-------------------- JUpload - File Upload Applet - Applet translation (list of available translations) -------------------- -------------------- -------------------- This page contains the list of available translation, with the relevant contributors (thanks to them). Each line contains a link to the page which contains this translation. Each page contains both the applet translation (for this package), and a translation for the JUPload plugin for Coppermine. This second translation is not used, if you directly use the applet. But, as it is a free and open source project, it would be nice that translators also translate it... Please read all details in the {{{../howto-translate.html}howto-translate}} page. *--------------------*--------------------* || Language || Contributor | #foreach ($translation in $translations) | {{{./${translation.filename}.html}${translation.language}}} | ${translation.contributor} | #end *--------------------*--------------------*