To deploy Jeti copy the extracted contents to your website, you only have to copy the plugins and emoticons that you want to use. If you changed some plugins or emoticons you should update the plugins.xml and/or the emoticons.xml files. You can do that by hand with a text editor, or by running Jeti as standalone java application (java -jar applet.jar, or double click on the applet.jar file). If you can't run it at you webhost run it localy and copy the xml file to your webhost. You should also add the plugins you use to the applet tag in the html file you use to start Jeti There are no requirements to your webhost, only the browsers of your users must have at least java 1.4 If you want some advertisment for your applet you can add it to the Jeti applets page: The Jeti applet can be configured in different ways to match your requirements, if your changes don't work, you can try to restart your browser or clear the java cache All things that can be changed in the normal Jeti can also be changed in the applet version, just start it as java application as written above. If you want the applet to use automatic language detection open the preferences.xml file and remove the lines and upload the preferences.xml file to your webhost If you want to lock the preferences so the users can't change them you can copy the lines you don't want the users to change to a new file called default.xml and put it in the root jeti directory. The default.xml also has some extra options to remove some menu entries, just add them to that file. The default.xml file should start with and end with with some between. Extra default.xml options: Main Jeti menu Roster menu Change the jid where comments are send to from the comment/bug window Hide the servers pane in the Jeti main window Hide the text error in the servers pane on a error Hide the groupchat Menu in the groupchat window Hide the groupchat menu entry in the Jeti menu Hide the groupchat status change button The groupchat server to use Disable the private chat options in groupchat Things to hide in the login window Hide the whole window Hide the server selection box Hide the port and ssl selection in the login window Hide the resource input field Hide the register button Anonymous Login Anonymous login using SASL only works with the xmpp plugin enabled and the server supporting it The jabber server supports this, but only allows you to use the groupchats at You can also use this server without the XMPP plugin by just login in with any username/password There are also some options you can set in the applet tag in the jeti.html file (see jetiParams.html for an example) The port to connect to (Use SSL or not) The username The password of the user (for automatic login) The groupchat server to connect to on load The groupchat room to connect to on load Invite the specified users users to the room if the applet is started The second groupchat room to connect to on load, only works with SHOWGROUPCHATASMAIN The resource, when "random" Jeti will choose a random one open a chat to user on login show the chatwindow defined in chatto as main window hide the main Jeti window and show only the groupchat window Hide the login status window The url Jeti should go to on exit. Use "javascript:window.close();" as value to close the window on exit The nickname to use in the groupchat on load (otherwise it uses the JID username as nick, or it asks the user if RESOURCE has the value random) Your name in the chatwindows You can also use the jeti preferences in the applet parameters to allow for dynamic per user preferences for example: