'goAjax' => true
* @var object $runtime Runtime Object from the workflow engine
* @access public
var $runtime;
// This is the object we'll be running to obtain the rigth activity
//var $base_activity;
//This is the right activity object
* @var object $activity Activity engine object.
* @access public
var $activity;
* @var object $process Process engine object. Used to retrieve at least paths and configuration values
* @access public
var $process;
* @var object $GUI GUI engine object. Act carefully with it.
* @access public
var $GUI;
* @var array $message a message array
* @access public
var $message = Array();
* @var object $categories categorie object for categories
* @access public
var $categories;
* @var array $conf
* @access public
var $conf = array();
* @var $wf_template local activity template
* @access public
var $wf_template;
* @var object $instance
* @access public
var $instance;
* @var object $activity_type The type of activity
* @access public
var $activity_type;
// then we retain all usefull vars as members, to make them avaible in user's source code
// theses are data which can be set before the user code and which are not likely to change because of the user code
* @var int $process_id The process id
* @access public
var $process_id;
* @var int $activity_id The activity id
* @access public
var $activity_id;
* @var int $process_name The process name
* @access public
var $process_name;
* @var int $process_version The process_version
* @access public
var $process_version;
* @var int $activity_name The process id
* @access public
var $activity_name;
* @var int $user_name The user name
* @access public
var $user_name;
* @var int $view_activity activity id of the view activity avaible for this process
* @access public
var $view_activity;
// theses 4 vars aren't avaible for the user code, they're set only after this user code was executed
* @var int $instance_id Instance id
* @access public
var $instance_id=0;
* @var string $instance_name Instance name
* @access public
var $instance_name='';
* @var int $instance_owner Instance owner id
* @access public
var $instance_owner=0;
* @var string $owner_name Owner name
* @access public
var $owner_name='';
* @var bool $print_mode print mode
* @access public
var $print_mode = false;
* @var bool $enable_print_mode print mode
* @access public
var $enable_print_mode = false;
* @var array $act_role_names of roles associated with the activity, usefull for lists of users associated with theses roles
* @access public
var $act_role_names= Array();
* @var array $agents Array of ui_agent objects
* @access public
var $agents = Array();
* @var object $smarty holds a Smarty instance
* @access public
var $smarty;
* @var array $wf holds a global environment vector
* @access public
var $wf;
* @var $download_mode activates download mode
* @access public
var $download_mode;
* @var string $_template_name holds the template's file name
* @access public
var $_template_name = null;
* @var bool Indicates wether the current instance is a child instance or not
* @access public
var $isChildInstance = false;
private $workflowSmarty = null;
* Constructor
* @access public
function run_activity()
$this->runtime = CreateObject('workflow.workflow_wfruntime');
//$this->base_activity = CreateObject('workflow.workflow_baseactivity');
//$this->process = CreateObject('workflow.workflow_process');
$this->GUI = CreateObject('workflow.workflow_gui');
$this->categories = CreateObject('phpgwapi.categories');
$this->workflowSmarty = CreateObject('workflow.workflow_smarty', false);
// TODO: open a new connection to the database under a different username to allow privilege handling on tables
* This function is used to run all activities for specified instances. it could be interactive activities
* or automatic activities. this second case is the reason why we return some values
* @param int $activityId is the activity_id it run
* @param int $iid is the instance id it run for
* @param $auto is true by default
* @return mixed AN ARRAY, or at least true or false. This array can contain :
* a key 'failure' with an error string the engine will retrieve in instance error messages in case of
* failure (this will mark your execution as Bad),
* a key 'debug' with a debug string the engine will retrieve in instance error messages,
function go($activity_id=0, $iid=0, $auto=0)
if ($iid)
$_REQUEST['iid'] = $iid;
$iid = $_REQUEST['iid'];
//$activity_id is set when we are in auto mode. In interactive mode we get if from POST or GET
if (!$activity_id)
$activity_id = (int)get_var('activity_id', array('GET','POST'), 0);
// load activity and instance
if (!$activity_id)
$result['failure'] = $this->runtime->fail(lang('Cannot run unknown activity'), true, _DEBUG, $auto);
return $result;
//initalising activity and instance objects inside the WfRuntime object
if (!($this->runtime->loadRuntime($activity_id,$iid)))
$result['failure'] = $this->runtime->fail(lang('Cannot run the activity'), true, _DEBUG, $auto);
return $result;
$activity =& $this->runtime->getActivity($activity_id, true, true);
$this->activity =& $activity;
// the instance is avaible with $instance or $this->instance
// note that for standalone activities this instance can be an empty instance object, but false is a bad value
//$this->instance =& $this->runtime->loadInstance($iid);
// HERE IS A BIG POINT: we map the instance to a runtime object
// user code will manipulate a stance, thinking it's an instance, but it is
// in fact a WfRuntime object, mapping all instance functions
$this->instance =& $this->runtime;
$instance =& $this->instance;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_runtime'] =& $this->runtime;
if (!($instance))
$result['failure'] = $this->runtime->fail(lang('Cannot run the activity without instance'), true, _DEBUG, $auto);
return $result;
$this->instance_id = $instance->getInstanceId();
// load process
$this->process =& $this->runtime->getProcess();
if (!($this->process))
$result['failure'] = $this->runtime->fail(lang('Cannot run the activity without her process').$instance, true, _DEBUG, $auto);
return $result;
//set some global variables needed
$GLOBALS['user'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'];
//load role names, just an information
$this->act_role_names = $activity->getActivityRoleNames();
//set some other usefull vars
$this->activity_type = $activity->getType();
$this->process_id = $activity->getProcessId();
$this->activity_id = $activity_id;
$this->process_name = $this->process->getName();
$this->process_version = $this->process->getVersion();
$this->activity_name = $activity->getName();
$this->user_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($GLOBALS['user']);
$this->view_activity = $this->GUI->gui_get_process_view_activity($this->process_id);
//we set them in $GLOBALS['workflow'] as well
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_activity_type'] =& $this->activity_type;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_process_id'] =& $this->process_id;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_activity_id'] =& $this->activity_id;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_process_name'] =& $this->process_name;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_normalized_name'] = $this->process->getNormalizedName();
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_process_version'] =& $this->process_version;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_activity_name'] =& $this->activity_name;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_name'] =& $this->user_name;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_id'] =& $GLOBALS['user'];
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_view_activity'] =& $this->view_activity;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_workflow_path'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].SEP.'workflow';
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_resources_path'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'] . SEP . 'workflow/redirect.php?pid=' . $this->process_id . '&file=';
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_default_resources_path'] = $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('TemplateServer')->generateLink('processes');
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_workflow_resources_path'] = $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('TemplateServer')->generateLink('');
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_activity_url'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].SEP.'index.php?menuaction=workflow.'.get_class($this).'.go&activity_id='.$activity_id;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_cnname'] = $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getName($GLOBALS['user']);
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_back_link'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].SEP.'workflow'.SEP.'index.php?start_tab=1';
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_js_path'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].SEP.'workflow'.SEP.'js'.SEP.'jscode';
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_activities'] = $this->GUI->gui_list_user_activities($GLOBALS['user'], '0', '-1', 'ga.wf_name__ASC', '', '', false, true, true, true, '');
if ($iid)
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_instance_url'] = $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['webserver_url'].SEP.'index.php?menuaction=workflow.'.get_class($this).'.go&activity_id='.$activity_id."&iid=".$iid;
$wf =& $GLOBALS['workflow'];
/* path to the local functions developed by Celepar */
$functions = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT . SEP . 'workflow' . SEP . 'inc' . SEP . 'local' . SEP . 'functions' . SEP . 'local.functions.php';
/* activate local functions */
//get configuration options with default values if no init was done before
$myconf = array(
'execute_activities_in_debug_mode' => 0,
'execute_activities_using_secure_connection' => 0
//this will give use asked options and som others used by WfRuntime
$this->conf =& $this->runtime->getConfigValues($myconf);
if ($this->conf['execute_activities_using_secure_connection'])
if (($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['server']['use_https'] > 0) && ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') && (!isset($GLOBALS['workflow']['job']['processID'])))
header("Location: https://{$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']}{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}");
if ($auto && (!$this->isChildInstance) && $activity->isInteractive())
$actualUser = $GLOBALS['user'];
$actualUserGroups = $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_groups'];
foreach ($instance->instance->activities as $actTmp)
if ($actTmp['wf_activity_id'] == $activity_id)
$newUser = $actTmp['wf_user'];
/* pretend to be the user */
$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_groups'] = galaxia_retrieve_user_groups($newUser);
$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id'] = $newUser;
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $newUser;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_id'] = $newUser;
$GLOBALS['user'] = $newUser;
/* check some permissions */
if (($newUser == '*') || (!$this->runtime->checkUserRun($newUser)) || ($GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowLDAP')->getName($newUser) === false))
$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_groups'] = $actualUserGroups;
$_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id'] = $actualUser;
$GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $actualUser;
$GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_id'] = $actualUser;
$GLOBALS['user'] = $actualUser;
return false;
$smarty = CreateObject('workflow.process_smarty');
// run the activity
//interactive section
if (!$auto && $activity->isInteractive())
$this->print_mode = get_var('print_mode', array('POST','GET'), false);
$this->download_mode = get_var('download_mode', array('POST','GET'), false);
/* #celepar# smarty code*/
$smarty = CreateObject('workflow.process_smarty');
$smarty->template_dir = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$this->process->getNormalizedName().SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates';
$smarty->compile_dir = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$this->process->getNormalizedName().SEP.'smarty'.SEP.'compiled';
$smarty->config_dir = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$this->process->getNormalizedName().SEP.'code'.SEP.'templates';
$smarty->cache_dir = GALAXIA_PROCESSES.SEP.$this->process->getNormalizedName().SEP.'smarty'.SEP.'cache';
$smarty->plugins_dir[] = PHPGW_SERVER_ROOT.SEP.'workflow'.SEP.'inc'.SEP.'smarty'.SEP.'wf_plugins';
$GLOBALS['phpgw']->template =& $smarty;
$this->wf_template =& $smarty;
$_template_name = null;
//set resource path to use in templates
$smarty->assign('wf_default_resources_path', $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_default_resources_path']);
$smarty->assign('wf_workflow_resources_path', $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_workflow_resources_path']);
/* register the prefilter smarty plugin wf_default_template */
$smarty->load_filter('pre', 'wf_default_template');
if ($this->conf['execute_activities_in_debug_mode'])
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);
$env = array( ); //create settings vector
$env['view'] =& $smarty; //view layer instance
$env['template_file'] =& $_template_name; //template file to be shown
$env['dao'] =& wf_create_object('wf_db'); //data access object instance
$env['workflow'] =& $GLOBALS['workflow']; //workflow environment information
$env['instance'] =& $instance; //process manager instance
$env['activity'] =& $activity; //activity manager instance
$security =& new SecurityUtils(); //input sanitizer class
$env['request'] =& $security->process($_REQUEST); //sanitizes input data from client
$env['factory'] =& new ProcessFactory(); //instantiation controller class
$env['natural'] =& wf_create_object('wf_natural'); //data access object instance for mainframe
$GLOBALS['workflow_env'] = &$env;
//echo "
Including $source
In request:
";print_r($_REQUEST);echo ""; //[__leave_activity] is setted if needed in the xxx_pre code or by the user in his code // HERE the user code is 'executed'. Note that we do not use include_once or require_once because //it could the same code several times with automatic activities looping in the graph and it still //need to be executed $_engineProcessCodeDirectory = GALAXIA_PROCESSES . SEP . $this->process->getNormalizedName(). SEP . 'code'; $_engineCompilerDirectory = GALAXIA_LIBRARY . SEP . 'compiler'; $_engineFiles = array(); /* generate the list of needed files */ $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineProcessCodeDirectory}/shared.php"; $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/_shared_pre.php"; $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/{$activity->getType()}_pre.php"; if ($activity->getAgents() !== false) $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/agents_pre.php"; $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineProcessCodeDirectory}/activities/{$activity->getNormalizedName()}.php"; $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/{$activity->getType()}_pos.php"; if ($activity->getAgents() !== false) $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/agents_pos.php"; $_engineFiles[] = "{$_engineCompilerDirectory}/_shared_pos.php"; /* check if the required files exists */ foreach ($_engineFiles as $_engineFile) if (!file_exists($_engineFile)) return array('failure' => $this->runtime->fail(lang('the following file could not be found: %1', $_engineFile), true, _DEBUG)); /* activate the security policy */ $GLOBALS['workflow']['factory']->getInstance('WorkflowSecurity')->enableSecurityPolicy(); /* include the files */ foreach ($_engineFiles as $_engineFile) require $_engineFile; unset($GLOBALS['workflow_env']); /* check if the developer wants to user the download mode */ if (isset($GLOBALS['workflow']['downloadMode']) && ($GLOBALS['workflow']['downloadMode'] == true)) $this->download_mode = true; if ($auto && (!$this->isChildInstance) && $activity->isInteractive() && (!empty($actualUser))) { $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['user_groups'] = $actualUserGroups; $_SESSION['phpgw_info']['workflow']['account_id'] = $actualUser; $GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['account_id'] = $actualUser; $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_user_id'] = $actualUser; $GLOBALS['user'] = $actualUser; } //Now that the instance is ready and that user code has maybe change some things // we can catch some others usefull vars $this->instance_id = $instance->getInstanceId(); $this->instance_name = $instance->getName(); $this->instance_owner = $instance->getOwner(); $this->owner_name = $GLOBALS['phpgw']->accounts->id2name($this->instance_owner); if ($this->owner_name == '') { $this->owner_name = lang('Nobody'); } $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_instance_id'] =& $this->instance_id; $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_instance_name']=& $this->instance_name; $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_instance_owner']=& $this->instance_owner; $GLOBALS['workflow']['wf_owner_name']=& $this->owner_name; //was template changed? if ($_template_name) { $this->_template_name = $_template_name; } else { $this->_template_name = $this->activity->getNormalizedName().'.tpl'; } // TODO: process instance comments $instructions = $this->runtime->handle_postUserCode(_DEBUG); switch($instructions['action']) { //interactive activity completed case 'completed': // re-retrieve instance data which could have been modified by an automatic activity $this->instance_id = $instance->getInstanceId(); $this->instance_name = $instance->getName(); $this->activityCompleteMessage = $instance->getActivityCompleteMessage(); if (!$auto) { $this->assignCommonVariables(); // and display completed template if ($GLOBALS['phpgw_info']['user']['preferences']['workflow']['show_activity_complete_page'] === '0') header('Location: workflow/index.php'); else $this->showCompletedPage(); } break; //interactive activity still in interactive mode case 'loop': if (!$auto) { $this->assignCommonVariables(); $this->showForm(); } break; //nothing more case 'leaving': if (!$auto) { $this->assignCommonVariables(); $this->showCancelledPage(); } break; //non-interactive activities, auto-mode case 'return': $result=Array(); $this->message[] = $this->GUI->get_error(false, _DEBUG); $this->message[] = $this->runtime->get_error(false, _DEBUG); //$this->message[] = $this->process->get_error(false, _DEBUG); $result =& $instructions['engine_info']; $this->message[] = $result['debug']; $result['debug'] = implode('