extra); $count = 1; foreach($companies as $id => $value) { $company = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_company', $id); if ($extra === 'default' and $value['default_company']) { $return['company'.$count]['id_company'] = $id; $return['company'.$count]['company_name'] = $company->get_company_name(); $return['company'.$count]['title'] = $value['title']; $return['company'.$count]['department'] = $value['department']; $return['company'.$count]['default_company'] = $value['default_company']; $return['company'.$count]['default_contact'] = $value['default_contact']; $count++; } else if ($extra !== 'default') { $return['company'.$count]['id_company'] = $id; $return['company'.$count]['company_name'] = $company->get_company_name(); $return['company'.$count]['title'] = $value['title']; $return['company'.$count]['department'] = $value['department']; $return['company'.$count]['default_company'] = $value['default_company']; $return['company'.$count]['default_contact'] = $value['default_contact']; $count++; } } return $return; } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to get general fields * \*********************************************************************/ /*! @function get_all_prefixes @abstract Returns all the registered prefixes @author Raphael Derosso Pereira */ function get_all_prefixes ( ) { $fields = array('prefix.id_prefix','prefix.prefix'); $prefixes = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($prefixes)) { return false; } while (list(,$prefix) = each($prefixes)) { $result[$prefix['id_prefix']] = $prefix['prefix']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_all_suffixes @abstract Returns all the registered suffixes @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return An array as follows: $return = array( => '', => '', ... ); */ function get_all_suffixes ( ) { $fields = array('suffix.id_suffix','suffix.suffix'); $suffixes = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($suffixes)) { return false; } while (list(,$suffix) = each($suffixes)) { $result[$suffix['id_suffix']] = $suffix['suffix']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_all_status @abstract Returns all the registered status @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return An array as follows: $return = array( => '', => '', ... ); */ function get_all_status ( ) { $fields = array('status.id_status','status.status_name'); $status = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($status)) { return false; } while (list(,$status_) = each($status)) { $result[$status_['id_status']] = $status_['status_name']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_all_relations_types @abstract Returns all contacts relations types @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return array The format of the return is: $return = array( => '', => '', ...); */ function get_all_relations_types ( ) { $fields = array('typeof_contact_relation.id_typeof_contact_relation', 'typeof_contact_relation.contact_relation_type_name'); $relation_types = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($relation_types)) { return false; } while (list(,$relation_type) = each($relation_types)) { $result[$relation_type['id_typeof_contact_relation']] = $relation_type['contact_relation_type_name']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_all_addresses_types @abstract Returns all contacts addresses types @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return array The format of the return is: $return = array( => '', => '', ...); */ function get_all_addresses_types ( ) { $fields = array('typeof_contact_address.id_typeof_contact_address', 'typeof_contact_address.contact_address_type_name'); $address_types = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($address_types)) { return false; } while (list(,$address_type) = each($address_types)) { $result[$address_type['id_typeof_contact_address']] = $address_type['contact_address_type_name']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_all_connections_types @abstract Returns all contacts connections types @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @return array The format of the return is: $return = array( => '', => '', ...); */ function get_all_connections_types ( ) { $fields = array('typeof_contact_connection.id_typeof_contact_connection', 'typeof_contact_connection.contact_connection_type_name'); $connection_types = $this->find($fields); if (!is_array($connection_types)) { return false; } while (list(,$connection_type) = each($connection_types)) { $result[$connection_type['id_typeof_contact_connection']] = $connection_type['contact_connection_type_name']; } return $result; } /*! @function get_vcard @abstract Returns an URL that points to the file that contains a vCard of the specified Contact @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_status The Contact ID */ function get_vcard ( $id_contact ) { } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to Include Data * \*********************************************************************/ /*! @function add_single_entry @abstract Insert a new Contact record in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param array $data The Contact Information. Format: $data = array( 'id_status' => , 'photo' => '', 'alias' => '', 'id_prefix' => , 'given_names' => '', 'family_names' => '', 'names_ordered' => '', 'id_suffix' => , 'birthdate' => '', 'sex' => '', 'pgp_key' => '', 'notes' => '', 'companies' => array( company1 => array( 'id_company' => , 'company_name' => , 'title' => , 'department' => <department>, 'default_company' => (bool), 'default_contact' => (bool) ), company2 => array(...), ... ), 'relations' => array( 'relation1' => array( 'id_relation' => <id_relation>, 'id_typeof_relation' => <id_typeof_relation>, ), 'relation2' => array(...), ... ), 'addresses' => array( 'address1' => array( 'id_typeof_address' => <id_typeof_address>, 'address1' => '<address1>', 'address2' => '<address2>', 'complement' => '<complement>', 'address_other' => '<address_other>', 'postal_code' => '<postal_code>', 'po_box' => '<po_box>', 'id_city' => '<city>', 'address_is_default' => <trueness> ), 'address2' => array(...), ... ), 'connections' => array( 'connection1' => array( 'id_typeof_connection' => <id_typeof_connection>, 'connection_name' => <connection_name>, 'connection_value' => <connection_value>, 'connection_is_default' => <trueness> ), 'connection2' => array(...), ... ), ); If any of the above fields doesn't have a value, it should hold false. In the case of the multiple-values fields, instead of the array, there should be a false. @return integer $id The Contact ID */ //alterada para receber a informacao em 'notes' - Rommel Cysne - rommel.cysne@serpro.gov.br function add_single_entry ( $data ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { //return false; } $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact'); $contact->reset_values(); $altered = false; foreach($data as $field => $value) { if ($value === false) { continue; } $altered = true; switch($field) { case 'photo': case 'alias': case 'id_prefix': case 'id_status': case 'id_suffix': case 'given_names': case 'family_names': case 'names_ordered': case 'birthdate': case 'sex': case 'pgp_key': case 'notes': $contact->set_field($field,$value); break; case 'companies': foreach($value as $company_fields) { if ($company_fields['company_name']) { $fields = array('company.id_company'); $restric = array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'company.company_name', 'type' => 'iLIKE', 'value' => $company_fields['company_name'] ) ); if($result = $this->find($fields,$restric)) { $id = $result[0]['id_company']; $company_fields['id_company'] = $id; } else { $company = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_company'); $company->reset_values(); $company->set_company_name($company_fields['company_name']); $company->set_field('id_company_owner',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']); $company_fields['id_company'] = $company->commit(); } } $contact->set_company($company_fields); } break; case 'relations': foreach($value as $relation_fields) { $contact->set_relation($relation_fields['id_relation'], $relation_fields['id_typeof_relation']); } break; case 'addresses': foreach($value as $address_fields) { $address = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_address'); $address->reset_values(); foreach($address_fields as $a_field => $a_value) { if ($a_field !== 'id_typeof_address') { $address->set_field($a_field,$a_value); } } $address->commit(); $id_address = $address->get_id(); $contact->set_address($id_address, $address_fields['id_typeof_address']); } break; case 'connections': foreach($value as $connection_name => $connection_fields) { $connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection'); $connection->reset_values(); foreach($connection_fields as $a_field => $a_value) { if ($a_field !== 'id_typeof_connection') { $connection->set_field($a_field,$a_value); } } $connection->commit(); $id_connection = $connection->get_id(); $contact->set_connection($id_connection, $connection_fields['id_typeof_connection']); } break; default: return false; } } if ($altered) { $contact->set_field('id_owner',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']); return $contact->commit(); } return false; } /*! @function quick_add @abstract Insert a new Contact record in the DB with just the main fields @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param array $data The Contact Information. Format: $data = array( 'alias' => '<alias>', 'given_names' => '<given_names>', 'family_names' => '<family_names>', 'connections' => array( 'default_email' => array( 'connection_name' => <connection_name>, 'connection_value' => <connection_value> ), 'default_phone' => array( 'connection_name' => <connection_name>, 'connection_value' => <connection_value> ) ) ); */ //alterada para receber os outros parametros existentes na adicao completa de contatos pessoais //Rommel Cysne - rommel.cysne@serpro.gov.br function quick_add ( $data ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } // TODO: GET THE ORDER TO PUT names_ordered FROM PREFERENCES! $preferences = ExecMethod('contactcenter.ui_preferences.get_preferences'); if (!is_array($preferences)) { $preferences['personCardEmail'] = 1; $preferences['personCardPhone'] = 2; } $new_data = array( 'alias' => $data['alias'], 'id_status' => 1, 'given_names' => $data['given_names'], 'family_names' => $data['family_names'], 'names_ordered' => $data['given_names'].' '.$data['family_names'], 'birthdate' => $data['birthdate'], 'notes' => $data['notes'], ); $i = 1; if ($data['connections']['default_email']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardEmail'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['default_email']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['default_email']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 1, ); $i++; } if ($data['connections']['default_phone']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardPhone'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['default_phone']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['default_phone']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 1, ); $i++; } if($data['connections']['fax']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardPhone'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['fax']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['fax']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 'false', ); $i++; } if($data['connections']['residencial_phone']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardPhone'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['residencial_phone']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['residencial_phone']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 'false', ); $i++; } if($data['connections']['cellular_phone']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardPhone'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['cellular_phone']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['cellular_phone']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 'false', ); $i++; } if($data['connections']['pager']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardPhone'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['pager']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['pager']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 'false', ); $i++; } if($data['connections']['alternative_email']['connection_value']) { $new_data['connections']['connection'.$i] = array( 'id_typeof_connection' => $preferences['personCardEmail'], 'connection_name' => $data['connections']['alternative_email']['connection_name'], 'connection_value' => $data['connections']['alternative_email']['connection_value'], 'connection_is_default' => 'false', ); $i++; } $j = 1; if($data['addresses']['addr1']['address_value']) { $new_data['addresses']['address'.$j] = array( 'id_typeof_address' => 1, //<id_typeof_address> - 1 - Comercial; 2 - Residencial 'address1' => $data['addresses']['addr1']['address_value'], 'address2' => $data['addresses']['addr2']['address_value'], 'id_country' => 'BR', //'complement' => '<complement>', //'address_other' => '<address_other>', 'postal_code' => $data['addresses']['cep']['address_value'], //'po_box' => '<po_box>', //'id_city' => '<city>', 'address_is_default' => 'false', ); $j++; } return $this->add_single_entry($new_data); } /*! @function add_prefix @abstract Insert a new Prefix in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $prefix The Prefix @return integer The new ID */ function add_prefix ( $prefix ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*! @function add_suffix @abstract Insert a new suffix in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $suffix The suffix @return integer The new ID */ function add_suffix ( $suffix ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*! @function add_status @abstract Insert a new Status in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $status The Status @return integer The new ID */ function add_status ( $status ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*! @function add_relation_type @abstract Insert a new Relation Type in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $type_name The Relation Type @return integer The new ID */ function add_relation_type ( $type_name ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*! @function add_address_type @abstract Insert a new Address Type in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $type_name The Address Type @return integer The new ID */ function add_address_type ( $type_name ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*! @function add_connection_type @abstract Insert a new Connection Type in the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param string $type_name The Connection Type @return integer The new ID */ function add_connection_type ( $type_name ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['create']) { return false; } } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to Alter Data * \*********************************************************************/ /*! @function update_single_info @abstract Update information of an existing Contact @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_status The Contact ID @param string $status The new Status value */ function update_single_info ( $id_contact, $data ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_permissions($id_contact); if (!$permissions['write']) { return false; } $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); $altered = false; // print_r($data); foreach($data as $field => $value) { if ($value === false) { continue; } $altered = true; switch($field) { case 'photo': case 'alias': case 'id_prefix': case 'id_status': case 'id_suffix': case 'given_names': case 'family_names': case 'names_ordered': case 'birthdate': case 'sex': case 'pgp_key': case 'notes': $contact->set_field($field,$value); break; case 'companies': foreach($value as $company_fields) { if ($company_fields['company_name']) { $fields = array('company.id_company'); $restric = array( 0 => array( 'field' => 'company.company_name', 'type' => 'iLIKE', 'value' => $company_fields['company_name'] ) ); if($result = $this->find($fields,$restric)) { $id = $result[0]['id_company']; $company_fields['id_company'] = $id; } else { $company = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_company'); $company->reset_values(); $company->set_company_name($company_fields['company_name']); $company->set_field('id_company_owner',$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id']); $company_fields['id_company'] = $company->commit(); } } $contact->set_company($company_fields); } break; case 'relations': foreach($value as $relation_fields) { $contact->set_relation($relation_fields['id_relation'], $relation_fields['id_typeof_relation']); } break; case 'addresses': foreach($value as $address_name => $address_fields) { if ($address_fields['id_address'] && $address_fields['id_address'] !== '') { $address = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_address', $address_fields['id_address']); } else { $address = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_address'); $address->reset_values(); } if (!isset($address_fields['id_country']) or $address_fields['id_country'] === false) { #var_dump($address_fields); echo(serialize(array( 'file' => __FILE__, 'line' => __LINE__, 'msg' => lang('An Address must have at least a Country'), 'status' => 'aborted' ))); return; } foreach ($address_fields as $f_name => $f_value) { if ($f_value === false) { $address->set_field($f_name, null); } elseif (isset($f_value)) { $address->set_field($f_name, $f_value); } } $address->commit(); $id_address = $address->get_id(); $contact->set_address($id_address, $address_fields['id_typeof_address']); } break; case 'connections': foreach($value as $connection_name => $connection_fields) { if ($connection_name === 'removed_conns') { foreach($connection_fields as $id) { $connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection', $id); if (!($connection->remove())) { return false; } $contact->remove_connection($id); } continue; } $id_connection = $connection_fields['id_connection']; if ($id_connection === '_NEW_' or $id_connection === '') { $connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection'); $connection->reset_values(); } else { $connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection', $id_connection); } foreach($connection_fields as $a_field => $a_value) { if ($a_field !== 'id_typeof_connection') { $connection->set_field($a_field,$a_value); } } if (!$connection->commit()) { return false; } $id_connection = $connection->get_id(); $contact->set_connection($id_connection, $connection_fields['id_typeof_connection']); } break; default: echo 'Invalid Field: '.$field.'<br>Value: '.$value; return false; } } if ($altered) { $contact->set_field("last_status", 'U'); $contact->set_field("last_update",time()."000"); return $contact->commit(); } return false; } /*! @function update_prefix @abstract Update an existing Prefix @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_prefix The Prefix ID @param string $prefix The new Prefix value */ function update_prefix ( $id_prefix, $prefix ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['alter']) { return false; } } /*! @function update_suffix @abstract Update an existing suffix @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_suffix The suffix ID @param string $suffix The new suffix value */ function update_suffix ( $id_suffix, $suffix ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['alter']) { return false; } } /*! @function update_status @abstract Update an existing Status @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_status The Status ID @param string $status The new Status value */ function update_status ( $id_status, $status ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_type_permissions(); if (!$permissions['alter']) { return false; } } /*! @function update_relation_type @abstract Update an existing Relation Type @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_type The Type ID @param string $type The new type value */ function update_relation_type ( $old_name, $relation_name ) { } /*! @function update_address_type @abstract Update an existing Address Type @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_uype The Type ID @param string $type The new type value */ function update_address_type ( $id_type, $type ) { } /*! @function update_connection_type @abstract Update an existing Connection Type @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_type The Type ID @param string $type The new type value */ function update_connection_type ( $id_type, $type ) { } /*********************************************************************\ * Methods to Remove Data * \*********************************************************************/ /*! @function remove_single_entry @abstract Remove one contact from the DB @author Raphael Derosso Pereira @param integer $id_contact The Contact ID */ function remove_single_entry ( $id_contact ) { $permissions = $this->security->get_permissions(); if (!$permissions['remove']) { return false; } $contact = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_contact', $id_contact); if ($contact->get_state() === 'new') { return false; } $addresses = $contact->get_addresses(); $connections = $contact->get_connections(); if (!$contact->remove()) { return false; } foreach ($addresses as $id => $type) { if (!($address = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_address', $id))) { return false; } if (!($address->remove())) { return false; } } foreach ($connections as $id => $type) { if (!($connection = CreateObject('contactcenter.so_connection',$id))) { return false; } if (!($connection->remove())) { return false; } } return true; } } ?>