// I18N constants // LANG: "ch", ENCODING: UTF-8 // Samuel Stone, http://stonemicro.com/ HTMLArea.I18N = { // the following should be the filename without .js extension // it will be used for automatically load plugin language. lang: "ch", tooltips: { bold: "ç²—é«”", italic: "斜體", underline: "底線", strikethrough: "刪線", subscript: "下標", superscript: "上標", justifyleft: "é å·¦", justifycenter: "å±…ä¸", justifyright: "é å³", justifyfull: "整齊", orderedlist: "é †åºæ¸…å–®", unorderedlist: "ç„¡åºæ¸…å–®", outdent: "伸排", indent: "縮排", forecolor: "æ–‡å—é¡è‰²", backcolor: "背景é¡è‰²", horizontalrule: "水平線", createlink: "æ’入連çµ", insertimage: "æ’入圖åƒ", inserttable: "æ’å…¥è¡¨æ ¼", htmlmode: "切æ›HTML原始碼", popupeditor: "伸出編輯系統", about: "關於 HTMLArea", help: "說明", textindicator: "å—體例å", undo: "回原", redo: "é‡æ¥", cut: "剪制选项", copy: "å¤åˆ¶é€‰é¡¹", paste: "贴上", lefttoright: "从左到å³", righttoleft: "从å³åˆ°å·¦" }, buttons: { "ok": "好", "cancel": "å–消" }, msg: { "Path": "途徑", "TEXT_MODE": "ä½ åœ¨ç”¨ç´”å—編輯方å¼. 用 [<>] 按鈕轉回 所見å³æ‰€å¾— 編輯方å¼.", "IE-sucks-full-screen" : // translate here "æ•´é å¼åœ¨Internet Explorer 上常出å•é¡Œ, " + "å› ç‚ºé€™æ˜¯ Internet Explorer çš„ç„¡åå•é¡Œï¼Œæˆ‘們無法解決。" + "ä½ å¯èƒ½çœ‹è¦‹ä¸€äº›åžƒåœ¾ï¼Œæˆ–é‡åˆ°å…¶ä»–å•é¡Œã€‚" + "我們已è¦å‘Šäº†ä½ . 如果è¦è½‰åˆ° æ£é å¼ è«‹æŒ‰ 好.", "Moz-Clipboard" : "Unprivileged scripts cannot access Cut/Copy/Paste programatically " + "for security reasons. Click OK to see a technical note at mozilla.org " + "which shows you how to allow a script to access the clipboard." }, dialogs: { "Cancel" : "å–消", "Insert/Modify Link" : "æ’å…¥/改寫連çµ", "New window (_blank)" : "新窗户(_blank)", "None (use implicit)" : "ç„¡(use implicit)", "OK" : "好", "Other" : "其他", "Same frame (_self)" : "本匡 (_self)", "Target:" : "目標匡:", "Title (tooltip):" : "主題 (tooltip):", "Top frame (_top)" : "上匡 (_top)", "URL:" : "網å€:", "You must enter the URL where this link points to" : "ä½ å¿…é ˆè¼¸å…¥ä½ è¦è¿žç»“的網å€" } };