lang('Click'), 'onmouseover' => lang('On Mouse Over') ); create_select_box( 'Click or Mouse Over to show menus', 'click_or_onmouseover', $click_or_onmouseover, 'Click or Mouse Over to show menus?' ); create_check_box( 'Disable slider effects', 'disable_slider_effects', 'Disable the animated slider effects when showing or hiding menus in the page? Opera and Konqueror users will probably must want this.' ); create_check_box( 'Disable Internet Explorer png-image-bugfix', 'disable_pngfix', 'Disable the execution a bugfixscript for Internet Explorer 5.5 and higher to show transparency in PNG-images?' ); create_check_box( 'Show page generation time', 'show_generation_time', 'Show page generation time on the bottom of the page?' );